26 Travel Memes That Will Make You Laugh in 2022

Huskies travel meme

If you’re a frequent traveler I’m guessing you’re also a fan of funny travel memes.

As frequent travelers, we often find ourselves in amusing and precarious situations. Many of which can be perfectly summed up in a great travel meme. 

So just for fun, I’ve put together this list of the 25 Best Travel Memes on the Internet. You’ll find inspirational travel memes, airline travel memes, social media travel memes, and many more.

Best Travel Memes 2022

Journey Quotes

All travel memes and journey quotes for this article have been sourced from the internet. The original source for each image is identified where possible.

1. No children travel meme

I want to travel meme

This is my personal favorite travel meme. It describes my life perfectly.

I don’t have kids so I don’t have to worry about family responsibilities when planning to travel. I’ll go wherever the cheap flights will take me and try to never miss out on a good flight deal.

2. Hotel travel meme

Travel meme

This is one of the most hilarious travel memes I’ve found.

I don’t tend to mess with housekeeping much, but I have to admit this is really funny.

I’ve actually worked in housekeeping before, many, many years ago. I’ve seen some things. But definitely nothing like this.

3. Airplane travel meme

Best travel memes

Agreed! There’s something relaxing about flying and looking down on the world below. 

Funny travel quotes like this also perfectly sum up how I feel about flying. I love being away from everything, not knowing anybody, and just having this time to myself.

I’ll listen to a good book or podcast and just enjoy the quiet. You can’t go anywhere until the plane lands, so you might as well make the most of it.

Does anybody else find flying therapeutic?

4. Group travel plans meme

Vacation countdown meme

I think this travel meme sums up everybody’s experience when planning a trip with friends.

At least until we learn to stop asking people to join us beforehand. Now I just tell people my plans after I’ve booked my trip.

If they want to join, great! if not, they can stay home. 

I also love how the pics in this travel meme include dogs! Dogs are the perfect recipe for a funny vacation meme.

5. Packing travel meme

Travel meme - email address

This is one of my favorite funny travel memes going around on social media. I think it’s one we can all relate to.

Personally, I buy lots of clothes I never end up wearing, mostly because I’m a terrible shopper.

Yes somehow these clothes always end up in my suitcase. It’s amazing how that works sometimes.  

6. Airline baggage policy travel meme

Travel memes instagram

How perfect is this funny travel meme?

Airline baggage policies often both amuse and infuriate me, mostly because many are a bit ridiculous and don’t make much sense.

I do understand the airlines need to make up for the cost of low ticket prices somehow, but I feel they could do a better job explaining their convuluted baggage policies.

Not all airlines are bad at this, but some certainly are.

I think many also miss that the weight limits are not because the plane will be too heavy, but because the airline is limiting the weight of the bags for baggage handlers.

You wouldn’t want to be lifing 100 pound suitcases all day either. Keeping them closer to 50 pounds is safer for the staff moving your bags on and off the airplane.

7. Water at the airport travel meme

Best travel meme

This has happened to me too many times. I’ve since learned to bring a refillable bottle in my carry on.

I can’t imagine how much money this has saved me in just the past year. Now if I could just remember to buy chewing gum before I get to the airport. 

To be totally honest though, while I may not be spending money on bottled water at the airport, I sure don’t seem to have a problem spending money on wine at the airport. Who’s with me?

8. Carry on bags travel meme

Image of kermit the frog drinking a cup of tea

I’ve seen this a million times as well.

Fortunately, I usually manage to squeeze my bag in somewhere in the overhead bin. 

It always makes me wonder how some people have so many items when the airlines’s baggage policy states each passenger gets one carry on.

I’m starting to think people just hide their bags when they go to the counter for check in.

9. Airplane boarding meme

The Office travel meme

Some people take FOREVER in the aisle. I don’t even understand how whatever they’re doing could possibly take that long.

Do they not see the line behind them?

Seriously though, can someone explain this to me?

10. Reclining airplane seat meme

Best travel memes

I’ve never been one to recline my seat on an airplane because it doesn’t make the flight any more comfortable.

I also don’t want to squish the person behind me.

Like everybody else, I hate it when the person in front of me reclines their seat. For some reason, this always happens when I’m watching a movie or eating.

Why someone would recline their seat during meal service is beyone me, but it happens. If you paid for your seat on the plane, you can recline it if you wish. It’s really not that big of a deal. I’m usually just happy to be on a plane in the first place.

11. Southwest Airlines meme

Best travel memes

I love how seriously some folks take the boarding situation on Southwest Airlines.

I never really put much thought into it other than to ensure I check in right away to get a good boarding position.

I’ve definitely overheard some squabbles between passengers before though. This usually seems to happen when someone tries saving a seat for someone else who hasn’t been able to board yet.

I don’t really get why people insist on doing this. It’s not the end of the world if you don’t get to sit by your friend or partner during a flight.

And if it is such a big deal, why didn’t you just pay the $20 for the first boarding group? Makes no sense to me.

As for me, I head to the back of the plane to grab a window seat and silently hope no one sits next to me.

12. Reward points travel meme

Image of character from The Office sitting at his desk. Funny Travel memes

Gotta love The Office…and travel reward points. 

I don’t know about you, but I always make my purchases using a credit card that gets me points for travel.

I personally use the Chase Sapphire and a few Marriott rewards credit cards. I use the Sapphire for airfare and the Marriott cards for my hotels. It works out perfectly.

If you don’t already have a good travel rewards credit card or business travel rewards card, I strongly encourage you to get one. Use it for all your daily purchases, you’d be surprised how quicly those points add up.

Just be sure to pay it off in full each month. The reward points are no longer worth it if you’re paying hundreds of dollars in interest fees to carry a balance.

But if you can handle the card responsibly, say hello to free flights and hotels.

13. Airplane boarding travel meme

Image of John Goodman holding up a small gun

Any meme with John Goodman makes my list. 

Plus vacation memes about people blocking the airplane aisle are so accurate. I don’t understand this aspect of traveling by plane.

When I’m boarding a plane I usually feel awkward if people are waiting behind me to pass. So much so that I’ll do whatever I can to limit my time in the aisle.

If I’m taking longer that a few seconds, I’ll usually just step out of the aisle to let other pass if there’s room to do so. Not sure why everybody doesn’t do this.

Also, what’s up with people waiting until they board the plane to start digging things out of their carry on roller bag? Why? Just why?

14. The summer tourist vacation meme

Image of Jack Sparrow running from a gang of pirates

My own reaction is similar. I live in Los Angeles and know that certain areas of the city are just off limits come summer.

I’m talking about you Santa Monica and Hollywood Blvd. 

Even when I make my travel plans I consider the possible crowds for the destination I want to visit. I usually avoid Europe entirely in the summer. Not only are there too many tourists, but the prices are way too high.

I’d much rather travel in the spring and fall when everybody else is back at work. You wouldn’t believe all the deals you can get by opting for off season travel destinations .

15. The Alpaca Road Trip Meme s

Image of a white alpaca

Every list of funny travel memes needs an alpaca road trip meme. Plus, this one shows the true spirit of a road trip.

Road trips are best when they’re spontaneous, with the right people who are down for anything.

16. Waiting for my friends to travel meme

Image of skeleton on a couch

People often ask me when we’re going to travel together?

I used to entertain these comments with destination ideas and time frames. Now I just respond by suggesting they let me know when they’re ready to book the trip.

This is usually the end of the conversation. I think many people just like to talk about traveling, but don’t really have any intention of doing it. 

17. Always posting on social media travel meme

Funny Travel Memes 2019

We all have that friend who has to post every single photo they take on Facebook. You know the one.

18. Parents traveling without you meme

Starting Vacation Meme

Many of us can relate to this in one way or another, whether it be travel or something else. It always seems your parents start doing cool things after you’ve grown up and moved out.

19. Covid Travel Meme

Travel Memes Covid

So many of us had travel plans this year that were cancelled. I know some of us handled it better than others. Here’s to hoping we’re out of this soon.

20. I wish I was quarantined in Paris travel meme

Travel Memes 2020

This was absolutely me for the majority of the pandemic. I live in a suburb of Los Angeles and would have given anything to be stuck somewhere more interesting.

21. Airlines travel meme

Funny Vacation Memes - Travel memes images

I’ve only done this once, and never again. Unless I find a spectacular deal, I much prefer to pay a little extra for more comfort and convenience these days.

22. Cruise Travel Memes

Travel Memes Coronavirus

I don’t think anyone had it worse during Covid than the cruise industry. I have no idea how they plan to operate again, but I’m sure things will be interesting when they do.

23. When your mom is always worried travel meme

Best Travel Memes

I absolutely relate to this one. No matter where on the planet I go, my mom is always worried about the safety of the destination.

