Tourism; Pros and Cons, Facts and Environmental Impact.

  • by Ahsen Soomro

10 Pros and Cons of Tourism

Table of Contents Show

1. wealth generation, 2. the progression of a country, 3. creation of jobs, 4. unity among different societies, 5. conservation, 6. improves geographical identity worldwide, 7. damage to the environment by tourists, 8. exploitation of local culture, 9. non-compliance of tourists, 10. lack of job security/seasonal only, 11. confined to service jobs, 12. unequal infrastructure growth, 13. foreign business owners, 14. neglecting of other sectors, 5+ fun facts on tourism, environmental damage, invasive organisms, negative impact on wildlife, loss of natural resources, challenging stereotypes, gaining cultural sensitivity, authentic experience of cultures.

Tourism is the department or an organization that facilitates people to allow them to visit or spend vacations at places they like.

Tourism is one of the most important industries in any country. It is a large contributor to the economy of a country as it can provide revenue throughout the year. Tourism helps in keeping the employment rate of countries stable as several job opportunities are created due to the tourism industry.

Sometimes, tourism can be a major source of foreign income for the country. This is like Maldives where 40% of the economy is generated from the Tourism industry.

This transaction doesn’t only facilitate the vacation or relaxation of tourists visiting these regions, but also helps to provide a better livelihood to everyone involved in the tourism sector.

Developed countries like USA and UK have greatly benefitted from medical tourism. Medical tourism involves people travelling to developed countries to get treatments unavailable in their home country. These are usually people from developing countries with sub-standard health care. You can also call them a medical tourist !

However, even with the great number of benefits of tourism, there are several drawbacks to it. These disadvantages are sometimes ignored by the tourism sector of that country as their sole purpose becomes profit. We must consider all aspects of tourism which include environmental responsibilities, profit and sustainability.

Today, we will look at some of the Pros and Cons of Tourism;

Advantages of Tourism

One of the major advantages of Tourism is a constant flow of cash. It is very important not just for the economy of the country as a whole but for all those working in the tourism sectors.

Commercial and private airlines operating from these countries tend to make a ton of revenue as people from around the world fly to a tourist attraction. Hotels and guest homes in the hospitality industry make a constant income as travelers flood hotel lobbies looking for a place to stay. This makes sure hotels make money throughout the year.

These small sectors, that come under the umbrella of tourism help to generate money for the country throughout the year. This cash flow is even more essential for small, developing, and third world nations as for some of them the tourist sector might be the biggest contributor to their local economy.

As wealth influx starts in the country, it helps the government to procure necessary funds for development and progression of the country. The tourism sector gives security and stability to the economy of the nation, preventing it from tanking in times of crisis.

The government also gets necessary funds to carry out large scale infrastructure projects like restaurants, hotels, casinos and theater which may further improve the tourism sector, providing more places for travelers to stay and more activities to indulge in. This will help to generate further cash influx.

Other than that, this wealth can also be used to improve the infrastructure of the country. This includes building roads, rail roads, better hospitals and education centers for natives as well as the tourists.

Tourism has provided various jobs to people who were previously unemployed. The natives gifted with constant stable jobs have greatly improved their livelihood ( there is a possible catch to this, I’ve explained in the cons ).

These jobs include working in areas such as hotels, restaurants, bars, casinos, theatres, zoos, parks, entertainment facilities, and more. Some of those you might remember from your last trip, especially the travel agent who booked your tickets or the tour operator who ensured that your trip went smooth or the captain of your cruise ship in the Caribbean. They work relentlessly, away from their families, to make sure you enjoy your vacations.

This has also led to the overall reduction of unemployment in the country, thus reducing burden on the government.

Did you know? 1 in 10 jobs are supported by Tourism industry across the world!

The unique feature of tourism is that it helps to create unity among people from different countries, cultures, backgrounds, traditions, and ethnicities who are all visiting to have some fun.

It allows people to learn different histories, traditions, cultures, diets, and lifestyles of the nations they are visiting. This helps to create understanding and oneness among people which can have a long-lasting impact socially.

Tourism Fosters Unity among travelers and Society

Cross-cultural connections are developed as the natives interact with the tourists and may lead to further large-scale collaborations as well!

The main star of attraction for tourists visiting a country is its historical sites and landscapes, particularly the landmarks of the country. These landmarks may be in the form of churches, mosques, cathedrals, monuments, buildings, skyscrapers, beaches, amusement parks, and other attractions to say the least.

This means it becomes the government’s utmost priority to conserve these sites, for the tourism industry to be sustainable.

The government carries out regular maintenance of such areas and rules are placed concerned with damaging or vandalism of the property in order to protect these spots. Once these areas become a part of the tourism sector, they are no less than a cash generator for the country.

Tourists often go back home and praise about the vacation that they had. Every person that goes back home brags to at-least 10 more people about the wonderful vacation they had, usually through social media. This allows more people to know more about the country and helps it earn its name and make a place for itself on the map!

Increased recognition leads to further foreign investment and development, followed with increased tourism activity in the area.

Major Cons of Tourism

When it comes to tourism thousands of people may visit, even millions in some spots. This high influx of tourists can lead to immense environmental destruction, especially in destinations where tourists are more prone to visit.

This environmental burden is not solely due to the high influx of tourists, but it is associated with various other factors working together to bring environmental harm.

These factors include increased presence and use of cars, buses, trains, and other vehicles which may raise carbon emissions. A large number of flights at the airport could become a large contributor of air pollution as well.

Tourists can cause a lot of land pollution; as they throw a massive amount of garbage and waste, which is mostly non-biodegradable, leading to a massive number of landfills. All these activities may combine to greatly impact the environment of the region.

Soil erosion, Different kinds of Pollution , habitat loss and destruction as well as forest fires are just some of the environmental effects of tourism.

Environmental Impact of Tourism  Trashy Beaches

If these regions are not conserved and taken care of properly, they will lose their natural essence and subsequently be abandoned by tourists. This can lead to permanent damage of the natural tourist attractions!

Fortunately, we have been observing a rise in demand of sustainable tourism. We’ll be discussing that very soon.

Some countries, seeing the vast amount of tourists coming in their country to observe their unorthodox lifestyle and traditions, begin to commercialize their culture. It can be in the form of souvenirs. Usually, the natives are not offended by this.

However, in some regions this can be considered an outright disgrace and mocking of their culture. This is especially true for the regions where locals consider their culture to be their identity. Commercializing may result in people just wearing costumes and exhibiting traditions just to entertain tourists. Observing that the governments are using their culture as a tool for profiteering can cause them to feel sad and ridiculed by their nation.

Sometimes, tourists do not honor cultures and traditions of countries/regions they visit. They may break certain rules and unspoken codes of conduct to which the locals have very high regard. Tourists get drunk in public and do horrendous acts at times. This creates certain hatred among the locals for the incoming tourists.

Racist remarks by tourists and the socioeconomic gap between the tourists and the natives may further exacerbate the issue. The tourists may consider themselves in much higher regard than the natives. Such thoughts may provoke the tourists to act wildly and unlawfully, and sometimes even end up mocking the nation.

Look at it this way; if you go to a friend’s house, you don’t outright break stuff at his home or start shouting remarks to his/her family. You respectfully meet your friend and have a good time, in good spirits. That’s the way you should treat natives when you’re visiting another country, because you’re visiting their home !

Although we did mention that tourism leads to an increase in the employment rate; sometimes these jobs can be seasonal depending on the region and hence, cannot be a dependable income throughout the year. This is more concerning in countries that have specific durations and seasons of high influx of tourists from around the world. These seasonal jobs, hence, offer minimal job security and employees can be left without a proper pension or insurance.

Although tourism generates jobs for locals, most of these jobs are confined to service industry with minimal wages. These low-wage and minimum-skill workers have little ambition to promotion and getting higher up the chain.

Massive income generated from tourism offers countries to build upon infrastructure of the tourist destination only. Sadly, the countries do not use the revenue generated from this infrastructure to build and develop other regions which require maintenance and development.

The wealth generated from tourism is put back into tourism-related things and regions that desperately need improvement are constantly neglected. The locals who don’t live in tourist-economy regions are neglected which leads to imbalance of infrastructure development.

Sometimes most of the places which are heavily infiltrated by tourists are owned by foreign businesses. This means most of the profits and money coming into the country are being used by foreigners thereby causing significant loss of local businesses.

Local industries miss out on the primary source of income that is required for them to stay afloat and to grow. This can lead to businesses going bankrupt and losing, overall damaging the country’s economy.

Countries see that tourist is the major source of income for them, tend to ignore other various sectors upon which they are built. This leads to nations neglecting these sectors, thus causing a loss of income, jobs, and growth amongst these sectors. The country aims to put all of its resources in one basket which is the tourism industry, will leaving all others behind for them to crumble and diminish.

This over-reliance on a specific sector for the stability of the nations can sometimes cause a massive impact, especially during times of war, political instability, or natural disasters as it will be led to the long term closure of the tourism of those countries due to unrest. This can eventually drain the country down as its only resource which is tourism is no longer function, and it didn’t have any other sector nor did they built any other sector in a way for them to become sustainable in times of economic crisis.

  • Tourism is responsible for 5% of the Global GDP!
  • China stays as the world’s top tourism spender, spending more than 260 Billion Dollars!
  • Global tourism industry being the largest industry contributes more than 7.5 trillion dollars in the world economy.
  • Almost 10% of world’s jobs are sourced from Tourism Industry.
  • Tourists spend the most cash in Dubai. Around 28.5 Billion dollars yearly!
  • Osaka in Japan is emerging as the hottest tourist spot in the world.

Negative Environmental Impacts of Tourism

The government may choose to put the wealth generated from tourism into preservation of the environment. However, tourism still goes on to put sufficient burden on the natural resources of our planet and prompts over-consumption of natural resources in regions with already limited resources.

Once tourism becomes unsustainable, the surrounding environment starts to deteriorate. Tourism has a wide impact on the air quality, vegetation, water supply, wildlife, and the natural ecosystems of the region.

Most of the tourist activities have a negative impact on ecosystems.  These include fishing, hiking, and snorkeling; all of which tend to affect and deplete the local scenery.

To run a tropical golf course for tourists requires water that can feed up to 60,000 locals. There is a trail in the Himalayas known as “the toilet paper trail” which shows how much damage tourism has caused to the environment.

Tourism has Major Environmental Impact in terms of Pollution

Once there is an influx of tourists to a common destination, there is an overuse of transportation systems which heavily contributes to pollution (Mainly air pollution). Tourism accounts for 60% of air travel worldwide, and flying one mile in a plane can produce 53 pounds of carbon dioxide.

Even travelers conscious of hurting the environment also cause a negative impact. Tourists that travel to natural sites located remotely, tend to cause damage to natural ecosystems they come to see.

The increased human presence on many geographical regions can alter the number of native plants in the region and introduce non native species in those areas.

Even species brought in as pets into the country are sometime released into the wild and could bring havoc upon the ecosystem if they turned out to be invasive species.

Hunting is another tourist activity, very damaging to wildlife

Human intervention and presence can disrupt food webs, ecological communities, and harm keystone species in an area. Others take an active approach and hunt foreign animals as a tourist activity. They can also damage the natural habitat of native wildlife by engaging with it. All of these contribute to wildlife endangerment and extinction.

Tourism can shrink the natural resources by causing over-consumption. This is particularly damaging in areas with food and water scarcity.

This may also lead to hatred among the locals for tourists who use up the limited water supply for luxuries. A natural resource like water could be used to fill up Jacuzzis at a 5-star hotel but could much better be used in feeding a child who suffers from dehydration.

Cultural Benefits of Traveling

Traveling Cultural Benefits

When you get to visit another country and observe their culture, you get the opportunity to be exposed to unfamiliar perspectives and traditions and gain a more broad, much informed, and kinder view of the locals and places you encounter.

Perceptions and stereotypes might be replaced by first hand view of the people by the tourists themselves.

People get to see traditions and learn manners of different cultures. Manners and etiquette tourists may not have practiced in their native countries.

Pointing with your index fingers at the indigenous people, showing excessive skin, wearing shoes indoors, and making noises may be considered rude in some places.

So it is important to do a little bit of research on the local customs and traditions before visiting so you can try to avoid being offensive or inappropriate.

It can be a wonderful way to experience the insights of a different culture through the experience of traditions, rituals, festivals, celebrations, and rites. It gives the visitor a chance to understand the cultural heritage of a region much more deeply.

Tourism has its benefits to the economy but the environmental component of tourism shouldn’t be ignored. Think about that the next time you book your tickets. We are also working on reducing your environmental footprint when you travel…Can’t reveal more. Stay tuned!

For now I’d like to leave this picture for you to ponder about Eco-tourism.

Think about sustainable travel and learn the best way to do it.

Ahsen Soomro

My love for nature is not newfound. I have lived on the countryside for over a decade of my life where I realized how human activities impacted the environment. Later during my stint in medical school, I realized that many of our health concerns originate from neglecting our environmental responsibilities and this was just not sustainable in the long run. Raising awareness, not locally but globally, was the mission. This led to the foundation of EnvironmentBuddy!

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The Pros and Cons of Tourism

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The tourism industry is one of the most lucrative and essential industries for the global economy since it can provide revenue almost year-round. It allows people to spend time in places they want to explore and enjoy. Every year, people from all over the world visit destinations like Paris, Hawaii, Mexico and Japan to experience a new culture through food, sightseeing and adventures. 

Tourism provides thousands of jobs each year and allows people to explore the world at their leisure. It’s excellent for both the people touring an area themselves for happiness and well-being, and it’s great for the country’s population as a whole. 

However, the disadvantages of tourism should be addressed, especially concerning the environment. Tourism industries in some countries often ignore these cons because they want to continue providing revenue for the peoples’ livelihoods. It’s easy to overlook the negative aspects when tourism has brought enormous wealth to developing countries. 

If developing nations only rely on tourism and dismiss other aspects, like the environment, society and infrastructure development, the cons can quickly outweigh the pros. Fortunately, there are ways to be sustainable in the tourism industry. Here are the pros and cons of tourism. 

The Pros of Tourism

From stimulating job growth to bridging cultural divides, tourism has many benefits for people, the economy and the environment. Below are five advantages of tourism. 

1. Creates Jobs

One of the most significant benefits of tourism is creating jobs for people who may have previously been unemployed. Tourism accounts for about 10% of employment worldwide , whether directly or indirectly. 

