The Packable Life

My Bodyweight Travel Workout (No Equipment? No Problem)

A silhouette flexing in front of Crater Lake, Oregon

When caught up in the exciting and unpredictable throes of travel, it’s quite easy to push personal fitness to the back-burner or neglect it completely. I get it. I’m living and breathing proof.

I’ve pulled hazy all-nighters at Peruvian casinos. I’ve ingested frightening amounts of Chinese street food under the buzz of flickering streetlights. I’ve spent entire days detached and burnt out from the grind of travel, staring blankly at a computer screen . I know from experience how easy it is to get out of shape on the road.

But, I also know that it doesn’t take much to get in shape and stay in shape while traveling. 

Over the years, I’ve developed a routine of simple and effective travel bodyweight workouts — no equipment necessary — to stay fit without disrupting my life the road. No gyms, weights, machines, or big time commitment. It works for me and it can help you too.

What to Expect

  • About 30 minutes of dedicated exercise a day, five times a week
  • Three days of bodyweight exercises
  • Two days of cardio exercises
  • Two ‘rest’ days
  • A complete full-body workout

Where to Workout

The beauty of this bodyweight travel workout is that you can perform it wherever the hell you want. It can be accomplished in seedy bus stations, balmy hotel rooms, beaches, airports… practically anywhere. The choice is yours. This workout requires no equipment and is made for travelers .

Day One – Shoulders, Arms, and Core

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Complete exercises 1-4 in succession (one set). A complete workout consists of three full sets separated by 3-4 minute breaks . The number of reps can be raised once you comfortably complete three full sets with proper form.

Knee-to-Elbow Plank – 20 reps per leg

Pike push-ups – 12 reps, crunches – 40 reps, 20 to the center, 20 alternating to the sides, decline push-ups – 10 reps, flutter kicks & scissor kicks – 30 seconds each, day two – cardio.

YouTube video

The goal on cardio days is to get your heart beating at a high rate for at least 30 minutes . Cardio days should be fun and productive – that’s it. No rules, reps, or sets. Workouts shouldn’t always seem like a chore.

Here are a few of my favorite ways to get my cardio workout in :

  • Ping pong (yes, ping pong)

Get creative. Seek out free fitness classes, find pickup games, join running groups, play frisbee in the park, or set lofty step goals . Make your cardio days entertaining, social, and fulfilling.

Day Three – Chest, Back, and Core

YouTube video

Push-Ups – 12 reps

Planks – 45 seconds center plank, 45 seconds side planks per side, bird dog crunches – 50 reps (25 on each side), dips – 15 reps, superman – 45 seconds, day four – cardio.

YouTube video

Today is another cardio day, so get your heart beating at a high rate for at least 30 minutes, just as you did in day one.

If the freedom of the cardio workouts creates too many options and makes it hard to decide, just run for 30 minutes. I always think of running as my go-to when other options are unavailable or inconvenient.

Day Five – Legs

YouTube video

Wall-Sits – One minute

Lunges – 30 reps, squats – 20 reps, calf raises – 25 reps, track your progress.

Keeping a log of your daily reps will hold you accountable. For forgetful people like me, a record of progress will ensure that workouts are focused and on track. Numbers will serve as a great motivator as time passes.

Work Out While You Travel (No Equipment Necessary)

It’s easy to lose focus and a sense of routine on the road. Travel can pull you in a million different directions at once and throw your life out of balance.

Following this no equipment travel workout routine will inject harmony, focus, and energy into your days on the road. Finding time to exercise will help balance out the oily street food, hours-long computer sessions, and late nights. No, this routine won’t solve all of the problems you encounter on the road, but it will keep you grounded and help you get in great shape along the way.

Travel with purpose. Commit to making routine exercise a focal point and you will begin to live your best life on the road.

Last Updated on March 19, 2024

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Noel Krasomil

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The Best Travel Workouts You Can Do With No Equipment

By Alexa Tucker

Image may contain Human Person Sport Sports Fitness Exercise Working Out Stretch and Yoga

When it comes to reaching your fitness goals, consistency is key . And while travel workouts are obviously great if you can fit them in, don't stress about taking a few days off— skipping your workout for a few days isn't going to set back your progress.

But there are so many benefits to breaking a sweat that are worth setting aside some time to train while traveling, including more energy and improved mood. That's why we rounded up some of our top equipment-free , minimal-space travel workouts to help you make it happen no matter where you are. Plus, squeezing in a quick workout or two during your trip can make it easier to get back in the swing of things after you've unpacked your suitcases.

So whether you're on the road for work, fun, or visiting family, here are eight travel-friendly workouts to try.

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Repeat 3x: • 10 Plank Ups • 10 Lateral Plank Walks • 10 Burpees With Push-Ups • 10 Planks With Shoulder Taps • 10 Diamond Push-Ups • 10 Mountain Climber Twists

Developed by FitFusion trainer Kenta Seki , this workout might make it hard to blow dry your hair tomorrow. It will take about 10 minutes to complete—get all of the workout details here .

Image may contain Text Advertisement Poster Flyer Paper and Brochure

Do 12 to 15 reps per side for each exercise.

Repeat 4x: • Side-Step Squats • Single-Leg Glute Bridges • Curtsy Lunges With Side Kick Rest — 90 seconds

No squats required for this workout from Jill Penfold , LA-based personal trainer and creator of the 12-week LA Bride Body program . Get the workout details here .

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If you're a beginner, do 30 seconds of work, 30 seconds rest per move. Intermediate: 40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest Advanced: 50 seconds work, 10 seconds rest

Repeat 2x: • Mock Jumping Rope • Burpee With Push-Up • Squat Jump • Plank Taps • Jumping Lunge

Get up on the right side of the bed (even if it's not your bed) with this 10-minute burner from Jill Penfold , LA-based personal trainer and creator of the 12-week LA Bride Body program . Get the workout details here .

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By Jenna Ryu

5 Simple Things to Do If You Feel Like Your Memory Is Already Shot

By Erica Sloan

So You Want to Learn How to Squirt During Sex

Do each move for 2 minutes, rest for 30 seconds between moves: • Bodyweight Squats • Push-Ups • Plank With T-Rotation (switch sides after 1 minute) • Alternating Standing Oblique Crunches

The perfect routine if you've only got 10 minutes to spare (and no extra time to get ready again afterward). It was developed for SELF by Jessica Bolbach, owner of NYC fitness studio KORE . Get the workout details here .

Image may contain Text

Repeat 2x: • Plié Squat pulses With One Foot Raised — 30 seconds per side • Alternating Side Lunges — 30 seconds per side • Skater Hops — 15 seconds • Curtsy Kicks — 30 seconds per side • Goblet Squats — 30 seconds • Jumping Jacks — 15 seconds • Pilates Scissors — 30 seconds • Clamshells — 30 seconds per side

This workout from exercise physiologist Michelle Lovitt , M.A., will set your inner thighs on fire. Keep in mind that spot training is a fitness myth. If your goal is muscle definition or fat loss in a particular area, you'll need to do a combination of strength training (both of that specific muscle group and everywhere else), reducing overall body fat, and eating a diet that contributes to body fat loss and muscle-building. With that disclaimer, get the full workout details here .

This image may contain Human and Person

2 sets of 10 reps each: • Step it Up • Leg Lift • Tap It Out • Downward Dog Reach

This four-move strength circuit targets your core. It was created by Katherine Greiner of KGBody , for SELF's 2016 Six Weeks To Summer challenge . "The moves work the obliques, abs, and lower back to reveal a strong, sexy stomach," Greiner says. Get the workout details here .

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Do each move for 1 minute.

Repeat 4x: • Jumping Lunges • Wall Sit With Hands Up • Jumping Squats • Plank Rest — 1 minute

This workout from SELF's 2016 Six Weeks To Summer challenge will have you jumping, planking, and sweating . Get the workout details here .

This image may contain Text and Menu

Air Punches — 30 seconds • 5 Burpees Air Punches — 30 seconds • 4 Burpees Air Punches — 30 seconds • 3 Burpees Air Punches — 30 seconds • 2 Burpees Air Punches — 30 seconds • 1 Burpee Air Punches — 30 seconds • 2 Burpees Air Punches — 30 seconds • 3 Burpees Air Punches — 30 seconds • 4 Burpees Air Punches — 30 seconds • 5 Burpees

There are only two moves in this workout from SELF's 2016 Six Weeks To Summer challenge , but your heart will be racing by the end. Get the workout details here .

  • 16 Equipment-Free Arm Exercises You Can Do at Home
  • A 15-Minute No-Equipment Core Workout You Can Do at Home
  • 20-Minute No-Equipment Total-Body Workout You Can Do Anywhere

body travel gym

SELF does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any information published on this website or by this brand is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional.

How to Maintain Some Semblance of a Health Routine on Vacation

16 Travel-Friendly Fitness Exercises To Keep You Fit On The Go (No Equipment Required)

As much as we love the freedom of traveling and working remotely, it can sometimes disrupt our fitness routines.

Long hours on the road, irregular schedules, and unfamiliar environments can make it tough to stay active. However, we also know how staying fit is crucial for both mental and physical well-being as travelers.

But here's some good news: you can stay healthy and toned on the go without having to pack a gym bag!

For this blog post, I'm going to share my experience as nomad trainers by revealing the best travel exercises that require no equipment and are suitable for people always on the move like travelers, digital nomads and remote workers.

I will list these exercises in order of difficulty so keep reading to read our personal list of exercises you can't miss.

Easiest Travel Fitness Exercises

1. arm rotations.

Arm rotations

Get ready to start your travel workout with a simple yet effective exercise - Arm Rotations. This exercise is as straightforward as it sounds, but it packs a punch in promoting mobility and flexibility in the upper body, essential for those long hours spent working on your laptop or carrying heavy luggage. The power of this exercise lies in repetition. So, take your time and aim for at least 15 rotations to start with. Keep breathing and enjoy the stretch in your arms and chest. You'll be amazed at how this simple exercise helps to keep your upper body flexible and energised.

How to do it

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, grounding yourself firmly.
  • Extend your arms out to the sides at shoulder-height. Imagine yourself as a human 'T'.
  • Now, it's time for the rotation. Rotate your torso and arms behind you, then slowly return to the start.

2. Hip Circles

Hip circles

Next up on our list of no-equipment travel exercises is the Hip Circles. This exercise is not just about getting mobile, but also about building strength in your hips and the muscles that surround them. It's particularly beneficial for those of us who spend too many hours sitting during travel or work. A few rounds of Hip Circles can help keep your hips flexible and strong, helping you to avoid discomfort and maintain your mobility on the go. Don't forget to breathe here! You'll be amazed at how a few rounds of this exercise can fire up those hip muscles and add a touch of flexibility to your day.

  • Stand tall, making sure your feet are aligned with your shoulders.
  • Now, it's time to get those hips moving. Rotate them in wide circles, like you're hula-hooping.
  • Don't forget to switch it up! Change directions every few reps to ensure you're working those muscles evenly.

3. Overhead Towel Row

Overhead Towel Row

Traveling doesn't mean you have to compromise on your strength training. The Overhead Towel Row is a fantastic no-equipment travel exercise that targets your upper back and shoulders. This exercise not only amplifies your strength but also enhances shoulder mobility and flexibility. You're just a towel away from toning up those muscles and feeling more powerful. It's not about speed here; it's about maintaining control and tension. So, take your time, keep breathing, and let the power of this simple yet effective exercise kick in. Your upper back and shoulders will thank you!

  • Begin by holding a towel overhead, with arms stretched out. Create tension by pulling the towel ends outward.
  • Initiate the rowing action by pulling the towel down in front of your face while maintaining the tension. Feel those muscles working!
  • Extend your arms back to the overhead position and repeat.

4. The Towel Row

The Towel Row

Don't be fooled by the simplicity of this exercise! The Towel Row is another super effective no-equipment travel exercise that brings the gym to you, wherever you are. All you need is your trusty towel and a bit of space. This exercise works wonders in strengthening your upper back, shoulders, and biceps. Moreover, it's fantastic for improving your posture, especially important if you find yourself slouched over a laptop while working on the move. The beauty of the Towel Row lies in its simplicity and efficiency. Take your time and really feel your muscles working with each pull. Your back, shoulders, and biceps will definitely feel the love. Trust us.

  • Stand in a forward lean position holding a towel taut with palms facing up.
  • Way to go! Now pull the towel towards your belly button, keeping your elbows close to your body.
  • Slowly extend your arms back to the starting position, maintaining the forward lean.

5. Hip Bridge

Hip bridge

Bring on the Hip Bridge, another perfect travel exercise that doesn't require equipment. Lying flat might seem easy, but trust us, this exercise will have your glutes and hamstrings burning in no time while giving your core some serious attention. Why should you get familiar with the Hip Bridge? It's straight-up rewarding – it strengthens your glutes and hamstrings and improves core stability. So, you might be on the move, but your workouts don't need to stop!

  • Lie flat on your back with knees bent, and feet flat on the floor. Picture yourself ready to launch a rocket. You're the rocket!
  • Without further ado, lift your hips off the floor until your knees, hips, and shoulders form a straight line. It's like you're a drawbridge – and you're lifting up!
  • Hold for a moment, as if you're pausing to take in the gorgeous view from the top, then lower your hips back down to the floor.

6. Shoulder Taps

Shoulder taps

Let's round off the easy level with Shoulder Taps! This travel-friendly workout requires no special gear and is all set to challenge your strength, balance, and core stability. With every tap, you're not just working your shoulders but also engaging your core and boosting your balance. It's like hitting a workout trifecta – shoulder, core, and balance all in one go! Don't forget, you're a digital nomad, not a workout nomad. With these shoulder taps, you can prove that strength doesn't demand staticity.

  • Start in a high plank position. You're a strong, sturdy table, ready to bear the weight.
  • Next, tap your left shoulder with your right hand. Keep your hips level, no wobbling!
  • Now, it’s time to repeat on the other side, alternating taps.

body travel gym

Loving these fitness exercises?

They were curated with the expertise of nomadstrong, the #1 online gym for digital nomads offering personalized online fitness training wherever your travels take you, intermediate level travel exercises, 7. push ups.

Push ups

Alright, nomad travelers! It's time to level up with the first exercise for the intermediate level - the classic Push Up. This fundamental travel exercise, requiring no equipment, is here to work on your chest, shoulders, and triceps. Each push up is like a high-five to your strength and homage to the strength you carry within you, reinforcing your travel motto: No place too far, no workout too hard!

  • Get into a high plank position. Imagine you're a solid plank of wood, ready to be carved into a masterpiece.
  • Now, lower your body towards the floor, keeping your elbows snugly tucked close to your body. You're going down, but you're not staying down!
  • Push back up to the starting position.


To mix things up a bit, it's time to give your lower body some love with Squats. This is another no-equipment, travel-friendly fitness exercise that can be done anywhere, anytime. Squats are your best travel buddy, strengthening those lower body muscles and improving your posture, setting you up for those long exploratory walks in your new destination.

  • Stand tall, feet shoulder-width apart. Imagine you're a mountain, unshakeable and majestic.
  • Now, it's time to lower your body, think of it like you're sitting on an imaginary chair by pushing your hips back and bending your knees. Don't rush, take your time!
  • Stand back up to the starting position. Feel the burn in your thighs and glutes, that's your strength coming to life.

9. Reverse Lunge

Reverse lunge

Giving a shoutout to our legs, the trusted carriers, we have the Reverse Lunge. With no equipment required, this is another excellent and travel-friendly fitness exercise. This movement is a fantastic way to work on your lower body muscles and improve your balance. Think of it as your secret formula for strolling across cobblestone streets or hiking up winding trails in your next travel destination.

  • Stand like a warrior, with feet hip-width apart.
  • Time for some action! Step one foot back and lower your body, with both knees bending to 90 degrees. Like a graceful dancer, keep your balance and composure.
  • Now, return to your starting position and repeat the process with your other leg.

10. Jump Squat

Jump squat

Next on our list is the heart-pumping Jump Squat. No equipment, no excuses - this fitness exercise is as travel-friendly as it gets. Jump Squats are not only about building strength in your lower body but are also amazing for improving your cardiovascular endurance. Think of them as your hidden superpower for those long, adventurous days of traveling and exploring. These are literally your secret weapon for when you want to race up the stairs of a breathtaking monument or dance the night away in a vibrant local festival.

  • Stand tall and strong, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Picture yourself like a spring, ready to be unleashed.
  • Dive into a squat, just like we practiced before. Now, here's the fun part – explode upwards in a jump. Extend your legs and reach for the skies!
  • Land softly like a feather, seamlessly flowing into the next squat. Keep this rhythm, and feel the power coursing through your legs.

11. Reverse Lunge to High Knee

Reverse Lunge to High Knee

As we move along our list, we bring you the impressive Reverse Lunge to High Knee. This is a no-equipment-required travel exercise that will make your lower body stronger while improving your balance and coordination. Indeed, this exercise will be your secret edge when navigating uneven terrains or taking on spontaneous adventures in your travels.

  • Begin with feet hip-width apart, poised and confident.
  • Step one foot back and lower your body, bending both knees to 90 degrees. Remember, poise and balance are key.
  • Now, rise like a phoenix! As you stand, drive the back knee up towards your chest.
  • Repeat the process, alternating legs.

12. Kneeling Lean Back

Kneeling Lean Back

As we cap off the intermediate level, let's dive into the Kneeling Lean Back! This truly a game-changer. It stretches your quads, and strengthens your glutes and hamstrings, making it a fantastic exercise to maintain lower body strength and flexibility while on the go. Enjoy the strength and flexibility it brings to your travel adventures!

  • Begin by kneeling on the floor, with your torso upright. Picture yourself as a strong, grounded statue.
  • Slowly lean back, extending your hips while keeping your chest lifted. Imagine a string pulling you up from your chest, keeping you tall and proud.
  • Draw yourself back into the starting position, maintaining control and balance throughout.

body travel gym

Stay Fit, Wherever You Are!

The travel exercises in this guide were crafted in collaboration with nomadstrong, the #1 online gym tailored for the digital nomad lifestyle, to keep you in peak shape on your journeys., advanced travel exercises, 13. bulgarian split squat.

Bulgarian Split Squat

Next on our list and also the first in our list of advanced exercises is the Bulgarian Split Squat. This is a fantastic travel exercise that will get those legs burning and heart pumping. Not only does it work on your mobility and flexibility like the arm rotations, but it also targets your glutes, quads, and even your core. It's a powerhouse exercise that does a lot with a little and the key to this exercise is maintaining good form and balance. So, take your time, and don't rush. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a good fitness routine!

How you do it

  • Start by standing upright, feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your arms outstretched at shoulder height, ready for action.
  • Now, take a step forward with one foot. The distance should be far enough so that when you bend your knee, your thigh is parallel with the ground.
  • From this position, lower your body until your front knee is at a 90-degree angle. Your rear knee should almost touch the floor.
  • Push through your front heel to stand back up, then switch legs and repeat.

14. Hindu Push Up

Hindu push up

Next up, we have the Hindu Push Up. A favorite among many athletes, this fitness exercise not only strengthens your arms, shoulders, and back but also improves your flexibility. Imagine that! One single movement that works out so many muscle groups. This exercise is your go-to when you're short on time but still want a comprehensive workout. If done correctly, you'll feel a fantastic stretch and contraction in every rep. But as you work through these, remember to maintain steady breathing and always prioritize form over speed!

  • Start in a pike position, with both hands and feet on the floor. Picture yourself as an upside-down 'V'. This is your starting position.
  • Next, you'll move in a swooping motion. Lower your body, dropping your chest down and then forward. Imagine you're moving under a low fence.
  • Finish the movement by pushing your hips back up into the starting position.

15. Shove Off

Shove off

Let's move on to our next no-equipment travel exercise, the Shove Off. This is a fantastic and convenient exercise that focuses on strengthening your chest and triceps. All you need is a sturdy bench, a railing, or even a park bench will do! Remember, it's all about making the most out of what you have. So, even if you're halfway up a mountain or in the middle of a crowded city, you can still get a solid workout. In no time at all, you'll be seeing muscles you didn't even know you had.

  • Begin by standing face towards a bench. Extend your arms out and place your hands on the bench, ready to show off your strength.
  • Now, bend those elbows, leaning your body towards the bench. It's like you're trying to push it away with your body - hence the name, Shove Off!
  • Once you've leaned in, it's time to push back. Use your chest and triceps to push your body back to the starting position.

16. Sit Out

Sit out

Alright, it's time to wrap up our advanced exercises with an absolute humdinger - the Sit Out. The Sit Out is a prime example of how you can keep fit wherever you are without needing any fancy equipment. Brilliant, isn't it? You can do it right on the beach, in your hotel room, or even at the airport! It's a fantastic drill that enhances mobility, core strength, and coordination. Talk about getting the most bang for your buck!

  • Get into an all fours position. Hands and knees on the ground, back parallel to the floor. This is the starting position.
  • Kick one leg through to the opposite side, simultaneously rotating your hips and shoulders. It's like you're threading a needle with your leg.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. Remember to stay balanced and controlled throughout the movement. One rep down, many more to go!

Keeping fit while traveling can be tricky, but with these no-equipment fitness exercises, it's more manageable than ever before.

There are plenty of exercises that you can do in your free time to keep yourself healthy and energetic. Be sure to switch it up and mix and match various routines for the best results.

body travel gym

Enjoying this fitness exercises ?

They’re just the start unlock a universe of health and fitness designed for the nomadic life with nomadstrong, the #1 online gym tailored for digital nomads., ready to get fit on the go.

