Badge of Awesome

Take a boat trip to the tip with long point tours – turkey point, ontario.

trip to the tip of long point

Long Point: With its secluded beaches and colourful history of pirates, shipwrecks and sunken treasure, you’d half expect to find it somewhere in the Caribbean. Instead, this rare ecological gem is a short two-hour drive from Toronto, Ontario on the shores of Lake Erie.

Recognized as a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve , Long Point carries the same distinction as the Great Barrier Reef, the Sahara Desert and the Brazilian Rain Forest. The 26,000 hectares that make up this area represent the world’s largest freshwater sand-spit, which juts more than 40 kilometres into Lake Erie. The federally protected coastal ecosystem is home to the most endangered species per-capita in Canada, and as such, land access to this pristine landscape is very limited.

That’s where Long Point Tours and their 24-foot zodiac boat come in.

A sightseeing boating adventure

My girlfriend Ashley and I began our 2.5-hour sightseeing adventure in the Turkey Point marina where we met owner/operator, Captain Garrett. He may be young, but Garrett’s sea legs are as steady as they come. After his short but thorough orientation, we headed out, and you could immediately tell he knew every inch of the waterways and coastline.

Long Point Tours' 24-foot zodiac.

The zodiac boat itself is impressive. Even at high speeds in choppy water, the sturdy vessel performed beautifully and I never felt unsafe. As Captain Garrett pointed out, there’s a reason the Coast Guard uses them.

And while I always stayed safe, that didn’t mean I stayed dry. Given the day’s windy conditions, I found myself drenched pretty quickly. Rain jackets and pants are available, but come prepared to get wet if the weather’s a bit breezy. I foolishly ignored the website’s advice on attire, opting for jeans, socks and sneakers instead of shorts and sandals.

Still, the spray didn’t stop me from excessively screaming “WOO-HOO!” as we tore through the lake. As my mom would say, I’m not made of sugar.

In between stretches of high-speed woo-hoo’ing, Captain Garrett would stop to point out and discuss historically significant locations. From poachers and pirates to the War of 1812 and the strange club of billionaire duck hunters in the area, there’s no shortage of material to draw from. As a lifelong resident of southern Ontario, I was pleasantly surprised how much I could still learn about my own backyard.

Captain Garret

Captain Garrett is well suited for the role of tour guide, his roots in the area going deep. His ancestor was one of the first Europeans to settle in the area back in the 1700s. He’s also related to the legendary “Angel of Long Point” Abigail Becker —famous for raising 17 children alone in a trapper’s cabin, and credited with saving the lives of countless shipwrecked sailors. Meanwhile, Captain Garrett’s great, great, great, great grandfather served as Long Point’s second lighthouse keeper in 1846.

That lighthouse marked the ultimate destination of our boat tour: the tip of Long Point. After making a wet landing (once again, jeans were not a great choice), we arrived on the sandy shores of a gorgeous beach we had all to ourselves. Walking out to the very tip and seeing the splash pool effect created by the two currents meeting was definitely a highlight.

No roads. No people. Just peace, quiet and some awesome views.

The Long Point lighthouse

The tour flew by, and I was surprised that almost three hours had passed by the time we returned to the marina. Ashley and I rounded out the adventure with a cold beer in the cute town of Turkey Point and toasted to a day well spent.

To learn more about Long Point Tours, including their Trip to the Tip and Birding tours, visit .

Many thanks to Captain Garret and Long Point Tours for hosting us. All opinions, as always, are my own.

Josh Martin

Josh is the creative force behind Badge of Awesome, where he noodles and doodles about life and the lessons learned from it.

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Cape Cod , Massachuetts , New England · July 23, 2021

Why you need to visit Long Point in Cape Cod

Location: Provincetown, Massachusetts

Long Point is the the very tip of Cape Cod. A short ferry ride will whisk you away from Provincetown to this secluded area where you can enjoy a pristine beach, make friends with seals and see one of the Cape’s most famous lighthouses.

trip to the tip of long point

Table of Contents

How to visit Long Point Beach Provincetown

A visit to Long Point couldn’t be easier. The ferry leaves from MacMillian Pier in Provincetown. About half way down the wharf, you will see a sign for the ferry on your right.

You can’t make reservations prior to your trip. You just hop on the ferry and pay on the boat. The cost is $15 one way and $20 round trip. Please note that it is cash only, so be prepared. It is also customary to tip the captain.

The ferry runs every half hour during the summer season. We were there on a sunny Saturday in July and we were the only ones on the boat, but the captain said it does sell out on occasion. If that happened, you would just wait for the next available ferry.

It only takes 10 minutes to cross the harbor to Long Point and the boat ride is all a part of the fun. Upon arrival, the boat is basically run aground and they flip a staircase over so you can walk off the boat right onto the beach.

trip to the tip of long point

History of Long Point

In the early 1800’s, Long Point was a thriving fishing village, but when the community was disbanded, the 38 families left and took their houses with them. They actually put their houses on rafts and floated them across the harbor to Provincetown. Some of these historic homes can still be seen in the West End signified by a blue and white plaque.

During the Civil War, there were two artillery batteries and a barrack that housed 98 soldiers. They never saw any action and the nicknames became “Fort Useless” and “Fort Ridiculous.” That might be my sons’ favorite bit of Civil War history they have ever heard and they still joke about it to this day.

Long Point Lighthouse

What is there to do on Long Point

We strolled down the beach only seeing an occasional passerby. The kids had so much fun collecting stones. The stones on this beach are a variety of colors and perfectly smooth. We always collect a rock on our travels, but on this beach, their heavy pockets made their shorts sag to the ground.

trip to the tip of long point

We had this feeling we were being watched and suddenly we realized we weren’t alone. A couple of seals were spying on us from the ocean. They were so curious that as we walked, they swam along side of us. It was such a highlight for us to watch them frolic and play.

We walked along the beach until we reached a path that led up to the lighthouse. The Long Point Lighthouse guides mariners into the busy fishing port of Provincetown Harbor. Beware of poison ivy along the path.

You can’t enter the lighthouse, but a trail will lead you back over to the other side of Long Point where you will catch the ferry home. When you want to head back, just head to the place where you were dropped off. There is no sign or dock so just make a mental note when you arrive.

trip to the tip of long point

What to pack for a trip to Long Point Cape Cod

What you will pack really depends on how long you plan to stay there. There are no facilities of any kind on Long Point. We asked someone if there was a bathroom and they kindly pointed to the ocean.

My kids wore their bathing suits on the ferry and I packed a towel and a change of clothes for them. I always bring a wet bag to put their suits in so that the rest of my backpack doesn’t get soaked. We had hats, sunscreen and a beach blanket for everyone to lay on. We also brought water bottles and some snacks for the kids.

trip to the tip of long point

We ate lunch in P-Town before our trip, so we didn’t need any food. If you planned to bring a picnic lunch, I would recommend a soft sided cooler or one that is backpack style. Everything you bring, you will be carrying off with you. There are no trash receptacles and nobody likes a litter bug.

Hiking to Long Point

It is possible to hike to Long Point , but hiking in sand can be challenging. It is about a 6 mile hike and you will have to pay a fee to enter the Cape Cod National Seashore.

trip to the tip of long point

Visiting Long Point was my favorite Cape Cod adventure this year. I highly recommend it! There is so much to do in Provincetown. Click here to read my full guide to this area.

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Long point cape cod

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Lake Erie Spring Migration

  • The songbird migration spectacle at the “Big 3” – Pelee, Rondeau and Long Point!
  • An exclusive day boat trip to the Long Point Bird Observatory research station at the Tip of Long Point.
  • Potential for rarities and southern overshoots!
  • Relatively easy and productive birding in scenically impressive and diverse areas

Tour Overview

Join us for an exciting birding tour of the “Big 3” spring migration hotspots along the north shore of Lake Erie in southern Ontario.

On this scenic tour of extreme southwestern Ontario, we rendezvous with the myriad of neotropical and other migrants whose arrival coincides with our own. We will visit —Point Pelee, Rondeau and Long Point—we search for rare species in Canada such as Red-headed Woodpecker, White-eyed Vireo, Summer Tanager, Kentucky, Hooded and Prothonotary Warblers while sifting through flocks of beautiful Indigo Buntings, Baltimore and Orchard Orioles, Scarlet Tanagers, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks and dozens of warbler species!

No place is better for witnessing spring migration and anything can show up, with each day bringing in a different suite of birds. Carolinian forest woodlots near Long Point are home to breeders such as Yellow-throated Vireo, Louisiana Waterthrush and Cerulean Warbler, among others. This trip also offers an exclusive boat trip to the rarely visited tip of Long Point where you’ll glimpse the efforts of Citizen Scientists and biologists monitoring migration at the Long Point Bird Observatory, the oldest observatory in the Western Hemisphere.

Dates & Prices

Dates & prices, what's included, tour price includes.

  • All accommodation
  • Ground transportation (12-passenger vans)
  • Includes all breakfasts and lunches
  • 4 - 8 participants with one guide, 9 - 12 participants with two guides and two vehicles
  • All park, conservation, entrance fees

Tour Price Does Not Include

  • Flights to and from Toronto
  • Evening meals
  • Travel Insurance
  • Items of a personal nature
  • Taxes (13% HST)

Blue-winged Warbler

Day 1: Arrival - Toronto

Our Lake Erie Migration birding tour begins with arrival in Toronto and an introductory dinner. Night in Toronto.

