
Travel Clinic

Vous voulez prendre rendez-vous en ligne avec un spécialiste ? Descendez directement jusqu'à "Notre équipe" et cliquez sur le spécialiste de votre choix.

La Travel Clinic des Hôpitaux Iris Sud propose des consultations pour les adultes et les enfants, avec des infectiologues spécialisés en médecine du voyage. Nos spécialistes vous informent sur les vaccins en vigueur et vous donnent des conseils médicaux pour préparer votre voyage à l’étranger.

Selon votre destination et votre mode de voyage, certains vaccins sont vivement recommandés et obligatoires. Par exemple, la vaccination contre la fièvre jaune est exigée pour franchir la frontière de nombreux pays africains et sud-américains. La vaccination contre la méningite est quant à elle obligatoire pour les personnes qui se rendent en pèlerinage à La Mecque.

Pendant la consultation, nos infectiologues feront le point avec vous concernant les vaccins nécessaires pour entrer dans le pays où vous souhaitez vous rendre. Emmenez-y votre carnet de vaccination ainsi que le questionnaire complété  (vous pouvez le télécharger via le lien à droite).

Remarques :

  • Suite à de nouvelles dispositions légales, le vaccin contre la fièvre jaune ne peut être administré que sur notre site Etterbeek-Ixelles.
  • La vaccination des enfants en Travel Clinic se fait via le service de pédiatrie.

Conseils avant votre voyage

Que ce soit en Afrique, en Asie ou en Amérique latine,  chaque pays met en place des recommandations sanitaires propres. Les médecins de la Travel Clinic peuvent vous renseigner et vous conseiller en fonction du type de voyage que vous avez choisi.

Ces conseils peuvent porter sur :

  • Les actualités infectieuses et les épidémies en cours (Zika, Ebola, variole du singe, etc.)
  • La prévention de la malaria
  • La prévention des IST (Infections Sexuellement Transmissibles)
  • La diarrhée du voyageur
  • Le mal d’altitude
  • Les activités sportives
  • Les morsures d’insectes et d’animaux
  • La pharmacie d’urgence à emmener avec soi

Certains voyageurs sont plus à risque que d’autres : bébés, femmes enceintes, malades chroniques, seniors. Des conseils sont adaptés à chacun d’entre eux pour que leur voyage se passe au mieux.

Quand prévoir la consultation ?

Pensez à vous faire vacciner à temps ! Il en va de la garantie de la tolérance et de l’efficacité des traitements et des vaccins prescrits.

Voici, à titre d’exemple, le nombre de jours à prévoir avant votre départ :

  • 30 : Hépatite B
  • 21 : Malaria 
  • 10 : Fièvre jaune, fièvre typhoïde, méningocoque
  • 7 : Hépatite A
  • 1 : Jour du départ

Nous vous conseillons donc de prévoir une consultation au minimum un mois avant votre départ pour que toutes les possibilités de vaccins et médicaments puissent être envisagées.

Vous vous êtes déjà fait vacciner auparavant ? Attention, certains vaccins sont à refaire.

Après votre voyage

Vous vous sentez malade ou avez de la fièvre depuis votre retour ? Rendez-vous aux urgences du site Etterbeek-Ixelles en mentionnant votre récent voyage. L’équipe des Maladies Infectieuses et Tropicales sera immédiatement prévenue.

Médecin responsable :  Dr Antoine-Moussiaux

Actualités du service

personnes avec valises

10 conseils santé pour un voyage en toute quiétude

brussels travel clinic

Trousse de pharmacie en vacances : que doit-elle contenir ?

Notre équipe.

Dr Antoine-Moussiaux


Photo par défaut du médecin


Suivez-nous :.

Make an appointment for consultations.

  • Specialists and services
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Home Specialists and services Services Travel Clinic

  • Travel Clinic

The Travel Clinic offers piece of advice and all necessary and obligatory vaccinations for people planning journeys to fairly distant places:

  • yellow fever,
  • forms of encephalitis,
  • meningococcus

Contact & Consultations


Specialist's name:

Hospital site: Delta Hospital Braine-l'Alleud - Waterloo Hospital Park Leopold Medical Centre City Clinic Louise

Language: Arabic German el English Spanish French Italian jp Kurdish Dutch Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Turkish zh

Christine CREM

CREM Christine

Emergency Medicine, General ...



