
9 Days Okinawa Itinerary around Main Island: All Corners Covered (Part 1)

Deep blue sea, white fluffy clouds and awesome great views every day! That’s how I would describe Okinawa. I’ve had a wonderful 9-day stay in the sunny Japanese island and would like to share with you my 9 Days Okinawa Itinerary . You’ll see me visiting tourist attractions as well as places off the tourist map.

9 Days Okinawa Itinerary

My 9 days in Okinawa were so fulfilling. There was not a single day when I wasn’t wowed by what I saw or did. From snorkel-friendly beaches and rustic castle ruins to tumbling waterfalls and spectacular cape views, it was a daily feast for my eyes and other senses. I was having a blast every day, sans biting heat from the sun.

Today’s post is a summary of the things I did or visited in Okinawa on Day 1 to 4. Once you are done, don’t forget to check out Part 2 (Day 5 to Day 9) . In both posts, you can find links to the day-by-day account where I share extra info, map locations and tips. 

> MUST-READ: 25 Things to buy in Japan that are Inexpensive & Loved by Locals

Okinawa Trip: Our Travelling Profile

Before I begin, let me share our traveling profile and preference. We traveled to Okinawa in June-July as a couple and are city dwellers who crave nature, adventure and good food. Overly-touristy stuff isn’t exactly our thing and we wouldn’t mind missing some of these places if we have to.

We only travel on free and easy unless there is no such options available in the destination! You can read more about my traveling preference here. This 9 Days Okinawa itinerary is a self-drive trip around Okinawa Main Island.

If you find that your traveling style is similar to ours, read on and check out our fun-filled 9 days Okinawa Itinerary.

> MUST-READ: 18 Important Things To Know Before Visiting Okinawa


Good morning, Okinawa! We landed in Naha Airport early morning via an overnight Jetstar flight from Singapore. An OTS representative standing near the exit of the small airport guided us to a bus bay located outside the airport. From there, we boarded a bus that took us to OTS Rent-a-Car Office .

TIP : In Okinawa, prices can vary significantly between high and low seasons. You can view live rates on car rental here.

After collecting our pre-booked car, we made our way to Itoman Farmer’s Market and Itoman Fish Market  which were located side by side. What an enjoyable first breakfast in Okinawa where we feasted on fresh sashimi, sushi and other delectable seafood.

9 Days Okinawa Itinerary

Learn the History of Okinawa

With a happy stomach, we proceeded to the first tourist attraction of the day – Himeyuri Peace Museum . It was a good place to learn the tragic history of Okinawa during WW2 though knowledge was acquired mainly by reading off panels.

Next, we moved on to another historical site – Former Japanese Navy Underground Headquarters . It was a restored tunnel where many Japanese soldiers committed seppuku (suicide via self-disembowelment) instead of surrendering during WWII.

9 Days Okinawa Itinerary

After the history lessons, it was time for us to check into  Mr Kinjo in Mihara – our hotel for the next three nights. We changed out of our heat-retaining “flight attire” and got into more comfortable summer wear. This island was hot, man!

> ALSO SEE: 11 Tips You Need To Know When Choosing A Hotel In Okinawa

An Evening in Naha, Okinawa

Our first evening in Okinawa was spent strolling along Tsuboya Odori Pottery Street , a 300m street characterized by stone-paved roads and flanked by quaint little shops selling pottery wares. Although we were not into pottery, we found this picturesque street charming. It makes a lovely spot for a relaxing stroll.

View this post on Instagram A stone-paved street in Naha that are lined with shops selling pottery. You don't have to be a pottery-lover to enjoy a stroll along this quaint and picturesque street. . . . #naha #okinawa #Japan #okinawajapan #loves_okinawa #沖縄旅行 #visitJapan #ilovejapan #NicoleCravesJapan #NicoleCravesOkinawa A post shared by myBeautyCravings (@mybeautycravings) on Jul 23, 2018 at 10:11pm PDT

Soon, we arrived at Kokusai Dori Shopping Street , presumably the most popular and touristy street in Okinawa where you can get souvenirs, food, beauty products and more. A short walk brought us to  First Makishi Market , which was a sheltered alley of mini-shops selling an assortment of stuff – from toiletries, souvenirs and food. Unfortunately, the seafood section was closed by the time we arrived (5pm).

Okinawa Pocket Itinerary (Cover-S)


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We found dinner at a steakhouse along Kokusai Dori Shopping Street. Thereafter, we proceeded to a dessert outlet where we indulged in a really addictive ‘Blue Seal’ ice cream  before calling it a day. It was a really long day for us, considering how little we’d slept on the overnight flight!

Read Day 1 Travelogue: 

  • Day 1 (Part 1): How to Rent a Car in Okinawa (Plus Visit Itoman Fish & Farmers Market)
  • Day 1 (Part 2) – Himeyuri Peace Museum, Former Japanese Navy HQ, Tsuboya Pottery & Kokusai Dori Streets


On our second day in Okinawa, we overslept and had to settle for a quick breakfast at a nearby MOS Burger outlet. By the time we reached our first destination for the day, it was half past noon. That’s late considering how early the sun rose during this time of the year, at 5.30am.

Seifa Utaki is located in the South-eastern part of Okinawa and is a World Heritage Site that used to serve as an important place of worship. Here, you’ll see towering rock formations and sea view in a rather small area that can be completed within an hour.

View this post on Instagram Arrived at this sacred site in south-eastern Okinawa. Sefa Utaki is a World Heritage Site that used to serve as an important place of worship. You'll see towering rock formations and beautiful sea view. . . . #okinawa #Japan #NicoleCravesJapan #NicoleCravesOkinawa #okinawajapan #loves_okinawa #沖縄 #沖縄旅行 A post shared by myBeautyCravings (@mybeautycravings) on Jul 18, 2018 at 3:39am PDT

Next destination was Cape Chinen . Although we drove there, it was within easy walking distance from Seifa Utaki. Cape Chinen was such a gorgeous landscape offering almost 360 degrees view of the ocean. As if the view wasn’t great enough, colorful hang-gliders flew past us every few minutes and decorated the already mesmerizing blue sky.

9 Days Okinawa Itinerary

Lunch at Ouijima Island

Lunch was at Oujima Island which was connected to Okinawa main island. The first thing that caught our eyes were kids happily jumping off a jetty located beside a fish market. They were having great fun.

We entered the small and unassuming  Oujimaimaiyu Fish market  to find many stalls already closed for the day (2pm). That didn’t pose a big issue as the sashimi platter and burger we ordered from the remaining stalls were good enough. Very delicious actually!

9 Days Okinawa Itinerary

Southern Coast of Okinawa

Gushikawa Castle was a castle ruin off the tourist map because it wasn’t very impressive, to be honest. Our business of being there was to hike down to the beach, explore a nearby cave and snorkel in a natural pool. We were shocked when we stepped into the ocean water. It was hot and I thought I just stepped into a boundless ocean onsen. I don’t recommend you making a special trip here unless you want to experience submerging in warm ocean water.

View this post on Instagram Hiked down steep and rocky path from Gushikawa Castle. This is probably the hottest ocean water I've ever stepped foot into – it's like a huge boundless onsen. We're heading towards a nearby cave and snorkeling pool. . . . #okinawa #Japan #snorkeling #cave #NicoleCravesJapan #NicoleCravesOkinawa A post shared by myBeautyCravings (@mybeautycravings) on Jul 12, 2018 at 10:58pm PDT

Cape Kyan was just a short drive away. The deep blue water was truly impressive and the white peace monument gave the blue sky a beautiful contrast. A lighthouse was also within sight.

9 Days Okinawa Itinerary

The last wet activity of the day was to snorkel at a beach (大度浜海岸) located on the southern coastline of Okinawa. I can’t find an English name for it, but you can pronounce it as ‘Da Du Bin’ beach (coined by me, not an official name). At Da Du Bin Beach, we saw small fishes in shallow and warmer-than-usual sea water (not as hot as the beach at Gushikawa Castle). The further we swam out, the more colorful the fishes were. Unfortunately, the corals here appeared to be in a bad condition (dying).

GREAT SAVINGS : This Okinawa Churaumi TokuToku 5 Pass gives you access to 15 popular attractions, including Churaumi Aquarium. You can use it at a relaxing pace over 5 days. 

Next destination was  Giza Banta Cliff , a tragic site where many Okinawan civilians were witnessed jumping off and committing suicide during WW2. There was a waterfall after a short hike, but water flow was pathetic – it must be due to the hot climate.

A Night at Chatan & Ginowan

Our night activity was dedicated to American Village . We admired the large Ferris Wheel, dined, shopped and just strolled about aimlessly. There was an Aeon Supermarket where we packed enough grocery for the next few nights and enjoyed delicious and cheap matcha ice cream.

9 Days Okinawa Itinerary

As if we didn’t cover enough places today, we stopped by  Mega Don Quijote Ginowan  and shopped till 2am. That was the place where I loaded my first pile of beauty products. Bedtime was 4am. OMG! Wonder what time we would wake up on Day 3. LOL!

Read Day 2 Travelogue: 

  • Day 2 (Part 1) – Explored Southern Okinawa & Visited the Best Cape in Okinawa
  • Day 2 (Part 2) – Gushikawa Castle, Cape Kyan, Giza Banta Cliff, American Village & More


We couldn’t believe that we overslept again. All thanks to late night beauty shopping, we only left our hotel at 2pm on Day 3. OMG! That was 6 hours later than our initial plan – some things needed to be scraped off from our Day 3 Okinawa Itinerary.

Our first meal of the day was at Tomari Fish Market . Things seemed cheaper than other fish markets we’d visited in Okinawa. Unfortunately, we didn’t see any seating area (except for two dine-in restaurants) and struggled to eat while standing. Our dining mood was somewhat affected because it wasn’t easy accessing/dipping into wasabi and soya sauce without a proper table and our sashimi tasted bland.

Tomari Fish Market

Castle & Cape in West Okinawa

Up north we drove along the western coast of Okinawa and reached Zakimi Castle Ruin . It was an impressive site with a majestic 360 degrees view of woods and ocean from its 3-story tall castle top. We also loved the beautiful greenery surrounding the castle.

Zakimi Castle Ruin

Cape Zanpa , a cape set on a rugged and rocky surface that faced the deep blue East China Sea, was a short drive away. Ladies, please leave your heels at home!

There’s also a lighthouse nearby but it was under restoration work.

Cape Zanpa in Okinawa

At 5pm, we reached Cape Maeda . This was our second snorkeling experience in Okinawa but considered our first in terms of snorkeling by a cape (vs a beach). There were many fishes here and we enjoyed our evening snorkeling session. My partner also swam by himself to the famous blue cave without joining a tour. He reported that much of the cave was above water level due to low tide (i.e. not great).

> MUST-READ: How to Snorkel at Cape Maeda and Blue Cave without joining a tour?

While he was exploring the cave, I had plenty of time admiring Cape Maeda from various vantage points, including one from a viewing tower.

Snorkeling at Cape Maeda

If we had woken up early, the next destination should be  Cape Manzamo . Unfortunately, we had to give it a miss because the sun was setting. That’s okay, we thought we would visit it again on other days.

Aeon Rycom was a convenient stop point for dinner and shopping. We thoroughly enjoyed our beef bowl set, margarita pizza and ramen ordered from a food court located on the third floor. I dedicated all my time to Beauty Shopping within Aeon Mall and didn’t venture to other shops. Ah…me and my obsession dedication.

Read Day 3 Travelogue:

  • Day 3 (Part 1) – Top Things to do in West Okinawa (Tomari Fish Market, Zakimi Castle, Cape Zanpa & More)
  • Day 3 (Part 2) – How to Snorkel at Cape Maeda and Blue Cave without joining a tour?


On Day 4 of our Okinawa Itinerary, we checked out of our hotel in Naha and traveled to Aeon Naha in search of locker facilities and breakfast. Most outlets had yet to open and so we settled for a simple breakfast at the food court.

As locker at Aeon Naha was more expensive (¥500) than what we were prepared to pay, we traveled further to Okinawa Outlet Mall Ashibinaa . Lockers here were cheap and large and charged only ¥100 per use. Ironically, we ended up not using its lockers because this mall came with sheltered parking. We left our luggage in the car.

I almost bought an Agnes B bag priced at SGD50. I thought I could revisit it on my last day in Okinawa to seal the deal but was hit by a typhoon . There goes my chance of acquiring an S$50 branded bag. 

Okinawa Outlet Mall Ashibinaa

After killing enough time, we embarked on our cross-island drive from Naha to Nago . Nago, located in North Okinawa would be our base for the next few nights.

We could have driven along a normal road for two hours to reach Nago, but decided that the ¥980 expressway toll fee was worth spending if it could trim one hour off driving time.

Arriving in Nago, the Northern City of Okinawa

We met up with our friendly Airbnb host and checked into the spacious Seven Residence Yabu in Nago, but left almost immediately to make it to our pre-booked Orion Beer Tour . It was a quick 20-minute tour around the brewery and I left feeling slightly drunk after downing two mugs of free Orion beer within 20 minutes. We were reminded constantly to keep to the given time as I believe we needed to make way for the next group of tourists?

Orion Happy Park

There were many 24-hour supermarkets in Nago and we spent our night shopping at MaxValu, Makeman, Aeon Nago  and some random shops along the road.

Read Day 4 Travelogue: 

  • Day 4 – Self-drive from Naha to Nago (Okinawa Outlet Mall, Aeon Oroku, Orion Beer Factory & Shopping in Nago)

UPDATE : Okinawa Itinerary (Part 2) is ready. Check out how we spent Day 5 to Day 9 in Okinawa ! Don’t forget to download the Free Printable Okinawa Itinerary which gives you one-click access to destination tips, locations and logistics info. 

Okay, my butt is getting numb from sitting for too long writing this. Let me come back with Okinawa Itinerary Part 2  in my next post. Stay tuned and have a sweet day ahead! Don’t forget to exercise and eat well. :) 

If you like to get notified of newly-published beauty reviews and travel stories, just click the button below to  subscribe . I’ll even give you some free and exclusive stuff . See you there!

(This post was first published on 8 Aug 2018 and last updated in Nov 2023)

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Okinawa Free Itinerary (Horizontal)


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Home » Asia » Japan » Okinawa

EPIC OKINAWA Itinerary! (2024)

Okinawa is a collection of islands just off the Japanese mainland. It has a tropical climate, crystal clear seas, white sandy beaches and everything else you need for the perfect island getaway.

The people that live on the island have the highest life expectancy in the world! Because who would want to die when they live in absolute paradise?!

If you’re planning how long to spend in Okinawa , you need to strategically plan your Okinawa trip so you can hit all the best sights and activities during your stay.  You’re in good hands though. Here’s what you should be adding to your Okinawa itinerary.

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Best Time To Visit Okinawa

Where to stay in okinawa, okinawa itinerary, day 1 itinerary in okinawa, day 2 itinerary in okinawa, day 3 and beyond, staying safe in okinawa, day trips from okinawa, faq on okinawa itinerary.

When looking for the best time to go to Okinawa, it’s important to note that you can’t possibly go wrong! Once you visit Okinawa, you’ll realize that it’s absolutely wonderful all year round.

However, there’s a time to suit everyone’s preferences, and it’s important to start planning your Okinawa itinerary during a time of year that works best for you!

When to Visit Okinawa

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It tends to be warm and humid all year round, making it the perfect beach destination. The busy season runs from July to August as the schools go on holiday and the beaches become very crowded. During this time, prices for accommodation tend to escalate too!

If you’re trying to find out when to visit and how many days in Okinawa you need, it’s important to decide what you’d like to do there. If you want to spend most of the time on the beach, anytime between March and October is a great time to go.

Here’s what you can expect year-round in Okinawa!

While you’re planning how long to spend in Okinawa, you’re sure to be looking for the best place to stay in Okinawa .

Your accommodation should be highly dependant on how many days in Okinawa you’ve decided to stay. If your trip to Okinawa is only going to last a few days, then staying somewhere central is essential to making the most of your vacation in Okinawa.

Okinawa itinerary

Nago is a popular neighborhood on the main island. There are a few of Okinawa’s hostels located here. It’s a great place to stay if you’re a first time visitor, or only spending one day in Okinawa. While beaches are the main attraction in Nago, there are plenty of other interesting Okinawa points of interest that are likely to catch your eye.

Iriomote is another great place to stay while you’re in Okinawa. It’s an island that offers completely different scenery to that of the others as it’s covered in dense jungle. For adventure lovers, this is a great Okinawa attraction that will leave you excited for your return!

Your trip to Okinawa simply wouldn’t be complete without great accommodation spots to make sure you have a comfortable stay. These are our favorite places to stay, and the ones you should be adding to your Okinawa itinerary.

Best Airbnb in Okinawa – Delightful Bright Room in Nago

Delightful Bright Room in Nago

Fancy an Osaka Airbnb ? Minutes from this beach is this little apartment that is absolutely THE spot you want to stay for the first time visiting the city! Lounge around the leather couches or get cozy with a cup of matcha overlooking the little town of Nago! Don’t miss the beautiful sunsets from this place located in the heart of the city.

Best Budget Hotel in Okinawa – My Place

okinawa itinerary

My Place is located in Naha and provides stunning harbor views from many of the rooms. The stunning wooden rooms give a wonderful tropical vibe and are well decorated. The hotel offers discounted tours for its residents, so be sure to ask at the front desk when you check-in.

Best Luxury Hotel in Okinawa –  ANA InterContinental Manza Beach Resort

okinawa itinerary

This luxury resort takes up the entirety of an island and offers nothing but luxury. Surrounded by ocean, you can spend your time at the outdoor water park or lounge on the beach while being served cocktails or a 5-course meal!

Best Hostel in Okinawa – Okinawa Sora House

okinawa itinerary

Okinawa Sora House is perfectly located close to the monorail that can transport you to anywhere on the island. The ferry port is also just a short distance away, perfect if you plan on doing a bit of island hopping during your stay. And you’ll be just a 10-minute walk from the main street, which is a plus for those who like to be a part of the action. It’s the perfect place to stay if you’re backpacking through Japan!

In order to complete your Okinawa itinerary, you’re going to need to know how to get around the city.

On the main island of Okinawa, monorail, trains, buses, and taxis are the main forms of transport. However, on more remote islands, hiring a car, motorbike or bicycle are all great ways to get around as there are fewer or no forms of public transport.

It’s not recommended that you hire a car or motorbike on the main island, as parking fees can be a little excessive, and since there are so many options for public transport, there’s no need to hire.

Okinawa Itinerary

Rented bicycles and motorbikes are the perfect transportation for getting around on the smaller island. It gives you the chance to do lots of sightseeing as you travel around the islands!

When traveling from island to island, there are plenty of ferries that will take you from port to port, making the islands easily navigable.

Now that you know how to get around the islands, you can start planning your Okinawa trip itinerary with ease! Be sure to add some of our favorite activities to your Okinawa itinerary to make the very most of your trip! Note that transport in Japan can be pricy – if you are backpacking Japan on a budget this may well be your greatest expense.

Want to save money on accommodation?

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We got you. For reals.

Okinawa Peace Memorial Park | Okinawa World | Shuri Castle | Whale Watching  | Cape Manzamo

Day 1 / Stop 1 – Stroll Through Okinawa Peace Memorial Park

  • Why it’s awesome: The Okinawa Peace Memorial represents the end of the battle that was fought on the island and is dedicated to those who died in the battle.
  • Cost: Free!
  • Food nearby: Little Soba restaurant is a quaint restaurant just a short walk from the peace memorial grounds. They serve very good soba noodles and delicious ice creams at a reasonable price.

During World War II, there were many battles fought on the island, but the final battle took place in the southern part of the island near Itoman city. The battle caused huge destruction and resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths.

At the Peace Memorial Park, you’ll be able to learn about the events that happened in Okinawa during world war II and browse the history museum.

Stroll Through Okinawa Peace Memorial Park

The history museum displays wartime photographs and other war memorabilia and objects that will point to the events of that time. There is also a cornerstone of peace monuments, where you’ll see the names of those who died in the fateful battle.

There are over 50 monuments on the location, some of which are dedicated to everlasting world peace, and others pray for the souls of those who passed away in battle.

Many people come to this memorial area, some to learn about the morbid history of Okinawa, and others to play ball games on the open fields. Feel free to enjoy the grounds while still giving respect to those who fought for peace on the beautiful island.

Day 1 / Stop 2 – Explore Okinawa World

Around 10 minutes drive from previous stop.

  • Why it’s awesome: Okinawa World is a theme park that’s dedicated to Okinawan culture and is an exciting and entertaining experience.
  • Cost: Adults – USD $15 and Children – USD $8
  • Food nearby: Kedama (Cat Cafe), is an experience all on its own. Just a 4-minute drive from Okinawa World, you’ll find it to be very interesting. Enjoy a delicious meal while stroking a purring feline, there really is no better way to enjoy a meal!

The theme park is made to look like a traditional Okinawan village and has traditional architecture, foods, crafts, music, and many hands-on activities.

Visiting Okinawa World is an eye-opening experience. If offers you an insight into the ways and traditions of the Okinawan people, but in a fun and entertaining way!

Actors play the part of traditional Okinawan people from the Rykuyku kingdom and make it feel like a truly authentic experience.

okinawa world

Visit the craft village and make your own craft to take home before exploring the local village with its iconic red roofs. You can then explore the beautiful limestone cave that has formed over an underwater coral reef. This is a beautiful place to take photos as it shows the true natural beauty of Okinawa.

Visit the souvenir shop to be sure you’re taking home something to commemorate this fantastic day and the exciting experiences you’ve had.

This is an activity that you simply must add to your Okinawa itinerary.

Day 1 / Stop 3 – Explore Shuri Castle

Around 25 minutes drive from previous stop.

  • Why it’s awesome: Shuri Castle was once a royal palace when Okinawa was its own kingdom.
  • Cost: USD $8
  • Food nearby: Just a 6-minute drive away, you’ll find Ryukyu Sabo Ashibiuna, a cozy restaurant with lovely outdoor seating. They serve traditional Japanese food and it’s beyond delicious! It’s the perfect place to stop by for a mid-morning meal!

Because Okinawa was once its own kingdom, it has a very different history to that of Japan’s mainland. Once ruled by the Ryukyu kingdom, this incredible castle was once the home of the royal family of Okinawa.

Shuri castle was destroyed during a terrible incident during World War II in 1945, but was rebuilt in the early 90s and proclaimed the castle of the Ryukyu kingdom and named a UNESCO world heritage site.

Shuri Castle

This incredibly beautiful castle is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Okinawa. It is a real treat for the eyes.

The colorful Japanese style building is covered in floral patterns and ornate decorations! It has an open courtyard in its center, that visitors can explore at their own leisure. If you’d like to take a guided tour of the intriguing castle, that can also be arranged for an extra cost.

If you’d like to take a self-guided tour of the castle, multilingual audio guides are available at the entrance, so you won’t miss out on the learning opportunity.

Day 1 / Stop 4 – Go Whale Watching

Around 1 hour drive from previous stop.

  • Why it’s awesome: See the whales breach as they migrate across the ocean.
  • Cost: Dependant on which tour you take
  • Food nearby: C&C Breakfast Okinawa serves the most wonderful breakfasts on the island, and after a morning of whale watching, that’s exactly what you need! The restaurant serves a variety of wonderful breakfasts and even has vegan and vegetarian options.

Going on a whale watching excursion is a must during your time in Okinawa. The humpback whales migrate about 9000 kilometers every year from Alaska to Japan. These 15 meter long creatures weigh over 30 tons, and they’re magnificent to see in the water.

Between January and March every year, they are very prevalent in the Okinawa area, and it is quite a spectacle to see them playing in the waters.

On many tours, guests see mother whales swimming alongside their calves, which is a beautiful and magical sight.

If you haven’t seen a whale spraying water out of its blowhole, you sure will after taking a whale watching tour!

Tours can be taken from any of the islands, especially the main island. So you won’t have to do a whole lot of traveling before departing on the tour. Be sure to check for availability in advance, as you sure don’t want to miss out on this great opportunity.

If you’re visiting Okinawa between January and March, this is sure to be one of your favorite activities on your Okinawa itinerary.

Enjoy a Whale Watching at Kerama Islands and Zamami Island during this guided tour .

Whale Watching

Day 1 / Stop 5 – Watch the Sunset at Cape Manzamo

Around 2 hours drive from previous stop.

  • Why it’s awesome: Cape Manzamo is a 20-meter tall cliff face that faces the East China Sea.
  • Food nearby: Sea House is just a 6-minute drive from Cape Manzamo and serves absolutely delicious seafood. If you’re a vegetarian, their tofu is amazing too and should be enjoyed in a generous portion. Sea House is the perfect place to stop for dinner before heading back to your hotel.

If you are travelling to Okinawa during summer, you may have time to go to Cape Manzamo to watch the sunset. Cape Manzamo is a beautiful cliff face that has formed naturally over thousands of years. It’s a spectacular sight and well worth the trip to Onna Village.

Many tourists visit this location, but not many of them know that the best time to visit is while the sun is setting. We recommend you aim to get there a few minutes before sunset so you can enjoy the incredible scenery.

Cape Manzamo

From the top of the cliff, you’ll see dramatic views of the rough sea below and craggy caves that have formed into the cliff face.

Be sure to take your camera along for this trip as you’ll want to remember this beautiful view!

During low tide, a picturesque tidal pool is formed at the bottom of the cliff face. This has become a popular scuba diving spot as there is plenty of marine life to see around this area. If you’re an avid scuba diver, be sure to learn about this spot before heading into the water!

blog voyage okinawa

Wanna know how to pack like a pro? Well for a start you need the right gear….

These are packing cubes for the globetrotters and compression sacks for the  real adventurers – these babies are a traveller’s best kept secret. They organise yo’ packing and minimise volume too so you can pack MORE.

Or, y’know… you can stick to just chucking it all in your backpack…

  Fishing | Taste of Okinawa | Makishi Market | Naha City

We’re sure after your first day full of exciting activities in Okinawa, you’ll be ready for your second! Here are a few more activities you simply must add to your 2-day itinerary in Okinawa!

Day 2 / Stop 1 – Go fishing

  • Why it’s awesome: Okinawa is known for its fishing industry, so why not join in?
  • Cost: Free! (Just buy your own fishing rod)
  • Food nearby: Heki is a traditional Okinawan restaurant that serves absolutely excellent food. This is a great place for meat and fish lovers, as they have a great variety of meaty options.

Okinawa is known for its thriving fishing industry, so there’s no better place to pull out your rod and throw a line in the water.

There are an absolutely endless amount of fishing spots around Okinawa’s main island and the surrounding islands, you really can’t go wrong.

The waters are teeming with exotic marine life. There are many fish species that you can expect to catch in this region, tuna, marlin, and mahi-mahi are just a few of the most commonly caught species around the islands.


If you’re a more experienced fisherman, why not hire a fishing charter. This will allow you to change up your fishing position a few times and increase your chances of a great catch. The charters will allow you to make use of their fishing equipment, so you won’t need to organize your own.

Make sure you’re aware of the fishing limits and restrictions in the area before setting out as you don’t want to be guilty of overfishing.

Day 2 / Stop 2 – Take an Okinawan Cooking Class at the Taste of Okinawa

  • Why it’s awesome: Learning the traditional cooking method of Okinawa is a fantastic experience that will leave you more knowledgeable than you were before.
  • Cost: USD $60 per person
  • Food nearby: You’ll have plenty to eat after making your tasty Okinawan dish at the Taste of Okinawa. But, if you’re not in the mood for eating your own creation, you’re more than welcome to take a seat at the restaurant and indulge in a chef-made meal and a beer tasting.

What better way to learn about the Okinawan culture than a class on how to prepare and make a traditional Okinawan meal. At the Taste of Okinawa , you can do just that!

You’ll begin this Okinawan cooking experience by taking a short tour of the nearby market. On this tour, you’ll learn about the locally grown products and select the specific ingredients you’ll need to create a traditional dish.

Okinawan Cooking Class at the Taste of Okinawa

After the market tour, you’ll be a lot more knowledgeable about the ingredients you’re using and you’ll head back to Taste of Okinawa to begin your course. During the course, you’ll get the chance to showcase your cooking skills with the help of a guiding chef!

The chef is multilingual, allowing them to communicate with all the students in the class.

You’ll create an appetizer, a main dish, soup, and a dessert. This is a wonderful hands-on Okinawan experience that will allow you to meet new people and bump into one or two fellow travelers.

Day 2 / Stop 3 – Shop at the Makishi Market

Around 5 minutes walk from previous stop.

  • Why it’s awesome: The market is known locally as “the kitchen of Okinawa”.
  • Cost: Free to browse!
  • Food nearby: There are plenty of local dishes to try at the market. In fact, we recommend buying a bunch of small meals while you’re walking around so that you can try a bit of everything. There are unique dishes in this market that you won’t find anywhere else in the world, so it’s important to give them a try!

The Makishi Market, known as ‘the kitchen of Okinawa’, dates all the way back to the second world war. As you may have guessed, you can find all sorts of edible goods at this market. Fresh produce,   meals, and all sorts of traditional dishes to indulge in.

The market started during World War II and has continued to be the life and soul of the Okinawa food trade ever since. It’s not just for tourists and locals, but chefs come from all over Okinawa to source their ingredients for even the most prestigious restaurants in the area.

Makishi Market

There are now over 400 shops here, some selling local ingredients that can’t be found anywhere else in Japan. The local dishes sold at the market are of amazing quality and a must-try during your holiday.

If you love unique dishes, foods, and markets, this is the perfect place to spend the afternoon!

Day 2 / Stop 4 – Enjoy Naha Nightlife

Around 10 minutes walk from previous stop.

  • Why it’s awesome: See the city come alive at night as a bustling hub of activity continues throughout the night.
  • Cost: Free to walk around!
  • Food nearby: Churansan Tei serves late-night food to those heading out on the town. You can expect delicious Japanese cuisine and small plates of seafood! Everything they serve is absolutely delightful and satisfies the palate completely!

Many of the islands in Okinawa are quiet and peaceful in the evenings, which is wonderful if you’re looking for rest and recuperation. However, if you’re looking for lively entertainment, busy restaurants, and nightclubs, then Naha is the place to be in the nightlife scene.

