Club Esportiu Valldoreix Logo


31/03/2023|08:00 - 08/04/2023|17:30

Circuit juvenil de tenis solidari que va nèixer al 2014 impulsat pel tenista i  a benefici de la Fundación Rafa Nadal . Inclou les categories sub-12, sub-14 i sub-16, tant femenines com masculines.

Data: Divendres 31/03/2023  al Dissabte 09/04/2023

Lloc: Club Esportiu Valldoreix

Tancament inscripció: Dimarts 21/032/2023 a  les 18,00h.


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Valldoreix torna a vibrar amb el torneig rafa nadal, està previst que reuneixi més de 500 jugadors de tot l'estat espanyol, comparteix:.

rafa nadal tour valldoreix 2023

D'esq. a dreta. Ramon Segura (vocal esports EMD) Joan Carles Pradell (president del club), Juanjo Cortés (president EMD), Roger Badia (dir. Tècnic de BTT) i José Francisco Fernández (dir. Rafa Nadal Tour) / Foto: EMD Valldoreix


Roger Badia El primer torneig Rafa Nadal es va fer en el club esportiu valldoreix fa 11 anys. Des d'aleshores que ha augmentat el nombre de clubs que s'han incorporat en el circuit fins a arribar a estar a vuit ciutats $('audio,video').mediaelementplayer();


Ivan Corretja dona visibilitat al tenis adaptatiu amb el títol de campió del món

Ivan Corretja dona visibilitat al tenis adaptatiu amb el títol de campió del món

El Rafa Nadal Tour fa parada de nou a Valldoreix

El Rafa Nadal Tour fa parada de nou a Valldoreix

El CE Valdoreix tornarà a ser seu de l'ITF World Tennis Tour Junior

El CE Valdoreix tornarà a ser seu de l'ITF World Tennis Tour Junior

El Club Valldoreix supera amb nota la 8a edició del torneig Rafa Nadal Tour By Santander

El Club Valldoreix supera amb nota la 8a edició del torneig Rafa Nadal Tour By Santander

El tennista danès Holger Rune guanya el torneig internacional Vila de Valldoreix

El tennista danès Holger Rune guanya el torneig internacional Vila de Valldoreix

El CE Valldoreix acull un torneig solidari contra el càncer aquest diumenge

El CE Valldoreix acull un torneig solidari contra el càncer aquest diumenge

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Fundación Rafa Nadal


rafa nadal tour valldoreix 2023

This Saturday, March 30th, marked the conclusion of the third stage of the Rafa Nadal Tour by Santander at the Club Esportiu Valldoreix, featuring categories for under-12, under-14, and under-16 players.

  • The Rafa Nadal Tour by Santander continues to establish itself as the premier youth tennis circuit in the country.
  • The circuit is charitable in nature, with the entire registration fee being allocated to the development of projects by the Rafa Nadal Foundation in Spain and India.

This year marks the eleventh edition of the Rafa Nadal Tour by Santander across eight Spanish cities (Barcelona, Seville, Valldoreix, Gran Canaria, Valencia, Madrid, Gijón, and Mallorca), where competitors vie for victory in the under-12, under-14, and under-16 male and female categories.

Rafael Nadal stated, “It wasn’t just about creating another tournament, but one with added value,” and it is with this philosophy that the eleventh edition has been launched with the same passion as always.

The youth circuit, known as the Rafa Nadal Tour by Santander, has solidified its position as a leader in the country, not only for its sporting excellence but also for its charitable commitment by allocating the total registration value to projects by the Rafa Nadal Foundation. This sporting event not only values the tennis prowess of the participants but also their attitudes and behaviors, both on and off the court, through activities focused on values.

After nine days of intense competition, with 541 participants and 535 matches played in the third stage of the Rafa Nadal Tour by Santander, held at the Club Esportiu Valldoreix, champions have been crowned in the under-12, under-14, and under-16 categories.

The winners of the Rafa Nadal Tour by Santander in Valldoreix are as follows:

  • Indira Delgado, in the under-16 female category
  • Yago Castellanos, in the under-16 male category
  • Liliana Chetry, in the under-14 female category
  • Ian Barroeta, in the under-14 male category
  • Caterina López, in the under-12 female category
  • Austin Feltham, in the under-12 male category

During this third stage, players also participated in values-focused activities that contribute to their ranking points, allowing four participants to compete in the masters.

As the official tour sponsor, Banco Santander manufactures trophies for each stage’s winners using recycled tennis balls from previous editions, thus contributing to the circuit’s sustainability.

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Rafael Nadal’s 2023 tennis schedule: Where is he competing next after Sunshine Double withdrawal?

Rafael Nadal plays a shot

A look at Rafael Nadal’s 2023 tennis schedule and his results so far this campaign…

The 22-time Grand Slam winner kicked off his tennis year at the inaugural United Cup in Sydney, but he found it tough going as he lost his two singles matches as Spain failed to get out of the group stage.

