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Travel Advisory August 15, 2024

Greece - level 1: exercise normal precautions.

Reissued after periodic review without changes.

Exercise normal precautions in Greece.

Read the country information page for additional information on travel to Greece.

If you decide to travel to Greece: 

  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program  ( STEP ) to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and  X/Twitter .
  • Review the  Country Security Report  for Greece.
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest Travel Health Information related to your travel.
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the  Traveler’s Checklist .

Embassy Messages

View Alerts and Messages Archive

Quick Facts

Six months of remaining validity recommended.

One page per stamp.

10,000 euros or the equivalent.

Embassies and Consulates

U.s. embassy athens.

91 Vasilisis Sophias Avenue 10160 Athens, Greece Telephone: +(30)(210) 721-2951 Emergency After-Hours Telephone:  +(30)(210) 721-2951 Fax: +(30)(210) 724-5313 Email:   [email protected] Facebook

U.S. Consulate General Thessaloniki Plateia Commercial Center 43 Tsimiski Street, 7th floor 546 23 Thessaloniki Greece Telephone: +30-231-024-2905 Emergency After-Hours Telephone:  +(30)(210) 721-2951 Fax: +30 231-024-2927 Email:  [email protected] U.S. Embassy Athens provides all regular consular services including U.S. passports, notarials, and reports of birth and death abroad.

U.S. Consulate General Thessaloniki provides notarial service. Embassy Athens consular staff periodically provide regular consular services in Thessaloniki. Please check the U.S. Embassy Athens website for information on the next scheduled visit. Visa services are provided at Embassy Athens only.

Destination Description

Learn about the U.S. relationship to countries around the world.

Entry, Exit and Visa Requirements

Visit the Embassy of Greece website for the most current visa information.

Greece is a party to the Schengen Agreement; therefore, U.S. citizens may enter Greece without a visa for stays of up to 90 days for tourism or business purposes. For additional details about travel into and within Schengen countries, please see our Schengen fact sheet .

  • For entry into Greece, your passport should have at least six months of remaining validity . While Greek law requires three months of passport validity beyond the intended date of your departure, if you are transiting a country that requires six months of validity, you may not be permitted to continue your trip. We recommend that you have at least six months of validity to avoid any travel disruptions.
  • U.S. citizens traveling on a passport reported lost or stolen will not be permitted entry into Greece and may be returned to their original departure point. This decision is the purview of the Greek immigration authorities; the U.S. Embassy cannot intervene. Emergency passports are issued only at the Embassy in Athens. Staff members do not travel to the air, land, or sea ports of entry.
  • You must arrive in country with proof of sufficient funds and a return airline ticket or other evidence that you will depart Greece if asked. The sufficient funds requirement is often met with credit cards.
  • U.S. official and diplomatic passport holders must obtain a Schengen visa prior to arrival. If you are traveling on a U.S. official or diplomatic passport, you will not be allowed to enter Greece without a visa.
  • If traveling on official military orders , review the guidance in the Department of Defense Foreign Clearance Guide .

If you are a U.S. citizen with a passport listing your place of birth as the Northern Republic of Macedonia, the Greek authorities will stamp your passport.

If you are a U.S. citizen with a passport listing your place of birth as Skopje or the Republic of Macedonia, your U.S. passport should be recognized as a valid travel document. However, be aware:

  • Greek Immigration officers at ports of entry (land, air, and sea) will not place entry stamps in a passport listing the traveler’s place of birth as Macedonia or the Republic of Macedonia.
  • You will be asked to complete a short form on which the entry stamp will be placed.
  • Keep the form with your passport while you are in Greece and present it upon departure. If you lose the form, you must visit a police station and file a report before the Greek authorities will permit you to depart the country.

HIV/AIDS RESTRICTIONS: The U.S. Department of State is unaware of any HIV/AIDS entry restrictions for visitors to or foreign residents of Greece.

Find information on dual nationality , prevention of international child abduction , and customs information on our website .

Safety and Security

Terrorism: Credible information indicates terrorist groups continue plotting possible near-term attacks in Europe. All European countries remain potentially vulnerable to attacks from transnational terrorist organizations. In the past year, there have been multiple terrorist attacks in Europe. Extremists continue to focus on tourist locations, transportation hubs, markets/shopping malls, and local government facilities as viable targets. In addition, hotels, clubs, restaurants, places of worship, parks, high-profile events, educational institutions, airports, and other soft targets remain priority locations for possible attacks. U.S. citizens should exercise additional vigilance in these and similar locations.

For more information, see our Terrorism page.

Strikes and Demonstrations:

  • Domestic strikes, demonstrations, and work stoppages are common throughout Greece and can become violent. Stay informed through local news, hotel security, the U.S. Embassy website , and the Consular Section’s Facebook page . Enroll in STEP to receive alerts sent by the Embassy.
  • Transportation sector strikes interrupt traffic, public transportation, taxis, seaports, and airports. Confirm domestic and international flights before heading to the airport.
  • Avoid all areas affected by the annual November 17 demonstrations, including the U.S. Embassy.
  • Anarchists and criminals have used university campuses as refuges. Demonstrators frequently congregate in the Polytechnic University area, Exarchia, Omonia, and Syntagma Squares in Athens; and at Aristotle Square, Aristotle University, and the Kamara area in Thessaloniki.
  • Violent anarchist groups have joined public demonstrations to clash with police and vandalize public and private property.

Crime: Crimes against tourists, such as pick-pocketing and purse-snatching , occur at popular tourist sites and on public transportation, especially the metro. A common tactic is one person causes a commotion on the metro or pushes travelers to distract them while another person snatches the belongings. Thieves also seek out and break into rental cars to steal passports, valuables, and luggage. The Embassy has received reports of alcohol-induced attacks targeting individual tourists at some holiday resorts and bars.

Take the following precautions:

  • Be cautious and aware of your surroundings.
  • Do not leave bags unattended, especially on the metro and the Athens Airport train or in your vehicle.
  • Avoid standing near bus or train doors. Thieves often strike as the doors open then disappear into the crowd.
  • Use alcohol in moderation and remain in control.
  • Never leave drinks unattended in bars or clubs.
  • Be discreet when discussing plans and organizing belongings upon arrival.
  • Protect yourself and your money by using well-lit, public ATMs.
  • Be aware of internet scams with online thieves posing as loved ones or romantic interests.

See the  Department of State  and the  FBI  pages for information on scams.

Victims of Crime: Report crime to the local police and contact the U.S. Embassy at (+30) 210-720-2414 or the Emergency after-hours telephone (+30) 210-729-4444 if you require assistance. Remember that local authorities are responsible for investigating and prosecuting crimes.

See our webpage on help for U.S. victims of crime overseas .

  • Help you find appropriate medical care
  • Assist you in reporting a crime to the police
  • Contact relatives or friends, with your written consent
  • Explain the local criminal justice process in general terms
  • Provide a list of local attorneys
  • Provide our information on victim’s compensation programs in the United States.
  • Provide an emergency loan for repatriation to the United States and/or limited medical support in certain cases of destitution
  • Help you find accommodation and arrange flights home in certain cases of destitution
  • Replace a stolen or lost passport

Domestic Violence: U.S. citizen victims of domestic violence may contact the Embassy for assistance.

Tremors and earthquakes occur regularly.  Forest fires are common, especially during the dry summer months, and occasionally cause road closures. In the event of a natural disaster, follow the instructions of local authorities. Contact the General Secretariat for Civil Protection, which responds to emergencies, at 210-335-9900 for more information. Operators speak English. Monitor the U.S. Embassy Athens’ website and Consular Facebook page .

Tourism : The tourism industry is unevenly regulated, and safety inspections for equipment and facilities do not commonly occur. Hazardous areas/activities are not always identified with appropriate signage, and staff may not be trained or certified either by the host government or by recognized authorities in the field. In the event of an injury, appropriate medical treatment is typically available only in/near major cities, such as Athens or Thessaloniki. First responders are generally unable to access areas outside of major cities and to provide urgent medical treatment. U.S. citizens are encouraged to purchase medical evacuation insurance. See our webpage for more information on insurance providers for overseas coverage.

Local Laws & Special Circumstances

Criminal Penalties: You are subject to local laws. If you violate local laws, even unknowingly, you may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned. Possession of a U.S. passport will not prevent you from being arrested, prosecuted, or jailed.

  • Penalties for possessing, using, or trafficking in illegal drugs are severe, and convicted offenders can expect long jail sentences and heavy fines. Marijuana is illegal in Greece.
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs could land you immediately in jail.
  • Photographing military installations is prohibited and may lead to arrest.
  • Mace or pepper-spray canisters are illegal in Greece. Such items will be confiscated, and police may arrest or detain you.
  • Carry your passport or some form of photo identification at all times. Police may detain you for questioning if you do not have proper identification with you.

Some crimes are also prosecutable in the United States, regardless of local law. For examples, see our website on crimes against minors abroad and the Department of Justice website.

Arrest Notification: If you are arrested or detained, ask police or prison officials to notify the U.S. Embassy immediately. See our webpage for further information.

Faith-Based Travelers: See our webpages for details:

  • Faith-Based Travel Information
  • International Religious Freedom Report – see country reports
  • Human Rights Report – see country reports
  • Hajj Fact Sheet for Travelers
  • Best Practices for Volunteering Abroad

Greek Antiquities: Customs authorities strictly regulate the export of Greek antiquities, including rocks from archaeology sites. Do not remove anything, no matter how small, from archaeological or historical sites. Do not purchase protected antiquities and carry receipts for any purchases that may appear to be antiquities.