The difference between Okinawan nightlife and that of other places in the world is the fact that many of the nightclubs play traditional Okinawan folk music, making for a very interesting and unique evening!

Naha night life

Many of the restaurants are open until the early hours of the morning, so if you decide to take a pause from all the clubbing, there are plenty of places to relax and have a casual drink and a seat while you gear up for another round.

You couldn’t possibly get lonely during a night out in Naha, as there are so many people out and about just like you are. Be sure to go club-hopping as there are so many great clubs to choose from! Having a taste of each is the best way to experience Okinawa nightlife.

Okinawa Sora House 1

Okinawa Sora House

Okinawa Sora House is perfectly located close to the monorail that can transport you to anywhere on the island.!

  • Air Conditioning
  • Reception (limited hours)

Churaumi Aquarium | Scenic Drive | Snorkeling and Scuba Diving | Kokusai Dori Street | Kouri Island | Iriomote Island

If you’re spending more than 2-days in Okinawa, you’re going to need a few more activities to add to your 3-day itinerary in Okinawa. Here are a few of our favorite must-do activities in Okinawa!

Visit Churaumi Aquarium

  • Churaumi Aquarium is the biggest aquarium in all of Japan.
  • Adults entrance fee costs USD $17 and Children fee is USD $9
  • If you’re hungry, try the Ocean View Restaurant Inoh. This casual restaurant offers spectacular sea-views and is a great place to bring kids. The food is wonderful and the portions are a great size!

The Churaumi Aquarium is a very popular attraction in Okinawa! In fact, since its opening in 2002, it’s attracted over 20 million visitors, and we’re sure you’ll want to be one of them.

The main attraction is called the Kuroshio Sea, which is a very large fish tank that holds over 7 500 000 liters of salt water. The tank contains whale sharks, manta rays and hundreds of other sea creatures that swim freely within the tank.

Churaumi Aquarium

The aquarium also has many other displays including their coral reef and deep-sea exhibit. If you’re looking for something to do on a rainy day in Okinawa, this is the perfect activity to keep you entertained, and you’ll be able to learn a great deal about the marine life in the Okinawa region.

Go on a Scenic Drive

  • Okinawa is known to have the most scenic drives out of anywhere in Japan.
  • To rent a car generally only costs around USD $47 per day.
  • You’ll get the chance to see more of the beautiful island.

Many of the islands in Okinawa are joined together by bridges, making it easy to create a long, even a full-days drive through the islands. Throughout most of the islands, you’ll be able to enjoy spectacular scenery as you drive.

Rolling forested hills will give way to rocky sea cliffs and calming sea views. There are plenty of places along the way to stop for magnificent views of the ocean and surrounding areas.

Okinawa roads are generally very wide and safe, and you’ll be pleased to know that traffic has never been a problem in Okinawa. So you can ride through the cities and countryside without fear of sitting in bumper to bumper traffic.

Scenic Drive

If you’re planning a full-day drive, be sure to pack a picnic that you can enjoy somewhere along the road, or find an incredible restaurant along the way. There are many of those to choose from in Okinawa, so you’ll never get hungry!

For those who aren’t too keen on an Okinawa walking tour, this is the perfect way to explore the island, and take incredible photos of the wonderful sights you’re sure to see along the way.

If you don’t want to hire a car, going by bus is always an option, however, you’ll lose a lot of the freedom you’d have if you went by car.

Go Snorkeling and Scuba Diving

  • Beautiful diving and snorkeling spots
  • Coral reefs to explore
  • You’ll pay around USD $50 for a day of snorkeling or scuba diving

It’s no secret that Okinawa has some of the most biodiverse, beautiful and unique oceans in the world. With coral species that only exist off Okinawa’s shores, they’re dead set on protecting them! And boy are we grateful!

There are so many diving, snorkeling and scuba diving options in Okinawa. Try your hand at cave diving, which is done with underwater lights to illuminate your path. This is a really magical experience and you’re sure to see some interesting underwater life.

You could head off to the Kerama islands, which have become one of the most popular snorkeling sites in Okinawa. They are home to the most stunning coral reefs, that host an overwhelming amount of sea-life. You’re likely to encounter a few sea turtles and many tropical fish.

Snorkeling and Scuba Diving

If you visit Onna Village, you’ll find two great snorkeling sites that are based at the bottom of a cliff. Cape Manza and Cape Maeda are lovely places to snorkel as the underwater scenery is just as beautiful of that above water. The seas are very calm in the area, making it the perfect place for beginner snorkelers to start out.

Diving off Miyako island is also an amazing experience as the water is a bright and tropical blue. Making the most of the time you have in Okinawa is imperative to having a great trip. Be sure you add this amazing experience to your Okinawa itinerary!

Browse Kokusai Dori Street

  • Kokusai is the shopping hub of Okinawa
  • 2 kilometers long
  • Located in Naha city

If you love a good shop-til-you-drop experience, you’re going to thoroughly enjoy a trip to Kokusai Dori Street. The name of the street means “International Road” and it’s not hard to imagine why. It’s located right in the heart of Naha city, making it extremely accessible if you’re staying on Okinawa’s main island.

Looking for the perfect souvenirs to take back home to your family and friends, you’re sure to find it in this massive shopping hub. It’s easily comparable to Bangkok’s Khaosan Street. You’ll find it’s a bustling hub of activity at any time of day, and during peak season, tourists flock to this incredible street.

Kokusai Dori Street

Filled with every kind of shop you can possibly think of, as well as a multitude of restaurants, cafes and salons, you simply cannot run out of things to do here. In fact, if you’re spending a week in Okinawa, we recommend taking an entire day from your Okinawa itinerary to explore and browse this lively area.

Many of the stores are open right up until 10 pm at night, giving you plenty of time to explore each one. Live music can be found in many of the restaurants, ensuring you’re well entertained the whole evening.

No vacation is complete without a shopping experience whilst mingling with the locals. You’re sure to love this activity hub in the heart of Naha city.

Travel to Kouri Island

  • 1-hour drive from Naha city
  • Cross the spectacular Kouri bridge
  • See the heart rock

During your holiday in Okinawa, you’re going to want to spend some of your time exploring the other islands. The main island is wonderful, but the other islands have a great deal to offer too.

Kouri island is absolutely beautiful! It has arguably the best beaches in all of Okinawa . White sands, and turquoise waters perfect for snorkeling or diving! It’s a must-visit while you’re staying in Okinawa.

The good news is that Kouri island is just a 1-hour drive away from Naha city! There is a spectacular bridge that attaches Kouri island to the main island, making it very easily accessible for tourists and locals alike.

Kouri Island

The views you’ll see from the bridge are unmatched! Take in the scenery as you drive over crystal clear blue waters! There’s nothing like a wonderful view to take your breath away!

Once you’re on Kouri island, spend the day exploring and perhaps swimming and snorkeling in the beautiful clear water.

If you don’t feel like renting a car, there are plenty of buses that will take you to Kouri island, and you can even do a bus tour around the island. This way, you’ll learn a lot about this beautiful island paradise while taking in the spectacular views.

Be sure to visit Tinu beach to see “Heart Rock”, a heart-shaped rock that sticks up out of the water and makes for some beautiful photos.

Take a Trip to Iriomote Island

  • Known for its jungle vegetation
  • Less touristy than the main island
  • The whole island is a national park

Iriomote is very different from the rest of the islands in Okinawa. It’s jungle vegetation and wildlife inhabitants set it apart from the rest! In fact, 90% of the island is covered in dense jungle.

The easiest way to get to Iriomote island is by speedboat from Ishigaki island. This generally takes around 40 minutes, but is well worth the trip.

You’ll want to spend all day exploring Iriomotes rich and abundant nature! The best way to explore the outskirts of the island is by sea kayak. This should be arranged before you make the trip!

Just like all the other islands in Okinawa, the beaches are absolutely gorgeous and the sea water is crystal clear. This makes snorkeling and diving a great option while you’re on the island. But that’s not all there is to do.

Iriomote Island

Hiking through the jungle vegetation is a great way to get to know the island a little more. If you’re lucky, you may even see an Iriomote cat. These cats are critically endangered and are only found on Iriomote Island.

If you’d like to spend a little more time in the water, paddle boarding is a great activity to take part in. The water is flat and still, making it an easy way to get around from one side of the island to the other.

Just like Japan’s mainland, Okinawa is a very safe place, however, it’s always good to take precautions and be vigilant during your vacation abroad!

The sun in Okinawa is very strong, so it’s important to protect your skin against sunburn and sunstroke. Be sure to use a strong SPF sunscreen when you travel to Okinawa, as you don’t want to spend your holiday with sore and itchy skin.

There are many beaches in Okinawa where swimming is banned due to dangerous sea creatures and sudden tidal changes that could sweep you out to sea. Be sure to check signs on the beach to make sure you’re swimming in a safe area.

The authorities in Okinawa also ask beach-goers not to swim during low tide as they may damage the extremely rare coral reefs found in the area.

There are many different snake species on the islands that are considered highly dangerous to humans. These snakes become hyperactive in the heat of the day and can be found in open grasslands, forested areas and sometimes even in city parks. It’s best to keep your eyes peeled for snakes and make sure your ankles are covered when going out into open grassy areas.

Snake bites are not an extremely common occurrence in Okinawa, but they do happen, and we’d rather they didn’t happen to you! All in all though, you should be fine as long as you apply basic safety precautions.

Don’t Forget Your Travel Insurance for Okinawa

ALWAYS sort out your backpacker insurance before your trip. There’s plenty to choose from in that department, but a good place to start is Safety Wing .

They offer month-to-month payments, no lock-in contracts, and require absolutely no itineraries: that’s the exact kind of insurance long-term travellers and digital nomads need.

blog voyage okinawa

SafetyWing is cheap, easy, and admin-free: just sign up lickety-split so you can get back to it!

Click the button below to learn more about SafetyWing’s setup or read our insider review for the full tasty scoop.

If you’re spending more than 3 days in Okinawa, you’re going to need a few more activities to add to your 3 day Okinawa itinerary. Here are our favorite day-trips from Okinawa, that we’re sure you’ll love.

Full-Day UNESCO and Historical Sites Day-Trip from Okinawa

Full Day UNESCO and Historical Sites Day Trip from Okinawa

While this tour takes place on Japan’s mainland, it’s an important tour that will help you understand Japan a whole lot better!

This 9-hour tour excludes the time you’ll spend traveling from Okinawa. You’ll get the chance to see some incredible historical landmarks, indulge in a tasty Japanese style lunch and explore some of Japan’s most mystical temples.

Be sure to take your camera along for the day-trip as you’ll see some stunning views along the way. You’ll also get the chance to stop off at any location you feel drawn to, to snap you few photos before continuing on your tour.

Mt Fuji and Hakone Cruise and Bus Tour

Mt Fuji and Hakone Cruise and Bus Tour

This day trip also takes place on Japan mainland, but it’s well worth the trip!

You’ll start your trip with a visit to Mt Fuji and experience its splendor. You’ll stop at the entrance to climb the mountain and make your way up the path. You’ll have access to one of the mountains most epic viewing points to stop and take photos before heading to a buffet lunch with breathtaking mountain views.

You’ll then head out on a cruise on Lake Ashi, which also offers spectacular views and incredible photo opportunities.

3 Island Day-Trip From Okinawa

3 Island Day-Trip From Okinawa

During this day-trip, you’ll get the chance to visit the 3 most interesting islands in the Okinawa island region.

On Iriomote island you can enjoy mangrove views, then you’ll visit Yufu island and take an exciting water buffalo tour before sitting down to an indulgent lunch.

You’ll then head to Taketomi island where you’ll take a bus sightseeing tour. You’ll see the village with its quaint red roofs and buffalo leisurely walking around. After your bus tour, you’ll head to the main beach for some sunbathing, before heading back to Okinawa’s main island.

Cultural and Spiritual Tour with Zen Meditation

Cultural and Spiritual Tour with Zen Meditation

This tour will see you visiting Japan’s mainland and going on a quest to find your zen. You’ll visit an ancient mountaintop temple and marvel at the incredible views of the valley below.

You’ll then be instructed in the art of meditation by a real Buddhist monk! This is quite an experience and definitely sets the mood for the rest of your weekend in Okinawa.

You’ll get the opportunity to partake in a peaceful green-tea ceremony in a sacred zen temple, before wandering through an ancient bamboo grove.

All these wonderful activities will make you feel at peace and put you in a great mind frame to enjoy the rest of your holiday.

Temples Tour to Kamakura

Temples Tour to Kamakura

On this 10-hour tour, you’ll have to visit Japan’s mainland to explore some of the many religious temples in the country.

You’ll visit Japan’s ancient capital – Kamakura , and visit the cities most iconic Buddha statue. As well as a variety of old temples and sacred buildings.

Along the way, you’ll visit many traditional buildings and learn about the history of the samurai. You’ll also get the chance to stop off for lunch at one of Japans best seaside restaurants and enjoy incredible ocean views.

You’ll then get the chance to undergo a kimono makeover and walk away from the tour with your very own traditional kimono. It really is a day trip not to be missed.

Active Roots Security Belt

Stash your cash safely with this money belt. It will keep your valuables safely concealed, no matter where you go.

It looks exactly like a normal belt  except for a SECRET interior pocket perfectly designed to hide a wad of cash, a passport photocopy or anything else you may wish to hide. Never get caught with your pants down again! (Unless you want to…)

Find out what people want to know when planning how many days to spend in Okinawa.

How many days in Okinawa do you need?

5 days in Okinawa are ideal if you want to explore multiple islands, see the best sights, and have time to relax on the beaches.

What should you include on a Okinawa 3 day itinerary?

Make sure to include these in your Okinawa itinerary! – Okinawa Peace Memorial Park – Shuri Castle – Makishi Market – Kokusai Dori Street

Where is the best place to stay in Okinawa if you have a full itinerary?

If you want to spend more time exploring and less time travelling, staying somewhere central like Nago is ideal. It offers great beaches and plenty of attractions.

Is Okinawa worth visiting?

Okinawa is often overlooked by travellers, but we think it’s definitely worth a visit. Tropical islands, marine life, and cultural experiences make this place a treat for the senses.

Now that you know all the top places to visit in Okinawa, you can start planning your ultimate Okinawa itinerary.

Although not as popular as many other island destinations, it comes with so many perks. You won’t see throngs of tourists crowding the Okinawa landmarks, and the beaches will be fairly quiet most of the year, leaving you to enjoy the island paradise in peace!

Now that you know what to do in Okinawa, you can begin planning a trip to Okinawa with ease. Your next holiday is sure to be a winner if you stick to out Okinawa itinerary to make the very most of your vacation. If you still need some more isnpiration, check out our list of unique places and hidden gems to visit in Okinawa.

Touring Okinawa has never been this easy! Choosing a few activities from our selection of the very best ensures your holiday will be jam-packed with exciting entertainment! What are you waiting for? Your paradise awaits you!

Made it this far? You get 15% OFF to book a place to stay ! Offer valid exclusively for Broke Backpackers 😉

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photo of a person holding a smartphone with Holafly logo

Thanks for all the wonderful information. Very detailed, it should definitely come in handy! Just a quick note, after some research, I don’t recommend visiting Iriomote Island, due to the risk of causing damage to the Iriomote cats (critically endangered as you mentioned) and environment: Thank you!

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Gina Bear's Blog

Gina Bear's Blog

Latina Solo Female Travel Blogger

Ultimate 5-Day Okinawa Itinerary (Japan Travel Guide)

If you’re looking for the perfect place to get away, look no further than the white sandy beaches and natural beauty of Okinawa Prefecture. In this 5-day Okinawa itinerary, you’re gonna know where to go, what to do, and what to skip.

Why listen to me as compared to all the other bloggers out there? Simple.

I lived in Okinawa for three years and had the opportunity to soak in the unique island culture. In fact, I speak Japanese, learned to play Sanshin (three-stringed snakeskin banjo native to Okinawa), took Karate, and lived in Japanese society.

This is your no bullshit perfect Okinawa itinerary. I speak Japanese, understand the culture, and know all the best things to do.

I’m not your run-of-the-mill backpacker who breezed by and calls themselves an expert. I believe in slow travel and truly soaking in the tropical paradise of Okinawa.

blog voyage okinawa

Table of Contents

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A Little Bit About Okinawa Japan Before You Go

Okinawa is very, very different from the rest of Japan and has a unique culture. The best way to describe it is like the Hawaii of Japan.

The name in Kanji means “Rope in the Open Sea” because it is comprised of many different islands in the East China Sea and Pacific Ocean. Also called the Ryukyu Islands, Okinawa has a rich history.

The reign of the Ryukyu Kingdom was from 1429 to 1879. Their culture consisted of three main Asian cultures: Mongolian, Ainu, and Malayan.

Their public transport isn’t that great either so I always recommend getting an International Driver’s License and  rental car to get around the island easily .

How many days do you need in Okinawa?

In my not so humble opinion, five days isn’t nearly enough time to visit this gorgeous island paradise. There’s always another secret beach to discover, tiny islands to hop around, and water sports to try.

If you only have five days to spend here, you’re getting a small taste of this great place. Check out my  10-day Okinawa Itinerary here  to truly get a feel for the island. 

blog voyage okinawa

When is the best time to visit Okinawa, Japan?

Okinawa has a subtropical climate and typically doesn’t drop below 15°C (64°F) in winter. Whenever you visit will be great because there is so much to besides visit beautiful beaches. 

January to March in Okinawa

Because the main Okinawa island is so warm, they are the first prefecture in Japan for the cherry blossoms to bloom. January and early February have similar temperatures of 19°C (66°F) during the day and 14°C (57°F) at night. March starts to warm up with average highs during the day being 21°C (70°F) and night temperatures dropping down to 15°C (60°F). 

Popular Events:

  • Nakijin Cherry Blossom Festival (January)
  • Nago Cherry Blossom Festival (January)
  • Motobu Yaedake Cherry Blossom Festival (January)

April to June in Okinawa

April starts to warm up with daytime temperatures going up to 23°C (74°F) during the day and 18°C (65°F) at night. May continues this upward trend with daily highs of 26°C (79°F) and 21°C (70°F) at night.June really feels like summer with temperatures soaring up to 29°C (84°F) during the day and 24°C (76°F) at night. This month also starts the beginning of typhoon season.

  • Ie Island Lily Festival (April)
  • Ryukyu Kaiensai Fireworks Festival (April)
  • Naha Hari Festival (May)

July to September in Okinawa

A word of caution if you’re traveling to Okinawa during the summer, the humidity is intense. In my experience, you’ll catch the most typhoons, though sometimes the season goes until November. 

July temperatures hitting highs of 31°C (88°F) and lows of 26°C (79°F). August daytime highs get up to 30°C (87°F) and 25°C (78°F). September gives a break from the heat with temperatures going down to 30°C (86°F) during the day and 25°C (77°F) at night. 

  • Ocean Expo Park Summer Festival (July)
  • Yonabaru Great Tug of War Festival (August)
  • Orion Beer Fest (August)

October to December in Okinawa

October daytime temperatures are more comfortable with the highs being 27°C (81°F) and 22°C (72°F) at night. November sees temperatures drop down to 24°C (75°F) during the day and 18°C (66°F) at night.  December temperatures fall even further to 21°C (69°F) during the day and 16°C (60°F) at night.

  • Southeast Botanical Garden Illuminations (October)
  • American Village Winter Illuminations (November)
  • Ryukyu Lantern Festival (December)

blog voyage okinawa

Get Travel Insurance

A common question I get is what do I need to travel to Japan? One thing I always recommend is travel insurance.

Life throws curveballs. Flights get canceled. You get sick. There’s a family emergency.  I highly recommend using World Nomads Travel Insurance which you can book here.   With World Nomads Travel Insurance, you can expect:

  • Trip Cancelation  – This benefit helps you recover non-refundable, pre-paid trip costs when you have to cancel your trip for a covered reason, including for an unexpected sickness that keeps you from traveling.
  • Emergency Medical  – If you get sick with COVID-19 or another illness, you can get diagnostic tests to confirm your case and other emergency medical benefits.
  • Medical Evacuation  – If you’re in an inadequate medical facility, our plans have benefits that can arrange a transfer to a hospital capable of treating your medical needs.
  • Trip Interuption  – This section helps you get reimbursed for a one-way, economy-class ticket home and any pre-paid, unused portions of your trip for a covered reason.
  • Trip Delay  – If your travels are delayed at least six hours by a covered event, you could get reimbursed for meals, hotels and other basic expenses .

How To Stay Connected in Japan

Japan is super stingy when it comes to their wifi and sharing the internet. They’ve gotten a little bit better since I’ve lived there, but not much.

I recommend  you book an e-sim card and download it directly to your phone.  You can also order  a 4G wifi box ahead of time  and pick it up at any airport you designate in Japan. 

How To Get to Okinawa

Most tourists land at Narita or Haneda Airport when they arrive in Japan. So you may be wondering how to go to Okinawa from Tokyo or how to go to Okinawa? There are daily direct flights.

How To Get To Okinawa From Tokyo

Japan’s Okinawa Island is just a two-and-a-half-hour plane ride from Tokyo. Domestic flights are the best way to travel to the beautiful islands of Okinawa.

It’s actually closer to Taiwan than it is to mainland Japan. Okinawa is a cluster of islands and you will land in the capital city of Naha.

blog voyage okinawa

How To Get Around Okinawa

Most flights fly directly into Naha which is the international airport. The main island of Okinawa is not public transportation friendly.

You will need a rental car  for your Okinawa travel. To rent a car in Okinawa, you will need a valid driver’s license and an  International Driver’s Permit (IDP) .

Naha has a monorail that will take you as far as Urasoe. For more information on the Yui Rail and where it takes you,  check out the website here .

What To Pack For Okinawa (5-Day Itinerary) 

Japan is super STRICT when it comes to luggage restrictions and regulations. Pack as light as possible so when you buy all of your favorite Japanese products, there will be room in your suitcase.

My favorite  travel suitcase brand is Béis . I’m obsessed with their weekender bag, carryon, and checked luggage.  Use my code for $15 off your first order and 150 points toward your new account .

I also have  A Complete Okinawa Packing List  for every season.

Travel essentials for what to pack to Okinawa:

  • Unlocked phone  –  You can book a sim card here.  Alternatively, if you don’t have an unlocked phone,  you can also use this portable wifi router .
  • Toothpaste  – Japanese toothpaste sucks PERIODT. Bring your own from home.
  • Important documents  – Bring any important medical documents in case something happens. 
  • Passport  – This should be a given, but please don’t forget it. Make a copy of your passport and hide it in your suitcase and leave one on your fridge at home.
  • Credit/Debit Cards  – Big shopping malls and most restaurants take credit cards now.
  • Cash  – Japan is still primarily a cash is king society. 
  • Medication  – Don’t forget your important medicine because I guarantee it will be a nightmare for you to navigate the hospital and then go to a pharmacy to try and get it.

Where To Stay in Okinawa (5-Day Okinawa Itinerary)

Most people who visit Okinawa tend to stay in the Naha area. There are so many great Okinawa attractions you can get to if you don’t stay in Naha.

While bigger cities like Naha offer convenience, I encourage you to tap into your adventurous spirit. To help you decide, check out my complete  guide on Where To Stay in Okinawa here . 

Luxury Hotels in Okinawa

  • Aqua Citta (Naha)  – This upscale hotel offers pristine views of the city center from its rooftop pool and Tomari Port. Aqua Citta is 15 minutes away from Naha Airport.
  • Hotel Nikko Alivila (Yomitan)  – With its enormous pool, beautiful private beach, stunning views and exceptional service, this is a place I highly recommend. While I lived in Okinawa, many year end parties were hosted here and I had incredible experiences every time.
  • ANA Intercontinental Manza Beach (Onna Village)  – This place is literally like its own little city and is so convenient, you don’t even have to leave the property. Guests can utilize a mini-golf course, shops, rental bicycles, canoes, and jet skis.

Mid-Range Hotels in Okinawa

  • Mr. Kinjo (Naha)  – Conveninetly located outside Asahibashi Station, the location is great and breakfast is included in your stay.
  • Ocean View Araha (Chatan)  – Set in Chatan, 2.5 km from Sunset Beach and 2.8 km from Mihama American Village, Ocean View Araha offers garden views and free WiFi.
  • Hotel Sunset Zanpa (Yomitan)  – Set in Yomitan, Hotel Sunset ZANPA provides accommodation with private balconies. The property is situated 5 km from Zakimi Gusuku Castle, 2.5 km from Murasakimura and 2.1 km from Cape Zanpa. The property is non-smoking and is located 1.6 km from Zanpa Beach.

Budget Hotels in Okinawa

  • Guest House Umikaji (Naha)  – This two star guest house is attractively located in the Naha City Centre district of Naha, and set 2 km from Yachimun Street.
  • La’ Gent Hotel (Chatan)  – Set 1.2 km from Sunset Beach, La’gent Hotel Okinawa Chatan / Hotel and Hostel offers rooms with air conditioning in Chatan. Among the facilities of this property are a restaurant, a 24-hour front desk and luggage storage space, along with free WiFi. The property is non-smoking and is situated less than 1 km from Mihama American Village.
  • Holiday House Ryuky-an (Yomitan)  – Located just a 12-minute drive from Cape Maeda, famous for its beautiful scenery, clear waters and snorkelling, Holiday House Ryukyu-an offers a self-catering holiday home with free WiFi access.

blog voyage okinawa

What To Eat in Okinawa

One of the reasons Okinawans live long is because of their diet. Local dishes usually contain pork, fish, rice and veggies (especially goya).

If you’d like a complete guide on  What and Where To Eat in Okinawa, click here . 

I also highly suggest  taking a traditional cooking class . With this class, you will get a choice of making goya chanpuru or Okinawa soba (two very staple dishes).

  • Okinawa Soba  – This dish is buckwheat noodles with pork belly, scallion, fish cake, and boneless pork ribs.
  • Beni Imo Taruto  – Purple potato tart is one of my all time favorite sweets in Okinawa. They originated in Yomitan.
  • Goya Champuru  – This dish is made with goya (bitter melon), tofu, egg, and pork belly. It’s a popular dish and a classic one you need to try.
  • Okinawan Sea Grapes  – My first thought was.. Ew gross, but they’re actually quite nice. The taste is slightly salty with an ocean freshness to it and it is especially nice on a hot day.
  • Taco Rice  – This is Okinawa’s spin on a Tex-Mex taco featuring rice as the base with cheese, meat, lettuce, and salsa.
  • Yaki Niku  – This is Japanese style barbecue and something that should definitely be on your must eat list. You get raw cuts of different meats and cook it yourself on the table. I took all my siblings to Japanese barbecue and its something we still enjoy doing together.

Day One in Okinawa

On your first day, we’re going to get some culture in by exploring historical sites and souvenir shopping on Kokusai Dori aka International Street. 

Visit the Historic Shuri Castle

Sadly, in 2019, a fire broke out and burned down Shuri Castle. To my knowledge, it is still being rebuilt but you can walk around the castle grounds. You can even  rent a kimono or yukata  to make the experience 10x better.

blog voyage okinawa

Kokusai Dori

This is the main attraction of Naha. There are tons of souvenir shops where you can buy Okinawa-themed merchandise.

For cool things to do in Okinawa, I suggest you  go karting like Super Mario  on the main strip.

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Eat Taco Rice at Amigo Tacos

If you didn’t eat this charming Japanese and Tex-Mex fusion have you even lived? American culture made this a famous dish in the 1960s to cater to American tastes.

Taco rice features seasoned ground beef served over a bed of white rice, topped with lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, and a generous dollop of salsa.

blog voyage okinawa

Optional: Gyokusendo Cave or Sefa Utaki 

Gyokusendo cave stretches five kilometres and boasts a host of spectacular rock formations. It’s a great way to escape Okinawa’s intense heat during the day.

You also have the option of visiting Sefa Utakil which is a sacred place where people pray. Leaders of the native faith were all women and access to the site was strictly off-limits to men, with the exception of male members of the royal family.

blog voyage okinawa

Optional: Okinawa World 

Okinawa World is a touristy theme park about Okinawan culture. The park’s main attractions are a massive natural cave, a craft village, and a snake museum.

You can get your Okinawa World Tickets in advance here .

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Okinawa Peace Memorial Park

A good way to learn the history of Okinawa is to visit this museum. This museum is a must-visit for first-time visitors to Okinawa.

You can also visit the Himeyuri Peace Museum which has many photographs from the Battle of Okinawa and World War II. 

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Day Two in Okinawa

Day trip to an outer island.

On your second day, I highly recommend you take a  day trip to Tokashiki Island  or Zamami Island. These two are part of the Kerama Islands and one of the top tourist attractions for a beach holiday and scuba diving. Aharen Beach is my favorite! 

Fun fact! Did you know Tokashiki is now a National Park in Japan? Sea turtles often go to lay their eggs there.

Also, during the winter you can take a guided tour to see the Humpback Whales. 

  • Tokashiki Island Snorkeling & Turtle-Finding in Okinawa
  • Tokashiki Island Day Tour With Lunch
  • Kerama Islands Diving Experience

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Day Three in Okinawa

Five days truly is a short amount of time to really take in Okinawa, but if you wanna see everything, I recommend taking a trip to Ishigaki Island or Miyako Island. The flight time is about an hour from mainland Okinawa.

Also know as the Yaeyama Islands, they have the best beaches. If you’re up for an adventure, Ishigaki will be more your vibe, but if you want to have a great time enjoying the relaxed vibe and blue water, then Miyako is for you. 

Ishigaki Island 

It is possible to do a day trip here, but I wouldn’t recommend it if you really want to enjoy Ishigaki and all it has to offer. If you’d like to spend longer on the island, check out my  Ishigaki Travel Guide here . 

Taketomi Island and/or Phantom Island 

If you want to make the most out of your day, the best place to start is by taking a trip to Taketomi Island. It’s one of Ishigaki’s smaller islands and so beautiful!

You can book a Taketomi and Phantom Island Day Tour here . Another  popular day trip is to Iriomote for a kayaking tour  in their mangrove forests. 

Have Ishigaki Beef For Lunch

  • Ishigaki Beef MARU  – The meat here is also a Japanese barbecue-style. 
  • Yamburger Ishigaki  – The most delicious hamburgers are made with Ishigaki beef.

Kabira Bay 

Kabira Bay is a popular spot  because its considered one of the most beautiful viewpoints in Japan. 

