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Differences between travel, trip, journey and voyage

by Elblogdeidiomas.es · Published 19/04/2022 · Updated 03/05/2022

travel y voyage

In this article, we are going to explain the differences between trip, travel, journey, and voyage  and we will also advise you on  how to correctly express both travel and trip in English .


One of the mistakes that Spaniards make most frequently when it is expressed in English is the incorrect use of travel, pronouncing it when in fact it must use trip or journey and when there is also the alternative of using “voyage” in certain cases.

Above it is clear that  travel  or its variants are not used for travel, but  only for the verb to travel . Let’s go next step by step:

Travel means action, it is the act of traveling, moving from one place to another.  You should never say ‘a travel’ . In the cases that we use travel as a verb. Usually, we refer to how we go to school, to work, abroad … and generally referring to the environment and the way the trip is made. For example: “I travel to school by foot” or “I travel to work by train”. (Viajo a la escuela a pie  o Viajo al trabajo en tren) Also when we use it as a noun, we refer to vacation trips. For example: «Do you remember when we traveled along the Costa del Sol? (¿Recuerdas de cuando viajamos por la Costa del Sol?)

  • On weekends I travel in search of the sea.

Los fines de semana viajo en buscar del mar.

  • Every time I can I travel by train.

Cada vez que puedo viajo en tren.

  • On weekends I travel through Andalusia, I love its towns.

Los fines de semana viajo por Andalucía, me encantan sus pueblos.

  • What I like the most is traveling along the coast.

Lo que más me gusta es viajar por la costa.

  • I don’t like traveling with you because you run a lot in the car.

No me gusta viajar contigo porque corres mucho con el coche.

  • When I go on a trip I usually travel as a traveler.

Cuando salgo de viaje suelo viajar en un viajero.

“Trip”  is often used  when someone goes somewhere , either for a short holiday or for a business trip where you must spend the night out. It frequently refers to a trip with a basic itinerary:  you know the round trip date , and why you have to make the trip (such as a short trip abroad). It is often alluded to phrases such as  «a business trip» (viaje de negocios), «a weekend trip» (escapada de fin de semana), «a day trip» (viaje de un día), «a school trip» (excursión escolar).

However,  it is not ruled out to use it to refer to a more or less long journey , such as   It is a long trip from Cadiz to Madrid   (Se trata de un viaje largo desde Cadiz a Madrid) ¿Qué tal el viaje a Andorra? (Toda la experiencia: viaje y estancia).

Although  trip and journey have the same definition, the journey is generally used to refer to a specific trip (it can even be an excursion or a short trip) in which a stay at the destination is assumed. It is possible and in fact, it is a  journey defined as a long trip .

However, by focusing on the differences between trip, travel, journey, and voyage, the one that raises the most doubt is that between Trip and Journey, for this reason, and with the purpose of avoiding it, we have prepared this article to try to dispel doubts. The typical sentence to clarify the differences is: «There could be a few trips in a journey and certainly a lot of travel» ( Puede haber algunos «trips» en un «journey» y, sin duda, mucho «travel» ).

  • I don’t want to go to Paris. I don’t like journeys that last so long!

No quiero ir a París. ¡No me gustan los viajes que duran tanto !

  • We have been thinking for months about the journeys we have to do by plane.

Llevamos meses pensando en los viajes que tenemos que hacer en avión.

  • We have spent two weekends at base camp preparing for the journey across the desert.

Hemos pasado dos semanas en el campamento base preparando el viaje por el desierto.

  Voyage is used to cite  very long voyages , usually by sea and by air.

  • I was very restless during the voyage to Chile.

Estaba muy intranquilo durante el viaje a Chile.

We hope that with this article we have managed to clarify the doubts that travel, trip, journey, and voyage raise among Spanish students. Actually, it  is somewhat complicated, but practice through exercise will help, and in a short time to know what is the word that requires the phrase that we are building.

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Bienvenidos a todos los amantes de las lenguas, las diferentes culturas que nos rodean, rincones secretos del mundo, curiosidades y aprendizaje. Todo reunido en este bonito espacio en el que disfrutamos comunicando y dando buenas vibras a todos nuestros queridos viajer@s.

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La diferencia entre trip, travel, journey y voyage en inglés

¿Sabes la diferencia entre trip , travel y journey en inglés?

A todo el mundo (o casi) le gusta viajar – tomo esta oportunidad para hablar de un poco de vocabulario útil para hablar de tus viajes.