Internal medicine, Infectious ...





Infectious diseases - Travel ...



  • ««
  • »»


Consultations are open to anyone who is planning a trip to an exotic country and for those who present a health problem after retuning from a trip in one of those countries.

The patient's GP is informed by post whenever they visit the Clinic.

The Travel Clinic operates at Park Leopold Clinic, Braine-l'Alleud - Waterloo Hospita l and at the medical centre 'CityClinic' .

It is only available by appointment and it offers convenient appointment schedules.

  • Infectious diseases - Travel Clinic

Questionnaire Travel Clinic

Please find below the questionnaire to fill in when coming to your appointment at the Travel Clinic

brussels travel clinic

Prevention and treatment for diarrhoea

Find below our tips to prevent and treat diarrhoea..

brussels travel clinic

How to protect ourselves from Malaria?

Find below our pieces of advice to protect yourself from malaria:.

brussels travel clinic

  • The multidisciplinary centres
  • Patients & Visitors
  • Blood tests & radiography
  • Recruitment and internships

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Travel clinics

Travel clinics are an important link in protecting and improving the health of citizens, in accordance with the principle of 'One World, One Health', which places health in all its facets at the centre.

Information for travellers

Information for travel clinics and professionals .

Travel clinics aim to: 

  • inform travellers about the various health risks of their destination(s) and planned activities;
  • provide the necessary vaccines;
  • provide preventive measures and medication (e.g. against malaria);
  • provide explanations and prescriptions with a view to possible self-treatment while travelling (e.g. for diarrhoea or altitude sickness).

In addition to providing vaccines and advice before the planned trip, the travel clinic also offers the possibility of advice during or after the trip. Travellers who experience medical problems after their trip can go there for a consultation or admission, whether through the emergency department or not.  

Travellers should make an appointment at a travel clinic at least six to eight weeks before departure to gather the necessary information. Travellers with immune disorders should preferably book their appointment four months before departure. 

  • Click  here  to make an appointment.  
  • Click  here  for more information.
  • Click  here  for a list of the authorised travel clinics.

In line with the  IHR provisions , the Belgian State delegates the following tasks to the authorised travel clinics:

  • vaccination against yellow fever and other diseases in connection with travel to certain foreign countries;
  • affixing the stamp and signature of the competent health authority in the international vaccination booklet.

Nuttige links:

  • Travel clinics application 

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Travel clinics in Belgium

Below is a list of approved travel clinics in Belgium that are authorised to give a yellow fever vaccine. At these centres, you can make an appointment for a travel consultation, travel vaccinations, and a yellow fever vaccination. If you do not need a yellow fever vaccine, you can also visit your general practitioner or other centres.

  • Polyclinic, Institute of Tropical Medicine Kronenburgstraat 43/3, 2000 Antwerp Make an appointment
  • Travel Clinic, AZ Sint-Jan Ruddershove 10, 8000 Bruges Appointments only possible by telephone: +32 50 45 23 20
  • Travel Clinic, Ghent University Hospital De Pintelaan 185, 9000 Ghent  Make an appointment
  • AZ Sint-Lucas Groene Briel 1, 9000 Ghent Appointments only possible by telephone: +32 92 24 64 70
  • Travel Clinic, Jessa Ziekenhuis Stadsomvaart 11, 3500 Hasselt Appointments only possible by telephone: +32 11 33 55 77
  • Travel Clinic, Jan Yperman Ziekenhuis Briekestraat 12, 8900 Ieper Make an appointment
  • Travel Clinic, AZ Groeninge President Kennedylaan 4, 8500 Kortrijk Make an appointment
  • Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Gasthuisberg Herestraat 49, 3000 Louvain Appointments only possible by telephone: +32 16 34 47 75
  • Travel Clinic, Iris Ziekenhuizen Zuid Jean Paquotstraat 63, 1050 Elsene Make an appointment
  • Travel and Vaccine Clinic, UMC Sint-Pieter - campus César De Paepe Cellebroersstraat 11/13, 1000 Brussels Appointments only possible by telephone: +32 25 35 33 43
  • Travel Clinic, Universitair Ziekenhuis Erasmus Lenniksebaan 808, 1070 Brussels Make an appointment
  • Centrum voor Reis- en Vaccinatieadvies, Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel Laarbeeklaan 101, 1090 Brussels Make an appointment
  • Consultations des voyageurs - Centre de vaccination agréé, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc Avenue Hippocrate 10, 1200 Brussels Appointments only possible by telephone: +32 27 64 21 22
  • Polyclinic UVC Brugmann - site Victor Horta Van Gehuchtenplein 4, 1020 Laken-Brussels Make an appointment
  • CHIREC - Delta Ziekenhuis Triomflaan 201, 1160 Oudergem Appointments only possible by telephone: +32 24 34 81 17
  • Vivalia - Clinique Saint Joseph Rue des Déportés 137, 6700 Arlon Appointments only possible by telephone: +32 63 55 46 65
  • Polyclinique l’Hôpital civil de Charleroi-Chimay Boulevard Zoé Drion 1, 6000 Charleroi Appointments only possible by telephone: +32 71 92 13 11

