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New trip report: romania.

Here’s an excellent report from Romania with a very impressive haul of 46(!) species as well as some killer photos of European Mink , which I had no idea were watchable anywhere anymore (other than Estonia).

Romania, 2020 : Saker Tours, 9 days & 46 species including Lesser Mole Rat , Lesser and Greater Mouse-eared Bats , Wolf , Bear and two European Minks .

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OMG what a great report ! and all this in Europe

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Andrew Block

What a wonderful trip! Would love to have been there.

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Maurice Tijm

Amazing! Look at the mink :-O (L). Djeez imagine how little of such huge estuaries exist in Europe that can still sustain such a re-established european mink population away from american mink :-/. If this is what suits the species it has few and isolated options in Europe: Romania, Estonia, Poland, Belarus, France, Spain? More or less viable populations only appear to exist in in Danube delta in Romania, in Vologda and in Arkhangelsk Region in Russia. Does anyone knows if these reintroductions require new releases yearly?

Great report, provides a great overview of the mammals around and your dedicated and skilled efforts

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Vladimir Dinets

Populations in Vologda and Arkhangelsk don’t appear to be viable 🙁

Ok thanks so no success stories from russia than

Depends on your definition of success. European mink was introduced to two of the Kuril Islands (just N of Hokkaido) many years ago; it never became common but apparently persists in very low numbers.

Thanks that is something indeed!

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I'm crossing my fingers that you'll see the dolphins on your next trip as they really are fabulous animals. And…

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Envious of those spotted dolphins! I've been on three pelagics out of Hatteras this year alone without seeing any, but…

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Thanks Jon! The Atlantic Spotted Dolphins were wonderful and one of the prettiest dolphins out there in my opinion. There…

Yeah the wolves were amazing and I'm happy you got to see them! I'll have to return eventually to try…

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By saker tours.

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Ultimate Eastern European Birdwatching Tour

Date: 9 – 27 may, 2024 — duration: 19 days — available places: 0.

We offer two different endings to this amazing 19-days tour depending on your target birds. The backbone of both tours is our well-tried and superb Hungary, Slovakia and Transylvania Grand Tour that we have been running for many years. Now we offer you the possible combination of this GT with our revised Danube Delta and Dobrudja Spring Tour or with the Austria, Slovenia and Croatia Spring Tour. All these tours can be booked separately as well on our main website. However doing the entire tour - regardless which version - offers you a great insight of the European birds and certainly this is your ultimate birding tour in Europe with a bird list of around 250 species with a long list of specialties. We also offer you a price reduction on these Ultimate tours compared to the individual tours.

First version:

Hungary, slovakia & transylvania gt (10 days), one linking day in the eastern carpathians & danube delta and dobrudja spring tour (1+8 days), second version:, hungary, slovakia & transylvania gt (12 days), austria, slovenia and croatia spring tour (7 days), species comparison table, first & second version: hungary, slovakia & transylvania gt, first version: danube delta and dobrudja spring tour, second version: austria, slovenia and croatia spring tour.

  • Ferruginous Duck
  • Hazel Grouse
  • Western Capercaillie
  • Grey Partridge
  • Eurasian Bittern
  • Little Bittern
  • Pygmy Cormorant
  • European Honey Buzzard
  • Short-toed Snake Eagle
  • Lesser Spotted Eagle
  • Eastern Imperial Eagle
  • Montagu's Harrier
  • Great Bustard
  • Little Crake
  • Great Snipe
  • Eurasian Scops Owl
  • Eurasian Eagle-Owl
  • Eurasian Pygmy Owl
  • Boreal (Tengmalm’s) Owl
  • Long-eared Owl
  • Eurasian Wryneck
  • Eurasian Three-toed Woodpecker
  • Middle Spotted Woodpecker
  • Lesser Spotted Woodpecker
  • Syrian Woodpecker
  • Great Spotted Woodpecker
  • White-backed Woodpecker
  • Black Woodpecker
  • European Green Woodpecker
  • Grey-headed Woodpecker
  • Red-footed Falcon
  • Saker Falcon
  • Great Grey Shrike
  • Spotted Nutcracker
  • European Crested Tit
  • Bearded Reedling
  • Moustached Warbler
  • Common Grasshopper Warbler
  • River Warbler
  • Barred Warbler
  • Wallcreeper
  • Collared Flycatcher
  • Common Rock Thrush
  • Red-throated Pipit
  • Rock Bunting
  • Ortolan Bunting
  • Red-necked Grebe
  • Dalmatian Pelican
  • Great White Pelican
  • Booted Eagle
  • Baillon’s Crake
  • Collared Pratincole
  • Eurasian Stone-curlew
  • Broad-billed Sandpiper
  • Pallas’s Gull
  • Gull-billed Tern
  • Little Tern
  • Pallid Swift
  • Levant Sparrowhawk
  • ‘Caucasian’ Horned Lark
  • Greater Short-toed Lark
  • Calandra Lark
  • Paddyfield Warbler
  • Eastern Olivaceous Warbler
  • Rose-coloured Starling
  • Thrush Nightingale
  • Red-breasted Flycatcher
  • Semi-collared Flycatcher
  • Pied Wheatear
  • Isabelline Wheatear
  • Spanish Sparrow
  • Cirl Bunting
  • Black-headed Bunting
  • Rock Partridge
  • Scopoli’s Shearwater
  • Yelkouan Shearwater
  • European Shag
  • Griffon Vulture
  • Kentish Plover
  • Eleonora’s Falcon
  • Woodchat Shrike
  • Alpine Chough
  • Western Bonelli’s Warbler
  • Melodious Warbler
  • Olive-tree Warbler
  • Eastern Orphean Warbler
  • Sardinian Warbler
  • Subalpine Warbler
  • Cetti’s Warbler
  • Western Rock Nuthatch
  • Alpine Accentor
  • Black-eared Wheatear
  • Blue Rock Thrush
  • White-winged Snowfinch
  • Common Rosefinch
  • Lesser Redpoll
  • Citril Finch

Download Full List of Possible Birds!

Detailed Itinerary

Hungary, slovakia & transylvania gt.

saker tours romania

  • Hungary, Slovakia & Transylvania GT – After arrival to Budapest Liszt Ferenc Airport (1400) we will visit a nearby puszta area and try to find the magnificent Great Bustard. We only have a short birding time in this interesting area before driving to the Zemplén Hills in the north-eastern corner of Hungary. The journey to our hotel - which is located in the heart of this World Heritage area - is around three hours. We have a three-night stay here and we can also sample the famous Tokaj Wine. This is ‘the king of wines and the wine of kings’ as Louis XIV of France called it.

saker tours romania

  • We will spend all day in the Zemplén Hills where we will be very busy to find a good selection of woodpeckers and owls. Main targets will be Eurasian Eagle and Ural Owls as well as White-backed and Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers. Our time will be spent in the forest as well as in the various wetlands around. Our attention will also turn towards raptors such as the Eastern Imperial and Short-toed Eagles and warblers such as Barred and Eurasian River Warbler.

saker tours romania

  • This is our second full day in the Zemplén Hills! This area is amazingly rich in birds and some of them are not easy to find so we definitely need this second day to see most of the goodies we want. A few other targets in this area will include Corncrake, Black Kite, Eurasian Honey Buzzard, Goshawk, Tawny Owl, Eurasian Nightjar, Wryneck, Collared Flycatcher and Hawfinch. This evening we will take a special dinner with wine tasting!

