journey practitioner ausbildung

  •   Make a positive impact on people's lives: As a Journey Practitioner, you have the opportunity to help others heal from physical ailments, mental anguish, and emotional distress, and support them in uncovering their true potential and awakening to their true essence.
  • Work from home: The Journey Practitioner Program offers a flexible option for those who prefer to work from home, allowing you to create your own schedule and work part-time or full-time.
  • Experience profound personal growth and transformation: T he training program is designed to not only teach you how to be a Journey Practitioner but also to undergo personal transformation yourself. You'll be able to use the techniques for your own healing and growth, making it a deeply fulfilling and rewarding experience.
  • Join a growing industry: The wellness industry is rapidly growing as more and more people seek ways to improve their mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing. Becoming a Journey Practitioner allows you to be part of this growing trend and provide a unique and powerful modality to help people.
  • Expand your existing practice: If you're already a therapist, coach, or wellness practitioner, the Journey Practitioner Program can help you expand your existing practice and add a powerful tool to your toolbox. Journeywork can act as a catalyst or amplifier, making your existing work even more effective as clients remove underlying blockages to their healing and transformation.

journey practitioner ausbildung

"Brandon Bays offers her wisdom and inspirational insights into what is probably the most important issue in our lives: How to open to abundance on all levels and remove the barriers that we carry unnecessarily and often unknowingly."

"Brandon’s inspiring story is proof of the healing power that exists within every individual."

  "Brandon Bays is a remarkable soul, and her story of healing and reconciliation is a testament to the capabilities of human beings. (Read her book and be inspired to take your own journey of healing!)"  

  "Brandon Bays offers her wisdom and inspirational insights into what is probably the most important issue in our lives: How to open to abundance on all levels and remove the barriers that we carry unnecessarily and often unknowingly."  

  "Brandon’s inspiring story is proof of the healing power that exists within every individual."  

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What exactly is THE JOURNEY?

THE JOURNEY is an inner journey to the consciousness of the cells, which helps to release blockages, traumas or buried experiences in a very light, caring, respectful and even playful way.

Who is THE JOURNEY for?

THE JOURNEY is for everybody – grown-ups (no age limit) and children (from 5 years old).

What literature is there?

Brandon Bays, the founder of THE JOURNEY, has written various books and released DVDs. See INFO-material for more details.

Where can I find a Journey Practitioner in my area?

The list of accredited Journey Practitioners Switzerland can be found  here… For a list of European and worldwide practitioners:

How long does a session take?

A session can take anywhere between 1 1/2 – 2 hours. Sometimes a bit longer or shorter, depending on the moment and the individual (issue).

How many sessions will I need? What do you recommend?

The number of sessions depends on the issue and the progress of each Journey-process. It is recommended to have three sessions for deep results. However, we suggest that the best approach is to talk to a Journey Practitioner of your choice and discuss the options with them. There are some  English-speaking Journey Practitioners.

How much is a session?

For relevant rates per hour please see the homepage or ask for a personal call/conversation with a Journey Practitioner of your choice. The rates may vary slightly, depending on the additional training or experience of each Journey Practitioner.

Where can I receive training in THE JOURNEY?

The foundation course is the two day Journey Intensive Seminar.  Dates see here…. Following the Journey Intensive, there are a series of seminars, a total of seven modules. Most of the seminars take place in the UK, Germany and the Netherlands (worldwide schedule also available).

Further Information about the Journey-Practitioner-Training Should you envision an official accreditation from Brandon Bays, you would then have to complete -48- case studies and submit them to THE JOURNEY offices in the UK for assessment.

Is THE JOURNEY linked to a certain belief?

No, THE JOURNEY is open to any belief, is free of any religion and is not a sect. THE JOURNEY is consciousness work suitable for all people, from all walks of life.

Do I need to pay attention to anything when I go to a session?

Please ensure that you allow enough time for the session. This includes time after your session for the important integration of your process. We recommend that you honour your process and yourself by ensuring that you rest after your session.

Are there any specific reactions after a session?

This varies from person to person. It may happen, that the body releases toxins as a self-healing process is under way. You may or may not experience headaches or physical aches in the body. Therefore it is advisable to drink plenty of still water before and following your session. In addition, other emotions may surface, you may dream more than usual and/or old memories may arise as a result of the process. These are normal reactions however should you have any concerns please feel free to discuss these with your Journey Practitioner.

