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Around the world traveling for 3 months.

My friend wanted to do a big traveling around the world and asked me if I wanted to join. So of course I said yes and spent about 6 months planning the trip with her and quit my 7-year job. It was a scary and nerve-wrecking move, but I don’t regret it. We did 3 months around-the-world traveling together, mainly in the Asia region, and then my friend continued on later to do 3 more months.  


Here’s the locations we decided on for the 3-month period: New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, China, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea. The locations were chosen based on friends who we wanted to visit and on how we can move through the globe on a one-way flow, and also of course places we’ve always wanted to visit as a kid. We looked at the weather for each location and eventually decided on starting from New Zealand and working our way west into the other countries.

around the world travel route


In general, here’s how we went about planning the trip: we came up with a list of the top locations we wanted to visit, which were New Zealand, Singapore, China, Thailand, Cambodia, Japan and South Korea. Some were where our friends were located and some were destinations we really wanted to visit. Looking at where those countries were located, we then researched into the nearby countries for anything famous or interesting to us. At the same time, on a calendar we marked the amount of time we estimated we would want to stay for each location. We used Google doc to document everything, and google calendar to mark our locations. It’s nice because you can share the calendar and doc with your friends and family.

Here was our global itinerary:

#1. New Zealand – A location well known for amazing scenery. There was a flight deal from Los Angeles to Zealand through Hawaii, so we did that. I actually liked the 1 night stopover at Hawaii as it broke up the flight time.

#2. Sydney, Australia – Since Australia is on the way towards the west that we were heading, and it wasn’t expensive to go from New Zealand to Australia, we decided to stop for 2 days at Sydney.

#3. Indonesia – I wanted to visit Bali so we made this a stop. We stayed a few days here and then a few days in Yogyakarta , which is where the biggest buddha temple in the world is located – Borobudur temple.

#4. Singapore – I have a relative living here so we took this opportunity to visit.

#5. Siem Reap, Cambodia – We wanted to see the famous Angkor Wat, so we spent about a week here.

#6. Luang Prabang, Laos – Laos was close by and found this UNESCO town that seemed interesting. We also went on a 2-Day slow boat cruise on the Mekong River that was super nice.

#7. Thailand – There was a friend we wanted to visit, some cool temples to see, and tried a meditation retreat here. There’s really so many things to do and see in Thailand .

#8. Chongqing, China – There was a friend in Chongqing so we visited here.

#9. Taiwan – Taiwan is one of the islands on the east coast of China. Since we decided to go to Korea and Japan, we might as well also visit Taiwan lol.

#10. Japan – A place I’ve always wanted to visit as a kid 🙂

#11. South Korea – I’m a big fan of Korean dramas so South Korea was a must visit! Also visiting a friend here.

#12. Shanghai & Beijing, China – We came back into China and ended at Beijing. This is a big air hub so flight prices usually are cheaper than others for international flights back home. I ended up resting for about a month in China and went on a mini trip to Yunan, China which was really nice.


The best thing to have when traveling internationally is know someone who’s a local there and can show you around the area, that’s why visiting international friends is such a good idea lol. Lessons that I’ve learned regarding long term traveling is #1 to slow down. We were on a time limit and had so many places that we wanted to visit that for a lot of the locations we only stayed a few days. It’s really hard on the body when you have to move all your stuff so often, even if you don’t have that much stuff to carry around. What would be good is to at least put in 1 extra day to each location where you can just relax, or put in some resting locations in between those busily scheduled ones.

Overall it was a great trip, and I’ve learned many things from traveling. One phenomenon that you’ll experience once you’re back home and made more apparent is the feeling like you’re not living in the normal routines of the general society. The 9-5pm workday and same week-by-week routines seems a bit foreign. After a while though, it becomes normal again.

Check out what essential items I packed with me for the long term around the world trip, or visit the Resources page to see what tools and resources I used for traveling.

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Elektrostal, visit elektrostal, check elektrostal hotel availability, popular places to visit.

  • Electrostal History and Art Museum

You can spend time exploring the galleries in Electrostal History and Art Museum in Elektrostal. Take in the museums while you're in the area.

