taiwan tourist association


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taiwan tourist association

Time for Taiwan

taiwan tourist association


台灣觀光協會擁有許多「第一」,是第一個民間財團法人組織,也是第一個舉辦ITF台北國際旅展、第一個舉辦台灣美食展的單位;我們致力於台灣觀光的行銷推廣,也注重文化面向,提倡與文化結合的旅遊概念,期許能為台灣觀光不 ...

taiwan tourist association





活動日期 : 2024.07.11 ~ 2024.07.18


活動日期 : 2024.06.13 ~ 2024.06.17


活動日期 : 2024.09.19 ~ 2024.09.24


活動日期 : 2024.09.05 ~ 2024.09.11


活動日期 : 2024.05.16 ~ 2024.05.22


活動日期 : 2024.09.05 ~ 2024.09.09

taiwan tourist association


taiwan tourist association




taiwan tourist association

Exhibition activities

taiwan tourist association

Tourism Trends

2024 Q1全球觀光概況


2024年第一季國際觀光已恢復至疫前的97% 國際觀光概況: 2024年第一季國際入境旅客人次(過夜旅客)已達到2019年的97%,約有2.85億人次的國際旅客,較去年同期增加約19%。主要因素為持續且強勁的旅遊需求、亞洲市場開放、航空連結性的提高及簽證便利化,這也反映出國際觀光現況幾乎已完全恢復至疫前的表現。 2024年第一季國際旅客...