saker tours romania

  • After a last morning birding around our hotel we drive north. We will soon enter Slovakia and leave the Zemplén Hills behind. When we arrive to the Slovenski Raj National Park we hope to see some of the rare inhabitants of the area such as Boreal (Tengmalm’s) Owl, Eurasian Pygmy Owl or Three-toed Woodpecker. Although our major goal is to locate these rather scarce birds but we will see a good selection of more common high altitude species such as Firecrest, Eurasian Crested Tit, Eurasian Nutcracker and others. We will have more chances for these scarce birds but in recent years Slovakia proved to be the most reliable for the ‘small’ owls.

saker tours romania

  • We will be birding in the Slovenski Raj National Park this morning. Since our time is limited, around lunchtime we will leave Slovakia behind and drive back to Hungary, all the way to the world famous Hortobágy National Park. We shall arrive in time to explore some remote corners of this vast grassland and have the first taste of this much celebrated birding hotspot! We will have two nights in the Hortobágy area.

saker tours romania

  • Today is our full day birding in the Hortobágy National Park! This grassland area has several vast fishpond complexes as well as permanent and temporary marshes and is one of the greatest birding Meccas in Europe. First we will visit a breeding site of the magnificent Red-footed Falcon, a very special raptor as it breeds in colonies. Another main target for the day is the national bird of Hungary, the mighty Saker Falcon. Several pairs breeds in the Hortobágy area and we will make sure to track down this amazing raptor. In the various wetland habitats we will look out for goodies like Pygmy Cormorant, Ferruginous Duck, Little Bittern, Great Snipe, Marsh Warbler, Bearded and Penduline Tits, Bluethroat and other various migrants.

saker tours romania

  • We will travel east into Romania today. We will have a few birding spots along the way and try to find Red-necked Grebe, all three species of marsh terns and also seek out the localised Ortolan Bunting. In the afternoon we will arrive in the tiny village of Torockó (Rimetea) at the foot of the Székelykő Mountain - a truly spectacular limestone valley in Transylvania. If time permits we will start to explore this lovely area. Our main targets here include Golden Eagle, Honey Buzzard, Corncrake, Alpine Swift, Craig Martin, Great Grey Shrike, the declining Common Rock-Thrush, Woodlark, Whinchat and Rock Bunting. In the evening we will search for Eurasian Scops Owl before we enjoy the hospitality of our traditional style hotel.

saker tours romania

  • After an early morning birding in the Torockó area we will drive further east towards the higher mountains of Transylvania. Along the way we will stop in a superb beech woodland if we still need to catch up with woodpeckers of any kind, as well as visit the birth place of Vlad Tepes alias Dracula in the lovely town of Segesvár (Sighisora). We will arrive to Székelyudvarhely and in the afternoon and we will look for Thrush Nightingale. If time allows we might visit the Szentpál Fishponds, another great birding area. Three nights near Székelyudvarhely (Odorheiu Secuiesc).

saker tours romania

  • Our first day we visit to the higher elevation coniferous forests where we will look for the elusive Western Capercaillie and also for Eurasian Three-toed Woodpecker. We bird along the roads and clearings of the Carpathian pine forests where Water Pipit, Ring Ouzel, Nutcracker, European Crested Tit and Firecrest are all common. We also have more chances of Ural, Pygmy and Tengmalm’s Owls especially if our early spring scouting reveal some occupied territories! In the afternoon we will also visit our Brown Bear hides and hope to see this remarkable mammal of the coniferous forests of the Carpathians.

saker tours romania

  • On our second day we will drive to the famous Békás Gorge (Bicaz) to search for the butterfly-like Wallcreeper. Sometimes it is not easy to find them on the huge surfaces of the limestone walls but with patience we will succeed. After this excursion we will return in time to visit another Brown Bear hide if we did not see them the previous day. Or we will concentrate on any other missing target birds in this area.

Danube Delta and Dobrudja Spring Tour, one linking day in the Eastern Carpathians

  • Austria, Slovenia and Croatia Spring Tour

saker tours romania

  • Eastern Carpathians – Today we will say goodbye to those who continue on the GT tour (or take the Croatia ending to the Ultimate tour) as they leave Transylvania behind and drive back to Hungary. Those who taking the Ultimate Eastern European Birdwatching tour with the Danube Delta version will drive towards the Bucegi Mountains this morning. On the way we will have a chance to bird at the Szentpál Fishponds and the Bogáti Forest. In the latter area the diminutive canopy-dwelling Red-breasted Flycatcher is our main target. We arrive to the Bucegi Mountains for an afternoon birding. Overnight near Sinaia.

saker tours romania

  • Today we will say goodbye to those who continue on the Ultimate Eastern European Birdwatching tour with the Danube Delta version. After breakfast we will drive back to Hungary. One more stop will be near Szováta where we try to find the diminutive canopy-dwelling Red-breasted Flycatcher. In the afternoon back to Hungary where we will visit some wetland areas for migrants. Overnight in the Hortobágy area.

saker tours romania

  • Danube Delta and Dobrudja Spring Tour – This morning we will ascend to the higher parts of the Bucegi Mountains to 2000 meter elevation and search for Water Pipit and ‘Caucasian’ Horned Lark. Occasionally the more rock-loving Alpine Accentor can also be found here. After a very enjoyable birding on the roof of the Carpathians we will drive to Bucharest where we meet with the start of the Danube Delta and Dobrudja Spring Tour. Later in the afternoon we drive to Caracal where we overnight.

saker tours romania

  • This is our last morning in the Hortobágy National Park. Since we were here just about a week ago, a few things could change and new migrants could arrive. We will be checking the best areas where we can find new birds for the tour. Later we drive towards Budapest but stop along the way at some recently flooded paddy fields and try to locate the scarce breeder Collared Pratincole. In the afternoon we arrive to Budapest Liszt Ferenc Airport (around 1700) and say goodbye to those who were ‘only’ participating in the Hungary, Slovakia and Transylvania GT. Those who booked on the Ultimate Eastern Europe Birdwatching Tour with the Austria, Slovenia and Croatia Spring Tour supplement will continue driving to Lake Fertő area in western Hungary. Overnight near Lake Fertő.

saker tours romania

  • This morning we will look for a much localised bird which has just been found in Romania a few years ago. Our main target is to see the Semi-collared Flycatcher. This small flycatcher has a very restricted range and a new addition to our tour. Other interesting birds in the area include Middle Spotted Woodpecker, Short-toed Treecreeper and even Cirl Bunting. After the morning birding we transfer to Calarasi in southern Romania. In late afternoon we will visit various wetlands. The scarce Baillon’s Crake has been recorded here in recent years and if we are lucky we can track one down, although we will just about coincide with its arrival from the wintering grounds.

saker tours romania

  • Austria, Slovenia and Croatia Spring Tour – We explore various habitats around the Lake Fertő area this morning where our main targets are the Great Bustard, Kentish Plover and a selection of other waterbirds. Later we will drive to the Kőszeg Hills where we would like to see Red Kite and Common Rosefinch. In the late afternoon we will continue to Villach in Austria where we spend the night. Fantastic Alpine scenery this afternoon!