La Louvière

  • Travel Clinic CHU Tivoli Avenue Max Buset 34, 7100 La Louvière Make an appointment


  • Centre de Médecine des Voyageurs - Sart Tilman, CHU de Liège Sart Tilman, Avenue de l'Hôpital 1, 4000 Liège Make an appointment
  • Clinique du voyageur, CHR de la Citadelle, Site Laveu Rue des Wallons 72, 4000 Liège Make an appointment
  • Clinique du Voyage, CHU Ambroise Paré Boulevard Kennedy 2, 7000 Mons Appointments only possible by telephone: +32 65 41 41 41


  • CHU UCL Namur - Site Godinne Rue Dr Gaston Thérasse 1, 5530 Yvoir Make an appointment
  • Centre Hospitalier Régional de Namur Avenue Albert I 185, 5000 Namur  Make an appointment ! For the moment only vaccination against yellow fever.


  • Travel Clinic,  Clinique St.-Pierre Ottignies Avenue Reine Fabiola 9, 1340 Ottignies-Louvain-La-Neuve Appointments only possible by telephone: +32 10 43 73 70

Travel Clinic


Recommended vaccins

Make an appointment directly online, personal and travel-related advice.

Depending on your travel conditions, route and activities, the advice below may apply. Our nurse will advise on this during the vaccination consultation.

Practical info

Covid-19 test for travelers.

Your country of destination may request a COVID-19 PCR test with a statement and/or serolo...

What to expect during the travel consultation?

During the consultation you will receive tailor-made advice and we will immediately admini...

Vaccination costs

The amount you pay for a visit to our traveler consultation hour consists of consultation ...


Travel vaccinations are sometimes reimbursed from the supplementary healthcare package. Th...

Consultations for travellers with special needs

Opportunities to travel to the far corners of the world have never been as great as they are now including for people with chronic diseases or serious health issues. It is important, however, that such travellers take extra precautions to ensure that their health does not deteriorate while they are abroad.

Travel pharmacy checklist

It is wise to take a medical travel kit with you so that you are well prepared during your trip abroad. Not all first aid items and basic medicines are easily available in every country.

  • Book an Appointment

Pre-Travel Advice

  • Post Travel
  • Vaccinations

For Medical Staff

  • Contact and Directions
  • Open Positions

brussels travel clinic

We're here for you - before and after your trip

Centre for tropical and travel medicine.

Are you planning an exciting adventure abroad? Are you travelling with children, are you pregnant or on regular medication? Or would you just like to check your vaccination status? At the Centre for Tropical and Travel Medicine, we offer expert care and advice - before and after your trip. Our dedicated medical team provides individual advice, the recommended vaccinations and important health precautions for any type of travel. We are committed to comprehensive travel health and see around 16,000 travellers each year. We specialise in travel-related and tropical diseases and are here to help you if you develop any symptoms of illness after your trip.  

Pre-Travel Advice

During our travel medicine consultations, we discuss the most important precautions with you, such as malaria prophylaxis and mosquito repellent, as well as any recommended or required vaccinations for your trip. All vaccinations can be administered directly by us.