Hoy, concretamente, vamos a ver la diferencia entre  trip , travel,   journey y también la (menos común) palabra de voyage .

Normalmente, las cuatro palabras tienen estos significados:

travel = viajar (un verbo)

trip = viaje (un sustantivo)

journey = viaje (un sustantivo)

voyage = viaje largo (muchas veces por mar)

Pero por supuesto hay más que decir.

Aquí tienes unos ejemplos del uso de estas palabras, además de una explicación más completa…

Empezamos con travel , que es normalmente un verbo:

I usually travel to my hometown once a month to visit my family.

He travels a lot for his job. He’s a salesman.

Para hablar del viaje, usamos trip o journey. Según la definición precisa, la palabra journey sugiere algo más largo o difícil. Trip puede ser corto o largo.

Otro matiz es que trip puede ser toda la experiencia de ir y estar en un sitio. En cambio, journey es solo el desplazamiento.

How was your trip? = ¿Qué tal el viaje? (Toda la experiencia: viaje y estancia.)

How was your journey? =¿Qué tal el viaje? (Solo la parte de llegar, no la estancia.)

En cambio: la expresión “¡Buen viaje!” puede ser o Have a nice trip! o bien  Have a nice journey!

Depende de si preguntas por el desplazamiento o toda la experiencia.

O si quieres, la expresión en francés también se utiliza un poco en un inglés más formal: Bon voyage!

En este caso, la pronunciación sigue el francés, no es la pronunciación de “voyage” en inglés.

(Aquí en España hay una cadena de hoteles que se llaman Tryp, pero la palabra bien escrita en inglés no tiene “y”… se escribe trip . Y otro matiz – trip también puede ser un verbo, y así significa “tropezar”.)

Más ejemplos de trip, travel, journey y voyage en inglés

Aquí tienes más ejemplos de cómo se usan trip , travel , journey y voyage .

After a long journey by jeep, they finally arrived in Nairobi. 

He’s travelled a lot since he retired.

I’m taking a trip to LA this summer. 

Q: Hey Tom, how was your trip to Rome?

A: It was great! The food was wonderful, and the architecture was marvellous.

Going to America by ship was a long and difficult voyage.

The first manned voyage to the moon was completed by Apollo XI in 1969.

Este último no es un viaje en barco, pero como la llegada a la luna es una cosa larga y difícil, lo llamamos voyage igual. Además, la NASA tiene unas sondas espaciales que van a partes lejanas del sistema solar, y se llaman Voyager por la misma razón.

la diferencia entre trip, travel, journey y voyage en inglés

Y aquí más sobre estas cuatro palabras…

Cómo usar travel y travelling como sustantivos

Se puede usar travel como sustantivo, hablando de viajar en general (no un viaje en particular). Pero es más común usar travelling  cuando necesitas un sustantivo.

Travel is one of the best ways to learn about other cultures.

I really love travelling. It’s one of my favorite things to do.

Her hobbies include travelling and cooking.

Travelling is a lot of fun. If I had more money, I’d travel more. (Véase el segundo condicional .)

Debería mencionar que en inglés americano, muchas veces usamos una sola L en traveling .

Unos falsos amigos de la palabra journey

Ya vimos que journey habla del desplazamiento de un sitio a otro. Y claro que hay un grupo de música que también se llama Journey . Pero hay más que decir…

Porque journey también tiene un par de falsos amigos en español . Se parece a las palabras jornada o jornal , concretamente. En inglés el vocabulario es así:

jornada = work day

jornal = wage

My work day is from 8 to 5, with an hour for lunch.

He’s a doctor, and his work day is more than 12 hours a lot of the time.

Wage se refiere al dinero que ganas por horas o por días, a diferencia de salary , que es lo que ganas por la semana o por el mes.

My first job was at a supermarket, and I earned minimum wage. 

Her hourly wage is about $12.

Si quieres seguir con el tema de los viajes, tengo más vocabulario aquí: transporte y viajes , y también un artículo bastante completo sobre el  inglés para viajar .

O bien…

¿Quieres aprender mucho más vocabulario?

Ya que sabemos la diferencia entre trip , travel , journey y voyage , tengo mucho más sobre palabras comunes aquí en la página de vocabulario .

Ahí descubrirás temas interesantes como la diferencia entre  work y job  o los verbos win, earn y gain  cuando la traducción literal no funciona muy bien. Y también, verbos complicados como STAY .