taiwan tourist association

2024年國際觀光將達到疫前水準 國際觀光概況: ✦全球國際旅客人次概況 2023年,全球約有12.86億入境國際旅客(過夜旅客),較2022年成長34%,約3.25億人次;其中有7億人次來自歐洲,占全球遊客總數的54%。 2023年7、9、10月的入境人次達到2019年的92%;而北半球6-8月占整年度入境總人次的三分之一。 受到疫後報復性旅遊影響,國際旅遊業已恢復至疫前88%水準。繼2023年強勁反彈後,國際旅客的旅行需求持續升溫、航班增加及亞洲市場及目的地更強勁的復甦,可望帶動2024 年的全面復甦,恢復至疫前水準,初估國際旅客人次將較2019年成長2%。 2021-2023全球入境國際旅客成長率 ✦各區國際旅客人次概況 2023年中東地區的復甦速度為全球之冠,與2019年相較,入境人數成長22%,歐洲則達到疫前的94%,非洲及美洲分別恢復96%及90%;亞太地區從2023 年初開始逐漸成長,達到疫前的65%。中東地區為全球唯一超越疫前表現的地區,其中卡達+90%,沙烏地阿拉伯+56%。 歐洲在2023年已恢復至疫前的94%,根據美國國家旅遊辦公室 (NTTO)數據顯示,截至10月美國赴歐洲旅遊較2022年成長29%,占美國海外旅遊的21%。 夏天為歐洲旅遊旺季,其中6-8月占全年總量的37%。9-10月也是繁忙的月份,部分原因是良好的天氣條件。 與2019年1-11月入境人次相較,阿爾巴尼+49%,安道爾+31%,冰島和塞爾維亞皆為+15%,葡萄牙+11%,土耳其+7%,西班牙+1%;截至10月,希臘+4%、法國-1%,幾乎已恢復至2019 年的表現。 由於歐洲市場的強勁旅遊需求,非洲2023年已恢復至疫前的96%。 截至2023年10-11月,衣索比亞+30%、坦尚尼亞+20%和摩洛哥+11%,皆超越2019年的表現。根據IATA分析,該地區與歐洲和中東間及區域內的航線正強勁的復甦。 由於區域內的旅遊需求大增,2023年美洲的國際旅客入境人次將達到2019年的90%。截至10月,薩爾瓦多+40%、哥倫比亞+33%、多明尼加共和國和庫拉索+24%。 隨著多個旅遊市場和目的地重新開放,亞太地區已達到疫情前的65%。然而,各分區的表現參差不齊,南亞已恢復至疫情前的87%,而東北亞僅恢復55%。這是因為南亞距離旅遊需求強勁的歐洲市場較近,使得其表現優於亞洲其他地區。 亞太地區表現最好的國家是馬爾地夫+10%和斐濟+3%,截至2023年11月已恢復至疫前表現。 北非、中美洲+5%、南地中海歐洲和加勒比海地區+1%等四個分區在2023年皆超越疫前水準;北歐-2%、西歐-3%已接近2019年表現。 ✦國際觀光收入及支出概況 部分目的地報告指出,2023 年前10或11個月國際觀光收入強勁成長,包含塞爾維亞(+79%)、巴基斯坦(+77%)、土耳其(+59%)、羅馬尼亞(+48 %)、葡萄牙(+38%)、模里西斯(+36%)和摩洛哥(+34%)等。 在出境旅遊方面,前10至11個月多個大型客源市場表現強勁的需求,許多都超過了2019年的水準。德國和美國的出境旅遊支出較2019年分別增加了14%和13%,義大利增加15%,而法國已恢復至2019年支出水準(+0%)。 初估2023年國際觀光收入將達到1.4兆美元,約占2019年目的地觀光收入1.5兆美元的93%;國際觀光(包含交通)的總出口收益預計高達1.6兆美元,幾乎為2019年1.7兆美元的95%。在國內和國際觀光的推動下,2023年觀光直接相關的國內生產毛額(TDGDP)達3.3兆美元,占全球GDP的3%,與 2019年持平。 2018-2024入境國際旅客人次與觀光收入 圖片來源:UNWTO World Tourism Barometer ♦產業指標概況 ✦航空客運量(Air passenger traffic) 根據國際航空運輸協會(International Air Transport Association, IATA)調查,截至2023年10月,國際航空運能和旅客需求已恢復至疫情前的87%,顯示出航空客運市場的強勁復甦;2023年全球航空客運量達到疫前的94%,較2022年的69%大幅成長。 2023年國際客運量恢復至2019年的89%,與同期國際入境旅客人次結果+88%一致。所有地區都對這個結果做出了貢獻。 與2019年同期相較,國際航空客運量北美+1%、中東-2%;航空客運收益(Revenue Passenger Kilometers, RPKs)拉丁美洲-6%、歐洲-7%、非洲-9%、亞太地區-27%。 