There are many gift shops for Black Pearls on the island because Kabira Bay is one of the top producers in the world. The Ryukyu Royalty wore them and they make a great momento. 

Where To Stay on Ishigaki Island

  • Fusaki Beach Resort and Villas (luxury)  – Enjoy exclusive amenities like 24/7 CCTV security, a breathtaking pool, and a private beach. Luxurious rooms feature AC, complimentary Wi-Fi, and refreshing showers with ocean or pool views. 
  • Sandriver Hotel Ishigaki Island (mid-range)  – Located in Ishigaki City, it is designed to be your home away from home. Rooms have amenities like refrigerators, TVs, and microwaves. 
  • The Breakfast Hotel Marche Ishigaki (budget)  – The hotel offers convenient facilities like a 24-hour front desk, CCTV in common areas, and a parking lot. Stay in modern rooms with air conditioning, free Wi-Fi, a refreshing shower, luxurious toiletries, and plush towels. 

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Miyako Island 

Miyakojima is also a beach lover’s paradise with its pristine beaches, turquoise waters, and relaxed vibes. It’s about a 50-minute plane ride from Naha with plenty of adventure!

Check out the two most popular beaches Yonaha Beach and Sunayama Beach. 

  • Miyakojima Sea Turtle Snorkeling Half-Day Experience

Where To Stay on Miyako Island

  • Seawood Hotel Miyakojima (luxury)  –  Strategically situated in Miyakojima, allowing you access and proximity to local attractions and sights. They have a beautiful outdoor pool and villa houses. 
  • Hotel California Miyakojima Resort (mid-range)  – In an area filled with residences and local shops, this informal, California-themed hotel is 4 km from both Pina Gama Beach and Miyako Airport, and 2 km from Miyakojima Botanical Garden.
  • Hotel Torifito Miyakojima Resort (budget )  – Perfect for solo travelers, the luxurious resort offers stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters for snorkeling and diving, a sparkling swimming pool, and a delicious on-site restaurant. Stay in well-appointed rooms with air conditioning, complimentary Wi-Fi, and refreshing showers with essential toiletries.

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Day Four in Okinawa

Let’s explore the northern part of Okinawa! You’ll just be coming back from an outer island so you can take it a bit easier from here.

Early Lunch at Captain Kangaroo 

Hands down, Captain Kangaroo is one of my favorite burger places on the island. They’re pretty popular so go right when they open at 11am. If you get there by 1pm, good luck… They will most likely be sold out. 

Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium

This is the coolest aquarium I’ve ever been to. You can see Okinawa’s coral reefs and marine life. Here you can see whale sharks swimming with tropical fish around in an enormous tank! 

Get your tickets to the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium here.

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Kouri Island

Kouri Island is so small you can drive around the entire thing in fifteen minutes. It also also famous for the rock formations in the shape of hearts.

Kouri Island is near Nago. You can also book a  cruising tour of Haneji Island  which also has amazing snorkeling. 

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Day Five in Okinawa

On your final day, I recommend taking it easy and exploring my favorite part of the island… Yomitan and Chatan! 

Cape Manzamo

Your last day is what you make it! Personally, I think this is a gorgeous lookout especially for sunrise or sunset. It doesn’t take long to walk around, so you can snap some photos, and go onto your next location. 

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Optional: Ryukyu Mura Theme Park

​Okinawan cultures are fascinating and the Ryukyu Mura is a good way to indulge if you didn’t go to Okinawa World. If you’re not into theme parks you can skip it.

It has a recreated village from the times of the Ryukyu Kingdom and you can hear traditional music. You can get your ticket to Ryukyu Mura here .

Zakimi Castle Ruins

This is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and totally cool for a great view of Okinawa. These ruins aren’t very large so expect to spend an hour here. 

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Zanpa Lighthouse & Zanpa Beach

This is one of my favorite lookout points! If you climb the Zanpa Lighthouse you can see gorgeous views of Yomitan Village. 

​We gotta get in some beach time so stop by Zanpa Beach for a couple hours before the sun gets too strong.

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Dechibica For Lunch

To anyone who will listen… Dechibica is one of the best vegan restaurants I’ve ever been to in my life!

Even the pickiest meat eaters will love this place and it’s always full around lunchtime. 

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Optional: Southeast Botanical Gardens

These are super beautiful gardens and you can play with Capybaras here. The admission fee to get in is 1,650yen ($11). 

Get your Southeast Botanical Gardens tickets here.

Explore American Village

Located right across the street from the Kadena Military Base, you can find anything and everything from here. I also recommend eating some Blue Seal ice cream with typical Okinawan flavors like Shikwasa, Beni Imo (purple potato) and Chinsuko (Okinawan cookies). 

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Dinner at Kinpa Ginpa or The Sunabe Seawall

Depending on what you want from your last day, either is an excellent choice. The Kinpa Ginpa has amazing ramen and even more deliciou Chu-his.

The Sunabe Seawall has plenty of delicious restaurants with excellent views of the ocean for sunset. You can also go snorkeling here. 

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I hope this 5-day Okinawa itinerary will help you plan the most epic trip there! Okinawa, Japan is one of my most favorite places in the world to be and I’m sure you’ll fall in love with it!

If you go, be sure to follow #ginamademedoit do I can take a look at all your travel adventures!

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  • Feb 22, 2020

4-Day Okinawa Japan Road Trip Guide: A complete itinerary to experience the best of Naha Island

Updated: Jul 18, 2020

Want to experience the best Japan has to offer in a laid back tropical island setting? That's exactly what you'll get from a visit to Okinawa. From delicious local cuisine and rich cultural history to cliffside coastlines surrounded by the clearest of blue waters. Experience the best of Okinawa in 4 days with our complete road trip itinerary guide with maps.

4-Day Road Trip Itinerary: Naha, Okinawa, Japan travel guide

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Getting to Naha, Okinawa from Singapore:

One of the reasons we added Okinawa to our travel list is that it is only a direct flight away from Singapore. Within 5 hours we reached Naha airport thanks to Jetstar Asia.

Renting a Car: Getting around Naha, the main island of Okinawa:

As there are many stunning coastal drives along Naha, we highly recommend renting a car to make the most of the visit. Outside the airport, are stands of shuttles offering to take passengers on the 10-minute drive to the nearest car rental company. We rented our car via Budget, pre-booked on Expedia. We recommend a good internet connection to be able to use Google Maps as well (as our GPS was mostly in Japanese).

Okinawa Road Trip car rental Budget

The best time to visit Okinawa:

We visited during Late January and were treated to 20-25c weather, clear skies and limited crowds. We originally booked to visit in August the previous year, however, delayed our trip due to typhoons.

Where to stay in Naha:

We opted for a stay at the Harbourview hotel in Naha City, which included valet parking for a small daily rate. This location was an easy drive for most of our day trips and a short walk to restaurants in the evening. There are many accommodation options across Naha island though and with a car all are easily accessible which can be seen here.

Find the best hotel deals in Naha, Okinawa:

Our Complete 4 Day Road Trip Itinerary around Okinawa:

Day 1 route: naha - cape manzamo - cape maeda - cape zanpa - america village - naha.

Naha Okinawa Road Trip map travel guide

Cape Manzamo:

The sun warmed our backs as the light breeze swept across the calm ocean on a 25c clear day. We wandered past tropical green trees as we approached the famous Manzamo coastline, tour groups were in toe with this site drawing a crowd. We waited for a clearing between groups to get our perfect view of the elephant-shaped rock pushing out into the clear turquoise waters below.

Cape Manzamo Okinawa Naha Japan

Izakaya Lunch Stop - Cape Manzamo

We turned south along the stunning coastal drive for a further 20 mins towards Cape Maeda. Just 5 minutes past Manzamo, along the coastal highway, we stopped at a small Japanese house converted into an Izakaya restaurant (See stop 2 on our map). Here we sat on tatami mats and floor level and had our first taste of Okinawa’s famous Sea Grape and Soba. We wouldn’t have spend more than $30 for this feast.

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Cape Maeda:

Upon arrival at Cape Maeda, the car park was filled with Diving and Snorkeling groups, this spot is famous for swimming in the blue cave. It’s possible to book a tour on the spot. We opted to walk along the rocky cliffs and take in the view, free from other tourists.

Cape Maeda Coastline Naha Okinawa Japan

Cape Zanpa:

Continuing south, our next stop was Cape Zanpa lighthouse. For a $4 entry fee and 130m climb be treated to some spectacular aerial views of the Okinawa coastline. The views of the water below offered more shades of blue than we could count.

Here we stopped to try another famous Okinawan delicacy - Blue Seals local sweet potato purple ice cream. It was creamy and delicious.

Cape Zanpa Lighthouse Okinawa Naha Blue Seal Icecream

The American Village:

Our final stop south on the way back to Naha was the American Village. Filled with souvenir shops, restaurants and vintage American memorabilia.

American Village Naha Okinawa

Evening in Naha City - Kokusai Dori

After reaching Naha City we walked 10 minutes from our hotel down to the bustling street of Kokusai Dori. A popular tourist strip, filled with restaurants. Here, we got our first taste of the Okinawa brewed Orion Beer, a must-try during your visit.

Kokusai Dori Street, Naha City, Okinawa

Day 2 Route: Naha - Kouri Island - Churaumi Aquarium - Naha Makishi Market

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Kouri Island:

Experience 50 shades of blue driving across Japan's second-longest bridge connecting to a remote island. Driving to this island was a sight in itself not to be missed. Upon arrival, we stopped via the coast to walk along the water and take it all in. We spent the full morning at Kouri, here are our highlights:

Kouri Island Okinawa Naha Japan water

Stop for lunch at the Kouri Shrimp food truck:

We loved the ocean views over a low-cost Japanese-Hawaiian fusion lunch of garlic shrimp, beef, rice and seaweed fries.

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Take a buggy tour to the top of the Ocean Tower:

We next jumped on a cute buggy tour taking us to the views at the top of the Ocean Tower. On the way down we stopped to taste the soft pumpkin cookies made on-site, of which we brought several boxes home, these were the perfect souvenir!

Ocean Tower view Kouri Island Okinawa

Chuarium Aquarium:

From Kouri island, we headed south to Chuarium Aquarium, located again along a stunning coastline of clear blue waters. The highlight here was the large tank of manta's whale sharks.

Churaumi Aquarium naha okinawa japan whale shark

Naha City Makishi Markets:

After a long day, we headed back to Naha to end the night with a shop and dinner around Naha City's Makishi Markets.

Naha City Makishi Markets Japan Okinawa

Day 3 Route: Naha - Japanese Navy Underground Headquarters - Umikaji Terrace - A&W - Okinawa World & Gyokusen-do Cave - Valley of Gangala - Naha

Okinawa road trip map guide

The Japanese Navy Underground Headquarters (WW2 Museum & tunnels) - Tomigusuku:

Just 15 minutes from our hotel was the Former Japanese Navy Underground Headquarters from World War Two. We experienced the war history walking through meters of underground tunnels once critical in the battle for Okinawa.

Japanese Navy Headquarters WW2 museum tunnels Naha Okinawa Japan

Umikaji Terrace & the Hammock Cafe:

Also located in Naha City is the coastal area of Umikaji terrace, filled with waterfront restaurants. Here we stopped for a morning coffee at the Instagrammable Hammock Cafe.

Hammock Cafe Umikaji terrace naha okinawa japan

Lunch at A&W:

Seemingly the most famous fast food restaurant in Okinawa is A&W. We made a lunch stop to try the juicy burgers and fries.

Okinawa World and Gyokusen-do Cave:

We spent our afternoon at Okinawa World. The highlight here was the 2km Gyokusen-do cave developed hundreds of thousands of years ago and taking more than 20 minutes to walk through. We also enjoyed some local culture here, watching a traditional drumming and dance show, as well as visiting some pineapple plantations.

Gyokusen-do Cave - Okinawa World

Valley of Gangala:

Directly across the road from Okinawa World is the Valley of Gangala, a lush green valley of a once collapsed limestone cave. Walking tours are available hourly through the area, which can only be accessed as part of a tour. We managed to catch the last English tour of the day departing at 4 pm.

Valley of Gangala Okinawa Japan

Day 4 Route: Exploring Naha City's Surrounds - Shurijo Castle - Tsuboya Pottery Village - Fukushuen Park - Dinner in an old Japanese Residence

Shurijo Castle:

Our first stop of the day was exploring the remnants of this world heritage castle and grounds while enjoying a view over Naha city.

Tsuboya Pottery Village:

We then shopped for some locally-made souvenirs at Tsuboya Pottery Village. We Took time to wander the cute streets & stop for the local Bukubuku tea, made from rice (Andrew also made a new friend).

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Fukushuen Park:

Our last stop of the day was wandering the traditional gardens of Fukushuen Park.

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Dinner at Komiya Shokudo Japanese Residence:

Finally we enjoyed dinner in a traditional Japanese house for under $30 for 2 people.

Komiya Shokudo Japan Naha Okinawa

We hope you enjoyed our weekend travel guide to the Okinawa, Japan.

We also share our top 10 must try local foods in Okinawa here.

For more blog posts on weekend getaways and travel itineraries check out the destinations section of our blog.


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Little Sherpa Travels Japan Okinawa Naha road trip guide

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WE ARE: An Australian and British married couple living in Australia, which we recently moved back to after 7 years exploring Asia. By week we manage data forecasting and engineering projects. By the weekend we wander. This is the story of our weekend travels. We are passionate travellers who love taking photos, eating and going on adventures.  We hope you enjoy our travel blog.


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This is the Best 7 Day Okinawa Itinerary (2024)

Japan ‘s remote Okinawa islands in the Pacific Ocean are its best-kept secret . Many of the islands are quiet and serene, despite their tropical climate, sandy beaches and delicious food. I recently visited the islands as part of a backpacking Japan trip . In this post, I will share my top tips on how to create the perfect Okinawa itinerary for 7 days.

okinawa itinerary

This post may contain affiliate links. That means, if you make a purchase, I may receive a small commission. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. For more information, read my disclaimer .

How to create your Okinawa itinerary

So, how many days in Okinawa do you really need? If you are planning to stay on the main island, anything from 3 days to 7 days in Okinawa is ideal, so you can blend beach time with travelling and activities.

An Okinawa travel itinerary of 3 or 4 days could include a beach day, a scuba diving or snorkelling day and a day to visit local Okinawa attractions. If you have 5 days in Okinawa, you can discover beaches and places of interest further afield, especially if you hire a car.

If you plan to take flights or boat trips to visit some of the other islands in the archipelago, then an Okinawa itinerary 7 days or more is perfect. One week in Okinawa will give you time to see and do everything you want to, without feeling rushed.

Check out the latest deals on cheap flights to Okinawa .

These are the best places to stay on your Okinawa itinerary

If you’re wondering where to stay in Okinawa, you have a number of options. The best place to stay in Okinawa depends how long you have on the islands and what you would like to do on your Okinawa itinerary.

You will need to bear in mind that the main Okinawa island is long. Even if you hire a car, the maximum speed limit is 60 km per hour (around 37 miles per hour) and you will find it takes a while to get to each of the beaches and Okinawa tourist attractions. This is why an Okinawa 7 day itinerary could work better than a shorter trip, so you can relax and see more. You can read more about all the best places to go in Okinawa below.

For the full overview, check out Lonely Planet’s travel guide book for Japan, including Okinawa, here .

Naha – the capital city

The capital city of Naha is a great place to go shopping and it is also most convenient for the airport. One of the main places to visit in Okinawa for shopping is Naha’s Kokusaidori street, also known as International street, which is full of bars, shops and restaurants.

If you choose to stay in Okinawa’s capital city of Naha, there are some great hotels here. The boutique-style Mercure Okinawa Naha hotel is conveniently located less than ten minutes from the airport by monorail. Its Bistro de La Mer restaurant offers French dishes paired with excellent international wines.

If you are backpacking Okinawa and looking for a hostel, the stylish Okinawa Sora House is in a great location, close to all the shops and restaurants on the popular Kokusai Street.

Browse and book your room in one of the best hotels and places to stay in Naha .

Chatan – American Village

We stayed in Chatan, around an hour north of Naha. There is an affordable shuttle bus that travels between here and the airport.

As well as a beach, Chatan includes a lively area known as American Village, which has many restaurants, shops and entertainment venues. 

This colourfully-lit area has a retro, Americana feel and is completely different from the rest of Japan. It is popular with the Americans stationed on the island’s large U.S. military base. Its blend of Japanese and US culture feels quite unique.

Check out the latest deals on the top hotels and places to stay in Chatan .

okinawa itinerary

Hotels in Chatan, Okinawa include the fabulous Hilton Okinawa Chatan Resort , a short walk from American Village. Guests rave about its sea views and friendly staff.

We stayed at the neighbouring, brand new Doubletree by Hilton Okinawa Chatan resort . which also overlooks the sea. This is a gorgeous hotel with welcoming staff and useful amenities. Our large room had a balcony, two double beds and a wet room with a rain shower, which is perfect to relax under after a day of sightseeing or at the beach. I recommend choosing an ocean-facing room so you can see the stunning sunset views over the sea.

If you are on an Okinawa backpacking trip and looking for a hostel, there are some great options in Chatan. The hipster AIEN Coffee & Hostel serves a delicious breakfast and offers bike rental, while the colourful Seawall Hostel is just two minutes’ walk from the beach.

Further north – Onna and Nago

If you plan to visit north Okinawa, it’s worth knowing that Onna has one of the best-known scuba diving spots, while Nago is home to the most fun and quirky tourist attractions in Okinawa.

In Onna you will find one of the best Okinawa beach resorts. The ANA InterContinental Manza Beach Resort hotel is in an enviable spot surrounded by the ocean and with a private beach. The excellent Hotel Monterey Okinawa Spa & Resort offers a wide range of activities, while the superb Sheraton Sunmarina Okinawa Resort hotel has facilities for families and sports lovers.

One of the top-rated hotels in Nago is the Kanehide Kise Beach Palace , which has large rooms, sea views and sits on a sandy beach.

Backpackers in Okinawa should head straight to the Akachichi Guesthouse when in Onna, which has affordable private rooms with garden views and delicious breakfast served on the terrace. In Nago, the brilliant Backpackers Guesthouse Border has sociable dorm rooms and sea views.

What you need to know about travelling around Okinawa

There isn’t yet a good public transport infrastructure in Okinawa and taxis are expensive, so the best way to travel around in Okinawa is by car.

The fantastic staff at our hotel booked us in at an Okinawa car rental place nearby so we could set off on an Okinawa road trip to explore the island.

In Japan, people drive on the left and the roads have a relatively low speed limit. For this reason, even with a car, we found it took longer than expected to visit places. However, in general the local drivers are calm and polite which makes driving in Okinawa quite pleasant, even if you are not used to driving on the left. Read on for our Okinawa self drive itinerary.

This is the best 7 day Okinawa itinerary

Day 1 – spend a day at one of okinawa’s beautiful beaches.

Our Okinawa 1 week itinerary included some local attractions and the best Okinawa beaches. This is why we had come to this tropical island after all. There are beautiful beaches here with hardly a soul on them.

One of the best beaches in Okinawa is Oodomari beach on the remote Ikei Island. It can be reached by car in around an hour from Chatan , via a series of bridges from Okinawa island, which is a fun part of your Okinawa self drive route.

As with some other Okinawa beach trips, you will need to pay a small fee to the beach’s owners but you can enjoy the area almost to yourself. The sea is ideal for swimming – clear, clean and full of fish. There are basic showers where you can wash off the sand afterwards.

okinawa itinerary

Day 2 – Pay your respects at the Peace Memorial Park

Okinawa’s Peace Memorial Park, a 40 minute drive from Chatan and 30 minutes south of Naha , is one of the most thought-provoking places to go in Okinawa.

Here, you can walk around the various sites and pay your respects to the many lives lost on both sides of the Battle of Okinawa. In World War II’s last major battle, over 180,000 American troops invaded Okinawa island, as part of their strategy to defeat Japan. There is a museum here where you can discover the devastating impact of the war on Okinawa and its people.

okinawa itinerary

Day 3 – Visit Sefa-Utaki, a UNESCO World Heritage Site

I loved Sefa-Utaki, a sacred space with an enormous spiritual significance for Okinawa. It is 50 minutes from Chatan by car and 40 minutes east of Naha .

This UNESCO World Heritage Site is one of the main Okinawa points of interest. For thousands of years, people have come here to worship in Okinawa’s native Ryukyuan religion. This religion values paying respects to our ancestors, as well as the gods and spirits of the natural world. 

According to Ryukyuan texts, Sefa-Utaki was the spot where Amamikyu, the goddess of creation, first manifested and set foot on Okinawa. Kings and priestesses would make pilgrimages here to conduct important ceremonies and pray for the prosperity of the kingdom and its harvests.

Winding staircases and footpaths lead through lush jungle surroundings to shrine areas and notable rock formations. The last place you reach is the most sacred. Here, two huge rocks lean against each other, forming a triangle-shaped space, like a natural cathedral.

Day 4 – Go snorkelling in Onna

Explore the underwater world around the islands on one of the Okinawa snorkelling tours, notably at the popular Blue Cave site near Onna.

If you are feeling adventurous, there are many Okinawa scuba diving sites around the islands, which are surrounded by coral reefs. We headed towards the neighbouring island’s Kerama National Park on our scuba-diving trip.

Also in Onna is one of the most notable places of interest in Okinawa. Ryukyu Mura recreates a traditional Okinawan village, complete with dancing and drum performances.

Discover the all best hotels and places to stay in Onna

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Days 5-7 – Check out the unique tourist attractions in Nago

If you’re in Nago, don’t miss Nago Pineapple Park, a theme park giving tours of pineapple fields, which is one of Okinawa’s main tourist attractions.

Also in Nago is Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium. Once the world’s largest aquarium, it contains impressive exhibits containing sharks, manta rays and a vivid variety of sealife. The nearby underwater observatory at Busena Marine Park is another one of the best places to visit in Okinawa.

Okinawa has its own brand of American-style beer, called Orion. It has been widely consumed on the island for the last 60 years. You can visit the Orion Happy Park in Nago and tour the factory where Orion beer is brewed.

You will need to allow a couple of hours to travel back to Naha airport.

Find out the latest prices for the best hotels and places to stay in Nago .

okinawa itinerary

This is the best time to visit Okinawa

Temperatures on the Okinawa islands reach around 20°C all year round, thanks to the subtropical climate. While most of mainland Japan’s beaches open in July for the summer, the best time to visit Okinawa beaches is a large part of the year. In Okinawa beach opening is from March all the way through to October. It’s the perfect stop in Japan for beach lovers.

Okinawa’s main rainy season is in May and June. In July and August, temperatures reach over 30° and there is a chance of typhoons hitting the islands from then until September. Okinawa’s weather in December to February has the lowest temperatures, at closer to 20°, but also the lowest amount of rainfall.

If you’re wondering, when should I visit Okinawa, the best time to visit is in the spring months of March and early April, or in the autumn, from October to November.

Keep reading this Okinawa travel blog post to discover how to create the perfect 7 day itinerary to see the best of Okinawa.

Don’t go without Lonely Planet’s essential Japan and Okinawa travel guide book – buy it here .

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How to get to Okinawa

The main Okinawa airport is in Naha and there are different sections depending on whether you are flying to or from Japan or internationally. Airlines such as ANA operate cheap flights to Okinawa from the main islands of Japan, even though it covers a distance of around 900 miles (1500 km).

Check the flight times and prices for cheap flights to Okinawa .

blog voyage okinawa

From Tokyo to Okinawa, the journey takes almost three hours. Flights from Haneda to Okinawa airport can cost as little as US$60, so it’s certainly possible to book cheap flights from Okinawa to Tokyo.

Flights from Okinawa to Osaka take just under two hours and can cost from around US$45, while from Kyoto to Okinawa the journey is two hours and 15 minutes, priced from around US$80 depending on the time of year.

From Hong Kong to Okinawa the flight time is actually shorter than from Tokyo, at two hours 40 minutes, and it costs from around US$100. Meanwhile, Singapore to Okinawa flights take five hours and closer to US$300.

If you are wondering how to go to Okinawa from Malaysia, the cheapest flights are from Kuala Lumpur, with a stop in Taiwan. Costing around US$225, it takes 7.5 hours.

Feast on the unique food in Okinawa

One of the things Okinawa is famous for is its unique fusion food , thanks to its many international influences. These include  taco rice , a Japanese-American dish inspired by the nearby U.S. military base.

For us, one of the best Okinawa restaurants was a semi-hidden restaurant called Oshino. Here, each table is fixed with its own  teppanyaki  grill, where your food is cooked in front of you. They even give you a special spatula to cut and serve your meal onto your plate. The restaurant specialises in original versions of   teppanyaki  dishes.

Everything we ate here was good but my favourite was a Tex-Mex take on Japan’s famous  okonomiyaki  savoury pancake dish, which you won’t find anywhere else in the country.

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In the wake of World War II, Spam, the famous U.S. tinned pork brand, was one of the few sources of meat for the islanders and fit is still popular today. In the American Village’s huge Aeon supermarket, you can find many flavours of Spam.

A popular breakfast for Okinawa residents is a Spam sushi sandwich. This breakfast sushi sandwich is rice covered with nori seaweed and filled with egg, Spam and tomato ketchup. It is surprisingly tasty. 

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The famous Japanese dish of  tempura –  battered and deep fried seafood and vegetables – was in fact inspired by a meat-free, deep-fried recipe from Portuguese traders arriving in Japan’s historic port city of Nagasaki ( see below ) during the 16th century. The best place to find it in Okinawa is at the Oshiro tempura shop on the tiny Oishi island, just off the south of Okinawa island.

In Okinawa, they use local ingredients in their tempura, including  goya  bitter melon and  benimo , the purple sweet potatoes Okinawans love to use in both savoury and sweet dishes.

Buy Okinawan souvenirs to treasure

When you explore Okinawa, you will often see pairs of what look like guardian lions at the entrance of doorways and shrines. These are shisa , traditional Ryukyuan decorative beasts from Okinawan mythology, believed to ward off evil.

The left shisa traditionally has its mouth closed in order to keep the good spirits in, while the beast on the right has an open mouth to banish the evil spirits. You can find plenty of replicas of these shisa to decorate your home or give as a present.

Another popular souvenir from Okinawa is the region’s famous sweet potato tarts. At the airport, you will find many examples of these bright purple treats to pick up as a unique gift.

Final thoughts on creating the perfect Okinawa itinerary

Okinawa remains a relatively overlooked part of Japan and many visitors do not venture down to these tropical islands. It’s understandable when there are so many amazing things to do in Japan .

While there are some fabulous hotels, the islands are not yet set up to be major tourist destinations and this is part of its charm. If you are interested in culture, food, history and beaches and somewhere off-the-beaten track, Okinawa is a fascinating and rewarding place to visit.

Start researching your holiday in Okinawa here .

okinawa itinerary

Next, read about how to create a three-week itinerary in Japan that you will remember forever.

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A view from above of a couple of islands connected by bridges.

L.I.T. Guide to Okinawa: 7 day Itinerary

Are you currently researching a possible trip to Okinawa, Japan? Okinawa has been slowly getting the attention of people all over the world. You’ve probably read an article or two about the great number of centenarians (people over the age of 100) living in Ogimi Village. Maybe you saw the documentary Happy , where Okinawa is mentioned as one of the happiest places on earth. Maybe you spotted the turquoise beaches on a certain reel on Instagram (was it mine?).

After living in Okinawa for 7 years (and counting), I decided to put some of my knowledge into one place. I wanted to help those moving to Okinawa, as well as those planning on visiting this amazing island. Little Island Takara Guide to Okinawa is a series of blog posts where I share: a bit of history, lots of tips, an itinerary, must do’s, must eat, and so much more!!

If you haven’t read the previous LIT Guide to Okinawa Introduction post I suggest you head over there first, it includes a list of 10 things you should know before you visit. I also published a blogpost chockful of information about moving or PCSing in & out of the island , that I wrote for Starsand Magazine a spouse run magazine on island that’s sadly no longer in circulation. Most recently I added more information to an old blog post featuring the Inside Scoop on Driving in Okinawa , and reposted it because it’s one of my most popular ones and I thought it would be a great addition to this series! I have so many blog posts that have been sitting in my drafts for years and it’s time to dust them off and hit publish!

>> Now back to what we’re here for <<

One of the most frequent questions I’ve gotten through the years from blog readers on my email or followers on social media is “What should I do in Okinawa?” . I always put together a list for those who ask and tell myself that I need to just write down an itinerary and publish it on the blog, so here we are FINALLY! Here’s a little preview:

A map of Okinawa with pins of places to visit.

I’d like to point out before we dive in that this is how I would go about planning a trip. When I travel I usually like to do the farthest things first… so my suggestion is to head straight to the northern side of the island, that way you make your way south as the week goes on and your departure will be less stressful. I would personally stay in multiple places because it appeals to me… but you can always stay in a central location (Chatan/Onna) and just drive to different places every day. The itinerary can easily be switched around depending on your preferences or even the weather during your stay, it’s up to you!

Also… this was a hard post for me to write because we didn’t just visit Okinawa… we live here. So, I will try my best to write an itinerary that includes touristy spots, as well as some local gems. I asked on Instagram Stories for advice on how long I should make it… and thanks to that help I decided on 7 days. I’ve also had many suggestions for places to include, so thanks to everyone who has contributed! I will also include an idea for an extra day in case you’re staying for a longer period of time. You can also leave me a comment below, email me or DM me on Instagram and I can recommend you more things to do/see.

Day 1-2: North

Arrive at Naha International Airport, pick up a SIM card/pocket wifi, exchange some yen, and grab your rental car. A car is a must because there is not much public transportation on island. Make sure you have an international driver’s license or your SOFA license if you’re visiting from mainland Japan. (Read more about why you need a rental car and read the inside scoop about driving in Okinawa ) Now it’s time to head up north or to wherever you’ll be based at.

Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium is an absolute must. Probably the #1 touristy place on the island where you’ll get to learn all about the underwater creatures that live in the surrounding waters. Visit one of the largest tanks in the world named the Kuroshio Sea, which holds a large variety of local sea life. The tank is so big that it holds four whale sharks, manta rays, and more! Sit back and enjoy the feeding show, or grab a snack at Café Ocean Blue. If you visit in spring go to the Tropical Dream Center to see the amazing flower displays.