Next up was his title defence at the Australian Open and, after stuttering to an opening-round win against Jack Draper, he was humbled by American Mackenzie McDonald in straight sets in the second round.

He also picked up a hip injury and there are plenty of question marks over his fitness.

What’s to follow…

Nadal was due to make his first appearance at the Dubai Tennis Championships in 15 years at the end of February, but the hip injury that he picked up in Melbourne ruled him out of the tournament.

He was expected to be out of action for up to eight weeks and was initially expected to return for the Indian Wells Masters, but he has confirmed that he will miss the ATP Masters 1000 tournament in California as well as the second leg of the Sunshine Double, the Miami Open.

Naturally his biggest aim is to be ready for the clay-court season, which will culminate in an assault for a record-extending 15th title at Roland Garros.

Confirmed and unconfirmed events

Monte-carlo masters – april 10-16.

If he is fit, then you can put your money on Rafael Nadal appearing at the season-opening clay Masters event, the Monte-Carlo Masters, where he will be gunning for a 12th title.

Last year he missed the tournament as he was still recovering from the rib injury he picked up at the Indian Wells Open.

Barcelona Open – April 17-23

The Barcelona Open is another tournament that is synonymous with Nadal, but he also missed the 2022 edition due to injury.

However, he has already been confirmed for the 2022 tournament alongside defending champion Carlos Alcaraz and he will be hunting for a 13th title at the Real Club de Tenis Barcelona.

Madrid Open – April 24-May 7

Nadal made his return from injury at the Madrid Open last year as he reached the quarter-final. He is a five-time champion in the Spanish capital with his last title coming in 2017.

Italian Open – May 8-15

The Rome Masters 1000 event is usually the key tournament ahead of Roland Garros and you can expect 10-time champion Nadal to be in the main draw if he is fit.

Last year he wasn’t 100%, but still entered and lost in the third round. Yet, he still went on to win at Roland Garros.

French Open – May 28-June 11

Roland Garros is considered Nadal’s backyard and he hasn’t missed an edition since making his debut in 2005.

The defending champion will be aiming to win a record-extending 15th title on the clay courts of Paris.

And in case you didn’t know, Nadal has lost just three matches at Roland Garros (2009, 2015, 2021) while in 2016 he withdrew from the third round due injury.

Wimbledon – July 3-16

During the early days of his career, Nadal played a couple of warm-up events to prepare for the grass-court Grand Slam, but these days he takes a break between the French Open and Wimbledon.

That is if he does play at SW19.

Last year he reached the semi-final before withdrawing due to injury while in 2021 he missed the tournament as he was recovering from his foot problem. His last Wimbledon title was in 2008.

Canadian Open – August 7-13

Nadal has in the past used the Citi Open (July 31) to prepare for the ATP Masters double assault in North America, but it is not a regular event on his calendar.

He is likely to play at the Canadian Open where he is a four-time champion, although he has missed the last two editions due to injury.

Cincinnati Open – August 14-20

Although one of the highlights of the ATP Masters calendar, Nadal has is not a regular visitor to Mason, Ohio. He missed four consecutive tournaments from 2018 to 2021 before finally making his return last year, losing in the second round.

Nadal’s only title win at the Cincinnati Open came in 2013.

US Open – August 28-September 10

The final Grand Slam of the season starts on the final Monday in August and Nadal is likely to feature if he is fit.

After winning his fourth title at Flushing Meadows in 2019, the Spaniard missed the next two events due to injury and returned last year only to lose in the fourth round against Frances Tiafoe.

Shanghai Masters – October 2-9

Nadal has in the past played at the China Open, but given that he is playing a reduced schedule these days it is unlikely that he will make the trip to China, which is set to return to the calendar following the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Shanghai Masters is another event that will return following a three-year absence and Nadal hasn’t played there since 2017.

Paris Masters – October 30-November 5

The Paris Masters along with the ATP Finals and Shanghai Masters are the big titles that are absent from Nadal’s CV and his best performance in Paris-Bercy came in his debut event in 2007 when he finished runner-up.

He lost in the second round last year while he missed the 2021 tournament because of injury.

ATP Finals – November 12-19

Nadal hasn’t made the best of starts to the 2023 season so plenty of things need to fall into place before the ATP Finals can be penciled in.


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Tot a punt per a una nova edició del Rafa Nadal Tour del CE Valldoreix

El club valldoreixenc acollirà una temporada més una prova d'aquest prestigiós circuit per a tenistes entre les categories sub-12 i sub-16.