Are Journey sessions paid for by health insurance?

No. At the moment sessions ar not refunded by any health insurances.

Can I do a Journey process for myself after a session?

It is possible to do a Journey-process yourself on your own. There are instructions in the book «THE JOURNEY – A Practical Guide to Healing your Life and Setting Yourself Free» (the expanded and revised edition, published 2012, is recommended.)

However, since our mind often likes to be in control, it is sometimes easier and more beneficial to have a process facilitated by a Journey Practitioner. Certain parts of the Journey-work can easily be integrated into your daily life – for example, becoming more aware of your body and your emotions and allowing yourself to be present to these.



The journey, practitioner.

Having experienced for yourself the power of transformation with The Journey, you’re in the perfect position to build an abundant business with truth, joy and love.

You transform every aspect of your own life – emotionally, physically, spiritually – and help others to achieve the same.

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Journey Intensive & Advanced

Break through any life challenge during this dynamic, inspiring course jam-packed with countless insights, powerful tools and process work pioneered by Brandon Bays.

The Journey Intensive with Brandon Bays has been carefully designed to reveal your full inner potential and help you discover how to harness your body’s own extraordinary healing power.

Using the deeply transforming process work using The Journey Method, you’ll feel free to enjoy more peace of mind, experience greater joy of being, feel whole and fulfilled in yourself, and begin to live from your deepest potential of love, not fear.

J ourney Intensive & Advanced Skills

When you attend the journey intensive you will….

  • Go where no meditation, positive mindset or healthy lifestyle has been able to take you:   to the infinite intelligence inside you!
  • Understand why and how your emotions have a significant  impact on your health
  • ​Experience  deep joy, fulfilment and freedom by clearing out the residue of old emotional wounds and traumas
  • ​Stop ‘looping’ in our negative self-talk and old stories of hurt, criticism or judgement
  • ​Learn how to truly forgive others, yourself, life… and  discover the real peace inside
  • ​Develop a lifelong set of skills to get to the root cause of your issues and resolve them
  • ​Release your past traumas and access  your body’s profound natural healing capacity
  • ​Realize and genuinely appreciate the gifts and blessings you already have in life

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Conscious Abundance Retreat

Clear your hidden limitations and manifest true abundance in all areas of your life.

During this 2 ½ day retreat you’ll uncover the beliefs, fears and unconscious programming that have held you back in life.

Financially. In your career, your health, your creativity and your relationships.

Offering you a unique insight into a deeper truth, revealing how until now you’ve been living with one foot on the gas pedal and the other on the brake.

journey practitioner ausbildung

When you attend the Conscious Abundance Retreat you will…

  • Expose and clear the mistaken beliefs that have sabotaged abundance in your life
  • Fulfil your potential to manifest abundance effortlessly, in all areas of your life
  • Discover your heart’s deepest desire and envision a brand new, more fulfilling life
  • Brainstorm a dynamic action plan that gives you practical ways to encourage abundance to flourish in your life
  • Experience new found freedom and finally release the creative genius that resides within you
  • Leave soaring in your true potential, ready to effortlessly draw abundance into all areas of your life: health, creativity, financial wellbeing and relationships

Nurturing, Joyous and Deeply liberating

Once your personal blocks have been revealed, you’ll experience a liberating, deep spring-clean of all the   self-denying   patterns buried deep inside you and gain a profound and deep gratitude for all that you already have in your life

Your Conscious Abundance Retreat will leave you with a lifelong understanding of how to effortlessly and congruently manifest more of everything you truly desire.

What previous graduates say about the Conscious Abundance Retreat:

“My whole life is so much more effortless and joyful”

The prayers and intentions I put out for seemed to just pop into my life quite miraculously after the Conscious Abundance event, but that wasn’t even the most powerful part. The greatest gift that I’ve received from the event is a whole new way of living, and being – by utilizing the power of manifestation and intention my whole life is so much more effortless and joyful.

“My ‘manifestation list’ came true within one year!”