Bise Village is located just a few minutes away from the aquarium. You can rent bikes and explore this cute little village or you can explore it on foot. Make sure you visit Emerald Beach, grab a bowl of soba at Churaumi Cafe , and take a photo in front of the cute ‘Okinawa Lover’ wall in front of OkinawaSun cafe before heading out.

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Kouri Island is hands down one of my favorite places on island! At the end of the long bridge, you’ll find the clearest water on Okinawa Island. Park that rental and walk along the beach, buy yourself an Okinawa Salt Cookie ice cream (trust me!) at Blue Seal , visit the Kouri Ocean Tower to see an amazing 180° view of the island, make a pit stop at the Love Rocks which are a big touristy spot and considered a “power spot” by the locals, lastly grab a lunch at the Shrimp Wagon . I love taking visitors to the Unten Observation Deck to get a great view of Kouri.

Sesoko Island is a great alternative if you don’t want to drive up to Kouri! It’s just 15 min south of the aquarium, has gorgeous crystal clear water just like Kouri. The sand area at the beach by the bridge isn’t the best, but the water makes up for it!! We paid to park there for convenience, but you can also park up the hill. If you’ve been wanting to try Japanese fluffy pancakes, give Trip Cafe a try, they’re right by the beach but pro tip: arrive early! If they’re too busy or you’re not in the mood for pancakes I cannot recommend Fuu Cafe enough! The atmosphere is so lovely. On your way out stop at Ringo Cafe and treat yourself to a box of their exquisite macarons.

Have extra time?

Cape Hedo / Daisekirinzan Park – If you have extra time up north check out the northernmost point of Okinawa to see this amazing Jurassic Park-like view of where the Pacific Ocean meets the East China Sea. Explore the trails around Daisekirinzan Park, one of the biggest “power spots” on Okinawa, the limestone peaks are said to have been created by god over 200 million years ago. Make a pit stop at the giant Okinawa rail statue on your way out. If you have kiddos check out the Yanbaru Wooden Toy Museum .

If you have a military ID, you can stay at Okuma Beach , which is a private military resort (although resort is definitely not what I would call it 😂) or just take a dip on the crystal clear beach on your way down from your Cape Hedo visit!

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If you don’t have time to drive up to Cape Hedo and want to do something out in nature I cannot recommend hiking Mt. Katsuu enough. The hike is relatively easy and takes around 30 minutes each way. The 360-degree view from the top is magnificent and you’ll get to see all the luscious greens surrounding the mountain, the city of Nago, and both the Pacific Ocean and the East China Sea.

Places to Eat – Some of our favorite spots on the north side of the island are: Kajinhou aka Pizza in the Sky , which is this amazing pizza place inside a traditional Okinawan home with the most gorgeous view of Nago. Next door is Anettaichaya Hammock Cafe , which has the same view but offers lighter meals like sandwiches, french toast, pizza toast, pho, and desserts!

Day 3-4: West-Central

Onna Village:

I would spend a day in Onna if you plan to snorkel or scuba dive! Cape Maeda is a must. It can be very crowded on the weekends and during the holidays, but a perfect place for swimmers of any skill to see marine life. Make sure you visit the famous Blue Cave while you’re there. If you’re a beginner you may be better off going with a tour, but if you’re a skilled swimmer you should be good to go. The location has paid parking, snack bar, bathrooms, and showers! Beach 51 is only 5 minutes away from Maeda and another great beach to visit with an amazing view from the cliff above!

Ryukyu Mura is sort of an Okinawa themed park also 5 minutes away from Maeda. They feature so much about traditional Okinawan culture like tiled roof residences, a shrine, performances such as taiko drumming, dances, reenactments of historical ceremonies and so much more! There are also lots of workshops you can take part in, like pottery making, playing sanshin, weaving coasters in traditional Okinawan patterns, and painting shisa statues.

Places to Eat in Onna – If you’re around Maeda around lunchtime check out The BROS Sandwich Shop .   Pizzeria No Enzo is right on Beach 51 and it’s an amazing Italian restaurant (reservations needed for the weekends for sure!). If you’re visiting in the summer and looking for a refreshing treat after a day in the water check out Ryu-Pin inside the Onna No Eki market for a fruit filled mountain of shaved ice. Cafe Doka Doka is my personal favorite in the area and has an amazing view of the water. Close by you’ll find a second Trip Cafe location if you didn’t make it to Sesoko Island for fluffy pancakes. There’s also Paanilaani Pancake House if you’d like to try more Hawaiian pancakes!

Yomitan Village:

In Yomitan you can visit the Cape Zanpa Lighthouse . Walk along these massive cliffs, climb up to the top to get a better view from the lighthouse (if you visit before 4 pm), grab yourself some Blue Seal ice cream at the ice cream truck, and take a picture with the largest shisa statue. There’s a restaurant called Zanpa Drive-In that has amazing fried chicken sandwiches and you MUST get their purple sweet potato fries!! If you visit from December to March I suggest checking out the lantern festival at Murasaki Mura ! If handmade pottery interests you check out the  Yomitan Pottery Village !

Places to eat in Yomitan – Again, I cannot recommend Zanpa Drive-In enough, Shiro Kuma for Thai food, Mintama for Italian, Hachiren for ramen and Bloom Coffee for lunch!

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There’s not a lot to do in Yomitan… so I suggest driving down to Chatan on this day as well. The bagels at Little Cactus are a favorite and I recommend walking along the Sunabe Seawall . Then drive over to the super quirky outdoor shopping mall that is American Village ! There are so many shops and restaurants to try in this area, you can easily spend hours exploring the multiple buildings. Get yourself a coffee, keep your camera on hand so you can capture all the little details that make this place so fun, find all the Pokemon murals, enjoy a view of the water with an Okinawa Salt Cookie cone from the terrace at Blue Seal , visit the arcade or walk along the gachapon aisles, end the day with sunset and mojitos from Island Paddler’s Bar on Sunset Beach . If you visit on a Saturday night just know they shoot fireworks over the water at 8pm!

Places to eat in Sunabe Sea Wall –  Sandbox Burgers for some of the best burgers on island, Cafe Halcyon for crepes, Thaicoon for Thai food and Vietnam Chan for Vietnamese food, Whale Chicken for Korean Food, Five Star Deli for bomb sandwiches, Coffee Casa for delicious coffee, Kanna Plus for shaved ice.

Places to eat in American Village – Seaside Cafe Hanon for fluffy pancakes, Zhyvago Coffee Works or Vongo and Anchor for your coffee needs, try one of the popular spam onigiris at Pork Tamago Onigiri , Kona’s Coffee for Hawaiian inspired food, Wagyu Café Kapuka for the freshest salads, Pizza Stand NY for some stateside style pizza’s.

Honestly… I could keep going Chatan is a foodie heaven!!

Day 4: East-Central

A Yokatsu Islands road trip is the perfect way to spend a day! These are five islands connected by bridges on the east-central side of Okinawa. Drive over the Kaichu Doro bridge , you can totally park at the rest stop and take in the scenery or keep on driving. Some must-visit spots on the islands are Hamahiga Beach , the seawall murals on Henza Island , the Kafu Banta viewpoint at the Nuchi-Una Salt Factory on Miyagi Island , the red bridge on Ikei Island, and either Ikei Beach or Oodomari Beach ! Feel free to get lost along the tiny streets, there are treasures to be found in the most unexpected places. Before you leave the area make a pit stop at Yakena Strait Observatory to see an amazing view and the bluest of water! See more photos from a day trip around the Yokatsu Islands .

Places to Eat in Uruma – There aren’t a lot of places to eat in the islands… but if you visit Ikei Beach they have a small cafe that offers Okinawa staples like soba, ramen, curry, that’s perfect if you get hungry while you’re beaching it up. If you’re wanting to stop for food after leaving the islands there’s a King Tacos right after the big bridge where you can try taco rice! Twenty minutes away in Awase you will have more options for food, like BB Coffee , Kramp Coffee , Burger Wolf , and Ajitoya for soup curry. The AeonMall Rycom is close by as well and has a big food court with endless options.

Day 5-6: South

Peace Memorial Park in Itoman is a must-visit if you’re interested in WWII history! Walk to the Cornerstone of Peace and around the different monuments in honor of those lost in the Battle of Okinawa. Afterward, spend some time at the Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum also inside the park. If you have extra time the Himeyuri Peace Museum nearby is also a must visit in my opinion.

Normally I’d recommend Shuri Castle as the #1 must-do in Naha City, but sadly it burned down back in 2019, and although there are still things to see around the grounds beside the castle… but I totally understand if you skip it. Reconstruction has begun in 2021 with the hopes of it being completed by 2026.

Instead, I suggest visiting the Naminoue Shrine (pictured above), there’s a beautiful beach there as well, but make sure you walk around the close-by bridge to see an amazing view of this cliffside shrine. There’s also Fukushuen Gardens which is nothing short of an oasis in the middle of Naha City!

I also suggest doing your souvenir shopping along Kokusai Dori (International Street) and later eating at Yatai Mura , the street food village. Senaga Island , right by the airport, is a fun place to visit because it has a small outdoor mall called Umikaji Terrace with a bunch of little shops and cafes. I haven’t been to all the places but A Happy Pancake has delicious fluffy pancakes!

Places to eat in Itoman/Naha: Cafe Curcuma is almost 30 minutes out of the way of Peace Memorial Park but it’s such a good Thai restaurant. If you decide to eat here you can visit Seifa-Utaki , another big local “power spot” and Azama Sun Sun Beach . In Naha, besides the Yatai Mura street mentioned previously, I also suggest C&C Breakfast for breakfast, next door there’s Pork Tamago which is super popular for their onigiris, Borrachos for Mexican food, Maverick for hamburgers, Better Girl for healthy brunch, Ichiran for a special ramen experience (not my favorite ramen though…), Life Sakaba for Korean food and late night drinking as it’s open 24hrs!

Got an extra full day? One word: Keramas!!

View of a bright turquoise beach surrounded by mountains from above

You can book a ticket online for the first and last ferry of the day with Marine Liner Tokashiki, take out yen for the day, drive to Naha Tomari Port and in 40 minutes you’ll be in paradise. There’s an island bus that you can take from the port to Aharen Beach (pictured above). There are restaurants and shops where you can rent a variety of beach items right by the bus stop. Make sure you walk up to the observation deck to see the gorgeous view! You can also rent bikes or a car for the day by the port. If you do you should definitely visit Tokashiku Beach as well, the bus doesn’t stop there, but it’s a great place to snorkel with sea turtles! Here’s a preview of a day trip to Tokashiki Island where my friends and I rented a car for the day!

We have also stayed at Kerama Backpackers and booked their Japanese private room. We stayed two nights with friends and were able to book a separate “ferry”–more like small boat–through them to Zamami Island and spent our second day there. Furuzamami Beach is just as gorgeous as Aharen Beach, and you can easily see sea turtles swimming around Ama Beach by the port.

PHEW! I’m done ya’ll! That was a lot. I’ve been mulling over this itinerary for YEARS and it’s finally time for it to spread its wings and live on the blog instead of hiding in the drafts. Again, feel free to message me on Instagram or email me if you have any Okinawa questions or need help with your itinerary. I’m always down to lend a hand. Note that it may take a little bit to respond as I’m terrible at checking my requests folder on Instagram and my email 😂.

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Best Things to Do and Places to Go in Okinawa: The Complete Guide

Ishigaki OKinawa

Okinawa is a group of about 160 beautiful islands located in the southern part of Japan. The archipelago is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan, known for its tropical climate, white sandy beaches, colorful coral reefs, and rich unique culture. The Okinawan culture is very interesting and is quite different from other parts of Japan. As Okinawa is very close to Taiwan and China, the Japanese, Taiwanese, and Chinese cultures have all had a big influence on Okinawan culture. There are also some historical spots, including World War II memorial sites that you can visit.

In spite of its somewhat remote location, Okinawa is visited by a great number of tourists all year round who come to the area to explore the beautiful nature and blue seas among other things. Okinawa prefecture consists of many islands, some of which are connected to each other by a bridge, while others are accessible only by plane or ferry. Each island is different in its own way and you can pick your destination based on the location and different characteristics that might suit your trip the best. In this article, we will give you all the tips about the best things to do and the best places to go in Okinawa!

Where is Okinawa?

Best time to visit okinawa, how to get around in okinawa, shurijo castle and naminoue shrine, kokusai dori, okinawa peace memorial park and museum, churaumi aquarium, hit the beach, marine sports, traditional taketomi, kohama island, irabu-ohashi bridge, scuba diving, yonaguni island, akajima island, nagannu island, kerama islands tours, hateruma island, kume island, senaga island, kouri island, other articles you might like, japan wonder travel tours .

Okinawa Prefecture is the southernmost part of Japan, located in the East China Sea, approximately 1,600 km away from Tokyo . The island group is spread out over 400 km and out of the 160 islands, 49 are uninhabited. The prefectural capital and biggest city is Naha, which is situated on the main island , which also happens to be the largest island. There are more than 1.4 million people living there, and it has the 9 th highest population density in all of Japan. 

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Okinawa is known for its subtropical climate with pleasant temperatures all year round. Though, we recommend visiting Okinawa in the spring or autumn , when the beaches are open and the temperature isn’t too hot. You will want to avoid the rainy season in Okinawa, which usually lasts from early May to early June. In addition, typhoons can be something to be concerned about in Okinawa in July and August, and even occasionally in September. All things considered, the best time to visit Okinawa is from March to early May or late September to December.

okinawa ocean

How to get to Okinawa

From Tokyo, there are daily, direct flights that take you to Okinawa in less than 3 hours. This is definitely the fastest and easiest way to get to Okinawa island for an affordable price – we recommend you book well in advance. You can also take domestic flights to Okinawa from other airports such as Kansai International Airport in Osaka. In addition, there are daily direct flights to Ishigaki Island , Miyako Island , and Shimoji Island from several airports including Narita and Haneda . Okinawa Airport also offers some international connections to East Asia.

blog voyage okinawa

Once you arrive in Okinawa, you will need to figure out what form of transportation you will be using to get around the islands. As the public transportation system in Okinawa is not nearly as developed as the bigger cities on the mainland of Japan, most people rent a car to get around the main island. You can find many car rental shops around Naha Airport. Make sure to make a reservation online before your visit, as they are often fully booked whenever there is a holiday! If you want to travel to the more isolated islands, you can take a ferry or a domestic flight, and rent a car or bike closer to where you are staying.

If you don’t have a driver’s license that is valid in Japan, hiring a private car with a driver is one of the options to explore Okinawa. It will make your trip nice and smooth, and you can make sure to visit all the spots on your wish list. ▶ Explore Okinawa with Private Lexus Car Hire with Simple English Driver

Okinawa Main Island

The main island of Okinawa is home to unique places. Naha city is the prefectural capital of Okinawa and boasts many famous tourist spots such as Shurijo Castle and Naminoue Shrine . Shurijo Castle was an iconic structure in Okinawa with a long history. It was once the main castle for the Ryukyu Kingdom, which governed the island from the 15th to 19th century. It stood on a hill overlooking the Naha Port which functioned as a trade center at the time. Unfortunately, a big fire burned down most of the castle in 2019. However, it is being rebuilt and some parts are available for tourists. The reconstruction of the main castle will be completed in 2026.

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If you want to try some local specialties or get souvenir gifts for your family, visit Kokusai Dori , a lively street full of great restaurants and retail shops. Also, it can be a lot of fun to experience Okinawa’s unique culture by checking out some local festivals that are held every year. For example, the Eisa festival is held during the weekend after the Okinawa Obon holiday. Young people wear traditional Okinawan clothes and dance to traditional drums. Kokusai Dori is a must-visit when you are in Naha.

Okinawa shops naha kokusai dori

At the end of World War II, Operation Iceberg took place on Okinawa Island, one of the cruelest battles during the war. It resulted in a huge amount of casualties with a few hundred thousand deaths and major destruction to the island. Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum (沖縄県平和祈念資料館) is the memorial to the Battle of Okinawa which represents the history that everyone should know about. The park is open 24 hrs and is free to enter.

blog voyage okinawa

Churaumi Aquarium is the biggest aquarium in Japan and the second biggest in the world. Here you can see animals living in and/or around the Okinawa sea. “Chura” derives from Okinawa’s dialect which means beautiful while “umi” means sea in Japanese. Thus, this aquarium exhibits the beautiful sea of Okinawa. Animals that can be seen here include whale sharks and manta rays swimming in a massive 7,500㎥ water tank. ▶Get Churaumi Aquarium Tickets here

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Ishigaki Island

After spending a couple of days in the city of Naha, fly to Ishigaki Island to have a relaxing experience out in the beautiful nature! Ishigaki Island is one of the most popular remote islands that Okinawa has to offer. It is the 3rd largest island in Okinawa and is located about 410 km southwest of Naha.


Ishigaki has some of Okinawa’s and Japan’s best white sandy beaches that you don’t want to miss out on. One of the most popular and family-friendly beaches is Sukuji Beach, which has lots of shallow areas. Yonehara Beach in the east part of Kabira Bay has some of the clearest water on the island.

Sunset beach Ishigaki OKinawa

As Okinawa is made up of islands, there are endless places where you can enjoy various marine sports and activities. Ishigaki in particular is great for this, and you will certainly be amazed by the beautiful ocean, which is perfect for marine sports such as SUP, diving, and snorkeling. It can be a bit tough to do these kinds of things on your own, especially if you don’t have the gear, so we recommend taking a tour with a local guide.

Here are some of the best tours that we recommend:

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Ishigaki is also great when it comes to stargazing , as there is very little light pollution from residential areas. Luxury hotels can assure you of a comfortable and relaxing stay with amazing views of the water. Recommended tour: Ishigaki Night Jungle Tour

Taketomi Island and Kohama Island

Ishigaki is also close to Taketomi Island and Kohama Island . Taketomi is a small island with traditional houses and sandy beaches. If you are interested in learning more about the history of Okinawan culture, you will want to visit Taketomi as the original Ryukyu culture is very well-preserved.

Water buffalo Okinawa

You will feel like you have traveled back to ancient times when you pass the traditional houses and visit the traditional festivals in Taketomi. It is also a rather small island, which means you can move around the island by bicycle or even ride on a water buffalo carriage! It also has beautiful beaches on the west side of the island.

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Kohama Island is known for its sugar cane fields, the bright green sugar cane fields spread out around the island are a beautiful contrast with the clear blue sea and white sandy beaches! Taketomi Island and Kohama Island are both accessible by ferry from Ishigaki Island and offer a relaxing experience to those who prefer small, calm islands away from the bigger crowds.

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Miyakojima is another remote island with some of the best beaches in all of Japan. It is situated approximately 300 km southwest of Naha and is widely known for its beautiful beaches and coral reefs. Yonaha Maehama Beach is a beautiful white sand beach, stretching about 7 km. Take a relaxing stroll along the sandy beach while taking in the scenic beauty and feeling the sea breeze.

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Irabu-Ohashi Bridge , which is 3,540m long, is one of the longest bridges in Japan. It connects Miyakojima with another beautiful island called Irabu Island and can be a lot of fun to drive over if you have a car.

Miyakojima Irabe Bridge

Iriomote Island

Iriomote Island is the 2nd largest island among the Okinawa islands. Most of the island is undeveloped with more than 90% of the island being jungle and mangrove forests. Only about 2,400 people live in the coastal parts of the island which is described as one of the treasure boxes of nature. Thanks to its unique geographical features, there are a large variety of activities and experiences that you can take advantage of. Join exciting tours which take you to the mangroves full of wildlife. Options include boat cruises, SUP, and canoeing among other things. If you are looking for something more exciting, go trekking through the scenic rivers and gorges or join a highly-recommended jungle cruise.

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Scuba diving is also a good choice to explore the beautiful sea . You don’t need to have a scuba diving license, and an instructor will be with you the whole time to support and guide you during your dive. From Ishigaki Island, Iriomote Island is accessible by taking a ferry that runs only four times a day. 

Yonaguni Island is located at the westernmost point of Japan, located about 110 km away from the Taiwanese coast. It is well known for its amazing scenic spots with the beautiful blue ocean in the background. The unique, steep rock formations along the coastline represent the power of nature and fascinate visitors with a totally different experience from other remote islands. Yonaguni Island is also home to the rare Yonaguni small horses , one of only eight existing horse breeds native to Japan. You can ride them and explore the island and even go for a ride on the sandy beach! Yonaguni Island is accessible by ferry or plane from Ishigaki Island. 

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Kerama Islands

This tiny island is one of the Kerama islands, located south of Okinawa Island. The length of the island is only 11 km and around 300 people live there. To explore it, you can just walk around or ride a bicycle if you prefer that. You will be able to see marine turtles in the sea or sunbathe on the beach. The sea surrounding the island is extremely beautiful. It only takes 50 min by ferry to get to the island from the capital of Okinawa, Naha, making it the perfect day trip!

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Nagannu is another island belonging to the one of Kerama islands, located just 20 minutes away from Naha by high-speed ferry. This island is uninhabited but there are still some shops and restaurants. Since nobody lives there, its pristine and immaculate beaches and sea are strikingly beautiful. It has also become a famous diving spot. If you like exploring the ocean and want to learn more about the stunning tropical paradise that this island holds, we recommend you try scuba diving.

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Whale Watching

From the end of December until early April, you can see humpback whales in Okinawa. One of the most popular places for whale watching is the Kerama Islands. They are made up of 36 beautiful islands, including Zamami and Tokashiki islands. You can book a tour to go to Kerama islands by boat, departing near the airport.

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Hateruma Island is the southernmost inhabited island in Japan. About 500 people are living here, and one-third of them are engaged in agriculture or farming. With a total area of 15 km, it boasts beautiful nature and you are sure to have a pleasant stay. Visit Nishihama Beach, where you can see sea turtles swimming in the crystal-clear water, or explore the small island and meet the welcoming local people. For the best stargazing experience, head to Hateruma Observatory Tower for an impressive view of the stars. It will definitely be one of the highlights of your trip to Japan!    

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Kume Island is a small remote island, located about 100 km west of the mainland of Okinawa. From the main island, it takes three hours to get there by ferry, and 30 minutes by plane. The volcanic island is officially designated as a Prefectural Natural Park and is visited by a small number of tourists every year. One of the highlights is Hatenohama Beach , a large sandbar located off the coast of Kume Island. It is comprised of three sandbars and is only accessible by boat. The 7 km long white beach offers breathtaking views, especially when the sun sets. Mifuga Rock is another well-known attraction: a giant rock formation with a unique shape. It has a hole in the center of it which makes for a unique yet scenic view of the sea.

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Senaga Island is located south of Naha Airport. It is connected to Okinawa island by a bridge and accessible by car, bike, and bus that depart from the airport. Because of its convenient location, many people stop by to enjoy the great views of the sea on their way back home or right after they get to Naha. You can also see big airplanes flying overhead from Naha Airport. Senega Island Umikaji Terrace is a huge shopping complex, opened in 2015, with a number of restaurants, cozy cafes, souvenir shops, and more. Many restaurants serve special Okinawan dishes with locally produced ingredients. It is an ideal resort island for anyone, no matter how old or young.

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Kouri Island is a small, peaceful island, located about an hour and a half drive from Naha city, and connected to Yagaji Island by a bridge completed in 2005. The circular island’s main destination is Kouri Beach , a popular swimming destination that can get rather crowded with tourists in the summer season. Visit the Kouri Ocean Tower for some breathtaking panoramic views of the island and the sea at 82 m. There is also a museum that exhibits a large collection of beautiful shells collected from all over the world. The island is also known as a spiritual spot that is supposed to bring luck in love.

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The combination of the beautiful scenery, with crystal clear water and white sandy beaches along with a subtropical climate, makes Okinawa a popular destination for everyone. Its unique culture and welcoming atmosphere are other reasons why you should visit this amazing part of Japan. Visit Okinawa in spring or in autumn to avoid the rainy season, hot summers, and the occasional typhoon. To make the most of your experience, we recommend you fly into Naha airport and discover the islands with a rental car from there. We hope you get a chance to explore some of the best things to do and places to visit in Okinawa from our list!

Sunset ishigaki okinawa

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Okinawa Starts Here

Unsurprisingly, many of the things to do in Okinawa center around the water, whether you’re swimming where it meets the islands’ sugary shores, or scuba diving under it. However, there’s plenty to enjoy in Okinawa that has nothing to do with the beach, or even the outdoors.

Trust me—I know. My first trip to Okinawa took place in the winter, and in spite of what well-meaning friends had told me, saw the archipelago plunged into conditions that were absolutely frigid, with only about three hours of sunshine over the course a 72-hour trip. As a result, I had little choice but to seek out Okinawa attractions that were weather independent.

On the other hand, this Okinawa travel guide won’t simply name places to visit if you happen to come when it’s pouring rain and barely above freezing. I’ll also discuss activities that you can enjoy on the hottest and sunniest of summer days, so don’t you worry!

The Best Time to Visit Okinawa

When is the best time to travel to Okinawa? Officially, Okinawa is a 365-day per year destination, but my personal experience contradicts this . While my initial research suggested that early February was near the top of the list of when to visit Okinawa, the conditions I encountered were appalling—I’m talking thick clouds, heavy rain, howling wind and temperatures between 3º-5ºC. I can’t in good conscience recommend that anyone visit Okinawa between about November and March as a result, in spite of the fact that things to do in Okinawa in March are theoretically similar to what you could do in May or September.

On the other hand, since so much of what to do in Okinawa is outdoor, and the archipelago also experiences a long monsoon and typhoon season between about June and October, this is also not an ideal time to visit Okinawa, at least not on paper. In practice, I’ve found that rain comes and goes quickly in Okinawa during the Japanese summer ; apart from this, April and May are generally OK months to visit Okinawa. My latest visit to Okinawa took place in September and apart from some haze on Tokashiki island , the weather was perfect.

My Favorite Things to Do in Okinawa

Hit the beach (or at least look at it).

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The bad news? Coming up with even a short list of the best beaches in Okinawa can be difficult, especially if you have the time and inclination to go island-hopping. The good news? If you’re planning a shorter trip in Okinawa, add Ishigaki ‘s Kabira Bay and Aharen Beach on Tokashiki island (which sits just to the north of the main island) to your list. Note that in the case of Kabira Bay, which is protected, you won’t be able to get in the water (but you can still get some awesome pictures!).

Go Under the Sea (or Boat on Top of It)

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Okinawa diving is some of the best in Asia (and almost by default, the best in Japan), though this can be a more expensive activity than you’ve found it to be elsewhere. Top diving spots in Okinawa include the Kerama Islands , which sit just off Okinawa main island, as well as the Yaeyama region, which includes Ishigaki. Note that Japan is very strict about diving licenses; if you don’t have yours when you arrive to Okinawa, your only option will be to snorkel. Another way to enjoy Okinawa’s beautiful water is to rent a canoe or kayak.

Take a Hike

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Although it’s home to the best beaches in Japan, many things to do in Okinawa have nothing to do with water. In particular, Okinawa is a hiking paradise. Sticking close to the main island, some of my favorite hikes include the relatively short one up to the ruins of Nakijin Castle , or up to the keep of Shuri Castle in Naha city (which, due to a 2019 fire, is still mostly destroyed, I warn you). Outside the main island, Mount Gusuku on Ie  offers stunning views, while Mt. Omoto on Ishigaki couples amazing panoramas with crystalline waterfalls.

Eat Your Way Through Okinawa

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Although neither as ubiquitous as sushi nor as trendy as ramen , the best Okinawa food will nonetheless have your mouth watering. Try Okinawa Soba , which sees classic soba noodle soup paired with tender pork belly with just the right amount of fat. Or head down to the Kokusai-dori international street in Naha city, and sample Taco Rice, a quirky dish that’s said to be the brain child of the American troops controversially stationed in the archipelago.

Stick to the City

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None of which is to say you have to strap on hiking boots or don a swimsuit to enjoy Okinawa sightseeing. In fact, there’s plenty to enjoy in Naha itself, from the aforementioned Shuri Castle, to peaceful Shikina-en park, to the mysterious Naminoue Shrine , which rises above the city. Naha city is also home to Okinawa Prefectural Museum & Art Museum , where you can learn the story of the once-sovereign Kingdom of Ryukyu, which ruled over Okinawa before it was absorbed into the Japanese Empire.

Where to Stay in Okinawa

Okinawa is primarily a leisure destination for Japanese travelers, which leads some to believe that all the best Okinawa hotels are fancy beach resorts (if not ones stuck totally in the 80s, as is often the M.O. for hotels in Japan). Not so, at least not completely. While travelers seeking such properties can choose an accommodation like Hyatt Regency Seragaki Island , Okinawa is home to plenty of smart and even boutique-style city hotels, from West Inn in Naha to Ishigaki’s Hotel WBF Porto .

On the other hand, I wouldn’t worry yourself too much over where you stay in Okinawa. Notwithstanding the fact that so many of the things to do in Okinawa will keep you far outside your hotel room, even the location is somewhat superfluous, since you are likely to rent a car when you travel to Okinawa. To echo a sentiment I’ve brought up throughout this article, I believe your primary concern when visiting Okinawa should be the weather.

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Is Okinawa Overrated?

Is Okinawa worth visiting? After my disastrous winter trip to the former Ryukyu Kingdom, I certainly didn’t think so. I was angry and I felt cursed, especially since so much of the rest of my 2018 Asia travel saw unseasonably wet and cold conditions. Thanks climate change! Further travel to Okinawa (it looks so beautiful under sunny skies—almost like Hawaii, which is ironic since so many Japanese shirk these islands in their own backyard for it) has proven me wrong, somewhat.

Which is to say that I wouldn’t recommend cutting short a trip in the rest of Japan—what to see in Okinawa, apart from the beaches, doesn’t compare to even the smallest city on Honshu, Shikoku , Kyushu or Hokkaido—or going out of your way at all, really, to visit Okinawa. The islands are honestly best visited on a weekend trip if you’re staying in Japan (or a nearby Asian country, like Taiwan ) for a while.

Other FAQ About Things to Do in Okinawa

Does okinawa get cold.

I know from personal experience that Okinawa gets cold! When I took my first trip to the archipelago, in January 2018, it was absolutely frigid, to say nothing of how rainy and windy it was, with almost constant cloud-cover. When is the best time to visit Okinawa? In my opinion, it’s not between December and March.

