Star Trek: The Next Generation

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Picking up decades after Gene Roddenberry's original Star Trek series, The Next Generation follows the intergalactic adventures of Capt. Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) and his crew aboard the all-new USS Enterprise NCC-1701D as they explore new worlds.

star trek tng 5 21

The Perfect Mate

A beautiful woman, chosen by her people to serve as a peace offering to end a centuries-long war, falls in love with Picard.

S5E21 45 min

star trek tng 5 21

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Star Trek: The Next Generation - Episode Guide - Season 5

By season 5, the Star Trek: The Next Generation creative team began stretching their wings a bit, extending upon ideas which had been slowly evolving through seasons 2 through 4: Data’s progression to humanity, Worf’s place in Federation society, and of course the bad ol’ Borg.

One or two clunkers (e.g. the inexecrable Violations) aside, ST:TNG season 5 is show-for-show one of the best Star Trek seasons of the lot, with typically strong scripts and a couple of bona fide classics (Darmok, The Inner Light) mixed in. Ohhhh, and about midway through the season are a pair of episodes devoted to some old dude named Spock…

1. Redemption, Part II – After starting with perhaps the best cold open in TNG history (it’s either this or “Cause and Effect”) featuring Captain Kurn acting as a totally insane badass, we get more space warfare and Captain Jean-Luc Picard getting the Federation involved – after all, if the Federation’s Romulan enemies are attempting to overthrow the Federation-based government, that’s of interest to the ol’ UFP.

The Duras clan-backing Romulan leader is revealed to be a half-human named Sela, whose mother is Tasha Yar – more paradoxically, a Tasha Yar who was captured from the USS Enterprise-C decades earlier (cf. “Yesterday’s Enterprise”). Sela’s tale of Yar’s final fate is even more grisly than her backstory or the alternate death of “Skin of Evil”.

Picard’s plan has been organized and put into operation: 23 Federation starships (two of which are helmed by Riker and Data) at the Klingon-Romulan border have formed a net of sorts that will reveal anything which attempts to cross, namely the cloaked Romulan ships carrying weapons, supplies and information to Duras’s troops. The Romulans find a way to sneak through the invisible barricade, but acting captain Data saves the day with some amazing tactics. As Picard says later, “Nicely done.”

This could be said for the entire episode. *****

2. Darmok – An all-time fan favorite, which is amazing in that “Darmok” is centered on language and linguistic concepts. Perhaps it’s down to the acting, with Patrick Stewart’s Picard playing off Paul Winfield’s Dathon, a member of an alien species that not even those handy universal translators can handle (aside from the pronouns and conjunctions, that is), just brilliantly. *****

3. Ensign Ro – The title character temporarily – then permanently with regular guest appearances – joins the Enterprise crew in order to help track down a Bajoran terrorist. ***

4. Silicon Avatar – Dr. Kila Marr, a scientist specializing in the study of the heretofore purely destructive “Crystalline Entity” once encountered on Data’s home world (cf. “Datalore”), now seeks to communicative with the being – but she holds a grudge. Considering the predictability of this episode, Picard et al really should have seen the rather obvious conclusion coming from a light-year away. **

5. Disaster – Most functions in the Enterprise are disrupted or worse when the Enterprise takes a couple hits from a “quantum filament.” O’Brien and Troi are the only officers left on the bridge; Dta, Riker, Worf and Guinan are stuck in Ten Forward; LaForge and Dr. Crusher are in the cargo bay, where highly explosive plasma threatens disaster to the entire ship; and Picard is trapped in an elevator with three crying children- epic stuff... ***

6. The Game – Sure, the video game of discs and cones that addicts essentially everyone on the Enterprise except the visiting Wesley Crusher and a friend seemed pretty lame in 1991, but tell me you couldn’t market that as a premium app for your iPhone 25 years later… **

7. Unification, Part I – Federation officials receive word that a certain Ambassador Spock has gone Romulan. Picard first meets with the not-yet-dead Sarek, who advises Picard as to whom Spock might be contacting on Romulus. Picard and Data are disguised as Romulans and take a cloakable Klingon ship to get to Romulus in another “Search for Spock.” (Spoiler They find him in the last minute of screen time.) ****

8. Unification, Part II – Talk about your clash of generations: As it turns out, Spock is seeking to reunify the Romulan and Vulcan people (though we should admit that ultimately he’s not very successful, given his exposition in Star Trek XI). When he is presented with an officer from a high-ranking Romulan official, Spock falls for the trap set by Sela. But, of course, not for long. ***

9. A Matter of Time – A historian from some 200 years in the future boards the Enterprise to witness some upcoming historical events. In the end, he turns out to be – repeat after me – not what he seems. Some very good bits turned in by guest star Matt Frewer. (Dude, he was Max Headroom!) ***

10. New Ground – Worf plays single parent, as his own foster parents return his son to him, explaining that young Alexander is not adapting to life on Earth. Meanwhile, LaForge’s experiment with the transporter causes a natural disaster. **

11. Hero Worship – Data rescues a boy from a nearly destroyed ship, and the boy emulates his new hero to the nauseating point of acting like a cute android. Meanwhile, a mysterious shock wave continuously hits the Enterprise and hey isn’t this episode a bit like the last one…? **

12. Violations – Now here’s one way to cleans the viewer’s metaphorical palate after two young boy-centered show: Do one about Counselor Troi getting mentally raped by a member of the privileged class. Seriously, with a “mystery” and “suspense” dumped by the end of the first half of this one, what’s the point of finishing it…? 0

13. The Masterpiece Society – A colony on Moab has been isolated for 200 years and has enjoyed the advantages of selective breeding, but must accept Federation help in diverting a potential planet-killing phenomenon. **

14. Conundrum – Nothing like a good head trip episode to the season back on track! Within seconds of opening the episode, the memory of every crew member (including Data) has been erased. Luckily, the bridge crew (including the prominent Commander Kieran MacDuff) are soon ready to rejoin their forces in the midst of the massive war they’re fighting. But something just isn’t right…****

15. Power Play – Disembodied aliens take possession of Data, Troi and O’Brien, mostly because these three are by far the most likely to be mentally taken over than any other characters in the entire Star Trek pantheon (well, except Kes, but we don’t need to talk about her here). ***

16. Ethics – A Worf-centric episode that may also be some sort of comment on euthanasia. Worf is paralyzed in an accident and requests that Riker help him perform an honorable ritual suicide; Dr. Crusher seeks medical alternatives. **

17. The Outcast – In a story probably about 20 years ahead of its time, Riker falls in love with an androgynous alien, who is ultimately brainwashed back to her society’s norms into believing that distinct gender identification (not to mention wanting to roll around in the sack with a very hirsute male male such as Riker) is a twisted aberration. **

18. Cause and Effect – The Enterprise explodes before the theme music comes up, then again before each of the commercial breaks. How can the crew get out of one hell of a time loop? Very cleverly. Stick around to the very end for an excellent cameo appearance. ****

19. The First Duty – All it took to make a good, solid Wesley-based script was to boot him out of the regular cast. In “First Duty,” Wesley is held accountable for a stunt he and some other cadets pulled at Starfleet Academy which left one dead. ****

20. Cost of Living – Now here’s a match made in Sto'Vo'Kor: Lwaxan Troi and Alexander Son of Worf. Such happens when Deanna’s mother makes her annual visit to the Enterprise to marry, what, her ninth potential fourth husband? ***

21. The Perfect Mate – An ambassador traveling to make trade negotiations has his cargo broken into by a pair of Ferengi also temporarily aboard the Enterprise. Among this crew is a pheromone-gushing woman set for arranged marriage (so like a 24th-century mail-order bride, then), who wreaks havoc on every male on the ship before getting off – I mean, disembarking. ***

