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Travel Interceptors

Travel Interceptors are among the most common methods of moving characters from place to place, and are easily one of the most useful types of ships you can have in nullsec. They're fast, ignore bubbles, and can only be caught by a skilled player with a specialized ship and fit. These ships have a ton of other potential uses as well including scouting, tac burning, and even hauling. You can never have too many of them, and you can never have too many characters capable of flying them.

Table of Contents

Why these fits.

eve online ares travel fit

Travel Interceptors Interceptors

Ship Fits and Details

eve online ares travel fit

Travel Ares

The Ares is the most versatile of the interceptors, with 2 potential utility mids and plenty of lows for tank and increased speed.

Travel Ares Fitting

eve online ares travel fit

Travel Malediction

The Malediction retains the slot layout of the Ares, however it has slightly lower navigation stats which need to be compensated for through the fitting.

Travel Malediction Fitting

eve online ares travel fit

Travel Stiletto

The Stiletto basically flips the slot layouts of the Ares and Malediction, with 4 mids and 3 lows. This gives it an extra utility mid to work with and still keeps you comfortably insta-warp. This ship also requires the lowest skills to effectively fly of all the interceptors.

Travel Stiletto Fitting

eve online ares travel fit

Travel Crow

The Crow is the only interceptor with only 2 lowslots. You do still get 4 midslots out of the deal, and you can technically still be insta-warp, but it's also the only interceptor in which you can't be insta-warp and have 2 hyperspatial rigs. In pretty much every stat you're better off going with one of the other ceptors over this one.

Travel Crow Fitting

There's plenty of different travel ceptor fits out there, often with significant variances between each fit. These fits are designed so that every one of them, when their respective skillplans are met, have the following attributes:

  • Interdiction Nullification This is an active module that allows you to ignore bubbles if activated before hitting warp
  • A Sub-2 Second Align Time This is known as being Insta-Warp
  • 2 Hyperspatials Rigs Giving a 12.2 AU/s Warp Speed With the exception of the Crow, which can only fit 1
  • The Tank to Survive 2 Volleys From Eight Large T2 Smartbombs Or 1 Volley From Eight Large Faction Smartbombs
  • A 5MN Microwarpdrive Plus capacitor stability while using it and the maximum possible number of Nanofibers while fulfilling the other conditions
  • A Cloaking Device Cloaks come in handy surprisingly often when traveling or scouting
  • The Ability to Trade Tank For Almost Any Combination of Midslot Utility Modules

For the full skills required for each of these fits see their associated skillplans:

Interceptor Skillplans

  • public/dojo/wiki/travel-ceptors.txt
  • Last modified: 2021/05/19 02:44
  • by Aernir Ridley

eve online ares travel fit

Survive Low/Nullsec Travel Ships & Fitting

Hi, Iā€™m planning to fit a ship for fast and secure travelling new eden. (without the need to be constantly checking d-scan, galaxy map with kills in system, 5 external sites, etc.)

I donā€™t want to do any hauling whatsoever and I know I will loose ships, so cheap fitting is prefered.

As I donā€™t do PvP Iā€™m missing the knowledge of how exactly lowsec/nullsec ganks happen (allthough i read quite a bit about it) and I was hoping to get some help here on:

1) What ships to use 2) Which (general) fitting would increase my survivability the most 3) My current ideas for ships + fitting

tl;dr: What ship/fitting can I use for fast and safe lowsec/nullsec traveling? is better to have <2s align or a cloak?

Here are my thoughts so far - I would really appreciate some further input:

What ship to use? I have skills mainly for caldari ships so Iā€™m only listing those a) lowsec buzzard and raptor look like good choices, buzzard for cloak and raptor for <2s align b) nullsec i would assume the only viable ship for me would be a crow because of invulnerability to bubbles - right?

Which (general) fitting works best? please keep in mind that the purpose of this ship should be fast travel - so i would prefer to use rig slots for ā€˜hyperspatial velocity optimizerā€™ a) ā€œinstantā€-align fit the ship for an align-time under 2s b) cloaked fit the ship with a covert-ops cloaking device

My current ship/fitting ideas: (the high slots are not fitted with anything except for cloaking)

  • Raptor with <2s align AND 2 hyperspat. vel. rigs
Inertial Stabilizers II Inertial Stabilizers II Inertial Stabilizers II 5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive Small Shield Extender II Small Shield Extender II EM Ward Amplifier I Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I

cheap and fast (11.3 AU/s, 1.96s align time) - ehp 5.1k but no cloak! ok for lowsec?