The tourism industry encompasses retailers, restaurant workers, transportation industries, entertainment facilities and hospitality workers. It can even include medical workers as some people travel for cosmetic surgery or medical advice and medications. This leads to the reduction of unemployment in many countries, which reduces the burden on the government.

2. Develops Countries

As more people get jobs in developing countries, they can further progress. The government can get the funds needed to advance their nation. The tourism industry offers more security and financial stability. Plus, the government can carry out various infrastructure projects to continue its progression by building roads, hospitals, hotels, restaurants, and entertainment businesses to allow more people to stay, generating more jobs and wealth. 

3. Conserves the Environment

Some of the primary attractions in countries are the historical sights and beautiful landscapes. Often, countries try to conserve these sights and attractions to continue bringing in more tourists. Governments and private entities often use tourism money to maintain historical sight and protect the environment.  

4. Broadens Knowledge and Appreciation of Nature

An airboat ride through the Florida Everglades delivers more than the perfect photo opportunity. Airboat captains share stories about the river’s history, wildlife facts, environmental issues plaguing the ecosystem, and how the average person can make a difference. Travel experiences like this are crucial for broadening one’s knowledge and deepening their appreciation for the natural world. The hope is for tourists to impart their knowledge to someone else and spark an interest in conservation and sustainable habits.

5. Encourages Culture-Learning

Finally, tourism encourages the learning of different cultures. It helps to create a sense of unity among people from various cultures and countries. Tourism encourages people of all backgrounds to visit a particular place, so tourist destinations become a melting pot of other cultures. People can begin to understand one another and may even make friends with people from other countries. 

The Cons of Tourism

While welcoming visitors to explore a particular area has benefits — especially within the eco-tourism subsector — it’s not all rainbows and sunshine. Unfortunately, there are some cons of tourism that often get overlooked, such as the following.

1. Damages the Environment

Although countries do their best to conserve the environment, including animals, plants and natural scenes, tourists can still be disrespectful. As people flock to one place, waste and pollution accumulate. Sometimes, tours offer animal experiences as well, which put animals through suffering. Further, land is needed to accommodate tourists, so countries will destroy habitats to build hotels and restaurants. 

2. Puts Pressure on Natural Resources

Another con of the tourism industry is that it puts an immense amount of pressure on natural resources. Anytime someone stays in an area, they inevitably use the area’s natural resources , like water and food. Cities and countries around the world have faced droughts. Additionally, tourism puts stress on the local land use, leading to soil erosion which can cause damage to infrastructure. 

3. Strains Infrastructure

Too many tourists in one location can significantly strain infrastructure, including roadways, water resources and waste disposal. For instance, nearly 30 million tourists visit Venice, Italy, annually, crowding narrow canals and limited roadways. In the Caribbean, Antigua and Barbuda is among the most frequently vacationed and water-stressed countries, with under 1000 cubic meter of freshwater resources per capita. Without a municipal wastewater treatment center, most households rely on poorly built septic tanks.

4. Encourages Dependence on Tourism

It’s not a good thing to be solely dependent on tourism. Regions known for their tourist destinations learned that lesson once COVID-19 spread throughout the world. When people could no longer travel, the tourism industry in countries that depended on it had a more difficult time recovering and getting the necessary resources that locals needed to survive. Without tourists, those countries would receive no more income, which affects the entire country.

5. Leads to Loss of Cultural Identity

Often, locals in a tourist destination will begin copying the lifestyles of tourists and leave their local and cultural traditions behind. Instead of shops filled with daily necessities for the locals, they are filled with things tourists need, like travel-sized toiletries and souvenirs. Fast-food chains have taken over local cuisine as well. And unfortunately, tourism has led to a growth in prostitution and human trafficking. 

Making Tourism a More Sustainable Industry

Tourism is a necessary part of the economy, but the adverse effects often go unnoticed. Fortunately, there are ways to make it a more sustainable industry. Tourists should support the local economy, avoid single-use plastics, take more eco-friendly modes of transportation and avoid all of the traditional “tourist” excursions. The next time you travel, make sustainability a priority.

This post was last updated on April 9, 2024 to provide more current information.

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Pros and Cons of Tourism

Be it Niagara Falls, The Grand Canyon, or the Amazon Rainforest, these places have numerous reasons to attract tourists every year. Tourists love to visit such spots looking for fun, amusement, and even finding peace of mind. Tourism has turned into a thriving industry in many countries. Governments and local communities reap the benefits of tourism in many different ways. But those advantages come with certain risks as well. However, like everything else, there are pros and cons of tourism . You should be taking a closer look at the good and the bad of tourism before you set a vacation schedule alone or with your friends and families.

What are the Pros of Tourism?

In 2021, tourism to Grand Canyon National Park made a significant contribution of $710 million to the local economy, reports National Park Service.

1. Economic Boost

Tourism is a significant contributor to the economy of a country. By attracting tourists, nations can create sustainable revenue streams, generate job opportunities, and boost growth across several sectors. According to a report by NPS, the park welcomed approximately 4.5 million visitors to the Grand Canyon, spending an estimated $710 million in the surrounding gateway regions.

2. Cultural Exchange

Travel can bring people together and provide a unique opportunity to share ideas and experiences. Travelers often have an open mind about different cultures and customs, so they are eager to explore new places. This type of exchange can break down cultural barriers between countries by allowing each party to understand the other's culture better. This exchange of cultural values can be counted as one of the major advantages of tourism.

3. Environmental Conservation

All natural heritages are tourist spots, and people come to admire the view. One of the significant advantages of tourism is that it can help protect and preserve the environment. Local governments can invest the revenue generated by tourism for the betterment of environmentally sensitive regions and areas with fragile ecosystems.

4. Improved Infrastructure is Among the Pros of Tourism

With the influx of tourists, countries can consider upgrading their infrastructure to accommodate visitors' needs. This includes constructing new airports, roads, accommodations, and public facilities such as parks and museums. This positive change can be felt both by the tourists and the inhabitants.

5. Global Recognition

Tourism is an essential part of many countries economies, and it can also provide significant global recognition for the destination. A well-designed tourism strategy that attracts a high volume of international visitors can bring in foreign money, create jobs, and help to develop infrastructure. It also raises awareness about an area, leading to increased interest from the rest of the world.

What are the Cons of Tourism?

Besides the positive changes, tourism also has its share of downsides. Most of the cons of the tourism industry are associated with the misuse of natural resources. Some of the other problems with tourism include:

1. Environmental Damage

Tourism can lead to environmental damage in many ways. For example, it can impact water resources through increased water and wastewater production demand. It can also add to pollution by generating emissions from transportation as visitors travel around the area. Additionally, tourists may increase pressure on local land resources, leading to deforestation and loss of habitats for native species.

2. Displaced Communities

Tourism often brings economic benefits to local communities. Still, when done in a way that does not consider the local community's needs and aspirations, it can cause displacement. Communities may be displaced from their traditional lands or homes, pushing them away from the resources they need for subsistence. This can be particularly detrimental if these resources are already scarce or difficult to access.

3. Cultural Erosion

Cultural Erosion is one of the most dreaded cons of tourism. A tourist destination with a distinct local culture is prone to changes due to the influx of tourists. The more tourism activities are higher the chances of community displacement.

This phenomenon is often compounded by the fact that many tourists come from cultures very different to those of the local community, and their presence can lead to a sudden change in cultural values. This rapid transition can significantly damage a community as its members may no longer feel represented or respected.

4. Economic Dependence

The COVID-19 pandemic best explains how tourism can suddenly burden an economy. As the pandemic wiped out all income for many countries' businesses, many had to rely heavily on government support and bailouts as their primary sources of revenue. This has resulted in rising debts due to emergency aid distributions and other fiscal measures associated with relief during this crisis.

5. Overcrowding

Visiting a particular area can harm the environment and local culture as tourism grows. One of the main disadvantages of tourism is overcrowding, which can strain resources, increase pollution, and damage natural habitats.

Overcrowding can decrease the quality of life for residents, as tourists take up public space and resources. It can also affect the health and safety of visitors who may be exposed to increased levels of crime or air pollution.

Conclusion on the Pros and Cons of Tourism

The pros and cons of tourism are complex if you evaluate them thoroughly. It is easy to see that people benefit from increased access to new cultures, experiences, and destinations.

On the other hand, there are real risks associated with tourist activities like over-tourism and the destruction of natural spaces. Therefore, it's up to individuals to assess these impacts on their own terms. It's up to every citizen to become responsible travelers who understand tourism's positive and negative effects.

Pros and Cons of Tourism

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the cons of tourism.

Tourism frequently exerts excessive strain on natural resources due to overconsumption, particularly in areas with limited resources. It places immense pressure on local land utilization, resulting in soil erosion, heightened pollution levels, loss of natural habitats, and increased jeopardy for endangered species.

What are the pros of tourism?

It fosters job creation, bolsters the local economy, facilitates infrastructure development, preserves the natural environment and cultural heritage, and works towards alleviating poverty and inequality.

What are the social benefits of tourism?

Tourism brings forth numerous social benefits, showcasing its positive impacts on society. These encompass the preservation of local culture and heritage, the fostering of vibrant communities, the provision of essential social services, the promotion of cultural and artistic commerce, the revitalization of customs and art forms, as well as the safeguarding of our precious heritage.

Who does tourism help?

Tourists contribute to the local economy by spending their money, leading to job creation and economic growth. This support is particularly crucial for small businesses, which often struggle to generate substantial profits.

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What Are The Pros And Cons Of Ecotourism?

Published: November 14, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Maurizia Giles

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Ecotourism, also known as sustainable tourism, is a form of travel that focuses on minimizing the negative impacts on the environment and supporting local communities. It is a growing trend in the tourism industry, as more and more travelers are becoming conscious of the need to protect and preserve our planet.

Unlike traditional tourism, which often contributes to environmental degradation and cultural erosion, ecotourism aims to provide unique and immersive experiences that educate visitors about the importance of conservation and sustainable practices. By choosing to engage in eco-friendly tourism activities, travelers can play a role in preserving natural habitats, supporting local economies, and fostering cultural exchange.

However, like any other form of tourism, ecotourism also has its pros and cons. In this article, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of ecotourism, allowing you to make an informed decision about whether it aligns with your travel values and goals.

Pros of Ecotourism

Ecotourism offers numerous benefits, both for the environment and the local communities. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Conservation of Natural Resources: Ecotourism promotes the preservation of natural habitats and biodiversity. By visiting protected areas, tourists contribute to the funding of conservation efforts, ensuring the sustainability of these ecosystems for future generations.
  • Economic Development: Ecotourism provides economic opportunities for local communities. By supporting locally-owned businesses, such as eco-lodges and community-based tour operators, tourists help to create jobs and generate income for the residents. This can lead to improved living standards and reduced reliance on activities that harm the environment, such as logging or unsustainable farming.
  • Cultural Preservation: Ecotourism often focuses on immersing visitors in the local culture and traditions. This promotes a better understanding and appreciation of indigenous communities, their customs, and their knowledge of the natural environment. It helps to preserve traditional practices and craftsmanship.
  • Educational Opportunities: Ecotourism offers a chance for visitors to learn about various environmental issues, conservation initiatives, and sustainable practices. By engaging with knowledgeable guides and participating in educational activities, travelers gain a deeper understanding of the importance of protecting the planet.
  • Minimal Environmental Impact: Compared to traditional tourism, ecotourism strives to minimize its ecological footprint. With a focus on sustainable transportation, waste reduction, and responsible consumption, ecotourism ensures that the environmental impact is kept to a minimum.
  • Support for Conservation Projects: Many ecotourism operators and organizations actively contribute to conservation projects and community development. Some allocate a portion of their profits towards funding research, habitat restoration, or local initiatives that benefit the environment and the local communities.

These benefits make ecotourism a powerful tool for promoting sustainable practices while allowing travelers to experience unique and enriching destinations. However, it is important to also consider the potential drawbacks of ecotourism, as discussed in the next section.

Cons of Ecotourism

While ecotourism has many positive aspects, it is not without its challenges and potential negative impacts. Here are some of the key drawbacks:

  • Overcrowding and Degradation of Natural Areas: The popularity of ecotourism can lead to overcrowding in delicate ecosystems, causing damage to the environment. Trampling of vegetation, disruption of wildlife habitats, and pollution from increased foot traffic can all have detrimental effects on fragile ecosystems.
  • Greenwashing and Lack of Regulation: The term “ecotourism” is sometimes used as a marketing ploy, with businesses claiming to be environmentally friendly without adhering to sustainable practices. Lack of regulation and standardized certification make it difficult for tourists to differentiate genuine ecotourism operators from those that are simply exploiting the label for profit.
  • Cultural Commodification: The influx of tourists can bring about cultural commodification and exploitation. Local traditions and customs may be altered or modified to cater to tourist expectations, leading to the loss of authentic cultural experiences.
  • Displacement of Local Communities: The development of ecotourism infrastructure can sometimes result in the displacement of local communities. Land may be taken away from indigenous people or small-scale farmers to make way for tourist resorts or protected areas, causing social and economic disruption.
  • Dependency on Tourism: In some cases, communities that heavily depend on tourism may become overly reliant on this industry. A decline in tourism can have significant economic consequences, leaving communities vulnerable to economic shocks.
  • Carbon Footprint: Despite efforts to minimize environmental impact, transportation to ecotourism destinations can still contribute to carbon emissions. Long-haul flights and fuel use for transportation within the destination can undermine the sustainability goals of ecotourism.

It is important to consider these potential downsides when engaging in ecotourism. Recognizing these challenges can help address them and promote a more responsible and sustainable approach to ecotourism.

Ecotourism offers a unique and rewarding way to explore the world while actively contributing to the preservation of the environment and the well-being of local communities. The advantages of ecotourism are evident, from the conservation of natural resources to the economic development of local communities. It provides educational opportunities and supports cultural preservation.

However, it is crucial to be aware of the potential drawbacks of ecotourism. Overcrowding and degradation of natural areas, greenwashing, cultural commodification, and displacement of local communities are some of the challenges that need to be considered. It is important to address these issues through responsible and sustainable practices, ensuring that the positive impacts outweigh the negative.

In conclusion, ecotourism, when practiced responsibly, has the potential to create a positive change in the world. By choosing sustainable travel options, supporting local communities, and being mindful of our environmental impact, we can enjoy meaningful and enriching travel experiences that preserve our planet for future generations. So, whether you’re hiking through a pristine rainforest, snorkeling in a coral reef, or exploring a local community, embrace the essence of ecotourism and become a responsible traveler.