Suscríbete por correo para recibir todas las actualizaciones…

P.D. Para mucho más vocabulario, pásate por la página de libros . Han ayudado a miles de hispanohablantes a mejorar su inglés, y pueden ayudarte a ti también. ¡Disfruta!

About the Author  Daniel Welsch

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Hi Daniel: Thanks a lot for your mails, They’re so usefull and interesting cause allow me remember soñé tópics I’ve forgotten but to learn new ones tío Regards, Mireya

Hi Daniel, Thank you so much. It is good to get your help in English in order to keep it up. I hope you are just fine in Madrid. Here winter has just started, so it is has been rather cold and it is raining heavily today. Ok, pal, A big hug for you from south america. And Thank you again. Regards

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Cuándo usar travel, trip, journey y voyage

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Vamos a hablar de cuándo usar travel, trip , journey y voyage , todos ellos sustantivos equivalentes a ‘viaje’ , que en español usamos indistintamente para hablar de un viaje de negocios, mi último viaje por Europa o una agencia de viajes . O preguntamos ¿Qué tal tu viaje? a un amigo que vamos a buscar al aeropuerto.

Por ello, en vuestros essays , reports y reviews de Cambridge (y en el speaking ) muchos de vosotros/as escribís o decís cosas como 

Jane’s travel to Canada gave her the chance to practise her English.  

Lo cual, por supuesto, es un error.

¿Por qué? Porque travel como sustantivo es incontable y sirve para referirse a ‘viaje(s)’ en en varios contextos. Veámoslos.

En esta entrada encontrarás

Cuándo usar travel o trip.

Para entender cuándo usar travel, trip , journey y voyage, comencemos con las primeras dos de estas palabras.  

En primer lugar, se suele utilizar travel para referirse al acto de viajar en general. Mira el ejemplo que he extraído de este artículo :

Trave l paves the way for self-discovery.

‘ Viajar allana el camino para descubrirte a ti mismo/a’

Con este mismo sentido, se utiliza travel como premodificador de otro sustantivo:

a travel agent, travel books, travel insurance

Y por último, se utiliza travels para hablar de los viajes que ha hecho una persona. De ahí el libro de Jonathan Swift Gulliver’s Travels , de Jonathan Swift, una de las grandes obras de la literatura inglesa. Pero también puedes emplearlo en el habla cotidiana con frases como

Jane has written about her travels in South America.

Este uso es siempre plural, pero no puedes contarlo. Para ello, debes emplear trip:

Jane has made three travels trips to Canada to practise her English.

O, volviendo al ejemplo con el que hemos comenzado este artículo:

Jane’s travel trip to Canada gave her the chance to practise her English.

Si algo debes recordar de este artículo, es este uso de travel y trip . Es el principal error que cometen mis alumnos.

Uso de travel o trip : Collocations

a travel / trip planner (‘planificador de viaje / de viajes’)

travel insurance

a travel agent

travel agent’s (UK) / travel agency (US)

air travel (vs road trip)

a travel website

La diferencia entre trip y journey

Siguiendo con las diferencias entre travel, trip , journey y voyage, veamos cuándo usar trip y journey.

Básicamente, la diferencia entre estas dos palabras es que trip se refiere a ir de viaje a un lugar y volver, y pone el énfasis en el destino y lo que haces allí:

Daniella makes frequent business trips to London.

En cambio, journey pone énfasis en el desplazamiento entre punto A y punto B:

On our train journey to Kolkatta we met a very pleasant doctor from Dehli.

Por eso, cuando vas a buscar a un amigo a la estación, le preguntarás

How was your journey?

Ahora bien, si el viaje es por aire, lo mejor es emplear flight:  

How was your flight?

Por último, journey también se refiere con frecuencia a un recorrido más largo y con un cierto sentido de aventura:

We saw wonderful things on our train journey across India.

Trip vs journey : ojo al dato

Journey es menos frecuente en los Estados Unidos para hablar de viajes cortos y cotidianos:

Jane’s journey to work (UK) / trip to work (US) takes thirty minutes

Cuándo usar trip y journey : collocations

make a trip (NUNCA uses do!)

a business trip

embark on a round-the-world trip

make a round trip: un viaje ida y vuelta

go on a road trip: un viaje largo en coche (US English)

plan a camping trip

go on a trip. (Es incorrecto usar in. Más sobre preposiciones en este enlace ).

