Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood

By marjane satrapi, persepolis: the story of a childhood summary and analysis of "the sheep," "the trip," and "the f-14's".

Marjane ’s Uncle Anoosh stays with the family for a time. He and her father have intense political debates. Marjane’s father is a bit perplexed by the political trajectory of the country -- the Revolution had been leftist while the Republic is now Islamic. Anoosh explains that because Iran is largely uneducated and illiterate, the people cannot unite behind ideas. They must unite around nationalism or a religious ideal. Anoosh predicts that the religious leaders will have no interest in ruling the country and will soon return to their mosques letting the people rule the country.

Outside at play, Marjane finds out that a boy she has a crush on is moving to the United States. The boy’s parents fear living under an Islamic regime. Another boy is excited for his friend, saying that he will probably meet Bruce Lee, though Marjane knows Bruce Lee is dead. Soon, others in Marjane’s family leave for the United States. Marjane’s mother worries that they should leave, but her father refuses to leave their affluent station in life. In America , he declares, he would be a taxi driver and she would be a cleaning lady. Marjane’s father is sure that everyone will soon come back to Iran.

One evening, the family receives a phone call and learns that Mohsen has been killed. He had been drowned in his bathtub. The authorities call it an accident, but “when they found his body, only his head was underwater.” A group of men calling themselves the “deliverers of divine justice” soon comes for Siamak and, when they are unable to find him, murders his sister. Siamak and his family leave Iran, hiding amongst a flock of sheep to cross the border. Anoosh’s pronouncements that everything will be all right become harder to believe. This is how “all the former revolutionaries became the sworn enemies of the republic.”

One day, Marjane’s mother picks her up from school. Marjane asks why Anoosh has not picked her up and her mother tells her that Anoosh has gone back to Moscow to see his wife. Secretly, Marjane understands that he has been taken and imprisoned once again. Her parents avoid the topic at dinner before her father finally tells her the truth: Anoosh has been arrested but he has asked that his one visitor be Marjane. She goes to visit him and he tells her that she is “the little girl I always wanted to have.” He gives her a bread swan. It is the last time that Marjane sees her uncle. A few days later, a headline in the newspaper reads, “Russian Spy Executed.” Marjane attempts to repeat her uncle’s words that “Everything will be alright,” but when her friend God appears Marjane yells at him and tells him to get out of her life. Marjane imagines floating, alone, in empty space, “lost, without any bearings....” A shout interrupts her dream. Her parents yell for her to run to the basement because “we’re being bombed!”

Marjane’s father reads the paper one morning and curses at the headlines -- the American Embassy has been occupied. The paper shows a picture of a fire and an American flag. Marjane’s mother is uninterested because “the Americans are dummies.” Her father tells them that this means there will be no more visas to the US, so Marjane is sad that “my great dream went up in smoke. I wouldn’t be able to go to the United States.” A few days later, the television news announces that all universities will close. A bearded man declares that it is “better to have no students at all than to educate future imperialists.” Marjane sees another of her dreams -- to be like Marie Curie -- disappear. She fears that “at the age that Marie Curie first went to France to study, I’ll probably have ten children....”

One night, the car of Marjane’s mother breaks down, and Marjane and her father drive to get her. Suddenly, they see her mother running down the street, crying and in terror. She tells them that a group of men surrounded her and insulted her. They told her that she should wear a veil or else she would “be pushed up against a wall and fucked. And then thrown in the garbage.” Her mother is sick for several days after the incident. A decree that all women must wear veils is instituted soon after the incident. Marjane explains that there are then two types of women: the fundamentalist woman who covers herself from head to toe, and the modern woman, who covers almost all of her body except for her face and hands and who shows opposition by “letting a few strands of hair show.” Men are similar, differing only in whether a man shaves his beard and tucks in his shirt. Their neighbors change as well and adopt the strict dress and customs. Marjane’s parents instruct her always to tell people that she prays everyday and soon it becomes a competition between her and her friends to see who prays more.

Despite these harsh rules, a spirit of revolution is still in the air and for the first time Marjane’s parents allow her to attend a rally. With her face shown as half-dark and half-light, Marjane goes out in the streets to pass out fliers. A crowd chants: “Guns may shoot and knives may carve, but we won’t wear your silly scarves!” Then things get “nasty,” and a group of fundamentalist men attacks the protestors with clubs. They beat and stab many of the protestors and Marjane and her family run. It is the last demonstration that they attend.

After the violence, she and her family go on vacation to Italy and Spain because they know it might be their last chance to leave the country. In the hotel room, one evening, Marjane’s father sees a Spanish language news broadcast in which a picture of Iran is slowly covered by a black cloud. Marjane’s father is worried because the report seems to be talking about the whole country and not just the capital city. When they arrive back home, Marjane’s grandmother tells them that the country has gone to war. The fundamentalists have attempted to “stir up their Iraqi Shiite allies against Saddam” and Iraq has declared war on Iran. It is the “second invasion in 1400 years!” Marjane is angry and ready to fight for her country.

Marjane is with her father at work one day when a group of fighter jets flies over Tehran. Everyone in the office is terrified. Marjane thinks it is the Iranian air force but her father does not recognize the planes as Iranian F-14 jets. They turn on the radio to hear that Iraqi jets have bombed the city. They quickly return home. Marjane asks her father if he will fight against Iran and he answers, “Of course I’m not going to fight. Why should I?” She tells him that the Iraqi’s have always been Iran’s sworn enemies because, “The Arabs never liked the Persians...They attacked us 1400 years ago. They forced their religion on us.” Her father answers, “The real Islamic invasion has come from our own government.” When they reach home, they find Marjane’s mother in the shower, completely unaware that anything has happened.

Later that evening, Marjane declares that, “We have to bomb Baghdad!” Her parents tell her that all the fighter jet pilots had been imprisoned during the coup d’état and that they would have to be released from prison first. Marjane remembers that one of her friend’s fathers is a pilot but her father tells her that he had been imprisoned. Marjane is angry with her father for being a defeatist. Suddenly, the family hears the Iranian national anthem playing on TV. The anthem had been banned and replaced by a new anthem of the Islamic regime. The family is overwhelmed as they hear the music. The news announces that Iranian fighter jets have bombed Iraq. They celebrate the news and learn that President Banisadr had ordered the release of the pilots after they had negotiated to have the national anthem broadcast. The rest of the news is not good: many planes and pilots had been lost in the attack.

The next day at school, Marjane runs to find her friend Pardisse whose father had been one of the released pilots. She knows right away that Pardisse’s father has been killed. In class, the teacher asks all the students to write a report on the war. Marjane writes a long essay on “the historical context” of the war. The teacher is not impressed, however, and instead calls on Pardisse to read her essay. In that essay, Pardisse writes of how she has promised to take care of her mother and little brother after her father’s death. After class, Marjane tells Pardisse that her father is a true hero. Pardisse tells her, “I wish he were alive and in jail rather than dead and a hero.”

In “The Sheep,” Satrapi uses a conversation between her Uncle and her father to explain why Iran’s Revolution resulted in the rule of a fundamentalist Islamic regime. During the Revolution, leftist and religious factions joined together to protest the rule of the Shah and to bring about his demise. However, after the Revolution, the Islamic religious leaders stepped in to bring order to the country. Anoosh’s explanation for this is that the Iranian people, who are illiterate and uneducated, need a religious and moral basis for establishing a new state. Religion, not ideas, provides this basis. Religion, thus, is seen as a tool for the powerful to use in order to rule the ignorant.