Do you tip in Okinawa?

As is the case throughout Japan, tipping is not customary in Okinawa. If you do try to tip, Okinawan people will assume you accidentally left the money behind, and chase after you with it. Save yourself the awkward exchange and don’t bother trying to tip in the first place!

What is the best area to stay in Okinawa?

The most convenient place to stay in Okinawa is in Naha city, preferably near the Yui monorail. Likewise, in Ishigaki, staying near Ishigaki Port allows you to easily access boats to outlying islands in the Yaeyama Archipelago.

The Bottom Line

The good news? Many experiences in my Okinawa travel guide have nothing to do with the beach, especially in Naha, the capital of the prefecture and largest city on its largest island. The bad news, conversely, is that needing to stay indoors is relatively likely in Okinawa, whether you make the mistake of visiting in winter like I did, or are unlucky enough to have a summer trip to the archipelago coincide with a typhoon making landfall. Need more help figuring out where Okinawa fits into your larger Japan trip, or determining the best Okinawa things to do? Consider commissioning a custom Japan itinerary!

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Okinawa Travel Guide: 1 to 5-day Okinawa Itinerary without a car for first time visitors

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Before going to Okinawa, I had no idea what to do or see in Naha and other parts of the main island. And as I was researching all the best attractions in Okinawa, I thought I would need a car to see all the sites.

But after spending over a month on Okinawa Main Island, I can confidently say that you can see many parts of the island on your own and without a car. Plus, you can see the best of Okinawa in only 5 days.

I compiled a solo Okinawa itinerary for independent travellers going to Okinawa for one to five days. If this is your first time going to Okinawa, keep reading and find out how you can travel in Okinawa without a car and see all the best attractions on your own.

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Okinawa travel guide: what you need to know

Before you start your solo trip to Okinawa, take a look at some of these useful travel tips for your day trip:

  • Get money from ATMs at the airport or 7-Eleven
  • Selected 7-Eleven or Family Mart in Naha city centre – Esim Plus tourist SIM card from ¥900 for a SIM card and top up 3, 5, 7, 14 or 30 days.
  • Online – Order an eSIM from ¥1,099 for 1GB for 5 days (check if your mobile phone support eSim)
  • Naha Hārī (May) – see dragon boat races, sumo tournaments and fireworks at Naha Shinto Wharf. It is Okinawa’s largest Dragon Boat festival.
  • Naha Great Tug-of-war Festival (October) – see a parade and live show, and see the tug-of-war rope, recognized by Guinness World Records as the longest rope in the world.
  • Naha Sakura Festival at Yogi Park
  • Nago City Cherry Blossom Festival at Nago Central Park
  • Yaese Cherry Blossom Festival at Yaese Park
  • Motobu Yaedake Cherry Blossom at Mount Yae in Western Motobu Peninsula

ATM at 7-Eleven in Naha

How to get to Okinawa Japan

Many international and domestic flights fly into Naha Airport , which is located on the southwestern side of Okinawa Main island.

Since Naha is only 3km from the airport, the easiest and cheapest way to get to Naha city centre is by taking the monorail . I highly recommend choosing a hotel near a monorail station to get around Naha and other parts of the island easily.

How to travel around Okinawa without a car

Many travellers visiting Okinawa will explore the island with a car because Okinawa Main Island is quite big, and certain places can only be reached by car.

However, if you don’t want to bother with car rental, don’t have a driver’s license, or just don’t want to bother with driving and finding parking spots, I have some options for you.

Walking is the best way to see Naha in Okinawa. This is the best option for exploring Naha city centre and the areas around the monorail stations .

Okinawa Urban Monorail – Yui Rail

Okinawa Urban Monorail , also known as Yui Rail , is a monorail linking Naha Airport, Naha, and Urasoe on the main island of Okinawa. This is the best way to travel from the airport to central Naha.

One way ticket starts from ¥230 . Or you can use Okica or other IC Cards , a rechargeable smartcard that allows you to take public transportation. Okica cards can be purchased from the ticket vending machine. Purchase amount includes¥500 deposit.

1-day monorail pass (¥800) and 2-day monorail pass (¥1400) are also available. You may get discounts on admission fees to Shuri Castle, Tamaudun, Shikinaen Garden, Okinawa Prefectural Museum and the Former Navy Underground Headquarters.

Purchase ticket for monorail

Okinawa Bus

Okinawa Bus Ltd. has several bus companies that operate different routes throughout the island. Many of these routes start at Naha Bus Terminal next to Asahibashi Station .

Travelling within central Naha costs ¥240 per ride. And if you travel further, the fare is based on the distance travelled .

When you get on the bus, get a ticket. And when you are near your destination, watch the screen with your corresponding number; it will indicate your fee. The fee is paid when you alight. Pay exact change as change is not given.

Alternatively, you can use Okica or other IC Cards . Just tap when you get on the bus and tap out when you alight.

Moreover, 1-day bus pass (¥2,500) and 3-day bus pass (¥5,000) are available. These options are excellent for taking day trips around the island.

Okinawa Bus

High-speed boat or ferry

A high-speed boat or ferry is an excellent way to see nearby islands. Both options are available for visiting Tokashiki Island , Zamami Island and other islands near Naha.

And you can also travel to other parts of Okinawa Main Island, like Motobu . The Jinbei Marine (Takuma 3) high-speed boat starts from Tomari Port dock 7C in Naha and goes to Nago, then Motobu .

High-speed boat to Motobu

Where to stay in Naha Okinawa as a solo traveller

If you are visiting Naha Okinawa for the first time, stay somewhere central and close to a monorail station so you can get around Okinawa easily.

I highly recommend staying near  Asahibashi Station  or  Miebashi Station  because you can take the monorail from the Naha Airport to the city centre and walk to your hotel.

I reviewed 6 boutique hotels in Naha and here are my top favourites:

  • Check prices & reviews: Agoda

Lobby of Nest Hotel Naha Kumoji

How many days in Okinawa as first time traveller

If you are wondering how many days you should spend in Okinawa, then you’ll have to see my summary below.

You can technically see all the best highlights in Naha in two days . But I highly recommend staying a few more days to explore other parts of Okinawa Main Island. And it is possible to see other parts of Okinawa island without a car.

Okinawa itinerary without car: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 days

Here is how to use this Okinawa itinerary guide.

If you are only in Naha for one day, follow the 1 day in Okinawa itinerary.

And if you are in Naha for two days, follow the itinerary for the first two days. And continue until the fifth day.

Here is a quick summary of my 1 to 5 day Okinawa itinerary:

1 day in Okinawa: best things to do in Naha (red pins)

  • Famous tourist attractions in Naha
  • Naha city centre

2 days in Okinawa: things to see around Naha (purple pins)

  • Attractions in Urasoe City (Urasoemaeda Station)
  • Highlights around Shuri Castle (Shuri Station)
  • Other attractions in Naha (Omoromachi Station)

3 days in Okinawa: day trip to Yomitan and Mihama American Village (dark blue pins)

  • Yomitan Village
  • Mihama American Village

4 days in Okinawa: day trip to Motobu (turquoise pins)

  • Ocean Expo Park – Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium
  • Emerald Beach and Bise Village

5 days in Okinawa: day trips around Naha (burgundy pins)

  • Tokashiki Island
  • Zamami Island
  • Organized day tours from Naha 

1 Day in Okinawa: best things to do in Naha

Naha is the perfect city to start your Okinawa trip. It was the political and economic center during the Ryukyu Kingdom. Today, the capital city of Okinawa is the biggest and most populous city on the island.

On your first day in Naha, see all the best attractions around the city centre.

1. Famous tourist attractions in Naha

Walk northwest towards the water and some of the famous tourist attractions on day 1 of your Okinawa trip. There is a lovely manicured garden, shrine, temple, and a white sand beach with crystal blue water.

  • Fukushuen Garden (9am-9pm; closed Wednesdays; ¥200) – a Chinese-style garden built using traditional techniques from Fuzhou, China.
  • Naminoue Shrine (9am-5pm; free) – a Shinto shrine perched on a cliff overlooking Naminoue Beach. Boats entering Naha Port pray for a safe journey, while people visiting the shrine pray for a rich harvest.
  • Naminoue Beach (24 hours; free) – the only beach in Naha. It’s next to a highway, but the water is crystal clear.

Fukushuen Garden

The neighbourhood of Tsuboya is synonymous with ceramics. It was once a major center of ceramic production until it was moved to Yomitan, a village 30km north of Naha.

However, you can still see traces of its ceramic past in this area. There are two old step kilns, a museum, and a historic residence.

Check out these highlights of Tsuboya:

  • Tsuboya Yachimun Street – find unique Okinawan ceramics at one of many family-run shops on this cobblestone street.
  • Naha Municipal Tsuboya Pottery Museum (10am-6pm; closed Mondays;¥350) – get a free audio guide and walk through the museum. Learn about the history of Okinawan pottery and various pottery techniques and see the excavated remains of Hira-gama flat kiln.
  • Arakaki Residence (1-5pm Friday to Sunday; free) – learn about the history of ceramic production in Tsuboya and see an old step kiln.

Naha Municipal Tsuboya Pottery Museum

2. Naha city centre

Naha City Center is centred around Kokusai Dori , the city’s main street and all the covered shopping streets and attractions in the surrounding area.

Several stations serve central Naha on the Okinawa Urban Monorail, and it is the best place to eat dinner and buy souvenirs.

Look for these highlights while you are meandering the shopping streets:

  • Kokusai Dori Shopping Street – 1.6km long street with souvenir shops, restaurants and bars. On Sundays, the street is for pedestrians only.
  • Heiwadori Shopping Arcade – covered shopping street with souvenir and second-hand shops.
  • Tsuboya Ufu Shisa – it is said that the shisa came to Okinawa from China in the 15th century. The mythical creature inspired by the lion, is a guardian deity and an important part of the Okinawan culture. It invites good luck and blocks evil spirits. You’ll see many of these at the entrances of buildings.
  • Saion Ufu Shisa – this is the brother of Tsuboya Ufu Shisa.
  • Makishi Public Market (8am-10pm) – you can still see the market filled with fresh seafood, meat, produce, and restaurants at the temporary location. The original market location is in the middle of construction.

Tsuboya Ufu Shisa

2 Days in Okinawa: things to see around Naha

On day 2 of your Okinawa trip, visit other parts of Naha and a neighbouring city called Urasoe . The best way to see all the tourist attractions is by taking the monorail to Urasoemaeda Station, Shuri Station, and Omoromachi Station .

How to get around Okinawa on Day 2: buy a 1-day monorail pass (¥800) and get unlimited use for 24 hours. Show your day pass to certain facilities (Shuri Castle, Tamaudun Mausoleum, and Okinawa Prefectural Museum) and get a discount.

1. Attractions in Urasoe City (Urasoemaeda Station)

Urasoe City is just north of Naha City and near the end of the monorail line. It was the birthplace of the Ryukyu Kingdom and still has many historical sites related to the culture today.

While there are many things to see in Urasoe, focus on these two attractions in Urasoe Park so you can have time for other sites later.

  • Urasoe Castle Ruins (24 hours; free) – see what’s remaining of Urasoe Castle from the 13th century. Also, look for Stone paved Road ; it was part of the path of King ShōNei Historic Road from Shuri Castle to Urasoe Castle.
  • Urasoe Yodore (9am-6pm; free) – the tombs of King Eiso (west crypt) and King ShōNei (east crypt) are found in the hillside caves where stone coffins were put in the crypts. However, the crypts are closed with a masonry wall but are still cool to see.

View of Urasoe from Urasoe Castle Ruins

2. Highlights around Shuri Castle (Shuri Station)

Hop on the monorail, take it to Shuri Station, and explore the area. There are several sites in the Shuri area that you do not want to miss.

  • Sairaiin (Daruma Temple) (7am-6pm; free) – walk through a series of bright red torii gates and see the daruma dolls (round Japanese traditional dolls aka a lucky talisman) at this Buddhist temple.
  • Shurijo Castle (8:30am-6pm; ¥400) – the former royal palace was one of the best attractions in Naha. But unfortunately, many areas, including the main hall, burnt down on October 31, 2019. But you can still go up to the observation deck for a panoramic view of the area. Registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • Tamaudun (9am-6pm; ¥300) – the Royal Mausoleum built in 1501 for King Sho En and 19 Ryukyu kings who ruled between 1470 and 1879. The tomb has three crypts, but they are not accessible. There is also a small museum, but everything is written in Japanese. Registered as a World Heritage Site.
  • Kinjo-cho Stone Paved Path (24 hours; free) – built in the 16th century during the Ryukyu Kingdom, the ancient cobblestone path connects Shuri Castle to other districts. Today, you can see traditional Okinawan houses and several springs along the path.

Sairaiin (Daruma Temple)

3. Other attractions in Naha (Omoromachi Station)

And finally, get back on the monorail and take it to Omoromachi Station in Naha City’s new downtown area. This is a relatively new commercial area in Okinawa. You can enjoy a bit of culture and do some major shopping!

  • Okinawa Prefectural Museum (9am-6pm; closed Mondays; ¥530 General, ¥400 Art Museum, ¥800 temporary exhibition) – learn about Okinawa’s Ryukyu culture through its permanent collection which has over 100,000 artifacts.
  • T Galleria Okinawa by DFS – enjoy duty-free shopping with over 140 brand-name stores at this upscale mall.
  • San-A Naha Main Place – local shopping mall with a department store, grocery shop, restaurants and a movie theatre.

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3 Days in Okinawa: day trip to Yomitan and Mihama American Village

During the late 1970s, Okinawa’s ceramic production moved from Tsuboya in Naha to Yomitan Village , 30km north of Naha. The area thrived as the population grew. Today, it is one of the best attractions on Okinawa Main Island.

Yomitan has other highlights, including a lighthouse at the northern tip of Yomitan and many beaches dotting the pristine coast. For this itinerary, we’ll focus on the area around Yomitan Village.

How to get around Okinawa on day 3: get a 1-day bus day pass (¥2,500) at the tourist information centre or Naha Bus Terminal. FYI – it costs ¥1,100 from Naha to Yomitan, ¥630 from Yomitan to American Village and ¥740 from American Village to Naha. Buying the day pass is about the same same amount but you may end up taking more bus rides and it will save the hassle.

1. Yomitan Village

Yomitan pottery village (yochimun no sato).

Yomitan Pottery Village is the heart of the ceramic scene and has over 50 artisanal potters. Each pottery workshop sells its creations and operates at different times. If there is a specific shop you want to visit, check the hours of operation before you go.

See the large step kiln in the centre of the village and nearby coffee shops. And if you are visiting in November, check out Yomitan Yachimun Pottery Market . It is Okinawa’s largest pottery market, and it only happens once a year.

Zakimi Castle

During the early 15th century, Zakimi Castle was built to protect from invaders from the north. It was built with several innovative masonry techniques to create a solid stonewall and a strong foundation for the castle.

However, only the wavelike stone walls remain today. But this is still worth visiting since Zakimi Castle is one of the best-preserved examples of an Okinawan castle defensive design. And it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

It is free to visit the castle. But there’s a fee for Yuntanza Museum (9am-6pm; ¥500) at the entrance. It has exhibits showcasing the history of the castle and the area’s craft heritage.

How to get to Yomitan : from anywhere in Naha, take bus 20, 28, 29 or 120 ( see route for bus 20 and 120 from Naha Bus Terminal to Yomitan Pottery Village ). Alight at Oyashi Iriguchi bus stop and walk 14 minutes .

Yomitan Pottery Village

2. Mihama American Village

Located in Chatan, a town in central Okinawa, Mihama American Village is a large entertainment complex and an outdoor shopping centre with a theme-park-type atmosphere .

Mihama American Village got its name because over 50% of Chatan is covered by US military bases. This is the area where you can find everything Americana, from food and shopping to everything else.

Here are some things to check out:

  • Shop and eat at Depot Island , a large entertainment and shopping complex
  • Visit Christmas Land , a store filled with all things Christmas
  • Visit nearby beaches like Sunset Beach and Araha Beach
  • See large-scale woodblock prints at Bokunen Art Museum
  • Watch the sunset at the Sunset Walk promenade
  • Eat American or Mexican food (Tacos Cafe Taco Loco is really good!)

How to get to Mihama American Village : walk 14 minutes to Uza Kominkan bus stop from Zakimi Castle and take bus 28 or 29 ( see the route for bus 28 & 29 from Zakimi Castle to Mihama American Village ). Then, walk 4 minutes towards the harbour.

Mihama American Village

How to get back to Naha : take bus 20, 28, 29 or 120 at Mihama American Village Iriguchi bus stop ( see the route for bus 28 & 29 from Mihama American Village to Naha Bus Terminal ).

4 Days in Okinawa: day trip to Motobu

Motobu is a small town on the northwestern Okinawan Main Island, 85km north of Naha. The Motobu Peninsula is known for several attractions, including Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium at Ocean Expo Park, Nakijin Castle Ruins and cherry blossoms in Yaedake Sakuranomori Park .

Because of the accessibility and timing of the high-speed boat, day 4 of your Okinawa itinerary will focus mainly on around Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium and the surrounding area.

How to get to Motobu: Take Jinbei Marine (Takuma 3) to Motobu Toguchi Port from Tomari Port in Naha. The high-speed boat departs from port 7C at 8:30am, taking 2 hours. Then take a cab to the aquarium . On the way back, take a cab to the port and hop on the 4pm boat . Buy tickets at the ticket offices at Tomari Port and Toguchi Port. It costs ¥1,000 each way.

1. Ocean Expo Park – Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium

Ocean Expo Park is a state-run park in the western Motobu Peninsula region that originated from Expo 75, a World’s Fair held at the exact spot in 1975.

While most exhibits were removed, many new ones have been added to the park, including the most popular attraction: Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium.

Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium

Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium is the most popular attraction at Ocean Expo Park. It has the world’s largest aquarium , with a tank capacity of about 10,000 tons .

The highlight has to be seeing the whale sharks and manta rays at the Kuroshio Sea tank . Besides the giant tank, you can see other tropical fish and other sea creatures in the coral, deep sea, and other fish tanks.

When leaving the aquarium, ensure you don’t miss several attractions outside. You can see the Manatee pool, sea turtle pool and dolphin lagoon .

It costs ¥2,180 when you buy a ticket at the aquarium and ¥1,950 at Umichurara (souvenir store on Kokusai Dori) or the tourist information centre. The aquarium is open from 8:30am-6:30pm.

Native Okinawan Village

If you have time after the aquarium, see traditional Okinawan life in a reconstructed village from the Ryukyu Kingdom era at the Native Okinawan Village . Also, see the Omoro Arboretum with native Okinawan plants. The entrance is free.

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2. Emerald Beach and Bise Village

For the remainder of the day trip, spend some time around Emerald Beach at the far northeast corner of Ocean Expo Park and Bis Village .

Emerald Beach

The Y-shaped white sand Emerald Beach is one of the 6 Michelin Guide’s top beaches in Okinawa, and it is the only Michelin-starred beach on the main island (I didn’t know beaches could have Michelin stars – who knew?!)

See the white sand and crystal aqua water around this famed beach. You can swim and rent equipment from April to October. But you can still visit the beach during other months.

Bise Village

Just north of Emerald Beach is Bise Village , a coastal village known for its many Fukugi Trees (garcinia trees) that protect the village from natural causes, including typhoons.

You can walk around the village and see rows of Fukugi Trees, Sea Almond Trees, cultural properties, unusual stone walls made from poritid corals and more.

If you rent a bicycle, you can cycle all the way to Bisezaki , the northern tip of the peninsula. The water there is shallow and blue.

Emerald Beach

5 Days in Okinawa: day trips around Naha

On day 5 of your Naha trip, take an excursion to one of the nearby islands or join an organized trip with fun activities around the waters of Okinawa.

Here are some options for day trips around Naha.

1. Tokashiki Island

Only 35 minutes from Naha, Tokashiki Island is the largest of the Kerama Islands , which is part of Keramashoto National Park . The tropical island is known for its white sand beaches, crystal “Kerama blue” water and magnificent viewpoints.

Here is a 1-day itinerary for exploring Tokashiki Island on your own:

  • After arriving at Tokashiki Port, take the local bus (¥400) to the end at Aharen Enchi . There are several lookout points.
  • Walk to Aharen Beach , a white sand beach and enjoy some water activities.
  • Follow Sondo Aharen Road to Tokashiku Beach and snorkel with sea turtles.
  • Hike back to the port via Sondo Otani Road . Along the way, see Taiwanese cherry blossom trees , West and East Lookouts, and the Site of Mass Suicide .
  • Continue on Sondo Seinen no le Road back to Tokashiki Port.
  • Browse around Tokashiki Village before getting the ferry back to Naha.

How to get to Tokashiki Island: take either Marine Liner Tokashiki high-speed boat or a regular ferry from Tomari Port to Tokashiki Island . Choose the high-speed boat (¥2,630 one-way and ¥4,910 roundtrip; 35 minutes) because it is faster than the ferry (¥1,790 one-way and¥3,210 roundtrip; 70 minutes). High-speed boat leaves Tomari Port at 9am at dock 7B and returns at 5pm at Tokashiki Port . Reserve a ticket in advance between May to October or buy one at the counter at Tomari Port.

2. Zamami Island

Zamami Island is known for its white sand beaches, “Kerama blue” water and a gorgeous sunset. It is also part of the Kerama islands, and it’s reachable by a 50-minute high-speed ferry ride from Naha.

When you spend a day on Zamami Island, here is what you can do:

  • Visit Furuzamami Beach and rent equipment to snorkel, scuba dive, or standup paddle board .
  • Hike up to Takatsukiyama Observation Deck and see a panoramic view of the Kerama archipelago.
  • See humpback whales return to warm Zamami during the winter season.
  • Rent a bicycle and cycle around the hilly island.
  • Take a local boat to Aka Island .

How to get to Zamami Island: take the Queen Zamami high-speed ferry (¥3,200 one-way and¥6,080 roundtrip; 50 minutes) from Tomari Port to Zamami Port . The high-speed boat leaves Tomari Port at 9am at dock 7A and returns at 4:50pm at Zamami Port . Reserve a ticket in advance between May to October, or buy one at the counter at Tomari Port.

3. Organized day tours from Naha

If you are not keen on self-guided day trips, there are many organized day tours that you can join while you are in Naha.

Many of them can be booked locally, but if you are going during high season (i.e. summer), you might want to secure a spot on a tour so you don’t miss out on a fantastic trip.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Snorkelling around Kerama Islands – see tropical fish and coral reefs in the crystal-clear waters of Kerama Islands National Park from April to October.
  • Diving trip around Kerama Islands – learn how to dive on this full-day excursion in Kerama Islands National Park.

What to eat in Naha Okinawa

Okinawan cuisine differs from  typical Japanese cuisine  due to its unique geographical location and influences from China, South East Asia and the US. So even if you typically eat Japanese food, you must try the local food in Okinawa and see what the fuss is about because it is so good!

I have a food guide to eating in Okinawa , but here is a quick summary of food you must try in Naha:

  • Okinawa Soba  – Okinawan noodle soup made with wheat noodles, fish cakes and pork belly
  • Taco Rice  – Tex-Mex ingredients (ground beef, lettuce, cheese, tomato) on top of rice
  • Goya Champuru  – Okinawan stir-fry with bitter gourd/melon
  • Okinawa Agu Pork  – primary pork breed in Okinawa
  • Okinawa Onigiri  – spam and egg Japanese rice ball
  • Beni imo  – purple sweet potato
  • Umibudo  – a type of edible seaweed aka “sea grapes”
  • Okinawa ice cream  – try local flavours like  Okinawan salt cookies ,  Shikuwasa sherbet ,  Beni imo , and  Ryukyu Royal Milk Tea

Okinawa soba at Shuri Soba

Where to eat in Naha Okinawa

Traditional Okinawan food in Naha is served in local diners, izakaya restaurants and other food places. Just make sure to check the hours of operation  before you go. Noodle shops and some restaurants open between 10am-3pm while many izakaya restaurants only open after 5pm and stay open until late.

If you want to watch a show during dinner, some touristy izakaya restaurants have live singing performances during dinner service . Typically, there are two rounds of performances each night. Look for signs at the entrance of izakaya restaurants like the one below.

If you only have a few days in Naha, try one of these places. They are some of my favourite places to eat in Naha.

  • Okinawa Soba Eibun  – a very popular noodle shop serving Okinawa soba
  • Shuri Soba  – go early and try Okinawa soba with noodles or without
  • Nuchigafu  – instagrammable set lunches and dinners serving Okinawan cuisine
  • Yunangi  – homey izakaya restaurant that is open for lunch and dinner
  • Dachibin  – best izakaya restaurant in a renovated Japanese-style house. Surcharge is applicable
  • Pork Tamago Onigiri  – they sell spam and egg onigiri and variations of this classic Okinawan snack
  • Blue Seal  – Okinawa’s most popular ice cream brand. Find one of many shops in Naha

Sign for performances at izakaya restaurant in Okinawa

Are you going to follow this itinerary for Okinawa?

I certainly hope so! I put a lot of thought into creating the best Okinawa itinerary for anyone travelling in Okinawa without a car.

You can see the best highlights in two days, but I highly recommend staying for 5 days to get a feel for the rest of the island.

Let me know in the comments below if you like this itinerary or have any suggestions to make it better.

Thank you for reading my solo Okinawa itinerary

You might also like these other posts on solo travel in Japan:

Introduction to Japan

  • Things I wish I knew before going to Japan
  • Solo Travel to Japan: 17 best cities for solo travellers
  • 11 Off-the-beaten-path places in Japan
  • Japanese Food Culture: 11 must-try food
  • One month in Japan: from Tokyo to Hiroshima

Kyushu region

  • Okinawa food guide: 26 best food
  • 6 best boutique hotels in Naha Okinawa
  • 10-day Kyushu Island itinerary
  • 25 Best things to do in Fukuoka Japan
  • Day trip to Dazaifu from Fukuoka
  • Kumamoto City in one day
  • Day trip to Mount Aso from Kumamoto
  • 11 Top things to do in Kagoshima Japan

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queenie mak

Hi, my name is Queenie, and I've been a solo traveller for 20+ years and currently based in Hong Kong. Follow me on my adventures through Instagram and my blog!

Further Reading...

Things to do in Sighisoara Romania: visit the Citadel (Upper Town)

10 Off the Beaten Path Travel Destinations for Solo Travellers

Rabbits on Okunoshima Island

Okunoshima Island: How to Spend One Day on Rabbit Island in Japan

Best hotel in Naha Okinawa: Nest Hotel Naha Kumoji

Where to Stay in Naha: 6 Boutique Hotels in Naha Okinawa (with Honest Reviews)


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Awesome! Simply amazing. I will follow your itinerary. Going to Okinawa on 1 Feb 2024.

Thanks so much for sharing, Queenie

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Hi Ming, thanks for your comment. I went around the same time this year and saw cherry blossoms. And the weather was quite nice – not too cold and many sunny days. I also have a post on trying Okinawan food if you are interested in trying their cuisine (pretty different from typical Japanese food). Enjoy your time in Okinawa!

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Thank for for this really great post!

We are staying in Naha for 4 days at the end of March 2024 and this has been so incredibly useful for our planning! Looking forward to trying as much of the foods you mentioned in your other post!

Hi Peter, Thank you for your comment. I went in January and February and it was cold but got warmer. I bet it will be super nice at the end of March. And I hope you can eat many of the Okinawa food – so different from traditional Japanese food and it’s so good! Enjoy your trip!

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This is perfect! I am spending a few days in Okinawa later this month, and I’m also planning to travel without a car, so your guide is perfect!

Hi Sharita, I was in Okinawa last year in January and February – it was a bit cold at first but it got warmer. Stay warm and hope you will have a good time! Happy travels!

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Hi Queenie Mak,

i will be spend on Okinawa in Feb… without car. Good transportation… But did you walk or take a bus to Zakimi Castle Ruin from Yomitan Pottery Village (Yochimun no Sato)?

Hi Ng Bee Hwa, Yes I walked between Zakimi Castle and Yomitan Village. It is a 30-minute walk but leisurely. There is also a bus but I just checked on Google Maps that it comes every 2 hours. It’s not frequent so walking might be a better option. Hope this helps! happy travels!

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Thank you for this to-the-point informative guide! I’ll be going mid-Feb 2024 with my family, including 10 and 13 year old. I hope they will enjoy trying the bucketlist of foods to try from your post!

Hi Lian, Thanks so much for your comment! I was in Okinawa in Janunuary and February – really good time to be there. I hope you will have fun in Okinawa with your family. I think your kids will really like Okinawa onigiri and all the ice cream at Blue Seal! Happy travels!

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Hi Queenie, I am from Poland and would like to come on June/July with my husband and son (14) to Okinawa. I am very very grateful that you wrote all these tips – GREAT JOB!!! VERY HELPFUL! I wonder if there is any transportation to stay for a week near one of the beaches like Manza or Zampa Beach to have the possibility to spend some time on the beach after coming back from the trips. Is there any transportation there? Thatnks a lot in advance for your answer!

Hi Barbara, Aw thanks so much! From Okinawabus website, there are limousine buses to both places. For Manza Beach, the limo bus goes to ANA Intercontinental Manza Beach Resort. For Zampa Beach, the limo bus goes to Grand Mercure Hotel. When you are in Naha, go to the info centre at Naha Bus Terminal and confirm. They are very helpful and speak English. Enjoy your trip!

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Thanks for great sightseeing plan! I’ve done first 2 days in 1, except museums 🙂 One note, it doesn’t make sense to go to Kokusai Dori shopping street before 11am, because most of stuff is then closed.

Hi Stan, Thank you so much! And I appreciate your feedback because I’m not a big shopper so I don’t realize that not all shops are open in the morning. I think the main area of Naha is so amazing that everyone should see it first. Perhaps it’s better at the end of the day so you can bring all your purchases home and not carry it around the whole day. Thanks for the input – I’ll adjust my itinerary!

One more update, 1 day bus pass is now 2500 yen.

And best bus to go to Yomitan is 120 🙂

Hi Stan, prices has certainly gone up since last year. Thanks for the update. Really appreciate it!