Military Service for Dual Nationals:

  • Greek males between 19 and 45 are required to perform military service.
  • If the Greek government considers you to be a Greek citizen, you may be required to fulfill this obligation whether or not you consider yourself Greek or possess a U.S. or third country’s passport.
  • Authorities can prevent you from leaving Greece until you complete your military obligations . Contact the Greek embassy or nearest Greek consulate with questions.
  • Generally, required military service will not affect your U.S. citizenship, but contact U.S. Embassy Athens if you have questions.

LGBTI Travelers: There are no legal restrictions on same-sex sexual relations or the organization of LGBTI events in Greece. LGBTI individuals in Greece are protected by anti-discrimination laws, and gender identity is among the grounds covered by laws against hate speech; however, non-governmental organizations report that social discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity is widespread in Greece and violence against LGBTI individuals remains a problem.

See our LGBTI travel information page and section six of our Human Rights Report for further details.

Travelers Who Require Accessibility Assistance: While Greek law prohibits discrimination against persons with physical or intellectual disabilities and local law requires access to buildings, sidewalks, and public transportation, application and enforcement of these laws is lacking.

  • Handicapped parking spaces and sidewalk ramps are often occupied or blocked by parked vehicles.
  • Sidewalks often are narrow with broken paving stones and large holes and obstructed by trees and street signs.
  • Buildings with ramps might lack accessible elevators or bathrooms.
  • A small percentage of public buildings (primarily in Athens) have full accessibility. Some buildings and intersections include accommodations for visually-impaired travelers.
  • The Athens metro and Athens International Airport are fully accessible with ramps and elevators.
  • Ask your hotel about accessibility before booking.

The Deputy Ombudsman for Social Welfare handles complaints related to persons with disabilities, especially those related to employment, social security, and transportation.

Students: See our students abroad page and  FBI travel tips .

Women Travelers: See our travel tips for women travelers .

Most public medical facilities in Greece offer adequate care, although service quality and hospital appearance may differ from the United States. Some private hospitals have affiliations with U.S. facilities and provide high-quality care. Many doctors trained in the United States or elsewhere in Europe.

  • Private hospitals usually require proof of adequate insurance or cash before admitting a patient. Patients bear all costs for transfer to or between hospitals.
  • Public hospitals often employ minimal nursing staff overnight and on weekends in non-emergency wards. Consider hiring a private nurse or having family spend the night with the patient, especially a minor child.

We do not pay medical bills. Be aware that U.S. Medicare is not accepted overseas.

Medical Insurance: Make sure your health insurance plan provides coverage overseas. Most care providers overseas only accept cash payments. You may be required to pay upfront and seek reimbursement from your insurance company. See our webpage for more information on insurance providers for overseas coverage .

We strongly recommend that travelers purchase travel insurance before their trips to cover medical evacuation.

If traveling with prescription medication, check with the Greek Embassy or consulate in the United States , the Customs office at Athens International Airport (+30 210-3542126) or the National Organization of Medicines ( [email protected] , , +30 213-204-0000) to ensure the medication is legal in Greece. Always carry your prescription medication in original packaging with your doctor’s prescription.

Vaccinations: Be up-to-date on all vaccinations recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Further health information:

  • World Health Organization
  • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Travel and Transportation

Short-term Car Rentals: Greek law requires that visitors carry a valid U.S. driver’s license and an international driver’s permit (IDP), even if the rental company does not request to see your IDP. The Embassy does not issue IDPs. You must obtain your IDP in the United States from the American Automobile Association ( AAA ) or the American Automobile Touring Alliance ( AATA ). Contact AAA directly to inquire about their mail in option that will allow you to apply from overseas, but note that it will likely take days or weeks. If you drive without these documents, you may face high fines (1,000 Euros or more) or be responsible for all expenses in the event of an accident.

Road Conditions and Safety: Greece has one of the highest traffic fatality rates in the European Union. Exercise extreme caution as both a driver and a pedestrian, and follow these tips:

  • Drive defensively.
  • Expect heavy traffic, obscured traffic signs, and vehicles traveling at high speeds.
  • Driving at night in inclement weather and on mountain roads can be hazardous.
  • Local law requires all motorcyclists to wear a helmet.
  • Check for motorbikes between lanes and on either side of you.
  • Do not rely on lane markings. On many two-lane highways, slower traffic will drive on the shoulder, and cars will pass straddling the center double-yellow line.
  • Review your insurance coverage before renting. Most insurance companies require that you have both your valid U.S. license and an international driver’s permit (IDP) for coverage in Greece. Small motorbike and all-terrain vehicle (ATV) rental firms frequently carry no insurance and require customers to cover the cost of all damages to their vehicles. Your insurance company may not cover two-wheel or ATV rentals.

Traffic Laws:

  • Talking or texting on a mobile phone while driving is illegal. The police check phone records when investigating accidents.
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is illegal, and police conduct random alcohol testing.
  • A Greek license is required if you stay more than 185 days in Greece. Contact the Regional Office of Transportation and Communications for more information.

See our road safety page for more information, including information on IDPs. Visit the Greek National Tourist Office website for more helpful tips.                                        

Public Transportation: Purchase and validate your ticket by touching it to the pad on the turnstile prior to boarding a bus or train. Inspectors randomly check for tickets. If you do not have a ticket, have the wrong ticket, or fail to validate your ticket, you could be fined up to 60 times the basic fare.

Aviation Safety Oversight: The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has assessed the Government of Greece’s Civil Aviation Authority as being in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards for oversight of Greece’s air carrier operations. Further information may be found on the FAA’s safety assessment page .

Maritime Travel: Mariners planning travel to Greece should monitor U.S. maritime advisories and alerts at , the U.S. Coast Guard homeport website, , and the NGA broadcast warnings website . Greece implemented a Recreational and Daily Tour Cruise Ships Fee on all private and professional leisure ships with a total length of over seven meters, regardless of flag, in Greek territorial waters. Mariners should consult for details.

For additional travel information

  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays).
  • See the  State Department’s travel website  for the  Worldwide Caution  and  Travel Advisories .
  • Follow us on X (formerly known as "Twitter") and Facebook .
  • See  traveling safely abroad  for useful travel tips.

Review information about International Parental Child Abduction in Greece . For additional IPCA-related information, please see the  International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act ( ICAPRA )  report.”

Travel Advisory Levels

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Subscribe to get up-to-date safety and security information and help us reach you in an emergency abroad.

Recommended Web Browsers: Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.

Check passport expiration dates carefully for all travelers! Children’s passports are issued for 5 years, adult passports for 10 years.


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You are about to visit:

Passports & Visas

Travel documents, in order to visit greece you need to have the following travel documents:.

passport validity for travel greece

Introducing Greece

  • About Greece
  • Images of Greece
  • History, language & culture
  • Weather & geography
  • Doing business & staying in touch

Plan your trip

  • Travel to Greece
  • Where to stay

While you’re there

  • Things to see & do
  • Shopping & nightlife
  • Food & drink
  • Getting around

Before you go

  • Passport & visa
  • Public Holidays
  • Money & duty free

Book your flights

  • Athens Eleftherios Venizelos International Airport
  • Chania International Airport
  • Corfu Ioannis Kapodistrias International Airport
  • Heraklion International Airport – Nikos Kazantzakis
  • Kos Island International Airport
  • Mykonos Airport
  • Rhodes Diagoras International Airport
  • Thessaloniki International Airport
  • Afandou Beach
  • Agios Gordios Beach
  • Agios Nikolaos beaches
  • Dassia Beach
  • Elounda beaches
  • Faliraki beaches
  • Halkidiki beaches
  • Heraklion beaches
  • Ipsos Beach
  • Kalymnos beaches
  • Kassiopi beaches
  • Kavos Beach
  • Kefalonia beaches
  • Kos beaches
  • Lindos beaches
  • Malia beaches
  • Mykonos Town beaches
  • Pefkos beaches
  • Plati Gialos Beach
  • Santorini beaches
  • Sidari beaches
  • Skiathos beaches
  • Thassos beaches
  • Zante beaches

Cruise Locations

Greece visa and passport requirements.

EU nationals : You are not required to show a passport or national ID card when entering Greece. However, transport providers like airlines, train operators and ferry companies will require you to show your passport or ID card to prove your identity.

Non-EU nationals : To enter Greece, you must have a valid passport issued within the past ten years and with at least three months left, along with a return ticket and sufficient funds for the length of stay.

Greece is a Schengen country, but beware that EU members such as Cyprus and Ireland are not part of the Schengen area, so a passport or ID card is required if travelling to/from these countries.

Passport Note

From November 2024, the Entry/Exit System (EES) will register all non-EU/EEA/Swiss nationals at all border crossings of the Schengen Area.

EU nationals : You don't need a visa for Greece if the stay is less than 90 day. Those who plan to stay longer will need a residence permit.

Non-EU national s : Nationals mentioned in the chart above (Americans, Australians, British and Canadians) can travel to Greece, and any other Schengen countries, without a visa for up to 90 days in any 180-day period. This applies if you travel as a tourist, to visit family or friends, to attend business meetings, cultural or sports events. For other purposes, you need to check with the embassy, high commission or consulate of Greece in your home country on what type of visa and/or work permit you may need.