2023年全球國內RPKs較疫前成長4%。依據市場劃分,中國+7%、印度+5%、美國及巴西+3%,皆超越2019年表現。 ✦航空運能(Air capacity) 根據IATA的數據顯示,2023年全球國際航空運能(以可用座位公里數或最大運能衡量)較2019年成長12%,與2022年的-35%相較有顯著的成長。與2019相較,北美地區+1%、歐洲-5%,中東-7%,拉丁美洲-8%,非洲-10%。 全球國內航空運能大多已超過2019年的表現(可售座位公里Available Seat Kilometer, ASK),與2019年相較,中國+19%、印度+6%、美國+5%、巴西+3%。 ✦住宿 依據史密斯研究中心(STR)資料顯示,2023年11月全球住房率達65%,略高於2022 年同期的62%,而12月則達到60%,皆從1月的54%持續成長中。12月中東地區66%及亞太地區65%的住房率為最高。 以分區來看,2023年12月住房率最高的為加勒比地區與南亞(69%)、北歐與大洋洲(68%)以及東南亞67%和東北亞64%。 ♦ UNWTO觀光信心指數 根據UNWTO觀光信心指數分析,2023年國際觀光強勁反彈,在0到200的範圍內得到152的評分。有81%的專家認為2023年比2022年預期好(49%)或更好(32%),僅有6%的專家認為2023年更差,而12%的人認為表現持平。 2023年觀光信心指數評估 圖片來源:UNWTO World Tourism Barometer 2023年9-12月間信心指數為127分,符合2023年9月預測的126分。約有57%的受訪者認為2023年9-12月比預期好(42%)或更好(15%),而27%的人認為沒有任何變化。大約16%的人認為情況很差或更差。 專家提到,世界各地許多目的地的旅遊需求強勁成長,停留時間更長,平均支出更高。 在9-12月間,成功舉辦了一些大型活動,例如在法國舉辦的2023年橄欖球世界盃及在杜拜舉辦的第28屆聯合國氣候變遷大會(COP 28)。 有70%的專家預估各目的地在2024年將超越疫前的表現,其中33%認為將比2019年成長10-20%或更多,有30%的專家認為他們所在的目的地仍在復甦中;針對國際觀光的預估,在61%的UNWTO專家小組中,有30%認為2024年將恢復至疫前水準,31%認為是在2025年或更晚,其它39%表示,他們所在的目的地已經完全恢復或將在2023年底前達成。 有57%的專家指出亞太地區要到2025年或更晚才可望恢復至2019年的表現,與9月調查的50%相較有些微上升,顯示該地區部分目的地和市場的復甦相對較為緩慢。亞洲的國際觀光仍有很大的成長空間,是影響區域間及全球觀光復甦的關鍵。 2024年1-4月的預期顯示謹慎樂觀,儘管在充滿不確定性和不穩定的情況下,旅遊需求仍然持續高漲。一半的受訪者期望很好(41%)或更好(9%)的表現,36%認為持平,15%的人認為表現很差或更差。每年的前四個月涵蓋了北半球冬季和南半球夏季大部分的時間,以及中國新年和復活節等主要旅遊旺季。 UNWTO最新觀光信心指數調查中,有67%的觀光領域專家認為2024年的表現將比2023 年好或更好,約28%認為將持平,僅6%認為2024年的表現將比去年更差。 2024觀光信心指數預測 圖片來源:UNWTO World Tourism Barometer 世界觀光組織專家小組表示,充滿挑戰的經濟環境仍然是影響國際觀光復甦的主要風險因素;而持續通膨、高利率、波動的油價和貿易中斷則會繼續影響2024年的交通和住宿成本。專家學者表示,極端氣候逐漸成為許多目的地和業者關注的議題。約有28%的專家將極端天氣事件與經濟環境和高成本旅遊一起列為主要因素。觀光產業面臨缺工,無法應付高漲的旅遊需求,也成為關鍵問題。 影響國際觀光復甦主要因素 圖片來源:UNWTO World Tourism Barometer 因此,旅客在生活成本上升和可支配收入面臨壓力的情況下,將尋求更物超所值、離家更近的旅行,而匯率波動也會影響旅行的選擇。 專家也對以巴衝突的範圍和持續性表示擔憂,而俄羅斯對烏克蘭的侵略和其他日益緊張的地緣政治局勢所帶來的不確定性也代表下行風險。在地緣政治波動的影響下,安全的目的地可能會從持續增加的旅遊需求中受益。此外,2024年約有70個國家將舉行選舉,其中包括美國、英國、南非、印度、墨西哥和印尼等主要經濟體。 