Everything I put on my ‘manifestation list’ during the retreat came true within one year! And these were not small things! I moved into my own house and manifested my husband in that time. Such a blessing and so grateful!

journey practitioner ausbildung

Healing with Conscious Communication

Wake up to the deep healing and life transforming power of conscious communication

Discover how your limited perceptions, old conditioning and unconscious communication can compromise your daily life experience, and learn elegant and startlingly effective techniques and process work that will heal and transform – your life and others’

During the 2 ½ day retreat you will transform your ability to communicate and heal as you experience dynamic and powerful process work. By gaining access to your deepest self, you’ll begin to communicate consciously and elegantly.

This will help you facilitate profound healing and transformation within yourself and others.

When you attend the Healing with Conscious Communication Retreat you will…

  • Experience the profound effect of communication on your own emotions, behavior and your body’s ability to heal
  • Get into conscious rapport with your clients – and use language patterns that free and heal
  • Find out how to work with phobias and pain management, deal with conflicting beliefs, unhealthy vows and promises, and liberate yourself from unhealthy behaviors and self-sabotage
  • Work from absolute truth, with the language of empowerment, in an atmosphere of grace

journey practitioner ausbildung

“This workshop inspired me to stretch myself to the limits and beyond”

I really recommend this workshop to anyone who has ever questioned why they, or their life, is the way it is. It’s simple, it’s profound and these simple steps have truly been instrumental in changing my outlook and inspired me to stretch myself to the limits and beyond.

“It will forever transform the quality and depth of your communication”

If you get a chance to go to “HCC” I recommend it with all my heart. Kevin’s unique style of presentation is so beautiful – you bask in a warm presence of love and his wry and entertaining sense of humour brings such a lovely joy to this powerful seminar. It’s highly interactive, packed with amazing and transformative process work and it really is a blast! I use the powerful skills he teaches every single day. They are so simple yet so profound. It will forever transform the quality and depth of your communication. If you can make it, be there – you’ll love it.

journey practitioner ausbildung

The No Ego Retreat

Liberate your life from the lie of the ego and live in unbridled freedom

Dive deeply into the blaze of Truth, exposing painful patterns that have constructed your ‘game’, revealing the controlling behaviours that have run your life until now.

This 8-day retreat is not for the faint hearted, nor for those with a passing interest in freedom.

During this, our most powerful retreat you’ll undergo life changing process work.

And when the fire of truth burns through the lies, penetrates the traps and exposes the ingrained core fixation patterns you’ve mistaken as your real self, the scaffolding of your ego falls away – Leaving you with ultimate freedom.

When you attend the No Ego Retreat you will…

  • Discover how you set up your whole personality and the games you’ve played
  • Find compassion for the way we all run our ego trips
  • Liberate yourself from the false identity you have bought into and lived in
  • Expose and clear the patterns and traps that have created so much separation and pain in your life
  • Spend each day experiencing truly liberating, freeing and life-changing process work
  • Ultimately shatter your illusory identity and reveal the liberation of your true self.
  • Leave feeling truly real, soaring in the magnificence of unbounded freedom

journey practitioner ausbildung

No Ego Coaching

During this Coaching support program, you will integrate the radical changes you underwent at the No Ego Retreat, become even clearer about your core fixation – including its implications, avoidances, needs, drivers and traps! Plus, you’ll understand even more deeply the power of the Enneagram model to help you see through the games of the ego.

journey practitioner ausbildung

Life Transformation Week

Evolve from student to master and become a healing expression of grace

Go from beginner to magician, as you dive into the in-depth work and become a living expression of Grace, catalysing healing on every level for yourself and with everyone you touch.

During this 8-day retreat Brandon Bays will reveal the in-depth techniques needed to create your own designer process, you’ll work energetically at the deepest level of consciousness.

You’ll learn to facilitate The Journey from a place of stillness and Source, letting grace be your guide as you gain an exquisite set of skills to help you work with others fluidly and with grace – from your soul to theirs

journey practitioner ausbildung

With designer skills now part of your DNA, when you attend Life Transformation you will…

  • Throw away the formula and let grace guide you spontaneously and intuitively, with true artistry
  • Feel confident working with a wide array of specific issues including sexual blocks, addictions, abuse, rape, illnesses, obsessions, relationship issues, depression and more
  • Elicit and reveal the real core issues underneath the surface story
  • Experience a Life’s Purpose Process and uncover your soul’s reason for being in physical form

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Are you ready to continue your Journey?