Honestly, most of the destinations I visit are safer than where I live.

24. Airline seating travel memes

Airline memes

In all honesty, it never ceases to amaze me how little room some airlines leave for passengers between the rows. I’m lucky I’m on the small side.

25. Airport Travel Meme

Travel Memes

I admit it, I’m definitely guilty of this one. I’m excited to be at the airport and traveling, but also bored at the same time. It’s a difficult situation.

26. Bank account travel meme

bank account travel meme

When your travel dreams are bigger than your bank account. I feel like this is true for most of us, and it’s definitely true for me.

I really hope you enjoyed this list of the 26 Best Travel Memes on the Internet? If you would like to support this blog please consider sharing this post. Thanks for reading.

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Little Miss Memes have taken over feeds for some much-needed laughs

Little Miss Memes are your favorite childhood books...with a twist

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little miss memes

Little Miss Memes are your favorite childhood storybooks...with a viral twist. 

The trending hashtags on TikTok and Instagram are dedicated to reviving Roger Hargreaves' delightful covers—you know the ones! There's a tiny, colorful object— though no one is quite sure what it is—with a title in black, bold font: "Little Miss Sunshine," "Little Miss Birthday," so on and so forth. 

Like the American Girl Doll memes that blessed our feeds several weeks ago, Little Miss Memes are dedicated to our adult woes: dating problems, health issues, general frustrations and all of that good stuff. 

No, this is not the story you remember from pre-k.

Little Miss Memes

For a good laugh and to feel some sense of camaraderie online, Little Miss Memes are here to give you a chuckle with their all-too-relatable scenarios. Have a gander at a few of our favorites via @juulpuppy , @littlemissnotesapp and FYPs.

1. Little Miss Tote Bags

Let's be real: you can never have too many. 

A post shared by @littlemissnotesapp A photo posted by on

2. Little Miss I'm Over It

Narrator: She was, in fact, not over it. 

3. Little Miss Banned from Tinder

Not a problem: we have expert-backed online dating tips for the next platform you're soon to be banned from. 

4. Little Miss Retail Therapy

That capsule wardrobe isn't going to appear itself, right?

@sluttybaguette ♬ Exploration . Coraline - Shawn☃︎

5. Little Miss Gets Dunkin at 4pm

Was there a better time to grab Dunkin?

@andiimazz ♬ original sound - Katrina Wright

6. Mr. Vape Cloud

Don't worry, there's love for the fellas, too!

7. Mr. Delusional

8. mr. receding hairline .

A post shared by make me fame i sexy (@juulpuppy) A photo posted by on

9. Little Miss Scorpio

Who doesn't appreciate a good astrology meme ? (Speaking of which, have you read your weekly horoscope , yet?)

A post shared by taylor <3 (@starbucksslayqueen) A photo posted by on

The hype began with @juulpuppy's hits this spring, followed by  a few reposts from @littlemissnotesapp before the masterminds behind the pages began working in tandem. @starbucksslayqueen  is a third account that's gotten in on the trend with some of our favorites, including the Little Miss Scorpio gem above. 

Let's keep the love coming—Little Miss Impatient could use a few more minutes of scrolling, if you please. 

Need a TV show recommendation? Maybe a few decor tips? Danielle, a digital news writer at Future, has you covered. Her work appears throughout the company’s lifestyle brands, including My Imperfect Life, Real Homes, and woman&home. Mainly, her time is spent at My Imperfect Life, where she’s attuned to the latest entertainment trends and dating advice for Gen Z.

Before her time at Future, Danielle was the editor of Time Out New York Kids, where she got to experience the best of the city from the point of view of its littlest residents. Before that, she was a news editor at Elite Daily. Her work has also appeared in Domino, Chowhound, and amNewYork, to name a few. 

When Danielle’s not writing, you can find her testing out a new recipe, reading a book (suggestions always welcome), or rearranging the furniture in her apartment…again. 

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Here's what you need to know about the "Little Miss" memes, including how to make them, where to get...

These Little Miss IG Trend Creators Spill The *Best* Tips For The Perfect Meme

Little Miss Never Let This Trend Die.

If you’ve been on Instagram or Twitter recently, you’ve seen your fair share of Little Miss memes making the rounds. The new trend , which takes the adorable cartoons from the Little Miss series and assigns them a new name based on a ~unique~ characteristic, has seriously taken off since the format went viral earlier this year. If you want to join in on the fun, though, you’re probably wondering how to make the Little Miss memes, where to get your ideas, and more, so you can start you very own Little Miss collection. I spoke to two Little Miss creators, and their tips will help you perfect your meme.

“It works because you can put any caption!” Instagrammer @juulpuppy tells Elite Daily. The trend creator might be on to something because the versatility of Little Miss makes it seem like there’s no end in sight. The meme format itself might be new, but the Little Miss characters have actually been around for decades. ICYDK, the trend is based on the spirited and smiley characters from the Mr. Men and Little Miss children’s books written by Roger Hargreaves in the 1970s. Nearly 100 lovable characters were featured in the popular books, including Little Miss Chatterbox, Mr. Happy, and of course, Little Miss Sunshine. The 2022 version, however, assigns the characters a new name based on a specific, relatable, or unexpected characteristic or personality trait.

According to Know Your Meme , the meme first started making waves in April 2022, when Twitter user @DreamGirlTat tweeted an image of a “ Little Miss Smokes Too Much Weed ” parody that originally came from Tumblr. As of July 27, there are dozens of meme accounts dedicated to the dozen of Little Miss memes to come out of this trend, including @JuulPuppy and @LittleMissNotesApp .

Whether you want to start your own curation account, or you just have a unique quirk worthy of a meme, here are the steps you need to follow to create your own Little Miss memes.

How To Make Little Miss Memes

There are so many versions of the Little Miss meme floating around Instagram and Twitter that you’d think they were coming from a meme generator, but unfortunately that’s not the case. Yup, as of July 27, there’s no website or app that’ll create a meme for you, which means you’ll need to have a basic understanding of a photo editing app or software to make your Little Miss Idea into a Little Miss Reality. If this isn’t your first time you’ve tried your hand at meme making, though, the format is simple enough that it should be a breeze.

First, you’ll want to select the cartoon that speaks to you the most. You can find a full list of the characters names and images on the Little Miss and Mr. Men wiki fandom pages. After you’ve settled on a character, it’s time to give it a name change.

Whatever your photo editor of choice may be, make sure it gives you the option to add text, because you’re gonna want to type the name of your character at the top of the screen in the format of “Little Miss ____” or “Mr. ____.” Once you’ve done that, all that’s left to do is take it to the internet and watch it take off.

Little Miss Meme Ideas

Because there are so many Little Miss memes circulating on social media, it can feel like all the good ideas have already been taken. Elite Daily reached out to JuulPuppy and Little Miss meme curator Nicole Gagliardi ( @LittleMissNotesApp on Instagram) about where to look for inspiration, how to make your Little Miss meme have a widespread reach, and more.

When it comes to inspiration, 22 year-old Gagliardi doesn’t seek out ideas for her memes as much as she’s influenced by everyday conversations and occurrences. “Inspiration comes from just common jokes and things we make fun of in ourselves and others,” Gagliardi tells Elite Daily. “Things we like to identify with, and sometimes things we're shy to admit about ourselves unless it's in a funny, relatable way.”

Creator JuulPuppy was at the the forefront of Little Miss meme-dom, and they share that it was a way to take the content on their page in a more “uplifting and lighthearted” direction. The 21 year-old tells Elite Daily, “When I remembered the Little Miss books, I just knew this would be a perfect format.” It looks like they were right.

The success of the meme format seems to come as no surprise to JuulPuppy. Between the inviting faces of the nostalgic childhood characters and the inclusive nature of the format, it makes sense why the meme has had such an expansive reach. “It began with Gen Z but now I see my mom’s friends posting them and a ton of millennials as well,” they say. With such a wide-ranging audience of people engaging with the meme, JuulPuppy believes there isn’t one Little Miss meme that stands out among the rest. Instead, the driving force behind each meme should be to help people see their “vulnerabilities presented in a comedic way.”

Gagliardi tries maintain a certain standard with her content: “I like it to be comedically specific. The more niche it can get but still have people relate to it, the better,” she tells Elite Daily. The creator also shared some insider info about the Little Miss characters that people like to see the most. Her pro tip: go for the aesthetically pleasing cartoons, specifically the pink ones. According to Gagliardi, the pink ones always seem to be a crowd favorite.