  • Cities near Elektrostal

Photo by Ksander

  • Places of interest
  • Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center
  • Central Museum of the Air Forces at Monino
  • Peter the Great Military Academy
  • Bykovo Manor
  • Balashikha Arena
  • Ramenskii History and Art Museum
  • Malenky Puppet Theater
  • Balashikha Museum of History and Local Lore
  • Pekhorka Park
  • Saturn Stadium
  • Orekhovo Zuevsky City Exhibition Hall
  • Noginsk Museum and Exhibition Center


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  • Moscow Oblast


Elektrostal Localisation : Country Russia , Oblast Moscow Oblast . Available Information : Geographical coordinates , Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel . Nearby cities and villages : Noginsk , Pavlovsky Posad and Staraya Kupavna .


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A 3-Week Itinerary for Brazil Full of Highlights

Brazil is famous across the globe for its relaxed and friendly people, beautiful naturing settings, and sprawling urban metropolises. Not to mention its love for football. It’s no wonder that Brazil is at the top of many travelers’ lists of dream locations.

But, as the largest country in South America and the Southern Hemisphere, with so much to see and do, it can be hard to know how to begin or where to go in Brazil, especially if it’s your first visit.

panoramic view of Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

But, no fear, I’ve put together this packed itinerary to make sure you soak up as much as possible in your 3 weeks in Brazil, taking you across the country from stunning natural settings to Brazil’s famous cities.

So, without further ado, let’s jump into this three-week Brazil itinerary for your first visit!

Table of Contents

How to get around

Brazil is huge, so be prepared to travel long distances if you want to see a variety of the country. If you’re traveling far between different states, a plane will be the quickest, and you can get cheap deals if you book in advance.

bus bound for Copacabana

Alternatively, Brazil has a great network of long-distance buses that are widely used by the locals. The bus between São Paulo and Rio is only six hours long. And if overnight buses sound like your kind of thing, routes are cheap between cities such as Rio and Salvador (a 24-hour journey). Overnight buses were my bread and butter when Brazil backpacking, and are actually very fun!

The metro is a great way to get around in larger cities such as São Paulo and Rio. Alternatively, Uber is pretty cheap in Brazil and shouldn’t cost more than $10 for medium-length journeys.

Also read: Is Brazil Expensive to Visit? Your Guide to a Budget-Friendly Trip

Days 1-2: Iguaçu Falls

panoramic view of Iguaçu Falls

Start your trip south of the country, at one of Brazil’s most amazing natural wonders. These gigantic waterfalls are a great way to explore Brazil for the first time, providing a magical experience of the country’s exceptional natural beauty.

As the largest waterfall system in the world, the falls themselves are magnificent, but make sure to also take in the rest of the tropical surroundings. The falls also separate Brazil from Argentina , so they can be seen from both sides.

On the Brazilian side, the falls are accessible by an easy trail, with its own set of observation decks. You can also hop on a boat tour of the falls , which will take you right underneath, or a helicopter tour , for unreal overhead views.

Where to stay: Hotel das Cataratas is found right in the heart of the Iguaçu National Park, providing stunning views of the falls from your bedroom balcony. If you’d like to stay in the local town (confusingly called Foz do Iguaçu), try ApartDamani .

Days 3-5: São Paulo

view of Avenida Paulista from above

After marveling at Iguaçu, start your journey northward to Brazil’s largest city, São Paulo . As a sprawling urban metropolis and one of the most diverse and cosmopolitan cities in the world, São Paulo has to be my favorite city in the country.

It has a huge range of culture, sightseeing, nightlife food, and fun. Spend your first day exploring Avenida Paulista, the city’s famous avenue hosting museums, shops, and restaurants.

Stop by the São Paulo Museum of Art (MASP) – one of my favorite galleries in the world – or explore never-ending views of the city from the free viewing point at the top of Sesc. The best time to visit is on a Sunday, when the avenue is closed to cars and the streets become filled with street vendors.

Paulista Avenue and MASP (Sao Paulo Museum of Art)

Spend your second day exploring the city center––perhaps on a bike tour ? Head to the top of Farol Santander – inspired by the Empire State Building – to look over the city from a new angle, or visit the Pátio do Collegio, where the city was first founded, to learn more about the city’s history. For food, you can head to the grand Municipal Market for a selection of Brazilian delicacies.