The title of this chapter, “The Sheep,” works on a metaphorical level. In a literal sense, a sheep herd is the mode of transportation that Siamak and his family use to cross the Iranian border and escape persecution, but it is also representative of the general population of Iran, as well as Marjane’s family who leave for the United States. Like sheep that simply follow each other with no notion of direction or purpose, Satrapi is arguing here that the people of Iran have made an unconscious decision to follow the religious leaders for no other reason than that they cannot determine a purpose or direction for the country without them. Marjane’s family also imitates the sheep, blindly leaving for a life in the United States.

Anoosh’s arrest, imprisonment, and execution represent the novel’s turning point. Her hero, Anoosh, once again becomes a victim of political persecution. While Marjane’s relationship with her parents is certainly a loving one, the novel portrays her relationship with her uncle as the tenderest one. This means that his death is particularly difficult for her. Anoosh’s death represents Marjane’s break from a childish conception of a God that had represented love, justice, and holy wrath for evil. Marjane finds herself lost and without direction, much as the general Iranian population is lost and without direction. Marjane’s crisis is the inverse, however, in that she begins her rejection of religion while the people of Iran embrace what becomes a cruel religious fundamentalism.

The chapter “The Trip” uses important imagery to chart the progress of Marjane’s struggle with identity. The first imagine that the author uses is a picture her own face right before she goes to protest the regime. It is half covered in dark and half covered in light. The dark symbolizes the metaphysical void that has occurred. She has rejected God, and she is lost in a kind of inner darkness. The light is representative of the spirit of revolution that still permeates Tehran. She and her parents still see a hope in the rise of the leftist demonstrators, yet find that the religious fundamentalists go much further in their violence than had the Shah’s forces. This leads into the second image of darkness -- the dark cloud that Marjane’s father sees descending over the country on a television newscast. This cloud represents the same darkness and void that Marjane experiences in her own life.

In “The F-14’s,” Marjane begins a struggle with her feelings of nationalism. She is unable to find a cause to root for in the fundamentalist government and, instead, finds her national pride in the great Persian empires. She correlates the war with Iraq with the Arab invasion of Persia 1400 years before and claims that it is patriotic and just to fight the Arab forces. Her father understands the real war is not just with another country but is, instead, a war inside of the country between those that envision a modern Iran and those that adhere to extremism.

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Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

“The Veil”: How was education affected by the new regime? Why?

Check this out below.

Persepolis is a graphic novel. Why do you think Satrapi chose this genre to tell her story?

As a graphic novel, it purposefully rejects the Islamic tenet that there should be no iconic representations of the faith. It boldly denounces the brutality of the regime and calls into question the legitimacy of its rule. The book challenges the...

. Why did Marji’s family continue to hold parties despite the danger?

The Satrapis hold a party to celebrate Marjane’s aunt and the birth of her child. The parties are necessary because “without them it wouldn’t be psychologically bearable....”

Study Guide for Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood

Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood study guide contains a biography of Marjane Satrapi, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

  • About Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood
  • Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood Summary
  • Character List

Essays for Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood

Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood by Marjane Satrapi.

  • Unconventional Autobiographies: Arabesques and Persepolis
  • The Gray Area Dialogue: An Analysis of Western Perspective in Satrapi’s Persepolis
  • Persepolis: A Bildungsroman
  • Nationalism in the Questionable Legitimization of Conflict in Satrapi’s Persepolis
  • Persepolis and Martyrdom

Lesson Plan for Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood

  • About the Author
  • Study Objectives
  • Common Core Standards
  • Introduction to Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood
  • Relationship to Other Books
  • Bringing in Technology
  • Notes to the Teacher
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  • Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood Bibliography

Wikipedia Entries for Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood

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the trip analysis persepolis

the trip analysis persepolis

Marjane Satrapi

Ask litcharts ai: the answer to your questions, marjane’s parents (mother and father).

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Full page panels in persepolis.

Hello again,

At the beginning of the semester in Arts Studies, we read and discussed the book, Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi. In this graphic memoir, Marji (a younger version of Satrapi and protagonist in the text) is living in Iran during the Revolution and is telling stories from her life.  I wanted to revisit the book because I find the author uses some very interesting techniques in her illustration. For the most part her panels are laid out two or three in a row in three rows but in certain points of the story Satrapi changes that norm to put larger panels on the page. The question I pose in this blog is, what is the purpose for using panels that take up the entire page?

The first instance a full page panel is found is on page 42. The page before shows how the Shah was ousted from power. The caption at the very top of the page reads, “The day he left, the country had the biggest celebration of its entire history,” and below is shown a large group of about 30 people, each with a smile on their face and many hands showing peace signs. Every person has a different pattern on their shirt and no two faces look the same. Marji and her family can be found in the bottom left corner of the panel. Satrapi uses a full page to relay the immense size of the event. She wants the audience to know that the celebration was truly the largest the country had ever been apart of and therefore she uses the largest panel she could for it.

The second time the author uses this kind of image is further in the book on page 71. On the top of the panel is written, “And so I was lost, without any bearings… What could be worse than that?” This panel is about how she feels after she has been disconnected from God and she feels alone in the universe. The illustration is almost completely dark with a couple of stars, a planet, and a lone Marji floating out in space. In the bottom right corner is a jagged speech balloon saying, “Marji, run to the basement we’re being bombed!” in bold, capital letters. At the very bottom on the page, the caption says, “it was the beginning of the war.” In this case, Satrapi uses the large panel to signify two different things, how small Marji feels in this moment and the polar extremes between the quiet of space and the force of the bombs. This particular part of the story is when Marji grows up and is no longer a child.

Satrapi uses this device is on page 77 as well. In this panel is an illustration of Marji and her family riding a magic carpet between an Euopean tower, apartment building, and the leaning tower of Pisa. There are images of curls and waves all around them to signify the wind. The caption on the image reads, “In September 1980, my parents abruptly planned a vacation. I think they realizd that soon such things would no longer be possible. And so we went to Italy and Spain for three weeks… It was wonderful.” The fact that this panel is so large is supposed to represent how wonderful the trip was for Marji and how it was the very last time that her and her parents went away together. This is the final time that Marji gets to spend quality time with her parents without the war in the foreground.

Satrapi has many uses of full page panels. The panels are metaphors for extremes in the story and are used in order to show the audience how important the different aspects of the story are. This panels also show a finality in Marji’s life where something comes to and end or the plot drastically changes.

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Analysis of Marjane Satrapi’s Use of Literary Devices in Persepolis

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Published: Dec 16, 2021

Words: 1310 | Pages: 3 | 7 min read

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Introduction, persepolis: analysis of literary devices, stream-of-consciousness, first person narrative.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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Why Is Putin in Vietnam?

President Vladimir V. Putin is keen to maintain the longstanding military ties between Russia and Vietnam, as Hanoi has developed deeper bonds with Washington.

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the trip analysis persepolis

By Sui-Lee Wee

Reporting from Bangkok

President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia wrapped up a state visit to one ally, North Korea, and moved on to another, Vietnam, arriving early Thursday hoping to shore up crucial partnerships in the region as he wages a protracted war in Ukraine.