The complete list of countries and territories whose nationals can visit Greece and any other Schengen countries for up to 90 days in a 180-day period are as follows: Albania, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominica, El Salvador, Georgia, Grenada, Guatemala, Honduras, Hong Kong*, Israel, Japan, Kiribati, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Macao*, Malaysia, Marshal Islands, Mauritius, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Montenegro, New Zealand, Nicaragua, North Macedonia, Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Serbia*, Seychelles, Singapore, Solomon Islands, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan*,Timor-Leste, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uruguay, Vanuatu* and Venezuela.

* Hong Kong and Macao: holders of SAR passports do not need a visa. * Taiwan: holders of passports issued by Taiwan which include an identity card number do not need a visa. * Serbia: holders of biometric passports do not need a visa, excluding holders of passports issued by the Serbian Coordination Directorate. * Vanuatu: holders of passports issued on or after 25 May 2015 do not need a visa at least until 5 February 2025. * Nationals from micro-states within an EU country (Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and Vatican City) also do not need a visa.

For nationals from countries not listed here, please contact the nearest embassy to check the visa requirements for Greece.

Types and Cost

• €90 for those who are 12 years old and above. • €45 for children aged six to 11. • Free for children below six.

Visa fee is waived for the following applicants: • School pupils, students, postgraduate students and accompanying teachers who undertake stays for the purpose of study or educational training. • Researchers from third countries travelling for the purpose of carrying out scientific research. • Representatives of non-profit organisations aged 25 years or less participating in seminars, conferences, sports, cultural or educational events organised by non-profit organisations. • Family members of EU/EEA (European Economic Area) citizens, falling under Directive 2004/38.

Up to 90 days in any 180-day period.

Citizens of some countries need an airport transit visa when transiting through international parts of any airports within the Schengen countries, whereas citizens of certain countries are only required a transit visa for some of the Schengen countries. If you are not from a Schengen visa exempt country, please check with a Greek consulate near you.

Application to

Contact the embassy, high commission or consulate.

Schengen Visas

Greece is a Schengen country, so the Schengen visa scheme applies.

Temporary residence

EU nationals: Will need a residence permit for more than 90 days.

Non-EU nationals: Will need a visa to stay in Greece for more than 90 days.

Working days

Schengen visa applications usually take 15 to 21 calendar days, but sometimes up to 45 days. Be mindful of the national holidays in Greece as they may affect the processing time. It is recommended to submit applications at least four weeks prior to departure.

Sufficient Funds

Schengen visa applicants must be able to provide proof of funds to cover their stay.

Extension of stay

Schengen visa holders with a visa valid for less than 90 days can only extend their visas in exceptional circumstances, such as force majeure or for humanitarian reasons.

Entry with pets

When bringing a pet from another EU country, the animal must have a microchip or tattoo, an EU pet passport and a valid rabies vaccination certificate (the vaccination must have taken place at least 21 days prior to travel). Animals from outside the EU must also have an ISO 11784/11785 compliant 15-digit microchip. Depending on whether your pet is from a high-rabies country or a rabies-controlled country, your pet either has to be vaccinated first or microchipped first. For pets from high-rabies countries, a rabies titer test also has to be administered 30 days after the vaccination. A veterinary certificate issued by an authorised veterinarian is also required when entering Greece with a pet from outside of the EU.

Please check with the consulate directly for the appropriate procedures.

Embassies and tourist offices

Embassy of greece in the uk.

Mon-Fri 0930-1300.

Embassy of Greece in the USA

Opening hours: Mon and Thurs 0930-1300, 1400-1600; Tues, Wed and Fri 0930-1300.

British Embassy in Greece

Mon-Fri, 0830-1300.

A digital image at

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Essential Documents for Traveling to Greece: Your Must-Have Checklist

If you are planning to travel to greece, it's essential to have the necessary documents with you. some of the documents you need to carry include a valid passport, visa (if required), travel insurance, flight tickets, hotel reservations, and any additional documents related to your specific travel purpose or activities. make sure to check the current travel requirements and covid-19 protocols before your trip..

Essential Documents for Traveling to Greece: Your Must-Have Checklist

Key Takeaways:

  • Ensure a smooth trip to Greece by having a valid passport, checking visa requirements , and obtaining travel insurance.
  • Carry proof of accommodations, return ticket, financial means, and an international driver’s license if necessary.
  • EU citizens should have a European Health Insurance Card, and all travelers should be aware of COVID-19 requirements.

Essential Documents for Your Trip to Greece

Traveling to Greece? Whether it’s your dream vacation or a business trip, it’s essential to ensure you have all the necessary documents packed and ready to go. Greece offers a blend of stunning landscapes, historic wonders, and vibrant culture, but proper preparation is key to ensuring a smooth journey. Here’s a guide to the documents you need to carry to enjoy the beauty of Greece without any hiccups.

Passport and Visa Requirements

Before setting off to Greece, the most crucial document you need is a valid passport . Ensure that your passport has at least six months remaining before its expiration date, a requirement by many countries to avoid problems at immigration.

Depending on your nationality, you may also require a visa to enter Greece . Greece is a member of the European Union and part of the Schengen Agreement, so travelers from EU countries can enter with a national ID card. However, if you’re from outside the EU, you should check your specific visa requirements.

“Always double-check visa requirements well in advance of your trip, as processing times can vary,” advises a travel expert.

For most non-EU travelers, particularly those from the US, Canada, and Australia, a visa is not required for stays of up to 90 days within a 180-day period. But for longer stays or different travel purposes like studies or work, a visa would be necessary.


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Perm audit frequency: how often are perm applications selected for an employment-based green card audit, switch from l1 visa to h1b after i-140 approval: should you.

The official portal of the Hellenic Republic provides up-to-date information on visa requirements.

Travel Insurance Documentation

While this is not always mandatory, having comprehensive travel insurance is highly recommended. Your insurance should cover medical emergencies, trip cancellations, lost luggage, and potential repatriation. Be sure to carry the insurance documents with you, as you may need to present proof of insurance upon request.

Accommodation Confirmation and Return Ticket

Immigration officers may request to see proof of your accommodations in Greece. This can be hotel reservation confirmations or a letter of invitation if you’re staying with friends or family. Likewise, a return ticket or onward journey evidence is often required to demonstrate that you intend to leave the country within the allowed timeframe.

Financial Means

To ensure travelers are capable of supporting themselves during their stay, authorities may check for proof of sufficient funds. This could be in the form of recent bank statements, cash, travelers’ checks, or credit cards.

“Maintain easy access to proof of funds to avoid any delays during your immigration process,” suggests a travel specialist.

International Driver’s License

If you’re planning to rent a car and explore Greece at your own pace, an international driver’s license, alongside your valid national driver’s license, is necessary. Remember, it’s not a replacement but a supplement to your existing license and is required by law for non-EU driving licenses.

European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)

For EU citizens, the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) entitles you to state-provided medical treatment within Greece. It can assure you receive necessary healthcare without direct payment or at a reduced cost. Make sure you have this card with you if you’re an EU national.

COVID-19 Related Documents

Given the ever-changing landscape due to the pandemic, it is vital to check the current COVID-19 requirements before traveling. Depending on ongoing policies, you may need to show proof of vaccination, a negative test, or a recovery certificate. Keep abreast of the latest updates on the Greek government’s COVID-19 information page .

In conclusion, packing the right documents is as important as packing your sunscreen and swimwear when heading to Greece. Regularly consult official Greek travel resources and plan well ahead to ensure that nothing stands in the way of experiencing the rich history and awe-inspiring landscapes of Greece. From the sparkling Aegean Sea to the ruins of ancient Athens, every detail counts in making your Greek odyssey unforgettable.

So there you have it, folks! Don’t forget to pack your passport, visa, travel insurance, accommodation confirmation, return ticket, proof of funds, international driver’s license, EHIC, and COVID-19 documents before jetting off to Greece. Trust me, it’s worth the effort! And for more handy travel tips and exciting destinations, head over to Happy travels!

FAQ’s to know:

FAQ 1: What are the passport and visa requirements for traveling to Greece? Answer: To travel to Greece, you need a valid passport with at least six months remaining before its expiration date. Additionally, depending on your nationality, you may require a visa. If you are from an EU country, a national ID card is sufficient. Non-EU travelers, such as those from the US, Canada, and Australia, typically do not need a visa for stays up to 90 days within a 180-day period. However, it’s important to check the specific visa requirements for your nationality and travel purpose to ensure compliance.

FAQ 2: Do I need travel insurance when visiting Greece? Answer: While travel insurance is not mandatory, it is highly recommended to have comprehensive coverage when traveling to Greece. Your insurance should include medical emergencies, trip cancellations, lost luggage, and repatriation. It’s important to carry the insurance documents with you, as you may be asked to provide proof of insurance upon request.

FAQ 3: What documents do I need to show for immigration purposes in Greece? Answer: When going through immigration in Greece, you may be asked to provide certain documents. These can include proof of accommodation, such as hotel reservations or a letter of invitation if staying with friends or family. Additionally, you may need to show a return ticket or evidence of onward travel to demonstrate that you plan to leave the country within the allowed timeframe. Authorities may also request proof of sufficient funds to support yourself during your stay, which can be in the form of recent bank statements, cash, travelers’ checks, or credit cards. It is important to maintain easy access to these documents to avoid any delays during the immigration process.