She says the draw of the meme format is its ability to get people to own up to aspects about themselves that they’d otherwise keep to themselves. Most Little Miss memes are based on qualities that people “wouldn't put out on the internet everyday.” Gagliardi encourages others to embrace the embarrassing: “I think people like seeing themselves in what I post and being able to identify with little quirks or interests ... you're not alone in that, or can fess up to it, because someone else brought it up first.” Looks like it’s time to take your “dear diary” entries and splash them on a meme.

little miss travel memes


People Are Describing Themselves Through "Little Miss" And "Mr. Men" Memes

Allison DeGrushe - Author

Published July 18 2022, 11:43 a.m. ET

As one could expect, the internet is hyper-fixated on yet another meme format.

So we say goodbye to the " We need an American Girl Doll " and the " We will adopt your baby " memes because it's time to welcome a brand-new format inspired by the 1990s children's cartoon Mr. Men and Little Miss .

The recent meme trend consists of editing and recaptioning the covers of the Mr. Men and Little Miss books to create more relatable content. It also allows viewers to label themselves based on their personalities.

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Protect your eyes at all costs!

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Twitter Is Having a Field Day With All These "We Will Adopt Your Baby" Memes

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"Little Miss" Memes Are Going Viral On TikTok & Instagram

I feel called out.

'Little Miss' memes based on the nostalgic '80s books are going viral on TikTok and Instagram.

In June 2022, American Girl dolls received the meme treatment. Now, TikTok and Instagram users are associating themselves with a literary character that was consistently found on the shelves of young millennials. Do you remember the colorful, miniature characters wearing nothing but bows in their hair, sometimes a fashionable pair of shoes, or a hat too small for their body? These adorable characters are the internet’s newest form of emotional therapy — using “Mr. Men” and “Little Miss” to call out their own insecurities and personality traits.

What started out as children’s books such as Mr. Grumpy , Little Miss Bossy , and Little Miss Stubborn have now turned into a legitimate Instagram takeover, with Gen Z creating their own Little Miss, followed by a hyper specific quality about themselves. Whether it’s “Little Miss Repressed Childhood Trauma,” “Little Miss Daddy Issues,” or “Little Miss College Dropout,” these colorful, four-fingered, recognizable creatures from childhood are more relatable than ever.

Just like the American Girl trend , the “create your own” Little Miss is essentially a fill in the blank situation. Yes, the wording is a bit outdated — women being associated with “little” and men being tied to “Mr.” For that reason, the gender neutral character “Mx” has commonly replaced the use of “Miss” and “Mr” in order to represent the nonbinary community within this meme.

Users of the trend use it for everything — from calling out their emotional instability or hyping themselves up — the Little Miss possibilities are endless. Take “Little Miss Cries When She’s Mad” for example, because like, same. If you want to expose yourself by using the Little Miss meme, keep reading to understand what, why, and how this trend became a thing.

Where Did Little Miss And Mr. Men Memes Come From?

The Mr. Men book series was created by Roger Hargreaves in 1971 with the birth of “Mr. Tickle” — a squiggly yellow creature sporting a tiny blue hat. Looking to open up to a wider audience, Hargreaves created the Little Miss series in 1981 — introducing his young readers first to “Little Miss Sunshine,” “Little Miss Naughty,” and “Little Miss Bossy.”

The book series took readers through a day in the life of each Mr. Men or Little Miss — showing how their names impacted their traits, personalities, and individual choices. Past the Spice Girls getting their own “Little Misses” and “Little Miss Princess” being created to celebrate the wedding of Prince William and Duchess Kate, the Mr. Men and Little Miss books have taken on a new form and are once again connecting with Gen Z, one of the audiences they helped raise.

On April 19, 2022, Instagram meme creator @juulpuppy , created the first “Little Miss” meme, bringing to life icons like “Little Miss Borderline Personality Disorder,” “Little Miss Neurodivergent Stripper,” and “Little Miss Irritable Bowel Syndrome,” causing over 44,000 fans to be hit with both intense feelings of relatability and nostalgia. From there, the trend outgrew itself, as many memes do, and was quickly adapted on both TikTok and Instagram. Other Instagram accounts like @littlemissnotesapp began to repost @juulpuppy’s creations until they decided to develop their own versions of the memes as traction grew.

The memes started as a way for people to speak candidly about their mental health, physical struggles, and even insecurities. Examples like “Little Miss Homewrecker” and “Little Miss Anxious Attachment” resonated with people and provided laughter toward less lighthearted topics. Instagram users have since started to repost “Little Miss” memes describing themselves to their story in hopes that their followers would find it funny, or possibly even a bit relatable.

This form of emotional expression has now transformed into individuals calling out their own red flags. “Little Miss Wants Her Ex Back,” “Little Miss Former Horse Girl,” “Little Miss Narcissist” and “Little Miss In Love With Her Sneaky Link” were created by @starbucksslayqueen — providing followers with the material to easily torment themselves. No longer are people keeping their insecurities a secret. Sharing is caring in this case. Tag yourself, I’m “Little Miss Cheese Pizza Only” or “Little Miss Can’t Spell Restaurant” because TBH, I’ve been there.

Along with “Little Miss,” @starbucksslayqueen and other creators incorporated “Mr. Men” as well. “Little Miss” isn’t the only one who deserves to be called out. With that, characters like “Mr. Can’t Get It Up,” “Mr. Get On Top,” and “Mr. Doesn’t Use Deodorant” were born — giving people the avenue to reference their ex’s red flags that they otherwise would’ve kept hidden. Hey @starbucksslayqueen, I need a “Mr. Told Me I Was The Only Girl But Was Actually Talking To Three Of My Closest Friends,” please and thank you.

On TikTok, people have started describing themselves , their exes, or their friends as “Little Miss” or “Mr. Men” characters in 30 second long videos — claiming traits they might have been embarrassed about in the past. Starting at the beginning of July 2022, @starbucksslayqueen started sharing their graphics on TikTok, gaining even more attention for characters like “Little Miss Forgets To Eat” and “Little Miss Depression Nap.” The hashtag #LittleMiss now has over 41.4 million views and is overtaking the TikTok FYPs and Instagram Discover pages of Gen Z’ers everywhere.

“Little Miss” is attacking the internet — some are here for it, some are scared at how accurate the memes are. One commenter on @lyssavibe_’s “Little Miss” video said “realizing me, you, and the comments got a lot in common.” “Little Miss hitting too close to home” read another comment on a TikTok video from @titt1fuchalasgna . It’s obvious most of us have never had an original experience or thought in our lives.

This article was originally published on July 20, 2022

little miss travel memes

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Why Little Miss characters are everywhere

Little Miss will explain every meme trend to you

by Ana Diaz

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A black and white photo of Roger Hargreaves with Mr. Men characters in mascot costumes

Odds are if you’ve been on Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok the past several weeks, you’ve seen the colorful emoji-like characters from the children’s book series, Mr. Men.

The 2D characters have become the face of a viral meme trend as people use them to share their “red flags” and express communal angst over the general state of the world. The trend appears to transcend any particular platform. At time of publication, the “Littlemiss” hashtag on TikTok has over 89 million views , and individual posts on Twitter have received as many as 43,000 likes .

In case you’re not up to snuff with the canon of British children’s literature, the characters come from an illustrated book series called Mr. Men. The series began publication in 1971 and was written by Roger Hargreaves. It now spans dozens of books, including a related spin-off called Little Miss, and even an animated television series. When Roger Hargreaves passed away, his son Adam Hargreaves took on the series.

Each Mr. Men story introduces a new character who has a name based on a single defining characteristic. (For example, Mr. Impossible’s single trait would be that he can do anything and nothing is impossible for him.) The characters have long been the stuff of memes and corny T-shirts ( you probably recognize Little Miss Sunshine ), but around mid-July the characters started to pick up traction on social media again.

Now, people have been posting the characters with alternate captions detailing what possible traits might represent them. It’s 2022 though, and people can’t help but make light of more flawed characteristics. Popular versions include “Little Miss won’t ask for help even with a knife in her leg” or “Little Miss indecisive.” Mainly, people are dragging themselves and others.

What is the origin of the Little Miss memes?

The origin of this particular spike in interest is a bit hard to pin down, but at least a few popular versions have gone viral. On April 17, Twitter user Dreamgirltat posted an image with the caption “Little Miss smokes too much weed” that got over 36,000 likes. The meme archive Know Your Meme also credited Instagram user Juulpuppy with popularizing the format after the user posted a carousel of nine images on Instagram on April 19 , that earned roughly 39,000 likes in three months. Regardless of the precise origin, a constellation of viral posts from varying sources helped contribute to the popularization of the images.

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55 Awesome Travel and Vacation Memes That Perfectly Explain Life

Travel is a rollercoaster of emotions: excitement, frustration, laughter, patience – it’s why we love it so much right? Here are 50 awesome travel and vacation memes that perfectly summarise the travel experience. LOLs guaranteed.

Who doesn’t love a good travel meme?