Mr. Putin’s war in Ukraine has left him isolated from the West, and his need for munitions to fight that war has pushed him closer to North Korea and its leader, Kim Jong-un. The two leaders have bonded over their common historical opponent, the United States, and on Wednesday revived a Cold War-era mutual defense pledge between their nations.

In Vietnam, by contrast, Mr. Putin met with officials who have recently forged deeper bonds with Washington. But Moscow has long been Hanoi’s main source of weapons, and Mr. Putin is keen to hold on to that position.

It is Mr. Putin’s fifth visit to Vietnam and follows trips last year by President Biden and President Xi Jinping of China, two leaders who sought assurances from Hanoi that it was not taking the other’s side.

For Vietnam, Mr. Putin’s trip will be an opportunity to solidify ties with Russia, its most important defense partner. Even though it has upgraded relations with the United States, Vietnam was still looking for secret ways last year to purchase Russian military equipment in contravention of American sanctions.

On Thursday morning, in typical scripted fashion, Vietnamese schoolchildren — waving both the Russian and Vietnamese flags — lined the Hanoi streets as Mr. Putin’s motorcade drove by. He was greeted by Vietnam’s newly installed president , To Lam, who gave him a hug.

Later, Mr. Putin was given a 21-gun salute at the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long, an important historical site in the center of the capital. A military band played the national anthems of both countries. The two leaders will hold a news conference after the talks are over, according to Vietnamese state media.

Washington has rebuked Hanoi for inviting the Russian leader, saying, “No country should give Putin a platform to promote his war of aggression and otherwise allow him to normalize his atrocities.”

This week, Mr. Lam told the local Russian envoy that Hanoi “always considers Russia one of the top priority partners in its foreign policy.”

Here’s what to know about relations between Moscow and Hanoi.

Russia and Vietnam have deep military ties.

In 1950, the Soviet Union was among the first countries to give diplomatic recognition to what was then the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, or North Vietnam. Over decades, Moscow became Vietnam’s biggest donor, providing military aid when Hanoi was fighting its wars against France and the United States.

The defense relationship has underpinned many ties between the two countries, which over the years also shared communist ideology. Mr. Putin arrived in Vietnam with his new defense minister, Andrei R. Belousov, underscoring how security matters are central to the visit.

Russian equipment represents about 60 percent to 70 percent of Vietnam’s defense arsenal, according to Nguyen The Phuong, who studies Vietnam’s military affairs at the University of New South Wales in Australia. Russia has supplied Vietnam with coastal defense missile systems, six Kilo-class submarines, fighter jets and many more lethal weapons.

Nearly all of Vietnam’s naval vessels come from Russia, according to Mr. Phuong. Russia’s T-90 tanks, which were the last-known major purchase of Russian arms by Vietnam in 2016, form the backbone of Vietnam’s armored forces, he added. This means that Vietnam is still going to be reliant on Russia in the years to come.

Vietnam has looked beyond Russia for weapons.

But the imposition of Western sanctions on Moscow has increased concerns in Hanoi about Russia’s reliability as a supplier, and made it increasingly awkward for Vietnam to continue dealing with Russia as it engages with the West.

Many of Vietnam’s leaders are also aware of the Russian military’s struggles against Ukraine — footage has shown the T-90 tanks being blown apart by drones used by Ukraine. They are also cognizant of Russia’s deepening relationship with China, which they regard as a threat because of a longstanding territorial dispute in the South China Sea.

In recent months, it has turned to countries like South Korea, Japan and the Czech Republic as alternative sources of weapons. It has also tried to build up its own defense industry. It has looked to India, another former Soviet ally, to retrofit some of its weapons.

The United States has been actively offering more weapons to Vietnam, with senior officials traveling to the country in recent months. But analysts say the top echelons of Vietnam’s defense leadership remain suspicious of Washington. They are reluctant to tie their fate to a country where arms sales have to be passed through a Congress that could make the deal contingent on human rights.

The two nations have joint ventures in the oil business.

Russia has a significant stake in Vietnam’s lucrative oil and gas sector. Vietsovpetro, a joint venture run by Russia’s Zarubezhneft and Vietnam’s state-owned PetroVietnam, operates Vietnam’s largest oil field, Bach Ho.

The profits from Vietsovpetro have generated millions of dollars for both Russia and Vietnam. Zarubezhneft and Gazprom, another Russian state-owned energy firm, are also involved in oil exploration projects in Vietnam.

For Moscow, these projects come at a time when Russian oil and gas exports to Europe have plummeted following the imposition of sanctions from the European Union. But they have irked Beijing because they are in waters that it contends are part of its territory.

Before the coronavirus pandemic, Vietnam was also a particularly attractive destination for Russian tourists. In 2019, Russia sent the sixth-highest number of tourists of any nation to Vietnam, just after the United States. But the numbers dropped during the pandemic and fell further after Vietnam stopped direct flights in 2022 after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Direct flights resumed this year.

Mr. Putin is seen as popular with the Vietnamese brass.

Beginning in the 1950s, thousands of Vietnamese Communist Party officials , top business officials, doctors, teachers and soldiers were trained in the Soviet Union and Russia. That list includes the current party chief, Nguyen Phu Trong.

But some felt those deep ties were ignored by the last Soviet leader, Mikhail S. Gorbachev, and Russia’s first president, Boris N. Yeltsin.

“The Vietnamese feel that Gorbachev in the 1980s abandoned Vietnam in an effort to improve relations with China; Yeltsin, all through the 90s, barely paid any attention to Vietnam,” said Ian Storey, a senior fellow at the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute in Singapore. “Once Putin was in power in 2000, he gave a lot of face to it. So the Vietnamese are grateful for that.”

He added that the Vietnamese leadership liked Mr. Putin because “he put Vietnam-Russia relations back on track.”

Paul Sonne and Damien Cave contributed reporting.

Sui-Lee Wee is the Southeast Asia bureau chief for The Times, overseeing coverage of 11 countries in the region. More about Sui-Lee Wee


Nursery workers forgot boy, 4, at animal park when bus left without him

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The Scottish Deer Centre

A mum has spoken about how she felt after her young son was left behind on a nursery trip to a deer park.

Carson Hodge, four, was found crying by a stranger when he realised his friends and teachers from Dunmore Nursery had headed home without him.

He was using the toilet at the Scottish Deer Centre in Fife, Scotland when the nursery bus drove off – they thought he had been hiding from them.

The council-run school is now investigating how three teachers – in charge of 10 children – had managed to lose Carson.

His mum Clare said on Facebook that a park visitor found her son in tears, with workers phoning the nursery while looking after him.

Parents and guardians were told that the bus, due to arrive at 12.30pm, had been delayed. The nursery informed them half an hour later a student was ‘unaccounted’ for.

Clare said: ‘Whilst on their end-of-year trip to the Scottish Deer Centre all the children were asked to go to the toilet before getting on the bus to come home.

‘Carson was the last one to use the toilet and when he came out he couldn’t find anyone and thought they were hiding from him.

‘The reason he couldn’t find them was because they had left him.’

Carson told his mum ‘a man’ found him crying and brought him to the park office.

‘The what ifs that have ran round my head all weekend is unreal,’ she added.

Clare was told by the nursery that teachers failed to do a headcount before heading home.