Sick after travel

Sick After Travel

We are here to help after your trip, should you return with any symptoms of illness, whether it is fever, prolonged diarrhoea or skin problems. We can diagnose even very rare diseases quickly and competently through our reference centre for human parasitic diseases, and start effective treatment immediately.

General vaccination advice

General Vaccination Advice

We are your partner for vaccinations. In addition to all the vaccinations required for travelling, we also administer all routine vaccinations after a consultation and review of your vaccination status.

For medical staff

We provide expert advice to medical specialists, for example on differential diagnosis, diagnostic procedures and treatment of tropical and parasitic diseases, or on ordering anti-parasitic drugs. Together with the Diagnostic Centre of Swiss TPH, we serve as the National Reference Centre for Human Parasitic Diseases.

brussels travel clinic

Dengue Vaccination Available Soon

The new vaccine against dengue fever has been approved in Switzerland and is expected to be available in a few weeks . The vaccine is recommended for people who have had a documented case of dengue fever and are planning to travel to dengue-endemic areas. We will inform you here when the vaccine is available.  

brussels travel clinic


Die vortragsreihe für gesundes leben und reisen.

Mittwoch, 11. September: Tropische Viren bald auch bei uns? (PD Dr. med. Andreas Neumayr)

Mittwoch, 16. Oktober: Gesund sein und gesund bleiben in den Tropen (Prof. Dr. Marcel Tanner)

Mittwoch, 13. November: Medikamentenforschung für vernachlässigte Wurm-Erkrankungen (Prof. Dr. Jennifer Keiser)  

brussels travel clinic

Unwanted Travel Souvenirs

Not everything you bring back from your travels is good: if you develop a fever, rash or persistent diarrhoea after travelling, you should see a doctor immediately.

Our team of medical professionals is here to help you.  

brussels travel clinic

Vaccination against TBE

Tick-borne Encephalitis (TBE) is an infectious disease caused by the tick-borne encephalitis virus. The virus is transmitted by the bite of an infected tick. There is a safe and effective vaccine to prevent TBE. It is recommended for all people (usually from the age of 3) who are exposed to ticks in a risk area (all of Switzerland except Ticino).

The vaccination consists of three doses (0, 2-4 weeks, 6-12 months). A booster is recommended every 10 years.  

brussels travel clinic

Herpes Zoster (Shingles) Vaccination

Vaccination against herpes zoster with the adjuvanted subunit vaccine (Shingrix®) has been recommended in Switzerland since 2022. This applies to healthy people from the age of 65 and to patients with immunodeficiency from the age of 50 or with severe immunodeficiency from the age of 18. Two doses at least two months apart are required.  

How to Find Us

As of 3 January 2024, the Centre for Tropical and Travel Medicine is located in the ”Turmhaus” at Aeschenplatz 2 in the centre of Basel, just a few minutes’ walk from the SBB train station. You can easily reach Aeschenplatz by tram or bus. Parking spaces are available in the nearby public car parks. Bicycle stands are located next to the building.

Centre for Tropical and Travel Medicine Aeschenplatz 2 4052 Basel

Photo: Turmhaus Consulting

Do You Have Any Questions?

Give us a call or book your appointment conveniently online.

+41 61 284 82 55  (Monday–Friday, 08:00–12:00 and 13:30–16:30)

Travel medical advice hotline.

No time to come and see us? You can call our Travel Medical Advice Service on  0900 57 51 31 (Monday–Friday, 09:00–11:00, CHF 2.69/min, Swiss landline). Please note that there is a charge for this service.

What Our Clients Say About Us

Telebasel at the centre for tropical and travel medicine.

For their programme diagnose: sommerspezial , Telebasel visited the Centre for Tropical and Travel Medicine and spoke to co-head Dr Esther Künzli about what travellers should be aware of, what should be in a first-aid kit and what to do if symptoms occur on return. 


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Find a Clinic

There are several places you can get vaccines and medicine before you travel.

county health dept sign

Call your doctor or local health department to see if they can provide pre-travel advice, vaccines, and medicines.

List of health departments

woman checking in at clinic reception desk

If you want to see a travel medicine specialist, the International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM) can help you find a clinic.

Directory of travel clinics

yellow fever vacc paper

If you need yellow fever vaccine you must get vaccinated at an authorized yellow fever vaccine clinic. Many of these clinics also give other shots and medicines.

