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tour infernal disneyland paris

Un saut dans la Quatrième Dimension

Vous ouvrez cet article avec la clé de l’imagination. Au-delà, c’est une autre dimension… Une dimension sonore. Une dimension visuelle. Une dimension de l’esprit. Vous pénétrez dans le domaine de l’ombre et la matière, des objets et des idées. Vous venez d’entrer dans… La Quatrième Dimension !

The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror, attraction iconique du parc Walt Disney Studios, est présente dans plusieurs resorts Disney à travers le monde. Ce parcours scénique emblématique, initialement basé sur une série télévisée du début des années soixante, est rapidement devenu incontournable pour tout visiteur avide de sensations et d’univers immersif.

Mais comment explique-t-on la forte popularité de cette attraction auprès du public ? Pourquoi, et comment Disney a-t-il réadapté son concept dans plusieurs de ses parcs ? Découvrons ensemble les particularités des différentes versions de l’attraction, et pourquoi son avenir à Paris est aujourd’hui incertain dans sa forme actuelle.

Walt Disney World : Une chute de 13 étages plus rapide que la gravité

C’est le 22 juillet 1994 qu’ouvrit la première attraction de type « Tower of Terror » dans le parc Disney-MGM Studios (aujourd’hui Disney’s Hollywood Studios) d’Orlando en Floride. The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror, inspirée de la série télévisée The Twilight Zone (« La Quatrième Dimension » en France) est une attraction novatrice. Il ne s’agit pas d’une simple tour de chute, mais d’une attraction combinant un parcours scénique avec une séquence de chutes verticales dont l’accélération est supérieure à celle de la pesanteur terrestre.

Un bâtiment imposant

Située à l’extrémité du Sunset Boulevard, la tour appelle le visiteur à venir lui rendre visite de très loin. Haute de 66,3 m, soit 199 pieds, sa taille n’est pas due au hasard. Afin de ne pas être contraint par une réglementation aérienne, la tour ne devait pas atteindre les 200 pieds, faute de quoi une lumière rouge clignotante aurait dû figurer à son sommet. Les exigences de qualité de thématisation des attractions Disney n’auraient pas permis cette excentricité.

Un système révolutionnaire

Pour développer son attraction, Disney a fait appel au leader mondial de l’ascenseur : le fabricant Otis. Une technologie unique a spécialement été conçue pour l’occasion. En effet, le système mis en place permet à la cabine de se déplacer, non seulement à la verticale comme tout ascenseur classique, mais également à l’horizontale, la cabine sortant de sa cage d’ascenseur.

Ainsi, une scène représentant le passage dans la Quatrième Dimension a été créée par les Imaginieurs Disney pour matérialiser et donner un cachet particulier à cet effet. Ce système unique encore aujourd’hui qualifie la tour de Floride comme la plus aboutie. De plus, les séquences de chutes opérées dans l’attraction procurent aux visiteurs une sensation d’apesanteur. Ici, les passagers ne sont pas simplement lâchés comme dans n’importe quelle tour de chute libre, mais ils descendent de manière accélérée par rapport à la force de la gravité. La chute vécue est alors de 13,6 m/s (la gravité est établie à 9,81 m/s). La vitesse maximale en phase ascendante s’établie à 17,43 m/s.

Un scénario bien ficelé

L’histoire de l’attraction The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror est originale et unique. Bien qu’inspirée de la série télévisée The Twilight Zone, le scénario de la Tour a spécifiquement été créé pour l’attraction. Si l’hôtel paraît abandonné et le temps s’être arrêté, lors du parcours effectué par les visiteurs de nos jours, l’histoire nous indique que l’hôtel était une star à part entière dans les années 1930. Situé dans le quartier sombre d’Hollywood, c’est le soir du 31 octobre 1939, lors d’une fête donnée au dernier étage de l’hôtel, au sein du Tip Top Club, que tout bascula. C’est pour rejoindre cette fête que 5 passagers empruntèrent un des ascenseurs de l’hôtel. Mais alors qu’un éclair foudroya le bâtiment, ces derniers ont été expédiés dans la Quatrième Dimension. Cette histoire introductive à l’expérience des visiteurs de l’attraction est racontée dans la bibliothèque de l’hôtel, faisant office de pré-show. Les ascenseurs de l’époque n’étant plus en état de fonctionner, les futurs passagers sont invités à rejoindre un ascenseur de service pour vivre leur propre expérience dans la Quatrième Dimension.

Une fois embarqué dans la cage d’ascenseur, la narration reprend et le tour commence par un arrêt devant un premier étage. Lorsque les portes s’entrouvrent, les fantômes des cinq personnes disparues en 1939 apparaissent dans un couloir de l’hôtel, faisant signe aux passagers de les rejoindre, avant de disparaître. La scène se transforme en ciel de nuit étoilée puis une fenêtre se brise, rappelant une scène introductive de la série télévisée. Les portes de l’ascenseur se referment ensuite, et les passagers continuent leur ascension à travers les étages de l’hôtel.

Lors de la scène suivante, les portes s’ouvrent et la cabine commence à se déplacer en dehors de sa cage. Ce passage, simulant la Quatrième Dimension, est unique à la version originale de Floride de l’attraction. La cabine avance dans cet univers étrange, où une collection surréaliste d’objets et de signes apparaissent de part et d’autre du parcours, dans le style de la séquence d’ouverture de la série.

La cabine s’arrête ensuite dans le noir complet, avant que ne démarre la séquence de chutes. Lors de celle-ci, les portes de l’ascenseur s’ouvrent à plusieurs reprises à une hauteur d’une dizaine d’étages pour révéler une fabuleuse vue sur le parc. Après une série de montées et descentes quelque peu remuante, l’ascenseur s’arrête en bas de la cage, se déplace latéralement vers l’arrière avant d’effectuer un quart de tour pour rejoindre la zone de débarquement.

Le souci du détail

Le décor et les éléments figurant le long de la file d’attente de l’attraction accentuent et permettent de crédibiliser l’histoire racontée. On note ainsi que toutes les horloges rencontrées sur le parcours des visiteurs sont arrêtées à 20h05, heure à laquelle l’orage foudroya la tour le soir du 31 octobre 1939. Un journal abandonné sur un des canapés du hall de l’hôtel présente l’actualité du jour où le drame se déroula. L’état délabré général, le décor poussiéreux et les affaires des clients de l’époque visibles dans le lobby de l’hôtel, laissent sous-entendre que le temps s’est arrêté le soir du drame, et que tout a été laissé en état depuis.

De nombreuses références à la série « The Twilight Zone » peuvent également être aperçues lors de la visite de l’hôtel. On trouve notamment divers objets faisant écho à certains épisodes de la série, tels qu’une paire de lunettes, des enveloppes étiquetées « Victoria West » et « Rod Serling », une machine à sous, ou encore plusieurs livres présents sur les étagères de la bibliothèque reprenant les titres des différents épisodes de la série. Chaque bibliothèque contient son propre ensemble unique de livres.

Des Cast Members acteurs

Ce qui rend unique l’expérience des visiteurs, et ce dès l’entrée dans la file d’attente de l’attraction, c’est le rôle occupé par les Cast Members. Comme dans toute attraction Disney, les employés sont costumés pour parfaire le thème. Ici, ils arborent un personnage de groom. Mais ce qui fait la différence avec les autres aventures proposées dans les parcs, c’est que ces employés-ci jouent également un rôle auprès des visiteurs. Les grooms de l’hôtel sont des personnages étranges et facétieux. Parfois drôle, tantôt plus narquois, les grooms prennent une place toute aussi importante dans l’expérience vécue par les visiteurs que le parcours de l’attraction lui-même. Dès l’accueil à l’entrée de la tour et jusqu’à l’énonciation des consignes de sécurité dans la cage d’ascenseur, en passant par de probables interventions surprises lors du pré-show de l’attraction, les grooms contribuent activement au succès de l’expérience.

Des séquences de chutes régulièrement renouvelées

Afin de renouveler l’expérience des visiteurs au fil du temps, et de relancer l’attrait pour l’attraction, plusieurs versions ont déjà été proposées à Walt Disney World. Les améliorations apportées ont principalement concerné la séquence de chutes vécue dans la tour. A l’origine cette séquence était toujours la même. Ainsi, c’est au mois de mai 1996 que le premier renouvellement eut lieu, avec « Tower of Terror 2 : Twice the Fright ». Puis c’est en mars 1999 qu’une troisième version fit son apparition : « Tower of Terror 3 : Fear Every Drop ». Enfin, la dernière amélioration a été apportée le 31 décembre 2002 avec « Tower of Terror 4 : Never the Same Fear Twice ». Cette dernière version, toujours en place aujourd’hui, a la particularité de proposer plusieurs séquences de chutes différentes, vécues aléatoirement par les passagers de l’ascenseur. Ce sont trois nouvelles séquences qui ont été créées et ajoutées à la troisième version de l’attraction proposée en 1999, permettant de renouveler l’expérience des visiteurs.

Une deuxième version moins ambitieuse

Lorsqu’un parc Disney sur le thème du cinéma fut annoncé pour ouvrir en Europe, il se devait de se doter d’un e-ticket digne de ce nom : La Tour de la Terreur fut idéale pour remplir cette fonction. Déjà prévue dans les plans dès l’ouverture du parc Walt Disney Studios à Paris, comme en témoignait la présence des fondations et du logo HTH de l’hôtel au sein du parc dès 2002, l’attraction n’ouvrit pourtant qu’en décembre 2007, soit trois ans et demi après sa version jumelle de Californie. La tour californienne, visuellement très proche de la tour parisienne, a d’ailleurs été construite selon les plans élaborés pour l’hôtel français.

Le style et l’intégration de la tour

L’aspect extérieur de cette nouvelle mouture de la Tour de la Terreur diffère radicalement avec la première version de l’attraction. Les murs revêtent une couleur jaune sable, ce qui rend la tour beaucoup plus claire que celle de Floride. Le décor de la tour et la présence des portes d’ascenseurs s’ouvrant sur l’extérieur, laissent présager la disparition d’une partie de l’hôtel suite aux événements survenus le 31 octobre 1939. La tour présente trois cages d’ascenseurs, dont deux regroupées sur la partie gauche, la troisième cage sur la droite est surplombée d’un dôme hémisphérique.

Bien qu’arborant un style architectural identique, « Pueblo Art Deco », les tours de Paris et d’Anaheim présentent des différences dans leur structure, ainsi que dans leur intégration dans leur parc respectif. La tour de Paris est construite en béton, contrairement à ses homologues américaines (et japonaise) faites en structure métallique.

Au niveau de leurs situations, un choix totalement différent a été opéré par les Imaginieurs. Pas de grand boulevard comme c’est le cas pour la tour de Floride. La tour de Californie se situe au fond du land « Hollywood Pictures Backlot », décalée par rapport à la rue de façon à ce que sa façade soit visible depuis l’entrée du parc. La tour de Paris quant à elle occupe une position centrale au sein du parc Walt Disney Studios (à « Production Courtyard »), faisant office de véritable icône pour le parc. Sa visibilité depuis l’extérieur de celui-ci fait même passer le château d’ « eaureille », l’emblème historique arborant le logo du parc, pour un symbole de seconde zone.

Afin que la hauteur de la tour ne s’impose pas de trop sur le parc, des façades hollywoodiennes ont été construites à l’avant de la tour parisienne, rendant la zone plus agréable, et permettant à l’attraction d’apparaître en léger retrait et intégré dans un mini-quartier.

Plus en détail, on notera que la tour de Paris comporte des briques rouges au niveau de la partie de l’hôtel disparue dans la Quatrième Dimension (les briques sont jaunes en Californie), que des fissures apparaissent plus marquées sur la tour parisienne, que des quarts de disques ornent les poutres de soutien sur les côtés du bâtiment, ou encore que la partie arrière de la tour est thématisée en raison de sa situation centrale au sein du parc parisien.

Sans doute pour des raisons climatiques, les jardins de la tour de Paris ne comportent pas de palmiers. Cependant un effort de thématisation supplémentaire a été fait sur les couloirs de sortie de l’attraction par rapport à la tour de Californie.

Un parcours en ascenseur réarrangé

Hormis l’aspect extérieur de la tour, le principal changement de l’attraction par rapport à sa version originale réside dans le parcours effectué en ascenseur. En effet, pour des raisons budgétaires, le parcours est plus court, et se retrouve amputé de la scène simulant le passage dans la Quatrième Dimension présent en Floride où les ascenseurs se déplacent latéralement. Les ascenseurs se déplacent pourtant aussi à l’horizontal dans cette nouvelle version, mais uniquement sur quelques mètres au démarrage (en marche arrière) et à l’arrivée (en marche avant), pour permettre la circulation de deux cages d’ascenseurs dans chacun des trois élévateurs. Ainsi, lorsqu’un ascenseur est en mouvement dans le parcours de l’attraction, un second est à l’arrêt pour l’embarquement et le débarquement des passagers, et l’annonce des consignes de sécurité par un groom de l’hôtel. La zone d’embarquement dans les ascenseurs, prenant place dans la chaufferie de l’hôtel, est donc répartie sur deux étages afin de proposer un débit correct à l’attraction.

Une fois le parcours en ascenseur commencé, la première scène vécue par les passagers, inédite par rapport à la version floridienne de l’attraction, et censée remplacer le passage dans la Quatrième Dimension, est la scène du miroir. Ici un large miroir fait face aux passagers qui peuvent apercevoir leur reflet dans celui-ci, jusqu’à ce qu’ils voient ce dernier se transformer en fantôme, avant de disparaître entièrement, la cage d’ascenseur vide faisant alors face à eux.

La deuxième scène est quelque peu similaire à la première de la version de Floride. Le couloir de l’hôtel présente les cinq occupants sous forme fantomatique qui prennent place dans l’ascenseur de 1939, qui se met à tomber dans la Quatrième Dimension, alors que le couloir de l’hôtel s’est dissipé dans un ciel noir étoilé. Mais ici, pas de fenêtre qui se brise, quelques fractions de secondes après avoir vu les passagers de 1939 chuter, c’est la séquence de chutes pour les vrais passagers qui débute.