saker tours romania

  • We will be birding in the Calarasi area all morning and later we will drive towards the Black Sea cost. In the afternoon we will visit an abandoned rock quarry where we could connect with species like Eurasian Stone-curlew, Isabelline and Pied Wheatear and raptors. We will arrive to Sinoe for a two-night stay. Our accommodation lies in a rural village close to the most important wetland sites.

saker tours romania

  • After breakfast we will go into higher elevation up to 1800 meter. After a short drive we start the exploration of this area where our main targets are the Alpine Chough, Citril Finch and the Lesser Redpoll. If we are lucky we can encounter some of the more scarce inhabitants of this area such as Three-toed Woodpecker or even the mighty Western Capercaillie. In the late morning we will descend from the mountain and drive to the Slovenian side of the Julian Alps – but actually driving into Italy as well. After lunch we will try to locate Western Bonelli’s Warbler on the limestone rocky hillsides. Overnight in Bovec.

saker tours romania

  • We will start the day with an optional pre-breakfast birding around the hotel. Later we visit the Wolf`s Peninsula wetland site, close to the Lake Sinoe. In spring time it is one of the best places for waders, terns, gulls, pratincoles and pelicans. In the agricultural fields we can spot migrating Red-throated Pipits, different forms of Yellow Wagtails, Red-footed Falcons, displaying Calandra and Greater Short-toed Larks. The biggest Dalamatian Pelican colony of the Danube Delta is close to this place and small groups often rest here. In the afternoon we will visit Vadu`s famous wetland sites. Vadu is another excellent location, where the small lakes and lagoons, the Salicornea steppe, the remote Sinoe lagoon and the seashore can provide a wonderful selection of birds.

saker tours romania

  • We would like to use the cable car this morning if conditions are suitable to get into higher areas. If we are able to get high enough we will have a good chance to see Alpine Accentor and White-winged Snowfinch. This morning will certainly be spectacular! As we will reach the Adriatic coast we stop at the Krk Island where the first true Mediterranean evergreen bushes appear with a new set of birds such as Pallid Swift, Black-eared Wheatear, Sardinian, Eastern Orphean, Eastern Subalpine Warbler and Cirl Bunting. Our prime target will be the Melodious Warbler with its west-Mediterranean distribution. We will overnight near Selce.

saker tours romania

  • This morning we visit the Histria. A great migration spot with some trees and bushes and a mosaic of wetlands. Our main target will be the scarce and elusive Paddyfield Warbler but we can see a wide range of migrant waterbirds and passerines! The nearby historical site is the oldest town found in Romania. After an action-packed morning birding we will drive to the Macin Mountain National Park. This volcanic mountain is the oldest in Romania and owing to its habitat diversity it has some of the richest and most interesting fauna and flora, including numerous endemic plants and insects. This place is a famous site again for breeding Wheatears and raptors. From high in the sky Long-legged Buzzards, Short-toed Eagles, Booted Eagles, Levant Sparrowhawks looking for food like a Sousliks, lizards or snakes. We will spend all afternoon at this magical location and also hope to connect with Red-rumped Swallow, Common Rock Thrush, Sombre Tit and Ortolan Bunting. We will arrive to Tulcea in the evening where we overnight.

saker tours romania

  • In the early morning hours we will be birding on a rocky hillside where we hope to connect with Griffon Vulture, Eastern Orphean Warbler, Black-headed Bunting and this will be our first chance to see the European-endemic Rock Partridge as well. On the road meandering along the Adriatic seashore we continue our journey to Starigrad. This journey have a real Adriatic atmosphere with great scenery, small villages, sky-blue sea, ’white’ mountains, sailboats and a selection of special birds like Blue Rock Thrush and European Shag. After lunch we visit the mountain tops along the breath-taking limestone roads of the Paklenica National Park, where the targets are Western Rock Nuthatch, Sombre Tit and Rock Partridge. We overnight in Starigrad.

saker tours romania

  • Early this morning we will board our boat and start to explore the Danube Delta. Using our boat, we have almost two days to experience a selection of the best locations within the Danube Delta middle branch (Sulina arm), seeing birds and places that are simply impossible to reach any other way. We will see White Pelicans, Black-necked and Red-necked Grebes, Glossy Ibises, Squacco Herons, White-tailed Eagles, Eurasian Hobbies and a selection of woodpeckers and warblers. Our accommodation will be near an isolated settlement in the Delta where the inhabitants are Russians, known as Lipovans. They left Russia in the reign of Catherine the Great during the 18th century; their villages are distinctive with turquoise blue and white houses and onion-tower churches. Night in the Danube Delta near Mila 23.

saker tours romania

  • This morning we devote our birding time to the Island of Pag which is the 5th largest island in Croatia. After a short ride we will be looking for Olive-tree Warbler our primary target bird for the morning. Other goodies in this area could include Woodchat Shrikes, Common Rock Thrush and Spanish Sparrow. We check a few brackish and fresh water wetlands where Little Tern and Kentish Plover is possible alongside some late migrants. In the afternoon we drive to Split and take a late ferry to the island of Vis. Along the way we will have a short stop at Lake Vrána where Cettis’ Warbler and Singing Cisticola possible. Overnight in Vis Island.

saker tours romania

  • After a pre-breakfast birding around the hotel we will have a full morning excursion with boat to experience the Danube Delta. We will return for lunch and in the afternoon we take our boat back to Tulcea, birding all the way back. In the late afternoon we drive back to the Macin Mountain National Park for our last night on the tour.

saker tours romania

  • Our morning will be spent to find and admire the elegant Eleonora’s Falcons. These amazing raptors breed on this island where we shall have great looks. After lunch we will be on the lookout for Yelkouan and Scopoli’s Shearwaters on our ferry, back to the mainland. We drive back to Starigrad for one more night.

saker tours romania

  • On our last morning we can explore this fantastic area for our still missing species before we need to pack-up and leave for Bucharest. We shall arrive to Bucharest airport by 1500 and our Ultimate Eastern European Birding Tour will end. Certainly by now we saw a great selection of goodies and experienced some fantastic locations and some excellent habitats!

saker tours romania

  • After an optional pre-breakfast birding we will start our long journey back to Hungary. Most of the way we use motorways but break the journey with a short stop in the very scenic Plitvička Jezera National Park. It is a national park since 1949 and also a World Heritage site since 1979. In the Limestone Hills 18 lakes connected with 92 waterfalls creating a special and amazing landscape. We might even come across a few woodpeckers in the area. We shall arrive to Budapest in the late afternoon where the tour ends.


Douglas chapman , south dakota, usa, participant of a custom birding tour combined with the red-breasted goose special tour 2017.

I arranged a private tour in October 2017 for Austria and Hungary with my friend Kathy. In Hungary, Sakertours was our leader. Gabor Simay was a superb guide, from the time he met us at our guest house in Budapest to taking us back to Liszt Ferenc airport. We had combined this trip with the harvest in the Tokaj wine region (as we observed a magnificent Eagle Owl in a quarry we were also in a vineyard, tasting the superb ‘raisins’ that make the famed Tokaj wine) and we had Gabor with us for great wine tastings as well as birds. He was determined to find the birds and he did! We joined the Red-breasted Goose Tour in early November and saw both Red-breasted and Lesser White-fronted geese very well. Our list has such great sightings as White-backed Woodpecker close-up and Ural Owl (on Tokaj Hill!), Wallcreeper at Bükk Hills and Saker Falcon flying head-on at us on the Hortobagy. Very good accommodations, and the food was very good indeed. We both loved Hungary and Sakertours made it happen.