So, ready to level up your fitness game on the go? Well, we've got just the thing for you! Book our free, online gym tour at NomadStrong. We (Joe and Marlon) will be here to guide you through what you can expect and answer all your burning questions. No strings attached - promise!

About the Author: Joe Müller

Having been a software engineer and experiencing all the physical issues that come with it, Joe became a personal trainer and online coach in 2017. He co-founded NomadStrong with his partner Marlon Schadeck to offer digital nomads a solution to get fit and adventure-ready.

Hey, just an heads up that this article was written in partnership with NomadStrong. Don't worry though, we strive to only publish sponsored content that could be useful to you!

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The Best Portable Home Gym

  • Our Top Portable Home Gym (February 2024)

1 - Gonex Portable Home Gym (Best Overall)

2 - trx all-in-one suspension training fitness system (best suspension training), 3 - original gorilla bow (best bow-style), 4 - bodyboss 2.0 full portable home gym (best all-in-one), 5 - oyo personal gym (best lightweight), 6 - fusion motion portable gym (best versatile), 7 - innstar resistance bands gym (cheapest option), 8 - gymwell portable resistance workout set (best personal trainer), 9 - bodygym core system (best resistance bands), 10 - teslang resistance band bar (best resistance bar), how we tested the best portable home gyms, buyer's guide to portable gyms, number of pieces, fitness level, versatility, who should invest in a portable home gym, who shouldn't invest in a portable home gym, home workout psychological benefits, our recommend portable home gym.

  • Equipment >
  • Gym Equipment >
  • Best Portable Home Gym

10 Best Portable Home Gym (2023): Expert Recommendations

Lisa Lorraine Taylor, BSc, CPT

Several companies claim to manufacture portable and high-quality home gym equipment. However, determining which is the best is challenging.

As a fitness trainer, I went through hundreds of user reviews. I visited many fitness stores with a few colleagues to find items that will comfortably fit inside a carry-on without infringing size or weight restrictions but will still strengthen and tone your muscles just as well as full-size equipment found in a regular gym.

In this article, I will review the best portable home gyms.

  • Best Overall Portable Home Gym: Gonex
  • Cheapest Portable Home Gym: INNSTAR Resistance Bands Gym
  • Best Suspension Training Portable Home Gym: TRX Training
  • Best Bow-Style Portable Home Gym: Gorilla Bow
  • Best All-in-One Travel Gym: Bodyboss 2.0 Full Portable Home Gym
  • Best Lightweight Portable Home Gym: OYO Personal Gym
  • Best Versatile Portable Home Gym: Fusion Motion Portable Gym
  • Best On-the-Go Gym Personal Training: Gymwell Portable Resistance Workout Set
  • Best Resistance Bands Portable Home Gym: BodyGym Core System
  • Best Resistance Bar Portable Home Gym: TESLANG Resistance Band Bar
  • Best Home Gym Storage: Rogue Fitness Universal Storage 2.0

CTA of Gonex Portable Home Gym Workout Equipment

Our Top Portable Home Gym (June 2024)

  • Dimensions : No
  • Maintenance : Low
  • Design : Portable
  • Warranty : Yes (1 year)
  • Premium materials : Yes (High-quality anti-slip material)

Pros and Cons

  • It can handle 250 pounds of tension and 300 pounds of pressure
  • They provide over 70 motion videos with distinct workout levels
  • It has a sturdy platform featuring 10 buckles for the resistance bands
  • It includes attachments such as Ab Roller, Post Landmine Sleeve, and a Push-up Handle Bar
  • It is somewhat expensive

Who is it for?

  • Fitness enthusiasts seeking full-body workouts
  • Those needing high resistance and durability

Who is it not for?

  • Those on a tight budget

Final Verdict

This home gym offers a robust platform with diverse workout options, making it ideal for intense, full-body workouts. It's a bit pricey, but the investment is worthwhile for serious fitness enthusiasts.

Our hands-on experience with the Gonex portable gym found its ten buckles ideal for elastic bands. The diverse equipment it comes with can support up to 300 pounds of pressure.

I like that it comes with various fitness equipment to assist you in accomplishing your fitness goals.

It also has 30/50 pound resistance bands with various training levels for full-body muscle training.

The Gonex Training Base is utilized with various training gear attachments, including an Ab Roller, Post Landmine Sleeve, and a Push-up Handle Bar.

It has a foam bar pad with safety straps and a Professional fitness coach booklet.

  • Maintenance : Easy
  • Design : Minimalist
  • Premium materials : Yes (Durable Nylon)
  • It can be attached to doors, trees, beams, and other structures
  • It is lightweight and comes with a free travel pouch
  • TRX's app provides access to virtual exercise classes
  • Straps may slide if not securely attached
  • Travelers needing a lightweight, portable system
  • Those seeking versatile, full-body workouts
  • Those preferring traditional weight-based equipment

The TRX system stands out for its portability and ease of use, offering effective full-body workouts almost anywhere. It's perfect for those who travel frequently or have limited space.

From our trials with the TRX System, it stood out as a compact solution for full-body workouts . The set includes a suspension training strap, a suspension anchor, a door anchor, a 35-page exercise plan, and a compact mesh bag to carry your equipment.

The workout system weighs only 1.7 pounds, making it easy to transport from one location to another.

The quality suspension training strap, which has built-in grips on either end, is the cornerstone of the TRX suspension system.

The handles may be utilized as grips for upper-body exercises and foot cradles for lower-body exercises.

I like how the middle of the strap has a proprietary locking loop, so you won't have to stress about the strap sliding out of position mid-workout.

  • Design : Bow shape
  • Warranty : Yes (No)
  • Premium materials : Yes (Aircraft aluminum and double-wall latex)
  • It is easy to use
  • It is robust and long-lasting and will last for years
  • It offers resistance in small increments
  • It is difficult to perform small movements
  • Beginners and those gradually increasing resistance
  • Users looking for easy-to-use, robust equipment
  • Those needing more advanced, varied exercises

The Gorilla Bow is a durable and user-friendly option for resistance training, especially suited for beginners. However, it may not satisfy those looking for high-intensity or highly varied workouts.

“Gorilla Bow Portable exercise equipment is an excellent alternative for novices and those who wish to increase resistance gradually. It's also a good option if you want to improve your strength and motions. The bow is extremely robust and easy to use.” - Caroline Lubinsky, CrossFit Level 1 Trainer

Having tested the Gorilla Bow, its 5.6-pound weight impressed us for quick exercises. Its design makes car transport more feasible than flying.

It also has a little training routine that you can conduct in your garage or any other part of your home.

I appreciate that the Gorilla Bow provides a variety of training possibilities; nevertheless, I found it difficult to perform chest presses and smaller motions.

If you need to tour with a bow, they have a smaller alternative that can be divided into three pieces.

The package includes a bow and four bands. The bands are available in weights of 10, 20, 30, and 50 pounds.

BodyBoss 2.0 CTA

  • Design : Compact
  • Premium materials : Yes (High-grade silicone)
  • Comes with several pieces of gear in one
  • It is simple to travel with
  • Has accessibility to a free exercise program
  • Has a lot of pieces to keep track of
  • Those who want a gym that mimics traditional gym equipment
  • Space-conscious users
  • Those who prefer high-intensity training with heavier weights

Bodyboss 2.0 is versatile and excellent for simulating a range of gym equipment. It's ideal for those with limited space, but may not meet the needs of more advanced fitness enthusiasts.

The BodyBoss 2.0 includes a fold-up base, two resistance bands, a resistance bar, two ankle straps, two handle grips, and one door anchor.

You'll also get accessibility to a free training program to get you going with your novel home gym.

When you start experimenting with the BodyBoss 2.0, you'll immediately learn that you can use it to replace a squat rack, a bench press, a punching bag, and free weights, allowing you to reproduce your favorite gym program at home .

When you're done using your BodyBoss 2.0 Full, fold it up for easy storage. I like that despite it being 16 pounds in weight; it includes built-in handles that render it easy to transport.

CTA of OYO Personal Gym

  • Dimensions : 26"L x 7"W x 3"H
  • Design : Compact and portable
  • Warranty : Yes (3 years)
  • Premium materials : Yes (Stainless Steel, Polymer)
  • It is incredibly small and lightweight
  • It's ideal for quick exercises during breaks
  • It is excellent for lower-weight reps
  • It has a learning curve and only has a resistance of 25 pounds
  • Office workers or travelers needing quick workouts
  • Beginners to moderate fitness levels
  • Serious bodybuilders or very high-intensity trainers

OYO offers a compact and convenient solution for maintaining fitness on the go, perfect for light to moderate workouts. Not suitable for high-intensity training or building significant muscle mass.

If you detest the sensation of rubber bands or resistance bands, the OYO personal gym may be a better option for you.

It employs the same mechanism as Bowflex, including crisscrossing wires and pulley systems. The smooth and steady motions make the training mechanics ideal for novices.

I also appreciate that the straps aren't latex and can withstand high stress. This means that when you use it, you won't have to stress about it sliding back and harming you.

This home gym is highly compact and portable , requiring little to no setup.

It is only 2.5 pounds in weight and includes two 10-pound resistance packs, a door anchor, and one 5-pound resistance pack. It also has ankle straps.

CTA of Fusion Motion Portable Gym

  • Dimensions : Portable size with multiple attachments
  • Premium materials : Yes (High-grade steel and rubber)
  • The workout guide guarantees that there are options for people of various abilities
  • A wide range of workouts are available to train the entire body
  • Its many attachments make it extremely versatile
  • Max weight limit may be limiting for some users
  • Those wanting a wide range of possible workouts
  • Fitness enthusiasts who enjoy body weight exercises
  • Those looking for heavy lifting options

Fusion Motion provides a great variety of exercises with a focus on body weight routines, making it versatile for general fitness. It might not be the right choice for those focused on heavy lifting.

The Fusion Motion Portable exercise equipment was created to exercise your entire body.

It comprises a baseboard that may be used as a platform for activities like squats while also providing a flat surface for workouts like push-ups and planks.

Resistance bands, which are mostly used for body weight workouts, raise the difficulty above that of your body weight.

Its multiple attachments swiftly and easily detach and attach, allowing you to quickly transition from training your legs to working other sections of your upper body.

I appreciate that it has a weight capacity of 290 pounds, meaning that it is appropriate for most individuals.

The Fusion Motion Portable Gym's major selling feature is that it is both lightweight and compact.

"The Fusion Motion Portable Gym is an excellent piece of home exercise equipment, especially for people with limited room or who travel frequently but want to workout their full body." - Ahmed Zayed, Doctor of Medicine

CTA of Innstar Resistance Bands Gym

  • Dimensions : Compact size
  • Maintenance : Minimal
  • Design : Portable and lightweight
  • Warranty : Yes (2 years)
  • Premium materials : Yes (Durable rubber and steel)
  • Ideal for all levels of fitness (From novice to Professional Athlete)
  • Fully Adjustable - Adjust the number of resistance bands (weight) to match your fitness level
  • A professional workout manual with instructions for 40 different types of exercises is provided
  • It is relatively expensive
  • Novices to professional athletes adjusting resistance levels
  • Users seeking a variety of exercises with one tool
  • Those preferring weight-based equipment

INNSTAR offers adjustability and a range of exercises, making it ideal for users at any fitness level. It's not suitable for those who prefer traditional gym equipment or heavier resistance.

Innstar Resistance Bands Gym is built to last, withstanding even the most rigorous workouts and extreme conditions.

It's an excellent choice for novices who want to build strength without needing to lift hefty weights.

You can perform exercises like Chest Fly, Push Ups, Overhead Triceps, Tricep Pulldowns, Squats, Deadlift, and Shoulder Presses, to mention a few.

I appreciate that they have appropriately colored their bands so you can tell which band resistance category you are using. They have pink with very light resistance and are suitable for women just starting out.

They offer blue with mild resistance which can be used with both men and women. They also offer red camo with high resistance, and brown camo with extremely high resistance.

CTA of Gymwell Portable Resistance Workout Set

  • Dimensions : Lightweight and portable
  • Design : Versatile
  • Warranty : Yes (30 days money-back guarantee)
  • Premium materials : Yes (Durable rubber bands)
  • They provide over 70 free fitness videos
  • It can be used to exercise all the major muscle groups
  • It has a tension level ranging from 30 to 120 pounds
  • Resistance bands are not as strong as the competition
  • Those needing a lightweight, adaptable workout system
  • Users looking for a range of muscle group exercises
  • Athletes needing high-resistance training

Gymwell's set is adaptable and comprehensive for a variety of workouts, suitable for general fitness routines. It may not meet the demands of those needing more intensive resistance levels.

The Gymwell Portable Resistant Workout Set simulates barbell, cable machine, and dumbbell workouts in one piece of equipment and offers virtually infinite variation.

Gymwell provides maximum adaptability, allowing you to exercise all six major muscle units - back, abs, arms, shoulder, chest, legs, and hips.

It also includes three sets of resistance bands with tension levels ranging from 30 to 120 pounds, allowing you to make exercises easier or harder.

They provide over 70 free fitness videos on their website.

In our testing, we found that it comes with two complimentary posters explaining exercises classified by muscle type and exercise cards from which you may choose your Gymwell workouts of the day.

CTA of Bodygym Core System

  • Dimensions : Compact and portable
  • Design : Simple, one-bar system
  • Warranty : Yes (Offers a money-back guarantee)
  • Premium materials : No
  • It is cheaper than most best portable exercise equipment
  • Comes with a DVD that provides extra workout options
  • Its assembly is quick and simple, thus saving you time
  • Lighter and less durable than almost every other model we evaluated
  • Users looking for a simple, no-setup workout
  • Those interested in light and recovery workouts
  • Advanced athletes and heavy lifters

BodyGym Core System is best for users seeking straightforward, light workouts. It's highly portable but lacks the capacity to support intense, heavy lifting or advanced fitness goals.

In our budget-friendly equipment exploration, the BodyGym Core System stood out. Its resistance band and flexible bar ensure a straightforward setup.

A cushioned foam layer and a pair of foot loops split the band's midsection, providing more stability than resistance bands alone.

Exercises are illustrated with detailed stickers on the bar, making it simple to complete your workout and continue your day. I like that the collection includes two DVDs with extra activities and routines.

The BodyGym Core System is our lightest and smallest home gym. However, this degree of simplicity is limited when it comes to strength-building.

CTA of Teslang Resistance Band Bar

  • Dimensions : Portable size
  • Design : Compact and sturdy
  • Premium materials : Yes (High-quality rubber and steel)
  • It has an innovative removable design for multiple functions
  • It features an upgraded 500 pounds load resistance bar
  • It features high-quality accessories, including upgraded bands with higher resistance
  • It may not be convenient for heavy-duty workouts
  • Users wanting a portable, versatile workout bar
  • Those enjoying resistance band workouts
  • Users needing more comprehensive gym equipment

TESLANG provides a practical and affordable option for those who enjoy resistance workouts with moderate versatility. However, it may not fully replace a comprehensive gym setup for more advanced users.

The TESLANG Resistance Band Bar is an excellent home gym fitness equipment that is versatile for complete body workouts.

TESLANG Resistance Band Bar is full-body home gym fitness equipment great for extreme versatility exercises.

It is affordable and comes with triangular hooks, a resistance bar, fitness bands, and handles that can be easily removed and combined based on your needs.

In our testing, we noted that they provide a user handbook and a training guide to help complete the exercises correctly.

Like the Olympic Bar, the resistance bar is chrome coated with steel structure for durability.

It also has additional knurling positions for a strong grip and circle hooks with built-in bearings for a 360-degree swivel while using the bar.

It features natural rubber latex resistance bands that can stretch up to three times their initial length.

  • Collaborated with fitness professionals: Utilized their expertise to assess the effectiveness and quality of the portable home gyms.
  • Focused on various features: Examined aspects like portability, weight capacity, versatility, and ease of use.
  • Personal testing and observation: Noted the ease of setup, stability during use, and the overall workout experience.
  • Assessed specific benefits for targeted exercises: Looked at products that offered benefits for full-body workouts, strength training, and core exercises.
  • Monitored real-world impacts: Tracked improvements in fitness, muscle tone, and overall physical health among users of the portable home gyms.
  • Evaluated user feedback: Incorporated user reviews and feedback to gauge overall satisfaction and effectiveness of the portable home gyms.

A couple online shopping for gym equipment

There are several aspects to consider before purchasing portable gyms. And we've made it our duty to identify products that are certainly worth your money.

Some examples include size, weight, and the number of pieces that come with the set.

Portable fitness equipment should be light and easy to transport.

That's why it's critical to consider a product's weight, particularly if you're traveling with it.

Airlines have weight restrictions on checked luggage, and you don't want your exercise equipment to push you over the limit.

Close up shot of home gym equipment on the ground

There are several types of portable workout equipment. Some objects are offered singly, while others are sold in sets, which might comprise up to 10 distinct pieces.

Bear this in mind while you go hunting.

The more stuff you have, the more room your equipment is going to take up in your backpack.

Even if the parts are extremely small, more pieces mean more things to keep track of when on the move.

Weight isn't the only factor to consider when it comes to portability; size and form can be as essential.

“Before getting any home gyms, acquire estimates from the supplier based on the physical activity you want to conduct at home with your new fitness equipment.” - Kristen Geil, NASM Certified Personal Trainer

Although an object may be lightweight, it may be difficult to move if it is bulky. Check the measurements of an item before purchasing.

Larger objects may be difficult to carry or keep in a bag. The same is true for goods with unusual shapes.

A person at home working out with resistance bands

Some portable workout kits provide less resistance than others, making them ideal for beginners or those seeking a softer workout.

Other sets, such as the Gymwell and Gorilla Bow, feature higher resistance and are therefore better suited for intense training.

Therefore you should consider how much resistance a portable gym is providing.

An all-in-one kit is your best choice if you want to work out with various equipment.

However, if space is tight or you want something more portable, you may have to forgo versatility.

While portable gyms are far less expensive than a weight rack or gym subscription, we all have spending constraints for equipment.

Our list contains both low-cost and high-priced solutions, all of which provide value in some manner.

A person working out with resistance bands at home

You should invest in a portable home gym if you want simple equipment that can workout your entire body anywhere.

Also, if you prefer bodyweight workouts and routines and don't wish to load up your home with a bunch of workout devices that may take up space, you should invest in a portable gym.

Also, people who are time deprived of going to a physical gym, and those that travel a lot, should invest in portable gyms.

You shouldn't invest in a portable home gym if you are on a weight training program and require certain weights to track your reps, sets, or loads.

Also, weightlifters, bodybuilders, and autocrats who require certain weight plates for their training should not invest in a portable gym.

Related Articles:

  • 7 Home Gym Equipment Must Have
  • 10 Best Compact Home Gym Machines

Engaging in home workouts provides four psychological benefits, enhancing overall mental well-being.

  • Improved Mood : Home workouts, like any form of exercise, stimulate the release of endorphins. These natural chemicals act as painkillers and mood elevators.
  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety : Engaging in regular physical activity at home regulates stress hormones, leading to a more relaxed state of mind. The familiar environment further reduces external stressors, promoting a more focused and calming workout experience.
  • Enhanced Self-esteem : Achieving fitness goals in the home comfort boosts self-worth and confidence.
  • Better Sleep : Physical activity regulates sleep patterns, ensuring deeper and more restful sleep, which is crucial for recovery and mental clarity.

Is a Portable Gym Worth It?

Yes, a portable gym is worth it. Even if you opt to keep your gym membership, you'll probably discover that having some portable equipment at home comes in handy on days when you can't make it or are short on time.

What Equipment Do I Need for My Portable Gym?

The equipment that you need for your portable gym is one that provides you with everything you need for full-body workout.

What Is the Best Home Gym Storage?

The best home gym storage is the Rogue Fitness Universal Storage 2.0 System due to its versatility as a multi-purpose rack, space-efficient design in contrast to larger mass-storage equipment, and provision for barbell holder attachment through side holes on the base.

After rigorously testing several portable home gyms, I've chosen the Gonex Portable Home Gym as the top performer. Its robust platform, equipped with ten buckles for resistance bands, showcases its adaptability to diverse training regimens.

Including specialized attachments, such as the Ab Roller and Push-up Handle Bar, elevates functional training sessions.

With a resistance threshold of 250 pounds and a pressure capacity of 300 pounds, it's built for endurance and strength workouts. The library of 70+ exercise tutorials is akin to a fitness manual, guiding users through optimized routines.

For those serious about maintaining their fitness regimen wherever they are, the Gonex is a crucial choice, as it will help you burn calories and fats while also building muscles and improving and toning your appearance.

Our #1 Recommendation

Gonex Portable Home Gym (Best Overall)

Rated With Total Shape's Scoring System

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About The Author

Lisa Lorraine Taylor, BSc, CPT

Lisa Lorraine Taylor is an author, Owner of Taylor Made Fitness is Certified Personal Trainer, Holistic Nutritionist, PN Level 1, Health Coach, University Instructor and Group Instructor.

Lisa's mission for over 25 years is to help others through all the misinformation and hype regarding weight loss and fitness, as well as to empower people of all ages to Live, Love and Learn how to move their bodies daily to help burn fat, build muscle, and develop lasting health, happiness, and confidence.

Lisa Lorraine Taylor, BSc, CPT

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A fitness movement built around traveling.

10 No-Equipment Bodyweight Travel Workouts

Jul 7 10 No-Equipment Bodyweight Travel Workouts

Do these workouts on your next trip with no equipment..

It’s always important to have a backup plan. Serving in the military, I often find myself in the middle of nowhere, with no gym for miles in any direction.

