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omicron ceti 3 star trek

[March 8, 1967] Absolute perfection ( Star Trek : "This Side of Paradise")

omicron ceti 3 star trek

The place: Omicron Ceti 3.

The hazard: A lethal showering of Berthold Rays, destructive to all animal tissue.

The mission: The Enterprise has the sad duty of following up on a new Omicron colony, where there are unlikely to be any survivors.

omicron ceti 3 star trek

Yet, when the starship arrives, the colonists are not only alive and well, but in perfect health.  Too perfect–even scars and excised organs are healed.  Colony head Elias Sandoval talks of the new paradise they have found, and he flatly refuses to leave the planet.  If only the Earthers knew what they were missing, they'd understand.

They soon do.  First Mr. Spock, then the rest of the landing party, and finally the entire crew of the Enterprise succumb to the same spell as the Omicronites.  All facilitated by a particular plant (fungus) that has taken root on Omicron.  Each of the humans is hit by a shotgun blast of spores, and immediately they feel a burst of contentment and connection with their fellows, as well as an overriding urge to live on the planet. Spock, in particular, has extra incentive to stay: for the first time, he is capable of expressing love, and one of the colonists is a scientist who has held a torch for the Vulcanian for the past six years.

omicron ceti 3 star trek

Kirk, whether through happenstance or strong will, is the last to be infected by the Omicron disease.  Nevertheless, fall under the spell he does, leaving a moment of utter bathos for the viewer.  Is all lost?

But we know Jim Kirk.  This has happened to him before, in "The Naked Time" .  In the end, his love of his ship (which is not just the girders, engines, and phasers, but also the people who crew it) snaps him out of his Lotus-Eating trance.  Realizing that violent emotions are the key to breaking the hold of the spores, the captain beams Spock back aboard the vacant ship and hurls insult after insult at his first officer until the ensuing scuffle returns Spock to sanity.

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Together, they then induce irritation in the colony members and deserted crew on the planet through a subsonic communicator transmission.  A mass fracas breaks out, freeing the humans from the thrall of the spores.  A much-chagrined Sandoval realizes that he and his people have accomplished nothing in the three years they have been on the planet, but produce minimal food and tend to the spore-plants.  He accedes to Kirk's orders, and the colony is abandoned.  Paradise lost, indeed.

This is the story in thumbnail, of course.  I am leaving it to my colleagues to expand upon the myriad aspects of this episode that make it so brilliant.  We've seen elements of this plot before: the stagnant, placid society with an external controller was just seen in "Return of the Archons" .  The members of the crew acting uncharacteristically emotional/somewhat intoxicated was explored in " The Naked Time ".  But the execution of these married threads, the bared souls of our favorite characters, the implications, both technological and philosophical, all are eminently fascinating.

This is my favorite episode of Trek yet.  Five stars.

To thine own self be true

omicron ceti 3 star trek

I would like to start off by noting that I have not seen the earlier episode, "The Naked Time", and from what I’ve heard, these two episodes are extremely similar. Which in all honesty, is sad, as I very much enjoyed this episode and hate the idea that it might be a retread. I also feel that, if I had seen "The Naked Time", I might have a lot more to say, but alas you’ll be getting whatever crummy ideas come to my head based on my incomplete knowledge.

Now even though I missed Naked Time, I’ve also heard (as I am a doll who fancies a bit of tittle-tattle) the episodes may air over the summer! So if you missed any Star Trek episodes (and I pray that you haven’t like I have) free up your schedule now for the reruns during 1967’s summer! Now back to the topic at hand.

omicron ceti 3 star trek

How would you describe Mister Lieutenant Commander Spock? Would you say he’s stoic? Or maybe the word emotionless comes to mind? My impression of the half-human, half-Vulcanian, is that Spock is a calm, logical, and controlled being who is amazingly portrayed by Leonard Nimoy. He in fact plays the normally cold Spock so well, that, seeing Leonard Nimoy happy and swinging on a tree was actually extremely off-putting for me (although I did love seeing Nimoy smile)!

omicron ceti 3 star trek

What I’m trying to say is that Spock is a being who simply can’t or won’t show emotions. That’s who he is, who he wants to be (and who I've come to fully accept). Now we don’t know if Spock has ever shown emotions, but none of the Enterprise or past co-workers for that matter, has seen Spock show emotions (except, I hear, in that "Naked Time" episode…). They all knew it was due to his Vulcanian heritage, and that Vulcanians either don’t feel emotions or flat out avoid them. When he gets sprayed with the spores, we see Spock show pain, as he seems to be fighting back his emotions, and even if it isn’t physical pain and just him trying to prevent showing even a sliver of emotion doesn’t that tell you something? He doesn’t want his emotions. To him emotions are illogical. Perhaps, even shameful.

omicron ceti 3 star trek

I haven’t forgotten the elephant in the room, that being Leila. While yes I want Spock to be happy (as his wife, I want the best for him always), Leila is not the girl for him. What she wants can never be achieved. She wanted to change Spock into someone who would love her, but that wouldn't be Spock. Even when she is off the spores (drug parlance intended), and knows what they did to her mind, she still wants to be on them so she can be happy and love Spock without all the pain it brings her. That’s why I feel nothing but pity for her. At the end of the episode she does, in fact, accept that Spock is who Spock wants to be. He is in his own “self-made purgatory” and so is she. Spock’s is to shun emotions, while hers is being in love with a man who shuns emotions.