在各目的地,自然及山脈旅行復甦最快,凸顯出永續性逐漸成為消費者的重要性選擇。城市旅遊為受到疫情影響最嚴重的旅遊型態之一,陽光與海洋旅遊也都快速復甦中,反映出休閒旅遊的重要性。專家學者強調,隨著全球國際會議活動的增加,顯示會展產業的重要性,如2024年7-8月舉辦的巴黎奧運。 您所在目的地的哪種旅遊型態恢復最快? 圖片來源:UNWTO World Tourism Barometer 國內觀光持續幫助許多重要目的地復甦,特別是那些擁有龐大國內市場的目的地,有42%的專家提到有些目的地的國內觀光仍在復甦中。約77%的受訪者表示,與疫情爆發前相較,國內旅遊業成長速度更快(38%)或持平(39%)。約40%的專家則認為國內旅遊業僅部分幫助復甦,而18%的專家則認為沒有任何貢獻。這反映出國際觀光對許多目的地的重要性以及國際需求的持續復甦。 與疫情爆發前相較,您所在目的地的國內觀光表現如何? 圖片來源:UNWTO World Tourism Barometer ♦ 經濟環境 根據聯合國《2024 年世界經濟情勢與展望》(World Economic Situation and Prospects, WESP)指出,2024年全球經濟預估將成長2.4%,低於2023年的2.7%。許多大型經濟體在2023年時從疫情的陰霾中走出,儘管為了控制通膨而大幅緊收貨幣政策,但強勁的勞動市場仍支持消費支出。 許多經濟體的失業率在2023年已降到疫情前,美國和幾個歐洲國家的失業率更是接近歷史低點。由於能源和食品價格及多數地區的通膨率下降,央行得以放緩或暫停升息。 然而,面對接下來信貸狀況持續緊張、國際貿易疲軟以及衝突升級,將為2024年全球經濟成長造成重大風險。歐洲和全球其他地區的通膨狀況仍然居高不下,而高負債是重要的挑戰,尤其是依賴外部融資的發展中國家。 由於強勁的消費支出以及勞動和房地場市場,美國GDP成長可能從2023年的2.5%放緩至 2024年的1.4%。受家庭儲蓄下降、高利率以及勞動市場逐漸疲軟影響,2024年美國消費者需求可能會減弱。 儘管面臨通膨和高利率,歐盟經濟預計2024年將成長1.2%,高於2023年的0.5%。隨著通膨壓力減退、薪資上漲以及勞動市場持續強勁,消費者支出的回溫將可能推動復甦。儘管採取寬鬆的貨幣和財政政策,但日本的成長預估將從2023年的1.7%放緩至2024年的1.2%。 在中國,由於國內外的不利因素,從疫情中恢復的速度較預期中來的慢。繼2023年達到5.3% 後,預計2024年成長將放緩至4.7%,部分原因是房地產持續疲軟和外部需求低迷。 國際貿易預計將從2023年的0.6%恢復至2024年的2.4%,但仍低於疫情前的3.2%。與2023年商品貿易疲軟相反,服務貿易持續復甦,尤其是觀光和運輸業。2023年,國際觀光達到疫情前的88%,預計2024年將超越2019年的2%。 ♦ 2024國際觀光展望 由於新冠疫情大流行,觀光旅遊活動經歷了四年的低潮,國際觀光可望在2024年全面復甦,較2019年成長2%,達到15億入境旅客人次。2024年將會延續去年的旅遊熱度,主因為旅行需求持續攀升、航班增加提升旅遊便利性及亞洲市場和目的地的持續復甦,而許多目的地的簽證便利化和行銷等政策也促使國際觀光發展更為活躍。 UNWTO專家小組的最新調查顯示出樂觀的前景,有67% 的專家預估2024年的表現會比2023年好或更好;有70%的人認為國際觀光在其所在地已達到疫情前水準或將在2024年達成。 儘管前景樂觀,但全球經濟和地緣政治緊張局勢,造成2024年國際觀光復甦的風險。交通和住宿價格可能因通貨膨脹而持續走高,而高利率將會影響消費者的購買力和需求。雖然奢華旅遊預計在2024年成長,但有鑑於整體經濟環境,許多旅客將繼續尋求物超所值並選擇離家更近的旅行。 由於俄羅斯領空的關閉及烏俄戰爭的進行,將繼續影響這些地區以及歐洲和亞洲之間的觀光。 以哈衝突也成為前往中東和以色列需列入考量的因素,2023年12月前往以色列的旅客人次下降80%;東北亞的地緣政治緊張局勢也可能影響旅客對該地區和全球的信心。 預計全球各地區的旅客人次將在2024年恢復至疫前水準(中東地區已於2023年恢復),但亞太地區恢復速度較慢,這取決於公、私部門吸引遊客的政策措施、經濟因素和信心程度。 2020-2023入境國際遊客人次及2024預測(與2019年每月變化相較,%) 圖片來源:UNWTO World Tourism Barometer 全文資料來源:UNWTO World Tourism Barometer 本文僅供內參