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The Ultimate 5-Day Okinawa Itinerary 2023

Germaine Koh

  • Germaine Koh

blog voyage okinawa

Forget Tokyo and Osaka, Okinawa is the next destination you should visit in Japan. Unlike the bustling metropolitan cities, Okinawa is great for those who are looking to take it slow and get a little bit of sun, sand, and city all year round!

Nestled in one of the southernmost parts of Japan, Okinawa provides a unique blend of natural beauty, rich culture, and history. Besides being an island by itself, Okinawa is distinctly known for its sub-tropical climate, making it a comfortable temperature to be in practically all year round. 

The best time to travel is during spring and autumn, between March to early May and between late September to December , and one of the most popular times to go is in March during the cherry blossom season. 

💜 Stay Up To Date: –  Which Countries Can You Use YouTrip With Apple Pay? –  How To Save Money On A Student Exchange Programme 2023 – Top Destinations To Travel With A Baby: A Guide For New Parents

Before Your Trip:

You know the drill! Be sure to book your accommodations, flights, and activities with your YouTrip card and check out YouTrip Perks to make full use of the discounts and cashback deals. Besides saving on some of the costs, making your bookings on websites like (up to 6% cashback) and Klook (up to 5% cashback) makes it easier for you to find the best flights and activities you might not have known existed. 

If you’ve yet to purchase your travel insurance, consider checking out HL Assurance for their travel insurance, and enjoy up to 65% in savings if you make your purchase with your YouTrip card. Don’t say bojio !

The Ultimate 5-Day Okinawa Itinerary 2023: Find out more about YouTrip Perks here !

5-Day Okinawa Itinerary:

Let’s get started! We’ve put together a 5-day itinerary that will allow you to see the best of Okinawa. The most ideal trip duration is between five to seven days , but if taking more time off to travel isn’t an option, we’ve got you covered. But don’t worry, feel free to change things up and find what’s best suited for you and your travel needs!

The Ultimate 5-Day Okinawa Itinerary 2023

Image Credits: Japan Rail Pass

Day 1: Arrival and drive to Bise 

  • Arrive at Naha Airport and rent a car
  • Chatan’s American Town
  • Dinner at Warren’s Place 2.1 Burgers & Beer
  • Spend the night in Gusuku

Day 2: Seaside Town and Beach 

  • Visit Bise seaside town 
  • (Stop by the Hydrangea Garden Yohena)
  • Lunch at Pizza in the Sky 
  • Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium 
  • Dinner at Kishimoto Shokudo
  • Travel back and spend the night in Naha

Day 3: Miyako Island 

  • Take a flight to Miyako Island 
  • Yonaha Maehama Beach / Sunayama Beach 
  • Dinner at Uminosachi 
  • Go stargazing 
  • Spend the night in Miyako

Day 4: Explore Naha

  • Travel from Miyako to Naha
  • Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum
  • Shuri Castle 
  • Dinner at Nuchigafu 
  • Explore Naha + Shopping

Day 5: 

  • Okinawa World 
  • Travel back    

🎡 Attractions:

1. okinawa churaumi aquarium.

The Ultimate 5-Day Okinawa Itinerary 2023

Image Credits: Japan Guide

One of the must-sees in Japan is the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium that’s located in the Kunigami District. It’s one of the biggest aquariums in the world that is home to several whale sharks in its iconic Kuroshio Tank and was the first aquarium to successfully breed manta rays. The aquarium is home to more than 740 different species and is also known for its Deep Sea Experience Room , a tank that replicates the ocean 200 metres deep, featuring creatures you otherwise would probably never get to see. 

Opening Hours: 8:30 AM – 9 PM

Address: 424 Ishikawa, Motobu, Kunigami District, Okinawa 905-0206, Japan

Admission Fees:  ¥2,180 (~S$20.50) for adults and ¥1,440 (~S$13.50) for kids

The Ultimate 5-Day Okinawa Itinerary 2023: For more information click here .

2. Mihama American Village

The Ultimate 5-Day Okinawa Itinerary 2023

Image credits: Japan Guide

Okinawa significantly has many American military bases on the island, and one of its unique features is the Mihama American Village, a large entertainment complex built to cater to the needs of soldiers who missed a taste of home, and an interesting slice of American life to locals. It resembles a big American outdoor shopping mall with shops, restaurants, and even a movie theatre. If you’re staying for long, Sunset Beach is right by the complex which, you guessed it, is a great place to catch the sunset. 

Opening Hours: 10 AM – 10 PM

Address: Mihama, Chatan, Nakagami District, Okinawa 904-0115, Japan

3. Bise-Fukugi Village

The Ultimate 5-Day Okinawa Itinerary 2023

Image credits: Japan Travel

Bise Fukugi Village is one of the hidden gems that will transport you to a picturesque town right out of a picture book. It’s a seaside village that’s enshrouded in Fukugi trees with about 250 families still living in the village. The trees were used as protection from strong winds that would bash through the coastal village, especially during typhoon seasons. It’s a nice town to just wander and explore, and there are plenty of bike rental shops for you if you prefer to cycle instead of walk. Of course, as you’re exploring, do be considerate and respectful of the friendly locals living in the village. 

Opening Hours: 9 AM

Address: 317-1 Bise, Motobu, Kunigami District, Okinawa 905-0207, Japan

The Ultimate 5-Day Okinawa Itinerary 2023


Miyako Island boasts the most pristine, untouched beaches with its fine sand and crystal blue waters. There’s Yonaha Maehama Beach , which spans seven kilometres long, Aragusuku Beach which is popular for snorkelling and marine life, and Sunayama Beach with its iconic arch-shaped rock and the path lined with trees that make getting there an adventure in itself. 

The island is also connected to some of the other islands, giving you more options to explore beaches and its waters. For the divers out there, there is a trove of dive sites like caves and caverns to explore, and there are other activities like snorkelling tours, jet ski rentals, and other water sports for you to try. Miyako Island is also known for some of its cuisines like melt-in-your-mouth beef and Miyako Soba, not to be confused with Okinawan soba. Definitely, a place to visit! 

The Ultimate 5-Day Okinawa Itinerary 2023: For more flights to Miyakojima from Naha, click here .

5. Okinawa World

The Ultimate 5-Day Okinawa Itinerary 2023

Image credits:

Before Okinawa was established in 1879, it was the Ryukyu Kingdom in 1429. Learn more about the ancient history of Okinawa and its culture, and travel back in time to the exact replica of a traditional Ryukyu village. Try your hand at crafts like weaving, dyeing, paper-making, pottery, and glass-blowing. Then take a visit to the Gyokusendo Cave which is located within the Okinawa World theme park . The cave is about 5km deep, but only 850m of it is open for visitors. Nevertheless, it’s a worthwhile attraction that is jam-packed with history and culture. 

Opening Hours: 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM

Address: Maekawa-1336 Tamagusuku, Nanjo, Okinawa 901-0616, Japan

Admission Fees:  ¥2,000 (~S$18.70)

1. Okinawa Soba – Kishimoto Shokudo

The Ultimate 5-Day Okinawa Itinerary 2023

Image credits: The Japan News

Ratings: 4.1/5 stars (1,755 reviews)

Opening Hours: 11 AM – 5 PM (Closed on Wednesdays)

Address: 5 Toguchi, 本部町 Motobu, Kunigami District, Okinawa 905-0214, Japan

2. Traditional Okinawa Cuisine – Nuchigafu

The Ultimate 5-Day Okinawa Itinerary 2023

Image credits: Pen

Rating: 4.5/5 stars (332 reviews)

Opening Hours: 11 AM – 2:30 PM, 5:30 PM – 9 PM

Address: 1 Chome-28-32 Tsuboya, Naha, Okinawa 902-0065, Japan

The Ultimate 5-Day Okinawa Itinerary 2023: For their menu and more on reservations, click here .

3. Pizza with a view – Pizza in the Sky

The Ultimate 5-Day Okinawa Itinerary 2023

Image credits: Okinawa Traveler

Rating: 4.5/5 stars (2,514 reviews)

Opening Hours: 11:30 AM – 7 PM (Closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays)

Address: Japan, 〒905-0219 Okinawa, Kunigami District, Motobu, Yamazato, 1153-2

The Ultimate 5-Day Okinawa Itinerary 2023: For their menu and more on reservations, click here .  

4. Seafood – Uminosachi

The Ultimate 5-Day Okinawa Itinerary 2023

Image credits: Savor Japan

Rating: 4.1/5 stars (350 reviews)

Opening Hours: 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM, 5 – 8 PM (Closed on Sundays)

Address: Shimozato-207-3 Hirara, Miyakojima, Okinawa 906-0013, Japan

5. Burgers – Warren’s Place 2.1 Burgers and Beer

The Ultimate 5-Day Okinawa Itinerary 2023

Image credits: Nagos Okinawa

Rating: 4.9/5 stars (2,053 reviews)

Opening Hours: 11 AM – 3 PM, 5 – 8 PM (Closed on Thursdays)

Address: 1 Chome-16-9 Miyazato, Nago, Okinawa 905-0011, Japan

The Best Of Both Worlds!

The Ultimate 5-Day Okinawa Itinerary 2023

If you’ve not settled on a place to travel during the September holidays, why not consider taking your family to Okinawa? There’s a little bit of everything for everyone, from the beautiful beaches to the city of Naha, the ancient history of the Ryoku Kingdom, and even some more recent history that has contributed to the melting pot of cultures that makes Okinawa what it is today. 

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9% cashback (New Charles & Keith users)

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  • Valid from 31 December 2023
  • We want to help you get your cashback! 1. Ensure that you follow through with your purchase once you click on “Redeem Deal” on YouTrip Perks. 2. If you jump out of the check-out process (even if to check on a message or just happen to close your browser), click through YouTrip Perks again to re-purchase to get your cashback.
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8% off at SGPomades!

$8 off min S$50 spend

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3% cashback

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4% cashback

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Up to 11% cashback at!

Up to 11% cashback

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25% off at HOUZE!

25% off min $60 spend

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  • Enjoy 25% off min $60 spend upon checkout
  • Only 1 promo code may be used at a time.

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25% off at Table Matters!

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Up to $260 cashback and KrisShop e-Vouchers at Singapore Airlines!

$20 cashback with min $500 spend

  • Valid till 26 November 2021
  • Pay using YouTrip at checkout
  • Register through YouTrip's campaign registration form
  • Enjoy up to 4x cashback rewards per booking
  • Receive cashback by 31 December 2021
  • Limited to the first 1,000 redemptions
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  • For full T&Cs, please visit

$30 KrisShop e-Voucher with min $500 spend

  • Enjoy up to 6x KrisShop e-Vouchers per booking
  • Limited to the first 4,000 redemptions
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  • Offer is strictly applicable to flights to and from the following destinations only: Frankfurt, Munich, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Copenhagen, London, Los Angeles, Milan, New York, PAris, Rome, San Francisco, Seattle or Vancouver
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Up to 10% off

  • Valid till 30 Jun 2023
  • Pay with YouTrip and apply code 'MASTER10' during checkout
  • Enjoy 10% off (Capped at S$70) upon checkout
  • Booking period Now till 30 Jun 2023
  • Stay period: Now till 31 September 2023
  • Participating “Expedia Rate” hotels refer to hotels labelled “Expedia Rate” and are not on the exclusion list available at the booking page.
  • Up to 10% discount coupon on hotel bookings at thousands of participating properties globally. 10% savings with promo code MASTER10 – Singapore: Discount value capped at SGD70 per transaction
  • No minimum stay requirement.
  • Coupon only applies to first room in the booking.

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6% cashback (Regular-priced items)

2% cashback (Sale Items)

  • Only purchases made through the JD Sports affiliate link provided by YouTrip will be eligible for cashback.
  • Return to YouTrip Perks and clickthrough to JD Sports whenever you are making a new transaction.
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Up to 5% cashback at ASOS

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3% cashback (Existing ASOS users purchases via Web)

2% cashback (Existing ASOS users purchases via App)

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10% off at SweatSpot!

10% off all packages

  • Valid till 12 April 2022
  • Pay with YouTrip and apply code 'YOUTRIP' upon checkout
  • Enjoy 10% off upon checkout

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10% cashback at Taobao!

10% cashback with min S$50 spend

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Up to 10% cashback at Shopee!

Up to 10% cashback (New Shopee users)

3% cashback (Existing Shopee users)

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  • Please refer to the table below for product cashback rates

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Up to 7% cashback at Sephora!

7% cashback (New Sephora users)

2.5% cashback (Existing Sephora users)

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  • Return to YouTrip Perks and clickthrough to Sephora whenever you are making a new transaction.

$20 cashback at Circles.Life!

$20 cashback (For new Circles.Life customers)

  • Only purchases made through the Circles.Life affiliate link provided by YouTrip will be eligible for cashback.
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Up to 12% cashback at AirAsia Food

12% cashback (New AirAsia Food Customers)

  • Valid till 31 December 2022

6% cashback (Existing AirAsia Food Customers)

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  • Return to YouTrip Perks and clickthrough to AirAsia Food whenever you are making a new transaction.

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  • Valid till 30 September 2025
  • Receive cashback within 60 days after completion of activity/stay/flight
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3% cashback at 24S!

  • Only purchases made through the 24S affiliate link provided by YouTrip will be eligible for cashback.
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10% cashback (New Lazada users)

  • Valid till 31 December 2024
  • Receive cashback within 45 working days after checkout

3% cashback (Existing Lazada users)

  • Pay with YouTrip on Lazada (LazMall excluded) during checkout
  • Only purchases made through the Lazada affiliate link provided by YouTrip will be eligible for cashback.
  • Return to YouTrip Perks and clickthrough to Lazada whenever you are making a new transaction.
  • Cashback will be awarded after 45 working days from the date of purchase.
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  • Products not eligible for cashback: Sports shoes and clothing, Electronics Accessories, Groceries.
  • Cashback capped at $10

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15% off at iShopChangi

15% off with no min. spend (For traveller purchases only)

  • Pay with YouTrip and apply code 'YOUTRIP15' during checkout
  • Enjoy 15% off with no min. spend
  • Valid for traveller purchases only.
  • Payment must be made with YOUTRIP Mastercard.
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  • Promotion is valid until 31 December 2023.
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  • Promotion is not valid in conjunction with privilege holder discounts.
  • Chanel and Dior are excluded from this promotion.
  • The Shilla Duty Free reserves the right to amend or withdraw any terms & conditions without any prior notice.

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S$15 off at The Shilla!

S$15 off min S$150 spend in store

  • Flash this at the counter and pay with YouTrip during checkout in store
  • Enjoy S$15 off min S$150 nett spend
  • Valid until 31 December 2022.
  • Limited to one redemption per customer.
  • Any outstanding balance after deducting the face value of the voucher must be paid in full using YouTrip Card
  • The promotion must be fully utilised and any unutilised amount will be forfeited.
  • Not exchangeable for cash, prizes, products or other vouchers.
  • Not valid in conjunction with privilege holder discounts.

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5% cashback at Chemist Warehouse!

5% cashback

  • Only purchases made through the Chemist Warehouse affiliate link provided by YouTrip will be eligible for cashback.
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Up to 10% off at Qatar Airways!

Up to 10% off 

  • Click through to Qatar via YouTrip Perks, apply code 'YTQR23' & Pay with YouTrip during checkout
  • Enjoy up to 10% off upon checkout
  • Sales period: 8 May 2023 – 31 December 2023
  • Travel period: 8 May 2023 – 31 March 2024
  • Booking must be made using promo code YTQR23 to avail of the discount
  • Full payment must be made with a YouTrip Card
  • Save 10% on Business Class Comfort fares
  • Save 10% on Economy Class Convenience fares
  • Save 7% on Economy Class and Business Class Classic fares
  • Valid only on Qatar Airways flights from Singapore
  • Valid to the following destinations: Abu Dhabi, Almaty, Amsterdam, Ankara, Athens, Atlanta, Baku, Barcelona, Belgrade, Berlin, Boston, Brussels, Bucharest, Budapest, Cape Town, Casablanca, Chennai, Chicago, Copenhagen, Dallas, Dar Es Salaam, Doha, Dubai, Dublin, Durban, Edinburgh, Frankfurt, Geneva, Harare, Helsinki, Houston, Islamabad, Johannesburg, Kilimanjaro, Larnaca, London, Los Angeles, Lusaka, Luxor, Madrid, Malabo, Manchester, Medina, Miami, Milan, Mombasa, Montreal, Moscow, Mumbai, Munich, Nairobi, New York City, Oslo, Paris, Philadelphia, Pisa, Prague, Rome, San Francisco, Sao Paulo, Seattle, Seychelles, Sharjah, Sofia, St Petersburg, Stockholm, Tbilisi, Venice, Vienna, Warsaw, Washington, Windhoek, Yerevan, Zagreb, Zanzibar, Zurich
  • All-in fares include all taxes, fees, and surcharges which are subject to currency fluctuation
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  • Blackout Periods: 18 Nov – 20 Dec 2022 (Doha and Middle Eastern Countries), 1 Jan – 10 Jan 2023 (All destinations)
  • Peak period surcharges may apply
  • Fares are subject to change without prior notice
  • Discount applies to return base fare only of selected fare classes
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  • Any change or cancellation less than 3 hours prior to the stated time of departure will be considered as no-show
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  • Qatar Airway’s terms and conditions will also apply to your booking, please review these at the time of booking
  • Other terms and conditions apply. Please review at the time of booking

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2.1% cashback at Watsons!

2.1% cashback

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  • Cashback will be calculated based on the final checkout price, excluding taxes, delivery fees, any additional fees, service charges.

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10% cashback at Puma!

10% cashback

  • Valid till 30 Dec 2023
  • Only purchases made through the Puma affiliate link provided by YouTrip will be eligible for cashback.
  • Return to YouTrip Perks and clickthrough to Puma whenever you are making a new transaction.

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5% cashback at AirAsia Grocer!

  • Only purchases made through the AirAsia affiliate link provided by YouTrip will be eligible for cashback.
  • Return to YouTrip Perks and clickthrough to AirAsia whenever you are making a new transaction.

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8% cashback at On The List!

8% cashback

  • Only purchases made through the On The List affiliate link provided by YouTrip will be eligible for cashback.
  • Return to YouTrip Perks and clickthrough to On The List whenever you are making a new transaction.
  • Purchases made via the On The List mobile site or app are not eligible for cashback.

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Up to $12 off at FairPrice Online!

$10 off min $135 spend

  • Valid till 22 December 2021
  • Pay with YouTrip and apply code 'MCXMAS21' during checkout
  • Enjoy $10 off min $135 spend
  • First 2,500 redemptions only

$12 off min $150 spend

  • Enjoy $12 off min $150 spend
  • Redemption of promo code is applicable only for purchases made on FairPrice online at and FairPrice Mobile App upon login, and for home delivery only.  
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  • Promo code cannot be used for the purchase of certain restricted products, for example, certain infant milk formulas. Please visit FairPrice online for more details.
  • Qualifying spend refers to a nett spend of at least S$135.00 (excluding delivery fee, service fee, and any other surcharge) in a single transaction at NTUC FairPrice online during the promotional period.
  • Using a promo code in conjunction with other free gift promotions, may alter the minimum amount for delivery.
  • Additional charges, service fees and minimum nett purchase amount for free home delivery may be required and may differ for promotional periods and will be in accordance to that stated on FairPrice online.
  • It is advisable to have at least S$5 nett purchase amount in cart after application of promo code in order to be able to checkout.
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  • Mastercard does not assume any responsibility for the products and services offered under this promotion. The products are sold and services are provided solely by the relevant vendors, under such terms and conditions as determined by such vendors, and Mastercard accepts no liability whatsoever in connection with such products and services. The products and services have not been certified by Mastercard and under no circumstances shall the inclusion of any product or service in this promotion be construed as an endorsement or recommendation of such product or service by Mastercard

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2% cashback at Razer!

2% cashback

  • Only purchases made through the Razer affiliate link provided by YouTrip will be eligible for cashback.
  • Return to YouTrip Perks and clickthrough to Razer whenever you are making a new transaction.
  • Cashback rate for Razer varies for each item and the exact cashback rates would only be known when the item is successfully tracked.

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20% off at Zoey!

20% off supplements

  • Pay with YouTrip and apply code 'ZOEYYT' during checkout
  • Enjoy 20% off supplements upon checkout

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20% off at noah!

  • Pay with YouTrip and apply code 'NOAHYT' during checkout

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$19 cashback at Starhub!

$19 cashback (For new broadband signups)

  • Only purchases made through the Starhub affiliate link provided by YouTrip will be eligible for cashback.
  • Return to YouTrip Perks and clickthrough to Starhub whenever you are making a new transaction.
  • Only new broadband sign-ups are eligible for cashback

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$10 off at Beauty Emporium!

$10 off (No min spend)

  • Valid till 30 November 2021
  • Pay with YouTrip and apply code 'YOUBF10' during checkout
  • Enjoy $10 off upon checkout
  • Limited to one time use per transaction.
  • Discount will be given to total bill spend. Discounted products and services are eligible for this redemption.
  • Discount cannot be used in Strip Merchandise and Clean Beauty Brands.
  • Shipping fees apply if the minimum spend for free shipping is not met.
  • Cannot be used in-conjunction with any other voucher, codes or redemption of Beauty Rewards points.
  • Promotion ends on 30 Nov 2021 2359 hrs.

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Blissful Okinawa Itinerary: 1 Week in Okinawa Prefecture

May 16, 2023 | Views: 8,258

Water buffalo pulling a cart in the streets of Okinawa

As an island group famous for robust centenarians, brutal Second World War battles and the bragging rights of being the healthiest place on earth, an Okinawa itinerary should certainly be considered if you’re travelling in Japan and have the gift of time on your side.  

Roughly 400 miles south of mainland Japan and 300 miles north of Taiwan, Okinawa’s isolation has given it the chance to develop a wholly unique culture, away from the norms of the West and in some ways, even Japan itself. 

It’s not a big place by any stretch of the imagination, but this one-week Okinawa itinerary leaves no stone unturned and will give you some insight into how to soak up the distinctive Okinawa culture.

Table of Contents

Best Time To Visit Okinawa 

Okinawa enjoys a subtropical climate, which means it stays warm throughout the year, with temperatures averaging 23℃. Winter lasts from December to February, while the hot, humid summer starts in April and continues through into September, with temperatures rising to 34℃. From the start of May to early June, Okinawa receives heavy bouts of rain, as well as a number of typhoons right through July and August.

When you take all of this into account, the best time to visit Okinawa generally falls during the shoulder season, which is either May or October. During this time, the weather has settled to a comfortable temperature, rainfall is low, and crowds are fewer, giving you more space to enjoy your Okinawa itinerary. 

Why a One Week in Okinawa Itinerary?

Travelling to Okinawa isn’t without its strain on logistics; getting to an island chain hundreds of miles away from the mainland is a real effort. With this being the case, you’ll want to give yourself enough time to really soak up all that Okinawa has to offer, making the journey worth it.

If you’re really pinched for time, you can fit a pretty healthy Okinawa itinerary into three days. While this will be jam-packed and will definitely feel a little rushed, it gives you enough time to see the major sites and get a feel for the islands. But, it won’t give you time to branch out to some lesser-visited spots. 

As this Okinawa itinerary suggests, I’d recommend spending at least one week in Okinawa; this gives you time to see the most popular landmarks as well as the hidden gems that Okinawa has to offer. 

A week means you can take your time, enjoy the island life, and its natural landscapes as well as have a few jam-packed days of sightseeing and cultural exploration. Also, you have to account for ferry cancellations if you’re going in hard on your trip, so if you have the time on your hands; a one week Okinawa itinerary is the sweet spot. 

Getting To Okinawa 

The Ryukyuans may have a lot in common with the indigenous people of the San Blas Islands of Panama , but one thing that they sadly don’t have in common is the ease of access from the mainland.

There are only two ways of getting to Okinawa; taking a flight or catching a ferry. 

Getting a Flight to Okinawa 

Naha Airport (OKA), sometimes called Okinawa Airport, is located in the capital city of Naha. It’s the island chain’s only airport and the main gateway into Okinawa. The airport is also the main hub for travel to other islands in the Okinawa Prefecture, including Miyako Island, Ishigaki Island, Iriomote Island and Kume Island.

Naha Airport sees domestic flights from over twenty cities in Japan including Haneda Airport in Tokyo, Narita Airport in Chiba/Tokyo, Kansai Airport in Osaka and Itami Airport, also in Osaka. If you’re arriving from North America, you’ll more than likely need to grab a connecting flight from one of these mainland hubs. 

Aside from connecting domestic flights from the Japanese mainland, Naha Airport also boasts arrivals from various international airports in the vicinity, including Seoul, Taipei, and Shanghai. 

If you’re travelling from Europe, Asia or Australia, you’ll more than likely need to catch a connecting flight in one of these international travel hubs. 

Catching a Ferry to Okinawa

For those who aren’t in a rush or are looking for a little bit more adventure in their Okinawa itinerary, it is possible to catch a ferry to the islands. 

You can catch a ferry to Okinawa from numerous ports in mainland Japan including Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Kobe, Fukuoka, and Kagoshima. Ferries leave on a weekly basis between Okinawa and Tokyo taking a minimum of 44 hours to make the crossing. Tickets start from 22,000 yen each way. 

You can also catch a ferry from the slightly closer country of Taiwan. Arimura Sangyo runs a ferry service between Taiwan and Okinawa, with stops at either Ishigaki Island, Miyako Island or both. One-way tickets start from 16,000 yen and the crossing lasts between 16 and 19 hours. 

Important advice for when travelling in mainland Japan: The Japan Rail Pass is much cheaper when ordered online in advance and seeing that Japan isn’t exactly bursting with budget-friendly pride it’s best to plan ahead and avoid any unnecessary costs.


Day 1: Land in Naha and Get Your Bearings 

Kokusai Street in Naha, Okinawa, Japan.

As the gateway to, and capital of, Okinawa, your first glimpse of Naha may have you a little confused. In fact, your first experience of Naha may have you thinking that you’ve landed in Hawaii, or perhaps even one of the Samoan islands .

The westernisation of Naha and southern Okinawa has grown from the American military presence that has existed here since the end of the Second World War in 1945. One day and a night should be enough to get to grips with Naha and its surrounding area, and there are a handful of sights here that are worth seeing.

Just try and ignore the plethora of American bars and Westernised restaurants in Naha, the rest of the Okinawa itinerary will give you the taste of real, authentic Okinawa. Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying home comforts, I’d just suggest leaving those places until the end of your trip if possible.

Getting Around Naha 

The Okinawan capital of Naha offers up a number of different ways to get around town, which will all depend on your preference, budget and distance that you wish to travel. 

One of the easiest and most efficient ways to get around the city is to use the Yui Rail, also known as the Okinawa City Monorail. The Yui Rail runs from Naha Airport in the west of the city all the way to Shuri Castle in the east.  

Though only eight miles long and with a mere 15 stops, the monorail is the ideal way to get around the centre and beating heart of Naha.

If you feel a little more impatient and inclined to go down the speed tourist route, Naha is also home to a fleet of taxis. Besides general taxis, there are also shuttle taxis that provide transportation from the airport to your hotel. 

For an extra-touristic take on the city, you can also hire sightseeing taxis that run between each of the tourist sites in a carefully curated itinerary. You’ll usually pay around 560 Yen for standard taxis, with an extra 70 Yen for every extra 300 metres you travel. 

Bicycles and Motorbikes

If you were hoping for a slightly more independent way of getting around Okinawa’s capital, there’s an opportunity to rent bicycles and motorbikes. You’ll find rental shops on most streets around town, but your accommodation will let you know where your nearest one is.

With modern and wide-open island roads, hiring bicycles and motorbikes will add an undeniable sense of adventure to your visit and Okinawa itinerary.

Shikinaen Garden

Your first interaction with Naha and Okinawa will be with its colourful and cultured past. The Shikinaen Garden was built in the late 18th century and was the home of the Ryukyu Kings. A palace constructed from wooden Okinawa-style buildings with red tile roofs and a Japanese-inspired garden, Shikinaen is a true representation of Okinawa’s past. 

Shikinaen was completely destroyed during the battle of Okinawaka in 1945 but was carefully reconstructed in the post-war years when in the early 2000s, it was granted UNESCO World Heritage status. 

The garden in Shikinaen can be viewed via its 300-metre circular path, which winds through bridges and small ponds, creating an area of peacefulness as well as beauty.

Know before you go:

  • Location – 421-7 Maaji, on the east side of the city
  • Cost – Entry to the gardens costs 400 Yen
  • Opening hours – 9:00 to 18:00 (until 17:30 from October to March).
  • Time needed – About an hour to wander around the garden.
  • Getting there – Jump on bus number 14 at Naha Bus Center or Asahibashi Station and get off at Shikinaen-mae station.

Grab lunch at Ayagu Shokudo

To sample your first dish of authentic Okinawan cuisine, head just under two miles down the road from Shikinaen to dine at Ayagu Shokudo. This restaurant serves up a mix of Okinawan and Japanese culinary delights, introducing you to some of the most delicious food in the country.

Interesting and popular dishes to have at Ayagu Shokudo include the stir-fried tofu set, Okinawan sukiyaki, and Sōki Soba, a type of noodle bathed in a rich broth and topped with fish cakes, pork or tofu.

  • Location – 2 Chome-128, Shurikubagawa-cho, eastern Naha
  • Cost – Set meals start from 650 yen. 
  • Opening hours – 9 am – 3 pm.
  • Time needed – An hour should be enough, as the service is fast.
  • Getting there – Take the monorail to Shuri Station, which is within walking distance from the restaurant.

Eat a Sticky Red Bean Local Delicacy at Gibo Manju

No sweet-toothed visit to Okinawa would be complete without a trip to Gibo Maju, famous for selling the red bean-filled bun known as manjus. Encased in a soft wheat dough, filled with sweet red bean paste, and steamed to perfection, Manju is a classic Japanese confectionery, and Gibo Manju is the place to try it. 

These sweet treats are so popular that Gibo Manju opens at 9 o’clock in the morning and closes once they sell their quota of 1,000 manjus each day. Sometimes this can be before lunch, so I’d head there as early as possible to avoid disappointment.

  • Location – 2 Chome-109-1-B Shurikubagawacho, just north of the Shuri neighbourhood.
  • Cost – 120 Yen per manju
  • Opening hours – 9 am – sold out.
  • Time needed – Mere minutes of sticky gluttony. 
  • Getting there – Take the monorail to Gibo Station, which is within walking distance of the shop.