22. Imaginary Friend – The Enterprise plays host to yet another disembodied alien, this one from a nebula (come to think of it, they’re always finding weird stuff in Nebulas; best steer clear next time, Mr. Crusher) who takes on the form of a young girl’s imaginary friend. **

23. I, Borg – A well-acted and decently suspenseful episode is marred by the wussification of the Borg (who wouldn’t truly recover their in badassery until Star Trek: First Contact film) and the fine tradition – carried on by Janeway throughout the last half of the Voyager series – of not utterly destroying the scary cybernetic menace when given a clear chance … ***

24. The Next Phase – LaForge and Ensign Ro’s head trip A bizarre accident seems to make LaForge and Ensign Ro noncorporeal, with Ro ultimately believing they’ve entered the Bajoran afterlife. ***

25. The Inner Light – A high-concept episode that’s an all-time favorite of Wil Wheaton and innumerable Star Trek fans. Picard finds himself living an ordinary life on a long-dead world. A simple, wonderful story that might have been made even better if the cutting back to scenes of the Enterprise crew hovering concernedly over Picard’s body were removed. *****

26. Time’s Arrow, Part I – “Time’s Arrow” certainly isn’t the best ST:TNG season-enders, but it’s gotta be the weirdest. A dandy grabbag of a story includes a temporal paradox involving a decapitated Data (!), Guinan’s first meeting with Picard, ominous aliens who drain humans of lifeforce, and Mark Twain. ***

Star Trek: The Next Generation

The Perfect Mate

Cast & crew.

Famke Janssen

Tim O'Connor

Ambassador Briam

Max Grodenchik

Mickey Cottrell

Chancellor Alrik

Michael Snyder


© 2011 CBS Corp. All Rights Reserved.

TNG Season 5

  • 3 Background information
  • 4.3.1 Production companies
  • 6 External links

Episodes [ ]

Summary [ ].

The fifth season of Next Generation starts off with the Federation exposing the secret Romulan - Duras plot explored in the previous season. (" Redemption II ") Ensign Ro Laren joins the crew of the USS Enterprise -D , and although some members of the crew, notably Commander William T. Riker , have misgivings about her presence on board, she eventually proves herself to be a valuable crew member. (" Ensign Ro ")

Picard has some memorable experiences, such as learning to communicate with the heretofore unintelligible Tamarians (" Darmok "), overcoming to some extent his dislike of children when he is trapped along with three children inside the turbolift after the Enterprise -D is struck by a quantum filament (" Disaster "), and meeting with Ambassador Spock on Romulus . (" Unification I ", " Unification II ") Most notably, he experiences 40 or so years of life as an ironweaver on an extinct alien world after an encounter with a probe launched before the destruction of that world. (" The Inner Light ")

Wesley saves the Enterprise -D from an alien game which was actually a mind-control device (" The Game "), but later at Starfleet Academy , he participates in a coverup of the circumstances surrounding the death of one of his classmates. Captain Picard, however, eventually convinces him to do the right thing. (" The First Duty ")

Worf is paralyzed after an accident in a cargo bay and wishes to commit suicide , but is convinced to undergo a risky medical procedure, which, though nearly killing him, eventually allows him to regain control of his body. (" Ethics ")

The crew of the Enterprise -D encounter a Borg drone separated from the rest of the collective, and plan to use him as a sort of time bomb that they hope will disrupt the entire Borg Collective . However, this is complicated when the drone gains individuality, and a name, Hugh . Despite this, they send him back to the collective. (" I Borg ")

The season ends with the discovery of Data 's head in a cave under San Francisco which had been sealed for around 500 years. Data, Picard, La Forge , Troi , Riker, and Doctor Crusher end up trapped in 19th century Earth . (" Time's Arrow ")

Background information [ ]

TNG warp head

The "warp effect" logo in Season 5

25th anniversary, 1991

Celebrating the 25th anniversary

  • This is the last season of Star Trek to premiere on its own until Voyager 's sixth season in 1999. This coincides with the seven-year run of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .
  • An alternative captain 's uniform is introduced in " Darmok " consisting of a dark blue turtleneck with the captain's pips and a red jacket.
  • This season includes the first occurrence within The Next Generation of a two-part episode in mid-season, " Unification I ".
  • The text of Star Trek: The Next Generation in the opening credits is given blue background streaks for this season, but returns to the Season 4 theme in Seasons 6 and 7.
  • Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country was released during the run of this season. The movie was filmed during the hiatus between Season 4 and 5.
  • This is the only season of The Next Generation not to feature Q played by John de Lancie . Several potential Q stories were considered, but were all rejected. Q featured in two episodes in the following season, " True Q " and " Tapestry ".
  • Gene Roddenberry , creator of Star Trek: The Original Series and Star Trek: The Next Generation , passed away early this season (the cast and crew found out while filming " Hero Worship ") at the age of 70, with " Unification I " dedicated to his memory. He was credited as "Executive Producer" until the last episode of this season.
  • This year, Star Trek celebrated 25 years of boldly going where no one has gone before. For this anniversary, Paramount Television Executive Mel Harris held a speech and introduced the Gene Roddenberry Building on the Paramount lot.
  • Besides Marina Sirtis who did not appear in " The Perfect Mate " and " The Inner Light ", all main cast members were featured in every episode of this season.
  • Two characters from Star Trek: The Original Series " cross over " to The Next Generation during this season: Sarek in " Unification I " and Spock in " Unification I " and " Unification II ".

Credits [ ]

  • Patrick Stewart as Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • Jonathan Frakes as Commander William T. Riker
  • LeVar Burton as Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge
  • Michael Dorn as Lieutenant Worf
  • Gates McFadden as Doctor Beverly Crusher
  • Marina Sirtis as Counselor Deanna Troi ("Redemption II” – “Cost Of Living", "Imaginary Friend” – “The Next Phase", "Time's Arrow")
  • Brent Spiner as Lieutenant Commander Data
  • Gene Roddenberry


  • Joe Menosky
  • Ronald D. Moore
  • Peter Lauritson

Line Producer

  • Merri D. Howard ("Power Play")
  • David Livingston
  • Herbert J. Wright ("The Masterpiece Society” – “Cause And Effect")

Supervising Producer

  • Jeri Taylor

Executive Producers

  • Michael Piller
  • Rick Berman

Associate Producer

  • Wendy Neuss

Executive Script Consultant

  • Peter Allan Fields ("The First Duty” – “Time's Arrow")
  • Junie Lowry-Johnson , C.S.A.
  • Dennis McCarthy ("Redemption II", "Ensign Ro", "Disaster", "Unification I” – “Unification II", "New Ground", "Violations", "Conundrum", "Ethics", "Cause And Effect", "Cost Of Living", "Imaginary Friend", "The Next Phase", "Time's Arrow")
  • Jay Chattaway ("Darmok", "Silicon Avatar", "The Game", "A Matter Of Time", "Hero Worship", "The Masterpiece Society", "Power Play", "The Outcast", "The First Duty", "The Perfect Mate", "I Borg", "The Inner Light")

Main Title Theme by

  • Jerry Goldsmith
  • Alexander Courage

Director of Photography

  • Marvin Rush

Production Designer

  • Richard D. James
  • Robert Lederman ("Redemption II", "Silicon Avatar", "Unification II", "New Ground", "The Masterpiece Society", "Ethics", "The First Duty", "The Inner Light") (credited as Bob Lederman in "Redemption II")
  • Tom Benko , A.C.E. ("Darmok", "Disaster", "Unification I", "Hero Worship", "Conundrum", "The Outcast", "Cost Of Living", "I Borg", "Time's Arrow")
  • J.P. Farrell ("Ensign Ro", "The Game", "A Matter Of Time", "Violations", "Power Play", "Cause And Effect", "The Perfect Mate", "The Next Phase")
  • Steve Tucker ("Imaginary Friend")

