
Best motion sickness medicine for cruises.

Best Motion Sickness Medicine for Cruises preview image

Seasickness is one of the most common (and worst) ways to spoil a vacation. Constant nausea, headaches, and discomfort are the last feelings anyone wants, especially while traveling or enjoying a getaway. Motion sickness on a cruise can affect anyone, even people with little to no prior history of it. Thankfully, there are a variety of steps you can take to prevent and stop sea sickness in its tracks during your cruise.

Note that every person is different, so popular options that work for some may not be the best choice for others. For first-time cruisers, it’s worth trying a few remedies to find the best motion sickness medication that works for you.

What Causes Motion Sickness on Cruises?

Best over-the-counter nausea medicine for cruises: dramamine and bonine (mild to moderate), prescription scopolamine patch for cruises (moderate to severe), prochlorperazine suppositories: when all else fails (severe), natural and holistic treatments for motion sickness (mild).

  • Practical Tips on Preventing Seasickness on a Cruise

To fix motion sickness, knowing what causes it is important. When you’re inside a moving cruise ship, your eyes perceive everything as still. Meanwhile, your inner ear, which works to keep your body balanced, senses movement and sends contrasting signals to your brain. This mixed messaging can cause unpleasant effects ranging from slight discomfort to strong nausea and vomiting.

What is the Best Medicine for Cruise Motion Sickness?

While prevention is the best defense, there's a wide range of options to find the best medicine to take on a cruise. Between over-the-counter, like Dramamine and Bonine, to prescription-strength, such as Scopolamine patches and suppositories, and various alternatives like acupressure bands and natural remedies, you’ll be well-equipped for smooth sailing.

Hand holding a pack of Dramamine against a green hedge, highlighting 24-hour motion sickness relief for cruises.

Over-the-counter antiemetic drugs like Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) and Meclizine (Bonine) are both effective and easily accessible, making them some of the best seasickness medication for cruises.

Dramamine medication for seasickness on cruises works by blocking the signals to the brain that trigger nausea and vomiting. It’s effective for 4-6 hours and should be taken as needed (not exceeding the maximum daily dosage recommended on the package).

While it’s widely recognized as the best medication for motion sickness on a cruise, a common side effect of taking Dramamine for cruises is drowsiness, which may temporarily sideline you from vacation activities. A non-drowsy option is available but isn’t considered to be as effective as the standard formula.

Bonine is another great medicine for cruisers facing motion sickness, hailed for its long-lasting effects ranging up to 24 hours for a once-daily dose. Bonine’s fast-acting relief properties also make it one of the best nausea medicine for cruises that may hit rough, choppy waters unexpectedly.

Like Dramamine, Bonine may cause drowsiness, with additional side effects like dry mouth and headaches. If you’re planning to enjoy alcohol during your cruise, consider other anti nausea for cruise options. Mixing alcohol with Dramamine or Bonine can intensify their side effects significantly.

Scopolamine transdermal patch packaging on marble surface, a 3-day solution for cruise motion sickness prevention.

If you’re looking for a more potent medicine for seasickness, cruise patches are an excellent choice. Among patches for motion sickness, cruisers tend to choose Scopolamine over others. This transdermal patch delivers long-lasting relief to your central nervous system and gut when placed behind your ear, working for up to three days after application.

The Scopolamine patch is recommended as the best motion sickness patch for cruisers who’ve experienced moderate to severe seasickness in the past.

Known as the best seasickness patch for cruises for its ease of administration and consistent effectiveness, it’s important to be prepared for possible side effects like dry mouth and dizziness. Consult with your doctor first if you have a history of respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, neurological, urological, psychiatric, renal, hepatic, or muscular disorders. Avoid alcohol while using Scopolamine as the combination can heighten side effects.

Prochlorperazine suppositories for motion sickness on a cruise, shown as one suppository outside its blister pack against a blue background, focusing on effective seasickness treatment.

One less commonly prescribed, but arguably the most effective medicine for cruise motion sickness, is physician-administered Prochlorperazine (Compro or Compazine). This suppository is typically available onboard, especially for guests facing severe symptoms such as cold sweats, pallor, and constant vomiting. Your cruise physician can assist with administration up to twice a day.

Prochlorperazine works by quickly targeting and neutralizing substances in your body that cause nausea and vomiting. Its effects usually last about 3 to 4 hours before having to be re-administered. Prochlorperazine is the best seasick medicine for cruisers who can’t hold down food during their cruise, especially children older than 2 years.

Common side effects of Prochlorperazine include dry mouth, drowsiness, headaches, blurred vision, and stuffy nose; however, they are usually mild and go away on their own Prochlorperazine is not recommended if you have a history of blood clots, bowel blockage, or epilepsy. Talk to your cruise physician if you begin to experience nausea or vomiting at sea.

Close-up of a woman's sun-kissed legs wearing a turquoise Sea-Band on a cruise ship pool deck, symbolizing motion sickness prevention and relaxation.

Apart from medicines, motion sickness bands, or acupressure sea-bands, are one of the more gentle seasickness remedies cruisers tend to opt for. Sea Bands for cruises work by pressing a plastic bead against the Nei-Kuan pressure point on your wrist. By hitting that pressure point, the median nerve is stimulated, which disrupts nausea signals from being sent to the brain.

A frequently asked question is “can you wear sea bands overnight”? While the answer is yes, the effectiveness may differ from one person to another.

Fresh ginger root with essential oil bottle on rustic wooden background, a natural remedy for cruise motion sickness.

For some people, natural methods are the best remedies for seasickness on a cruise, with ginger being a popular choice. Ginger works to ease nausea by clearing out your stomach and can be taken in many forms, like candies, teas, or pills.

Essential oils, like peppermint and lavender, complement your natural arsenal by soothing stomach discomfort and promoting overall well-being. Try inhaling these oils through a diffuser to relax the gastric muscles, reduce anxiety, and improve sleep quality.

Many travelers swear by a combination of holistic treatments as the best motion sickness remedy for cruises. Mix and match these remedies to naturally prevent nausea and vomiting without medicine.

Practical Tips on How to Prevent Seasickness on a Cruise

Woman with arms outstretched enjoying the sea breeze on a cruise ship deck, embodying joyful travel experiences.

One of the best motion sickness prevention for cruises is to care for your health and well-being while on board, making it easier to have fun and explore. Here's a brief checklist of how to prepare effectively:

  • Room Selection : The best cruise rooms for motion sickness are in the middle of the ship and on a lower deck.
  • Cruise Cabins to Avoid : Do not book a room at the front or back of the ship, since that is where motion is felt the most.
  • Stay Refreshed : Avoid big, rich meals and alcohol. Eat lighter foods in smaller portions, while drinking plenty of fluids. Drink water or drinks with electrolytes, and avoid heavily caffeinated or sugary drinks.
  • Eat Green Apples : The pectin in green apples neutralizes stomach acid, and the natural sugars can settle a queasy stomach. Tossing a couple into your diet can make green apples seasickness solutions that are both effective and delicious.
  • Get Enough Sleep : Make sure to stay well rested during your cruise. Sleep deprivation can worsen motion sickness symptoms.
  • Limit Technology Use : Looking at a screen can worsen motion sickness symptoms. Try to spend as little time on screens as possible well on the ship.
  • Avoid Smoking : Smoking can enhance motion sickness symptoms.

Sail Beyond Seasickness

With the best cruise motion sickness medicines on hand, visit Cruisebound to find your next cruise. Whether you opt for a cruise medicine or a non-pharmaceutical remedy for nausea, the world's wonders are yours to explore without the worry of motion sickness.

Cruise Discover

Best Motion Sickness Meds for Cruise: Remedies, Medications & Tips

Richard Hughes

Are you tired of missing out on the fun of cruising due to motion sickness? Picture this: You’re on a beautiful cruise ship, the ocean breeze in your hair, but the constant swaying leaves you feeling queasy. What if there was a solution that could make your next cruise a breeze?

In this article, you’ll discover the best motion sickness meds for cruises, ensuring you can enjoy every moment of your voyage without feeling seasick. Say goodbye to those uncomfortable moments and hello to smooth sailing ahead. Get ready to make the most of your next cruise with these effective remedies at your fingertips.

Key Takeaways

  • Motion sickness on cruises is caused by conflicting signals to the brain, leading to discomfort and nausea.
  • Common symptoms of motion sickness include dizziness, nausea, cold sweats, headaches, vomiting, and a general feeling of unease.
  • Over-the-counter medications like Dramamine and Bonine can provide quick relief from motion sickness during a cruise.
  • Prescription treatments such as Scopolamine Patch and Promethazine are recommended for severe or persistent motion sickness symptoms.
  • Natural remedies like ginger and acupressure wristbands offer alternative options to manage motion sickness with fewer side effects.
  • Behavioral techniques, dietary tips, and gentle movements can aid in reducing motion sickness symptoms onboard, allowing for a more enjoyable cruise experience.

Understanding Motion Sickness on Cruises

The causes of motion sickness.

Motion sickness on cruises is primarily triggered by conflicting signals sent to your brain. When your inner ear senses motion while your eyes and sensory nerves do not, it can lead to discomfort and nausea. This sensory mismatch confuses your brain, causing symptoms of motion sickness to arise.

Symptoms to Recognize

Recognizing motion sickness symptoms early can help you take proactive measures to alleviate discomfort. Common signs include dizziness, nausea, cold sweats, and headaches. Additionally, vomiting and a general feeling of unease are prevalent indicators of motion sickness. Being familiar with these symptoms can assist you in identifying and addressing motion sickness promptly.

Types of Motion Sickness Medications

Over-the-counter options.

When dealing with motion sickness during a cruise, over-the-counter medicines can be a convenient and effective solution. These medications are readily available without needing a prescription. They work by calming the signals between your inner ear and brain that are causing the symptoms of motion sickness. Common over-the-counter options include:

  • Dramamine : A popular choice for preventing and treating motion sickness. It’s available in various forms such as tablets, chewable tablets, and less drowsy formulas.
  • Bonine : This medication is known for causing less drowsiness compared to other options. It can help alleviate symptoms like nausea and dizziness.

Consider packing these over-the-counter medications in your cruise essentials kit for quick relief whenever motion sickness strikes.

Prescription Treatments

For severe or persistent motion sickness, prescription medications prescribed by a healthcare provider may be necessary. These medications are usually more potent and can effectively manage intense symptoms. Some common prescription treatments for motion sickness include:

  • Scopolamine Patch : A medicated patch worn behind the ear that continuously delivers medication to alleviate symptoms over several days.
  • Promethazine : Available in oral or rectal forms, this medication helps with nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness.

Be sure to consult with a healthcare professional before embarking on your cruise to discuss prescription options if you anticipate severe motion sickness symptoms.

Natural and Alternative Remedies

In addition to traditional medications, natural and alternative remedies can also be beneficial in managing motion sickness. These remedies focus on using natural ingredients to alleviate symptoms without the side effects of conventional medications. Some natural approaches to consider include:

  • Ginger : Known for its anti-nausea properties, ginger in various forms such as capsules, teas, or chews can help settle your stomach.
  • Acupressure Wristbands : These wristbands apply pressure to specific points on your wrists believed to alleviate nausea and vomiting.

When exploring natural and alternative remedies, remember that individual responses may vary, so it’s essential to test these options before your cruise to determine their effectiveness for you.