Nielo Ballart. FOTO: Bernat Millet

El Club Esportiu Valldoreix serà escenari una temporada més del prestigiós Rafa Nadal Tour , i és que les instal·lacions del club valldoreixenc acolliran la 3a fase del circuit, entre el divendres 31 de març i el dissabte 8 d'abril. Amb això, el torneig, que se celebrarà entre les categories sub-12 i sub-16, ja compta amb unes 400 inscripcions. Joan Carles Pradell , president del CE Valldoreix, ha celebrat la confiança que hi té dipositada el circuit Rafa Nadal Tour en el club valldoreixenc, en la presentació de la prova, que ha tingut lloc el divendres 17 de març: "El torneig ajuda al desenvolupament dels nostres jugadors i volem agrair iniciatives com aquesta que donen contingut al tennis català i espanyol". La competició, que es disputarà en terra batuda, tindrà una fase prèvia per determinar els 48 tenistes que formaran el quadre de les categories sub-12 i sub-14 (amb 35 entrades directes, 8 classificats de la fase prèvia i 5 invitacions). En el cas de la categoria sub-16, seran 24 tenistes els que formaran el quadre final (amb 17 entrades directes, 4 de la prèvia i 3 invitacions). El vocal de l'EMD de Valldoreix, Bernat Gisbert , ha assenyalat la importància que té per Valldoreix acollir un torneig d'aquestes dimensions: "Volem agrair a l'organització la confiança dipositada en el CE Valldoreix, un club en un entorn natural que ajuda a situar Valldoreix en el mapa. Per nosaltres és un orgull i una satisfacció". Així doncs, Valldoreix tornarà a ser un any més la 3a fase d'aquest prestigiós torneig, un torneig que donarà punts per aconseguir una plaça per al Màster de Mallorca, punt final del circuit, en el qual participaran els 7 primers del rànquing un cop acabat el circuit. A més, i com va succeir en les edicions anteriors, hi haurà activitats de valors per analitzar el comportament dels jugadors dins i fora de les pistes i determinar així el 8è participant en el Màster de Mallorca. Finalment, Josep Francesc Fernández , director del Rafa Nadal Tour, ha ressaltat que el CE Valldoreix és la prova amb més inscripcions de tot el circuit: "El CE Valldoreix ha estat amb nosaltres des de la creació del circuit, sent sempre la prova amb més inscripcions. A més, com altres anys, comptem amb les activitats de valors, que han ajudat a millorar les conductes dels tenistes, no només en l'àmbit esportiu".

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rafa nadal tour valldoreix 2023

Bryson DeChambeau snubbed LIV Golf for Ryder Cup and his thoughts ahead of 2025 are clear

K eegan Bradley, the 2011 PGA Championship winner, and new Team USA captain, now faces the tricky decision over whether to bring back LIV Golf's Bryson DeChambeau for the Ryder Cup on home turf next year. After Tiger Woods reportedly declined the captaincy due to intense PGA commitments, Bradley stepped up to the plate unexpectedly.

DeChambeau, who was a key part of the victorious 2021 Ryder Cup team but missed out on last year's Rome event, seems keen to re-enter the fray despite his vocal support for the controversial LIV series . The Californian golf ace, who has two US Open wins under his belt, has expressed a strong desire to be part of Team USA in 2023 amidst ongoing friction between LIV Golf and the PGA Tour.

"Look, I've played in a couple Ryder Cups and I would love to represent my country, there's no doubt about that," DeChambeau said in August 2023. "I feel like I'm in a good place to be able to do that. I feel like I'm a top-10 player for sure right now, with the game that I'm playing," reports the Mirror .

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"If I do get picked, fantastic. If I don't, I'll still be watching on TV, rooting for Team USA because I respect and appreciate those players and all the team records in our country more than a PGA Tour or LIV thing."

LIV star Brooks Koepka managed to make then-captain Zach Johnson's list, proving players associated with LIV are not completely excluded from Ryder Cup considerations. However, LIV players are relying on the captain to pick them given they can't earn qualification points nearly as easily as those playing under the PGA banner.

Despite his enthusiasm, DeChambeau didn't make the cut, and Team USA went on to suffer a decisive defeat on European soil. He remained respectful of Johnson's decision but suggested he felt somewhat disrespected by the lack of communication received by those LIV flag-bearers left off the list.

"It would have been nice to at least just have a call," he added in September 2023. "There's numerous people that I think Zach should have called out here, and we didn't get that."

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DeChambeau then took those comments a step further by suggesting he felt he could have made a difference for Team USA. The Americans staged a valiant comeback attempt on the weekend of the 2023 Ryder Cup but ultimately failed to recover from a European clean sweep on the opening Friday.

"It definitely does sting a little bit," he said. "But say what you want, we're still golfers, and I personally think that given the way I played this week, I could have definitely racked up some points for Team USA."