Ejemplo de train journey como ejemplo de uso de travel trip journey voyage: train journey through India

Y a continuación, collocations con journey , la mayoría en UK English:

make a car journey (UK English)

go on a train / rail journey (UK English)

a cross-country journey

make an overland journey

Como suele suceder con las collocations, algunas de ellas no encajan del todo en las explicaciones sobre las diferencias entre travel, trip , journey y voyage dadas anteriormente. ¿Sabrías decir cuáles?

La diferencia entre journey y voyage

Por último, en nuestro análisis sobre las diferencias entre travel, trip , journey y voyage debemos mencionar voyage, una palabra bastante menos utilizada pero que verás de vez en cuando. 

Voyage hace referencia a travesías y viajes largos, especialmente por mar y en el espacio:

Imagen of Ella's Pink Lady which made a round-the-world sea voyage in 2010. Ejemplo de uso de travel trip journey voyage

The yacht Ella’s Pink Lady took Australian Jessica Watson on a sea voyage around the world in 2010.

Cuándo usar travel , trip , journey y voyage : ejemplos

Travel vs trip, trip vs journey, ejemplos con voyage.

The year-long sailing voyage took her across three oceans and four continents.

Jeff Bezos and Richad Branson made the first private space voyages in 2021.

Travel , trip , journey y voyage : exercises

Your takeaways.

Travel, trip , journey y voyage son equivalentes de ‘viaje’, pero:

  • Usa travel como sustantivo incontable solo para hablar de ‘viaje(s)’ en el sentido de ‘acto de viajar’ en general: Business travel has changed after Covid. NUNCA como sustantivo contable para hablar de un viaje o unos viajes específicos .
  • Emplea travel como plural invariable para referirte a los viajes que ha hecho una persona en general: She met lots of people during her travels in South America.
  • Utiliza trip como sustantivo contable para hablar de un viaje como ‘actividad’: a business trip, a trip to Madrid.
  • entre punto A y punto B: Whitstable is a short train journey from London St. Pancras and Victoria stations.   
  • en el sentido de ‘travesía’ con una connotación de aventura : A train journey across India.
  • Usa voyage para una travesía oceánica o espacial: The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage.

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Travel Words: Trip, Journey, Cruise, Tour, Voyage…

Published by my lingua academy on 19 sep 2022 19 sep 2022.

Hi English learners! Do you like travelling? In today’s lesson, we are going to talk about travelling and travel words such as trip, journey, cruise, voyage, tour, city break, outing, holiday, excursion.

A trip is a short journey where you go to a place and come back. You can go on a business trip or trip for pleasure. We say that we go on a trip or take a trip.

  • Mira went on a trip to Scotland last week. She had a great time.
  • I’d like to go on a shopping trip to Istanbul. 
  • Employees in our company make about 10 business trips a year.

In most cases, when we say journey we mean a trip between two distant places. It can be by plane, by train, etc.

  • The journey from my flat in Poland to the beach hotel in Spain takes 4 hours, door to door.
  • Last year, we went on a long journey to China. It was long and tiring but it was worth it.
  • We broke our journey in Frankfurt and flew to London the next day.

A cruise is a journey by sea. It is connected to tourism because we people usually go on a cruise on a large ship which stops at the coastal places for sightseeing. 

  • We went on a cruise along the Mediterranean coast last summer. It was marvellous!
  • I’d love to go on a cruise around the world but it’s very expensive. 

 Travel Words: Trip, Journey, Cruise, Tour, Voyage…

A voyage is a long journey, especially by sea, or even to space.

  • After a two-year voyage by the Indian Ocean, Marco Polo landed in India.
  • Isn’t it sad that the Titanic sank on its first voyage ? (you can also say maiden voyage )
  • NASA scientists are preparing to go on a voyage to Mars soon.

A trip during which you visit a town, a city or an area to look around it.

  • We went on a guided tour of Athens and we saw so many interesting places there.
  • Sara won a 3-day tour of France. 
  • When we were in the USA last year, we went on a cycling tour of the Grand Canyon.

 If you go on a city break, you visit a big city for a few days for sightseeing or shopping.

  • Celia and I are going on a city break to Barcelona for the weekend. I can’t wait.
  • City breaks are becoming more and more popular among tourists.
  • If you’re stuck in your relationship a romantic city break to Venice could be a game changer.