Yellow fever vaccine clinic search

Find where you can get a COVID-19 vaccine in your area.

Need to get tested? Find a COVID-19 testing clinic .

  • Find out what vaccines you need for your destination
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Traveler Advice
  • Clinician Tools and Resources

CDC provides these links as a convenience to international travelers. CDC does not endorse, recommend, or favor any clinics on these lists, nor does the appearance of a clinic on these lists imply a guarantee of service quality.

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brussels travel clinic

Must-see attractions in Brussels

11 March 2022

Are you a first-timer in Brussels? Don’t worry, then: you're in good hands. We've put together a list of must-see attractions for you. This way, you can discover our capital through its best-known and most valuable treasures. An excellent introduction to the city!

An absolute must: the Grand Place, and the neighbouring galleries

Visiting Brussels without spending some time in the Grand Place is simply unthinkable. Here you’ll see the town hall (one of the most beautiful in the country), the Maison du Roi , which is home to the Brussels City Museum, and a series of private houses built at the end of the 17th century. The architectural richness of this square is simply overwhelming.

Just a stone's throw away from the Grand Place are the Royal Galleries , one of the oldest covered galleries in Europe, as beautiful by day as by night.

Manneken Pis: it’s not the size that matters

Since the 15th century, the  Manneken Pis  sculpture has adorned one of the public fountains that supply the city with drinking water. Over time, this wee little man became a kind of mascot, with the people of Brussels seeing him as a symbol of the local temperament, a unique combination of mischievous, irreverent and droll. A much coveted symbol, since the present statue is a copy. The original, which has been stolen several times, is now safely housed in the Brussels City Museum . Nearby, you can discover the vast wardrobe of Manneken Pis at the GardeRobe MannekenPis Museum.

Comic Strips in the streets: the Comic Strip trail

Brussels is the undisputed capital of the comic strip. The ninth art can be found everywhere, in shops, galleries, flea markets, festivals and more. And since 1991, the city's walls have been gradually covered with frescoes that pay tribute to the authors and their many heroes. You can turn down a street and come face to face with Tintin , Cubitus, Billy and Buddy , Blake and Mortimer or Corto Maltese . In all, there are more than 80 murals immersing locals, visitors and tourists alike in the wonderful world of comics.

An 18th century masterpiece: the Royal Quarter

The Place Royale, which was built on the ashes of the Coudenberg Palace , has retained its historical function as the “executive power district”. You’ll find the Royal Palace , the “office” of the Belgian King, at the Place des Palais, bordering the Place Royale. Opposite is the Parc de Bruxelles or Royal Park. The streets bordering the park are also part of the same neoclassical ensemble. For instance, on the other side of the park, you will see the  Palace of the Nation , the seat of the Belgian Parliament. At the Place Royale, with the statue of Godfrey of Bouillon at the centre, you’ll discover the Church of St. James on Coudenberg that resembles a Greco-Roman temple and a series of similar, harmonious mansions.

Culture with a view: the Mont des Arts

The Mont des Arts is the junction between uptown and downtown Brussels and offers a delightful view in all seasons. Below, you can sit in the sumptuous gardens that lead to the statue of Albert I. The “knightly king” faces his love, Queen Elizabeth, whose statue stands on the small Place de l'Albertine on the other side of the road.The Mont des Arts is home to the KBR , the country's main library, and the KBR Museum , which houses the library of the Dukes of Burgundy and the Archives & Museum of Literature (AML). On the other side of the Mont des Arts you’ll find the Brussels Congress Centre Square . Within walking distance you’ll also find major museums and cultural institutions such as Bozar , the BELvue museum and the Museum of Musical Instruments (MIM), to name but a few.

Spotlight on the masters: the Royal Museums of Fine Arts

As beautiful from the outside as it is from the inside, the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium is a treasure trove of art. In fact, it is the most visited museum in Brussels. Its pluralised name reflects the fact that it contains several sites, covering a variety of periods and themes. Near Place Royale, you can visit the Old Masters Museum , dedicated to European painters from the 15th to the 18th centuries, and the popular Magritte Museum . Not far away, in Ixelles, you can admire the Wiertz and Meunier museums.

