ac brotherhood bon voyage

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

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8. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood The Da Vinci Disappearance DLC

The da vinci disappearance dlc.

If you purchase this DLC, you will access some new missions of the game and 10 achievements. One of the achievements is unlocked just for completing the eight DLC memories; another is obtained for completing all the episodes of the DLC with 100% Synch, and having 100% Synch on the main game too; then there are six miscellaneous achievements.

During the episodes of the DLC, you will find also new "brown caped" enemies which will often kill the guards on the ground and replace them. They are your enemies and you can loot their bodies for special items; they will always be ready to spot you, basically behaving like if you were notorious (for them) all the time.

The DLC is first available after Sequence 3 of the main game, and contains some spoilers about its plot: it's better if you play it after clearing the story once.

  • Memory 1 - A Roll of the Rice

Memory 2 - The One Who Got Away

Memory 3 - Memento Mori

Memory 4 - Bon Voyage

Memory 5 - Last Minute Invite

  • Memory 6 - the Ezio Auditore Affair

Memory 7 - Decoding Da Vinci

Memory 8 - The Temple of Pythagoras

Miscellaneous Achievements

Memory 1 - A Roll of the Dice

Full Sync Requirement: Do not drop below 4 health squares.

Enter the Thieve's guild, and look for Salai to trigger a cut scene. now you'll have to defend Salai from ten guards. If you have an Arrow Storm ready, use it (and if you do, you can net yourself the Airstrike achievement), or use kill streaks to take the enemies out easily. Once all of the enemies are dead, head to the next waypoint. You'll be attacked by more enemies, so kill them. Afterwards, head across to the checkpoint to be Salai, killing enemies along the way.

Once you're at Da Vinci's house, you'll complete the memory.

Full Sync Requirement: D o not kill anyone.

The first section of this memory is fairly straightforward as the climbing and freerunning aren't too difficult. Just remember not to kill anyone along the way.

After you've done all the climbing and seen the cut scene, you'll have two minutes to escape the mansion. Use the open doorways as cues until you make it outside. Then climb up to the top of the building and jump off to complete the memory.

Full Sync Requirement: D o not use the rooftops during the tail.

This memory isn't as hard as it appears for the 100% requirement, but you'll need to be savvy when following the two targets. All you need to remember is your blending skills to not be detected. If targets one one way that has guards blocking the way, go another way to catch up with your targets. The alternate routes are not difficult and it's hard to get lost losing them.

Occasionally, you'll run into other Robed Disciples, and you can either kill them quickly, or blend with crowds. Either way, you much keep following the targets at all costs.

After a cut scene, you'll have to chase the fleeing Disciple and assassinate him. It's not too hard to keep up with him, and you can use the rooftops now. Once you've killed the Disciple, escape the area to complete the memory.

Full Sync Requirement: D o not be detected by the robed disciples.

During this memory, you'll have to be careful of the Disciples. They aren't marked on the map, but are pretty easy to spot. I preferred to use the rooftops to get to my location, but if you really want to stick to the streets, it's not to hard to avoid them. When you get to the marked location (near the docks), it'll be time to beat up a familiar face. (This'll be kept spoiler free).

As you're beating up your target, he'll run around the area a few times, picking up additional enemies for you to fight. It's not a hard fight, especially if you focus on attacking your main target. Once your target has been dealt as much damage as required, you'll move onto the next area, which is infiltrating a ship.

All you'll need to do is jump into the river and swim around to the far side of the ship. Climb up the ship, but not onboard, as you'll be able to look around to see where the Disciples are. If you have an Arrow Storm, use it to take out most of the enemies on the ship. Then you can jump onboard and interact with the painting to complete the memory.

If you don't have an Arrow Storm ready, just wait for it to be ready, as it makes this section of the memory a lot easier in terms of not having anyone to notice you.

Full Sync Requirement: D o not let guards discover any dead bodies inside the restricted area.

The fastest way to get to the Courtesans is to head north, towards the river, and get a gondola. Now you'll be able to get to the Vaticano Bridge a lot quicker (this is where the Courtesans are). After meeting up with them, you'll be tasked with stealing an invitation. Which is inside a chest, guarded by two Brutes. Do not enter the restricted area. Instead what we'll be doing is go to the rooftops, and taking out the two guards that are above the Brutes.

Go around the restricted area, towards the map marker, and you'll see the chest. The main issue here is that you cannot assassinate the Brutes without desyncing, so we'll be distracting the Brutes. As for the two guards on the rooftop, carefully climb up and use the crossbow to quickly take out both guards up here. Take care to make sure the guards in a position so they won't fall off the roof once you've killed them.

Stay on the rooftops after you've killed the two guards up here, and look for a group of Courtesans in an area near the Brutes. Target and hire them (without leaving the rooftops), and lead them to the Brutes. Target a Brute and use the Courtesans to distract them. Now you'll be able to climb down and trigger a cut scene after opening the chest.