taiwan tourist association

旅遊分析機構ForwardKeys 根據2023年的機票銷售數據,於1 月公布了《2024年7大旅遊趨勢》報告,預測全球不斷變化的旅遊偏好和行為。 1. 旅客減少旅遊次數,傾向選擇更有意義、停留時間較長的旅行 綜觀考量,因為旅行成本提高、氣候變遷使旅客對永續旅遊意識提升,再加上疫情間出現的國旅趨勢等一連串的變革,正在將旅客的偏好從多次、停留時間較短的度假模式假導向更有意義,且停留時間較長的旅行體驗。與2019年相比,全球停留時間1-3的旅程比例,相對於停留時間4-13晚和14晚以上的旅程下降了4%。 2. 團體旅行市場迅速復甦 家庭/團體旅行(即3-5名旅客一同旅行)市場在全球迅速恢復,尤其在美洲地區已超越2019年的需求。情侶/夫妻共遊復甦程度則緊追其後,僅在亞太地區和美洲地區稍微落後於家庭/團體旅行。 3. 高端消費之奢華體驗不受經濟侷限 奢華旅遊需求在亞太地區因疫後「報復性旅遊」效應而迅速回升。另一方面,在美洲和中東非洲地區,高端艙位的需求仍然優於經濟艙,顯示即使生活成本持續高漲,高收入消費者不受價格壓力影響。 4. 彈性的新型態工作模式帶動淡季旅行 隨著遠端、混合式工作模式(hybrid work model)的興起與普及化,使得部分族群不再受限於工作或學校行事曆的計畫規範,全年都有旅行的自由,可以利用淡季的價格優勢,避開旺季人潮。以2023年為例,美國情侶/夫妻在淡季月份(1-5月和9-12月)的旅遊表現優於被視為是旅遊旺季的夏季。 5. 疫前預訂模式回歸 隨著疫後旅遊時代來臨,各市場旅遊限制紛紛解除,歐洲和中東非洲的旅行預訂行為已經恢復至疫前水準,儘管亞太地區和美洲的恢復程度略受價格壓力抑制,全球各地區的旅程規劃平均前置時間比疫情前提早約5天,但整體趨勢是趨於平衡。 6. 數位化為旅行社的未來 疫情期間,向航空公司直接預訂機票的趨勢大幅成長,但在2023年,透過旅行社代訂機票的比例逐漸回升。依據目前的數據,尚無法指出旅行社代訂服務比例是否會繼續成長,但明確的是,線上旅行社的復甦優於實體旅行社,反映了更廣泛的商業趨勢。 7. 氣候變化的長期影響 儘管2023年出現了極端高溫、森林野火、暴雨洪水等氣候異常災害事件,但這些事件對旅行的影響目前還是很有限。然而,從長遠來看,氣候變化將重塑旅行偏好,隨著熱浪成爲新常態,夏季至炎熱目的地的旅行需求將銳減,而氣候較涼爽的地區則將較具吸引力。 ※ 完整報告含更多詳盡數據及說明,請參考報告全文: 英文版報告全文(請點)

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Taiwan Tourism Bureau is now known as Taiwan Tourism Administration

Friday, September 22, 2023

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Taiwan Tourism Bureau is now known as Taiwan Tourism Administration

Taiwan Tourism Bureau is now known as Taiwan Tourism Administration

Taiwan the Lucky Land Campaign extends till 30 Jun 2025 . New pre-paid (E-ticket) card prize now available!


SINGAPORE , Sept. 20, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The Taiwan Tourism has been elevated from a Bureau to an Administration from 15 September 2023 . Former bureau chief, Chou Yung-Hui, has been appointed the Administration's first Director-General. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications expressed its confidence in Chou's ability to attract 12 million visitors to Taiwan in 2024.

To commemorate this new milestone, a new pre-paid card prize has been added to Taiwan the Lucky Land Campaign!

Taiwan the Lucky Land Campaign is open to independent travellers (FITs) travelling to Taiwan . Participants can win prizes valued at NT$5,000 (approximately S$210 ) each for use in Taiwan from now till 30 Jun 2025 . Participants have to hold foreign (non-ROC) passports, plan to stay in Taiwan for 3 to 90 days, are not members of tour groups, and are not applying for any group-related ROC travel incentives.

The NT$5,000 prizes are provided either in the form of a pre-paid (E-ticket) card or a set of accommodation vouchers. These prizes are valid for up to 90 days after issuance.