On your third day, visit the city’s iconic Ibirapuera Park, one of my top spots for an afternoon stroll or to catch some sun. Buy an ice-cold coconut from one of the local sellers, or sip on the cold water as you take in the lush green setting.

Where to stay: Check into the luxurious Renaissance São Paulo Hotel , located in the high-class Jardins neighborhood, or check out the views from the top of the Golden Tower in bohemian Pinheiros.

Day 6: Paraty

Street of historical center in Paraty, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Paraty is a great stop off on the road to Rio, breaking up the journey between the two big cities and giving a relaxing escape from their bustle.

The Portuguese built the town during the colonial period and served as a port for exporting gold, which was excavated inland by slaves. Today, this colonial architecture and quaint small-town vibes prove popular with local tourists.

Take a walking tour of the town center to find out more about the town’s history and local culture, and why it’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Or step out into the surrounding natural areas of the town to make the most of stunning natural waterfalls and golden beaches.

If you love alcohol, head to the local cachaça breweries , which are some of the best across Brazil.

Where to stay: Stay at the Casas do Pátio Pousada to be right in the center of the action, and a stone’s throw from Paraty’s beautiful beaches and harbor.

 Day 7-9: Rio de Janeiro

view of Rio de Janeiro from the top

Rio de Janeiro continues to enthrall tourists from around the world, and it’s no surprise. With such varied culture, wonderful views and landscapes, and its laid-back vibe, it’s of course a must-see in Brazil.

You can spend your first day taking in the main sights, which are amongst the best of Brazil’s tourist attractions. Take the iconic train up to the Christ Redeemer to experience Brazil’s most iconic landmark and get the best far-reaching views over the city.

In the afternoon, head to Sugarloaf Mountain for more sky-high views and to ride the world’s third-oldest cable car.

If you’re a beach lover, you can spend your second day soaking up the sun at Rio’s selection of beautiful beaches. Marvel at the stunning blue water, and Sugarloaf Mountain from a new angle, at Copacabana Beach, or experience the fun LGBTQ+ atmosphere at Ipanema. Venture further to Barra da Tijuca if you’re feeling adventurous.

Barra da Tijuca, neighborhood of the western zone of the city of Rio de Janeiro

Spend your third day exploring the city’s center, with the Museum of Tomorrow and colonial architecture, such as the Paço Imperial. You can also head to the Lapa neighborhood to see the impressive Aqueduct and the Selarón steps.

Stay out in Lapa as the sun goes down for the center of Rio’s nightlife. Be sure to pick up some caipirinhas from the street sellers and samba the night away.

The best time to visit Brazil and Rio de Janeiro if you love to party is, of course, for Carnaval. Held between February and March (the dates change every year based on Easter), it’s the biggest party in the world and a must-visit.

Where to stay: For the best luxury Rio has to offer, check into Copacabana Palace , known for its famous visitors and location on the beachfront of Copacabana Beach. Or check out Casa Geranio , which is beautifully decorated and found in the exciting neighborhood of Santa Theresa.

Also read: 20 Best Resorts & Beach Hotels in Rio de Janeiro for a Seaside Getaway

Days 10-11: Salvador

Pelourinho in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil

The heart of Afro-Brazilian culture and the North-East region, Salvador is the best city to experience this important part of Brazilian identity and history.

Spend your first day wandering around the cobbled streets of Pelourinho, with its colorful architecture and exciting street performances. Head to the Museum of Bahian Gastronomy for lunch, to try out a range of traditional Bahian dishes. In the afternoon, head to the Casa do Rio Vermelho, the home of famous Brazilian writer, Jorge Amado. Or you could take the Lacerda Elevator to the lower city and the Modelo Market.

You can spend your second day in this beautiful coastal city beach-hopping, with a load of stunning beaches running along its coast. Busier beaches such as Porto da Barra are worth a visit, or find peace at Flamengo or the Bay of All Saints.

sunset over Barra Lighthouse

That evening, catch the popular sunset at Barra Lighthouse, before heading to Rio Vermelho to try the best acarajé and drink even more caipirinhas.

Where to stay: Hotel Villa Bahia puts you right in the center of Pelourinho’s wonderful nightlife, while Canto Hotel provides prime access to the stunning beaches around Rio Vermelho.

