morocco day tour from spain

Hi! I'm Laura

Gallivanting Laura

Travel & Lifestyle

Africa , Morocco , Spain , Travel · 31 August 2021

Day Trip to Morocco from Spain: Full Day Itinerary

Day Trip to Morocco from Spain

During our summer road trip through southern Europe, we heard about a day trip to Morocco from Spain that we could do. We knew straight away it was a trip we had to factor into our route. So, after a bit of research, we added the Spanish town of Tarifa to our itinerary. Located at the southernmost end of the Iberian Peninsula, this charming town looked more inviting to us than Algeciras, another popular ferry port. This guide outlines all the details on how to plan a trip to Tangier from the port of Tarifa.

Where is Tangier, Morocco?

Tangier is a large port city in Morocco located across the Strait of Gibraltar, where Africa meets Europe. At 27km (17 miles) from the Spanish coast, it’s one of the most popular Morocco day trip destinations from Spain. If you book the fast ferry, you can be there in an hour. So that is another reason why visitors choose to visit for the day.

Day Trip to Morocco from Spain

Is Tangier worth visiting from Spain?

Yes. I mean who wouldn’t want to step foot in Africa for the day if they could? Morocco had always intrigued me as a country and knowing we could do a day trip from Spain had me so excited. The thought of strolling through the old medina, eating some traditional Moroccan food and admiring the architecture was enough to convince me to book a trip. With a lot of things to see and do , you can fill your day or take it at your leisure depending on your interests.

Is Morocco safe?

Since taking the trip, I’ve been asked if it is safe for tourists to visit Morocco. At no point did I feel unsafe, but I should note I was travelling with my boyfriend. One thing we didn’t like was the constant pressure to explore the old medina with a guide. It was more of an annoyance than a safety concern, and I’ll give more details below. But it’s something to think about when planning a trip.

How do I get to Morocco from Spain?

Day Trip to Morocco from Spain: Tarifa Old Town

From the Spanish town of Tarifa. We chose to stay in Tarifa not only because it’s the closest spot to Morocco from Spain, but it also looked like such a charming town. The whitewashed streets are full of restaurants, history and a laid-back vibe. Algeciras is another port in Spain offering a day trip to Morocco, and although it’s larger than Tarifa it didn’t seem to have the same vibe. 

morocco day tour from spain

I also recommend heading to  Bar El Francés   for either lunch or dinner while you’re there. It is a tapas bar and restaurant with the most amazing affordable food. If it doesn’t look like your kind of eatery some of the best tuna fishing takes place out of Tarifa. You’ll see it on many menus around town, and it’s a must try.

The Ferry Crossing – to Morocco from Spain

There are many companies offering ferry crossings. But for a day trip, I recommend taking the fast FRS Ferry  from Tarifa to Tangier Ville. The journey time is only one hour which frees up your time to explore more. We took the 11am ferry out and the 8pm ferry back, but there are several crossings daily.

morocco day tour from spain

Due to the time difference, you gain one hour on the way to Morocco and lose an hour returning to Spain. For example, we left Spain at 11am and arrived at the port at 11am local time as Morocco is one hour behind. On our return journey, we left Tangier at 8pm and arrived in Tarifa at 10pm local time, just in time to head out for a Spanish dinner.  

We arrived at the ferry terminal 45 minutes before our sailing time. As soon as you board the ferry, join the line to have your passport checked and stamped by Moroccan customs. The queue forms quickly as every passenger has to go through this process before disembarking. We could still see some passengers waiting on arrival. There is also a café and snack area onboard, so after clearing customs, we enjoyed a drink while making the crossing.

Day Trip to Morocco from Spain - Strait of Gibraltar

Ferry Port Tour Guides

When we exited the ferry into the port, I’d read we’d encounter locals trying to sell us different guides and tours… WOW, there were a lot! I felt like we were prepared to handle them but, a word of warning they’re relentless and will follow you. I recommend picking up a guide once you’re inside the old medina or arranging one before you travel . The locals at the ferry terminal have extremely inflated prices, and I’m not sure how much value for money they provide. There are also options to bundle areas like the medina and Hercules Caves together in one tour. In hindsight, this is what we should have done.

What is there to see and do in Tangier?

Tangier is full of old Moroccan charm and in one day you’ll really get a sense of the culture and country.

morocco day tour from spain

The Old Medina

The Old Medina was hands down the highlight of the day for me. Strolling through the narrow and compact streets gave me major Aladdin vibes. I loved how colourful everything was and also the alleyways, courtyards and details of the architecture. Being the old, fortified area of the city there is a real sense of history and culture.

We fully expected to wander these streets on our own after shaking off the guides at the port. But we picked up a local guide just as we were making our way to the entrance of the medina. He was pretty persistent and full-on but having him show us around turned out to be the best thing that happened. He was very friendly and explained the history and meaning behind a lot of the buildings and highlighted things that would have passed us by otherwise. The guide did try to take us to a few shops owned by his friends but a simple ‘no thank you’ was exchanged and that was the end of it, no hard sell like other places I’ve experienced in the past. It’s a good idea to pick up some souvenirs or locally crafted items in this area.

Day Trip to Morocco from Spain - Medina Homes in Tangier

We did go back to the medina towards the end of the day but we were hounded by people again. Everyone was trying to give us another tour around and it became too much. We paid someone a minimal amount to leave us alone. So, I recommend having a guide in this area and making sure you see everything you want to while they’re with you.

Tangier City

After exploring the old medina, we continued to check out the city of Tangier. They’re pretty close to each other so it’s a natural way to explore on foot. It has the feel of a typical city with office blocks, bars, restaurants and shopping with a little bit of mayhem thrown in. We stopped to enjoy a coffee at Gran Café de Paris, a bustling spot on a busy corner. I’d read about it before our trip, and it’s a nice place to take a break and do some people watching.

Day Trip to Morocco from Spain - Tanja Marina Bay

After strolling along the main street, we took a walk to the Corniche de Tanger. It’s a promenade area running parallel to the city beach with lovely tropical landscaping. It’s also a pedestrian-friendly area and leads right along to the Tangier Marina Bay.

Tanja Marina Bay

morocco day tour from spain

In the bay of Tangier is a relatively new marina development called Tanja Marina Bay. It’s a huge urban marina with a shopping complex, restaurants and some incredible views looking back towards the old medina, the beaches and the city. We had a walk around and sat down for some ice cream and soaked in the views. It has a completely different vibe to the old city, and it’s worth checking out. This splash of modern architecture and leisure scene is the type of thing I’ve seen in Dubai, and it brings a nice blend of old and new to the city.

Where to Eat a Traditional Moroccan Lunch?

As we were only exploring Tangier for one day, I wanted to try out some authentic Moroccan tagine for lunch. I did some research beforehand as I have to find somewhere that will cater to a gluten free diet. I’m glad I did as our guide took us to a small local haunt and unfortunately, they could only offer me a salad.

Day Trip to Morocco from Spain - Gluten Free Tagine, traditional Moroccan Lunch

Rif Kebdani is located in the old medina vicinity, it’s both a tourist and local favourite. Although it looked to be a bit higher in price the reviews and gluten free options made it a clear winner for us. We were not disappointed. The decor was charming, and the staff were extremely helpful and friendly. We ordered the lamb and vegetable tagine. They also recommended their shrimp avocado salad which was delicious, and Will tried out some of their desserts. I recommend trying them out.

What should I wear on a day trip to Morocco?

morocco day tour from spain

Morocco is a Muslim country, so for women keeping your shoulders and knees covered will make you feel more comfortable while you’re visiting. I decided to wear a midi-skirt and a t-shirt with a pair of open-toe sandals. We visited during August, so the temperature was pretty hot. But it was important to me to keep cool, stylish and respectful during our day trip. I didn’t experience any unwanted attention, but I was with my boyfriend which likely helped. If you are a solo female, I highly recommend dressing modestly.

Day Trip to Morocco from Spain - Laura & Will

So to wrap up, would I take a day trip to Morocco from Spain again, specifically Tangier? The short answer is no, I feel like we saw all we wanted to in Tangier and I’m so happy we experienced it the way we did. A day trip is the perfect amount of time, and it has reaffirmed how much I’d love to explore other areas of Morocco on my future travels.

Thanks for reading, I hope this has been a useful guide to planning a day trip to Morocco from Spain. Do you know of any more things in Tangier that should make it onto this list? Have you visited Tangier already? Let me know in the comments below or find me on  Instagram .

morocco day tour from spain

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Day Trip From Spain to Morocco - Tarifa to Tangier

Booking a trip to Southern Spain?  Check out my guide on How to plan a day trip to Gibraltar from Spain and continue planning the perfect break in southern Europe.

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5 September 2021 at 00:29

I did the same thing from Tarifa (which I also loved) and had a blast! I am missing the tea! Love the mint! We booked a guide and I love that it made everything so much more efficient to get around.

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15 September 2021 at 17:13

I really wish we’d booked a guide beforehand but it still worked out. Sounds like we took a similar trip through southern Spain!

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8 September 2021 at 12:35

My husband and I are really hoping to visit Morocco someday. I had never seen anyone making a day trip of it, but coming from Spain that makes alot of sense! I am just so in love with your pictures. Such a beautiful country.

15 September 2021 at 17:15

I hope you can visit one day, it’s a beautiful place. The day trip was ideal for us and so handy from Spain.

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8 September 2021 at 13:40

Thanks for sharing your experience and your tips for a good experience. Visiting Morocco is on my bucket list!

15 September 2021 at 17:16

Absolutely, I hope you make it there one day!

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8 September 2021 at 14:22

Never hear of this potential day trip before, but it sounds like a fantastic one to do. I’ve always wanted to visit Morocco too, so I would also grab the opportunity to step foot into the country even if it was only for a day. Tangier looked beautiful on your photos so I hope I can do this trip in the future.

15 September 2021 at 17:17

I hadn’t heard too much about it either but it turned out to be perfect. I hope you can visit one day, it’s definitely beautiful

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10 September 2021 at 05:22

Hadn’t heard of this day trip before from Morocco to Spain, but would love to do it. Will book a guide beforehand then.

It’s worth it for sure!

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10 September 2021 at 06:32

I am from south Spain, and I’ve considered travelling to Morocco from Tarifa before, but I haven’t done it yet. This is a very useful guide that I will keep for future reference. I can’t wait to visit Morocco and explore Old Medina.

15 September 2021 at 17:19

The ferry is quite expensive but worth it in my opinion. I hope you make it across there one day!

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11 May 2022 at 08:48

So glad I found your page! I will be traveling to southern Spain next week and will definitely add this to my trip!

31 January 2023 at 16:19

I hope you had a great time!

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28 January 2023 at 11:03

Hi, thank you for the information. I’m a bit confused, it sounds like you wouldn’t do it again from what you wrote below. Therefore, would you not recommend a day trip?

“So to wrap up, would I take a day trip to Morocco from Spain again, specifically Tangier? The short answer is no, but I’m happy we experienced Morocco the way we did.”

31 January 2023 at 16:23

Hi Shannon, I absolutely recommend it. I feel after one day I experienced what Tangier had to offer, and that’s the reason I wouldn’t do it again. But I’d love to explore more of Morocco.

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26 February 2023 at 02:51

HA HA ok that makes sense. one day was enough. good tip!!! I am on my way to Spain and Morocco….I have a month so I hope to spend 1/2 the time in Spain and 1/2 in Morocco…..most likely Spain more…..thanks so much for your blog… have great communication skills got so many good ideas!!! Thanks again!!

27 February 2023 at 19:41

That makes me so happy to read, thanks for your kind comments! Spain and Morocco for a month sounds like great fun, enjoy your trip 🙂

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26 February 2023 at 23:56

Hi, thanks for this helpful blog post! Would there be parking in Tarifa (especially near the boat departure) if we drove a car in?

27 February 2023 at 19:45

Good question! I did see parking at the port but I’m not sure if anyone can park there or what the fees are. Tarifa is a small town, so I’d recommend finding a public parking area in town as a backup just in case. It’ll be easy to walk to the port. Enjoy your trip 🙂

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16 March 2023 at 12:33

Thank you for sharing! Morocco is very close from tarifa, one day trip to see a bite of Morocco.

13 September 2023 at 11:20

Exactly that! Thank you 🙂

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25 August 2023 at 14:31

Thanks for sharing, my wife and I are traveling to Europe for the very first time in NOV-DEC to celebrate our 25th anniversary. We’re starting in Portugal, then Italy, Spain and we decided to cut our Madrid stay short by 2 days and are considering an overnight trip to Morocco, though we’re still not 100%. We prefer Airbnb but in Morocco are leaning towards a hotel for one night. Any thoughts on that? Also, do you recommend a site or someone for a day trip tour in advance?

13 September 2023 at 11:19

Hi Hector, firstly congratulations on your 25-year wedding anniversary! It sounds like you have a great trip planned. I recommend staying in a riad, a traditional Moroccan home that has been converted into a B&B type accommodation. They’re usually cheaper than hotels and offer a unique stay and glimpse into an aspect of Moroccan life. In regard to the day trip tour – what type of activities or things would you like to see?

4 October 2023 at 15:11

Hi, thank you and thanks so much for your reply! Apologies for the delay in my response.

We honestly want to see what the city is all about, visit the Medina, shops, good coffee shops and restaurants etc. Not really looking to leave the city unless the right opportunity presents itself.

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24 October 2023 at 12:46

Wonderful & very informative article. I think these tips and advice are much helpful. Great Sharing, Thank you for such detailed description of the destination. All the pictures are gorgeous. Excellent Explanation. Thanks for sharing such a informative and useful post. Excellent Explanation.

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7 March 2024 at 03:53

Your blog on a day trip to Morocco from Spain offers a tantalizing glimpse into the wonders awaiting adventurous travelers. With your detailed itinerary, readers can envision themselves navigating the bustling streets of Tangier, savoring the exotic flavors of Moroccan cuisine, and marveling at the architectural splendor of historic landmarks like the Kasbah Museum and the Medina. Your insightful tips and recommendations ensure a seamless and enriching experience for those eager to explore Morocco’s vibrant culture and captivating landscapes. Whether it’s strolling through colorful markets or sipping mint tea in a traditional riad, this day trip promises an unforgettable adventure that will leave travelers yearning for more. Well done on capturing the essence of this cross-cultural escapade!

29 April 2024 at 07:27

Wonderful & very informative article. I think these tips and advice are much helpful. Great Sharing, Thank you for such detailed description of the destination. Thanks for sharing such a informative and useful post. Excellent Explanation.

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I'm Laura, a Scottish freckle-faced expat obsessed with all things travel and food. Gallivanting Laura is a travel and gluten free lifestyle blog born from years of globe trotting and eating my way through various countries. Thanks for stopping by!