Travel Words: Trip, Journey, Cruise, Tour, Voyage…

An outing is a short, usually daily trip.

  • The children are going on an outing to the Zoo on Sunday.
  • We went on a family outing to Bath. We had a great time!
  • It is going to be hot tomorrow so we’ll probably go on an outing to the beach.

You probably know what a holiday is. It is a time we spend resting from school or work; it can be shorter or longer. 

  • We like to book our summer holiday in February because it’s cheaper then.
  • Employees in that company have 25 days of paid holiday a year.
  • I’m looking forward Christmas holidays.

An excursion is an organized trip for a group of people who are travelling for pleasure.

  • Our class is going on an excursion to Bournemouth next month. I can’t wait.
  • Included in your holiday is an excursion to the mountain.
  • We’ll go cycling for an excursion and then stay at a campsite.

Remember to always use the prepositional phrase go on (not go to) with the travel words:

go on a trip, go on a journey, go on a tour, go on a cruise, go on a holiday, etc.

Travel Words: Trip, Journey, Cruise, Tour, Voyage…

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Sam · 26 Feb 2024 at 5:39 am

What about ( picnic)?

15 Phrasal Verbs Related to Summer - My Lingua Academy · 16 Jun 2024 at 7:11 pm

[…] Check this link to find out about the meanings of travel words such as travel, trip, journey, voyage… […]

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Vocabulary: Differences between travel, journey, trip, voyage and tour

Published 29/07/2015 In Blog

travel y voyage

The Summer holidays are around the corner so it is definitely a good time to post an article on my blog explaining the difference between all these words. 

Travel, journey, trip, voyage and tour can be easily confused by all those students learning English, so below are clear explanations of how to use the 5 terms: 

*Verbs: Louise travels a lot for work *Nouns: Travel the way you wish to go

learn english online voyage journey travel trip tour online english course learn english on skype differences between voyage journey travel trip and tour English grammar

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Conjugate the French Verb "Voyager"

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In French, the verb  voyager  means "to travel." This is easy to remember if you associate traveling with a voyage. When you want to say things such as "I traveled" or "we are traveling" in French, the verb needs to be conjugated . A short lesson will introduce you to the most basic conjugations of  voyager .

The Basic Conjugations of  Voyager

Some French verb conjugations are easier than others and voyager falls in the middle. It follows the rules of all verbs that end in - ger and is classified as a spelling change verb .

As you study these conjugations, you'll notice that the  e  after the  g  is retained in many places where it would be dropped in others, such as the regular - er  verbs . This is because the  e  is vital to retaining the soft  g  sound when the infinitive ending begins with an  a  or  o . Without that  e , the  g  would sound like it does in the word gold and that is not a proper pronunciation.

Other than that small change in some of the forms, you'll find that conjugating  voyager  is rather standard. Begin by committing the basic present, future, and imperfect past tenses to memory as these will be the most useful forms you'll need.

Using the chart, pair the subject pronoun with the appropriate tense for your subject. For instance, "I am traveling" is  je voyage  and "we will travel" is  nous voyagerons .

The Present Participle of Voyager

Once again, the  e  remains attached to the verb stem when forming voyager 's present participle . The ending - ant  is added to create the word  voyageant.

Voyager  in the Compound Past Tense

You also have the option of using the French compound past tense, known as the  passé composé . It can be easier than memorizing all those imperfect forms, though you will need the  auxiliary verb   avoir  and the  past participle   voyagé .

For this construction, you only need to conjugate  avoir  in the present tense to fit the subject pronoun. The past participle remains the same no matter the subject and implies that the action happened in the past. For example, "I traveled" is  j'ai voyagé  and "we traveled" is nous avons voyagé .

More Simple Conjugations of Voyager

While the conjugations above should be every French student's first priority, there are a few more simple conjugations you might need as well. For example, when you want to imply that the action of traveling is uncertain, use the subjunctive . If, however, someone's travels are dependent on something else, you'll use the conditional .

There may also be times when you encounter the passé simple  or the imperfect subjunctive . These are most often found in more formal French but are good to know.

Should you find yourself wanting to use  voyager  in direct commands or short requests,  the imperative  is useful. This is also easier because there's no need to include the subject pronoun: simplify  tu voyage  to  voyage .