Days 13-14: Chapada Diamantina

View of Morro Father Ignatius, Chapada Diamantina, Brazil

If you’re into hiking or exploring nature, a trip to the Chapada Diamantina national park is a must on your itinerary.

Offering emerald mountainous landscapes and amazing views, it’s a great place to explore Brazil’s outdoors, especially since it’s a hidden gem amongst international tourists and often not found on lists of places to visit in Brazil.

On your first day, you can take a tour of the stunning Pati Valley or popular Cachoeira da Fumaça (Smoke Waterfall), named for the smoke-like appearance of its water as it falls from the rocks.

On your second day, take a tour of the Morro do Pai Inácio (Mount of Pai Inácio), which is the classic postcard shot of the national park. You’ll be taken to a number of waterfalls and grottos in the park, before ending your day watching the sunset on top of the Morro.

Where to stay: Pousada Vila Serrano in the town of Lençois is a great place to kick back after exploring the surrounding Chapada, while Castelar da Alvorada in the bohemian village of Capão provides great access to the Cachoeira da Fumaça.

Day 15: Recife

Aerial view of "Boa Viagem" beach in Recife, capital of Pernambuco, Brazil

Stop off at Recife on your way up the coast of Brazil, to explore more Northeastern culture and attractions.

Spend the morning exploring the Old Town, and learn about the region’s cultural dance at the Paço do Frevo. Pass the afternoon at the neighboring town of Olinda, a UNESCO World Heritage site famous for its carnaval celebrations and huge puppets.

Where to stay: Bugan Recife Hotel places you right on the beachfront of Boa Viagem, and is a short journey from the stunning Old Town.

Day 16: Fortaleza

Praia de Iracema Beach, Fortaleza, northeastern Brazil

Break up your journey up to the beautiful Lençois Maranhenses at the up-and-coming city of Fortaleza, one of the biggest in the country.

You can pass your day relaxing at its selection of stunning beaches, including Iracema and Praia do Futuro (the filming location of one of my favorite-ever films, aptly named Praia do Futuro ). You could even take a day trip to the tropical paradise town of Jericoacoara .

If you’re done relaxing, visit Fortaleza’s Central Market to pick up some artisanal goods or get your hands on some cocada.

Where to stay: Crocobeach Hotel is a great option for relaxing beach views of Praia do Futuro, while Ecco Hotel Fortaleza provides a wonderful stay in the city center, and is close to the city’s nightlife hub.

Day 17-18: Lençois Maranhenses

A scenic view of the Lencois Maranhenses National Park in Brazil

Quickly becoming a must-visit attraction for international tourists to Lençois Maranhenses, this national park has to be my favorite natural destination in Brazil. It’s by far one of the best things to do in Brazil. And with 380,000 acres of rolling sand dunes and natural rain pools, along with 70 kilometers of coastline, you can explore for days.

Visiting Lagoa Bonita and Lagoa Azul is a must, where you’ll be met with dreamy desert landscapes and stunning natural swimming pools. If you’re an adventure lover, you could even hop on a buggy and race across the dunes in style.

Spend the second day in the rural and alternative village of Atins, from which you can visit Lagoa Tropical.

The best time to visit is between May and October, when the rainfall is lower, but the lagoons are still flooded.

Where to stay: Pousada Vila de Charme is a great base from which to explore Lençois Maranhenses, and to wind down and relax after your day trips.

Day 19-21: Amazon Rainforest

sunset over the trees in the Brazilian rainforest of Amazon

Brazil is famous worldwide for its magnificent Amazon Rainforest so, of course, any itinerary to the country should include a visit to this ecological spectacle.

For shorter and more accessible trips, head to the Amazon’s largest city, Manaus. From here, you can find a huge variety of day and multi-day trips into the rainforest .

Or, if you have more time, hop on the ferry to Belem, which will take you on a 5-day journey along the Amazon River into the heart of the rainforest.

Where to stay: Hotel Villa Amazônia in Manaus is a great spot to start your Amazon adventure.

Other highlights and things to do in Brazil

Aerial footage of Ilha Bela, Sao Paulo

Of course, there’s so much more to see in this gigantic and diverse country than what you can see in three weeks. Depending on your own interests and timings, you could switch out any of these destinations for a whole host of others.

You could relax with a coconut on the beautiful island paradises of Ilhabela or Ilha Grande, both easily accessible from São Paulo and Rio.