Ned C. Hill , Utah, USA

Participant of danube delta dobrudja spring tour, 2014.

Four of us from the US took the birding tour into the Danube Delta of Romania and surrounding area. We thoroughly enjoyed the experience! Our guide was friendly, thoughtful of every need and wonderfully knowledgeable about the birds of the area. He made sure every participant saw each new species we encountered. He knew bird sounds well and used that skill to great advantage in showing us some difficult-to-find species. Accommodations were very comfortable and the food excellent. This was a first class operation all around. I highly recommend Saker Tours to any avid birder.

Glen Novinger , Texas, USA

Participant of danube delta dobrudja autumn tour, 2015, hortobagy-zemplen spring birding tour, 2018 and hortobágy hide-photography 2018.

Sakertours is a wonderful Bird Watching and Nature Photography company. My wife and I have been on bird watching trips in two different years to each Romania and Hungary and last year I spent a perfectly rewarding week with Sakertours doing bird photography at their many well situated bird photography blinds, or hides, in Hortobágy National Park in northeastern Hungary. Their guides are the best! The accommodations and food is great. And I continually recommend Sakertours to my birding friends in the United States.

Edward Hagen , Florida, USA

Participant of a custom hungary, slovakia & transylvania gt, 2019.

I just want to let you know how much we enjoyed the leadership of Gabor. He worked hard to get everyone onto the birds and to find our targets…the rooms, the foods, the local helpers, the winery dinner and the muddy horse ride for the great snipe! Saker Tours is a winner.

Dr. Claude Bloch , New York City, USA

Participant of hungary spring birding tour, 2014 and danube delta birding tour, may 18-25, 2017.

I have been on two Saker tours, one in the Spring to Hungary, the other three year later to Romania. I cannot recommend your company enough. The leaders, who are fluent in English are friendly, competent, and know the area they are leading very well. The accommodations you choose and the meals you provide are excellent. Many thanks from a very pleased and grateful experienced birder.


  • Hungary, Slovakia and Transylvania GT
  • One linking day in the Eastern Carpathians
  • Danube Delta and Dobrudja Spring Tour

Date: 9 – 27 May, 2024

0 place(s) available


Srs $525.00, second version:, $3,920.00.

Duration 19 days (18 nights) long birdwatching tour

Starting and ending point and time

  • Starting in Budapest (Hungary) and finishing in Bucharest (Romania)
  • The tour starts at Budapest Liszt Ferenc Airport at 14:00 on the starting date
  • The tour starts in Bucharest Otopeni Airport at 15:00 on the ending date

Countries to be visited

  • Visiting three countries: Hungary, Slovakia and Romania (all EU members)
  • Make sure you match the VISA requirements as we will have overland border crossings

Location and duration of accommodations We have 3 nights in the Zemplén Hills (Hungary), 1 night in the Slovenski Raj National Park (Slovakia), 2 nights in the Hortobágy National Park (Hungary), 1 night in the Bihar Mountains (Romania), 3 nights at the base of the Hargita Mountains (Romania), 1 night in the Bucegi Mountain (Romania), 1 night near Caracal (Romania), 1 night near Calaras (Romania), 2 nights in Sinoe (Romania), 1 night in Tulcea (Romania), 1 night inside the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve near Mila 23 (Romania) and 1 night in the Macin Mountain National Park

Group size and prices

  • The minimum group size is 3 persons
  • The maximum group size is 10 persons
  • Tour price is $3,650.00/person.

This price is based on double occupancy. Single room supplement is $525.00/person.

Deposit: $500.00 (due with booking). As soon as you fill out a booking form we will send you a deposit invoice and information of the final payment.

Expected number of birds species seen on this tour 240-260 species

What to bring Torch, binocular, insect repellent, walking boots, adequate warm clothing, wind proof clothing for boat rides, sun block and hat.

Accommodation & Road Transport: The hotels are comfortable on this tour! Road transport is either by car or by minibus depending on group size, roads are generally good.

Walking The walking effort is easy to moderate throughout the tour but in Transylvania a few optional hikes could occur.

Climate In May most days are warm to hot, dry and sunny and temperature is up to 25- 30 degrees Celsius. However in the mountains it can be cooler and early mornings can be distinctly cold. Spring weather can be variable, so in such a longish tour we can experience rainy days as well!

The price includes

  • Budapest-to-Bucharest all-inclusive
  • All transportation throughout the tour
  • All accommodation
  • All entrance fees
  • English speaking expert bird guide

The price excludes

  • International flight to Budapest (starting point) and from Bucharest (ending point)
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Services of personal nature (telephone calls, laundry etc.)
  • Tips to guides
  • Starting in Budapest (Hungary) and finishing in Budapest (Hungary)
  • The tour ends in Budapest Liszt Ferenc Airport at 18:00 on the ending date
  • Visiting seven countries: Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Austria, Italy, Slovenia and Croatia (all EU members)

Location and duration of accommodations We have 3 nights in the Zemplén Hills (Hungary), 1 night in the Slovenski Raj National Park (Slovakia), 2 nights in the Hortobágy National Park (Hungary), 1 night in the Bihar Mountains (Romania), 3 nights at the base of the Hargita Mountains (Romania), 1 night in the Hortobágy National Park (Hungary), 1 night near Lake Fertő (Hungary), 1 night near Villach (Austria), 1 night near Bovec (Slovenia), 1 night near Selce (Croatia), 1 night near Starigrad – Paklenica (Croatia), 1 night on Vis Island (Croatia) and 1 night near Starigrad – Paklenica (Croatia).

  • Tour price is $3,920.00/person.

Walking The walking effort is easy to moderate throughout the tour but in Transylvania, Austria and Croatia a few optional hikes could occur.

  • Budapest-to-Budapest all-inclusive
  • International flight to Budapest (starting point) and from Budapest (ending point)

If you still have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us!

Dalmatian and White Pelicans - János Oláh

saker tours romania

Romania – Danube Delta & Dobrogea Plain

One of our most bird-filled European itineraries, Romania is a fabulous country for birding and there is no better way to see the amazing Danube Delta than by boat. For a part of this tour, we are based on board a floating hotel, with our own crew and chef, and a small boat for daytime excursions. Each evening we meet the hotel boat in a new, stunning location, surrounded by the sights and sounds of the delta and vast numbers of waterbirds. Imagine cruising among Lily-filled lagoons, with Whiskered Terns flying around us and flocks of White Pelicans fishing in the shallows, watched by hundreds of herons of all the European species. We’ll also explore the salt-lakes, dry steppes and farmlands, lagoons, marshes and woodlands of Dobrogea, based at a charming small hotel in the port town of Tulcea. The open country that borders the Black Sea is bristling with great birds, from Pallas’s Gull and Paddyfield Warbler to breeding rookeries of Red-footed Falcon and woodlands resounding to singing Icterine Warblers and Red-breasted Flycatchers. We visit in a period when most of the summer migrants are into breeding routines and there should also be late movement of passage shorebirds too – exceptional birding you can’t afford to miss! Your tour leader will be Marcus Nash, assisted throughout by a local guide and driver. You can expect to see approximately 150 species .