  • How to Conjugate the French Verb "Nager" (to Swim)
  • Simple Conjugations of "Partager" (to Share)
  • How to Conjugate the French Verb "Promener" (to Walk)
  • How to Conjugate "Ranger" (to Arrange)
  • How to Conjugate "Protéger" (to Protect) in French
  • How to Conjugate "Bouger" (to Move)
  • Learn How "Déménager" Can Help You "Move House" in French
  • How to Conjugate "Respecter" in French
  • How to Conjugate the French Verb "Rester" (to Stay)
  • How to Conjugate the French Verb "Nettoyer"
  • The Conjugations of "Pluerer" (to Cry) in French
  • How to Conjugate "Traverser" (to Cross) in French
  • How to Conjugate "Influencer" (to Influence) in French
  • How to Conjugate "Obéir" (to Obey) in French
  • How to Conjugate the French Verb "Payer" (to Pay)
  • How to Conjugate the French Verb "Réfléchir" (to Reflect)
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  5. Travel trip journey y voyage

    travel y voyage

  6. Diferencias entre "excursion", "flight", "journey", "ride", "route

    travel y voyage


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  3. Séville cinématique voyage 4k


  5. Ep .47

  6. An Epic Voyage of West Africa 2013


  1. Staff Travel Voyage

    CLOSE XCERRAR XSchlieà en XFERMER X Travel Industry Employees need to be registered and logged in to view rates and book Los empleados del gremio de viajes deben estar registrados e iniciar sesión para ver las tarifas y reservar Mitarbeiter der Reisebranche müssen registriert und angemeldet sein, um Tarife zu sehen und zu buchen Les employés de l'industrie du voyage doivent être ...


    Meaning and use of the words 'trip', 'travel', 'journey', 'tour', and 'voyage'. The explanation below should help clarify the meaning and use of vocabulary related to travel. The word 'travel' is used to talk about going from one place to another. Verb : Paul travels a lot in his job. Noun : Travel nowadays is faster than before.

  3. Differences between travel, trip, journey and voyage

    A trip. To trip una excursion. trip incorporates every aspect of the trip, eg the hotels, restaurants, the experience, everything that is done, etc. A journey un trayecto. journey refers only to the movement from one place to another. A voyage travesía, boat trip, or in space (Star Trek style).

  4. Diferencia entre TRIP, TRAVEL, JOURNEY y VOYAGE en inglés

    Hoy, concretamente, vamos a ver la diferencia entre trip, travel, journey y también la (menos común) palabra de voyage. Normalmente, las cuatro palabras tienen estos significados: travel = viajar (un verbo) trip = viaje (un sustantivo) journey = viaje (un sustantivo) voyage = viaje largo (muchas veces por mar) Pero por supuesto hay más que ...

  5. Travel trip journey y voyage

    Cuándo usar travel, trip, journey y voyage. JP Cuervo. 07/01/2022. No Comments. Vamos a hablar de cuándo usar travel, trip, journey y voyage, todos ellos sustantivos equivalentes a 'viaje', que en español usamos indistintamente para hablar de un viaje de negocios, mi último viaje por Europa o una agencia de viajes.

  6. Journey vs. Trip vs. Voyage vs. Travel

    Dive into the fascinating nuances of the English language as we unravel the differences between 'journey,' 'trip,' 'voyage,' and 'travel.' Join us as we diss...

  7. IELTS TOEFL vocabulary

    The difference between TRAVEL, JOURNEY, TRIP and VOYAGE.Watch my lesson to learn new collocations and improve your vocabulary for IELTS, TOEFL, FCE, etc.If y...

  8. Staff Travel Voyage

    What is the Staff Travel Voyage (STV) Platform? The STV platform is the world's largest one-stop direct connection for hotels to reach and educate the world's travel industry employees about their property. Reach over 5 million travel agents, tour operators, airline and key travel industry staff that are in a position to promote and Influence others about tourism products.

  9. Travel Words: Trip, Journey, Cruise, Tour, Voyage…

    Remember to always use the prepositional phrase go on (not go to) with the travel words: go on a trip, go on a journey, go on a tour, go on a cruise, go on a holiday, etc. Travel Words: Trip, Journey, Cruise, Tour, Voyage…. Let me take your English to the next level. If you feel that you are not making much progress with your English or as ...

  10. Travel, journey, trip, voyage or tour?

    Travel: The word travel is used to talk about the act of travelling in general. 1. My hobbies are music and travel (en vez de 'I love cinema and travel') Travel can be both a noun and verb. As a noun, it names the act of going from one place to another; and as a verb it describes the action of doing so. *Verbs: Louise travels a lot for work.