Les différences scénaristiques

Les tours de la terreur de Californie et de Marne-La-Vallée étant basées sur un thème identique à la version originale d’Orlando, on note quelques différences qui restent minimes dans le déroulé de l’histoire de l’attraction. Ainsi, l’hôtel a ouvert ses portes plus tard en Californie et en Europe : il date de 1929, contre 1917 en Floride. Le déroulement des scènes jusqu’à l’embarquement dans les ascenseurs est similaire entre chacune de ces versions : les visiteurs pénètrent dans le lobby de l’hôtel, avant de passer par la bibliothèque et de patienter dans la chaufferie de l’hôtel. Le film du pré-show de l’attraction reprend toutefois le bâtiment de l’hôtel tel qu’il est présent réellement dans les parcs de Paris et de Californie, étant donné qu’il est différent de la version originale.

On notera que les accessoires et références liés à la série « The Twilight Zone » sont plus nombreux dans les tours de Californie et de Paris, par rapport à la tour originale de Floride. On trouve, parmi d’autres éléments, dans cette nouvelle version de l’attraction, un chronomètre cassé, un dé à coudre en or, une machine à écrire, un étui à appareil photo, un rasoir électrique, ou encore des marques à la craie sur les murs de la chaufferie faisant référence à un épisode de la saison 3 dans lequel une famille tente de retrouver leur fille qui a mystérieusement disparu de sa chambre.

La Tour de la Terreur : un écran pour spectacles nocturnes

Depuis le lancement de la Saison de la Force à Disneyland Paris en hiver 2017, la tour de Paris fait désormais office de support pour des spectacles sons et lumières nocturnes. Cette utilisation inédite de la façade de la tour, dont un premier essai avait déjà été effectué lors de son inauguration, transforme son aspect lors du déroulement des shows. L’utilisation des techniques de mapping alliée à un spectacle pyrotechnique n’est pas sans rappeler la tendance actuelle de ce type de show, déjà présent depuis 2012 à Disneyland Paris, sur le château de la Belle aux bois dormant, avec le spectacle Disney Dreams (remplacé depuis les festivités du 25ème anniversaire par Disney Illuminations). On notera que pour des raisons évidentes de sécurité, l’attraction est fermée au public lors des représentations.

Mr Hightower III à Tokyo DisneySea

Avant l’ouverture de la version parisienne de la Tour de la Terreur, le deuxième parc de Tokyo a eu droit à sa propre version exclusive de l’attraction. C’est le 4 septembre 2006 qu’ouvre « Tower of Terror » au sein du land American Waterfront.

Il s’agit de la première version de l’attraction qui n’est pas basée sur le thème de La Quatrième Dimension, afin d’adapter le concept au port d’American Waterfront. Le bâtiment abritant l’attraction reflète la même forme que celui de Paris et de Californie. Le thème prend toujours place au sein d’un hôtel, mais l’architecture de celui-ci est totalement différente. La tour s’inspire de plusieurs courants artistiques du début du vingtième siècle, principalement de différents styles d’Art Nouveau : espagnol, ou encore néo-gothique américain. L’enseigne « The Hollywood Tower Hotel » est remplacée par un étonnant effet de synchronisation sur la façade extérieure : les ascenseurs semblent frappés par un étrange éclair descendant des appartements de Mr Hightower au moment où ils apparaissent aux yeux des visiteurs se promenant dans le parc.

L’histoire ici est celle d’un explorateur ayant ramené une idole un peu particulière de l’une de ses expéditions. Une malédiction est malencontreusement déclenchée lorsque celui-ci éteint son cigare sur l’idole, alors qu’il rejoignait ses appartements par son ascenseur privé. La malédiction engendra la chute de l’ascenseur et la disparition de l’explorateur, retenu prisonnier dans l’hôtel.

Malgré une séquence de chutes similaire aux versions californienne et parisienne, la tour de Tokyo, plus douce que ses homologues, a été adaptée au public japonais.

Les Cast Members ont un rôle moins effrayant ici, ils sont les employés de Mr Hightower III, riche industriel et propriétaire de la U.S. Steamship Co. Il construisit l’hôtel dans la ville de New York, où il exposa notamment ses différentes découvertes ramenées de ses voyages effectués dans le monde entier.

Le pré-show prend place dans l’ancien bureau de Mr Hightower. Il présente la découverte de l’idole maudite par ce dernier lors de l’une de ses expéditions en Afrique. C’est dans la nuit du 31 décembre 1899 que Mr Hightower disparut, alors qu’il se trouvait dans l’ascenseur le conduisant à ses appartements privés. L’hôtel fut ensuite abandonné avant de rouvrir par la New York City Preservation Society, qui propose désormais aux visiteurs de parcourir l’hôtel.

La visite de l’hôtel se passe aujourd’hui en 1912, correspondant à l’époque du land American Waterfront. On retrouve dans cette version la scène du miroir, présente dans les versions parisienne et californienne de l’attraction. La scène du couloir est différente, liée à la thématique tokyoïte de l’hôtel, Mr Hightower apparaît sous une forme fantomatique dans ses appartements privés. On l’aperçoit tenter de se saisir de l’idole maudite alors que celle-ci le renvoie voler puis tomber dans une cage d’ascenseur.

Les super-héros Marvel en force

La transformation de la tour californienne.

La présence de la Tour de la Terreur dans plusieurs parcs Disney à travers le monde, et son succès rencontré, en fait aujourd’hui un classique. Pourtant l’attraction californienne a radicalement été transformée début 2017, l’affluence de l’attraction n’étant plus à la hauteur de ses homologues, il a été décidé de la rebooster, en incorporant une licence phare récemment acquise par Disney suite à l’achat du catalogue Marvel : Les Gardiens de la Galaxie.

L’annonce de la modification de l’attraction a rendu les fans dubitatifs, et des pétitions contre la transformation de la Tour ont même fait leurs apparitions. L’attraction a pourtant bien fermé le 3 janvier 2017 pour rouvrir le 27 mai de la même année transformée. Désormais, l’hôtel hollywoodien à l’aspect délabré des années 1930 laisse la place à la forteresse du Collectionneur issue des Gardiens de la Galaxie.

Guardians of the Galaxy – Mission: Breakout! renouvelle la Tour de la Terreur et donne un souffle nouveau à une attraction en perte de popularité.

C’est un réel tour de force réalisé par les Imaginieurs qui ont réussi à redynamiser une attraction, en modifiant à la fois son aspect intérieur et extérieur, son histoire, mais aussi son parcours vécu dans les cages d’ascenseurs. L’attente affichée à l’entrée de l’attraction depuis sa réouverture n’en dément pas : c’est un must du parc Disney California Adventure.

Le hall du Hollywood Tower Hotel a laissé la place au musée du Collectionneur. Divers objets de l’univers des Gardiens de la Galaxie, mais aussi provenant d’autres œuvres Marvel peuvent être observés. Y figurent notamment une sentinelle de l’armée d’Ultron, le chien Cosmo, le Stormbreaker ou encore un uniforme de la Nova Corps.

La bibliothèque de l’hôtel a été remplacée par le bureau du Collectionneur, où un fabuleux audio-animatronic du personnage de Rocket est présent, pour expliquer aux visiteurs son plan de sauvetage des autres Gardiens détenus par le Collectionneur. C’est donc une collaboration qui est proposée aux visiteurs qui prendront place dans l’ascenseur pendant que Rocket fera sauter le générateur permettant la libération des Gardiens.

Six séquences de chutes ont été créées pour cette nouvelle version de l’attraction, chacune étant accompagnée d’un titre différent issu d’une playlist savamment choisie en corrélation avec l’univers des films. On peut donc frissonner sur les airs de I Want You Back des Jackson Five, Give Up The Funk de Parliament, Born to Be Wild’ de Steppenwolf, Burning Love d’Elvis Presley, Hit Me With Your Best Shot de Pat Benatar, ou encore Free Ride de The Edgar Winters Group.

Contrairement aux autres versions de la Tour de la Terreur, les sensations sont ressenties dès le début du ride, dès la fermeture des portes de l’ascenseur. Les scènes du miroir et du couloir de l’hôtel ont laissé la place à des écrans, montrant notamment Peter et Gamora poursuivis par des robots de sentinelle, et Drax sauter sur une Bête de Jotunheim. L’ouverture des portes de l’ascenseur sur le parc a été incluse dans le scénario de l’attraction. Les visiteurs ont toujours la possibilité de voir Disneyland de haut et d’acheter la photo souvenir à la sortie de l’attraction.

Monsters After Dark : une attraction facilement modifiable

La mise en place d’écrans dans les scènes de l’attraction, accompagnant la possibilité de faire voyager les visiteurs dans plusieurs séquences de chutes différentes tout en modifiant la bande son de l’expérience, permet à Disney de proposer aisément des parcours renouvelés. Guardians of the Galaxy – Monsters After Dark mis en place pour la saison d’Halloween 2017 en est le premier exemple.

Pour sa première année d’exploitation, cette variante de l’attraction a été mise en fonctionnement en soirée, permettant aux visiteurs de découvrir la version habituelle en journée.

Les principaux changements apportés par cette version concernent les effets lumineux et sonores de la file d’attente, du pré-show et du ride lui-même. Des bruits d’alarme retentissent à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur du bâtiment, tandis que l’éclairage de la façade de la forteresse du Collectionneur revêt un nouvel habillage lumineux. Une nouvelle bande-son, unique cette fois-ci, a également été mise en place pour le voyage en ascenseur dans cette version.

L’histoire de Monsters After Dark se déroule après celle de Mission: Breakout! Le personnage de Groot a accidentellement été abandonné par les Gardiens lors de leur précédente évasion. Mais lors de cette mission, tous les monstres détenus par le Collectionneur ont également été libérés suite à la destruction par Rocket du générateur qui alimentait les portes des cages des monstres. Le rôle des visiteurs dans cette nouvelle mouture de l’attraction est désormais de distraire les monstres qui se sont échappés pendant que Rocket tente de sauver Groot.

Photos : © Disney et © Fans Disney d’Alsace

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Disneyland Paris will enter a time of transition in 2024. The 30th Anniversary is over and planned expansion for the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics, World of Frozen: The Kingdom of Arendelle, has been delayed until 20225. In the meantime, Christmas is being celebrated until January 7, 2024.

The very next day, Disneyland Paris will gradually begin introducing a series of exciting experiences that will add color to cloudy winter days: Disney Symphony of Colours. This seasonal event includes a new nighttime drone sequence, a new daytime show, and brand-new decorations!

To be sure, Disney Symphony of Colours looks like a nice little off-season offering. In particular, the Disney Electrical Sky Parade–a nighttime drone parade in the sky–looks fantastic! This new nighttime show will combine synchronised drones, video projections, lights and fountains across Sleeping Beauty Castle.

However, this seasonal event won’t be nearly on par with the Disneyland Paris 30th Anniversary. Nor should it be–that was a milestone celebration, and this is a wintertime event. Beyond Disney Symphony of Colours, it’s unknown what Disneyland Paris will do in 2024. Halloween and Christmas celebrations are a given, but those won’t begin until September.

In between, there’s the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics. That will be a  huge  deal for the city, and as the biggest tourist destination in Europe, the games are likely to draw huge crowds to Disneyland Paris. It’s our expectation that the parks will do something to celebrate–and help absorb the crowds–we just don’t know what.

As mentioned above, the new Frozen land in Walt Disney Studios Park (WDSP) was supposed to be done in time for the Olympics. Instead, it looks like WDSP will be a vertiable construction zone, with the front of the park torn up and construction ongoing on the lake, new areas and attractions.

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The good news is that Disneyland Paris continues to make progress in expanding and adding new things. The park has brought back “Disney Stars on Parade” and “Disney Illuminations,” and has been rolling out more new entertainment, including “Together: A Pixar Musical Adventure” and more.

The only modification still in place (for now) is that an online reservation system is in use to manage attendance. Guests who purchase dated tickets to Disneyland Paris or Walt Disney Studios Park do not need to register and reserve a date. Likewise, guests with hotel + ticket packages that include park admittance will receive admission for the duration of their stay and do not need to use the new online reservation system.

There’s also been an overhaul of the Annual Pass program, which essentially amounts to a nearly 50% price increase coupled with a reduction of benefits. Suffice to say, diehard fans have been upset, with a petition gaining traction along with threats to protest. But that probably isn’t relevant to the overwhelming majority of people reading this Disneyland Paris planning guide.

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Whether you are considering a day at Disneyland Paris–the most popular tourist destination in Europe–as part of a non-Disney trip to France, or are a huge Disney fan planning an international trip for Disneyland Paris, this guide has you covered. We will detail everything from hotels to dining, and answer the important question of when is a good time to visit Disneyland Paris?

First, a bit of a primer about Disneyland Paris. Located in Marne-la-Vallée, which is actually a suburb of Paris, Disneyland Paris is about 45 minutes from the city center by train–and significantly closer to Charles de Gaulle Airport. The entire resort consists of 7 official Disney-themed hotels, several partner hotels, the Disney Village entertainment and shopping district, and the two parks: Parc Disneyland and the Walt Disney Studios Park.

The resort as a whole of Disneyland Paris is larger than Disneyland Resort and smaller than Walt Disney World. While we’d never recommend visiting France and only seeing Disneyland Paris, it is a bona fide vacation destination in itself if you wanted to make it one. Moreover, Parc Disneyland is an absolutely amazing theme park, much like the original Disneyland, albeit with far fewer rides. It does have a treasure trove of beautiful details, seasonal entertainment, and much more.

In fact, in our Best & Worst Disney Theme Parks in the World post, Parc Disneyland ranks #4, ahead of popular parks like Disney California Adventure and Epcot. It mostly scores so high because of its beauty. Before I get ahead of myself gushing over Disneyland Paris’ beauty, let’s cover the question of when you should visit Disneyland Paris…

When to Visit Disneyland Paris?

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If you have your choice of dates and seasons for visiting Disneyland Paris, our strong recommendation would be to visit Disneyland Paris during spring, fall, or winter, particularly during shoulder seasons outside of France’s peak tourist seasons. In particular, we love Christmas at Disneyland Paris (see this Info & Tips post) , which is a great time to visit so long as you avoid Christmas week through New Year’s Eve.

We typically recommend avoiding the months of June through August, both because of crowds and recent heat waves that have swept over Europe the last couple summers. The only downside to not visiting during the summer is missing the Lion King Jungle Festival, which draws rave reviews. However, nothing is worth the poor weather and crowds.

Speaking of which, we find the weather to be best in Paris in April and May, and late September through November. These are the most temperate times of the year, and even though it can snow in the winter, it’s usually not too cold in mid-November. (Mid-to late December might be pushing your luck, though.)

Christmas is an excellent time to visit Disneyland Paris and Walt Disney Studios Park for a flurry of additional seasonal entertainment, and for the beautiful decorations all around the park. Plus, you cannot beat the feel of the City of Paris during the holiday months.