  • Crow with <2s align and 1 hyperspat. vel. rig
Inertial Stabilizers II Inertial Stabilizers II 5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive Small Shield Extender II Small Shield Extender II EM Ward Amplifier I Small Low Friction Nozzle Joints I Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I

not as fast as raptor (9.6 AU/s) but with 1.998s align still under 2s and invulnerable against bubbles, 4.5k ehp and no cloak! ok for nullsec?

  • Buzzard with cloak
Inertial Stabilizers II Micro Auxiliary Power Core I 5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive EM Ward Amplifier I EM Ward Amplifier I Thermal Dissipation Amplifier I Kinetic Deflection Amplifier I Covert Ops Cloaking Device II Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I

fast (12.3 AU/s) but more expensive than the other 2 due to cloaking device, align time of over 4s (4.06 - should one rig be exchanged for faster align time? which would make it slower again), MWD and cloak should keep me safe, right? ok for low/nullsec?

all 3 ships donā€™t cost that much, but i fear stranding somewhere with only my capsule and getting podkilled as well which i would like to avoid

thanks for bearing with me during this endless post and i hope you can provide me with further insights on how to travel fast and (relatively) secure

br, Tube Child Gamma B37E95

Sorry Iā€™m not in a position to share a fit but consider a cloak mwd fit Victorieux Luxury Yacht with istabs. Survives smart bombs and immune to bubbles.

Youā€™re on the right track. Here are the considerations, most of them youā€™ve already thought of:

-Sub 2s Align time -Covert Cloak -Interdiction Immunity -Speed (in case you have to burn back to a gate) -Warp speed -Signature size (shield extenders increase, armor doesnā€™t) -Tank (smart-bomb immunity)

If you were going to stick to lowsec Iā€™d say Dramiel is the way to go because of the extra warp speed. In null Iā€™d recommend the Malediction because it hits most of the criteria and is bubble immune and uses armor. The Yacht hits like every criteria on the list but has no cargohold, but since you donā€™t plan on carrying cargo it may be perfect. T3 cruiser is a lot slower than anything else on the list but also much tougher.

thanks for the ideas! i fitted a dramiel now like this:

Inertial Stabilizers II Inertial Stabilizers II Damage Control II 5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive EM Ward Amplifier I EM Ward Amplifier I Thermal Dissipation Amplifier I Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I

align: 1.82s warp: 11.8 AU/s ehp: 4.5k

which should be ok for lowsec i hope

the raptor fit would have been cheaper, but with only around 3k ehp

i tried to fit a yacht - but i couldnā€™t get the align time below 2s and itā€™s quite expensive for a ā€˜i want to try flying nullsec but i canā€™t align under 2sā€™ - even with the cloak it got more ehp, but when iā€™m locked down this does not help much (only delaying the inevitable) or does it really have full warp immunity?

this would be my fitting (T2 equip because the ship itself is more expensive):

Inertial Stabilizers II Energized Explosive Membrane II Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II Damage Control II 50MN Microwarpdrive II Covert Ops Cloaking Device II Medium Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II Medium Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II Medium Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II

which would give me: align: 2.99s warp: 10.4 AU/s

but quite a large signature (194)

regarding smart-bomb immunity: i tried to find more information on that, but maybe you can give me rough numbers: how much DPS should i expect at a gatecamp with smartbombs? i tried fitting a smartbomb in my mission runner nightmare, but the dps arenā€™t really something to worry about so i must be overlooking something

One battleship does 3k volley. I like to get my travel fits above 6k to potentially survive two volleys or two ships volleying once each.

So basically smartbomb immunity means 3k+ hp


Hereā€™s what I use:

[Dramiel, Travel]

Inertial Stabilizers II Inertial Stabilizers II Experimental Hyperspatial Accelerator

Gistii A-Type 5MN Microwarpdrive Medium F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender Adaptive Invulnerability Field II Caldari Navy EM Ward Amplifier

150mm Light AutoCannon II, Hail S 150mm Light AutoCannon II, Hail S Festival Launcher, Yoiul Festival Firework

Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II

Warrior II x3 Warrior II x1

[Malediction, travel]

Damage Control II Inertial Stabilizers II Inertial Stabilizers II Inertial Stabilizers II

5MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive Medium F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender Adaptive Invulnerability Field II

[Empty High slot] [Empty High slot] [Empty High slot]

Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II Small Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer II

I guess I do use shield on the mal

with all T2 (rigs and istabs) the align time is still 2.03s

only when using at least one faction istab (and agility rigs) or 2 faction istabs (with warp rigs) can i get below 2s, but then iā€™ve got an even bigger ā€˜hit meā€™ drawn on my ship

thanks for the smartbomb number and the fits!

some people can sb with 3 BS. A SB does 300 alpha, *8=2400 , *3 = 7200 damage. But those can be avoided by warping to pings and cloaking. Since I was almost always hit by EM SB I most of the time tank the EM a bit more.

The real issue is that people can still catch you with <2s align. They can also catch you if you are cloaked with a <2s align (dirtying gates).

So here is what I consider is best for LS : <2s align 2 WCS in case you are pointed covert cloak for better safety 7.8k EHP, a bit more vs EM. so you are effectively 3-SBBS immune. 38m signature. so they need 2133 scan res to lock you under 1s.

two remaining rigs for whatever you want. Just nothing that increases the signature, that could kill you. So no hyper, no shield rig, basically you can fit cargohold rigs (you donā€™t care about your armor),or trimark for a bit more tank . trimark would be my choice. I reach 8.9 k EHPwith those and perfect skills.

Itā€™s a bit of a paranoid fit, because ultra locker are not present that much in LS (because they lose tank and die to turrets). But better be safe than a KMā€¦

in NS itā€™s very different. The best thing is to use a scout. Since you need bubble immunity, only inties are worth it. Also ultralocker will be present and will kill your 2s align.

here is my advice

thanks for the fittings!

for the astero: wouldnā€™t it make sense to have another warp core stabilizer onboard for a +3 strength? (skip the nanofiber and have another low friciton rig as you canā€™t place anything interesting there anyway)

or even have only stabilizer in the lows for +4? (which still got me 6.8k ehp with a trimark rig)

another question regarding SBs: should i use only passive shield resistance amps as the gatecampers will just fire up their BS the moment they see a +1 in local and i might not be able to activate active shield hardeners in time?

would an align time of under 1s make me untargetable and therefore invulnerable except for SBs in lowsec? because i searched around more and found a (quite expensive, but manageable) hecate fitting (with additional EM-705 implant) which would reach 7.8 AU/s (3 T2 hyperspat rigs), and still have 11.5k ehp with 2 t2 med shield extenders and 2 em ward amp

it only makes sense if the gatecampers have long-range scramblers with remotesebos. Most will only have long point because covering eg top+bot of gate already costs 2 pointers, + 2 remote sebo + 2 RR and itā€™s already a lot of costs. But anyhow if they can double scram you, they will have enough points on you that WCS wonā€™t save you.

AFAIK I never found ultra lockers in another place than Tama in LS. But I may be wrong.

no, you can use active. I just prefer passive so itā€™s something less to think of (and forget). The SB BS will have cloaky eyes on the gate you come from, and will use their SB when you land on them (you are NOT immune to SB when you are in warp)

Yes. The hecate can do this. A shuttle can do this. a pod can do this.

All in all itā€™s up to you.

but couldnā€™t they just fire them up regardless and if they stand right next to the gate hit me with it while i just jump in? (iā€™m just cloaked on entry, not invulnerable) it feels like the jump animation sometimes finishes way after iā€™m already in another system ā€¦

regardless of what ?

Just to be sure : the SB BS are not on the gate you enter the system, but on the gate you exit the system. They use a SB because they know you warp to the gate they are camping, and can shoot you the moment you land. The best way to evade this is to not go straight from the origin gate, but instead bounce to a celestial, or better an on-grid ping. If you warp to a ping, they canā€™t reposition themselves to intercept you, even if you are not cloaked, unless your ping is obvious and they hve a BM to that ping.

ah, thank you for this clarification! i always thought they just wait at the place where i enter the system and just fire the SBs off

edit: (and now iā€™m curious: why are they not doing this? seems more efficient to just stay in one place and continuosly spam SBs and hit everyone who enters the system)

sorry for the dumb question - i just googled this and found out that the position after a jump is random within a 20km sphere surrounding the gate

still ā€¦ with enough people there you could probably make a grid of BS covering the whole area - but then you would need quite a few bs to do so

In general SB traps are laid on constellation gates. Those are the ones above or below the planetary plane. These are very often out of D-Scan range from all the other celestials. The trap is laid towards a well traveled gate in the system. Basically they SB the spot you land on when warping to their gate. If you travel a route fairly often it is good practice to have bookmarks on the gate grid in a random direction. SBing an entire gate spawn sphere is not impossible, but pretty much requires Titan hulls. Go to Delve for first hand experience of this.