‘Instead, they asked the wee ones on the bus if everyone was here and they shouted yes so they left,’ she said.

‘They didn’t bother to count them.’

The council which runs the nursery says the care service watchdog has been informed and that officials are investigating the ‘extremely serious’ incident.

Head of service Shelagh McLean told STV News : ‘As soon as the child was noted as missing immediate action was taken.

‘The school was in contact with the child’s parents and the Care Inspectorate was notified immediately.

‘We do have robust guidance and procedures in place for schools and nurseries regarding school trips.

‘As part of this investigation, we will review these policies and procedures to see where any improvements can be made.

‘As there are individuals involved who will be easily identifiable in the local community, even if not directly named, until the full details are clear and official proceedings are finalised, which would include any action taken by Care Inspectorate, we are not in a position to comment further on any specific action that will be taken.’

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Donald Trump’s campaign argues that Joe Biden is a feeble incompetent — disconnected from reality as his aides shuttle him around the world, in the words of one Trump adviser , like the cadaver in the 1989 comedy film “Weekend at Bernie’s.”

Biden’s campaign describes Trump as an “unhinged” extremist with dictatorial designs who “snapped” when he lost the 2020 election , forfeiting the ability to do anything other than focus on growing his own power.

The two caricatures — built on selective editing, blasted out by well-funded electoral machines and amplified through partisans on social media — have come to define the early months of the general election, giving voters on both sides of the spectrum punching bags for their discontent.

But for the population of voters likely to decide the election — a group that dislikes the choice and wants neither man to return to office — the cacophony of recrimination has done little to clarify the choice.

Thursday’s presidential debate in Atlanta will, among other things, offer both men a rare chance to prove their opponents wrong in real time, as they stand together onstage, without edits, before what promises to be an enormous national audience. Voters who get to make the final call in the voting booth will be offered a 90-minute window into what is real and what is spin about their major-party choices.

Aware of the stakes, advisers to both candidates have been preparing their bosses to avoid traps set by their opponents. Biden’s aides hope to present a vigorous president — in command of the issues, able to take Trump on directly and explain to the American people his own accomplishments in office. Trump’s advisers have been coaching their candidate to focus on the issue advantages in the polls, reaffirming the image of him as a tough businessman ready to disrupt Washington that got him elected in 2016.

“If the former president focuses on those issues that Americans care about, immigration, crime, big pocketbook issues, inflation … he’s victorious,” said David Urban, a former Trump campaign adviser and GOP strategist. “If he focuses on the past election, personal grievance, I think those things probably won’t serve him as well.”

Others have been even more explicit in their definition of Trump’s goal for the event, which is to downplay the irascible and explosive leader that Biden describes.

“I think what Donald Trump wants to do is make this about issues and why he was a better president than Joe Biden was and will be a better president again,” said Trump’s longtime pollster Jim McLaughlin. “It’s about a vision. He can give a lot of examples and real-life stories about how he brought peace to the Middle East, brought inflation down, secured the border and kept people safe.”

Kate Bedingfield, a former communications adviser to Biden, agreed that Trump’s most obvious path was to try to avoid the explosive outbursts that tarred him after their first meeting in the 2020 campaign. The Biden operation will be ready for the shift, she said, and can overcome it by Biden appearing aggressive.

“For Biden, the goal is to be on offense and driving Trump to his biggest vulnerabilities,” she said. “There is every expectation that the disciplined Trump shows up, but even if that is the case the opportunity for Biden is huge.”

The stakes have led both campaigns to take extraordinary measures in hopes that their candidate will play against type. Biden’s coterie of advisers have undertaken a deliberate and extensive process at Camp David to prepare the president to overperform expectations, as he did in this year’s State of the Union address, to demonstrate his command of the issues and the office that he holds. Trump advisers, faced with a candidate less interested in debate preparation, have repeatedly tried to emphasize that the former president’s top priority is to highlight his difference with Biden on issues such as inflation and immigration.

The structure of the confrontation could also help determine its outcome. Both Trump and the moderators at CNN have accepted Biden’s terms for the meeting: There will be no studio audience, two commercial breaks and microphones that immediately shut off when a candidate does not have the floor.

At stake is not just possible movement in the polls, which have shown some slight improvement for Biden since Trump’s felony convictions in New York. Both campaigns also hope to use the event as a chance to engage directly with voters, hoping to yield both campaign donations and, in the case of the Biden campaign, a resurgence in volunteer energy.

The debate will be aired across major broadcast and cable channels, with CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX, PBS, Univision channels and other cable news networks planning to take the event live at 9 p.m. Eastern time. The moderators are CNN anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash.

Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Whatley and co-chair Lara Trump are hosting a watch party and fundraiser the night of the debate, which will include several potential vice-presidential contenders. According to an invitation obtained by The Washington Post, Trump may deliver post-debate remarks.

The Biden campaign on Sunday announced plans for 300 debate watch parties and more than 1,600 events this week across targeted states. Some of those events are organized around the two-year anniversary Monday of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the constitutional right to abortion , a move that was made possible by Trump’s three appointments to the court.

The Biden campaign has also increased its spending on television and digital ads in the run-up to the debate, spending more than twice as much in mid-June as it spent in mid-May, according to AdImpact. Total spending last week was nearly $9.2 million, according to AdImpact, compared with almost no spending by the Trump campaign.

Biden has sequestered himself since Thursday with nearly all of his senior team at the presidential retreat at Camp David to prepare. Among those present are former White House counsel Bob Bauer, who played Trump in 2020 debate prep sessions, and former chief of staff Ron Klain, who has led Democratic nominee debate prep sessions for decades.

In total, 16 senior White House and campaign officials are expected to join Biden before he departs for the debate Thursday, including current chief of staff Jeff Zients, message and polling guru Mike Donilon, national security adviser Jake Sullivan and campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon, Biden advisers said.

Trump has been warming up in public, addressing both a Philadelphia arena rally Saturday and a gathering of Christian conservatives at a conference in Washington.

Trump mocked Biden for taking time to prepare and the moderators he will face. “He’s sleeping now because they want to get him good and strong,” Trump said in Philadelphia. “Think of it. There is no audience. It’s like death.”

Trump also asked supporters at the rally how he should handle Biden, suggesting he may not have fully embraced the advice of his campaign team. “Should I be tough and nasty and just say, ‘You’re the worst president in history,’ or should I be nice and calm and let him speak?” Trump asked. He laughed when a member of the audience suggested a “50/50” approach, and then answered his own question: “Be tough. Be tough.”

The Trump team in recent weeks has opted for more informal policy sessions with different outside supporters, according to people familiar with the planning. Sens. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.) are among those who have helped Trump in preparing. Vance participated in a session about the economy, according to a person familiar with the meeting, who like others spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly.

The approach reflects the challenges Trump advisers have had in past elections trying to get Trump to sit for conventional debate preparations. People involved in the sessions before the first debate of the 2020 cycle have described it as a chaotic environment, with little rehearsal actually taking place. The campaign has adopted the position this year that traditional prep is not needed.

“President Trump takes on numerous tough interviews every single week and delivers lengthy rally speeches while standing, demonstrating elite stamina,” Trump senior adviser Jason Miller said in a statement. “He does not need to be programmed by staff.”