Romania Tour Report June 2017

Romania 2nd – 9th June 2018

Romania Spring 2019

Romania Spring 2023

Romania Trip Report 2024

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Romania Birding Tours

Our spring Romania birding tours explore the famous Danube Delta and neighboring Bulgaria where we hope to encounter a multitude of exciting spring migrants. The Black Sea country of Romania is yet another European birding and wildlife highlight, with our Romania birding tours providing further most-wanted European specials. Forming the northeast corner of the Balkan Peninsula, the country is bordered by the Black Sea to the east, Bulgaria  to the south, Serbia and  Hungary  to the west, and Ukraine and Moldova to the north. Romania’s area is 92,046 square miles (238,397 square kilometers), making it slightly smaller than the state of Michigan in the  United States of America . Like many countries in the region Romania’s population is falling due to the migration of people out of the area. The population of Romania is 19.3 million people (2020 figures), a drop of nearly 2 million people since 2011. Bucharest is the capital of Romania and sits in the south of the country. The city is home to fabulous architecture including the infamous Palace of the Parliament, the heaviest building on Earth, built by former president  Nicolae Ceaușescu .

Romania is home to the oldest known European human remains, at 40,000 years old. The Kingdom of Dacia was the first recognized single ruler of the region before the Romans arrived in 46 AD. The region has seen a multitude of rulers throughout more recent history including Goths, Slavs, Magyars ( Hungary ), Byzantines, Mongols ( Mongolia ), and Ottomans, before a full union was formed in 1918. Romania fought against the Central Powers in World War One but fought alongside Germany during World War Two, before switching sides in 1944 to fight alongside the Soviet Union, a move that would lead to Romania becoming part of the Soviet Union soon after. Romania remained part of the Soviet Union until 1989 when a revolution saw the end of communism in the country. Romania joined the European Union in 2007.

Read More About Romania

The country’s climate is varied with hot summers and cold winters separated by distinct spring and fall (autumn) seasons. Romania is relatively dry with only around 22 inches (570 millimeters) of rain falling in an average year in the south of the country. Romania’s geography is an equal mix of mountains, hills, and grasslands. The Carpathian Mountains take up most of central Romania, with the highest peak being Moldoveanu Peak at 8,346 feet (2,544 meters). The east and south of the country are mostly plains, with the Danube River forming most of Romania’s borders with  Bulgaria  and Serbia. The Danube emerges at the Black Sea and its delta is the largest marshland in Europe at 2,200 square miles (5,800 square kilometers). Romania is also home to vast forests, which make up around 27% of its land area. A large proportion of the country is protected through 13 national parks and three biosphere reserves. Furthermore, BirdLife International, with local partner the Romanian Ornithological Society, recognizes  130 Important Bird Areas (IBAs), sites considered important for birds. During our Romania birding tour here  we will visit the Romanian part of the  Danube Delta IBA  and  Măcin-Niculitel IBA  (part of the Macin Mountains National Park), these sites all help to protect birds in Romania either directly or indirectly.

Following  International Ornithological Congress (IOC)  taxonomy, Romania has a bird list of  399 species  (IOC v10.2 in October 2020), 21 of these species are globally threatened, such as  Red-breasted Goose ,  Lesser White-fronted Goose ,  Steppe Eagle , and  Saker Falcon . In addition to its wonderful avifauna, Romania is also home to some of Europe’s iconic mammals such as (Eurasian)  Brown Bear , the highest concentration in Europe, plus  Eurasian   Lynx ,  Grey   Wolf , (European)  Wild Cat ,  Northern Chamois , and, thanks to a reintroduction scheme,  European Bison .

Romania offers some great birds, and by combining a trip here with neighboring  Bulgaria  (as we do here), we can find a great many highly sought-after eastern European birds. Some of the highlight birds from the Romanian leg of the trip are outlined below.

Within the Danube Delta itself we will search for  Marsh Sandpiper ,  Collared Pratincole ,  Caspian Tern ,  Whiskered Tern ,  Black Stork ,  White Stork ,  Pygmy Cormorant ,  Eurasian Spoonbill ,  Purple Heron ,  Great Egret ,  Great White Pelican , and  Dalmatian Pelican  (the Danube is one of the best places in the world for this Near-threatened (IUCN) species of global conservation concern).

The number of birds of prey in Romania is vast, with  European Honey Buzzard, Short-toed Snake Eagle ,  Lesser Spotted Eagle ,  Booted Eagle ,  Levant Sparrowhawk ,  Pallid Harrier ,  White-tailed Eagle ,  Long-legged Buzzard ,  Lesser Kestrel ,  Red-footed Falcon , and even  Saker Falcon all possible during this section of our Romania birding tour. We may even come across the enigmatic and elusive Ural Owl  while in the Macin Mountains National Park.

Some vibrant color will be provided by  European Turtle Dove ,  Eurasian Hoopoe ,  European Roller , and  European Bee-eater , plus many of the European woodpeckers, including  Syrian Woodpecker ,  White-backed Woodpecker , and  Black Woodpecker  will add further variety. Passerine highlights will include  Lesser Grey Shrike ,  Eurasian Golden Oriole ,  Eurasian Penduline Tit ,  Great Reed Warbler ,  Moustached Warbler ,  Paddyfield Warbler ,  Marsh Warbler ,  Eastern Olivaceous Warbler ,  Icterine Warbler ,  River Warbler ,  Savi’s Warbler ,  Common Rock Thrush ,  Isabelline Wheatear ,  Spanish Sparrow , and  Ortolan Bunting .

Our combined Bulgaria and Romania birding tour offers a vast array of amazing species and we have listed some of the highlights above, with others on our Bulgaria page. You will get to enjoy the birds in Romania along with the outstanding scenery, welcoming people, and the fantastic local food that the country has to offer.

saker tours romania

Birding Tour Bulgaria and Romania: Birding The Balkans in Spring May 2025/2026

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European Bee-eater

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Spotted Nutcracker

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White-backed Woodpecker

European birding galleries

White-tailed Eagle

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  • Two Castles in One Day Tour – 12 hours
  • Bucharest City Tour by Night – 1.5 hours
  • Bucharest City Tour & Wine Tasting – 2.5 hours
  • Bucharest Evening Tour & Traditional Dinner – 3 hours
  • Unhealthy Food Tour of Bucharest – 4 hours
  • Half-Day Tour of Bucharest – 4 hours
  • The Last Days of Communism Tour – 4 hours
  • Mogosoaia Palace & Snagov Monastery Tour – 5 hours
  • Wines of Wallachia Tasting Tour – 8 hours
  • One Day Tour from Bucharest to Constanta – 10 hours
  • The Real Dracula Tour – 11 hours
  • Experience Bulgaria Tour – 11 hours
  • Transylvania Break Tour – 2 days
  • Danube Delta Tour – 2 days
  • Transfagarasan & Medieval City of Sibiu Tour – 2 days
  • Medieval Transylvania Tour – 3 days
  • Private Half-Day City Tour of Bucharest – 5 hours
  • Private Full-Day Sightseeing Tour of Bucharest – 8 hours
  • Slanic Salt Mine & Wine Tasting Tour – 8 hours
  • Peles Royal Castle & Wine Tasting Tour – 9 hours
  • In the Footsteps of Dracula Tour – 11 hours
  • Private Trip to Peles Castle & Bran Dracula Castle – 12 hours
  • One Day Tour to Bulgaria – 11 hours
  • The Black Sea & Danube Delta Tour – 2 days
  • Medieval City of Brasov Tour (Kronstadt) – 2 days
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  • Bucovina & Transylvania Tour – 3 days
  • Romanian UNESCO Heritage Tour – 4 days
  • Magic Transylvania Tour – 4 days
  • Transylvanian Medieval Castles & Fortified Churches Tour – 4 days
  • Maramures, Bucovina & Danube Delta Tour – 5 days
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Customer Reviews

A brilliant, informative, and very fun day trip to Transylvania!