Day 2: Toronto to Point Pelee

After breakfast, we’ll pack up for a three hour drive more or less directly to Point Pelee National Park. We will spend the afternoon birding in the park and may even revisit later in the evening to try our luck at displaying American Woodcocks and owls. Night in Leamington.

Days 3 & 4: Point Pelee National Park

Point Pelee is a renowned birding location that hosts birders from around the world who come to witness an intense migration spectacle. Indeed, we’ll arrive at prime time that happens to coincide with the birding festival—expect kiosks, pancake breakfasts and birders galore. Also, leaf-out arrives later here so the birds will be visible in the budding treetops and bushes.

A light, warm breeze from the south is the first indication that migrants are on the way. On these days we can expect new arrivals in the hundreds, but if this warm air meets a sudden cold front during the night, the resulting conditions can force thousands of passerines to descend upon the diminutive Point Pelee during their nocturnal procession.

The famed “reverse migration” can occur at the tip, where an endless procession of confused birds fly back south over the lake, often to return and land in trees just above our heads. Everything from Wood Stork to Scissor-tailed Flycatcher has been seen this way, and this is what excites many birders to a twitching frenzy, though even on an average day there are dozens of warblers, thrushes, vireos, sparrows and others to enjoy at close range.

Very little escapes the network of local birders, and we’ll be kept in the loop with up-to-the-minute details from locals. One should expect twenty-to-thirty species of warblers, all potentially foraging at eye-level in their neotropical breeding attire! There is also variety; you may see birds like Little Gull, Worm-eating Warbler, Bald Eagle, White-rumped Sandpiper, Orchard Oriole, and American Golden-Plover all on the same day!

We will bird the park in the morning and visit surrounding fields and wetlands such as Hillman Marsh in the afternoon for migrant shorebirds, including regular vagrants like American Avocet, Marbled Godwit and Willet, plus Forster’s and Caspian Terns. Anything can turn up here and at Pelee - and usually does!

Point Pelee is indeed a birder’s dreams come true, and 100 species in a day is regular on our tour. Night 3 in Leamington, Night 4 in Chattam.

Day 5: Rondeau Provincial Park

Considered by many to be as fantastic a birding location as the famous Point Pelee, Rondeau is a beautiful Carolinian forest that offers a very pleasant birding experience. We walk some of the trails in the Park, looking for resident Red-headed Woodpecker, Wood Thrush, White-breasted Nuthatch, Baltimore Oriole and the prize bird of the park, the Prothonotary Warbler. Sometimes this “Jewel of the Swamp” allows for arms-length looks at the boardwalk!

Early on we’ll sort through the flocks of returning migrants on footpaths that lead past ephemeral sloughs that act as bird magnets. We’ll look for “spring overshoots” – birds that don’t breed in Ontario but regularly arrive to Lake Erie in the spring—such as Kentucky, Yellow-throated and Worm-eating Warblers, Blue Grosbeak, Summer Tanager and maybe even a Chuck-will’s-widow!

The visitor’s centre has a great feeder set-up and the picnic areas must offer some of the best birding lunches anywhere. The nearby Blenheim sewage lagoons (the best in southern Ontario) are a hotspot where migrant shorebirds and all five eastern swallows plus Purple Martins abound. Continuing our journey east, we press onward to the Long Point area where we spend our next two nights. Night in Simcoe.

Days 6 - 8: Long Point Bird Observatory

The least accessible of the "Big Three" migration hotspots of the northern shore of Lake Erie, Long Point is home to North America's oldest bird observatory, LPBO. Long Point is the longest sandpit in the world and depending on weather, we will spend one day boating out approximately 35 kms to the very Tip. This dynamic place is only inhabited by the few privileged LPBO volunteers, monitoring migrants landbirds and conducting migration ecology research.

The Long Point Bay itself can harbor interesting waterfowl, gulls, terns, and shorebirds and we will be looking out for all of these. The Tip itself, is a magical place, where in stark contrast to Point Pelee and Rondeau, we will be birding alone. Many rarities and vagrants have been discovered here in the past including several first records for Ontario. It is truly one of the most remote and special places in southern Ontario.

The Long Point birding area is also the best place to experience the Carolinian forest. We have many options in the area but the focus is on the assortment of large woodlots that harbour breeding specialties such as Hooded, Cerulean, Pine and Blue-winged Warblers, Yellow-throated Vireo and Louisiana Waterthrush. In some years Acadian Flycatcher may arrive early enough for us to find them. The Birds Canada headquarters is an excellent place for a visit and to scope out ducks over Long Point’s Inner Bay.

We visit the “Old Cut” research station one morning to see what migrants have arrived overnight. Usually with the help of LPBO’s volunteers we manage to see some exciting birds up close. We’ll visit Long Point Provincial Park and the massive Big Creek Marsh, where Least Bittern, Common Gallinule, and King Rail are real possibilities, amongst an assortment of marsh birds. One evening, we will go out for an after-hours adventure along the sand roads around Long Point for Eastern Screech-Owl and Eastern Whip-poor-will.

After our third morning of birding we’ll pack up and head north. Nights in Simcoe except for last night in Toronto.

Day 9: Departure from Toronto

Our Lake Erie Spring Migration birding tour concludes today in Toronto. You can leave for flights home anytime today.

What to Expect

Our daily travel schedule will vary to account for weather, bird species and habitat during our Lake Erie Birding Tour. You can expect some early morning, before-breakfast walks as we search out migrating passerines, as well as late evening viewing, including one or two owling expeditions for those interested. Our tour involves generally easy walking and some hill climbing, sometimes for periods up to 4 hours. During these walks we stop frequently. We follow woodland trails and venture forth into low brush and occasional swampy and uneven terrain. When we have two leaders, we sometimes split into “faster” and “slower” groups.

Around noon time we stop for a sit-down meal at a restaurant or to have a picnic lunch. If it is hot, as it can be in southern Ontario, we may rest for an hour or so during the middle to late afternoon. In the evening, we usually arrange to go to a local restaurant. During this time we discuss the day’s activities and review the list of birds seen and heard, and plan for the next day.

Spring weather in southern Ontario can be extremely variable and you should be prepared for anything from cold rain to muggy heat, however, the snow will have gone by then. While Ontario is widely known to be infested with mosquitoes and other biting insects in late spring and summer, feel secure in the fact that our trip will occur before the insect season begins. For the most part, May is very comfortable and a lovely time to visit the province.

Featured Wildlife

While we cannot guarantee sightings of the birds or mammals listed below, we believe that encountering these species is quite likely during this tour.

  • American Woodcock
  • Eastern Screech-Owl
  • Eastern Whip-poor-will
  • Yellow-throated Vireo
  • Blue-winged Warbler
  • Prothonotary Warbler
  • Hooded Warbler
  • Cerulean Warbler
  • Louisiana Waterthrush

Past Tour Checklists

View the list of birds and other wildlife we encountered on our past tours.

  • Lake Erie Spring Migration Species list (May 5 - 13, 2024)(eBird)
  • Lake Erie Spring Migration Species list (May 7 - 15, 2024)(eBird)
  • Lake Erie Spring Migration 2023 Species list (eBird)
  • Lake Erie Spring Migration 2022 Species list (eBird)

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A visit to Long Point and its bird observatory

The Slanty Shanty on Long Point offers excellent protection from the wind and sun, an excellent view of tip birds, and a place to sit - photo by Rob Alvo

The Slanty Shanty on Long Point offers excellent protection from the wind and sun, an excellent view of tip birds, and a place to sit – photo by Rob Alvo

by Rob Alvo, Bob Manson and Peter Manson

What serious birder wouldn’t take flight at the chance for a week at an isolated prime  location during the peak of spring migration? An announcement in Bird Studies Canada’s e-newsletter read, “Are you interested in experiencing spring migration at the Tip of Long Point, in southern Ontario?” Rob immediately contacted  the Long Point Bird Observatory (LPBO) to find out more.

Since 1960, LPBO has been operating a research station at the extreme eastern tip of Long Point, where scientists study migration (bird, bat, insect) and other aspects of natural history. It opportunistically opens some of its accommodations to members interested in being  immersed in the research, education, and training programs. The point itself is the longest (about 40 km) freshwater sand spit in the world, is the most remote wilderness location in southern Ontario, and is a Globally Important Bird Area (395 species).

A beautiful male Hooded Warbler, recently banded and awaiting release - photo by Peter Manson

A beautiful male Hooded Warbler, recently banded and awaiting release – photo by Peter Manson

We were able to join LPBO at the tip for the minimum 5-night stay from 15 to 20 May, but an additional 1-2 days had to be reserved on either end because of weather-based uncertainty. The tip is accessible only by a 1.5-hour boat trip with a probability of travel on any given day around 40%.

We spent our initial 2 days birding the 700-km 2 Long Point area, for which there is an excellent bird-finding guide (Ridout 2010), and covered about a third of its 45 sites. We spent the following 6 days at the tip of Long Point immersed in life at LPBO. Our group total for the trip was 137 species, with another 24 species recorded by LPBO researchers during our stay, likely a good indication of how rapidly some birds pass through the area.

Trip highlights included a Harris’s Sparrow that many other birders saw at Long Point Provincial Park, and a Cerulean Warbler at the tip. The banders later caught and banded this bird and allowed us to release it. We had 22 warbler species on the trip, and Peter, a quick-learning novice, picked up 51 lifers.