  11. TRAVEL-TRIP-JOURNEY online exercise

    Online exercise on the use of 'travel, 'trip', 'journey', 'tour' and 'voyage' for learners of English. Learn English Today Free materials and resources for learners of English.

  12. Conjugate the French Verb "Voyager"

    Conjugate the French Verb "Voyager". In French, the verb voyager means "to travel." This is easy to remember if you associate traveling with a voyage. When you want to say things such as "I traveled" or "we are traveling" in French, the verb needs to be conjugated. A short lesson will introduce you to the most basic conjugations of voyager .

  13. voyage verb

    Definition of voyage verb from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. ... + adv./prep. to travel, especially by sea or in space over a long distance. Word Origin Middle English (as a noun denoting a journey): from Old French voiage, from Latin viaticum 'provisions for a journey' (in late Latin 'journey').

  14. Home

    Costco Travel offers everyday savings on top-quality, brand-name vacations, hotels, cruises, rental cars, ... A cruise tour is a voyage and land tour combination, with the land tour occurring before or after the voyage. Unless otherwise noted, optional services such as airfare, airport transfers, shore excursions, land tour excursions, etc. are ...

  15. Journey, Travel & Trip Quiz

    Quiz: Journey, Travel & Trip. This is a beginner-level quiz containing 11 multichoice quiz questions from our 'vocabulary' category. Simply answer all questions and press the 'Grade Me' button to see your score. This exercise is also available as a printable worksheet. To access the printable version of this quiz, view our 'Journey, Travel ...

  16. Expedia Travel: Vacation Homes, Hotels, Car Rentals, Flights & More

    Your one-stop travel site for your dream vacation. Bundle your stay with a car rental or flight and you can save more. Search our flexible options to match your needs.

  17. Travelers' Health

    More. Learn about CDC's Traveler Genomic Surveillance Program that detects new COVID-19 variants entering the country. Sign up to get travel notices, clinical updates, & healthy travel tips. CDC Travelers' Health Branch provides updated travel information, notices, and vaccine requirements to inform international travelers and provide ...

  18. Travel

    Plan your trip with Google. Find flights, hotels, vacation rentals, things to do, and more.

  19. Travel + Leisure: Travel Reviews, News, Guides & Tips

    Travel + Leisure is travelers' best resource for trip ideas, hotel picks, flight sales, city guides, and travel tips from the experts.

  20. World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC)

    The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) represents the Travel & Tourism sector globally. Our Members include over 200 CEOs, Chairpersons and Presidents of the world's leading Travel & Tourism companies from across the world and industries. WTTC works to raise awareness of Travel & Tourism as one of the world's largest economic sectors, supporting one in 10 jobs (319 million) worldwide ...

  21. Underrated Places, Up-to-Date Guides & Recommended Stays

    The Voyage Travels is here to help you with your global adventure travel goals. We spotlight places that fly under the radar but are well worth the visit, accommodations that have a proven track record in service and style, and insights that replace your travel anxieties with full-throttle wanderlust. OUR VOYAGE VALUES >.

  22. Voyage Travel by Cynthia • Travel Blog

    I'm a vacation consultant specializing in cruise travel. Here I share my experiences, tips and resources to inspire you to cruise your best life. I focus on solo female travel, couples and family vacations. Follow my social media at Voyage Travel by Cynthia and contact me to book your next voyage.

  23. Travel journey trip voyage worksheet

    Travel journey trip voyage Travel journey trip voyage. sochi Member for 4 years 2 months Age: 12-18. Level: Grade 7. Language: English (en) ID: 1001439. 15/05/2021. Country code: PL. Country: Poland. School subject: English as a Second ...

  24. New Starbucks Rewards and Marriott Bonvoy Relationship Unlocks

    Begins 8:00 AM ET on June 18, 2024; ends 11:59 PM ET on July 7, 2024. Starbucks is not responsible for the administration of this Sweepstakes. New Starbucks Rewards and Marriott Bonvoy Collaboration Unlocks Exclusive Benefits for Loyalty Members to Fulfill Their Passions for Travel and Coffee.

  25. Brazil vs Costa Rica live updates: Selecao held to shock goalless draw

    Costa Rica have become just the third CONCACAF nation to keep a clean sheet against Brazil at Copa America, joining Mexico, who did so in 2001 and again in 2007, and Honduras, who also did so in 2001.