Unit Production Manager

  • Merri D. Howard

First Assistant Directors

  • Brad Yacobian ("Redemption II", "Ensign Ro", "Disaster", "Unification II", "A Matter Of Time", "Hero Worship", "The Masterpiece Society", "Power Play", "The Outcast", "The First Duty", "The Perfect Mate", "I Borg", "The Inner Light")
  • Doug Dean ("Darmok", "Silicon Avatar", "The Game", "Unification I", "New Ground", "Violations", "Conundrum", "Ethics", "Cause And Effect", "Cost Of Living", "Imaginary Friend", "The Next Phase", "Time's Arrow")

Second Assistant Director

  • Adele G. Simmons

Costume Designer

  • Robert Blackman

Set Decorator

Visual Effects Supervisors

  • Dan Curry ("Redemption II", "Ensign Ro", "Disaster", "Unification II", "A Matter Of Time", "Hero Worship", "The Masterpiece Society", "Power Play", "The Outcast", "The Perfect Mate", "I Borg", "The Inner Light")
  • Robert Legato ("Darmok", "Silicon Avatar", "The Game", "Unification I", "New Ground", "Violations", "Conundrum", "Ethics", "Cause And Effect", "Cost Of Living", "The Next Phase", "Time's Arrow")
  • Ron Moore ("The First Duty")
  • Gary Hutzel ("Imaginary Friend")

Senior Illustrator/ Technical Consultant

  • Rick Sternbach

Scenic Art Supervisor/ Technical Consultant

  • Michael Okuda

Make-Up Designed and Supervised by

  • Michael Westmore

Visual Effects Coordinators

  • Ron Moore ("Redemption II", "Ensign Ro", "Disaster", "Unification II", "A Matter Of Time", "Hero Worship", "The Masterpiece Society", "Power Play", "The Outcast", "The Perfect Mate", "I Borg", "The Inner Light")
  • Gary Hutzel ("Darmok", "Silicon Avatar", "The Game", "Unification I", "New Ground", "Violations", "Conundrum", "Ethics", "Cause And Effect", "Cost Of Living", "The Next Phase", "Time's Arrow")

Set Designer

  • Gary Speckman

Assistant Art Director

  • Andy Neskoromny

Original Set Design

  • Herman Zimmerman

Original Starfleet Uniforms

  • William Ware Theiss

Script Supervisor

  • Cosmo Genovese

Special Effects

  • Dick Brownfield

Property Masters

  • Joe Longo ("Redemption II” – “Disaster", "Unification II", "A Matter Of Time", "The Outcast", "The First Duty", "The Perfect Mate", "I Borg", "The Inner Light")
  • Alan Sims ("The Game", "Unification I", "New Ground” – “Ethics", "Cause And Effect", "Cost Of Living", "Imaginary Friend", "The Next Phase", "Time's Arrow")

Construction Coordinator

Scenic Artist

  • Cari Thomas

Hair Designers

  • Susan Carol-Schwary ("Redemption II” – “Ethics")
  • Joy Zapata ("The Outcast” – “Time's Arrow")

Make-Up Artists

  • Gerald Quist
  • June Abston Haymore

Hair Stylists

  • Gus Le Pre ("Redemption II” – “A Matter Of Time")
  • Patty Miller ("New Ground” – “Time's Arrow")

Wardrobe Supervisor

Sound Mixers

  • Alan Bernard , C.A.S. ("Redemption II” – “Violations", "The Outcast” – “Time's Arrow")
  • Bill Gocke ("The Masterpiece Society” – “Ethics")

Camera Operator

  • Joe Chess , S.O.C. ("The Masterpiece Society” – “Time's Arrow")

Chief Lighting Technician

  • William Peets

First Company Grip

Key Costumers

  • David Velasquez ("Redemption II")
  • Amanda Chamberlin ("Redemption II", "Ensign Ro", "Disaster", "Unification II", "A Matter Of Time", "Hero Worship", "The Masterpiece Society", "Power Play", "The Outcast", "The First Duty", "The Perfect Mate", "I Borg")
  • Kimberley Thompson ("Darmok", "Silicon Avatar", "The Game", "A Matter Of Time", "Hero Worship", "The Masterpiece Society", "Power Play", "The Outcast", "The First Duty", "The Perfect Mate", "I Borg", "The Inner Light")
  • Jerry Bono ("Darmok", "Silicon Avatar", "The Game", "Unification I", "New Ground", "Violations", "Ethics", "Cause And Effect", "Cost Of Living", "Imaginary Friend", "The Next Phase")
  • Mary Ellen Bosché ("Ensign Ro", "Disaster", "The Inner Light") (credited as Mary Ellen Boché in "The Inner Light")
  • Maurice Palinski ("Unification I” – “Unification II", "New Ground", "Violations", "Conundrum", "Ethics", "Cause And Effect", "Cost Of Living", "Imaginary Friend", "The Next Phase", "Time's Arrow")
  • David Roesler ("Conundrum")
  • Phil Maldonado ("Time's Arrow")

Visual Effects Associate

  • David Takemura

Music Editor

  • Gerry Sackman

Supervising Sound Editor

  • Bill Wistrom

Sound Editors

  • James Wolvington
  • Wilson Dyer

Post Production Sound By

  • Modern Sound

Production Associate

  • Susan Sackett ("Redemption II” – “Violations")

Production Coordinator

  • Diane Overdiek

Post Production Coordinator

  • Wendy Rosenfeld

Post Production Associates

  • Terri Martinez ("Redemption II” – “Violations")
  • Heidi Julian ("Redemption II” – “Violations")

Production Associates

  • Terri Martinez ("The Masterpiece Society” – “Time's Arrow")
  • Heidi Julian ("The Masterpiece Society” – “Time's Arrow")

Casting Executive

  • Helen Mossler , C.S.A.

Stunt Coordinator

  • Dennis Madalone ("Redemption II” – “Darmok", "Disaster", "Unification II", "New Ground” – “Violations", "Conundrum” – “The Outcast", "The Perfect Mate” – “The Next Phase")

Research Consultant

  • Richard Arnold ("Redemption II” – “Conundrum")

Pre-Production Associate

  • Eric A. Stillwell

Prosthetic Electronics

  • Michael Westmore II ("Ensign Ro", "Cause And Effect")

Monitors By

  • Sony Corp. of America ("Redemption II", "The Game", "A Matter Of Time” – “Hero Worship", "Conundrum", "Ethics", "The First Duty", "Imaginary Friend")

Filmed with Panavision ® Lenses and Cameras

Special Visual Effects By

  • Industrial Light & Magic , A Division of Lucasfilm, Ltd.