Using shield extenders to buffer hp also increases your sig radius. If itā€™s the only option, using a pair of smaller units instead of a single larger one will significantly reduce the bloom of your sig radius.

Thinking outside the box, you could use a Covops as your travel hull and have a Blops bridge you home to Nulsec once you reach a convenient Losec system within range. All you need at the far end is a friend with a cyno.

nullified interceptors are the best option for travel if you donā€™t need to carry much.

For the low price of only 1 billon isk, I can give you a solid 8.6k interceptor fit.

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eve online ares travel fit

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eve online ares travel fit


Interceptors (also inties or ceptors ) are a class of Tech 2 frigates . They are some of the fastest ships, and they have attributes and bonuses which make them supremely effective for tackling and scouting . Inties are often one of the first classes of T2 ships that pilots train. Besides their core roles, they are also used for pure travel. If they are fitted for pure travel they are called travel ceptors .

  • 1.1 Fleet Interceptors
  • 1.2 Combat Interceptors
  • 4.1 Fleet Interceptors
  • 4.2 Combat Interceptors
  • 5.3 Long range webs
  • 5.6 Anti-Tackle
  • 5.7 Energy Neutralizers
  • 8 References

Sansha's Nation

All interceptors share the following characteristics:

  • They all have an 80% reduction in Propulsion Jamming systems activation cost role bonus. This makes it easier to have tackle modules running.

Icon skillbook2.png

  • They all have very high base velocities. This allows great on grid mobility to get tackle on targets.
  • They all have very high base scan resolution, letting them lock on to targets rapidly.
  • Interceptors have a warp speed of 8.0 AU/s. This means they can overtake most ships in warp and also get to a target quickly to secure tackle.

Fleet Interceptors

The fleet interceptors have following traits in common which make them ideal fleet support as fast tackle and scouts:

  • They can fit Interdiction Nullifiers , which allow them to temporarily ignore warp disruption bubbles either when entering a system or when moving around a battlefield. This is an active module with certain limitations, and it is typically not fitted to PvP-focused fits.

The tackle range bonus allows the fleet interceptor to hold tackle at a relatively safe distance. This is crucial to these ships' usual role.

Further, they have bonuses tied to the skills of their respective empire faction's frigate:


Those bonuses are only of minor importance for their usual role, tackling, but might occasionally come into play in unusual fits.

The fleet interceptors are distinguished from each other mostly through base stats like speed, slot layout, and fitting space, as those define the possible fits. The Stiletto is very popular in a shield buffer fit, while the Malediction is usually flown with an ancillary armor repairer. The Crow is lacking one low slot in comparison to the Stiletto which means it can't fit for as much speed. The bigger potential shield buffer can't make up for that, as speed is very important for fleet interceptors. The Ares can be fitted in a similar way as the Malediction, but its base speed is significantly lower, it has less armor buffer, and it lacks the armor resist bonus that makes the Malediction particularly tough. The low align time of the Ares does make it a popular travel interceptor, though. As a fleet tackle this can be an advantage because a target might not consider the Ares the same threat as a Stiletto or Malediction.

Besides their usual roles as scout and tackle, fleet interceptors are often used in unconventional ways. "Travel 'ceptors" are fleet interceptors which are fitted to have less than two seconds align time. This is often paired with rigs for faster warp speed. Since CCP removed innate interdiction nullification from fleet interceptors, basic shuttlesā€”which do have innate nullificationā€”have taken over some of the nullsec travel ship role.

Fleet interceptors are also sometimes fitted for exploration in nullsec. The idea is that they are safer for traveling than covert ops ships which are bonused for scanning. But it's doubtful whether the ability to fit an Interdiction Nullifier is really worth losing the scanning bonus of a dedicated exploration ship.

Another use for fleet interceptors is to fit them with ECM burst jammers to disrupt enemy fleets. In this case they warp in ECM burst and warp off again. The warp-ins are usually provided by combat scanners.