Top Rated Over-the-Counter Motion Sickness Meds

Meclizine: an antihistamine approach.

Managing motion sickness can be easier with Meclizine. This antihistamine has a calming effect, helping to reduce nausea and vomiting while preventing dizziness. Meclizine is commonly found in brands like Bonine. Remember to take it before your cruise to allow it to kick in and provide you with relief throughout your journey.

Dimenhydrinate: Tried and True Relief

For a reliable solution, consider Dimenhydrinate. This medication, often found in Dramamine, works by calming the inner ear, reducing the conflicting signals that cause motion sickness. It’s best to take Dimenhydrinate about 30 minutes before setting sail to ensure it’s effective when you need it the most during your cruise.

Scopolamine Patch: A Longer-Term Solution

If you’re looking for a longer-lasting option, the Scopolamine Patch might be the right choice. This transdermal patch delivers medication continuously over several days, offering extended relief from motion sickness symptoms. Apply the patch behind your ear at least four hours before departure to benefit from its effectiveness throughout your entire cruise.

Remember always to follow the recommended dosages and instructions provided with these medications for optimal results. Consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable over-the-counter motion sickness medication based on your needs.

Prescription Motion Sickness Medications for Cruises

Promethazine: prescription-strength relief.

If you’re dealing with severe motion sickness symptoms during your cruise, Promethazine could be the prescription medication that provides the relief you need. This medication acts as an antihistamine and antiemetic, helping to alleviate nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness. It works by blocking histamine, a chemical in the body that contributes to these symptoms.

Promethazine is commonly available in various forms such as tablets, suppositories, and injections. Your healthcare provider will determine the most suitable form and dosage based on the severity of your symptoms. It’s essential to take this medication as directed and adhere to the recommended dosage to maximize its effectiveness in managing your motion sickness during the cruise.

Ondansetron: For Severe Cases

In cases where traditional motion sickness medications may not provide adequate relief, Ondansetron can be a viable option for addressing severe symptoms. Ondansetron, often marketed under the brand name Zofran, belongs to a class of medications known as serotonin 5-HT3 receptor antagonists. It works by blocking the actions of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that can trigger vomiting reflexes.

Typically prescribed in the form of tablets, Ondansetron is well-suited for managing intense nausea and vomiting related to motion sickness. Your healthcare provider will determine the appropriate dosage based on your individual needs, considering factors like the severity of symptoms and your medical history. By following your healthcare provider’s guidance and using Ondansetron as prescribed, you can experience relief from severe motion sickness symptoms during your cruise.

Natural Remedies and Preventive Measures

When it comes to managing motion sickness on cruises, natural remedies and preventive measures can offer a gentler alternative to traditional medications. Here are some options you can consider:

Ginger Supplements and Teas

Ginger has long been recognized for its anti-nausea properties. You can try ginger supplements or ginger teas to help alleviate symptoms of motion sickness. Ginger works by settling the stomach and easing feelings of queasiness. It’s a popular choice for those looking for a natural solution to seasickness.

Acupressure and Acupuncture Wristbands

Acupressure wristbands are designed to apply pressure to specific points on your wrists, believed to relieve nausea and vomiting. These bands are thought to work by triggering the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. Acupuncture wristbands function similarly to acupressure bands but stimulate acupressure points through small electrical pulses. Both methods are non-invasive and can be used as a preventive measure or when symptoms arise.

By considering these natural remedies and preventive measures, you can explore alternative options to manage motion sickness on your next cruise. Be sure to test these methods before your trip to see what works best for you.

Tips for Managing Motion Sickness Onboard

Behavioral techniques to reduce symptoms.

When combating motion sickness on a cruise, there are several behavioral techniques you can employ to mitigate symptoms effectively.

  • Situate yourself strategically: Opt for a central location on the ship where motion is felt the least—it’s usually midship on lower decks.
  • Fix your gaze: Look at the horizon or a distant stable object, as it helps your body orient itself better in space.
  • Stay cool: Avoid strong odors, stay in well-ventilated areas, and focus on fresh air to alleviate nausea.
  • Gentle movements: Slow and steady movements, like swaying with the ship’s motion, can aid in reducing queasiness.
  • Distractions: Engage in activities that occupy your mind, such as listening to music, watching the scenery, or socializing.

Dietary Tips and Tricks

Your diet can play a significant role in managing motion sickness while cruising. Here are some dietary tips and tricks to help you combat the nausea:

  • Hydration is key: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and aid in digestion, which can alleviate feelings of queasiness.
  • Avoid heavy meals: Opt for light and easily digestible foods like crackers, fruits, or plain carbs to prevent stomach discomfort.
  • Ginger power: Ginger has natural anti-nausea properties, so consider ginger ale, ginger tea, or ginger candies as remedies.
  • Steer clear of triggers: Stay away from heavy, greasy, spicy foods, or excessive alcohol consumption to minimize the risk of aggravating symptoms.
  • Snack smart: Keep snacks like pretzels, nuts, or dry cereal on hand to nibble on and help settle your stomach.

By incorporating these behavioral techniques and dietary adjustments into your cruise routine, you can effectively manage motion sickness and make the most of your seafaring adventure.

You now have a comprehensive understanding of various motion sickness medications and remedies for your next cruise adventure. Remember to explore options like Dramamine, Bonine, ginger supplements, and acupressure wristbands to find what works best for you. Testing these methods beforehand and seeking advice from healthcare professionals are key steps. Implement behavioral techniques and dietary tips onboard to manage motion sickness effectively. By incorporating these strategies, you can make the most of your cruise experience without letting motion sickness dampen your journey. Safe travels!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are common medications for motion sickness on cruises.

Over-the-counter and prescription medications such as Dramamine, Bonine, Meclizine, Dimenhydrinate, Scopolamine Patch, Promethazine, and Ondansetron are commonly used to manage motion sickness on cruises.

What natural remedies can help with motion sickness on cruises?

Natural remedies such as ginger supplements, teas, acupressure bands, and acupuncture wristbands are gentler alternatives to traditional medications for combating motion sickness on cruises.

What tips can help manage motion sickness onboard a cruise?

Behavioral techniques like strategic seating, focusing on stable objects, staying cool, gentle movements, and distractions, along with dietary tips like hydration, light meals, ginger consumption, avoiding triggers, and smart snacking can help combat nausea effectively during a cruise.

richard hughes

Hi, I'm Richard, a passionate traveler and cruise enthusiast. With over a decade of experience exploring the world's oceans, I've developed a deep love for all things related to cruising. Whether it's luxury liners or intimate river cruises, I enjoy sharing my insights and tips to help others plan their perfect getaway. When I'm not sailing the seas, you can find me writing about my adventures or planning my next voyage

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The Truth About Seasickness

Our chief medical consultant gives us his best tips on preventing seasickness..

motion sickness medication cruise

One of the most common questions first-time cruisers have is “What if I get seasick?” We understand where the concern comes from, and we have answers. We’ve enlisted Dr. Benjamin Shore, Chief Medical Consultant at Royal Caribbean, to break down the basics and whether it’s actually common for guests to experience seasickness while vacationing at sea.

“Considering the large size of today’s cruise ships , seasickness is rarely a problem,” says Dr. Benjamin Shore. He adds that with innovative design and engineering, ships can also safely navigate around inclement weather , and use stabilizers—fins built off a ship’s port and starboard sides along the water line—to reduce side-to-side motion so most guests never experience any motion sickness.

Before we get to the specifics, here are the basics: Motion sickness occurs when what you see conflicts with what your inner ear senses. In other words, if you’re sitting in a car (not moving) but your inner ear detects movement (the car just hit 70 mph on the highway), the two signals being sent to your brain don’t match. Those mixed signals confuse the brain, and the sensations and symptoms (dizziness, nausea) are the result.

In the event that seasickness does develop, Dr. Shore assures that it’s unlikely to really interrupt your adventure, since all Royal Caribbean ships have motion sickness medications, like meclizine, readily available at the dedicated Medical Center on each of our ships, free of charge.

“Additionally, for more troublesome seasickness, our Medical Centers also carry promethazine and metoclopramide,” Dr. Shore says.

motion sickness medication cruise

Sometimes the best treatment is prevention. “It’s best that guests who know they are prone to seasickness consult their doctor prior to departure,” Dr. Shore says. If your personal physician thinks it’s appropriate, he or she can prescribe a patch that you can wear to prevent the onset of seasickness. “For prescription patches like Transderm Scop, it’s important for it to be applied prior to boarding to be effective,” he adds.

motion sickness medication cruise

Dr. Shore notes that there are also lots of natural remedies that can help alleviate motion sickness. “Anecdotally, ginger seems to be helpful, and some people find various aromas (like anise, basil, chamomile and peppermint) or eating dry crackers, even after the onset, of seasickness can help.” If a few sips of ginger ale or chewing fresh ginger doesn’t do the trick, he also suggests going for a short walk to the center of the ship, the most balanced area on board and therefore least likely to produce seasickness symptoms.

An unexpected solution Dr. Shore suggests is “the smelling of newspaper print!” He says, “science has no idea why this works so well, but it actually seems to diminish the sensation of nausea.”

With Dr. Shore’s advice and Royal Caribbean’s staff of medical professionals, it’s only smooth sailing for our guests!

If you’re ready to explore Royal Caribbean’s many destinations (more than 260 ports around the world), click here to set sail on your next vacation.

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How to Prevent Seasickness on a Cruise: 10 Effective Remedies

how to prevent seasickness on a cruise - effective tips

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If you’re going on a cruise and concerned that you might get seasick, you’re not alone. Asking “how to prevent seasickness on a cruise” , is one of the most common questions people have when planning a cruise.

After all, getting seasick really could ruin your vacation. While it’s less likely to happen on today’s large, modern cruise ships, I can tell you from personal experience, it does still happen.

The good news is that there are effective remedies for motion sickness, and these work very well on a cruise. 

In this post, I share 10 ways to prevent, treat and ideally avoid seasickness altogether while cruising. I’ve included recommendations for seasickness medications, as well as natural remedies that really work.

As well, we’ll go through some frequently asked questions about how to manage seasickness on cruise ships. With these tips, you’ll be prepared to deal with the motion of the ocean, and prevail!

Seasickness on a Cruise

How to Prevent Seasickness on a Cruise

First, let’s go through what to expect if you do get seasick while on a cruise.

What are the symptoms of seasickness?

The symptoms of seasickness on a cruise can include feeling dizzy or having a headache. You may have also feel nauseous, have stomach cramps and even vomit.

For me, early symptoms of motion sickness include lightheadedness and a mild queasy feeling. I try and catch it at this early point, and after more than 20 cruises, this has worked for me.

The tips that I share below will help you to manage any seasickness symptoms.

Why does motion sickness happen on a cruise ship?

How come people get motion sickness on a cruise? Motion sickness happens due to repeated or continuous movement that affects our inner ear and sense of balance. As the cruise ship sails, some people can be affected by this motion.

Seasickness is another way to motion sickness, but on a cruise ship. You may also have heard the expression, “mal de mer”, which is French for sickness of the seas.

Tips to Prevent Seasickness on a Cruise

How likely are you to get seasick on a cruise ship?