Whether you’ve just come back from vacation and are in need of some joy to brighten your dank day, or you’re in search of lols to pass a long journey – here are 50 awesome travel memes chosen by travel bloggers to inspire your next trip.

Make sure you check out this post too, travel quotes to inspire you to hit the road.

Going on Vacation Memes

When you just booked a trip.

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

Sets countdown timer to take off.

Only One More Day!

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

Tick tock. Tick tock. How many seconds are there in a day again?

The Excitement, The Ecstasy

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

I love this meme because it’s the way I always feel when I’m about to embark on a trip, or even sometimes when I’ve just booked the flights or made a decision to actually go!

Like running around shouting “I’m going on an adventure!”.

It comes from the The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey movie which is also filmed in my home country of New Zealand, and I visited the exact location of this shot recently so now I love it even more!

Sonja, Migrating Miss , Instagram

My Vacation Starts NOW

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

Don’t call. Don’t email. The fun starts now.

Me Leaving For Work The Day Before Vacation

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

See you suckers.

When You Leave Work to Start Your Vacation

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

Boom shackalaka boom.

We So Excited!

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

And we just can’t hide it.

That Smug Holiday Feeling

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

Rather me than you. #sorrynotsorry

Freedom, Sweet Freedom

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

The reward for hard work and perseverance is vacation.

Strollin’ Straight Outta Work Like

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

Sayonara B*tches, It’s Vacay Time

55 funny travel memes - LOLs guaranteed! #travel #funny #meme

*tries to look sad but just can’t*

Funny Travel Memes That Obsessive Travellers Can Relate To

When people hassle you for travelling too much (as if that’s a thing).

55 hilarious travel memes to inspire wanderlust and adventure #travel #funnymemes #memes

My lovely family often blames me for travelling too much.

They always keep telling me why do I need to travel so much.

And when will I do all the normal things that ‘normal’ girls of my age do (Earlier it was marriage, now that I am already married, it has come down to having kids!).

Now both mine and my husband’s side of the family thinks I am obsessed with travelling. And whenever they tell me this, I roll my eyes and reply that I could have been a serial killer or drug addict.

And the irony is that I had started travelling as a kid with my parents and extended family of uncles and aunts!

Amrita, Tale of 2 Backpackers , Instagram

When You Love to Travel but your Bank Account is Cryin’ For Help

55 hilarious travel memes to inspire wanderlust and adventure #travel #funnymemes #memes

I picked this meme because not only is always appropriate to include High School Musical references, but also because it rings true as an ever-present struggle for many keen travellers.

Jetting off to new and exciting places can be expensive at the best of times, so when you’re constantly prowling Skyscanner for the next best deal your bank account is the first to suffer!

The play-off between the need to see the world and the need to sustain a living is a tough one, but as anyone who loves travel will tell you, you make it work somehow!

Suzy, Suzy Stories , Twitter

Babies or Travel? Travel.

55 hilarious travel memes to inspire wanderlust and adventure #travel #funnymemes #memes

What do we say to having babies? Not today!

This meme describes me in so many ways! I caught myself staring at my world map with the same interest my girl friends look at baby photos.

Okay, I’m closer to the 30s than to the 20s, but still…look at this map again.

There are so many places out there to explore! So, nope, not today.

Bruna, Maps ‘N Bags –   Facebook

Things I Like As Much as Travelling

55 hilarious travel memes to inspire wanderlust and adventure #travel #funnymemes #memes

I’m obsessed with travelling? Don’t know what you mean.

How I Choose My Next Travel Destination

55 hilarious travel memes to inspire wanderlust and adventure #travel #funnymemes #memes

If Traveling Was Free…

55 hilarious travel memes to inspire wanderlust and adventure #travel #funnymemes #memes

You’d never see me again. Joking!*

*not joking.

The Vacation You Want Vs. The One You Get

55 hilarious travel memes to inspire wanderlust and adventure #travel #funnymemes #memes

I’m totally OK with it. No, really.

The Beach is Calling

55 hilarious travel memes to inspire wanderlust and adventure #travel #funnymemes #memes

And I must go. My mother taught me good manners.

Vacation Mode. Check!

55 hilarious travel memes to inspire wanderlust and adventure #travel #funnymemes #memes

Turn on the happiness. Turn off the emails.

Did Someone Say Vacation? One Second…

55 hilarious travel memes to inspire wanderlust and adventure #travel #funnymemes #memes

OK, I’m ready.

Travelling is My Favourite!

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

I’d be a lot richer if that wasn’t true.

Funny Vacation Memes

When you’ve planned everything and your partner throws a curveball.

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

I love planning trips.  I find it fun, rewarding, and relaxing.  

I have all the hallmarks of a Type-A personality, however my husband loves chaos and ruining our travel plans.  

I still love planning, but he definitely loves to laugh a bit too evilly whenever he puts a kink into my perfectly planned road trips.

Karen, Wanderlusting K – Facebook

Throw A Pin on the Map? Maybe Not….

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

I found this meme on Pinterest years ago and have kept it in my “Humor” board ever since.

While I love the idea of just winging it and throwing a dart anywhere at a map, it’s also ironic because 70% of our world is covered by water.

So this meme just puts it into perspective how much we take the ocean and travel for granted. It also makes me laugh every time I see it and show it to people!

Natasha, The World Pursuit , Facebook

When It Turns Out to Be More of a Challenge than you Expected

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

This cycling meme particularly appeals to me, because I do a lot of my travel by bicycle.

I can’t mention how many times someone said the next section of road would be flat, and I ended up faced with this!

I think the beauty of this travel meme though, is that it is symbolic of any type of travel or even your journey through life.

Dave, Dave’s Travel Pages , Facebook

Escape Them All!

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

Just me, myself and I.

It’s Not My Problem Because… Vacation

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

Didn’t you get the memo? I’ll switch into give a sh*t mode in exactly two weeks.

Hi, My Name is…. And I’m an Overpacker

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

Well, you never know what might happen right!

Stop. Taking. Pictures. Dammit.

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

You said a holiday, not a fashion shoot.

Work? What’s Work?

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

Is it a Mimosa? No. Well I’m Not Interested Then.

Best Vacation Ever Memes

We are going to have so much fun.

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

As if our lives depended on it.

When You Maybe Shared Too Much on Social…

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

Oh, I mean, I thought I only put up a couple. Too many?

When You Are Having the Best Vacation And Your Heart is Filled With Generosity Instead of The Standard Lead

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

I feel alive! Is this what happiness feels like? Here, have some. 

Long Haul Flight Memes + Airport Travel Memes

The joy of getting a row to yourself.

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

Travel can be so stressful and flights are certainly no fun fair with security lines, all that waiting around and the thought of spending hours in a cramped seat with total strangers sitting just a bit too close.

But what if some magic meant you had a spare seat on the plane or even better two!

This meme perfectly sums up the mix of happiness and relief of a full row to yourself on an aeroplane.  

After all the stress of the airport, that extra leg space or perhaps nap space will definitely result in the happy seal face!

Kirstin, The Tinberry Travels , Instagram

The Ridiculous Overweight Baggage Charade

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

I find this travel meme hilarious in the way it states the obvious.

Having to unpack and repack my stuff into a different bag that goes on the same plane just doesn’t add up, does it?

I love it when some airlines aren’t really that strict about checking the weight of your carry-on, but the ones that insist on doing so and then making people unpack and repack – it’s a hassle that travellers could do without.

I like how this meme puts across this issue that most travellers face at some point.

Namita, Radically Ever After , Instagram

Weird Thoughts From 36,000 Ft

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

If you have been on a plane before, you know that it can be a frustrating and exhausting experience.

You don’t really realize how much time you spend aimlessly scrolling through newsfeeds and texting your friends.

If this meme doesn’t speak to you on a spiritual level, I don’t know what does!

I always find myself counting the seats on a plane or tapping incessantly when the boredom hits while on a long haul flight.

This meme reminds me that I am not the only flier who thinks about some, well, interesting things while they fly.

Weird things happen when you’re stuck in a metal tube with a million other people.

Bailey, The Gay Globetrotter – Facebook

Adulting the Sh*t Outta Life

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

I have a little bit of a reputation for being a hot mess.

Although I’ve made it to 30+ countries relatively unscathed, I usually do lose a passport, forget essentials like underwear or just plain miss the flight.

I connect with this meme practically on a spiritual level because, like success kid, I feel victories in the little things when it comes to travel.

That’s why I now pack two or three spare batteries instead of one!

Eileen from Pure Wander

What Happened Along the Way?

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

When I was a child, I was fascinated with planes. Flying and being pampered while in the air! Maybe it was as I was a kid, I was happy to get what I could .

With the increase in carriers over the years, I’ve realized how things have gone downhill!