Instead of writing off my fitness for the time I'm away, I like to have a few no-equipment workouts up my sleeve before every trip.

Since I'm not going to be lifting heavy, I either focus on doing a large number of repetitions or finding ways to alter exercises with small changes to make them harder.

Great workouts do not require anything more than your body. You just have to get creative and then put in the work.

These are the best no-equipment exercises for traveling:

There are countless ways to make these exercises even more challenging so you make progress and these workouts are going to show you how to do it.

Here are ten travel workouts that require no equipment.

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 repetitions for time:

Set a timer and move through the 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 sequence but doing 10 burpees, 10 push-ups, 10 air squats, and then repeating the sequence this time doing 9 reps of each movement.

You will continue doing one less rep of each of the three movements until your last air squat. 

100 Push-Ups

100 Sit-Ups

100 Air Squats

This workout, while simple, contains a high number of repetitions. Those with higher levels of fitness may not have a hard time doing all 100 reps in one shot for each exercise. Most people would be better off partitioning the reps of each exercise.

There are countless ways you can do this but here are a few that I have tried and liked:

10 Rounds of 10 Push-Ups, 10 Sit-Ups, 10 Squats.

5 Rounds of 20 Push-Ups, 20 Sit-Ups, 20 Squats.

4 Rounds of 25 Push-Ups, 25 Sit-Ups, 25 Squats.

Workout #3 - Legs

Workout by Ryan Humiston (see video below).

Reverse Lunges (Either Adductor/Full-Leg/Glute-Focused): 4 sets - 20 reps (Each)

Bodyweight Jefferson Squats/Deads: 3 sets - 20 (Reps per Side)

Pistol Squats: 3 Sets to Failure

Single-Leg Bodyweight Stiff Leg Deadlifts: 4 sets - 15 reps (Each - Slow)

Single-Leg Squat Calf Raise: 3 sets - 20 reps (Each Side)

As Many Rounds as Possible (AMRAP) in 20 Minutes:

5 Handstand Push-Ups

10 Pistol Squats

This workout is four-time Fittest Man on Earth Rich Froning's go-to travel workout.

5 Rounds for Time:

20 Push-Ups

20 Pistol Squats

Rich Froning

Rich Froning

"A bodyweight workout that you can automatically do on a travel day or when you're stuck inside is essential. You really don’t need any gym equipment to challenge yourself with a tough workout."

- Rich Froning

74-44-11 Reps for Time:

Perform 74 repetitions of each movement, then 44 reps of each movement, then 11 reps of each. Complete all 74 Burpees before moving to the 74 Push-Ups, etc.

Workout #7 - “The Longest Mile”

4 Rounds for Time:

100 Meter Run

10 Air Squats

10 Push-Ups

8 Rounds for Time:

11 Hand-Release Push-Ups

30 Walking Lunges

This is one of Josh Bridges’ go-to travel workouts.

Handstand Push-Ups

Set a timer and move through the 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 sequence but doing 10 handstand push-ups, 10 push-ups, 10 burpees, and then repeating the sequence this time doing 9 reps of each movement.

Continue doing one less rep of each of the three movements until your last burpee. 

Workout #10 - Chest/Shoulders/Triceps

Pause Push-Ups: 3 Sets of 20 Reps (or Failure)

Close Grip Push-Ups / Wide Push-Ups / Pike Push-Ups: 3 Sets of 15 Each

Inner Chest Partial Twist Push-Up + Slow Push-Ups: 3 Sets of 20 (Each Side) + Slow Push-Ups to Failure

Side Plank Lateral Raise SS Rear Delt Push-Up: 3 Sets of 20 (each) + Rear Delt Push-Up to Failure

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The Online Home for Strength Sports

5 Travel Workouts to Keep You Fit On the Go

Whether you're on a business trip or visiting family, these five workouts will keep your gains in tact..

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You might be out of town for a business event or to visit your family for the first time in who knows how long. Or, you might be out on an actual vacation. Whatever your reason for being off somewhere that’s not your regular gym, it’s easy to fall into the “will I lose all my gains?” despair. But the reality is actually to the contrary: Taking time away from the barbell allows you to recover and reveal your true strength (fatigue masks fitness, after all). So your travel workout program may be a good thing for your heavy lifting, after all.

Let’s face it: your diet isn’t going to be perfect while traveling, and neither will your sleep schedule — let alone the amount of time you actually have to devote to your workout while so much else is going on. So performing short, intense training sessions while on the road will help you maintain what you’ve worked so hard to build and keep up the momentum that you need to continue moving forward with your regularly scheduled  programming .

Below, we outline five workouts to try, broken up by training goal. Of course, mobility-focused workouts will have positive crossover effects on your strength training. And sessions that are geared toward making you stronger will help you build muscle . There’s a lot of overlap in these travel workout categories, but if you’re trying to reach one goal above others efficiently, read on to learn which ones to pick and which moves to emphasize.

Travel Workouts

Travel workout for muscle gain, travel workout for conditioning, travel workout for strength, travel workout for mobility, travel workout for fat loss.

To gain or maintain muscle without equipment on the road, try to minimize your rest periods and complete these sets with 45 seconds between each set and two to three minutes between each of the three circuits. You’ll alternate between lower and upper body movements to give your specific muscle groups a break while making sure your body is still working hard overall. 

Three rounds of:

  • Bodyweight Squat — 50 reps
  • 1.5-Rep Push-Up — 15 reps
  • Lateral Lunge  — 25 reps (each side)
  • 1.5-Rep Triceps Push-Up — 15 reps
  • 1.5-Rep Split Squat — 20 reps (each side)

You’ll notice a fair amount of 1.5-reps , which are when you complete a full rep, then half a rep, and counting those combined as a single rep). One-and-a-half reps increase your time under tension and maximize the mind-muscle connection — a perfect storm for building muscle — while keeping your volume high to compensate for your lack of external loading.

You don’t need access to a sled — or even a kettlebell or jump rope (although those are great if you can travel with it) — to get a solid conditioning workout while you’re traveling. Here, you’ll want to time yourself each day you do this workout and stack your results against each other so you can track your progress. The goal is to rest only as needed.

  • 10 burpees with push-up
  • 20 mountain climbers (per leg)
  • 9 burpees with push-up
  • 18 mountain climbers (per leg)
  • push-up burpees with push-up
  • 16 mountain climbers (per leg)
  • 7 burpees with push-up
  • 14 mountain climbers (per leg)
  • 6 burpees with push-up
  • 12 mountain climbers (per leg)
  • 5 burpees with push-up
  • 10 mountain climbers (per leg)
  • 4 burpees with push-up
  • 8 mountain climbers (per leg)
  • 3 burpees with push-up
  • 6 mountain climbers (per leg)
  • 2 burpees with push-up
  • 4 mountain climbers (per leg)
  • 1 burpee with push-up
  • 2 mountain climbers (per leg)

By the end of this session, you’ll have completed 55 burpees — which will include 55 push-ups — and 110 mountain climbers per leg. If that’s not enough for you, feel free to bump it up to two rounds: just make sure you’re keeping track of your time to completion.

To stay strong on the road, you’ll want to prioritize taking full-body movements to failure — repeatedly. To accomplish this, you’ll start by performing as many quality reps of the exercise as you can in one go.

For example, if you can bang out 26 crisp diamond push-ups at once before reaching failure, do it. Then your task will be to rest as little as possible to perform 26 more diamond push-ups. For example, you might be able to hit 14 reps on your second set; then eight, and then four, which will give you 26. In total, you’ll have performed 52 reps in as little time as possible — a strength builder both physically and mentally.

With exercises that require a static hold — like bodyweight pause squats and planks — time how long you can hold each position before failing, then rest as little as possible as you try to accumulate the same number of seconds in the position (count your seconds like reps, above).

To Repeated Failure:

  • Diamond Push-Up
  • Bodyweight Pause Squat
  • Pike Push-Up
  • Side Plank (left)
  • Side Plank (right)
  • Wide Push-Up

While you’ll want to rest as little as possible between your sets of each exercise, rest as long as you need to between the different exercises. In other words, after completing your diamond push-ups, rest as long as you need to before getting started on your bodyweight pause squat.

Aim to increase the number of quality reps you can start with — it’ll give you something exciting to strive for and a way to track your strength and progress without weights.

Improving your mobility will improve your lifting — it’s as simple as that. For this travel mobility workout , you’ll do moves that you’re familiar with in the gym, sans the weights, and concentrate on strengthening and extending the end ranges of motion.

Four Rounds Of:

  • World’s Greatest Stretch  — 6 reps (each side)
  • Single-Leg RDL  — 10 reps (each side)
  • Scapular Push-Up — 15 reps
  • Frog Stretch — 15 reps
  • Single-Leg Glute Bridge  — 15 reps (each side)
  • Back-to-Wall Shoulder Flexion — 15 reps
  • Crab Reach — 10 reps (each side)

Ensure every rep is completed with intention, under extremely slow control — and don’t forget to breathe fully through each rep.

One of your goals might be body recomposition, and there are plenty of workouts you can do on the road to help you out. If you’re looking to decrease your body fat percentage , you’ll want to emphasize higher intensity moves requiring your full body to engage. Building strength while also resting relatively little and integrating intensive cardio work can help you shift your body composition toward more muscle and less body fat  if that’s what you’re going for.

Three to Five Rounds:

  • Clapping Push-Up — 6 reps
  • Jumping Lunge   — 12 reps (each side)
  • Hand-Release Push-Up — 12 reps
  • Jump Squat — 20 reps
  • Lateral Bound — 12 reps (each side)

Aim to rest as little as possible between exercises, but rest for at least two to three minutes between rounds. That way, you’ll push yourself during the rounds, but let yourself come back with crisp form with each new round. Of course, if your form is ever slipping, rest as needed before proceeding.

If you want to measure your progress with a barometer beyond fat loss, time yourself during your workout and write it down. See if you can get faster and more efficient with your movements during your vacation.

The Best Exercises For Traveling

Especially if you tend to get bored when you can’t play with all the barbells and dumbbells in your regular gym, you’ll want to emphasize full-body, compound bodyweight movements when you’re on that business trip.

Think all manner of squats, push-ups, lunges, and dynamic movements like burpees, mountain climbers, and — if you have access to certain equipment — kettlebell swings and double-unders. When in doubt about an exercise, ask yourself if it requires your entire body to put in work and if you can execute it with perfect form to failure. If yes, then it probably passes the proverbial litmus test for travel exercising.

Man doing push-up on beach

[Read More: The  Best Bodyweight Exercises , + Workouts and Tips From a CPT]

Using these kinds of high-energy, high-concentration compound movements, you’ll be making the most efficient use of your time, physical space, and mental energy . Remember, traveling can be emotionally and mentally exhausting , so your goal should be to maximize whatever energy you do have to get a solid workout in — even if you only dedicate 15 minutes to the cause.

Why Should You Work Out While You’re Traveling?

Let’s be real — whether you’re away for business or pleasure, traveling can be stressful . Working out while traveling is that it doesn’t need to add to your stress. You can get a high-quality workout in, even if it’s just in your childhood bedroom or hotel room, for 15 minutes with nothing but your bodyweight. So instead of adding extra planning, being intentional about working out when you’re on the road will decrease your stress levels and improve your overall mental health .

Plus, traveling is exhausting on the body, but that doesn’t often translate into resting better . On the contrary: With all those road trip coffee stops and all that jet lag, you’ll often find that your circadian rhythm is way off on your business trips. Enter working out — getting a hard workout can help improve your sleep. And the better you sleep , the better you train. This is definitely the kind of feedback loop you want to get yourself into: good sleep, good training — a win-win for every part of your body and mind .

As if decreasing your stress and improving your on-the-go sleep wasn’t enough, continuing your workout program while you’re traveling will keep you ready to get back to the gym with little interruption when you get back home. Instead of looking at your trip as a potential detriment to your gains because you won’t have your barbells, try to think of it as a chance to work through your sticking points. You might be able to use potentially equipment-free training as an opportunity to get stronger in areas that you typically neglect — think mobility, lateral movement , or bodyweight strength and conditioning . 

When Should You Work Out While Traveling?

When you’re figuring out when to work out on your business trip, things might be somewhat more stable than when you’re visiting family. You might have access to a hotel gym and more predictable hours (i.e., you’ve got to be at that conference by nine, get your workout in at seven). If you’re using a hotel gym, check the hours before you make your plan. So if you prefer to work out at night , instead of going to happy hour, make sure the hotel gym will be open; and if you’re the 4 a.m. workout type of human, make sure it’s open 24/7.

Woman doing HIIT workout

If you’re traveling to see family or are going on vacation, chances are you’ll have less control over your schedule and what you eat than you usually do. The latter isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but your body may feel pretty unsettled if you’re used to eating for your gains  but then get loaded up on pie and processed foods all week with your fam. If you’re looking to maximize the impact of your workouts and minimize the impact of grandma’s cookies, you might want to consider working out before tucking in.

Why? Your body (and muscles) are primarily fueled by glycogen , stored in limited quantities in the liver and the muscles. Exercise (particularly before eating) increases glycogen breakdown of liver glycogen to maintain blood glucose concentrations to make sure your muscles have enough fuel for movement. Doing moderate-to-high intensity exercise for an extended time results in lowering of liver glycogen stores. Exercise-induced glycogen deficit increases insulin sensitivity and helps the body efficiently process and store the calories (and especially carbohydrates) you’re about to eat. AKA, work out before you eat up on your vacation.

Workout With Your Bodyweight

Limited equipment, time, and space don’t have to stop you from training when you’re traveling. Doing short, high-intensity wor k will allow you to maintain your fitness while enjoying the finer things in life. If you’re looking to learn more about training with your bodyweight or limited equipment, check out these training articles.

  • Best At-Home Bodyweight Workouts
  • 9 Mobility-Focused Exercises to Improve Your Squat Without Weights
  • Yes, Office Workouts Are a Thing — Here’s What You Need to Know

Featured image: Puhhha/Shutterstock

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About Shane McLean

Shane McLean is a Certified Personal Trainer who’s worked with a wide variety of clients, from the general population client all the way to ex-Navy seals and college athletes.

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Running events, running articles, triathlon events, cycling events, triathlon articles, cycling articles, fitness events, fitness articles, sports events, outdoor events, sports articles, nutrition articles, health & injury articles, best portable gym: make exercise a priority no matter where you are.

rachael gonzalez

Frequent travel and a busy schedule can make reaching your fitness goals feel impossible. Fortunately, portable gym equipment is a great way to help you stay active anywhere, anytime. It's also an excellent way to diversify your exercise routine. If you already have some equipment, like a compact cardio machine , you can work on strength and resistance with a portable home gym.

Portable home gyms are easy to take on the road or use at home, and they require very little space . Some systems can integrate with your favorite workout app , and the best portable gym will be there for you when you need it, no matter your lifestyle or schedule. Here at, we've selected our top five portable gyms to help you conquer your fitness goals.

Why Trust Us?'s editorial team relies on the knowledge and experience of fitness and wellness experts including competitive athletes, coaches, physical therapists, nutritionists, and certified trainers. This helps us ensure the products we feature are of the highest standard. Collectively, the team has spent countless hours researching equipment, gear, and recovery tools in order to create the most accurate, authentic content for our readers. Customer satisfaction is also a key part of our review process, which is why we only feature products that are highly rated.

The Best Portable Gym - Our Top Picks

By clicking on the product links in this article, we may receive a commission fee at no cost to you, the reader. Sponsorships and affiliate commissions help support our research so we can help you find the best products. Read the full affiliate disclosure here .

  • Best Overall Portable Gym: TRX Sweat System
  • Best Budget Portable Gym: Fusion Motion Portable Gym
  • Best Portable Resistance Gym: OYO Personal Gym
  • Best Compact Portable Gym: TRX Home2 System
  • Best Quality Portable Gym: TRX Rip Trainer

Best Overall Portable Gym - TRX Sweat System

TRX Sweat System

  • Weight: 1.10 lbs.
  • Features: Capacity 700+ lbs., focuses on 7 foundational movements, mesh carry bag


The TRX Sweat system is an all-in-one training system that you can take anywhere. It leverages your body weight for seven foundational movements to create a powerful full-body workout. It suits a variety of training needs, from strength to cardio, recovery to core training.

The nylon straps are made to last, and the foam handles are comfortable and easy to grip. At just 1.10 pounds, this portable home gym won't weigh you down, and it comes with a mesh carry bag for convenient transport. It comes with a strong suspension and door anchor, so it can be used indoors or outdoors. If you need a place to start, there are six workouts included.

What We Like

  • Weighs just 1.10 lbs.
  • Focuses on the seven foundational movements
  • Weight capacity is 700+ lbs.
  • Suits a variety of needs and goals
  • Quick set-up

What We Don't Like

  • Doesn't include resistance bands
  • App offered but at an additional cost

BUY: TRX Sweat System

Best Budget Portable Gym - Fusion Motion Portable Gym

Fusion Motion Portable Gym

  • Weight: 14.19 lbs.
  • Features: Folding base with carrying handle, bar and resistance bands for a full-body workout

If you have a limited budget, the Fusion Motion Portable Gym is our wallet-friendly choice. Similar to adjustable kettlebells , you can use this gym to sculpt and tone your upper and lower body. The eight different attachments, including tension elastics, can add resistance to simulate lifting weights. It also comes with handlebars, a core wheel, and other accessories you can attach to the base.

This portable home gym is sturdy enough to handle heavy resistance bands, making it a great option if you want to build strength. It weighs around 14 pounds, which may be too much for some to transport. However, you can lighten the load by leaving the base behind and just using the door anchor with the accessories.

  • Bag included for easy transport
  • Detailed guide with 200 exercises
  • Great for beginners or advanced trainers
  • Resistance bands simulate lifting weights and build muscle
  • Push-up bars don't have a foam grip

BUY: Fusion Motion Portable Gym

Best Portable Resistance Gym - OYO Personal Gym

OYO Personal Gym

  • Weight: 2 lbs.
  • Features: Up to 25 lbs. of resistance, 3-year warranty, free access to 60 workout videos, 197 exercise videos, and a nutrition guide

The OYO Personal Gym offers up to 25 pounds of resistance in each hand, yet remains extremely portable. Weighing just two pounds, it folds in half so you can easily fit it in a backpack or suitcase. It comes with a variety of FlexPacks that let you choose your level of resistance, starting at just five pounds.

With the included ankle and door attachment, you can work out each muscle group in your upper and lower body. The handles are round and coated to prevent the grip from slipping. The heavy-duty polymer construction and nylon-coated steel cables make this portable home gym durable and long-lasting. We also love that OYO includes a three-year warranty and 60 online workout videos to help you get started.

  • 5–25 lbs. of resistance is great for beginners or intermediate trainers
  • Includes 60 online workout videos, a 10-week challenge, and a PDF nutrition guide
  • Leg and door attachments
  • Lightweight
  • Round grips may be hard for some users to hold
  • Doesn't include a travel bag

BUY: OYO Personal Gym

Best Compact Portable Gym - TRX Home2 System

TRX Home2 System

  • Weight: 1.5 lbs.
  • Features: Builds strength, cardio, and mobility; includes adjustable resistance, door and suspension anchor, mesh carry bag

At 1.5 pounds, you can take the TRX Home2 System anywhere and set it up in seconds. A carabiner clip secures the door and suspension anchor, and the locking loop keeps the straps even throughout your workout. You can adjust the strap heights to allow a variety of movements, as well as increase or decrease the difficulty of each exercise. The nylon straps are durable and the foam handles stay comfortable throughout your workouts.

With the TRX Home2 System, you get access to the TRX Training Club app, which has some valuable resources. However, you'll need to subscribe after the 30-day free trial if you want to keep using it. If you're new to using a suspension trainer, there are plenty of videos on YouTube to guide you.

  • Made with high-quality, durable materials
  • Very light and portable
  • Mesh carry bag included
  • 2-year warranty

BUY: TRX Home2 System

Best Quality Portable Gym - TRX Rip Trainer

TRX Rip Trainer

  • Weight: 20 lbs.
  • Features: Band-based bodyweight training system, up to 20 lbs. resistance, safety strap, door anchor, mesh carry bag

The TRX Rip Trainer is the heaviest portable home gym we've mentioned. Why so heavy? Because it includes a bar to help you build rotational strength, speed, and power. This is an excellent option if you're trying to build the core strength necessary to support sports performance and life’s physical challenges. This trainer can be used in any room with a solid, sturdy door. It can also be mounted outside to a secure anchor like a thick tree branch.

The bar is a two-piece weighted baton with a comfortable rubber grip. It comes with a medium-resistance bungee cord that offers resistance up to 20 pounds. The safety strap attaches to your body to prevent you from losing the bar during training. This portable gym comes with an instructional guide to help with setup and workout suggestions. The bar can be dismantled and transported using the mesh carry bag.

  • Bar has rubber grips to prevent slipping
  • Safety strap prevents you from losing the bar
  • Carry bag included
  • Up to 20 lbs. of resistance
  • Strength-focused
  • Reviews mention the instructional guide isn't impressive

BUY: TRX Rip Trainer

What to Look for in a Portable Gym

When considering the weight of a portable home gym, think about your lifestyle. If you're on the road and you can store items in your car, you might not mind a more heavy option. If you're constantly flying or need to keep it in your backpack, a lightweight option will be ideal.

Keep in mind your goals and fitness level when you're considering which features you want in a portable home gym. If you want to build strength and muscular endurance, a portable home gym that offers resistance is a good choice. Suspension trainers are also great for building endurance, and they can also help develop your mobility.