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That’s why one of the biggest lines uttered in this episode, “For the first time in my life, I was happy” feels like a stab in the back to fans (and might I say lovers) of Spock. Some people believe it’s Spock being wistful for an emotion he felt, at last, and can no longer feel again (and it’s torturous, to say the least, as a wife of Spock, to know I can't make him happy), but I would argue Spock is instead ashamed of showing that emotion. It’s something he has, and will likely continue to actively avoid his whole life. He was happy, but at what cost? Being happy isn’t Spock. Being logical and computerized is Spock. He is in his own “self-made purgatory”, and it seems Spock is himself, when in it.

omicron ceti 3 star trek

This episode did have some downers, like the introduction of spores being able to regrow organs, and the crew just sorta saying “doesn’t matter, let’s leave”, but it’s a solid episode I can get behind. I would rate this episode a high 4.5 stars.

Debating Paradise in a Vacuum

omicron ceti 3 star trek

What would you give to have perfect health and no worries? At first glance, it looks like Sandoval and the colonists have it all figured out. There’s no clear reason as to why they should leave, but Kirk says otherwise. Is he right? Initially he wanted to save them from the radiation. Yet, he continues to press the matter even after he quickly discovers it’s no longer a threat, which leads me to believe that his version of paradise is not the same as Sandoval’s.

omicron ceti 3 star trek

Kirk’s version of paradise requires some type of progress. For him, living in a world without it might be the furthest thing from paradise, but that’s not necessarily true for others. How does Kirk know what kind of progress is acceptable? Sandoval just wanted to build a garden. Couldn’t that also be considered progress? If one is content with life, isn’t achieving enlightenment a form of paradise? Does Kirk have the right to take that away from someone?

omicron ceti 3 star trek

On the surface, one could interpret this episode as yet another bout of Kirk imposing his ideals and beliefs onto other cultures. But is it? Where “Return of the Archons” fails, “This Side of Paradise” succeeds, giving us a slightly different perspective where (I believe) Kirk’s intrusion is warranted. In both episodes, everyone is under some influence that causes them to behave in a way that is abnormal, and though the difference is subtle, it makes all the difference. In “Return of the Archons”, there’s an already existing culture. They’ve been living this way for a very long time, and the only justification for interference is that an uprising might well have been inevitable; Kirk just sped up the process. In “This Side of Paradise”, however, the colonists had desires and goals before they came under the influence of the spores. Kirk’s interference was necessary to break the colonists free from behaving out of the norm, and that none chose to go back to the spore-drugged existence is telling. Of course, one could argue that Spock and Kalomi might have been perfectly happy together (indeed, Spock implies it would be the only way he could be happy), but Spock chose a different path in the end.

There is a clear anti-drug metaphor in this episode, which I appreciate. It’s not much of a paradise to me if you’re not in your right mind and don’t have the capacity to make decisions for yourself. It may have made them physically healthy, but mentally, it was a different story. Then again, maybe ignorance is bliss.

The Best of the Best

omicron ceti 3 star trek

I have to agree with my friends above: this was one of the best episodes of Star Trek yet. As I watched I was drawn into the emotional core of the story, but I also couldn’t help but note how well crafted it was. The writing, the pacing, and the carefully set up reveals were very, very well done.

One sequence stands out in particular. Kirk, having avoided being infected by the spores, makes his way to the bridge. He encounters one of the flowers that his own crew have brought aboard, and tosses it aside in a rage. Several scenes later, he returns to the empty bridge and sits there, alone, expressing to the uncaring computer his frustration, helplessness and grief at the loss of his crew. And just as the audience thinks Kirk has reached the lowest point and are wondering how–nay, expecting that he’s going to turn things around…he gets hit with a blast of spores from the forgotten flower. It’s masterful.

omicron ceti 3 star trek

This script was also particularly well-written, with memorable lines like, “I am what I am, Leila, and if there are self-made purgatories, then we all have to live in them. Mine can be no worse than someone else's.” And although the music was once again mostly recycled from earlier episodes, it was carefully integrated: the musical stings and cues emphasized the action without overwhelming it.

This episode is one of the best examples of how different Star Trek is from other so-called science fiction shows on television. It’s a nuanced, bittersweet story written for adults, and as such, it’s already miles ahead of Time Tunnel and Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea . Maybe even The Twilight Zone . I cannot wait to see what the Star Trek writers, actors, and directors come up with next.