Gone are the days where flying is only for professionals, the cheaper flying gets, the quality of services being provided falls further!

Lavinia, Continent Hop , Instagram  

Will Wake for Food

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

Don’t you dare wake me because you need to go to the loo. Emergencies and food only.  

Cheeky Babies Be Like..

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

My evil work is done for the day.

Comfort. What’s That?

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

It’s a good thing I actually love confined spaces.

Rolls Eyes and Thinks Bad Thoughts

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

Houston, we have a clapper. Send help.

Thoughtful Travel Memes

The only thing you buy that makes you richer.

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

Travel always had a positive effect on my life and I cherish the fact that I have been born to travel and I consider myself very fortunate to be able to travel.

‘Travel is the only thing you buy,that makes you richer’ is my favorite travel meme.

Everything in this world is temporary but the learnings,teachings that we gain from travelling stays with us.

It enriches your life as you come to know about other religions, people’s characters, their lifestyle and way of communicating.

I have gained a lot from traveling.

Somnath, Travel Crusade , Facebook

Travel Buddy Memes

When your friends bail on you and you’re left flying solo.

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

I chose this travel meme since this is one of the reasons I started traveling solo.

I was tired of friends cancelling and rescheduling travel plans. I realised that life is too short to be dependent on anyone else.

I would prefer doing something that I love on my own rather than waiting for people who may or may not join.

Soumya, Travel, Books and Food , Instagram

Sure, You’re Coming Travelling With Me (ROFL)

55 travel memes for your next vacations. Work, adventure, lol, repeat. That's life. Don't miss them #wanderlust #travel #traveling #memes

Oh this old charade again… why you lying for?

You, You’re PERFECT

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

I want you to travel with me everywhere all the time.

Digital Nomad Memes

Perception vs reality.

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

I love this meme about being a digital nomad.

Although many people think being a digital nomad is a glamorous lifestyle of lying by the beach during the day and partying at night, the reality is much different.

Most of us spend all of our time in front of our laptops working and, like the final picture shows, are often working so late that we crash out in front of it.  

James, Portugalist , Facebook

Moving Abroad Travel Memes

When i follow my heart i wake up in bali.

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

Bali is one place that has truly stolen my heart and I am at my happiest when I wake up in Bali.

The Balinese and their beautiful culture make me so appreciative of life. Their smiles and generosity  is something that Western society can learn a lot from.

Kate, Rolling Along with Kids – Facebook

And… When It’s All Over. Back to Work After Vacation Memes

My vacation is over tomorrow.

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

Can I pull a sickie?

The Worst Thing About Going on Holiday…

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

I always knew it was going to happen but I didn’t expect it to feel this bad.

I Don’t Want to go Back to Work!!!

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

Endless exclamation marks cannot emphasise this point enough.

Seventh Level of Hell

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

They’re one and the same really.

This One Time At Band Camp, Ahem In Europe

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

My trip changed me in so many ways. It was life-changing.

Everyone should live abroad at some point. You wouldn’t understand though. Nevermind. One day you will be as wise as me.

Back From Holiday. Sigh. Select All. Delete.

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

When you delete all your emails because you’re so raging about being back at work.

Boss Sees You Come Back From Holiday Like

55 funny travel memes that are so true it hurts. The adventure and hilarious side of vacations, then the sadness of going back to work... #funnymemes #travel #memes

Oh goody, the fun dementor is here to ruin my life.

So, there we are, 55 travel and vacation memes to inspire your next trip. Which was your fave?

Read more travel inspiration…

  • 100+ cool travel quotes to fuel your wanderlust
  • The best travel and journey quotes to inspire your next trip 
  • The ultimate travel bucket list
  • 61 Cool Adventure Quotes to fire your imagination

I’m Julianna Barnaby - a professional travel writer and geek extraordinaire. I started The Discoveries Of to help you to discover the best of new destinations from around the world.

Discovering new places is a thrill - whether it’s close to home, a new country or continent, I write to help you explore more and explore differently.

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Hahaha! I almost fell off my chair laughing at these! Spot on!

Really glad you like them Bea – they certainly made me chortle as I was writing the piece 😀

This is such a hilarious post! Love each of these and can ofcourse relate with them!

Really glad to hear! Thanks for your contribution – gotta love a good meme!

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little miss travel memes

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Just Meme - Funniest Birthday Meme Collection

Little miss memes: viral fun in bite-sized laughs.

The digital playground of the internet is a dynamic expanse where humor evolves and thrives in the form of viral memes. One trend that has brightly colored the canvas of internet humor is the emergence of Little Miss Memes. Instantly recognizable, these picture-perfect slices of everyday life have become a staple within meme culture, resonating with audiences across the globe. They encapsulate shared experiences with a lighthearted twist, delivering relatable content that turns moments of mundane reality into popular memes.

In an ever-changing online environment, Little Miss Memes stand out, offering bite-sized laughs that effortlessly tap into the pulse of what it means to be part of a digitally connected world. As we delve into the phenomenon, we shall uncover the gears and cogs that keep the meme machine running, and the impact these graphics have on shaping our online community narratives and interactions.

Little Miss Memes

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the burgeoning popularity of Little Miss Memes within internet culture.
  • Exploring the universal appeal that makes Little Miss Memes a relatable source of viral memes.
  • Gaining insight into how these humorous images have become emblematic of modern internet humor.
  • Examining the reasons behind the widespread sharing and engagement with little miss parodies Memes.
  • Setting the stage for a deeper investigation into the mechanics behind popular memes and their cultural significance.

The Origin and Rise of Little Miss Memes

The visual ecosystem of the internet is ever-evolving, and among its most dynamic components is the phenomenon of memes. little miss parodies Memes represent a perfect symbiosis between design simplicity and cultural relatability, making them a staple in the meme culture that sweeps the digital landscape.

The History of the Meme Revolution

Tracing the genealogy of internet lore, memes have blossomed from their nascent expressions in web forums to the mainstream meme generators we see today. The meme’s transformative journey has been carved out significantly by digital communities, turning an underground movement into a global dialogue punctuated by humor and satire.

From the ancient artifacts of early internet expressions to today’s viral sensations, memes have mirrored the flux of online connectivity and creativity.

It was within this zeitgeist that the meme creation websites found fertile ground, crafting tools that have become an integral part of modern internet culture. These platforms democratized the means of meme production, making the barrier to entry for aspiring memesters as simple as a click.

Defining the Little Miss Meme Phenomenon

At the heart of the Little Miss Meme phenomenon lies a compelling blend of nostalgia and innovation. Molded from the pages of children’s books, these characters were repurposed into a humoristic commentary on adult life, societal norms, and everyday struggles.

Identifying the namesake characteristics of the Little Miss Memes:

  • Relatability: Each meme serves as a mirror reflecting universal sentiments, thereby-increasing audience engagement.
  • Simplicity: The straightforward design and brief text, often embedded in a meme generator, make them instantly digestible and shareable.
  • Adaptability: The template’s versatility allows for endless customization, echoing the dynamic shifts within meme culture.

The little miss parodies Meme phenomenon encapsulates the collaborative spirit of meme culture, where an idea is not only born but also nurtured and evolved by its community. It’s in the shared laughter, the tags, and reposts where these illustrations transcend their origins, becoming the very pulse of internet culture.

Read more on:

Sonic Memes

Star War Memes

In this tableau of evolution, Little Miss Memes stand as icons of a new age in internet expression. They are the epitome of what it means to harness the instrumental role of meme generators and meme culture to echo the sentiments of an entire generation, solidifying the little miss parodies Meme phenomenon as a key player in the grand repertoire of digital folklore.

The Art of Meme Creation: How Little Miss Captures the Internet

The phenomenon of Little Miss Memes lies at the intersection of art and humor. Its success on the internet can be attributed to a failsafe formula—it is as simple to digest as they are delightful to share. For those looking to create your own meme , it’s worth taking a closer look at how these captivating images blend universal emotions with current trends.

Rising to the challenge, meme enthusiasts often flock to popular meme creation websites that streamline the process of bringing a vision to life. With user-friendly interfaces and a plethora of customizable options, these platforms are proving to be fertile grounds for the inception of funny memes that resonate with audiences globally.

Little Miss Memes encapsulate life’s everyday situations, from the joy of canceled plans to the dread of Mondays, allowing everyone to find a piece of themselves in these images.

What really propels these memes to the forefront of internet culture is the relatable content that speaks to a wide demographic. Themes range widely, incorporating anything from daily annoyances to prominent television show references, thus ensuring that they strike a chord with viewers across the spectrum.