Motion Control Photography By

Video Optical Effects By

  • Digital Magic

Special Video Compositing

  • CIS Hollywood

Editing Facilities

  • Unitel Video

"Soliton Wave" Animation By

  • Stokes/Kohne Assoc., Inc. ("New Ground")

Uncredited [ ]

  • Terry Ahern – 2nd Unit Craft Service ("The Masterpiece Society” – “Power Play", "The Outcast” – “Cause And Effect", "Cost Of Living")
  • Dayton Anderson – Extra Costumer ("Ensign Ro")
  • Dolores Arce – Assistant Accountant
  • Dave Archer – Artwork Provider: Paintings ("New Ground")
  • Camille Argus – Costumer ("Ensign Ro", "Silicon Avatar", "The Masterpiece Society", "Power Play", "The First Duty")/2nd Unit Costumer ("Hero Worship” – “Violations", "Power Play")
  • Richard Balder – Special Effects Labor Artist ("Redemption II” – “I Borg")
  • Michael Baxter – Second Assistant Director ("Ensign Ro” – “Silicon Avatar")
  • Beebee – Generator Van Operator ("Darmok” – “Ensign Ro", "The First Duty")
  • Alan Bernard – Sound Mixer ("The Masterpiece Society” – “Conundrum")
  • David Bernard – Sound Cable Person ("Redemption II” – “I Borg")
  • Steve Birkett – Mike Operator ("The Masterpiece Society” – “The Outcast")
  • Rob Bloch – Animal Trainer: Critters of the Cinema ("Time's Arrow")
  • Mitchell S. Block – Extra Camera Assistant ("Darmok” – “Silicon Avatar", "The Game", "Unification II")/Blue Screen Unit First Assistant Camera Operator ("Darmok")/2nd Unit First Assistant Camera Operator ("Redemption II” – “Darmok", "Silicon Avatar” – “Disaster")/First Assistant Camera Operator ("Ensign Ro", "The Game” – “Unification II")
  • T. Blue – 2nd Unit Playback Machine Operator ("Redemption II” – “Darmok", "Silicon Avatar” – “Disaster", "The Masterpiece Society” – “Conundrum", "Ethics")/Playback Machine Operator ("Unification II")/2nd Unit Sound Cable Person ("Power Play")/2nd Unit Sound Recorder ("The Outcast” – “Cause And Effect", "Cost Of Living")
  • Jerry Bono – Set Costumer ("Redemption II", "Ensign Ro", "Disaster", "Unification II", "A Matter Of Time", "Hero Worship", "THe Masterpiece Society” – “Power Play", "The Outcast", "The First Duty", "The Perfect Mate", "I Borg")
  • Mary Ellen Bosché – Extra Costumer ("Redemption II” – “Darmok", "Cost Of Living” – “The Perfect Mate")
  • Susan Boyd – Hair Stylist ("Darmok” – “Silicon Avatar")
  • Brannon Braga – Staff Writer ("Redemption II” – “Time's Arrow")
  • Michael D. Brown – Extra Camera Assistant ("Ensign Ro", "Unification I")
  • Christian H. Burton – 2nd Unit Second Assistant Camera Operator ("Hero Worship” – “Violations")
  • Mark Bussan – Makeup Artist ("Violations")
  • Lloyd A. Buswell – Construction Foreman
  • Rick Byrum – Location Manager ("Ensign Ro” – “Silicon Avatar")
  • Little C – Blue Screen Unit Costumer ("Darmok")/2nd Unit Costumer ("Redemption II” – “Darmok", "Silicon Avatar” – “Disaster")
  • Campbell – Extra Costumer ("Silicon Avatar", "Power Play")
  • Amanda Chamberlin – Set Costumer ("Darmok", "Silicon Avatar", "The Game", "Unification I", "New Ground", "Violations", "Conundrum", "Ethics", "Cause And Effect", "Cost Of Living", "Imaginary Friend")
  • Ed Charnock – Painter
  • Joe Chess – Camera Operator ("Darmok” – “Violations")
  • Ian Christenberry – Lamp Operator ("New Ground” – “I Borg")
  • Richard Chronister – Special Effects Artist ("Redemption II” – “I Borg")
  • Patrick Clancy – Visual Effects Compositor ("Conundrum")
  • Paul Clark – Greensperson ("The Masterpiece Society", "Cost Of Living")/2nd Unit Greensperson ("The Outcast” – “Cause And Effect", "Cost Of Living")
  • Ray Clarke – DFX Paint FX Artist: The Post Group
  • Craig Cleaver – Post Production/Visual Effects Assistant
  • Caryl Codon – Hair Stylist ("Unification II", "Violations", "Power Play")
  • Cooke – Extra Grip ("Cost Of Living")
  • Tom Conley – Crab Dolly Grip ("Redemption II” – “New Ground")
  • Laura Connolly – Hair Stylist ("Cost Of Living” – “The Perfect Mate")
  • Ruth Ann Crudup – Teacher ("Ethics", "Cost Of Living", "Imaginary Friend")
  • Diane Cummings – Body Makeup Artist ("Cost Of Living")
  • Dick D'Angelo – Swing Gang ("Redemption II” – “I Borg")
  • Darryl – Greensperson ("Imaginary Friend")
  • Doug Davey – Re-Recording Mixer ("The Next Phase")
  • Ron Dempsey – DGA Trainee ("The Outcast” – “I Borg")
  • Thomas F. Denove – Cinematographer ("Darmok")/2nd Unit Cinematographer ("Redemption II” – “Darmok", "Silicon Avatar” – “The Game", "Unification II", "A Matter Of Time", "Hero Worship” – “Cost Of Living", "Imaginary Friend")
  • Frank Del Boccio – Extra Camera Assistant ("Disaster")
  • Ken Diaz – Makeup Artist ("Cost Of Living")
  • Jon Djanrelian – 2nd Unit Craft Service ("Disaster” – “The Game")
  • Rose Dolfi – DGA Trainee ("I Borg", "Imaginary Friend")
  • Doug Drexler – Makeup Artist ("Unification II", "Violations", "Conundrum” – “Power Play", "Time's Arrow")/Special Effects Makeup Artist ("The Inner Light")
  • Syd Dutton – Matte Artist ("Redemption II", "Unification II", "Unification I", "A Matter Of Time", "The Masterpiece Society", "Conundrum")/Matte Supervisor ("The First Duty")
  • Hank Edds – Makeup Artist ("Cost Of Living")
  • Carolyn Elias – Hair Stylist ("Silicon Avatar")
  • Lennie Evans – Extra Camera Operator ("Darmok” – “Silicon Avatar", "The Game", "Cost Of Living")/Camera Operator ("Conundrum")
  • Lolita Fatjo – Assistant to the Executive Producers
  • Alfred T. Ferrante – ADR Mixer ("Darmok” – “The Game", "A Matter Of Time” – “Time's Arrow")
  • L. Fife – Welfare Worker/Teacher ("Disaster", "New Ground” – “Hero Worship", "The Masterpiece Society", "Power Play")
  • Marian Fife – Welfare Worker ("Ensign Ro” – “Silicon Avatar")
  • Kim Fitzgerald – Production Associate
  • Frank – Makeup Artist ("Violations")
  • Edward French – Makeup Artist ("Darmok", "Disaster", "Unification II” – “New Ground", "Conundrum” – “Power Play")/Blue Screen Unit Makeup Artist ("Darmok")
  • Arlene Fukai – Second Assistant Director ("Redemption II” – “I Borg")
  • Hala Gabriel – Accountant
  • Rusty Geller – Steadicam Operator ("Ensign Ro", "Unification I")
  • Gary Gero – Animal Handler ("Ensign Ro")
  • Dean Gilmore – 2nd Unit Sound Mixer ("Hero Worship” – “Violations", "The Outcast” – “Cause And Effect", "Cost Of Living")
  • Cheryl Gluckstern – Production Associate
  • Bill Gocke – Mike Operator ("Redemption II” – “Conundrum", "The Outcast” – “I Borg")/Sound Mixer ("The Outcast")
  • Gold – Extra Camera Operator ("Disaster")/2nd Unit Camera Assistant ("Disaster")
  • Green – Hair Stylist ("New Ground")
  • Gene Green – Tillman Water Reclamation Plant Coordinator ("The First Duty")
  • Lynn Greenberg – 2nd Unit Teleprompter Operator ("Hero Worship” – “Violations")
  • Morton Greenspoon – Contact Lens Consultant ("Conundrum")
  • Peter Greenwood – Special Effects Artist: Monster Suit ("Time's Arrow")
  • Chris Haire – Re-Recording Mixer ("The Next Phase")
  • John Hanna – Animal Trainer: Critters of the Cinema ("Time's Arrow")
  • D. Harrington – Sound System Operator ("Darmok")
  • Paul Hill – Visual Effects Compositor: Digital Magic
  • Dennis Hoerter – Motion Control Technician ("Redemption II” – “Time's Arrow")
  • Michael Hood – Costume and Character Designer and Fabricator: Devidians ("Time's Arrow")
  • Adam Howard – Digital Compositor ("Redemption II” – “Unification II", "New Ground” – “Violations")/Visual Effects Animator ("A Matter Of Time")/Visual Effects Compositor ("The Masterpiece Society", "Power Play” – “Time's Arrow")/Animation Supervisor ("Conundrum")
  • Adrian Hurley – Motion Control Operator ("Conundrum")
  • Frederick Iannone – Camera Operator ("Redemption II” – “Darmok")
  • Nick Infield – Extra Camera Assistant ("Silicon Avatar", "Unification I", "Hero Worship")/First Assistant Camera Operator ("Disaster", "Unification II")
  • Phil Jacobson – Assistant Chief Lighting Technician ("Redemption II” – “I Borg")
  • Gregory Jein – Model Maker ("Redemption II” – “Time's Arrow")
  • Mark Jennings – 2nd Unit Playback Machine Operator ("Disaster” – “The Game")/2nd Unit Sound Cable Person ("Unification II", "A Matter Of Time")
  • M. Johnson – 2nd Unit Costumer ("The Outcast” – “Cause And Effect", "Cost Of Living")/Extra Costumer ("Unification II")
  • Norma Johnson – Extra Costumer ("Cost Of Living")
  • Ralph Johnson – Assistant Chief Lighting Technician ("Redemption II” – “I Borg")
  • Brian Q. Kelley – Electronical Editorial ("The Outcast")