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About Sustainability, & Related Topics & Issues

Sustainable Tourism: Pros & Cons, Examples, & Is It Possible?

Sustainable Tourism: Pros & Cons, Examples, & Is It Possible?

In this guide, we analyse sustainable tourism.

Specifically, we look at what it is, give examples of how tourism might become more sustainable, the pros and cons of a sustainable tourism approach, and how sustainable tourism compares to conventional and mass tourism .

Summary – Sustainable Tourism

Importance Of The Tourism Industry

Overall as an industry, tourism has a significant economic value to the world economy, and billions of tourists travel every year.

So, it’s an important industry – especially in countries where tourism is one of, or the most valuable industry to the economy.

What Sustainable Tourism Involves

The concept of sustainable tourism involves the incorporation of sustainable tourism practices, aimed at improving the short term and long term environmental, economic and social impact of tourism, for all tourism stakeholders

Sustainable Tourism vs Conventional Tourism vs Mass Tourism

Compared to conventional and mass tourism , sustainable tourism might place more focus on issues like environmental and site degradation, resource usage and environmental footprint, and the impact of tourism on the local humans and ecosystems in the area

Examples Of Sustainable Tourism

A few examples of sustainable tourism include but aren’t limited to:

– Restricting/limiting tourist numbers at the most popular tourism destinations

– Allocating funding towards maintaining tourism sites

– Making ‘green’ improvements to tourism transport and accomodation

– Supporting and/or promoting tourism businesses that provide a guaranteed level of rights for humans or animals involved in the business (with one example being ethical or humane elephant sanctuaries)

Challenges With Implementing Sustainable Tourism Practices

A number of tourism destinations and stakeholders around the world have taken action to implement policies, rules and behavioral requirements, based around the concept of more sustainable tourism in those destinations

However, what several sources point out is that there’s been no significant progress on sustainable tourism in general

A lack of financial resources (in the form of financial investment and funding), and organisation/collaboration between stakeholders, are a few of the leading reasons for this

So, there can be various challenges when implementing sustainable tourism practices

Potential Corporate Incentive For More Sustainable Tourism

On a positive note, results from other industries shows that investing in sustainability can have a number of benefits for companies and brands. 

So, sustainable tourism may have corporate incentive in some instances.

Sustainability in business in general has it’s own potential pros and cons to consider

What Is Sustainable Tourism?

Stakeholders include but aren’t limited to travellers/tourists, locals and local communities (their rights, and their culture and customs), tourism workers, tourism companies and tourism industry businesses, third parties, the government, the environment, and animals and wildlife.

What Does Tourism Include?

Tourism involves everything from leaving the house to returning to the house, when sightseeing, travelling or going on holiday.

It involves both domestic and international tourism.

It includes but isn’t limited to specific things like:

– Travel and transport like cars and planes

– Accomodation

– And, any activity (or production and consumption) that is undertaken on the way to, from, or at a tourism destination (or destinations)

The Economic Importance Of The Tourism Industry

Number Of People That Travel Each Year

Billions of people travel every year.

In 2016, more than 1.2 billion people travelled as tourists internationally, and another 6 billion people travelled domestically (

Economic Contribution Of Tourism Industry

Tourism as an industry plays an important role in the world economy in terms of total revenue, employment, income, and projected growth. In some countries, tourism is the largest industry in the economy.

Employment in tourism might be in the hundreds of millions worldwide.

Contributed revenue might be in the trillions worldwide.

A few stats that illustrate this are:

From ‘[tourism is a] $US8.8 billion industry [that] sustains 319 million jobs [or] 10 per cent of all the jobs in the world (

It generates more than $2.1tn in annual revenues (

Tourism provides both local and external employment, and puts money in the pockets of local citizens and governments (though admittedly, not all of this money always stays in the local economy)

[Tourist arrivals are also only expected to increase in the future, making tourism one of the fastest growing industries in the world] (

[The tourism industry is expected to grow] by an estimated 4% on average annually in the next 10 years.

Impact Of Recent World Events on Tourism

COVID has had an economic impact on tourism.

Variables like border restrictions and entry requirements might impact the tourism industry in the future too.

Potential Pros & Cons Of Sustainable Tourism 

– Places a focus on both short term and long term needs and wants, as opposed to just the short term

– Places a balanced focus on the economic, environmental (including environmental degradation, and resource management) and social aspects of tourism, instead of just the profit motive or individual wants

– More travellers are becoming aware of sustainable tourism, and the potential impact of purchasing from companies with sustainable practices

– Some tourism destinations already have sustainability practices in places

– … the business case for sustainability and corporate responsibility in tourism is growing stronger year-on-year [with several benefits for businesses, but also for consumers that give their money to them] (

– Progress on sustainable tourism right now, according to several reports, is not significant

– Some argue that sustainable tourism overall has significant challenges and limitations which impact how sustainable tourism can end up being in the future 

– Sustainable tourism means different things to different people, which can make it hard to collaborate or consolidate on any one indicator

– Sustainable tourism as an issue happens at many different geographic points, and not just in one place or activity.

This can make it much harder to gather data on, track, and address compared to other issues.

It can also make collaboration and organisation more challenging

– Right now, there might not be enough resources, funding and data collection committed to addressing sustainable tourism (from governments, and private funding sources)

– A potential conflict of interest with sustainable tourism is incentivizing tourism related production and consumption (which flows to other areas of the economy), whilst also minimizing negative environmental and social impact.

It can be challenging to get this balance right.

– Sustainable tourism can be more expensive for travellers for the service or product offered, or because of requirements of the travel destination – this reduces how far a traveller’s disposable income can go, and can price out some lower income travellers

– Some argue that some approaches to sustainable tourism are flawed and question how effective they are – for example, decision makers should focus on how to reduce per capita impact, rather than outright trying to restrict the total number of visitors.

The same can be said when trying to achieve per tourist yields for economic objectives

– Technology like the internet has made it easier for the consumer to drive prices down with price comparisons between competing travel providers.

This drives down the available money for these companies to invest in sustainability, and also makes higher priced sustainable tourism look less desirable

Potential Pros & Cons Of Regular Tourism (Conventional, & Mass Tourism)

– Tourists and travellers are free to pursue their own individual wants and needs (contributes to happiness and satisfaction, and a range of other personal benefits)

– Companies and other stakeholders who receive economic benefits from tourism are free to pursue their own wants and needs

– There’s a significant positive impact on the economy from regular tourism – in terms of revenue and GDP generated and contributed, number of people employed and receiving an income, and flow on economic stimulus, development (especially from domestic and international investment) and opportunity in tourism affected areas

– No emphasis on protecting the environment and ecosystems from a certain level of degradation.

Overcrowding/congestion, saturation, mass tourism and lax regulations can lead to more stress being placed on the environment in one area

– Environmental issues that may get worse as a result of unsustainable tourism might include greenhouse gas emissions, hard waste generation, different forms of waste pollution – air pollution, water pollution, hard waste pollution, habitat destruction, and impact on local wildlife

– No emphasis on managing resources sustainably (especially scarce resources) – which can lead to resource shortages or price increases and volatility for resources for locals.

Water and land tend to be scarce in some countries – the question has to be asked if committing these types of resources towards tourism is the best use of these resources.

Hotels in particular can be big users of water and electricity

– Further to the above point, basic services and cost of living can be impacted for locals.

When more homeowners are offering their homes to travellers for increased nightly prices, this can put a housing and renting squeeze on locals who may not have as much affordable housing available.

Land, food, water, housing, transport/fuel and infrastructure are all used and consumed in tourism related activities

– No emphasis on the social and cultural rights and needs of the local population and communities

– There’s no guarantee that money spent on tourism stays within the local area where a popular tourism destination is – there’s some reports that up to 80% of the money spent in some areas leaks out of the local economy.

This is called leakage and could be argued as a strong point against modern models of tourism in some areas.

The tourism in this case could be benefitting external parties that don’t have to deal with the negative impact the tourism is having on the local area.

On the topic of keeping wealth within local communities – ‘… often as little as 5-10% of the money tourists spend remains in the destinations they visit’ (

– Who the money goes to is also in question – some sources indicate that it’s mostly large transnational companies that reap the financial rewards from more commercialized tourism, and not a wider range of more independent parties

– [Even when jobs are created for] local people, they [can be] entry level and low paying with limited opportunities for upward mobility (

– The more commoditized and competitive tourism products and services become, the more they result in lower margins for tourism businesses – negating some of the economic benefits.

There’s also only so many products and services that can be offered in some places, leading to saturation and hard caps on how many people can make money

– As an area developments, existing natural environments and habitats can be cleared to make way for buildings and infrastructure

– Some new developments are poorly designed or constructed, and end up a long term liability or detractor in the area

– Governments can spend taxpayers money to get tourists to their countries and cities to reap the economic rewards from tourism, but there can little accountability and responsibility for the true long term impact of mass tourism or unregulated tourism.

The same can be said for developers and decisions makers who are profiting upfront, without dealing with the potential true costs and long term costs

– Third party industries like media and online content and influencers help promote travel with no accountability for the end result

– Local and indigenous communities can sometimes be displaced by new development

– External companies and stakeholders can get access to prime real estate over locals

– Large-scale tourism [can lead to] the quality of life and the quality of the visitor experience [to] deteriorate (

– Tourism can be heavily commercialized, and because it’s becoming cheaper to travel and more accessible, some argue that some tourists’ attitudes towards travel and tourist destinations can be that they don’t value them as much, or treat them with as much respect

– Mass tourism can lead to a worse experience for the tourist, but also a worse daily life for locals

How To Make Tourism More Sustainable – Examples Of Sustainable Tourism Practices

The following are a list of practices that might each make tourism more sustainable collectively, and for individuals:

– Local communities might take on more accountability to put in place regulations, guidelines, barriers to entry, and plans that help protect and preserve their local communities and areas.

Effort and resources would also have to be put into enforcing these regulations, guidelines and plans too

– The tourism industry and tourism companies might take on greater responsibility to ‘pay into, or, invest into’ the destinations they frequent the most to help maintain them

– Consumers have to take on some responsibility to reward sustainable tourism service providers.

For example, they might support businesses that don’t exploit animals or let animals suffer in the name of tourism

They might choose ethical or humane businesses, such as ethical elephant sanctuaries

There may be a higher cost for these services

– Since impact and accountability is shared by various stakeholders, there needs to be more collaboration, possibly through private, public and community partnerships.

This involves the government, consumers, local communities, tourism workers, tourism companies and tourism industry businesses, and third parties

– Raise/promote greater awareness of sustainable tourism practices for travellers and businesses

– Travel during off peak

– Travel to smaller cities and towns, rural areas, and less crowded and less popular destinations

– Try to spend money with local, and/or small or independent companies and business owners compared to big commercial companies

– Limit the annual number of visitors, limit visitors based in impact per visitor numbers, limit large-scale development, charge visitor taxes and fees, or ban visitation altogether

– Number of tourist trips, and trip length can factor into tourist footprint

– The number of tourists going on a trip together can decrease the footprint of things such as transport and accomodation if they share rooms and vehicles

– Key issues that needs better a better approach are how to manage growing visitor numbers, address changing traveller expectations and shape and improve both visitor and host experiences (

– Better data collection, tracking and reporting on sustainability issues to do with tourism, and better funding and resource investment into this

– Limiting litter in the most popular tourism destinations

– Try to stay at accommodation with sustainable ratings

– Respect local cultures and traditions 

– Consider how to lower your tourism related resource usage, and environmental footprints

– Consider low impact trips to natural destinations likes lakes, and use canoes and bikes, over boats and vehicles, and leave these destination in the condition you found them in. Clean up the area after visiting, and don’t pollute whilst there.

How & Where Sustainable Tourism Practices Have Already Been Implemented lists a number of popular travel destinations that have implemented sustainable practices related to tourism

A few examples are Cinque Terre, Zion National Park and Machu Picchu limiting the number of annual visitors also notes how the climbing of Uluru in Australia was banned in 2019 out of respect for the region’s traditional owners 

The Current State Of Progress On Sustainable Tourism

In summary – several sources indicate that there is yet to be any significant progress on sustainability in tourism up until this point in time.

It’s possible that individual businesses might be offering sustainable tourism services, but, the tourism industry as a whole might not have implemented sustainable services as a standard, or made significant progress with making them standard.

From the information below, it’s clear that there might be clear issues such as better profits/returns, and other issues, that might need to be addressed in order for sustainable tourism to be more widely adopted. perhaps indicates that as of 2017, sustainable tourism is not gaining a lot of momentum:

[As of 2017] 50% of World Heritage sites … [did] not have tourism management plans in place to prevent the negative impacts of tourism

– [Right now, there is no] single organization is achieving success at scale [and] the cumulative impact is significantly smaller than what is necessary and achievable 

– … like ecotourism, sustainable tourism has become virtually meaningless as it is often tied to cursory efforts, which are very limited, rather than organization-wide commitments, strategies, and actions

– … few tourism-related companies and destinations have integrated sustainability into their operational DNA [and] Even fewer are investing in protection [of] the destinations in which they conduct their business

– The problems posed by tourism are … growing so fast that we can’t address them ( also provides a summary of where the tourism industry might be at overall with implementing sustainability:

– Overall, the tourism sector’s commitment to sustainable development is decidedly weak [which stems from a need for growth, profit, short sighted planning and development, a need to make returns for shareholders, and politicians needing to get re-elected]

… This is surprising given that the business case for sustainability and corporate responsibility in tourism is growing stronger year-on-year [with several benefits for businesses, but also for consumers that give their money to them]

How Sustainable Can Tourism Really Become?

Some say that there is a certain % of the impact of tourism that is inevitable from the industry.

With this being the case, some argue that some level of negative tourism related impact is essentially locked in or impossible to avoid.

This is a similar sustainability principle to the potential limitations on resource efficiency with essential, non-substitutable resources . 

Even if there aren’t negative implications for certain activities, there might be limitations on how effective sustainability practices can be.

For example:

– You can’t control people’s’ desire and want to travel

– There’s only so many people you can fit on a plane (to average out a plane travel footprint per passenger)

– There’s only so many people you can fit in a vehicle (to average out a car travel footprint per passenger)

– There’s only so many people you can put in accomodation at a time (to average out things like shared electricity, water use, etc. that might be saved compared to two people staying in two separate rooms)

– Resource use and waste generation are inevitable

– Impact on the local community and local sites is also inevitable

– Even if you restrict travel to some sites, people may find alternate/new sites and overcrowd them

– Even if tourism plans and regulations are put in place, how are external factors like population growth or human overpopulation managed in the future?