Five stars.

Too Many Shirts

omicron ceti 3 star trek

This is Sulu's third incident of mind-altering effects resulting in bliss. If this keeps up, he's going to become known as the Enterprise's resident accidental "stoner." (He is a botanist, after all…) I suppose the need for agricultural labor kept his shirt on this time. Pity.

omicron ceti 3 star trek

Nobody else is shirtless in this episode either. Is the planet a bit chilly? Are there no nudists aboard the Enterprise? Does Kirk only lose his shirt to violence, never to joy? And even the spores cannot overcome Spock's modesty. Such a shame.

Setting aside the emotional effects, the spores have tremendous medical possibilities. Surely Starfleet will want to study them—a plant that protects people from deadly radiation and heals past injuries? Incredible! Side effects include… happiness and contentment? What an amazing retirement colony Omicron Ceti 3 could be!

omicron ceti 3 star trek

Of course, in order to get such a place built, they'd need a way to regularly snap people out of the influence. The colonists have managed to sustain themselves but failed at their development plans. Also, we saw no children on this "colony" planet. That may be one of the other side effects of the pollen—one that would prevent it from functioning as a growing colony, but could be a tremendous benefit for a medical center or retirement home.

Alternatively, it could become a prison planet: used to house violent offenders who've been deemed to have no hope of integration with society. Would Khan's people have accepted this planet instead? I suppose Kirk would consider that a "waste of potential." And the Federation itself may have uses for this one.

The Federation should immediately start researching how to set up a permanent center, possibly with a starbase in orbit to snap key personnel out of their euphoric stupor. Perhaps the ground crews would wear gas masks while residents breathe freely. Of course, there are the deadly Berthold Rays to consider: the spores give immunity; anyone without them is limited to short-term visits. But even with that problem, I'd expect the Federation to value a planet where people return to perfect health while living in blissful peace.

Unless there are some unknown after-effects that McCoy failed to discover, OC3 seems like a wonderful planet, just not suited for the plan the Federation originally had for it.

It would, however, be delightfully suited for a planet-wide Be-In, a sprawling agrarian society with no violence ( no ambition , I can hear Kirk's voice in my mind), no competition ( no innovation ), no war ( no progress ). And—if the settlement were in the warmer parts of the planet—no shirts.

Five stars; this one leaves me with happy thoughts, even though I know the possibilities will probably be ignored.

This Side of Potential

omicron ceti 3 star trek

After the episode’s close, I realized the true message and how the spores are ultimately nothing more than a device through which to convey it. This is a topical episode, representative of the issues that plague us now: the false respite of heroin abuse, the sirensong of Communism. Social commentary absolutely has a place in science fiction, and I don’t entirely hate how this episode is shaped by the message it tries to get across, but I feel it’s at the sacrifice of further exploring the fascinating nature of the spores.

In order to maintain a symbiotic relationship with humans, the spores keep their hosts alive in an environment that would otherwise kill them within a week. In return, the humans cultivate the plants that release these spores. The strangest part of all, this is posed as a problem rather than a brilliant discovery.

The spores not only kept the colony in perfect health for three years, but allowed them to regenerate organs as well as allowed humans to live on the planet despite the presence of harmful Berthold rays. I can’t help but think these plants are the perfect tool for the spacefaring crew of the Enterprise. It would allow them to venture on planets with otherwise hostile environments and to provide lifesaving medical treatment crew probably couldn’t even receive in a hospital, let alone on a starship.

This has been part of a trend I’ve noticed in Star Trek. Interesting ideas are introduced when convenient and abandoned the moment they no longer serve the story they’re trying to tell. Androids. Planetary computers. Time travel (twice!) This, of course, is a symptom of television's episodic nature, necessary to a degree so one doesn't necessarily have to watch all of it to understand what's going on.

Yet it still frustrates. Perhaps even more frustrating is when it happens with characters – particularly whenever there is a female guest star. In this episode, it’s Leila, a woman who has a history with Spock that has never been mentioned before this moment (and I have full confidence will never be referenced again as the story progresses), and who just so happens to be on Omicron Ceti 3.

omicron ceti 3 star trek

We’ve seen the same thing happen with random past love interests appearing and disappearing in episodes “What are Little Girls Made Of,” (Chapel's Roger Korby) “Shore Leave” (Kirk's Ruth), “Court Martial” (Kirl's Areel Shaw) and even in the series debut episode “ The Man Trap ” (McCoy's Nancy). Not only is this giving us flat female characters and then sweeping them aside the moment they are no longer needed, but it is also cheating our male characters of development as well. If the series isn’t going to explore the science of its world, at least it could give better attention to its fascinating cast of characters. I say that out of love, because I like the crew (maybe not Kirk so much…) and I want to know more about them, but Star Trek isn’t delivering.

I give this episode 4 stars for what it did, but not 5, because I know what it never can.