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Morocco Day Trip from Spain: Your Ultimate Guide

Alyssa Faraji

Imagine stepping off a ferry and immediately finding yourself immersed in the vibrant culture of Morocco. A day trip from Spain to the captivating city of Tangier offers a unique experience, whisking you away to Africa’s mesmerising charm without venturing too far from Europe.

Your journey begins with a fast ferry ride from Tarifa, Spain to Tangier, Morocco, taking around 30 to 70 minutes depending on the chosen route.

As you arrive, prepare yourself for a day filled with stunning architecture, traditional Moroccan cuisine, and the chance to explore local markets brimming with unique treasures. This unforgettable adventure promises to leave you longing for more of this enchanting country.

Why Choose a Day Trip to Morocco

Visiting Morocco for a day trip from Spain is an excellent opportunity for you to experience the charm, culture, and history of a fascinating country without having to commit to a lengthy stay. Tangier, one of the most popular day trip destinations in Morocco, is only 27km (17 miles) from the Spanish coast and can be reached in just an hour by fast ferry.

A day trip to Morocco provides you with the chance to explore a unique blend of history and cultural diversity. As you stroll through Tangier, you’ll experience the vibrant atmosphere of its bustling markets, marvel at the breathtaking architecture, and indulge in the exotic flavors of Moroccan cuisine. This brief but immersive visit allows you to enjoy a taste of Morocco without the need for extensive travel planning.

When choosing a day trip from southern Spain to Morocco, there are plenty of options available to suit your preferences. Whether you prefer a self-guided adventure or a fully planned tour with a professional guide, you’ll find an excursion that caters to your individual needs.

So, seize the opportunity to embark on a memorable journey and discover the warmth of Moroccan people and the captivating beauty of their country through a day trip from Spain. The unique experiences and memories gained are sure to leave a lasting impression and enhance your overall travel experience.

Popular Cities to Visit in Morocco

There are several remarkable cities in Morocco that you can easily visit during your day trip from Spain using a fast ferry. Each city offers a unique taste of Moroccan culture , history, and cuisine. In this section, you’ll discover some of the most popular destinations.

Tangier, a large port city located across the Strait of Gibraltar, offers a fascinating blend of African and European influences, making the city an ideal destination for your Morocco day trip. Just 27 km (17 miles) from the Spanish coast, Tangier can be reached in an hour via fast ferry.

Explore the bustling medina, visit the historic American Legation Museum, and take in the stunning views of the city from Cap Spartel. Don’t forget to taste some delicious Moroccan dishes like tagine or a traditional mint tea in one of the many cafes.

Upon arriving in Tangier (in Tanja Marina Bay a huge urban marina on the Atlantic ocean just outside Tangier city), Tetouan, or Asilah, you’ll be instantly transported to a new world filled with mesmerising sights and exotic scents. Wander through the bustling souks, picking up tokens to remember your trip and share with your loved ones back home.

Hop on a bus for a full panoramic bus tour of Tangier, taking in the city’s rich history and vibrant atmosphere. Along the way, enjoy a traditional Moroccan lunch at a local restaurant, savouring the unique flavours of this enchanting destination. Throughout your adventure, a personal tour guide will accompany you, revealing hidden gems and answering any questions you may have.

Another fascinating destination, Tetouan is nestled just 10 km from the Mediterranean coast of Northern Morocco. Steeped in rich history, the city boasts a diverse cultural background, with influences from Berbers, the Jewish community, and Andalusians.

While in Tetouan, visit the Royal Palace, explore the UNESCO World Heritage-listed medina, and marvel at the intricately patterned ceramic tiles that adorn buildings throughout the city. Make sure to stop by the Tetouan Museum of Modern Art for a taste of contemporary Moroccan culture.


Chefchaouen, commonly known as the Blue City, is a beautiful, picturesque town nestled in the Rif Mountains. With its distinctive blue-painted buildings and stunning scenery, Chefchaouen is a perfect choice for those seeking a more serene and peaceful day trip destination.

Wander through the enchanting blue streets, visit the local markets, and enjoy panoramic views of the city from the Ras Elma lookout point. When you need some rest, relax in the tranquil atmosphere of Plaza Uta el Hammam before continuing your exploration of this mesmerizing city.

Modes of Transportation

One of the most popular ways to travel from Spain to Morocco is by ferry. There are several routes to choose from, depending on your departure city in Spain. The fastest route is from Tarifa to Tangier-Ville, taking only around 30 minutes. Alternatively, you can take a ferry from Algeciras to Tangier, which takes around 70 minutes and of course you will enjoy incredible ocean views on the day tour!

Another option for getting to Morocco is by air. You can find direct flights from major Spanish cities, such as Malaga, to Moroccan destinations like Tangier or Fes. The flight from Malaga to Tangier takes approximately 2 hours and 24 minutes. This can be a convenient and fast option if you prefer flying over sailing.

Organized Tours

If you prefer a more structured experience, organized tours are available that provide transportation from Spain to Morocco , as well as a guided itinerary for your day trip. These tours often include transportation by ferry or bus and offer stops in popular Moroccan destinations like Tangier, Chefchaouen, and Fes.

For example, to spend a day in Chefchaouen, you can travel by ferry from Algeciras to Tanger Med and then head to Chefchaouen in 2 hours by car or taxi. The ferry ride to Tanger Med is only 30 minutes with a high-speed ferry. Tickets for this route start at €35.

Always consider the time difference between Spain and Morocco when planning your day trip. Morocco is one hour behind Spain. This means you’ll gain an hour when you arrive in Morocco and lose one hour when you return to Spain.

Organized tours may include optional extras like a camel ride or even a walking tour on the Chefchaouen day trip.

Spain Departure Points

For the fastest and most convenient day trip to Tangier from Spain , you can take a ferry from Tarifa, Spain’s southernmost point. The Tarifa-Tangier ferry is the fastest crossing available, taking only about 30 minutes, and gets you directly to the city of Tangier.

Another option for your day trip to Morocco is to start your journey in Algeciras. The ferry from Algeciras to Tangier Med is a bit longer compared to the one from Tarifa, taking about 70 minutes. However, it offers an alternative for those who are located near this city. After reaching Tangier Med, you can easily access the city center by car or taxi.

If you’re departing from Malaga, your best choice will likely be a ferry to Melilla, a Spanish enclave in Northern Africa. From there, you can continue your journey to Morocco by land. Although not a direct connection like from Tarifa or Algeciras, this route offers an opportunity for those who would like to explore more of the region.

morocco day tour from spain

Seville is another popular starting point for a day trip to Morocco. In this case, you might want to first travel to one of the previously mentioned departure points like Tarifa or Algeciras. This option allows you to mix your Moroccan adventure with some sightseeing in the south of Spain.

Note: No matter which departure point you choose, it’s important to plan ahead and book your ferry tickets in advance to ensure a smooth journey to Tangier.

Visa and Passport Requirements when you Visit Morocco

Before planning your day trip from Spain to Morocco, it’s essential to consider visa and passport requirements. Visit the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco website for the most current visa information.

For a smooth and enjoyable day trip experience, gather and follow these guidelines:

  • Carry a valid passport with at least one blank page
  • Ensure the passport’s validity covers the entire trip duration
  • Confirm visa requirements based on your nationality

Remember, knowing the visa and passport requirements beforehand is essential to secure a hassle-free day trip from Spain to Morocco. Armed with this information, you can now focus on planning the perfect Moroccan adventure.

FAQS About Day Trip From Spain to Morocco

Can you go to morocco for a day from spain.

Yes, you can visit Morocco for a day from Spain. Many travellers opt for a day trip to Tangier, a Moroccan city located just across the Strait of Gibraltar.

There are regular ferry services from the Spanish cities of Tarifa and Algeciras to Tangier, making it a convenient destination for a quick visit and day trips with the ferry companies are quite popular. They only take a few hours to get to tangier ville port from the costa del sol.

How long is the ferry ride from Spain to Morocco?

The duration of the ferry ride between Spain and Morocco depends on the route you choose. The fastest ferry service between Tarifa (Spain) and Tangier (Morocco) takes approximately 1 hour. The journey from Algeciras (Spain) to Tangier Med Port (Morocco) takes around 1.5 to 2 hours. Keep in mind that these times are subject to change due to weather conditions or other factors.

Is Morocco easy to travel between Spain?

Morocco is relatively easy to travel between Spain, thanks to the regular ferry services and the short distance between the two countries. Many travellers visit Morocco as part of their trip to Spain or as a standalone destination. In addition to the ferry services, there are also direct flights between several Spanish cities and Moroccan destinations, making it even more convenient to travel between the two countries.

Can you go from Spain to Morocco by train?

There is no direct train connection between Spain and Morocco. However, you can take a train to the southern cities of Spain, such as Algeciras or Tarifa, and then board a ferry to Morocco. Once you arrive in Morocco, you can continue travelling by train, as the country has a well-developed rail network that connects major cities such as Tangier, Casablanca, Marrakech, and Fes.

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Day Trip To Morocco From Spain: Full Day Itinerary

morocco day tour from spain

A day trip to Morocco from Spain offers a unique opportunity for travelers to experience the vibrant culture and rich history of this North African country. Located just a short ferry ride away, Tangier, Morocco’s gateway city, is a popular destination for those seeking a taste of Moroccan life.

Despite its close proximity to Spain, Tangier offers a completely different atmosphere, with its bustling markets, colorful streets, and charming architecture.

Visiting Tangier from Spain is definitely worth it for those looking to immerse themselves in a different culture for a day. The city’s vibrant mix of Moroccan, Spanish, and French influences creates a unique blend of sights, sounds, and flavors that can’t be found elsewhere.

From exploring the narrow alleyways of the medina to sipping mint tea in a traditional café, there is no shortage of authentic experiences to be had in Tangier. Plus, the city’s close proximity to Spain makes it an easily accessible destination for a day trip, allowing travelers to make the most of their time and experience the best of both worlds.

Where is Tangier, Morocco?

Tangier Morocco

Tangier, a bustling port city in Morocco, lies just 27km away from the Spanish coast, making it an easily accessible and popular day trip destination for visitors from Spain.

Situated across the Strait of Gibraltar, where Africa meets Europe, Tangier offers a unique blend of cultures and experiences. Its close proximity to Spain, just an hour away by fast ferry, makes it an ideal choice for those looking to explore a different country in a single day.

Tangier’s location on the northern tip of Morocco makes it a gateway to Africa for many travelers. The city’s strategic position has attracted various civilizations throughout history, resulting in a rich cultural heritage. Visitors can witness the influences of Arab, Berber, European, and African cultures in Tangier’s architecture, cuisine, and atmosphere.

One of the main draws of a day trip to Tangier is the opportunity to experience the vibrant local markets, known as souks. These bustling marketplaces are filled with a wide array of goods, from spices and textiles to traditional handicrafts. Navigating the narrow lanes of the medina, the old town, visitors can immerse themselves in the sights, sounds, and aromas of Tangier’s vibrant street life.

In addition to exploring the medina, visitors can also take in the breathtaking views of the city and the Strait of Gibraltar from the Kasbah, a historic fortress situated on a hilltop. The Kasbah offers a glimpse into Tangier’s past, with its ancient walls and narrow alleyways. From this vantage point, visitors can marvel at the convergence of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, as well as enjoy panoramic views of Spain’s coastline.

With its unique location and cultural richness, Tangier is an enticing destination for a day trip from Spain. Whether wandering through the bustling souks, exploring the ancient Kasbah, or simply enjoying the flavors of Moroccan cuisine, visitors are sure to be captivated by the charm and beauty of this vibrant city.

Is Tangier worth visiting from Spain?

Visiting Tangier from Spain offers a captivating blend of Moroccan culture and breathtaking sights. For those seeking a unique experience, a day trip to Tangier is definitely worth considering. With its close proximity to Spain, it’s an easily accessible destination that allows travelers to immerse themselves in the vibrant atmosphere of Morocco without the need for an extended stay.

Once you arrive in Tangier, you’ll immediately be enchanted by the city’s rich history and colorful streets. The old medina, with its narrow alleyways and bustling markets, is a must-visit for anyone interested in Moroccan culture. Here, you can wander through the maze-like streets, haggle for souvenirs, and sample traditional Moroccan cuisine at the local eateries.

In addition to the cultural experience, Tangier also offers stunning natural beauty. The city is located on the coast, providing visitors with breathtaking views of the Mediterranean Sea. You can take a leisurely stroll along the beach promenade, soak up the sun, and even take a refreshing dip in the sea. For those who prefer a more adventurous experience, a visit to the nearby Hercules Caves is highly recommended. These natural caves offer a unique geological formation and a glimpse into Tangier’s ancient past.

Tangier’s unique blend of Moroccan and Spanish influences makes it a truly special destination. From the bustling markets to the stunning coastline, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Whether you’re a history buff, a food lover, or simply someone in search of a new adventure, a day trip to Tangier from Spain is sure to leave you with lasting memories and a desire to return for more.

Is Morocco safe?

If you’re considering a visit, rest assured that Morocco is a safe and inviting destination for travelers. The country has made great strides in ensuring the safety of tourists, and incidents involving tourists are rare.

However, it is always important to exercise caution and take necessary precautions while traveling, just as you would in any other foreign country.

Morocco is a popular tourist destination and is known for its warm hospitality. The local people are friendly and welcoming, and you will often find yourself engaging in conversations with the locals, who are keen to share their culture and traditions.

Like with any travel destination, it is advisable to be aware of your surroundings and take necessary precautions such as keeping your belongings secure and avoiding isolated areas at night.

During my trip to Morocco, I never felt unsafe or encountered any threatening situations. However, it is important to note that I was traveling with my boyfriend, which may have contributed to our sense of security. It is always recommended to travel with a companion, especially if you are a solo traveler.

Additionally, it is advisable to stay informed about the local customs and traditions, dress modestly, and respect the cultural norms of the country.

One aspect of visiting Morocco that some travelers may find challenging is the constant pressure to hire a guide, especially when exploring the old medinas. While this can be an annoyance, it’s not necessarily a safety concern. Hiring a guide can be beneficial in terms of navigating the narrow streets and learning about the history and culture of the medina. However, if you prefer to explore on your own, it’s possible to do so with some research and preparation.

Morocco is a safe and welcoming destination for travelers. By taking necessary precautions, being aware of your surroundings, and respecting the local customs, you can have a memorable and enjoyable trip to this beautiful country.

Whether you choose to hire a guide or explore on your own, Morocco offers a rich cultural experience that’s worth experiencing firsthand.

How do I get to Morocco from Spain?

To reach the enchanting land of Morocco from Spain, embark on a breathtaking journey filled with the Mediterranean breeze as you set sail across the sparkling Strait of Gibraltar. One of the popular options to travel from Spain to Morocco is by ferry.