Alternatively, you could head into the lush green state of Minas Gerais, visiting its capital Belo Horizonte or the colonial gold town of Ouro Preto.

And, if you’re into politics or modernist architecture, catch a flight to Brasília, the country’s capital, built in the shape of an airplane in just 1960.

So, there you have it, your three-week itinerary to Brazil. Remember to send us pictures and let us know what you think!

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Three Weeks in Brazil: Beaches and Big Cities:in 2024

Brazil is a country that is rich in culture and history. The beaches are beautiful, the people are friendly and welcoming, and the culture is vibrant and alive. This itinerary for three weeks in Brazil allows you to see several parts of the country, and get a feel for the different cultures and areas in this vast land.

Brazil is an ideal destination for a family- while many US travelers are unfamiliar with Portuguese, you’ll find most Brazilians are willing to work with you to communicate and are very patient with travelers. We’ve covered where to go, where to stay, and things to do in Brazil with kids.

We visited Brazil as part of our Family Year Out when our kids were 4 and 7 years old. You can also check out our itineraries for Mexico , Peru , and Colombia . We also outlined how to visit Iguazu Falls and our favorite places in Argentina in winter .

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At the bottom of this post,  download a free guide: 6 Safety Tips for Traveling with Kids: What You Should Know Before You Travel .

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Table of Contents

Itinerary: Three Weeks in Brazil

This itinerary for three weeks in Brazil starts in the south and moves north, ending in Salvador, Brazil. It includes both cities and beaches, so you can get a taste of different elements of Brazilian culture. It does not include time spent in the Amazon, which covers a huge amount of Brazil’s territory.

With three weeks in Brazil, you will still just be touching on this large country. With its vast territory and diverse population, you could spend months getting to know Brazil. This three-week itinerary should whet your appetite to get to know ever more of Brazil!

South America is a wonderful place to travel with children- don’t miss our tips specifically for travel in South America !

Sao Paulo- 3 Nights

Sao Paulo is the largest city in Brazil and the fourth largest in the world by population! While many international flights come through here it’s an underrated destination. We spent two nights here, with one full day to see the city, and should have given ourselves more time.

Sao Paulo is full of hills, palm trees, street art, and world-class art museums. The city is large, gritty at times, and spread out. If you’ll be spending more time here, the Sao Paulo Metro will move you around nicely. If you’re squeezing your sightseeing into a day or two, Uber is your best option to move around quickly and efficiently.

Don’t skip this city! There are so many things to do in Sao Paulo (and restaurants to try!)

Where to Stay in Sao Paulo: Central Park Flat Jardins

Central Park Jardin has impressive amenities- a lovely lobby, restaurant, and a pool on the 27 th floor with amazing views. The rooms themselves are spacious, but a bit dated. The wifi is weak, but the beds are comfortable, and the showers are strong and hot.

The best thing about this hotel is the location- walk down the hill for a great strip of trendy restaurants to choose from. You’re also within walking distance from world-renowned Museu de Arte de Sao Paulo Assis Chateaubriand (MASP) and Parque Tenente Siqueira Campos.

Check Availability: Central Park Flat Jardins

Getting to Sao Paulo:

Many international flights go through Sao Paulo. We flew in from Buenos Aires on Bondi Air, a budget carrier. From the Sao Paulo airport, take Uber into the city. Uber is officially recognized with official pick-up points outside each terminal that make it quick and easy to use.

Iguazu Falls- 2 Nights

The largest waterfall system in the world straddles the borders of both Brazil and Argentina. You can visit Iguazu Falls from either the Argentinian side of the falls or the Brazilian side (or both!) We recommend spending one day on each side to get the full experience.

Children need to be 12 years or older to take the boat ride close to the Falls on the Argentinean side, so we recommend doing this from Brazil, where there is no age limit.

Where to Stay in Iguazu Falls (Argentina Side): Posada Los Tajibos

You’ll find a wide range of accommodations at Iguazu Falls. We choose a place that was a little too far on the “budget” side and regretted it. You’ll want to stay within an easy walk of the town of Puerto Iguazu so you have access to the restaurants and cafes in the area.

This posada is where we’d stay next time- it has a great location and gets great reviews from past travelers.