Creating Little Miss Memes

Aspiring meme creators should take note of the different themes popular within the Little Miss universe of little miss jokes:

  • Mundane life moments heightened with humor
  • Pop culture and celebrity nods
  • Topical events given a satirical twist
  • Relatable work and school scenarios
  • Internet trends and social media in-jokes

These elements are the backbone of Little Memes, giving them a universal appeal that frequently sees them shared, liked, and repurposed across the net. Websites dedicated to meme creation act not just as tools, but as communities where ideas can be swapped and honed to perfection, ensuring the propagation of this dynamic art form.

Exploring the Popularity of Funny Memes

Understanding the pull of humorous content on the internet reveals why funny memes such as Little Miss Memes have turned into a global sensation. It isn’t just about the content being amusing; it’s also about the inherent shareability these memes possess, exploiting the very architecture of social media.

What Makes Little Miss Trend Memes So Shareable?

Funny memes, particularly those involving the Little Miss Trend characters, encapsulate relatable situations with a twist of humor that resonates with a wide audience. The concise and visually engaging format of these memes means they are quickly consumed and easily understood, requiring no additional context—making them prime content for sharing. Friends tag each other, reposts spread across platforms, and soon enough, a popular meme becomes a staple in online conversations.

The Psychology Behind Humor in Memes

Our attraction to internet memes certainly has psychological underpinnings. The brevity and wit present in memes like Little Miss Trend Memes trigger a rapid release of endorphins, providing a quick and accessible way to experience joy. This biochemical reaction is then associated with the act of sharing, which not only amplifies our happiness but also builds a connection with others who share our sense of humor, thus facilitating a viral spread.

Examining several viral memes underlines common traits: a relatable punchline, timely relevance, or a universally understood joke. These aspects are strikingly present in Little Miss Trend Memes, explaining their widespread reach. Such content moves beyond mere amusement, capturing a snapshot of cultural zeitgeist, weaving itself into the fabric of daily online interaction.

Meme Generator: Creating Your Own Little Miss Memes

The digital landscape is teeming with creativity, and the ability to create your own meme has become a staple of online expression. Leveraging a meme generator’s simplicity, you can craft personalized Little Miss Trend Memes that resonate with your sense of humor and meme creativity. It’s a delightful convergence of easiness and customization that meme creation websites offer to anyone looking to leave their mark on the internet.

Step-by-Step to Making Your Little Miss Meme

Starting with nothing more than an idea, meme generation is a process that encapsulates both the fun and essence of internet culture. Here’s a simplified blueprint to guide you through the journey from thought to viral sensation:

  • Select a meme generator known for its user-friendly interface. This is your canvas for meme creativity.
  • Choose a template that aligns with the Little Miss trend character you want to feature.
  • Craft your caption, using wit and relatability as your tools to attract a wide audience.
  • Customize the text font and color to make your meme stand out.
  • Preview your creation, ensuring visual balance and readability.
  • Save and share your personalized meme across your favorite social platforms.

Little Miss Meme Generator Guide

With these steps, you can elevate your own ideas to newfound popularity, contributing to the dynamic world of meme culture.

Tools and Tips for Unleashing Your Meme Creativity

While anyone can create a basic meme, meme creativity involves pushing boundaries and experimenting with new concepts. Here are some tools and tips to help you cultivate a Little Miss Meme that can captivate the online audience:

  • Always aim for relatable content that reflects current trends or universal experiences.
  • Inject humor with a twist—unexpected turns can make a meme go viral.
  • Keep the visuals clean; a cluttered image can distract from your message.
  • Be concise; the best memes say a lot with a few words.
  • Use high-quality images to make your meme stand out.

In the world of meme generation, it’s not just about what you say, but how you say it. As meme creation websites evolve and offer more tools, your meme creativity is limited only by your imagination. By harnessing the spontaneity of humor and the zeitgeist of popular culture, your Little Miss Meme may just be the next viral sensation to light up screens around the world.

From Niche to Mainstream: How Little Miss Memes Went Viral

The meteoric ascent of Little Miss Memes from obscure internet corners to widespread viral fame is a testament to the dynamism of meme culture. Initially embraced by a small but fervent subculture, these instantly recognizable digital snippets captured the zeitgeist, evolving into symbols of relatable humor and satirical commentary for the masses.

An examination of several key viral events reveals a pattern: A resounding surge in popularity often follows the endorsement of a high-profile social media account or celebrity mention. Whether by accident or design, these moments act as catapults, propelling Little Miss Memes beyond their insular origins and into the mainstream consciousness.

Social media platforms, with complex algorithms that feed on engagement, also play a pivotal role in determining the trajectory of a meme’s virality. Platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok have been instrumental in creating a fertile environment for internet memes to flourish, with popular memes often emerging from the nuanced interplay of visibility and shareability.

Algorithm-fueled platforms harness the very nature of meme culture, allowing viral memes to travel at an unprecedented pace, reaching diverse audiences across multiple networks.

It is within this context that Little Miss Memes transcended niche appeal and became entrenched in the broader meme ecosystem. As social media influencers and internet personalities adopted and adapted these engaging images, their reach extended globally, cementing their status as digital icons.

The Viral Spread of Little Miss Memes

  • Key social media platforms contributing to meme distribution
  • Influential social media accounts known for sharing impactful memes
  • Statistics on sharing rates and engagement trends for viral memes

The key takeaway from this remarkable journey of Little Miss Memes is the inherent power of shareable content within internet culture. As these memes crossed the invisible boundary between subculture and the mainstream, they amassed a following that continues to grow, fueled by the very essence of what makes memes so captivating: their ability to capture and communicate the universal aspects of human experience in a digital age.

Breaking Down the Elements of a Viral Little Miss Meme

Understanding why certain Little Miss Memes become internet sensations involves dissecting the core components that capture the audience’s attention. Viral memes often hinge on a delicate balance of relatable humor, visual simplicity, and cultural resonance. Let’s delve into what makes these particular memes stand out in the vast sea of online content.

Understanding the Visuals and Text of Viral Memes

The visual appeal of Little Miss Memes lies in their distinctive, bold outlines and vivid colors that instantly grab attention. Coupled with concise, impactful text, they communicate emotions and situations that resonate with broad demographics. A powerful meme generator serves as the creative forge where these elements are seamlessly integrated into content capable of going viral.

Little Miss Meme Visual Analysis

Anatomy of a Share-Worthy Meme

A share-worthy meme transcends the boundaries of simple entertainment; it often acts as a social commentary or a universal expression of experiences. Below is a breakdown highlighting the anatomy of memes, specifically analyzing those that have achieved viral status.

While leveraging a meme generator can streamline the technical process of meme creation, it’s the strategic use of these components that propels a Little Miss Meme to virality. It’s about tapping into the collective consciousness, packaging humor in an image, and strategically timing its release for maximum impact. The uncanny ability of popular memes to mirror current societal emotions makes them not just funny memes, but cultural milestones.

The Role of Meme Generator Websites in Meme Culture

Meme generator websites are not just tools; they represent the democratization of humor in digital spaces. By empowering anyone to create their own meme , these platforms have significantly contributed to the participation and expansion of internet memes . The ingenuity of meme creation websites lies in their ability to serve as a canvas for both novices and seasoned meme-makers alike.

The proliferation of meme generators has led to an explosion in the quantity and diversity of memes. They have become cultural beacons on the internet, allowing social media users to rapidly consume, share, and connect through laughter and creativity. Meme generators foster a sense of community, where social media users from across the globe resonate with each other’s humor, creating a vast, unified narrative that is forever evolving.

Meme Generator Impact on Culture

Let’s consider how these meme generators have revolutionized the way memes are created and shared:

  • User-friendly interfaces make meme creation accessible to all, encouraging a more inclusive meme culture.
  • Pre-loaded templates and custom options inspire users to generate fresh and personalized content swiftly.
  • Social sharing capabilities embedded within these websites amplify the reach of these digital jests, making viral trends a common occurrence.

Here’s an insight into some leading features that have made particular meme generators popular:

As technological advancements continue to surge, the capabilities of meme generators are expected to grow in complexity and sophistication. It’s the blend of technology, culture, and creativity that cements the meme generator’s role in the dynamic landscape of digital humor and internet memes. In the end, these websites are more than mere platforms; they are the breeding grounds for the next viral sensation and the archives of our time’s digital wit.

Little Miss Memes: Celebrating Internet Meme Culture

In the digital age, little miss memes have not only provided entertainment but also fostered a vibrant meme community that speaks volumes about the dynamic, evolving meme culture. These visual snippets have become more than just internet phenomena; they are the cultural threads weaving together a tapestry of online dialogue and camaraderie. The integration of internet memes into everyday communication underscores their significance in contemporary society.

little miss memes community

The Community Behind the Memes

The love for little miss memes has culminated in the growth of a diverse community, where artists, fans, and casual internet surfers converge. The meme creators, who are the masterminds behind these witty creations, often work in tandem with their audience, who actively participate through sharing, remixing, and even helping in the viral spread of content. This two-way relationship has elevated the status of little miss memes , making them a staple in internet lexicon.