For more information and to inquire about instalment options for the Journey Practitioner or Personal Transformation Programme,

please email:  [email protected]  or call  +44 1656 890400

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Journey Practitioner Deutschland & Österreich

Für die unterschiedlichen Themenbereiche deines Lebens gibt es verschiedene Journey-Prozesse.

Die emotionale Reise

Wie der Namen schon sagt, gehst du bei dieser Reise durch deine unterschiedlichen Gefühlsschichten. Anders als du es vielleicht bisher gelernt hast, drückst du hierbei die Gefühle nicht weg, sondern öffnest dich ihnen. Schon nach kurzer Zeit ändert sich das Gefühl und eine neue Gefühlsschicht taucht auf. Auf dem Weg durch die emotionalen Ebenen taucht dann auch das Thema auf, das du in diesem Prozess bearbeiten wirst.

Die Körperreise

Dieser Prozess ist eine geführte Reise in den eigenen Körper hinein. Unsere Themen, Überzeugungen und Blockaden sind in unseren Zellen gespeichert. Die Körperreise führt dich direkt in den Bereich des Körpers, in dem das zu bearbeitende Thema gespeichert ist. Dort zeigt sich das Thema, so dass es bearbeitet und aufgelöst werden kann.

Der Designer Prozess

Der Designer Prozess ist eine Kombination aus emotionaler und Körperreise ergänzt durch eine Reihe weiterer sehr wirkungsvoller Werkzeuge. Mit diesem Prozess wird dein Thema sehr umfassend und von unterschiedlichen Seiten bearbeitet und gelöst.

Der Fülle Prozess

Im Fülle Prozess geht es um die Fülle in deinem Leben. Wo begrenzt du dich? Wo kannst du Fülle in deinem Leben nicht oder nur bedingt zulassen?

Es geht hierbei um alle Arten von Fülle im Leben – in Partnerschaft und Beziehungen Beruf und Karriere Geld und Materiellem Spiritualität und Lebensfreude. In diesem speziell auf Fülle-Themen ausgerichteten Prozess deckst du die inneren Saboteure und Blockaden auf, die dich an der Fülle hindern und löst diese auf.

Und – überlege dir gut, was du dir wünschst, es könnte schneller in dein Leben treten, als du es dir vorstellen kannst 🙂

Der No-Ego Prozess

Aufgrund von fehlerhaften Annahmen darüber, wie das Leben ist und funktioniert, hat dein Verstand sich Strategien überlegt, wie er mit diesem schwierigen Leben umgehen muss. Er hat ein Ich-Bewusstsein, ein Ego, erschaffen und sich damit so sehr identifiziert, dass du inzwischen nicht einmal mehr merkst, in welchem „Hamsterrad“ des Lebens du ständig läufst und wieviel Energie du dabei unnötig verbrauchst.

Der No-Ego Prozess deckt diese fehlerhaften Annahmen und Ego-Spiele / Ego-Strategien auf und befreit dich von dem unterbewussten Kernantrieb, der darunter verborgen liegt. Ein hohes Maß an innerer Freiheit und Gelöstheit ist die Folge.

Der Lebenssinn Prozess

Im Lebenssinn Prozess reist du in der Zeit zurück bis in den Moment vor deiner Zeugung. Dir wird enthüllt, mit welchem Lebenssinn deine Seele hier in diese physische Form gekommen ist. Zugleich wirst du erkennen, wann du dir selbst und deinem Lebenssinn im Weg gestanden und seine Erfüllung blockiert hast und warum. Das Auflösen dieser Blockaden führt zu einer neuen Öffnung in deinen Lebenssinn hinein und gibt dir die Chance, wieder näher zu dir selbst zu kommen, wieder „in Fluß“ zu kommen.

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Why become an aura-soma practitioner.

Thousands of passionate Aura-Soma practitioners, distributors, teachers and students exist around the globe, in over 40 countries. As more and more people are discovering our incredible range of  wellness products, this is only set to grow. Why not join us?

Aura-Soma is for those who would like to become part of our vision to create conscious change on the planet, by enabling people to be the best version of themselves. Becoming an Aura-Soma practitioner is of immense benefit to your personal growth in terms of what you are able to share with others and how you are able to trust that which is within yourself; the most sacred and profound.