Next episode promises to be very different.  Join us tomorrow at 8:30 PM (Eastern and Pacific) for a Star Trek :

omicron ceti 3 star trek

Here's the invitation–beware the Blob!

omicron ceti 3 star trek

4 thoughts on “[March 8, 1967] Absolute perfection ( Star Trek : "This Side of Paradise")”

I found this episode no better than average. The theme was fine, but there were bits that felt repetitive. And as Erica points out, there is a lot of potential for those spores left on the table.

There were two things I thought were really egregious. The first was McCoy's accent after he was infected. DeForest Kelley is a Georgia boy, but he must have forgotten what people there sound like. That was more Foghorn Leghorn (or his inspiration Senator Claghorn).

In Leila's final scene as she's pouring her heart out to Spock, she calls him Mr. Spock several times. It was ridiculous, and I started snorting in derision.

But another good performance from Nimoy. Even when Spock was infected, there was a bit of reserve and formality to him. He was still Spock, just one who was (artificially) happy and carefree. After the cure, it would have been easy to just go back to playing Spock the same way as before, but there's more to this Spock. A bit of wistfulness perhaps, maybe a tinge of regret. Whatever it is, he's not entirely the same.

Glad to see most folks really liked this one.  I thought it was good; maybe not all the way to five stars, but good.

Maybe the spores haven't gotten to me yet.

Kirk's final speech may indicate a side effect of recovery from the spores is a tendency towards cliche'

"Maybe we weren't meant for paradise. Maybe we were meant to fight our way through, struggle, claw our way up, scratch for every inch of the way. Maybe we can't stroll to the music of the lute. We must march to the sound of drums. "

It was a weaker moment, to be sure, particularly the scoring underneath.  But Spock's follow-up makes up for any sins.

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55 years ago: Science Fact and Fiction

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This Side of Paradise (Episode)

"This Side of Paradise" (TOS25)

Stardate 3417.3 : The crew is astonished to find a colony thought to be dead is instead alive and flourishing

The Enterprise arrives at planet Omicron Ceti III , where Kirk expects to find all the colonists dead because of the deadly Berthold rays to which they have been exposed for three years. But when a landing party beams down, colony leader Elias Sandoval informs them that everyone on the planet is quite well—including Leila Kalomi , a young botanist with whom Spock had worked six years before. Leila leads Spock to a clump of plants that spray him with their spores, liberating the Vulcan 's emotions. Spock expresses his long-suppressed love for Leila. Other members of the landing party are exposed, plants are beamed up to the Enterprise, and before long everyone is affected. Then the captain discovers that strong emotional reactions are the antidote to the spores' effects, and tricks Spock into coming back aboard the Enterprise. He goads him into a fight, and barely avoids being killed by the Vulcan's superior strength. The conflict restores Spock to normal, and he assists Kirk in constructing an apparatus that frees the Enterprise crew and the colonists from the spores.

Image Gallery

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Omicron Ceti III

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Surface of Omicron Ceti III

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Leila Kalomi

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Elias Sandoval

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communicator , open

omicron ceti 3 star trek

Related Data

Starring William Shatner

Also Starring Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock

Directed by Ralph Senensky

Teleplay by D.C. Fontana

Story by Nathan Butler and D.C. Fontana

Produced by Gene L. Coon

Executive Producer Gene Roddenberry

Created by Gene Roddenberry

Associate Producer Robert H. Justman

Guest Star Jill Ireland

Special Guest Star Frank Overton DeForest Kelley as Dr. McCoy

Music Composed and Conducted by Alexander Courage

Script Consultant D.C. Fontana

Director of Photography Jerry Finnerman

Art Directors Rolland M. Brooks and Walter M. Jefferies

Film Editor James D. Ballas , A.C.E.

Assistant to the Producer Edward K. Milkis

Assistant Director Michael S. Glick

Set Decorator Marvin March

Costumes Created by William Theiss

Post Production Executive Bill Heath

Music Editor Jim Henrikson

Sound Editor Douglas H. Grindstaff

Sound Mixer Carl W. Daniels

Photographic Effects Westheimer Company

Script Supervisor George A. Rutter

Music Consultant Wilbur Hatch

Music Coordinator Julian Davidson

Special Effects Jim Rugg

Property Master Irving A. Feinberg

Gaffer George H. Merhoff

Head Grip George Rader

Production Supervisor Bernard A. Widin

Makeup Artist Fred B. Phillips , S.M.A.

Hair Styles by Virginia Darcy , C.H.S.

Wardrobe Mistress Maragaret Makau

Casting Joseph D'Agosta

Sound Glen Glenn Sound Co.

A Desilu Production

In Association with Norway Corporation

Executive in Charge of Production Herbert F. Solow

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Omicron Ceti III

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Omicron Ceti III is a Class M planet located in the third orbit of the Mira system .