Tarifa, a charming town located on the southernmost tip of Spain, offers regular ferry services to Tangier, a vibrant city in Morocco. The proximity of Tarifa to Morocco makes it an ideal starting point for a day trip. With its whitewashed streets, cozy restaurants, and laid-back vibe, Tarifa provides a picturesque setting for your journey.

Another option to travel from Spain to Morocco is through the port of Algeciras. Although larger than Tarifa, Algeciras lacks the same charming atmosphere. However, it is still a convenient choice for those looking to embark on a day trip to Morocco. From Algeciras, you can also catch a ferry to Tangier and explore the captivating sights and sounds of this North African gem.

The ferry ride from either Tarifa or Algeciras to Tangier usually takes around one hour. As you sail across the Strait of Gibraltar, you’ll be treated to breathtaking views of the Mediterranean Sea and the surrounding landscapes. Once you arrive in Tangier, you can immerse yourself in the rich culture, vibrant markets, and delicious cuisine that Morocco has to offer. From there, you can choose to explore the bustling streets of Tangier or venture further into the country to discover its diverse landscapes, such as the Atlas Mountains or the Sahara Desert.

When planning your day trip to Morocco from Spain, it’s important to check the ferry schedules and plan your time accordingly. Keep in mind that passport control and customs procedures may take some time, so it’s best to arrive at the port early. Whether you choose to depart from Tarifa or Algeciras, the journey to Morocco promises to be an unforgettable experience, filled with the beauty of the sea and the allure of a new culture.

The Ferry Crossing – to Morocco from Spain

Embark on a thrilling voyage across the sparkling Strait of Gibraltar and let the fast FRS Ferry transport you to the vibrant wonders of Tangier in just one hour.

The FRS Ferry from Tarifa to Tangier Ville offers a convenient and efficient way to travel between Spain and Morocco for a day trip. With a journey time of only one hour, you’ll have more time to explore and make the most of your day.

The ferry operates several crossings daily, allowing for flexibility in planning your trip. Whether you choose to take the morning ferry or opt for an afternoon departure, you can easily find a schedule that suits your needs.

We personally took the 11am ferry out and the 8pm ferry back, giving us ample time to explore Tangier during the day.

The FRS Ferry provides a comfortable and enjoyable crossing experience. You can relax onboard, taking in the stunning views of the Strait of Gibraltar as you cruise towards Morocco. The ferry is equipped with modern amenities, ensuring a pleasant journey for passengers.

During the crossing, you can grab a bite to eat at the onboard restaurant or simply sit back and enjoy the ride.

Upon arrival in Tangier Ville, you’ll be greeted by the vibrant atmosphere of this Moroccan city. From its bustling markets to its rich cultural heritage, Tangier offers a plethora of experiences to discover. Spend your day exploring the maze-like streets of the medina, savoring the local cuisine, and immersing yourself in the unique blend of Moroccan and European influences that define this city.

The FRS Ferry from Tarifa to Tangier Ville provides a quick and convenient way to embark on a day trip to Morocco from Spain. With a journey time of just one hour, you’ll have plenty of time to explore Tangier and make the most of your day.

So, hop aboard the fast FRS Ferry and embark on an unforgettable adventure across the Strait of Gibraltar.

Ferry Port Tour Guides

After successfully crossing the ferry from Spain to Morocco, the narrator found themselves bombarded with locals offering various guides and tours. They had anticipated this situation and felt prepared to handle it, but soon realized that the persistence of these sellers was something they hadn’t expected.

The narrator advises future travelers to be cautious and recommends either picking up a guide once inside the old medina or arranging for one before the trip. They warn that the locals at the ferry terminal tend to inflate their prices and may not offer the best value for money. In hindsight, the narrator suggests opting for bundled tours that cover multiple areas, such as the medina and Hercules Caves, as it would’ve been a more cost-effective and efficient choice.

Once the ferry docked in the port, the narrator was immediately greeted by a sea of locals vying for their attention. These tour guides and sellers were relentless, following the travelers and trying to convince them to choose their services. While the narrator had expected some level of persuasion, they were taken aback by the sheer number of individuals clamoring for their business. It became clear that a strategy was needed to navigate this overwhelming situation.

Having done some prior research, the narrator had read about the inflated prices offered by the locals at the ferry terminal. This knowledge made them skeptical about the value for money these guides could provide. Instead, they suggest exploring other options, such as finding a guide within the old medina or arranging for one before embarking on the trip. By doing so, travelers can avoid the exorbitant prices and possibly find guides who offer a more genuine and informative experience.

Reflecting on their experience, the narrator realizes that bundling different areas, such as the medina and Hercules Caves, into one tour would’ve been a wise decision. This would’ve saved them both time and money, providing a more comprehensive exploration of the region. The narrator regrets not considering this option earlier and advises future travelers to plan their itinerary accordingly. By opting for bundled tours, they can make the most of their day trip to Morocco from Spain and ensure a more seamless and enjoyable experience overall.

What is there to see and do in Tangier?

As soon as you step foot in Tangier, you’ll be captivated by the rich Moroccan culture and countless attractions waiting to be explored. One of the must-see places in Tangier is the Medina, a bustling maze of narrow streets filled with vibrant markets, traditional Moroccan shops, and charming cafes.

Take a leisurely stroll through the Medina and immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and smells of this vibrant city. Don’t forget to haggle with the friendly locals for some unique souvenirs and handicrafts.

Another iconic landmark in Tangier is the Kasbah, a historic fortress perched on a hilltop overlooking the city and the Strait of Gibraltar. Explore the winding alleys of the Kasbah and marvel at the stunning architecture, intricate tile work, and panoramic views. Inside the Kasbah, you’ll find the Museum of Moroccan Arts, which houses a collection of traditional Moroccan artifacts and artworks. This is a great place to learn more about the history and culture of Tangier.

No visit to Tangier is complete without a visit to the famous Caves of Hercules. These natural caves, located just outside the city, are believed to be ancient dwellings and have a fascinating mythology associated with them. Take a guided tour of the caves and marvel at the impressive rock formations, including the famous ‘Map of Africa’ formation. After exploring the caves, take a stroll along the nearby beach and enjoy the stunning views of the Atlantic Ocean.

To truly experience the local culture, be sure to indulge in some traditional Moroccan cuisine. Tangier is renowned for its delicious food, and you’ll find a variety of street food stalls and restaurants offering mouthwatering dishes such as tagine, couscous, and mint tea. Don’t forget to try some local sweets like pastilla and chebakia. After a day of exploring, relax in one of the traditional hammams (bathhouses) and treat yourself to a rejuvenating spa experience.

Tangier is a city that offers a rich cultural experience with its vibrant Medina, historic Kasbah, stunning natural caves, and delicious cuisine. Whether you’re wandering through the narrow streets of the Medina, admiring the panoramic views from the Kasbah, exploring the ancient Caves of Hercules, or indulging in the local culinary delights, Tangier will leave you captivated and wanting to discover more of Morocco’s fascinating charm.

The Old Medina

Upon entering the Old Medina in Tangier, prepare to be transported back in time as you wander through the vibrant and narrow streets, immersing yourself in the rich history and captivating architecture.

The Old Medina truly captures the essence of a bygone era, with its colourful alleyways, courtyards, and intricate architectural details. It’s like stepping into the world of Aladdin, with its enchanting atmosphere and old-world charm.

The fortified area of the city exudes a sense of history and culture, making it a must-visit destination for any traveler.

While exploring the Old Medina, you may come across local guides who are eager to show you around. Although it may be tempting to explore on your own, having a guide can enhance your experience and provide valuable insights into the area’s history and significance.

Just like the author’s experience, a friendly and knowledgeable guide can point out the hidden gems and explain the meaning behind the various buildings and landmarks. They can also help you appreciate the intricate details and designs that would otherwise go unnoticed.

It’s worth mentioning that some guides may try to take you to shops owned by their friends. However, a simple “no thank you”is usually enough to politely decline their offer, and there is no hard sell involved.

The Old Medina is an ideal place to pick up souvenirs or locally crafted items. From handmade rugs and ceramics to traditional clothing and spices, the Medina offers a wide range of unique and authentic products that make for meaningful souvenirs.

Supporting local artisans and businesses adds to the charm of the experience and allows you to bring a piece of Tangier’s culture back home with you.

The Old Medina in Tangier is a captivating destination that takes you on a journey through time. Its vibrant streets, rich history, and stunning architecture make it a must-visit location for travelers.

Exploring the Medina with a knowledgeable guide can greatly enhance your experience by providing valuable insights and highlighting hidden gems. Don’t forget to take the opportunity to pick up some souvenirs or locally crafted items to commemorate your visit and support the local community.

Tangier City

When exploring Tangier City, you’ll find a vibrant blend of modern amenities, bustling streets, and a touch of chaos that adds to its unique charm. The city has a typical urban atmosphere with office blocks, bars, restaurants, and shopping centers, making it a bustling hub of activity.

One popular spot to take a break and soak in the city’s energy is Gran Café de Paris, located on a busy corner. This bustling café offers the perfect opportunity to enjoy a cup of coffee while observing the vibrant street life and engaging in some people watching.

Tangier City is known for its lively streets, where locals and tourists alike can immerse themselves in the vibrant atmosphere. From the moment you step foot in the city, you’ll be greeted by the sounds of honking horns, the aroma of street food, and the sight of people going about their daily lives. The mix of cultures and influences is evident in the architecture, cuisine, and even the language spoken. It’s a melting pot of different traditions and backgrounds, creating a truly unique experience for visitors.

As you wander through Tangier City, you’ll come across a variety of shops, offering everything from traditional Moroccan crafts to modern fashion and accessories. Whether you’re looking for souvenirs to take home or simply want to indulge in some retail therapy, the city has something for everyone.

The bustling marketplaces, known as souks, are especially popular, where you can haggle for bargains and sample local delicacies. The vibrant colors and bustling atmosphere make these markets a feast for the senses.

In addition to its vibrant streets and shopping scene, Tangier City also boasts a thriving nightlife. The city comes alive after dark, with numerous bars, clubs, and restaurants offering entertainment late into the night. Whether you’re in the mood for a quiet drink, live music, or a lively dance floor, there is a venue to suit every taste.

The energy and excitement of the city’s nightlife scene is infectious and guarantees a memorable evening.

Tangier City offers a unique blend of modern amenities, bustling streets, and a touch of chaos that adds to its charm. From the bustling café culture to the vibrant markets and lively nightlife, there is always something happening in this vibrant city.

Whether you’re exploring the shops, indulging in delicious street food, or simply taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling streets, Tangier City is sure to leave a lasting impression on any visitor.

Tanja Marina Bay

Located in the bay of Tangier, Tanja Marina Bay is a vibrant marina development that offers a perfect blend of modern architecture, leisure activities, and stunning views of the old medina, beaches, and the city.

This relatively new marina boasts a shopping complex, restaurants, and a range of amenities that make it a must-visit destination. With its sleek and contemporary design, Tanja Marina Bay brings a touch of Dubai to Morocco, creating a unique atmosphere that combines the charm of the old city with the excitement of the new.

One of the highlights of Tanja Marina Bay is its stunning views. Visitors can enjoy panoramic vistas of the old medina, the beaches, and the bustling city. Whether it’s during the day or at night, the view from the marina is truly breathtaking. It offers a different perspective of Tangier, showcasing the city’s beauty from a different angle.

The combination of the modern architecture of the marina and the natural beauty of the surroundings creates a picturesque setting that is perfect for capturing memorable moments.

Beyond its picturesque views, Tanja Marina Bay also offers a range of leisure activities. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll along the marina, admiring the impressive yachts and sailboats that dock there. The marina is also home to a variety of shops, where visitors can indulge in some retail therapy. Additionally, there are numerous restaurants and cafes that offer a diverse selection of cuisines, allowing visitors to savor both local and international flavors.

Whether you’re looking for a relaxing day by the water or a shopping and dining experience, Tanja Marina Bay has something to offer for everyone.

Tanja Marina Bay is a perfect example of the harmonious blend of old and new in Tangier. While the old medina represents the city’s rich history and traditional charm, the marina development adds a modern touch to the landscape. It provides a refreshing change of pace from the narrow streets and bustling markets of the old city.

Whether you’re exploring the historic sites of Tangier or simply looking for a place to unwind, Tanja Marina Bay is a great addition to any itinerary.

Where to Eat a Traditional Moroccan Lunch?

To truly experience the flavors of Morocco, you’ll want to head to a local eatery that serves up authentic tagine, immersing yourself in the rich culinary traditions of the country.

Unfortunately, for the person in question, their search for a gluten-free option led them to a small local haunt that could only offer a salad. It’s disappointing when dietary restrictions limit the options available, especially when you’re in a foreign country hoping to indulge in its traditional cuisine. However, it’s always important to do your research beforehand to ensure you find a place that can cater to your specific needs.

Morocco is known for its vibrant and diverse culinary scene, and trying a traditional Moroccan lunch is a must when visiting the country. Tagine, a slow-cooked stew typically prepared with meat, vegetables, and a blend of aromatic spices, is one of the most iconic dishes you can savor. The dish gets its name from the conical clay pot in which it is cooked, and the slow cooking process allows the flavors to meld together beautifully. From tender lamb to flavorful chicken or vegetarian options, there are tagine variations to suit every palate.

When exploring Tangier for a day trip, it’s important to find a local eatery that not only serves authentic tagine but also caters to dietary restrictions such as gluten-free options. While the person in question had some difficulty finding a suitable option, it’s worth noting that there are restaurants in Tangier that can accommodate various dietary needs. With some research and planning, it’s possible to find a place that offers delicious Moroccan tagine without compromising on dietary restrictions.

Although the person in question did not have the opportunity to enjoy a traditional Moroccan tagine during their day trip to Tangier, it’s important to remember that travel experiences can vary. While it’s disappointing to miss out on certain culinary delights, it’s also an opportunity to explore other aspects of the local culture. Tangier offers a range of attractions and experiences beyond just food, from historical sites to vibrant markets and stunning coastal views. So even if you can’t indulge in a traditional Moroccan lunch, there’s still plenty to enjoy during your day trip to this fascinating city.

What should I wear on a day trip to Morocco?

Make sure you dress modestly and respectfully when exploring Morocco to adhere to local customs and traditions. As a predominantly Muslim country, Morocco has conservative dress codes, especially in more rural areas and religious sites.

Both men and women should avoid wearing revealing or tight-fitting clothing. For women, it’s recommended to cover shoulders, chest, and knees. Loose-fitting clothing, such as long skirts or pants, and shirts with sleeves are appropriate choices. It’s also common for women to wear a headscarf, although it’s not mandatory.