Some portable gyms need to anchor to something sturdy like a door or post, while others don't need to be anchored to anything. Your portable gym should allow you to target different muscle groups for a full-body workout. If you're a beginner, we recommend choosing one that comes with a guide or an app to inspire workout ideas and show you proper form.

FAQs About Portable Gyms

Is a portable gym worth it.

Absolutely. A portable home gym allows you to prioritize your fitness no matter your lifestyle.

What equipment do I need for my portable gym?

Your portable gym equipment should come with everything you need for a full-body workout.

How much should I spend on a portable gym?

That depends on your budget and personal goals. Many great options on the market vary in price and features, so you shouldn't have any trouble finding one that works for you.

About the Author

Rachael Gonzalez is a Staff Writer for ACTIVE. She spent five years in education before she joined the ACTIVE team in 2022. In this role, she is still able to make a positive impact on others by writing about something she loves: health and wellness.

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The Best Portable Exercise Equipment That'll Fit in Your Carry-on

These compact fitness powerhouses will help you stay active on your next trip.

body travel gym

In This Article

  • Our Top Picks

Our Testing Process

  • Tips For Buying
  • Why Trust T+L

Travel + Leisure / Brian Kopinski

Going on a trip but want to stick to your fitness goals? No sweat. Portable exercise equipment — everything from resistance bands and foldable yoga mats to weighted vests — allows you to get in a good workout wherever you are.

These travel-friendly items will easily fit inside a carry-on without breaking size or weight restrictions , and yet they strengthen and tone your muscles just as well as (sometimes even better than) full-size equipment you’d find in a regular gym.

To help you determine which products are worth the weight, we researched and tested a list of portable exercise equipment, specifically looking for compact options that will work well for travel. We also incorporated several options that we’ve personally tested, including a travel yoga mat, a yoga towel, resistance bands, and a massage gun. We evaluated the equipment on several attributes, such as portability, performance, absorbency, and comfort. We’ve continued to use these items since testing wrapped to determine if their performance remains strong (read more about our testing process below).

Once you get to your destination, you’ll have no problem finding room to do the space-efficient exercises. Here are our picks for small but mighty items worthy of a purchase, from massage guns to ab equipment for serious muscle growth.

Best Travel Yoga Mat

Aeromat elite yoga pilates mat.

  • Design 4.5 /5
  • Comfort 5 /5
  • Portability 5 /5

This cushioned yoga mat offers luxe features at an inexpensive price.

We noticed a slight rubber smell during testing, which might bother sensitive noses.

If you’re a yogi who’s often on the move, a travel yoga mat is essential to keep up your yoga practice and the Aeromat Elite Yoga / Pilates Mat fits the bill. During our tests, the sticky polyvinyl chloride fabric ensured that no sweaty feet or palms went sliding. And the built-in mesh has anti-stretch capability so the yoga mat moved with us as we flowed into different poses.

This yoga mat exceeded our cushioning needs by defying the notion that travel yoga mats are notoriously thin. It comes in two sizes: 5 millimeters and 6 millimeters, both of which offer ample comfort for sore joints or knees. Traveling yogis have the option of purchasing the mat with a harness or without. We recommend getting the harness since it makes it easy to sling around your shoulder if you don’t want to sacrifice valuable luggage space. The lightweight mat comes in several calming colors, such as sea glass green, dusty rose, and chai.

The Details: 3.6 pounds︱23.9 x 4.8 x 4.4 inches

Travel + Leisure / Cindy Erskin

Best Yoga Towel

Lululemon the towel.

  • Absorbency 5 /5
  • Design 5 /5

The strong grip keeps your body rooted to the mat so you’re free to flow from one pose to the next.

The edges could be more tailored to prevent fraying.

Yoga may be a relaxing activity, but that doesn’t mean you won’t work up a sweat. This Lululemon yoga towel with microfiber fabric prevents your mat from becoming a slip-and-slide. If you need more grip, such as during a restorative yoga class, simply spray more water overtop. When we added a decent amount of water to it, we did feel moisture seeping through, but it quickly dissipated into the material. We also didn’t experience any bunching.

The towel overlaps a standard size mat, so you can use it on larger mats or as a towel for your post-workout shower. When it’s time to pack it up, fold it into a tiny square or roll it like a yoga mat. After practice, we cleaned it in the washing machine and were pleased to discover that there were no signs of wear-and-tear or piling. The microfiber fabric remains baby-soft, perfect for laying on during Savasana. Yogis have three stylish colors to choose from: black, hail, or velvet dust.

The Details: 26 x 71 inches

Best Resistance Bands

Chareada resistance bands set.

  • Quality 4.5 /5
  • Versatility 5 /5
  • Ease of Use 5 /5
  • Grip 4.5 /5

The resistance tube and loop bands are durable enough to prevent breaks or rebound snaps.

The grips provide a no-slip hold, but certain hand positions can cause tenderness.

For a strength training workout that’s lightweight, portable, and doesn’t incur a monthly gym fee, don’t resist the pull of this resistance band set. The 23-pack combo pulls on the heartstrings of any fitness lover since it has high-quality stackable tube resistance bands and loop bands that provide up to 150 pounds and 40 pounds of weight, respectively.

We traveled with the kit for two weekends and loved the portability of being able to throw it in our bag and get a workout from wherever. We did everything from basic arm curls to fly exercises that work the back and pectoral muscles. The kit also comes with dual-sided sliders, door anchor weights, ankle straps, and an adjustable skipping rope for even more versatility. Within a week, we were already seeing noticeable definition in our arms and shoulders. We loved how much tighter our upper body felt from them after testing.

The Details: Silicone | ‎13.7 x 9.7 x 3.8 inches

Best Massage Gun

Therabody theragun mini.

  • Effectiveness 5 /5
  • Comfort 4.5 /5
  • Stall Force 5 /5

It offers Bluetooth connectivity so you can access a library of workouts on the Therabody app even when you’re far from home.

The small size makes it difficult to target large areas, such as the back.

Small but powerful: that’s the best way to describe the Theragun Mini 2nd Generation. The ultra-light massage gun more than makes up for the previous version’s issues in size and portability by being 20 percent lighter and 30 percent smaller. Simply throw it into a gym bag or your luggage for on-the-spot muscle recovery via three powerful speeds and three attachments.

We liked how the ergonomic triangle shape and grip fit nicely into our palms during our tests. The portable size is best-suited to handle the needs of smaller muscle groups, such as the calves, hamstrings, arms, and forearms. And while it doesn’t go quite as deep into the muscle as the company’s larger versions, we were able to relax sore muscles once we pressed down hard enough during testing. Stall force never derailed our recovery. The device has 120-minute battery life, so you can probably leave the charging cable at home if you’re going away on a short trip. We appreciated the carrying case, which keeps the good vibes going by protecting your device.

The Details: 1.5 pounds | 7.9 x 5.9 x 2 inches

Best Yoga Block

Manduka cork yoga block.

The lightweight block takes up no more space than a toiletry bag.

Cork is more likely to stain than foam.

A Manduka block makes your on-the-go yoga setup even more effective. It’s made from coarse-grain cork, which is super compact and lightweight compared to wood, foam, and coarse-grain cork. The non-slip material keeps you stable and secure as it props you up and makes it easier to move deeper into poses. Consider it the ying to your yoga mat’s yang.

The Details: 2 pounds | 4 x 6 x 9 inches

Best for Abs

Vinsguir ab roller.

  • Assembly 5 /5
  • Ease of Use 4 /5
  • Quality/Comfort 4 /5
  • Versatility 3.5 /5
  • Value 4.5 /5

It has a thick base to keep your body balanced.

The handle isn’t as steady as similar options.

When crunches aren’t doing it for you, try this ab roller to strengthen your core. It tones the abdominal muscles by rolling your body into a plank and back. With a wheel that is 3.2 inches thick, this ab roller keeps you balanced and stable, and you can throw it in any carry-on or bag. There’s also a comfy knee pad to keep you rolling comfortably for years to come.

The Details: 1.4 pounds | 6.5 x 12 inches

Best for Weight Training

Bala bangles.

  • Ease of Use 4.9 /5
  • Fit/Comfort 5 /5
  • Versatility 4.5 /5

They add an extra challenge to whatever workout you have going on that day.

One to two pounds of weight resistance may not be challenging enough for some.

For workout equipment that moves with you, you can’t go wrong with these Bala Bangles. Featured on Shark Tank, they’re as stylish as they are durable, made with only the highest-quality recycled steel and wrapped in baby-soft silicone. Don’t be surprised if people confuse them for actual bracelets!

The design is unisex and one-size-fits-all, so there’s something for everyone. Customize the bracelet to your personal style and fitness goals with the large selection of colors and choice of one to two pounds of weight resistance. Then, strap them on, and enjoy the extra challenge.

The Details: 1 to 2 pounds | 13.5 x 3.5 x .75 inches per bangle

Best for Leg Day

Vaunn folding pedal exerciser.

  • Ease of Setup 4.5 /5
  • Performance 3.5 /5
  • Features 4 /5

This pedal exercise is an easy way to get your legs moving.

Some users find the pedal strap to be too big.

Friends never let friends skip leg day, so allow us to introduce you to the Vaunn Medical Folding Pedal Exerciser. It only weighs 5.4 pounds ( much easier to transport than an actual exercise bike), and the design is compact enough to fit under most desks and tables. You can easily combine it with your daily activities, such as work meetings and TV-watching, or use it when you have time to kill at the airport.

The base is sturdy enough to prevent wobbling, so don’t be afraid to amp things up with the resistance knob. Since no tools are required, assembly is quick and easy, and the quick-release folding mechanism makes it simple to store everything between sweat sessions.

The Details: 5.4 pounds | 11.2 x 15.2 x 18.2 inches

Best for Total Body

Trx all-in-one suspension training fitness system.

This suspension training tool can be modified to fit every fitness level and can provide a thorough workout without the use of weights or dumbbells.

You have to pay for access to the TRX Training Club app after the 30-day free trial ends.

TRX (Total-Body Resistance Exercise) is a popular name in the world of fitness, and you don’t even have to go to an actual gym to use the equipment, or have access to a trainer. This highly-rated portable workout system uses the tried-and-true suspension training straps to provide you with a total body workout — no weights or dumbbells required. It’s lightweight at under two pounds, and it takes up hardly any space in a suitcase.

The whole kit is an incredible value that can be used in even the most modestly sized hotel rooms. It comes equipped with a door anchor, a suspension anchor, and a mesh bag to take with you on the go. Since TRX exercises require some guidance, the kit comes with a 35-page workout guide for routine ideas, and you can download the TRX Training Club app for a free 30-day trial of coach-led workouts.

The Details: 1.7 pounds | In package: 12.2 x 8.7 x 8.5 inches; Out of package: 53 x 1.5 x 6 inches

Best Portable Home Gym

Oyo personal gym.

It requires almost no space to use.

The 25 pounds of resistance may be too little for some people.

This portable home gym is out of this world — literally. It’s made with SpiraFlex resistance technology, which was invented by Paul Francis to help NASA astronauts get fit on the International Space Station. With durable nylon-coated stainless steel cables and polymer construction, this total-body system is built to last. It provides 25 pounds of resistance in each hand for a killer workout, yet the entire system only weighs two pounds. You’ll also receive access to workout videos that were created by OYO fitness director Nick Bolton (although the app isn’t highly rated). To top it all off, you’ll enjoy peace of mind with a three-year warranty.

The Details: 2 pounds | 26 x 7 x 3 inches

Best Weighted Vest

Omorpho g-vest+.

Whether you’re walking, hiking, or doing CrossFit, this vest amps up your workouts.

They only come in two sizes per gender.

When it comes to a weighted vest, you want a product that adds resistance without making your carry-on unwieldy. Another must-have: It has to fit like a compression shirt without the restriction of a compression shirt. This design from Omorpho checks all the boxes.

Available in five colors, the G-Vest+ cinches at your sides and has adjustable shoulder straps so you can find the perfectly snug fit. The weight of the five-pound women’s version and the 10-pound men’s version are equally distributed around your torso so you have full range of motion with an extra bit of challenge. It’s made of a super-soft neoprene and includes a back panel for ventilation. Connect to the Omorpho app to be led through high-intensity, do-anywhere workouts.

The Details: Up to 10 pounds

The Travel + Leisure team took part in testing a total of 69 portable workout items in our New York City testing lab. By incorporating them into our workout routines, we assessed several attributes across the board, such as quality, portability, and durability. Since no item is alike, we chose specific attributes to apply for each. For example, we evaluated Lululemon The Towel’s grip and absorbency during our yoga practice and paid special attention to the stall force rating of the Theragun Mini 2nd Generation.

Since portability is an important factor while traveling, we packed up the most compact fitness items to take them home and on trips. In the end, only products with the highest ratings and portable sizes were selected for the tested portion of this roundup. In addition to our tested items, we also included researched options in this roundup.

Tips for Buying Portable Fitness Gear

Consider workout facilities and opportunities at your destination.

Many hotels provide guests with a gym and/or swimming pool. Check to see if your destination has a fitness room or fitness classes available to avoid trying to fit unnecessary items in limited suitcase space. If you’re planning to do activities like jogging or power walking during your travels, make sure a safe route is available, and map it out ahead of time. Consider the level of activity that may already be a part of your journey. For example, you might not want to lug weights for your legs on a ski vacation.

Have a packing plan

Preparation is key when it comes to a fitness packing plan. Before adding fitness equipment to your cart, think about what bags you plan to take and whether you’ll have room for everyday essentials along with your gear. If using a foam roller after working out is key to your fitness routine, then consider purchasing a more travel-friendly version. After use, be sure to clean the items before packing to avoid dirt and bacteria spreading. Finally, pack fragile fitness equipment securely with packing tape or a box, and whenever you can, choose items that come with a carrying case for easier transport.

Factor in both weight and size

Of course, you’ll want to choose exercise equipment that fits inside your carry-on to avoid checked bag fees, but don’t forget that weight is also a factor. On most airlines, bags are considered overweight if they exceed 50 pounds, and they are subject to fees usually starting around $50. Moreover, even if your equipment doesn’t exceed weight limits, dense items can make suitcases inconvenient and uncomfortable to maneuver.

Frequently Asked Questions

Exercise doesn’t have to be left off the itinerary just because you’re traveling. Try any one (or all) of these activities to stay active:

  • Use the hotel’s amenities, such as the gym or pool
  • Take advantage of fitness apps for quick in-room workouts 
  • Go for a walk and explore (a smartwatch can track your daily steps)
  • Try walking meetings 
  • Do calf raises while waiting in line 
  • Book a local fitness class near your hotel or vacation rental 
  • Go for a bike ride (many cities offer bike rentals)
  • Stretch after a long day of travel 
  • Use your body weight (lunges, sit-ups, squats, and planks are all good options)

Yes, you’re allowed to travel with workout supplements (pre-workout, protein powder, vitamins, etc.) in either your carry-on or packed luggage. These are classified as “Protein or Energy Powders” by U.S. Transportation Security Administration. It’s recommended that protein or energy powders larger than 12 ounces be packed in your checked bag in a clear bag or the original packaging.

If you don’t have access to a washing machine, do a quick rinse with soap or travel laundry detergent. Afterward, allow the clothes to dry outside or around your hotel room.

To prevent your workout clothes from stinking up your luggage, pack some scented dryer sheets and store sweaty workout clothes away from dry items, such as in a bag or protective organizer . There are also plenty of duffel and weekender bags that offer a separate compartment for sneakers or dirty clothes.

Why Trust Travel + Leisure

Sarah Kester is a writer and editor who has covered everything from lifestyle to health and fitness for over a decade. Her work has been published in Healthline , Tracy Anderson Magazine , Verywell Health , and more. For this roundup, Sarah relied on our in-house testing insights, researched the best portable exercise equipment on the market, and combed through dozens of customer reviews.

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body travel gym

7 Fun, Fast, & Effective Travel Workouts

By: Author Robyn Robledo

Posted on Last updated: January 5, 2024

Working out while you travel can help you feel better, prevent you from losing your hard-earned gains, and up your metabolism so you can indulge a little without gaining weight. We’ve put together this travel workout guide with 7 different styles of workouts to meet your fitness needs while traveling.

Table of Contents

Fitness Equipment for Travel

The best equipment for travel workouts include:

  • travel yoga mat
  • monster mini jump stretch band
  • exercise tubing
  • exercise ball

Functional Training Workout

Aka “ my a$$ is flat from sitting too long ” workout.

This functional travel workout focuses on establishing strength in the glutes, which tend to get tight from prolonged sitting. No equipment is needed for this workout!

Here are 2 ways I’d integrate this type of workout:

1 | The no-sweat-feel-good workout.

This workout can be one complete workout in and of itself, especially if you are looking for just a “feel good” workout that wakes up some dormant muscles from prolonged sitting (think road trips and long haul flights) and energizes you without having to sweat.

Bonus: Add in the total body workout .

2 | The goal-driven athlete.

This is a good warm-up routine for your more intense workouts below or a great warm-up before your hike or other adventure sports. To prevent sciatica, try these yoga poses to really open up those tight hip flexors.

1 | Side Lying Leg Lift

Leg completely straight, foot flexed, make sure you are completely on your side. You should feel the movement in the outer hip. If you feel it in the front of your hip you are probably using your hip flexor instead of your hip/gluteal muscles.

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2 | Bent Leg Bridge

Drive through the heels. Aim for your knees, hips, and shoulders to be in one line at the top of the movement.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

3 | Alternating Single-Leg Bridge

Keep the hips high and in one plane, don’t let your hips shift from side to side. Press through the heels and contract your gluteals to help stabilize. Alternate extending one leg so that it is in line with the knee and hip.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

4 | Arch Up

Keep toes on the mat, place hands behind the head, and squeeze shoulder blades together while you lift the chest and hands off the floor a few inches.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

5 | Dolphin

Keep your upper body on the floor, with straight legs lift the heels as high as you can, trying to get the thighs to come off the ground.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

Simple Total Body Conditioning Travel Workout

Sometimes the best travel workout is the simple one. These 3 easy movements can be done with no equipment and from the comfort of your hotel, Airbnb, or even campground.

While maintaining a slight arch in the lower back and the chest lifted, bend the knees so that the thighs get close to parallel to the floor. You should have even weight in the toes and heels and the knees shouldn’t go past the toes when you descend.

2 | Reverse Crunch

Feel free to bend the legs to keep your back on the floor. Press the belly into your spine and the lower back into the floor, try to have no space between the floor and your lower back. Lift hips off the floor trying to not use momentum to execute the crunch. The movement can be very small.

3 | Push Ups

Keep your abs tight so that you maintain a straight line from your shoulders to your feet. Tuck your pelvis under slightly to avoid sinking in your lower back. If you cannot maintain this position then do a modified push-up with your knees on the floor. Bend your elbows to ninety degrees, making sure your hands are wide enough that the elbows stay in line with the wrists, but your elbows should be lower than shoulder height. If there was a line between your thumbs and your chest you would touch it if you went all the way down. Keep your head in neutral.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

Burn Fat Travel Workout

Now it’s time to get the heart rate elevated! This is the perfect HIIT travel workout to do if you just spent a night indulging too much 😉. The goal is to move from one exercise to the next as quickly as possible without sacrificing form. After you complete one round, allow your heart rate to come down significantly before repeating the sequence. This is also a great workout routine to do at home if you have limited equipment .

1 | Jumping Jacks (1 minute)

I hope you know what these are 🙂

2 | Rock and Roll with a Jump (15 reps)

Place your hands lightly on your knees while rounding the spine and rolling back. Keep the spine rounded and the abs engaged while rolling back up. Draw the heels close to the glutes and drive through the feet to jump as explosively as possible.

3 | Swim Kicks (30 reps total)

Start lying on the floor with the legs up and perpendicular to the floor. While keeping the low back on the floor, alternate lowering one leg until it almost touches the floor, then switch.

4 | Walking Lunges (10 per leg)

Make sure your feet are hips width apart before stepping out to do your lunge. When you step out and make sure your stride length is far enough apart that your front knee stays over your front ankle. Descend with control, your back knee should come close to the ground without touching it. Squeeze your front thigh and gluteal while ascending.

5 | Squat Jump (15 jumps)

Start with feet shoulder-width apart, and maintain a natural arch in your lower back while descending. Descend just as you would a squat, then jump as high as you can, driving through the heels, trying not to let your knees go over the balls of the feet.

6 | Bicycle Crunch (30 reps total)

Keep the lower back pressed into the ground. Lightly place your hands behind your head and alternate touching opposite elbow to knee. Try to round and twist through the upper back so the shoulder blades alternate coming off the ground.

7 | Hollow Hold (20 seconds)

Start by laying flat on your back, place the hands on the top of the thighs, and round your upper back as if doing a crunch. At the top of the crunch position, start to bring the legs off the floor a few inches. If it’s too difficult to keep the lower back down, then bend the knees until the lower back lies flat on the ground or keep the feet on the ground until your abs get stronger.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

Advanced Functional Conditioning Travel Workout

This is a great total body workout that can be applied to improve strength, size, or leanness depending on the rep range you choose, except for the triple threat which we recommend doing 15 reps of in each direction, and the jackknife you should do for max reps.