But there are signs that Trump was moving away from the doddering caricature he has long tried to paint about his opponent. In a recent interview on the “All-In” podcast, the former president took a different tone.

“I assume he’s going to be somebody that will be a worthy debater,” Trump said on the podcast. “I don’t want to underestimate him.”

Election 2024

Get the latest news on the 2024 election from our reporters on the campaign trail and in Washington.

Who is running?: President Biden and Donald Trump secured their parties’ nominations for the presidency . Here’s how we ended up with a Trump-Biden rematch .

Presidential debates: Biden and Trump agreed to a June 27 debate on CNN and a Sept. 10 debate broadcast by ABC News. Here are the rules for the CNN presidential debate .

Key dates and events: From January to June, voters in all states and U.S. territories will pick their party’s nominee for president ahead of the summer conventions. Here are key dates and events on the 2024 election calendar .

Abortion and the election: Voters in about a dozen states could decide the fate of abortion rights with constitutional amendments on the ballot in a pivotal election year. Biden supports legal access to abortion , and he has encouraged Congress to pass a law that would codify abortion rights nationwide. After months of mixed signals about his position, Trump said the issue should be left to states . Here’s how Biden’s and Trump’s abortion stances have shifted over the years.

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VIDEO : Greg Lynn has been found guilty of murdering Carol Clay on a camping trip

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ELIAS CLURE, REPORTER:  In a trial that has captivated Australia, today a final twist. 

The jury found Greg Lynn guilty of Carol Clay’s murder but not guilty of murdering Russell Hill.

ROBERT RICHTER KC, BARRISTER:  There was a sense of surprise. I’d not counted on the notion of a split verdict. 

ELIAS CLURE:  The verdict was met with silence outside the court. Greg Lynn’s son refused to comment. 

This afternoon the victim’s families issued a joint statement saying they were devastated at the not guilty verdict in relation to Russell Hill’s murder.

ROBERT RICHTER:  I think it has been one of the more complex and difficult trials that I’ve followed. 

JOHN SILVESTER, CRIME REPORTER:  This case is one of the biggest we've seen in a decade. It's got all the things that excite the media and the public. We begin with a mystery. 

ELIAS CLURE:  March 18 2020 - Victoria’s remote Alpine National Park.

Greg Lynn – a Jetstar pilot and avid game hunter arrived at a location known as the Bucks Campsite in the hopes of killing deer. 

A day later two elderly campers arrived - 74-year-old Russell Hill and his 73-year-old companion Carol Clay. 

JOHN SILVESTER:  You've got sort of almost grey nomads, we've got a couple that go camping. 

ELIAS CLURE:  Russell Hill was an amateur radio enthusiast. At about 6pm on March 20, he put a call out to fellow ham radio operators - no one heard from him or Carol again. 

REPORTER: Police are concerned for the welfare of two campers in their 70s. 

REPORTER: A married man and his female companion, gone without a trace. 

DET. INSP. ANDREW STAMPER, VICTORIA POLICE:  We really don’t know what has caused Russell and Carol’s disappearance. 

CHARLIE BEZZINA, FORMER HOMICIDE DETECTIVE:  Their campsite was come across by another camper or bushwalker. They've then alerted police to finding the campsite and the scenario in broad terms is we've got a late model four-wheel drive. We’ve got a campsite that has been burnt and we've got a wallet on the front seat of the car of the four-wheel drive. 

ELIAS CLURE:  Missing persons detectives began appealing to the public for information in the hope Carol and Russell were still out there. 

The pair had known each other since high school but had married different people. 

JOHN SILVESTER:  What was not known, of course, is that they had had a long-term relationship and so that was the secret life.

ELIAS CLURE:  Police also had eyes on one man they believed had critical information, pilot Greg Lynn.

JOHN SILVESTER:  The key thing was that Mr Lynn’s vehicle was photographed when it came back onto a main road at the time, that Hill’s phone pinged in the same location. So that puts him and probably another dozen cars as the most likely.

ELIAS CLURE:  On the 14th of July 2020, police arrive at his Western Suburbs home to quiz Greg Lynn on his whereabouts around the time Carol and Russell vanished. 

JOHN SILVESTER:  When they go to Lynn's place, of course, the car has changed colour. 

ELIAS CLURE:  Almost six months later police obtained a warrant to tap Greg Lynn’s phone and track and surveil his car. 

CHARLIE BEZZINA:  Whilst this person became a stronger suspect during the investigation, the police may have been falling short to be able to say, you know what, have we got enough to charge this person. 

60 MINUTES REPORTER:  Tonight, a critical breakthrough in the investigation ...

ELIAS CLURE:  On November 7 2021 Victoria Police took to prime time television in an attempt to keep leads from going cold and to get Greg Lynn talking. 

CHARLIE BEZZINA:  Police already know that he belongs to a similar vehicle, if not the vehicle, they've got the number, and then seeing what reaction comes from it and the talk over the devices happened. 

ELIAS CLURE:  Detectives say Lynn watched the 60 Minutes story where police revealed that a blue Nissan Patrol, with a distinct canopy, was of particular interest to them. 

His wife, Melanie Lynn noted the car shown in the program looked almost exactly like the one parked in their driveway. 

CHARLIE BEZZINA:  As we know, the police set up a CCTV camera out the front of the house. They see him taking off the canopy.

ELIAS CLURE:  On November 22 2021 Greg Lynn makes his way back up here to the high country. Now unbeknownst to him police are right on his tail and are hours away from arresting him. 

REPORTER: A senior airline pilot is being questioned by homicide detectives tonight after a day of extraordinary developments in the missing camper’s case. 

REPORTER: I have been told questioning will go long into the night. 

JOHN SILVESTER:  He arrives. and he's told it's been a long time, have a shower, have a sleep. We're in no hurry. and the interview goes on for a long time. 

ELIAS CLURE:  Over several hours Greg Lynn gradually begins to tell detectives what happened. 

This November 2021 interview was key evidence in Greg Lynn’s trial.

GREG LYNN STATEMENT (Voiced):  I panicked to save myself. This was at a time when I was just finding a really happy place in the world; family, career and my personal life outside of work, so this for me was a disaster.

I’m innocent of murder. I haven’t behaved well, I’ve made some poor decisions, but murder, as I understand it, I am innocent.

JOHN SILVESTER:  Lynn gives a version of events that in fact, largely what he said to the court, which was that yeah, I was there. It was a horrible accident, I panicked.

ELIAS CLURE:  Greg Lynn tells police that when he returns from hunting, Russell Hill approaches him and confronts him about the proximity of where he's hunting to the campsite and the safety of his gun. 

But Greg Lynn then tells police that Russell Hill leaves back towards his tent and he goes back towards his campsite. 

Greg Lynn then said that Russell walked towards his car and picked up the pilot's gun and began firing it. 

Then there's a tussle over the shotgun. Greg Lynn claims the elderly camper pulls the trigger, accidentally killing his lover. He then comes at Mr Lynn with a knife. The pair struggle again, and the older man falls on the knife.

Now the prosecution and the police say that this story that both deaths were a tragic accident is completely implausible. The prosecution told the court that Greg Lynn returned from hunting, he killed Russell Hill and then he killed Carol because he didn't want there to be a witness. 