1. Pre-paid (E-ticket) cards:

Options are EasyCard, iPASS or iCash 2.0, all of which can be widely used in stores and on public transportation in Taiwan . Travellers can visit below list of websites to find out where these cards are accepted:

  • EasyCard: https://www.easycard.com.tw/en/use-range
  • iPASS: https://www.i-pass.com.tw/en/Page/Scope%20of%20Use
  • icash2.0: https://www.icash.com.tw/en_web/useBase.html

2. Accommodation vouchers:

Winners of accommodation vouchers will receive 5 vouchers of NT$1,000 each. Vouchers can only be used at participating hotels/homestays. Please refer to the campaign website https://5000.taiwan.net.tw/ for the list of participating accommodations.

Eligible travellers need to register on https://5000.taiwan.net.tw/ 1-7 days before their scheduled arrival in Taiwan . They will elect the prize they want to receive if they win. Successful registrants will receive a QR code by email.

On the day arrival in Taiwan , proceed to the event area at the airport's arrival hall. There will be instruction to scan the QR code to participate in the draw. Travellers must complete the lucky draw within the airport arrival hall on the day of arrival.

Winners are to present their passport and relevant supporting documents (including entry stamp, boarding pass, and electronic round-trip air ticket) to staff at the prize redemption area to collect their prizes. Winners receive the prize they have elected at the time of the online registration. Change of prize will not be entertained.

The campaign ends on 30 June 2025 or when all prizes have been issued, whichever is the earliest.

Taiwan the Lucky Land's visuals: please download from here .

Media contacts:

Taiwan Tourism Administration Singapore Office Email: [email protected] Tel: +65 6223 6546

September Sale   Book now for   up to 60% off!

Taiwan Tour Companies

List of taiwan travel companies & tour operators with 12785 reviews.

Culture Trip

Culture Trip

  • Excellent - 251 reviews for Taiwan tours
The trip was great, we had a wide variety of activities / locations, from temples to cooking classes. The trains were good, and Vincent is a knowledgeable and engaging guide. The only criticism would be the quality of the accommodation, and particularly the FX hotels were run down and in need of refreshing (mould in showers, noisy aircon, etc).
Overall..good to very good. Full program that covers key elements of Taiwan tourist attractions. Main contributor to success though was tour guide Vincent Chiang ! Outstanding performance.

MW Tours

  • Excellent - 48 reviews for Taiwan tours
The tour is very well organised, the guide is very helpful and knowledgeable, and the choice of accommodation is top rate. I will definitely recommend this tour to others.
Guides were all informative, communicated efficiently about the following day's activities and obliging. Good variety of places of interests



  • Excellent - 20 reviews for Taiwan tours
Wonderful private tour with driver and tour guide who were superb and even helped us navigate the typhoon that hit during the latter part of our tour. Kept our party of 7 ranging from early teen to parent in 80’s safe. The tour guide was very knowledgeable and personable. The driver was excellent. We were all very comfortable on the trip - booking was easy. Highly recommend and would do it again!
Friendly helpful guide Ken. He made the tour a pleasure.

Agate Travel

Agate Travel

  • Excellent - 289 reviews for Taiwan tours
  • This operator has no Taiwan reviews

Intrepid Travel

Intrepid Travel

  • Excellent - 11,802 reviews for Taiwan tours
Logan was a great tour guide and helpful in any moment.You’ll learn so much about local culture, Current events and helpful ideas to make you stay better.
Excellent group leader, amazing itinerary, good accomodation and transport, small group size and fantastic fellow travellers.

Bucket List Group Travel LLC

Bucket List Group Travel LL…

  • Good - 17 reviews for Taiwan tours

Delightful Travel

Delightful Travel

  • Excellent - 53 reviews for Taiwan tours
This was packaged as a 9 day tour. Its actually 6 days.Other das were travel days and free time.
Alan Chou was an exceptionally good guide for the 5 day coach tour component. There was a 1 day tour for just the two of us up front with a free day in-between. Really a 7 day holiday with arrival and departure days making it sort of 9 days. Toroko Gorge was a highlight. Hotels were great, once you work out how to switch off all the lights. Tedious systems that would be OK in your own home once learned, but daft for such short stays. Still well worth 5 stars overall !!