The main role of a practitioner is to act as an ambassador for Aura-Soma in your home country. One of your main activities will be to hold personal consultations for those who use, or would like to use, Aura-Soma on their path of consciousness and wellness. During a consultation, you will guide people through a completely customised self-selection of the Equilibrium bottles . You will encourage people to trust their intuition, and discover that the colours they are drawn to are the colours they need. Together, you will review their chosen colours and explore their meanings in the context and depth of their own journey to discover which of our products are best suited to help build and maintain happiness and vitality in their everyday life.


Aura-Soma colour education supports people who want to work more deeply with colour for their own self-care, as well as healing arts practitioners and teachers who want to bring the power of colour into their work with others.

Our colour education, practitioner and teacher training courses are presented through the independent certifying organisation: The Aura-Soma Academy. We welcome you to apply for training to become an accredited Aura‑Soma Practitioner. To do this, you will need to create an Aura-Soma account . Once you have done this, you can view practitioner courses that are local to you. The practitioner training is a three-part programme, with each course lasting four days. In order to assimilate the information provided during the courses, students must take 30 days for reflection and simulation between each one. 

journey practitioner ausbildung


The initial step on the 3‑stage journey to becoming an Aura‑Soma practitioner. The Level 1 foundation course represents a starting point for all those that are looking to trust their intuition and access a better understanding of themselves. It allows you to support not only your own wellness journey but also to support others to be the best versions of themselves. During the 4 days you will cover: The principles of Aura‑Soma as a non‑intrusive, self‑selected, soul therapy. Colour Theory: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary colours, Complementary colours, Hidden colours. An introduction to the three stars in the Subtle Anatomy. The visible spectrum and the chakras. The Consultation Process: The Colour Code of the Soul through time and the significance of the position of each bottle in the Equilibrium selection. Demonstration and practical work with the aura and subtle energies, as well as interpreting the Equilibrium selection.

journey practitioner ausbildung


The second step on the 3‑stage journey to becoming an Aura‑Soma practitioner. The Level 2 Intermediate course allows you to gain a deeper understanding of Colour and consciousness in relation to The Law of Three and the inherited tendencies and their gifts and to make connections between the Aura‑Soma colour system and other wisdom traditions such as Buddhism and Numerology. During the 4 days you will cover: An exploration of the 5 levels of colour –symbolic, spiritual, mental, emotional and energetic. The Primaries within all colours and the Three Tendencies. The Law of Three – Subtle Anatomy. Equilibrium and Numerology. Quintessences: further information on the Master energies. Colour Breathing. Uses of gems within the Aura‑Soma system.

journey practitioner ausbildung


The final step on the 3‑stage journey to becoming an Aura‑Soma practitioner. The Level 3 advanced course allows you to explore the deeper aspects of colour theory through the Master sequence, developing a fuller understanding of the Subtle Anatomy of Man from an Aura‑Soma perspective. It will also nurture consultation skills through practical participation; developing the connections between colour and consciousness to help your intuition connect to Equilibrium in a deeper way. During the 4 days you will cover: Colour theory and the Subtle Anatomy in relation to consciousness evolution as revealed by the unfolding sequence of the Master bottles. Consultation skills through awareness of the consultant, client and observer roles. Completion of this course will allow you to register as an Aura‑Soma practitioner. In order to assimilate the information provided during the courses a 30 day break between each level is required.

journey practitioner ausbildung


This course is of immense benefit both in relation to personal growth in terms of what you are able to share with others and how you are able to trust that which is within yourself; the most sacred and profound. During the course you will transcend from listening to being, develop a deepening intimacy with your Star, the very essence of who you are and take another step closer to being more authentic from where you currently are. This course is highly recommended as part of the Practitioner training or can be taken as a Practitioner Renewal on completion of the three Practitioner training courses.

Mike Booth Principal of the Aura-Soma Academy and Chairman of Aura-Soma


Aura‑Soma was created by Vicky Wall in 1983. This powerful colour system was entrusted to Mike Booth upon Vicky’s passing in 1991. Mike is the Principal of the Aura‑Soma Academy and is dedicated to expanding awareness and education on the benefits of colour in relation to consciousness and wellbeing. Mike presents courses internationally throughout the year and the possibility to experience Aura‑Soma with him is one not to be missed.