With another US Open victory at Pinehurst under his belt in June, DeChambeau is steering his game in the right direction for a coveted captain's pick now that Bradley leads the charge. His palpable disappointment after previously being passed over suggests an intense desire to prove his worth if the opportunity arises in 2025.

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Keegan Bradley has to decide whether to pick Bryson DeChambeau for the US Ryder Cup team next year


  • Introduction
  • General information
  • Calendar 2024
  • Rules & Code of conduct
  • The Foundation
  • Spanish tournament U-16
  • Spanish tournament U-12
  • Spanish tournament U-14
  • Information and fees
  • Registration area
  • Tour Ranking
  • Ranking of values
  • The Tour's values
  • Values trophy
  • Valldoreix - Barcelona
  • Gran Canaria
  • Master Mallorca


Participants list.

  • Order of play
  • Qualifying draw table
  • Main draw table

Main draw table

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  1. X EDICIÓ RAFA NADAL TOUR BY SANTANDER • Club Esportiu Valldoreix

    rafa nadal tour valldoreix 2023

  2. Rafa Nadal Tour by Santander 2023

    rafa nadal tour valldoreix 2023

  3. Rafa Nadal Tour By Mapfre • Club Esportiu Valldoreix

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  4. Arranca la tercera etapa del Rafa Nadal Tour en Valldoreix

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  5. Esports

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  6. Rafa Segado, campeón del Rafa Nadal Tour by MAPFRE en Valldoreix

    rafa nadal tour valldoreix 2023


  1. Rafael Nadal vs Carlos Moya at Kia Spain Event 2023

  2. Sessió Plenària Ordinària d'octubre de l'EMD de Valldoreix del 26/10/2023

  3. Reportaje Master Rafa Nadal Tour

  4. Graduation 2023. An unforgettable day at the Rafa Nadal Academy

  5. Rafa Nadal Tour 2024



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  2. Rafa Nadal Tour by Santander

    Rafa Nadal Tour by Santander. Toda la información sobre el torneo de tenis juvenil que se celebra en Valldoreix (Barcelona), en la edición de 2023.


    Teléfono. X EDICIÓ RAFA NADAL TOUR BY SANTANDER Circuit juvenil de tenis solidari que va nèixer al 2014 impulsat pel tenista i a benefici de la Fundación Rafa Nadal. Inclou les categories sub-12, sub-14 i sub-16, tant femenines com masculines. Data: Divendres 31/03/2023 al Dissabte 09/04/2023 Lloc: Club Esportiu Valldoreix Tancament ...

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  5. Esports

    El torneig Rafa Nadal torna a Valldoreix per la seva onzena edició. El Club Esportiu Valldoreix tornarà acollir un any més, la tercera prova del torneig que tindrà lloc per Setmana Santa, del 22 fins al 30 de març. Està previst que reuneixi més de 500 jugadors de tot l'Estat espanyol. La presentació del torneig d'aquest any s'ha celebrat aquest dimecres al Club Esportiu de Valldoreix i ...

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  7. The third stage of the Rafa Nadal Tour by Santander in Valldoreix for

    This Saturday, March 30th, marked the conclusion of the third stage of the Rafa Nadal Tour by Santander at the Club Esportiu Valldoreix, featuring categories for under-12, under-14, and under-16 players.

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  15. Tot a punt per a una nova edició del Rafa Nadal Tour del CE Valldoreix

    FOTO: Nielo Ballart. per Nielo Ballart Redacció 17 de març de 2023. El Club Esportiu Valldoreix serà escenari una temporada més del prestigiós Rafa Nadal Tour, i és que les instal·lacions del club valldoreixenc acolliran la 3a fase del circuit, entre el divendres 31 de març i el dissabte 8 d'abril. Amb això, el torneig, que se ...

  16. Rafa Nadal Open

    The Rafa Nadal Open is a professional tennis tournament played on hard courts. It is currently part of the ATP Challenger Tour . It is held annually at the Rafa Nadal Academy in Manacor , Spain, since 2018.

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  18. Rafa Nadal Tour by Santander on Instagram: "Impresionante el nivel

    293 likes, 0 comments - rafanadaltour on March 25, 2024: "Impresionante el nivel tenístico en la tercera etapa del Rafa Nadal Tour by @santander_es en Valldoreix.

  19. Rafa Nadal Tour by Santander

    Rafa Nadal Tour by Santander. Descarga el orden de juego y conoce los horarios de los partidos previstos en el torneo de Valldoreix (Barcelona) 2023.

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    The Californian golf ace, who has two US Open wins under his belt, has expressed a strong desire to be part of Team USA in 2023 amidst ongoing friction between LIV Golf and the PGA Tour.

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  26. Rafa Nadal Tour by Santander

    Rafa Nadal Tour by Santander. Descarga el listado de participantes sub-12 y sub-14 femenino y masculino del torneo de Valldoreix (Barcelona) en la edición 2023

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