The Tip Cabin as seen from the air - photo by Gary Walsh

The Tip Cabin as seen from the air – photo by Gary Walsh

One of Ontario’s first bird-banding stations was founded at Point Pelee, but it was later moved to Long Point (McNicholl and Cranmer-Byng 1994). LPBO, the oldest  bird observatory in the western hemisphere, is one of more than 30 stations that comprise the Canadian Migration Monitoring Network (Crewe et al. 2008). LPBO has three research stations: Old Cut, at the base of the peninsula and accessible by car; Breakwater, about halfway out to the tip and accessible only by boat; and, the tip, also accessible only by boat. “Old Cut” is a small forest that is excellent for birding. It is very close to a large marsh and the Long Point Provincial Park. A store, open daily from 0900 to noon (in season), is run by volunteers and sells the Ridout (2010) guide and other birding goodies.

The other parts of Long Point proper include Long Point Provincial Park, Long Point Crown Marsh, Long Point National Wildlife Area, Nature Conservancy of Canada land, and a world-famous waterfowl hunting club, The Long Point Company.  The tip comprises Transport Canada land and a provincial conservation reserve.

The Tip Cabin sleeps six people in four single beds and one double. Our only neighbours were 10 researchers housed at the Tip House (the old Lighthouse keeper’s house), about 500 m away. We also had a visit from a private float plane from Brantford, whose pilot turned out to be an old high school mate of Bob’s and took him on a flight over the tip, giving him an excellent view of our “study area.”

The sandy tip itself, like Point Pelee’s, was good for gulls, terns, shorebirds, and waterfowl. A small viewing shelter facing the point, the “Slanty Shanty,” seated the three of us tightly and required a scope. Walking west from the tip, we noticed that as the north and south beaches got farther apart, they became separated by dunes sheltered from the wind by sand ridges that were much steeper on the south beach than on the north beach. In the vegetated dunes close to the tip were placed 12 mist nets and the huge funnel-shaped Heligoland Trap, first used in Ontario at Point Pelee before the use of mist nets (O’Neill 2006). The Tip House was always worth checking because it was alive with occupied Purple Martin “apartments,” Barn Swallows nesting under the eaves, and well-maintained busy feeders. This area had some of the first tall deciduous trees that incoming migrants encounter.

The funnel-shaped Heligoland trap - photo by Peter Manson

The funnel-shaped Heligoland trap – photo by Peter Manson

The inter-beach portions of the peninsula had scattered cedar trees and ponds, the latter mostly overgrown by the invasive emergent plant Phragmites australis . On the west side of the study area adjacent to the Tip Cabin was an extensive grid of Tree Swallow nest boxes that has been studied by LPBO for over 35 years. The water levels in the tip’s wetlands varied from no water to about a metre deep. One, directly north of the Tip Cabin and swallow grid, had a muddy area that attracted shorebirds. However, it was a poor spring for shorebirds there, and we found only eight species on the entire trip, despite having checked numerous shorebird sites on the peninsula and mainland. The pond just south of the Tip House had Virginia Rails, and a rarely seen Yellow Rail was spotted there earlier this year. The small wetlands also housed an American Bittern and had likely been good for waterfowl earlier in the spring.

Mixed forests of cedar and deciduous trees were among the first dense forest encountered by birds moving west up the peninsula, providing wind protection. We had 11 species in one cottonwood tree. Both beaches would have been excellent for observing waterfowl in early spring, but the only species seen were White-winged and Surf Scoters, the always-late Redbreasted Merganser, and a flock o f seven, normally-early, Common Mergansers.

We maintained the two feeders at the Tip Cabin, which were visited by 17 species, providing excellent views of Tufted Titmouse, Red-headed Woodpecker and Redbellied Woodpecker. An amazingly tame companion was a lost competition Rock Pigeon, according to its yellow leg band.

A volunteer bander untangling a bird from a mist net - photo by Rob Alvo

A volunteer bander untangling a bird from a mist net – photo by Rob Alvo

We met some volunteer banders from central England, where each village hosts a different, though always strong, accent. We learned that a certain Dave, who had invited them to do some banding at his place in southern Ontario, was a “cracking bloke” (a fine fellow), that Britain has many more bird banders per capita than North America, that most British banders are male, and that many have their own banding sites over and above those that are officially recognized. The highlight for them are the beautiful North American warblers, which they told us don’t sing nearly as well as their drab Old World counterparts. All the researchers were very friendly and engaged us in their research activities, answered our questions about banding and migration monitoring, and gave us updates on the day’s birds they had banded or spotted, though we were careful to respect their time given the high intensity of their work.

The Fowler’s Toad is endangered in Canada - photo by Peter Manson

The Fowler’s Toad is endangered in Canada – photo by Peter Manson

Recognizing amphibian calls can help you avoid wasting time trying to identify something that turns out not to be a bird. The calling season extends from early spring to late summer, with each species having its own calling period and distinct sound ( ). Thus it was strange to hear five species calling on the same day, from the early Western Chorus Frog and Spring Peeper, through the mid-season Fowler’s Toad (a lifer for all three of us) and Northern Leopard Frog, to the late-season Bullfrog. Salamanders don’t call.

No biting insects were active during our trip, but we checked ourselves every night for ticks: tiny deer ticks and larger wood ticks, both of which can carry diseases such as Lyme disease.

Birding the Long Point area during spring migration got us much the same birds as has Point Pelee, but was a totally different experience: the wilderness, greater time commitment, smaller area to bird once at the tip, banding activities, and the dearth of other birders.

Many thanks to Stuart Mackenzie for facilitating our trip and reviewing this article. For more information about the Long Point Bird Observatory visit: .

  • Crewe, T.L., J.D. McCracken, P.D. Taylor, D. Lepage, and A.E. Heagy. 2008. The Canadian Migration Monitoring Network: ten-year report on monitoring landbird population change. CMMN-RCSM Scientific Technical Report #1. Produced by Bird Studies Canada, Port Rowan, Ontario. 69 pp.
  • McNicholl, M .K. and J.L. Cranmer-Byng. 1994. Ornithology in Ontario. Special Publication No. 1, O ntario Field Ornithologists. Hawk Owl Publishing, Whitby. 400 pp.
  • O’Neill, H.T . 2006. Birding at Point Pelee. James Lorimer and Company Ltd., Publishers, Toronto. 224 pp.
  • Ridout, R. 20 10. A birding guide to the Long Point area. Bird Studies Canada and Long Point Bird Observatory, Port Rowan. 146 pp.

Rob Alvo is a member of the OFNC and currently sits on the Events Committee. He and his birding buddy Bob Manson are co-authoring a book entitled, Being a Bird in North America, North of Mexico ( ), due to be published in late 2014. Peter is Bob’s brother.

This article is reproduced with permission from Trail & Landscape 2014;48(1):36-39.

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How Much To Feed A Cat & How Often? Vet Approved Portion Chart

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Image Credit: New Africa, Shutterstock

Last Updated on July 1, 2024 by Catster Editorial Team

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The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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Your cat’s diet plays a major role in its well-being. If you feed your cat too much or too little, they won’t maintain optimum health. Likewise, a lack of nutrients can lead to a deficient feline while an overabundance can cause obesity and all the problems that come along with being overweight.

Finding the sweet spot for how much to feed a cat can be difficult, especially for new cat keepers. But in this article, you’ll find all the information you need regarding feeding frequency and amount, helping your cat to live its best life, and taking the guesswork out of the equation.

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How Often Should You Feed Your Cat?

This seems like a simple question on the surface, but how would you answer if someone asked how often you should feed a human? We all know that it depends greatly on several factors such as age, size, and appetite. Cats are no different. They eat different amounts, depending on similar characteristics such as age, weight, breed, size, and more.

Younger cats need feeding more often than adults. Growing felines require more food per pound of body weight compared to older cats. Rather than stuff all of that feeding into one sitting, it’s best to spread it out across several feedings throughout the day.

As your cat gets older, it will require less food per pound of body weight, which means fewer feedings. Once your cat reaches adulthood, two or three feedings each day will suffice, so long as your cat is getting all the necessary nutrition within those feedings.

tabby cat eating from metal bowl

Cat Feeding Chart

Keep in mind that this chart represents only a rough guideline. The amount of food a cat consumes should be based on daily calories. Different cat foods have specific caloric densities per gram of product. Monitoring a cat’s weight gain during its growth and development and its body condition score during adulthood is the best way to find out how much to feed a cat.  

divider 1 paws

Factors That Influence How Much to Give Your Cat

As mentioned, many factors influence how much food your cat requires. Although younger cats eat more per pound of body weight, they eat less overall. Larger and heavier cats will require more total food. But as a cat gets larger, they can eat more in a single sitting, so feeding frequency decreases, even though the total amount that is eaten continues to rise.

Another factor to consider is your cat’s current activity level. If your cat is sedentary and spends its time lounging in comfortable spots around the house, then it’s not going to require as much food as a feline that’s always running around, playing, or spending a lot of its time exploring the backyard.

You’ll also have to make adjustments for feeding wet or dry food. While either is perfectly acceptable, provided it offers complete nutrition for your cat, they don’t measure out the same. Naturally, wet food weighs more, so you’ll have to feed your cat more of it in terms of weight. As for deciding how much dry food to feed a cat, you’ll feed less of it by weight, but it will appear to have more volume in your cat’s food bowl.