1 | Bulgarian Squat

Elevate one foot behind you on a bench, block, or ball being careful to select a height that doesn’t force you to arch the lower back excessively. Bend the front leg to 90 degrees using a long enough stance that the knee of the front leg doesn’t pass the ball of the foot. The torso should lean forward slightly inclining forward over the working leg but not rounding. *You can skip using the Swiss ball and place the back foot on a picnic table, chair, or just on the ground and make it a lunge.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

2 | Back Dips

For this movement, you can place your feet on the floor or elevate them if you’d like more challenge. Place hands on the edge of the bench, chair, or elevated surface with the finger facing forward. Bend elbows to 90 degrees or as far as comfortable, keeping elbows over the wrists.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

3 | Swiss Ball Triple Threat (15 in each direction)

This combination involves three different movements each targeting a different area of the posterior chain. Start lying on the ground with the arms out to the sides and head resting on the floor. Place your heels and lower calves on the Swiss ball for all three movements. The first movement is done with the legs straight and focuses on squeezing the glutes while lifting the hips up and down. The second movement is done with the legs bent at 90 degrees and focusing on the hamstrings while lifting the hips up and down. The last movement involves the low back, hips, and hamstrings and requires the hips to be held high without straining the neck while rolling the ball in and out.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

4 | Swiss Ball Jackknife (max reps)

Place your hands on the floor and your shins on the Swiss ball. Holds a tight plank position. If your hips sink, you will feel it in the lower back which you don’t want. Lift the hips as you bring your knees towards your armpits.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

5 | Rear Delt Pull

Hold the band just outside shoulder width at shoulder height. With the arms straight pull the band apart until the band touches the chest. As you separate the hands keep the shoulders down and squeeze the shoulder bladed together. If you need more or less of a challenge, you may need to upgrade to a different size band . The band I use is a #3, or 35# resistance band. You can also make it more challenging by doubling up the band.

6 | Clapping Push Up (max to failure)

Just like a push-up but accelerate as you ascend so you can add a clap at the top of the movement.

HIIT Travel Workout

This is travel workout is great if you want to have fun and challenge yourself, but I don’t have any weights to use.

1 | Burpee (20-30 reps)

There’s nothing quite like a set of burpees to wake you up and get you ready to push yourself! Squat down place your hands on the floor, and jump back to a plank. From the plank, hop the feet back to the hands then jump powerfully up as high as you can.

2 | L-sit (10-30 seconds)

Using yoga blocks or an elevated surface. Sit in a pike position (legs straight and in front of you) and press your feet and legs off the floor.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

3 | Spiderman Push Ups (6-10 reps per side)

Do a push-up while bringing one knee to the same side elbow. Your hands won’t be even like they are in traditional push-ups. Instead, think of them being in diagonal from one another with the elbow that touches the knee lower than the other hand and switch with each rep.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

4 | Vertical Jumps (10 reps)

Make sure to swing your arms powerfully and jump as high as you can while controlling the landing.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

5 | Handstand Push Ups (4-8 reps)

As a beginning option, start facing away from a wall and walk your feet up the wall. Eventually, you will get your feet up high enough and your hands in close to the wall to do some partial push-ups in this position. The end goal is to be able to start facing the wall kick up to the handstand with your back against the wall and then do push-ups. Or have someone hold your feet.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

6 | Handstand Tap Ups (10 reps- try starting 5 with each foot in front)

If handstand push-ups are too much, do regular handstand holds instead. Start with one foot in front and arms overhead. Visualize trying to keep a straight line from the arms overhead to the toes of the back leg. Slowly lean forward keeping the body straight and tight. As the hands touch the floor use some momentum to kick up to a straight body position.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

7 | Tuck Jump (10 reps)

Jump up as high as you can and at the the top of your jump, bring the knees to the chest.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

Gymnastics Travel Workout

We taught gymnastics for 25 years. This is a fun travel workout to do if you have kids. It helps them stay healthy and gives you a bonding experience. Alternate the jumps with cartwheels and have fun with it.

1 | Standing Broad Jump (10 reps)

As you bend your knees, swing your arms behind you and bring them forward powerfully as you jump as far as you can landing in a squat position.

2 | Cartwheels (10 reps- try starting 5 with each foot in front)

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

Hotel Travel Workout For Building Muscle

It’s easy to get a travel workout in when you are staying in a hotel since most hotels have a gym with dumbbells. Do this routine from top to bottom two times through with a weight that fatigues you by 15 reps. For true strength gains, your RPE (rate of perceived exertion should be between 6 and 8 and your rep range from 8-12 so adjust the weight accordingly.

1 | Shoulder Press

Hold a pair of dumbbells at shoulder height with the palms facing forward. Press the dumbbells overhead and together while keeping the neck long, ears in line with the shoulders, and scapula depressed.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

2 | Alternating Bicep Curl

Start with the palms facing towards the body and as you bend one elbow, rotate the palm to face that shoulder. Remember to keep the elbow close to the body and pointing down.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

3 | Overhead Tricep Extension

Hold one dumbbell in both hands and extend the arms straight overhead. Focus on keeping the elbows pointing upward and triceps parallel to one another as you bend the elbows and then re-extend the arms.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

5 | Good Morning (aka Straight Leg Deadlift)

With a flat back, hinge forward with mostly straight legs until your back is parallel to the floor or you reach an endpoint in the stretch of the hamstrings. Then squeeze your glutes to return to standing. You should feel a nice stretch in the back of the legs for this one but use your butt muscles and not your back to bring you up to vertical.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

6 | Bent Over Row

Bend the knees and hinge forward so that your back is almost parallel to the ground. With a nice arch in the lower back and the chest slightly lifted, start with the dumbbells hanging under your shoulders then squeeze your shoulder blades together as you draw the elbows up past the rib cage.

Stay fit while traveling: Workout routine for travelers

More Fitness Resources:

  • Yoga for Surfers
  • Surfing Fitness Workout
  • Yoga for Hikers
  • How to Train for a Strenuous Hike
  • Yoga for Climbers (coming soon)
  • Best Tools for Myofascial Release

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Best Portable Home Gym (2024): Pack It Up Or Store It Away

By Lauren Strong, CPT

updated June 6, 2023

We test and review fitness products based on an independent, multi-point methodology. If you use our links to purchase something, we may earn a commission. Read our disclosures.

Generally speaking, exercise equipment is pretty bulky and expensive (e.g., treadmills, exercise bikes, squat racks, and barbells). However, not all of us are graced with spacious garages, basements, and bonus rooms to outfit our home gyms. Perhaps you’re renting, sharing a home, or living somewhere temporarily—with those barriers, it doesn’t always make sense for you to invest in traditional workout equipment . 

Whatever your circumstance might be, you’re probably landing on this roundup of the best portable home gym options because you need a unique solution to your living (or traveling ) situation. 

We’re Home Gym Experts

Our expert product testers are not only owners and users of home fitness equipment, we’re also fitness professionals ranging from certified personal trainers to Olympic athletes. We’re well versed in training with barbells and dumbbells , as well as resistance bands and bodyweight exercises. 

Our team has had their hands on each of the products listed in this roundup and we’re excited to show you our top picks for best portable home gyms.

  • 7 Best Portable Home Gyms: 
  • Best Overall Portable Home Gym : TRX Home Suspension Trainer
  • Best Smart Portable Home Gym : MAXPRO SmartConnect Home Gym
  • Best Portable Home Gym Personal Trainer: Future App
  • Best High-End Portable Home Gym : Vitruvian Trainer+
  • Best Lightweight Portable Home Gym : Gorilla Bow
  • Best Portable Home Gym for Strength Training : X3 Bar
  • Best Portable Resistance Band Set: Rogue Tube Bands
  • Best Overall Portable Home Gym: TRX Home Suspension Trainer

Good for: Folks looking for a truly portable home gym that is easy to set up and take down

Best Overall

TRX Home Suspension Trainer

body travel gym

Product Highlights

  • Durable nylon webbing straps with locking adjusters
  • Carabiner tested at 1,300 lbs
  • Door anchor allows for use in any room with a sturdy door
  • Suspension anchor hang straps off bars, hooks, etc.
  • Comes with TRX App with workout options
  • Mesh Carrying Bag

Pros & Cons

  • Durable nylon webbing straps
  • Lightweight and Portable
  • Comes with TRX app
  • Learning curve for some exercises
  • Expensive compared to other suspension trainers

Bottom Line

The TRX Home Suspension Trainer is a great way to get a full-body workout with a lightweight and portable piece of equipment.

Portability-wise, the TRX Home Suspension Trainer really takes the cake—it’s less than 2 pounds and fits into a small carrying bag to stow away or take with you on the go. The TRX suspension training system is a unique method to incorporate all the major muscle groups and add more range of motion to your bodyweight training. You’ll be able to perform hack squats, inverted rows, pull-up variations, push ups, core exercises, stability drills, pilates, and even supported yoga poses. 

The TRX is an all-in-one system because you have the ability to target every part of your body. Plus, you have the ability to adjust the straps, which changes your body’s angle and distance to the floor on each exercise—meaning you are in control of the level of difficulty regardless of your fitness level. 

Man using TRX Suspension Trainer

The TRX Suspension Trainer won’t replace free weight training, but it can level-up your bodyweight training. For about $230 you’ll receive the suspension trainer straps made with heavy-duty nylon, door anchor, suspension anchor (for squat racks , light posts, trees, or any other sturdy objects), and a mesh carrying bag. You’ll even receive a 30-day free trial to the TRX Training Club app, which has home workouts and exercise tutorials on how to get the most out of your suspension trainer. 

You might also like knowing your purchase even comes with a two-year warranty. As you might imagine, this warranty covers manufacturer defects not normal wear and tear or misuse of the TRX system. 

  • Best Smart Portable Home Gym: MAXPRO SmartConnect Home Gym

Good for: Anyone who needs a lightweight functional trainer for at home or on the go

MaxPRO SmartConnect Portable Cable Machine

body travel gym

  • All-in-one machine that works different muscle groups
  • Lightweight at 9 lbs
  • Small footprint at 16" L x 10" W x 4" H
  • Produces resistance up to 300 lbs
  • Lightweight
  • Small footprint
  • Pricey for a small piece of equipment
  • Sub-par accessories
  • Compatible app is not streamlined

The MaxPRO SmartConnect Portable Cable Machine is a lightweight and portable full body machine, which offers up to 300 pounds of resistance. This makes it an extremely versatile piece of portable equipment with a small footprint.

MAXPRO SmartConnect Home Gym has had a lot of buzz in recent years, and for good reason—it’s less than 10 pounds, foldable, and is basically a mini functional trainer (aka cable machine) delivering up to 300 pounds of resistance. 

Much like a full-size functional trainer, this mini gym is an all-in-one machine. You can pretty much hit all the major compound movements (like squat, row, and press) in addition to isolation movements (like biceps curls, and single-leg exercises).  

Coop using the MaxPRO Smart Connect Cable Machine to do rows

GGR founder and equipment expert, Coop Mitchell personally tested the MAXPRO and finds he uses it quite frequently. He enjoyed the fact that this lightweight machine is pre-assembled and pretty much ready to use right out of the box. However, he notes in our full in-depth review of the MAXPRO that it will be worth purchasing the wall-track up front with your initial purchase, saying that, “you can do way more exercises with this addition to your MAXPRO.”

The wall-track might allow you to adjust your leverage point on the wall, but it’s worth noting that it will cost an additional $325. However, with the base price of $799 you’ll get the MAXPRO machine, three-piece “Quick Connect” bar, two handles, ankle straps, door mount system, and a USB charger. 

The MAXPRO can not only provide several hundred pounds of resistance, you can also connect via Bluetooth to the brand’s app for workouts and to monitor your metrics. Coop mentions the app was a little clunky when he tested it, and notes not to expect Peloton-level quality. 

Good for: Individuals who want a personal trainer in their pocket! 

Best Portable

body travel gym

  • Virtual training from qualified coaches
  • Personal plan designed to help reach your goals
  • Great interface
  • Use our link for 62% off your first month
  • Incredible user interface; very well designed and intuitive
  • Choose your own coach based on your personal preferences and goals
  • Lots of variety in your workouts
  • No real-time coaching from your trainer
  • $199 per month membership cost

An online training program that's staffed by real-life humans, and one of our favorite fitness apps.

OK, OK, so technically Future isn’t a true portable gym—but like I mentioned earlier, we all live under unique circumstances and perhaps Future (and having a personal trainer at the touch of a finger tip) is the best solution for you at the moment.

Here’s what you need to know about Future: It’s an app that can pair you with a personal trainer based on your personal fitness goals, your preferred type of training, your equipment, and even common interests you share. 

I will say that just like finding a personal trainer IRL, you won’t jive with everyone’s methods (or personalities) so it’s OK to get picky with your selection. When I browsed through the coach profiles on the Future website, I noticed you can select a trainer based on their coaching style—detail oriented, high energy, even keeled, and supportive to name a few. 

body travel gym

Speaking as a certified personal trainer myself, I think that is a nice feature. I personally would dread being paired with a super bubbly, high-energy coach when I need someone who is more laid back but extremely detail oriented. 

All that said, Future requires a $150 monthly membership fee (and let’s remember that’s just for the app—no equipment comes with this monthly price). If you’re someone who is limited in space and equipment, your personal trainer can design a bodyweight-specific workout plan for you. However, for the price there are probably better options for bodyweight-only programs. 

Coop personally tested (and still uses) Future and likes the ease of use on the app platform, the actual programming, and the ability to record and send videos to your coach. If you think Future is the right option for you, check out our in-depth review before you ditch your gym membership!

  • Best High-End Portable Home Gym: Vitruvian Trainer+

Good for: Folks with limited space but who want a solid piece of exercise equipment  

Best High-End

Vitruvian Form Trainer+

body travel gym

  • Adaptive weight system that produces weight from 0 to 440 pounds
  • Advertised as working similarly to a rack without having to change plates or store any of the weight
  • The technology will do it all for you
  • However, different from a squat rack, you are able to do over 200 different exercises that target all parts of your body
  • All Access Membership costs $39 per month.
  • Without the Trainer All Access Membership, you are still able to work exercises and create your own workouts.
  • Full functionality of the machine is available without a subscription (i.e. access to all workout modes)
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • 1-year all-access app membership for in-depth data tracking included with purchase (at the time of publish)
  • Free shipping
  • Provides up to 440 pounds of resistance
  • Small and compact
  • Relatively easy to move and store
  • Workouts led by certified instructors
  • Adaptive weight changes as you work out 
  • Community challenges and leaderboard
  • Tracks several workout metrics 
  • Can easily view progress
  • Safe and controlled way to exercise
  • Provides exercise technique tutorials
  • 1 membership allows unlimited profiles
  • Lifetime membership available
  • Financing available via Affirm 
  • Can create your own workouts or follow classes
  • Expensive, as all smart gyms are, with prices starting around $2,900
  • Subscription required for in-depth data tracking after trial period ($39/month)
  • Accessory kits sold separately
  • No hour-long workout classes yet (sessions go up to 43 minutes)
  • Can be overwhelming to create your own workouts in the app at first, according to our product tester 
  • Buyers are responsible for return shipping if sending the item back

The Vitruvian Trainer+ is a smart home gym with a fantastic value proposition. For most people, it can replace an entire traditional home gym set up while taking up minimal space and providing and opportunity for in-depth data tracking and coaching.

When it comes to home gym equipment that can serve as an all-in-one strength training machine, the Vitruvian is a unique choice if you have a flexible budget. The Vitrvian is essentially a platform that provides digital magnetic resistance (up to 440 pounds) via cables and handles. 

I’d call this a compact home gym that’s fairly portable, but it’s not a toss-in-your-bag type of portable. It’s not super heavy but it’s worth noting that the Vitrvian platform is about 80 pounds and measures over 3 feet in length and is just under 2 feet wide. That said, this could be suitable for someone who just needs to have their home gym setup completely stored away while not in use. It’s also worth mentioning that the Vitruvian has a 330-pound user weight capacity. 

pulling handles Vitruvian Trainer+

The Vitruvian starts around $2,900 and the monthly membership is $39 per month, which you’ll need if you want full functionality of the machine. With the membership, you’ll have access to a library of workouts and real-time tracking of every repetition you perform and the loads you use. 

There are four modes to training: pumped, time under tension (TUT), old school, and eccentric-only. Coop notes in his in-depth video review of the Vitruvian that the eccentric training might be the most unique feature of this device. In this eccentric-only mode, the digital resistance of the concentric (upward portion of a given lift) is essentially removed and the eccentric (lowering portion) is the only part that is loaded with resistance. It might not sound like a lot, but trust me that will make for some seriously hard workouts. 

RELATED: Vitruvian Trainer+ Review 

  • Best Lightweight Portable Home Gym: Gorilla Bow

Good for: A simple and lightweight option for resistance training  

Best Lightweight

Gorilla Bow Portable Home Gym Resistance Band System

body travel gym

  • Unique product
  • Up to 300 lbs of resistance
  • Fun workout classes
  • Check out our full Gorilla Bow Review.
  • Fun classes to follow
  • Unique product that has the ability to work your entire body
  • Can use up to 300 pounds of resistance
  • Not very portable
  • Might need to purchase extra bands if you’re particularly strong
  • Not the best option for a beginner

A unique resistance band set that generates up to 300 lbs of resistance and comes with an extensive workout library.

The Gorilla Bow is a fairly inexpensive and lightweight option for your home gym or for bringing with you on the go. Essentially, you have a set of tube bands—all ranging in levels of resistance—and an aluminum workout bar in the shape of a bow. 

What’s interesting about the Gorilla Bow is that it’s pretty much a self-contained portable gym capable of full-body workouts where your own body acts at the anchor (versus using a door anchor). 

Caroline doing a squat with the Gorilla Bow.

For example, you will have to stand on the band to anchor it down for lower body exercises like deadlifts, squats, and lunges. For upper body movements you’ll have to anchor the band with your back muscles to perform a chest press or sit on the band for an overhead seated press. 

Additionally, you can even mimic a pulling motion similar to using a real bow and arrow by holding one arm out straight and using the other to pull back the resistance band. 

A former GGR product tester, Caroline Lubinksy, used the Gorilla Bow and liked the clever and simple design. However, the one thing she noted was the fact the Gorilla Bow might be confusing for beginners. 

In Caroline’s in-depth Gorilla Bow review she also mentions that the all-access app does have a beginner category focused on learning basic movement patterns. The app is $14.99 per month but you will get a free 30-day trial with your purchase. 

  • Best Portable Home Gym for Strength Training: X3 Bar

Good for: Folks looking to progressively get stronger with an ultra-portable gym system  

Best for Strength Training

body travel gym

  • Up to 300 lbs of force
  • Upgrade to up to 600 lbs
  • Free workout program included
  • No assembly necessary
  • Can create up to 300 pounds of force (up to 600 if you get the Elite Band, sold separately)
  • Free 12-week workout program with high-quality workout and nutrition advice
  • Bar has great knurling
  • Bands are dipped in layered latex, making them thick and durable
  • Platform’s embedded rollers don’t allow bands to roll during lift, but that's nitpicky
  • Quite pricey at around $550 (financing available)
  • Only 1-year warranty for the bands
  • Some complaints of the bands wearing down after only a few weeks

A compact piece of strength training equipment that combines the best parts of resistance bands and barbells into one.

The X3 Bar is a unique solution if you’re limited on space and serious about getting stronger. It comes with four heavy-duty latex bands, a foot plate, and a mini workout bar.

So what sets this system apart from a set of Rogue Monster bands? Honestly, it’s the foot plate and the workout bar. The bands alone are high-quality, but the added components make the system really versatile. 

x3 full product view

The bar features knurling and bearings that allow it to rotate smoothly with your movement. The entire setup is 17 pounds and can easily be thrown into a backpack for a weekend getaway or your luggage during a vacation. 

Although the price is a little steep at $549, there is a lot of value in being able to take the X3 Bar with you wherever you go. In fact, our GGR social media manager Brittany Combs talks about bringing the X3 Bar with her on vacation and into her living room during her kid’s playtime in our in-depth video review on the X3 Bar . 

With the price you’ll also get a 12-week program with instructional workout videos to help you navigate each movement. Brittany liked following the program and using the app and says she enjoyed the metrics and progression reports as she got stronger.  

RELATED: X3 Bar Review 

Good for: Folks who prefer classic tube bands for easy storage and portability

Best Band Set

Rogue Tube Resistance Bands

body travel gym

  • Made extremely well
  • Option to purchase just one or in a set
  • Comfortable handles
  • Color-coded
  • High quality handles with textured grip
  • Well-made bands
  • Fairly portable
  • Resistance tension isn’t printed on the tube bands
  • Sometimes squeak while in use
  • On the shorter side

If you're looking for tube resistance bands with handles, these are easily the highest quality. The grips on the handles are a nice touch that similar tube bands don't always have.

Rogue Tube Bands are the OG of portable home gyms. As simple and straightforward as they might be, bands are always my fallback when it comes to easy, full-body workouts on the go.  

On the Rogue website you can purchase bands individually (ranging from very light to over 60 pounds of resistance) or for $75 you can purchase all six Rogue bands as a set. 

The downside to the Rogue Tube Bands is they don’t come with ankle straps or a door anchor. That said, when I use tube bands at home I’ll loop them around the support post in my basement or if I’m outside, it’ll use the balusters on my deck. 

Rogue Tube resistance bands on the hardwood floor

Makeshifting an attachment point can help you achieve movements like lat pull-downs, triceps extensions, and chest flyes. Many lower body movements can be anchored by your feet, such as squats, lunges, and deadlifts. 

Additionally, our former product tester Caroline mentioned that she didn’t appreciate that the resistance band tension in weight is not listed on the band like you might find on competitor brands. If that’s not a dealbreaker, check out our in-depth review on our full experience with the Rogue Tube Bands . 

  • Other Portable Home Gyms We Researched

Harambe System : Although we’ve tested this product and agree it’s a solid competitor to the X3 Bar, the price is slightly higher without providing that much additional value. However, if you’re really interested in the X3 Bar, I urge you to read our in-depth review on the Harambe System so you can make that call yourself. 