– How do you decide who gets access to the most popular tourist spots in the world in the event tourist numbers are restricted to certain spots? If it becomes based on money, lower income travellers may miss out.

– Enforcing sustainable tourism is usually going to require increased expenditure and resources – and many cities and towns, or companies and travellers may not be able to afford these increased costs

– … the industry is based on a finite and limited supply of attractions, or accessible places rich in scenic beauty or culture ( Working from this starting place of scarcity, it’s hard to see how popular destination can get more sustainable











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Tourism: The Advantages, Disadvantages and How to Properly Travel

Tourism, the advantages, disadvantages and how to improve the practice

The Advantages

For developing countries, the advantages of tourism tend to be primarily monetary. A large scale tourism industry prevents larger, more harmful businesses from working off the land. Small tourist companies that reign on the land stops large capitalistic corporations from polluting the air or gentrifying people’s homes.

The tourism industry encompasses many different travel areas, which allows the majority of a country’s population to be employed . These employment places include hotels, car rental agencies, restaurants, tour companies, souvenir shops, and equipment shops, among others.

Profit earned from tourism can be reinvested into the country for better infrastructure, education, funding conservation efforts and creating more responsible ways of touring. Without tourism, many countries would not have the same level of access to education and infrastructure. Moreover, tourism allows hosts and visitors to share cultures and meet diverse groups of people. Through respectful interactions, a broader view of the world from both parties can be achieved. By reinvesting the money earned back into the country, tourism and its attractions can grow, creating a positive cycle for the country.

The Disadvantages

With the way the tourism industry is currently run, the disadvantages of tourism may greatly outweigh the advantages in a country. The first factor to take into consideration is environmental damage. When a country has a high tourist attraction, the number of people occupying a space increases immensely. As a result, the release of carbon monoxide gases can increase due to plane and car use affecting the country’s environment. Many countries with ancient ruins or natural attractions are also in danger of destruction or erosion with significant foot traffic and human interaction. Additionally, flora and fauna can decrease in areas or change their growth and migration patterns when there is an overflow of humans interact. Foot traffic and continuous touching can also slowly degrade the stability of ancient structures.

One of the advantages breached upon the sharing of cultures. While this is a great interaction of beliefs and customs, it can become destructive to a host country’s culture. One of the ways cultures can be disrespected is through the commercialization of countries’ cultures . When tourism booms, large industries swoop in and sell figures of the cultures’ icons or traditional wear, disrespecting the countries’ indigenous beliefs and can be harmful to the people living there. Moreover, poor behavior from tourists who don’t respect the spoken or unspoken codes of conduct held by indigenous peoples also undermines the sacred beliefs held within the country.

Also, for many countries, tourism is a seasonal occurrence. For people that work in the tourism industry, their jobs are only viable for a certain number of months, and after the season has ended, many are left without income. Many of these jobs also lack the benefits that other sector jobs supply. Tourism workers are often left without insurance or pension. Not to mention, foreign businesses tend to overtake the companies present in these countries, forcing small businesses to shut down. As a result, foreign businesses keep the majority of profits from tourism, while local businesses lose their income. This hurts small businesses and local economies.

As previously stated, the profit gained from tourism is often reinvested into the industry. However, with unequal infrastructure development, the tourism industry can inadvertently sustain itself without aiding a country’s other vital sectors. As such, many countries end up developing tourism hot spots while the rest of the country suffers. In these countries, there are visible socioeconomic gaps between the wealthy and the poor. Focusing mainly on the tourism industry and places of mass attraction leaves disadvantaged communities at risk of financial instability. Moreover, countries solely invested in tourism are vulnerable to quick economic falls as its working sectors are unevenly balanced. If a natural disaster, political unrest or unprecedented pandemic were to strike, the country would lose a massive income, causing an economic recession that some countries may significantly struggle to bounce back from.

Ways to Respectfully Travel

The most important step to being a respectful tourist is to be an educated tourist. Understanding and respecting the culture and the people of the country is vital. By not undermining tourism countries’ culture and beliefs, the people living there will be more welcoming to tourists, and cultures can flourish without fear of commercialization.

Being environmentally conscious is also important to the survival of these countries. Respecting a country’s land and structures preserve the countries’ beauty and keep the land clean and prepped for further development. Many countries are more environmentally strained, so reducing pollution or your carbon footprint in a foreign country can help ease the strain.

Supporting the small and local businesses found in these countries can help keep local communities employed and support the overall economy.  As local businesses grow, more people will have the opportunity to be employed outside of the tourism sector, and the economy will be able to grow within itself.

By learning the advantages and disadvantages of tourism, and how one can improve the practice of traveling, the tourism industry will be able to change for the better and support the countries that host people from all over the world.

– Marlee Ingram Photo: Flickr

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Pros And Cons Of Ecotourism: What You Should Know

advantages and disadvantages of tourism on environment

Who would refuse to spend their vacation in the open air , surrounded by mountain peaks or on the banks of a clear river? Ecotourism is currently one of the most popular solutions for a vacation. Spending a few days or weeks in such an environment without sacrificing any comfort is a dream for many people.  What exactly is ecotourism, and what are its benefits?

A person awakens strength and feels filled with energy as a result of communication with nature . Furthermore, such relaxation allows one to not only recharge one’s batteries but also spend unforgettable days with one’s closest friends and family.

Is Ecotourism Good or Bad?

tent, ecotourism, nature, forest, camping

Ecotourism is a relatively new trend that has emerged in recent years, but it has quickly established itself as an intriguing and appealing type of tourism. Green tourism appeals to people of all ages who want to live a healthy lifestyle and do not mind spending time in nature for health reasons.

Ecotourism is conditionally divided into three categories :

  • Increasing scientific knowledge . When a person studies, conducts research and communicates with nature to gain new knowledge. This category includes field research and research conducted by experts, specialists, and students from higher education institutions.
  • Contributing to recreation and general knowledge about nature . Many doctors advise patients to improve their health by visiting nature for therapeutic purposes . This category is appropriate for ethnographic trips, photo hunting, and studying some natural features;
  • Increasing natural resources . People who visit nature hold events that help save natural resources . For example, travellers plant trees, help to recultivate soils, clean water from waste, etc.

The Goals of Environmental Tourism

ecotourism, nature, environment, hiking, trekking, mountain

Of course, ecotourism arose for a reason. It unites many goals, the most important of which is the preservation of the environment . The following are the primary goals of green tourism:

  • Gaining knowledge about nature ;
  • Interaction with and assistance to nature in resource conservation ;
  • Increasing population literacy through visits to locations that highlight the traditions and characteristics of the local residents ;
  • Keeping the environment clean. Tourists can visit different locations not only for recreation but also to help clean up the environment ;
  • Improvement of ecotourism participants’ ecological culture .

As you can see, ecotourism is important not only for taking care of one’s own health, but also for protecting and caring for the environment in which one is located. It can be, for example, combining active recreation in the mountains with garbage collection from the rivers and surrounding territories.

Ecotourism, of course, benefits the traveller more than it harms them. All forms of recreation, however, have advantages and disadvantages .

What Are Some Pros About Ecotourism?

ecotourism, sustainable tourism, mountains, camping, tents, nature, forest, lake

Spending more time in remote areas of nature is no longer only beneficial , but also fashionable . People are increasingly choosing to relax with their families on the grounds of nature reserves, forest grounds, or mountains rather than travelling to hot countries.

Because of their living conditions, it is often difficult to enjoy wildlife. A large portion of the population works day after day in the office, inhaling the smoke of factories and harmful gases emitted by automobiles before returning home. It is not surprising that many of them prefer privacy with nature after a long day at work .

The advantages of this type of recreation are self-evident. Ecotourism is popular among tourists because it allows them to spend time face-to-face with nature.

It is especially important for residents of large cities who often feel a lack of fresh air.

Let us take a look at the key advantages of ecotourism:

  • Recreation away from the hustle and bustle of city life
  • This type of journey is appropriate for both the elderly and children
  • You will receive a slew of memorable moments , positive emotions, and impressions
  • Each tour is always distinct and one-of-a-kind
  • The opportunity to contribute to the conservation of wildlife’s integrity
  • Knowledge of aboriginal culture and tradition
  • This type of travel not only improves general well-being , but also helps to normalize several systems at once: nervous, cardiovascular, and respiratory
  • Nature and terrain research
  • It is budget-friendly . It is simple to save money here because you do not need to spend money on spa treatments, hotel accommodations, and anything else that is typical of a vacation when staying at a resort
  • This type of tourism improves the economic situation of local societies and contributes significantly to the development of a specific region .
  • Attracting tourists to the ecological zone aids in the development of the region and provides employment for local residents
  •  Promotion of health and wellness

What Are Some Cons Of Ecotourism?

guide, travel guide, tourism, pros and cons ecotourism

There are also some disadvantages to ecotourism:

Absence of comfort and lodging conditions

People who are unprepared for life in the wilderness should avoid attempting ecotourism on the spur of the moment. Nature is beautiful. Nonetheless, spending weeks in the wilderness without hot water, a regular diet, or a good night’s sleep is not for everyone. As a result, your well-planned vacation can quickly turn into long-term torture.

Wild animals in their natural habitat

You should be prepared to interact with the animals if you go on a trip like this. Wild animals are unaccustomed to humans and may retaliate aggressively . So, hiring a guide is the best option in this case. A person who understands animal behaviour and has good navigation skills in the environment in which they live may be able to solve this problem.

Safety issues

Another significant disadvantage is the inaccessibility of all desired travel destinations . Every country has many reserves and parks that are spread out over large areas and are inaccessible to the general public . You must be able to recognize such areas where a tourist approach is safe . Contacting a special agency that will create a route for you and even find partners for the trip for a fee is the best option in this case.

To summarize, ecotourism is primarily a beneficial interaction between humans and nature . People can preserve and enrich natural resources, which is why ecotourism has become such a developed and interesting type of travelling.

Cover image: photo via pixhere


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What Is Sustainable Tourism and Why Is It Important?

Sustainable management and socioeconomic, cultural, and environmental impacts are the four pillars of sustainable tourism

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What Makes Tourism Sustainable?

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Sustainable tourism considers its current and future economic, social, and environmental impacts by addressing the needs of its ecological surroundings and the local communities. This is achieved by protecting natural environments and wildlife when developing and managing tourism activities, providing only authentic experiences for tourists that don’t appropriate or misrepresent local heritage and culture, or creating direct socioeconomic benefits for local communities through training and employment.

As people begin to pay more attention to sustainability and the direct and indirect effects of their actions, travel destinations and organizations are following suit. For example, the New Zealand Tourism Sustainability Commitment is aiming to see every New Zealand tourism business committed to sustainability by 2025, while the island country of Palau has required visitors to sign an eco pledge upon entry since 2017.

Tourism industries are considered successfully sustainable when they can meet the needs of travelers while having a low impact on natural resources and generating long-term employment for locals. By creating positive experiences for local people, travelers, and the industry itself, properly managed sustainable tourism can meet the needs of the present without compromising the future.

What Is Sustainability?

At its core, sustainability focuses on balance — maintaining our environmental, social, and economic benefits without using up the resources that future generations will need to thrive. In the past, sustainability ideals tended to lean towards business, though more modern definitions of sustainability highlight finding ways to avoid depleting natural resources in order to keep an ecological balance and maintain the quality of environmental and human societies.

Since tourism impacts and is impacted by a wide range of different activities and industries, all sectors and stakeholders (tourists, governments, host communities, tourism businesses) need to collaborate on sustainable tourism in order for it to be successful.

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) , which is the United Nations agency responsible for the promotion of sustainable tourism, and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) , the global standard for sustainable travel and tourism, have similar opinions on what makes tourism sustainable. By their account, sustainable tourism should make the best use of environmental resources while helping to conserve natural heritage and biodiversity, respect the socio-culture of local host communities, and contribute to intercultural understanding. Economically, it should also ensure viable long-term operations that will provide benefits to all stakeholders, whether that includes stable employment to locals, social services, or contributions to poverty alleviation.

The GSTC has developed a series of criteria to create a common language about sustainable travel and tourism. These criteria are used to distinguish sustainable destinations and organizations, but can also help create sustainable policies for businesses and government agencies. Arranged in four pillars, the global baseline standards include sustainable management, socioeconomic impact, cultural impacts, and environmental impacts.

Travel Tip:

The GSTC is an excellent resource for travelers who want to find sustainably managed destinations and accommodations and learn how to become a more sustainable traveler in general.


Protecting natural environments is the bedrock of sustainable tourism. Data released by the World Tourism Organization estimates that tourism-based CO2 emissions are forecast to increase 25% by 2030. In 2016, tourism transport-related emissions contributed to 5% of all man-made emissions, while transport-related emissions from long-haul international travel were expected to grow 45% by 2030.

The environmental ramifications of tourism don’t end with carbon emissions, either. Unsustainably managed tourism can create waste problems, lead to land loss or soil erosion, increase natural habitat loss, and put pressure on endangered species . More often than not, the resources in these places are already scarce, and sadly, the negative effects can contribute to the destruction of the very environment on which the industry depends.

Industries and destinations that want to be sustainable must do their part to conserve resources, reduce pollution, and conserve biodiversity and important ecosystems. In order to achieve this, proper resource management and management of waste and emissions is important. In Bali, for example, tourism consumes 65% of local water resources, while in Zanzibar, tourists use 15 times as much water per night as local residents.

Another factor to environmentally focused sustainable tourism comes in the form of purchasing: Does the tour operator, hotel, or restaurant favor locally sourced suppliers and products? How do they manage their food waste and dispose of goods? Something as simple as offering paper straws instead of plastic ones can make a huge dent in an organization’s harmful pollutant footprint.

Recently, there has been an uptick in companies that promote carbon offsetting . The idea behind carbon offsetting is to compensate for generated greenhouse gas emissions by canceling out emissions somewhere else. Much like the idea that reducing or reusing should be considered first before recycling , carbon offsetting shouldn’t be the primary goal. Sustainable tourism industries always work towards reducing emissions first and offset what they can’t.