Hepper 360 Cat Feeder, Stainless Steel, Anti-Chew...

  • NO MESS - The 360° tray on this cat food and water bowl set has a raised design to catch and...
  • WHISKER FRIENDLY - Shallow and wide metal containers with flat bottoms ensure your kitty can enjoy...
  • CHEW-SAFE MATERIALS - Kittens and cats love chewing on silicone and soft rubber - but it's a choking...

If it’s kibble, wet, or a combination of both that your cat enjoys, choosing the right cat bowl to serve it in goes far beyond presentation. Your cat's comfort is at the forefront with the Hepper NomNom Cat Bowl ! The unique design benefits cats in many ways - dual stainless steel bowls are shallow and wide to aid with whisker fatigue and slight elevation for proper posture. The wide catch tray ensures that all food (and water!) stays exactly where you’d expect it to be - inside of the bowl! Click here to learn more.

At Catster, we’ve admired Hepper for many years and decided to take a controlling ownership interest so that we could benefit from the outstanding designs of this cool cat company!

Health Dangers for Obese Cats

Obesity is a major problem for domesticated cats in North America. In fact, it’s the most common of all preventable feline diseases. In America, about one-third of all cats are considered to be obese with about half of all cats over the age of 5 being considered overweight.

So, what problems will obesity cause for your cat? To start, it will shorten your cat’s lifespan. Obese cats show an increase in mortality rates 2.8 times higher than cats of a healthy body weight.

If that’s not enough, obesity also makes your cat more susceptible to other diseases that can decrease the quality of their life and shorten their lifespan .

  • Urinary bladder stones
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Heart disease
  • Anesthetic complications

It’s not just being obese that’s bad for your cat. Obese cats that stop eating might even have it worse. When an obese cat ceases eating or loses weight too fast, they often develop a condition called hepatic lipidosis; a liver disease that can be life-threatening.

Obese cats have a much harder time fighting off infectious diseases since their bodies are already in poor health, which means that diseases are more likely to be serious or even fatal.

Monitoring Your Cat’s Feedings

Cat Body Condition Score Healthy Weight

When cats are stressed or ill, they’re often very good at hiding it. Some of the most obvious signs you can look for are changes to their feeding habits. These can also be an indication of how your cat is responding to its feeding routine, allowing you to make any necessary changes.

If your kitten is eating in the middle of the night, there’s nothing to worry about. Kittens have tiny stomachs, which is why their food must be split into many smaller meals. It’s hard for them to go 8–12 hours without a meal, so it’s fine for a kitten to look for a nighttime snack. Adult cats should be used to a particular feeding schedule though, and shouldn’t need to feed in the middle of the night. If your adult cat begins to exhibit this behavior, it might indicate that there’s another underlying issue.

If your cat is licking its bowl clean every time you feed it, it could be underfed. However, you’ll need more evidence to be certain. Instead of guessing, learn what a cat’s body should feel like so you can assess your cat’s weight. Feel for proper rib coverage and weigh your cat to ensure it’s at a healthy weight.

Veterinarians have developed what is known as a body condition score. This system evaluates a cat’s body shape from above and the side as well as how easy or difficult it is to feel the ribs. This system helps to place a cat’s body on a scale that ranges from 1–9. Cats with ideal body weight are in the middle of the scale, at number 5. Underweight cats can be between 1–3, with 1 being emaciated or extremely underweight. Obese cats are placed at number 9, and the range of 7–8 is considered overweight. Using the body condition score with the guidance of a veterinarian is the best way to evaluate and determine how to manage your cat’s diet.

There are no hard and fast rules regarding cat feeding frequency and volume. When deciding how much to feed a cat there are many factors are at play, such as the cat’s age, breed, size, weight, activity level, and more. Still, there are some general guidelines that you should follow to ensure your cat is receiving the appropriate amount of nutrition.

If you still have questions or you aren’t sure if you’re feeding your cat too much, too little, or if it’s a healthy weight, then you can consult your veterinarian to help you get the basics down for your cat.

  • See Also: What Do Cats Need in Their Diet? Vet Verified Essential Nutrients

Featured Image Credit: New Africa, Shutterstock

About the Author

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Christian Adams

Christian started writing for a local newspaper as a teenager, and he's been involved in the publishing industry for most of his adult life. Combining his love of writing with a passion for animals, he is currently the Director of Editorial at Pangolia and the Editor-in-Chief at Catster. Christian lives in the Philippines with his wife, son, and four rescue cats: Trixie, Chloe, Sparky, and Chopper.

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Long Point State Park Beach

Located on Chautauqua Lake - a 320 acre day-use park, (no camping) with swimming beach & bathhouse, playgrounds, hiking, biking, reserve-able picnic pavilions, public boat launch and marina with restaurant, marine supplies, gas docks. Winter time fun with cross-country skiing, snowmobiling & winter fishing.

Long Point, which juts peninsula-like into Lake Chautauqua, is one of the moraines left long ago by a retreating glacier. The park and marina comprise a day-use area with thickly-wooded areas of beech, maple, spruce, poplar and oak. The park's boat launch is the most modern on Lake Chautauqua, which, at 1,308 feet above sea level, is one of the highest navigable bodies of water in North America.

One hundred and twenty species of birds have been recorded here. Hike the roughly 1-mile loop trail to the Tip of Long Point for an incredible panoramic view of Chautauqua Lake at lake-level. Common species to look for year-round and as seasons change include the Bufflehead Duck, Tundra Swan, Purple Martin, sparrows, warblers, and more.

Two women sitting on a bench at Long Point State Park overlooking Chautauqua Lake

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Winding Highway 1 along the sheer cliffs of California Coastline near Big Sur.

The ultimate Pacific Coast Highway itinerary, from San Francisco to Santa Monica 

One of the world’s great coastal drives, this cliff-clinging route offers big Pacific views, laid-back surf towns, soaring redwoods and heaps of old-school glamour.

This is one of those occasions where it really is worth taking the scenic route. Weaving for 656 miles in a series of adrenaline-rushing curves on State Route 1, the Pacific Coast Highway links seaside towns with sandstone cliffs on one side, crashing Pacific waves on the other and limitless sky overhead. San Francisco to Santa Monica is the blockbuster stretch, packing in palm-fringed beaches, kitsch attractions and architectural icons.

Day 1: Monterey

With the Golden Gate Bridge in your rear-view mirror, drive 60 miles south to Pigeon Point Lighthouse, five miles before Pescadero. The tallest lighthouse on the coast, it provides a great perch from which to watch snoozing seals.

Further south, your next stop is Monterey, home to colourful fishing boats and Cannery Row, a former sardine-packing hub where repurposed warehouses brim with indie shops.

Don’t miss: Tasting the abalone at nearby restaurant Aubergine , which sources the sea snails from Monterey’s Municipal Wharf 2.

Day 2: Carmel-by-the-Sea

Four miles south of Monterey, the seaside town of Carmel-by-the-Sea has long flaunted its quirky side: Clint Eastwood is a former mayor; there are no street addresses; and a permit is required to wear high heels.

Over recent years, a new crowd has been drawn here, thanks to a fresh crop of restaurant openings. You’ll need to book ahead for Chez Noir , a European-inspired restaurant that draws heavily on the bounties of the coast. The chef owners live upstairs and eating here feels like having dinner at a friend’s house — if your friend has a Michelin star.

Don’t miss: Another stellar restaurant, Stationæry , serving everything from lobster rolls to sausage bánh mì.

Day 3: Big Sur

Just south of Carmel, the landscape switches to cloud-grazing bluffs blanketed in oaks. You’re entering Carmel Highlands, the gateway to Big Sur. Considered one of the most scenic drives in the world, the 90-mile stretch of Route 1, which ends in San Simeon, unfurls between two sheer rock faces — one going straight up, the other plunging down. It’s not for the fainthearted, but worth it for the Pacific views.

Along the way you’ll cross the Bixby Bridge, soaring 260ft above the sea. Stop at the turnouts for photos, before detouring to Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park for redwoods.

Don’t miss: The ocean views from Nepenthe , an architectural-landmark restaurant Elizabeth Taylor was a fan of.

Day 4: San Simeon

The rolling hills of grapevines flashing by the   window are your cue that you’ve entered wine country. Schedule a pit stop at one of the leafy estates to taste the spoils — Baileyana is a good choice, with a tasting room housed inside a former schoolhouse.

The big-ticket attraction here is Hearst Castle , publishing tycoon and art collector William Randolph Hearst’s more-is-more mansion, based on the design of a Spanish cathedral. Book a place on the house tour to gawp at the OTT interiors — all neoclassical statues and medieval-inspired banquet halls.

Don’t miss: Peering through binoculars at the inhabitants of the Piedras Blancas Elephant Seal Rookery in San Simeon.

Day 5: Santa Barbara

Palm-fringed beach towns and campervans dot the coast between San Simeon and Santa Barbara. Pause at Pismo Beach, a hotspot for humpbacks from December to April.

Arriving into Santa Barbara, it’s impossible not to be seduced by its coastal promenade lined with swaying palms and neat rows of white stucco homes (there’s a reason this is known as the ‘American Riviera’). But it’s not all pristine lawns — the Funk Zone district’s former fishing outhouses have been turned into galleries, microbreweries and surf shops, and nearby you can pick up the urban wine trail.