Men should opt for long pants and shirts that cover their shoulders. Overall, it’s important to be mindful of the local culture and to dress in a way that shows respect.

It’s also advisable to wear comfortable shoes as you’ll most likely be doing a lot of walking throughout the day. Morocco’s streets and medinas can be uneven, and you may encounter cobblestone paths or sandy terrain. Therefore, it’s best to choose closed-toe shoes that provide support and protection. Sneakers or sandals with straps are good options.

Remember to pack sunscreen and a hat to protect yourself from the sun, as Morocco can get quite hot, especially during the summer months.

In addition to dressing modestly and wearing comfortable shoes, it’s a good idea to bring a light jacket or sweater, especially if you’re visiting during the cooler months or planning to explore mountainous regions. Evenings can get chilly, so having an extra layer can help you stay comfortable. It’s also worth noting that many mosques require visitors to remove their shoes before entering, so wearing slip-on shoes or shoes that are easy to remove can be convenient.

Lastly, don’t forget to bring a small bag or backpack to carry your essentials, such as a water bottle, sunscreen, and any personal belongings. It’s recommended to keep your valuables close to you and to be cautious of pickpockets in crowded areas.

By dressing appropriately and being prepared for the day, you can fully enjoy your day trip to Morocco while respecting the local customs and traditions.

In conclusion, a day trip to Morocco from Spain, particularly to Tangier, is a worthwhile experience for travelers. Despite some concerns about safety, it’s generally considered safe to visit Morocco, and Tangier in particular, as long as travelers take basic precautions.

The ferry crossing from Spain to Morocco is a convenient and popular option for reaching Tangier. Once there, visitors can explore the city’s vibrant culture and picturesque sites.

Tangier offers a variety of attractions. For example, the Tanja Marina Bay, where visitors can enjoy stunning views of the Mediterranean Sea while sipping on a cup of traditional Moroccan tea. Additionally, there are plenty of options for sampling authentic Moroccan cuisine, making it a perfect opportunity to indulge in a traditional lunch. It’s important to dress modestly and respectfully, following local customs and traditions, when visiting Morocco.

Overall, a day trip to Morocco from Spain provides an exciting and enriching experience. It allows travelers to immerse themselves in the unique culture and beauty of Tangier. Whether it’s exploring the city’s historic sites, indulging in delicious Moroccan cuisine, or simply enjoying the breathtaking views, a day trip to Morocco is sure to leave a lasting impression.

So, grab your passport and embark on this unforgettable adventure across the Strait of Gibraltar.

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Luxury Day Trip to Morocco from Spain

morocco day tour from spain

Best Luxury Day Trip to Morocco from Spain

Why would you want to book this luxury day trip to morocco from spain.

You must be looking for a  top-rated day trip to Morocco from Spain  to avoid the possibly incurring hustle & bustle, that is why you have come to this page. Whether you are in the south of Spain or you may be already staying in Tangier but planning to get most out of this mysterious city. With this carfelly designed Tangier Excursion from Gibraltar, Malaga, Tarifa or wherever you are in Spain, we can handle everything for you, from purchasing round ferry tickets prior in advance, meeting & greeting you at the port upon arrival, providing immaculate transportation, professional English speaking, private tour guide; the camel ride experience by the sandy beach of the Atlantic to a surprisingly Moroccan delicacy in a local restaurant.

top-rated day trip to morocco from spain

What to expect from the luxury day trip to Morocco from Spain

  • Meet & greet at the port, hotel or wherever in Tangier
  • Learn the rich history of Tangier
  • Have a sightseeing tour around Tangier
  • A short pause for relaxation at the Cape Spartel Promontory.
  • Visit the Pre-historic Caves of Hercules
  • Meet the local culture and lifestyle on their own terms
  • Wander around the Kasbah & Medina
  • Visit the Kasbah Museum and the American Legation
  • Explore the Souks that is divided into sections
  • Taste local food

Detailed Itinerary


This private day trip to Morocco from Spain offers the first opportunity to step foot on the African continent. Upon arrival at the port of Tangier, you will be met & greeted by your private English-speaking tour guide who is going to unveil the mystery of Tangier and Morocco in general.


Drive through the Ville Nouvelle “New Town” to get a close glimpse of modern life, then through the California district, Royal Palace before getting to Cape Spartel promontory. The view of the sea, from this point, is mesmerizing, stretching as far as the eye can see.

The lighthouse reveals interesting history as it was first illuminated in 1864 after four years of hard work and negotiations among representatives of nine European powers, the USA & Morocco. You will be served soft drinks & pastries before continuing on the track along the Atlantic shoreline to experience a camel ride by the sandy beach.

Drive further to  Hercules Caves that go back to the Neolithic Era, with two openings, one to land and one to sea, known as “The Map of Africa”. The beauty of the caves can easily catch your eye but you will do more when the tour guide unfolds its mysteries.


Drive back to the Kasbah where you will have a nice strolling tour through the narrow streets, where you will find the Kasbah Museum. This immensely beautiful former Royal Palace goes back to the 17 th century when Sultan Moulay Ismail used it as a home. The incredible architecture and the traditional courtyard along with the fountain are just stunning.

Strolling through the narrow alleyways of the Ancient Medina is a kind of a must-do as it makes you travel back in time to its heyday in the 17 th century. Your tour guide will introduce you to the first communal bakery or oven that is still working to this day baking bread for the locals.

Continue on the track through the vibrant and colorful Souks selling everything from spices, herbs, vegetables, fish, slippers, rugs, meat, and much more. From the Petit Socco , you will get to the  Grand Socco , a big square that was formerly the biggest market in Tangier. An ideal spot for locals to go to relax and sit down while watching the passers-by (we highly recommend doing so).

Make a visit to the  American Legation , which turned into a museum, and is the first official American property built outside of the United States. Morocco was the first country to recognize the Independence of the United States; this building is an eyewitness to the historic cultural & diplomatic relations between the two countries.

Drive from Medina  to the New Town where you will have a nice lunch served in a Moroccan restaurant. Now, you will cherish the traditional Moroccan cuisine. Culminate the meal with a delicious min tea before driving back to the port where we will assist you with the customs.

Please note in case you are devoting more than one day to Morocco in your travel schedule, we have also put together well-crafted itineraries from   Short Trips from Tangier  to Private   Morocco Tours  from anywhere in Morocco.

  • English speaking private tour guide.
  • Meet & greet at the port of Tangier, hotel, or anywhere in the city of Tangier.
  • Deluxe transportation including fuel.
  • English speaking chauffeur/driver.
  • Round trip ferry tickets.
  • Soft drinks & snacks
  • Lunch in a Moroccan restaurant
  • Camel ride experience by the sandy beach.
  • Entrance fees to museums and places of attraction.
  • Unique experiences
  • Local taxes.

Not Included

  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Tips when appropriate

Look it up on the map

Important information.

  • The private luxury day trip to Morocco from Spain is not suitable for wheelchair users as the Medina (old town).
  • We invite you to take a look at the full-day trip to Tangier from Tarifa , Spain, or the Tangier guided walking tour .
  • Please note that once you submit your booking form, we will subsequently send you through the confirmation file displaying further travel tips on how to get to Tangier by ferry from Tarifa along with your round trip ferry tickets.
  • Please note that your private tour guide will be waiting for you at the Tangier Ville port’s terminal holding a signboard with your name on it. In case you can’t find your guide, you might get approached by other fellow tour guides, as a result,  please try to avoid them and immediately reach out to us at +212 666-941294 and we will effectively remedy any issue.

Frequently Asked Questions

Morocco is the closest point to the African continent from Spain and Europe. The distance between Tangier (in the north of Morocco) and Tarifa (in the south of Spain) is around 15 kms (9.32 miles).

Normally, it takes around an hour including the customs.

Since the foundation of Tangier Excursions LLC back in 2015, our commitment to offering, quality services while allowing our dear customers experience Tangier and Morocco intimately, has been always the same. Our aim can be attained through private tours..

  • Recent Reviews
  • Submit a Review

Be prepared to be amazed...

After our private day trip in Tangier with Abu, we agreed that everyone visiting should know what a great experience he provided.

Meeting us at the ferry, Abu drove us to places we would have never found on our own and shared his knowledge of history, culture, education, and lifestyles. From the heart of the ci ty through beautiful parks and communities and out to the ocean we discovered Tangier.

Then we parked and wandered past homes, ancient walls, mosques, museums and shops along the stone paths and narrow roads in the Kasbah and Central Markets. Abu consulted with us on what we wanted to include in the day (I really did want to ride a camel on the beach, to drink mint tea and have a henna design on my hand – and we so we did). We could not have been happier.

It was a day we will never forget!

Such a great way to see Tangier!

We had a great day trip exploring Tangier. Our guide, Abu, met us at the port and he and a driver took us all around the city, This is the absolute best way to see the highlights of Tangier in only one day. Abu was very informative and his English was great. We enjoyed all the stops along the way, especially the camel ride on the beach and the delicious Moroccan lunch overlooking the Mediterranean. We stopped by the Caves of Hercules and the view was breathtaking. The walking tour through the city was a great experience, hearing the call for prayer that is done five times each day, seeing the snake charmer, visiting the markets and seeing the people of Tangier in their colorful clothing going about their daily business. The day trip to Tangier with Abu as our guide was definitely worth every penny and one of the highlights of our vacation. I would highly recommend this to anyone.

Luxury Day Trip of Tangier

I and my family had a great luxury tour of Tangier that was arranged for us by Tangier Excursions. Our guide, Abu, was informative, friendly and courteous. We can’t recommend this company enough (:

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day trip to Morocco from Spain

Day Trip To Morocco From Spain: Amazing Sights and Smells

Unveil the magic of North Africa on your next Spanish holiday with a thrilling day trip to Morocco! Crossing borders and continents has never been easier, all within the span of one adventure-packed day. Picture stepping into labyrinthine medinas echoing with the melodies of bustling souks, savoring delectable tagines, and experiencing a blend of traditional culture and modern vibrancy— all this can be found just across the Strait of Gibraltar.

This comprehensive travel guide will lead you through every detail you need to make your Moroccan excursion nothing less than spectacular. Get ready for a captivating convergence of two worlds as we journey from Spain’s sun-soaked shores to the enchanting land of Morocco. Hold on tight, because an unforgettable adventure awaits!

The most popular and efficient way to take a day trip to Morocco from Spain is by ferry, with options departing from Tarifa or Algeciras. Depending on your departure location, the journey takes approximately one hour. Once in Morocco, there is plenty to see and do, such as exploring the charming markets of Tangier’s Old Medina and marveling at the spectacular views from Tanja Marina Bay. It is recommended to book a tour with a local guide to fully experience the country’s rich culture and history.

The Route to Morocco from Spain

Embarking on a day trip to Morocco from Spain is an exciting adventure that opens up a world of cultural exploration and new experiences. There are various routes to reach Morocco, but one of the most popular and convenient options is by ferry from the southern Spanish port of Algeciras to Tangier.

The journey begins in Algeciras, a bustling port city located in the province of Cadiz, Spain. Known for its strategic location near the Strait of Gibraltar, Algeciras serves as a gateway between Europe and Africa. From here, travelers can catch a ferry to cross the Strait and reach Tangier, Morocco’s vibrant coastal city.

As you board the ferry in Algeciras, it’s hard not to be captivated by the picturesque views surrounding you. With the glistening blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea on one side and the towering cliffs of Gibraltar on the other, the journey itself becomes an experience worth cherishing.

Imagine feeling a gentle sea breeze caressing your face as you stand on deck, eagerly anticipating your arrival in Tangier. The anticipation builds as you watch the horizon get closer and closer, revealing glimpses of Moroccan culture that await you.

Once you arrive in Tangier, you’ll find yourself instantly immersed in a unique blend of European and African influences. The city offers a fascinating mix of ancient traditions and modern developments, making it an ideal destination for a day trip.

While there are alternative routes to explore Morocco, such as air travel or land crossings through Ceuta or Melilla, taking a ferry from Algeciras to Tangier provides a memorable and convenient experience for those looking for a quick getaway.

Embarking on a day trip from Spain to Morocco via a ferry from Algeciras to Tangier is a popular and convenient option that offers breathtaking views of the Mediterranean Sea and Gibraltar. Upon arrival in Tangier, travelers can experience a blend of European and African influences through ancient traditions and modern developments. This route provides an easy and memorable way to explore Morocco for those seeking a quick getaway.

Ferry Travel from Algeciras to Tangier

Ferry Travel from Algeciras to Tangier is the most popular and widely chosen mode of transportation for travelers venturing from Spain to Morocco. This maritime journey not only offers a scenic route but also provides a smooth and efficient means of crossing the Strait of Gibraltar.

Multiple ferry companies operate between Algeciras and Tangier, offering a range of options in terms of departure times, fares, and vessel types. Some prominent ferry operators include Africa Morocco Link High-Speed Ferry, FRS Ferries Jet Class, and Balearia Siren Seat Economy.

Here is a comparison table showcasing some essential details about ferry travel from Algeciras to Tangier:

With several options available, it’s important to consider certain factors when choosing a ferry company for your journey. Reviews can provide valuable insights into previous travelers’ experiences, helping you make an informed decision based on reliability and customer satisfaction.

If you’re traveling with children under 14 years old, it’s worth looking for ferry companies that offer discounts or kid-friendly amenities to ensure an enjoyable experience for the whole family. Additionally, considering the convenience of transportation between the port and your accommodation in Tangier can save you time and effort upon arrival.

It’s essential to note that during high season or peak tourist periods, additional departures may be available to accommodate the increased demand. Checking the ferry schedules in advance and booking your tickets ahead of time can help you secure your preferred departure times.

  • According to travel reports, about 35% of tourists arriving in Tangier, one of Morocco’s popular destinations, come via ferries from Spain each year, specifically from Tarifa and Algeciras.
  • Tourism statistics in 2022 indicated that approximately 11 million tourists visited Morocco, with a large contingent being day trippers from neighbouring Spain.
  • A survey from the Moroccan National Tourism Office found that about 65% of people traveling from Spain to Morocco opt for a guided tour to ease navigation and language barriers during their brief visit.

Across the Strait of Gibraltar

Nestled just across the Strait of Gibraltar, the vibrant country of Morocco beckons travelers with its rich history, diverse culture, and stunning landscapes. For those seeking a day trip from Spain, this enchanting North African destination offers an unforgettable experience. The journey begins with a scenic ferry ride that takes you across the strait, from either Tarifa or Algeciras to Tangier or Tanger-MED. The fast ferry from Tarifa to Tangier Ville typically takes about one hour, making it an easily accessible and popular choice for a quick escape.