  • Wayne Kennan – Blue Screen Unit Cinematographer ("Darmok")/Cinematographer ("Ensign Ro")/2nd Unit Cinematographer ("Ethics")
  • Kenney – Crab Dolly Grip ("New Ground” – “I Borg")
  • Hermine Kosta – Teacher ("Power Play")
  • Bob Krivak – Tillman Water Reclamation Plant Coordinator ("The First Duty")
  • Kruzelock – Extra Grip ("Redemption II” – “Ensign Ro")
  • Don Lee – Visual Effects Editor ("A Matter Of Time", "Conundrum")
  • Laura Lee – Hair Stylist ("Cost Of Living")
  • Robert Legato – Visual Effects Supervisor ("Imaginary Friend")
  • Mike Little – Blue Screen Unit Camera Operator ("Darmok")/Extra Camera Operator ("The Game", "Unification II", "The Masterpiece Society” – “Conundrum")
  • Joe Longo – Property Master ("The Game", "Hero Worship")
  • Bill Loranger – Extra Camera Assistant ("The Game", "Unification II", "Hero Worship", "The Masterpiece Society” – “Power Play", "Cause And Effect” – “I Borg")/First Assistant Camera Operator ("Unification I", "A Matter Of Time", "Hero Worship", "The Masterpiece Society” – “Conundrum", "The First Duty")/2nd Unit First Assistant Camera Operator ("Unification II” – “New Ground", "The Masterpiece Society” – “Cost Of Living", "Imaginary Friend")
  • Jill MacKay – Jewelry Designer
  • Bruce MacRae – Model Maker ("Unification II", "Unification I", "Hero Worship")
  • Jim Magdaleno – Scenic Art Assistant
  • Phil Maldonado – Extra Costumer ("Silicon Avatar", "Unification II", "New Ground", "The Masterpiece Society” – “Conundrum")/2nd Unit Costumer ("Disaster” – “The Game", "Unification II” – “A Matter Of Time", "The Outcast” – “Cost Of Living", "Imaginary Friend")
  • Joseph Markham – Extra Costumer ("Unification II")
  • Jeff Mart – Extra Camera Operator ("The First Duty")
  • Marvellen – Extra Costumer ("Ensign Ro")
  • Elaine Maser – Extra Costumer ("Ensign Ro")
  • Chris McBee – Hair Stylist ("Hero Worship” – “I Borg")
  • Tania McComas – 2nd Unit Makeup Artist ("The Outcast” – “Cause And Effect", "Cost Of Living")/Makeup Artist ("Cost Of Living” – “The Perfect Mate")
  • Frank McEldowney – Greensperson ("Darmok", "Cost Of Living")
  • Thomas McEnery – Studio Teacher ("Disaster")
  • Scott McKnight – Lamp Operator ("Redemption II” – “I Borg")/Blue Screen Unit Chief Lighting Technician ("Darmok")/2nd Unit Chief Lighting Technician ("Redemption II” – “Darmok", "Silicon Avatar” – “The Game", "Unification II", "A Matter Of Time", "Hero Worship” – “Cost Of Living", "Imaginary Friend")
  • David McWhirter – DGA Trainee ("Unification I", "A Matter Of Time” – “Ethics")
  • Joe Menosky – Writer ("Conundrum")
  • Ed Miarecki – Prop Maker ("Redemption II” – “Time's Arrow")
  • Patty Miller – Hair Stylist ("Ensign Ro” – “A Matter Of Time")
  • Michael Mills – Makeup Artist ("Unification II")
  • Monica – Hair Stylist ("The Game", "Unification II")
  • Tom Moore – Extra Grip ("Redemption II” – “I Borg")
  • Richard L. Morrison – Re-Recording Mixer ("The Next Phase")
  • Erik Nash – Motion Control Photographer ("Redemption II", "A Matter Of Time")
  • Danny Nero – Extras Casting: Central Casting
  • John Nesterowicz – Swing Gang ("Redemption II” – “I Borg")/2nd Unit Property Master ("Unification II", "A Matter Of Time")/Set Dresser ("The First Duty")
  • Vincent Niebla – Sculptor ("Cost Of Living")
  • Louise Nielsen – Set Designer
  • Peter Norkus – 2nd Unit First Assistant Camera Operator ("Disaster” – “The Game", "Hero Worship” – “Violations")/Extra Camera Assistant ("A Matter Of Time” – “New Ground")/2nd Unit Second Assistant Camera Operator ("The Outcast” – “Cause And Effect", "Cost Of Living")
  • Daniel O'Brien – Composer: Additional Music ("Cause And Effect")
  • Ernie Over – Assistant to Gene Roddenberry
  • Mark Overton – 2nd Unit Playback Machine Operator ("Ethics” – “Cost Of Living", "Imaginary Friend")
  • Maurice Palinski – Costumer ("Disaster")
  • Francisco X. Perez – Makeup Artist ("Violations") (listed as Francisco Carassosa )
  • Janna Phillips – Makeup Artist ("Unification II")
  • Daniel R. Purinton – Rigging Gaffer/Lot Best Boy
  • Tom Purser – Construction Worker
  • Maricella Ramirez – First Assistant Camera Operator ("Redemption II” – “I Borg")
  • László Regos – Extra Camera Operator ("Unification II")
  • Robbie Robinson – Still Photographer ("Darmok", "Unification I", "A Matter Of Time", "Conundrum", "The First Duty", "I Borg")
  • Jill Rockow – Makeup Artist ("Unification II", "Imaginary Friend", "The Inner Light")
  • David Roesler – Extra Costumer ("Disaster” – “The Game", "Violations", "Power Play", "Cost Of Living")
  • John Frank Rosenblum – Writer ("Time's Arrow")
  • David Rossi – Production Associate
  • Rick Rowe – Craft Service ("Redemption II” – “I Borg")
  • Jan Rudolph – 2nd Unit Script Supervisor ("The Outcast” – “Cause And Effect", "Cost Of Living")
  • Charlie Russo – Assistant Property Master ("Redemption II” – “I Borg")/2nd Unit Property Master ("Redemption II” – “Darmok", "Silicon Avatar” – “The Game", "The Masterpiece Society” – “Cost Of Living", "Imaginary Friend")
  • Stewart Satterfield – Transportation Coordinator ("Redemption II” – “I Borg")
  • Scott Schneider – Model Maker ("Unification I")
  • Bob Scribner – Makeup Artist ("Cost Of Living")
  • Fernando Sepulveda – Property Lead Person ("Redemption II” – “I Borg")
  • Naren Shankar – Writing Staff Intern
  • Suzie Shimizu – Production Accountant
  • Phil Signorelli – Extra Costumer ("Redemption II")
  • Charmaine Nash Simmons – Extra Costumer ("Redemption II")
  • Alan Sims – Property Master ("Darmok", "Silicon Avatar")
  • Joseph Smith – Orchestrator
  • Mike Smithson – Makeup Artist ("Unification II")
  • Waverly Smothers – Second Grip ("Redemption II” – “I Borg")
  • Richard Snell – Makeup Artist ("Cost Of Living")
  • B. Stanley – Steadicam Assistant ("The First Duty")
  • Peter Sternlicht – Visual Effects Editor ("A Matter Of Time")
  • Steward – Hair Stylist ("Redemption II")
  • Mark Stimson – Special Effects Artist ("Redemption II” – “I Borg")
  • Michael Stradling – Second Assistant Camera Operator ("Redemption II” – “I Borg")
  • Robert Stromberg – Matte Artist ("A Matter Of Time")
  • George Stuart, Jr. – Painter ("Redemption II” – “I Borg")
  • Rick Talmadge – Video Playback Operator ("I Borg")
  • Jeri Taylor – Writer ("I Borg")
  • Wil Thoms – Special Effects Artist ("Redemption II” – “I Borg")
  • Rich Thorne – Creative Director: Digital Magic
  • Jim Thorpe – Lamp Operator ("Redemption II” – “A Matter Of Time")
  • Monte Thrasher – Designer & Illustrator Romulan insignia and Romulan language ("Unification I", "Unification II")
  • Jerry Trent – Foley Artist ("Redemption II” – “Time's Arrow")
  • David Trotti – 2nd Unit DGA Trainee ("The Outcast” – “Cause And Effect", "Cost Of Living")/DGA Trainee ("The First Duty")
  • Richard Turner – Extra Camera Operator ("Silicon Avatar", "Unification I", "A Matter Of Time” – “Hero Worship", "Power Play", "Cause And Effect” – “The Perfect Mate", I Borg")/2nd Unit Camera Operator ("The Outcast” – “Cause And Effect", Cost Of Living")
  • Elaina M. Vescio – Set Security ("Redemption II” – “I Borg")
  • Julia L. Walker – Hair Stylist ("Ensign Ro", "Imaginary Friend” – “I Borg")
  • Jana Wallace – Secretary to Gene Roddenberry /Script Typist
  • Ron Walters – Makeup Artist ("Cost Of Living")
  • L.Z. Ward – Set Security ("Redemption II” – “I Borg")
  • Karen Westerfield – Makeup Artist ("Cost Of Living", "The Inner Light")
  • Michael Westmore II – Prosthetic Makeup Artist ("The Game", "Disaster", "Time's Arrow")
  • Lisa White – Location Manager ("The First Duty")
  • Richard Wicklund – Welfare Worker ("Disaster")
  • Troy Wilcox – 2nd Unit Mike Operator ("Hero Worship” – “Violations")
  • Williams – DGA Trainee ("Redemption II” – “Unification II")
  • Murphy Wiltz – Lamp Operator ("Redemption II” – “I Borg")
  • Glen Woodmansee – Studio Teacher ("Disaster")
  • Edmond Wright – Blue Screen Unit Key Grip ("Darmok")/2nd Unit Key Grip ("Redemption II” – “Darmok", "Silicon Avatar” – “The Game", "Unification II", "A Matter Of Time", "Hero Worship” – “Cost Of Living", "Imaginary Friend")/Extra Grip ("Ensign Ro” – “I Borg")
  • Isabell Yale – Set Nurse ("Power Play")
  • G. Young – Electrical department ("Disaster")
  • Susan Zietlow-Maust – Hair Stylist ("The First Duty” – “Cost Of Living", "Imaginary Friend” – “I Borg")
  • Zimmerman – Extra Costumer ("The Masterpiece Society")