OYO Personal Gym : This is another mini functional trainer option and it did not make this list because it provides only 40 pounds of resistance. 

Bodylastics Resistance Bands Set : This set of bands is quite similar to the Rogue Tube Bands featured on this list and they’re priced considerably cheaper than Rogue. So why did we choose the more expensive set? Here’s my reasoning: If you use bands as your primary method of resistance training—meaning your resistance bands are not just for warm-ups and accessories—you’ll want to invest in a high-quality set.  

  • How We Picked and Tested

Before we curated this list of the best portable home gyms, our GGR team considered the following:

  • Price: With a portable option, we know you’re not going to match the durability or functionality of traditional home gym options (like barbells, dumbbells, cardio equipment, etc.) so we figured the price needs to reflect the limitations of a portable gym. 
  • Footprint and weight: If something is going to be truly portable, it needs to be light enough to move on your own and small enough to store in a bag or your vehicle. 
  • Training options: We made sure that the options on this list allow you to train full body workouts, through different ranges of motions and different planes of movement. 
  • Targeted fitness level : We wanted to make sure this list had options for both beginner lifters and experienced lifters alike. 
  • Benefits of A Portable Home Gym

If you’re someone who is on the go or not quite settled into a long-term living situation, here are some of the benefit of a portable gym:

Build Muscle

Beginners and experienced lifters alike can benefit from a portable home gym. In the case of the beginner, introducing a fitness routine won’t take much resistance, time, or reps to build strength (especially if you’re coming from a sedentary lifestyle). As you adapt and get stronger, you’ll need to make changes and progressions to keep getting stronger. However, it is worth mentioning that you don’t always have to add more weight—progress can come from changing your rep range, overall volume, rest time, or range of motion.


If you’re someone who travels frequently, lives a nomadic lifestyle, or is just limited on space, a portable gym might be your best option. Portability means it’s easy to pick up, move, and store out of the way. 

  • Buying Guide For Best Portable Home Gym

Before you go ahead and click “add to cart” be sure to go over our buying guide for portable home gyms: 

As with any home gym purchase , we suggest setting a budget because it can be easy to get excited and go overboard. Generally speaking, portable equipment is fairly affordable given the small size and limited resistance offered. However, you’ll notice the more weight offered and more technical, the bigger the price tag. 

Product Weight and Portability 

Depending on your needs and just how portable you want your equipment, be sure to review the specifications to determine the footprint and product weight. It’s also not a bad idea to consider if it’s compact enough to fit into a carrying bag or if you’ll need to use the transport wheels for moving it around. 


Speaking as a certified personal trainer, nothing excites me more than being forced to get creative on building workouts around limited equipment. It makes me feel like the ultimate problem solver. However, I understand that not everyone feels that way. What I do urge you to think about is if you can perform full-body workouts and use the equipment to exercise more than one group of muscles. 

Resistance Levels

Be sure the resistance levels offered on the equipment you’re interested in can accommodate not only where your fitness level is today, but as you get stronger and more physically fit. 

  • Best Portable Home Gym FAQs

What is the best all-round home gym?

The best all-around home gym will depend on your goals, fitness level, and budget. The best part of owning your own home gym is that you can curate a lineup of equipment tailored to your training style. You don’t have to be loyal to one brand, either! If you’re curious about the best all-around gym equipment we think might have a place in your home gym, check out our roundup of the best home gym equipment .

Do portable gyms work?

Yes, a portable home gym system is a viable option for anyone short on space or who travels frequently. Portable gyms certainly won’t replace weightlifting or CrossFit but can still help you build muscle and strength.

Do at-home no equipment workouts work?

Depending on your fitness level and your fitness goals, bodyweight workouts can be an appropriate option. Luckily for you, we have pulled together six challenging bodyweight exercises you can try today (with scalable variations, too).

Lauren Strong, CPT-snapshot

Lauren Strong, CPT

Further reading.

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In our Daily Harvest vs Sakara Life comparison, we’ll take a look at these two plant-based meal deliveries to see which one fits your needs best. Read more

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Home » Gear » The BEST Travel Workout Equipment – Travel Fitness Gear (2024)

The BEST Travel Workout Equipment – Travel Fitness Gear (2024)

Traveling the world helps you develop in a lot of different ways. It gives you a greater perspective, opens you up to new experiences, and might even expose you to a new way to enjoy fried chicken. One thing it’s not so good at, though, is building up your fitness.

There are endless challenges in the way of staying fit on the road. You might have a dedicated exercise space, gym membership, or weekend pick-up basketball routine at home, but there is no way to find that if you’re hitting up a new town every week. You’re lucky enough if you find a hostel with a yoga space.

Plus, half the point of traveling is all the new flavors you come across. You’ve got to eat and drink your way through every new place to get a taste of it. And any half-decent street food tastes better when washed down with a few local beers.

It can add up to a disaster. Traveling for six months can wreck years of progress in the gym, and the threat of your workout regimen being taken away can hold some people back from hitting the road.

So, we’re here today to quell those fears and get you on your way with the tools you need to stay in shape while still enjoying your trip. But first, a DISCLAIMER.

Until someone finally invents a gym membership subscription that works Airbnb style or figures out a way to make 20 lb dumbbells weigh nothing at one moment and turn on the next, the truth is that you’re travel workout routine will never look like your at-home system.

And that’s okay. The whole point of flying to Namibia is that everything is different than the inside of your apartment, anyway. That shouldn’t stop you from traveling, nor should it stop you from caring about your fitness.

Because there are ways to get great workouts on the road, and there are plenty of nearly weightless travel workout equipment that will help you reach your FITNESS GOALS. So, get warmed up and meet me on the mat!

People standing on a lifeguard tower with someone making pull-ups during sunset

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Fit Simplify Loop Resistance Bands

Fit Simplify Loop Resistance Bands

  • Price ($) > 12
  • Packed dimensions (in.) > 6 x 3
  • Packed weight (lbs) > .1

Manduka eKO Superlite Yoga Mat

Manduka eKO Superlite Yoga Mat

HOKA Clifton 9 Road-Running Shoes

Running Shoes

  • Price ($) > Variable
  • Packed dimensions (in.) > Variable
  • Packed weight (lbs) > Variable

Trideer Stretching Strap

Trideer Stretching Strap

  • Price ($) > 11
  • Packed dimensions (in.) > 75 x 1
  • Packed weight (lbs) > .37

TRX Fitness App

TRX Fitness App

  • Price ($) > 5.99 per month
  • Packed dimensions (in.) > NA
  • Packed weight (lbs) > NA

TRX Weighted Jump Rope

TRX Weighted Jump Rope

  • Price ($) > 19.99

Bala Bangles One Pound Weights

Bala Bangles One Pound Weights

  • Packed weight (lbs) > 2

TRX Go Suspension Trainer

TRX Go Suspension Trainer

  • Price ($) > 199
  • Packed dimensions (in.) > 53 x 2

Lululemon Workout Sliders

Lululemon Workout Sliders

  • Price ($) > 28
  • Packed diameter (in.) > 7

Redify Adjustable Jump Rope

Redify Adjustable Jump Rope

  • Price ($) > 13

Gaaim Travel Folding Yoga Mat

Gaaim Travel Folding Yoga Mat

  • Price ($) > 21
  • Packed dimensions (in.) > 68 x 24
  • Packed weight (lbs) > 1.8

Travel Workout Equipment is Only The Start

Best travel fitness gear tried and tested, final thoughts on the best travel workout equipment.

While having travel fitness gear is essential, it’s only the first step. I’ve logged many trips with a jump rope in my bag; it doesn’t mean I’ve ever used it. It’s equally important to cultivate a mindset and make time for fitness. The details of that mindset are different for everyone. But generally, you should plug into the same motivation you have at home. 

If you like to rise and grind and hit the gym for a few hours before work at home, make it a part of your routine. Get your sweat on before hitting up the continental breakfast. If you’ve never gotten up early to work at home, don’t expect that you’ll magically get into it while you’re on vacation. Stick to what already works for you and do it in a different country. 

That doesn’t mean you can’t try anything new when working out while traveling . I’ve found a great way to keep up with my fitness away from my gym membership is to build my trips around exercise . When I’m in Sicily for a month, the only fitness I’m into is fitting this whole pizza into my mouth. So I try to make sure my trips include time near the beach, ski mountains, or bike routes where I know I’ll be super keen to get moving. 

A girl doing Yoga at the beach

Another great way to get into the travel workout mindset is to find a way to get moving and meet new people .

If you’re staying in a hostel full of stoked surfers, you’ll be more interested in getting into the water and giving it a shot than if you’re staying in an Airbnb by yourself. This brings me to the last and most important part of getting into the travel workout mindset: accommodation . 

Your accommodation will make or break your travel fitness goals. For example, if yoga is part of your daily routine at home and you go book a cramped dorm room in the tiniest, cheapest hostel in town, you’re going to have a bad time. 

It is absolutely worth it to splurge and book a place that provides the space and privacy you need to work out. Whether that means bike rental, a yoga shala, a fitness center, or a rock climbing wall, it’s the easiest way to set yourself up for success.  

When we discovered fitness resorts and wellness programs, it completely changed the game. We have curated this list of the best fitness retreats in the WORLD , to help you embrace a healthier travel experience.

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Now that we better understand the mindset, let’s get to the good stuff: travel gear .

Life as a broke backpack doesn’t include many Instagram-worthy sunsets and fancy hotels with pools and exercise rooms with power plates. And still, with a bit of grit and the right equipment, you can have your beer with no fear.  

The fitness gear we’ll look at below all weighs less than 5 pounds and all provide a better workout than relying on pushups and sit-ups to get through your vacation.

This equipment has accompanied our team across the globe, and we’ve made room for these essential pieces of gym equipment in some absolutely tiny backpacking packing lists . 

1. Fit Simplify Loop Resistance Bands

Fit Simplify Loop Resistance Bands

  • Price ($) – 12
  • Packed dimensions (in.) – 6 x 3
  • Packed weight (lbs) – .1

Resistance bands are a versatile fitness equipment, especially when you’re packing light . They’re proof that no matter how minimalist you pack, there’s always space to bring your workout with you.

These light bands weigh less than a pair of underwear and bring a world of potential to anywhere on Earth where you can lay down a mat.

Resistance bands can help you stretch deeper and use your body weight against you, turning a simple Pilates routine into a sweat-inducing, challenging workout. While these won’t rip up your muscles like a set of dumbbells, the functional equipment has done wonders for my mobility, and resistance bands flys still leave me sore in the morning. 

There are thousands of hours of free workout content available on YouTube to show you how to make the most out of resistance bands.

If you’re heading outside the reach of the internet, spend a few weeks before your trip studying the basics and mapping out your routine, and you can keep your workouts going without missing a beat. You can always stay connected and on top of your workouts with these great travel Wi-Fi routers .

2. Manduka eKO Superlite Yoga Mat

Manduka eKO Superlite Yoga Mat

A 6 X 8 space and a yoga mat are all you need to improve your body. The only trouble is, yoga mats can be pretty unwieldy. They don’t fit easily in a suitcase, and many travel mats sacrifice your knees to save a few ounces. This Manduka option is the exception to the rule, offering excellent comfort and still weighing less than two pounds . 

While it is a super-lite mat, there is just no way to make yoga mats smaller. I usually just throw my Manduka mat into the water bottle pocket of my backpack and carry it onto the plane, and no flight attendant has ever batted an eye.

It doesn’t even count as a personal item, and the value of traveling with a yoga mat is well worth a few side eyes while I cram it into an overhead bin. 

Sure, you can always hope that your accommodation is the only hostel in all of South America that stocks fresh, clean yoga mats that don’t smell like other traveler’s sweat. Or you can bring your fortune with you and squeeze in a stretch in the bus terminal while you’re at it. It’ll feel weird, but no one cares.

3. Running Shoes

HOKA Clifton 9 Road-Running Shoes

  • Price ($) – Variable
  • Packed dimensions (in.) – Variable
  • Packed weight (lbs) – Variable

If you want to workout while traveling, a comfortable pair of travel shoes is not up for debate. Unfortunately, it’s common knowledge that the easiest way to pack light is to leave a few pairs of shoes behind. Unless you’re just rolling a suitcase from the airport to a taxi to your hotel and back again, you likely won’t have room for dedicated workout shoes.

Talk to many broke backpackers about travel shoes, and they’ll likely give you some version of this same advice! T he maximum pair of shoes you bring is 3 . Flip flops, shoes you can walk around a city and eat a nice dinner in, and one weather-resistant pair for intense hiking.   

Many hardened travelers will widdle that number down to two, either by skipping the snow hikes altogether, or deciding they don’t give a fuck, and they’re wearing hiking boots to dinner. I like to sneak my running shoes in as my everyday city pair by opting for a fashionable, rugged shoe.

My favorite recommendation for that is the Nike ACG line . This subset of shoes is usually water resistant , comfortable enough to hike in all day, and stylish enough for a night out in Budapest. I wouldn’t run a marathon in these heavier shoes, but they’ll help me sneak in a 5K on the beach. They’re stable enough for HIIT workouts. 

4. Trideer Stretching Strap

Trideer Stretching Strap

  • Price ($) – 11
  • Packed dimensions (in.) – 75 x 1
  • Packed weight (lbs) – .37

Stretching is a vital part of travel workouts. After a few long layovers and some bumpy bus rides, you might be able to get straight back onto the squat rack in your early twenties, but not forever. Sneaking in a stretch while traveling supports quicker adjustment to new time zones and builds strength.

These polyester stretching straps are more durable than the resistance bands we looked at earlier, but at the cost of some stretchability. They won’t work the same for strength-building exercises, but they will offer a more formidable hold . It’s perfect for taking your stretches deeper. 

Loop these straps around your arch and work towards greater hamstring, glute, and quad flexibility from anywhere. These bands won’t make her dance, but they will help you connect to your body in new ways, bridging the gap between your shoulder joints and helping to straighten things out.

5. TRX Fitness App

TRX Fitness App

  • Price ($) – 5.99 per month
  • Packed dimensions (in.) – NA
  • Packed weight (lbs) – NA

You can’t travel with a personal trainer, but you can travel with a personal training plan .

The TRX Fitness App is one of the best fitness apps for travelers . It provides access to the TRX training club, hundreds of hours of videos, and support to get the most out of your TRX. YouTube has some workouts, but they won’t take you nearly as far as these science-backed programs . 

The app features full-length classes from professional trainers and programs that help you build strength over weeks, months, and years. Unfortunately, the app is subscription-based because you can’t own anything these days, but that comes with its own perks. You can sign up when you hit the road and cancel when you’re back within range of LA Fitness.

Each suspension trainer purchase comes with a code for six free months of the app. If you time it right, you can use the app across your entire semester abroad without breaking out your credit card. Remember to download videos before take-off, so you can have on-demand workouts ready no matter where you are.

body travel gym

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Now, for just $30, get a lifetime membership that entitles you to 10% OFF on most items, access to their trade-in scheme and discount rentals .

6. TRX Weighted Jump Rope

TRX Weighted Jump Rope

  • Price ($) – 19.99

Don’t let the term ‘weighted’ scare you off from this jump rope as a travel partner. Each handle of the rope only adds 9 ounces of weight. It’s one of the best travel workout equipment that feels like nothing in your pack but starts to add up after a few minutes of jumping. 

Weighted jump ropes, in addition to the obvious benefit of increased resistance, help your jump activate different muscles. With just half a pound in each handle, your arms might surrender to the jump before your legs. Each handle’s extra weight is removable to get your reps in with or without the extra oomph. 

The 10-foot cable can be adjusted to fit from armpit to armpit of any jumper. Partners can travel with one rope and find the perfect size adjustments for two workouts.

And it’s much more than a simple travel workout. I never leave the country without a solid jump rope, which also doubles as my makeshift laundry line or a keen strap for taxi roof racks. 

Renting workout equipment on-site can be a smarter choice sometimes, especially for larger and heavier gear. Let’s help you learn exactly what not to pack in your carry on !

7. Bala Bangles One Pound Weights

Bala Bangles One Pound Weights

  • Packed weight (lbs) – 2

Unfortunately, there is no way to pack dumbbells without adding serious weight to your luggage. A pound is a pound, no matter how round.

If you still want to add some extra oomph to your workouts, consider these Bala Bangles. It’s one-pound ankle and wrist weights that help you beef up body workouts without undue strain on luggage limits. 

You can even hook these bangles up to your ankles to put some extra work in on travel days. However, we can’t promise you the TSA isn’t going to have a few questions. The weight bands are pretty straightforward, coming in 1 and 2 lbs weights that hook up around your extremities.

It’s not something you can build a workout plan around, but rather use as support. One pound doesn’t sound like much, and it won’t put a significant strain on your packed weight. But strap these suckers on for a few sets of burpees and forward lunges, and you’ll really start to feel the heat. 

8. TRX Go Suspension Trainer

TRX Go Suspension Trainer

  • Price ($) – 199
  • Packed dimensions (in.) – 53 x 2

TRX has revolutionized travel workouts. As long as you can find a sturdy place to set them up, this system helps elevate bodyweight training and allows you to work your entire body anywhere on Earth. From minute back muscles to hip and pelvic stabilizers, there’s a TRX method to reach every muscle group. 

The driving force behind TRX is suspension training , which is the idea that the human body needs to move all over the place.

Many traditional training methods only focus on large muscle groups and heavy weights. They don’t really consider the stabilizing muscles, core strength, and joint strength necessary for truly functional movement. The TRX is here to address all that.

By performing normal, bodyweight exercises like pushups, rows, and shoulder presses lifted off the ground, your body will shimmy and shake before eventually locking into place. It’s a great way to work out, whether you’re traveling or not. But lucky for us, the whole system weighs less than a pound. 

9. Lululemon Workout Sliders

Lululemon Workout Sliders

  • Price ($) – 28
  • Packed diameter (in.) – 7

Who knew that two discs the size and weight of a pair of breast implants could change everything. These sliders help encourage functional movement by getting your core involved in everyday movements. It’s exactly the kind of thing you should take with you on your travels, with maximum effort at minimal packed weight. 

Deploy your sliders on carpet, wood, and linoleum, and move up and down the room without lifting your feet. There are all sorts of easy applications that help you change up a bodyweight workout. Slide instead of stepping back into the lunge position. Amp up your mountain climbers, and add movement to planks to help wake up your shoulders. 

The whole idea of the sliders is to get your body working better together. Instead of throwing your weight around, starting in your legs and arms, sliders force your core to activate each movement and build strength in your strike zone. The tools can look slightly gimmicky until you get on the floor and feel your glutes start to burn. 

10. Redify Adjustable Jump Rope

Redify Adjustable Jump Rope

  • Price ($) – 13

Jump ropes rank just under exercise bands in terms of travel-ready workout equipment. At a minimal cost and minimal additional weight, you can get your cardio in, pump up your calves, and improve your balance in 20 minutes or less.

Jump ropes are also incredibly simple workout tools, with plenty of great options well within any broke backpacker’s price range.

This Redify two-pack means you can order one for home and one for the road. You’ll be hopping and bouncing your way to a lower weight at the end of your trip no matter how many extra desserts you treat yourself to. Some exercise gurus say that 10 minutes of jump rope is equivalent to 30 minutes on a treadmill . So if you bounce around for half an hour, it’s like running a marathon!

Jump roping might seem like only a lower-body workout. That’s certainly the primary muscle group worked, bringing great strength and endurance to your ankles, calves, knees, and leg muscles. But you can’t overlook how in-tune every part of your body has to be to hit each jump in stride. This is a great exercise to improve your coordination and get your body in tune .  

11. Gaiam Travel Folding Yoga Mat

Gaaim Travel Folding Yoga Mat

  • Price ($) – 21
  • Packed dimensions (in.) – 68 x 24
  • Packed weight (lbs) – 1.8

Yoga mats are such an essential piece of travel equipment that we had to look at two options. A lot of hotels, hostels, and camping sites have extra space to work out, but not a lot of them are easy on your knees. Bringing a yoga mat helps you out with much more than a downward-facing dog. 

While a yoga mat isn’t a workout on its own, it’s quite literally the basis for every complete workout possible.

This Gaiam mat makes it happen by folding up and compacting better than most mats out there. You can easily squeeze this one on top of your carry-on backpack and it unfurls like a map to guide you toward better fitness. 

This mat is so thin that it can slide into the hydration bladder holder in most backpacking backpacks. It’s not like you had big plans for that storage space, anyway. Pack up this folding Gaiam traveler, and you’ll never be too far from a moment of recentering and rebuilding. 

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A man doing calisthenics fitness training on a rock next to a small lake.

When you’re scraping together a few coins for a papi pollo, it might feel like you’re a world away from a proper exercise routine. You might not have access to a fancy gym or a spacious hotel room, but you’ve got something better! CREATIVITY and Lululemon workout sliders. 

Whether you’re on a Thai beach, wandering through the alleyways of Marrakech, or chilling in a dodgy hostel, there’s always a way to stay fit. Bodyweight exercises are your best friend – squats, pushups, and burpees don’t cost a dime, and you can do them anywhere.

The best travel workout equipment we’ve looked at is all geared towards enhancing those body workouts. And not because adding on two one-pound weights will magically turn a squat into a superset. We’re not fake gurus trying to sell you a dream.

The real benefit of traveling with workout equipment is to help break the monotony of normal bodyweight exercises . Light, portable, and inexpensive fitness gear is your ticket to maintaining your gains without breaking the bank.