Properly managed sustainable tourism also has the power to provide alternatives to need-based professions and behaviors like poaching . Often, and especially in underdeveloped countries, residents turn to environmentally harmful practices due to poverty and other social issues. At Periyar Tiger Reserve in India, for example, an unregulated increase in tourists made it more difficult to control poaching in the area. In response, an eco development program aimed at providing employment for locals turned 85 former poachers into reserve gamekeepers. Under supervision of the reserve’s management staff, the group of gamekeepers have developed a series of tourism packages and are now protecting land instead of exploiting it. They’ve found that jobs in responsible wildlife tourism are more rewarding and lucrative than illegal work.

Flying nonstop and spending more time in a single destination can help save CO2, since planes use more fuel the more times they take off.

Local Culture and Residents

One of the most important and overlooked aspects of sustainable tourism is contributing to protecting, preserving, and enhancing local sites and traditions. These include areas of historical, archaeological, or cultural significance, but also "intangible heritage," such as ceremonial dance or traditional art techniques.

In cases where a site is being used as a tourist attraction, it is important that the tourism doesn’t impede access to local residents. For example, some tourist organizations create local programs that offer residents the chance to visit tourism sites with cultural value in their own countries. A program called “Children in the Wilderness” run by Wilderness Safaris educates children in rural Africa about the importance of wildlife conservation and valuable leadership development tools. Vacations booked through travel site Responsible Travel contribute to the company’s “Trip for a Trip” program, which organizes day trips for disadvantaged youth who live near popular tourist destinations but have never had the opportunity to visit.

Sustainable tourism bodies work alongside communities to incorporate various local cultural expressions as part of a traveler’s experiences and ensure that they are appropriately represented. They collaborate with locals and seek their input on culturally appropriate interpretation of sites, and train guides to give visitors a valuable (and correct) impression of the site. The key is to inspire travelers to want to protect the area because they understand its significance.

Bhutan, a small landlocked country in South Asia, has enforced a system of all-inclusive tax for international visitors since 1997 ($200 per day in the off season and $250 per day in the high season). This way, the government is able to restrict the tourism market to local entrepreneurs exclusively and restrict tourism to specific regions, ensuring that the country’s most precious natural resources won’t be exploited.

Incorporating volunteer work into your vacation is an amazing way to learn more about the local culture and help contribute to your host community at the same time. You can also book a trip that is focused primarily on volunteer work through a locally run charity or non profit (just be sure that the job isn’t taking employment opportunities away from residents).

It's not difficult to make a business case for sustainable tourism, especially if one looks at a destination as a product. Think of protecting a destination, cultural landmark, or ecosystem as an investment. By keeping the environment healthy and the locals happy, sustainable tourism will maximize the efficiency of business resources. This is especially true in places where locals are more likely to voice their concerns if they feel like the industry is treating visitors better than residents.

Not only does reducing reliance on natural resources help save money in the long run, studies have shown that modern travelers are likely to participate in environmentally friendly tourism. In 2019, found that 73% of travelers preferred an eco-sustainable hotel over a traditional one and 72% of travelers believed that people need to make sustainable travel choices for the sake of future generations.

Always be mindful of where your souvenirs are coming from and whether or not the money is going directly towards the local economy. For example, opt for handcrafted souvenirs made by local artisans.

Growth in the travel and tourism sectors alone has outpaced the overall global economy growth for nine years in a row. Prior to the pandemic, travel and tourism accounted for an $9.6 trillion contribution to the global GDP and 333 million jobs (or one in four new jobs around the world).

Sustainable travel dollars help support employees, who in turn pay taxes that contribute to their local economy. If those employees are not paid a fair wage or aren’t treated fairly, the traveler is unknowingly supporting damaging or unsustainable practices that do nothing to contribute to the future of the community. Similarly, if a hotel doesn’t take into account its ecological footprint, it may be building infrastructure on animal nesting grounds or contributing to excessive pollution. The same goes for attractions, since sustainably managed spots (like nature preserves) often put profits towards conservation and research.

Costa Rica was able to turn a severe deforestation crisis in the 1980s into a diversified tourism-based economy by designating 25.56% of land protected as either a national park, wildlife refuge, or reserve.

While traveling, think of how you would want your home country or home town to be treated by visitors.

Are You a Sustainable Traveler?

Sustainable travelers understand that their actions create an ecological and social footprint on the places they visit. Be mindful of the destinations , accommodations, and activities you choose, and choose destinations that are closer to home or extend your length of stay to save resources. Consider switching to more environmentally friendly modes of transportation such as bicycles, trains, or walking while on vacation. Look into supporting locally run tour operations or local family-owned businesses rather than large international chains. Don’t engage in activities that harm wildlife, such as elephant riding or tiger petting , and opt instead for a wildlife sanctuary (or better yet, attend a beach clean up or plan an hour or two of some volunteer work that interests you). Leave natural areas as you found them by taking out what you carry in, not littering, and respecting the local residents and their traditions.

Most of us travel to experience the world. New cultures, new traditions, new sights and smells and tastes are what makes traveling so rewarding. It is our responsibility as travelers to ensure that these destinations are protected not only for the sake of the communities who rely upon them, but for a future generation of travelers.

Sustainable tourism has many different layers, most of which oppose the more traditional forms of mass tourism that are more likely to lead to environmental damage, loss of culture, pollution, negative economic impacts, and overtourism.

Ecotourism highlights responsible travel to natural areas that focus on environmental conservation. A sustainable tourism body supports and contributes to biodiversity conservation by managing its own property responsibly and respecting or enhancing nearby natural protected areas (or areas of high biological value). Most of the time, this looks like a financial compensation to conservation management, but it can also include making sure that tours, attractions, and infrastructure don’t disturb natural ecosystems.

On the same page, wildlife interactions with free roaming wildlife should be non-invasive and managed responsibly to avoid negative impacts to the animals. As a traveler, prioritize visits to accredited rescue and rehabilitation centers that focus on treating, rehoming, or releasing animals back into the wild, such as the Jaguar Rescue Center in Costa Rica.

Soft Tourism

Soft tourism may highlight local experiences, local languages, or encourage longer time spent in individual areas. This is opposed to hard tourism featuring short duration of visits, travel without respecting culture, taking lots of selfies , and generally feeling a sense of superiority as a tourist.

Many World Heritage Sites, for example, pay special attention to protection, preservation, and sustainability by promoting soft tourism. Peru’s famed Machu Picchu was previously known as one of the world’s worst victims of overtourism , or a place of interest that has experienced negative effects (such as traffic or litter) from excessive numbers of tourists. The attraction has taken steps to control damages in recent years, requiring hikers to hire local guides on the Inca Trail, specifying dates and time on visitor tickets to negate overcrowding, and banning all single use plastics from the site.

Traveling during a destination’s shoulder season , the period between the peak and low seasons, typically combines good weather and low prices without the large crowds. This allows better opportunities to immerse yourself in a new place without contributing to overtourism, but also provides the local economy with income during a normally slow season.

Rural Tourism

Rural tourism applies to tourism that takes place in non-urbanized areas such as national parks, forests, nature reserves, and mountain areas. This can mean anything from camping and glamping to hiking and WOOFing. Rural tourism is a great way to practice sustainable tourism, since it usually requires less use of natural resources.

Community Tourism

Community-based tourism involves tourism where local residents invite travelers to visit their own communities. It sometimes includes overnight stays and often takes place in rural or underdeveloped countries. This type of tourism fosters connection and enables tourists to gain an in-depth knowledge of local habitats, wildlife, and traditional cultures — all while providing direct economic benefits to the host communities. Ecuador is a world leader in community tourism, offering unique accommodation options like the Sani Lodge run by the local Kichwa indigenous community, which offers responsible cultural experiences in the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest.

" Transport-related CO 2  Emissions of the Tourism Sector – Modelling Results ." World Tourism Organization and International Transport Forum , 2019, doi:10.18111/9789284416660

" 45 Arrivals Every Second ." The World Counts.

Becken, Susanne. " Water Equity- Contrasting Tourism Water Use With That of the Local Community ." Water Resources and Industry , vol. 7-8, 2014, pp. 9-22, doi:10.1016/j.wri.2014.09.002

Kutty, Govindan M., and T.K. Raghavan Nair. " Periyar Tiger Reserve: Poachers Turned Gamekeepers ." Food and Agriculture Organization.

" GSTC Destination Criteria ." Global Sustainable Tourism Council.

Rinzin, Chhewang, et al. " Ecotourism as a Mechanism for Sustainable Development: the Case of Bhutan ." Environmental Sciences , vol. 4, no. 2, 2007, pp. 109-125, doi:10.1080/15693430701365420

" Reveals Key Findings From Its 2019 Sustainable Travel Report ."

" Economic Impact Reports ." World Travel and Tourism Council .

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  • Costa Rica’s Keys to Success as a Sustainable Tourism Pioneer
  • What Is Community-Based Tourism? Definition and Popular Destinations
  • What Is Overtourism and Why Is It Such a Big Problem?
  • What Is Ecotourism? Definition, Examples, and Pros and Cons
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Ecotourism 101: What is Ecotourism? The Good, The Bad, and Sustainable Ecotourism

advantages and disadvantages of tourism on environment

I may earn income from affiliate links or partnerships in this post. I spend time to curate tours or products that align with my values. Thanks for supporting my work, at no additional cost to you.

Last updated on April 30th, 2024 at 08:04 pm

Importance of Sustainable Ecotourism

A re you curious about what ecotourism is, if it’s really as beneficial as it sounds, and how to ensure you’re engaging in sustainable ecotourism? Ecotourism is when we travel to vulnerable natural places to increase our understanding of the surrounding natural and cultural landscape while delivering equitable socio-economic benefits throughout the surrounding region. When conducted properly and aligned with these values, ecotourism can work toward preserving a region’s environmental conservation and cultural preservation while simultaneously improving the quality of life for those impacted by tourism. However, when models of ecotourism are put in place that don’t carefully consider the impacts of tourism and work to counter them, ecotourism can have adverse effects, such as contributing to the loss of biodiversity in a region and ultimately adding to the stresses that put these vulnerable regions at risk. 

Whether ecotourism can be a force for good or damaging in some of the world’s most sensitive environments is up to us, the travelers! It is up to us to be informed about how our behaviors and choices can impact natural places. That all starts with education surrounding the topic. Let’s dive into the nuances of ecotourism, the benefits and the negatives, what “good” ecotourism looks like in practice, and, most importantly, why sustainable ecotourism matters. By understanding how to identify sustainable ecotourism, you’ll become a more informed traveler doing your part to save travel and the protected natural areas we choose to visit.

Ecotourism 101. Understanding what is ecotourism. Is ecotourism good or bad. Why we need sustainable ecotourism.

This post was carefully curated based on personal experience, an MSc in biodiversity with a thesis covering biodiversity and tourism, and research based on government documents, case studies, and international conservation entities. Get to know me better to learn more about my expertise on this subject matter. 

Looking for more 101 guides to becoming a more responsible traveler? Start here!

  • Agritourism 101
  • Responsible Travel at UNESCO sites
  • Economic Tourism Leakage 101
  • Sustainable Travel Tips

What We’re Covering

What is Ecotourism

5 Requirements of Sustainable Ecotourism

Benefits and Negative Impacts

Real-life Examples

Tips to Plan an Ecotour

Discuss, Share, Engage

  • Ecotourism happens in vulnerable communities and protected natural areas.
  • Sustainable ecotourism engages the 3 pillars of sustainability: environmental , economic, and social benefits.
  • Unsustainable ecotourism neglects 1-2 of the pillars resulting in negative implications for nature or locals.
  • Nature-based tourism is often confused with ecotourism – learn how to spot the difference.
  • Before engaging in ecotourism, ask yourself or the company you book how they benefit ALL three pillars.
  • Often the best solution is to work directly with local tour groups or organizations.
  • Ecotourism does not always mean ethical tourism.
  • There is no perfect model of ecotourism. It is up to you to ensure you have a positive impact on vulnerable natural destinations.

Dingle Peninsula Wild Atlantic Way Ireland

What is Ecotourism?

One of the most common buzzwords in the sustainable travel industry is ‘ecotourism.’ Many travelers rely on this word being synonymous with environmentally friendly, ethical tourism. Others might be asking if ecotourism is as good as it says it is.  When ecotourism is executed sustainably – based on research and understanding of the impacts on the natural environment and with guidance from the local communities, then yes, it can be synonymous with ethical tourism. This type of “good” ecotourism is if you create a powerful positive force for environmental conservation and local community well-being.

On the other hand, unsustainable ecotourism, a model of tourism that happens with the best intentions but fails to involve the community or maintain checks and balances regarding the environmental impact of tourism, can be detrimental to both the natural and local communities.

Ecotourism is often conducted in protected natural areas surrounded by vulnerable communities such as nature reserves, national parks, wilderness areas, heritage sites, or natural monuments. In these incredibly culturally and ecologically sensitive communities, true ecotourism can do a lot of good, while failed models of ecotourism or tourism operating under the guise of ecotourism can have catastrophic impacts.  In these protected areas, ecotourism must contribute to environmental conservation and the alleviation of poverty or risk destroying the places we love as travelers. 

Sustainable Ecotourism

Sustainable ecotourism, or really just ecotourism as it was intended to be, is responsible travel to protected or vulnerable natural areas focusing on environmental conservation/education while sustaining local communities’ economic and social well-being. For ecotourism to be sustainable for generations to come, it must include all three pillars, or the triple bottom line, of sustainability, as seen in the infographic. It isn’t quite enough to have all three of these pillars included; they need to be somewhat balanced, ensuring that tourism develops in a way that doesn’t take too much of an environmental toll while infusing a lot of economic benefits into the economy.

Ideally, the economic development from ecotourism is equitable and able to sustain long-term job development and growth in the region while equally contributing to wildlife conversation and preserving cultural identity. It is normal to have one piece of the Venn Diagram to be slightly larger as true equilibrium is difficult and impossible, but each should grow at a rate that doesn’t create too much imbalance. When things get out of balance, or one circle takes priority over another, no matter the intentions, we begin to have unsustainable ecotourism.

advantages and disadvantages of tourism on environment

Unsustainable Ecotourism

Unsustainable ecotourism may embody or prioritize only one or two pillars of sustainable ecotourism. This can happen for a variety of reasons.

  • Tour operators and travel companies may conduct ecotours as a marketing ploy to get the attention of travelers looking for more environmentally friendly travel options. These operators may conduct businesses without fully understanding their impact on the natural environment or equitably distribute tourism’s benefits within their community. 
  • Adventure companies or individual travelers may enjoy nature-based adventures while disregarding local communities.
  • Others may seek to capitalize on the economic gain of nature-based tourism while exploiting nature.
  • Culturally sensitive communities may alter their customs or traditional crafts to appeal to tourists, thus increasing their economic gain while degrading their culture.
  • Perhaps a national park becomes so popular that the number of people visiting begins to have irreversible impacts on natural vegetation or wildlife.
  • Other companies may lack adequate support and resources from their governments, communities, or foreign tour companies to meet well-intended goals.