Crooked Compass

Crooked Compass

  • Excellent - 4 reviews for Taiwan tours
excellent, highly recommendable, versatile, not the general kind of tourism one receives mostly everywhere with large groups of boring people. This was not everything spoon fed but for the person who has an interest in a country and doesn't mind the unusual, the different, the out -of-the way experience. We would like to see more but due to the Earth quake we were unable to travel the East Coast of Taiwan but will keep it in mind. Good food, inexpensive, great markets (not just night markets but the artistic markets), good hotels, good driver and tour guide, in short summary, highly recommendable for the person who wants to have an experience outside the famous box. There are plenty of those tours for the boxed-in travelers elsewhere.

Supera Tours

Supera Tours

  • Excellent - 113 reviews for Taiwan tours
A wonderfully well organised tour with a great selection of sights, food and accomodation. A beautiful country to visit with friendly locals. Our guide Amanda was extremely knowledgeable, friendly and accommodating and made our trip memorable.
We were happy that we chose the 9 day option and would recommend this to others. The hotels were superb as were the meals that were chosen for us. We hardly spent any money at all as everything was supplied for us. We are usually independent travellers but feel that Tiawan would be difficult to manage on our own. Having gone on this tour we feel that we have really seen a very varied and interesting side of this country. Our guide was extremely well informed, friendly and nothing was too much trouble for her. She really made our trip.

Grasshopper Adventures

Grasshopper Adventures

SpiceRoads Cycling

SpiceRoads Cycling

  • Excellent - 37 reviews for Taiwan tours

MOSKITO Adventures

MOSKITO Adventures

  • Excellent - 1 review for Taiwan tours
We really enjoyed our vacation in Taiwan with Moskito Adventures. The tour was excellently organized. We saw a lot and the hikes in the Taroko Gorge and the bike tours were our personal highlights. Our guide was very caring and always made sure we were comfortable. Many thanks, dear Chris ???? We will definitely book again, as Korea is still on our list. Best regards Jonathan and Petra

Edison Travel Service

Edison Travel Service

Such a magical experience! Our driver was really friendly as well as our guide, with great recommendations for local-fare for the time away from the tour. Mr. Chang made sure to introduce us to a special Taiwanese tea ceremony since the museum from the tour did not have such an exhibit. He was also really friendly with the locals that made our group feel really welcomed to the environment. He expertly lead the way through the Alishan terrain and knew the best places to take photos. He not only kept up with but outpaced an entire flock of 20-somethings!

DIAMIR Erlebnisreisen

DIAMIR Erlebnisreisen

  • Excellent - 7 reviews for Taiwan tours


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This section include a few subjects, "VAT Refund," "Useful Tips," "Travel Information," "Transport," "E-Guide," "i-Taiwan WiFi," "Visa Info," "Overseas Tourism Offices," and "Free Half-Day Tour" Visitors are encouraged to utilize such info when making an itinerary. We hope to make traveling in Taiwan easier, more convenient and deeply attractive!

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  1. Tourism Administration, Republic of China (Taiwan)-Taiwan Tourism

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  2. 財團法人台灣觀光協會

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  5. Tourism Administration, M.O.T.C. Republic of China

    Contact Us Site Map Taiwan Tourism Information Website. Search. Search. Search. Mainstreaming Tourism. Integrating Green Tourism with ESG. Smart Tourism. Surge in Tourists to Taiwan::: Search. Category. Keyword. Search. News. 113-08-26 "The entry and exit statistics for June 2024 will be announced at 4:20 p.m. on Sep. 2, 2024."


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  9. 臺灣觀光協會香港辦事處 / Taiwan Visitors Association Hong Kong Office /

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  10. Taiwan Tourism Bureau is now known as Taiwan Tourism Administration

    Taiwan Tourism Bureau is now known as Taiwan Tourism Administration. On September 15, 2023, Taiwan's tourism sector reached a significant milestone as it transitioned from being a Bureau to a full-fledged Administration. Chou Yung-Hui, the former bureau chief, has been appointed as the first Director-General of the newly formed Taiwan Tourism ...