Even though concerns about getting seasick on a cruise is a very common worry, especially for first time cruisers , most people will be fine. Modern cruise ships are built with stability and comfort in mind, and have stabilizers which are used, especially in rough seas.

However, you may feel some motion or slight vibration while on a cruise. I mention this as we were a bit surprised to find this out on our first cruise.

So many people said “you won’t feel the ship move” . They mean well, but on some cruises you’ll feel more movement then others, so it’s best to be prepared. 

In some cases, the ship can hit rougher seas and high winds, and there will be some rocking. However, let me assure you that a large cruise ship will feel nothing like the movement on a small boat or even a ferry.

How to Prevent Motion Sickness on a Cruise

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One of the best ways to deal with seasickness on a cruise, is to prevent and avoid it if at all possible. These 10 seasickness prevention tips are ones that have worked for us, as well as many avid cruisers and crew. 

1. Pick the right cruise cabin location

Before we get into what seasickness medications work best and some other tips and tricks, we should talk about cruise cabin locations.

To prevent seasickness, be sure that you choose the best stateroom location possible. If you’re new to cruising and unsure how you’ll feel, choose a mid-ship location.

These are the most desirable cabins because there will be less movement in the middle of the ship. Whether you choose an inside cabin , or a balcony cabin , try and choose a cabin that is as center as possible.

If a mid-ship cabin isn’t available, then opt for an aft cabin  or mid-aft stateroom. If at all possible, try to avoid a forward cabin , as many cruise passengers report feeling more motion in this location. 

A travel agent can help you to pick the best cabin for you, and look out for any other cabins to avoid .

how to prevent seasickness on a cruise

2. Pick a “calm” cruise itinerary 

While the seas can be unpredictable, there are some cruise itineraries that generally have calmer seas, than others. If you’re concerned about getting seasick, avoid trans-Atlantic crossings and other itineraries where the seas can be fierce.

Your travel agent will be able to help you navigate the possibilities (pun intended), as a rule of thumb, the Western Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico tend to have more stable seas.

3. Green Apples

Green Apples to treat seasickness symptoms

Would you like to know a cruise tip that really works to get over seasickness on a cruise? Eat a granny smith or green apple.

This has long been a favorite crew and passenger tip. In our experience, it really does help.

Often, eating a green apple will settle the stomach if you start to feel nauseous due to seasickness. Apparently, the pectin in green apples helps to neutralize acid in the stomach, and the natural sugar helps settle the stomach

You’ll find green apples in the buffet, so it’s a good idea to take a couple back to your room, in case you need them later on in the cruise.

4. Ginger candies

motion sickness medication cruise

Another natural remedy for dealing with motion sickness while cruising is ginger. If you don’t want to eat raw ginger, you can buy ginger candies or even dried, sugar coated natural ginger.

Some cruise lines, such as Cunard , even give out ginger in the evening with dinner when the seas are rough.

While I prefer not to eat raw ginger, I always bring some ginger candies and usually find them very effective in preventing seasickness before it starts.

Recommended: Ginger candies – organic and gluten free (Amazon)

5. Bonine or Dramamine

motion sickness medication cruise

An over the counter medication like Bonine or Dramamine, can be highly effective to deal with symptoms of seasickness, so you can enjoy your cruise. 

In our experience, worked very well, alleviating seasickness symptoms without drowsiness.

Make sure to bring a pack or two your toiletry bag or cruise first aid kit . This way, if you need it you won’t have to hope the shop is still open on the cruise ship. 

Recommended: Bonine Motion Sickness prevention tablets (see Amazon reviews & price here)

6. Seabands

motion sickness medication cruise

A favorite cruise essential for many, seabands are wristbands that alleviate motion sickness symptoms. They work with acupressure buttons to prevent symptoms of seasickness and many cruisers have very good results. Seabands are natural and contain no medication, plus, they’re reusable.

If you think that you may be prone to motion sickness, it’s a good idea to take along seabands for both adults and children , in case.

  Recommended: Seabands (check on Amazon for variety packs)

7. Motion Sickness Patch/Scopolamine

If you’re prone to motion sickness, scopolamine patches, which are placed behind the ear, are very effective in preventing seasickness.

They are a preventative treatment, and should be used ideally before symptoms begin, and need to be changed every 3 days. They may only be available by prescription, so talk with your doctor to see if they’re right for you.

There are also non-prescription seasickness prevention patches available, that many use and find effective. Check out the information and reviews to learn more.

Seasickness remedies every cruiser needs to know

8. Acupuncture

Another preventative treatment for motion sickness on a cruise is acupuncture . An alternative treatment, it’s effectiveness isn’t conclusive. Anecdotal reports suggest many patients have had good results.

My mother-in-law, who also suffers from vertigo periodically, uses acupuncture before she goes on a cruise. I’ve been on cruises with her, and have seen how it definitely worked for her. She was well and unaffected, even while others were swaying and turning green during an evening of very rough seas.

If you already use acupuncture, you may want to ask your practitioner if he or she thinks it will help to prevent seasickness on your cruise. As always, please do check with your physician.

9. Keep hydrated

It may sound simple, but keeping hydrated by drinking a lot of water will help prevent feelings of seasickness. While on a cruise you may be getting too much sun and even drinking too many alcoholic drinks, which can lead to becoming dehydrated. 

By keeping hydrated, your body will be at it’s best and less prone to nausea, headaches, dizziness and upset stomach. It’s also helpful to avoid very fatty or spicy food.

Cruise tip – Bring along a refillable water bottle , to stay hydrated on your cruise.

10 genius tips to prevent seasickness on a cruise

10. Get fresh air

If you suddenly start to feel unwell, with symptoms dizziness and nausea, try and get fresh air as soon as possible. A good place to sit is on the Lido deck, near the mid-ship pool. This location, in the open space and with a sea breeze, is probably the best place to grab a green apple and wait for symptoms to subside.

There is also advice to look at the horizon. This may work for some, however in our experience, if there are large waves, this may do more harm than good.

A word of caution – often taking medication to remedy or even prevent motion sickness symptoms as soon as they start is most effective.

Best Motion Sickness Medication for a Cruise

As a recap, these are the most effective and recommended seasickness medications and natural remedies for a cruise (all Amazon links).

Seabands (for adults)

Seabands (for children)

Dramamine (long lasting nausea relief)

Dramamine for kids (see choices on Amazon)

Ginger candies

Motion sickness patches

Watch our YouTube video below for more tips on preventing seasickness while cruising

Recap: How to Prevent Seasickness on a Cruise

A common concern for new cruisers, is how to avoid and prevent getting seasick on a cruise. In this post, we went over what to expect on a cruise, and how likely it is to feel symptoms of motion sickness on a modern cruise ship.

We also shared 10 effective tips for preventing and dealing with seasickness on a cruise. The remedies include both seasickness medication and natural remedies, that have been shown to be useful and helpful for cruisers.

Don’t forget to pack some seasickness medication or prevention treatments to bring along on your cruise vacation.

Have you ever been seasick on a cruise? What tips, medications or treatments did you find worked best?

Happy cruising!

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10 Tips to Prevent Seasickness - Natural Remedies and Medication PIN image


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I read this article prior to going on a cruise to the Bahamas and found some of these tips very helpful. When searching for an acupressure band I came across NoMo Nausea at CVS. It is an silicone acupressure wristband that is infused with peppermint essential oils. I have tried sea bands before and while they provided slight nausea relief for me, I found the peppermint scent combined with the acupressure to work more effectively when reducing my sea sickness. Hope this helps for others who also experience seasickness!

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Hi Juliette,

Firstly, thanks so much for reading this and then taking the time to come back and add your suggestion. That’s really interesting – I’ll have to keep an eye out for a seaband combined with that scent.

I’m sure your personal suggestion will be helpful to someone.

Hope you enjoyed your cruise!

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Hello! Thank you for all the great information.. Another thing that helps with seas sickness is lime. Slicing and smelling the lime really works. I learned this on a snorkeling trip in Mexico. I want feeling well from all the bobbing in the water and was given lime by the locals and in a short time I was feeling myself again. On my last cruise I asked my waiter to bring me lime slices as the dining room was in the front of the ship and soon the entire table was enjoying the lovely sent of lime and feeling great!

Thanks so much for this! Great info!

Glad the info was helpful Becky. Have a great cruise!

  • Pingback: What You Need to Know if You're Cruising Out of South Florida - Coastlines to Skylines

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I love using Motioneaze oil. You rub it behind your ear and it really works! Expensive on the ship but not too bad on Amazon or at CVS.

Thanks Tricia. I’ve never heard of it or used it, but that sounds great.Great tip to pre-buy rather than get it on the ship.

I appreciate you taking the time to comment 🙂

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Ilana and Tricia – I experienced fairly serious motion sickness on our 2nd sea day — I wasn’t the only one, as the ship staff stocked those “special bags” everywhere.. Nevertheless, I was wearing seabands, I took Dramamine; tried all sorts of remedies and preventives; and nothing worked all day until my friend gave me Motioneaze. Within minutes of applying this behind my ears, I felt immensely better. (It’s possible that the seas were finally calming by then!). Thank you for great posts!!!

Thanks for sharing the recommendation!

Tricia,, I have never heard of this, going to check it out. Thanks so much!

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My understanding is that it is good to look at horizon so your eyes and ears “agree”. It works for me.

That’s awesome and good advice. That works for me, but my husband will feel more sick. I have a feeling it’s because the wobbly feeling has already set in.

Thanks Patty for the comment – I know it will be helpful to others 🙂

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Dramamine now makes a “Non-Drowsy Naturals” version of their motion sickness pills. I have always found that regular Dramamine and Bonine make me feel very sleepy (even the non-drowsy formulas). However, I was able to take the Dramamine Naturals version (made with ginger) and it worked just as quickly on the motion sickness and did not make me drowsy at all.

That’s great to know Melissa. Thanks so much for sharing how well this worked for you. I love ginger so perhaps I’ll try it next cruise 🙂

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Seasickness on a Cruise: 7 Tips to Avoid It

Picture of Doug Parker

Doug Parker

  • June 23, 2023

Those who struggle with motion or seasickness don’t have to stop going on cruises! With our 7 helpful tips, you’ll get to enjoy a weekend out at sea all you want.

NCL Getaway rough seasickness on a cruise

Before we get into it, let’s start by defining the term motion sickness – just what causes it?

Seasickness happens when your brain gets conflicting messages from your inner ears, eyes, and sensory nerves. Your inner ears help with balance by detecting motion while your eyes don’t see that movement. It’s that inconsistency that confuses and agitates your brain.

And while some people are more prone to seasickness than others, it’s still something that could ruin your boat trip. So, check out how you can stop that from happening.

1. Choose the Right Cabin

Margaritaville Islander Cruise Ship balcony

Picking the right cabin to stay at goes a long way in balancing out your seasickness. We’ve found that the best cabins to book from are those present on the middle or lower deck.

Mid-Ship Cabins

Book a mid-ship cabin to experience the least amount of motion on board. Cabins near the front or back of the ship are more prone to movement, making it harder for travelers prone to seasickness.

To avoid this, consider the mid-ship cabins, which provide a smoother ride since they are in the center of gravity on board. You may also upgrade to a balcony room. Those provide fresh air and natural light that can help reduce nausea while giving stunning sea views.