These are all examples of unsustainable ecotourism, ultimately resulting in the problematic exploitation of natural resources or local communities. 

Alaskan Otter Seward Major Marine Tours

Nature-based tourism vs. ecotourism?

Many people use nature-based and ecotourism interchangeably, but they are not the same. Nature-based tourism is traveling to a natural landscape to enjoy nature. Ecotourism is visiting a place with the goal of contributing to conservation while benefitting the community for a positive impact. I consider the multi-day hikes in the European Alps nature-based, as I am just out for a hike to enjoy nature. If I were to hire a local guide in Peru to take me on a culturally infused hike to learn about nature and culture – then we start to cross into ecotourism.


The penguin tour I did in New Zealand is a great example of a sustainable eco-tour . We learned about the local conservation efforts of a penguin colony on the brink of extinction (environmental), supported a local farm and conservation group (economic), and had a high-quality social engagement learning about New Zealand’s connection to the environment (Social).

Mass Tourism vs Ecotourism? What is better?

When I first started on my journey toward embracing sustainable tourism, I automatically assumed that mass tourism = bad. Ecotourism = good. This is something I see across the board among travelers. However, many tourism academics disagree on this binary and highlight the nuances and importance of well-managed tourism development, whether eco or mass.

Their arguments hinge on the fact that mass tourism ultimately contains people in places that generally already have the infrastructure to support large groups of people. Imagine if we took the thousands of people staying at an all-inclusive Disney resort – a place with adequate infrastructure to handle these numbers and dropped them all at a small Peruvian rainforest eco-lodge. The small ecolodges set up for sustainable ecotourism and minimal crowds would be overwhelmed, and the environmental and cultural damage would be dramatic. There are also examples of how ecotourism can bring tourists into places previously undisturbed by tourists historically, and it is important to first understand and plan for potential impacts.

This isn’t to put mass or ecotourism into their boxes, but it highlights that there are examples of well-managed mass tourism in areas with infrastructure that are worth supporting. Just as there are examples of poorly managed ecotourism disturbing nature for the first time, it all comes down to how tourism is managed.

What do you think about this argument? Share in the comments!

Five Requirements of Sustainable Ecotourism

What else separates sustainable and unsustainable ecotourism? It’s not enough for ecotourism to vaguely target the three pillars of sustainability at free will. Carefully thought-out itineraries should be constructed before engaging in ecotourism. While there is situational and regional flexibility in how sustainable ecotourism plays out in real life, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has listed five minimum requirements, hitting all three pillars, that tourists and tour operators should address before engaging in ecotourism. We can use these guidelines to create a custom itinerary when visiting vulnerable natural communities or booking a tour operator.

1. Tourism should benefit environmental conservation

Tourism activities, development, and tour operators should safeguard the environment, conserve natural resources, protect ecosystems, and benefit biodiversity. Several key players need to work together to ensure this. Governments and land managers should ensure that proper scientific impact assessments are done prior to tourism development. Rules and regulations should be established so tour companies, guides, and tourists follow. Involving the community in conservation-based tourism is key.

For us travelers, environmental education is a key component of this. As you visit vulnerable areas, you should try to learn about local biodiversity and environmental concerns. Doing some research ahead of time allows you to align your behaviors in a way that doesn’t degrade the environment, and you can also hold tourism companies accountable for their actions if you are more informed.

  • Mass crowds, overdevelopment, and overtourism. Overdevelopment of the region surrounding a protected area to accommodate mass tourism may negatively impact nature. Many species are not confined to the protected natural zone, and over-development can damage migration and breeding patterns, increase water and air pollution, and increase erosion. Protected areas often have a limited capacity before ecosystem degradation may occur.
  • Large tour buses or cruise ships drop large groups of people off in a protected region for a short amount of time.
  • If a protected region is capitalizing on economic profit and bringing in as many guests as possible without sticking to a sustainable plan.
  • Clear-cutting and ecosystem fragmentation to build large resorts
  • Tour companies that allow you to touch, feed, or interact with wildlife

Actionable Steps

  • Look for places with non-invasive infrastructure that keep you a safe distance from animals. Look for well-planned trails, viewing platforms/sky bridges, nature centers for education, etc.
  • Find alternatives to nature’s hot spots, seeking out small-scale educational nature-based tourism.
  • Visit places that minimize capacity with permits and quotas.
  • Be willing to pay fees and fines that support sustainable infrastructure.
  • Learn and follow all regional, local, and tribal etiquette before entering a protected area. 
  • Support eco-lodges, regenerative hotels, and other low-impact options.
  • Book small group tours or go alone and hire personal local guides to take you into nature on a designated trail.

Ruined building on a flood plain in India's National Parks

Read a guest post by an ecologist from India about the do’s and don’ts for visiting national parks in India . This post highlights proper behavior to ensure that you, your local guide, the ecosystem, and the animals you see are safeguarded and protected. – A great example of sustainable ecotourism.

2. Safeguard the cultural and natural heritage of the region

Oftentimes, without even knowing it, we, as travelers, support the decline of a region’s cultural heritage. With the presence of tourism, locals may feel the pressure to please us with certain trinkets or displays that don’t align with their culture to put on a show. There are a few cruise shows in Alaska that are not traditional and are upsetting to certain elders as they have permanently altered traditions to appeal to Western tourists.

There are mindful ways we can learn about and support traditions by appreciating authentic experiences; for example, The Alaska Native Heritage Center is operated by Native stakeholders, and the art, song, dance, and cultural shows are true to the tribe’s heritage.

Unsustainable tourism booms at UNESCO sites such as Hoi An are notorious for contributing to tourism tourism-fiction. This means that culture becomes a commodity rather than part of the heritage. Some have described tourism’s impacts on Hoi An as leaving the city a husk of its former self and operating more like Disneyland than a place of important culture.

  • Locals selling mass-produced or cheap trinkets, such as sunglasses, outside protected zones. Many of these people may have given up traditional crafts or lifestyles to get short-term benefits from tourism in the area because they have been exploited and excluded for economic benefits.
  • International tour companies that host cultural shows in which traditional songs, dances, or clothing have been changed to appeal to foreigners.  
  • Commodification of culture
  • Invest in quality certified crafts work from master artisans – look for certifications.
  • Seek out authentic cultural experiences from homestays or by learning from local guides.
  • Visit Indigenous or locally-owned culture centers for an authentic educational song, dance, and cultural experience.  


3. Respect Indigenous Peoples and local communities rights

If there is one thing that can grind my gears, it’s when tourists have more rights than locals. When Glacier Bay National Park first opened to tourism many Indigenous groups were no longer allowed to use the land for subsistence hunting and gathering . Meanwhile, massive cruise ships pulled in and dumped their greywater. Efforts are being made to restore subsistence rights, and Indigenous tribes can now harvest certain things, but as it still stands, most cruise companies have more rights in that Bay than many Alaskans. While the Indigenous peoples of Alaska are left suffering the consequences of cruise impacts on their ancestral land, they are also excluded from tourism’s benefits, with multinational cruise companies making the most money.

But, it is not enough to consider Indigenous peoples and the surrounding communities impacted by tourism; they must be a key partner in tourism. Their consent and well-being regarding tourism in protected areas should come first. They should have a direct say in developing tourism while receiving equitable benefits.

  • Areas that give tourists more rights than local or Indigenous Peoples. i.e., when people climbed Uluru on eco-excursions despite the wishes of Australia’s Aboriginal People.
  • Tours that bring you into protected natural areas without providing ways to learn about local or Indigenous culture directly from the marginalized people. 

Actionable Steps 

  • If Indigenous groups have been displaced from an area, take it upon yourself to enter the protected area as a guest respecting the traditional owners.
  • Hire local guides or meet locals to engage in cultural exchange.
  • Learn about tribal history, present, culture, and wishes.
  • Perform a land acknowledgment.
  • If an area is sacred to an Indigenous group and they ask you not to enter, reconsider your plans and find a viable alternative. 

female brown bear in a grassy field

4. Create viable, long-term economic operations in the region

The presence of a booming tourism industry looks great on paper in any region. But, if you dig deep, you’ll start to notice that maybe a lot of that money leaves the local destination and ends up in the pockets of large multinational companies. Or maybe locals don’t have access to year-round jobs that provide them with enough healthcare and healthy food because of boom-bust seasonal cycles. Ensuring local access to stable employment is important to reduce global poverty. Tourism jobs can’t only be seasonal jobs that exploit foreign workers. Locals should be interested in tourism jobs to reach management positions and receive benefits.

Many cite the economic benefits of tourism as the sole reason to develop tourism, but research shows that many locals aren’t interested in tourism jobs because of the lack of sustainable and beneficial long-term employment. When I was a tour guide in Alaska, I worked long hours during the summer months without long-term security, health care, or retirement benefits.

  • Tourism leakage . Leakage happens when large international tour corporations or foreign-owned all-inclusive resorts profit off ecotourism while locals are forced deeper into poverty. Locals should be primarily profiting off tourism as they suffer any negative impacts. 
  • Lack of local guides. Lack of locals in management or hospitality positions.
  • Mass-over-tourism booms happening during a short seasonal window, resulting in an employment depression during the off-season.
  • Foreign workers are imported for cheap labor exploitation or to make tourists comfortable.
  • Support locally owned tour companies providing residents with stable year-round jobs, training, and income-earning opportunities. 
  • Support local businesses and buy local products when traveling through vulnerable communities.
  • Visit places during the shoulder or off-season to support a healthy year-round economy.
  • Avoid booking with international tour companies and all-inclusive resorts unless they engage in the trip-bottom line. 

Valley of Fire Outdoor activities Las Vegas

5. Create meaningful and high-quality visitor experiences

If you’re stepping out of a tour bus for that Instagram photo opportunity without learning about your destination, you are not having a meaningful or high-quality experience. Slow down and enjoy the lesser-known sights, and learn about the local food, nature, and people. These tourism experiences should be led by locals with a deep affinity for a region, allowing you to connect them to the place on an intimate level. Canada has a rigorous tour guide certification called interpretative guides. The guides aim to foster a deep and meaningful connections between the local people, places, and tourists. Tourists are more likely to care for their destination if they have a connection and understanding regarding why its protection is important.

  • Tour busses that drop people off in a protected area to look around and snap a few photos and leave without offering educational information or ways to learn about the landscape.
  • Violating local rules to gain access to a protected area for an Instagram photo.
  • Engage in ecotourism that hinges on environmental education and cultural connection.
  • Stay in a region longer than a bus stop or half a day.
  • Book locally-owned accommodation, engaging in regenerative practices that educate you meaningfully.
  • Please do it for more than the gram.

glacier calving into a lake

The Pros and Cons of Ecotourism

There is no perfect model of truly sustainable ecotourism. Even the most sustainable ecotourism models will have some negative implications, but the ultimate goal is to create a long-term sustainable plan that maximizes benefits and minimizes negative impacts .  As you can see the potential benefits are almost equal to any potential negative impacts. The key is understanding how your presence can have a positive or negative impact, and strive to check as many positives as possible. Ensure you are engaging in ecotourism that ticks positives in environmental, social, AND economic, otherwise, it is likely the negatives outweigh the positives of sustainable ecotourism. 

Does the Good Outweigh the Bad?

brown bear viewing anchorage

I went on an eco-tour to see brown bears in the wild in Alaska . We learned about brown bears from a distance and the Lake Clark National Park ecosystem (environmental) with a local company (economic) on a quality tour (social). However, they could have included more information about the region’s Indigenous culture (social). So, I did some of my own research, doing a land acknowledgment  and discovering the park’s true name is Qizhjeh Vena , meaning a place where people gather in the Dena’ina language. Despite a few shortcomings, I decided this ecotour had more positive than negative impacts especially since Indigenous Alaskans have access to the park. But this shows that not everything will be perfect. You can weigh your options and take personal actions outside of the tour to balance it out, such as independent research, donations, land acknowledgments, and buying high-quality souvenirs.

Ecotourism in Practice

We’ve covered a lot so far, but let’s review a few real examples of sustainable and unsustainable ecotourism in practice so you can better identify them.

Sustainable – Mountain Gorilla Trekking Ecotourism

Mountain gorilla treks in Uganda and DR Congo are great sustainable ecotourism models supported by local government, residents, and conservation groups. Uganda even has a conservation economy that prioritizes conservation as an economic value. Mountain gorillas are endangered in a vulnerable natural habitat surrounded by high-density rural farmers. A sustainable ecotourism model in the region protects both gorillas and includes the livelihood of residents.

Environmental: The presence of tourists deter poachers and encourage local governments to implement protection of the gorillas. Gorilla populations are increasing as a result of sustainable ecotourism. 

Economic: Locals are offered stable employment opportunities as guides, trackers, and anti-poaching guards. Many of them are ex-poachers, which reduces the poaching threat even more.  Over five years, US$428,000 was directly invested in Rwandan communities, helping locals build schools, enact locally-driven environmental projects, and aid food security.

Social : Cultural exchange between local guides and tourists enhances cultural and environmental education. Local guides can showcase years of local expertise and take pride in their culture and nature. Gorilla ecotourism has played a fundamental role in keeping the peace in Rwanda in a post-genocide landscape. 

mountain gorilla eating a leaf

Interested in learning more about ethical mountain gorilla treks? Kesi from Kesi to Fro created an awesome guest post detailing her first-hand experience seeing mountain gorillas in the wild. You can join her on a group trip to Uganda to work with local tour operators to support conservation, boost the local economy, and engage in cultural exchange. Learn more about sustainable gorilla trekking!

Unsustainable – Machu Picchu Ecotreks

Ecotourism in Machu Picchu has exploded over the last decade. Tourism in the region has grown unchecked, with international and local tour companies capitalizing on the economic benefit of a booming industry. However, tourism grew unsustainable, focusing primarily on the economy rather than the environment or social aspects. This is a prime example of when ecotourism turns into mass overtourism. 

advantages and disadvantages of tourism on environment

Photo by Alan Hurt Jr. Unsplash

Environment: Mass development in the region surrounding Machu Picchu threatens South America’s last remaining pocket of the Andean cloud forest. Increased waste from humans adds to air and water pollution. Heavy foot traffic damages the fragile Paramo grasslands. Noise pollution contributed to the disappearance of the Andean condors from the region. Migrating and breeding patterns of threatened animals have changed.