Don’t miss: Visiting fortune teller Madame Rosinka at Stearns Wharf , the oldest working wharf in California.

Two people rollerskating on Venice Beach.

Day 6: Santa Monica

Finish in Santa Monica, the seaside hub that brings all the fun of the fair. Jump on the rides at Pacific Park, on the Santa Monica Pier, and watch the bodybuilders at the nearby Original Muscle Beach, which originated during the Great Depression as a place for wrestlers, acrobats and stunt performers to workshop their acts.

Don’t miss: A film at the Aero Theatre , an art deco beauty that’s been going since the 1940s.


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Here's how to plan an epic trip to Universal Orlando Resort this year

Andrea M. Rotondo

Universal Orlando Resort is in sunny Central Florida, an area of the Sunshine State often referred to as the theme park capital of the world. Universal Orlando is not only one of the most popular amusement parks in the city, but it's also beloved across the country. It has two parks (with a third on the way), a water park, eight hotels and a 30-acre shopping, dining and entertainment complex.

Before you even arrive at Universal Orlando, you'll need to figure out where to stay, what to do and where to eat. Whether you are visiting for one day or several, here's everything you need to know about visiting Universal Orlando Resort.

How to start planning your trip to Universal Orlando

trip to the tip of long point

There are a few questions you will want to answer before you dig into the details of planning your Universal Orlando vacation:

  • What is your budget? The amount of cash you have to burn will determine most other factors of your vacation, including where you stay, how many days you visit, where you dine and whether you will visit one or multiple parks per day.
  • When will you go? The best times to visit Universal Orlando are similar to the best times to visit Disney World . It is busier on weekends and when school is out during spring break, the long summer break and the winter holiday season. You'll see fewer crowds if you visit on a weekday when school is in session.
  • Where will you stay? Universal Orlando has eight hotels; they range from as little as $100 per night for Value hotels and climb as high as $800 per night for Premier hotels. You can base your choice on theming — you could enjoy the retro beach motel vibes at Universal's Cabana Bay Beach Resort or the Italian-inspired luxury and convenient location of the Loews Portofino Bay Hotel .
  • Which parks will you visit on which days? This will help you choose between purchasing one-park-per-day tickets or "Park-to-Park" tickets that grant access to both of Universal's parks in the same day. You can also add access to Universal's Volcano Bay Water Park.
  • Where will you dine? If you are planning on one of Universal's specialty dining experiences — like a Marvel character dinner, the Wantilan Luau at Loews Royal Pacific Resort or Sapphire Falls' five-course dinner with rum pairings — you need to make reservations early. Reservations for most other table service meals are easy to get within a couple of weeks before your vacation.

What type of Universal Orlando ticket should I buy?

trip to the tip of long point

Universal ticket types

There are various ticket types at Universal Orlando, and some will get you into one, two or three theme parks (such as Universal Studios, Islands of Adventure and Volcano Bay water park) per day.

You can also purchase tickets for one, two, three, four or five days. The cheapest tickets allow access to one park per day. So, if you start your day at Universal Studios Florida, you can't use the same ticket to get into Islands of Adventure in the afternoon. You're limited to one park per day.

trip to the tip of long point

This may sound like a good deal, but it might not be the best choice, especially if you hope to ride the Hogwarts Express train in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. You'll need a Park-to-Park ticket to travel between Universal Studios Florida and Islands of Adventure.

Related: From butterbeer to magic wands: Everything you need to know about Universal Orlando's Wizarding World of Harry Potter

While it is pricier, a Park-to-Park ticket allows you to bop between the different areas as you wish. These tickets may be more expensive, but they give you the most freedom to visit more than one park on the same day. The parks are close enough together that it is easy to walk or take the Hogwarts Express between the two, making a Park-to-Park ticket even more valuable.

If you visit for more than a couple of days or potentially twice in 12 months, consider a Universal annual pass .

Buying direct from Universal

Universal Orlando almost always has special offers on its website. Read the options carefully to see if any promotions make sense for you. You may get free park days, a discount on hotel and theme park ticket packages or other special offers.

Buying tickets from other vendors

You can also buy tickets from reputable vendors like Undercover Tourist . One of my favorite things about Undercover Tourist is that the website often still has older tickets available, so when prices increase, it will be cheaper to buy there rather on the official Universal website.

It's worth bookmarking the site to comparison shop. Purchases from Undercover Tourist code as travel, so we recommend using a travel credit card to earn extra points.

Related: The best credit cards to use for Universal Studios

Although you can't typically purchase stand-alone Universal tickets at Costco, Costco Travel does sell Universal vacation packages, which often include tickets and on-site hotel nights. Check out pricing for your dates to see if it represents a better deal versus booking through other methods.


Using points to buy Universal tickets

You can use Citi ThankYou Rewards or Bilt Rewards to purchase admission to Universal Orlando . You may also be able to find and book some Universal Orlando hotel rooms through these platforms for additional savings.

What are the parks at Universal Orlando?

trip to the tip of long point

Universal Orlando offers so many activities that it could easily keep your family occupied for several days. There are two theme parks, a water park and an entertainment, dining and shopping complex.

Universal Studios, Islands of Adventure and CityWalk are all situated around a small lake. If you'd like to visit Universal's Volcano Bay, you should catch the bus from the parking garage since it's a bit of a walk from the rest of the park.

Universal Studios Florida

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Universal Studios Florida has eight sections. You'll enter through an impressive arch, and if you keep walking straight, you'll find yourself in Minion Land. There, you can enjoy attractions such as Despicable Me Minion Mayhem and Villain-Con Minion Blast. You'll find some of the park's most thrilling rides in the nearby New York section, like Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit, Transformers: The Ride-3D and Revenge of the Mummy.

Related: These are the 10 best rides at Universal Orlando

If you instead take a right after you enter the park, you can explore the Hollywood Character Zone, where you'll find Universal Orlando's Horror Make-Up Show, the Bourne Stuntacular and several character meet-and-greet spots.

It's not a bad idea to save most of the attractions in this area of the park for the hotter parts of the day. Minion Mayhem, the Bourne Stuntacular and the Horror Make-Up Show are all blissfully air-conditioned; most of the aforementioned rides are either completely indoors or have indoor queue areas.

trip to the tip of long point

If you have little kids, consider taking that right at the entrance and walking through Hollywood. This route will take you to DreamWorks Land . From there, you can watch one of Universal's longest-running shows, Animal Actors on Location! or enjoy Springfield, U.S.A.: Home of the Simpsons.

If your children are older, bypass those kid-centric areas and make Men in Black Alien Attack in World Expo your first ride of the day. If you go to Men in Black in the morning, you are perfectly positioned to enter The Wizarding World of Harry Potter: Diagon Alley. You can start queuing for Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts before the line gets too long.

trip to the tip of long point

While there, explore Knockturn Alley, see a few shows or grab a meal at the Leaky Cauldron, where breakfast comes with a free butterbeer. You can also get unique ice cream treats at Florean Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlour and perform magic spells with interactive wands available for purchase.

If you have a Park-to-Park ticket, you can take the Hogwarts Express from Kings Cross Station (next to Leicester Square) to Hogsmeade Station in Islands of Adventure. If you have a one-park ticket, you won't be able to ride the Hogwarts Express and will have to instead continue your exploration of Universal Studios.

trip to the tip of long point

In the evening, don't miss Universal Studios Florida's nighttime extravaganza, CineSational: A Symphonic Spectacular at the lagoon. The show combines music, drones, fireworks and projections to depict scenes from some of your favorite films.

Islands of Adventure

trip to the tip of long point

The second Universal theme park is Islands of Adventure. Your best bet is to arrive before the gates open. (If you are staying at one of Universal's on-site hotels, you can get into one of Universal's parks up to one hour before official opening.) Then, quickly walk to Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure before the line gets too long. It's one of Universal's most popular rides and wait times often clock in at 90 and 120 minutes during peak hours.

If you are a thrill seeker, head for Jurassic World VelociCoaster. Both Jurassic World VelociCoaster and Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure are at the opposite end of the park from the entry gates, so it will be a walk. However, getting to enjoy the park's most popular rides without the crushing crowds is worth it.

trip to the tip of long point

If roller coasters aren't your thing (and you're not prone to motion sickness), get in line instead for Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. This attraction lets you ride a broomstick through familiar film scenes; if you're prone to motion sickness, it's still worth walking through this ride's queue just to see the inside of the castle. Simply let a team member know you want to tour the castle and don't plan to ride.

While there, explore Hogsmeade itself and see shows like the Frog Choir and the Triwizard Spirit Rally, and practice more spells with your interactive wand. Grab a butterbeer (or another specialty brew) at Hog's Head Inn and then continue on to the other lands of Islands of Adventure.

trip to the tip of long point

After you walk through Jurassic Park's iconic gates, you'll find the Camp Jurassic play areas, Jurassic World VelociCoaster, Jurassic Park River Adventure as well as the Raptor Encounter, where you can meet a "real" dinosaur.