Dev Aura retreat center in Lincolnshire UK


For over 30 years, hundreds of thousands of people across more than 90 countries have been drawn to use Aura‑Soma. We welcome those that would like to become part of creating more conscious individuals, communities and organisations'

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Advanced Pharmacology Course for Nurse Practitioners

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Accelerate your NP journey with our Advanced Pharmacology courses ! Delve into vital content over two 10-week quarters: NS 225A Advanced Pharmacology I (Fall 2024) and NS 225B Advanced Pharmacology II (Winter 2025). Fulfill California BRN requirements and gain CS II privileges. Elevate your expertise at UCI Sue and Bill Gross School of Nursing.

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Leave a comment cancel reply, contact us.

Address Sue & Bill Gross Nursing & Health Sciences Hall 854 Health Sciences Road Irvine, CA 92697

Hours Monday – Friday 9:00AM to 4:30PM

Fill Contact Form Call:  949-824-1514


  1. Ausbildung zum JP

    Ausbildung zum akkreditierten Journey Practitioner. Das Ausbildungsprogramm zum Journey Practitioner umfasst verschiedene Module, die aufeinander aufbauen. Das Programm wird in Europa (Deutschland), Amerika, Australien und Südafrika aktuell online angeboten. Für die Anerkennung als akkreditierter Journey Practitioner ist es erforderlich, im ...

  2. Journey Practitioner

    Ein akkreditierter Practitioner hat die komplette Ausbildung absolviert und erfolgreich seine 49 Fallstudien eingereicht. Seine Akkreditierung durch The Journey ist unbefristet gültig und erlaubt ihm, professionell auch gegen Entgelt mit der Methode The Journey zu werben und in Einzelsitzungen zu arbeiten.

  3. The Official Journey Practitioner Directory

    Find the right Journey Practitioner for you. Search by language, online or offline and specialisation.

  4. Journey Practitioner Mastery / Seminars

    Journey Practitioner Mastery. Ideal for maintaining your 'Recommended Status' as a Journey Practitioner, this course brings you up to date with current teachings, methods and insights. Experience the elegant teachings from the inside out and gain true mastery as a Practitioner.. . The Journey is a globally recognized, critically acclaimed healing and transformational methodology.

  5. Home

    Bei den hier aufgeführten Journey-Therapeuten Schweiz handelt es sich um einen Verein unabhängig arbeitender Journey Practitioner, welche von Brandon Bays, der Gründerin von THE JOURNEY, persönlich ausgebildet und akkreditiert worden sind, oder noch in Ausbildung stehen. Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spass beim Stöbern auf unserer Homepage!

  6. The Business of Being a Journey Practitioner Registration

    Brandon Bays is an American author and speaker who developed The Journey, a personal development and healing modality. Her own story began in the early 1990s when she was diagnosed with a basketball-sized tumor in her uterus. Despite being a natural health practitioner and motivational speaker, she struggled with the fact that she herself was ...

  7. Journey Practitioner Mastery

    DEVELOP true mastery as a Journey Practitioner. Dive deeply into satsang with Brandon and learn the magical skills that turn a Journey Practitioner into a Master Practitioner. Discover how to let go of all formulas and be a sublimely elegant facilitator of graceful transformation and healing. Clear your remaining subtle and unnoticed hooks and ...

  8. Unser Verband

    Unser Ziel ist es, Journey Practitioner in Deutschland zusammenzuschließen und zu vernetzen und die Mitglieder in der Anwendung und Ausübung der Journey-Arbeit zu unterstützen. Auch wollen wir den Bekanntheitsgrad der Journey Practitioner in Deutschland erhöhen und ihnen eine gemeinsame Stimme nach außen geben. Wir bieten Supervisions- und ...

  9. Journey Practitioner Deutschland

    Practitioner (JP) in Ihrer Nähe… Zum Vergrößern einzelner Regionen in der Karte entweder mit dem Mausrad einstellen oder auf die +- Schaltfläche klicken. Erläuterungen über die Ausbildung zum Practitioner und die unterschiedlichen Status finden Sie hier….