Economic: Most workers and guides are left without work or stable year-round income during the off-season. Tourism leakage, where locals do not benefit as much as they should from tourism in the region, is problematic. 

Social: Portions of the city are sliding downhill, causing damage to a cultural and historical icon. Visitors have defaced, broken, and damaged parts of the city. An increase in cheaply made trinkets has caused a decline in local artisanal craftwork. Overall, the region has suffered a loss of cultural authenticity. The visitor experience has suffered greatly, too, with packed trails and long waits.  

*This does not mean that all Machu Picchu treks are bad. You can still visit, but be respectful as you visit, support local tour operators, respect permits, buy quality souvenirs, pay additional fees, and follow all instructions from your guide to minimize your impact. You should also consider other ways to learn about the region’s history or find an alternative hike.

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Tips for Planning a Sustainable Ecotour

By now you should have a pretty good idea of what constitutes sustainable ecotourism and be able to identify if your next nature-based adventure checks some of these boxes, but here are my top tips to help you get started. 

Read Their About Page

You can tell a lot about a tour operator by looking at their “about” page. I always say the more details, the better. Tour companies, hotels, and excursions near vulnerable nature and communities should freely offer up a lot of detailed information about how they are hitting that triple bottom line. If any of the three pillars of sustainable ecotourism is missing from their mission statement or is not easily accessible online, that is your first major red flag. Browse the website to see how they support the environment, local economic development, and cultural conservation. 

Look for Greenwashing

There is the possibility that companies will engage in greenwashing, presenting information on their website that makes for a convincing sustainable ecotourism model. Some signs companies are greenwashing are when they offer vague information, make general statements about committing to sustainability without examples, or put customer satisfaction and fun at the center of their advertising rather than social impact. 

Cliffs of moher Ireland

When in Doubt, Ask

I always recommend sending an email asking how they give back to the community, where your money goes, what local conservation efforts are, how they engage with local culture if they employ locals, etc.  The tour company should be able to respond with detailed statements of how they consider and benefit local communities, economic vitality, and conservation of the natural environment.

Check Their Business Model

Is sustainability part of their core mission, or is it an afterthought? Research shows that companies built around a sustainable business model prioritizing social, economic, and environmental benefits to the local community are more likely to be ethical in the long term. Companies that create a sustainable statement as an afterthought or in response to harmful behavior they are caught for are more likely to engage in damaging behavior. A great example of this is Carnival Cruises. Carnival has literal pages outlining their commitment to the environment, but this was created because a court ordered them and not necessarily because they wanted to do it from the goodness of their heart. Look for companies that were founded to create a positive impact. This information is often included in an origin story or about section.

Alaska Bald Eagle

Find the Owner

Who owns the company? Is it locally owned? Google the name of the owner. For example, many cruise lines and resorts appear to be small boutique companies, but they are owned by large international conglomerates. If in doubt, Google “Who owns X eco-resort.”

Look for certifications, read reviews, and the internet stalk them. Look for environmental warnings report cards, read comments on their social media, and dig up any information you can find.

Self Planning? Carefully Craft Your Itinerary

If you are self-planning carefully, identify each hotel and excursion operator to see how they engage in the triple-bottom line. Research environmental concerns in the area. For example – did you know you should clean your shoes in Hawai’i before entering protected natural areas?  Learn about Indigenous and local culture and history. Be aware of local etiquette for engaging in nature.

Ecotourism 101. Understanding what is ecotourism. Is ecotourism good or bad. Why we need sustainable ecotourism.

  • Create a checklist and save it on your computer to help you identify sustainable ecotourism. Having this handy will help you identify sustainable ecotourism excursions that you can feel good supporting.
  • What are some of your favorite sustainable eco-tour companies or excursions you’ve supported? Let us know in the comments so we can all learn about great companies around the world working toward helping local communities and protecting our environment.

Make sure you share this post so all your fellow travelers can discover the benefits of sustainable ecotourism and be able to identify the difference between sustainable and unsustainable ecotourism – so we can all do our part to save travel!

advantages and disadvantages of tourism on environment

About the Author: Susanna Kelly-Shankar

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Eco-tourism may eventually turn into over-tourism. AFAIK Bhutan is the leader in eco-tourism and they have achieved so through active community participation and effective government regulation.

Thanks for writing the post.

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Hi Pawan, Yes, ecotourism can quickly turn into over-tourism and it is the responsibility of the traveler to do their research and engage in sustainable ecotourism. That’s lovely you’re engaging the community! I wish you the best and hope I am able to visit Bhutan in the future!

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This is so detailed! So much to think about and consider how we can do better during our travels. There’s always room to do better!!

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I love how much ecotourism is starting to get attention. I think, especially for travelers, we love the earth and communities around the earth so much that it’s so important to learn how to connect responsibly and take care of it/each other

It really is important to learn about sustainable ecotourism and how to engage to be mindful of the environment. Thanks for reading.

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This is alot of great information.

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Thank you for such a thought provoking post. I learned a lot. You’ve given me much to think about. Thank you for all that you’ve invested in this post.

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Thanks for sharing this insightful post on ecotourism. The way you broke down and explained everything was better than anything else I’ve read on the topic.

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I love this! It’s so important to differentiate between nature-based tourism and eco tourism, and I feel like even I have been guilty of confusing thee two in the past. Definitely saving this and sharing!

It’s super confusing – and not always the fault of the traveler with greenwashing or companies that simply don’t know any better or lack resources to be sustainable. So, hopefully, this guide to ecotourism helps differentiate between nature-based tourism, sustainable and unsustainable ecotourism. Thanks for reading.

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This is such a smart post. It’s well written and very compelling. It’s the kind of information I would gladly assign my environmental ed. students. Great job!

Oh let me know if you end up sharing it with some of your students. It is a great topic to learn about regarding the intersection of the environment and tourism.

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For island destinations, the problem is often even more a concern. Islands belonging to countries with a mainland usually have tourism that’s developed from the mainland, with resorts being technically local but are really effectively like foreign owners since there’s often a distinct cultural difference between the two. After all, if the tourism collapses because the nature is gone, the resort investor just liquidates and goes back to the mainland, where they have their real homes. But the islanders are often tempted by the promises of employment by such resort developments, that sometimes they don’t query too hard which of the resorts are legit committed to them and which are insincere. It’s really bullying and it pisses me off.

That’s a great addition talking about islands with the mainland – that even though they are local there can still be problems. I know this likely happens in the Hawaiian islands. I agree with the bullying tactics. Sometimes the lure of money is so tempting for these places that they are pigeonholed into supporting sustainable tourism. In Alaska, one small Indigenous town simply asked a major cruise line to limit capacity during their drop-offs and within 2 days the cruise line said they would no longer dock there and take all their money. It was an all-or-nothing situation for people simply asking for larger cruise companies to engage in some sustainable behaviors. Thanks for sharing!

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That’s a good hard look at an issue we are all struggling with. I’m going to keep all this in mind when booking my next trip.

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Thanks for this insightful blog post! Love to read something different and outstanding! We really need to talk more about ecotourism!

this was so informative I didn’t realize there were so many aspects to eco tourism. Thanks for sharing

It is a great article about eco-tourism and sustainable tourism, you have explained everything in detail. It only teaches us how we can travel responsibly. Thanks for this valuable information.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, I really appreciate it. I hope you learned something new about sustainable ecotourism. Make sure you share it to pass along the message.

Very insightful article. Thank you so much.

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What is Tourism and its pros and cons elaborated

Advantages and Disadvantages of Tourism: A Comprehensive Overview

Tourism is a crucial part of the global economy, contributing significantly to job creation , economic growth, and cultural exchange. However, tourism also has its disadvantages, including environmental degradation, cultural erosion, and the potential for exploitation. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the advantages and disadvantages of tourism.

Advantages of Tourism

  • Economic benefits: One of the most significant advantages of tourism is the economic benefits it provides. Tourism generates income for local businesses and creates job opportunities for people in the host community. It also boosts the local economy by increasing the demand for goods and services.
  • Cultural exchange: Tourism can be an excellent way for people to experience different cultures and ways of life. It promotes understanding and tolerance between different groups and can help to break down cultural barriers.
  • Preservation of heritage sites: Tourism can help to preserve heritage sites by providing the necessary funding and resources for their maintenance and restoration. This, in turn, helps to protect the cultural and historical significance of these sites for future generations.
  • Environmental awareness: Tourism can promote environmental awareness by encouraging tourists to adopt sustainable travel practices. This includes reducing their carbon footprint, conserving natural resources, and minimizing waste.

Disadvantages of Tourism

  • Environmental degradation: Tourism can have a negative impact on the environment , including increased pollution, depletion of natural resources, and destruction of wildlife habitats.
  • Cultural erosion: Tourism can lead to the erosion of traditional cultures and ways of life. This is especially true in areas where tourism is the primary source of income, and local communities are forced to adapt to meet the needs of tourists.
  • Exploitation: Tourism can lead to the exploitation of local communities, particularly in developing countries where labor laws are lax, and workers are not protected. This includes low wages, long working hours, and poor working conditions.
  • Overcrowding: Tourism can lead to overcrowding, particularly in popular tourist destinations. This can result in traffic congestion, longer wait times, and increased noise levels.

Tourism has its advantages and disadvantages, and it is essential to strike a balance between the two. The benefits of tourism can be significant, but we must also be aware of its potential negative impacts. By adopting sustainable travel practices and promoting responsible tourism, we can ensure that tourism remains a positive force for economic development, cultural exchange, and environmental preservation.

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30 Top Pros & Cons Of Ecotourism

“ We’re trying to find a tourism model that allows communities to thrive while business prospers.”

Jochen Zeitz, Businessman

Advantages & Disadvantages of Ecotourism

advantages and disadvantages of ecotourism

Ecotourism has become increasingly popular over the past years.

The term ecotourism refers to vacations that are spent in natural environments without disturbing or damaging natural habitats.

Hence, ecotourism can be regarded as an eco-friendly way to spend your vacation.

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Yet, apart from the many advantages of ecotourism, there are also some downsides to this concept.

In this article, the pros and cons of ecotourism are examined in detail.

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Advantages of ecotourism, ecotourism can protect the local flora and fauna, ecosystems can be sustained in a natural state, can help to increase the awareness of our environmental problems, people will learn how to improve their ecological footprint, good to educate your kids, ecotourism can give you a good feeling, you can explore untouched nature, can also be quite exciting for locals, ecotourism can preserve ancient knowledge, sustainable resource use, you can explore new cultures, ecotourism can help to improve the overall infrastructure in a region, important income source for locals, additional income can be used for the preservation of nature, ecotourism can help against unemployment in a region.

One benefit of ecotourism is that it aims to protect the local animals and plants.

While other forms of tourism, especially mass tourism, do not care about our environment too much, ecotourism has the goal to protect our natural habitats and to sustain the natural living conditions of numerous animals and plants while giving tourists the opportunity to visit those spectacular natural places at the same time.

Hence, compared to other kinds of vacations, ecotourism has the focus to protect our local flora and fauna , which can be quite important in order to avoid the endangerment or extinction of many animal and plant species all over the world.

Ecotourism not only aims to protect our flora and fauna, it also has the goal to sustain our natural ecosystems as best as possible.

For instance, this often also includes that some parts of nature reserves are not accessible to humans at all so that animals and plants have sufficient space to reproductive and to live in peace.

In turn, our ecosystems can continue to develop in an almost entirely natural manner.

In order to solve our environmental problems, it is also crucial that we raise the awareness of the general public on those important topics.

Many people are still not yet aware of how important it really is that we solve our global problems in the near future in order to ensure the livelihood of many future generations.

Many people are just too busy in their daily life and don’t want to worry about our environmental issues during their leisure time.

Thus, it is crucial that we raise the awareness of people on those important issues somehow and one way to do this is to show them our ecological problems through ecotourism.

By doing so, people will become more aware of our global problems and may also be more willing to make efforts to behave more environmentally-friendly also when they come back home.

Another upside of ecotourism is that people will not only learn about our environmental problems and how to solve them, they will also learn how they can improve their ecological footprint in various parts of their daily life.

Many people simply don’t know how to behave eco-friendly and guides who work in ecotourism will often also have great knowledge in this regard.

In order to solve our environmental problems, it is not only crucial to improve the awareness of adults, it is also quite important that we educate our children about those problems and how we can solve them.

Many children, especially if they grow up in big cities, will have no connection at all to nature.

In fact, if you ask these children where our food comes from, they will often respond: “From the grocery store” 😉.

Hence, you see that it is crucial to also raise the awareness of our kids and to teach them how to live eco-friendly.

By doing so, chances are that your kids will also adopt these eco-friendly characteristics into adulthood, which is crucial in order to ensure the livelihood of millions or even billions of people in the future.

If you engage in ecotourism, chances are that you will also have a much cleaner conscience compared to spending your vacation in a way that is detrimental to our planet.

Many of us subconsciously know that our conventional way of traveling is quite harmful to our environment and that we have to make a change in order to protect our planet.

Thus, through ecotourism, you will also have the feeling that you contributed your part to a better future and therefore, chances are that you will also be able to enjoy your vacation much more.

Another advantage of ecotourism is that you can spend your vacation in rather untouched natural territories.

Quite often, ecotourism is done in remote parts of our planet which not many tourists have ever seen before.

Hence, if you look for something special and you want to explore areas that are almost untouched by humans, ecotourism may be the way to go for you.

On my travels, I also had been to quite remote places of our planet.

In fact, many people in those areas have not seen too many tourists before and were quite excited and interested to talk to me and to find out why I was actually traveling to those places.

Thus, ecotourism can not only benefit tourists, it may also be quite exciting for locals to meet new people from all over the world and to stay connected to them over social media.

Ecotourism is also quite important to preserve ancient knowledge regarding certain traditions or also medical knowledge that would get lost otherwise.

For instance, if people are paid to engage in traditional shamanic rituals or to show tourists ancient cultural techniques, chances are that more of this knowledge will survive and will not get lost in the near future.

Therefore, ecotourism can also help to preserve ancient knowledge that had been handed on for many thousands of years.

Ecotourism also aims to use our natural resources as efficiently as possible.

For instance, on many trips related to ecotourism, organizers of those trips take great care that tourists don’t consume too many natural resources.

This is especially true for fossil resources which may become depleted in the near future.