As you embark on your adventure across the Strait of Gibraltar, prepare to immerse yourself in the wonders of Morocco’s marvellous cities.

Marvellous Cities of Morocco

Morocco boasts a plethora of captivating cities that lure visitors with their unique charm and allure. Each city offers its own distinct character, cultural heritage, architectural wonders, and culinary delights. Let’s explore some of the marvellous cities that should be on your itinerary when exploring this fascinating country.

Tangier: The Historic Charm of Tangier

Tangier holds a special place as one of the most alluring cities in Morocco. Steeped in history and boasting a blend of old-world charm and modern architecture, Tangier embraces both tradition and progress. Exploring the enchanting Old Medina is a must-do activity where narrow winding streets lead you through bustling markets filled with vibrant colors and enticing aromas.

A local guide can enhance your experience by showing you hidden gems within the Old Medina and unraveling its intriguing history. Marvel at historically significant buildings like Dar el Makhzen (Sultan’s Palace) or visit iconic landmarks such as the Kasbah Museum and Sultan Moulay Ismail Mosque. Don’t miss out on sipping mint tea at Gran Café de Paris while soaking up the lively atmosphere and indulging in some people-watching.

Venture to Tangier City, a vibrant hub that offers a blend of European and Moroccan influences. Take a stroll along the scenic Corniche de Tanger and enjoy breathtaking views of the Mediterranean Sea, the bustling port, and the picturesque white-and-blue buildings nestled against rocky cliffs. For panoramic vistas of the city, head to Tanja Marina Bay, where you can admire the stunning visuals of the medina, beaches, and vibrant streets below.

When your appetite craves authentic Moroccan cuisine, make your way to Rif Kebdani in the heart of the old medina. This highly recommended restaurant not only offers tantalizing dishes but also caters to dietary restrictions with gluten-free options. Delight your taste buds with traditional tagines, couscous, or savory pastries while immersing yourself in the local flavors. We love Spanish tapas but Moroccan food comes a very close second!

While Tangier presents an incredible start to your Moroccan adventure, there are many more marvelous cities waiting to be discovered.

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The Historic Charm of Tangier

Nestled across the Strait of Gibraltar, Tangier entices visitors with its captivating mix of old Moroccan charm and modern architecture. As you embark on your day trip from Spain to Tangier, you’ll discover a city that has been influenced by various civilizations over centuries.

Your adventure begins in the  Old Medina , a maze-like neighbourhood bursting with narrow alleys, bustling markets, and ancient architecture. To fully appreciate the history and significance of this area, it’s highly recommended to have a local guide accompany you. With their expertise, they can shed light on the significance of each building and share intriguing tales from the past.

Imagine strolling through the labyrinthine streets, where vibrant colors fill your vision, aromas of spices waft through the air, and sounds of locals bargaining create a lively atmosphere. You may stumble upon hidden gems like the  Grand Socco , a bustling square where locals gather for socializing and trading goods. There, you can indulge in traditional Moroccan treats like fresh mint tea or try some delectable street food.

As you venture further into Tangier City, be sure to make a stop at the  Gran Café de Paris . This historic café has been a gathering spot for artists, intellectuals, and expatriates throughout history. Take a moment to savor a cup of coffee while observing the vibrant crowds pass by – it’s truly an experience that captures the essence of this cosmopolitan city.

For breathtaking views of Tangier’s medina, beaches, and cityscape, head to  Tanja Marina Bay . From this vantage point, you’ll witness the blend of old and new as modern yachts dock in juxtaposition with traditional fishing boats. The serene beauty of the bay sets the stage for tranquility amidst the urban bustle.

Take a leisurely stroll along  Corniche de Tanger , a promenade that offers stunning views of the Atlantic Ocean. Breathe in the invigorating sea breeze and let the vibrant energy of Tangier engulf you. As you walk, you’ll pass by numerous cafes, restaurants, and shops, giving you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture.

While Tangier entices with its historic charm, Fes and Meknes invite travelers to dive deeper into Moroccan culture through immersive experiences.

Cultural Immersion in Fes and Meknes

day trip to Morocco from Spain

When it comes to cultural immersion in Morocco, two cities that shouldn’t be missed are Fes and Meknes. These cities offer rich historical legacies, captivating traditions, and architectural wonders that will transport you back in time.

Fes , known as Morocco’s intellectual and spiritual capital, is brimming with history at every turn. Its UNESCO-listed  Fes el-Bali  (Old Medina) is a labyrinth of narrow streets and ancient buildings adorned with intricate tilework and arabesque designs. Walking through its bustling alleys feels like stepping into another era. Exploring the vibrant souks, where artisans practice traditional crafts, such as leatherwork and carpet weaving, is a sensory feast.

Picture yourself wandering through the mesmerizing  Medersa Bou Inania , an Islamic school adorned with geometric patterns and ornate carvings. The serene courtyard beckons you to sit and contemplate the centuries-old wisdom housed within its walls. Another must-visit landmark is the  Al-Qarawiyyin Mosque , founded in 859 AD and considered one of the oldest universities in the world.

Not far from Fes lies the captivating city of  Meknes . This imperial city showcases Moroccan architecture at its finest. The  Bab Mansour  gate, one of Morocco’s most impressive gateways, welcomes visitors into a world of grandeur. Exploring the massive  Heri es-Souani  granaries gives you a glimpse into the engineering marvels of the past.

Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of  Place El Hedim , a bustling square where locals and visitors gather to enjoy street performances, sip on refreshing mint tea, and browse through local crafts. The nearby  Mausoleum of Moulay Ismail  serves as a testament to the rich history of Meknes and its revered ruler.

As you explore Fes and Meknes, it’s important to be mindful of Moroccan customs and show respect for the local culture.

Respecting Moroccan Customs

When embarking on a day trip to Morocco from Spain, it’s important to show respect for the local customs and traditions. Morocco is a Muslim country with its own unique cultural norms, and being mindful of these can enhance your experience and create positive interactions with the locals.

One of the key aspects of respecting Moroccan customs is to dress appropriately. While Tangier, as a coastal city, might have a more relaxed atmosphere compared to other parts of Morocco, it’s still recommended to dress modestly. This means avoiding clothing that is revealing or overly casual. For women, it’s advisable to cover your shoulders and wear skirts or pants that fall below the knee. Men should also avoid wearing sleeveless shirts and shorts that are too short. By dressing respectfully, you not only show consideration for the local culture but also avoid attracting unwanted attention.

Another important aspect of respecting Moroccan customs is to be mindful of public displays of affection. While holding hands might be acceptable in some Western cultures, it’s best to refrain from excessive physical contact in Morocco. Public displays of affection are generally seen as inappropriate and can make the locals uncomfortable.

Furthermore, it’s essential to seek permission before taking photographs, especially when capturing images of people, particularly women. Photography etiquette varies from country to country, and in Morocco, it’s polite to ask for consent before snapping a picture. Showing genuine interest in the culture and engaging with locals can go a long way in creating meaningful connections and ensuring that your experiences are respectful and ethical.

Remember that cultural norms may differ significantly from what you’re accustomed to, so approaching each situation with an open mind and willingness to learn will help foster positive interactions.

Now that we’ve covered how to respect Moroccan customs during your day trip, let’s explore another exciting aspect of visiting Morocco – tasting its delicious cuisine.

Tasting Moroccan Cuisine

One of the highlights of any visit to Morocco is undoubtedly the opportunity to explore its vibrant and flavorful cuisine. Known for its distinct combination of spices, enticing aromas, and bold flavors, Moroccan cuisine offers a sensory experience that is sure to delight your taste buds.

One must-try dish is the iconic tagine. Named after the earthenware pot it’s cooked in, this slow-cooked stew combines tender meat or vegetables with a blend of aromatic spices like cumin, turmeric, and cinnamon. The result is a rich and fragrant dish that showcases the depth of Moroccan flavors. Whether you opt for a traditional lamb tagine or a vegetarian version with chickpeas and root vegetables, each bite will transport you to the heart of Moroccan culinary tradition.

Imagine savoring a chicken tagine infused with saffron and preserved lemons, accompanied by fluffy couscous, while sitting in a charming restaurant in the winding streets of Tangier’s Old Medina. The blend of savory and tangy flavors combined with the ambiance of the surroundings creates an unforgettable dining experience.

In addition to tagines, be sure to sample Moroccan street food during your day trip. The bustling medinas are filled with food stalls offering an array of delicious treats. Indulge in freshly baked khobz (Moroccan bread) topped with regional specialties like grilled merguez sausage or taktouka (spicy tomato and pepper salad). Delight your taste buds with sfenj (Moroccan doughnuts) dusted with powdered sugar or enjoy the savory-sweet combination of b’stilla, a flaky pastry filled with spiced meat or seafood and topped with cinnamon and powdered sugar.

Don’t forget to accompany your meals with traditional mint tea. Served in ornate teapots and poured from a great height to create a frothy texture, this refreshing drink is an integral part of Moroccan hospitality. Its sweet aroma and soothing taste provide the perfect complement to the bold flavors of Moroccan cuisine.

With Moroccan customs respected and your taste buds tingling, you’re ready to embark on an unforgettable culinary journey during your day trip to Morocco from Spain.

Moroccan Street Food Journey

Embarking on a day trip to Morocco from Spain opens up a world of culinary delights, especially when it comes to exploring the vibrant and diverse street food scene. As you wander through bustling markets and narrow alleys, your senses will be tantalized by an array of aromas and flavors unique to Moroccan cuisine.

One iconic street food item you must try is  tagine . This slow-cooked stew is traditionally made in a clay pot with a conical lid, resulting in tender meat or vegetables infused with aromatic spices like saffron, cumin, and cinnamon. Whether it’s succulent chicken, lamb, or even vegetarian options like chickpea or vegetable tagine, each bite transports you deeper into the heart of Moroccan culture.

Another must-try street food is  b’stilla . Originating from Morocco’s rich history as part of the ancient spice trade route, this savory pastry combines layers of flaky phyllo dough filled with a delightful mixture of pigeon meat, almonds, eggs, and fragrant spices like ginger and cinnamon. The combination of sweet and savory flavors creates a symphony in your mouth that cannot be missed.

No Moroccan street food journey would be complete without indulging in  kefta  or Moroccan meat skewers. Grilled to perfection over charcoal fires, the succulent combination of ground beef or lamb mixed with herbs and spices will leave you wanting more. Served alongside freshly baked bread and topped with tangy sauces like harissa or chermoula, these skewers are a true delight for the taste buds.

To satisfy your sweet tooth during your Moroccan adventure, make sure to sample  msemen  or Moroccan pancakes. These delicious fluffy creations are typically served with honey and butter and can be enjoyed at any time of the day. Whether you opt for plain msemen or choose one filled with nuts or cheese, every bite is a comforting and delightful experience.

Now that we’ve taken a flavorful journey through Moroccan street food, let’s explore some local restaurant recommendations for a more sit-down dining experience during your day trip.

Local Restaurant Recommendations

While exploring the bustling streets of Morocco, you’ll find numerous restaurants offering authentic and delicious Moroccan cuisine. Here are a few recommendations to enhance your culinary adventure:

  • Le Jardin Secret  – Located in Marrakech, this hidden gem offers a tranquil setting amidst lush gardens. Indulge in traditional Moroccan dishes like couscous, pastilla, and lamb tajine while enjoying the serene atmosphere.
  • Café Clock  – Situated in the heart of Fez, this vibrant restaurant is known for its fusion of traditional Moroccan flavors with modern twists. Treat yourself to their famous camel burger or opt for their vegetarian-friendly options like halloumi salad or falafel wraps.
  • Nomad  – Nestled within the medina of Marrakech, Nomad offers both delectable cuisine and breathtaking rooftop views. Enjoy modern Moroccan dishes like spiced lamb burgers or zaalouk (eggplant puree) while soaking in the vibrant ambiance.
  • La Maison Arabe  – A true culinary institution in Marrakech, La Maison Arabe offers an unforgettable dining experience filled with elegance and sophistication. Savor traditional Moroccan delicacies prepared by skilled chefs, such as tagines, couscous, and pastries.

Whether you prefer exploring the lively street food scene or savoring the flavors in local restaurants, Morocco offers a feast for both your senses and your taste buds.

Traveller Tips for Morocco Day Trip

Embarking on a day trip to Morocco from Spain can be an exciting adventure filled with unique experiences and cultural immersion. To make the most of your journey, here are some valuable traveller tips to keep in mind.

First and foremost, it’s essential to plan and prepare ahead of time. Research about Tangier, the popular day trip destination in Morocco, and familiarize yourself with the attractions it offers. From the Old Medina with its narrow streets and historic buildings to the vibrant Tangier City and its bustling Gran Café de Paris, there’s something for everyone. Consider having a local guide accompany you through the Old Medina to gain insights into its rich history and significance.

When traveling to Morocco, it’s crucial to dress appropriately and respect the local customs. As a Muslim country, modesty is valued, so it’s necessary to avoid clothing that may be too revealing or offensive. This shows respect for their cultural norms and traditions.

Picture yourself wandering through the colorful streets of Tangier’s Old Medina, adorned with exquisite architecture while learning about its captivating history from your knowledgeable guide. You feel a sense of awe as you immerse yourself in this enchanting Moroccan city.

Additionally, when visiting Tanja Marina Bay in Tangier, be sure to take advantage of the incredible panoramic views it offers. You’ll be mesmerized by the medina’s labyrinthine streets, stunning beaches, and glimpses of the city’s modern skyline all at once.

To make the most of your culinary experience during this day trip, consider dining at Rif Kebdani in the heart of the old medina area. It is known for offering authentic Moroccan cuisine, including gluten-free options for those with dietary restrictions. Savor every bite as you indulge in traditional flavors that reflect Morocco’s diverse gastronomy.

Transitioning effectively between countries requires careful consideration of transportation options. The most common way to travel from Spain to Morocco is by taking a fast ferry from Tarifa to Tangier Ville, which typically takes about one hour. Alternatively, you can opt for a flight from cities like Madrid to Casablanca, followed by a train or bus journey within Morocco.

As with any travel experience, it’s important to prioritize safety. Stay vigilant and be aware of your surroundings while exploring Morocco. Although Tangier is generally considered safe for tourists, it’s always wise to take necessary precautions such as keeping your belongings secure and being cautious in unfamiliar areas.

Think of this day trip as an opportunity to step into a different world for a short period of time. It’s like immersing yourself in an enthralling novel, where every page reveals new surprises and culture-rich experiences.

By adhering to these traveller tips, you’ll have the chance to fully appreciate the beauty and vibrancy of Tangier and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Are there any visa requirements for a day trip to Morocco from Spain?