How Memes Reflect and Shape Online Culture

As a reflection of thoughts and trends, little miss memes encapsulate the essence of current events, societal moods, and public opinion. Their rapid spread mirrors the agility with which internet culture adapts and evolves. These memes are not only shaped by the online community but also help shape the culture itself, influencing language, humor, and the overall digital communication landscape. The impact of meme culture is profound, as it continuously molds the fabric of social interaction within the digital realm, showcasing its powerful role in the world of internet dialogue.

The Impact of Popular Memes on Social Media Trends

As digital landscapes evolve, the influence of popular memes on social media cannot be overstated. These quickly shared bites of content not only bring humor to our feeds but shape the discourse of our times. From viral memes like Little Miss Memes to countless others, their reach extends far beyond a mere chuckle, poking at the fabric of meme culture and altering social media trends in profound ways.

Marketing strategies have pivoted to include meme-centric campaigns, recognizing the power these snippets hold in capturing the public’s attention. Political realms, too, have felt the shift, with memes becoming tools for commentary and mobilization. As online communication norms continue to morph, what becomes evident is the tangible touch of memes on the virtual pulse.

Memes, by their viral nature, serve as a canary in the coal mine for burgeoning social sentiments, trending topics, and collective reactions. Through the lens of case studies, it becomes apparent how specific memes can either ignite new trends or emerge in response to prevailing currents in the social media ecosystem.

To overlook the significance of memes is to miss the broader picture of their role as barometers of public sentiment and as shapers of the way we consume content on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and beyond. As social media evolves, it seems certain that memes will continue to be at the forefront, guiding the hand of virality with every share and like.

Viral Meme Culture Impact

As we reflect on the resounding success of Little Miss Memes, it’s clear that their charm lies in their ability to encapsulate relatable humor in a digital format. Embracing the essence of internet humor, these diminutive yet powerful pieces of content have painted vivid stories that resonate on a global scale. The future outlook of memes, especially the Little Miss variety, suggests they will continue to shape and be shaped by the pulsating rhythms of online culture and communication. Their adaptability and ease of creation underscore a boundless potential for growth and significance.

Future Outlook: The Evolving Landscape of Little Miss Memes

The trajectory of Little Miss Memes is poised to ascend further, blending into the very fabric of our daily digital interactions. From a mere spark of creativity to a beacon of internet humor, the future outlook of memes points toward an era where they transcend mere entertainment. As subcultures and global events evolve, so too will the context and content of these memes, ensuring their perpetual relevance. We can anticipate that the meme creation process will harness advances in technology, making it even more accessible for the next wave of digital humorists.

The Enduring Legacy of Bite-Sized Laughs

The enduring legacy of Little Miss Memes stands as a testament to the power of bite-sized laughs in a fast-paced world. Through swift punches of satire and levity, these memes have forged a collective experience that stretches across borders, languages, and cultures. As a fixture in the ever-changing landscape of digital entertainment, community building, and viral internet culture, they encase the spirit of an era that finds connection through shared laughter. The undeniable impact of these memes signifies a lasting impression on the canvas of internet humor, preserving their essence for future generations.

What are Little Miss Memes?

Little Miss Memes are a type of internet meme that usually features characters from the “Little Miss” and “Mr. Men” series. These characters are combined with humorous, relatable captions that resonate with diverse audiences, often reflecting everyday situations or popular culture trends.

How did Little Miss Memes become popular?

Little Miss Memes gained popularity through social media platforms where the simple yet expressive illustrations paired with catchy captions quickly captured the attention of users. The ease of sharing and relating to the content contributed to their rapid spread across the internet.

Can I create my own Little Miss Meme?

Yes, you can create your own Little Miss Memes using various meme generator websites. These platforms offer user-friendly interfaces and a range of customization options to help you design personalized memes that you can share online.

Where can I find Little Miss Memes?

Little Miss Memes can be found on various social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, as well as on meme-specific websites and forums. They are widespread and shareable, making them easy to come across during regular internet browsing.

Are there any tips for making a funny and viral Little Miss Meme?

When creating a Little Miss Meme, focus on relatable content with a clear and concise caption that complements the character’s expression or situation. Humor is subjective, but memes that play on common experiences, current events, or trending topics tend to resonate more with audiences and have a higher chance of going viral.

What is the relationship between Little Miss Memes and meme culture?

Little Miss Memes are a prominent part of modern meme culture, representing how simple illustrations combined with culturally-relevant text can convey humor and commentary. They exemplify the evolution of internet humor and its impact on social interaction online.

Do meme generator websites contribute to the popularity of Little Miss Memes?

Yes, meme generator websites play a significant role in the popularity of Little Miss Memes by providing the tools necessary for the creation and dissemination of these memes. They empower users to contribute to meme culture and keep it dynamic and fresh.

What makes a meme share-worthy?

A share-worthy meme typically includes elements such as relatable humor, timeliness, cultural relevance, simplicity, and a strong visual-textual connection. The ability to evoke an emotional response or provide commentary on a universal theme also enhances its shareability.

How do viral memes like Little Miss Memes impact social media trends?

Viral memes such as Little Miss Memes often set social media trends by shaping the language, humor, and type of content that users consume and share. They can also inspire new forms of communication and influence marketing strategies and online community engagement.

What is the future outlook for Little Miss Memes?

Little Miss Memes are expected to continue evolving as an integral part of internet culture, adapting to new social media platforms and trends. Their ability to encapsulate humor and commentary in a digestible format ensures their ongoing relevance and popularity.

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Meet the Original Creator of the "Little Miss" Memes

The "Little Miss" characters of our childhood have taken over our Instagram feeds seemingly overnight as we’ve taken to updating the playful, cherubic illustrations to capture our more complicated adult feelings.

Memes like "Little Miss Always Cries When She’s Angry" and "Little Miss Trauma Dumps on Close Friends Story" offer the familiar digital art form’s signature sense of cringe-worthy relatability. Naturally, brands followed suit, tasking their social media managers with creating their own versions in an attempt to stay relevant in the midst of the zeitgeist.

While the internet’s latest obsession seems to have gone viral instantaneously, @juulpuppy has been reimagining the '70s cartoons for months. Followed by model Emily Ratajkowski , the meme account is famous for its bitingly honest yet humorous take on life as a 20-something-year-old in our dystopic and confusing times. When she’s not reinventing English author Roger Hargreaves’ drawings as anthropomorphic beings suffering from weed psychosis, the meme creator is channeling her trauma through large busted avatars who are ready for “fearful avoidant girl summer.”

Birthed from the early days of internet culture, memes have been long used to help a generation express and navigate the experience of living in such confounding times. The inescapable impact of late-stage capitalism married with the brain-damaging onslaught of bad news, devastating climate change and political upheaval has led many young people to take solace in funny-not-funny online jokes. It’s unsurprising that today, many have returned to the nostalgic images to make light of what they’re going through.

While the internet and memes’ very nature is unconducive to art’s traditional rules of credit, it’s important to acknowledge the original source of our new, favorite digital trend. Hypebae spoke to the original creator of the Little Miss Memes about the inspiration behind the trending sensation, coping with mental health through humor and more. Continue scrolling to learn more about @juulpuppy.

As the original creator of the "Little Miss" memes, can you explain the motivation behind them and what prompted you to post them at the time?

I made these "Little Miss" memes in April of 2022 with hopes that they would build community and help young women feel seen and represented, while also being able to laugh at themselves. I try to post memes very regularly, almost daily and in late April, I was finding that a lot of what I was posting was pretty dark and I felt a bit stuck in terms of new content. Sometimes, when I am having a hard time coming up with ideas, I will try to remember children's books I’ve enjoyed or comics that I could turn into meme formats, for example, I’ve used Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus images, Diary of A Wimpy Kid images, and If You Give A Mouse A Cookie images as well. So I remembered the Little Miss books and knew I had found a perfect format to share with my followers. After my first ten images got so much support, I decided to create more, including the Mr. Men memes.

What led you to create memes and establish a presence on social media?

I started creating memes at a time when I was struggling very deeply with mental health issues about four years ago. I was very isolated at my high school and found that posting jokes online gave me some sense of community, even when my following was very small. Once I got to college, and my mental health began to improve I started to make jokes about dating and nightlife in New York, which helped give me my first 1,000 followers. From there, I continued to post memes referencing mental health, living in the city, feminism and trauma and the account continued to grow.

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by make me fame i sexy (@juulpuppy)

Why do you think they're going viral now? What are your thoughts on plagiarism online and the lack of credit you've been given? Is it an inevitable part of social media?