Cycle Around the Shuri Neighbourhood

With the iconic Shuri Castle at its centre, the Shuri neighbourhood is one of the most-visited and perhaps most famous in Okinawa. With much to see and do in the central neighbourhood, exploring on a bicycle adds an extra dimension to the experience. A favourite transport of the Japanese and Okinawans, cycling around the centre of the city is a great way to see Naha as the locals do.

The broad pathways surrounding the famous Shuri Castle also make cycling through Naha’s most popular sight an easy thing to do, whether it be past the Stone Steps of Shurikinjo-Cho or the Mausoleum of Ryukyuan Kings. Naha has a number of bicycle rental services, allowing you to hire a bike for a few hours or the entire day.

  • Location – The Shuri Neighbourhood is located in the eastern section of the city.
  • Cost – Between 500-1000 Yen to rent a bike for the day 
  • Opening hours – Bike shops are usually open from early morning until 7 pm.
  • Time needed –  Take around three hours to soak up the neighbourhood.
  • Getting there –  Shuri is only a two-mile bicycle ride from the centre of the city.

Day 2 – 4: Fly to Ishigaki Island

Hirakubo lighthouse on the tropical Island of Ishigaki in Okinawa prefecture, Japan

Ishigaki is 255 miles southwest of Okinawa’s main island and is part of the Yaeyama Islands, which also belong to the wider Okinawa prefecture. It’s actually one of the island chains that are at the southernmost point of Japan, earning its place in this Okinawa itinerary.

How To Get To Ishigaki from Naha

The quickest, most efficient, and now the only way of getting from Naha to Ishigaki is to fly directly. Flights leave Naha airport several times a day and take around one hour to arrive. Depending on the time of year and how early you book your tickets, the flight will set you back between 11,000 and 20,000 Yen. 

You were once able to take a ferry across from Naha to Ishigaki, but the ferry operation between Naha and Ishigaki was discontinued in June 2008.

Getting Around Ishigaki

There are plenty of ways to get around the island of Ishigaki once you’re there:

One of the easiest ways to get around Ishigaki is to hire a car. It’s worth applying for an international driving license in your home country so you can rent a car and drive around the island to enjoy the ultimate freedom. 

Ishigaki has numerous rental car shops on the island, and some of the more established ones have websites in English. It’s best to pre-book your hire car in advance, especially if you are conducting your Okinawa itinerary during the high season which falls during July and August. You can either pick up your car from the airport or have it drop you at your accommodation.

The island of Ishigaki has a limited amount of bus routes, but some do come in handy for particular journeys. The most trafficked route is between the airport and Ishigaki city, with buses leaving every 15 minutes from 7:00 to 21:00. Other routes are far less frequent, with just a couple of buses a day, so it’s best to check timetables before you begin your exploration of the island. 

You can save a lot on bus fares by purchasing a free bus pass. It’s known as the free pass because you can travel as much as you want on all the buses, except the sightseeing buses, while the pass is valid. A one-day pass costs 1,000 Yen, a five-day pass costs 2,000 Yen, and they can both be purchased on the bus itself.

There are plenty of taxis operating on Ishigaki, and if you’re travelling as part of a group, the fare will generally work out cheaper compared to buying single bus tickets. As with most of Japan, taxi drivers are unlikely to speak English so it’s a good idea to have your destination written down beforehand, or you can try your translation app. All of the taxis on the island run on metres, and it’s worth keeping in mind that the price inflates by 20% after 10 pm.

Much like your bike tours across the main island, cycling around Ishigaki can open up a whole new way of experiencing your Okinawa itinerary. Many of the hotels and other accommodations on the island will rent out bikes for the day, usually for around 500 Yen, and some even offer them for free to their guests.

Manta Scramble at Kabira Bay

Sitting just off the northwest coast of Ishigaki is a dive spot around Kabira Bat known as ‘manta scramble’. Here, the stretch of coral reef known affectionately as the cleaning station attracts huge populations of manta rays. The manta rays gather here to enjoy the rich and large amounts of plankton on offer, while also having a quick exfoliate from the smaller grooming fish in the area. 

For those who are lovers of the natural world, especially marine life, experiencing the manta scramble is one of those moments that is guaranteed to stay with you forever. 

Although considered to be the number one diving spot in all of Japan, you don’t need to be highly experienced to see these magical creatures. It’s a reasonably easy dive to see the mantas as they rarely go below 10m deep in the water, but you may need a few test dives beforehand. 

  • Location – Kabira Bay is located northwest of the island, 11 miles north of Ishigaki Port.
  • Cost – Tours start from 18,700 Yen per person
  • Opening hours – Most tours operate from early morning to midday.
  • Time needed – You’ll need to set aside around half a day for the dive and its preparation.
  • Getting there – Take bus number 2, 7 or 9 from the bus terminal, and get off at Kabira Bay.

Paddleboard at Kariba Bay 

For those who are more inclined to have fun on the water as opposed to under it, Kariba Bay is also a fantastic place for paddleboarding. 

There’s not much that beats the stunning views of the bay as you paddle out into the crystal clear waters, surrounded by the East China Sea. A hive of sporting activities, you’ll find numerous tour operators offering you the chance to enjoy a stand-up paddleboard day out in the bay.

  • Cost – 8,000 Yen for a few hours of paddleboarding and an optional wetsuit rental for 1,000 Yen.
  • Opening hours – N/A
  • Time needed –  2-3 hours 
  • Getting there –  Take bus number 2, 7 or 9 from the bus terminal to Kabira Bay.

See The Mysterious “Phantom Island”

A small island between Ishigaki and Kohama, Phantom Island gets its name from the way it alters in shape and size with the changing of the tide. With shallow depths surrounding the island, it also gives the water an emerald green sheen, only adding to the Phantom Island’s natural beauty. 

Taking a snorkelling tour is a great way to soak up the serenity of the island and experience the mesmerizing coral reefs that surround it. The nearby waters are home to a range of marine life that prove that the island is not all ghostly.

  • Location – Phantom Island is located off the west coast of Ishigaki.
  • Cost – A snorkelling day trip to the island will cost around 8,000 – 9,000 Yen.
  • Opening hours – Tours begin at around 9 am and finish at midday.
  • Time needed – A few hours to travel and enjoy the island.
  • Getting there – Tour boats leave from Ishigaki Port. 

Get Snap-Happy at Hirakubozaki Lighthouse

Perched on the most northerly western edge of Ishigaki Island, the Hirakubozaki peninsula is one of the most scenic spots on the entire island. With green rolling hills and rugged cliffs looking out to sea, the lonely lighthouse stands against a backdrop of pure bliss, so be ready to get your camera out for the perfect picture. 

Climbing the gentle slope up to the lighthouse will take a mere five minutes, just be sure to keep your footing, as the ocean winds at this exposed spot can be surprisingly strong.

  • Location – Hirakubozaki Lighthouse is located at the most northerly point on the island. 
  • Cost – 1,000 yen for the bus.
  • Opening hours – 24 hours
  • Time needed – You’ll only need 30 minutes once you’re there. 
  • Getting there – Bus number 6 goes towards Hirakubozaki lighthouse, and that bus only runs three routes a day, which isn’t ideal for a quick visit. It’s much easier to rent a car or hire a taxi and ask them to wait while you head to the lighthouse.  

Tamatorizaki Observatory

Located on the northeast of the island, the Tamatorizaki observatory is a fantastic spot for viewing the Hirakubo peninsula, which stretches out north right in front of it. 

The waters that ebb and flow below the Tamatorizaki observatory are a meeting point for the East China Sea and the Pacific Ocean. After looking north to the Hirakubo peninsula, you can look south, which gives just as epic views. Here you can see as far as Noburo Point and the shining coral reefs that make it so famous. 

  • Location – Tamatorizaki observatory is located on the northeastern side of the island.
  • Cost – Free
  • Opening hours – 24 hours 
  • Time needed – Take around two hours to travel there and enjoy the views.
  • Getting there –  Another tricky one to visit via bus routes number 3 and 6 head towards the Tamatorizaki Observatory, but only a few times a day. It’s best to rent a car or hire a taxi to head this way. 

Ishigaki Yaima Village

To get a glimpse of life before the Japanisation of the island, take a trip to Ishigaki Yaima Village. Here, you will see numerous relocated and replicated homes and villages of the island’s former Ryukyu Kingdom and people. 

This traditional townscape is perfectly situated on the western side of Ishigaki, giving it the perfectly chilled and undisturbed atmosphere from days gone by. There are numerous traditional folk elements in the village, with performances of music and the chance to try out some of that death-defying, traditional Ryukyu cuisine. 

Aside from the cultural and historical elements, Ishigaki Yaima Village is also home to a large population of squirrel monkeys, who are both cute and surprisingly happy interacting with visitors. 

This docile interaction may be down to the fact that they know they can be fed –  local vendors sell capsules of food for 200 Yen, and as soon as you open it, you’ll instantly buy a whole new group of furry primate friends.

  • Location – Ishigaki Yaima Village is located on the western side of the island, overlooking Nagura Bay.
  • Cost – Adults: ¥1,000 and Children ¥500
  • Opening hours – 9 am – 5:30 pm
  • Time needed – Give yourself half a day to enjoy the sights.
  • Getting there – You can get a local bus from the main bus terminal in town heading towards Yaima Mura and get a taxi from here to the village. But, providing the scarcity of buses around the island, it’d be easier to rent a car or jump in a taxi.

Sunset at… Sunset Beach 

Nestled onto the West Coast of the Hirakubo Peninsula, Sunset Beach is one of the most idyllic beaches on the island. White sands, crystal clear waters and the sense of being miles away from the built-up area of Ishigaki; any beach lover is bound to be in heaven. 

Contrary to its name, Sunset Beach is a private beach, and you have to pay to get on. This being said the sun stays up long after business hours are over. 

  • Location – Sunset Beach is located on the northwest coast of the island.
  • Cost – 400 Yen entrance fee per person. 
  • Opening hours – Open from 9 am to 6 pm
  • Time needed –  Take a good couple of hours to enjoy the sea and sand. 
  • Getting there – Take bus number 6 from the main terminal to the Kura bus stop, a two-minute walk to the beach.

Ishigaki Limestone Cave

Just under two miles north of Ishigaki Port, secluded under the hillside, is the almost magical world of limestone caves. 

Formed over the span of 200,000 years, the caves are an astonishing example of not just the age of the earth but how the beauty of the island is not only above ground but below it. 

On entering the caves, you will instantly be taken away by the sheer beauty of the view before you. With glistening pillars of limestone, stalactites and stalagmites, the Ishigaki limestone caves are a paradise.

  • Location – Two miles north of Ishigaki’s main town
  • Cost – 1,000 Yen entry fee.
  • Opening hours – 9:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m
  • Time needed – An hour to wander through the caves.
  • Getting there –  Take bus 1,2 or 3 north from the main terminal, getting off at the Yaeyama Nature Village Entrance bus stop.

Day 4 – 6: Take a Ferry to Hateruma (Most Southern Point of Japan)

Nishihama beach in Hateruma-jima, Okinawa

Located around 20 miles south of Ishigaki is the island of Hateruma, the most southerly inhabited island in all of Japan. To get to the island of Hateruma, you have to catch the ferry from Ishigaki Port to Hateruma Port. This express ferry takes between 70 to 100 minutes, depending on the weather. 

You’ll need to make sure that you purchase a return ferry ticket back to Ishigaki from Hateruma, as Ishigaki Airport will be your point of call back to the Japanese mainland. Ferry tickets to Hateruma will set you back around 4,200 Yen each way. 

Getting Around Hateruma 

As one of the more isolated and less touristy islands in the Okinawa Prefecture, Hateruma is without the normal range of public transport and taxi services. 

Once you’ve docked at Hateruma Port, you’ll have the opportunity to rent a bicycle or a moped to get around the island. At just under five square miles, it’s more than easy to get around the island like this and only adds to the adventurous nature of exploring Hateruma.

Monument of The Most Southern Part of Japan

The island of Hateruma is the most southerly point in the entire state of Japan, and the Japanese are more than proud to point this out. 

Heading to the south coast of the island, much like Ushuai’s ‘end of the world ’ touristy gimmick over in Argentina. You will find the actual southernmost point in Japan, marked out by the ‘Southernmost Point in Japan’ stone monument. 

With amazing views of the ocean, there’s nothing but open water from here to the Philippines, a fact marked out on many local maps which say; ‘Beyond here, the Philippines.’

  • Location – The monument is found on the southeast of the island, two and a half miles from the port.
  • Time needed – just a few moments for picture taking and admiring the views.
  • Getting there – Cycle through the central road, through the village and continue southeasterly.

Look out for Taiwan

If you’re lucky with the weather, cycling around Hateruma on a clear day will give you a view of Taiwan in the far distance. For your best chances of spotting this island nation, head to  Narisa Beach, a small cove on the very east of the island. 

Unfortunately, your chances of spotting Taiwan are pretty low; all the same to try and spot Okinawa’s closest neighbours. If you’re desperate to catch a glimpse, you can make your way to the neighbouring island of Yonaguni which guarantees views of Taiwan, something that has led to Japanese military radar stations being placed on the island.

  • Location – On the extreme west of the island, close to Narisa Beach. 
  • Time needed – A brief moment to gaze out across the sea.
  • Getting there – Cycle the westerly road heading down from the port.

Go to Nishihama Beach

With so much island life to enjoy on your Okinawa itinerary, finding the perfect beach to relax on is a must. When it comes to Hateruma, there are a few small isolated beaches scattered around the small island, yet it’s Nishihama Beach that’s considered to be one of the most terrific. 

Not only is it the most beautiful on the island, but Nishihama Beach is noted by many as being one of the most unspoiled beaches in all of Japan. 

At Nishihama Beach, you’ll find beautifully clear blue seas and a white sandy beach that stretches for more than half a mile. Just out to sea, there’s a huge expanse of coral reef, made even more beautiful by the crystal clear turquoise water that envelopes it. 

Sitting so close to the port of Hateruma, there’s nothing stopping you from heading straight to the beach as soon as you arrive on the island.

  • Location – Nishihama Beach is located just 800 meters to the west of Hateruma Port.
  • Time needed – Give yourself a couple of hours to take the beach in; it’s not every day you find yourself on one of the most stunning beaches in Japan.
  • Getting there – Either walk directly here from the port or cycle along the northwesterly road leading from the village.

Take Photos of The Cute White Goats

Hateruma is affectionately known as the “Land of the Goats”, and for one good reason; the island is home to a huge population of white goats. So many that, it is thought that they outnumber human residents by almost three times.  

Some of these goats are semi-domesticated and you’ll see them tied together by rope, ensuring that the herd stays together. 

However, the majority, especially around the southern parts of the island, are running free and roaming far and wide. So used to human contact on such a small island, you can get up close and personal with these fluffy white animals and grab yourself a little goat selfie (aka a “goatfie,” a long-awaited goal that I achieved in one of my weird things to do in Muscat bucket list).

As the southern open spaces are the best places to see these animals, cycling around the island will give you the ideal opportunity to capture a glimpse and photo opportunity with them. Trust me, they’re impossible to miss. 

  • Location – The white goats are best spotted around the open spaces on the southern end of Hateruma Island.
  • Time needed – As the goats are more active around cooler daylight hours, morning and late afternoon will give you the best opportunities.
  • Getting there – Rent a bicycle from the port area or your local accommodation and cycle down the main road to the south.

Eat at Yumin Touki

After a day’s cycling around the island, you will no doubt build up an appetite. 

Head to the main village of Hateruma, which is a small collection of buildings, to find yourself in one of the island’s best culinary spots, Yumin Touki. Offering up the perfect beach house atmosphere, Yumin Touki serves some of the finest delicacies found on the entire island. 

Aside from the many delicious vegetable dishes, Yumin Touk is most famous for a dish called Yakiniku, which is the traditional Japanese grilled meat platter. These come accompanied by unlimited rice and specific dinner sets, perfect for large groups to eat very well for very little.

  • Location – Yumin Touki is located in the centre of the main village.
  • Cost – 1,000 to 2,000 Yen per person. 
  • Opening hours – 11 am – 9 pm.
  • Time needed –  Give yourself at least an hour to sample the food here.
  • Getting there – You can easily cycle here from any of the island’s accommodations in just a few minutes.

Send a Postcard from Japan’s most Southern Point

It’s not every day that you can explore a place like Hateruma, and it’s more than likely that you’ll never be here again. Having the glory of exploring the most southerly point in all of Japan, far out in the East China Sea, can only be bolstered by sending a good old-fashioned postcard home. 

While it may be relatively far out and quite an isolated spot on the island, Hateruma still plays host to an island post office. Hateruma Post Office is at the centre of the island’s main village and is the perfect place to send a ‘wish you were here’ postcard home. 

Not only is the novelty of sending a postcard from such a far-flung island fun, but you will also send it with a postage stamp that can only be acquired here – something that adds to the exoticness of the message.

  • Location – Hateruma Post Office is located at 106-2 in the centre of the village.
  • Cost – The cost will depend on how far you will be sending your postcard home, though prices rarely go above 100 Yen.
  • Opening hours – 8:30 am – 4:30 pm on weekdays, closed on weekends.
  • Time needed – However long it may take to write your message for home. 
  • Getting there – As you are likely to be staying within the village, it’s possible to walk to the post office from many different locations on the island. Alternatively, jump on your trusty bike and cycle over. 

Visit Cape Takanazaki

Aside from being the most southerly point on the island and in all of Japan, Cape Takanazaki is also one of the most stunning spots along the country’s coastline. 

With rolling hills and rock formations, gazing over the coast and out toward the Philippine Sea is a serene experience and makes for fantastic photo opportunities. Riding your bike along the southern coast and Cape Takanazaki is the perfect way to spend an afternoon, especially on a clear day. 

Passing the crashing waves, local goats and the occasional local, you’ll feel the peaceful isolation that makes Hateruma such a fantastic place to visit.

  • Location – Cape Takanazaki is located in the very south of the island.
  • Time needed – Give yourself a couple of hours to explore the whole southern coast and cape.
  • Getting there – With bicycle hire under your belt, you can ride to the cape in under 30 minutes from the central village.

Sokonatameike Viewing Platform 

Towards the western side of the southern coast, opposite the easterly Cape Takanazaki, is the isolated Sokonatameike Viewing Platform. On an island that has relatively few elevated points, such as hillsides or mountains, the Sokonatameike Viewing Platform is a terrific find. This man-made viewing platform is constructed out of rocky boulders, built up to represent what can only be described as the foot of a castle tower.

Though not as tall as a castle tower, the viewing platform provides unhindered views across the island, especially out to sea. Sitting just a little off the main roads, this spot will have you feeling like a master of the island, looking out across the vastness of sea and land.

On clear days, it’s possible to see panoramic vistas of the picturesque island sea, providing impressive views and photo opportunities like nowhere else on the island.

  • Location – Sokonatameike Viewing Platform is located on the far southwestern coast of the island, a little way off the road. 
  • Time needed – Around 30 minutes should be enough to take in the views from the Sokonatameike Viewing Platform. 
  • Getting there – Cycle to the island’s southwestern road, here you will see a small sign close to the reservoir, directing you to the viewing platform.

Pemuchi Beach

On the total opposite side to the famous Nishihama Beach, there is the somewhat unknown beach of Pemuchi. Located on the extreme south of the island, its isolation only adds to its allure, and at the same time, its fantastic views of the ocean. 

Pemuchi is an inlet of land, with Cape Takanazaki to its east and the Sokonatameike Viewing Platform west. This sheltered position means that the beach is untouched by the fierce coastal winds that blow in from the sea, giving the beach a cove-like feel.

Unfortunately, for the last few years, swimming at Pemuchi Beach has been restricted, and the tides have brought about a saddening amount of ocean litter and debris. Optimism for cleaner oceans and overall Earth welfare may bring back the golden years of Pemuchi Beach. Although it may seem all bad news, the natural location of Pemuchi Beach is untouched by the hand of man, and its undeniable beauty can still be appreciated.

  • Location – Pemuchi Beach is located on the very south of the island, close to the Sokonatameike Viewing Platform and Cape Takanazaki. 
  • Time needed – A good half hour will allow you to take in the sandy beaches and marina views.
  • Getting there – Cycle any direct southern road out of the village, and you will come to Pemuchi Beach.

Jog Around 12.7 km 2 of Isolated Paradise

Visiting Hateruma Island on your Okinawa itinerary is a journey that throws up many firsts , whether that be visiting the southernmost point in Japan, sending postcards from one of the most isolated post offices in the world, or simply jogging around a whole island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

At a mere 12.7 km 2 or 7.8 square miles, this island that offers so much is surprisingly small. After days of trying out healthy and delicious Okinawan cuisine, a much-needed expel of energy and exercise may be in order to keep up with the spirit of the thriving locals.

I’m a keen runner myself, but even if you’ve never entertained the idea of going for a run, being amongst some of the healthiest humans on earth and surrounded by one of the most charming island scenes on the planet is more than enough motivation to head out into the fresh air.

With perfectly circular roads and routes crisscrossing the island, your jog is one that has the ideal route already mapped out for you. As many competitive people know, having a lovely circular route laid before you only invites it to be run in the fastest time possible, though with a few shots of Awamori perspiring out front the night before, it may not be your personal best. 

  • Location – The road runs a circular route around the entire island, making the run more like a huge track and field track.
  • Time needed – This is a leisurely pursuit and will all depend on how long you want to spend and your own ability.
  • Getting there – A circular road route runs around the entirety of the island, making the run easy to do.

Hateruma Brewery

We in the West may be aware of Japanese spirits such as sake, yet when it comes to the Okinawan variety, we have a little drinking education to do. Unlike the common Japanese sake that uses short-grain rice, Awanami sake which is made and drunk throughout the Okinawa prefecture is brewed with long-grain Indica rice. 

This gives the sake a far more mellow flavour and is a defining product of Okinawa as a whole.

To see the production of Okinawan sake, head to the Hateruma Brewery in the centre of the island. Here, you can see how they make this famous drink in all its glory; from the grain right down to the bottle. 

For us monolingual Westerners, understanding the predominantly Japanese signage and tour guides can make the whole experience a little cloudy. This being said it may be worth educating yourself about the product and its process before you enter.

As the guides only speak Japanese and a little local dialect, reading up about the process will mean that once you join a tour, you’ll have all the knowledge you need to understand what you see beforehand.

  • Location – Hateruma Brewery is located in the west of the main village.
  • Cost – 17,000 Yen
  • Opening hours – 10 am -4 pm
  • Time needed –  Take a few hours to see the whole brewing process and complete the tour.
  • Getting there – Sitting in the centre of the village, it’s more than possible to reach the brewery on foot from most accommodations on the island. 

See the Southern Cross from the Observatory

The Crux, or Southern Cross, is a constellation that fills the night sky. Though many in the northern hemisphere are used to constellations such as the Plough and Orion’s Belt, the Southern Cross may be a star formation that has passed many of us by, and understandably. 

The Southern Cross is a constellation that is only visible from the southern hemisphere and only from tropical latitudes too. The island of Hateruma is perfectly positioned to view this constellation, and the stargazers among you would be foolish to let such a chance pass you by. 

With the island found so far south, it’s possible to see this constellation above the horizon when the sky is clear. This is only heightened by the fact that there are no streetlights on the island and the light pollution levels are very low. 

To get the best opportunity to see the Southern Cross constellation, head to the island’s Observatory on the southeast of the island. Heading here once the sun goes down gives you a chance to observe the stars and heavens like never before and tick the sighting of the Southern Cross off your Okinawa itinerary. 

  • Location – The observatory is located on the extreme southeast of the island.
  • Cost –   400 Yen entry fees to the observatory
  • Opening hours – 10 am – 9 pm, though it’s best to visit when the sun goes down
  • Time needed – Give yourself a couple of hours to get a good view of the stars above.
  • Getting there – Cycle down to the observatory using the easterly road, or organise a shuttle service from your accommodation.  

Oyake Akahachi Monument

Although much of the island of Hateruma has lost most of its history, which can be put down to the Japanisation of the Ryukyuan culture, there is an unassuming but poignant spot that still remains on the island. 

The Oyake Akahachi monument is a small stele, or stone slab, located in the centre of the village, at the heart of the island. While only small, this honour is tightly linked with the history and people of Hateruma Island.

As the legend goes, Oyake Akahachi, a Ryukyuan lord born on the island of Hateruma, led a rebellion against the Ryukyuan Kingdom in the very early 16th century. Although this rebellion was eventually suppressed, Oyake Akahachi’s legacy was retained, and he has become a folk hero and an emblem for Hateruma ever since.

In true Asian subtle style, the monument to Oyake Akahachi is only tiny and can easily be missed. A small stone plinth, decorated with Japanese and Ryukyuan characters, can be seen by the side of the road, the last vestige of a community and people that have nearly all but disappeared.

  • Location – Oyake Akahachi monument is located in the centre of the village, on the main road leading east. It may be difficult to find as it’s usually overgrown with roadside foliage.
  • Opening hours – 24 hours.
  • Time needed – Mere moments, enabling you to see the monument by the roadside.
  • Getting there – Take the main road out of the village heading east; the monument is on the right-hand side.

Day 6 – 7: Ferry Back to Ishigaki

Kabira Bay in Ishigaki Island, Okinawa

Once you’ve had your fill of the idyllic island of Hateruma, it’s time to jump back on the ferry and head over to the familiar Ishigaki. Though you might be in a rush to catch your flight back to the Japanese capital of Tokyo, if you have time, there are a few more things to see that you can add to your Okinawa itinerary. 

Take a Pottery Class at Ishigaki-yaki Pottery Studio

One of the most famous places on the globe for unique pottery, Ishigaki potters have had much of their work exhibited in the British Museum. Their unique approach to pottery making uses a fusion of clay and glass, plus a huge amount of time dedicated to the making of each piece.

Located on the far west of the island, the Ishigaki-yaki Pottery Studio is both a place to observe the unique pottery creations and somewhere where you can learn the skill yourself. Hands-on workshops in the pottery studio give you a once-in-a-lifetime experience of working with potters who have been continuing an age-old tradition for centuries.

  • Location – Ishigaki-yaki Pottery Studio is located on the far west of the island, in the Nagura area of Ishigaki. 
  • Cost – Free to enter, but hour-long classes will set you back around 4,500 Yen.
  • Opening hours – 9 am – 5 pm
  • Time needed – Give yourself at least an hour to take a tour of the studio, or two if you’re hoping to join a pottery class.
  • Getting there –  Take a bus from the main terminal heading towards the River Square bus stop. From here it’s only a short walk to the studio.

Shop at Ishigaki Public Market

When you’ve travelled extensively throughout Asia, it’s pretty easy to get bored of the many markets, each offering a similar take on fruit, veg and local trinkets. 

However, visiting Ishigaki’s Public Market will throw a whole new light onto local markets. Specializing in local Ishigaki products and cuisine, the Ishigaki Public Market is a market full of stores selling local produce in all its different varieties, colours and shapes.

One of the best things to pick up from the market is the local piper chi spice, something that almost personifies the culinary cooking of the local Okinawans and ancient Ryukyuan culture. Aside from this, a general walk around the Ishigaki Public Market is an ideal way to observe the beating heart of the island’s people.

  • Location – South of Ishigaki City, in the Ōkawa area.
  • Cost – Items can cost a variety of prices, but it’s always worth haggling to get the best price possible.  
  • Opening hours – 9 am – 9 pm.
  • Time needed – Around an hour to view the market stalls.
  • Getting there – Several buses head to the market from the island’s main bus terminal, but you might need to ask around to find the right one. 

Bonus Option: Ferry to Taketomi Islands for a few days

If you happen to fall foul of a cancelled ferry or simply have a little more time on your hands, a trip to the nearby island of Taketomi can add yet another island-hopping experience to your Okinawa Itinerary. 

One the smallest in the Okinawa prefecture, you can see plenty on the island of Taketomi in a really short amount of time. Allow two days if you have the time, but you’ll be able to see a lot in just one if you’ve got to head home, just be conscious of ferry cancellations during connecting islands, you’re not visiting Caye Caulker – you’re far out in a string of isolated nations. 

How to get to Taketomi from Ishigaki

Getting to the island of Taketomi is pretty simple; you’ll need to catch a ten-minute ferry from the port of Ishigaki to the port of Taketomi. Boats tend to leave every 30 minutes, so you won’t necessarily have to book ahead, but you can get your ticket online if you want to guarantee a seat. A return fare will set you back at 1150 Yen per person.

Taketomi is a raised coral atoll, circular in shape and surrounded by coral reefs. The island’s beauty is only enhanced by the traditional Okinawan red-tiled houses and sandy streets. Much of the island is protected from being overly modernised, allowing it to keep its traditional and esthetically pleasing traditional look.

Getting Around Taketomi Island 

Located at the port is the Taketomi visitors centre, which welcomes you to the island and will give you an insight into what you can do here. Much like on the island of Hateruma, there is also a bicycle hire service as you arrive on the island, allowing you to explore under your own steam. 

Average prices for bicycle rental hover around 500 Yen for an hour or 2000 Yen for the whole day. At just 5km2  you can, of course, get around on foot too, which will cost you absolutely diddly squat.

Some visitors choose to explore the village via a water buffalo-drawn cart, a very traditional method of transportation used by the locals on the island. These tours last around 30 minutes and cost 1,200 Yen and will give you a quick tour around the village’s main streets and top sights.

Admire the Views from Nagomi Tower

On an island where all of the buildings are protected, and there is only one two-story building, getting a little height can be really rewarding. One of the most amazing spots for awesome panoramic views of the island is from Nagomi Tower. The tower is located in the heart of the town and its top is reached by a series of stone steps.

Once you’ve made it to the top of the tower, you can enjoy 360 panoramic views of the island, perfect for any photo opportunities. The tower also offers up stunning views of Taketomi’s famous red-tiled roofed houses. The views from up here will have you feeling like you have stepped back in time to an age of heightened Ryukyuan culture, untouched by the hand of Japan.

  • Location – Nagomi Tower is located in the centre of the town, slightly northwest of the main road. 
  • Time needed – just a few moments to take in the fantastic surrounding views.
  • Getting there – As it is located within the town, cycling or walking from your accommodation is easily done.