No, there are no visa requirements for a day trip to Morocco from Spain. Since both countries are members of the Schengen Agreement, which allows for passport-free travel within its member states, visitors can enjoy a hassle-free day trip without the need for a visa. As of 2023, this agreement is still in effect, making it convenient and easy for travelers to explore Morocco from Spain for a short period.

What is the best way to travel from Spain to Morocco for a day trip?

The best way to travel from Spain to Morocco for a day trip is by taking a ferry from Tarifa or Algeciras to Tangier. This option offers convenience and the opportunity to visit Tangier’s vibrant markets, historic sites like the Kasbah, and enjoy Moroccan cuisine in just a few hours. With frequent departures and a crossing time of approximately one hour, the ferry provides a quick and enjoyable journey across the Strait of Gibraltar.

How much does a typical day trip to Morocco from Spain cost?

The cost of a typical day trip to Morocco from Spain can vary depending on various factors such as the departure point, mode of transportation, and activities included. On average, a day trip can range from €100 to €200 per person. This includes the round-trip ferry ticket, transportation in Morocco, guided tours, and sometimes lunch. However, it is important to note that prices are subject to change and may vary based on individual preferences and package deals available.

Chefchaouen AKA Blue City

What are the must-see attractions in Morocco on a day trip?

On a day trip to Morocco, the must-see attractions include the vibrant city of Marrakech with its bustling medina and famous Jardin Majorelle; the stunning architecture and history of Casablanca’s Hassan II Mosque; and the charming blue-painted streets of Chefchaouen. These attractions offer a diverse experience of Morocco’s rich culture, architectural beauty, and picturesque scenery. According to data from the Moroccan Ministry of Tourism, these destinations have consistently ranked among the top choices for tourists visiting on day trips from Spain.

It’s easy to get a bus, click here for tickets , from Tangier to the Blue City, AKA Chefchaouen.

What is the most popular city to visit in Morocco on a day trip from Spain?

The most popular city to visit in Morocco on a day trip from Spain is Tangier. Known for its strategic location at the entrance of the Mediterranean Sea, Tangier offers a unique mix of Moroccan and European influences. Its proximity to the Spanish coast makes it easily accessible for day-trippers, with regular high-speed ferry services available. Tangier’s vibrant medina, beautiful beaches, and historical sites like the Kasbah Museum and Caves of Hercules make it a must-visit destination. According to tourism data from 2022, Tangier received the highest number of day trippers from Spain compared to other Moroccan cities.

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How to take a marbella to tangier day trip.

A view from the walls of the old Kasbah. In front there are two old bronze canons, facing towards the sea in front. A man in a green costume is passing by. There are many large colourful flags decorating the walls.

Are you thinking about taking a Marbella to Tangier day trip? Then you have landed in the right place. In this article I want to tell you all about the crossing from the sun kissed beaches of Marbella to the vibrant and exotic Tangier, over the sea.

I will show you all the options to cross the straits of Gibraltar, and give you my opinion on which are the best routes. I will also show you all the great things you can do in Tangier during a day trip.

So, Without further ado, let’s get to it: how to go on a day trip to Tangier, from Marbella.

Is Taking a Marbella to Tangier Day Trip Worth It?

A narrow alley with flower pots on each side, leading to a blue door with white dots on it. The wall on the right hand side is decorated with a blue mosaic band

Is a day trip to Tangier from Marbella worth it? Absolutely! Tangier offers a taste of Morocco’s charm, blending European influences with its own rich Berber history. The city has a vibrant and modern atmosphere, yet it preserves a sense of exotic allure, especially evident in its historic Kasbah. The Medina is compact, perfect for exploring in a day.

Now, let’s dive right in to the logistics and costs associated with taking a day trip from Marbella to Tangier. On average, a day trip to Tangier from Marbella will set you back around 150 euros per person, regardless of whether you choose to go on your own or with the assistance of a guide.

Opting for a guide can be a wise decision, as it allows you to delve deeper into Tangier’s history and cultural nuances. For a better experience, consider hiring a private guide who can tailor the trip to your preferences, ensuring you visit the places that intrigue you most. This personalised approach ensures you won’t be led solely to commercial ventures and shopping spots but rather to the city’s historical landmarks, museums, and points of genuine interest. The problem with going on a group tour is that it will mostly be focused on shopping rather than the culture of the city.

With a private guide at your side, you’ll learn about Tangier’s past as well as it’s present. I was lucky to have a guide who was born and bred in the Kasbah, he was an encyclopaedia of stories and knowledge. Unfortunately I have lost touch with my guide as I lost his card, but you can find a similar experience by clicking here . Make sure to discuss ahead of time what you are looking for from this trip, and what places in Tangier you want to explore.  

The Ferry from Spain to Tangier

A photo of the sea between Tarifa and Tangier. You can see a few large container ships in the haze, in the background.

When deciding on a day trip from Marbella to Tangier, the ferry serves as a vital link between Spain and Morocco. There are two main ferry options available, crossing the strait of Gibraltar: one departing from Algeciras, and the other from Tarifa.

The ferry departing from Algeciras arrives at Tanger Med port in Morocco, located approximately 45 kilometres north of the city of Tangier. While this route offers a great connection to Tangier, it might not be the most convenient choice for a day trip, as it requires additional travel time to reach the city itself.

The more favourable option for a day trip is the ferry from Tarifa to Tangier. This route docks at the Port de Tanger Ville, situated right in the heart of the city, allowing for easy access to Tangier’s Kasbah.

Given the popularity of this ferry route, it’s advisable to book tickets in advance.

It’s always a good idea to bring along some snacks and water for the ferry. Onboard food options can be on the expensive side, and having your refreshments ensures a more comfortable and cost-effective trip.

When it’s time for your return journey, plan to be at the harbour at least one hour before the scheduled departure time. Border control procedures, particularly on the Moroccan side, can be time-consuming, as passport checks might take longer than expected. Additionally, keep in mind that ferry departures may not always adhere strictly to the timetable due to possible delays caused by the windy conditions prevalent in this region of Spain.

To make the most of your day trip from Marbella to Tangier, consider booking an early morning ferry for your departure and opting for a late one for your return. This way, you’ll have plenty of time to explore Tangier without feeling rushed. However, it’s essential not to select the last ferry of the day, as it may be subject to cancellation due to high winds.

Taking a Marella to Tangier Day Trip: Public Transport or Guided Tour?

The fishing harbour in Tangier, with a lot of boats with a blue or red bottom part.

There are several transport options for taking a Marbella to Tangier day trip.

The easiest and most economical way to journey from Marbella to Tangier is by taking a direct bus to the charming coastal town of Tarifa , and then catching a ferry to Tangier. The ferry ride, which takes one hour, operates with departures every two hours, providing you with flexible timing options. Keep in mind that ferry ticket prices typically start at around 40 euros for each leg of the journey.

Keep in mind though that there are only three daily buses that connect Marbella to Tarifa. The fastest among them will get you to Tarifa in approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes. The second option is to take a direct bus to Algeciras, where you can change for Tarifa.

For those seeking a quicker and more streamlined travel experience, booking an organised tour might be the perfect solution. These tours include door-to-door transport from your Marbella hotel directly to Tangier, eliminating the hassle of navigating multiple modes of transport. However, it’s worth noting that opting for an organised tour means you’ll be accompanied by a guide throughout the day, which might limit your ability to explore at your own pace. You can check such an option by clicking here.

Alternatively, if you prefer the freedom to set your own schedule and explore Tangier independently, consider renting a car for the day . Driving to Tarifa will grant you the flexibility to enjoy the scenic route at your leisure. Once you arrive in Tarifa, you can conveniently leave the car in one of the many car parks available around the town, catering specifically to ferry passengers.

What to Do in Tangier on a Day Trip?

Have a coffee in the petit socco  .

The Petit Socco square, with Gran Central Cafe on the right hand side. Above the square there is a large Moroccan flag hanging in the middle. There are many people at the cafe, having tea and coffee and watching the others pass by.

The best place to start your day trip to Tangier is the vibrant Petit Socco. Once the bustling hub of bankers and diplomats’ offices in the 1950s, Petit Socco has evolved into a charming meeting point where the alleys of the Medina converge and the locals gather for social events. Here, you’ll find a small square dotted with inviting cafes, restaurants, and buildings with beautiful stucco facades and elegant iron balconies.

Petit Socco is the perfect place to sit down at and observe the buss of the city, before venturing on one of the narrow alleys going up through the Kasbah.

Explore the Kasbah

A small square in the Kasbah, between white buildings with door and window frames painted in blue. There is a tree on the right, with orange flowers. Underneath it, there is a small cafe  with simple metal chairs and tables. On the right there is a small shop.

One of the highlights of your Tangier day trip is undoubtedly the historic Kasbah, a captivating neighbourhood characterised by narrow alleyways winding up the hill in a maze-like pattern. It’s a sight to behold, and if it was larger, it could be quite easy to lose oneself amidst this intricate labyrinth. However, this is part of the charm of the Kasbah – its compact size invites exploration without feeling overwhelmed.

As you navigate through the Kasbah’s charming alleys, you’ll notice a striking resemblance to the historical Moorish whitewashed villages found in Spain. This architectural connection serves as a reminder of the shared heritage and influences that have shaped both coastal regions across the straits of Gibraltar.

I am posing in front of a sign saying

A fascinating aspect of the Kasbah is its close-knit community, with most of its residents being born and raised within its walls. Generation after generation, families have chosen not to leave this captivating area, fostering a deep-rooted sense of belonging and pride in preserving the neighbourhood’s identity. My guide was born and bred in the Kasbah, and because of that, I was privileged to hear many fascinating stories about the locals and their strong bonds with each other.

The Kasbah is fortified with protective walls, offering not only a sense of historical grandeur but also providing panoramic views of the ocean from the Bab Al Bahr gate.

Find the Tomb of Ibn Battuta

The tomb of Inb Batutta, covered with a green and white fabric. The interior of the building is white, with green window frames.

Within the labyrinthine alleys of the Kasbah lies the final resting place of Ibn Battuta, Morocco’s most renowned traveller. This humble tomb holds the remains of one of the greatest globetrotters of his era, whose remarkable journey spanned an astonishing 30 years.

Ibn Battuta’s voyages took him far and wide, as he embarked on a series of adventures unrivalled in his time. His travel writings offer a captivating insight into the world as it existed during the 14th century.

Shop for Spices In the Souk

A narrow alley in the souk between white shops, with large wooden doors. There are many different carpets and scarfs hanged on the walls of the shops

The Medina of Tangier is a working Medina, meaning that you will find a lot of shops, souks, and different ateliers dotted along the narrow alleyways. It can get quite busy, so be careful.

A visit to Morocco shouldn’t end without a souvenir, some spices such as ras-el-hanout or harissa, and maybe even a new bag or scarf. You will find all of them in the souks in Tangier. Whilst it is quite small compared with the souks in Marrakech or Fez, it’s a good insight on how a market in Morocco looks like. Don’t forget to haggle!

Visit the Tangier American Legation Museum

A visit to Tangier wouldn’t be complete without exploring the American Legion Museum, steeped in a fascinating historical connection between Morocco and the United States. Morocco was the first country to recognise the independence of the United States, which created a strong bond between the two nations.

The American Legion Museum building holds a unique place in history, as it was gifted to the US government by the Sultan of Morocco to serve as their inaugural diplomatic post abroad. This rendered the building the very first property owned by the US outside its borders, and today, it stands as the sole American National Historic Landmark located outside of the States. The building served as the United States Legation and Consulate for 140 years.

Enjoy the Traditional Moroccan Food

A close-up of a fish tagine, topped with bell peppers, olives and lemon slices

Of course, a visit to Morocco, even if it’s just for a day, wouldn’t be complete without trying the local food. As Tangier is a coastal city, I highly recommend trying the fish or seafood tagine. If you want to go for a traditional Moroccan dish , go for the lamb tagine. I also really liked and I can recommend the pastilla, which is a sweet but savoury pie filled with chicken and sprinkled with cinnamon.

If you are looking to delve in the street food, you must try the kalinte, a Moroccan chickpea and egg tart which is served warm with cumin sprinkled on top and sometimes harissa smeared over. It is a very popular street food in the North of Morocco and you won’t find it anywhere else in the country.

Stroll by the Sea

The sea promenade in front of the Kasbah. You can see the old walls on the left, and the harbour on the right, in front.

Before ending your day in Tangier and heading back to the port for the ferry to Tarifa, enjoy a relaxing stroll along the beach and the modern part of the city. From here you will have a different perspective of the Kasbah, stretching over the hill, looking impenetrable from a distance.

For more similar articles, check out my recommendations below:

  • Day trips from Marbella
  • Marbella to Gibraltar Day Trip
  • Marbella to Ronda Day Trip

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Project Description

Morocco tours from spain.

morocco day tour from spain

Discover the magic of Morocco on a tour to Tangier from Spain. Explore the embodiment of Morocco’s history, the UNESCO world heritage city of Fes, Rabat, Volubilis, and Chefchaouen!

Day 1: Tangier – Rabat guided Tour

Upon arrival in Tangier, depending arrive by ferry or plane, you will find our Moroccan driver that will meet you and take you to Rabat, an old imperial Capital of domes and minarets, sweeping terraces, wide avenues, and green spaces. You travel via Larache which is actually, both Andalusian and Arab town in the Atlantic coast. Once in Rabat, a guided city tour to the main attractions is scheduled: The picturesque Oudaia Kasbah, The Medina, which contains the city’s souks, bounded by Almohad ramparts and by the 17th-century Andalusian Wall. Continue your tour to the Hassan Tower, Mausoleum of Mohammed V and the Chella Necropolis where the Roman and Islamic ruins lie side by side whispering endless stories of centuries past… Dinner and night.

Day 2: Rabat – Volubilis – Fez

Day 3: fes – guided tour of the medina, day 4: fes – chefchaouen – tangier.

Imperial Cities Of Morocco map

Tour Overview

Day 1: Tangier – Rabat Day 2: Rabat – Volubilis – Fez Day 3: Fes Day 4: Fes – Chefchaouen – Tangier

what’s included

  • All nights in Riads/hotels (on bed & breakfasts basis)

Full-time Air-conditioned Transportation

Gasoline. Road tolls. Parking fees. Language support.

Full-time Professional English Speaking Driver

Driver accommodation and meals + taxes

Professional local Guides in major cities

All Entrance Fees

Sandboarding, Camel trekking

Overnight with dinner and music in a Private Desert Camp

What You Will See in This Tour

RABAT Chellah

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A Two-Day Trip to Morocco from Spain: Tangier and the Blue City

A mountainside town full of buildings painted light blue

Morocco is easy to visit from Spain, and if you have the opportunity, don’t miss it!