Combat Interceptors

Combat interceptors are more combat-oriented than their counterparts, as the name suggests. They do not have the extended tackle range bonuses of the fleet interceptors, and instead gain multiple bonuses to their chosen weapon turrets. (All combat interceptors use turrets, not missiles.) However, because their straight combat power is generally exceeded by assault frigates , especially since AFs can fit Assault Damage Controls, they are much less commonly used.

The 'Howling Interdictors' update of October 2020 gave a new bonus to all combat interceptors: +100% Overheat effects for Afterburners and Microwarpdrives. This allows combat interceptors to reach unbelievably high speeds for very short durations. Apart from this bonus, all combat interceptors have several different skill-based bonuses to weapons performance, from both their racial frigate skills and from the common Interceptors skill.

To be able to sit in an interceptor, you need the relevant T1 frigate skill at level V and Interceptors at I; Interceptors has Evasive Maneuvering V as a prerequisite. If you want to use a fleet interceptor in the tackle role, you should train Interceptors at least to level IV, and level V is desirable.

Besides the required skills, you mostly need good general support skills (compare Magic 14 ) to improve your speed/agility as well as your capacitor life, and to help with the tight fitting requirements found on these ships.

The following skills are important to improve your navigation:

  • Navigation 5% bonus to sub-warp speed per level. Level 5 is recommended.
  • Acceleration Control 5% bonus to afterburner and MWD speed per level. Level 4 is recommended.
  • Spaceship Command 2% to ship agility per level. Level 5 is recommended.
  • Evasive Maneuvering 5% improved ship agility for all ships per skill level. Level 5 is a prerequisite anyways.

Interceptors don't have a lot of capacitor but MWDs are capacitor hungry modules. Thus, skills to improve your capacitor or to reduce capacitor consumption are important:

  • Capacitor Management and Capacitor Systems Operation should at least be at level IV. Train them to level V very early.
  • High Speed Maneuvering 5% reduction in MicroWarpdrive capacitor usage per skill level. Level IV is required. Level V recommended.
  • Propulsion Jamming 5% Reduction to Warp Scrambler, Warp Disruptor, and Stasis Web capacitor need per skill level. Level IV is recommended.

Other generally important skills for an interceptor:

  • CPU Management and Power Grid Management . Many fits are very tight and require those skills at level V.
  • Shield Upgrades reduces the fitting space for shield upgrades. Especially some Stiletto fits assume it at level V. Fits without shield extenders don't profit from it at all.
  • Hull Upgrades at least at level IV for T2 Damage Control. Level V recommended for more armor buffer.
  • Mechanics , Shield Management , and Shield Operation improve your general buffer tank.
  • Signature Analysis 5% scan resolution per level; getting this to level V will greatly boost your target locking speed.
  • Long Range Targeting will help make sure you can actually target out to the same range that you can point.
  • Thermodynamics Allows overheating of modules: vital in tight situations to give an extra boost of speed or point range. Nanite Operation is required for Nanite Paste, used to repair heat damage.
  • Astronautics Rigging for navigation rigs.
  • Electronic Superiority Rigging for rigs that improve targeting speed and range.
  • Thermodynamics IV to allow you to overheat your MWD and point.

This section focuses on fitting principles for fleet interceptors in the role as tackle. Many people who specialise as an interceptor pilot also have highly specialised personal fits which suit their personal style but are not recommended for a beginner or general purpose. Experienced pilots also often choose the more expensive and better faction modules. One of those modules alone usually costs more than a T2 fitted interceptor. This is reasonable for experienced pilots as they know how to fly a fleet interceptor without ever losing it. A new pilot will surely lose several interceptors before mastering them. (Most players never focus enough on this role to ever master it.)

To fulfill your role as fleet tackle you always need to fit:

  • a warp disruptor (also called point or long point). This is for your main purpose: to hold tackle on another ship. You usually choose the T2 version which has a range of 30 km without overheating and 36 km hot (if you have the interceptor skill at V, a bit less otherwise). Experienced pilots sometimes choose expensive faction points as those have an even bigger range.
  • a 5MN microwarpdrive . This allows you for great speed which means mobility but also reduces the damage you take. You usually choose the restrained version as its signature bloom, capacitor reduction and fitting space is relatively good. The other meta versions might be useful for special cases. The T2 has no true advantages over the meta modules. Again, experienced pilots might invest more here. Notice that A-types are about the same price as the other versions although they have the best stats.
  • a warp scrambler (scram). The scram is not primarily used to hold tackle but for scram passes, to go close for a scram if you see a microjump drive animation, or to prevent targets from gate crashing. In certain specialised cases the scram might be omitted but in general you need to fit a scram as a typical Fleet Commander will expect you to have a scram fitted. Omitting it without the awareness of the FC hurts the fleet's performance significantly. The scram is usually T2 for its longer range compared to the meta versions. It's less often upgraded to a better version than the point or MWD.