JOHN SILVESTER:  He proceeded to clean the crime scene as well as any forensic scientist could possibly do, and this is what the prosecution was arguing, that this was entirely inconsistent with a person who had panicked. 

ELIAS CLURE:  Whilst in custody, Lynn also told police he transported Russell and Carol’s bodies in his trailer and disposed of them off a remote track, going on to admit that he later burnt their remains. 

JOHN SILVESTER:  He was locked down in COVID. As soon as he can he gets out, he goes back to the scene. He pours kerosene on the remains. It's the highest heat and the most effective and then he smashes the remains into smithereens.

CHARLIE BEZZINA:  As was quite rightly put to him, put to Lynn by the prosecutor, was the fact that you could have contacted police, the crime scene would have supported your version of events and he gave that a lot of thought before he answered and basically said, well, to paraphrase it, something along the lines well, it didn't come to his mind at that stage. He was in self-preservation mode. 

ROBERT RICHTER:  Theoretically speaking, a jury could find that because of the post offense conduct and so on, there was an intent to kill.

There was sufficient evidence for the gunshot injury. As far as a knife injury is concerned, there's no pathology evidence and there's no forensic evidence to demonstrate one way or the other. 

And that being so, the jury would have said, well, we'd be guessing. Whereas with the gunshot injury, they know there was a gun discharged and they know the death was caused by a gun. 

ELIAS CLURE:  Robert Richter is a high-profile barrister, whose past clients include George Pell and Hoddle-Street murderer Julian Knight. 

ROBERT RICHTER:  The jury system did what it is meant to do. Next is whether or not there is an appeal against the conviction, and I suspect there will be, and we will all wait with baited breath to see how that works out. 

ELIAS CLURE:  Today Greg Lynn showed no emotion when the verdict was delivered. He will be sentenced next month.

The jury in the trial over the death of campers, Russell Hill and Carol Clay delivered a sensational verdict today in Melbourne. After five weeks of testimony, former Jetstar pilot Greg Lynn was found guilty of murdering only one of the two.

Elias Clure and Kirsten Robb report.

READ MORE: Greg Lynn found guilty of murdering Victorian camper Carol Clay, but not guilty over Russell Hill death

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Panthers vs. Oilers recap, winners, losers: Edmonton ties Stanley Cup Final with Game 6 win

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The unthinkable is happening and the Edmonton Oilers have tied the Stanley Cup Final after losing the first three games, matching a feat last done during World War II.

The Oilers, once among many teams stymied by the Florida Panthers ’ forechecking, have cracked the code and scored three goals off the rush for a 5-1 victory on Friday night in Edmonton. And they won without a point or shot on goal from red-hot Connor McDavid .

A key was Edmonton's successful challenge of a goal by Aleksander Barkov 10 seconds after Adam Henrique had made it 2-0 Oilers early in the second period. After a lengthy review, it was ruled that Sam Reinhart was offside before the goal.

Oilers coach Kris Knoblauch said the play was clearly offside when he saw the video.

"The only hesitation was maybe it wasn’t the right video," he told reporters.

The disallowed goal was a huge momentum shift in the game.

Said Panthers coach Paul Maurice: “The linesperson informed me that it was the last clip that they got where they made the decision that shows it’s offside. I don’t have those."

The two teams now will take the 2,540-mile trip to Sunrise, Florida, for a winner-take-all Game 7 on Monday (8 p.m. ET, ABC).

The Oilers will try to become the fifth NHL team to win a series it had trailed 3-0 and will try to match the 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs as the only one to do it in the Stanley Cup Final. The Panthers will try to match the 1945 Maple Leafs in winning Game 7 of the Final after blowing a 3-0 series lead.

Edmonton got goals from Warren Foegele, Henrique and Zach Hyman. Barkov scored in the third period for Florida, and the Oilers added two empty-net goals.

A closer look at Game 6:

Game 6 winners and losers

Oilers video coaches: Head coach Kris Knoblauch and his video crew decided to challenge Aleksander Barkov's second-period goal for offsides. Sam Reinhart was barely offsides and Edmonton would have been penalized if the call had not gone its way. But it did and it was a huge momentum shift to have the Florida goal disallowed 10 seconds after Edmonton had gone up 2-0.

Leon Draisaitl, Oilers: He said during his pregame availability that he wasn't happy with his play and he did something about it. Nice assist on the Warren Foegele goal, had three shots and drew a penalty.

Stuart Skinner, Oilers: He came up big again as the Panthers pressed down the stretch. Plus he was awarded an assist on Darnell Nurse's empty-net goal.

Another slow start for Panthers: They haven't started well in their three consecutive losses. It happened again in the first period when they had only two shots on goal.

Panthers' team defense: The Oilers are getting too many chances on the rush and now they're capitalizing on them. The Panthers are making too many mistakes.

Panthers' power play: The Panthers didn't give up a short-handed goal, which is good, but their futility continued, even with Oliver Ekman-Larsson moved to the top unit.

Which NHL teams won a playoff series after trailing 3-0?

It has been done four times in NHL h istory :

  • 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs vs. Detroit Red Wings (during Stanley Cup Final)
  • 1975 New York Islanders vs. Pittsburgh Penguins
  • 2010 Philadelphia Flyers vs. Boston Bruins
  • 2014 Los Angeles Kings vs. San Jose Sharks

In MLB, the 2004 Boston Red Sox did it against the New York Yankees. It never has been done in the NBA.

Game 6 highlights

Game 6 recap, oilers 5, panthers 1: darnell nurse scores.

Stuart Skinner makes a big save and the Oilers get another empty-net goal. Darnell Nurse gets the goal and Skinner gets the assist.

Oilers 4, Panthers 1: Ryan McLeod scores

He gets an empty-netter after Florida pulled Sergei Bobrovsky for an extra skater.

Oilers go on power play

Kevin Stenlund called for interference on Leon Draisaitl. Panthers kill it off.

Panthers go on power play

Edmonton's Derek Ryan is called for high-sticking Nick Cousins. The Oilers kill it off. Florida falls to 1-for-19 in the Final.

Oilers 3, Panthers 1: Aleksander Barkov scores

He takes a feed from Carter Verhaeghe, walks around Oilers defenders and beats Stuart Skinner. This goal will count. Verhaeghe ends a four-game point drought with his second point of the series.

Third period underway

Edmonton 20 minutes away from forcing Game 7.

Oilers 3, Panthers 0: End of second period

Once again, the Oilers connect on odd-man rushes: Adam Henrique on a 2-on-1 break and Zach Hyman on a breakaway. The Oilers have a big momentum-changer when Aleksander Barkov's goal just 10 seconds after Henrique's score is overturned after a challenge for offsides. The margin was very thin, but the Oilers win the challenge. Stuart Skinner wasn't tested early, but he has looked good as the Panthers start to press.

Oilers 3, Panthers 0: Zach Hyman scores

Panthers defenseman Gustav Forsling's shot is blocked and Zach Hyman picks up the loose puck and beats Sergei Bobrovsky on a breakaway. It's his 16th goal of the playoffs.

Stuart Skinner robs Aleksander Barkov

Panthers up to 11 shots, but Stuart Skinner makes a leg save on Aleksander Barkov.

Connor McDavid is in the penalty box after hauling down Aleksander Barkov. Florida's first power play was disjointed. They get another chance and look better, but Edmonton keeps Florida off the board.