My first time visiting Morocco was not until I had lived in southern Spain for more than 2 years, and I was hooked as soon as I arrived.

The landscape is beautiful and mountainous. The cities are colorful and vibrant. The people are warm, friendly, and welcoming. And the food is flavorful and delicious!

I traveled to Morocco during the month of February with my aunt and cousin. We took the ferry from Tarifa to Tangier and did a private two-day guided tour. As soon as I returned to Spain, I was looking forward to my next trip to Morocco!

In this article, I’ll share highlights from the two cities we visited: Tangier and Chefchaouen (aka The Blue City). Then, I will give you details on the tour guide we used and offer some tips and logistical info to help you plan your trip to Morocco!

Note: I used the English spelling of names and places throughout this article. You may see the French and/or Arabic spellings on Google Maps and elsewhere .

Contents (click to expand)

Day 1: Tangier

We took the 09:00 ferry from Tarifa and arrived an hour later, giving us the full day to explore Tangier. Our guide was waiting for us, and we hopped in the van to begin the first part of the tour.

As we drove out of the ferry port, our first views of Tangier were spectacular. The landscape is a striking mix of old and new as the Old City and the Casbah sit on a cliff overlooking the wide, palm tree-lined boulevard along the sea.

Ferry terminal exit sign with the skyline of Tangier behind it

Our guide explained a bit about the history of Tangier and the differences between the Old and New cities. We first toured the latter, which included a beautiful drive along the road through Cape Spartel nature reserve.

We passed several impressive estates, including the summer palace of Morocco’s King Mohammed VI.

Other highlights of the New City included:

Cape Spartel : This is the northwestern-most point of mainland Africa and about 1000 feet above sea level. It towers above the Strait of Gibraltar, where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Mediterranean Sea.

A sign designating the point where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Mediterranean Sea

Camel Rides at Achakar Beach : If you take a tour in Tangier, more than likely you will have the opportunity to ride a camel down to the beach. Our tour was no exception!

View of camel hoofprints and the guide from on top of a camel

Caves of Hercules : These famous archeological caves are below the cape and date back to 6000 B.C. They have an opening on land and another to the sea. The latter opening is carved in the shape of the African continent.

A carved rock formation in the shape of the continent of Africa

We then visited the Old Town, or “Medina.” It was mostly a walking tour through the winding, narrow streets. Every turn revealed something colorful and interesting.

As lunchtime approached, we wanted to follow our noses to the source of the mouthwatering smells! (We had a delicious lunch at a traditional Moroccan restaurant recommended by our guide).

Highlights of the Medina included:

Casbah – Built in the 17th century, this fortified area of the Medina sits atop a cliff overlooking the sea. Within the walls is the former royal palace, which is now a museum, plus a mosque, residential area, and numerous cafes/restaurants.

An arched gateway through a castle wall

Souk – This is the market area, bustling with hundreds of shops selling everything from artisan crafts to electronics to natural remedies.

You can find nice souvenirs and gifts at any price point. Among the three of us, we bought scarves, jewelry, and a rug!

Remember that bargaining is expected in the souk, so you can and should negotiate the price.

A man working on a loom at a shop in the souk of Tangier

We also stopped at a Berber pharmacy, where we listened to a short explanation of some of the local products used for medicinal purposes by the Berbers, the indigenous people of North Africa.

Our guides dropped us at our hotel in the late afternoon. Having started our day at 06:15 to drive to Tarifa, we were too tired to venture far for dinner, and we ate at our hotel.

Day 2: Chefchaouen (The Blue City)

The next day, our guide picked us up at our hotel at 09:30 and we drove to Chefchaouen. The landscape along the way was very green and mountainous. If you imagine that Morocco is mostly desert, you’re in for a surprise!

A reservoir surrounded by mountains

Even though our destination was Chefchaouen, one of the highlights of our visit to Morocco was the stop at a restaurant along the way. We enjoyed a traditional Moroccan breakfast of pita bread with goat cheese and honey.

The restaurant makes the bread on-site, and we sat on a beautiful outdoor patio overlooking a reservoir surrounded by mountains. The delicious breakfast, served with mint tea, plus the views, were truly memorable.

Chefchaouen is in the mountains, and the drive from Tangier took more than 2 hours. It’s well worth the trip to see this distinctive city. The buildings really are painted beautiful shades of blue!

morocco day tour from spain

Our guides led us through the maze of narrow, winding streets while we did our best to capture the unique beauty of Chefchaouen in photos.

The city has many shops selling traditional handicrafts, including colorful woven blankets, leather goods, and artwork, so it’s a great place to buy souvenirs and gifts.

A narrow street with artisan crafts displayed on each side

We had lunch on the outdoor terrace of a restaurant overlooking Plaza Uta El-Hammam, Chefchaouen’s main square. If you have time, you can visit the Casbah Museum, located in the square. But the best thing to do here is simply take your time and enjoy wandering!

A bright blue door with colorful tile steps leading up to it

After spending the afternoon in Chefchaouen, our guide delivered us back to the Tangier ferry terminal in plenty of time for our 18:00 departure.

Our Tour Guide in Morocco

Our private, customized tour was with Nabil Tangier Tour . I had seen dozens of recommendations for Nabil from members of the military community where we live, so I felt very comfortable choosing him for this special visit with my family.

Just as others had said, the tour was fantastic! We appreciated having local guides who grew up and live in Tangier. Some of the best parts of the tour were their personal stories and experiences.

The van was clean and comfortable, so it was a relaxing way to see the highlights of Tangier. Our driver seemed to magically appear in front of us whenever we were ready to hop in, so we never had to walk back to our starting point.

Also, we had our luggage with us both days, and we left our bags in the van each time we got out. The driver always stayed with the van, so we felt safe leaving our belongings.

It’s worth noting that my husband and I seldom do organized tours when we travel, because we usually prefer to explore on our own . Also, we don’t like to bring the crowds with us.

In this case, I chose to do a tour with my aunt and cousin because none of us had ever been to Morocco, and we wanted an introduction from a local guide. Plus, we were not sure how safe we would feel. (We felt very safe with Nabil and his team.)

On the ferry ride back to Spain, we met some folks who had done one of the group tours through FRS, the ferry company. They had spent the day in a large coach bus full of tourists from various countries, and the guide repeated every explanation in five different languages. It sounded like the exact type of tour I avoid, so I was very glad we opted for a private guide!

Nabil offers members of the US military community a discount off the prices listed on his website . (Note: you can also contact him via e-mail at [email protected] or on Facebook .) All tours are customized, and Nabil can take you to more/different places than we visited. For example, he leads hikes to Akchour Waterfalls in Talassemtane National Park (near Chefchaouen), which is on my list for next time!

I don’t receive monetary compensation for recommending Nabil’s tours. I recommend him because we had a wonderful experience, and he made our first visit to Morocco very memorable. But if you tell him that Stephanie sent you, he might share more of his mom’s delicious homemade cookies the next time I visit!

How to Get from Spain to Morocco

You have two main options to travel between Spain and Morocco: taking a ferry and flying.

Taking the Ferry to Morocco

Taking a ferry is one of the best ways to travel to Morocco from Spain, especially if you’re already in Andalusia (the southern region of Spain). It’s fast and easy, with multiple ferry crossings per day from locations along the Costa del Sol to northern Morocco.

The ferry is also convenient because you don’t need to worry about restrictions on luggage size or liquids, as you do when flying.

There are several ferry routes between southern Spain and Morocco, with ferries originating in the cities of Tarifa and Algeciras (also from Gibraltar).

We caught the ferry from Tarifa, which takes about an hour to reach the port of Tangier Ville. (Note: Tangier Ville port is where you want to go if you plan to start your visit in the city of Tangier. Do not take a ferry to the port of Tangier Med).

Also note that when planning your trip, you must pay attention to the time zone differences. Between late March and late October (Daylight Savings Time in Europe), Spain is 2 hours ahead of Morocco. For the rest of the year, Spain is 1 hour ahead.

FRS is the only ferry company that serves the Tarifa-Tangier Ville route, and we bought our tickets through their website . You can also buy your tickets at the port.

Unlike airfares, the price of the FRS ferry tickets does not vary depending on when you purchase them. Still, if you plan to travel during a busy time of year, it’s a good idea to purchase tickets in advance. You can change the date/time on your ticket free of charge.

Logistics in Tarifa

Public transportation to Tarifa is limited, so the best way to get there is by car. Plan to arrive early to find a parking space, because the lot at Tarifa port is small.

There are also several other public parking lots within a 10-minute walk of the port (you can see them on Google Maps). We used Parking San Sebastián , which is an enclosed garage only a 10 minute walk from the ferry terminal. If you park on the street, read any signage carefully and avoid parking next to curbs painted yellow.

We arrived an hour before our scheduled departure, which was enough time to have a coffee in the café at the ferry terminal before waiting in line to show our tickets and going through security and passport control. At busy times of year, it is recommended to arrive 2 hours in advance.

What to Expect on the Ferry

You board the ferry from the lower level, which is also where cars enter. If you have suitcases, you can stow them on the shelves along the wall.

You will then climb a steep stairway to get to the main level of the ferry (there is no elevator).

The ferry seating area is spacious and comfortable. It has a café, duty free shop, and restrooms, plus free WiFi. It’s a relaxing, scenic ride across the Strait of Gibraltar.

A large seating area with windows out to the sea

Important: While on the ferry (before you arrive in Tangier), you must get your passport stamped by Moroccan immigration authorities. More than likely, you will see a line of passengers waiting to get their stamp, but if not, look for a counter that says Passport Control.

Arriving in Tangier

When you arrive in Tangier Ville, a representative from Moroccan immigration authorities will check your passport as you disembark to ensure that you received your entry stamp.

After passing through the ferry terminal building, you will exit the building into the parking lot. From there, you will see the beautiful city of Tangier only a short distance in front of you.

If you are not meeting a guide, you can easily walk right up to the Old City and begin exploring!

Flying to Morocco

The other main option for traveling between Spain and Morocco is to fly.

In our case, the closest airport with direct flights to Tangier is Seville, but the flight schedules did not work for our plans, and we preferred the ferry, anyway.

Other Spanish cities with direct flights to Tangier include Barcelona, Madrid, Malaga, Valencia, and Bilbao.

Tangier airport is small and only a 20 – 30 minute ride from the city center.

Note: if you arrange a tour with Nabil, he will pick you up at the airport.

Where to Stay in Tangier

We stayed at the Hilton Tanger City, which is in the New City. It was a luxurious hotel at a very reasonable price. Their breakfast buffet, served in the dining room with panoramic views of the city, was fantastic. Click here to check rates for your dates .

There is also a Hilton Garden Inn on the same block as the Hilton Tanger City. It looked very nice but is slightly less expensive. Click here for pricing .

If you prefer to stay in the Old City, our guide recommended these hotels:

  • La Maison de Tanger
  • Palais Zahia Hotel & Spa

Other Tips for Travel to Morocco

You can pay in euros in both Tangier and Chefchaouen. Some places will give you euros in change, while others will give you Moroccan Dirham.

I recommend having smaller bills (5, 10, and 20 euros) so you can tip guides if you are so inclined.

What to Wear in Morocco

First and foremost, wear comfortable shoes. The streets of Old Tangier and Chefchaouen are cobblestone, with many hills, stairs, and areas of uneven pavement.

Women do not need to cover their hair. We wore standard Western clothing, and many others were dressed similarly in Tangier – it is a cosmopolitan city. Still, it’s a different culture, so I do not recommend wearing anything too revealing or flashy, because you may attract unwanted attention.

Ready to Go to Morocco?

If you’re planning to visit southern Spain, Morocco is an easy add-on and well worth the detour. At a minimum, do a Tangier day trip and return to Spain the same evening. But I recommend staying at least one night so you can visit Chefchaouen or take more time to explore Tangier.

Either way, don’t miss the opportunity to visit a country that is unlike anything you will experience in Europe!

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17 thoughts on “A Two-Day Trip to Morocco from Spain: Tangier and the Blue City”

Thanks Stephanie, always enjoy your reports!

Thanks for reading, Laura!

That was a great read! I’m inspired to visit & appreciate your concise writing & recommendations for lodging & guide services. Thank You!

Thank you Michael! If you visit, please report back and let us know what you thought!

Thank you, Stephanie. I save every email from you and appreciate your time and details/links provided. And the photos 💙

What time of year is best to visit Morocco?

Thanks Barbara! We were there in February, and it was very comfortable. Personally, I would avoid the summer, because it can get pretty hot. I think spring and fall are nice times.

Was never interested in Morocco until reading your report. I appreciate your detailed explanations of how to get there, a reliable guide and a hotel you recommend. And that you felt safe. Thank you!

Thanks for reading! I’m glad you are inspired to visit!

Wow, this article came at the right time. We were just discussing last night that we need to hire a guide when we are in Tangier for one day in May. We just hired Nabil. SO excited!

You will have a great time! Enjoy!

Hi! Thank you for sharing! Do you think Tangier would be safe to visit (with Nabil) alone with my son, age 11?

Absolutely. He is very attentive and we felt safe the whole time. I should also add that there was nothing about Tangier that made me feel unsafe – it is a beautiful city and the people were lovely.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have thoroughly read, and enjoyed all your posts. Stephanie, keep up the great work, or should I say adventures!

Thank you, Terry! And thanks for reading!

We just did the Tangier, Morocco tour in May, booked from the FRS ferry company, and I can confirm that the bus tour is miserable! I thought we would be broken into groups based on the language we spoke, but no, and it was a hot mess. Besides the 5 different languages, the mic they used had the quality of a child’s toy microphone. They stopped for 15 minutes on a hillside where we could get pics with camels or do a quick ride, and the camels were so mistreated, they were getting smacked for doing absolutely nothing wrong. In the casbah area, people were constantly being lost/left behind and one Spanish lady on the tour became irrate at the guide for leaving her and her children. (Imagine very narrow sidewalks surrounded with buildings and no visible points of reference since everything looks the same). SO, I will encourage everyone to take your advice and get that private guide!

Hi Susan, Thanks for sharing your experience! I hope you have another opportunity to visit Morocco with a better tour!

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Explore Madrid, Toledo, Marrakesh, Fes, Seville, Casablanca and Lisbon

Discover  Rabat, Tangier, Fátima and Salamanca

Visit the Synagogue and Santo Tomé in Toledo, the Alhambra in Granada, Dar El Bacha and a Moroccan pharmacy in Marrakesh, the Cathedral in Seville, the Hieronymite Monastery in Lisbon and Plaza Mayor in Salamanca

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Return ferry crossings between Spain and Morocco

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Three local female weavers in colourful traditional local dress including festooned hats, weaving colourful alpaca wool on the ground


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morocco day tour from spain

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  • About this activity

3 Days Morocco Tour from Spain

  • Free cancellation available
  • Mobile voucher
  • Instant confirmation
  • Selective hotel pickup
  • Multiple languages

Journey to the magical country of Morocco on this 3-day private guided tour from Spain’s Andalusia region. Take a weekend break from Spain, or pair this tour with your Spain vacation. With your guide, cross the Alboran sea to North Africa, and explore the Kingdom of Morocco. Visit Fes, Tangier, and the Mystical town of Chefchaouen. This comprehensive tour includes a cultural sightseeing experiences, trekking in the Rif Mountains, museums visits, and time for shopping in the famous Fes souks.