After the cut scene, you'll have to chase a Borgia Messenger, while being chased by Borgia guards and Disciples. You'll just have to do your best to avoid the enemies chasing you, and take the Messenger as quickly as possible. Once you have, the memory is completed.

Memory 6 - The Ezio Auditore Affair

Full Sync Requirement: D o not use any type of ranged weaponry.

For this mission, you'll have to refrain from using the following weapons:

  • Throwing Knives.
  • Poison Darts.

For this memory, you'll need to find and mark two Da Vinci paintings, and it's not all that easy. The first one is located to the north of the Castello entrance. Luckily the guards won't bother you while you're walking around, but they will if you get two close to the two paintings you need to mark. You will need to use your Eagle Vision to identigy the paintings.

To mark the paintings, you'll have to approach and interact with them, which takes about 4 seconds. However, guards will be alerted to your actions. So we'll need to find ways to get the guards attention else where. Equip your hidden blades (with posions), then use a poison kill on a guard that's very close to another Da Vinci painting. The walk away. As the crowds and guards goes to inspect the poisoned guard, go and interact with the painting.

The second painting is inside the Castello. Approach the front doors and blend in with the crowd. You'll need to stay blended to work your way through the corridor. Climb your way to the top, killing any enemies you want to along the way. Make your way to the Castello libarary, then assassinate the lone guard to clear the area. BEFORE MARKING THE PAINTING , place the guard's body in the far corner (in between a bookcase and a door). Now use Eagle Vision to identify te painting and interact with it.

Now you'll have to escape the Castello without being detected. When heading back down, two guards will walk towards the library. Quickly go back into the library and stand in a corner near the entrance. The guards will walk into the library, then go and inspect the dead body. Use this chance to head back downstairs. Take the same route to get back outside, as you did to get to the library.

Make a right tun at the front exit, then climb some scaffolding to the top. From here you can jump out of the Castello area to complete the memory.

Note: this mission gives you a good chance to get "Going Up" too. Check here .

Full Sync Requirement: D iscover the location of the catacombs in under 5 minutes.

You'll need to identify various marks across the five Da Vinci paintings. Each painting will have 2 or 3 clues each. Below are screenshots detailing all the marks in the five pictures.

External image

After identifying the clues, you'll have to piece together a map using the pieces. Below is a screenshot of the completed map.

External image

Once you have pieced the map together, the memory ends.

Full Sync Requirement: D o not lose any health squares.

This is the final memory of the Da Vinci Disappearance, and the full sync requirement is only a bit of an annoyance when it comes to fighting enemies. But as long as you remember all the skills you have for combat (mainly how to identify when you're about to be attacked, how to counter attack, and how to use smoke bombs to kill a lot of enemies fairly quickly), you shouldn't have much trouble meeting the requirement.

Firstly, for this memory, you'll have to work your way through the catacombs to find Da Vinci. It's not a hard area to traverse, and when you get to the final area with Da Vinci, you'll trigger a cut scene. You'll then have to fight off a lot of enemies, making sure you don't take any damage. Once you've killed all the enemies, climb up the wall to assassinate Massimo. That's the first half of the memory over.

For the second part, you'll have to follow Leonardo, as he guides you towards three puzzles. All of them are fairly simple to solve, but you'll need to make sure that every jump and climb you make is a sensible one. Mainly because it's possible to fall and deal damage to yourself, which will negate the full sync requirements. If you're not sure how to complete a puzzle, the video linked in the title of the memory will give you a better explanation than text will.

Once you've completed all three puzzles, you'll get a cut scene and the memory will be completed.

As soon as this memory is complete, you will unlock:

Complete the Da Vinci Disappearance.


If you already had full synchronisation on the main game, when you complete the last DLC Memory with 100% Synchronisation you will also unlock:

Receive 100% synch in ACB and full synch in all missions of the Da Vinci Disappearance.

il Principe

Airstrike - The easiest way to get this achievement is by playing Sequence 6 Memory 1 of the story, since there will be a large group of enemies on which you can use Arrow Storm. If you don't know this yet, Arrow Storm is the special attack performed by holding RB when you have the max amount of Assassins ready to kill (three full red gauges). You will unlock:

Kill 10 guards with a single arrow storm.


Special Delivery - This can be done almost anywhere you can see guards. In the Centro District there will be many groups of four guards each, placed before some small tunnels. They are perfect targets for this achievement. You will need the Double Hidden Blade (meet Leonardo on one of the "special benches"; they are introduced to you as you play the main story of the original game, and then marked with a white "L" icon on the map; they may not always appear) and the Parachute (complete all Leonardo's side-quests available in the main story; they are those marked with a black "L" icon on the map). You will unlock:

Double Assassinate from a parachute.