The Marolles district: authentic and diverse

This district is arguably the most authentic part of Brussels. Here, you can often still hear the Brusseleir dialect being spoken. The Marolles have it all, from traditional cafés to trendy bars, family-run establishments to stylish new art galleries. Place du Jeu de Balle is the beating heart of this quarter, where the " Vieux Marché ", a gigantic flea market, is held every day.

When size does matter: the Palace of Justice

The colossal Palace of Justice was inaugurated in 1883. It was designed by the architect Joseph Poelaert, and towers over the working-class district of the Marolles at a location where, for centuries, death sentences were carried out. At the time of its construction, this monument of 40,000 m2 of usable space was the largest building ever built and it’s still one of the largest courthouses in the world today. However, restauration works have tarnished its visual spectacle since the 1980s, to the point that scaffolding had to be erected to ensure the renovation... of the scaffolding already in place! (currently not accessible)

The Atomium: the landmark

Created for the 1958 World Fair, the Atomium with its 9 balls represents an iron crystal magnified 165 billion times!  (It is often mistakenly thought to represent an atom, but in fact each ball represents an atom of iron). The significance of this construction is to celebrate scientific discoveries and breakthroughs. Inside, you will find exhibitions and, most importantly, a stunning view of the Brussels-Capital Region from the top ball. Only a short walk away, embark on a tour of all Europe’s wonders in miniature, thanks to  Mini-Europe . Design lovers won’t want to miss the  Design Museum Brussels  only a stone’s throw away, born following the Atomium’s acquisition of a private collection.

A cultural crossroads: the European Quarter

Far from being a neighbourhood of grey and austere offices, the European Quarter combines European institutions with community life, parks, museums and more. In this district, you can attend plenary sessions in the Parliament's hemicycle and learn more about the Union thanks to the Parlamentarium , the House of European History and Experience Europe . You can also stroll through Léopold Park , a green space that recalls the days when the bourgeoisie moved in en masse from the bustling heart of the city. The district is also a landmark for fans of contemporary and Art Nouveau architecture.

Triumphal splendour: the Cinquantenaire

Built in 1880 to celebrate Belgium's 50th birthday, the Cinquantenaire attracts locals who appreciate its formal garden , history buffs who visit the Art & History Museum , car fans who flock to Autoworld and curious minds who are amazed by the Royal Museum of the Armed Forces and Military History . The latter, an often underestimated attraction, also offers access to the arches for a 360° panoramic view of the city.

Once upon a time: the Institute of Natural Sciences

The Institute of Natural Sciences tops the list of the world's best dinosaur museums, which is hardly surprising given that it houses Europe's largest dinosaur gallery. With rooms covering all aspects of life on earth, the evolution of human beings, urban species and the creatures of the seabed, the Museum has something for visitors of all ages. You can even take a behind-the-scenes look at the scientific institute to which it belongs.

Dinosaur skeleton at the Institute of Natural Sciences

The Horta House: quintessential Art Nouveau

Between 1898 et 1901, the architect Victor Horta built Horta House , which consisted of two buildings: his office and his personal home. This prolific pioneer of the Art Nouveau style was responsible for many architectural gems in Brussels. In his own house, which has been converted to a museum, you’ll find all the hallmarks of the Art Nouveau style. The house, now a museum, is one of the many Art Nouveau gems dotted along the streets of the capital .

The Koekelberg Basilica: house of the holy

Legend has it that the idea of building a national basilica in Brussels came to King Leopold II after a visit to the construction site of the Sacré-Cœur in Paris. The construction of the basilica started in 1905, only to be completed in 1970. Some see it as the largest Art Deco church in the world, others as an excessive and ostentatious folly. We’ll let you decide for yourself.

The basilica seen from above

Brussels’ culinary specialities

Brussels waffles, stoemp, waterzooi… the capital of Europe’s culinary specialities are a must when you visit the Brussels-Capital Region.

Gaufre de Bruxelles

The best places to eat chips in Brussels

Check out all our addresses!


The best places to buy chocolate in Brussels

As the capital of chocolate, Brussels is full of shops where you can buy this delicious speciality.


Top 10 best spots for prawn croquettes in Brussels: edition 2023

Shrimp croquettes are veritable icons of Belgian gastronomy, and are a real “must” when you visit Brussels.