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If you’re thinking more long-term, there’s also the question of whether to visit in 2024 or to wait. Disneyland Paris has huge long-term plans that as part of a $2.5 billion revitalization to the Walt Disney Studios Park (see concept art above) .

This redevelopment of Walt Disney Studios Park will roll out in phases leading up to the 2024 Paris Summer Olympics through 2025 or 2026. The first component was Avengers Campus, which is now open. The Kingdom of Arendelle is up next after that, and is likely to open in Summer 2025.

Another land should be coming after World of Frozen/Arendelle. It’s unclear whether that’s still the plan, though. Previously, a version of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge was slated to be built as part of the Walt Disney Studios Park expansion, but it seems like that plan was abandoned after Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge underperformed in the United States.

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For everything else on the horizon at Disneyland Paris and Walt Disney Studios Park, consult our Guide to What’s New & Next in 2024 at Disneyland Paris . That covers all of the projects slated for the parks and hotels, when you can expect new attractions to debut, resort closures, and refurbishments.

Now that we know nothing is opening in time for the Paris 2024 Summer Olympics, we’d recommend visiting Disneyland Paris in the first half of 2024 in order to beat the Olympics crowds. Typically, the host cities of Olympics see bumps in tourism thanks to the marketing value of the games.

It’s not as if Paris needs Olympics coverage to put it on the map, but we’d still expect elevated visitor numbers to France in the second half of 2024 and 2025. Disneyland Paris will likely benefit from that, and see higher crowds as a result.


Of course, there’s a lot to France beyond Disneyland Paris and you should also plan your travel dates around when it’s best to visit other spots on your itinerary. The city of Paris is our second-favorite city in the world, and we highly recommend spending at least several days there.

As for traveling to the rest of France and within Europe, we highly recommend it! We offer extensive travel tips in our Ultimate Guide to Paris, France over on TravelCaffeine.com , our non-Disney travel blog. That’s a good place to start planning the other days of your vacation.

We’ve visited multiple locations in Europe, including Normandy, the Loire Valley, and Côte d’Azur regions of France. Outside of France, we’ve traveled to Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Germany, and the United Kingdom.

While we love Disney–and Disneyland Paris–many of these other real-world locations have been the highlights of our trips. Europe is full of amazing places that leave an indelible mark on a person. There’s so much beyond the parks at Disneyland Paris, and truly something for everyone. From history to modern culture to shady red light districts (because we’re so sure Disney fans are into that sort of thing! 😉 ), there’s truly something for everyone.

If this has you tempted to travel to Europe to see Disneyland Paris and other lasting cultural experiences, or if you were already planning a visit and want more info and tips, let’s start planning! (All links open in new tabs, so feel free to click away and head down the rabbit hole!)

How Many Days?

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Based upon the foregoing, when planning a trip to Disneyland Paris, you should not just plan a quick trip to see Disneyland Resort Paris, but should also plan on visiting at least Paris and another European city or two. On our first trip, we flew into Charles De Gaulle Airport in Paris, then spent equal amounts of time in Disneyland Paris and Paris, before taking the Eurostar to London and then flying out of London’s Heathrow airport.

When it comes to Europe as a whole, you should visit for as many days as you can. The reality of things is that vacation time is finite, and travel is costly, so most people probably are looking at maybe a week or so on the vacation. My strong advice would be to try and stretch the trip to at least 10 days even if that requires saving money and vacation time a bit longer.

How much time you’ll want to spend on each leg of your trip is largely a personal question. If you aren’t a Disney fan and are just going for the sake of your kids or because it’s on your list of highlights near Paris, my recommendation would probably be to just go for 1 day, spending it entirely at Parc Disneyland, experiencing some of the best attractions, and enjoying the ambiance.

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If you are a Disney fan, I’d recommend 3 days at Disneyland Paris. There’s a lot to explore in Parc Disneyland, and the park is incredibly detailed, so planning on allocating 2 or 2.5 days for that park is advisable. On our trips to France, we’ve done as few days as 2 and as many as 5. Two felt like too few, and 5 was too many.

Most people can accomplish the Walt Disney Studios park in half a day or a day. There is an assortment of enjoyable attractions there, but the park is mostly ugly. I wouldn’t downright encourage anyone to skip this park, but it’s not going to be the highlight of anyone’s trip. It’s getting better, and should be a park worthy of the “Disney” name by 2024.

The best part of Walt Disney Studios Park is the La Place de Rémy mini-land, which is like a “Streets of Paris” area based upon Ratatouille. If your interest is piqued in this area, check out my Ratatouille: L’Aventure Totalement Toquée de Rémy Review and Bistrot Chez Rémy Review . Avengers Campus is also a nice addition, although the industrial style is more of the same at WDSP. Ultimately, if you only have one day to experience Disneyland Paris, skip the Studios and just do the Disneyland park.

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In addition to time for exploring Parc Disneyland and the Walt Disney Studios Park, you will want to set aside a bit of time to explore the hotels and Disney Village, too. The hotels are pretty cool, whereas Disney Village is a mostly dated, sad take on Downtown Disney. The highlights of Disney Village are Earl of Sandwich and Five Guys, which are great late night meals after the parks close.

Depending upon your level of interest and stamina, seeing these areas can probably be accomplished after the parks close, depending upon what time the parks close. During my visits, even on busier days, the latest the parks closed was 10 pm; many nights the parks closed as early as 7 pm.

Most Parisians eat late dinners, so hotel restaurants are frequently open until 11 pm or 12 am (with the bars and lounges open even later), giving us ample time to enjoy the hotels after our days at the park were complete. During the summer months, the parks may be open until 11 pm or midnight, so you may have to find another time to visit the hotels and Disney Village.

Vacation Packages

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Once you’ve determined how many days to visit Disneyland Paris, you need to decide whether a vacation package is for you. These work a lot like vacation packages at other Disney Parks in that they can contain a hotel, park tickets, and meal plan, or just a hotel stay.

Many of the best discounts for Disneyland Paris bundle these components together. In fact, to save money on a hotel, you almost always have to purchase park tickets from Disneyland Paris (unless you have an Annual Pass). Sometimes, the discount will be for a percentage off the room, sometimes it will include free a Half Board or Full Board Meal Package (more on this below), sometimes it’ll include free park tickets, and sometimes it will include free nights.

For example, Disneyland Paris promotions often include 30% off a room plus free Half Board dining and buy 2 nights get 2 nights free at a hotel. (Both promos include park tickets.) Alternatively, there are hotel discounts available for Annual Passholders of up to 40% off. All of these discounts are pretty representative of what’s generally offered.

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What further complicates matters is that different versions of the Disneyland Paris website (e.g. the United Kingdom version, Belgium, Germany, etc.) offer different prices for the same promotion. I recently priced out a December trip, and it was ~$120 more expensive on the U.S. site than the U.K. site. Since you can book via any of these sites, regardless of where you live, it’s best to comparison shop among the different versions of the site, and book where it’s cheapest.

This can all be pretty challenging if you’re a newbie, particularly given the language barriers and default currencies on the various Disneyland Paris sites. However, it’s worth it because you’ll save the most money this way. Aside from the comparison shopping to get the best price, planning a Disneyland Paris vacation is easy as compared to a Walt Disney World vacation.

Getting There

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I’m going to make the assumption that anyone reading this is flying to Europe from overseas, not a European driving to Disneyland Paris for a day trip (if you’re driving and looking for advice…try Google Maps, I guess?). From Charles De Gaulle Airport in Paris there are three main options: TGV, RER, or VEA shuttle.

The TGV is the best of these options, and it drops you off right outside Disneyland Paris’ gates. The process is very simple; head to Terminal 2 and purchase a ticket for the TGV at a kiosk in the airport with a destination of “Marne La Vallee Ches.”

This train takes 10 minutes to get from CDG to Disneyland Paris (it’s literally the first stop). The caveats here are that this train is substantially more expensive (one-way ticket prices vary, but are typically $15-30) and there can be over an hour gap between trains. Moreover, we do not recommend buying a ticket for this in advance due to flight delays, customs, etc.

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The Magical Shuttle is the second-best option, but it stops at a number of hotels (think Disney’s Magical Express). However, it’s convenient and pretty easy. Prices for this vary, but it’s generally the most expensive option. You can book tickets here .

The RER is the final option. This can be time consuming, as you have to go from CDG airport to central Paris and switch lines to head back to Marne-la-Vallee. Both CDG and MLV are outside Paris, so doing this essentially means you have to backtrack. It’d be like taking a flight from Chicago to Detroit with a layover in St. Louis. However, if you’re buying a RER pass or your hotel is on the RER line, this may be your best option. It’s relatively straightforward, it just takes about an hour to accomplish.

If you’re coming from somewhere other than CDG airport, consider the Eurostar train, which also drops you off right outside Disneyland Paris’ gates. We traveled the Eurostar (aka the “Chunnel”) and it was an excellent experience. This is a great way to get to Disneyland Paris if you’re primarily visiting another major city in Europe. What’s especially nice is that a Eurostar station is right in MLV. My assumption is that this was built as part of Disney’s agreement to bring a park to Paris…because there’s no other reason why little ‘ole Marne-la-Vallee would have a Eurostar station.

All of this seems complicated and intimidating at first (at least it did to us), but it’s really simple once you understand the basics.

Where to Stay

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Disneyland Paris has seven official resorts, with a variety of nearby “off-site” hotels. We have a Disneyland Paris Hotel Comparison post that compares and contrasts the hotels, offering our recommendations on where to stay. We’ll cover some of the same ground below, but if you’re debating which hotel to book, that’s really the post to read.

We’ve stayed in the recently renovated Sequoia Lodge ( click here to read our Sequoia Lodge Review ) and Hotel New York ( click here to read our Hotel New York Review ). We’ve also stayed at Newport Bay Club ( click here to read our Newport Bay Club Review ) and several off-site hotels.

Other hotels include Disneyland Hotel (the flagship Victorian-themed hotel), Hotel Cheyenne (themed to be the ‘streets’ of a Western town), and Hotel Santa Fe (designed with a cold, Southwestern pueblo style). If you were schooled by Count von Count, you probably noticed that I only mention six of the seven resorts. The last, Davy Crockett Ranch, is a campground located a bit further away that I did not visit.

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Assuming you don’t have a car for your visit to France, you’ll have a few ways to get to and from Disneyland Paris: your feet, taxi, RER train, or shuttle. The 6 on-site hotels can each by accessed by walking (or shuttle). Disneyland Hotel is about a one minute walk from the turnstiles, Hotel New York is ~10 minute walk, Sequoia Lodge is ~12 minute walk, Newport Bay Club is ~15 minute walk, with Hotels Cheyenne and Santa Fe a tad above the 15 minute mark.

In terms of pricing, Hotel Cheyenne and Santa Fe are on the low end of the scale, with ascending prices for Sequoia Lodge, Newport Bay Club, Hotel New York, and finally, Disneyland Hotel. Nightly rates range from ~$100/night for Hotel Santa Fe to over $1,000/night for Disneyland Hotel. Average rates for each hotels are all over the place depending upon what kind of discount you can score.

These price fluctuations can make booking a Disneyland Paris hotel a bit frustrating. Generally speaking, we far prefer staying on-site rather than off-site. However, we are not paying over $400/night for Newport Bay Club or Sequoia Lodge. Conversely, ~$150/night makes those resorts a no-brainer (we’d even be willing to pay around $200/night).

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Hotel New York has reopened after a multi-year closure for a top to bottom redo during which time it was converted to “Disney’s Hotel New York — The Art of Marvel.”

This new-look resort celebrates 80 years of Marvel storytelling in a typical New York setting, with a contemporary Art Deco style. Disney’s Hotel New York — The Art of Marvel is inspired by a New York art gallery, paying tribute to the city that is home to many iconic Marvel characters and the artists who created them.

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The next resort to receive a multi-year reimagining is the flagship Disneyland Hotel. This iconic property overlooking Parc Disneyland is currently closed for an ambitious transformation at Disneyland Paris, reopening in Winter 2024 with a royal theme inspired by Disney princesses.

In addition to the room reimagining, the layout of the hotel’s public spaces and equipment in the rooms will also be enhanced. Guests will benefit from a larger pool area, an expanded spa, and updated restaurants & lounges. The totality of which is aimed at earning Disneyland Hotel a five-star rating.

This complete refurbishment is the next step in an ambitious renovation plan for all Disneyland Paris hotels spanning years and more than 5,700 rooms. The ambitious transformation plan demonstrates Disneyland Paris’s ongoing commitment to continually invest in the guest experience and improving the resort. See Reimagined Disneyland Hotel in Paris Opening Date, Concept Art, Room & Restaurant Details  for more info!

Off-Site Lodging

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We’ve stayed at several off-site hotels in Val d’Europe, which is the first stop from Disneyland Resort Paris on the RER A line. Combining the time it takes to walk from Disneyland Paris to the RER station (3 minutes), the time it took on the train (5-15 minutes, depending upon the train schedule), and the time it took to walk from the station in Val d’Europe to our hotel (3 minutes), you have about a 25 minute commute, at worst. Several of these hotels are also within walking distance of Disneyland Paris (25-35 minute walks, depending upon the hotel).

The whole town of Val d’Europe is relatively new, having been master-planned in conjunction with Disney. It has a Celebration/suburbia vibe to it, but with traditional French stylization. While it doesn’t have the same historical allure of the quaint villages in France, it has its own modern charm and is not too cookie cutter. All of this is to say that the hotels of Val d’Europe are probably solid options if you don’t want to pay the insane prices of Disneyland Paris hotels.

Generally, these hotels in Val d’Europe can be booked for $75-150/night, which makes them (typically) cheaper than Disneyland Paris on-site hotels. You can also walk from some of the hotels to Disneyland Paris (Hipark Serris is the hotel closest to the parks, for what it’s worth), which is much more convenient than taking the RER, we think.

Another option, particularly if you’re spending time elsewhere in France, is Airbnb…

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We have a post that discusses our Tips for Using Airbnb in case you’re unfamiliar with the service. We’ve used it several times in Europe, including a couple of times in Paris. It’s an inexpensive alternative to a hotel, and nice because it also allows you to live like a local, whether that means doing some laundry halfway through your trip or just going to the market to get fresh produce (and cheese…AND WINE!) to prepare you own meals.

Other than that, the biggest upside is price. You can find sometimes find deals on hotels in Val d’Europe, but deals on nice accommodations are less common in Paris (proper) or other cities. The value proposition of renting your own apartment or flat is significantly greater than booking a hotel.