Panthers get another shot

A harmless one from Gustav Forsling. They're up to five, all from their defensemen.

Oilers defense continues to shine

Panthers have only two shots on goal in the first five minutes of the second period and four for the game.

Panthers goal disallowed

Aleksander Barkov scores 10 seconds later but Kris Knoblauch challenges for offsides and wins the challenge. Sam Reinhart barely offside. Still 2-0 Edmonton.

Oilers 2, Panthers 0: Adam Henrique scores

The Oilers get an odd-man rush and the third line scores for the third game in a row. Edmonton doubles its lead 46 seconds into the period.

Second period underway

Panthers need to find a way to generate more chances.

Oilers 1, Panthers 0: End of first period

Oilers were dominant in the first period and Florida had trouble generating anything. Their two shots were their fewest in a period all season. But Sergei Bobrovsky looks like he did earlier in the playoffs and has kept the score tight. Leon Draisaitl is looking better in this game and sets up Warren Foegele's goal.

Not long after the Panthers get their second shot of the game, Eetu Luostarinen is called for slashing. Edmonton has three power-play goals in the last two games. Oilers move the puck around quickly and Sergei Bobrovsky stops a Leon Draisaitl one-timer. Panthers kill it off.

Oilers have big lead in shots

They lead 10-1 with six minutes left in the first period. Sergei Bobrovsky makes a couple more good saves.

Mattias Janmark is called for slashing. The Panthers' power play has had a tough go this series. Oliver Ekman-Larsson is on the top unit now. Oilers kill it off. No Florida shots.

Oilers 1, Panthers 0: Warren Foegele scores

Moving Warren Foegele back to the Leon Draisaitl line pays off. Draisaitl makes a nice pass through Aleksander Barkov on the goal. Sergei Bobrovsky has no chance.

Oilers carrying play early

Shots are 5-1 Oilers about seven minutes into the game. Panthers goalie Sergei Bobrovsky looking good early. He stops Evan Bouchard, who skated in from the point.

Oilers line changes

Ryan Nugent-Hopkins is back with the Connor McDavid line. Warren Foegele goes to the Leon Draisaitl line.

Game 6 underway

Last game of the season in Edmonton, regardless of what happens.

Starting lineup analysis

Oilers coach Kris Knoblauch has put out this lineup first the last two games and it makes sense to start with it again. It has contributed three goals.

Matthew Tkachuk was the Panthers' best player in Game 5 and goes out first. This is a physical line that can set the tone.

Florida Panthers' starting lineup

F – Sam Bennett

F – Matthew Tkachuk

F – Evan Rodrigues

D – Aaron Ekblad

D – Gustav Forslund

G – Sergei Bobrovsky

Edmonton Oilers' starting lineup

F – Adam Henrique

F – Mattias Janmark

F – Connor Brown

D – Evan Bouchard

D – Mattias Ekholm

G – Stuart Skinner

What time is Stanley Cup Final Game 6?

Game 6 of the Stanley Cup Final is scheduled for 8 p.m. ET (6 p.m. local) on Friday at Rogers Place in Edmonton, Alberta.

How to watch Stanley Cup Final Game 6

Game 6 will be shown nationally on ABC in the United States. It will be shown on Sportsnet and CBC in Canada.

How to stream Stanley Cup Final Game 6

Game 6 can be streamed on ESPN+ and  Fubo .

Lineup change for Game 6

Nick Cousins is slotting onto the Panthers' fourth line after seven games out. Kyle Okposo is coming out of the lineup. Cousins is an energy player who ranked sixth on the team in hits during the regular season. He has one assist in 11 playoff games.

According to ESPN, Oliver Ekman-Larsson is expected to move up the Panthers' No. 1 power unit in place of Brandon Montour. Montour's pass was intercepted in Game 5, leading to an Oilers short-handed goal.

Injured Oilers forward Evander Kane, who was considered a game-time decision, isn't playing.

Connor McDavid approaching NHL playoff records

Connor McDavid has 11 points in the final, leaving him two points behind Wayne Gretzky’s 1988 record. He already has passed Gretzky’s record for assists in a postseason with 34. McDavid’s 42 playoff points place him fourth all-time behind Gretzky (47, 1985), Mario Lemieux (41, 1991) and Gretzky (43, 1988).

Leon Draisaitl seeking first goal of final

Oilers star Leon Draisaitl is still looking for his first goal of the Stanley Cup Final.

'I’ve always been able to come back from stretches where I maybe haven’t been my best,” he told reporters on Friday. "It’s just myself being better. I hold myself to extremely high standards. If I don’t get to that, obviously I’m not happy."

Stanley Cup Final Game 6 keys to victory

Oilers: Continue to be aggressive on special teams. The Oilers have scored two short-handed goals and three power-play goals in the last two games.

Panthers: Play like they did after falling behind 4-1 in Game 5. But do it earlier. Score early and try to take the crowd out of the game.

Read more keys to victory for Game 6

What is the projected goaltending matchup?

Oilers' Stuart Skinner (13-8, 2.53 goals-against average, .898 save percentage) vs. Panthers' Sergei Bobrovsky (15-7, 2.35, .906)

Stanley Cup Final Game 6 betting odds

Game 6 odds,  via BetMGM :

Moneyline:  Oilers -120; Panthers +100

Spread:  Oilers -1.5 (+215); Panthers +1.5 (+215)

Over/under:  5.5 (over -115; under -105)

Florida Panthers’ Game 6 record this postseason

They are 2-0, beating the Boston Bruins and New York Rangers . They beat the Tampa Bay Lightning in five games.

Edmonton Oilers’ Game 6 record this postseason

They are 2-0, beating the Vancouver Canucks and Dallas Stars . They beat the Los Angeles Kings in five games.

Which teams forced Game 7 after losing first three games of Stanley Cup Final?

The 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs did it against the Detroit Red Wings and won Game 7. The 1945 Red Wings did it against the Maple Leafs and lost Game 7. The 2012 New Jersey Devils got to a Game 6 against the Kings but lost 6-1.

Florida Panthers' record in potential clinching games this postseason

They are 3-4, losing their first opportunity against the Lightning and Bruins and their first two chances against the Oilers. They won their second chance against the Lightning and Bruins and beat the Rangers on their first opportunity.

Edmonton Oilers' record in potential elimination games this postseason

They are 4-0, winning in Games 6 and 7 against the Canucks in the second round and in Games 4 and 5 against the Panthers.

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  1. Persepolis The Trip Summary & Analysis

    Quotes. One night, after Marjane's mother's car breaks down in the street, she gets assaulted by two bearded fundamentalist men. They scream: "Women like [Marjane's mother] should be pushed up against a wall and fucked and then thrown in the garbage.". Marjane's mother explains that by "women like me," the men meant women who do ...

  2. Persepolis The Trip Summary

    Sensing their ability to leave the country is coming to an end, Marjane and her family go on vacation in Spain and Italy. When they return, Grandmother informs them Iran is now at war with Iraq. Iranian fundamentalists "tried to stir up their Iraqi Shiite allies" against Saddam Hussein, who had always wanted an excuse to invade Iran.

  3. Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood "The Sheep," "The Trip," and "The

    The Trip. Marjane's father reads the paper one morning and curses at the headlines -- the American Embassy has been occupied. The paper shows a picture of a fire and an American flag. ... These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood by Marjane Satrapi. Unconventional ...