What did you learn? Answer below to know:

  • True/False: Non-EU travelers from the US, Canada, and Australia require a visa to enter Greece for stays up to 90 days within a 180-day period.
  • What document is often required by immigration officers to demonstrate that you intend to leave Greece within the allowed timeframe?
  • What type of license is necessary, alongside a valid national driver’s license, for non-EU citizens planning to rent a car in Greece?
  • What is the recommended duration of validity for a passport when traveling to Greece?
  • Where can you find up-to-date information on visa requirements for traveling to Greece?


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Greece holidays: Entry requirements, passport validity, visas and Covid rules explained

Greece has axed covid restrictions but other rules remain in place.

  • 15:36, 9 MAY 2022
  • Updated 16:59, 9 MAY 2022

Beautiful Kefalonia, Greece.

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When it comes to planning a summer holiday, Greece is usually near the top of the list for Brits.

However, the coronavirus pandemic and resulting travel restrictions have proved such a headache that many haven't bothered over the previous two years. Fortunately, Greece has now axed all covid rules and restrictions just in time for summer.

According to the UK government website, all those travelling to Greece from the UK no longer need to provide proof of vaccination.

READ MORE: Brits urged to check passports ahead of Monday deadline amid 10-week delays

Here is the latest advice from the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office at the time of publication. It’s always worth checking the latest updates before you travel.

Wearing a mask in Greece

It is mandatory to wear a mask in all indoor public spaces, in all areas of Greece.

In certain areas, such as in supermarkets and pharmacies, and on public transport, you will be required to wear either double masks (at least one of which should be surgical), or an N95/FFP2 mask.

Entry requirements

Passengers arriving in Greece are no longer required to show proof of vaccination, a negative Covid test, or a certificate of recovery from Covid. Plus you no longer need to complete a Passenger Locator Form.

However, travellers are still required to wear a face mask in all indoor spaces, including on the plane.

Arrivals into Greece may be required to undergo a rapid Covid-19 test on arrival.

If you test positive on arrival in Greece, you (and those you are travelling with) will have to self-isolate for at least five days at home or in quarantine hotels provided by the Greek state.

If you have no symptoms on day five, or your symptoms have improved (e.g. having no fever for the past 24 hours without the use of medicine), you will be allowed to end your quarantine.

However, if you still have a fever you will be required to continue to quarantine until your fever drops.

Travellers leaving quarantine are also legally required to wear an FFP2 / N95 mask, or double masks (at least one of which should be surgical), in all public indoor and outdoor spaces for at least five days after the end of their quarantine.

Passport validity

Your passport must meet two requirements. It must be:

  • less than 10 years old on the day you enter (check the ‘date of issue’)
  • valid for at least three months after the day you plan to leave (check the ‘expiry date’)

You can travel to Greece for up to 90 days in any 180-day period without a visa. This applies if you travel as a tourist, to visit family or friends, to attend business meetings, cultural or sports events, or for short-term studies or training.

If you are travelling to Greece without a visa, make sure your whole visit is within the 90-day limit. Visits within the previous 180 days before you travel count towards your 90 days.

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No travel can be guaranteed safe. Read all the advice in this guide. You may also find it helpful to: 

  • see  general advice for women travellers
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  • read about  safety for solo and independent travel
  • see advice on volunteering and adventure travel abroad

Travel insurance

If you choose to travel, research your destinations and get appropriate travel insurance . Insurance should cover your itinerary, planned activities and expenses in an emergency.

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Navigating Passport Restrictions: Travel To Greece Made Easy

  • Last updated Oct 03, 2023
  • Difficulty Beginner

Annie Rangel

  • Category United States

passport restrictions with travel to greece

Traveling to Greece is a dream come true for many adventurers, with its rich history, stunning landscapes, and delicious cuisine. However, before you can pack your bags and book your flights, it's crucial to understand the passport restrictions and requirements. As Greece is a member of the European Union, there are certain rules and regulations in place that travelers must adhere to. In this article, we will explore the passport restrictions and provide you with all the information you need to ensure a smooth and hassle-free journey to the beautiful country of Greece.

What You'll Learn

What are the current passport restrictions for travel to greece, do i need a visa to travel to greece if i have a valid passport from another eu country, are there any specific passport requirements for traveling to the greek islands, will i need a passport if i am flying into greece but plan to travel to other european countries, are there any passport restrictions or entry requirements for non-eu citizens traveling to greece.


As travel restrictions continue to evolve due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest passport requirements for travel to different countries. Greece, a popular tourist destination known for its beautiful beaches and historical sites, has its own set of passport restrictions in place. Here is everything you need to know before you plan your trip to Greece.

Passport Validity:

To enter Greece as a tourist, your passport must be valid for at least three months beyond your intended stay. This requirement applies to travelers from most countries, including the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

Visa Requirements:

If you are a citizen of the European Union (EU) or a citizen of a country that is part of the Schengen Agreement, you do not need a visa to enter Greece. You can stay in Greece for up to 90 days within a 180-day period. However, if you are a citizen of a non-EU country or a country not part of the Schengen Agreement, you may need to apply for a visa before traveling to Greece. It is essential to check the visa requirements for your specific nationality before planning your trip.

COVID-19 Restrictions:

Due to the ongoing pandemic, additional restrictions and requirements may be in place for travelers to Greece. As of now, travelers from certain countries may be subject to mandatory testing or quarantine upon arrival. It is crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest COVID-19 travel advisories and restrictions issued by the Greek government and consult with your airline or travel agent before your trip.

Passport Stamps:

Greece is a member of the European Union and the Schengen Agreement, which means there are no border controls between Greece and other Schengen countries. As a result, you may not receive a passport stamp when entering or exiting Greece if you are traveling from or to another Schengen country. However, there are occasional spot checks, so it is always a good idea to carry your passport with you when traveling within Greece.

Travel Insurance:

While not a passport restriction, it is highly recommended to have travel insurance that covers medical expenses and emergency evacuation while traveling to Greece. In the event of an unforeseen medical emergency, having appropriate travel insurance can provide peace of mind and financial protection.

In summary, the current passport restrictions for travel to Greece include having a passport valid for at least three months beyond your intended stay, checking visa requirements based on your nationality, staying informed about COVID-19 restrictions, being aware of the lack of passport stamps within the Schengen Area, and considering travel insurance. By following these guidelines, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free trip to Greece.

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If you have a valid passport from another EU country, you do not need a visa to travel to Greece. This is because Greece is a member of the European Union and participates in the Schengen Agreement.

The Schengen Agreement allows for the free movement of people between the countries that are part of the agreement. This means that if you have a valid passport from any of the EU countries, you can travel to Greece without the need to obtain a visa.

However, it is important to note that even though you may not need a visa, you still need to have a valid passport. Your passport must be valid for at least three months beyond your intended stay in Greece. It is also recommended to have travel insurance that covers medical expenses for the duration of your stay.

When you arrive in Greece, you will need to present your passport to the immigration officers. They may ask you some questions about your trip and the purpose of your visit. It is important to have all the necessary documents, such as proof of accommodation and proof of sufficient funds, in case they are requested.

It is also recommended to have a copy of your passport and other important documents in case they are lost or stolen during your trip. This will make it easier to replace them and continue with your travel plans.

In summary, if you have a valid passport from another EU country, you do not need a visa to travel to Greece. However, it is important to have a valid passport, travel insurance, and all necessary documents for your trip.

Navigating Travel Restrictions from India to USA via Doha

If you are planning a trip to the Greek islands, it is important to understand the specific passport requirements for your journey. While Greece is a member of the European Union and the Schengen area, which allows for easy travel between member countries, there are still a few important points to consider.

First and foremost, you will need a valid passport to enter Greece. This means that your passport must be current and not expired. It is always a good idea to check the expiration date of your passport well before your trip to ensure that it will still be valid during your stay in Greece.

In addition to a valid passport, you may also need a visa to enter Greece depending on your nationality. Citizens of the European Union and the United States do not typically need a visa for tourist stays of up to 90 days. However, it is always a good idea to check the specific visa requirements for your country before traveling.

If you are traveling from a non-EU country, you may also need to provide proof of a return or onward ticket. This is to show that you have a planned departure from Greece and will not overstay your visa. It is always a good idea to have a copy of your travel itinerary and any relevant tickets or reservations on hand when going through immigration.

When traveling to the Greek islands, it is important to keep in mind that they are part of Greece and subject to the same passport requirements. This means that you will need your passport to travel between the islands and the mainland. It is always a good idea to keep your passport with you in a safe and secure location during your trip.

It is also worth noting that the Greek islands are a popular destination for cruise ships. If you plan to visit the islands as part of a cruise, you may be able to take advantage of a visa exemption. Many cruise lines offer visa-free entry to passengers who are participating in a shore excursion organized by the cruise line. However, it is important to check with your cruise line and the Greek embassy or consulate to confirm the specific requirements for your cruise.

In conclusion, while traveling to the Greek islands may not require any additional passport requirements beyond those of entering Greece, it is always a good idea to check the specific requirements for your nationality. Ensuring that your passport is valid, checking visa requirements, and having proof of onward travel will help ensure a smooth and hassle-free trip to the beautiful Greek islands.

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If you are planning to fly into Greece and then travel to other European countries, you will definitely need a passport. The passport is an essential travel document that allows you to enter foreign countries and serves as an official identification while you are abroad.