The planet was once considered the perfect planet for an agricultural colony , as its soil will grow anything planted in it. The climate is moderate, having a small amount of rain all year round. Unfortunately, this perfection is marred by the fact that the planet is bombarded by berthold rays at such an intensity that any animal life could only survive for a week .

Multiple attempts were made to colonize the planet, but all failed as the berthold rays were not yet known to Federation science. The last attempt, the Omicron colony led by Elias Sandoval , made planetfall in 2264 . This group was able to survive because of colony botanist Leila Kalomi 's discovery of the pod plants and their mysterious spores , which protected the colonists from the berthold rays.

On stardate 3417 in 2267 , the arrived at the planet, following the discovery of berthold rays, to ascertain the exact fate of the colonists. Upon learning that the colonists were still alive, Captain James T. Kirk and Commander Spock were able to develop a method of freeing them from the influence of the spores. The colonists were evacuated to Starbase 27 . ( TOS : " This Side of Paradise ")

In 2343 Dr William, and Lenora Yates were investigating the possibility of using alien spores of Omicron Ceti III to repair psychological, and mental illness in humans . But Lenora was infected with the alien spores, the effects on her were classic, and relatively easy to remove. Yet the spores also affected her fetus, they bonded with it's developing DNA, and effectively became part of Vanessa Yates . At birth, the telltale signs of infection were apparent when she was born Hermaphrodite .

  • 1 USS Excalibur (NCC-26517)
  • 2 USS Striker (NCC-63420)
  • 3 Beta Quadrant

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Omicron Ceti

  • 1.1 Alternate realities
  • 2 System makeup
  • 3.1 Connections
  • 3.2 Background
  • 3.3 References
  • 3.4 External links

History and specifics [ ]

Omicron Ceti is on the fringes of Federation space, about two dozen light-years coreward of Kropasar , in the galaxy 's Beta Quadrant . The system's emissions include deadly berthold rays , rendering its otherwise eminently suitable planet Omicron Ceti III unsuitable for colonization. ( TOS episode & novelization : This Side of Paradise , SCE eBook : The Future Begins )

Maxwell's chart

Omicron Ceti shown on a deployment star chart image.

On star charts , this system could be seen to be in the vicinity of Antares , Theta Bowles and Altair III . ( TNG episodes : " The Wounded ", " Yesterday's Enterprise ", TNG reference : The Continuing Mission )

In the 2360s decade , this location was noted on a star chart showing deployment of Federation and Cardassian Union ships displayed in Captain Benjamin Maxwell 's ready room aboard the starship USS Phoenix . ( TNG episode : " The Wounded ")

Alternate realities [ ]

Tactical situation monitor

Omicron Ceti shown on a tactical situation monitor image.

On a 24th century viewscreen display of a tactical situation monitor in an alternate timeline where the Klingon Empire was at war with the United Federation of Planets in the year 2366 , Omicron Ceti was listed on a star chart showing Klingon allied forces in relation to Federation positions. ( TNG episode : " Yesterday's Enterprise ", TNG reference : The Continuing Mission )

System makeup [ ]

  • Omicron Ceti I
  • Omicron Ceti II
  • Omicron Ceti III
  • Omicron Ceti IV
  • Omicron Ceti V

Appendices [ ]

Connections [ ], background [ ].

Omicron Ceti was listed on the "Yesterday's Enterprise" alternate timeline tactical situation monitor showing progress of the Klingon war with the Federation, and a later re-use of this chart in "The Wounded".

References [ ]

  • TNG episode : " The Wounded "
  • TNG episode : " Yesterday's Enterprise "
  • TNG reference : The Continuing Mission

External links [ ]

  • Omicron Ceti article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • Omicron Ceti article at Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia.
  • 1 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 2 USS Dallas (NCC-2019)
  • 3 Achilles class

Memory Alpha

Omicron colony

Omicron colony

The Omicron colony was a Federation agricultural colony on planet Omicron Ceti III , led by Elias Sandoval .

The colony consisted of 150 men, women, and children who launched from Earth in 2263 . The philosophy behind the colony was a return to a less complicated life. The colonists brought only a few mechanical devices (including a subspace radio that subsequently malfunctioned) and no weapons or motorized transport . The colony was divided into three settlements (the main one had 45 residents) to ensure that if disease struck one group, the others would have a chance of survival.

The colonists arrived on Omicron Ceti III in 2264 . This was not the first attempt to colonize the planet; previous efforts had failed to reasons unknown, later discovered to be the presence of deadly berthold rays . These rays were unknown to science at the time the colonists arrived, but fortunately colony botanist Leila Kalomi discovered the pod plant and the Omicron spore they emitted. These spores not only protected the colonists from the berthold rays, but also gave them perfect health and peace of mind.

The colonists brought animals for breeding and food purposes, though these were killed by exposure to the berthold rays. The colonists grew grains , potatoes , and beans in the rich soil of the planet, though only just enough to feed themselves.