The targeting range of interceptors (36.9 to 40.6 km at Long Range Targeting V ) is short compared with their point range, especially if heated. In the hunter role you want to be able to lock the target while you spiral in so that you can lock it as soon as it is in heated point range. For this reason, nearly all fits use a Small Ionic Field Projector II rig which increases the targeting range by 30%. The alternatives would be Signal Amplifiers or Sensor Boosters but the slots and fitting space are too valuable to use for them.

The next important consideration is speed. Interceptors are already fast, but the higher the speed the quicker you get on a target to tackle and the less damage you take through speed tanking. Typically, you fit a T2 Nanofiber Internal Structure which increases speed and agility combined with a T2 Overdrive Injector System which simply increases speed. On top of that you fit one of the following navigation rigs: Small Auxiliary Thrusters increase your speed, Small Low Friction Nozzle Joints improves your agility, and Small Polycarbon Engine Housing for both. Overall, be aware that you donā€™t want to only fit modules which increase speed but also modules which increase agility.

The remaining slots are usually used for tank. A T2 damage control is usually fit to any interceptor. The shield interceptors, Stilettos and Crows, are usually shield buffer tanked, which means they fit a Medium Shield Extenders. The armor interceptors, Maledictions and Ares, are usually fit with a Small Ancillary Armor Repairer. Buffer armor fits are unusual because a plate slows the ship down.

Guns or missile launchers are of little or no concern. If the fitting space is there, you fit some and use them to get rid of light drones. If you donā€™t have the fitting space, donā€™t compromise the rest of the fit to squeeze some guns or missiles in.

Energy Nosferatus are an option for the highslots. The idea is to steal a bit of cap, but realistically you are rarely close enough to anything to improve your cap significantly.

Experienced dedicated interceptor pilots often use Snake implants to improve their speed even more. Halo implants are another option: these cut your signature radius, significantly boosting your survivability, and they are cheaper. Skill Hardwiring can be used to further increase speed or improve cap. If you want to use medical boosters , Overclocker and Quafe Zero are obvious candidates.

The above discussion covers the base fitting considerations. Experienced pilots might break the above rules with a special case in mind. For example, some might even fit an expanded probe launcher for combat probes, although this takes a lot of fitting space. Only diverge from the approach outlined above if you know what you are doing.

Flying Interceptors

Generally, inty pilots want to keep speed and angular velocity high, as these are the main form of tank.

Fleet interceptors are generally flown as a special tackler, often staying a couple of jumps ahead or behind the main fleet to hold enemies in place until the fleet arrives, or providing mini-warpin* points and mobile safespots during a battle. Depending on the fleet style, they can 'scout and skirmish', roaming around to find targets, often holding them in place for up to 10 or 15 minutes while the rest of the fleet arrives; sit at gatecamps and a put a fast point on anything flashy coming through; or get initial tackle and then hold valuable non-primary targets during a longer engagement until the fleet is ready to DD them.

Inties should approach targets at an angle to maximize traversal while spiraling in. If you are flying an inty and charging straight at a target from a distance rather than spiraling in, you are ignoring one of the ship's principle defensive abilities -- agility -- and are needlessly risking a potentially crippling amount of damage or even a fatal alpha strike. Once in place, the inty should orbit at around 15-25km in order to stay out of web/scram/neut range while keeping angular velocity up. **REPEAT: wandering into scram range = very, very bad for fleet interceptors.** Scrams nearly always portend the destruction of your fleet interceptor. BEWARE! Battleships can fit large neuts that can reach out to 25.2km, so these should be kept at a distance, while faster cruisers should be orbited at a smaller range so they don't escape. Orbit speed should be around 4-5km/s, so if the target launches drones, they will generally end up getting kited by the inty and be fairly easy to track and pick off. Note that, depending on skills and ships, the range at which the inty orbits will not necessarily be what the pilot has set in the UI. Pilots should check their actual orbit distances so they know what to choose in order to orbit at the correct range. When orbiting a target, avoid being "slingshotted" out of point range. Savvy targets delight in slingshotting.