When flying into Greece, you will have to go through immigration control at the airport. This is where your passport will be checked and stamped. The immigration officer will verify your identity, check your entry requirements, and authorize your entry into the country. Without a passport, you will not be allowed to enter Greece.

Once you are in Greece, you have the freedom to travel to other European countries within the Schengen Area. The Schengen Area is a group of 26 European countries that have abolished internal border controls, allowing for seamless travel between member states. These countries include popular tourist destinations such as France, Italy, Spain, and Germany.

Although there are no border controls within the Schengen Area, you may still be required to present your passport when entering or exiting a country. While some countries only perform occasional spot checks, others have stricter enforcement and may check passports systematically. It is important to carry your passport with you at all times to avoid any potential problems or fines.

Additionally, having a valid passport is essential for other travel-related activities such as booking accommodations, renting a car, or applying for visas to non-Schengen countries. Many hotels and car rental companies require a valid passport as proof of identity, and some countries outside of the Schengen Area may require a visa for entry.

In summary, if you are planning to fly into Greece and then travel to other European countries, it is imperative that you have a valid passport. Your passport will be checked upon arrival in Greece and may be required for entry and exit in other European countries. Make sure to carry your passport with you at all times during your travels and keep it in a safe place.

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If you are a non-EU citizen planning to visit Greece, you may be wondering if there are any specific passport restrictions or entry requirements that you need to consider. In this article, we will provide you with all the information you need to know before you embark on your journey.

First and foremost, it is essential to ensure that your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your planned departure date from Greece. This is a general requirement for most countries and is aimed at preventing travelers from entering the country with passports that will expire shortly after arrival. Make sure to check the expiration date of your passport and renew it if necessary before you travel.

The visa requirements for non-EU citizens traveling to Greece depend on your nationality. Some countries have visa-free agreements with Greece, while others require a visa to enter the country. It is crucial to check the visa requirements specific to your country of citizenship before traveling.

EU Schengen Visa:

If you are a non-EU citizen who holds a valid Schengen visa issued by another Schengen member state, you can enter Greece without requiring an additional visa. The Schengen visa allows for free movement within the Schengen area, which includes Greece. However, make sure that your Schengen visa is still valid during your planned visit to Greece.

Visa-Free Agreements:

Greece has visa-free agreements with several countries, allowing their citizens to enter Greece without a visa for a specified period. For example, citizens of the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, and many other countries can enter Greece for up to 90 days within a 180-day period without a visa. This means that you can travel to Greece for tourism, business, or visiting friends and family without needing to apply for a visa in advance.

Visa Application Process:

If your country is not exempt from visa requirements, you will need to apply for a visa before traveling to Greece. The application process usually involves submitting your passport, a completed application form, supporting documents, and paying the visa fee. It is advisable to apply well in advance of your planned trip to allow sufficient time for processing.

Health and Travel Insurance:

While not directly related to passport restrictions or entry requirements, it is recommended to have valid health and travel insurance when visiting Greece or any other country. This insurance can cover medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and other unforeseen incidents that may occur while traveling.

In conclusion, if you are a non-EU citizen planning to travel to Greece, ensure that your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your intended departure date. Check the visa requirements specific to your country of citizenship and apply for a visa if necessary. If you hold a valid Schengen visa or are from a country with a visa-free agreement, you can enter Greece without requiring an additional visa. Lastly, remember to have health and travel insurance for your trip. By following these guidelines, you can have a smooth and hassle-free journey to Greece.

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Frequently asked questions.

Yes, there are passport restrictions for travel to Greece. Non-European Union citizens must have a passport that is valid for at least three months beyond their intended stay in Greece. European Union citizens can travel to Greece with a valid identity card or passport.

No, it is recommended to have a passport that is valid for at least three months beyond your intended stay in Greece. If your passport is expiring soon, it is advisable to renew it before traveling to Greece to avoid any issues at immigration.

No, Greece enforces a three-month passport validity rule for non-European Union citizens. If your passport has less than three months validity remaining, you may be denied entry into Greece. It is important to ensure that your passport meets the required validity period before traveling to Greece.

Annie Rangel

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Travel Vaccines and Advice for Greece

Passport Health offers a variety of options for travellers throughout the world.

Greece’s breathtaking coastlines, pristine architecture and historic influence have attracted travellers from around the world for centuries.

The country is a Mediterranean paradise that boasts something for all who visit. Whether you’re looking to experience a gorgeous sunset off of the Santorini coast or take a tour down the streets of Athens, Greece is the perfect destination!

On This Page: Do I Need Vaccines for Greece? Do I Need a Visa or Passport for Greece? What is the Climate Like in Greece? How Safe is Greece? Olive Harvesting in Greece What Should I Take To Greece? Canadian Embassy in Greece

Do I Need Vaccines for Greece?

Yes, some vaccines are recommended or required for Greece. The PHAC and WHO recommend the following vaccinations for Greece: COVID-19 , hepatitis A , hepatitis B , rabies , meningitis , polio , measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) , Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) , chickenpox , shingles , pneumonia and influenza .

See the bullets below to learn more about some of these key immunizations:

  • COVID-19 – Airborne – Recommended for all travellers
  • Hepatitis A – Food & Water – Recommended for most travellers
  • Hepatitis B – Blood & Body Fluids – Recommended for travellers to most regions.
  • Rabies – Saliva of Infected Animals – Vaccine recommended for long-term travellers and those who may come in contact with animals.
  • Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) – Various Vectors – Given to anyone unvaccinated and/or born after 1957. One time adult booster recommended.
  • TDAP (Tetanus, Diphtheria & Pertussis) – Wounds & Airborne – Only one adult booster of pertussis required.
  • Chickenpox – Direct Contact & Airborne – Given to those unvaccinated that did not have chickenpox.
  • Shingles – Direct Contact – Vaccine can still be given if you have had shingles.
  • Pneumonia – Airborne – Two vaccines given separately. All 65+ or immunocompromised should receive both.
  • Influenza – Airborne – Vaccine components change annually.
  • Meningitis – Airborne & Direct Contact – Given to anyone unvaccinated or at an increased risk, especially students.
  • Polio – Food & Water – Considered a routine vaccination for most travel itineraries. Single adult booster recommended.

See the tables below for more information:

Outbreaks of routine diseases do happen in some parts of Europe. Make sure your routine immunizations are up to date.

See our vaccinations page to learn more about these infections and vaccines. Ready to protect yourself? Book your travel health appointment today by calling or schedule online now .

Do I Need a Visa or Passport for Greece?

Greece is a part of the Schengen Zone. All Canadian citizens visiting Greece do not require a visa for business or tourism stays under 90 days.

Sources: Embassy of Greece and Canadian Travel and Tourism

Travellers’ passports must be valid for at least another 6 months beyond their trip. Make sure to have one blank page per stamp available in your passport.

Though no vaccinations are required to enter into the country, some are recommended.

Visit the Canadian Travel and Tourism website for more information on entry and exit requirements.

What is the Climate Like in Greece?

Greece is pictured as a vacation hot-spot with endless coastline and tropical temperatures. Much of the country lives up to these expectations. But, it is important to research weather trends specific to the region that you are visiting.

Summers in Greece are typically very hot and dry, with temperatures reaching the as high as 32 degrees in July. A strong northern wind called the “Meltemi” provides some relief from the summer heat.

Snow in Greece is not uncommon, especially in the northern regions. The country can have wet and cold winter months, with averages around 6 degrees in January and February.

Greece generally experiences extended periods of sunshine throughout the year.

How Safe is Greece?

Terrorism is always a credible threat in Europe. It is important to be aware of the threat whenever you are travelling abroad.

Domestic strikes, demonstrations and work stoppages are common throughout Greece. These strikes are often unpredictable. Be aware of your surroundings and flee the area immediately.

Petty crime, such as pick-pocketing and purse-snatching, are common at tourist sites.

Greece is actually much safer than the United States. Greece is ranked 44th in world for total crime rate.

Olive Harvesting in Greece

Greece enchants visitors with its dazzling countrysides and harvesting experiences. The olive and olive tree have been huge influencers on the Greek culture, in recipes and ancient stories.

Visitors have the chance to pick olives and embrace the harvesting season in Greece. The experiences can last anywhere from one day to a few weeks, and bring to life with the local customs. This is an interactive visit that goes far beyond a, day-trip.

Harvesting season occurs anytime through early November to late February.

What Should I Take To Greece?

Here are some essential items to consider for your trip to Greece:

  • Electrical Adapter – Electrical outlet standards vary by country. An electrical adapter is an essential accessory to take on your trip to ensure your electronics stay charged.
  • Sun-Block – Greece is generally very sunny. During the summer a small bottle of sunscreen can cost you up to 15 Euros due to the high demand. If you are planning to spend time outside, make sure you take the necessary precautions.
  • Comfortable Shoes – Packing practical shoes is a good idea for any trip, it is especially for Greece. The country is known for its steep roads and mountainous terrain along the islands. Depending on where you are travelling, Greece’s beautiful streets are often paved with cobblestone. This can prove to be a dangerous and slippery challenge if you are visiting during the rainy season.

Canadian Embassy in Greece

The Embassy of Canada is located in Athens, Greece. Should you need assistance, the Honorary Consulate is located in Thessaloniki, Greece should it be closer to your location.