Next up, you can ride Skull Island: Reign of Kong before hitting Toon Lagoon, where your kids can cool off in some sprinklers. Alternatively, the family can ride Dudley Do-Right's Ripsaw Falls flume (warning: you will get very wet).

trip to the tip of long point

As you dry off from that heart-pounding experience, head to Marvel Super Hero Island. There, you can meet Marvel characters and ride The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man and The Incredible Hulk Coaster (it's an intense one).

trip to the tip of long point

If you have young kids, don't skip over Seuss Landing. This bright, cheery land has rides like Caro-Seuss-el, The Cat in the Hat and The High in the Sky Seuss Trolley Train Ride. There's also a Seuss character zone and plenty of other rides and attractions specifically designed for the little ones.

Volcano Bay

trip to the tip of long point

Volcano Bay is Universal's water park. Though this park occasionally closes because of things like chilly weather or lightning storms, it is open year-round. Volcano Bay has everything you'd expect of an exceptional water park, like a large beach with a wave pool, a water coaster, a lazy river and a kids' play area.

There are also some incredible waterslides and drops, including the Ko'okiri Body Plunge. It features a 70-degree fall and 125 feet of what Universal calls "white-knuckle fun."

trip to the tip of long point

Thrillseekers will also love the Krakatau Aqua Coaster, which lets you glide through a waterfall, as well as the TeAwa The Fearless River, a whitewater ride that churns through rapids and waves.

trip to the tip of long point

As if two theme parks and a massive water park weren't enough, Universal also has CityWalk.

This complex of restaurants, shops and clubs is open during the day, but it really heats up at night (as a bonus, there's free self-parking after 6 p.m.). You don't need tickets to enter, but you can buy tickets for shows at the Hard Rock Cafe.

Related: Surprising things you can do at Universal Orlando without a park ticket

Kick the night off at restaurants such as Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville, Bob Marley — A Tribute to Freedom and Pat O'Brien's; they often have live (and recorded) music going. There's also Universal's Great Movie Escape escape room experience, a movie theater (free parking is included with the purchase of two movie matinee tickets), miniature golf, the Red Coconut Club dance floor and City Walk's Rising Star karaoke club.

trip to the tip of long point

There are plenty of spots to dine at CityWalk, too. You can feast upon pizza, hot dogs, Voodoo Doughnuts and Panda Express Chinese food. Otherwise, you could have a more substantial meal at restaurants like The Toothsome Chocolate Emporium & Savory Feast Kitchen, Bigfire, The Cowfish Sushi Burger Bar and more.

You can also find Universal's boat shuttles (which can take you back to the hotels) at CityWalk. So, it's not a bad idea to spend the day at Universal Studios or Islands of Adventure then end the day shopping and eating in the area before taking a boat back to your room.

And another park on the way ...

trip to the tip of long point

Universal Orlando is currently building a third theme park, which will open in 2025. Dubbed Epic Universe , the new park will house franchises like Fantastic Beasts, a Harry Potter spin-off; Super Nintendo World; and Universal Classic Monsters. Epic Universe will be on a massive 750-acre tract of land not far from the two existing theme parks.

Best times to visit Universal Orlando

The date for your visit to Universal Orlando may not be entirely up to you.

If you're traveling with school-age children, you will probably have to come to Orlando during long weekends or spring or summer breaks — this is when Universal is at its busiest. That's not the end of the world, though, since there are ways to reduce the amount of time you spend in lines (more on that in a minute).

You can check expected crowd levels at crowd calendars like Undercover Tourist, Touringplans or Orlando Informer .

trip to the tip of long point

Historically, Universal Orlando Resort's slowest times are between Labor Day through the first two weeks of November (before Thanksgiving) and the first two weeks of December (before the holiday rush). Note, though, that if you visit close to Halloween, it will be busier because of Universal's Halloween Horror Nights .

Most of January, except for the first week, is also relatively quiet, as is the first week of February. However, it quickly gets busy with spring breakers the closer you get to March. Crowds thin out a bit after Easter and through May, then ramp up again for the summertime.

June, July and August are always busy — always. As an added bonus, it's extremely hot and prone to afternoon thunderstorms.

What's the best way to get to Universal Orlando?

Getting to Orlando and then to Universal Orlando Resort after arriving are two completely different things. Let's look at each.

What is the closest airport to Universal Orlando?

The closest airport to Universal Orlando is Orlando International Airport (MCO). Most major airlines fly into MCO, and you can reach Universal from the airport in about 15 to 20 minutes, depending on traffic. If you are flying Allegiant Air or Sun Country Airlines, you'll fly into Orlando Sanford International Airport (SFB). SFB is smaller than MCO and is farther from Universal. From SFB, it is about a 45-minute drive to Universal.

What is the best way to get to Universal Orlando from the airport?

Because of its size and proximity to Universal, MCO offers several options for getting between the airport and Universal.

From Orlando International Airport or Orlando Sanford International Airport, you can rent a car or use a ride-hailing service like Uber or Lyft. If you rent a car from MCO, you can forgo paying tolls through the car rental company (which often comes with an additional fee) and pick up a Visitor Toll Pass to save on tolls during your trip.

If you do rent a car, keep in mind that Universal's on-site hotels do charge a parking fee; you'll have to pay for parking if you choose to drive to Universal's theme parks, too. With Universal's transportation options, though, there is really no reason to drive between the parks if you stay on-site.

Your other option is the Universal SuperStar Shuttle. The shuttle can pick you up from MCO and drop you off at your Universal hotel. One-way service is $23 for adults and $18 for kids ages 3 to 9. Round-trip service is $39 for adults and $29 for kids. Advance reservations are required by calling 1-866-604-7557.

What is the best way to get around Universal Orlando?

trip to the tip of long point

If you are staying at one of Universal's on-site hotels, you have several complimentary options for getting between your resort, Univeral's parks and CityWalk.

Shuttle bus

Because Universal Studios Florida, Islands of Adventure and CityWalk are close to one another, there is only one bus stop regardless of where you are going. A separate shuttle will take you to Volcano Bay unless you stay at Cabana Bay Beach Resort or Aventura Hotel. These hotels are close enough to Volcano Bay that guests must use the walking path.

All of Universal's Premier hotels and Loews Sapphire Falls Resort offer water taxi service to City Walk. In addition to easy access to the parks, you go through security before you board the water taxi, so you'll get into the parks without waiting in a long security line.

Drive and park

If you're not staying in an official Universal hotel, you must drive to the area and park in Universal's main parking structure (6000 Universal Boulevard), which is connected to CityWalk. After you park and go through security, you can walk to CityWalk or either of Universal's theme parks. If you plan to visit Volcano Bay, you'll be directed to a shuttle bus that can take you directly there.

Daily parking fees are as follows:

  • Regular parking: $32
  • RV/bus parking: $42
  • Prime parking: $50-$60

Valet parking is available for an additional fee. Free self parking is available for guests who arrive after 6 p.m.

Garden walk

trip to the tip of long point

If you don't mind a few hundred extra steps, you can take a peaceful walking path from the Hard Rock Hotel, Loews Royal Pacific Resort, Loews Portofino Bay Hotel, Loews Sapphire Falls Resort, Universal's Aventura Hotel and Universal's Cabana Bay Beach Resort.

There is a separate security entrance at the end of the walking path that usually has a much shorter wait than the main security station in the parking garage. If you are staying at one of these hotels and want to arrive for early park admission, the walking path is often the best way to get there quickly and be near the front gates before they open.

What's the best place to stay on a Universal Orlando vacation?

Once you've ironed out when you plan to visit Universal, you'll want to determine where to stay. Between Universal's on-site hotels and a handful of nearby points hotels, you have a ton of options. There are so many choices that TPG wrote an entire guide to choosing the best Universal Orlando hotel for your trip .

We'll recap the high points below.

trip to the tip of long point

Benefits of Universal hotels

If you only have a few days to explore Universal and don't mind the cost, an on-site property may be your best bet. That's because guests of all Universal hotels receive early entry into the parks for specific attractions.

The parks that open for early admission vary by day, and only certain attractions are available. However, they tend to be the popular rides, with lines that grow once the gates open to regular parkgoers. There's a helpful page on the Universal site to determine what's available to on-site hotel guests. With some rides in each of the two parks available, that should also help spread out the crowds.

trip to the tip of long point

It's a nice freebie, and it's the best strategy if you have your heart set on riding Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure without spending hours in line. Currently, this ride does not participate in Universal's Express Pass skip-the-line program.

If you stay in one of Universal's on-site hotels, you can also use the park's complimentary transportation options described above to get between CityWalk, Universal Studios, Islands of Adventure and your hotel.

trip to the tip of long point

The downside of staying at a Universal hotel is the price. Rates at Universal's Value, Prime Value or Preferred hotels align with other area hotels, but if you want to stay in one of Universal's high-end Premier hotels, you'll pay considerably more. However, you'll also get complimentary Universal Express skip-the-line passes for guests in your room. We'll explain that in more detail below, but it's a huge timesaver and may be worth the extra per-night cost of staying on-site.

Related: How to use points to save money at Universal Orlando

If you have The Platinum Card® from American Express or The Business Platinum Card® from American Express , you can maximize your stay at Loews Portofino Bay and book via the Amex Fine Hotels + Resorts program . This will not only get you Express Passes for all the guests in your party but also a full daily breakfast for two, a $100 property credit, late 4 p.m. checkout and more.

Staying off-site

trip to the tip of long point

Universal is surrounded by plenty of points hotels, so if you'd prefer to stay off-site — on points or cash — you can easily do so. Some of TPG's favorite nearby points hotels are within walking distance of Universal.