Check Availability: Posada Los Tajibos

Where to Stay in Iguazu Falls (Brazil Side): Hotel Rafain Centro

On the Brazilian side, the town of Foz de Iguazu is closer to the national park than you’ll find on the Argentine side. This hotel is close to the center, with great facilities.

If you stay on the Brazilian side, don’t miss the Three Frontiers, where Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay meet. Visit in the evening if you can- they have a fun light show at night.

Check Availability: Hotel Rafain Centro

Getting to Iguazu: You can fly to either Cataratas del Iguazu Airport in Argentina (IGR) or Foz do Iguacu (SBFI) in Brazil. Check out our post on getting from Buenos Aires to Iguazu Falls , we cover how to get there, the best tours, and how to navigate the parks.

There are transfer companies that will help you cross the border to see the falls, then quickly cross back for your return flight.

We recommend IguazuFallsTravel to book your transfers- they will pick you up at the airport, drive you to either side of the falls, and then back as needed. They are not a guide service but provide transportation to make accessing both sides of the park simple and easy.

Paraty- 3 Nights

Paraty is a small, coastal colonial town on Brazil’s southeastern coast, about halfway between Sao Paolo and Rio de Janeiro. A touristy town, this is a place to chill out and enjoy strolling through town and relaxing on the beach. You can walk to several beaches from the historic center of town, or take a boat to one of many beaches within an hour’s ride from Paraty.

In Paraty, you’ll find a historic center free from cars, with streets covered in chunky river rocks, and buildings with colored doors and trim. The town is packed with restaurants, and shops that range from souvenirs to upscale boutiques. The place is slow, and the people are friendly. Paraty is the perfect place to relax for a couple of days after spending time in one of the larger cities.

Don’t miss dinner at Sarau Paraty- the food is delicious, and they often have live music. Try a Jorge Amado here- this version of the caipirinha made with passionfruit is usually found only in Paraty.

Where to Stay in Paraty: Pousada Recanto da Laeira

This small posada is a quick stroll over the bridge from the main historic center. The rooms are simple, but the place is friendly and clean. The included breakfast is extensive.

If you are looking for a more luxurious option, check out the beautiful Pousada Literária de Paraty . Just a peek into its peaceful inner courtyard made us long to lounge away the day there.

Check Availability: Pousada Recanto da Laeira

Getting to Paraty:

Take a bus from Sao Paulo to Paraty via Busbud , the ride is between 6 and 6 1/2 hours, with a quick stop for lunch.

Ilha Grande- 3 Nights

Ilha Grande is just what it sounds- a large island that attracts crowds from Rio de Janeiro on the weekends. There are no cars allowed on the island, you’ll be strolling along streets of sand and dirt.

This island is known for diving, snorkeling, and other adventure sports more than lounging on the beach. There are several beautiful white sand beaches on Ilha Grande, but you’ll need to hike or take a boat taxi to reach them.

We had rain several of our days in Ilha Grande which dampened our adventurous spirits. While we enjoyed the peaceful, less built-up atmosphere of Ilha Grande, we would choose Paraty over Ilha Grande for a return trip.

Where to Stay in Ilha Grande: Pousada Leão do Mar

You’ll want to stay in Villa Abraão, the main port of the island so you are within easy walking distance of cafes and restaurants.

Pousada Leão Mar is simple and clean-with small balconies and hammocks, you can laze away the day here. An easy walk from the main pier.

Check Availability: Pousada Leão do Mar

Getting to Ilha Grande:

From Parity, book your transfer to Ilha Grande via ParatyTours . They will pick you up at your hotel, and drop you at the ferry departure point for Ihla Grande. The ferry ticket is included in your transfer cost.

While it’s called a ferry, it’s actually a fairly small boat (with no bathroom). The ride was pleasant, and the top of the boat is covered to protect you from both sun and rain.

Rio de Janeiro- 6 Nights

Rio is famous for many things, including the Statue of Christ the Redemer, one of the “New Seven Wonders of the World” , sitting atop Corcovado. The harbor of Rio and the surrounding mountains are considered their own “Natural Wonder”.

Rio is also known for its beaches (the famous Ipanema and Copacabana ), its music, and its celebration of Carnival. The second-largest city in Brazil, there’s a lot to do and see here. Don’t miss the historic center, where Portuguese Royalty once declared themselves Emperors. You can also stroll Olympic Boulevard, and take a cable car to the top of the famous Sugarloaf mountain.