We’ve had some really great Airbnb experiences all around the world, and wouldn’t hesitate to use it again near Disneyland Paris, or anywhere in Europe, for that matter.

Off-Site v. On-Site?

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For us, the Disney on-site hotel experience isn’t just about the room. All things considered, the Disney hotels we’ve stayed in at Disneyland Paris are nicer overall than the off-site hotels. Aside from price, the one upside to the Val d’Europe hotels is getting more spacious suites and multi-room villas.

Beyond being immersed in the Disney bubble, there are some perks to staying on-site at Disneyland Paris. The big ones are being within walking distance of the parks, Extra Magic Hours, taking advantage of the Full or Half Board Meal Plans, and exclusive character meets.

By far, the biggest of these is the Extra Magic Hour perk. Guests staying in the Disney-owned hotels are able to enter the parks 2 hours before the general public to experience select attractions every morning. The first hour of Extra Magic Hours is generally pretty dead–it’s easy to get totally empty photos of Main Street, and you can experience attractions like Peter Pan’s Flight with minimal waits.

If you do decide to stay on-site, my unscientific recommendations for hotels would be: Hotel Cheyenne (value), Sequoia Lodge (moderate), or Disneyland Hotel (deluxe). Hotel Cheyenne had a fun feel to it and no pretenses of being artfully designed, likely making it a hotel kids would enjoy. Sequoia Lodge has theming is reminiscent of a National Park lodge, except with Frank Lloyd Wright inspiration oddly found throughout the architecture.

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If you’re thinking about booking a Disneyland Paris vacation package, you should know about the various Meal Plans the on-site hotels offer. These are sometimes bundled into packages for “free” or available as an add-on.

This is somewhat like the Disney Dining Plan at Walt Disney World, except it uses pre-paid physical vouchers. Disneyland Paris offers Full and Half Board Meal Plans: the Half Board plan includes 1 meal voucher for lunch or dinner, plus a breakfast voucher. The Full Board plan includes 2 meal vouches for lunch and dinner, plus a breakfast voucher.

There are four different tiers to each of these Meal Plans available, escalating in price and what’s included. At the lowest end of the spectrum is the Hotel plan, which includes breakfast and dinner at your hotel only. Standard gives you a choice of 5+ buffet restaurants. Plus provides access to 15+ buffet and table service restaurants. Premium is available at almost every table service restaurant in Disneyland Paris, including character meals.

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The bottom line with these Meal Plans is that they can be a really good value if you do a little research and book expensive restaurants. For example, even though the Premium Plan is $100+ per person, per night, doing daily meals at places like California Grill and Auberge de Cendrillon could amount to a daily value of over $150. Same goes for the lower tiers.

On the other hand, if you choose an expensive plan and end up doing mostly counter service meals, there’s the potential for losing a lot of money each day on the Disneyland Paris Meal Plans.

Our ultimate take is that the Meal Plans are a good option if dining is an important part of your trip and you plan to do your research ahead of time to determine where to eat (and make reservations ~60 days in advance). If dining isn’t so important or you don’t intend upon doing the research, skip the Disneyland Paris Meals. There’s one big reason for this…

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The reason is that a lot of the food at Disneyland Paris is not very good. Given that this is France , you’d expect Disneyland Paris to have some stellar dining options. Unfortunately, expectations here don’t comport with reality. Restaurants at Disneyland Paris are not that good and are not that “French.”

The good news is that dining has been improving in the last few years, and we’ve had some good meals at Walt’s – An American Restaurant and Captain Jack’s. Nevertheless, we are still cautious about Disneyland Paris dining, as we’ve had hit or miss success in the ast.

We’ve since tried out many other restaurants at Disneyland Paris, some good, some really bad. The general trend is towards improvement, which is definitely reassuring. For reviews of individual restaurants, read our Disneyland Paris Restaurant Reviews . We also have a Guide to Drinking at Disneyland Paris for those who want to go out after the parks close!


If you want to avoid disappointment, we’d recommend approaching dining at Disneyland Paris from the perspective of experiencing restaurants with cool themes. Our Top 10 Themed Restaurants at Disneyland Paris post should help with this.

This is how we have approached dining there, and it has worked pretty well. The two restaurants at which we ate the first time, Walt’s and Captain Jack’s, were beautiful, and worth the experience, even considering the food. Walt’s has a similar feel to Club 33 at Disneyland, and Captain Jack’s overlooks the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction, much like Blue Bayou at Disneyland.

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Counter Service meals are generally okay. It’s about what you’d expect from average counter service restaurants at Walt Disney World or Disneyland. In general, the options are not adventurous, but rather, are stereotypical theme park foods. Lots of pizza, burgers, salads, and fried foods.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as portion sizes are large and prices are not out of line (by normal Disney standards). In addition, the design of many of these restaurants is truly impressive. Toad Hall features more detail than all of Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride at Disneyland, and serves some pretty good fish & chips, too.

In terms of portions, the only portion size that will be smaller in Disneyland Paris is soda. There are no free refills in any restaurant (this is typical of Europe) and soda sizes in general are much smaller. So, if you’re a Coke addict, a trip to Disneyland Paris might prove costly!

Although not as good as what you’ll find in the city of Paris, Disneyland Paris snacks are solid. We highly recommend the Cable Car Bake Shop on Main Street. Not just for its sweets, but also because it’s a beautifully designed, intimate location.

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One thing to mention so that you don’t get too excited while planning specific places to eat is that Disneyland Paris often closes some of its restaurants depending upon crowds. This has been a huge issue in the last few years, and judging by the calendars published thus far, it will remain a huge problem throughout the rest of this year.

This can be very frustrating for planning purposes, and playing the “ what’s open today? ” game while in the park is equally frustrating, as the signs up indicating which restaurants are open differ from spot to spot. You often don’t know what is open until you walk up to a particular restaurant.

To make matters worse, even the limited slate of restaurants that is open often closes before 5 pm. This means that lines for dinner at the 2-3 restaurants that are open into the evening hours are ridiculously long. We’ve heard frequent reports of guests waiting 45 minutes for a (terrible) burger at Cafe Hyperion. Don’t make that mistake.

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One of the easiest ways to avoid this issue is to pack snacks and eat dinner in Disney Village. There are several good options there that are all open late, including Earl of Sandwich, McDonald’s, and Five Guys. All of these restaurants are comparable to their U.S. counterparts.

Earl of Sandwich is our favorite pick; it serves most of the same sandwiches as the Earl of Sandwich locations in the United States and is reasonably priced. It’s definitely disappointing to be in one of the world’s greatest food cities and eat at U.S. chains after the park closes, but unfortunately, that’s the sad reality of dining at Disneyland Paris.

Our over-arching recommendation for those with finite travel budgets would be to save your money for dining in the city of Paris and eat on the cheap in Disneyland Paris. You may want to give at least one table service meal a try before adopting this strategy, though.

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We’ve found that most people visit Disneyland Paris for 2 days, and if that’s your plan, our 1-Day Disneyland Paris Park Itinerary and 1-Day Walt Disney Studios Park Itinerary provide step-by-step touring plans for “perfect” days in each of the parks. If you have 3 days or more, simply explore at a leisurely pace in those additional days.

Additionally, we have tips for buying Disneyland Paris tickets in our Disneyland Paris Ticket Tips & Info post, which covers where to find discount park tickets, and the pros & cons of getting an Annual Pass versus buying single day tickets (it’s a closer call than you might think!). Remember that if you’re staying on-site at a Disneyland Paris hotel, there’s a good chance your package will include park tickets.

Then there’s the attractions. Chances are you’ve visited a Disney theme park some time in your life, and you have an idea of what attractions are worth experiencing. The biggest differences in Disneyland Paris are park design, layout, and level of detail. Many of the attractions are very similar in general nature to their US counterparts.

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If you’re interested in developing a strategy for attractions or figuring out which to do and which to skip, check out our Disneyland Paris Attractions Guide and our Walt Disney Studios Park Attractions Guide . These guides have ratings for every attraction in Parc Disneyland and WDSP, and our recommendations for doing them.

In general, Disneyland Paris excels because it offers a lot to explore and excellent execution on theme. A die-hard Disney fan will notice differences in many attractions from the US versions, making every attraction a worthwhile experience. A casual guest will probably find that many attractions are “exactly the same” as their US counterparts.

Regardless of where you fall in that spectrum, you will enjoy the details and design if you slow down to enjoy them. That’s what we strongly recommend doing, and that’s how we believe Disneyland Paris is best enjoyed. Spend some time in the shops on Main Street, wander through the restaurants, and look for clues about the backstory.

What About Maintenance?

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If you’ve done any research into Disneyland Paris, you might’ve already read horror stories about the park’s upkeep. Historically, it has been so bad that we’re dedicating an entire section in this guide to the topic. Thankfully, this is not nearly as big of a problem as it once was. By and large, maintenance at Disneyland Paris is now close to on par with the U.S. Disney Parks.

A dramatic refresh to the entire resort called “Project Sparkle” has revitalized several popular attractions and entire lands. This is finished in the parks and is now continuing with the hotels.

Thankfully, Disneyland Paris has already turned a corner in terms of maintenance and refreshing the park. Now, we are seeing all of the hard work and refurbishments pay off, and Disneyland Paris is sparkling as a result. Let’s just hope it stays that way!

What to Pack

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The items on our Unique Disney Packing List will be helpful in any of the Disney theme parks. Specific to Paris, one thing you will need is a voltage converter. We highly recommend this BESTEK Portable Travel Converter with multiple outlets. You can find cheaper ones, but they will be larger, heavier, and take up valuable real estate in your suitcase.

Another thing we recommend, particularly if you plan on traveling internationally beyond France, is purchasing a pocket MiFi unit. For years, we rented these when traveling, until we did a bit of research and discovered they’re fairly cheap to purchase.

I bought this Huawei 4G LTE Mobile Wifi Hotspot and then purchased a cheap (~$40 Orange Holiday) 10 GB SIM card at a Relay store in Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport when we landed. If you have an unlocked phone, you can just put the SIM card directly into that, but we prefer the MiFi unit so that we can connect multiple devices. We find this to be a more efficient strategy when traveling internationally.

If you are going to be staying in multiple hotels during your European vacation, we highly recommend packing cubes or compression bags (I prefer the cubes) for organization. You can read more of our “carry-on philosophy” and which types of bags we use here . Seriously, this is really critical if you’re going to spend time on the rails or walking through Europe. So much easier than dragging around a ton of luggage!

When packing, also keep in mind that the climate of Paris is not the same as that of Orlando or Anaheim. Paris has legitimate winters, complete with snow and all. If you’re visiting any time from October through March, you should pack for cooler weather. Our Packing for Disney in Winter Guide is a start, but during the height of winter, you will want really warm clothes for many days.

Other Wisdom

tour infernal disneyland paris

It should come as no surprise that Europe does not use the US dollar as a currency. You can order euro from your bank prior to your trip, but withdrawing from an ATM is the better and easier route so long as your bank doesn’t charge exorbitant fees. It didn’t used to be the case, but now this is typically the better option.

Ideally, you’ll have a chipped credit card and will use that for the vast majority of your purchases. Chipped cards make international travel a breeze because they largely eliminate the need to deal in cash (besides from street vendors and other “older” retailers that don’t accept cash). We used chipped credit cards throughout our trip and just carried a bit of cash that we almost never used.

Moving on to another important “issue” for many people: smoking. While Disneyland Paris’ website will lead you to believe that smoking is only allowed in designated areas, the reality is that people smoke in every outdoor area. This is part and parcel of European culture, and something to keep in mind if smoke bothers you.

Free wireless internet is now available throughout Disneyland Paris and Walt Disney Studios Park, the Disney Village, and all resort hotels. This is a relatively new development that roughly coincided with the rollout of the official Disneyland Paris app. There’s also free WiFi at the Disney Village McDonald’s and Earl of Sandwich, and most of the off-site hotels.

tour infernal disneyland paris

The toilets at Disneyland Paris are all highly advanced prototype “SMRT-1” devices that feature facial recognition, and will greet you by saying, “How do you do, sir/m’am?” It is customary and appropriate to respond to this by saying, “I’m well, how are you?” It is not considered rude to decline to respond to any of the toilet’s additional conversation.

Just kidding on that last tip…although it is a foreign country, it’s not a foreign universe! If you can navigate the US parks, you’ll be fine in Disneyland Paris!

For the most part, this should cover everything you need for planning for a trip to Disneyland Paris. I update this guide regularly based on changes in Disneyland Paris (and I have a Disneyland Paris Annual Pass burning a hole in my pocket, so I plan on making another return trip soon), so rest assured that the information here is current. With that said, if you have any unresolved questions, please feel free to ask in the comments.

If you need help planning your Disneyland Paris vacation beyond this, we recommend contacting an experienced (no fee), Authorized Disney Vacation Planner , which will also help you find the best deals. Want to see more photos or read about Disneyland Paris in agonizing detail? Check out our “Impressions de Bricker” Disneyland Paris Report , which covers our visit during the inaugural Disneyland Paris Half Marathon, or our Disneyland Paris 20th Anniversary Trip Report , which covers our first visit to Disneyland Paris!

Your Thoughts

Have you been to Disneyland Paris? What did you think? Planning and trip and have questions? Please leave them in the comments! If you’re a Disneyland Paris “regular” and you have tips of your own, please add them in the comments. I might just borrow them for the guide itself.

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Written by Tom Bricker

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What are your thoughts on traveling April of 2025? Our April break next year ends on Easter Sunday. Thank you!

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THANK YOU for all of this insight. We went to DLP in late March 2023 with our 8 year old daughter and this guidance was key.

Staying in Serris in an AirBNB was great and felt almost “on-site”, because the village is so themed. There is a little boulangerie on the Main Street that would not be out of place in the parks.

The 30th Anniversary show with the drones was astonishing – I’ve never heard the sound of that many people gasping in unison.

“Un Monde die S’Illumine”, for parents of an 8 year old who had been in pandemic lockdown since she was 5 – the lyrics “We’re gonna dream a little bigger / Laugh a little harder / Sing a little louder now”, were really cathartic and moving. Like an announcement that the world is coming back.

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The restaurant review link is broken, FYI

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Tom, the Disneyland Paris Restaurant Reviews link remains broken.

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i have never beem to paris

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Thank you for the detail & all of the links to your other articles!! We are planning a very cold early Feb 2024 visit (due to other plans) and when I try to book a hotel package, it won’t let me change the number of ticket days. I need 4 nights and 3 days b ut it will only give my 4 nights and 5 days of tickets. Any experience or tips with this??