  11. About Taiwan > Tourism Administration, Republic of China (Taiwan)

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  12. General Information > Tourism Administration, Republic of China (Taiwan)

    Weather conditions fluctuate during spring and winter, while in summer and autumn the weather is relatively stable. Taiwan is extremely suitable for traveling, as the annual average temperature is a comfortable 22 degrees Celsius with the lowest temperatures on the lowlands generally ranging from 12 to 17 degrees Celsius (54-63 Fahrenheit ...

  13. Taiwan Strait Tourism Association

    The second TSTA office in mainland China is the Shanghai office, located in Zhabei District. The official opening ceremony was held on 15 November 2012, attended by David W. J. Hsieh, Director-General of the Tourism Bureau of the Republic of China, Shao Qiwei, President of the Cross-Strait Tourism Exchange Association and Tu Jiang, Chairman of Association for Tourism Exchange Across the Taiwan ...

  14. Taiwan Visitors Association, Singapore Office

    Taiwan Visitors Association, Singapore Office ... Tourism Administration Offices Abroad; Taiwan Visitors Association, Singapore Office 10 Collyer Quay #06-03, Ocean Financial Center, Singapore 049315 +65-6223-6546 +65-6225-4616; [email protected] ...

  15. Taiwan Tourism Bureau is now known as Taiwan Tourism ...

    #TTA Taiwan the Lucky Land Campaign extends till 30 Jun 2025. New pre-paid (E-ticket) card prize now available! #TaiwanLuckyLand SINGAPORE, Sept. 20, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The Taiwan Tourism has ...

  16. Tour Taiwan

    Tour Taiwan - Taiwan Tourism Administration. Tour Taiwan - Taiwan Tourism Administration. 15,381 likes · 88 talking about this. The official page of Taiwan Tourism Administration in the UK.

  17. News > Tourism Administration, Republic of China (Taiwan)

    News. The 2024 Taiwan Lantern Festival's main and auxiliary lanterns have been announced. The main lantern is named "The Dragon Comes to Taiwan" and the auxiliary lantern is called "Little Dragon Bao.". Jan 24, 2024. The 2024 Taiwan Lantern Festival will light up Tainan from February 24th to March 10th. Two areas will display lanterns ...

  18. Taiwan to give out S$218 travel vouchers to 500,000 tourists from May 1

    Taiwan is set to give away travel incentives worth NT$5,000 (S$218) each from May 2023 to 500,000 tourists in a bid to attract foreign visitors.

  19. Taiwan Tourism MY

    Taiwan Tourism MY, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 71,616 likes · 365 talking about this · 322 were here. Taiwan Tourism MY is the official page of Taiwan Tourism Administration KL Office

  20. 10 Best Taiwan Tour Companies & Operators 2024/2025

    1 Tour in Taiwan. Tour length. Price per day. 5 days. From $240. 1. 2. Choose from the best tour companies in Taiwan. Find the right tour operator for your trip to Taiwan, and read 12785 reviews from our customers.

  21. Useful Travel Info > Tourism Administration, Republic of China (Taiwan)

    Terminal 2, Tourist Service Center, Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, Tourism Administration +886-3-398-3341: Tourist Service Center, Kaohsiung International Airport, Tourism Administration ... Taiwan Visitors Association +886-2-2752-2898: Police Radio Station +886-2-2388-8099 . Hospitals. Region. Hospital. Address. Telephone No. Taipei.

  22. Travel Guide > Tourism Administration, Republic of China (Taiwan)

    This section include a few subjects, "VAT Refund," "Useful Tips," "Travel Information," "Transport," "E-Guide," "i-Taiwan WiFi," "Visa Info," "Overseas Tourism Offices," and "Free Half-Day Tour" Visitors are encouraged to utilize such info when making an itinerary. We hope to make traveling in Taiwan easier, more convenient and deeply attractive!

  23. Taiwan Tourism IN

    Taiwan Tourism IN, Singapore. 673,639 likes · 20 talking about this · 732 were here. Welcome to the official Facebook page of Taiwan Tourism Administration, India.