Related: Splash into fun: The 14 best hotel pools in Orlando

Here are a few points hotels within walking distance of Universal:

  • Hyatt Place Across From Universal Orlando Resort (Category 2, from 6,500 World of Hyatt points per night)
  • Hyatt House Across From Universal Orlando Resort (Category 3, from 9,000 World of Hyatt points per night)
  • DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel at the Entrance to Universal Orlando (around 36,0000 Hilton Honors points per night)

And some great points hotels that are just a short drive away:

  • Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress Resort (Category 4, from 12,000 World of Hyatt points per night)
  • The Ritz-Carlton Orlando, Grande Lakes (from 46,000 Marriott points per night on standard dates)
  • JW Marriott Grande Lakes (from 67,000 Marriott points per night on standard dates)
  • Hilton Orlando (from 56,000 Hilton Honors points per night)
  • Hyatt Regency Orlando (Category 4, From 12,000 World of Hyatt points per night)
  • Waldorf Astoria Orlando (from 90,000 Hilton Honors points per night)

How to save time in line at Universal Orlando

Like many other theme parks, Universal has its own version of skip-the-line-pass called Universal Express. There are a few ways you can get Universal Express passes.

Related: Is Universal's Express Pass worth it? TPG tested how much time it really saves you in line

As mentioned above, the best way is to include it in your stay. Guests staying at any of the three top-of-the-line Universal Premier hotels — Loews Portofino Bay Hotel, Hard Rock Hotel and Loews Royal Pacific Resort — get Universal Express Unlimited for free as registered guests.

This is huge because the starting cost, if purchased separately, ranges from $89.99 to $289.99 per person, per day. Getting Universal Express Unlimited with your room rate is a better deal for a family of four than buying it outright.

Another option is to simply buy an Express Pass when you need it. How much you pay depends on the type of pass you buy and when you visit Universal, as passes cost more when crowd levels are high.

Here are the three types of Express Passes you can buy:

Universal Express: This is the base version of the skip-the-line pass. It allows you to skip the regular line one time per participating ride at both Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure theme parks. Prices start at $89.99 per person per day for one park and increase from there — sometimes as high as $289.99 per day.

trip to the tip of long point

Universal Express Unlimited: The unlimited pass lets you skip the regular lines at participating rides as many times as you wish at Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure.

Passes for that privilege start at $119.99 per person per day. Pricing for the unlimited passes seems to be running about $30 more per day than the normal express passes, which may make them the better value if it's within your budget.

Volcano Bay Express: This pass is solely for use at Volcano Bay water park , allowing you to skip the regular line once per participating ride. The pass starts at $19.99 per person per day, but you won't find that rate very often. With Volcano Bay's Tapu Tapu system, which lets you tap into each attraction and get a return time, you can usually get by even without Express.

Participating rides and attractions are subject to change, so it's best to consult Universal Orlando's website before your visit.

trip to the tip of long point

Just about every ride is included in the Universal Express, except Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure.

Hagrid's is an incredible attraction that has seen some incredible wait times since opening. Unless you purchase a VIP tour, expect to spend a significant amount of time waiting in line for rides — like Hagrid's — that aren't included in Universal Express.

Take a VIP tour

Another way to avoid the lines is to take a VIP tour. Universal offers both small group and private VIP tours, and both options can help you cut the line.

Summer Hull, a director at TPG, took her family on a private VIP experience at Universal . It included walk-on ride access during the tour, Express Passes and dining credit after the official tour.

A private tour will cost a few thousand dollars for the day for your group, but small-group VIP experiences can be much less expensive, starting at around $200 per person.

trip to the tip of long point

The primary difference between the two tours is the amount of access. The group tours are less private but only guarantee that you'll experience front-of-the-line access for eight to 10 rides. A private VIP tour is charged by the hour and operates faster or slower as you prefer.

Whether you purchase an Express Pass or take a VIP tour will likely be determined by how crowded the park is during your visit and your budget.

If it's offseason, you can get away without a skip-the-line pass. But if you're visiting during a holiday week or school vacation, be prepared for long lines without a pass. Having an Express Pass will allow you to ride more attractions in less time on those dates.

Universal's child-swap policy

If you travel as a family, you know that not everyone will want to go on every ride. And some of your kids may not yet be old or tall enough to ride some attractions your other kids are dying to try.

Universal's child-swap program solves the problem of the entire family having to choose between experiencing a ride and not.

trip to the tip of long point

In fact, Universal's child swap is the best in the business as there are (air-conditioned) waiting areas in some key attractions. Most even have televisions showing whichever movie the attraction is based on.

Related: More than just thrills: There's big fun for little kids at Universal Orlando

This allows one member of your party to watch over small children while the rest of the gang waits in line and rides. Then, you can swap places so the other members can enjoy the ride without another long wait. Just ask the attraction attendant to point you toward the designated waiting spots.

How to plan a Universal Orlando trip on a budget

All the extras like Universal Express and staying at a top-tier hotel are fun, but if they aren't in your budget, there are ways to save money on your visit to Universal Orlando. Here are some of the most important things you can do to make your Universal vacation budget manageable:

  • Stay at a Universal Value resort like Universal's Endless Summer Dockside or Surfside resorts, or use hotel reward points to stay at one of the Hilton or Hyatt hotels mentioned above. Here are the best cards to earn Hilton points and the best cards to earn Hyatt points .
  • Purchase groceries for meals and snacks, and only buy one or two meals in the parks daily.
  • Don't visit the parks every day you are at Universal and stick to one park per day. You'll save money by skipping a Park-to-Park ticket.
  • During your day off from the parks, swim at your hotel or visit CityWalk. If you stay at a resort like Universal's Cabana Bay Beach Resort, you'll have a lazy river and waterslide at the pool, making it almost like a water park.
  • Don't forget to periodically check Universal's website for discounts. Even after you book, you may be able to apply a hotel or vacation package discount that can save you even more money.
  • Visit during less busy times of the year. Ticket prices are the cheapest in September, with one-day tickets starting at $119.

Universal Orlando pretrip checklist

Now that you've determined your budget, purchased your tickets, booked your hotel and made a rough itinerary, your trip is nearly planned. You'll need to consider a few other details to make your trip as memorable as possible. Here's our ultimate Universal Orlando pretrip checklist:

  • Pack accordingly : Depending on when you visit, you could be dealing with heat, humidity, afternoon showers, chilly temperatures or a mix of all of the above. It's important to pack comfortable shoes and clothing no matter when you visit, but you may also want rain gear, sun protection or a warm jacket, depending on the weather.
  • Download the Universal Orlando app : This app is an invaluable tool that you will use daily during your visit. You can use it to check wait times and show times; plus, you can mobile-order meals and snacks from quick-service dining locations. You can also link your ticket to the app. Or, if you save a credit card to your account, you can use the app's Universal Pay feature to make contactless payments at shops and restaurants throughout the park.
  • Check the park hours before your visit : You can view the park hours on the Universal Orlando website or the Universal Orlando app. Each park has separate opening and closing times, and parks occasionally close early for special events like Halloween Horror Nights.
  • Check the height requirements for attractions: If you are traveling to Universal Orlando with young children, you can check the height requirements for attractions on the park's website or app. There are also measuring stations at all attractions with a minimum height requirement, but it's better to know ahead of time to avoid tears if your child isn't quite tall enough.
  • Know where to find your favorite characters : Most characters have designated meeting times and locations, which you can find in the Universal app under "shows." You should see a filter for "character" that will bring up shows and meet-and-greets with your favorite characters.
  • Decide if you want to purchase a My Universal Photos package. In addition to on-ride photos, professional photographers are available around Universal's theme parks to help you capture your vacation memories. You can purchase one-day or three-day photo packages and save $20 by purchasing ahead of time. If you think you will want this option, it's best to purchase it before your vacation.
  • Plan for downtime: One of the biggest mistakes people make on a theme park vacation is overscheduling their trip and leaving no time for rest and relaxation. If you are visiting for more than a few days, try and schedule a day away from the parks where you swim, explore the other resorts or just lounge around the hotel. It'll help rejuvenate you for the rest of your trip. For shorter trips, you may want to schedule a slow morning or return to your hotel early one day instead of being at the parks from opening to closing every day of your trip.

The best credit cards to use at Universal

Now we get to a hot topic for points-and-miles travelers planning a trip to Universal Orlando. Which credit card should you use? The answer is, "It depends."

Related: Best credit cards to use for Universal Studios

For example, how and where you purchase your theme park tickets will dictate how the charge will be coded. Historically speaking, Universal theme park tickets and VIP tours purchased directly from Universal code as "entertainment." However, tickets purchased from a third-party seller like Undercover Tourist or at an on-site Universal hotel (make sure to charge to the hotel) code as "travel." Depending on how you purchase your ticket, you'll want to select either a card that rewards you for entertainment spend or travel purchases.

If you think your purchase will code as entertainment, two good credit card options are:

  • Capital One Savor Cash Rewards Credit Card — 4% cash back
  • Capital One SavorOne Cash Rewards Credit Card — 3% cash back

If, however, you know your charge will code as travel, you're better off using:

  • Chase Sapphire Reserve® — 3 points per dollar spent
  • Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card — 2 points per dollar spent
  • Bank of America® Premium Rewards® credit card — 2 points per every dollar spent

The information for the Capital One Savor Cash Rewards Credit Card has been collected independently by The Points Guy. The card details on this page have not been reviewed or provided by the card issuer.