Embassy of Canada to Greece 48 Ethnikis Antistaseos Street, Chalandri, 152 31 Athens, Greece Tel.: 30-210-7273400

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Citizens residing in the UK regions of North East England, North West England, Yorkshire, East Midlands, West Midlands, Scotland and Northern Ireland should contact  exclusively Consulate General in Manchester for all consular services at [email protected]

Procedure for the Issuance of Greek Passports

  • The Greek Consular Authorities are competent to collect applications and supporting documents on behalf of the Hellenic Police which is the competent authority to issue the passport.
  • You will need to book an appointment if you wish to issue or renew your Greek Passport. In order to book an appointment please click here . You need one separate appointment for each member of your family.
  • The photos you supply must meet particular technical specifications. For more information please click here
  • The way Greek names & surnames are written in Latin, on Greek passports is subject to the standards of ELOT 743 (ISO 843). Click here to see how your name will appear, in Latin characters, on your new passport.
  • In case the applicant does not have a valid Greek passport or a police ID card (new type- latin caracters) , he / she must come with a witness (Greek adult, holder of a valid passport / identity card), who will certify the identity.
  • The period of time required to collect your passport is between 4 – 6 weeks from application. Please note that you must present all supporting documents in order to apply.
  • Passports for adults or minors over 14 y/o, issued as of Sept. 1/2022, will be valid for 10 (instead of 5) years. Required administrative fees will not be increased.
  • List of supporting documents for issuing passports to adults
  • List of supporting documents for issuing passports to minors
  • Passport collection

Appointment Booking System

  • Embassy of Greece in London
  • Consulate General in Manchester

About Greece

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The website was developed using the open source software Elxis CMS by the Web Development Team of Foreign Ministry's ST2 Directorate for Telecommunications and Information Technologies

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New Generation of Ordinary Greek Passports

In the context of continuous development and improvement of the security features of Greek passports, it is announced that from December 18, 2023 the issuance of new generation of ordinary Greek passports, series -BA-, has started by selected authorities. The issuance of the new generation of special categories of passports (diplomatic - official - travel documents for foreigners) will follow within the first quarter of 2024.

The new generation of Greek passports includes cutting - edge security features, in accordance with the international standards for travel documents, as defined by the no. 9303 document of the International Civil Aviation Organization (I.C.A.O.) and the no. 2252/2004 European Regulation, as amended with European Regulation no. 444/2009.

The most important difference in the new passports compared to the previous series is the change of the personal data page, which is made of high strength polycarbonate material.

It is noted that the issuance of ordinary passports of the previous series -AY- will continue, alongside the new one, until Tuesday, January 9, 2024. After this date only new ordinary passports will be issued.

Previous passport series will continue to be valid until their expiry date has passed.

The following link shows the main security features of the new generation Greek ordinary passports. ( )

The competent authorities can obtain the latest versions of the public keys of our country (csca), through the following link. ( )

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UK Passport checker – How to Check if Your UK Passport is Valid for Travel to the EU

Last Updated on August 19, 2024 by Michelle Krause

UK passport checker: Are you wondering if your UK passport is valid for travel to the EU? Wonder no more! In this blog post, we will show you how to check the validity of your UK passport quickly and easily.

uk passport checker

MyBritishPassport will also provide some tips on what to do if it is not valid. So don’t wait any longer – read on to find out everything you need to know about UK passports and travel to the EU!

Need to renew your British Passport? CLICK HERE TO APPLY ONLINE.

Key Takeaways

  • MyBritishPassport has developed a UK passport validity checker tool that enables every British passport holder to check whether his or her passport is valid for travel to the EU.

If you’re planning to travel soon, it’s essential that you check your passport validity in good time – preferably a few months before your trip.

  • For travel within the EU, passports must not be older than ten years.

Travel to the EU after Brexit

The EU has agreed to include the United Kingdom on the EU’s list of visa-exempt countries, which currently numbers 61 nations. This gives UK residents the freedom to travel to the EU for up to 90 days within any 180-day period without a visa.

MyBritishPassport has developed a tool that enables every British passport holder to check whether his or her passport is valid for travel to the EU.

UK Passport Checker

Click here to access this useful tool (we have included a screenshot of the tool below).

uk passport validity checker

How to use the passport validity checker for EU travel

Simply answer the following questions and submit your response.

  • Where are you traveling to
  • When does your passport expire
  • When do you plan on travelling to Europe
  • When do you plan on leaving Europe

You will immediately get a result – either stating that you need to renew your passport before you travel, or that your passport is valid.

Passport rules for travel to Europe

Understanding the rules for UK passport validity, especially in the context of traveling to the EU, is crucial. Here’s a breakdown of the key points:

  • Passport Validity Duration : UK passports for adults are valid for ten years and for children for five years.
  • EU Travel Restrictions : For travel within the EU, passports must not be older than ten years. Even if a UK passport is still valid, if it exceeds ten years from the issue date, entry into the EU may be denied. Read more about this rule here.
  • The Nine Years and Nine Months Rule : Some EU borders enforce a stricter rule, not allowing entry if the passport is older than nine years and nine months. This policy accounts for the three-month period allowed for EU travel, ensuring the passport doesn’t exceed the ten-year limit at the point of exit.
  • Extension to Six Months : Some countries have extended the rule to six months instead of nine years and nine months. Consequently, both the European Commission and the UK Government advise having at least six months left on your passport.
  • Renewal Recommendation : If your passport is nine and a half years old, it’s advisable to renew it before traveling to avoid any issues at the border.

Where can I find a UK passport validity checker?

MyBritishPassport has developed a UK passport validity checker tool that enables every British passport holder to check whether his or her passport is valid for travel to the EU.

Why Checking your passport validity is important

This will give you enough time to renew your passport if it is not valid for travel to the EU.

Border officials of various EU nations frequently request that passport holders have at least six months of remaining validity on their passports.

This is to ensure that travellers will not overstay their welcome in the Schengen Area .

What to do if your UK passport is not valid for travel to the EU

If your UK passport is not valid for travel to the EU, don’t panic! You can renew your passport by following these simple steps.

How to renew your UK passport

Renewing your UK passport from abroad with MyBritishPassport is simple.

  • Simply complete our easy, online British Passport renewal or application form and make payment on our safe and secure platform. Click here.
  • Once you have submitted your application and paid, you will be contacted by one of our British passport specialists with clear instructions regarding digital passport photo and any additional documents that are required.
  • Our expert team will check your documents and forms, ensure that your passport photos are compliant, and submit your application to the passport office. Your documents are sent to HM Passport Office using our reliable, registered courier service.
  • Wait for your new passport to be delivered to your doorstep via our registered, reliable courier service.

Renewing your British passport from Australia? Click here to find out more.

UK passport against map

Check my passport expiry date UK

As mentioned above, checking your passport expiry date is always important because it is a crucial document that verifies your identity and citizenship, and it is required for international travel.

If your passport has expired, you may be denied entry into a foreign country, causing significant inconvenience and potentially ruining your travel plans.

Furthermore, renewing a passport can take several weeks, so it is wise to check the expiry date well in advance of your trip to ensure you have enough time to renew it if necessary. In short, checking your passport expiry date is a simple step that can help prevent issues and ensure a smooth and stress-free travel experience.

About MyBritishPassport

MyBritishPassport is the leading provider of British passport services, specialising in applications, renewals and replacements from abroad. We are a team of experts who are passionate about helping people obtain their British passports as quickly and easily as possible.

We have a wealth of experience in dealing with UK passports, and we are here to help you every step of the way. Contact us today to find out more about our services.

uk passport checker

How do I check if my passport is valid UK?

You can check the validity of your UK passport for EU travel by using the UK passport checker tool on the MyBritishPassport website.

Another way to check the validity of your passport is by contacting your nearest British embassy or consulate. They will be able to tell you if your passport is still valid and when it expires.

You can also check your passport’s expiry date on the data page of your passport. Please note that the  passport expiry date  is printed on the front page of your passport under ‘Passport Issued’.

An adult passport validity is 10 years from the date it is issued.

Wondering how far in advance you can renew your British passport? Read more here.


It’s important to check the validity of your UK passport before travelling to the EU. You can do this by using the UK passport checker tool on the MyBritishPassport website. If your passport is not valid, you can renew it by following the steps outlined in this blog post. MyBritishPassport can help you with this process. Contact us today to find out more.

Topic: check my passport expiry date UK

Find out more about British Passport renewal requirements here.

Other Helpful Guides:

  • Renewing your UK passport from South Africa
  • How to renew your British Passport from Australia
  • Renewing your British passport in the USA
  • UK Passport Renewals from Canada
  • Renew UK Passport in NZ

Contact MyBritishPassport

Unsure whether your UK passport is valid? Reach out to our team of experts, we will be happy to assist.

Topic: UK Passport Validity Checker


  • Renew British Passport from South Africa
  • Renew UK Passport from Australia
  • British Passports in the USA
  • UK Passport Renewals Canada
  • Renew British Passport from Europe


A member of the U.K.PASSPORTS™ group, MyBritishPassport is the leading international British Passport Service Provider catering to British citizens residing outside of the UK. Since its establishment in 2008, the company has been offering efficient and hassle-free online services for British Passport renewals, replacements, and applications from abroad.

The company has gained a reputation as a leading service provider in the industry, with countless verified five-star reviews from satisfied clients worldwide. This speaks volumes about their excellent service quality.