Lower Decks

Choosing a room on the lower decks can significantly reduce the rocking sensation and help prevent seasickness. If your motion sickness is particularly horrible, pick a cabin in the middle of the lower deck. Such cabins experience the least movement and are as stable as it gets.

Read more:  Motion Sickness: Picking the right cabin, itinerary, and cruise ship

2. Take Motion Sickness Medication

Hands with green paint hold a miniature wooden ship and two white pills, surrounded by sand on a blue surface, hinting at remedies for seasickness on a cruise.

When it comes to meds, you have the choice to pick from the following:

  • OTC medication
  • Prescription meds
  • Acupressure wrist brands

Below, we cover each point in further detail to help you figure out the best course of action for your seasickness.

Over-the-Counter Medication

Ginger supplements are a popular natural remedy for motion sickness. They can be capsules or chewable tablets, which you can buy in most drugstores and health food stores. Ginger helps alleviate nausea and vomiting, making it a practical option for those prone to seasickness.

Consider antihistamines, such as Dramamine and Bonine, as well. They block messages between the inner ear and brain that cause nausea and vomiting. 

They’re even considered among the best motion sickness medicine for cruises. However, they may cause drowsiness or other side effects .

So, it’s important to follow the recommended dosage instructions carefully – taking more than what’s prescribed won’t increase effectiveness and can only lead to unwanted side effects. 

Bonine vs Dramamine


The formula composition of both Bonine and Dramamine is the main difference between either drug. While the two are effective in reducing your motion sickness, Dramamine can make you more drowsy than Bonine.

That’s because Dramamine contains dimenhydrinate – which, while it works more quickly, will cause more drowsiness. On the other hand, Bonine contains meclizine, which provides long-lasting effects and is associated with less drowsiness.

Additionally, meclizine stays in your body for up to 24 hours so you can enjoy the cruise to its fullest. Dimenhydrinate lasts in the body for no more than 4 to 6 hours, though.

When to Take Dramamine Before Cruise?

Raging waves in a sea

If you insist on taking Dramamine, know that the medication takes at least 30 minutes to 1 hour to kick in. 

As such, it’s recommended that you take it an hour or so before boarding the ship or taking on an activity that triggers your motion sickness. Once you feel your symptoms alleviating, you can proceed to take Dramamine as directed on the packaging. 

And if you were to take Dramamine after your motion sickness has taken effect, it’ll still take 30 minutes to an hour before you feel any relief.

Prescription Medication

Shelves in a store display various vitamins, supplements, and medications in bottles and boxes, including remedies for seasickness on a cruise.

If over-the-counter medication isn’t working for your motion sickness, then prescription medication may be the answer.

Scopolamine patches , for instance, worn behind the ear, can help prevent nausea and vomiting caused by motion sicknesses. Discuss all options with your doctor before deciding on prescription medication for seasickness relief during your cruise vacation.

Keep in mind also that seasickness medication can be pricey depending on what brand and type you go with. So before travelling, check discount vouchers at Boots and get the best travel sickness medicines.

Use Acupressure Bands

north atlantic rough weather

Acupressure bands are a great way to combat seasickness on a cruise ship. These bands use pressure points on the wrist to alleviate nausea and dizziness caused by motion sickness. 

They stimulate the body’s natural healing processes, making them a practical, drug-free solution for seasick people.

While there is limited scientific evidence of their effectiveness, many people find them helpful as a non-invasive alternative to medication.

Look for acupressure bands at drugstores or online retailers. They fit comfortably around your wrist and have adjustable pressure settings. It’s essential to wear them before you begin feeling symptoms of seasickness though, so be sure to put them on before setting sail.

Where to Buy Acupressure Bands?

You can buy acupressure bands at Amazon or Walmart, which offer competitive pricing options, and at pharmacies, such as CVS or Walgreens. Specialty stores like REI or outdoor supply shops may also sell acupressure bands.

It’s important to note that not all acupressure bands are the same, so do your research before purchasing. Double-check reviews and ratings from customers who have used the product before.

4. Stay Hydrated

Four bottles of Carnival branded purified water are arranged in a row on a shelf. Each bottle holds 16.9 fl. oz. (500 ml) of water.

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help prevent dehydration, which can worsen motion sickness symptoms. 

So, be sure to carry a refillable water bottle and take frequent sips—especially if you’re spending too much time in the sun or participating in activities that make you sweat.

Additionally, limit your intake of alcoholic beverages to avoid seasickness on a cruise. Alcohol can dehydrate you and amplify the effects of motion sickness, making it more likely for you to feel unwell.

Avoid energy drinks that contain high levels of caffeine as well. These glasses can raise heart rate and blood pressure, triggering symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, etc., making it difficult to enjoy your time at sea.

Opting for plain water with electrolytes added – like coconut water – will keep your hydration balanced without causing unwanted side effects.

5. Eat the Right Food

Various food at Carnival Celebration's specialty restaurants

Eating the right foods is one of the best ways to avoid seasickness on a cruise ship . 

Stay clear of heavy, greasy meals that can upset your stomach and make you more susceptible to motion sickness. Instead, stick to lighter fare, like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.

Don’t stop there; keep eating small meals throughout the day. Doing so will help keep your blood sugar levels stable and prevent feelings of nausea or dizziness.

Consider snacking on crackers or hard ginger candy for extra stomach-soothing goodness between larger meals. 

6. Get Regular Fresh Air

Carnival Horizon photo trip report

Take a break and head up to the deck for some fresh air. Breathing in the salty sea breeze can help alleviate seasickness symptoms and provide a calming effect. 

If it’s too windy, try finding a sheltered spot where you can feel the breeze without being exposed to strong gusts.

7. Consider Natural Seasickness Remedies

green apple seasicknes s on a cruise

Remember that old saying about an apple a day can keep the doctor away? While that might not be true, eating apples can alleviate seasickness—but not just any apple, though. 

Look for green Granny Smith apples; their pectin combined with natural sugars reduces acid and settles topsy-turvy stomachs.

Peppermint is also known to have the same effects against seasickness. If you’re lucky, you might find some cruise line sundry shops selling peppermint oil. 

At the end of the day, cruisers have little to lose by trying out some of these natural solutions for seasickness before taking medication. Their low cost and ease of access are appealing.

Final Thoughts 

A marina with several boats docked offers a picturesque view. A building with flags on poles stands in the background, surrounded by palm trees. The sky is clear and blue, and the water is calm—just one of the many serene scenes you can enjoy while exploring Things to Do in Half Moon Cay.

Don’t let motion sickness keep you from experiencing what the cruise ships offer! 

Just remember to stay hydrated, avoid heavy meals, and take preventative medication if necessary to avoid seasickness on a cruise.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control also lists more tips and remedies to help avoid motion and seasickness .

Medical Disclaimer: This article is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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Cruise Ship Travel

cruise ship sailing on ocean

While cruising is a popular way to travel, there are some health concerns to be aware of. Find out more about health issues on cruises and steps you can take to stay safe and healthy during your trip.

If you are feeling sick before your voyage, do not travel and ask your cruise line about rescheduling or reimbursement options. If you feel sick during your voyage, report your symptoms to the ship’s medical center and follow their recommendations.

Common Health Concerns During Cruise Travel and What You Can Do to Prevent Illness

  • Respiratory viral illnesses like COVID-19 ,  flu , and RSV :  Follow core prevention strategies to protect yourself and others. Get your annual flu shot , stay  up to date on your COVID-19 vaccines , and check if you're eligible for an RSV vaccine . Check directly with your cruise line before travel about any health requirements. If you have a weakened immune system , talk with your healthcare provider about your cruise travel plans. Wash your hands frequently or use hand sanitizer . Stay home and away from others if you have respiratory virus symptoms. Do not travel until your symptoms are improving and you have not had a fever for 24 hours (without meds). For 5 additional days, take precautions including covering your nose and mouth with a tissue to prevent spreading germs when you cough or sneeze. Consider wearing a mask in crowded or poorly ventilated indoor areas or avoiding those areas all together.
  • Gastrointestinal illness:  Symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea, primarily caused by outbreaks of norovirus , have been reported. To prevent gastrointestinal illness, wash your hands with soap and water before eating and after using the bathroom, changing diapers, or touching things that other people have touched, such as stair railings. Avoid touching your face. For more information, visit CDC’s  Vessel Sanitation Program  website.
  • Seasickness:  Cruise ship passengers may experience seasickness or motion sickness. If you know you get seasick or think you may be likely to get seasick, talk to your healthcare provider about medicine to reduce your symptoms. Some common medications, including some antidepressants, painkillers, and birth control pills, can make seasickness worse.
  • Sunburns:  Apply sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher when traveling. Protecting yourself from the sun isn’t just for tropical beaches—you can get a sunburn even if it’s cloudy or cold.
  • Bug bites:  On your trip, use insect repellent and take other steps to avoid bug bites. Bugs, including mosquitoes and ticks, can spread diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, Zika, dengue, chikungunya, and Lyme. Many ships visit ports where these diseases are a concern.

Before Your Trip

Check CDC’s destination pages for travel health information . Check CDC’s webpage for your destination to see what vaccines or medicines you may need and what diseases or health risks are a concern at your destination.

Make sure you are up to date with all of your routine vaccines . Routine vaccinations protect you from infectious diseases that can spread quickly in groups of people. Outbreaks of chickenpox, flu, and COVID-19 have been reported on cruise ships.

Many diseases prevented by routine vaccination are not common in the United States but are still common in other countries. Crew members and fellow travelers often board a cruise ship from destinations where some diseases are more common than in the United States or where vaccination is not routine.

Make an appointment with your healthcare provider or a travel health specialist  that takes place at least one month before you leave. They can help you get destination-specific vaccines, medicines, and information. Discussing your health concerns, itinerary, and planned activities with your provider allows them to give more specific advice and recommendations.

Plan for the Unexpected

Prepare for any unexpected issues during your cruise ship travels with the following steps:

Prepare a  travel health kit  with items you may need, especially those items that may be difficult to find at your destination. Include your prescriptions and over-the-counter medicines in your travel health kit and take enough to last your entire trip, plus extra in case of travel delays. Depending on your destination you may also want to pack a mask ,  insect repellent , sunscreen (SPF 15 or higher), aloe, alcohol-based hand sanitizer, water disinfection tablets, and your health insurance card.

Get travel insurance.  Find out if your health insurance covers medical care abroad. Travelers are usually responsible for paying hospital and other medical expenses out of pocket at most destinations. Make sure you have a plan to  get care overseas , in case you need it. Consider buying  additional insurance  that covers health care and emergency evacuation, especially if you will be traveling to remote areas.

If you need medical care abroad, see Getting Health Care During Travel .

After Travel


If you traveled and feel sick, particularly if you have a fever, talk to a healthcare provider and tell them about your travel. Avoid contact with other people while you are sick.

More Information

  • Cruise Ship Travel in CDC Yellow Book
  • Tips for Healthy Cruising
  • Maritime Guidance

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How to Prevent Seasickness on a Cruise

Last updated: June 5th, 2024

Woman looking out the balcony in Celebrity Edge Stateroom while seasick on cruise

  • Find a Cruise

If the only thing standing between you and an unforgettable cruise vacation on one of Celebrity Cruises’ premium ships is worrying about whether or not you’ll get seasick on a cruise, these tips about dealing with motion sickness will ease your mind and body so you can happily book your cruise.