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DL Paris isn’t one of the US parks where we can customize our packages! DL Paris makes you buy one more day of ticket than nights of hotel stay. We bought a 4 day ticket with 3 nights for next month. We really only wanted a 3 day and 3 night package.

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I read somewhere online you can call Disney Land Paris and book hotel and tickets seperately as opposed to a package. Maybe that will work?

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Overland Exposure

Overland Exposure

tour infernal disneyland paris

Ultimate Guide for 3 Days at Disneyland, Paris

We arrived at The Happiest Place on Earth – Disneyland Paris! A dream come true for Aria! Her glow, her excitement and her eye so wide make the hard work worth it! We were all so excited, couldn’t wait to check in to the Newport Bay Club Hotel and hit the park.

tour infernal disneyland paris

We booked 3 days and 2 nights for Disneyland Paris, with the Compass Club add on. With this ticket and hotel booking you can check in and drop your luggage off the morning of your first night and head straight in for the fun. We arrived about 10am and thankfully that we had Compass Club, we could skip the massive que and check-in quickly. They served us a drink while they organised everything and then we were off. It is the same with Compass Club on the last day, you can have your room until 10am, be all packed up and head to the park for some last fun. They collect your luggage from your room and have it ready for you to collect at the end of the day, when you are ready.

Watch our fun filled three days here:


We splurged and staying on site at Disneyland Paris at the Disney Newport Bay Hotel, we got the Compass Club Package so buffet breakfast and afternoon tea are included, plus unlimited water, coffee / tea etc and soft drinks all day, as well as a room with a view.

Our room was two queen beds and full bathroom. We could watch the fireworks display and drone show from the comfort of our bed out our window too. The lake view out the window was an extra bonus, but they did have musicians playing in the courtyard area until midnight one of the nights we stayed, and we could hear this in the room with the windows closed.

The Hotel has all other facilities such as restaurants, pool, spa, sauna, etc, but we honestly did not have any spare time to use these on our 3 days.

tour infernal disneyland paris

There is no shortage of food options at Disneyland Paris. Due to the Compass Club having buffet breakfast and afternoon teas included we didn’t really need to eat much out at the park so cannot give too many recommendations, however we can give you some tips.

We ate a big breakfast, packed snacks and drinks as lunch in our back pack and had a big afternoon tea every day, ate dinner out one night and snack dinner the others.

Compass Club meant unlimited free water and soft drink so we took a couple of each for us in our backpack for while at the park, save on buying food and drink. We even got afternoon tea the day we checked out of the hotel so we could have breakfast, go to the park for the day and leave our luggage at the hotel, then go back for afternoon tea and return to the park or collect luggage and leave – so good!!

There are a lot of options to choose from in the park and the village. Everywhere we looked was very busy and some even had lines of up to an hour wait just for a table. Any of the Disney themed restaurants would have to be booked in advance we believe, but we didn’t want to be locked into a set dinner time, so we didn’t do that. We found a table at the Royal Pub easily enough, but the wait for food did take a little while.

Gluten Free food was a little tricky to find. There is a Facebook Group you can join which has some great resources on where to find what for gluten free, but at the time, it was a little all too much for me and so I just went with what I could find and snacks we brought with us. The hotel included some fantastic gluten free food options at both the breakfast and afternoon tea, which was basically unlimited too, so I took extras as snacks for the days in the park.

tour infernal disneyland paris


Disneyland Paris isn’t all just thrilling rides, there are so many other attractions, shows and things happening. There is such a wide variety of attractions and rides at both Disneyland and Disney Studios Paris, there is really something for everyone. It is somewhat overwhelming when you first arrive. Our tip would be to pre-look at the app at the different attractions and rides and find those that are suited to you and your family, being age, height, fears and interests. Aria was randomly selected from the crowd to be the Starlord Dance Team Captain and she had fun even though he was speaking in French.

I will sum up our Favourites and ratings below to help you:

Favourite Show:

Dan: Lion King

Manda: Lion King

Aria: Princess Breakfast

tour infernal disneyland paris

Attraction Ratings:

We have rated as many attractions as possible out of 10 to hopefully help your planning:

Disneyland Park

~ The Lion King: Rhythm of Pride Lands 10/10

~ 30th Anniversary parade 10/10

~ Stars on Show Parade 10/10

~ Disney night show – drones and fireworks 10/10

~ Mickey’s Philhar Magic 7/10

~ Alice’s Curious Labyrinth 7/10

~ Sleeping Beauty’s Castle 7/10

~ Robinsons Treehouse 6/10

~ Adventure Isle 7/10

~ Enchanted Aladdin 6/10

~ Character Meet and Greets + Photos (depends who you get to meet/want to meet)

tour infernal disneyland paris

Walt Disney Studios Park:

~ Mickey and the Magician 9/10

~ Guardians of the Galaxy Dance Challenge 6/10

~ Hero Interactions 6/10

~ Wakanda Forever Performance 5/10

There are even more than these but we didn’t do them all as we didn’t have time or they were already full by the time we got to them.

tour infernal disneyland paris

Favourite Ride:

Dan: Thunder Mountain

Manda: Crushes Coaster

Aria: Hyperspace Mountain

tour infernal disneyland paris

Ride Ratings:

Disneyland Park:

~ Thunder Mountain 10/10

~ Indiana Jones 9/10

~ Hyperspace Mountain 9/10

~ Star Tours 9/10

~ Buzz Lightyear Laser Blast 7/10

~ Phantom Manor 6/10

~ Dumbo the Flying Elephant 6/10

~ Autopia 5/10

~ Casey Junior Train 4/10

~ Pinocchio 4/10

~ Peter Pans Flight 4/10

~ Disney Storybook land 3/10

tour infernal disneyland paris

Disney Studios:

~ Crushes Coaster 10/10

~ Ratatouille 9/10

~ Avengers Assemble – Flight Force 9/10

~ W.E.B Spiderman 8/10

~ Hollywood Tower of Terror 8/10

~ Cars Rally 5/10

~ Toy Soldiers Parachute 5/10

tour infernal disneyland paris

Keep in mind these ratings are purely our personal opinions and experiences. We all generally enjoy a bit of speed and thrill and only had one ride that Aria couldn’t go on (Indiana Jones), so some of the younger kid rides were fun and fantastical, however didn’t provide us the thrill we enjoy the most. The lower scoring ones are those really little kids rides and Aria enjoyed them from the storyline and magic perspective, but she enjoyed all of the others much more. She couldn’t do Indiana Jones for height, so Dan and I did it one at a time. I also did not do Tower of Terror as I don’t like vertical drops.

Also, there were a couple of rides that were closed so we didn’t get to do them on any of our three days in the parks.

tour infernal disneyland paris

“Happiness is the richest thing we will ever own” – Donald Duck

Mostly sunny, fun, laughter filled, exciting, nerving, creative and magic days were had by all!! Continue for more info and hot tips!

tour infernal disneyland paris

We had a HUGE first day of fun at Disneyland Paris which was deliberate due to the weather. The weather was predicted to be a bit rainy and cloudy so we wanted to make the most of the clear skies just in case the prediction was correct. We stayed up until 11pm to watch the Disney Magic Night Show. It included a special 30 Years anniversary drone show and the traditional fireworks castle show. We had a break from the rides for dinner at the Royal Pub and to recoup before the show. We could then walk back to the hotel after the show and go to bed. This was so much more convenient than having to public transport back or find the car and drive back to accommodation at this time of night.

Parking was free at the hotel, so if you have your own vehicle or hire/rental car, you don’t need to worry about finding and paying for parking each day, if staying on site at one of the hotels. All of the hotels are within walking distance of the park or alternatively they have courtesy shuttle buses to and from. More on that below.

In short, you can’t control the weather and you can’t predict the weather when booking in advance, all you can do is be prepared for all the weather.

We had a mix of hot sunny day, full rain, sprinkly drizzle and clouds, so we do think we can give you some tips about being prepared. We also visited in June, so the start of Summer, and we still required jeans and jumpers on one of the days,

Firstly, if you only pack one pair of shoes to wear, go with something waterproof, comfortable and those that won’t slip off. This will cover you for all weather and be practical for the rides and the shear amount of walking you will do.

Secondly, layers will allow you to be flexible in the warmth of the day or in the evening for the Night Light Show.

Finally, protection from the sun and rain. There are plastic ponchos and umbrellas available for purchases in the village shops, but the line up was huge so I am glad that when we saw the weather predicted to be rainy, we bought some cheap ones from the grocery store before we arrived. We had them in our backpack, along with an umbrella, on the cloudy and meant to rain day, as they are small and light weight. In relation to the sunny and warm days, we didn’t see any sunscreen available to use or purchase, so remember to bring that with you, along with hats and water bottles.

You can also manage to stay a little dry in the park by choosing the indoor attractions, shows and activities on the wet days, however a lot of people have the same idea and some lines / waiting areas are out in weather too. This does also give you the opportunity to have less lines for the rides (those that can run in the rain), if you are prepared to get wet. We did notice the park a little less crowded the morning that it was raining heavily.

tour infernal disneyland paris

Height Restriction Rides:

The most disappointing part for any child at Disneyland Paris, is being turned away from a ride because they aren’t tall enough. It is a safety consideration for the park as little bodies cannot handle or be safely restrained on certain rides. These are mostly the larger thrill rides, with a lot of corkscrews and high speeds. Disneyland Paris, had only 1 ride that Aria was too short for – Indiana Jones (140cm). All others were 120cm and luckily she was literally measuring at 120cm with her shoes on. We did get turned away from one ride as she was measuring too short, however had just come from another 120cm ride, so that was a little confusing. We tried again the next day and she had grown the 1mm she needed, haha.

So our tips for Disneyland Paris is to prepare your children if they are on the cusp of the 120cm height. Discuss in advance what rides they will be able to do, those that they won’t and others that they may also be turned away from. The measurements are taken with shoes on, so consider this when having the discussion or booking your ticket (USA rides are measured at 122cm). Also, don’t think you will get away with a high ponytail for extra height, they flatten any hair down when measuring.

Costs (AUD):

Newport Bay Hotel Compass Club, Disney Princess Breakfast and Park Passes (2N/3D, breakfast, afternoon tea, room with a view): $3,430

Food costs: $136

Parking: $0

Fuel/Transport: $132

Other (insurance, sim cards etc): $71

Total: $3769

tour infernal disneyland paris

Other Tips:

1. Stay close by the night before and arrive at the hotel around 9am /10am on your first day, check-in, drop off your luggage and hit the park to make the most of your first day! (If staying at a Disney Hotel, if not, book the night before at your external accommodation too to make the most of your first day).

2. We found the courtesy bus from the hotel to take just as long as walking from Newport Bay Hotel, so chose to walk all but one time.

3. Pack clothes for every weather – we had days with hats and sunscreen needed, others where we needed waterproof shoes, umbrellas and ponchos – there really isn’t that much shelter in the attraction line ups etc for both rain and burning sun.

4. Download the app in advance, try to plan out your day around the shows and parades on at specifics days and time and do the rides in those areas, to save your legs. BUT don’t be too planned, as lines are long so may need to be flexible, plus you do need to allow for queuing for shows! Also if you stay at the hotels you get early entry so use that time!

6. It’s not a fashion show, wear comfortable shoes and clothes! Seriously!!

7. Security is prominent so be prepared for bags, prams etc to be scanned / searched.

tour infernal disneyland paris

“In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun.” – Mary Poppins

We are so very grateful our job gives us many opportunities for elements of family fun!

If you enjoyed our Ultimate Guide for 3 Days at Disneyland, Paris blog or found it useful, please feel free to click on any of the ads on the page, it doesn’t cost you anything, but it does help us see a little money to cover the hosting costs of the website.

Further, if you are looking to support us in other ways, you can buy a product from our  discounts page , purchase a piece of  Dan’s photography art  or ‘ buy us a coffee “.

Disclaimer: Yes, I make a small commission if you book anything through our links on this page, however from this support from you I can continue to bring you this information in all forms (FB, Insta, YouTube and Blogs), so thank you in advance!

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La tour infernale.

affiche poster tour infernale towering inferno disney fox

Réalisateur : John Guillermin. Scénariste : Stirling Silliphant. Producteur : Irwin Allen et Sidney Marshall. Compositeur :  John Williams. Société de production : 20th Century Fox, Warner Bros., Irwin Allen Productions et United Films.. Distributeur : 20th Century Fox. Première USA : 10 décembre 1974 (New York). Sortie USA : 20 décembre 1974. Sortie française : 5 mars 1975. Titre original : The Towering Inferno. Durée : 2h45. Budget :  14 millions de dollars. Recette mondiale :  Inconnue. Recette USA :  116 millions de dollars. Entrées françaises : 4 466 376 entrées.

Lors de la soirée d’inauguration de son nouveau gratte-ciel, l’architecte Douglas va voir sa création prendre feu, piégeant 300 personnes à l’intérieur.

En 2000, le film connait une autre version française.

Douglas « Doug » Roberts : Paul Newman (VF : Marcel Bozzuffi / Patrick Floersheim). Michael O’Hallorhan : Steve McQueen (VF : Jacques Thébault / Hervé Bellon). Jim Duncan : William Holden (VF : Jean Martinelli / Bernard Woringer). Susan Franklin : Faye Dunaway (VF : Perrette Pradier / Véronique Augereau). Harlee Claiborne : Fred Astaire (VF : Claude Dauphin / Roger Carel). Patty Simmons : Susan Blakely (VF : Béatrice Delfe / Véronique Desmadryl). Roger Simmons : Richard Chamberlain (VF : Dominique Paturel / Thierry Wermuth). Lisolette Mueller : Jennifer Jones (VF : Monique Mélinand / Françoise Pavy). Harry Jernigan : O. J. Simpson (VF : Sady Rebbot / Adrien Antoine). Gary Parker : Robert Vaughn (VF : Roger Rudel / Guy Chapellier). Dan Bigelow : Robert Wagner (VF : Jean-Claude Michel / Jérôme Keen). Lorrie : Susan Flannery (VF : Marion Loran / Emmanuèle Bondeville).

affiche poster tour infernale towering inferno disney fox

En savoir plus.

La tour infernale est l’adaptation des romans The Tower par Richard Martin Stern (publié en 1973) et The Glass Inferno par Thomas N. Scortia et Frank M. Robinson (publié en 1974). Chaque livre traite d’un gratte-ciel en flammes.