Taketomi Folk Art Museum

To pull the curtain back on the traditions of Taketomi Island, head to the Taketomi Folk Art Museum in the north of the town. This museum showcases the ancient art of weaving and dying fabrics and demonstrates why this played such a strong role in developing the island’s economy and identity. Free to enter, the museum also houses fantastic displays of ancient weaving techniques, giving you a first-hand experience of the art itself.

Alongside these practical demonstrations, the Taketomi Folk Art Museum also has a huge collection of fabrics, weaving looms, and many other artefacts passed down through the ages. Both an artistic and historical place of interest, the Taketomi Folk Art Museum really brings the island’s cultural identity to the forefront.

  • Location – Taketomi Folk Art Museum is located in the very north of the town.
  • Cost – Free to enter, but donations are highly appreciated
  • Opening hours – 9 am – 4 pm
  • Time needed – Give yourself at least an hour to wander through the museum’s many artefacts.
  • Getting there – Located so close to the village and the main road, it’s possible to walk to the Taketomi Folk Art Museum from most places on the island.

Explore Aiyaru Beach

One of the continuous joys of travelling through your Okinawa itinerary is the seemingly endless beaches of immense beauty, and Taketomi is no different. Heading to the southeast of the island, you will come to the shoreline of Aiyaru Beach. 

With crystal clear waters and white sands, Aiyaru Beach is one of the island’s most beautiful spots and is not to be missed, especially if you’re a lover of the sand.

One of the best things about Aiyaru Beach is its relative isolation. Although widely popular, the beach is one that is rarely busy and allows you to really take in the sight of the open ocean and the horizon over the Pacific Ocean.

  • Location – Aiyaru Beach is located on the far southeast of the island.
  • Time needed – Hours can be spent relaxing on the sandy shores of Aiyaru Beach, so it’s up to you really.
  • Getting there – Cycle out of the eastern road, leading out of the town, eventually, you will reach the coast.

Discover Nisito Utaki

As the Japanese takeover of the Okinawa islands succeeded, much of the culture of the mainland spread to the islands. As well as the Japanese language and culture, the Japanese-born religion of Shinto also flourished across the islands. The Shinto shrine of Nisito Utaki is a perfect example of this and is well worth squeezing into your Okinawa itinerary when you’re on Taketomi Island.

Slightly different in design from mainland Shinto shrines, Nisito Utaki is a combination of Japanese and Ryukyuan influences. Enveloped by traditional Ryukyuan walls, the inner chamber of the shrine is similar to those on the mainland and has a number of Japanese characters embellished on its walls. 

Although many locals still use this as their place of worship, it also welcomes outsiders who wish to pay their respects and learn about Shinto practices.

  • Location – Nisito Utaki is located in the centre of the town 
  • Time needed – Mere minutes to glance around the small shrine.
  • Getting there – The shrine is easily reached on foot from wherever you’re staying in town.

Then Fly Back to Naha for Some Home Comforts 

Once you’ve soaked up as much culture, beauty and fresh air as you can from Taketomi Island, it’s nearing the end of your Okinawa itinerary. 

Heading back to Naha, the capital of Okinawa, will give you the perfect jumping-off point to head back to Tokyo for your flight home, and offer up the opportunity to explore the place where these Japanese islands merge with the west a little more and grab some of those culinary home comforts that you’ve missed while munching on the food of the Ryukyuan people.  

How To Get To Naha From Taketomi

After spending your week out on Ishigaki, Hatruma and Taketomi, the relatively small island of Okinawa and its capital Naha will seem like going back home and into the city. To get back to Naha, simply take the ferry from Taketomi back to Ishigaki and then book a flight from the Painushima Ishigaki Airport back to the Okinawan capital of Naha.

If you do have a spare afternoon or even a few days before you fly back to Tokyo, here are a few extra activities to add to the end of your Okinawa itinerary. 

Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum

If you’re hankering for a little bit of culture at the end of your trip, half a day spent in the Okinawa Prefectural Museum and Art Museum should suit you well. This unusually designed building looks a little out of place, with big blocks of limestone dropped in the middle of the city. 

However inside, the exhibits are well worth a wander. Housing everything from archaeological artefacts and modern artwork to a living coral reef and displays on natural history, it’s easy to get lost in the wealth of information that you’ll have at your disposal. 

Once you’re finished exploring the exhibitions inside the museum, take some time to explore the gardens in front of the museum. Here, you’ll find reconstructions of two traditional Okinawan buildings; one, a thatched-roof storehouse and the other a tiled-roof dwelling. 

You could easily while away a whole day in this 24,000 square meter museum, so it’s worth picking and choosing what you fancy seeing and planning your visit beforehand.

  • Location – Found in the Omoro-Machi district of Naha
  • Cost – Entry to the Prefectural Museum costs 550 Yen, while the Art Museum will set you back another 400 Yen.
  • Opening hours – 9 am to 6 pm on most days, with extended opening hours on Fridays and Saturdays. 
  • Time needed – Anything from an hour to a whole day depending on what you want to get out of your visit. 
  • Getting there – Nestled into central Naha, the museum is a ten-minute walk from Omoromachi Station which can be reached via the Okinawa monorail. Otherwise, you can get the number 10 bus which leaves from the main bus terminal in the city.

Explore Naminoue Beach and Discover Naminoue Shrine

As one of the only beaches in Okinawa where you can swim, a visit to Naminoue is the perfect excuse to cool down when you’re visiting during the warmer months. 

Like any city beach, it’s one of the busier spots for sunbathing on the islands, but that doesn’t take away the beauty. From April to October, you can rent deck chairs, and settle into your own spot on the beach for a few hours.

If you’re not much of a beach bum, the hard-to-miss Naminoue Shrine is just a few minutes walk away on the edge of Asahigaoka Park. Sat on the clifftop, and shrouded in red lanterns, this is considered to be one of the most significant Shinto shrines on the islands. It also overlooks the Naha Tug-of-War festival that takes place every year. 

  • Location – Naminoue Beach sits on the southwestern coastline of the island, while the shrine is perched on the clifftop that overlooks the beach.
  • Cost –  Free!
  • Opening hours – Beach is open around the clock, while the shrine opens from 9 am to 5 pm every day.
  • Time needed – A few hours or a whole afternoon, depending on the time of year you’re visiting. 
  • Getting there – Jump on the train to Asahibashi Station or take bus number 25, 26 or 99 from Kencho-Mae station, getting off at Nishinjo. From both directions, it’s a short walk to the beach.

Grab some Souvenirs from Kokusai Dori 

If you need to pick up some last-minute gifts for the old dear, or maybe some momentos for yourself, make your way to Kokusai Dori. 

Naha’s main high street, this two-kilometre stretch of road is home to a mixture of bars, restaurants and local shops. You’ll find everything here from t-shirts and bags to trinkets and jewellery, all sold and made by locals. 

  • Location – Kokusai Dori is the main road that runs through the centre of Naha. 
  • Cost – Depends on what you’re buying! 
  • Opening hours – Most shops operate from 9 am until 5 or 6 pm in the evening. 
  • Time needed – You could spend endless time wandering along this street, but a few hours will probably be enough. 
  • Getting there – Located in the centre of  Naha, you’ll more than likely be able to walk here from most central accommodation spots. 

I appreciate that this Okinawa itinerary was pretty intense, but I’m an intense kind of guy! I hope that you give these mystical islands the chance that they deserve when you’re visiting Japan and make that worthwhile effort to venture south. 

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  • Travel Experiences in Okinawa

Follow this Okinawa Itinerary and Discover the Region's Nature and History

Discover ishigaki island, okinawa’s secret paradise, delve into the region’s vibrant history with okinawa itinerary, a 3-day journey through okinawa's main island, the beauty and culture of the yaeyama islands, family fun in yambaru national park, explore japan through the four seasons.

  • Okinawa in the News

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Greater Tokyo

Central Japan

Follow this Okinawa Itinerary and Discover the Region's Nature and History

Okinawa Prefecture has a long and extensive history. Learn about the history of Okinawa on a comprehensive tour starting at Nakijin Castle to learn about life before the Ryukyu dynasty. Next, make the most of cycling in Japan on a bike tour of Kouri Island, which takes you through to Kijoka. Follow up with a visit to the Yambaru National Park where you'll discover the great lengths taken to protect the area's magical forest. Finally, discover how American and Okinawan cultures co-exist in Kin Town before ending your tour at the Southern Battlefield, the famous Battle of Okinawa site.Battle of Okinawa site.

Discover Ishigaki Island, Okinawa’s Secret Paradise

A beautiful, sub-tropical paradise, Ishigaki Island, has an undeniable draw. Follow this itinerary to discover the best the island has to offer. Start your trip with a journey to one of the best diving spots in the region before taking a short drive to the Ishigaki-yaki Pottery Studio and Gallery to see Okinawan pottery being crafted by artisan experts. Afterwards, enjoy a SUP adventure along the Miyara River navigating the mangroves that thrive on Ishigaki Island. Finally, complete your tour of this breathtaking destination with a trip to Ishigakijima Hoshizora Farm for an evening of stargazing. Activities in Japan are incredibly varied, and this itinerary across Ishigaki Island gives you a real taste of the possibilities available during your time in the country.

Delve into the Region’s Vibrant History with Okinawa Itinerary

Okinawa Prefecture is filled with opportunities for decadent adventures, from fine foods and spirits to exquisite crafts and abundant wildlife. Begin your adventure through the region with two of the most popular activities in Okinawa: eating and cultural experiences. Head to Onna no Eki Nakayukui Market and discover some of the finest produce the region has to offer. Afterwards, make your way to the Zuisen Distillery to learn more about awamori, an Okinawan spirit, before heading to the Valley of Gangala, a magical sub-tropical forest where time stands still. To complete your trip, visit the Ryukyu Glass Village and discover the intricacies of Okinawa art.

A 3-Day Journey Through Okinawa's Main Island

Okinawa offers nearly endless opportunities to explore the gorgeous landscapes, diverse nature, and unique island culture that sets it apart from other places in Japan. This three-day trip around Okinawa's Main Island gives visitors the chance to experience its many charms at your own pace, stopping by the sights that interest you the most. Regardless of which places you add to your itinerary, you are sure to have an unforgettable time immersing yourself in the slower-paced Okinawan way of life.

The Beauty and Culture of the Yaeyama Islands

The Yaeyama Islands include Ishigaki, Taketomi, Kohama, Kuroshima, Hatoma, Aragusuku (Panari), Iriomote, Yubu, and Yonaguni islands. They lie at the very southern end of the Japanese archipelago, about 400 kilometers from Okinawa's main island. They are collectively regarded for their natural beauty, which includes gorgeous beaches and lush vegetation, as well as superb diving. The entire area has been designated a national park (Iriomote-Ishigaki National Park) to preserve it for future generations. The culture of the Yaeyama Islands is also a standout feature of this part of Okinawa, and should not be overlooked. The region is famous for its rich musical heritage of song and dance, as well as idyllic villages like those on Taketomi Island, where time has seemingly stopped. Dig a little deeper into the traditional life of the islands to find a rich heritage that epitomizes a kind of ancient, primitive cultural beauty, parts of which can still be seen to this day.

Family Fun in Yambaru National Park

Home to the magnificent Yambaru National Park, the northern part of Okinawa Island is an area rich in natural beauty and rare wildlife. Spend an enjoyable day in this exciting part of Okinawa. Paddle a kayak through mangrove waterways, have lunch in a local diner where fresh-caught fish is always on the menu, and squeeze out the secret of health from the amazing shikuwasa (or shekwasha) fruit.

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Greater Tokyo / Central Japan / Kansai

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Kyushu / Okinawa

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San'in / Setouchi / Shikoku

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Hokkaido / Tohoku

Far to the south of Japan's main islands, Okinawa is truly unique. The subtropical climate makes for incredible beaches and diverse flora and fauna, and this small island chain has developed a unique culture of its own.

blog voyage okinawa

  • / Séjour à Okinawa : quelle île choisir

Séjour à Okinawa : quelle île choisir ?

Séjour à Okinawa : quelle île choisir ?

Constitué de dizaines d’ îlots , l’ archipel d’Okinawa est doté de plages paradisiaques , de terres luxuriantes et d’un superbe patrimoine traditionnel. Propice aux activités outdoor , l’ancien royaume de Ryūkyū est aussi une destination idéale pour une lune de miel ! Snorkeling , visites culturelles, couchers de soleil… Voici un aperçu des plus belles îles à découvrir lors d’un séjour à Okinawa .

Voyage à Okinawa Hontô : découvrir l’ancien royaume de Ryūkyū – et faire sa lune de miel !    

Située à l'extrême sud du Japon, Okinawa Hontô est l’île principale de l'archipel. Étendue sur plus de 1283 m 2 , l’île constituait autrefois le royaume de Ryūkyū. Créé en 1429, celui-ci fut annexé par le Japon en 1879 en tant que préfecture d' Okinawa …

L’île compte neuf sites classés au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO ! Parmi eux ? Le château de Shuri, le mausolée royal Tamaudun et le magnifique jardin royal de Shikina-en ; tous trois situés à Naha (la capitale de la préfecture).

Située sur la côte sud-ouest de l’archipel, Naha-shi est aussi le point de départ vers d’autres petites îles…

Séjour à Okinawa : faire du snorkeling dans les îles Kerama     

Situé à une centaine de kilomètres de Naha, l’archipel de Kerama est une destination très sauvage à seulement une heure (en ferry) de la furia urbaine !

l’île de Tokashiki

Considérée comme le paradis de la plongée masque-tuba, l’île de Tokashiki abrite plusieurs espèces de coraux (le récif corallien de l'archipel est d’ailleurs inscrit à la liste des sites Ramsar.)

Okashiki-jima est par ailleurs plébiscitée pour son littoral montagneux, qui promet de belles balades au cœur d’une nature luxuriante, ainsi que des vues panoramiques à couper le souffle !

L’île de Zamami    

Parmi les îlots de Kerema, ne manquez pas l’île de Zamami. D’une superficie d’environ 17 km 2 , ce petit coin de paradis est renommé pour la beauté de ses plages et la pureté de ses eaux cristallines. Dotée d’une faune marine exceptionnelle, l’île est un s pot privilégié pour faire du snorkeling …

Vous aurez la chance d’y apercevoir des tortues de mer et de nombreux poissons-clowns. L’une des plus belles plages de l'île ? Ama beach ! Doté de quelques restaurants, c’est l’endroit idéal pour un dîner romantique, face au coucher de soleil…

Escale sur les îles Miyako : se ressourcer dans la nature nippone    

Situé à environ 300 kilomètres au sud-ouest de l’île de Naha, l’archipel Miyako est réputée pour la diversité de ses paysages et ses sublimes vues panoramiques. Très verte et luxuriante, il s’agit d’une destination rurale, encore préservée du tourisme de masse…

L’île la plus connue est Miyakojima (en raison de ses nombreux spots de plongée sous-marine). Lors de votre escale, faites un tour au jardin botanique, où vous pourrez observer des milliers d’espèces végétales, ainsi que des chevaux Miyako : une race unique, créée sur l’île !

Arrêt sur les îles Yaeyama : s’adonner aux activités outdoor et au tourisme culturel    

Accessible en avion depuis Naha (ou en ferry depuis les îles voisines) les îles Yaeyama sont renommées pour leur superbe baie de Kabira. Tour à tour rural ou sauvage, l’archipel est une destination idéale pour des vacances à mi-chemin entre le tourisme culturel et le farniente sur une plage de carte postale !

L’île d’Ishigaki

Située à l’ouest de l'île d'Ishigaki, la baie de Kabira est très prisée pour la beauté de ses paysages et ses fonds marins. Idéale pour faire du snorkeling , elle l’est aussi pour faire de la plongée en bouteille : l’île est notamment réputée pour ses excursions dédiées à l’observation des raies manta !

Sur place, vous pourrez vous adonner aussi à d’autres sports nautiques, comme le paddle ou le jet-ski. Ishigaki-shi compte, par ailleurs, de nombreuses plages, dont Fusaki, Sukuji, Yonehara, Sunset et Shiraho (réputée pour ses récifs coralliens). Un conseil ? Ne partez pas sans avoir exploré les grottes de calcaire d'Ishigaki ni le temple Kabira Kannon-do e !

L’île de Taketomi    

À 10 minutes en ferry d’Ishigaki, partez à la découverte de l’île de Taketomi et de ses superbes villages traditionnels – intacts depuis l’époque de l’ancien royaume de Ryūkyū ! Sur les toits, vous remarquerez de petits animaux imaginaires (et protecteurs), nommés shi-sa . Au gré de vos balades, dans les rues sablonneuses, vous croiserez aussi des charrues tirées par des buffles !

L’île d’Iriomote    

À 45 minutes en ferry d’Ishigaki (au cœur du parc national d'Iriomote-Ishigaki), vous découvrirez la très sauvage île d’Iriomote. Renommée pour ses forêts denses et ses mangroves, elle est idéale pour les activités de plein air, telles que le kayak ou la randonnée. Iriomote-jima est aussi réputée pour ses cascades de Sangara et sa piscine naturelle… 

 Audrey Denjean

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Okinawa travel blog — the fullest guide for your wonderful first trip to okinawa.

Busena Marine Park Underwater Observatory: The observatory the sea creatures lying deep under the sea, whether it is sunny or rainy, you will not worry about the effect to your visit.

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Busena Marine Park Underwater Observatory2

Address: 1744-1 Kise, Nago 905-0026, Okinawa Prefecture Phone: +81 980-52-3379

Kouri Island: This island is very close to island of Okinawa, these two islands are connected by a long straight bridge Kouri overlooking the very scenic view. There are three famous beaches: Kouri, Tokei and Tinu, in which Tinu beach has a heart shaped stone called Heart Rock “sprouting” in the middle of the sea, very cute, if you come here, remember to check-in.

Kouri island

Southern Okinawa

Okinawa World: If you love history, do not miss the Okinawa World Park. This is the most complete repository of the Ryukyu period — the period before Okinawa became a part of Japan. Besides visiting the historical sites, you also experience how to make a glass vase, drink beer — a specialty worth try at here. And another special thing, do not forget to enjoy the Eisa dance. This is the sacred dance of Okinawa Island, which is also the dance that people give to their Gods.


Address: Japan, 〒901-0616 Okinawa Prefecture, Nanjo, 玉城前川1336 Opening hours: 9AM–6PM Phone: +81 98-949-7421

Gyokusendo Cave: A must-visit place of Okinawa World Park is Gyokusendo cave over 300,000 years old, with a length of 5 km, is one of the most beautiful caves in the world. There are many stalactites and gems. Each of the stalactite want to lengthen by 1 mm will need 3 years. The cave is planned for a short distance for visitors explore with the system of very beautiful lights, ensuring you will be surprised when you come here. Especially, the cave is so cool in the summer, step inside the cave you will feel like there are several hundred air conditioners are operating at the same time.

Gyokusendo Cave okinawa Credit image: Okinawa travel blog.

Address: 1336 Tamagusuku Maekawa, Nanjo 901-0616, Okinawa Prefecture Phone: +81 98-949-7421

Chinen Misaki Park: If you want to step directly from the real world into the paintings, please visit Chinen-Misaki Park, very beautiful, extremely beautiful. Walking around in this park, you will be immersed in all corners of the blue color, blue sky, blue of the sea, blue trees, extremely cool eyes. From the park’s observatory, you can see the vast ocean glistening far away. Generally, very romantic and very poetic, with your lover walking together here, you are in paradise.

Chinen-Misaki Park (30 mins)

Address: Japan, 〒901-1511 Okinawa Prefecture, Nanjo, 知念久字手堅523番地 Opening hours: Open 24 hours Phone: +81 98-948-4660

Taketomi Island: One of the most popular tourist attractions in Okinawa is Taketomi Island. With beautiful natural scenery, tranquil scenery, not exciting, bustling as in the city, but here still create a unique attraction for tourists. Beside that, you also immerse yourself in the deserted beach and enjoy the delicious food, specialties of Okinawa.

Taketomi Island (Taketomi-jima)2

Modern Conveyances Taketomi Island, Okinawa, Japan Iriomote Island: Situated in the national park is Iriomote Island, which attracts a lot of tourists to visit. When you come here, you will not only have the opportunity to enjoy activities on the beach, enjoy a cool bath, watch the beautiful scenery at sunset, but also enjoy many others exciting activities such as kayaking, surf boarding, fishing … Perhaps for that reasons, Iriomote Island has become a popular attraction in Okinawa that you should not miss.

Funauki, Iriomote island

Okinawa travel blog: Activities on the beaches in Okinawa

Yonaha Maehama Beach, Miyako-jima Island, Okinawa, Japan2

Maehama beach, Yoshino beach and sunayama Beach. These three beaches are considered as the most popular tourist destinations in Okinawa which are visited by many domestic and international visitors. With clear blue water, white sand beach stretching on the beach is suitable for swimming and diving. Moreover, you also see the colorful coral reefs color are also great.

Sunayama Beach

Going to the islands of Okinawa without bathing is very wrong with yourself so much! Okinawa sea in addition to the blue and clean beautiful (certainly), the services here is also the best class!

Okinawa blog: What to eat in Okinawa? Some delicious foods and specialties in Okinawa


Soba noodles: Considered to be delicious food, tasty and attractive in Okinawa is favorited by a lot of diners. With its simple and unique cooking process, Soba noodles are used primarily from white wheat and cooked with pork, but they create a tasty, delicious flavor that makes it hard for the diners to resist. To add flavor to the dish, they also add scallion, ginger, chili to eat together.

Okinawan Soba Noodles with Pork Belly and Fish Cake

Mozuku seaweed: If you have the opportunity to visit Okinawa, Japan, you should not miss the dishes with seaweed Mozuku. This is a type of seaweed that is often used to soak in sesame seeds and is used to make a lot of Okinawa’s delicious dishes such as Tempura fried shrimp, Mozuku seaweed soup, Mozuku seaweed noodles …

Marinated mozuku seaweed with cucumber

Awamori rice wine: Alcohol is a popular drink in Japan, but Awamori rice wine is a delicious, very popular here. With a higher concentration of 80%, but the aroma is not so harsh, easy to drink.


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Some day tours, activities, tickets in Okinawa you can refer more:

  • Okinawa Hip Hop Bus One Day Tour: Cape Manza, Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium & More
  • Main Island Enjoy Pass in Okinawa
  • Car Rental for Okinawa, Ishigaki Island, and Miyakojima Island (Several Days)
  • Churashima Okinawa Bus Day Tour (Naha Departure)

Best cafes in Okinawa Fuyu Café (1)

Some best day tours, trips, activities and transfer services, tickets in and from Okinawa you can refer to

  • Private Naha Airport Transfers (OKA) for Okinawa
  • Private Naha Airport (OKA) Transfers for Okinawa
  • Private Naha Airport (OKA) Transfers to Okinawa
  • Okinawa Airport Shuttle Unlimited Ride Pass (3/5 Days)
  • Okinawa Stargazing Trip with Taxi/Private Chartered Car Transfer
  • Okinawa Main Island Route Bus Pass & Monorail Pass
  • Eight Okinawa Attractions Pass
  • Okinawa Cooking Class and Historic Market Tour
  • Southern Okinawa Half/One Day Trip
  • Okinawa Private Car Charter
  • Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium Ticket (Naha Airport Pick Up)
  • 4G Prepaid Sim Card (JP Airports Pick Up) for Japan
  • 4G WiFi (Japan Pick Up) for Japan
  • JR Pass for Whole Japan (7, 14, or 21 Days)

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Are you looking for more some hidden gems cafes in Okinawa? Let’s check it out: Okinawa cafe — 4 hidden gems coffee shops & best cafes in Okinawa you should visit.

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The Ultimate Luxury Nile Cruise: A Voyage Through Time and Elegance


Imagine drifting along the Nile River, where every curve of the river unveils a new chapter in the story of ancient Egypt. A luxury Nile cruise is not merely a trip; it is a journey through time, blending the mystique of ancient civilizations with the opulence of modern travel. This exclusive experience offers a unique way to explore the wonders of Egypt, all while indulging in the finest luxuries that the world has to offer. From the comfort of your floating five-star hotel, you’ll witness the awe-inspiring beauty of temples, tombs, and timeless landscapes that have captivated travelers for centuries.

The Magic of the Nile

The Nile River, often referred to as the artery of Egypt, has been a source of life and inspiration for millennia. Its waters have witnessed the rise and fall of great dynasties, and today, they continue to be a gateway to the wonders of ancient Egypt. A luxury cruise on the Nile offers an unparalleled opportunity to immerse yourself in this history, providing a seamless blend of adventure, culture, and relaxation.

As you sail along the Nile, you’ll be treated to stunning views of lush farmlands, traditional villages, and the iconic monuments that line the riverbanks. The tranquil flow of the Nile sets the perfect pace for your journey, allowing you to fully appreciate the beauty and significance of the sites you’ll visit.

Luxurious Accommodations and Amenities

Aboard a luxury Nile cruise ship, you’ll find yourself surrounded by an environment of sophistication and comfort. These vessels are designed to provide an exceptional experience, featuring elegantly appointed suites with private balconies, gourmet dining options, state-of-the-art wellness facilities, and spacious sun decks offering panoramic views of the Nile.

Each suite is a haven of luxury, combining modern amenities with classic elegance. Whether you’re enjoying a morning coffee on your balcony, relaxing in the onboard spa, or savoring a fine dining experience, every moment on board is designed to enhance your journey.

The level of service on a luxury Nile cruise is impeccable. The crew is dedicated to ensuring that every aspect of your trip is tailored to your preferences, from arranging personalized excursions to providing exceptional dining experiences. The attention to detail and commitment to excellence are what make a luxury Nile cruise a truly extraordinary experience.

Exploring Egypt’s Ancient Wonders

One of the highlights of a luxury Nile cruise is the opportunity to explore some of Egypt’s most iconic landmarks. The journey typically begins in Luxor, a city that serves as a gateway to the ancient world. Here, you’ll visit the sprawling Karnak Temple, a complex of temples, chapels, and pylons dedicated to the Theban gods. The Valley of the Kings, where pharaohs were laid to rest in elaborately decorated tombs, is another must-see, along with the stunning Temple of Hatshepsut, which is carved into the cliffs of Deir el-Bahari.

As the cruise continues southward, you’ll stop at Edfu, home to the Temple of Horus, one of the best-preserved temples in Egypt. This magnificent structure offers a glimpse into the religious life of ancient Egyptians, with its impressive columns, detailed carvings, and grandiose architecture. Further along, you’ll visit the Temple of Kom Ombo, a unique double temple dedicated to Sobek and Horus, where you can explore the fascinating world of ancient Egyptian mythology.

The cruise concludes in Aswan, a city known for its breathtaking natural beauty and rich cultural heritage. Here, you can visit the Philae Temple, dedicated to the goddess Isis, and admire the engineering marvel of the Aswan High Dam. Optional excursions to Abu Simbel, where the colossal statues of Ramses II stand guard over the entrance to his temple, offer an even deeper connection to Egypt’s ancient past.

Gastronomy on the Nile

Dining on a luxury Nile cruise is an experience in itself. The onboard chefs are masters in creating a diverse array of dishes, blending international flavors with traditional Egyptian cuisine. Each meal is a celebration of taste, whether you’re enjoying a casual lunch by the pool or a multi-course dinner in the elegant dining room.

The culinary offerings often include fresh local ingredients, prepared with skill and creativity. From sumptuous buffets to gourmet à la carte menus, you’ll find a variety of options to suit every palate. Special dietary needs are also catered to with the same level of care and attention to detail.

In addition to the dining experiences, some cruises offer cooking classes or demonstrations, where you can learn to prepare traditional Egyptian dishes like falafel, baba ghanoush, or umm ali, a rich and delicious dessert made with bread, milk, and nuts.

Enrichment and Entertainment

A luxury Nile cruise offers more than just sightseeing and relaxation; it’s also an opportunity to deepen your understanding of Egypt’s history and culture. Onboard lectures by Egyptologists provide fascinating insights into the ancient sites you’ll visit, helping you to appreciate the significance of the temples, tombs, and monuments that line the Nile.

In the evenings, the ship offers a range of entertainment options, including traditional music and dance performances that reflect the vibrant culture of the Nile region. Themed nights, such as a Galabeya party where guests dress in traditional Egyptian attire, offer a fun and immersive experience that adds to the enjoyment of your journey.

Wellness and Relaxation

For those seeking a rejuvenating experience, a luxury Nile cruise offers a range of wellness amenities designed to relax and refresh you. The onboard spa is a sanctuary of tranquility, offering treatments inspired by ancient Egyptian beauty rituals. Whether you choose a relaxing massage, a revitalizing facial, or a soothing soak in a whirlpool bath, you’ll find that the spa is the perfect place to unwind after a day of exploration.

The sun deck is another ideal spot for relaxation. Here, you can lounge on comfortable sunbeds, take a dip in the pool, or simply enjoy the stunning views as the ship sails along the Nile. The serene atmosphere, combined with the natural beauty of the Nile, provides the perfect setting for relaxation and reflection.

Why Choose a Luxury Nile Cruise?

A luxury Nile cruise is the ultimate way to explore Egypt’s ancient wonders in style and comfort. It offers a unique combination of historical exploration, cultural enrichment, and modern luxury, making it the perfect choice for discerning travelers. Whether you’re a history enthusiast, a lover of fine dining, or simply someone looking for an unforgettable adventure, a luxury Nile cruise promises an experience you’ll cherish forever.

From the moment you step on board, you’ll be immersed in a world of elegance and refinement, where every detail is designed to enhance your journey. From the awe-inspiring temples of Luxor to the tranquil beauty of the Nile River, a luxury Nile cruise offers a unique opportunity to explore one of the world’s most fascinating civilizations.

A luxury Nile cruise is more than just a vacation; it’s a journey of discovery, relaxation, and indulgence. It’s about the thrill of exploring ancient temples, the joy of sharing gourmet meals with fellow travelers, and the peaceful moments spent watching the sun set over the Nile. It’s a journey that will leave you with a deep appreciation for the wonders of Egypt and the timeless allure of the Nile.

Whether you’re gazing in awe at the towering statues of Abu Simbel, enjoying a candlelit dinner under the stars, or simply relaxing on your private balcony as the river flows by, a luxury Nile cruise is an experience like no other. It’s a journey that speaks to the soul, offering a rare glimpse into a world that is both ancient and eternal.


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