Special Delivery

High Roller - Make sure you have about 100,000 Florins before attempting this achievement, just in case you have a terrible luck. You will have to go to the Thieves Guild Hideout (Southwest of the map) and play Hazard there. Since you can only bet 7,500 Florins max, you'll have to be lucky enough to score a "Chance" (which increases the amount of Florins won on the next win, if you win) and then win the game. It's nothing but luck, so just keep betting until you get lucky. You will unlock:

Win 10000 florins playing Hazard.

High Roller

Clowning Around - These Harlequin enemies will appear in specific locations of the map, and you have to beat them up (read: do not kill them, just use bare-handed attacks/kicks/grabs). They're very aggressive and they will alert the guards as soon as you're coming close, so try to approach them from the back to perform an instant-kill move with your bare hands. If you mistakenly kill one of them/escape from one of them, they will respawn in the previous location, BUT you will have to use a Tunnel to move away (and reset the spawns) and to wait a bit. Sometimes they just won't be there again at first; some people say that they can only appear at day/night, but it is not correct. Just go up and down the street (for like 100 meters from their location) until you finally see them respawned. And make sure to use a Tunnel before waiting for their respawn. Since they're usually near the water/a cliff, try to grab and throw them in a "safer" (for them) area where they're not at risk of freefall or drowning. For the beat-up itself, open their guard with a kick and then spam punches to eventually perform a finishing move. You will unlock:

Beat up the 5 thirsty harlequins.

Clowning Around

Easy Come, Easy Go - Make sure that you don't have the Auditore/Borgia Capes equipped; then raise your notoriety up to 50% or higher; then find a herald and bribe him. Immediately after that, pickpocket the herald to get your Florins back. You will unlock:

Pay 500 florins to an orator, then pickpocket him afterward.

Easy Come, Easy Go

Strong-Arm - For this one you'll have to throw three specific items at guards from a "long" distance (10 meters). Since knowing when 10 meters are actually 10 meters is not that easy, you will want to come near a guard and lock on him with LT; then move away as far as you can, and from that position you will attack. Guards which do not move are a perfect target for this purpose. The smoke bomb is self explained, and you can accomplish this one more easily if you throw it from a rooftop to a group of soldiers. Then you need to kill any of the guards with a lance (they're the most common enemy walking in the streets in Centro District) and get his lance; afterward, find a target for your kill and charge the attack with X ; release X when you're in position, and Ezio will throw the lance. Targeting guards on the rooftops works fine for this one too. At last, get an heavy weapon (their icon is a hammer, and not a sword), either from an enemy or from the Blacksmith, and charge it with X too to throw it like you did for the lance. When they are all done, you will unlock:

Throw a Long Weapon, Heavy Weapon, and Smoke bomb more than 10 m at a guard.


Grand Theft Dressage - After the "Assassin's Greed" achievement in GTA IV, now we get this one ^^ The best way to achieve this achievement is by playing an Assassination Contract called "Serf's Turfs"; it's one of the first four Assassination Contracts available, and it's the Northern-most one in Campagna District (if you've already played it, you can replay it from the DNA menu). You must not fall from the horse at any time, so try to sneak behind the guards to hijack-kill them without alerting other guards. If you alert other guards by accident, quickly run away and wait until they charge and attack you; immediately after their attack, you have an opening to hijack-kill them too. You can also just lose them and return of course. Or, even better, kill them right as they are alerted, before they can do anything. Another method is by going nearby the Coliseum and wait until horse guards pass by; it's safer but slower, advisable only if you can't make it with the other faster method. Either way, you will unlock:

Steal 5 horses from their riders, while remaining on horseback.

Grand Theft Dressage

Going Up - If this doesn't occur by accident on your escapes in Rome, play DLC Memory # 06 (The Ezio Auditore Affair) to find a guard standing just below a lift: use that lift to kill the guard and you'll easily unlock:

Kill a guard with the bag that drops from a lift.

Going Up

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Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood – Guide and Walkthrough

Playstation 3 macintosh pc xbox 360.


Guide and Walkthrough (PS3) by Axel7174

Version: 1.40 | Updated: 05/19/2011

View in: Text Mode

Assassin's Creed Wiki

Bon Voyage (Liberation)

  • View history
  • 1 Description
  • 4 References

Description [ ]

Aveline visited to a pigeon coop, where she retrieved a letter from Gérald Blanc , which contained more information on her kidnappers.

Dialogue [ ]

Aveline read the letter.

  • Letter: The kidnappers were in service of a notorious mercenary captain. He is currently aboard the Duchess and will sail on the dawn tide. Sincerely yours, Gérald.

Aveline located the captain and eliminated him, before she looted a letter from his corpse.

  • Letter: Your bear stunt was costly and disappointing. Do not fail me again! B .

Outcome [ ]

Having taken out the mercenary captain, Aveline closed in on the real culprit behind the plot.

References [ ]

  • Assassin's Creed: Liberation HD
  • Assassin's Creed
  • 1 Assassin's Creed (series)
  • 2 Basim Ibn Ishaq


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    For Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "AC:B Bon Voyage Da Vinci DLC No Assassins No Arrow Storm".

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