Staying active while traveling on a shoestring budget might not sound glamorous. However, it’s the kind of adventure that leaves you feeling like a warrior. It’s all about embracing the grind, and there’s a certain satisfaction in not giving in to the travel slump. Sure, it’s not always comfortable or convenient, but neither is sleeping on an overnight bus. 

And the best part? Keeping up with your workout routine abroad is like a stealthy act of rebellion. You’re showing that you can live large on a tight budget while still prioritizing your well-being. It’s a big middle finger to the idea that staying fit is all about fancy gyms and pricey protein shakes. It turns a six-month sabbatical into another way of life. 

In the end, travel fitness is about flexing your imagination, not your wallet. So, grab your budget-friendly gear, adapt to your surroundings, and make space for your workout, no matter where you are. 

Now, if you’re gearing up for an awesome trip, check out the Broke Backpacker’s ultimate travel resources . They’ll help you squeeze every drop of fun out of your adventure! Cheers :))

A man pushing rocks upward in an open rural space

Aiden Freeborn

The BEST Travel Workout Equipment – Travel Fitness Gear Pinterest Image

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Stay Fit on the Go: Best Practices for Exercise While Travelling

Hello fellow travellers! Ready to transform your travel experience?

If you’re like me, your heart races at the thought of exploring new places. But let’s be real – staying fit and feeling your best while on the move can be a real challenge. The last thing you want is to feel that nagging pain or achy back bother you while exploring a new place. Today, I’m excited to share some simple tips to keep you energized and in top shape, no matter where your travels take you. Ready? This is your go-to guide for feeling your best on the go.

Why Exercise Matters When You Travel

First, let’s talk about why exercising while travelling is so crucial. It’s easy to let our fitness routines slide when we’re on vacation. After all, we’re out of our usual environment, and our schedules can be unpredictable. However, staying active is essential for several reasons:

Maintaining Energy Levels

Exercise helps you feel more energetic and ready to tackle your day, no matter where you are.

Preventing Stiffness

Long flights or car rides can leave you feeling stiff and sore. Exercise helps keep your muscles and joints flexible.

Traveling can be stressful, whether it’s dealing with airports or navigating unfamiliar places. Exercise is a fantastic stress-buster.

Improving Sleep

Keeping up with your workout routine can help you sleep better, which is especially important when adjusting to new time zones.

Why Pilates Is Perfect for Travellers

Now, let’s dive into why Pilates is an excellent choice for maintaining your fitness routine while travelling. Pilates focuses on controlled movements, core strength, and flexibility – all of which are perfect for keeping you feeling great on the road. Here are some specific benefits of Pilates for travellers:

Minimal Equipment

You don’t need a lot of gear for Pilates. A travel-friendly yoga mat (or skip the mat altogether!) and a resistance band can easily fit in your suitcase.

Small Space Workouts

You can do Pilates in a small space, like your hotel room, making it a convenient option to do anywhere.

Core Strength

Pilates strengthens your core, which can help reduce back pain from sitting for long periods.

Mind-Body Connection

Pilates encourages mindfulness and deep breathing , which can help reduce travel-related stress. As a nervous flier, this is something I especially appreciate!

Click below to watch the ultimate travel-friendly Pilates class on YouTube. Take this class wherever your travels take you!

The Unique Benefits of Pilates

Pilates offers a range of unique benefits making it an exceptional choice for people of all ages, but especially for women over 60. Here’s why:


Pilates is highly accessible. This is one of the reasons why I fell in love with Pilates. I didn’t need bulky equipment or a gym membership. A simple mat and a few small props are all you need. This makes it easy to practice anywhere, from your living room to a hotel room to the beachside. For women who travel frequently, this is a game-changer.

Reduces Painful Movements

We all want to feel our best on vacation, free from pain! Many of us suffer from chronic pain, especially as we age. Pilates focuses on gentle, controlled movements that strengthen muscles without straining them. It helps improve posture, balance, and flexibility, which can alleviate pain and prevent injuries.

Boosts Mental Health

Pilates isn’t just about physical fitness but also a moving meditation. It emphasizes the mind-body connection and brings you back to the present moment through your breath. The controlled breathing and mindful movements help reduce stress and anxiety, which can be particularly beneficial when you’re out of your usual routine and dealing with the stresses of travel.

Why Women Over 60 Love Pilates

Pilates is especially popular among women over 60, and for good reason. As we age, maintaining muscle mass and bone density becomes more important. Pilates helps in building lean muscle and strengthening bones without the high impact of some other exercises.

Additionally, the focus on core strength and balance can help prevent falls, a common concern for older adults. But most importantly, Pilates helps women feel strong, capable, and confident in their bodies. It’s not just about fitness; it’s about empowerment.

Best Practices for Exercising While Traveling

To help you stay active and healthy on your travels, here are some best practices to follow:

1. Plan Ahead

Before you leave, research your destination to see what kind of exercise options are available. Does your hotel have a fitness center? Are there nearby parks or walking trails? Planning ahead can help you stay committed to your fitness routine.

2. Pack Smart

Bring the essentials you need for your workouts. For Pilates, a towel can be used instead of a mat, light resistance bands, and comfortable workout clothes. These items won’t take up much space in your luggage, and they’ll ensure you’re ready to exercise wherever you are.

3. Stay Flexible with Your Schedule

Travel plans can be unpredictable, so it’s important to be flexible with your workout schedule. Aim for shorter, more frequent sessions rather than long workouts. Even a 15-minute Pilates routine can make a big difference.

4. Make Use of Technology

There are plenty of fitness apps and online resources available to help you stay on track. Find some Pilates routines you can follow along with on your phone or tablet. This way, you have a virtual instructor guiding you through your exercises. Feel free to check out my New YouTube video – Pilates on the Go . A simple standing-only Pilates routine you can do anywhere without any props.

Travelling doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your fitness routine. By incorporating Pilates into your travel plans, you can stay active, reduce stress, and feel great no matter where your adventures take you. Remember to plan ahead, pack smart, stay flexible with your schedule, and make use of technology. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to staying fit and healthy on the go.

So, next time you’re packing your bags, don’t forget to include your Pilates gear. Your body and mind will thank you. Safe travels and happy exercising!

Let’s Have a Conversation:

Do you exercise when you travel? Where do you do your exercise routine? Have you traveled with Pilates equipment? What does that include for you?


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Tags Pilates

Christine Kirkland

Christine Kirkland

Christine Kirkland is a certified Pilates Instructor who has helped women worldwide reduce pain, tone their bodies, and improve full-body strength and balance. Replace ”no pain, no gain” workouts with gentle and effective online Pilates classes. Join her On Demand Pilates Studio today with a FREE 7-day trial .

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The Best Workout-From-Home Equipment, According to Fitnes Experts

Build out your home gym with our top-tested equipment, including a treadmill, indoor cycling bike, cable system, dumbbells, kettlebells and more.

best workout from home equipment

We've been independently researching and testing products for over 120 years. If you buy through our links, we may earn a commission. Learn more about our review process.

10-lb Coated Hex Dumbbell Weight

Best Dumbbells

Cap barbell 10-lb coated hex dumbbell weight.

SelectTech 552 Adjustable Dumbbells

Best Adjustable Dumbbells

Bowflex selecttech 552 adjustable dumbbells.

Vinyl Coated Kettlebell

Best Kettlebell

Yes4all vinyl coated kettlebell.

The convenience and flexibility of a home workout means you can fit in a sweat session whenever it works for your schedule. And whether you have a tiny corner next to the couch or an entire room dedicated to fitness, outfitting your home gym with the best and most effective workout-from-home equipment can help motivate you to stay active.

To help get you started, our fitness experts in the Good Housekeeping Institute Wellness Lab put together this list of the best home workout equipment based on their years of testing all kinds of workout gear, tools and machines, from the best treadmills , to top-tier rowers to quality exercise bikes . We selected our favorite pieces of home workout equipment based on quality, ease of use, reliability, safety and price.

Small equipment

best workout from home equipment

Fitness experts in the Good Housekeeping Institute regularly test dumbbells and hand weights for their durability, grip comfort and stability. We also take into account their practicality and how they may look stored in your home.

CAP Barbell was the top performer in our tests: It's well-designed with a durable build and available in sizes ranging from 10 pounds to 70 pounds. Though each dumbbell is sold individually versus being sold as a set, the price is still budget-friendly. The heads are made from iron and are joined together by a steel chrome handle with a molded grip that felt comfortable in our hands even after a long lifting session.

One of the biggest benefits of these dumbbells is the hexagonal head that is ideal for workouts ranging from traditional strength training to bodybuilding. The rubber coating on the heads can help reduce damage to flooring during your workouts, and it won't tear up any exercise mats, which is especially important in any home gym. The dumbbells are easy to stack too, if you have multiple pairs.

RELATED: 8 Best Dumbbell Sets, Tested by Experts

Adjustable dumbbells are space-saving, making them perfect for apartments and small home gyms. In our tests, the SelectTech Adjustable Dumbbells by Bowflex ranked at the top of our list and can be purchased as a set or as a single dumbbell .

In general, adjustable dumbbells aren't as solid as regular dumbbells and they can move or shift a bit during workouts. But their compact design makes them appealing to many people — especially those who don't have space for multiple individual sets of weights.

We especially appreciate how easy it is to transition between weights with the dial . The weight distribution is decent, the grip is comfortable, and we found the dumbbells to feel relatively solid during traditional strength training exercises as well as more intense cross-training movements such as snatches and cleans.

They have 15-weight increments ranging from 5 pounds to 52.5 pounds to accommodate any workout. You have to line them up in the storage base in order to change the weight, but that is relatively standard for most adjustable dumbbells. You can also download the JRNY app to connect your dumbbells with the motion tracking app.

Few pieces of workout equipment provide the full-body benefits that a kettlebell does. Many kettlebell movements work multiple muscles at the same time, allowing for a total-body workout. Kettlebell training requires a ton of technique and control, but when done properly it can help you build up endurance, stamina and strength.

This kettlebell from Yes4All has over 22,000 reviews on Amazon and an overall 4.8 out of 5-star rating. Reviewers liked that the comfortable yet sturdy handle is wide enough for a two-handed grip (perfect for kettlebell swings), and our experts agree.

A top pick in our kettlebell tests , this option comes at a good value with sturdy construction. One of the reasons our fitness pros specifically like this kettlebell for home gym spaces is because of its vinyl bottom coating that can protect flooring in your home gym. It also comes in a variety of sizes from 5 pounds to 50 pounds.

RELATED: 15 Best Kettlebell Exercises

Fit Simplify Resistance Loop Exercise Bands

Resistance Loop Exercise Bands

Resistance bands are one of the most underrated pieces of workout equipment. When used correctly, they can completely transform your exercise regimen. Affordable and compact, these small but mighty bands are lightweight, portable and barely take up any space.

This popular set on Amazon has over 124,000 reviews and an overall 4.5-star rating. We love that it comes with five bands ranging from extra-light to extra-heavy resistance and that it also stores neatly in a small carrying pouch. Plus, it includes an instruction guide.

Those looking for even more resistance can try a fabric resistance band . Not only are these exercise bands super portable, but they can be used for upper- and lower-body training exercises.

TRX GO Suspension Training

GO Suspension Training

Those especially limited on space will appreciate a suspension training system like this one from TRX. Not only is it compact and portable, but it can provide an efficient total-body workout in minutes. Whether you're looking to build muscle, burn fat or increase your range of motion, a suspension training system can be a versatile piece of equipment to add to your home gym.

This all-in-one set can be used so long as you have access to a doorframe, tree or wall studs. And because you are using your own weight as resistance, workouts can easily be customized to your fitness level. Our tests proved it was super-quick to set up and offered a full-body workout allowing you to perform over 300 different exercises.

Suspension training — with any brand's equipment — can take some getting used to and requires proper instruction. TRX has a training app that you can use for expert guidance, and you can also check out the TRX YouTube page for some demo videos on using the system.

Crossrope Get Lean Jump Rope System

Get Lean Jump Rope System

Jump ropes are compact and a fantastic addition to any home gym because they can completely transform your workouts. Crossrope is continually a standout in our tests for its high-quality materials, ergonomic handles and overall sleek design.

Although this system is on the pricier side, you get two different rope weights that our experts say are very easy to change out, thanks to the system's fast-clip connection. If you're worried about damaging flooring at home or outside while you jump rope, the brand has a handy jump rope mat that we love. For an even more connected experience, you can swap out the handles for their AMP handles which count jumps, power output, streaks and more.

If you're looking for a more affordable option without all the bells and whistles, our experts also recommend WOD Nation Speed Jump Rope for beginners.

TriggerPoint Grid Foam Roller

Grid Foam Roller

A foam roller is an affordable and efficient piece of equipment that you can use pre-workout to warm up and post-workout to cool down and recover. It can help relieve muscle tension and soreness while also increasing muscle length and improving range of motion. What's more, research suggests that massage is one of the most effective methods of reducing delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and perceived fatigue post-workout — and a foam roller can be a great self-massage tool to assist with that.

Available in a variety of colors, this textured, multi-density foam roller has a durable construction and is comprised of a foam exterior over a rigid, hollow core that maintains its shape and integrity even after prolonged usage. Our experts like the grid texture that allows you to target certain areas like knots and tight muscles as well as the fact that it's both lightweight and portable. Keep in mind that because it's hollow it won't get as deep as a solid, textured foam roller.

Large equipment

large equipment

Marcy Multifunction Steel Home Gym 150lb Weight Stack Machine

Multifunction Steel Home Gym 150lb Weight Stack Machine

From lat pull-downs, machine flys and chest presses to preacher curls and leg extensions, you can perform countless exercises on this multifunction system — and for a reasonable price. It comes with an upper and lower pulley system, dual-action press arms and a leg developer so you can perform full-body workouts.

Adjust the weight stack (that provides resistance for all the stations of the home gym) from one to 14 in approximately 10-pound increments, with a 150-pound max stack. The adjustability means the whole family can use it and personalize their resistance to their own ability.

The machine has an exercise chart printed directly on it, so you can get some workout inspiration and see how to perform each move with proper form. The equipment includes a lat bar attachment and ankle strap attachment, which you'll need for certain exercises, like upright rowing or leg kickbacks.

It is worth noting that you will need to assemble the machine, which reviewers and testers said takes two and a half to six hours. It's made of premium, heavy-duty steel, with a maximum user weight of 300 pounds.

FLYBIRD Weight Bench

Weight Bench

A quality weight bench can assist you through a wide variety of strength training exercises, from chest presses and flys to elevated split squats and more. But you'll likely want an option that folds for storage when not in use.

Our experts like this pick from Flybird that has a sturdy frame, high-quality leather, eight backrest positions and three seat adjustments. According to the brand, the bench has a weight capacity of 800 pounds. The best part is that it's lightweight, easy to move and it folds in half for simple storage.

One tester appreciated that it came mostly fully assembled with the exception of adding the lower leg piece. "It was a huge time saver that it was already set up." We found the bench stable and noted that it stayed in good shape even after repeated heavy use. But it is available in black only.

NordicTrack Commercial 2450

Commercial 2450

If you have the space, a treadmill can be a fantastic addition to your home gym setup. Of course, you can train by jogging or running on the machine, but it also can serve as a great way to get in some extra steps at the end of the day or during bouts of inclement weather.

NordicTrack treadmills have performed well in our previous treadmill tests, and the Commercial 2450 has all the special features you'd want in a premium treadmill. The machine is foldable to help save space when not in use, but it still manages to hit running speeds of up to 12 mph and has incline and decline capabilities to simulate outdoor terrain.

You'll also get access to thousands of iFIT workouts with this machine (30-day trial included, with a $39/month charge after that for access to iFIT), including scenic runs through breathtaking destinations around the world. But the real standout is the 22-inch rotating touchscreen that you can spin away from the treadmill platform so you can complement your runs with strength training exercises for runners and other classes off the machine. You're paying a high price, but you'll essentially get an entire home gym in one piece of equipment.

RELATED: The 5 Best Treadmills for Your Home Gym

The Entire Gym A The Entire Gym

A The Entire Gym

A barbell, dumbbells, weight plates (three and five pounds), a jump rope, 20-pound resistance band, 30-pound resistance band, 10 to 20-pound booty band, 25 to 45-pound booty band , workout mat, mini cones, table/phone mount, and bluetooth speaker are all included in this home gym. Plus, it comes with a case to carry it all in!

The Entire Gym is a great option for anyone looking to get a variety of workouts in at home, and who has the time to take out and set up the equipment as well as put it away after (you can choose to leave it out, but the case makes for easy storage in small spaces).

We found all of the equipment to be well-made and durable and could stand up to intense CrossFit WOD-like workouts. It's also a good option for families as each person can personalize their weights and resistance.

While the wheeled carry case is convenient, it is worth noting that its quite heavy, so don't plan to carry it up any stairs — and you might need help loading it into a vehicle if you plan to take it with you on-the-go.

Ancore Pro Home Gym Cable Machine Portable Workout System

Pro Home Gym Cable Machine Portable Workout System

If you're a fan of cable machines that allow you to perform numerous exercises but don't have the space for a full machine at home, look no further. This small piece of equipment can replace a full cable stack. Simply use the strap mount to anchor the base unit, connect the handle attachment and twist on the resistance plates to either side of the unit and voila — cable system created!

We found the Ancore to be a good and durable piece of equipment — and it cost a lot less than other similar products on the market. We do recommend not leaving the handle attachment connected when you're not using the device though, as it can pull and stretch out the cable string.

If you don't have anything secure enough to anchor the device to, the company offers multiple mount options, like the sliding track mount , to choose from.

Peloton Bike+


Our Good Housekeeping Institute engineers fell in love with the original Peloton bike when it first debuted in 2014, thanks to its large touchscreen mounted on a high-performance bike that enables you to livestream studio classes. The bike monitors calories burned, power output, distance traveled and cadence (pedaling rate).

You can ride with the motivation of top fitness instructors, or take a virtual scenic ride on the bike for a leisurely cruise. We also love the corresponding Peloton Digital app that offers a ton of off-bike fitness classes (think strength training, yoga, HIIT) to help you become a well-rounded athlete.

The newer Bike+, though pricey, features a larger screen that rotates, optimized audio and auto-follow capabilities that allow the resistance to automatically adjust to what the instructor recommends. Our experts found that the high variable magnetic resistance resulted in a quiet belt drive and a very smooth ride. Live rides, monthly challenges and milestone badges make this choice motivating and interactive for your home workouts.

READ OUR FULL REVIEW: Everything You Need to Know About the Peloton Bike


This wall-mounted smart gym uses an electromagnetic resistance system for strength training. The device can track and evaluate your exercise ability and capacity. It automatically sets the resistance and suggests the number of reps you should perform for each exercise, taking the guesswork out of the equation. It also adjusts in real time if it detects that you're struggling to push out those final reps. (You can also manually adjust the weight if needed.)

The Tonal is investment at $3,995, plus a membership of $59.95 per month, with a minimum 12-month commitment that is charged upon device activation. That said, instead of needing multiple pieces of equipment, this one machine allows you to perform countless exercises including squats, lat raises, rear delt flys, wood choppers and more.

Our testers who live in small apartments appreciated being able to replace many pieces of equipment with just this smart gym. Plus, the membership gives you access to classes you can follow along with as well.

The Tonal comes with the main machine that has the adjustable arms intact, but you can choose to also buy smart accessories like a bar attachment, bench, mat, rope attachment and smart handle attachments.

Hydrow Rower


Rowing has been shown to engage over 85% of your muscles in a workout , providing more of a whole-body experience than a treadmill or bike offers on its own. This connected rowing machine from Hydrow features an integrated touch monitor where you can follow along with live or on-demand classes taught by world-class athletes.

Not only is the library of classes robust, but our tech pros appreciate the smooth motion from magnetic resistance. And the high-quality scenic footage is filmed on real bodies of water. Our experts like that you get unlimited profiles for the entire family and that there are fun milestone rewards to celebrate achievements too.

But this model is somewhat large, and it is an investment. If you're looking for something a bit more compact, the brand recently introduced Hydrow Wave at a lower cost. It's designed to be moved around more easily, and it can be stowed upright along the wall with the additional vertical anchor accessory .

READ OUR FULL REVIEW: Everything You Need to Know About the Hydrow Rower

Tempo Fit Studio Pro Trainer

Studio Pro Trainer

Bring the squat rack experience out of the weight room and into your living room — along with a personal trainer.

The Tempo Studio Fit Pro workout suite comes equipped with a stainless steel barbell, two adjustable dumbbells, weight plates (two 45-pound, two 25-pound, four 10-pound, four five-pound, four 2.5-pound and four 1.25-pound), weight collars (to keep the plates in place), a kettlebell attachment that’s compatible with the plates, a mat, a foam roller, folding workout bench and squat rack, 42-inch touch screen and weight storage cabinet.

With your TempoFit membership (which is included for 12 months in the $2,400 price, and then costs $39 per month), you’ll have access to unlimited on-demand workouts and the ability to get expert on-screen, real-time guidance from a virtual trainer. The trainer can personalize workouts based on tracking from your previous workouts, so you’ll always know when to do when you step up to the bar.

We love that the suite includes a barbell and a foldable bench and squat rack that easily folds up when not in use — perfect if you’re limited on space.

FightCamp Trackers with Bag

Trackers with Bag

A winner in our GH Fitness Awards , FightCamp is a complete connected boxing system that comes with a high-quality punching bag, trackers and quick wraps. You'll have to pay an additional fee of $39 per month for access to the corresponding membership, but you'll instantly get access to thousands of incredible classes for a full-body workout.