Production companies [ ]

  • Birds & Animals Unlimited – Animal Handler (Guinea Fowls) ("Ensign Ro")
  • Central Casting – Extras Casting
  • Cogswell Video Services, Inc. – Video Playbacks ("Darmok")
  • Critters of the Cinema – Animal Casting and Training ("Time's Arrow")
  • Cynthia's Distinctive Catering – Catering Service ("The First Duty")

See also [ ]

  • TNG Season 5 performers
  • TNG Season 5 UK VHS
  • TNG Season 5 US VHS
  • TNG Season 5 DVD
  • TNG Season 5 Blu-ray

External links [ ]

  • Star Trek: The Next Generation season 5 at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • The Next Generation Season 5 episode reviews at Ex Astris Scientia
  • 1 Bell Riots
  • 2 Obi Ndefo
  • 3 Past Tense, Part I (episode)
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The Perfect Mate

The Perfect Mate (1992)

← back to episode, season regulars 7.

Patrick Stewart

Jean-Luc Picard

Jonathan Frakes

William T. Riker

Brent Spiner

Deanna Troi

LeVar Burton

Geordi La Forge

Gates McFadden

Beverly Crusher

Guest Stars 9

Famke Janssen

Ambassador Briam

April Grace

Transporter Technician Hubbell

Max Grodénchik

Chancellor Alrik

Charles Gunning

Michael Piller

René Echevarria

René Echevarria

Reuben Leder

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star trek tng 5 21

Star Trek: The Next Generation

star trek tng 5 21

  • Den of Geek Juliette Harrisson The Inner Light, another of the series' top episodes, once again shows off Patrick Stewart's acting range.
  • AV Club Zack Handlen After an increasingly self-assured third season, TNG upped its game in impressive fashion with one of the best cliffhangers in the history of genre TV.
  • IGN Movies Jeremy Conrad Season Five of TNG is probably best described as the 'deep' season, due to some of the great stories that were told in this year

Take Plex everywhere

Kamala from “The Perfect Mate” and Trek’s Male Gaze Problem

Kate minson  •  november 16, 2021.

star trek tng 5 21

Actress Famke Janssen portraying the character Kamala. She has dark, curly hair that stays coifed around her head and above the shoulders (it’s the early 1990s, and you can tell, but it’s still tasteful). She’s wearing a grey dress, with pleated shoulders and a plunging V-neck. The only sign of her alienness are light brown spots that start on her forehead and trail to her ears, very reminiscent of the Trill redesign for Terry Farrell in Deep Space Nine.

“The Perfect Mate” ( Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 5, Episode 21), is infamous for two things: Famke Janssen guest stars as a powerful psychic mutant almost a decade before doing it in that other franchise , but also, less positively, Picard and company help traffic her to an arranged marriage she can’t possibly consent to. Now, while the episode takes great pains to make clear that no money has changed hands, and that Kamala is not “property,” but “a gift,” this distinction is lost on several characters, as well as members of the audience. Somehow, in a show that posits a society that has “solved” gender-based violence, we’re being asked to believe that it’s defensible to groom a woman from early childhood to accept that the peace of two entire planets depends on her “choosing” to build her personality around one man.

star trek tng 5 21

Over breakfast in his quarters, Beverly is taking none of Picard’s nonsense about Kamala’s mistreatment.