On stardate 3417.3 in 2267 , the USS Enterprise came to the Omicron colony to ascertain its fate given the recent discovery of berthold rays. The colonists infected most of the ship 's crew with the spores , causing everyone to mutiny and beam down to the planet's surface. Only Enterprise commanding officer James T. Kirk was unaffected; he discovered that strong emotions destroyed the spores and used that knowledge to free Commander Spock from their influence as well. The two of them were able to build a subsonic transmitter capable of destroying the spores in everyone's system, "liberating" the entire colony.

The colony, once again under threat from the berthold rays, was evacuated to Starbase 27 . Sandoval expressed regret that he and his fellow colonists had spent three years accomplishing nothing, and planned to start over again on a new planet. ( TOS : " This Side of Paradise ")

Personnel [ ]

  • Omicron Ceti III inhabitants
  • 2 Daniels (Crewman)

Steven H. Wilson

Author, publisher, new media artist.

Steven H. Wilson

The Omicron Ceti III

The “OC Three,” led by writer / editor Martha Sayre (then Martha Bonds and known in the fan fic community as April Valentine) developed and grew as a filk group alongside the fanzine Contact, and drew its talent from the same pool.

From the Clippercon II Program Book: The singing group named for the planet in the Trek episode “This Side of Paradise” was formed in 1976 and performed in public for the first time at the now famous Bicentennial 10 Convention, held in New York in celebration of the tenth anniversary of Star Trek . OCIII has recorded two albums of their original Star Trek and SF inspired music, “The Colors of Love” and “Only Stars Can Last.”

Subsequent to that writeup, the OCIII released “Omicron Ceti III and Friends” on cassette. There is a non-Trek song on “Only Stars Can Last.” “Two Kinds of Man” was inspired by the Sime/Gen novels of Jacqueline Lichtenberg and Jean Lorrah. For more information on that excellent series, visit .

Omicron Ceti III on Fanlore.

Memories of OCIII by Contact co-editor Nancy Kippax .

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Would you choose the Omicron Ceti III life, as seen in This Side of Paradise ?

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  • Start date Dec 12, 2021

Captain Tracy

Captain Tracy

  • Dec 17, 2021

I'm glad to see someone finally picked up on the humor of misspelling, mispelt , in a post regarding the perceived improper spelling of my own middle name.  



Arguably the best poster named cooleddie.


Vice Admiral

  • Dec 18, 2021
BK613 said: FWI, according to the Interweb, it's usually either che sarà, sarà (Italian-like, The Barefoot Contessa, 1954) or que sera, sera (Spanish-like, The Man Who Knew Too Much, 1956). In any case, neither are grammatically correct in those languages. Just Italian/Spanish words with English grammar. Click to expand...


Captain Tracy said: I'm glad to see someone finally picked up on the humor of misspelling, mispelt , in a post regarding the perceived improper spelling of my own middle name. Click to expand...


NCC-73515 said: I always thought it's French XD Click to expand...


Rear Admiral

Maurice said: Oh we saw it. It just wasn't, you know, funny . Click to expand...



1001001 said: Okay. Your posts read like some college students programmed a Condescension Bot and set it loose. You might want to rethink your strategy here, as trolling warnings are looming in your future. Click to expand...
ZapBrannigan said: My impression has been that he's writing "in character" as his avatar's personality, Morgan Woodward's guy. But that's not a nice guy to play. Click to expand...



Captain Tracy said: Tracy is the proper spelling of my middle-name. What made you think I mispelt part of my own name? Click to expand...

I tried to make that purple prose point to a senior (hs) student. He was Joe Thesaurus. I told him I did know what the words meant; they were technically not incorrect, but that I had read a lot of high-falutin’ writing in my day and his was just . . .off. So often it was hard to justify an A- or B+ to some students because they just hadn’t read/heard enough real writing, whether non-fiction or fiction. They’d have no usage errors, but the sound, the diction just wasn’t there. Yet. Otoh, you’d get those reader-kids — I’ll bet there are just a few of them here, ha ha — who could SOAR! One of my last was a Brazilian exchange student. Ran rings around my native English speakers though he’d have some odd constructions. I’m off in the weeds now. Be well.  

The Old Mixer

The Old Mixer

Mih ssim, mih ssim, nam, daed si xim..

Captain Tracy said: the referenced song title was written in that obviously and overtly skewed and improper manner , for the effect of a literary MIMESIS ; with which - through the purposeful employment of skewed and improper spelling - to properly reflect and subtly comment on the skewed and improper version of perfection felt by those under the influence of the spores . Click to expand...
  • Dec 19, 2021
plynch said: I tried to make that purple prose point to a senior (hs) student. He was Joe Thesaurus. Click to expand...


Seems to me, now that the federation is aware of the benefits of the spores and the solution, they could almost use it as a large hospital… send sick patients, let them get infected and gain the health benefits , then reverse the condition. the spores would have a steady stream of hosts, albeit changing them out frequently. Win:win  



1001001 said: Is that why Captain Tracey is misspelled? Click to expand...