Bottom line

Universal is packed with rides, attractions, character meet-and-greets and more. Yet it's compact enough for you to cover a lot of ground in just a few days. With this guide, you can choose where to stay and what to do, as well as where to spend and where you can save. This way, you can have the best Universal Orlando vacation.

Related reading:

  • 'Let the good times roll' – Mardi Gras isn't over at this Central Florida theme park
  • Best restaurants at Universal Orlando Resort
  • Sleek and modern, yet affordable: A review of Universal's Aventura Hotel
  • Is Universal's Express Pass worth it? TPG tested how much time it really saves you in line
  • Universal's new credit cards reward you with free theme park tickets and more


  1. Long Point lighthouse on a beautiful summer day

    trip to the tip of long point

  2. Long Point lighthouse on a beautiful summer day

    trip to the tip of long point

  3. Trip to the Tip of Long Point

    trip to the tip of long point

  4. Long Point Tours

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  5. The Long Point lighthouse was built in 1916, it was the third

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  6. Our Birding Excursion by Zodiac to the Tip of Long Point

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  1. THE LONG DARK: Interloper, ASH CANYON, part 13- Runaway Bridge, Polaroid, Heavy Storm

  2. Why our tri tip is better

  3. Kwik trip tip of the Day!!!!

  4. PRE TRIP AND POST TRIP TIP! MUST DO!!#flatbedtrucking #flatbedlife #journey


  1. Trip to the Tip of Long Point

    Email. 622 Dundas St., Suite 138. Woodstock Ontario. N4S 1E2. Go where roads can't take you. This 3-hour tour takes you deep into the UNESCO world biosphere reserve and all the way out to the tip of Long Point. Learn the stories and the rich history that encompass this legendary sand spit. On tour we make a number of educational stops at ...

  2. Long Point Tours

    One for the bucket list! Go where roads can't take you. This 2.5-hour tour takes you deep into the UNESCO world biosphere reserve and all the way out to the ...

  3. Long Point Tours

    The "Trip to the Tip" of Long Point! Go where roads cannot & discover the legends & lure of Long Point. This exciting/educational expedition takes you all the way out to the tip of the worlds largest freshwater sand-spit. Consisting of 26,250 hectares Long Point stretches 42km's out into Lake Erie.

  4. Long Point Tours

    The "Trip to the Tip" of Long Point! Go where roads cannot & discover the legends & lure of Long Point. This exciting/educational expedition takes you all the way out to the tip of the worlds largest freshwater sand-spit. Consisting of 26,250 hectares Long Point stretches 42km's out into Lake Erie.

  5. the tip is a must see!

    the tip is a must see! long point's tip is only accessible by boat. it is definitely worth the trip as you see the waves intersecting as they come in to shore. the water was clean and refreshing and you can walk out on the sandbar for quite a distance. the zodiac boat, being a zodiac boat, is not for everyone. there is no shade, there is only 1 ...

  6. Trip to the Tip of Long Point

    On the trip out we saw the famous Pottahawk Point, the Long Point Company, Gravelly Bay and the lighthouse. Garrett parked the zodiac on the beach and we had plenty of time to explore the tip of the point, check out the lighthouse and go for a really memorable swim - the water on the lake side of the tip was warm, the bay side was much cooler.

  7. Trip to the Tip

    Long Point Tours: Trip to the Tip - See 30 traveler reviews, 53 candid photos, and great deals for Turkey Point, Canada, at Tripadvisor.

  8. Take a Boat Trip to the Tip with Long Point Tours

    Long Point: With its secluded beaches and colourful history of pirates, shipwrecks and sunken treasure, you'd half expect to find it somewhere in the Caribbean. Instead, this rare ecological gem is a short two-hour drive from Toronto, Ontario on the shores of Lake Erie. Recognized as a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve, Long Point carries the ...

  9. Trip to Tip of Long Point

    A trip to the tip of Long Point (Norfolk County, Ontario, Canada) via Zodiac boat tour courtesy of Long Point Eco-Adventures. For more info, go to http://www...

  10. Trip to the tip of Long Point

    Long Point Tours: Trip to the tip of Long Point - See 30 traveler reviews, 53 candid photos, and great deals for Turkey Point, Canada, at Tripadvisor.

  11. The Tip of Long Point

    Come explore the Long Point area, and see why this landscape has been designated a World Biosphere Reserve. Bird Studies Canada has observed Red-throated Loon, Pied-billed Grebe, Least Bittern, Black-crowned Night-Heron, and Trumpeter Swan, among others, along 'The Tip' of Long Point.

  12. Why you need to visit Long Point in Cape Cod

    The Long Point Lighthouse guides mariners into the busy fishing port of Provincetown Harbor. Beware of poison ivy along the path. You can't enter the lighthouse, but a trail will lead you back over to the other side of Long Point where you will catch the ferry home. When you want to head back, just head to the place where you were dropped off.

  13. The trip to the tip of Long Point ontario

    Long Point Tours offer a number of different experiences all within the UNESCO Long Point World Biosphere Reserve. Tours are operated out of Norfolk County, ...

  14. Long Point State Park on Lake Chautauqua

    Long Point, which juts peninsula-like into Lake Chautauqua, is one of the moraines left long ago by a retreating glacier. The park and marina comprise a day-use area with thickly-wooded areas of beech, maple, spruce, poplar and oak. The park's boat launch is the most modern on Lake Chautauqua, which, at 1,308 feet above sea level, is one of the ...

  15. Trip to the Tip Amazing

    Long Point Eco-Adventures: Trip to the Tip Amazing - See 330 traveler reviews, 199 candid photos, and great deals for Turkey Point, Canada, at Tripadvisor.

  16. Lake Erie Spring Migration Birding Tour

    The songbird migration spectacle at the "Big 3" - Pelee, Rondeau and Long Point! An exclusive day boat trip to the Long Point Bird Observatory research station at the Tip of Long Point. Potential for rarities and southern overshoots! Relatively easy and productive birding in scenically impressive and diverse areas

  17. LONG POINT TOURS (Turkey Point)

    The "Trip to the Tip" of Long Point! Go where roads cannot & discover the legends & lure of Long Point. This exciting/educational expedition takes you all the way out to the tip of the worlds largest freshwater sand-spit. Consisting of 26,250 hectares Long Point stretches 42km's out into Lake Erie. The kids will love the exciting ride, the ...

  18. A visit to Long Point and its bird observatory

    The tip is accessible only by a 1.5-hour boat trip with a probability of travel on any given day around 40%. We spent our initial 2 days birding the 700-km 2 Long Point area, for which there is an excellent bird-finding guide (Ridout 2010), and covered about a third of its 45 sites. We spent the following 6 days at the tip of Long Point ...

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    Cat Age: Cat Weight: How Much to Feed a Cat in a Day: Daily Feedings: Up to 1 week: 3-7 ounces: Kitty formula: 25-65 ml: 12: 1-2 weeks: 5-14 ounces: Kitty formula: 40-110 ml

  20. To The Tip of Long Point

    Long Point Tours: To The Tip of Long Point - See 30 traveler reviews, 53 candid photos, and great deals for Turkey Point, Canada, at Tripadvisor.

  21. Deal alert: Fly to Prague from the US from $363 round-trip

    We found some good prices out West for this deal, too. SAS is currently offering tickets to PRG from San Francisco International Airport (SFO) in October for only $444 round-trip. Please note that the return trip has a 15-hour layover in Copenhagen — but that could be a perfect opportunity to explore the Danish capital for a day.

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    Epic trips call for ample recovery time. We spoke to seasoned travelers about pressing the reset button after a long journey, covering everything from tips for unpacking to reversing sleep schedules.

  24. Long Point State Park on Lake Chautauqua

    One hundred and twenty species of birds have been recorded here. Hike the roughly 1-mile loop trail to the Tip of Long Point for an incredible panoramic view of Chautauqua Lake at lake-level. Common species to look for year-round and as seasons change include the Bufflehead Duck, Tundra Swan, Purple Martin, sparrows, warblers, and more. TRAIL MAP

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    Hurricane Beryl has strengthened into a Category 5 Atlantic hurricane — the earliest on record — as it powers across the Caribbean after bringing devastation to the Windward Islands, where at ...

  26. Long Point Eco-Adventures: Trip to Tip

    Go where roads can't take you and experience the legends and allure of Long Point, by taking this adventurous Trip to the Tip.This exciting and educational e...

  27. Trip to the Tip of Long Point

    Long Point Tours: Trip to the Tip of Long Point - See 30 traveler reviews, 53 candid photos, and great deals for Turkey Point, Canada, at Tripadvisor.

  28. Long Point Tours

    Long Point Tours, Turkey Point: See 30 reviews, articles, and 53 photos of Long Point Tours, ranked No.3 on Tripadvisor among 7 attractions in Turkey Point.

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    With the Golden Gate Bridge in your rear-view mirror, drive 60 miles south to Pigeon Point Lighthouse, five miles before Pescadero. The tallest lighthouse on the coast, it provides a great perch ...

  30. Here's how to plan a trip to Universal Orlando Resort in 2024

    This allows one member of your party to watch over small children while the rest of the gang waits in line and rides. Then, you can swap places so the other members can enjoy the ride without another long wait. Just ask the attraction attendant to point you toward the designated waiting spots. How to plan a Universal Orlando trip on a budget