Fleet interceptors should generally avoid faster targets like frigates and speedfit cruisers: these have a good chance of breaking the inty's orbit and applying a scram or web. Some enemies, like the Privateers, specialize in kiting and picking off smaller tacklers and running before the fleet arrives: these should just be avoided unless a warpin for the whole fleet can be generated.

In some circumstances, such as a planned long gatecamp, ships will be asked to fit remote sensor boosters to assist inties in grabbing targets quickly. This will generally be up to the fleet commander to organize, although you should know how many boosters can be assigned to you and still be useful (ie, before lag and reaction time become the dominant factor in how fast you can lock a target). An interceptor should also be the first to de-agress and jump back through a gate if the targets seem to be trying to jump back, chase after targets that break through the camp, or picket the other side of a gate during a fight- giving intel on what is coming through.

* Providing mini-warp points ("tactical miniwarps"): An inty may be sent 150km+ from the rest of the fleet so that other ships can warp out to it if necessary -- to reduce incoming damage or break target locks without having to bounce all the way to a planet or station.

A combat interceptor's job is to establish dominance of the frigates on the battlefield, including the enemy's tackle/interceptors, by counter-tackling and killing them. Combat interceptors fly like assault frigates in many ways. They will often have their own important targets independent of the fleet's primary.

Countering Interceptors

Various modules and tactics can be used to kill interceptors, drive them away, or escape their tackle. It is good to know those as an interceptor pilot but also ā€“ of course ā€“ if you have to deal with an interceptor on the opposing side. A ship with similar speed can use a Slingshot Maneuver to break the interceptorā€˜s orbit to either escape tackle or to bring it into web/scram range.

Light drones are a common defence against all small ships, interceptors included. The Minmatar Warrior II light drones are the nimblest and fastest drones , often matching interceptor speeds, and so are the most common choice. Since the release of the Kronos patch, and the rebalance of drones, Acolytes have become a threat to tackle frigates as they are often shield fit and lacks resistance for EM. Acolytes are almost as fast as Warriors.

However, interceptors go so very fast that even those drones are likely to still spend time fruitlessly chasing them around. But some ships have a bonus to drone speed through a hull bonus or a drone navigation link. The drones of such ships are an especially big threat to an interceptor.

Speed is very important for Interceptors. But they need a microwarpdrive to achieve high speeds which can be shut off by scrams. The range bonus on their own scrams allows the fleet interceptors usually to keep other ships out of their respective scram range. But they are not the only hulls with a bonus to scram range. The Gallente T2 EWAR ships ( Keres , Arazu , and Lachesis ) as well as the Morduā€™s Legion ships ( Garmur , Orthrus , and Barghest ) have a bonus to scram (and point) range. Expect them to have faction or even abyssal scrams fitted and to use heat. Be also aware of your positioning towards different hostile ships. If you are holding tackle on one ship it can easily happen that you accidentally fly into the scram range of another hostile ship.

Long range webs

As webs slow interceptors down they are obviously helpful against them. But usually an interceptor can comfortably stay out of web range except for ships with a bonus to web range. Those are the Minmatar T2 EWAR ships ( Hyena , Huginn , and Rapier ) as well as the Blood Raider ships ( Cruor , Ashimmu , and Bhaalgorn ). Like for scrams expect faction or abyssal webs used with heat and watch your general positioning. Besides normal webs grapplers can also pose a thread.

In the fitting section the importance of targeting range was already discussed. Damps with a range script can hurt an interceptor a lot. He has to either drop tackle or close in which increases his risk towards the other things mentioned here. While any ship can potentially fit damps you have to expect them on bonused hulls ( Maulus , Maulus Navy Issue , and Keres ).

ECM and especially ECM drones are helpful to escape any kind of tackle. Interceptors are no exception there. Crowbars are a common way to free tackled ships.


Sometimes fleets dedicate ships to deal with tackle. This is very common in nano gangs. Turrets usually have trouble with tracking or range against interceptors. Thus, those ships are usually fitted with (rapid) light missile launcher as they deal and apply a good amount of damage at a good range. In general you can fit any cruiser and battlecruiser sized hull with missile hardpoints with rapid lights. Hulls which are often used in that role are Orthrus (note the scram range bonus mentioned above), the Minmatar EWAR cruisers ( Bellicose , Rapier , and Huginn as they can fit rapid lights and have a bonus to target painters), and the Osprey Navy Issue .