  4. Persepolis Chapter Summaries

    The Veil. September 22, 1980. Iraq invades Iran, marking the official start of the Iran-Iraq War. The Trip. November 1984. Wanting to keep her safe, Marjane's parents send her to live in Austria. The Dowry. 10 days later. The family friend with whom Marjane is supposed to live sends her to a boarding house.

  5. Persepolis

    Full Book Summary of Persepolis. Persepolis is a graphic novel memoir by Marjane 'Marji' Satrapi that takes us through her childhood in Iran during and after the Islamic Revolution. The story begins in 1980, one year after the Islamic Revolution in Iran. 10-year-old Marji narrates the influences of religious extremism within society ...

  6. Persepolis Persepolis Summary & Analysis

    Analysis. Marjane's grandmother comes over to the house, and Marjane asks her about the times Marjane's grandfather was in jail. Her grandmother speaks of how poor she was back then. At times she pretended to cook food she did not have just to keep up appearances for the neighbors who could see her through the window.

  7. Persepolis Summary and Study Guide

    Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of "Persepolis" by Marjane Satrapi. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement.

  8. Persepolis

    b Y Persepolis - The Trip (A Comprehensive Analysis X r g m 1 z p Introduction What is persepolis ? A Persepolis is a book written by Marjane Satrapi about her life growing up in Iran. The book is in the format of a graphic novel and uses a variety of literary devices to portray B

  9. Persepolis Plot Summary

    Marjane meets Reza, a former soldier, at a party. They start dating, but they have to do it in secret—it is illegal for unmarried men and women to be seen together in public. Reza wants to leave Iran, but Marjane, having just returned, wants to stay in the country a little longer. They decide to go to university.

  10. Persepolis Character Analysis

    Marjane's Parents (Mother and Father) Though many characters in Persepolis appear and then disappear, Marjane's parents are constants in the graphic novel, the two people who most affect Marjane, and whose cues and beliefs Marjane follows or alternately disregards over… read analysis of Marjane's Parents (Mother and Father)

  11. Persepolis Chapters 10-14 Summary & Analysis

    Chapter 10 Summary: "The Trip". The chapter opens with Satrapi's father reading the news that the U.S. Embassy is now occupied by fundamentalist students, making it impossible to get a visa to the United States. Not long after, it is announced that universities have been closed and schools will be shut down to revise the textbooks and ...

  12. Persepolis: THE TRIP by Savera J on Prezi

    Escape. This panel serves as a contrast of the chapter, since its peaceful, free and magical as supposed to violent and oppressive. The author expresses the three weeks journey through the form of the chapter. Eventhough the chapter is called the trip there is only one panel that depicts the actual trip. See full transcript.

  13. Persepolis Discussion Questions

    Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of "Persepolis" by Marjane Satrapi. A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement.

  14. Full Page Panels in Persepolis

    The first instance a full page panel is found is on page 42. The page before shows how the Shah was ousted from power. The caption at the very top of the page reads, "The day he left, the country had the biggest celebration of its entire history," and below is shown a large group of about 30 people, each with a smile on their face and many ...

  15. Analysis of Marjane Satrapi's Use of Literary Devices in Persepolis

    Persepolis: analysis of literary devices Stream-of-consciousness. Satrapi uses stream-of-consciousness to teach the social and cultural issues of Iran to her audience. 10-year old Marji describes how she and other girls had to wear the veil in school since 1980, one year after the Islamic Revolution. We can see that both Marji (in the first ...

  16. Persepolis: The Trip by Taaniya Thavaratnam on Prezi

    Symbols Analysis Motifs The veil Summary Themes U.S. Embassy occupied by the Fundamentalist students Marji's dreams of studying Chemistry and going to U.S.A are crushed Marjane's mom is insulted by two fundamentalist men The veil became obligatory and universities are closed down

  17. Persepolis Character Analysis

    Opinionated, intelligent, independent, and rebellious, Marjane Satrapi, born in 1969, is a child when the Iranian Revolution begins in 1978. She daydreams about becoming a revolutionary like her beloved Uncle Anoosh, and she eagerly reads everything she can about her country's political situation. Education is a mainstay throughout the rest of ...

  18. 3 Takeaways From Putin's Trip to Vietnam

    It was Mr. Putin's fifth trip to the country since 2001 but his first since his full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Vietnam and Russia share a long history bound by ideology. In 1950, the Soviet ...

  19. Why Is Putin in Vietnam?

    For Vietnam, Mr. Putin's trip will be an opportunity to solidify ties with Russia, its most important defense partner. Even though it has upgraded relations with the United States, Vietnam was ...

  20. Albanese's PNG trip comes with it a subtle jab at Morrison. King's was

    Anthony Albanese's two-day hike along the Kokoda Track with his PNG counterpart was an opportunity to forge closer ties with Australia's closest neighbour — and send a message to his predecessor ...

  21. New details emerge about £213,000,000 UK theme park

    A proposal for Europe's largest theme park could bring in more than £50,000,000,000 of economic benefits for the United Kingdom. The proposed theme park in Bedford would be open 365 days a year ...

  22. Boy, 4, found crying after being left behind on nursery trip in Fife

    A four-year-old boy left behind on a nursery trip while he was in a public toilet was found crying by a stranger. ... Get your need-to-know latest news, feel-good stories, analysis and more.

  23. NTRS

    Analysis illustrates the impact of variation in NTP engine performance values, especially Isp, engine mass and thrust, on performance and the comparison to chemical propulsion. NTP transient and cooldown effects on the vehicle performance are examined. ... Two missions considered are the round-trip Earth to Moon tug and a NRHO to low Lunar ...

  24. Persepolis Study Guide

    Persepolis was the ancient capital of Persia, or modern-day Iran. Demolished by Alexander the Great in 330 BCE, its ruins are a reminder of the strength and longevity of Persian culture despite numerous invasions and regime changes. By using the name of the ancient city as the title for her autobiographical graphic memoir, author Marjane ...

  25. Analysis: Putin may need arms from North Korea's Kim for Ukraine war

    As Russian President Vladimir Putin makes his first visit to North Korea in more than two decades this week, his focus is widely seen to be on securing ongoing support from the hermit nation for ...

  26. What each side hopes to gain in the presidential debate

    Advisers to Biden are pushing him to show himself as a vigorous president, while advisers to Trump hope he will rein in his excesses.

  27. Persepolis Persepolis Summary

    The title of this chapter, " Persepolis ," refers to the ancient Persian capital destroyed by Alexander the Great in 330 BCE. Coined by the ancient Greeks, it means "City of the Persians." Satrapi names this chapter "Persepolis" to show the intensity of her grandmother's feelings about the shah. Grandmother thinks he, like Alexander the Great ...

  28. Greg Lynn has been found guilty of murdering Carol Clay on a camping trip

    Sarah Ferguson presents Australia's premier daily current affairs program, delivering agenda-setting public affairs journalism and interviews that hold the powerful to account. Plus political ...

  29. Stanley Cup Finals highlights: Oilers force Game 7 vs Panthers

    The two teams now will take the 2,540-mile trip to Sunrise, Florida, for a winner-take-all Game 7 on Monday (8 p.m. ET, ABC). ... Starting lineup analysis.