MyBritishPassport has a highly knowledgeable team of British Passport Consultants who are well-versed in all the requirements of the HM Passport Office. They are continuously updated with the latest rules and regulations governing passport issuance, ensuring that their clients receive the most up-to-date advice and guidance.

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TCU-In Athens

Program overview.

Panorama of the Acropolis in Athens

The Acropolis

TCU-In Athens, one of TCU’s flagship semester programs, allows students to spend a semester abroad in one of the oldest cities in the world. TCU-In Athens students attend the American College of Greece (ACG), where they will take a full slate of courses in far-ranging subjects. Courses are taught by Greek professors in English and students take classes with other study abroad students. The American College of Greece is located on a hillside on the edge of Athens. Students are housed in a  residence  hall complex a short walk from campus.

Program Details

  • Course Info
  • Costs & Aid
  • Cancellation & Withdrawal Policies

Students enroll in 4 – 5 classes, which counts as 12 – 15 TCU credit hours.

  • American College of Greece Course Catalog  (Select the correct semester from the drop-down list)

Credit returns as TCU credit and applies towards the TCU GPA. As part of the application, students must have 10 – 12 courses pre-approved through  the Credit Approval Process.

For more information about how credits work, see our  Study Abroad Basics  page.

While you are abroad, you are enrolled in 12 hours of coursework as a placeholder. Your classes will not be posted to your TCU recorded until 8 – 10 weeks after the semester ends, when the transcript from ACG is sent. Once the Registrar receives your transcript, they will record the courses using the department codes on your Credit Approvals (i.e., MARK, HIST) and the generic number 30990. Your dean’s office will apply these to your major / minor / electives / core as pre-approved.  All coursework, regardless of program type, counts for grades and will be included in your TCU GPA.

You must abide by the academic policies and regulations of the host university, including but not limited to policies on:

  • Attendance / Absence policies
  • Add / Drop process
  • Grade Appeals
  • Final Exam schedule

TCU cannot override host university policies and regulations.

Students are required to live in housing provided through TCU.

Students have the opportunity to request one TCU roommate, and both students must make a reciprocal request. Other ACG students will reside in the same location.

Students live in  shared apartments  within a residence hall complex .  They can select from a shared bedroom, single bedroom, or studio apartment. Please note: single bedrooms and studio apartments come with an additional fee. Students reside in a furnished apartment with shared bedrooms, bathrooms, study areas, a kitchen, and common living space.The residence complex contains laundry facilities, gyms, and common lounge spaces, both inside and out.

Students housed in ACG apartments live in a safe, clean, residential environment in a quiet neighborhood with nearby grocery stores, cafés, restaurants, and shopping centers.

Any damages to housing will be posted to the student’s TCU account after they return.

Semester Costs for 2024-25

  • Athens Program Fee: Spring 2025 – $6800 : Pay $500 Non-Refundable Deposit to confirm your spot in the program after admission Program Fee is billed to your TCU Student Account before the semester begins ($500 deposit applied as a credit) This includes: — Housing — Excursions and Cultural Activities — Airport Pickup — TCU Sash — Students requesting a Single Room or Studio pay an additional fee
  • TCU Tuition: $30,825
  • Estimated Additional Expenses:  For outside expenses not included in the program fee. Individual budgets are highly variable. This may include: — Airfare: $1,000 – $2,000 — Greek Visa Fees: $300 — Books: $200 — Class Excursions: $200 — Meals/Groceries: $2,500 – $4,000 — Local Transportation: $200 — Personal Expenses: $1,500 — Travel Expenses: Highly variable

Visit the  Scholarships & Aid page to learn about study abroad scholarships, through TCU and other organizations. In particular, TCU-In Athens applicants should look at the:

  • TCU International Studies Award

Withdrawal Penalties: Financial penalties are assessed on a sliding scale, based on withdrawal date.

  • To withdraw from a program, you must notify TCU Global ( [email protected] ) in writing. Study abroad scholarships and aid will be rescinded and cannot be used towards penalty amounts.
  • In the case that TCU must cancel the program, the program fee (including deposit) and tuition will be fully refunded. Study abroad scholarships and aid will be rescinded.
  • Financial penalties will be billed to your student account.
  • TCU Tuition refunds are subject to TCU policies :(See TCU Undergraduate Catalog: , Bachelor’s Degree, Definitions and Regulations.)

How to Apply

Fall applications open in late January

Spring applications open in late June/early July.

  • Eligibility Requirements
  • Application Details
  • Application Steps
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA; petitions may be considered
  • At least two semesters in residence at TCU by the start of the program
  • Good academic and disciplinary standing at TCU
  • A valid passport (that will not expire until at least 6 months after your return)
  • Priority Deadline: March 22
  • Regular Deadline: March 29, if space available
  • Priority Deadline: September 12
  • Regular Deadline: September 29, if space available

If applications exceed enrollment maximums, a lottery system will determine admission.

  • This step includes completing  a course approval process for your courses abroad .

Students admitted to this program will have to apply to the American College of Greece directly. An application link will be provided to admitted students. Students must be admitted by both TCU and the American College of Greece to participate in this program.

Important Information

  • Physical Expectations
  • Health & Safety Considerations
  • Pre-departure & Arrival Info

TCU encourages all students, including students with disabilities, to actively participate in the Study Abroad programs offered by the University. In partnership with TCU Global, TCU Student Access & Accommodation helps to ensure the best possible study abroad experience for students with registered disabilities by providing reasonable and necessary accommodations during their time abroad.

Study Abroad programs include field components that require the ability to perform tasks beyond what is required in a typical classroom. Among other things, many programs require extensive walking and/or the ability to stand for extended periods of time; the ability to independently use public transportation; and/or sleeping in shared quarters. Program activities may take place in extreme temperatures (including excessive heat or cold). Housing facilities may lack central heat and air-conditioning, elevators, and other conveniences. In all cases, students should expect to transport and manage their own luggage through airports and public transportation centers. Prior to applying to specific Study Abroad programs, students should review the physical requirements for each program to ascertain whether they will be able to participate in all activities of the program. Students needing accommodations should follow the process outlined by Student Access & Accommodation.

Students requiring an accommodation to meet these or other program essential eligibility requirements must request any accommodation through TCU Student Access and Accommodation well in advance (suggest a minimum of 3 months) of the program departure  following university procedures .  TCU Student Access and Accommodation, located in The Harrison, Suite 1200, strongly recommends that students notify both Student Access and Accommodation as well as TCU Global early on to initiate the process of securing reasonable accommodations.  If TCU determines that you do not, with reasonable accommodations approved through TCU Student Access and Accommodation, meet the essential eligibility requirements of the program, then you may not participate in the program. Each student’s request for accommodation will be looked at on an individualized, case by case basis, taking into consideration student documentation and the essential eligibility requirements of the program.

Managing your health and safety is an important component in having a positive experience abroad. TCU provides you with a number of resources to assist you:

  • Prior to departure, you will need to attend the mandatory orientation which covers specific health, safety, logistical, and cultural information.
  • Upon arrival, you will have an orientation to reiterate health, safety, logistical, and cultural information.
  • TCU provides you membership to On Call International, a premier Global Assistance program. You can call On Call for any kind of travel, health, safety, or emergency issues, including:
  • help replacing a lost passpor help translating and interpreting
  • help with lost luggage, along with reimbursement for items needed while luggage is lost
  • assistance finding general and specialty health care
  • assistance with emergency refills of prescription
  • health insurance for your time abroad.

For more information, please see Health & Safety

Greek Visas

Greece requires a visa for all TCU-In Athens semester-long or year-long students. After admission to this program, the staff at ACG will assist you in applying for a visa.

Do not plan to travel outside the U.S. during the two months prior to your semester abroad because you must surrender your passport when you apply for a visa. Students should begin their visa process 10-12 weeks before their planned arrival.

You MUST have a round-trip ticket prior to departure for your program abroad.

Before Departure

You must attend the mandatory TCU-In Athens orientation. You should also review the TCU-In Athens Handbook and the  Know Before You Go  page.

Arrival and On-Site Information

Upon arrival, ACG will pick you up from the airport and take you to campus. You will then have a few days of mandatory on-site orientation before classes begin.

Because you are not enrolled in TCU classes, the TCU system will show 12 hours of coursework as a placeholder while you are abroad. Your classes will not transfer back to TCU until 8 – 10 weeks after the semester ends. At that time, the correct credit hours will be posted to your TCU record.

New requirements to pass the external borders of Europe: EES

On 10 November 2024 all Schengen countries will start using the automatic Entry/Exit system (EES). This digital system will largely replace passport stamps throughout Europe. The EES applies to non-EU residents wishing to stay in the Schengen area for a maximum of 90 days within a 180-day period.

Digital database non-EU nationals travelling to and from Europe

The EES will serve as a digital database of the arrival and departure dates of non-EU nationals travelling to Europe for a short stay. It will keep records of non-EU nationals’ biometric data (facial photo and of non-EU visa exempt nationals also the fingerprints) and data from their travel documents. The EES will make Europe safer. The EES will not introduce any new requirements for people able to freely move throughout Europe.

European countries using the EES

  • Czech Republic
  • Liechtenstein
  • Netherlands
  • Switserland

In Cyprus and Ireland, passports will continue to be stamped manually.

Travellers’ data will be collected and stored in full compliance with EU data protection rules and rights. Visit the EU website for more information on data protection and how you can exercise your rights in this respect . Visit the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee website for more information on how your personal data for the EES is processed .