At-home testers appreciated that the system came with everything they needed. They rated the instructors highly, with one tester noting that it was "very inspiring to work out with real fighters." The whole family can get involved too, since you'll be able to register unlimited users on your account.

Our experts point out that you don't have to be a boxing pro to take advantage of the system — you can start with their introductory Level 1 boxing and kickboxing paths designed for beginners.

How we test home exercise equipment


The wide array of experts in the Good Housekeeping Institute Wellness Lab — from on-staff certified personal trainers, fitness instructors and registered dietitians to fiber scientists, mechanical engineers and more — make it one of the most comprehensive fitness-evaluation facilities in the industry.

Headshot of Stefani Sassos, M.S., R.D.N., C.D.N., NASM-CPT

Stefani (she/her) is a registered dietitian, a NASM-certified personal trainer and the director of the Good Housekeeping Institute Nutrition Lab, where she handles all nutrition-related content, testing and evaluation. She holds a bachelor’s degree in nutritional sciences from Pennsylvania State University and a master’s degree in clinical nutrition from NYU. She is also Good Housekeeping’s on-staff fitness and exercise expert. Stefani is dedicated to providing readers with evidence-based content to encourage informed food choices and healthy living. She is an avid CrossFitter and a passionate home cook who loves spending time with her big fit Greek family.

Headshot of Amy Schlinger, NASM-CPT

Amy Schlinger is a skilled reporter, writer and editor who has over 14 years of experience covering health, fitness, wellness, nutrition and lifestyle topics. She regularly interviews world-renowned doctors and medical professionals, elite trainers, nutrition experts, professional athletes and celebrities, and has held staff positions at Shape , DailyBurn, Self and PopSugar. Her work has appeared in Reader's Digest , Men’s Health , The New York Post , The Wall Street Journal , HuffPost, Women’s Health , Glamour , Runner’s World , Bicycling and more. She earned her BA in Media Arts and Design, with a concentration in Print Journalism, from James Madison University. Amy has run six half marathons, completed two triathlons, biked two century rides, finished two Tough Mudder races and four Spartan races, including a beast at the Spartan World Championships.

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How to Get a Workout in While Traveling

Travel does not have to put a damper on your workout routine.

view from above dumbbells and exercise equipment knolling

Find an online tutorial

young woman practising yoga workout with a video lesson on laptop

One of the easiest ways to get a workout in while traveling is to look something up online. One of the best places to search is YouTube where there are specific fitness channels and videos for any type of workout you may want to do on the road. From bodyweight only to a quick HIIT routine , to a yoga flow, there are so many options online to help you get a workout in while traveling.

Go for a bike ride

rear wheels of bicycles parked in a public parking lot

Many cities and larger towns have bike rentals, so take out a bicycle and get a ride in. Not only is it a good way to get in a sweat session, but you can also explore your new surroundings and see the city you’re visiting from a cool new perspective.

Book a class

exercise mats rolled up

If you pay for a membership to a specific gym or studio in your hometown, you may have unlimited access to classes at other studios in your same city, state, or even nationwide. Check your membership to see what your membership level covers. If you do not have an unlimited membership to all gym or studio locations, see if you can pay an additional fee so you can have access to a different location while you’re out of town.

Check the hotel

hotel service bell on a table white glass and simulation hotel background concept hotel, travel, room

Depending on where your travel takes you, the hotel or resort may offer complimentary fitness classes onsite that are covered by the cost of your stay. At check-in, ask the concierge or front desk for an events calendar and see if that is an option for you. At the very least, they may have a free or cheap gym on site.

Take a hike

outdoor hiking background with hiking trail footpath sign

Another easy way to get a workout in while traveling is to look for local hiking trails. Whether you have access to a forest preserve, a nature walking path, or a nearby park, explore what hiking options are available to you during your stay. If you are lucky enough to be staying near a state park or national park, it’s absolutely worth a day trip to check it out. Just be sure to do your research and be ready get any park passes you may need.

Look up local events

exercise mat and water bottle

Another option to get a workout in while traveling is to check out the community center or local park district website, and all of their social media channels. Depending on your destination, there may be complimentary classes held outdoors for locals, and maybe you! Think of things like mat pilates, yoga, or Tai Chi.

Open up an app

flat lay of yoga, sports and fitness equipment with dumbbell, water bottle, yoga mat and smartphone showing health and fitness app in the fresh bright morning fitness, wellness and home work out concept

If you are a member of a fitness studio or gym, they could have an app you can access with free workouts that are covered by your membership. Before you book that trip, explore the app and see what options are available to you when you hit the road.

Go for a sight-seeing run

recording runs on app

One of the easiest ways to get a workout in while traveling is to lace up those running shoes and hit the pavement. Look for a local- approved running trail or find a scenic park you can take a few laps around. When checking out any parks or trails, be sure to ask about any wildlife you may need to watch out for. Safety first! And definitely do not forget the sunscreen.

Stretch it out

yoga props exercise mat, bottle of water and belt

Hours spent sitting in the car or on a plane can really cramp your active lifestyle not to mention your muscles. It may not seem like a workout, but a good stretch session can really give your muscles the attention and TLC they need after a long day of travel.

Go swimming

swimming pool

Swimming is a great low-impact workout that’s so fun it barely feels like a workout. Plus, the water is super refreshing and is a great way to wake up after a day of travel. Check out your hotel, or a nearby fitness center, to see if there is a pool near you.

Take the stairs

stairs in a park

Taking the stairs is another low-impact workout that you can do either inside or outside. Find a set of stairs in your hotel, pop in a podcast, and start to climb! If you’re near a park, playing field, or stadium, you may even have access to outdoor bleachers if you feel like getting in some fresh air and a dose of vitamin D.

Try a new studio

modern gym interior with equipment

Another great way to get a workout in while traveling is to check out a new studio. Ask about visitor memberships and see if you can purchase one for the week. If one is not available, see if you can purchase a pack of classes depending on how many times you plan on working out.

Use your body weight

woman doing plank

When traveling, sometimes getting creative means keeping it simple—like by using your own body weight for a workout. Although working out at a gym is nice, who needs a gym when you have your own body? Come up with your own circuit by incorporating basic bodyweight moves like lunges, planks, sit-ups, and squats.

Go for a Walk

woman feet running on road closeup on shoe young fitness women runner legs ready for run on the road sports healthy lifestyle concept

Walking may seem super basic, but it’s super convenient, easy, and a great workout. Whether you walk the airport terminal, the downtown city streets, or even just do some laps in the hotel parking lot, movement is movement and you’ll never regret a walk.

Headshot of Ashley Martens

Ashley Martens is a wellness writer based in Chicago. With a lifelong passion for all things health and wellness, Ashley enjoys writing about topics to help people live happier and healthier lives. With a foundation in fitness, food, and nutrition, Ashley covers it all including sexual health and travel topics. Ashley is also a NASM-certified personal trainer and group fitness instructor.

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Forget the gym — 7 bodyweight exercises that strengthen and define your entire body

A good workout is not defined by how much equipment is involved. So quit any worrying about not having any weights or cardio machines to hand and pick up this seven exercise bodyweight workout up instead. 

The no equipment workout combines movements that engage the upper and lower body while emphasizing core stability. The routine targets muscles in the legs, core, and upper body and will also to help improve cardiovascular endurance, strength, and overall fitness. 

We are about to run over the format of the workout and how to perform each exercise but before you get stuck into things we highly recommend sourcing one of the best yoga mats to perform this on. A mat provides a comfortable and supportive surface, reducing the impact on your joints during exercise. The non-slip surface also enhances stability, allowing for better balance and proper form during various moves.

What is the workout?

The workout comes from an Instagram video shared by fitness trainer, Shaina Fata, where she demonstrates each exercise below to help you pick up the right form. Proper form helps make sure you are targeting the intended muscles and maximizing the effectiveness of the exercise all the while promoting balanced muscle development. It also helps prevent injuries. 

Altogether, you will perform three to four rounds of this routine. Fata outlines in her post that this routine is a combination of timed workouts and counting reps. She recommends doing it as one big circuit and completing all exercises before moving to the next round. Keep reading for a breakdown of the routine.

Squat Up-Downs (40 seconds)

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing slightly outward. Engage your core and keep your chest lifted. Lower your body into a squat position by bending your knees and pushing your hips back, as if sitting into a chair. Keep your back straight, and ensure your knees are in line with your toes. From the squat position, transition to kneeling by bringing one knee down to the ground, followed by the other knee. Rise back up to the squat position by lifting one knee and then the other. Keep repeating for 40 seconds.

Push up to forward arm raise (40 seconds)

Begin in a high plank position with your hands directly beneath your shoulders.

To perform the push-up, lower your body toward the floor by bending your elbows, keeping them close to your body. Lower your chest until it hovers just above the ground. Push through your palms to extend your arms and return to the starting plank position. From the plank position, lift one arm off the ground, extending it forward in line with your shoulder. Lower the raised arm back to the ground. Perform another push-up and then raise the opposite arm in a forward arm raise. Continue alternating arms with each repetition.

Hovering Table Single Leg Extensions (8 per side)

Get into forward facing tabletop position and lift your knees a few inches off the ground, creating a straight line from your head to your heels. Keep your wrists directly below your shoulders, maintaining stability in your upper body. While keeping your body in a hovering table position, extend one leg straight out behind you. Hold the extended position for a moment, ensuring your body remains stable. Return the extended leg to the hovering table position. Extend the opposite leg straight behind you while maintaining the hovering table position. Hold briefly and then return to the starting position.

Back Lunge to Kickstand Squat (8 per side)

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your hands on your hips or in front of you for balance. Take a step back with your right foot, lowering your body into a lunge position. Bend both knees to about a 90-degree angle, ensuring your left knee is directly above your left ankle. From the lunge position, lift your right foot off the ground and bring it next to your left ankle, creating a "kickstand" position. Balance on your left leg with the right foot slightly off the ground. 

Transition into a squat by bending your left knee and lowering your body toward the ground. Push through your left heel to return to a standing position. Step back with your left foot this time, performing a back lunge, followed by the kickstand squat. Continue alternating legs for each repetition.

Plank Rows (40 seconds)

Begin in a high plank position with your hands directly beneath your shoulders. Your body should form a straight line from head to heels, and your feet should be hip-width apart. Lift your right hand off the ground and pull your elbow towards the ceiling, engaging the muscles in your upper back and shoulder. Keep your hips and shoulders parallel to the ground. Lower your right hand back to the ground with control. Continue alternating rows, maintaining a stable plank position throughout the exercise.

Forearm Plank Wide Knee Taps (40 seconds)

Begin in a forearm plank position with your elbows directly beneath your shoulders. Spread your feet wider than hip-width apart for stability. Lift your right knee towards your right elbow, bringing it across your body. Aim to tap or bring the knee as close to the elbow as comfortably as possible. Extend your right leg back to the starting plank position. Lift your left knee towards your left elbow, crossing your body. Continue alternating knee-to-elbow movements, maintaining a stable plank position.

Side Lunges (8 reps on each side)

Begin by standing with your feet together and arms relaxed at your sides. Take a step to the right with your right foot, keeping your toes pointing forward. As you step to the side, shift your body weight to your right hip. Begin to lower your body by bending your right knee, pushing your hips back, and keeping your left leg straight. Continue lowering your body until your right thigh is parallel to the ground or as far as your flexibility allows. Ensure your right knee is directly above your right ankle, and your left leg remains straight. Push off with your right foot, engaging your inner thigh muscles, to return to the starting position. Repeat the same sequence on the left side by stepping to the left with your left foot.

What are the benefits of this workout?

Bodyweight workouts offer a plethora of benefits, making them a versatile and accessible option for individuals at any fitness level. One significant advantage is the convenience of performing these exercises anywhere, requiring minimal to no equipment. This accessibility will help promote consistency allowing you to integrate fitness into your daily routine with less fuss. Additionally, bodyweight workouts enhance functional strength and stability by engaging multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

The question of whether bodyweight workouts can build muscle is often raised. While traditional weightlifting may be the primary choice for hypertrophy, bodyweight exercises can still contribute to muscle development, especially for beginners. Plank Rows, for instance, engage the upper back, arms, and core, providing a challenging stimulus for muscle growth. 

Once you develop a good base level of strength you may like to add one of the best kettlebells into your strength training.

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What Is Body Inclusivity? Health Benefits of Body-Inclusive Fitness

Body inclusivity is essential to health and wellness. Here's what to know about empathy, empowerment and self-esteem in the world of wellness.

What Is Body Inclusivity?

Key Takeaways:

  • A balanced and compassionate approach to body inclusivity can improve lives while also acknowledging the proven health risks associated with overweight and obesity.
  • BMI and weight aren’t always helpful measures of health. Instead, focus on improving nutrition, adding exercise and reducing stress.
  • Body-inclusive fitness is becoming more mainstream, as the fitness industry has begun using more inclusive language and creating spaces in fitness for all body types.

A multiethnic group of people is embracing together after an exercise class in the city. They are having fun together.

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In the vibrant discourse on health and wellness, a balanced and compassionate approach to body inclusivity is essential. Recognizing diverse body shapes and sizes is critical to fostering self-esteem and mental well-being, as well as promoting comprehensive health strategies that cater to everyone. The intersection of health, wellness and body inclusivity can improve lives while also acknowledging the proven health risks associated with overweight and obesity .

This approach to body inclusivity is often discussed in the context of the health and fitness industry and how professionals in that realm can be more inclusive and do a better job of reaching the people who may need their services most. It’s important to acknowledge, however, how personal this topic is for many people and to highlight the value in self-care and viewing yourself with the same type of empathy with which you’d hope others would view you. Empathy, inclusion and empowerment should come from within at least as much as you expect it from others.

Body inclusivity means accepting and respecting a wide range of body types and ensuring that all individuals, regardless of their body size, feel valued and included. This includes respecting your own body and the bodies of others in your life. Everyone, regardless of their body size, is worthy of respect and a sense of feeling welcomed in any space.

Body inclusivity challenges the societal norms and stereotypes that often equate thinner bodies with health and desirability, while larger bodies are associated with laziness or a lack of discipline . These stereotypes can lead to discrimination and can have serious impacts on physical and mental health .

Health and Body Size: A Complex Relationship

While body weight can impact health, it is not the sole indicator of health status. Many people with larger bodies lead healthy, active lives and do not necessarily experience chronic health conditions. Conversely, people who appear thin may eat poorly, be inactive or face metabolic issues or other health challenges.

However, evidence from numerous health studies indicates that having significant overweight or obesity can increase the risk of various health issues, including Type 2 diabetes , heart disease, certain types of cancer and stroke. For instance, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention outline that obesity is a major risk factor for chronic diseases that are among the leading causes of preventable, premature death.

This is where the conversations around body inclusivity become difficult. While understanding that while everyone’s body should be celebrated and respected for what it’s capable of and the things our bodies allow us to do each day, there must be room to honestly discuss the harmful outcomes associated with carrying extra body fat . Being empathetic and respectful should not come at the cost of ignoring how detrimental overweight and obesity can be to people’s health.

Addressing the health risks outlined above is essential, but it must be done without stigmatizing others or yourself. Making informed choices about your body size is key.

BMI and Weight as Measures of Health

Much of the conversation around body inclusivity and its intersection with health centers on a single number; the weight you see on the bathroom scale each morning. Too many of us place too much value on our weight, which triggers a cascade of sometimes unhealthy coping mechanisms or causes undue stress and oftentimes emotional harm.

Think of all the numbers thrown around during conversations about health, fitness and wellness: weight, body mass index (BMI), calorie counting, step counting, nutrition tracking and so on. BMI, in particular, is an uninformed way of viewing health, as it’s simply a ratio of height to weight and nothing more. It was developed originally to measure and research body composition at the population level, not an individual level. BMI has long been used in research to draw the dividing lines between underweight, healthy weight, overweight and obese, but there is nothing magical about moving from one category to another in terms of your health and well-being. BMI alone tells us very little about a person’s overall health.

The truth is, you’ll be much better served if you stop stressing about the numbers and instead focus on finding ways to more consistently make healthier lifestyle choices, for example:

  • Consuming more nutritious foods
  • Adding physical activity to your day
  • Trying meditation or other stress-reduction techniques
  • Prioritizing relationships and social connections

Fitness for All Body Types

Fitness is for everybody, no matter their size. Don’t be discouraged from engaging in physical activities that you enjoy, whether that’s swimming, cycling, yoga , weight lifting or any other movement that gets your muscles working, keeps blood pumping and brings you joy. It's about finding what works for you, respecting your limits and feeling empowered to progress at your own pace without comparison or judgment.

When it comes to gyms and other fitness facilities, the good news is that the health and fitness industry is actively working on promoting inclusivity and serving a broader spectrum of customers. Efforts include designing gyms and fitness programs that cater to a wide range of abilities and body types, using inclusive language and offering support that respects each individual’s unique journey toward health and wellness.

So, if you’ve been shying away from joining a facility, you may be pleasantly surprised by what you find when you walk through those doors for the first time. And, if a particular gym doesn’t feel right for you, do some research and you’ll likely find a more welcoming space in your community.

The 8 Best Personal Training Apps

A young man stretching on yoga mat in his backyard while using a mobile app on his smart phone.

Tags: exercise and fitness , body fat , body image

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Who Should Sleep on a Hybrid Mattress?

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Mattresses have come a long way in the last 30 years. Innerspring mattresses had been around for decades before memory-foam mattresses were introduced in the early 1990s, and hybrid mattresses are much more recent, having come out only within the last ten years or so. Which type is best for you comes down to how each one is built, but the appeal of a hybrid is simple enough: These mattresses typically advertise a “best of both worlds” mix that combines the sturdy support and cooling airflow of a traditional innerspring mattress with the body-cradling, pressure-relieving comfort of a foam mattress.

What is a hybrid mattress exactly ?

Traditional innerspring mattresses have a core structure of interlocking springs that are topped with a thin layer of foam or padding and packaged within a tufted or quilted cover.

All-foam mattresses don’t contain any springs at all. They’re built from various layers of foam and wrapped in a stretchy knit cover.

The obvious definition of a hybrid mattress, then, would be one that contains some combination of springs and foam. But according to Mike Magnuson, the chief mattress expert at the independent mattress-research website GoodBed , there’s no official definition of what a hybrid mattress actually is , so any combination of both foam and springs can technically qualify, and the feel and type of foam can vary greatly from mattress to mattress.

What typically differentiates a hybrid mattress comes down to the “comfort layer,” or how much cushioning or padding there is on top the springs or coils. Where the cushioning on a traditional innerspring mattress could be a thin foam, or even just a padded and tufted mattress cover, a hybrid mattress will have a thicker, more cushioning comfort layer.

How the springs are constructed can also set hybrids apart. Every mattress on the market has a supportive base layer made of interlocking innersprings, individually fabric-wrapped steel coils (also called pocketed coils), or foam. Mattresses sold under the “hybrid” label typically have pocketed coils that provide sturdy support and a bit of bounce, but not as much bounce as traditional mattress.

Who should buy a hybrid mattress?

Some people still really like a traditional innerspring mattress: Because of the way their springs interlock, innerspring mattresses offer sturdy support all the way to the edges of the mattress and generally feel springier and more responsive for folks who like to feel on top of their bed without sinking in. They tend to be uniformly more bouncy across the surface of the mattress, and they are typically on the firmer end of the spectrum because they don’t have a very thick comfort layer.

With a hybrid mattress, because each spring is usually wrapped in fabric and can depress independently from the rest, you won’t feel as much bounce across the surface of the bed. This often means hybrid mattresses are better at minimizing the motion you might feel if you share a bed with a partner or pet who does a lot of tossing and turning. And hybrid mattresses aren’t necessarily firmer by default: How soft or firm a hybrid feels will come down to the thickness of the comfort layer and what it’s made of.

The layer of coils in a hybrid mattress allows for more airflow than the foam foundation of an all-foam mattress, so sweaty sleepers or those living in warm climates will often benefit from a hybrid mattress. Hybrids can also be especially great for side sleepers, who often need extra pressure relief around their shoulders and hips. And because there are so many types of hybrid mattress, including some that use memory-foam in their comfort layer and others that use latex, it should be relatively easy to find one that matches your preferences for firmness and feel.

Another advantage that many hybrid mattresses have over all-foam options is stronger edge support. When you sit on the edge of an all-foam mattress, it’s more likely to give way under your body weight. Mattresses with a spring core generally have better support around the perimeter.

The TL;DR is that if you like the enveloping feel of foam but need a mattress that will help keep you cool at night, or if you want the support and bounce of an innerspring but still appreciate the cradling comfort and pressure relief of foam, a hybrid may be just right.

Who shouldn’t buy a hybrid mattress?

If you like to really sink into your mattress and don’t want to feel it bounce back when you move, you may prefer a foam mattress over a hybrid. There is a huge variety of all-foam mattresses, which usually contain multiple layers of memory foam , latex foam, or other specialty foam over a supportive polyurethane foam interior. Sleepers looking for a lot of pressure relief (and who don’t usually overheat when they sleep) tend to do well with all-foam mattresses. Similar to hybrid mattresses, they can run the gamut from very firm to quite soft, depending on the type of foam used.

The industry term “motion isolation” describes how well a mattress prevents movement in one area of the bed from being felt in another, and whether you find a restless partner’s movements disruptive or you just feel more stable on a mattress without “pep,” as Magnuson calls it, foam mattresses generally offer better motion isolation than innersprings or hybrids. But hybrids with individual pocket springs will still get higher marks for motion isolation than mattresses using interconnected innersprings. As long as you choose one with a comfort layer that aligns with your sleep preferences, it’s hard to go wrong with a hybrid mattress.

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