I think these memes went viral this second time because someone posted them on TikTok . When I first posted them in April, they reached a few hundred-thousand people and I gained around 10,000 followers and it slowed down for a while. Then, someone posted a TikTok of my memes about a week ago, credited me, and I started to gain followers again because people found my Instagram. Within a day or two of the TikTok post, there were hundreds of TikToks featuring the Little Misses and I realized this was going to get really big. More people started following me on Instagram and resharing my memes from April since they were pinned at the top of my profile. And then came the Instagram accounts focused on "Little Miss" memes, the biggest one being @littlemissnotesapp which now has a million followers. All of a sudden, it was everywhere.

At first, I felt really frustrated but I’ve come around to see that the idea of a singular creator of a meme is a bit flawed. Sure, I had the idea to recaption Roger Hargreave’s images but it's much larger than me now. I only asked for credit because I saw people getting hundreds of thousands of followers off an idea I knew was directly inspired by my posts. I’ve received some backlash in asking for credit, with people saying this has been done before, which very well could be true, but it was my posts that made the format gain the traction it has today. Being a meme creator is bizarre because everyone loves memes and wants memes, but if you ask for credit or say what you are doing has a valuable space in entertainment, people dismiss you and tell you that you are entitled or delusional.

As a meme creator, can you speak to the catharsis the playful irony provides for a generation inundated with bad news who may not be in a position to change their circumstances? Why is nostalgia so important right now?

Sometimes, especially being Gen Z, it feels like playful irony is all we’ve got. There is so much violence and cruelty in the world, I think if you can share a joke that makes someone laugh, even for a few seconds, that really means something. Whether it's posting a meme or talking to a friend or doing a stand-up routine, comedy is so important. I do fear that the ironic content goes too far sometimes though. It's really important to me that I find ways to make space for joy and laughter in horrific times without becoming desensitized to the constant tragedy that surrounds us. It sounds so cheesy but we need to focus on compassion and love if we are going to find a way forward. I worry that sometimes it's easier to make jokes about our pain or fear, than to actually feel our feelings. To me, nostalgia is tricky because it can be very comforting, but also very addictive. I think there’s a healthy dose of nostalgia. I don’t know if I’ve found it yet.

While memes provide relatable content, do you think their impact on society is harmful or helpful as the majority of its content reflects negative aspects of life?

I don’t know if the majority of memes reflect the negative aspects of life. I think there are lots of fun, happy memes out there. I can’t decide if the impact of memes on society is harmful or helpful though, I guess only time will tell. I do think about it sometimes especially when I remember thousands of my followers are 13 to 17 years old. I think many kids are finding a home in irony and cynicism online before they are finding love, community, and joy in real life and that really scares me. For me, memes have helped me see myself in community with others and find my own voice, but at times they have made me feel even lonelier. I worry about the long-term impacts of social media use more broadly, but I don’t know if memes can specifically be held accountable for that.

Do you have a favorite meme that's been created as a rendition recently?

I can’t pick! There are so many fun ones. I’ve been really loving seeing everyone’s interpretations. I did really love that Reese Witherspoon posted a Legally Blonde one ( Little Miss Uses Legal Jargon In Everyday Life ). What a fun movie, it’s a nostalgic fave of mine!

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NBC New York

Classic Children's Book Is the Internet's Newest Meme — Providing Lots of Laughs and Nostalgia

The internet has taken the iconic "little miss" and "mr. men" characters to create the newest meme to share anything from health struggles to red flags, by anna kaplan | today • published july 22, 2022.

The Internet has turned adorable children's cartoons into the perfect meme to share insecurities and toxic traits.

Remember Little Miss and Mr. Men?

View this post on Instagram A post shared by @littlemissnotesapp

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These little characters have gone viral after social media users began parodying the classic "Little Miss Sunshine" with relatable and iconic takes like  Little Miss Trauma Dump  and  Little Miss Can I Hit Your Vape?

The origins of Little Miss and Mr. Men

The Mr. Men characters were created in 1971 when children's author Roger Hargreaves wrote "Mr. Tickle," a book with a smiling yellow creature with wiggly arms on the cover.

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The series quickly took off, leading to the creation of "Little Miss Bossy," "Little Miss Naughty" and "Little Miss Sunshine" by 1981, according to the  book series' website .

English author Roger Hargreaves (1935 - 1988) dances with Mr Happy (left) and Little Miss Scatterbrain at the Inn on the Park Hotel, Park Lane, London, at the launch of the 'Little Miss' series of books, 8th April 1981. (Photo by Monti Spry/Central Press/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

The characters even extended to  "Little Miss Princess"  in 2011 ahead of the marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton, and the Spice Girls even received  their own Little Misses  in 2019.

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The most recent edition in the series is titled  "Mr. Bolt,"  and is inspired by Olympic gold medalist and world-record holding sprinter Usain Bolt.

How the meme started

Now Gen Z has leveraged the characters to create the newest meme to share anything from mental and physical health struggles to questionable red flags, like  Mr. Receding Hairline  and  Little Miss Passive Aggressive .

The meme originated on Instagram earlier this year from user  @juulpuppy , the self-described "uncredited creator" of the meme. In a post Monday, the user said their "initial 30 little miss/mr. memes went viral and birthed subsequent meme pages on tiktok and instagram and thousands of followers for other creators using this template!"

View this post on Instagram A post shared by make me fame i sexy (@juulpuppy)

"of course memes and internet culture generally aren't rlly about credit but i think some of u guys could probably sympathize that i create original content almost every single day and have reaped very few of the benefits from this trend i jump started... i'm glad ppl are having fun and that's all memes are rlly about at the end of the day; i just wanted to point this out," the user wrote.

Since then, the meme has spread to other accounts that post the characters, like  @littlemissnotesapp , which has more than 1.2 million followers, and  @starbucksslayqueen , which has nearly 100,000 followers.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by taylor <3 (@starbucksslayqueen)

The meme has since spread from Instagram to other social media platforms, leading TikTokers to  post videos  describing themselves as characters, and Twitter users to post their own versions.

We couldn't let this trend pass... presenting little miss can't be wrong 👑 pic.twitter.com/TGjVhkNg2w — Spin Doctors (@SpinDoctorsBand) July 12, 2022

Even sports teams like the  Philadelphia 76ers  and the  Chicago Bears  have posted their own versions, and phone case company CASETiFY has launched a special  Mr. Men Little Miss collection .

So get ready for these adorable little characters to be all over your Instagram stories for the next few days (if it hasn't taken over already).

This story first appeared on  TODAY.com . More from TODAY:

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‘Little Miss’ memes: How Gen Z turned a popular ’70s book into TikTok and Instagram content

  • Published: Jul. 22, 2022, 3:29 p.m.
  • Katherine Rodriguez | NJ Advance Media for NJ.com

Characters from a popular 1970s book series are being turned into memes on TikTok and Instagram by Gen Z as a form of therapy, using “Little Miss” and “Mr. Men” to highlight personality traits and insecurities.

Creators of the memes use it for everything, including displaying their emotions to playing up personality traits.

Here’s how the “Little Miss” meme trend became a thing on the internet.

What is the origin of the “Little Miss” and “Mr. Men” characters?

The memes originated from a 1971 book series called “Mr. Men” by Roger Hargreaves , first introducing the character named “Mr. Tickle” - a squiggly yellow creature with a little blue hat.

Hargreaves eventually decided to expand to a wider audience in 1981 by creating the “Little Miss” book series, coming up with titles such as “Little Miss Sunshine,” “Little Miss Bossy” and “Little Miss Naughty.”

The book series took readers into a day in the life of each of these characters’ traits, choices and personalities.

Now, Gen Z has rediscovered these characters from the 70s and 80s and have turned them into social media memes to describe themselves.

Who started the “Little Miss” memes in 2022?

On April 19, 2022, Instagram meme creator @juulpuppy made the first “Little Miss” meme.

Her creation, “Little Miss Borderline Personality Disorder,” racked up more than 50,000 reactions on Instagram.

From there, other Instagram accounts like @littlemissnotesapp created similar memes, and the trend expanded.

People began using the memes to speak openly about serious topics such as mental health, physical struggles and insecurities about themselves.

The memes then evolved into lighthearted topics, ranging from  “Little Miss Addicted to Apple Products”  to  “Little Miss Can’t Spell Restaurant.”

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Little Miss (@starbucksslayqueenn)

“Mr. Men” got the meme treatment, as well, including posts like “Mr. Scumbag” and “Mr. Emotionally Unavailable.”

On TikTok, Gen Z folks have turned to making 30-second videos describing themselves, their exes or their friends using “Little Miss” or “Mr. Men” characters.

The #LittleMiss hashtag has more than 58.6 million views on TikTok.


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