Wolf Food Market

Our itineraries

Are you done visiting the must-see attractions? The exploration continues. Visit our itineraries page for a more profound introduction to Brussels through its quarters or by various themes.

10 must-visit Art Nouveau houses and mansions in Brussels

Along the streets of Brussels, numerous houses and mansions bear witness to the emergence and blossoming of the iconic Art Nouveau style.

Hôtel Tassel - Tasselhuis

UNESCO heritage in Brussels

Qu’est-ce que le Taj Mahal et les Pyramides d’Egypte ont en commun avec la Grand-Place et d’autres lieux exceptionnels à Bruxelles ? Ils sont tous reconnus par l’Unesco. Bruxelles est admirée pour la richesse de son patrimoine, témoignage de son histoire quasi millénaire, ce qui n’a pas échappé à l’UNESCO, l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’éducation, la science et la culture.

Grand-Place UNESCO

Brussels' top 10 museums and attractions

Are you coming to Brussels and need some inspiration for your visits? Join us to discover the capital's unmissable museums and attractions, thanks to our list of the most popular, in terms of visitor numbers.

Espace Vanderborght

Top 10 masterpieces to discover with the Brussels Card

Discover our top 10 masterpieces to behold in Brussels with the Brussels Card.

Villa Empain - Boghossian Foundation


  1. Travel Clinic

    brussels travel clinic

  2. Travel Clinic

    brussels travel clinic

  3. Travel Clinic

    brussels travel clinic

  4. Brussels Travel Guide

    brussels travel clinic

  5. Belgium Vaccinations & Travel Health Advice

    brussels travel clinic

  6. Travel Clinic Vaccinations from Bassingbourn Pharmacy

    brussels travel clinic


  1. Travel clinics

    Travel clinics aim to: inform travellers about the various health risks of their destination (s) and planned activities; provide the necessary vaccines; provide preventive measures and medication (e.g. against malaria); provide explanations and prescriptions with a view to possible self-treatment while travelling (e.g. for diarrhoea or altitude ...

  2. Travel Clinic

    The Travel Clinic offers piece of advice and all necessary and obligatory vaccinations for people planning journeys to fairly distant places: yellow fever, rabies, forms of encephalitis, meningococcus. etc. Yellow fever vaccination is only administered at Delta Hospital (Bld du Triomphe 201 - 1160 Auderghem).

  3. Travel and Vaccine Clinic

    Travel and Vaccine Clinic Devenue, avec l'IMT d'Anvers, l'une des deux structures les plus importantes du pays dans le domaine des conseils aux voyageurs et de leur prise en charge au retour en cas de problème, la Travel and Vaccine Clinic du CHU Saint-Pierre est née en 1991, à la fermeture du Centre de vaccination du Ministère de la Santé à Bruxelles.

  4. U.S. Army Health Clinic Brussels

    COVID-19 Vaccine Brussels Army Health Clinic is offering COVID-19 vaccinations. The CDC recommends everyone 6 months and older get an updated COVID-19 vaccine to protect against the potentially serious outcomes of COVID-19 illness.

  5. Belgium

    All international travelers should be fully vaccinated against measles with the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, including an early dose for infants 6-11 months, according to CDC's measles vaccination recommendations for international travel. Dogs infected with rabies are not commonly found in Belgium.

  6. Contact and localization : Travel clinic

    CHU Brugmann UVC (Brugmann University Hospital), a member of the Brussels public hospitals network (IRIS) and of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) hospital network

  7. Travel & vaccine clinic

    1000 Bruxelles. Entrée consultation (polyclinique) 129, Boulevard de Waterloo. 1000 Bruxelles. Alexiens / César de Paepe. 13, rue des Alexiens. 1000 Bruxelles. La brochure donne des conseils aux voyageurs, concernant la vaccinations, la médecine tropicale, et les maladies émergentes, et autres.

  8. Travel Clinic

    La Travel Clinic des Hôpitaux Iris Sud propose des consultations pour les adultes et les enfants, avec des infectiologues spécialisés en médecine du voyage. Nos spécialistes vous informent sur les vaccins en vigueur et vous donnent des conseils médicaux pour préparer votre voyage à l'étranger.