What causes seasickness?

Man looking out Celebrity Stateroom glass door while seasick on cruise

Seasickness is a form of motion sickness that results when what your eye sees is out of balance with what your inner ear senses. If your body feels motion but your eye doesn’t see it, your senses become confused and can cause symptoms like dizziness, nausea, headaches, and tiredness.

Motion sickness can happen in almost any mode of travel, such as cars, trains, or even on a roller coaster.

How long does seasickness last on a cruise?

Couple on a cruise standing on Celebrity Stateroom balcony

If you feel seasick at the start of a cruise, the good news is that for the great majority of passengers, seasickness usually subsides once you get your “sea legs,” which means your senses adjust and your equilibrium returns.

For most passengers who feel seasick at the start of a cruise, taking over-the-counter remedies and using the techniques recommended in this article will help you feel better in a few hours to a day or two. In some cases, particularly in rougher sea weather, seasickness may last longer.

Can you feel the ship move on a cruise?

Celebrity Edge massive ondeck pool

Celebrity Cruises’ fleet of innovative cruise ships are so well designed and engineered that most of the time you won’t even feel the ship moving. Each ship is designed to give you as smooth a ride as possible without compromising the multiple activities available onboard and the spectacular on-deck views.

Our ships have stabilizers to keep the boat from rocking. Even a tilting of 1% is considered unacceptable, and Celebrity Cruises uses advanced technology to make sure your ship stays stable and calm.

What kind of cruise ships are best to avoid seasickness?

Medium close up view of Celebrity Equinox on cruise

If you’re concerned about being seasick on a cruise, it’s good to know that Celebrity’s Solstice-class ships , which include Celebrity Solstice, Celebrity Silhouette, Celebrity Equinox, Celebrity Eclipse, and Celebrity Reflection, are built for smooth sailing, with fin-like stabilizers mounted beneath the ship’s waterline to ensure smooth sailing.

To give you an idea of the size and heft of these ships, each is built in post-Panamax dimensions, meaning they are too large to sail through the locks of the Panama Canal. At 122,000 to 126,000 tonnes, they glide through the water at a comfortable average speed of 24 knots, or about 27 miles per hour. They are steel-hull constructed and built with the safety and comfort of passengers in mind.

View of massive Celebrity Edge sailing

Celebrity’s newest class of ships, the Edge class, which includes Celebrity Edge and sister ship, Celebrity Apex , are the largest ships in our fleet. At 129,500 tonnes and reaching average cruising speeds of 22 knots, or about 25 miles per hour, they, too, are steel-hull constructed with stabilizers to ensure the safety and comfort of the passengers they carry.

Where is the best place to sail to avoid getting seasick on a cruise?

Colorful houses residing on a rock over Mediterranean sea in Liguria, Italy

If you know you’re especially susceptible to seasickness, avoid itineraries that spend a lot of time sailing in open water. Cruise itineraries that stay within a sea, such as European cruises that sail along the Mediterranean Sea or Caribbean cruises that depart from San Juan, Puerto Rico are often good bets for having relatively calm waters during cruises.

One way to test the waters if you’re concerned about getting seasick on a cruise is to book a short cruise on a large ship that sails in calm water. We offer 2-night cruises from Florida to the Bahamas on our Millennium-class ship, Celebrity Infinity, and our newly revolutionized Solstice-class ship, Celebrity Equinox.

Arch leading to Sandyport Beach in Nassau, Bahamas

You’ll have one day at sea in each direction in the usually calm waters between Fort Lauderdale or Miami and the Bahamas. When in port, you’ll have a day to relax and play in the warm sunshine, clear blue water, and white-sand beaches of Nassau .

Another way to minimize your chances of becoming seasick on a cruise is to book a cruise that sails on one of our largest ships, like Celebrity Edge or Celebrity Apex, with 10- or 11-night itineraries that sail within the generally calm waters of the Mediterranean Sea.

Famous landmark Colosseum in Rome, Italy on a sunny day

Cruise from Rome on a 10-night itinerary visiting some of the most beautiful destinations in the Mediterranean, like Sicily, Naples, and the gorgeous Greek Islands. Or, sail an 11-night itinerary departing from Rome to Naples and Messina, Corfu, Greece, and up the Dalmatian Coast to Dubrovnik and Split, Croatia, and Trieste in Northern Italy.

On each of these sailings, you’ll only have two nights at sea, with the remaining time spent in port enjoying the glorious sights and pleasure of the Mediterranean.

When choosing an itinerary to avoid seasickness, consider the time of year as well. For instance, the best time to cruise the Caribbean is outside the hurricane season—the months of June through November—as they can increase the wave height and the ship movement you might feel while at sea.

Read: Cruising During Hurricane Season

What’s the best stateroom location to avoid motion sickness on a cruise?

To reduce motion sickness, choose a stateroom in the middle of the ship on a lower deck. You will feel any sway of the ship less in this section.

Celebrity Edge Stateroom Balcony with chairs to sit for sightseeing

Although it may seem counterintuitive, if you’re worried about seasickness on a cruise, book a stateroom with a window or a veranda. Fresh air access and a horizon view will help alleviate seasickness symptoms.

If lower levels are already booked or you’d like to be on a higher deck for an elevated view or to be closer to the activities on the top decks, book a stateroom in the middle of the ship and avoid staterooms near the front or back (bow or aft) of the ship.

The ships’ deck plans will help you pinpoint the best stateroom location for your needs.

Read: Cruising While Pregnant

What remedies are available to alleviate seasickness on a cruise?

One way to avoid seasickness on a cruise is to get enough rest. Lack of sleep and exhaustion can make you more susceptible to motion sickness.

Motion sickness medication and natural remedies

Woman packing first aid kit in her luggage

If you think you might experience motion sickness on a cruise, it’s best to be prepared. There are several over-the-counter, natural, and doctor-prescribed remedies that can help. Be sure to pack whatever seasickness remedy you choose in your carry-on bag, and take as directed, which may mean a few hours prior to boarding your ship.

If you have a doctor-prescribed transdermal patch (scopolamine), apply it as directed at least four hours before boarding your ship. The patch is active for three days, so if you’re traveling on a longer cruise, you should pack replacements.

Don’t panic if you forget to pack motion sickness medication. At the guest relations desk onboard, you’ll find tablets that will help combat seasickness.

Close up view of ginger including powdered and candies form

There are also some tried and true natural remedies to alleviate the symptoms of seasickness. Ginger, whether in pill form or as a candy, is easy to keep handy as you cruise. Sucking on peppermint candy or smelling peppermint oil is also helpful.

Acupressure & acupuncture

Celebrity Edge spa bed on a cruise with glass wall for relaxing sea view

Wearing an acupressure band around your wrist is another natural way to alleviate sea sickness. If you want to take pressure-point therapy one step further, forego the band and seek out an acupuncture specialist. Our onboard spas have acupuncture technicians who will help you relieve your motion sickness.

Couple sightseeing with binoculars standing on Suite Veranda

Though being seasick on a cruise may make you want to curl up in your stateroom and stay there, you’ll be amazed at how dramatically better you’ll feel if you get out and breathe in some fresh air. At the very least, step out on your veranda, take a breath of fresh air, find a spot on the horizon, and keep your eyes on it.

Make an effort to get up to the top deck and do the same. Breathing in fresh air while keeping your eyes on the horizon helps your mind and body get back in sync and may alleviate your symptoms.

What should I eat and drink to avoid motion sickness on a cruise ship?

It may sound like the last thing you want to do, but keeping your stomach full by eating small meals and snacks throughout the day can help ward off nausea from seasickness. At the very least, regularly sipping ginger ale and eating crackers may do the trick for the first 24 hours.

If you’re prone to seasickness, be cautious of your alcohol intake as alcohol can increase dehydration and exacerbate the effects of motion sickness.

Staying hydrated during your cruise is vital, as dehydration can make you feel more seasick.  Our Zero Proof drink package includes unlimited bottles of sparkling and still water, such as San Pellegrino, Acqua Panna, and Evian.

Now that you know how to combat seasickness, browse our cruise itineraries , view cruise accommodations, fights, and activities all in one place or speak to one of our cruise vacation specialists at 1-800-852-8086.

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I Wasn’t Ready For Motion Sickness On Our Cruise. Tips I Would Follow to Do Differently!

Motion Sickness disney cruise

Disney Cruises are great experiences for families with the great on board dining, Broadway-style shows, Disney character meet and greets plus amazing pools. One thing that can get in the way of that great experience is if you experience motion sickness or vertigo on a Disney Cruise which is pretty common with many adults.

There are a variety of different medications that can be used to help motion sickness on a Disney Cruise although it varies between person to person. Something that may work for you for motion sickness in other situations may not work the same on a cruise.

On my recent Disney Cruise, I wasn't ready for the motion sickness nor did I think it would affect me! I'm not someone that is super sensitive to motion sickness although some theme park rides can cause me dizziness. I learned the hard way that I should have arrived prepared and here are all the tips of things I would do differently on a future Disney Cruise.

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Medications for Motion Sickness on a Cruise

There are a few medications available to prevent motion sickness on a Disney Cruise. Everyone is different and what works for one person won't work for another so that's really key to keep in mind. It's just trial and error when it comes to motion sickness.

While I did come prepared with Bonine, I wish I would have brought MORE options with me in case that method didn't work. It's a pretty helpless feeling to be out at sea and realizing you should have sought out a prescription motion sickness medication before your trip.

The cruise ship will have medication available, including sea bands, in the gift shops along with the Health Center. As for the prescription option listed below, no such luck on that one.

Here are some of the most common medications with their pros and cons:

Dramamine and Bonine

Dramamine is a traditional medication for motion sickness. There are two version of Dramamine: non drowsy and regular. The regular version contains dimenhydrinate but it can make people pretty drowsy so it's not often the most popular option.

The non-drowsy option has meclizine which is meant to offer similar protection from motion sickness without the drowsiness. Bonine, another popular motion sickness medicine, also has this same ingredient.

In my case, I usually take Bonine at theme parks that might have attractions that cause me dizziness so I brought it with me on our Disney Cruise. While I use this medication often at theme parks, it did nothing for me on the cruise which was disappointing since this was the only medicine I brought.

Transderm-Scop Patch

This medication is available by prescription only. This is a patch that you wear behind the ear and is used to prevent nausea and vomiting caused by motion sickness. It works by correcting the imbalance of natural substances (acetylcholine and norepinephrine) that can occur in motion sickness. It also blocks certain signals to the brain that can cause nausea and vomiting.

I saw lots of people on our Disney Cruise wearing this patch and have heard it works well for many people. This is something I will pursue for my next Disney Cruise to see if this method works for me. Since this requires a prescription, you will need to make time to see your doctor to get one before a cruise.

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Natural Motion Sickness Remedies

There are a lot of tried and true methods for natural motion sickness remedies that are popular among cruisers. Here are some of the best common methods.

During my cruise, the Health Center had print outs with this information to give guests so I utilized many of these (that were available to me) during the trip and this did help me regain my balance a bit.

  • Sea bands are acupressure wristbands that stimulate a point on the wrist that can help sea sickness.
  • Use essential oils like peppermint.
  • Face the direction the ship is moving.
  • Look to the horizon.
  • Change positions from a standing to a lying down or vice versa.
  • Get some fresh air.
  • Drink ginger ale.
  • Stay off screens.
  • Avoid alcohol.