Chose surprenante, deux majors d’Hollywood sont au générique : 20th Century Fox et Warner Bros. Ceci s’explique par l’achat des droits d’adaptation des livres. La Warner a acheté ceux du premier, la Fox ceux du second. Pour éviter une sortie frontale, ils ont fusionné les histoires en un seul, se partageant le budget. En terme de recettes, la Fox se base sur le box-office américain et la Warner le box-office du reste du monde.

image tour infernale towering inferno disney fox

À l’origine, Steve McQueen devait jouer l’architecte.

Sean Connery et Charlton Heston ont été envisagés pour le rôle du chef O’Halloran.

Steve McQueen et Paul Newman était les deux grandes célébrités du cinéma de l’époque. De ce fait, chaque acteur devait avoir le même nombre de lignes de dialogues. Concernant l’affiche du film, les noms sont en décalés pour être lisible soit de haut en bas ou bien de gauche à droite, donnant ainsi l’un ou l’autre comme premier de lecture.

image tour infernale towering inferno disney fox

Pour les plans d’ensemble, la tour est une maquette. Quant à la salle de réception, elle a coûté 300 000 dollars.

Le tournage s’est déroulé de mai à septembre 1974 en Californie.

Notre critique de La tour infernale .

Les films catastrophes au cinéma, en général ça passe bien même si ça ne reste pas sensationnel. Pourtant ici, il y a de sacrés réunions.

image tour infernale towering inferno disney fox

Tout d’abord, la réunion de deux grands studios du cinéma : 20th Century Fox et Warner Bros. On se doute qu’on va avoir droit à un long-métrage qui va avoir une sacré ampleur. Ce qui est le cas dirons-nous. Mais on y reviendra. Commençons tout d’abord par le scénario qui n’est pas extraordinaire. Déjà, il faut compter presque 45 minutes de mise en place des personnages et de l’intrigue avant que ne se déclenche l’incendie. C’est long et limite ennuyeux. En revanche, on soulignera que cela permet de dénoncer les fabrications à bas coûts pour faire des économies au profit de la sécurité.

Une fois l’incendie déclaré, on entre enfin dans le film catastrophe qui va répondre à tous les codes du genre. Actes de bravoures, personnes paniquées, personnes égoïstes, enfants en danger, femmes à sauver… tout y passe. Si on prend du recul, on se rend compte aussi qu’il ne se passe pas grand chose d’époustouflant. On a droit à de l’action, certes, mais il manque quand même quelque chose pour se démarquer vraiment. L’histoire est trop classique avec des éléments prévisibles. Cependant, il faut remarquer que ce n’est pas un film « tout public ». En effet, La tour infernale n’y va pas par quatre chemins et les morts sont bien visibles, que ce soit les brûlés ou les personnes tombant dans le vide. C’est percutant mais ça montre la dangerosité de la situation.

image tour infernale towering inferno disney fox

Autre grande réunion : Paul Newman et Steve McQueen. Avec une telle affiche, on sait qu’on joue dans la cour des grands. McQueen est quand même bien plus remarquable et convaincant que Newman qui manque d’expression. Le premier incarne le commandant de pompiers qui va devoir gérer cette crise d’envergure. Il se veut courageux mais ça reste son travail tout en devant assurer la sécurité des gens et de ses équipes. Pourtant, on a l’impression de peu le voir dans le film au contraire du second. Newman interprète l’architecte du bâtiment qui se la joue grand héros à tenter de sauver tout le monde à travers ses actes parfois assez fous. On n’arrive pas à s’attacher à lui.

Du côté des personnages secondaires, il y a aussi de grands noms du cinéma. On retiendra surtout le propriétaire de l’hôtel qui se rend compte de la situation et qui ne tient pas à fuir ses responsabilités, faisant face comme il le devrait. À l’inverse de son gendre qui a cherché à faire des économies et qui se veut comme la personne à détester dans le film. Imbu de lui-même et ne pensant qu’à lui, il incarne bien l’antagoniste. Dommage que les rôles féminins soient si relayés au second plan alors que la fille de Duncan comme l’épouse de Doug avaient du potentiel.

image tour infernale towering inferno disney fox

Revenons en à ce qu’on disait au début. Fox et Warner, cela donne un film avec beaucoup de moyens. Déjà par des décors variés et propres, même s’il faut se remettre dans la mode visuelle de l’époque (bonjour les murs oranges). Aussi, par des effets visuels de qualité pour les années 1970. Que ce soit les scènes aériennes que les cages d’ascenseur qui n’en finissent plus, on arrive à être immergé. Ensuite, l’incendie se veut bien dangereux et rappelle sans cesse sa présence. Si on devait mettre un bémol, c’est sur les multiples explosions qui font sauter tout un étage, histoire que visuellement ça en jette. Le pire étant vers le début de l’incendie, quand seule une partie d’un étage est en proie aux flammes et qu’une vue de l’extérieur de l’immeuble montre deux étages ravagés par l’incendie qui en plus sont séparés de plusieurs niveaux sans explication. Concernant la bande originale, John Williams est bien décevant et ne propose rien de particulier. Pour conclure, certaines scènes du film tirent trop en longueur et plus de rythme aurait pu être donné en raccourcissant la durée du long-métrage.

La tour infernale est un bon film catastrophe mais ne parvient pas à proposer quelque chose de grandiose.

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bande originale soundtrack ost score tour infernale towering inferno disney fox


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Jones Around The World

Paris Itinerary 4 Days with Disneyland + Other Activities

Planning to spend 4 days in Paris and looking for an incredible itinerary? Well, you’ve come to the right place because I’ve put together this epic 4 days in Paris travel itinerary to help you plan your visit to the wondrous City of Lights!

No matter what time of the year you plan on visiting, Paris is the perfect European city escape. After all, it’s a city that offers anything and everything your heart could desire!

A rich, detailed history. Indescribable art. Beautiful landmarks. Amazing food. World-class shopping. Cool locals.

During the day, Paris is superb, and when night falls, it’s movie-worthy magic. If you have four days to spend in the French capital, you better believe I have the itinerary to guide you. From one Francophile to another.

Also, be sure to read through my article “Top 17 Music Festivals in Paris to Experience Before You Die” if you’re planning your Paris itinerary for 4 days during one of the incredible festivals that occur annually!

4 Days in Paris Itinerary

Paris Travel Guide

Before we get to the 4 day itinerary in Paris, I’ve put together a quick guide to help you get to and find your way around Paris. As well as some advice on where to stay! Let’s take a closer look at the essential bits to consider as you plan a Paris 4-day itinerary.

Getting to Paris

Paris has two passenger airports, the larger Charles de Gaulle Airport and Paris Orly, which is a further distance from the city. France’s National airline is Air France, but so many large and small airlines fly to Paris daily from all across the world. 

I’d recommend looking up flights on EasyJet, RyanAir, and Vueling, as they have flights to Paris (and you can find some really cheap deals)!

You can take a look at this site for Paris Orly Airport transfers to the city center for a bit more information. The transfers aren’t too complicated and will be less expensive than booking a taxi. If you are traveling with a large family or do have a lot of luggage, then I’d recommend looking into a Paris Airport mini-van transfer .

If you’re already in Europe (in a neighboring country), Paris is also serviced regularly by train and bus routes from locations across Europe. Gare du Nord is Paris’ major central train station where most long-distance trains arrive.

Rail Europe is a good source of information on getting the train to Paris, especially if you want to take some travel stress off, as there are numerous options available to Gare du Nord. For budget bus travel, try Eurolines or Flixbus (previously Megabus).

4 Days in Paris Itinerary

Getting Around Paris

Navigating Paris is easy, straightforward, and surprisingly enjoyable! They have a historical underground Metro that is reliable and mostly on time, and it runs from early morning until 1 AM on weekdays and 2 AM on weekends.

There are tons of stops that will take you right where you need to go, and what’s cool is that, like a lot of European cities, Paris metro stations are often named after their nearest major landmark. Stations with names like Bastille, Louvre, Notre-Dame-des-Champs, and Opéra should at least help you get near to where you need to go.

It goes without saying that walking or cycling during your few days in Paris will maximize what you can see and is a great way to find hidden gems along the way – or to stop off for copious French snacks and drinks (and lots of French wine) along the way.

While I would definitely say that exploring by foot is always the best in a new city, to make the most out of your four days in Paris, I would suggest getting the hang of the public transportation system!

In addition, Paris has an extensive bus network. And you can even take to the water and enjoy a river cruise from a range of tour providers that travel up the Seine.

If you have a finite amount of time when visiting Paris but want to see as much as you can, I’d recommend booking a Paris Hop-on Hop-off Bus Tour .

It’s a double-decker bus that has two routes covering the majority of the major city’s attractions and is a fantastic & time-efficient way of getting around. These are common all over the world, but Paris is one of the only places I’ve really found they work great and are worth the money!

Getting Around paris - 4 Day Itinerary

Where to Stay for 4 Days in Paris

Choosing somewhere incredible to stay when visiting Paris can be quite tricky, as there are dozens of awesome neighborhoods and a sea of epic Airbnbs and hotels across the city.

I’ve also written articles about the Best Hotels in Paris with Eiffel Tower Views and Airbnb Paris , so give those a read if that interests you! Here are a few more options that I know would provide top-rated accommodation and experience for the best 4-day itinerary Paris has to offer.

Charming Apartment in the Heart of Paris

Location: Les Halles

Superhost: Yes

Price: $150+ USD per night


This five-star rated Airbnb Plus apartment is small but beautiful, bright, and overlooks some of the best Parisian streets. There is a shopping center right nearby and many cafes, shops, and markets. Definitely worth staying here for a few nights!

View Photos, Read Reviews & Check Availability

Airbnb in Paris 4 Days

Credit: Airbnb

Magnificent Loft Apartment in the Latin Quarter (Family/ Luxury Airbnb)

Location: Croulebarbe

Price: $800+ USD per night


While this unit might be on the pricier side for most travelers’ budgets, it’s absolutely gorgeous! It’s a 3-bedroom/3-bathroom unit that comfortably sleeps 6 people and will certainly be an incredible stay for your 4 days in Paris, France, itinerary!

Guest review : “This remarkably stylish, artful and gracious loft was the perfect setting to immerse in Paris with our friends and family. The value Edgar offers for this chic 3 bedroom residence is unparalleled. Every aspect of this space exceeded expectations and was everything the beautiful photos represented and more.” – Heather

Paris 4 Days Luxury Airbnb

Hôtel Balzac

The Hotel Balzac offers incredible value for money, especially for a 5-star hotel right in the heart of Paris with views of the Eiffel Tower. The staff here are friendly and attentive, the rooms are beautiful, and the location is everything. You’ll be right on the Champs Élysées, with the Arc de Triomphe two minutes walk away. This is a special gem in such a historic city.


Price: $250+ USD per night

Guest review: “The staff were excellent, very eager to help, and our room was spectacular with a view of the Eiffel Tower. The location could not have been better, a few seconds from the Champs Elysees and Arc de Triomphe. I would happily stay at Hotel Balzac again on my next stay in Paris.” – Joseph, United Kingdom

Read Reviews & Check Availability

Generator Paris Hostel


If you’re a budget traveler/backpacker, then this is where I think you should stay during your 4 days in Paris! Situated in the 10th district, Generator is by far the best location of all Paris hostels.

Boasting free wifi, an in-house bar, and scenic views overlooking the city, you really can’t go wrong with this hostel. Also known for being the most solo traveler-friendly hostel in Paris, you are bound to meet some awesome new people to take on this incredible city both by day and by night.

Where To Stay for 4 Days in Paris

Now that we’ve discussed a few important aspects of planning your 4 days in Paris let’s discuss the best things to do during your trip! While this itinerary is most well-suited for first-timers, it’s filled with tons of solid info for previous visitors!

The Best Paris Itinerary: 4 Days in Paradise

Now, without further delay, let’s get into the main event. Here’s what I consider to be the best 4 day Paris itinerary because doing Paris in a day would be a great injustice.

4 Days in Paris Itinerary, Day 1: The Paris Tourist Trail

So it’s your first day in incredible Paris, and I hope you’re well-rested because the City of Lights has so much to offer! While Paris is a huge city, navigating your way around to its world-famous landmarks is pretty easy, as they are all located in relatively close proximity to the city center.

Paris is well organized into 20 compact “arrondissements” or districts. The 1st to the 7th arrondissements are where most of the major tourist magnets are located. A tour through these 7 arrondissements will take you to some of the biggest and best Paris sights.

Trocadero & The Eiffel Tower

Paris’ most iconic landmark, The Eiffel Tower, stands proud against the city’s skyline and draws in over 7 million tourists every year. I think it would be the perfect place to begin your vacation, even if you’re just spending two days in Paris!

Climb its 1710 steps or take the elevator to enjoy unrivaled views from what is arguably the best lookout point in Paris. Not keen on heights? Enjoy the view of the Eiffel Tower from the lush green expanse of the surrounding Trocadéro Gardens. Or lounge around the Champ de Mars gardens that surround the Eiffel Tower to people watch or enjoy the soothing Parisian sun.

If you take the metro to the Trocadéro stop, you’ll be rewarded with a gorgeous view overlooking the Eiffel Tower, and then you can walk down across the street to climb the steps to the top.

Also, don’t miss the famous nightly light show, where the Tower glitters and shines magnificently, wowing spectators across the city. No 4 days in Paris would be complete without seeing the Eiffel Tower during the day and at night!

Travel Tip : The Eiffel Tower is pretty much always going to be busy (especially during the peak summer season), so I’d recommend looking into a tour/package that includes a skip-the-line pass!

For example, this Direct Access Eiffel Tower Ticket is a pretty fantastic deal for first-time visitors to Paris! Another fantastic option is to book a guided Eiffel Tower tour with a Seine River cruise as an amazing added extra.

Eiffel Tower - 4 Days in Paris Itinerary

The Arc de Triomphe

If there’s just one option for what to see in Paris in 4 days, undoubtedly, it would be the Arc de Triomphe. An iconic monument that the French are truly proud of, the Arc de Triomphe stands at the center of the Place Charles de Gaulle and creates a photo-worthy junction of twelve avenues that create a star effect with the Arc at the middle.

Standing since 1836, the Arc de Triomphe and its incredible iconography is an ode to the patriotism and triumphs of Paris.

“ A key place of major national events . Wanted by Napoleon in 1806, the Arc de Triomphe was inaugurated in 1836 by French King, Louis Philippe, who dedicated it to the armies of the Revolution and the Empire. The Unknown Soldier was buried at the base of the arch in 1921. The flame of remembrance is rekindled every day at 18:30.”