  9. Travel Clinic

    The Travel Clinic operates at Park Leopold Clinic, Braine-l'Alleud - Waterloo Hospital and at the medical centre 'CityClinic'. It is only available by appointment and it offers convenient appointment schedules.

  10. Travel clinics

    Travel clinics aim to: inform travellers about the various health risks of their destination (s) and planned activities; provide the necessary vaccines; provide preventive measures and medication (e.g. against malaria); provide explanations and prescriptions with a view to possible self-treatment while travelling (e.g. for diarrhoea or altitude ...

  11. Travel & vaccine clinic

    Deze brochure geeft advies voor reizigers zoals de vaccinaties, de tropische geneeskunde, de opkomende ziekten, en andere.

  12. Travel clinics in Belgium

    Travel Clinic, Clinique St.-Pierre Ottignies. Avenue Reine Fabiola 9, 1340 Ottignies-Louvain-La-Neuve. Appointments only possible by telephone: +32 10 43 73 70. Download PDF. Below is a list of approved travel clinics in Belgium that are authorised to give a yellow fever vaccine. At these centres, you can make an appointment for a travel ...

  13. Belgium

    Personal and travel-related advice Depending on your travel conditions, route and activities, the advice below may apply. Our nurse will advise on this during the vaccination consultation.

  14. Coronavirus info

    coronavirus info Dear future visitors, dear Brussels residents, we wish you a pleasant visit to Brussels. Please follow the information available on this page to ensure a safe journey, taking into account the measures that are in force.

  15. Travel Healthy

    At the Centre for Tropical and Travel Medicine, we offer expert care and advice - before and after your trip. Our dedicated medical team provides individual advice, the recommended vaccinations and important health precautions for any type of travel. We are committed to comprehensive travel health and see around 16,000 travellers each year.

  16. Find a Clinic

    Travel Medicine Clinics If you want to see a travel medicine specialist, the International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM) can help you find a clinic.

  17. Brussels Army Health Clinic (NATO)

    Brussels Army Health Clinic (NATO) The U.S. Army Health Clinic Brussels provides general medical services for the primary care patient in a community-based outpatient clinic. We're committed to operational readiness, outstanding customer service, and world-class health care delivery for our beneficiaries. You can see how well we're doing.

  18. Must-see attractions in Brussels

    You've just arrived in Brussels and you don't know where to start? Don't worry, we've put together a list of must-see attractions for you.

  19. Travel and Vaccine Clinic

    Travel and Vaccine Clinic Samen met het ITM in Antwerpen is het één van de twee belangrijkste structuren in het land geworden voor het adviseren van reizigers en hun verzorging bij thuiskomst indien nodig. De Reis- en Vaccinatiekliniek van het UMC Sint-Pieter werd in 1991 opgericht toen het Vaccinatiecentrum van het Ministerie van Volksgezondheid in Brussel werd gesloten.

  20. US Army Health Clinic BRUSSELS (NATO)

    Facility Information US Army Garrison BENELUX-Brussels US Army Health Clinic BRUSSELS (NATO) JF Kennedylaan 12 Sterrebeek, Belgium 1933

  21. Military Health System Europe > Clinics > Brussels Army Health Clinic

    Host Nation Patient Liaisons can: Help plan your transfer from a Military Treatment Facility to a Host Nation medical facility or from a Host Nation facility to a military medical facility by civilian ambulance or by your privately owned vehicle. Ease language barriers between the patient and Host Nation Providers and provide the patient with a copy of the U.S. Army Europe Medical Phrase Book ...

  22. Military Health System Europe > Clinics > SHAPE Healthcare Facility

    U.S. Army Health Clinic SHAPE is located on the SHAPE Base Support Group Garrison, approximately 40 miles south of Brussels in the town of Casteau, Belgium. SHAPE is an international, joint community composed of multiple U.S. military commands, and is the headquarters of Allied Command Operations, commanded by the Supreme Allied Commander Europe.

  23. Military Health System Europe > Clinics > Brussels Army Health Clinic

    Please come to the pharmacy 1-2 weeks prior to running out of your medication to assure your prescription will be ready on time. NOTE: Medication must be on the European formulary to be filled at this pharmacy. If medication is not on the formulary you must see a provider. The official website of the Military Health System Europe.