The EES will not apply to:

  • Nationals of European countries using the EES, as well as Cyprus and Ireland;
  • Non-EU nationals who hold a residence card and are immediately related to an EU national;
  • Non-EU nationals who hold a residence card or a residence permit and are immediately related to a non-EU national who can travel throughout Europe like an EU citizen;
  • Non-EU nationals travelling to Europe as part of an intra-corporate transfer or for the purposes of research, studies, training, voluntary service, pupil exchange schemes or educational projects and au-pairing;
  • Holders of residence permits and long-stay visas;
  • Nationals of Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, and holders of a passport issued by the Vatican City State or the Holy See;
  • Those exempt from border checks or who have been granted certain privileges with respect to border checks (such as heads of state, cross-border workers, etc.)
  • Those holding a valid local border traffic permit;
  • Crew members of passenger and goods trains on international connecting journeys.

Visit the EU website to learn more about the grounds for an exemption from the EES .

Benefits of the new system

  • Automatically registers non-EU nationals who do not respect the maximum duration of their stay
  • Provide precise information to non-EU nationals regarding the maximum duration of their stay in the territory of the European countries using the EES. An online ‘Web Service’ tool will enable such travellers to check the remaining duration of their authorised stay
  • Where available, provide access to automated border control systems for travellers with a biometric passport
  • Enhance the security of Europe’s borders.


  1. Newly issued Greek passports now valid for 10 years

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  2. Greece: Passport validity doubled

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  3. Greece extends passport validity from 5 to 10 years

    passport validity for travel greece

  4. Validity of Greek passports to be extended to 10 years

    passport validity for travel greece

  5. Validity of Greek passports to be extended to 10 years

    passport validity for travel greece

  6. Passport Validity for Greece

    passport validity for travel greece


  1. Passport Validity Requirements

    Passport Validity Requirements. Entry into Greece or any of the other European countries in the Schengen area for short-term tourism, a business trip, or in transit to a non-Schengen destination requires that the passport be valid for at least three months beyond the intended date of departure. If the passport does not meet the Schengen requirements, the traveler may be refused boarding by the ...

  2. Greece International Travel Information

    Visit the Embassy of Greece website for the most current visa information.. Greece is a party to the Schengen Agreement; therefore, U.S. citizens may enter Greece without a visa for stays of up to 90 days for tourism or business purposes.For additional details about travel into and within Schengen countries, please see our Schengen fact sheet.. For entry into Greece, your passport should have ...

  3. Passports & Visas

    Passports & Visas Travel documents In order to visit Greece you need to have the following travel documents:-ID card in the case that your country of origin is a signatory to the Schengen Agreement, you may use your national ID to enter the country and you may stay for a three-month period.In these cases a passport is not necessary, although you will need it in a variety of other transactions ...

  4. Entry requirements

    Passport validity requirements. Greece follows Schengen area rules. Your passport must: have a 'date of issue' less than 10 years before the date you arrive - if you renewed your passport ...

  5. Greece Visa and Passport Requirements

    Non-EU nationals: Nationals mentioned in the chart above (Americans, Australians, British and Canadians) can travel to Greece, and any other Schengen countries, without a visa for up to 90 days in any 180-day period. This applies if you travel as a tourist, to visit family or friends, to attend business meetings, cultural or sports events.

  6. Essential Documents for Traveling to Greece: Your Must-Have Checklist

    Ensure a smooth trip to Greece by having a valid passport, checking visa requirements, and obtaining travel insurance. Carry proof of accommodations, return ticket, financial means, and an international driver's license if necessary. EU citizens should have a European Health Insurance Card, and all travelers should be aware of COVID-19 ...

  7. Greece holidays: Entry requirements, passport validity, visas and Covid

    Passport validity. Your passport must meet two requirements. It must be: ... You can travel to Greece for up to 90 days in any 180-day period without a visa. This applies if you travel as a ...

  8. Greece Travel Advice

    Depending on your nationality, these are the necessary documents you will need to travel to Greece:. US & UK Citizens. American and British citizens traveling to Greece for less than 90 days do not need a visa. However, they will need a valid passport for at least six months beyond their stay. Immigration officers may also ask citizens to show enough funds for their stay and a return airline ...

  9. Greece Entry Requirements: A Comprehensive Guide

    Greece visa requirements fall into two categories, as follows: 1. No Visa Required. US citizens traveling for 90 or fewer days for tourism or business visits do not need a visa. However, you must present the following documents on arrival: A valid passport. A return or onward travel ticket.

  10. Greece travel advice

    The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office ( FCDO) provides advice about risks of travel to help you make informed decisions. Find out more about FCDO travel advice. Follow and contact FCDO ...

  11. Passport Services

    U.S. Citizen Services. Alerts and Messages. Alerts and Messages for U.S. visitors to Greece. See all Alerts and Messages. Emergency Assistance. U.S. Citizens with emergencies, please call +30-210-721-2951. Outside of Office Hours, contact: +30 210 721 2951. Outside of Greece: 1-888-407-4747. Emergency Contact - All Locations.

  12. Questions about the passport validity, duration etc

    When does the regulation to modify the validity period of Greek passports form 5 years to 10 years come into force? According to Law 4962/2022 , Article 87 « Legislative Regulations for passport issuance » , passports that will be issued after 01.09.2022 to adults or minors exceeding the age of 14 years old, will have a ten-year validity period.

  13. Navigating Passport Restrictions: Travel To Greece Made Easy

    In summary, the current passport restrictions for travel to Greece include having a passport valid for at least three months beyond your intended stay, checking visa requirements based on your nationality, staying informed about COVID-19 restrictions, being aware of the lack of passport stamps within the Schengen Area, and considering travel ...

  14. Greece travel requirements

    Greece entry requirements. Current entry requirements. Before travelling to your destination, please check the latest entry requirements as they may differ depending on your: destination, nationality, and your travel document type. ... Check your passport's validity: Take out travel insurance: Request special assistance if needed: Holiday ...

  15. Admittance with Passport validity

    5. Re: Admittance with Passport validity - less than 3 months. 3 years ago. To be clear, we depart Greece on July 20. Minor son's passport expires Oct. 17. There are are 89 days between those two dates, but if strictly 3 months, then he is 3 days short of the 3-month validity rule.

  16. Travel Vaccines and Advice for Greece

    Yes, some vaccines are recommended or required for Greece. The. See the bullets below to learn more about some of these key immunizations: Vaccine recommended for long-term travellers and those who may come in contact with animals. Given to anyone unvaccinated and/or born after 1957. One time adult booster recommended.

  17. Greece Passport Ranking and Travel Freedom 2024

    Greece passport ranking. The Greek passport is ranked 11 in the world's Most Powerful passports, meaning it allows visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to 176 countries worldwide. The strength of a passport is often measured by the travel freedom it provides its holders. The Greek passport is considered one of the Most Powerful in the world. 151.

  18. Passport Validity

    1. Re: Passport Validity. 2 years ago. If my calculations are correct you can use your passport until April 2023. (10 years from issue date but you need 3 months clear on return to UK). Suggest you renew asap after your trip as some destinations ask for 6 months clear on return to UK. Edited: 2 years ago.

  19. Passports

    The period of time required to collect your passport is between 4 - 6 weeks from application. Please note that you must present all supporting documents in order to apply. Passports for adults or minors over 14 y/o, issued as of Sept. 1/2022, will be valid for 10 (instead of 5) years. Required administrative fees will not be increased.

  20. New Generation of Ordinary Greek Passports

    Last update Jan 26, 2024 10:48. In the context of continuous development and improvement of the security features of Greek passports, it is announced that from December 18, 2023 the issuance of new generation of ordinary Greek passports, series -BA-, has started by selected authorities. The issuance of the new generation of special categories ...

  21. Passport Validity

    Passport Validity. 2 years ago. Save. I am travelling to Gialova this September 8-27, my passport was issued July 27, 2013, and expires January 29, 2024, am I able to travel without any problems ? ... Winter travel to Greece - advice and information; Is Greece safe for women travelling solo; Athens - Birthplace of Western Civilization - by ...

  22. Passport Validity : r/GreeceTravel

    Both the Netherlands and Greece state that your passport need only be valid for another 3 months after your intended date of should be the case, this should be the same.. On your way to Greece, you will go through passport control in Amsterdam, because that's where you're entering Schengen. On your way back home, you will go through exit passport control in Amsterdam if you're ...

  23. UK Passport checker

    Understanding the rules for UK passport validity, especially in the context of traveling to the EU, is crucial. Here's a breakdown of the key points: Passport Validity Duration: UK passports for adults are valid for ten years and for children for five years. EU Travel Restrictions: For travel within the EU, passports must not be older than ...

  24. Study Abroad / Study Away

    Greece requires a visa for all TCU-In Athens semester-long or year-long students. After admission to this program, the staff at ACG will assist you in applying for a visa. Do not plan to travel outside the U.S. during the two months prior to your semester abroad because you must surrender your passport when you apply for a visa.

  25. New requirements to pass the external borders of Europe: EES

    On 10 November 2024 all Schengen countries will start using the automatic Entry/Exit system (EES). This digital system will largely replace passport stamps throughout Europe. The EES applies to non-EU residents wishing to stay in the Schengen area for a maximum of 90 days within a 180-day period.