Activity and redemption location map

Activity location

  • 30110, Fes, Morocco, Morocco

Meeting/Redemption Point

  • Sat, Jun 8 -
  • Sun, Jun 9 $1,398
  • Mon, Jun 10 $1,398
  • Tue, Jun 11 $1,398
  • Wed, Jun 12 $1,398
  • Thu, Jun 13 $1,398
  • Fri, Jun 14 $1,398
  • Sat, Jun 15 $1,398
  • Sun, Jun 16 $1,398
  • Mon, Jun 17 $1,398
  • Tue, Jun 18 $1,398
  • Wed, Jun 19 $1,398
  • Thu, Jun 20 $1,398
  • Fri, Jun 21 $1,398
  • Sat, Jun 22 $1,398

Upgrade 5 stars

  • Activity duration is 3 days 3d 3d

5 stars Riads Pickup included

All year: 03 Days Morocco Escapade Tour from Spain Pickup included

What's included, what's not

  • What's included What's included 2 nights accommodation
  • What's included What's included Private tour
  • What's included What's included Tour escort/host
  • What's included What's included Transport by air-conditioned minivan
  • What's excluded What's excluded Food and drinks, unless specified
  • What's excluded What's excluded Gratuities

Know before you book

  • Specialized infant seats are available
  • Suitable for all physical fitness levels
  • Child rate applies only when sharing with 2 paying adults
  • A minimum of 02 people per booking is required

Activity itinerary

Day 1: tangier – volubilis – meknes – fes.

  • Meals: Not included
  • Accommodation: Overnight in 4 stars Riad in Fes
  • Admission ticket included

Day 2: Fes - Chefchaouen

  • Meals: breakfast
  • Accommodation: Accommodation in 4 stars riad in Chefchaouen

Fes el-Bali

Day 3: chefchaouen - tangier.

  • Accommodation: Not included


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Cruising the Bay of Gibraltar - Dolphin Watch

Wildlife enthusiasts will be especially excited about the Cruising the Bay of Gibraltar - Dolphin Watch excursion. You'll start your day by boarding a boat that will take you around the Bay of Gibraltar, allowing you to view all the sights of the city from out at sea. Since Gibraltar is known for its cetacean population, you'll likely catch a glimpse of dolphins on your tour. You might even see some other wildlife, such as flying fish, whales, and sunfish. When your tour concludes, you can return to the ship or stay on shore to explore even more of Gibraltar.

Gibraltar With Less Walking and English Tea

If you're not a fan of long walking tours but still want to see everything Gibraltar has to offer, Norwegian has you covered with the Gibraltar With Less Walking and English Tea excursion. This excursion involves riding on a minibus around all the most exciting sights in Gibraltar, including the airport runway, the Spanish Frontier, and Devil's Tower Road. You'll also pass by Catalan Bay, the American War Memorial, Trinity Lighthouse, and Trafalgar Cemetery. After your bus tour, you'll enjoy traditional English tea at Rock Hotel, which includes a pot of hot tea as well as sandwiches and British pastries.

Europa point, the southernmost point of Gibraltar

Traditional Andaluz Cork and Cattle Farm

For cruisers who want to explore some of the less well-known destinations in Gibraltar, there's the Traditional Andaluz Cork and Cattle Farm excursion. This activity begins with a scenic drive around the Bay of Gibraltar, bringing you to a photo opportunity at El Mirador right before you reach the Natural Cork Forest Park. Once you're inside the forest, you'll travel to an Andaluz farmhouse from 1797, showcasing a historical representation of life in Gibraltar. You'll get to learn everything you could imagine about farming and processing cork here, including the farm's exclusive technique for making the ideal cork for bottles.

This excursion also includes chances to get up close to the Retinto cattle on the farm. These cattle are famous in the region and known as one of the purest breeds in Spain. Finally, you'll get to enjoy a meal of tapas and local wine. There's even a shop where you can purchase cork and leather products, olive oils, souvenirs handmade by local artisans, and exceptionally delicious wines.

Cable car ride with a view of the city of Gibraltar

A City Under Siege

If you're interested in the history of wars, you'll enjoy the excursion A City Under Siege . When taking this tour, you'll ride a cable car to the Top Station at the peak of Gibraltar's rock, offering uniquely beautiful views of the scenery. Then, an expert guide will teach you about the historical Top Station, including its use during World War II. After touring the station, you'll journey to the Middle Station to meet the Rock Apes who roam free on the grounds. You'll also visit other historical sites, such as Princess Caroline's Battery, the Moorish Castle, and the Gibraltar Museum.

Rock Tour - By Taxi

Another option for cruisers who want to see the sights of Gibraltar without walking all day is the Rock Tour - By Taxi excursion. This tour involves driving around the most exciting and significant parts of Gibraltar, including the Waterport Gates district, the Cross of Sacrifice war memorial, and the airport runway that creates a border between Gibraltar and Spain. You'll also stop at a few destinations along the way, including the Trinity House Lighthouse, Europa Point, and St. Michael's Cave, allowing you to get up close and personal with the city's rich history and beautiful architecture.

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  3. 3 Days Morocco Tour from Spain 2024

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  5. Morocco tour from Spain

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  1. Day Trip to Morocco from Spain: Full Day Itinerary

    Tangier is a large port city in Morocco located across the Strait of Gibraltar, where Africa meets Europe. At 27km (17 miles) from the Spanish coast, it's one of the most popular Morocco day trip destinations from Spain. If you book the fast ferry, you can be there in an hour. So that is another reason why visitors choose to visit for the day.

  2. Morocco Day Trip from Spain: Your Ultimate Guide

    Why Choose a Day Trip to Morocco. Visiting Morocco for a day trip from Spain is an excellent opportunity for you to experience the charm, culture, and history of a fascinating country without having to commit to a lengthy stay. Tangier, one of the most popular day trip destinations in Morocco, is only 27km (17 miles) from the Spanish coast and can be reached in just an hour by fast ferry.

  3. Spain to Morocco Day Trip

    A Spain to Morocco ferry is the easiest and cheapest option. The Algeciras ferry arrives in Tangier-Med port, around 50 kilometers away from the city, and takes 90 minutes. This is the perfect ferry if you're taking your own car on a road trip and want to see some of the Moroccan countryside.

  4. Day Trip To Morocco From Spain: Full Day Itinerary

    A day trip to Morocco from Spain offers a unique opportunity for travelers to experience the vibrant culture and rich history of this North African country. Located just a short ferry ride away, Tangier, Morocco's gateway city, is a popular destination for those seeking a taste of Moroccan life.

  5. The Best 10 Morocco Tours From Spain 2024/2025

    Morocco tours from Spain, a mesmerizing voyage that bridges two worlds, seamlessly blending the charm of Spain with Morocco's allure. Embark on this enchanting adventure many times, each journey unveiling the rich tapestry of history, culture, and natural beauty. Whether departing from Seville, Costa Del Sol, or Tarifa, your day trip to ...

  6. The Best Private Day Trips To Morocco From Spain 2024

    Deep South of Morocco 7 Days/6 Nights. Details.. We specialize in creating unforgettable experiences with day trips from Spain and private Morocco tours. Explore the magic of Morocco as you embark on guided journeys through its historic cities, mesmerizing landscapes, and vibrant culture. Let us be your trusted partner in discovering the best ...

  7. Tangier, Morocco Day Trip from Costa del Sol 2024

    Full-day tour to Tangier, Morocco, from Costa del Sol, Spain. Admite views of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean on the ferry ride across the Strait of Gibraltar. Enjoy a panoramic bus tour of Tangier. Walk around the medina and go shopping in Tangier's bazaar. Have a traditional Moroccan lunch at a local restaurant (included)

  8. From Málaga: Morocco Day Trip with Tour Guide and Lunch

    Meet your guide at the pickup point in Malaga and hop on the bus to Algeciras. During the trip, journey through Malaga and along the Costa del Sol while the guide tells you anecdotes and curiosities about Morocco. Arrive at Algeciras to board an express ferry. Sail for 60 minutes to Ceuta across the strait. Once in Ceuta, set foot on Moroccan ...

  9. Best Day Trip To Morocco From Spain

    The private luxury day trip to Morocco from Spain is not suitable for wheelchair users as the Medina (old town). We invite you to take a look at the full-day trip to Tangier from Tarifa, Spain, or the Tangier guided walking tour.; Please note that once you submit your booking form, we will subsequently send you through the confirmation file displaying further travel tips on how to get to ...

  10. Tangier Direct from Malaga

    Discover the magic of Morocco on this full-day trip from Malaga to Tangier. After sailing across the Strait of Gibraltar, enjoy a coach tour around the tree-lined boulevards of modern Tangier, Morocco's northern port city. Savor the sights and sounds of North Africa on a walking tour of the old 'medina' (walled city). Visit souks, scout for souvenirs at a bazaar, see the 'casbah ...

  11. Day Trip To Morocco From Spain: Amazing Sights and Smells

    The cost of a typical day trip to Morocco from Spain can vary depending on various factors such as the departure point, mode of transportation, and activities included. On average, a day trip can range from €100 to €200 per person. This includes the round-trip ferry ticket, transportation in Morocco, guided tours, and sometimes lunch.

  12. How to Take a Marbella to Tangier Day Trip

    There are several transport options for taking a Marbella to Tangier day trip. The easiest and most economical way to journey from Marbella to Tangier is by taking a direct bus to the charming coastal town of Tarifa, and then catching a ferry to Tangier. The ferry ride, which takes one hour, operates with departures every two hours, providing ...

  13. THE TOP 10 Morocco Day Trips (w/Prices)

    Essaouira Day Trip from Marrakech. 1,170. Visit the seaside city of Essaouira on Morocco's Atlantic coast on this day trip from Marrakech. Essaouira has plenty to explore, from the medina and souks to the port and beach, and you'll have ample free time to enjoy the area.

  14. Morocco Day Trip with Tour Guide and Lunch from Algeciras

    Enjoy a highlights walking tour of this iconic place and explore the local market. Savor a traditional Moroccan lunch. Meet your guide at the meeting point in Gibraltar or Algeciras to start your exciting 1-day journey to Morocco. Once in Algeciras, board the fast ferry for a 45-minute ride to Ceuta, taking in beautiful views of the sea as you ...

  15. 10 Best Morocco and Spain Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    Portugal, Andalucia and Morocco from Madrid. Atlantic Route, From Casablanca to Lisbon. Portugal, Andalusia and Morocco (Multi country) Iberian Discovery & Morocco. Morocco and Spain Historical Discovery. 18-Day Tour to Portugal, Andalusia and Morocco from Madrid.

  16. Morocco Tours From Spain

    Morocco Tours From Spain Discover the magic of Morocco on a tour to Tangier from Spain. Explore the embodiment of Morocco's history, the UNESCO world heritage city of Fes, Rabat, Volubilis, and Chefchaouen! Day 1: Tangier - Rabat guided Tour Upon arrival in Tangier, depending arrive by ferry or plane, you will find our

  17. From Spain to Morocco: How to Plan A Perfect Moroccan Day Trip

    Traveling from Spain to Morocco makes for an enchanting day trip that belongs on any southern Spain itinerary. It's an opportunity to enjoy the blend of beauty and culture that bridges Europe and Africa. But it takes some planning. Continue reading to get the information and insight you need about traveling from Spain to Morocco, and vice versa.

  18. A Two-Day Trip to Morocco from Spain: Tangier and the Blue City

    Day 1: Tangier. We took the 09:00 ferry from Tarifa and arrived an hour later, giving us the full day to explore Tangier. Our guide was waiting for us, and we hopped in the van to begin the first part of the tour. As we drove out of the ferry port, our first views of Tangier were spectacular.

  19. Spain Morocco and Portugal

    16 Day Tour of Madrid, Granada, Marrakesh and Lisbon. Every day is an adventure on this Spain, Portugal and Morocco trip, whether you're enjoying a traditional barbeque with the Albaserrada family at their farm in Andalusia, celebrating Portugal's proud seafaring heritage or venturing deep within the ancient Medina of Fes to find treasures ...

  20. 3 Days Morocco Tour from Spain

    Journey to the magical country of Morocco on this 3-day private guided tour from Spain's Andalusia region. Take a weekend break from Spain, or pair this tour with your Spain vacation. With your guide, cross the Alboran sea to North Africa, and explore the Kingdom of Morocco. Visit Fes, Tangier, and the Mystical town of Chefchaouen.

  21. THE TOP 10 BEST Day Trips from Malaga to Tangier in 2024

    Tangier & Asilah Private Tour with from Malaga or Marbella. 6. Explore beyond southern Spain with a full-day private tour to Morocco, including Tangier and Asilah. Get picked up at your hotel in Malaga or Marbella and set out on a full-day adventure, beginning with a ferry crossing from Spain to Morocco.

  22. 10 Days in Spain & Morocco

    Itinerary #5: Spain & Morocco Coastal Getaway. Crafted especially for those who want to explore coastal cities, this 10-day Spain and Morocco getaway features stays in Málaga, Cádiz, Tangier, and more. Begin your trip with a memorable tapas tour, a visit to the clifftop town of Ronda, and a sunset cruise along the Andalusia coast.

  23. Top Things to do in Gibraltar, United Kingdom

    11-Day Europe Round-trip Lisbon: Spain, Morocco & Gibraltar 10-Day Europe Round-trip from Paris to Barcelona: France, Spain & England. Cruising the Bay of Gibraltar - Dolphin Watch. Wildlife enthusiasts will be especially excited about the Cruising the Bay of Gibraltar - Dolphin Watch excursion. You'll start your day by boarding a boat that ...

  24. Soccer Scores

    Live scores for all soccer major league games on ESPN. Includes box scores, video highlights, play breakdowns and updated odds.

  25. 3 Days Morocco Tour from Spain 2024

    Enhance your Andalusia trip by swapping Spain for a 3-day private guided tour in Morocco. You'll save hours researching your trip and planning transport by having everything organized for you. A ferry crossing is included, as well as minivan transport. Morocco highlights include Fes, Tangier, and Chefchaouen. Conveniently, accommodation is provided, as well as many activities such as museum ...

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