I went to Bucharest as a solo female traveler and wanted to find some way to be able to experience Transylvania without all of the hard work of catching trains! This was perfect.

Lucinda J

Wonderful guide…..outstanding history lesson!

This trip was amazing and Serban, as a guide and driver was unsurpassed. This was one of the most pleasant and informational tours we have ever done.

Tom L.

An exciting, insightful experience

Our guide was extremely nice and knowledgeable. She gave us an excellent historical background of the region and the sites that we visited. She provided us with excellent photos of the castles, and had several good recommendations for how to spend our free time in Brasov.


giornata fantastica grazie anche a una guida fantastica

utto funziona, tutto è gestito e organizzato, né tempi morti ne dispersioni, simpatia e contenuti, devo davvero ringraziare la nostra guida per la fantastica opportunità che ci ha dato: avvicinarci non solo a dei luoghi ma a una cultura a una storia a delle tradizioni…

Irene M.

Day well spent

This was a private tour for us (family of 17). The guide Boogie was one of the best I have come across. Very interactive and pleasant personality. He made our trip fun. Rightly paced, comfortable bus, extra perks /accommodations to suit our likings. Smiling face inspite of delay late in the day.


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Rock And Roll Garage

Rock And Roll Garage

Mr. big played the last show of their farewell tour.

Mr Big

Classic Rock

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Formed by singer Eric Martin , bassist Billy Sheehan and guitarist Paul Gilbert, Mr. Big played last August 23 in Bistrița, Romania,, the final show of their farewell tour. After the show, the bass player published a statement on his social media saying: “Romania!!! Crowd was a little bit light, but they made up for it in enthusiasm! The last MR. BIG show (not MY last show, goddammit!!)

“What a great run we’ve had since 1988. We made Great memories and millions (literally) of friends all around the world. My unlimited love and respect to all who listened, watched, purchased records, tickets and T -shirts. — without you we would have been nothing. Fact. Moving on now to other adventures, but never forgetting this amazing experience.”

The guitarist Paul Gilbert also talked about the final show, saying: “What an adventure! MR. BIG wraps up over a year of touring! Many thanks to ALL! I’ll get home just in time for my son’s 10th birthday. I hope he remembers who I am! And special thanks to Ibanez guitars for getting beautiful instruments to me after my touring guitars were stolen.”

The setlist and videos of the final Mr. Big show

  • Addicted to That Rush
  • Daddy, Brother, Lover, Little Boy (The Electric Drill Song)
  • Alive and Kickin’
  • Green-Tinted Sixties Mind
  • CDFF-Lucky This Time (Jeff Paris cover)
  • Voodoo Kiss
  • Never Say Never
  • Just Take My Heart
  • My Kinda Woman
  • A Little Too Loose
  • To Be With You
  • Wild World (Cat Stevens cover)
  • Guitar Solo
  • Shy Boy (Talas cover)
  • 30 Days in the Hole (Humble Pie cover)
  • Good Lovin’ (The Olympics cover)
  • Baba O’Riley (The Who cover)

The group is formed by Eric Martin (Vocals), Billy Sheehan (Bass), Paul Gilbert (Guitar) and Nick D’Virgilio (Drums). Their most recent album is “Ten” released in 2024. It’s the first album the band released since the death of the drummer Pat Torpey.

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I'm a Brazilian journalist who always loved Classic Rock and Heavy Metal music. That passion inspired me to create Rock and Roll Garage over 6 years ago. Music has always been a part of my life, helping me through tough times and being a support to celebrate the good ones. When I became a journalist, I knew I wanted to write about my passions. After graduating in journalism from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, I pursued a postgraduate degree in digital communication at the same institution. The studies and experience in the field helped me improve the website and always bring the best of classic rock to the world! MTB: 0021377/MG

saker tours romania

saker tours romania

Watch: MR. BIG Plays Last Concert Of Farewell Tour In Romania

MR. BIG played the last show of its "The BIG Finish" farewell tour on Friday, August 23 at the Way Too Far Rock Festival 2024. Bistrița, Romania.

After the concert, MR. BIG bassist Billy Sheehan took to his social media to share a picture from the gig and he included the following message: "Romania!!! Crowd was a little bit light, but they made up for it in enthusiasm! The last MR. BIG show (not MY last show, goddammit!!)

"What a great run we've had since 1988. We made Great memories and millions (literally) of friends all around the world. My unlimited love and respect to all who listened, watched, purchased records, tickets and T -shirts. — without you we would have been nothing. Fact. Moving on now to other adventures, but never forgetting this amazing experience."

Guitarist Paul Gilbert added: "What an adventure! MR. BIG wraps up over a year of touring! Many thanks to ALL! I'll get home just in time for my son's 10th birthday. I hope he remembers who I am! And special thanks to Ibanez guitars for getting beautiful instruments to me after my touring guitars were stolen."

Drummer Nick D'Virgilio , who joined MR. BIG in 2023 as the replacement for the late Pat Torpey , commented: "It has been an amazing run with @billysheehanonbass @paulgilbert_official and @iamericmartin I've been able to rock n roll all over the world with the guys and I will be forever thankful. Big Love for MR. BIG !"

In a recent interview with Joe Rock of Long Island's rock station 102.3 WBAB , MR. BIG frontman Eric Martin admitted that he was "second guessing" the announcement that that the group's "The BIG Finish" farewell tour would in fact mark the last time he and his bandmates hit the road together. He said: "Now since we're all getting along perfectly and the band's so super tight, I'm thinking, why are we dissolving our partnership? I'm second guessing now. I hope we do more records, but I get it. Paul probably doesn't want to tour as much, just like I don't. We've been on this road trip for a year. I don't wanna do the really lengthy tours. I'm not 30 years old anymore. I'm not even 40. I'm not even 50 anymore."

Eric continued: "I love people when they go, 'Oh, what about THE ROLLING STONES ? Yeah, what about THE ROLLING STONES ? They're super butt rich. They play one gig a week and they fly in, in a jet and five-star hotels. They're a little older now and they still rock out, but I'm thinking Mick Jagger gets carried to the stage. Come on."

Asked if he and his MR. BIG bandmates have considered the idea of doing a residency type of thing somewhere in the future, Eric said: "Well, I would. I would. I know that we've all agreed that — I hope there's a one-off here and there, but after August 23rd, that's all she wrote. And we're gonna stick to our guns — try to stick to our guns. I hope that we do one or two more shows. It's funny that you say residency because our drummer, our new drummer, Nick D'Virgilio , that's his idea lately, going we should do a residency — in Japan, for God's sake. We could do that. Las Vegas, move over Elton [ John ] and Celine Dion , and we could just maybe get in on the off strip and do a month or do a couple of weeks a year. That would be — in the immortal words of my father — that would be swell."

MR. BIG 's tenth studio album, "Ten" , was released on July 12 via Frontiers Music Srl . The LP features 11 new original tracks written by Martin and Gilbert , along with André Pessis and Tony Fanucchi . "Ten" was produced by Jay Ruston and MR. BIG .