No because eventually they'll be a bad crop and you'll starve to death because you haven't got any spare food. I like the aspect of regrowing the appendix though. If I had lost an arm or something I'd be willing to go there until it grew back.  

Foolish Mortals, Tray C is where one's amanuensis places all the correct words, spellings, and elements of pernicious higglety-pigglety unworthy of the boors collective paucity of perspicacity. Indeed, while you snuffle your snouts obdurately into the aged tenderloins of Tray B, a person here came before you attempting to disseminate light into this omnishambles. But you would not have it. I for one am all the more embiggened for it.  

at Quark's

Going back to the original question- and assuming that one truly has a choice (much like the choice between hiding from the Borg/ not visiting the planet in the first place as clarified by the topic starter). I'm not sure what I would do. The idea that I wouldn't be able to have my own priorities and goals anymore would scare me. On the other hand, I'm not even really sure I'm 'I' and I have true free will to choose to want what it is I want in my current condition- in other words that my so-called free will isn't an illusion in the first place.  

Farscape One

No, because I stop being ME . I can find my own happiness. No spores are needed. It's why I've never tried any drugs.  

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Omicron Ceti Ⅲ (Q48906483)

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10 Times Star Trek Foretold The Apocalypse

3. the twilight years.

Star Trek Pike Apocalypse

Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.


  1. Omicron Ceti III

    Omicron Ceti III, also known as Omicron III or Omicron, was the inhabited third planet in the Omicron Ceti system of the Alpha Quadrant. Omicron Ceti III was suitable for colonization by humanoid lifeforms if the colonists were able to counter the harmful side effects of Berthold rays. The planet was once considered the perfect planet for an agricultural colony, as its soil would grow anything ...

  2. This Side of Paradise ( Star Trek: The Original Series )

    The USS Enterprise is ordered to a Federation colony on Omicron Ceti III. Captain Kirk, First Officer Spock, Chief Medical Officer Leonard McCoy, and others beam down to the colony, and discover the colonists all alive and well, a surprise since the planet is bathed in Berthold rays, a form of radiation which humans cannot survive for longer than a week; the colonists arrived three years ...

  3. This Side of Paradise (episode)

    The Enterprise crew finds happiness at a colony where alien spores provide total contentment. The USS Enterprise arrives at the planet Omicron Ceti III, the site of a colony established in 2264. Unfortunately, the Enterprise's mission is only to catalog its destruction under the bombardment of deadly berthold rays, which were discovered after the colonists left Earth. Captain Kirk, Commander ...

  4. Omicron Ceti

    Omicron Ceti was an inhabited planetary system in the Alpha Quadrant. It had at least three planets, including Omicron Ceti III. After a failed attempt at colonizing this planet in the 2260s, the Federation would successfully attempt again and, by the mid-24th century, the colony was thriving. (TOS: "This Side of Paradise"; TNG: "Eye of the Beholder") In 2367, the location of Omicron Ceti was ...

  5. [March 8, 1967] Absolute perfection (Star Trek: "This Side of Paradise

    by Gideon Marcus The place: Omicron Ceti 3. The hazard: A lethal showering of Berthold Rays, destructive to all animal tissue. The mission: The Enterprise has the sad duty of following up on a new Omicron colony, where there are unlikely to be any survivors. Yet, when the starship arrives, the colonists are not only … Continue reading [March 8, 1967] Absolute perfection (Star Trek: "This ...

  6. "Star Trek" This Side of Paradise (TV Episode 1967)

    This Side of Paradise: Directed by Ralph Senensky. With William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Jill Ireland, Frank Overton. The Enterprise investigates a planet whose colonists should be dead, but are not.

  7. "Star Trek" This Side of Paradise (TV Episode 1967)

    Star Trek. Jump to. Edit. Summaries. The Enterprise investigates a planet whose colonists should be dead, but are not. The Enterprise is ordered to clean up the aftermath of a doomed colony on Omicron Ceti III, a planet under constant irradiation from deadly Berthold Rays. Upon arrival, however, the colonists aren't only alive but in perfect ...

  8. The Illusion of Utopia: Philosophy and the Spores of Omicron Ceti III

    In the original Star Trek series, Season 1 Episode 24 is titled "This Side of Paradise." In this episode, the crew of the USS Enterprise visits Omicron Ceti ...

  9. This Side of Paradise (Episode)

    Stardate 3417.3: The crew is astonished to find a colony thought to be dead is instead alive and flourishing. The Enterprise arrives at planet Omicron Ceti III, where Kirk expects to find all the colonists dead because of the deadly Berthold rays to which they have been exposed for three years. But when a landing party beams down, colony leader Elias Sandoval informs them that everyone on the ...

  10. Star Trek

    Omicron Ceti III was the inhabited third planet orbiting the primary Omicron Ceti. Omicron Ceti III was suitable for colonization by humanoid lifeforms if th...