The list here could be endless as motion sickness is something really personal to the individual experiencing it. But it's good to have methods on hand to try just in case you experience it.

Disney Cruise Line Health Center

I did utilize the Health Center during my first full day at sea once the vertigo got so bad. Turns out, this is pretty common. The Health Center door is even equipped with tip sheets you can take and plenty of stock of meclizine. They recommended I take it before bed, it was a stronger dose than my Bonine, and by the next day I was feeling so much better.

While I still felt unsteady on the ship, I did not have the same dizziness that was plaguing me the first two days. For me this medicine did the trick, whether it was the stronger dose or taking it before bed, but it helped me quite a bit. And of course, you do begin to gain your “sea legs” by the third day of your cruise so I am sure that also helped.

It's comforting to know that the Disney Cruises are equipped with a Health Center that is prepared to help you with motion sickness. They were kind and it did ease my anxiety a bit to know I had these resources close by. For guests that suffer from severe vomiting for motion sickness, they do have shots on hand to help combat this. Keep in mind that many of those extra services will be at an extra charge but if you need them, they are available.

Best Rooms on Disney Cruise For Motion Sickness

There are also some preventative measures you can take to prepare for your Disney Cruise if motion sickness is a worry.

Depending on where you are on the ship, you will feel the rocking and movement more. I noticed it the most at the very front or end of our ship, in these areas I found I couldn't stay there too long or I would begin to feel dizzy the first few days. Once I got my motion sickness under control, then I was able to navigate it just fine.

This is also true for the location of your stateroom! If you are worried about motion sickness, you want to opt for a stateroom that is located midship where the ship is the most stable. This is the best advice all around, head to the middle of the ship if you are feeling any motion sickness.

You may also consider if you want a verandah stateroom or not. Does fresh air help your motion sickness? It may help to have an outside space to get fresh air as needed or to look into the horizon. If seeing the ocean makes it worse, then perhaps an inside stateroom is for the best. We had a verandah room but for me personally, I did better when I wasn't looking at the ocean so I had those curtains closed those first two days! It is really personal preference, motion sickness impacts everyone differently.

What is the Best Cruise Length for Motion Sickness?

It may seem counter intuitive but a longer cruise might actually work better for motion sickness on a Disney Cruise! You have more port stops, chances to get off the ship and get your land legs, plus more time to get used to the ship itself.

Depending on the cruise, shorter cruises might move quicker which means you will feel the ship moving much more than cruises of longer lengths. This all varies depending on the cruise type.

The benefit of a smaller cruise is that if you are impacted by the feeling and don't enjoy it, you know that an end date is near in your future.

Dealing with Motion Sickness on Disney Cruise

Motion sickness is horrible to experience on a Disney Cruise but feel comforted that this is a common experience so there are plenty of remedies to combat it. You can still have a successful and enjoyable Disney Cruise if you prepare in advance, just in case.

I am thankful that I went to the Health Center right away so that I could enjoy the rest of my cruise without any issues. Do not hesitate to reach out to them if you need advice.

To prepare for my next Disney Cruise, I plan on asking my doctor for prescription for the motion sickness patch to have on hand just in case. But first, I plan on utilizing meclizine before bed leading up to the cruise since I know that worked for me.

Despite experiencing motion sickness my first two days at sea, I had such a great time on our Disney Cruise and I can't wait to do our next one. There are methods to deal with motion sickness on a Disney Cruise and it's worth trying to figure out so you can experience the fun.

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All Disney Cruise ships have advanced stabilization technology that helps reduce some of the movement you may expect to feel on a cruise. High winds or rocky seas can create some extra movement so this really depends on the person,

The rooms that are best on a Disney Cruise for motion sickness are any of the lower deck rooms located midship.

The cabins at the front of the ship are going to be the worst for motion sickness as you will feel the boat movement the most there.

The Health Centers on the Disney Cruise all provide meclizine for no extra charge.

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About Lindsay Brookshier

Lindsay is a college English instructor and has years of writing experience through various nonprofits, charities, newspapers, and online magazines. As the content director of Mickey Visit, she oversees article content and leads our fantastic team of writers to meet guest vacation needs. You can still find her writing weekly content to help make your Disney Parks trip fantastic here on Mickey Visit and Disney Dose- you can also view her recently featured posts on Disney Parks travel on Visit Anaheim, Nerd Wallet and SFGate. Lindsay comes from a dedicated Disney family and enjoys taking her son to the Disney parks as often as possible.

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Am Fam Physician. 2014;90(1):41-46

Patient information : See related handout on motion sickness , written by the authors of this article.

Author disclosure: No relevant financial affiliations.

Motion sickness is a common syndrome that occurs upon exposure to certain types of motion. It is thought to be caused by conflict between the vestibular, visual, and other proprioceptive systems. Although nausea is the hallmark symptom, it is often preceded by stomach awareness, malaise, drowsiness, and irritability. Early self-diagnosis should be emphasized, and patients should be counseled about behavioral and pharmacologic strategies to prevent motion sickness before traveling. Patients should learn to identify situations that will lead to motion sickness and minimize the amount of unpleasant motion they are exposed to by avoiding difficult conditions while traveling or by positioning themselves in the most stable part of the vehicle. Slow, intermittent exposure to the motion can reduce symptoms. Other behavioral strategies include watching the true visual horizon, steering the vehicle, tilting their head into turns, or lying down with their eyes closed. Patients should also attempt to reduce other sources of physical, mental, and emotional discomfort. Scopolamine is a first-line medication for prevention of motion sickness and should be administered transdermally several hours before the anticipated motion exposure. First-generation antihistamines, although sedating, are also effective. Nonsedating antihistamines, ondansetron, and ginger root are not effective in the prevention and treatment of motion sickness.

Motion sickness is a syndrome that occurs when a patient is exposed to certain types of motion and usually resolves soon after its cessation. It is a common response to motion stimuli during travel. Although nausea is a hallmark symptom, the syndrome includes symptoms ranging from vague malaise to completely incapacitating illness. These symptoms, which can affect the patient's recreation, employment, and personal safety, can occur within minutes of experiencing motion and can last for several hours after its cessation.

Nearly all persons will have symptoms in response to severe motion stimuli, and a history of motion sickness best predicts future symptoms. 1 Females, children two to 15 years of age, and persons with conditions associated with nausea (e.g., early pregnancy, migraines, vestibular syndromes) report increased susceptibility.

The pathogenesis of motion sickness is not clearly understood, but it is thought to be related to conflict between the vestibular, visual, and other proprioceptive systems. 2 Rotary, vertical, and low-frequency motions produce more symptoms than linear, horizontal, and high-frequency motions. 1

Clinical Presentation

Although nausea may be the first recognized symptom of motion sickness, it is almost always preceded by other subtle symptoms such as stomach awareness (i.e., a sensation of fullness in the epigastrium), malaise, drowsiness, and irritability. Failure to attribute early symptoms to motion sickness may lead to delays in diagnosis and treatment. Although mild symptoms are common, severely debilitating symptoms are rare 2 ( Table 1 1 , 2 ) .

Behavioral Interventions

Prevention of motion sickness is more effective than treating symptoms after they have occurred. Therefore, patients should learn to identify situations that may lead to motion sickness and be able to initiate behavioral strategies to prevent or minimize symptoms 1 , 2 ( Table 2 1 – 13 ) .


Patients should be advised to avoid traveling in difficult weather conditions. If they must travel, they should sit in the part of the vehicle with the least amount of rotational and vertical motion. 2 This is usually the lowest level in trains and buses, close to water level and in the center of boats, and over the wing on airplanes.


With continuous exposure to motion, symptoms of motion sickness will usually subside in one to two days. Alternatively, slow, intermittent habituation to motion is an effective strategy to reduce symptoms. 1 For example, spending the first night aboard a boat in the marina, followed by a day acclimating in the harbor, is preferable to going straight into the open ocean.


A small study found that focusing on the true horizon (skyline) minimized symptoms of motion sickness. 5 A survey of 3,256 bus passengers suggested that forward vision was helpful in reducing symptoms. 3 Another study indicated that forward vision in a car can reduce symptoms. 4


Actively steering the vehicle is an accepted strategy for reducing symptoms of motion sickness, although evidence is limited. 7 Additionally, a small study of automobile passengers found that actively tilting the head into turns was effective in preventing symptoms. 6 A survey of 260 cruise ship passengers supported the common advice to recline and passively stabilize themselves if they are unable to initiate active movements. 8


Frequent consumption of light, soft, bland, low-fat, and low-acid food can minimize symptoms of motion sickness. 2 Treating gastritis is useful, 2 as is avoiding nausea-inducing stimuli (e.g., alcohol, noxious odors). Discussing symptoms with others can exacerbate the condition. Passengers should be well rested, well hydrated, well fed, and comfortable before beginning travel. Small studies have shown that cognitive behavior therapy, mindful breathing, and listening to music may also reduce symptoms of motion sickness. 9 , 10 , 13


Medications are most effective when taken prophylactically before traveling, or as soon as possible after the onset of symptoms 2 ( Table 3 1 , 2 , 14 – 23 ) . Medications are most effective when combined with behavioral strategies. To familiarize themselves with common side effects, patients should first take medications in a comfortable environment before using them for motion sickness during travel.


Scopolamine, an anticholinergic, is a first-line option for preventing motion sickness in persons who wish to maintain wakefulness during travel. 2 , 20 , 24 A Cochrane review of 14 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) showed that scopolamine is effective for the prevention of motion sickness. 14 A more recent RCT of 76 naval crew members showed that transdermal scopolamine is more effective and has fewer side effects than the antihistamine cinnarizine (not available in the United States). 15 If the recommended dose of scopolamine does not adequately relieve symptoms, the dose may be doubled. Adding a second patch of transdermal scopolamine was well tolerated in a small RCT of 20 sailors. 25


First-generation antihistamines have been used to treat motion sickness since the 1940s. 1 They are generally recommended for patients who can tolerate their sedative effects. 2 , 20 Cyclizine (Marezine), dimenhydrinate, promethazine, and meclizine (Antivert) demonstrated effectiveness in small RCTs of varying quality. 16 – 19 Nonsedating antihistamines are not effective in preventing or treating motion sickness. 26


Benzodiazepines are occasionally administered for severe symptoms of motion sickness and have been proven effective in a single small study. 27 The serotonin agonist rizatriptan (Maxalt) reduced motion sickness symptoms in a single RCT of 25 patients with recurrent migraines. 28 The serotonin antagonist ondansetron (Zofran) is ineffective for the prevention and treatment of motion sickness. 29 , 30


Although ginger root is often reported to prevent motion sickness, it had no statistically significant effects in an RCT of 80 naval cadets. 31 A single RCT of pregnant women showed that stimulation of the P6 acupressure point on the anterior wrist increased their tolerance of motion stimuli. 32 Controlled trials of behavioral, pharmacologic, or alternative therapies for motion sickness have demonstrated strong placebo effects. Therefore, treatments are likely to be most effective if the patient believes that they will work. 11 , 12

Data Sources : PubMed was searched using the MeSH headings motion sickness, ships, movement, space motion sickness, and travel. Additional searches were performed in Essential Evidence Plus, UpToDate, Medscape, and BMJ Clinical Evidence. Search dates: March 2012 through March 2014.