It’s located about a pleasant 2.0km stroll (also easily reached by metro), but you can read through this article,  “ Things to do between the Arc of Triumph and the Eiffel Tower“ for some more fun ideas!

Hours of operation vary per time of the year, and ticket prices cost 12 euros on the official website (cheaper for youth). Save some time, though, and book a Skip-the-Line Arc de Triomphe Tickets , as it’s actually cheaper to book in advance, and you won’t have to wait in line.

Arc de Triomphe - Best Paris itinerary 4 Days

The Champs-Élysées

Paris’ most famous street, the Champs-Élysées , stretches almost 2km from the Arc de Triomphe down to the Place de la Concorde!

The avenue is marked by endless stores, cafes, restaurants, and in the lead-up to Christmas, traditional European Christmas markets and gorgeous twinkling lights. You could spend one day in Paris just wandering up and down this central hive of activity.

The Avenue des Champs Élysées is visited every day by nearly 300,000 people and is one of the most picture-perfect streets you’ll encounter while visiting Paris! This is another place I’d recommend visiting once by day and once during your 4 nights in Paris.

It’s truly magnificent, and you’ll get swept away by the glamourous shopping opportunities, boutique restaurants, and smaller souvenir stores. Even if you’re not looking to spend any money, a stroll along the 2km stretch is a must for any first-time visitor to Paris.

Paris in 4 Days

Champs-Elysees avenue in Paris at sunset

Place de la Concorde

The largest public square in Paris, the Place de la Concorde sits at one end of the Champs-Élysées and covers 19 acres. During the violence of the French Revolution, this square saw many public executions, including the famous guillotining of Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Robespierre, and other historical figures.

But the days of bloodshed at the square are behind us – thankfully – and now it’s a visitor favorite thanks to its monuments such as the recognizable Obelisk, its fountains, and its neighboring gardens.

For the movie fans out there, you’ll recognize this place from The Devil Wears Prada . It’s where, in the final scene, Andy (Anne Hathaway) dumps her phone into the fountain!   

Notre Dame Cathedral

The world watched as France’s most loved church Notre Dame burnt before our eyes in early 2019. Thankfully, much of the structure as well as its exquisite stained glass windows were saved, and rebuilding is already underway.

In the meantime, when you visit Paris, you can still marvel at this Gothic architectural icon from the outside. From the Place de la Concorde, it’s just a short walk along the Seine River (passing by the Louvre, which you’ll visit later), admiring beautiful bridges, museums, and scenery.

And you can only genuinely say you’ve visited Paris after an excursion to Ile de la Cité and the world-famous Notre Dame Cathedral. Although few walking tours of the grounds surrounding Notre Dame de Paris could provide the same experience as setting foot inside, for now, it will have to do.

Notre Dame - 4 Days in Paris Itinerary

The River Seine

The romantic River Seine winds through the center of Paris, alongside some of the city’s biggest landmarks. An authentic, albeit touristy, thing to do in Paris is to head out on the waters of the River Seine on a scenic boat ride. There are many amazing Seine cruise options, and some river cruises include dinner and drinks.

While you’ll no doubt find yourself wandering alongside this famous river on your journey through Paris (if you walk along this itinerary), if the sun is out, why not grab a cafe latte or a picnic and enjoy the riverside view for a while, resting your weary feet?

Travel Tip : Parisians have a notorious reputation for being rude and unhelpful, but I can tell you this is simply not the case! My experience with locals while in Paris has always been great. Many speak English extremely well, so don’t be afraid to ask for directions.

I’m positive they will be more than happy to point you in the right direction. Parisians have great pride in their city, their language, and their history, so even learning basic greetings in French before arriving in Paris could go a long way towards ingratiating you with the locals when you need it.

The River Seine  - Paris in 4 Days

Finally, head to the eternally cool Parisian suburb of Montmartre – famed for being the home of artists and writers throughout history – and challenge yourself to climb the 270 steps to Sacre-Coeur instead of taking the funicular up.

Your legs may turn to jelly (if they’re not already from your long day of walking), but I guarantee the view from the top, either during the day or at night, is even better than the feeling of accomplishment at getting there.

Explore the gorgeous Basilica of Sacré-Coeur, and afterward, treat yourself to a sweet pastry and a fabulous French coffee in one of Montmartre’s achingly hip artist haunts. Get lost in all the art, enjoy dinner at one of the many restaurants, and watch the sunset dip beneath the horizon.

Tour Options : Sacré-Coeur and Montmartre Tour with Expert Guide : “Visit the inside of Sacré-Coeur, the Basilica of the Sacred Heart with an expert guide. Marvel at the world’s largest mosaic then enjoy an amazing walk around the village of Montmartre.” Price : $30.68

4 Days in Paris Itinerary, Day 2: Palace of Versailles (or Disneyland) Day Trip

No 4 days in Paris would be complete without making the pilgrimage to the former residence of the ill-fated French Royal Family, the majestic royal Palace of Versailles.

The official royal residence from 1682 until the French Revolution of 1789, Versailles, is only 20 kilometers (12 miles) from the center of Paris. Spend the day exploring the incredible Grand Palais, Gardens of Versailles, the historical Hall of Mirrors, and so many other features of this massive palace and its surroundings.

Almost 8 million visitors a year walk in the footsteps of royalty at Versailles – will you be next?

  • The Palace is open every day except on Mondays from 9:00 am , but the estate of Trianon and the Coach Gallery only open in the afternoon. The last admission for a day trip is at 6.00 pm.
  • The Park and Gardens are open every day. Access to the Versailles Gardens is free except on days of fountain shows.

Versailles Day Trip - 4 Days in Paris Itinerary

How to get from Paris to Versailles

Train: Getting to the Château de Versailles by train is the cheapest option, and a round-trip ticket will only cost 7.10€ per person and takes about an hour and 15 minutes on average.

All you’ll need to do is get to the nearest metro stop that intersects with the RER Line C and then book tickets to “Versailles Château Rive Gauche” station. It’s pretty simple really, and you could always ask the staff at the metro for assistance.

Uber: If you’re traveling with a group of friends, it might just be easier to hop in an Uber. It’ll save you time for sure and might not cost THAT much more if you divide it evenly. A one-way Uber cost should cost around 35-40 euros.

Versailles, France: Ultimate Royal Palace - Rick Steves’ Europe Travel Guide - Travel Bite

Versailles travel tip: Skip the line at Versailles and pre-book tickets ! Summertime at Versailles is peak tourist season, and who wants queues cutting into your precious time in Paris? On the other hand, if you have an entire day to spend at Versailles, I don’t see why you wouldn’t.

If you’re traveling to Paris during the busy months, I recommend booking a skip-the-line ticket ahead for most major activities and landmarks that require entrance tickets.

Versailles Guided Tour : Enjoy an exclusive guided tour of one of the largest palaces in the world.

No matter what you do though, I’m sure you’ll fall in love with Versailles during your 4-day trip to Paris! It’s truly one of the most beautiful buildings and gardens I’ve experienced in all of Europe, and you could spend all day there!

I’d personally recommend renting a row-boat for an hour and sailing along the Grand Canal! I’ve done that a few times, and it’s such an awesome experience.

Versailles - Paris in 4 Days Itinerary

Disneyland Paris

Are you traveling with kids or simply a big kid at heart and don’t want to miss a trip to Disneyland Paris on your short getaway to the French capital? The flagship European installment of the American mega-brand, Disneyland Paris, is just as captivating and fun-filled as its other global locations.


Disneyland travel tip: Disneyland Paris is only 20 miles (or 32 kilometers) from the center of Paris on the RER (Regional Express Network) train network. While it’s a great time and not far from central Paris, it’s actually recommended that you spend three to four days at Disneyland Paris.

If your trip to Paris is limited to four days and you want to see all the sights I recommend leaving a visit here until you have more time. If you’re happy to spend one day at Disney, though, go for it!

“Immerse yourself in the world of Disney stories and soak up the Disney magic at our Theme Park. Over 50 attractions, breathtaking parades and shows offer families magical experiences and exciting adventures.”

Disneyland Paris - 4 Days in Paris Itinerary

4 Days in Paris Itinerary, Day 3: The Louvre + Musée d’Orsay + SO MUCH ART

What city in the world is more synonymous with art than Paris? Besides Italy, it’s the home of more famous art than any other place in Europe and is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see these priceless creations for yourself. Spend your third day in this magnificent city, taking in some of the world’s most important – and beautiful – art.

The Louvre is the most famous art museum (and most visited) and gallery on the planet, and you’ll need to spend at least a few hours or half a day here to see even a fraction of the entire gallery’s contents.

The city has so many great galleries and museums, but my recommendations will put you up close and personal with some of the greats of the art world and the best things to see in Paris in 4 days.

Don’t miss out on visiting these galleries and museums during your 4 days in Paris.

Louvre Facts

The Louvre Museum

The French Revolution saw the end of the Louvre’s run as an aristocracy and royalty-only zone, and 10 million annual visitors to the museum can thank the revolutionaries for giving Paris’ art back to the people.

Over 200 years on, the Louvre houses 36,000 artworks and 380,000 objects, all on display to the general population. Some of its most famous pieces include Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa and the mysterious Venus de Milo.

For film buffs planning a 4-day trip to Paris, the Louvre featured as a central character in The Da Vinci Code, and the museum gave unprecedented permission for its interiors to be used in the film.

Did you know : If you spent 1 minute looking at each and every piece of art and every object in the Louvre and kept this up for 8 hours per day, you’d wrap up the task of seeing everything in the museum in 75 days? That’s a lot of art! Clearly, even if you’re just planning to explore Paris in 3 days, a visit to the Louvre museum is a must.

Take a quick read through this article, “Paris: 7 tips for surviving the Louvre ” for some solid tips and tricks for visiting the Louvre Museum.

A few of the tips include visiting it at night, using a separate entrance, having a game plan, and lots more!  Also, check out this article, “ 10 Secrets of the Louvre , The World’s Most Visited Museum” for some more awesome facts and interesting insights!

Travel Tip : The Louvre Museum can get ridiculously busy thanks to the Mona Lisa, among other highlights. So I’d highly recommend booking a Louvre Museum: Timed Entrance Ticket (SKIP THE LINE) pass to take the stress out of your visit to the most famous museum in the capital.

Louvre Facts - Paris

The Musée D’Orsay et L’Orangerie

Second only to the Louvre in terms of popular galleries and museums in Paris, the Musée d’Orsay welcomes over 3 million visitors a year who come to see its many exhibitions and events. If you’ve ever dreamed of experiencing a Degas, Monet, Renoir, or Van Gogh masterpiece in person, the Musée d’Orsay does not – and will not – disappoint.

As well, head to the Musée de L’Orangerie gallery in Paris next and see Monet’s artistic masterpiece in the flesh. You’ll be surprised by how massive the entire Water Lilies piece is. It has its own room!

You could book an Orsay Museums Skip-the-Line Ticket to save some time as well. Alternatively, get yourself an art museum pass (like this Paris Museum Pass ) that allows you free range to visit a number of art museums, such as the Musée d’Orsay.

Monet’s Home in Giverny

If you’re a fan of the impressionist artist Claude Monet and your trip to Paris falls during the warmer months, don’t miss a chance to visit the great artist’s home in the town of Giverny .

It’s about a 40-60 minute journey from central Paris to Giverny, where you can see the water lillies that inspired Monet’s greatest work and wander through the home the artist resided in for almost 50 years. Monet’s home is open to visitors during the high season from late March to November 1st each year.

Claude Monet - Best Paris Itinerary 4 Days

4 Days in Paris Itinerary, Day 4: Shopping & The Moulin Rouge

It’s your final day in Paris, and I’m sure you are really sad to be leaving. Don’t worry! I’ve got a day planned for you that will see you kiss the city goodbye in truly Parisian style!

Today is all about treating yo’self like any true Parisian who always makes time for. And that means hitting some of the city’s best stores and shopping streets to indulge in a little retail therapy to make the folks back home green with envy.

Stop by these Paris shopping hotspots and have your Euros at the ready.

Galeries Lafayette

If you’re feeling fancy, head to the Galeries Lafayette , the city’s most posh shopping experience. Standing since 1912, the Galeries Lafayette and its eye-catching Art Nouveau design are hands down one of the sights to see in Paris.

Located near the Paris Opera and spanning 70,000 square feet, it’s easy to see why this could be an epic day trip on its own. It sells a huge range of upmarket brands, including Balenciaga, Bulgari, Parisian icon Chanel and Hermès.

Galeries Lafayette - Best 4 Days in paris Itinerary

Shakespeare & Company

You’ve probably seen this charming little Paris bookstore pop up on your Instagram feed (or TV) more than once. After all, it’s a magnet for photo ops due to its place in pop culture.

Located on Paris’ Left Bank, Shakespeare & Company has been operating since 1919, despite moving locations once as a result of the Second World War. What makes it so special is that it was the hangout of iconic writers such as Ernest Hemingway, Ezra Pound, and James Joyce during their years in Paris.

Since then, Shakespeare & Company has been immortalized in films such as Midnight in Paris and Before Sunset. If you’re a literature lover, this is without a doubt an unforgettable part of any noteworthy experience when you visit Paris.

Shakespeare and Company - Iconic Bookshop in Paris

Paris Flea Market

“ The Paris flea market is the largest antique market in the world. It comprises some 2,500 stores spread across 15 markets.”

If you’re all out of Euros or prefer a more thrifty shopping experience, the Paris Flea Market is where it’s at.

Open Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays , this market is a Mecca for locals and tourists looking for a bargain. It’s the biggest antique market in the world and has 2500 stalls. It’s a bit of a hike from the center of Paris to get there, but well worth it for a vintage luxury label treasure for just a few gold coins.

“The Paris flea market is the largest antique market in the world. It comprises some 2,500 stores spread across 15 markets.”

Shopping One of the Most Famous Flea Market in Paris - Vintage Bowles - Vogue

The Moulin Rouge


Hopefully, you picked yourself something fancy along the way on your Parisian shopping spree because tonight is all about seeing out your 4 days in Paris with a visit to the high-kicking home of Parisian culture – the Moulin Rouge!

The real Moulin Rouge (“Red Windmill”) goes back way further than the film of the same name. To 1885 to be exact. Since then, it’s been a cultural staple of Paris, where the most skilled cabaret performers in the world put on multiple high-energy shows per night. The hottest ticket in town, don’t miss out

Located in artistic Montmartre, a night at this place experiencing the most famous cabaret in Paris is something you won’t ever forget. Now while the French city dazzles during the day, it’s only at night that it truly comes to life.