Energy Neutralizers

A few cycles from a medium energy neutralizer or just one cycle from a large neut can remove all of an interceptor's capacitor, shutting down its MWD and point and leaving it dead in the water. Medium neuts have similar ranges to scrams and webs, and so are not dangerous to a competent inty pilot (who stays clear of scram range). But the Amarr T2 EWAR ships ( Sentinel , Pilgrim , and Curse ) have a bonus to neut range (and strength).

The fitting requirements on heavy neuts mean that they are nearly exclusively fitted to battleships and capitals. The range of a T2 heavy neut is 20 km optimal plus 10 km fall off. Its neut amount is so high that itā€™s still very significant in fall off to an interceptor. Many battleships fit heavy neuts especially if they have a utility highslot and in a solo or small gang context. You can always expect them on a Bhaalgorn (drain amount bonus) and Armageddon (range bonus).

X-Type heavy neuts are often used on capitals as their range is even bigger. The intended use is to shake off interceptors and other light tackle.

Interceptors lost their innate interdiction nullification when the interdiction nullifier modules were introduced on 2021-05-18. In turn they gained the ability to fit those. [1]

  • Manual piloting
  • Advanced piloting techniques
  • Small Gang Archetype: Light-Tackle A video guide made by Chessur in 2015. Be aware that some modules in his fits have been reworked and some UI changes happened. Otherwise the video still applies.
  • ^ Patch notes and news post for the changes to nullification.

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  1. Fit: Ares, Travel Ares by Varg Wardruna

    Material related to EVE-Online is used with limited permission of CCP Games hf by using official Toolkit. No official affiliation or endorsement by CCP Games hf is stated or implied.

  2. Travel fits

    Travel fits There are three fundamentally different possible goals in fitting a ship specifically for travel: speed, tank, or safety. Each has pros and cons associated with them. In some situations, cargo space permitting, it may be beneficial to carry fittings for all three and swap depending on what you expect to find along your route of travel.

  3. Travel Interceptors [Brave Collective]

    Travel Interceptors are among the most common methods of moving characters from place to place, and are easily one of the most useful types of ships you can have in nullsec. They're fast, ignore bubbles, and can only be caught by a skilled player with a specialized ship and fit. These ships have a ton of other potential uses as well including ...

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    Hi, I'm planning to fit a ship for fast and secure travelling new eden. (without the need to be constantly checking d-scan, galaxy map with kills in system, 5 external sites, etc.) I don't want to do any hauling whatsoever and I know I will loose ships, so cheap fitting is prefered. As I don't do PvP I'm missing the knowledge of how exactly lowsec/nullsec ganks happen (allthough i read ...

  6. Ares

    The Ares previously held the title of Fastest Fleet Inty, but post-Rubicon this is no longer the case. The Ares shares a 4/3/3 slot layout with the Malediction, allowing it to fit a good speed fit, only slightly slower than the Malediction's.

  7. Search through our fitting database!

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  8. Interceptors

    The Ares can be fitted in a similar way as the Malediction, but its base speed is significantly lower, it has less armor buffer, and it lacks the armor resist bonus that makes the Malediction particularly tough. The low align time of the Ares does make it a popular travel interceptor, though.

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    Since i won 100mil isk i'm buying an ares and trying to fit it according to a battleclinic fit. If you have improvements, post them below. I got it to homebase safely.

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  12. Ares tackle fit

    EVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you fight, trade, form corporations and alliances with other players.

  13. Home

    Seen the EVE Workbench Family ad during Alliance Tournament? More information here... Browse all (Alpha + Omega) fits Browse all Alpha suitable fits Browse all fleets

  14. Nomadic Orca Fit : r/fittings

    With a ship maintenance bay of 400,000 mĀ³ the orca can carry a Battlecruiser and multiple smaller support ships. But always consider the total worth of what your orca carries. You shouldn't exceed 2-3 billion here, otherwise you become a worthwhile target for ganking. As a fit you have to choose between tank and travel speed.

  15. Question on travel fits for null sec : r/Eve

    Question on travel fits for null sec Returning after a couple years and finding that all of my null sec travel fit interceptors are getting insta locked. That used to require multiple remote sebos etc. Now it seems a single ship can lock and scram a fast aligning interceptor.