Golding JF. Motion sickness susceptibility. Auton Neurosci. 2006;129(1–2):67-76.

Shupak A, Gordon CR. Motion sickness: advances in pathogenesis, prediction, prevention, and treatment. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2006;77(12):1213-1223.

Turner M, Griffin MJ. Motion sickness in public road transport: the relative importance of motion, vision and individual differences. Br J Psychol. 1999;90(pt 4):519-530.

Griffin MJ, Newman MM. Visual field effects on motion sickness in cars. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2004;75(9):739-748.

Bos JE, MacKinnon SN, Patterson A. Motion sickness symptoms in a ship motion simulator: effects of inside, outside, and no view. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005;76(12):1111-1118.

Wada T, Konno H, Fujisawa S, Doi S. Can passengers' active head tilt decrease the severity of carsickness? Effect of head tilt on severity of motion sickness in a lateral acceleration environment. Hum Factors. 2012;54(2):226-234.

Rolnick A, Lubow RE. Why is the driver rarely motion sick? The role of controllability in motion sickness. Ergonomics. 1991;34(7):867-879.

Gahlinger PM. Cabin location and the likelihood of motion sickness in cruise ship passengers. J Travel Med. 2000;7(3):120-124.

Dobie TG, May JG. The effectiveness of a motion sickness counselling programme. Br J Clin Psychol. 1995;34(pt 2):301-311.

Yen Pik Sang FD, Billar JP, Golding JF, Gresty MA. Behavioral methods of alleviating motion sickness: effectiveness of controlled breathing and a music audiotape. J Travel Med. 2003;10(2):108-111.

Horing B, Weimer K, Schrade D, et al. Reduction of motion sickness with an enhanced placebo instruction: an experimental study with healthy participants. Psychosom Med. 2013;75(5):497-504.

Eden D, Zuk Y. Seasickness as a self-fulfilling prophecy: raising self-efficacy to boost performance at sea. J Appl Psychol. 1995;80(5):628-635.

Denise P, Vouriot A, Normand H, Golding JF, Gresty MA. Effect of temporal relationship between respiration and body motion on motion sickness. Auton Neurosci. 2009;151(2):142-146.

Spinks A, Wasiak J. Scopolamine (hyoscine) for preventing and treating motion sickness. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2011;6:CD002851.

Gil A, Nachum Z, Tal D, Shupak A. A comparison of cinnarizine and transdermal scopolamine for the prevention of seasickness in naval crew: a double-blind, randomized, crossover study. Clin Neuropharmacol. 2012;35(1):37-39.

Estrada A, LeDuc PA, Curry IP, Phelps SE, Fuller DR. Airsickness prevention in helicopter passengers. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2007;78(4):408-413.

Brand JJ, Colquhoun WP, Gould AH, Perry WL. (—)-Hyoscine and cyclizine as motion sickness remedies. Br J Pharmacol Chemother. 1967;30(3):463-469.

Weinstein SE, Stern RM. Comparison of marezine and dramamine in preventing symptoms of motion sickness. Aviat Space Environ Med. 1997;68(10):890-894.

Paul MA, MacLellan M, Gray G. Motion-sickness medications for aircrew: impact on psychomotor performance. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2005;76(6):560-565.

Sherman CR. Motion sickness: review of causes and preventive strategies. J Travel Med. 2002;9(5):251-256.

Zajonc TP, Roland PS. Vertigo and motion sickness. Part II: pharmacologic treatment. Ear Nose Throat J. 2006;85(1):25-35.

Gordon CR, Shupak A. Prevention and treatment of motion sickness in children. CNS Drugs. 1999;12(5):369-381.

McDonald K, Trick L, Boyle J. Sedation and antihistamines: an update. Review of inter-drug differences using proportional impairment ratios. Hum Psychopharmacol. 2008;23(7):555-570.

Nachum Z, Shupak A, Gordon CR. Transdermal scopolamine for prevention of motion sickness: clinical pharmacokinetics and therapeutic applications. Clin Pharmacokinet. 2006;45(6):543-566.

Bar R, Gil A, Tal D. Safety of double-dose transdermal scopolamine. Pharmacotherapy. 2009;29(9):1082-1088.

Cheung BS, Heskin R, Hofer KD. Failure of cetirizine and fexofenadine to prevent motion sickness. Ann Pharmacother. 2003;37(2):173-177.

McClure JA, Lycett P, Baskerville JC. Diazepam as an anti-motion sickness drug. J Otolaryngol. 1982;11(4):253-259.

Furman JM, Marcus DA, Balaban CD. Rizatriptan reduces vestibular-induced motion sickness in migraineurs. J Headache Pain. 2011;12(1):81-88.

Muth ER, Elkins AN. High dose ondansetron for reducing motion sickness in highly susceptible subjects. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2007;78(7):686-692.

Hershkovitz D, Asna N, Shupak A, Kaminski G, Bar R, Tal D. Ondansetron for the prevention of seasickness in susceptible sailors: an evaluation at sea. Aviat Space Environ Med. 2009;80(7):643-646.

Grøntved A, Brask T, Kambskard J, Hentzer E. Ginger root against seasickness. A controlled trial on the open sea. Acta Otolaryngol. 1988;105(1–2):45-49.

Alkaissi A, Ledin T, Odkvist LM, Kalman S. P6 acupressure increases tolerance to nauseogenic motion stimulation in women at high risk for PONV. Can J Anaesth. 2005;52(7):703-709.

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Cruise ship buffet item that frequent travellers swear by to 'cure' seasickness

By Jemima Skelley | 4 days ago

While cruises are often the best way to take a holiday , there's one particular aspect of being on a ship that just isn't fun: sea sickness.

Some people are blessed to never be hit with the curse of getting sick on a boat, but others have just had to learn to grin and bear it.

There is one "miracle cure" that some cruisers swear by to keep their queasiness at bay: green apples. 

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Green apple in hand

On a Reddit thread where one cruiser was looking for advice to combat seasickness, a person recommended eating green apples. They're easy to find at the onboard buffet, or through room service or your porter. 

Green apples are high in pectin, a soluble fibre that can slow down your digestion and settle your stomach.

Ginger beer and ginger lollies can also have the same effect.

Family taking food in self service restaurant in hotel. A lot of domestic colorful food is served. Family with two children.

Another key thing you should do at the first sign of seasickness is get out of your cabin, as recommended by a lot of frequent cruisers.

Even if you're feeling like you just want to lie in bed, the best thing is to be outside.

"It's better to sit in a lounge with a view outside than it is to try to sleep, your brain needs to be able to process how you are oriented," one person suggested.

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Cruise boat trip through the Fiords in Milford Sound, South Island, New Zealand

Seasickness is a discrepancy between the motion your inner ear perceives and what your eyes see. You need to bring your senses back into sync.

Sitting on deck and watching the sea - specifically the horizon - helps to balance your senses. Just be sure you're facing the direction of travel.

Feeling and smelling the sea air can also be a big help. 

motion sickness medication cruise

Some other cruisers swear by having an alcoholic drink or two when they feel queasy from the ship's motion.

"When I feel a bit of motion sickness kicking in I grab a few drinks, then my body is like 'Ohhhh, it's fine they are just drunk again'," one person wrote.

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Another said that having a beer often helps. "Something about the carbonation and a small amount of alcohol helps me relax and my stomach settle."

If your symptoms persist and you're feeling terrible, it's a good idea to go see the ship's doctor and get expert advice.

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MQ Motion Sickness Patch,10 Count,Non Drowsy Sea Sickness Patches Behind Ear for Cruise Ship Travel, Waterproof Car Sick Patches Fast Acting & Long Last 72H

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MQ Motion Sickness Patch,10 Count,Non Drowsy Sea Sickness Patches Behind Ear for Cruise Ship Travel, Waterproof Car Sick Patches Fast Acting & Long Last 72H

10 Count (Pack of 1)

( $0.70 / Count )

20 Count (Pack of 1)

( $0.45 / Count )

30 Count (Pack of 1)

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40 Count (Pack of 2)

( $0.32 / Count )

50 Count (Pack of 2)

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60 Count (Pack of 2)

( $0.28 / Count )

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About this item.

  • SAFE AND EFFECTIVE - 100% Natural Herb, without side effects and causing drowsiness
  • SIMPLE TO USE - The motion patch can be used behind the ear or on the navel
  • FAST ACTING - Attach MQ motion sick patches 10 minutes behind ear before the travel, last about 1-3 days
  • PORTABLE DESIGN - Small and Light packaging for best travel partner
  • WIDE APPLICATION - MQ Sea Sick Patches can be used on long car rides, airplanes, trains, cruises, ferry rides and amusement park rides for motion sickness problems

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MQ Motion Sickness Patch, 20 Count, Non Drowsy Sea Sick Patches Behind Ear for Cruise Travel, Wat...

MQ Motion Sickness Patches

Product description.

sea sickness patches

1. Not recommended for pregnant or breast-feeding women for children under 4 years of age.

2. Keep out of reach of children and pet.

Product details

  • Is Discontinued By Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ No
  • Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 1.18 x 1.18 x 0.04 inches; 0.35 ounces
  • Item model number ‏ : ‎ QS8401
  • Date First Available ‏ : ‎ May 26, 2015
  • Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ MQ
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00S9FSLTU
  • Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ China
  • #2 in Antinausea Treatments

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The Kuhlmanns

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Headed on a trip? Be sure to bring some #motionpatches just in case!

Elizabeth, Emi, and Odi

motion sickness medication cruise

Honest review-been using for years!

motion sickness medication cruise

Honest Review of the MQ Motion Patch

motion sickness medication cruise

But do these MQ motion sickness patches WORK?

Chair Yoga with Barbara

motion sickness medication cruise

Honest review of motion, sickness, patch

Brandi Victoria

motion sickness medication cruise

Buy These Now!

Fun Finds With Chris Dosa

motion sickness medication cruise

Our Point of View on the MQ Motion Sickness Patch

WTI | We Tried It!

motion sickness medication cruise

Important information

Safety information.

.Not Use on Pregnant,Breast-feeding and Kid under 4.


motion sickness relief

1.Tear the protective layer,adhere the adhesive layer to the navel or the back of your ears. 2.One/Two patch per time,according to your body condition. 3.Attach 10 minutes before the travel ,the effect will last about 1-3 days .

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Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.

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Customer reviews.

  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 5 star 73% 12% 7% 2% 6% 73%
  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 4 star 73% 12% 7% 2% 6% 12%
  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 3 star 73% 12% 7% 2% 6% 7%
  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 2 star 73% 12% 7% 2% 6% 2%
  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 1 star 73% 12% 7% 2% 6% 6%

Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them.

To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness.

Customers say

Customers like the motion sickness patches for their value and performance. They say they work well, are effective for a few days, and are great value for money. Customers also like the nausea, side effects, and quality. However, some customers have reported issues with the smell and adhesion.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Customers like the performance of the medication. They mention that it works well, is effective for a few days, and doesn't put them to sleep. Some say that the patches stick well.