The best way to experience the magic of the most famous cabaret around the world and have a bite to eat at the same time is by getting into this dinner show !

Moulin Rouge Show with Champagne : Revel in the sumptuous settings of the Moulin Rouge, the world-renowned cabaret in Paris, with a ticket to the spectacular show “Féerie”. Sip on sparkling Champagne as you savor international performances filled to the brim with feathers and rhinestones.

Complete with wine, feathers, lights, and sequins, there really is no other place than the Moulin Rouge as an icon among the best of Paris.

Moulin Rouge - Best Paris 4 Days Itinerary

What to Do in Paris in 4 Days – More Fun Activities

If you’ve found yourself with a bit more time in the city, or you’re not interested in a few of the items and places I’ve mentioned on this Paris trip itinerary, these are a few more of my favorite things to do while you’re in the City of Lights!

How many days do you need in Paris? Good question considering the amazing number of major attractions that I couldn’t fit into a 4-day Paris trip. Take a peek at these sensational highlights to make exploring Paris just that much more magical.

Picnic at the Eiffel Tower

Perhaps, one of the best and simple activities you can do while you’re in Paris is enjoying a spread of delicious bread, cured meats, cheese, and wine while soaking up the atmosphere around the Eiffel Tower, one of Paris’ major attractions!

I do this EVERY time I go to Paris, and it’s awesome. You’ll see tons of people doing the same thing (and it could be easy to meet new people), drinking wine and watching the Eiffel Tower sparkle every hour at night.

Considering the majestic and lush gardens of the Champ de Mars that surround the Eiffel Tower indulging in a lazy afternoon picnic is a surefire winner. It’s also one of the best ways to spend only half a day if you’re pressed for time.

Picnic Eiffel Tower - Paris in 4 Days

Watch the sunset at the Tour Montparnasse Viewing Deck

“Want to see everything in Paris from one spot? Searching for an incredible panoramic view overlooking the Eiffel Tower and all the other iconic monuments in Paris? Located right in the city center, the Montparnasse Tower Panoramic Observation Deck gives you a unique, breathtaking view by day or by night!”

For epic sights that reach far beyond the Latin Quarter all the way to the Eiffel Tower, be sure to visit early mornings.

At 210 meters tall, the Tour Montparnasse will provide one of the best views in Paris that will impress everyone and make your Paris itineraries truly memorable! Tickets cost 12 euros, and I’d recommend heading up the short walk around sunset so you can admire the views both during sunlight and nighttime.

Image provided by The Montparnasse Tower Panoramic Observation Deck press team – Photopoint.com

The Paris Catacombs Tour

A veritable labyrinth in the heart of underground Paris, the Catacombs were installed in the tunnels of former quarries.

These passageways date back to the 13th century, but back then, they didn’t have the deathly allure they have now. Back then, there was a growing need for burial space and a way to support an ever-expanding Paris. From this, the catacombs were born.

The Catacombs of Paris (Les Catacombes de Paris) is an underground network beneath the streets of Paris and the final resting place of over 6 million people! Over half a million visitors head down to the darkness of the Catacombs each year, whereupon entry, they are greeted with a sign reading “Stop. This is the empire of death”.

A guided walking tour through these underground tunnels is truly fascinating and would be a fantastic addition to your 4-Day Paris itinerary! And you won’t find a layout of these spooky tunnels on Google Maps, that’s for sure.

It’s definitely not comparable to, for example, a tour of Notre Dame de Paris, but it will stick in your memory for a very long time.

Paris Catacombs Tour : “Discover the labyrinth of the Paris Catacombs with a guide. Skip the ticket line and uncover the secrets of the world’s largest underground burial site. Unearth the macabre and mysterious underbelly of Paris as you walk past the mysterious network of skeletal remains and learn about their legends and stories.”

Read Reviews & Reserve Your Spot Now

Facts about Catacombs Paris

What to Eat During your Paris 4 Day Itinerary

Paris is impressive enough on its own, but if you’re a foodie, Paris, and French cuisine is an unmissable degustation experience as well. French food is diverse, unique, and satisfying and has something for everyone, and this wouldn’t be the best Paris itinerary if I left out some of the most tantalizing dishes to try.

I highly recommend trying these iconic French foods during your 4 days in Paris.

Snails (“escargot”)

Probably the appetizer we most associate with France, you’ll be surprised by just how delicious and mouth-watering snails cooked traditionally in garlic really are.

Frogs legs (“grenouilles”)

They may be small and relatively meatless (and not at all filling), but frog legs are a French food bucket list item – so you have to give it a try.

Cheese (“fromage”)

There are between 1000 and 1600 French cheeses, depending on who you believe. And while a short four days in Paris isn’t long enough to sample them all, you can try your best. Pass the Camembert, please?

We all love croissants, but these freshly baked, buttery pastries taste so much better when eaten in their native Paris alongside a coffee in a beautiful French cafe.

What to Eat in Paris - 4 Day Itinerary


This hearty French fish stew can be found on almost any menu in Paris. Bouillabaisse is best enjoyed with a crusty French baguette in a warm and cozy Paris restaurant on a cold winter day.


Essentially the French version of steak and fries, steak-frites is the perfect meal choice when you can’t make sense of that French menu but you’re ravenous. Just don’t tell the Belgians you ate it in France. After all, they lay claim to this filling dish.

These colorful and delicious pastry cakes are simply to die for and are widely sold all over Paris! If you find your way over to Pierre Herme (which is known for selling the best Macarons in Paris), you’ll be able to find unique flavors and unbeatable taste and can buy a full box to bring home to friends and family.

I know champagne technically isn’t a food, but you can’t tackle a Paris trip plan and not drink the bubbly stuff in its country of origin? Cheers!

Champagne Paris - 4 Days in paris

Champagne Bar at the Montparnasse Viewing Deck

Basic French Words & Phrases to Learn for 4 Days in Paris

French people are very proud of their language, and while many folks in Paris do speak English, I’d strongly suggest learning and speaking some basic French when you’re in Paris. Here are 10 words to get you started, but I’d also suggest downloading Duolingo or another language-learning app!

  • Hi! – Salut! ( Sal-oo )
  • Hello – Bonjour
  • Do you speak French? – Parlez vous français? (Formal) ( parlay voo fronsays )
  • How are you? – Ça va? (Informal) ( sa va )
  • Goodbye – Au revoir  ( oh revwa )
  • Thanks a lot – Merci beaucoup ( mersee boocoo )
  • Please – S’il vous plait ( see voo play )
  • Excuse me – Excusez moi ( excusay mwa )
  • Where is – Ou est ( oo – eh )
  •  Yes / No – Oui / Non – ( wee / no )

Remember: French is a unique language in that there are a lot of different unwritten “rules” for how to speak to some people versus others. Talking to strangers or elders follows a more formal language structure while talking to friends or peers is more informal.

If you’re visiting France, it’s usually best to revert to the formal when speaking to locals – just to be safe! One of the best things about the French is that they are happy even if you just try to speak their language!

Learn the Top 25 Must-Know French Phrases!

Am I Missing Anything from this 4 Day Paris Itinerary?

While I think this is a pretty amazing itinerary filled with incredible places, museums, day-trips, and lots more – if you think I need to add any specific bar, restaurant, or attraction in Paris – please do let me know!

I’d love to keep this 4 Days in Paris itinerary up-to-date with the best information to help people plan their travels!

TOP 10 Things to Do in PARIS | France Travel Guide

Planning a Trip to France & Europe?

My travel blog has tons of helpful articles and travel itineraries that can serve as a great resource! Take a read through some of my favorites below, and feel free to reach out to me with any questions you have! I’m always happy to help in any way I can!

  • 70+ Amazing Paris Facts That’ll Amaze You
  • 2 Days in Paris | How to Explore Paris in 48 Hours
  • Top 16 Amazing Things to do in the French Riviera
  • 10 Awesome Things to do in Paris, France
  • 2 Days in Copenhagen | The Best 48 Hours/ Weekend Guide to Copenhagen
  • Flashpacking Finland | My Northern Lights Bucket List Adventure
  • The 20 Best Techno Festivals in Europe to Experience This Summer
  • 2 Days in Budapest | The Ultimate 48 Hour Weekend Guide to Budapest
  • 2 Days In Berlin itinerary | How to Explore Berlin in 48 Hours
  • 2 Days in Prague | What to See & Do in Prague in 48 Hours
  • The 18 Best Music Festivals in Sweden
  • The Ultimate Weekend in Rome Itinerary
  • The 10 Best Things To Do in Porto Ercole
  • 30 Music Festivals in Europe to Experience Before You Die

I hope that my itinerary for four days in Paris helps you explore and enjoy all that this amazing city has to offer and maybe even discover a hidden gem amongst the Parisian hustle and bustle.

How to spend 4 Days in Paris, France

Thanks for reading this Paris 4 Days Itinerary!

Share your planned 4 days paris itinerary with your travel squad.

Loved your blog. I last went to Paris in 2012. Reading your blog had me reliving my trip. The history tidbits were fun to see about the various places. I agree that the French people I met were friendly and happy to assist me. You have so many helpful tips and suggestions, thanks. I just retired so am anxious to return to travelling. Paris is on my list again. It is one of my favourite cities.

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Take a Virtual Tour of Disneyland Paris With This Fascinating Video Series (Video)

Get your daily dose of Disney magic with this Imagineer-led virtual tour.

Elizabeth Rhodes is a special projects editor at Travel + Leisure , covering everything from luxury hotels to theme parks to must-pack travel products. Originally from South Carolina, Elizabeth moved to New York City from London, where she started her career as a travel blogger and writer.

tour infernal disneyland paris

This weekend, Disneyland Paris celebrated its anniversary, marking its 28th year since opening on April 12, 1992. Even though Disney parks across the globe are temporarily closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you can still take a virtual tour of a theme park thousands of miles away through this Disneyland Paris video series .

If you’ve ever been to an international Disney park, you know what an exciting and delightful experience it is. Seeing beloved characters in a new setting, finding slight nuances in classic attractions , and trying new treats not available stateside are just a few of the things you have to look forward to when visiting the Disney parks overseas.

In a Disney Parks blog post about the French park, Kevin Rafferty, Jr. said, “Among the many stories that make Disneyland Paris unique is that its opening represents Disney’s return to a land that inspired many of the timeless fairy tales shared by Walt Disney in an extraordinary way.”

Experience that fairy tale magic with Disney Imagineer Laurent Cayuela in “Once Upon a Time,” a French YouTube series (with English subtitles) that takes viewers on a tour of the Disneyland Paris resort. Throughout the 30 short videos, you’ll learn about the themed lands, see iconic rides like It’s a Small World, and tour the on-site hotels.

In the most recent video, Cayuela explains the “art of the transition,” uncovering secrets about how the park’s themed lands seamlessly come together while retaining their distinct styles and stories.

Disneyland Paris is located in Chessy, France, just 20 miles from Paris. This was Disney’s second international park, following Tokyo Disney, which opened in 1983. The resort has two theme parks — Disneyland Park and Walt Disney Studios Park — six themed hotels, and two nature resorts.

Even though the parks are closed, you can bring a dose of Disney magic to your home with easy-to-make Disney recipes , virtual rides , and Disney+ shows the whole family will love.

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Play your part in exhilarating adventures Become a hero, an explorer, a princess and a pirate. From the super epic Avengers Assemble: Flight Force to the happy little thrills of Peter Pan’s Flight, there’s an exhilarating adventure for everyone.  

Mind-bending wonders

Dive into mind-bending wonders Become immersed in the magic like never before with mind-bending stage shows and nighttime spectaculars – from TOGETHER: a Pixar Musical Adventure to Disney Dreams®!*. *Until 30th September 2024.

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Live moments of ageless fantasy Become part of something you’ll never ever forget. This is the place where ageless fantasy touches everyone, from kids making magical memories for the first time to grown-ups reliving their childhood dreams.  

Boundless dreams

Stay amid boundless dreams Become enchanted by the boundless dreams coming true all around you in wonderfully themed Disney® Hotels, such as the newly reimagined, 5-star Disneyland® Hotel, where you can celebrate the most magical of royal Disney stories – and write your very own, too. 

Disney's Hotel Cheyenne

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Looking for the ideal moment to come? Compare prices now!

Let The Magic Shine at Disneyland Paris

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Disneyland Hotel is reopening

Book your fairytale stay at the newly reimagined Disneyland Hotel, the ultimate five-star royal residence.

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Become part of the MARVEL Universe

Attention recruits! Prepare to assemble for Marvel Avengers Campus in Walt Disney Studios Park. Discover epic attractions, experiences and your favourite Marvel Super Heroes!

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Make the magic last around the clock!​

Discover the benefits of spending the night at Disneyland Paris! With a Disney Hotel+Ticket package, immerse yourself in the magic just a short walk or shuttle ride away, greet Disney Characters at your hotel and enjoy the Parks before they officially open.​

Peace of mind guarantee

Discover our promises to book your stay with confidence.

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Flexible bookings

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Pay in instalments

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Zero booking fees

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Disney experts by your side​

Planning your trip to disneyland paris.

Discover products and digital services to help you both decide on the best time to visit and how to get the most out of your holiday​

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How to get to Disneyland Paris ​

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Our official mobile app: your key to the magic!​

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Join the fast line with Disney Premier Access ​

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Dazzling shows and parades

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Visiting with kids aged 0-6 years old ? ​

The disneyland paris experience.

Escape to the heart of the Disney, Pixar, MARVEL and Star Wars universes that you love so much. Disneyland Paris is full of activities for all ages and all tastes!

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Alice & The Queen of Hearts: Back to Wonderland

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A Million Splashes of Colour

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Disney Electrical Sky Parade

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Don’t miss Disney Stars on Parade! ​

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TOGETHER: a Pixar Musical Adventure​

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Mickey and the Magician​

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Disney Dreams! nighttime spectacular is back!

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The Lion King: Rhythms of the Pride Lands​

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Can’t wait for your trip? Important information to know…

Due to high demand, our Disney Parks are full on many dates. To enter the Disney Parks, you must either have a dated ticket or register your visit date in advance if you have an undated Ticket, Annual Pass or Disneyland Pass. You can check back regularly to see availability on our website. We remind you that Tickets are not on sale at the entrance of the Disney Parks. We can't wait to welcome you to Disneyland Paris!

tour infernal disneyland paris



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  2. ont a testé.... la tour infernal a disney

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  6. La Tour Infernale

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