D'Virgilio missed most of the final European leg of MR. BIG 's "The BIG Finish" tour due to his commitments with his band BIG BIG TRAIN . He was temporarily replaced on the trek by Edu Cominato , an experienced drummer from São Paulo, Brazil who has previously played with Sheehan and Martin , Jeff Scott Soto and Geoff Tate ( QUEENSRŸCHE ),among others.

MR. BIG recently completed the European leg of "The BIG Finish" , which saw the veteran band performing MR. BIG 's 1991 album, "Lean Into It" , in full, along with other cuts from the group's history.

When MR. BIG announced "The BIG Finish" tour last year, the bandmembers said that it was "time to mark the end of this chapter of their legacy" after drummer Pat Torpey lost his battle with Parkinson's disease in 2018. The first leg kicked off in Japan and Southeast Asia in July and August 2023, where the band performed for hundreds of thousands of loyal fans at 11 sold-out shows including Budokan in Tokyo, Japan.

MR. BIG 's last-ever live album release will be "The BIG Finish Live" , which is due out September 6 via the Evolution Music Group .

"The BIG Finish Live" is a brand-new live album and concert film of MR. BIG 's "The BIG Finish" farewell tour, where the band played their million-selling "Lean Into It" album in its entirety, plus additional MR. BIG classics.

Romania!!! Crowd was a little bit light, but they made up for it in enthusiasm! The last Mr Big show ( not MY last show,... Posted by Billy Sheehan on  Friday, August 23, 2024
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Paul Gilbert (@paulgilbert_official)

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Nick D'Virgilio (@ndvirgilio)

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The university based SAKERTOURS is a high quality Birdwatching and Hide Photography Company with over 30 years of professional experience in habitat conservation, biodiversity research and ecotourism .

  • Our birding activity was initiated by young Hortobágy ornithologists in 1992 with pioneering ’Sakertrip’ with our senior guide Zoltán Ecsedi.
  • Our ground agency was established in 1994 by Prof. J. Oláh in cooperation with over a dozen of worldwide birdwatching tour operators.
  • Our agency for bird hide photography was established by installing sophisticated professional ground, water and canopy nature inbuilt hide systems with photo-through panorama windows in 2007 by J. Oláh, Jr. and his friends. Withthis we were amongst the very first companies in Europe to offer Hide Photography tours!
  • Our birding activity was expanded to the Danube Delta in 2009 when Zoltán Baczó joined the SAKERTOURS team.
  • Our hide photography was expanded to the Danube Delta region in 2011 where we were also pioneers to offer hide based bird-photography tours and where we have have unrivalled experience now!
  • Brown Bear photography hides were installed and tested in 2013, and nowadays we have the best hide system in Transylvania offering great possibilities for bear photography!
  • In 2020 we started to elaborate and organize our mammal wathcing tours in the region, and yet again pioneering such tours in Romania.
  • Over 500 birdwatching, mammal watching and hide-photography tours have been successfully completed in Eastern Europe between 1994 and 2024.
  • Our guides and team still working continuously to design new tours, new hides and to show the incredible wildlife of Eatern Europe to our clinets and friends!

Our bird destinations

We are specialised in birdwatching tours and bird hide photography in Central and Eastern Europe, covering countries of Hungary, Slovakia and Romania. All the important Eastern European bird species are perfectly represented in our destinations. We are the only company based in the Hortobágy National Park in Hungary which is the key birdwatching site in the region. Our company is run by birders and photographers to cater for birders and photographers. We know your needs and we know where to find the birds you want! We have unrivalled local knowledge in these finest birdwatching habitats of Europe. Simply because we live, work and strive to conserve nature in these habitats every day.

  • Hortobágy National Park (World Heritage area in Hungary)
  • Zemplén Forest Reserve (with Tokaj World Heritage Area in Hungary)
  • Slovakia Pine Forest (crossborder Slovakia – Slovenski Raj NP)
  • Transylvania forest and gorges (with Torockó World Heritage Area in Romania)
  • Danube Delta and its lagoon complex (Biosphere Reserve in Romania)
  • Dobrudja Plains (adjacent to the Danube Delta)
  • Macin Mountain National Park (Isolated Mountain Range)

We conserve and use nature resources. What are resources?

  • Resources are wealth or commodities satisfying human needs.
  • Resources are manifested in the production and consumption of goods and services.
  • There are only natural resources, everything comes from nature.
  • Even human and infrastructural resources originate from nature.
  • Resources are produced, maintained and sustained by nature and biodiversity.
  • Biodiversity produces all the economy and life supporting ecosystem services.

Resources for ecotourism

  • The resource for birdwatching and hide photography is biodiversity.
  • Biodiversity generates and produces life supporting ecosystem services for everybody.
  • Watching the wonder of biodiversity brings humans back to nature.
  • This is the greatest satisfaction of the modern man imprisoned in a world of artifacts.

SAKERTOURS resources

  • Our resource is a careful selection of natural habitats at the seven birding destinations, easy to visit and explore.
  • The intimate and ultimate local knowledge to show you all the Eastern European bird specialities is a practical result or by-product of our local research and restoration activities.
  • Our academic abilities and project activities in research, conservation and restoration of biodiversity are our specific resources distinguishing SAKERTOURS from many of the commercial agencies.
  • Our research, conservation and restoration projects are implemented or run in cooperation with several institutions listed at links.
  • Some of our recently completed or current research, conservation and restoration projects are listed at conservation.


  1. SAKERTOUR : Hungary, Romania, Slovakia

    saker tours romania

  2. SAKERTOUR : Hungary, Romania, Slovakia

    saker tours romania

  3. SAKERTOUR : Hungary, Romania, Slovakia

    saker tours romania

  4. SAKERTOUR : Hungary, Romania, Slovakia

    saker tours romania

  5. Romania Saker Falcon- Saker (She?) with visit in the nest , departure

    saker tours romania

  6. Searching for Saker falcons in Romania

    saker tours romania


  1. SAKERTOURS: Eastern European birding and photo tours since 1994

    Hungary, Romania, Slovakia - birding, birdwatching, mammal watching, hide-photography and bird-photography tours. Eastern european birding and photo tours since 1994 Eastern european birding and photo tours since 1994 ... (Romania) only during the tour.Our expectations were exceeded as we managed to record more species during the tour as on any ...

  2. Our fixed date Romania birding tours

    Romania birding tours. Table of contents. Our fixed date Romania birding tours. Excellent value for money and guaranteed departure from a minimum of three persons. Danube Delta - Dobrudja Spring Tour (7 days) One of the largest wetlands in the world! Its diverse habitats and very rich birdlife make it undoubtedly one of Europe`s finests ...

  3. Our fixed date Romania mammal tours

    Romania Mammal Tour 2022. Tours: Tour date: Guaranteed departure. August 24 ‒ September 1, 2024. Price from: 2270 €/person. Availability: FULL. Tour date: Guaranteed departure. August 30 ‒ September 7, 2025. Price from: 2290 €/person. Availability: 5 places available. Europe's top mammal watching tour! Come and join us!

  4. Romania birding tours

    Our fixed date Romania birding tours. Excellent value for money and guaranteed departure from a minimum of three persons . Filter by year: 2024 2025 View all. 2024. May 19 ‒ May 25, 2024. Guaranteed departure. Danube Delta - Dobrudja Spring Tour. Price from: 1650 €/person Availability: 2 place available.