"...and we came off each ride un-phased and perfectly fine ; we went on about 30 rides for the entire stay...." Read more

"...THESE ARE LIFE CHANGING. BUY THEM IMMEDIATELY. They work SO well and they stay on!..." Read more

" Worked great while on a cruise . They didn't make anyone sleepy but didn't totally take away the nausea." Read more

"... Dramamine doesn’t work and makes me feel worse. I’ve worn the patches and they’ve lasted a few days. I wear these in the pool too and they stick...." Read more

Customers like the medication for nausea. They mention that it completely makes them not sick, it keeps them from getting sick, and it saves their lives from car sickness. They also say it eases their altitude sickness to a tolerable extent.

"...I was even looking at my phone and still felt no nausea ...." Read more

"...When worn on my cruise, kept me from getting seasick , but made me landsick when I took them off upon returning to port...." Read more

"...Everyone said they worked great and no one felt sick ." Read more

"...Dramamine doesn’t work and makes me feel worse . I’ve worn the patches and they’ve lasted a few days. I wear these in the pool too and they stick...." Read more

Customers like the medication for motion sickness. They say it helps with motion sickness, and provides relief from motion-induced headaches. Customers also mention that the patches are easy to use and portable.

"...She began using the patch all the time, finding relief from motion-induced headaches , possibly from video games and movies...." Read more

"...halfway through the day, and except for the spinning ride, I had no motion sickness the entire trip...." Read more

"...I'm not sure I would have gotten sick without them as the rides were pretty smooth and there was not a lot of chop or waves...." Read more

"...It feels weird at first but you do get used to it. Just try not to get any hair caught in it. It does hurt pulling the hair." Read more

Customers are satisfied with the quality of the medication. They mention that it is amazing, has no queasiness, cold sweats, or shutting their eyes to avoid throwing up. They say that it immediately starts to feel better and comforting.

"...from super flat land to mountains and windy roads these were super comforting and great quality...." Read more

"The patches work so well ! A lot better than the Dramamine pills that make you sleepy!" Read more

"These patches work like a charm !" Read more

"...I actually napped in a chair and felt great after waking up . Not drowsy and very inconspicuous! Will definitely use them again" Read more

Customers like the value of the medication. They say it's great value for the money, works well, and is worth it. Some customers even say the patches are a cheap safety net.

"...The value for money is totally there ." Read more

"Bought as a precaution, but didn't need. They were nicely priced and reviewed, and arrived next day." Read more

"...I tried one of those, and it was miserable ...." Read more

"... Great buy !" Read more

Customers like the side effects of the medication. They mention that it helps a ton, has no negative reactions, and is a life saver. Some say that it lifts their mood, gives them energy, and helps with bowl movements.

"... THESE ARE LIFE CHANGING . BUY THEM IMMEDIATELY. They work SO well and they stay on!..." Read more

"...Worked great when flying with no adverse side effects ...." Read more

"So what's great about this product is there aren't any side effects , so it's worth a try, right?..." Read more

"...I love that they have zero side effects and can be left on for up to 72 hours...." Read more

Customers are mixed about the adhesion of the medication. Some mention that the stickiness stays in place even behind your ear and lets you reposition a few. They say it stays put and doesn't run. However, others say that it doesn' t stick so well, even on clean, dry skin. They also mention that it starts to slide off after less than 45 minutes.

"...know, as it just depends on what works for you, and it stays effective for about 3 days while wearing it..." Read more

"...only did they stay on for the snorkeling, they also stayed on for the extra swimming around time !..." Read more

"...It does have a slight medicated odor. The ones behind my ear kept coming off after a day. The one I placed in my navel lasted 4 days...." Read more

"...It has a strong adhesion and no strong odor while wearing it." Read more

Customers are dissatisfied with the smell of the medication. Some say it has a strong essential oil herb like scent, while others say it smells like a wet, damp, musty, and moldy basement.

"...might bother some people is the scent of the herbs, which smells a bit musty or moldy , but which you adjust to quite quickly, and then don’t notice..." Read more

"...They do happen to have a strong herbal smell but it’s not bad and you get use to it." Read more

"...'s the point is the smell is what helps you not be nauseous, but it was stanky ...." Read more

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Superb patches!

Superb patches!

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  4. ZLYDG Motion Sickness Patch, 36 PCS Sea Sickness Patch for

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  5. Best Motion Sickness Medicine for Cruise Trips

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  6. Buy Dramamine 6 Pack 100mg 2 Caplets per Pack

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  1. Travel sickness?? #medication #over the counter



  1. Dramamine vs. Bonine: Motion Sickness Medicine

    Bonine vs. Dramamine: which is the best seasickness medicine? Check out our guide to Bonine (Meclizine) and Dramamine to see which is right for you.

  2. I tried the most common seasickness hacks on my cruise. Here's what

    I've taken enough cruises to discover that my body is susceptible to seasickness. When motion sickness takes over, I start struggling with nausea,...

  3. How to Prevent Seasickness on a Cruise

    Luckily, cruise lovers have an array of options for seasickness prevention, from medicines and seasickness patches to Sea-Bands and even cabin-booking tricks that can alleviate motion sickness.

  4. Best Motion Sickness Medication for Cruise: A Complete Guide to Relief

    Discover the best motion sickness medication for cruises in this insightful article. Learn about top choices like Dramamine and Bonine, prescription options such as Transderm Scop and ondansetron, as well as natural remedies like ginger supplements. Find expert advice on managing symptoms through behavioral strategies and dietary adjustments. Prioritize your well-being by consulting healthcare ...

  5. Best Motion Sickness Medicine for Cruises

    Conquer seasickness on your next cruise with our expert tips on effective remedies and prevention. Discover how to enjoy sailing without worry of motion sickness.

  6. Best Travel Medicine Kits for a Cruise and What to Put in Them

    A powerful motion sickness treatment, Dramamine is a must for your cruise medicine kit. This over-the-counter medicine counteracts nausea and dizziness via active ingredient Dimenhydrinate. A ...

  7. Top Motion Sickness Medicine for a Cruise: Timing Tips & Lifestyle Hacks

    Discover the ultimate guide to combating motion sickness on cruises! Explore a range of remedies from OTC medications to natural treatments like ginger and peppermint. Learn the importance of timing medication intake and lifestyle adjustments for a smoother, sickness-free cruise experience.

  8. Best Seasickness Medications to Treat and Prevent Symptoms

    Feeling queasy on a cruise makes it tough to enjoy your vacation. Thankfully, there are many seasickness medications available to help prevent and manage your symptoms. Since motion sickness and seasickness tend to go hand in hand, the medications for managing them are similar.

  9. Best Motion Sickness Meds for Cruise: Remedies, Medications & Tips

    Discover the top motion sickness medications for a cruise journey in this comprehensive guide! From popular options like Dramamine and Bonine to natural remedies including ginger supplements and acupressure wristbands, the article explores effective ways to combat seasickness. Get valuable tips on managing symptoms onboard, dietary recommendations, and expert advice on choosing the right ...

  10. The Truth About Seasickness

    In the event that seasickness does develop, Dr. Shore assures that it's unlikely to really interrupt your adventure, since all Royal Caribbean ships have motion sickness medications, like meclizine, readily available at the dedicated Medical Center on each of our ships, free of charge. "Additionally, for more troublesome seasickness, our ...

  11. Do you really need a motion sickness patch for your cruise?

    However, it is also useful for motion sickness, as you might experience on board cruise ships. The medication contained in the patch is slowly released into the wearer's system over the course of three days. It works through the central nervous system to calm the digestive system. ... For many people who do feel ill on a cruise, motion sickness ...

  12. Motion Sickness Patch or Motion Sickness Pills: Which Is Best?

    Motion sickness pills and motion sickness patches are both great options for preventing car and sea sickness. Which is best? Learn more here.

  13. Motion Sickness / Sea Sickness

    If you experience motion sickness during your cruise, there are a number of ways you can treat your symptoms. You can also prepare in advance of your cruise and pack sea sickness medication or other treatments such as a motion sickness patch or wristband in your luggage so you can access them once you are onboard.

  14. How to Prevent Seasickness on a Cruise: 10 Effective Remedies

    Prevent seasickness on a cruise with these 10 effective tips. Treat motion sickness with these seasickness medications and natural remedies that really work.

  15. Seasickness on a Cruise: 7 Tips to Avoid It

    Don't let motion sickness keep you from experiencing what the cruise ships offer! Just remember to stay hydrated, avoid heavy meals, and take preventative medication if necessary to avoid ...

  16. Cruise Ship Travel

    Seasickness: Cruise ship passengers may experience seasickness or motion sickness. If you know you get seasick or think you may be likely to get seasick, talk to your healthcare provider about medicine to reduce your symptoms. Some common medications, including some antidepressants, painkillers, and birth control pills, can make seasickness worse.

  17. How to Prevent Seasickness on a Cruise

    To reduce motion sickness, choose a stateroom in the middle of the ship on a lower deck. You will feel any sway of the ship less in this section. Although it may seem counterintuitive, if you're worried about seasickness on a cruise, book a stateroom with a window or a veranda. Fresh air access and a horizon view will help alleviate ...

  18. How to avoid seasickness on your next cruise

    "Motion sickness, in general, is caused by conflicting signals that are sent to the brain by the eyes, ears and our neuromuscular system," said Dr. Yu. ... Related: How to book a cruise using points and miles. Medications. Medications, such as Dramamine, may be a packing necessity if you know you are prone to sea sickness. PETRUNJELA/GETTY IMAGES

  19. Why Can Motion Sickness Persist, Even After Your Cruise?

    Your doctor also may prescribe medication, such as anti-anxiety drugs, for a short time. Drugs that treat motion sickness are not effective for treating mal de debarquement, she says.

  20. I Wasn't Ready For Motion Sickness On Our Cruise. Tips I Would Follow

    Our best tips for motion sickness on a Disney Cruise including first hand experience on how to handle it and medications to use.

  21. Prevention and Treatment of Motion Sickness

    Motion sickness is a common syndrome that occurs upon exposure to certain types of motion. It is thought to be caused by conflict between the vestibular, visual, and other proprioceptive systems ...

  22. How To Avoid Seasickness On A Cruise Vacation

    With some careful planning and sensible precautions, even those people susceptible to motion sickness should be able to enjoy smooth sailing on a cruise vacation.

  23. Cruising tips: Buffet item that can combat sea sickness

    Seasickness is a discrepancy between the motion your inner ear perceives and what your eyes see. You need to bring your senses back into sync. Sitting on deck and watching the sea - specifically the horizon - helps to balance your senses. Just be sure you're facing the direction of travel. Feeling and smelling the sea air can also be a big help.

  24. MQ Motion Sickness Patch,10 Count,Non Drowsy Sea Sickness

    Buy MQ Motion Sickness Patch,10 Count,Non Drowsy Sea Sickness Patches Behind Ear for Cruise Ship Travel, ... in Antidiarrheal Medications . 4 offers from $7.99. Basic Vigor Vertigo Ease Roll-On (10ml) - Natural & Fast-Acting Vertigo and Dizziness Support with Lavender, Ginger, Frankincense & Essential Oils - Combat Travel Sickness ...

  25. Do you really need a motion sickness patch for your cruise?

    Motion sickness is a possibility on a cruise ship, but don't assume you will experience it on your sailing. Most large ships are stabilized to prevent excessive motion, and the average cruise (especially to popular destinations in the Bahamas and the Caribbean) takes place in calm waters. Also, some people are more prone to seasickness than others.