  10. FAQ en

    THE JOURNEY is an inner journey to the consciousness of the cells, which helps to release blockages, traumas or buried experiences in a very light, caring, ... Events; Practitioners. Verzeichnis akkreditierte Journey Practitioner; Verzeichnis Practitioner in Ausbildung; Über uns; FAQ; Partner; Intern; Blog; FAQ en. FAQ German. ... The list of ...

  11. Journey Practitioner Program

    Conscious Abundance Retreat. Clear your hidden limitations and manifest true abundance in all areas of your life. During this 2 ½ day retreat you'll uncover the beliefs, fears and unconscious programming that have held you back in life. Financially. In your career, your health, your creativity and your relationships.

  12. Journey Prozesse

    Geld und Materiellem. Spiritualität und Lebensfreude. In diesem speziell auf Fülle-Themen ausgerichteten Prozess deckst du die inneren Saboteure und Blockaden auf, die dich an der Fülle hindern und löst diese auf. Und - überlege dir gut, was du dir wünschst, es könnte schneller in dein Leben treten, als du es dir vorstellen kannst 🙂.

  13. GERMAN Sales Page Journey Practitioner Mastery

    Der Journey Practitioner Mastery Kurs ist der schnellste Weg, deinen empfohlenen Practitioner-Status zu aktualisieren und zu profitieren von: check_circle. Empfehlungen aus unserem Büro: Wenn Anfragen für Einzelarbeit an uns herangetragen werden, verweisen wir nur auf empfohlene Practitioner.

  14. Become an Aura-Soma Practitioner

    The second step on the 3‑stage journey to becoming an Aura‑Soma practitioner. The Level 2 Intermediate course allows you to gain a deeper understanding of Colour and consciousness in relation to The Law of Three and the inherited tendencies and their gifts and to make connections between the Aura‑Soma colour system and other wisdom traditions such as Buddhism and Numerology.

  15. The Journey Practitioner Business Opportunity

    Practitioner Business Training. (VALUE: 497€) Brand, market and sell your services easily and authentically. With the help of personal brand expert and business growth specialist Daniel Wagner, you will learn how to connect with your community and develop your own unique healing and coaching practice.

  16. About Us

    How to use the Journey Practitioner Directory. 1. Search Journey Practitioners. Use our website to search Journey Practitioners by how they offer their work (online/in person/both), by the language they offer their service (select from a dropdown menu) or by location if you want to see them in person. You can also search by specialisation.

  17. Arnold Timmerman / Seminarleitung / The Journey

    Netherlands born ('71) Arnold Timmerman completed his Journey Practitioner Program in 2004. He then joined Brandon Bays fulltime to facilitate seminars and retreats around the world. In 2008 he was asked to start presenting Journey seminars and retreats in Europe, North America and Israel. He also started to co-create and present Visionary ...

  18. Journey Practitioners

    As a Journey Practitioner, I bring 20 years of working with Counselling and Lifecoaching clients, and now life changing Journey processes to work with you. Melbourne, Victoria, 3765, Australia. View Listing. Send Message. Show Phone Number Call: +10429485475. Iva Kratochvilova

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    The Official Journey Practitioner Directory. Find the right Journey Practitioner for you. Search by location, language, specialisation or session type.

  20. Journey Practitioner Program

    please email: [email protected] or call +44 1656 890400. Journey Practitioner Program. . The Journey is a globally recognized, critically acclaimed healing and transformational methodology. It works fast to awaken you to your limitless potential - so you can achieve success in every area of your life.

  21. Biodynamic Breathwork Trauma Release System

    The Biodynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System is a spiritual and physical growth process focused on creating space and relaxation in the body. It touches six different access points into the mind-body-spirit, using Eastern and Western wisdom and techniques, ancient practices, and cutting-edge science. This revolutionary healing modality ...

  22. Advanced Pharmacology Course for Nurse Practitioners

    Accelerate your NP journey with our Advanced Pharmacology courses! Delve into vital content over two 10-week quarters: NS 225A Advanced Pharmacology I (Fall 2024) and NS 225B Advanced Pharmacology II (Winter 2025). Fulfill California BRN requirements and gain CS II privileges. Elevate your expertise at UCI Sue and Bill Gross School of Nursing ...