  5. PDF ROMANIA MAMMAL TOUR with SAKERTOURS th15 August, 2021

    ROMANIA MAMMAL TOUR with SAKERTOURS 7th - th15 August, 2021 Leader: Zoltán Gergely Nagy Sakertours has been specializing in birdwatching and bird photography tours in the last 27 years. Since 2020 we have also started to offer mammal watching tours and our main tour is the Romania Mammal Tour, which was run for the second time this year.

  6. PDF ROMANIA MAMMAL TOUR with SAKERTOURS of August rd3 of September 2022

    2020 we have also started tours for mammals and our fine-tuned main tour is the so called Romania Mammal Tour, which was run for the third time this year. Logistics are not easy, and it is quite hard work, but this tour is special: it offers the biggest list of European mammals on any available mammal watching tour on our continent! If you plan to

  7. New Trip Report: Romania

    New Trip Report: Romania Here's an excellent report from Romania with a very impressive haul of 46(!) species as well as some killer photos of European Mink, which I had no idea were watchable anywhere anymore (other than Estonia).. Romania, 2020: Saker Tours, 9 days & 46 species including Lesser Mole Rat, Lesser and Greater Mouse-eared Bats, Wolf, Bear and two European Minks.

  8. Booking • Ultimate Tours by SAKERTOURS

    Hortobágy National Park-Hungary, Transylvania-Romania, Danube Delta-Romania $4,990.00. Ultimate Eastern European Birdwatching Tour - First version. Hungary, Slovakia and Transylvania GT, one linking day in the Eastern Carpathians, Danube Delta and Dobrudja Spring Tour $3,650.00. Ultimate Eastern European Birdwatching Tour - Second version.

  9. Ultimate Eastern European Birdwatching Tour

    I highly recommend Saker Tours to any avid birder. Dr. Claude Bloch, New York City, USA Participant of Hungary Spring Birding Tour, 2014 and Danube Delta Birding Tour, May 18-25, 2017 ... (Romania) The tour starts at Budapest Liszt Ferenc Airport at 14:00 on the starting date; The tour starts in Bucharest Otopeni Airport at 15:00 on the ending ...

  10. Romania photo tours

    Romania photo tours. Our tours to Romania were designed to maximize your photography time! These tours are usually a mixture of stalking photography and the use of our superb nature inbuilt hides (hide-boats) during the best periods. Our 'Danube Delta and Dobrudja Bird Photography tour in Spring' was elaborated to photograph as wide ...

  11. Romania

    Romania - Danube Delta & Dobrogea Plain. One of our most bird-filled European itineraries, Romania is a fabulous country for birding and there is no better way to see the amazing Danube Delta than by boat. For a part of this tour, we are based on board a floating hotel, with our own crew and chef, and a small boat for daytime excursions.

  12. Romania Birding Tours

    Romania is relatively dry with only around 22 inches (570 millimeters) of rain falling in an average year in the south of the country. Romania's geography is an equal mix of mountains, hills, and grasslands. The Carpathian Mountains take up most of central Romania, with the highest peak being Moldoveanu Peak at 8,346 feet (2,544 meters).


    Romania Mammal Tour is an amazing adventure for mammal lovers. As the tour runs only annually, this was our fourth tour ever. So far, every tour had a longer mammal list. But this will not be the case on the next tour as 2023 was a remarkable record. With a unique mix of habitats and schedule, this tour has been tailored to offer the chance to ...

  14. Birdwatching Tours in Romania & E Europe

    Up to 6 pers. Bucharest / Brasov / Sibiu. From 780 euro/pers. A special program for Autumn - Winter Birding Tour in Romania for Mountain Birds as Pygmy Owl, Ural Owl, Crossbill, Nutcracker, Wallcreeper and Bears. 5 days / 4 nights on the best birding places in Transylvania ….

  15. Tour calendar

    Special Mole-rat Romania Tour 2025. Price from: 2500 €/person Availability: 4 places available. Book this tour. Categories: Mammal watching tours; April 19 ‒ April 26, 2025. Guaranteed departure. Bears and Birds Photography Tour in Transylvania. Price from: 1980 €/person Availability: 6 places available.

  16. Sakertours (@sakertour) • Instagram photos and videos

    1,014 Followers, 285 Following, 228 Posts - Sakertours (@sakertour) on Instagram: "We are specialised in birdwatching tours and bird hide photography in Central and Eastern Europe, covering countries of Hungary, Slovakia and Romania."

  17. Small-group shared & private tour

    Book a small-group or private tour, led by a friendly local guide, to discover and enjoy the unique beauty of Romania! +40.735.525.710 [email protected]. 5 STAR CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE FROM TRIPADVISOR 2013-2021. Home; Bucharest Tours. Group Tours. Two Castles in One Day Tour - 12 hours;

  18. PDF ROMANIA MAMMAL TOUR with SAKERTOURS 12 20 September, 2020

    ROMANIA MAMMAL TOUR with SAKERTOURS 12th - 20th September, 2020 Leader: János Oláh Sakertours has been specializing in birdwatching and bird photography tours in the last 26 years. However in recent years we felt a growing interest for mammal watching amongst our clients so we decided to create a special mammal watching tour.

  19. Booking

    If you experience any problems with online bookings, please contact our office assistant on +44-7400-636465 (Office manager UK number: Marianna Oláh) or on +36-30-4888923 (Office manager HU number: Marianna Oláh) to book your place! Use the offline booking form above or simply contact us through our website! You can read our booking ...

  20. Mr. Big played the last show of their farewell tour

    Formed by singer Eric Martin, bassist Billy Sheehan and guitarist Paul Gilbert, Mr. Big played last August 23 in Bistrița, Romania,, the final show of their farewell tour. After the show, the bass player published a statement on his social media saying: "Romania!!! Crowd was a little bit light, but they made up for it […]

  21. Watch: MR. BIG Plays Last Concert Of Farewell Tour In Romania

    MR. BIG played the last show of its "The BIG Finish" farewell tour on Friday, August 23 at the Way Too Far Rock Festival 2024. Bistrița, Romania. After the concert, MR. BIG bassist Billy Sheehan ...

  22. About Us: 30+ years experience in Hungary!

    In 2020 we started to elaborate and organize our mammal wathcing tours in the region, and yet again pioneering such tours in Romania. Over 500 birdwatching, mammal watching and hide-photography tours have been successfully completed in Eastern Europe between 1994 and 2024.


    EUROPEAN MINK SPECIAL - ROMANIA with SAKERTOURS 10th - 14th September, 2021 Leaders: Zoltán Gergely Nagy and János Oláh Sakertours has been specializing in birdwatching and bird photography tours in the last 27 years. Since 2020 we have also started to offer mammal-watching tours and the 'European Mink Special Tour' is

  24. PDF SAKERTOURS ROMANIA Mink Special2022 v5

    Sakertours Eastern Europe: Romania Mammal Tour 2020 sakertour.com & ultimatesakertours.com European Mink in the Danube Delta (Zoltán Gergely Nagy) ROMANIA EUROPEAN MINK SPECIAL with SAKERTOURS 9th - 13th September, 2022 Leader: Zoltán Gergely Nagy Sakertours has been specializing in birdwatching and bird photography tours in the last 28 years.