No matter the angle, the events of this episode spotlight a supermassive plot blackhole in Kamala’s storyline. Kamala is established to be an ’empathic metamorph, which means that her personality changes to match those around her. But this wasn’t enough for the writers, who also have her exude come-hither pheromones as part of her extended sexual maturity process, which culminates with her “imprinting”—building her entire personality around one man’s wants, needs, and desires. She will be his perfect mate, psychically able to predict his every whim. I would argue that this episode fails, in part, because so much of the plot is based on one of Trek’s worst impulses when it comes to the portrayal of women and feminine-coded folks: the male gaze. Kamala is a literalization of the male gaze.

As initially conceived by Laura Mulvey, the concept of the “male gaze” is a critique of a manner of filming where feminine-coded performers are seen primarily as sex objects. This is at times done quite literally in the way actresses are framed by the camera, but it has a further pervasive impact on the representation of women and feminine folks in mainstream media. When generalized, the theory usually calls into question why women (mostly white and cis-gendered) are depicted so very often as half-characters, there only to whet the sexual or romantic interest of the presumed audience. This audience is presumed to be straight, white, and cis-gendered men or boys of a certain age. To put it in the context of the episode, however, we ask: Why was this incredibly powerful empath groomed from the age of four to accept an arranged marriage, instead of simply negotiating a peace deal herself? Could it be because the writers wanted to put Captain Picard in a romantic pickle, and forgot that the object of his romantic interest might need to make some sort of internal logical sense?

star trek tng 5 21

Kamala smiles coquettishly at Picard from his chair in his ready room. As she leans back in profile, her sheer chiffon gown and forehead spots are displayed prominently.

Kamala, as written, typifies several aspects of Star Trek’s distinctive brand of male gaze. She was given hot girl spots , which Memory Alpha notes were the inspiration for Jadzia Dax’s Trill redesign. She’s travelling in a ballgown and her only change of outfit is a wedding dress, reminiscent of Deanna Troi’s struggles to get into uniform , and several “plot” reasons (like male metamorphs being more common) are floated in an attempt to ground this incoherent nonsense into a parody of equity. Canny viewers might connect this with Enterprise ’s decision to retcon Orion sex-slaves as secret matriarchal overlords.

star trek tng 5 21

Even redditor orionthrowaway1, a “pretty apolitical guy” has some questions about this retcon. Never to fear though, the most upvoted comment told them that they just didn’t understand the episode. Orion women aren’t slaves, they’re spies!

Now, personally, I am not opposed to a romantic premise that strains a bit of credulity, but after a certain point writers have to own the character they’ve created. If you’re going to invent an alien who’s biologically programmed to have almost zero consent or control over her innermost being, then go to the lengths of depicting her as so alluring to men that she cannot freely walk the ship (comphet is real), please don’t pretend that it’s justified because humans have a long history of arranged marriages and, something, something, something Prime Directive. While any self-respecting romance novel enthusiast like myself is able to weather a bit of plot contrivance for the sake of compelling storytelling, that’s not what’s happening here.

star trek tng 5 21

In Picard’s first personal visit to Kamala, we first see her not as herself, but through a mirror. We don’t notice at first, because she’s life sized and not distorted at all, but then he moves, and she goes out of focus. The camera direction is clearly engaging with Kamala’s theme of self discovery, but is still centering Picard for some reason.

The screenwriters have set up Kamala’s arc to be one of self discovery—Picard talks her through how she might come to understand herself, away from the influence of other people (ie men), and she is given time to reflect and speak on that newfound knowledge. However, they’ve also written her into a narrative box such that, by her very nature, her first act of self-determination is to pattern her entire personality on someone else. Jean -Luc Picard to be precise. Rather than give her a new, less traditional, more active role in her society or even envisioning her as rejecting of the biological determinism she was bred to believe in, the writers decided that she is satisfied with a life attached to a man she will never love, and who is more interested in trade agreements than her.

As if to further the offense, according to the film language at the end of the episode, viewers are supposed to feel the most sympathy for Picard, as Kamala disappears after her wedding kiss. Instead of showing Kamala’s complicated feelings, even if subtextual, we zoom in on Picard and his emotions, not once, but twice. It happens during the wedding and after Picard says something dismissive to the creepy sex-trafficker/ambassador from Kamala’s home planet at the end of the episode. One could argue that this implies that Kamala is resolute in her decision making process, which might be empowering, if it weren’t so boneheadedly illogical. This woman just made the first real decision of her life, fallen madly in love, and then married a man who she’s supposed to fool into believing that she’s imprinted on for the rest of her life . In contrast, Picard merely lost access to a woman who  he had never expressed overt interest in, saying earlier, “Kamala, have I not done everything to discourage this?”

star trek tng 5 21

The final shot of Picard as he contemplates the ambassador’s comment. How did he resist his own “Perfect Mate”? The fact that she is a victim of grooming that isn’t able to provide consent on a biological level isn’t one of the ambassador’s turn offs, apparently.

Really, this isn’t a big of a surprise to Trekkies, who’ll soon be asked to believe that Seven of Nine’s catsuit is really about skin regeneration, not marketing Jeri Ryan’s body; but there’s something particularly blatant about writing a female character that’s biologically programmed to have no personality outside of the one men give her. In fairness, the male gaze impacts everyone who consumes mainstream media and, equally, every writer on this episode, save one, went on to write varying degrees of more actualized Star Trek women. René Echevarría , for example, wrote “Equilibrium,” “Facets,” and “Rejoined” —all Dax-centric episodes, one of which portrays the most overt depiction of lesbianism until Jett Reno . There is a clear attempt to see women through something more than the male gaze in Trek, but even so it lingers. Hopefully, by deconstructing things like “The Perfect Mate,” we can actually start to move beyond it.

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College star gymnast shot and killed near wisconsin campus.

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Tributes are pouring in for star gymnast and University of Wisconsin-Whitewater student Kara Welsh.

The 21-year-old was shot and killed late Friday, Aug. 30 , in an apartment near campus, according to police in Whitewater, Wisconsin.

"She was a bulldog. Just right away, the hardest worker. Very respectful," said Nick Becker, Welsh's coach for nine years at Aspire Gymnastics Academy.

Becker said Welsh's dream was to thrive in college athletics, and she achieved it before she died. Welsh won the vault title at the WIAC Championship meet and qualified for nationals as an individual. She went on to win the national title in the event with a score of 9.825.

"She was making the right choices, and she was doing the right stuff. It's just hard to wrap my head around," Becker said.

According to Whitewater police, Welsh was shot and killed Friday night just before midnight in an apartment near Main and Whitewater streets. The apartment is less than a mile from campus.

WPD said officers arrested a 23-year-old man at the apartment. Welsh and the man had a fight before the shooting, according to police. Becker told Milwaukee sister station WISN that the apartment the pair were in belonged to the 23-year-old man.

"There are no words to describe the void we all feel in our hearts, but Kara's legacy will live on through Warhawk gymnastics forever," said UW-Whitewater gymnastics coach Jen Regan.

"She was going into her senior year," said Ryan Callahan, the athletic director at UW-Whitewater. "We brought the team in yesterday, and we told the team, and right away, you just knew there were so many people impacted by Kara's personality, her leadership."

Becker said Welsh was a beloved role model and mentor at Aspire Gymnastics and always knew how to keep her team's spirits high.

"They are each others' best friends. They are all like sisters," Becker said.