  11. Omicron Ceti III

    Omicron Ceti III is a Class M planet located in the Mira system, in the galaxy's Beta Quadrant. In the 23rd century, the planet was considered a prime target for colonization by the Federation, as it had a moderate climate and almost anything could grow in the rich soil. Unfortunately, the planet was also discovered to be bombarded with Berthold rays, which prevented any livestock from living ...

  12. "Star Trek" This Side of Paradise (TV Episode 1967)

    Enterprise is tasked with resettling the colonists of Omicron Ceti III. ... Star Trek meets Invasion of the Bodysnatchers* as members of the Enterprise crew fall under the influence of strange plants whose spores, when inhaled, bring improved health and total peace of mind. On discovering a means of counteracting the effects of the spores, Kirk ...

  13. This Side of Paradise and Pike

    Too bad he had agreed to stay on Talos before this was discovered about Omicron Ceti . Reactions: Markonian, VSAFaculty, Phoenix219 and 3 others. David cgc Admiral. Premium Member. ... Like most of Star Trek's "magic solutions" it is forgotten after the credits roll. Otherwise, the Federation would just have fleets of ships full of ailing ...

  14. Omicron Ceti III inhabitants

    List of Omicron colony personnel. Elias Sandoval Leila Kalomi Anaanda Ziff Benjamin A. Ziff Marsha L. Ziff Sandoval's settlement was one of three established on Omicron Ceti III, with a total population of his specific settlement consisting on forty-five colonists. During McCoy's initial medical scans of those colonists, he had scanned nine men, who were aged between twenty three and fifty ...

  15. Would you choose the Omicron Ceti III life, as seen in This Side of

    Forums > Star Trek Series | 2151 - 2270 > Star Trek - The Original & Animated Series > Would you choose the Omicron Ceti III life, as seen in This Side of Paradise ? ... If YOU had the option to live on Omicron Ceti III, and live the life and lifestyle as provided by the spores; would you? Captain Tracy, Dec 12, 2021 #1. Christopher Writer Admiral.

  16. Would you choose the Omicron Ceti III life, as seen in This Side of

    This is not correct; because, as specifically stated in the hypothetical, you are in point-of-fact being offered a choice. Being, you have the choice not to go to Omicron Ceti III. Here is the premise again: "If YOU had the option to live on Omicron Ceti III, and live the life and lifestyle as provided by the spores; would you?" There is your choice. You have the option not to live on Omicron ...

  17. Coming Soon

    If you think there should be something here, please reach out for support.

  18. Omicron Ceti III

    Omicron Ceti III is a Class M planet located in the third orbit of the Mira system. The planet was once considered the perfect planet for an agricultural colony, as its soil will grow anything planted in it. The climate is moderate, having a small amount of rain all year round. Unfortunately, this perfection is marred by the fact that the planet is bombarded by berthold rays at such an ...

  19. Omicron Ceti

    68 Ceti. Space. Omicron Ceti (also known as Mira or 68 Ceti) was a star system, a binary star system with five associated planets. The system primary was a variable red supergiant star. The secondary in the system is a blue dwarf star which orbits the primary. (ST reference: Star Trek Maps, TOS comic: "... Like a Woman Scorned!")

  20. Omicron colony

    Omicron colony. The Omicron colony was a Federation agricultural colony on planet Omicron Ceti III, led by Elias Sandoval.. The colony consisted of 150 men, women, and children who launched from Earth in 2263.The philosophy behind the colony was a return to a less complicated life. The colonists brought only a few mechanical devices (including a subspace radio that subsequently malfunctioned ...

  21. The Omicron Ceti III

    OCIII has recorded two albums of their original Star Trek and SF inspired music, "The Colors of Love" and "Only Stars Can Last.". Subsequent to that writeup, the OCIII released "Omicron Ceti III and Friends" on cassette. There is a non-Trek song on "Only Stars Can Last." "Two Kinds of Man" was inspired by the Sime/Gen novels ...

  22. Would you choose the Omicron Ceti III life, as seen in This Side of

    Forums > Star Trek Series | 2151 - 2270 > Star Trek - The Original & Animated Series > Would you choose the Omicron Ceti III life, as seen in This Side of Paradise ? Discussion in ' Star Trek - The Original & Animated Series ' started by Captain Tracy , Dec 12, 2021 .

  23. Omicron Ceti Ⅲ

    Omicron Ceti Ⅲ (Q48906483) From Wikidata ... Omicron colony; Statements. instance of. fictional planet. 0 references. astronomical object from the Star Trek universe. 0 references. member of. United Federation of Planets. latest date. 2378.

  24. 10 Times Star Trek Foretold The Apocalypse

    This is Star Trek, though, and in it you can get one hell of a divine do-over. Doctor Phlox to the rescue (eventually), a subspace implosion, and all is forgotten that was never remembered in the ...