Rainy day tip: Check out AquaRio , Rio’s aquarium if you get stuck with a rainy day in Rio.

Where to Stay in Rio de Janeiro: No Coração de Copacabana

This two-bedroom apartment is a bargain and is located just a few short blocks from the sand of Copacabana beach. You’ll have a kitchen with a washing machine to clean up after all those beach days. Located on a busy street, you won’t hear the traffic below from your quiet upper floor.

Rio is a massive city, we suggest staying in either the Copacabana or Ipanema neighborhoods.

Check Availability: No Coração de Copacabana

Getting to Rio:

Many international flights arrive in Rio de Janeiro.

If you’re coming from Ilha Grande, you’ll need to take a ferry to a bus or van. We recommend EasyTransferBrazil – they’ll meet you at the main port in Abraão, and take you all the way to your hotel door in Rio. The ferry ticket is included in your transfer costs.

Interested in the New Seven Wonders of the World? Check out our guide to visiting the Taj Mahal .

Salvador- 4 Nights

Salvador was once the capital of the Portuguese colony – and the first capital of Brazil. Today it is the center of Afro-Brazilian culture in Brazil. Salvador is full of color and music- you’ll hear drumming everywhere you go, the buildings are brightly painted, and there are beautiful beaches!

Don’t miss a performance of Balé Folclórico da Bahia . This dance performance covers many of the cultural influences in Salvador today, from capoeira to samba. The costumes are also fabulous. Make sure to pick up a brochure explaining the meaning behind each dance.

Where to Stay in Salvador: Studio do Carmo Boutique Hotel

This small hotel has a great location on the northern end of Pelourinho. You can walk anywhere in the historic area from there. The couple that runs it are very friendly and accommodating. We loved our balcony overlooking the street, though it can get quite loud on weekends.

Check Availability: Studio do Carmo Boutique Hotel

Getting to Salvador: You’ll need to fly to Salvador from Rio de Janeiro. We opted for Gol Airlines , but LATAM also flies this route. A direct flight is just over two hours. The airport is located about 16 miles from the city center.

When is the Best Time to Visit Brazil?

Brazil is a vast country with plenty to see and do, no matter what time of year you visit. However, the shoulder season of April to October (between the peak summer months and the winter holidays) is often considered the best time to go.

The weather is generally milder at this time of year, making it more comfortable to explore all that Brazil has to offer. Plus, you’ll avoid the hottest part of the year and crowds that flock to the country during peak tourism season.

What Language Do They Speak in Brazil?

Portuguese is spoken in Brazil. While it is related to Spanish, it sounds quite different. If you are familiar with Spanish, you will recognize many words, often they are spelled similarly but with one or two different letters- for example, “exit” is “salida” in Spanish, and “saída” in Portuguese. Similarly, “yellow” is “amarillo” in Spanish and “amarelo” in Portuguese.

We found that in some cases it was easier to communicate by speaking English rather than Spanish, and other times vice versa, depending on the person we were trying to speak with. Overall we found almost everyone was very patient with us as we figured out the best way to communicate.

Is Brazil Expensive?

Brazil is more expensive than most of the other countries that we visited in South America. We found both Sao Paulo and Rio to be noticeably more expensive than Buenos Aires. However, compared to European prices, Brazil can still easily be a bargain.

How Much Time Do I Need in Brazil with Kids?

Brazil is a huge country that you could spend months exploring. We felt that three weeks was the right amount of time to get a good sense of the country.

With three weeks in Brazil, you can explore both beaches and cities, as well as both the northern and the southern parts of the country. You will not have time to explore the Amazon in Brazil, which could be its own trip.

There You Have It: Three Weeks in Brazil

Everything you need for an epic three weeks in Brazil! On this itinerary, you’ll cover cities and beaches in both the North and South of this massive country. There’s always more to explore, but this itinerary gives you a great taste of Brazil. Don’t miss this country full of warm, welcoming people!

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Cynthia Matthews von Berg is the founder of Sharing the Wander. She is a passionate traveler, mom, and travel coach specializing in long-term travel and family travel. She and her family embarked on a Family Gap Year in 2021, and haven't looked back.

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