Whitewater police say the 23-year-old man is being held in the Walworth County Jail, and they have referred multiple charges to the district attorney's office, including first-degree intentional homicide.

Welsh's loved ones have started a GoFundMe to help with funeral expenses.

Hockey players Johhny Gaudreau, left, and his brother Matthew Gaudreau, were both killed the night before their youngest sister's wedding in a cycling accident.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation – Season 5, Episode 25

The inner light, where to watch, star trek: the next generation — season 5, episode 25.

Watch Star Trek: The Next Generation — Season 5, Episode 25 with a subscription on Paramount+, or buy it on Fandango at Home, Prime Video, Apple TV.

More Like This

Cast & crew.

Patrick Stewart

Capt. Jean-Luc Picard

Jonathan Frakes

Cmdr. William Riker

LeVar Burton

Lt. Cmdr. Geordi La Forge

Michael Dorn

Gates McFadden

Dr. Beverly Crusher

Marina Sirtis

Counselor Deanna Troi

Episode Info

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  • User reviews

The Masterpiece Society

  • Episode aired Feb 8, 1992

Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

Working together to prevent the annihilation of a perfectly balanced, isolated society (with no contingency for outside visitors) may, in fact, destroy it. Working together to prevent the annihilation of a perfectly balanced, isolated society (with no contingency for outside visitors) may, in fact, destroy it. Working together to prevent the annihilation of a perfectly balanced, isolated society (with no contingency for outside visitors) may, in fact, destroy it.

  • Winrich Kolbe
  • Gene Roddenberry
  • Adam Belanoff
  • Michael Piller
  • Patrick Stewart
  • Jonathan Frakes
  • LeVar Burton
  • 26 User reviews
  • 9 Critic reviews

Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)

Top cast 25

Patrick Stewart

  • Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Jonathan Frakes

  • Commander William Thomas 'Will' Riker

LeVar Burton

  • Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge

Michael Dorn

  • Lieutenant Worf

Gates McFadden

  • Dr. Beverly Crusher

Marina Sirtis

  • Counselor Deanna Troi

Brent Spiner

  • Lieutenant Commander Data

John Snyder

  • Aaron Conor

Dey Young

  • Hannah Bates

Ron Canada

  • Martin Benbeck

Sheila Franklin

  • Ensign Felton

Joyce Agu

  • Ensign Gates
  • (uncredited)
  • Moab IV Colonist
  • Operations Division Officer

Andray Johnson

  • Michael Piller (showrunner)
  • All cast & crew
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  • Trivia Since Gene Roddenberry had proposed that zippers would no longer exist in the future, they are generally hidden in the clothes worn on and off the Enterprise. However, in this engineered society under the biosphere, perhaps to show their less-than-perfect and less technologically advanced society, zippers are a prominent aspect of their outfits.
  • Goofs As the landing party enters the lab to meet Dr. Hannah Bates for the first time, Will Riker, not watching where he's going, walks very fast with his head down and almost walks into the wall to the left of the doorway. He looks up at the last moment and avoids bumping into the wall, jumping through the doorway just in time. Although his character could be smiling at the occasion of meeting Dr. Bates, it sure looks like he's trying to suppress a laugh at his near miss with the wall.

Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge : Oh, that's perfect.

Hannah Bates : What?

Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge : If the answer to all of this is in a VISOR created for a blind man who never would have existed in your society. No offense intended.

  • Connections Referenced in Treksperts Briefing Room: The Enemy w/ David Kemper (2022)
  • Soundtracks Star Trek: The Next Generation Main Title Composed by Jerry Goldsmith and Alexander Courage

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  • smiledaydream
  • Mar 22, 2022
  • February 8, 1992 (United States)
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  • Paramount Studios - 5555 Melrose Avenue, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA (Studio)
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  • Runtime 46 minutes
  • Dolby Digital

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Big Red: 'Physical, hard-playing' Kayden Luke 'finding a way to contribute in a meaningful way' at Arizona

Justin spears.

  • Sep 2, 2024
  • Sep 2, 2024 Updated 7 hrs ago

Canyon del Oro's Kayden Luke (30) hugs head coach Dustin Peace shortly after the Dorados fended off Yuma Catholic for the 4A State Football Championship, Tempe, Ariz., December 1, 2023.

Most kids in Tucson dream about running out of the Lowell-Stevens Football Facility tunnel to play in front of thousands of fans under the lights with the hometown Arizona Wildcats at Arizona Stadium.

Former Canyon del Oro High School star Kayden Luke lived out that dream in No. 21 Arizona's season-opening win over New Mexico on Saturday. And not only did he suit up for the Wildcats, the freshman walk-on running back played meaningful snaps in the second half.

Luke played six snaps at fullback, according to Pro Football Focus. Luke received the eighth-highest offensive grade (71.8) by PFF in Arizona's win. Luke's 73.8 run-blocking grade by PFF is the second-best on the team for Saturday. 

"I'm excited for him," said Arizona head coach Brent Brennan. "Kid grew up local, loving the U of A and to run out on the field and play in his first game as a true freshman, that's a story right there. Dream come true."

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Canyon del Oro's Kayden Luke (30) high steps through the Yuma Catholic defense on his way to scoring in the second quarter of the 4A State Football Championship game, Tempe, Ariz., December 1, 2023.

Luke joined Arizona in the summer as a walk-on running back after leading the state in rushing with 2,307 yards and 29 touchdowns. Luke, who was also state championship-winning wrestler at CDO, led the Dorados to an undefeated record and a Class 4A football state championship last season. Luke joined a list of former CDO star running backs to land at Arizona, which also includes former All-American Ka'Deem Carey and Stevie Rocker, who's now at Montana. 

The red-headed Luke, also known as "Big Red" by his teammates, is "just energetic and comes out with juice," said running back Quali Conley, who scored three touchdowns against New Mexico.

"Every time he comes in, the whole offense gets pumped because he puts in the work during practice and in the weight room," Conley said on Saturday. "He’s a freshman, state champion in wrestling and his presence helps the offense.”

Canyon del Oro's Kayden Luke (30) steps out of the reach of Yuma Catholic's Hunter Hancock (8) in the fourth quarter of the 4A State Football Championship game, Tempe, Ariz., December 1, 2023.

When Arizona installed the 5-11, 239-pound Luke at fullback for short-yardage situations, he sealed off linebackers and blitzing defensive backs to help create paths for Conley, who scored all of his touchdowns with Luke leading the charge. Luke was a part of a power formation that included six offensive linemen and blocking specialist tight end Roberto Miranda. Northwestern transfer Alexander Doost was the bonus offensive lineman in both six-man lineups. 

"What we add to that package, you'll see it as it comes. I'm excited for Kayden," Brennan said. "Kid is doing a great job and went in there and made (three) touchdown blocks."

Luke earned early playing time with the Wildcats with his football IQ and ability to learn Arizona's offense — and his willingness to be used as a lead blocker.  

"Sometimes you have a freshman that can't absorb the playbook and can't learn it fast enough, but that wasn't a problem for him," Brennan said. "He was super diligent. Then he combines that athleticism and physicality on a big body." 

Luke, who Brennan called a "physical, hard-playing football player," and his passion for football is what the Arizona coaches are seeking in future Wildcats. 

"I think that's one of those things we're always try to identity in recruiting: does the kid love football? I think there's lots of players that love getting recruited, but don't necessarily love football," Brennan said. "Kayden Luke loves football, and it shows every time he steps on the field. ... I think it's cool, because he's just getting started.

"He's a true freshman and he's already finding a way to contribute in a meaningful way. I'm optimistic that's going to continue to improve as he goes."

Contact Justin Spears, the Star's Arizona football beat reporter, at [email protected] . On X(Twitter): @JustinESports

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