This will not only make your travels more resource-efficient, it can also raise your awareness of how important it is to save natural resources and chances are that you will also save more natural resources when you come back home.

Since ecotourism often takes place at rather remote locations of our planet, it is also a great way to experience new cultures that you will likely have never heard of before.

In fact, it can be quite fascinating to experience those cultures since many indigenous people still live pretty original lifestyles which are quite different from how we live in our rich Western world.

Thus, ecotourism can also give you the opportunity to expand your horizon and to learn a lot about alternative cultural views on the world and also about alternative lifestyles.

The money that can be generated through ecotourism can also be used to improve the overall infrastructure of a region.

This can be especially important for poor regions of our planet where governments and local municipalities often don’t have sufficient funds to finance those important infrastructure projects.

In turn, this can greatly benefit the local population since higher investments in infrastructure can also lead to higher overall education levels, which is crucial to overcome poverty in the long run.

Many people on our planet also rely on tourism as a major income source.

Hence, ecotourism can also be a great way to expand this important income source to more areas of our world so that more people can make a living out of tourism while raising awareness of our environmental problems at the same time.

The preservation of our ecosystems is also not for free and the additional money that can be earned through ecotourism can also be used to preserve natural habitats or for reforestation projects so that the overall quality of our natural habitats can be improved.

Tourism also provides employment opportunities for millions of people all over the world and can help to protect them against unemployment .

Thus, many people will also be able to ensure their livelihood through jobs in the ecotourism industry and we should encourage the expansion of this industry branch in order to give even more people the opportunity to make enough money in order to be able to survive.

advantages and disadvantages of tourism on environment

Disadvantages of Ecotourism

May still disturb local wildlife to a certain extent, ecotourism may lead to littering, wild animals may get used to humans, ecotourism is subject to a significant level of discretion, natural tribes may be forced to leave their home, additional money from ecotourism will often not benefit the general public, some ecotourism activities may become too popular, ecotourism can be quite time-consuming, many people will forget what they learned, people may be turned into attractions, animal souvenirs may be sold, ecological imbalance, pollution related to reaching your remote travel destination, tourists may get exploited, ecotourism may change the traditional values of people over time.

Although ecotourism tries its best to keep the adverse impact on our environment to a minimum, chances are that the local wildlife will still be disturbed to a certain extent.

Imagine you visit areas that had been almost entirely untouched by humans before.

Chances are that local animals will not know how to deal with tourists in an adequate manner and may feel disturbed, which may also affect their reproduction rate.

It is quite sad but even though many people claim to be ecotourists and to take care of our environment, their actions tell something different.

Some people still dispose of their trash in nature, which can lead to excessive littering in the long run.

In turn, natural environments may turn into garbage dumps and the natural character of ecotourism will be completely lost.

Another problem of ecotourism is that wild animals may get used to humans over time.

Even though this might be great for tourists, especially for children since they will be able to get in touch with those animals and can also feed them, it will be rather bad for our environment.

The domestication of animals is an unnatural process and we should try to keep animals wild instead of turning them into pets since this is their original nature.

The term “ecotourism” is also subject to a significant level of discretion.

In many countries, this term is not protected and many travel agencies use this term as bait in order to lure tourists into their activities, even though those activities may have nothing to do with eco-tourism at all.

Consequently, before you book a trip, make sure that the activities that you will take part in will actually be eco-friendly and not only an advertising promise that will not be kept at all.

There had even been cases where natural tribes had to leave their home since the space had been needed to build lodges for tourists in order to accommodate them.

Hence, in such a case, ecotourism is doing much more harm than good and this should never be in line with the principles of true eco-friendly tourism.

In many cases, even though plenty of additional money can be generated through ecotourism, chances are that this money will often not benefit the general public, but only a small financial elite who owns national parks or hotels.

Hence, although locals will be able to make some money from the ecotourism industry, they will often only work as employees instead of really owning an ecotourism business and getting the profits.

Therefore, the general public may not benefit too much from the income from ecotourism activities since a small elite may get almost all of the profits.

Once the nicest places for ecotourism become public, chances are that those places and activities are flooded with tourists from all over the world.

At our current age, it is quite easy to share information over social media and places that had been secret for a long time will now become subject to the awareness of the general public.

Hence, especially in those locations, ecotourism may do more harm than good since too many people in one area will completely destroy the natural experience and chances are that also the local wildlife will be adversely influenced, which also goes against the principles of ecotourism.

Since ecotourism is often done at quite remote locations of our planet in the middle of rather untouched nature, chances are that you will also have to spend plenty of time to get to those locations.

Therefore, if you really want to engage in ecotourism, make sure that you have sufficient time to get to those remote locations and back in order to get the full natural experience.

Another issue of ecotourism is that many people will also forget quite fast about what they learned during their ecotourism trip.

While they might have gotten aware of our environmental problems, they may still not be willing to adjust their behavior in their daily life back home and many people will continue to live a life which is pretty eco-unfriendly.

Thus, if you go on an ecotourism trip, make sure that you implement what you learned back at your home so that you can improve your overall ecological footprint in the long run.

Ecotourism can also be damaging to the local culture. In some cases, indigenous people are even turned into attractions and sometimes, tourists are even encouraged to make fun of those people.

Therefore, if this is the case, ecotourism does much more harm than good and ecotourism should always aim to also treat indigenous people with high levels of respect.

An additional disadvantage of ecotourism is that animal souvenirs of some sort may be sold.

Quite often, the teeth or other parts of animals are sold to tourists.

However, in order to make those souvenirs, many animals have to lose their lives.

Thus, make sure that you refrain from buying those souvenirs in order to protect the local fauna.

Although humans may take great care to respect nature and to minimize their adverse impact on local ecosystems through ecotourism, chances are that this kind of tourism may still lead to some ecological imbalance in the long run.

Especially if people litter in natural environments, chances are that those ecosystems may get out of balance sooner or later.

There is also some level of pollution that cannot be avoided.

For instance, if you want to travel to quite remote parts of our planet, you will often have to use a plane to get there.

All other travel methods would simply be too time-consuming and also too expensive.

Therefore, also ecotourism implies some pollution , even though it aims to keep pollution levels to a minimum.

In some cases, locals may also try to exploit tourists in order to increase their profits.

Many people around the world still struggle to ensure their livelihood and tourists are often regarded as significant income sources.

Locals often think that tourists are quite wealthy and can afford to pay large sums of money for tourist activities.

Hence, those locals will often charge quite high prices for certain activities, which may also damage the image of ecotourism in the long run.

There is the problem that ecotourism will likely change the cultural values of indigenous people in the long run.

Just a few decades ago, those people lived fully in line with natural processes and got all they needed out of nature.

They had been completely independent of other income sources and would take great care of our environment since they knew they needed to work in line with natural processes in order to survive.

However, this is going to change since the influence of tour agencies greatly increases in those regions and indigenous people will soon also live a much more Western lifestyle, which can be quite harmful to our environment in the long run.

advantages and disadvantages of tourism on environment

Top 10 Ecotourism Pros & Cons – Summary List

Does ecotourism make sense.

As we have seen before, there are many advantages and disadvantages of ecotourism.

While ecotourism can definitely make sense to increase the awareness of people on our environmental problems in order to solve them in time, ecotourism can also do more harm than good if it is organized with the intention of profit maximization.

Therefore, governments all over the world should set regulations to make ecotourism really environmentally-friendly in order to ensure positive environmental effects of it in the long run.

advantages and disadvantages of tourism on environment

About the author

My name is Andreas and my mission is to educate people of all ages about our environmental problems and how everyone can make a contribution to mitigate these issues.

As I went to university and got my Master’s degree in Economics, I did plenty of research in the field of Development Economics.

After finishing university, I traveled around the world. From this time on, I wanted to make a contribution to ensure a livable future for the next generations in every part of our beautiful planet.

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Pros and Cons of Ecotourism

advantages and disadvantages of tourism on environment

Ecotourism is touted as a sustainable solution to preserving ecosystems and for providing a good source of income for local communities around the world. However, is ecotourism really as sustainable as claimed? In this article, we will discuss both the pros and cons of ecotourism, and then you can decide for yourself. 

Pros of ecotourism

  • If activities are managed sustainably, ecotourism can provide a sustainable source of income for local communities, and give incentives to protect the environment

The ecotourism industry can create new jobs, bring in substantial sources of revenue that can be used to help lift entire communities out of poverty, and can bring important technology and resources into struggling communities that can help achieve sustainable development objectives.

  • Ecotourism gives people an opportunity to have a new experience with nature and learn more about environmental problems

Ecotourists may gain a greater respect for nature once they have experienced it up close and person. The adage, “What people don’t know about, they won’t care about” holds very true when it comes to the environment. What better way to learn about something than to experience it for yourself?

  • Ecotourism may lead to further research opportunities and better management practices as more people experience nature up close and become passionate about protecting it

Cons of ecotourism

  • Too many people may come into a particular ecosystem, disturb the organisms that live there, and cause destruction to their habitat

In some cases, habitat can be “loved to death,” where ecotourists may unsustainably harvest things for souvenirs, disturb wildlife and other organisms, and trample on plants, and compact the soil during their tourist activities.

  • Encroachment and development is more likely to occur in the areas surrounding the visited areas

This can lead to habitat fragmentation and habitat loss for species that depend on large expanses of undisturbed habitat. Noise , light pollution , the building of roads, and many other types of activities can also lead to habitat and wildlife disturbances.

  • Ecotourism activities could be problematic for communities if the local people are not onboard and activities aren’t locally managed

This situation could occur if an outside ecotourism company seeks to develop such activities without the permission and acceptance of the local people. This could lead to conflicts between members of the ecotourism industry and local people, and is decidedly not a desirable outcome.

For such efforts to be truly successful, ecotourism must fully involve local communities in planning, implementation, and the management of whatever is built there.

  • Increased human-wildlife conflicts with tourists and the tourism industry

As humans encroach more and more on habitat (even if the intentions are benign), there may be an increase in human-wildlife conflict, especially when habitat becomes fragmented or wildlife wanders into nearby human infrastructure looking for food. Animals may also be more likely to be hit by automobiles in developed areas.

  • Wildlife may become too accustomed to humans

When animals become accustomed to people, they may become more vulnerable to poaching or to becoming dependent on humans for food.

  • Wildlife may become stressed from human activity in their habitat

For some species, simply the nearby presence of human beings may negatively impact their reproduction, migration, and other natural behaviors.

  • Accidental importation of invasive species into previously pristine areas
  • The potential of degeneration of ecosystems and the daily lives of indigenous people

In addition to the potential for disturbing and degrading ecosystems due to high traffic, the daily lives of indigenous people may be negatively impacted. For instance, they might decide to give up their traditional livelihoods and instead decide to become tour guides.

The bottom line with ecotourism is that no matter the intentions, there will always be some sort of impact on ecosystems and local people. It takes intentions of wise planning, proper scientific ecological assessment and management, and sustainable and democratic involvement of the local people to make ecotourism activities truly sustainable.

It is also important to remember, as potential ecotourists ourselves, we must be responsible, doing whatever we can to have a positive impact on the environments and peoples wherever we travel. This requires consideration of all aspect of our travel, including the environmental footprint of whatever mode of transit we use to get from place to place.

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Greentumble was founded in the summer of 2015 by us, Sara and Ovi . We are a couple of environmentalists who seek inspiration for life in simple values based on our love for nature. Our goal is to inspire people to change their attitudes and behaviors toward a more sustainable life. Read more about us .

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18 Advantages and Disadvantages of Tourism

Tourism is the act of traveling for leisure, recreation, or business purposes. It involves the movement of people to destinations outside their usual environment for a certain period of time.

The purpose of this article is to examine the advantages and disadvantages of tourism, with a focus on its economic, cultural, and social effects.

The article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the benefits and drawbacks of tourism, and to encourage readers to consider the impact of their travel on local communities and the environment.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Tourism

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Advantages of Tourism

  • Job creation and income generation : Tourism provides jobs in a variety of industries, such as hotels, restaurants, transportation, and entertainment. Tourist attractions, local businesses and historical sites can lead to increased source of income for local residents and a boost to the overall economy.
  • Increase in foreign exchange : Tourism can also bring in foreign currency, as tourists typically spend money on goods and services while visiting a destination. This can help to stabilize the economy and lead to growth.
  • Development of infrastructure : Tourism can also lead to the infrastructure development, such as roads, airports, and public transportation systems. This can improve the overall hospitality and quality of life for residents and make the destination more attractive to future tourists.
  • Exposure to different cultures : Tourism allows people to experience different cultures and ways of life, which can broaden their perspectives and promote understanding and tolerance.
  • Preservation of heritage sites : Tourism can also help to preserve tourism-related heritage sites, as the income generated by tourism can be used to fund their maintenance and restoration.
  • Cultural exchange : Tourism also provides many countries opportunities for cultural exchange, as tourists and locals interact and share their customs and traditions.
  • Promotion of international understanding : Tourism sector can promote international understanding by bringing people from different cultures together and fostering mutual respect and understanding.
  • Increase in community involvement : Tourism can also increase community involvement, as residents may become more engaged in efforts to attract tourists and improve their destination.
  • Development of tourism industry : Tourism also can lead to the development of the tourism industry, which can create hotels and places to stay, jobs and economic opportunities in a destination.

These are some examples of how tourism accounts can be beneficial and positively impact different aspects of society, however, it’s important to note that not all tourism activities are carried out in a sustainable and responsible way, which can lead to negative consequences.

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  • Damage to natural habitats and wildlife : Tourism can have a negative impact on the environment, as it can lead to the destruction of natural habitats and the displacement of wildlife. Activities such as excessive hiking, off-roading, and building of tourism infrastructure can generate environmental damage to natural resources.
  • Pollution and waste management : Tourism can also lead to an increase in pollution and waste, as large numbers of tourists can generate a significant amount of trash, sewage, and other waste products. This can put a strain on local waste management systems and have negative impacts on the environment and generate natural disasters.
  • Overcrowding of popular destinations : Popular tourist destinations can become overcrowded, which can lead to strain on local resources and the degradation of the natural environment. This can also make it difficult for tourists to fully enjoy their experience as they may feel like they are fighting for space with other visitors.
  • Disruption of local communities : Tourism can disrupt local communities by altering traditional ways of life, and leading to the displacement of residents. This can cause social and cultural changes that may not be beneficial to everyone in the community.
  • Exploitation of local resources and culture : Tourism can also lead to the exploitation of local resources, as well as the commercialization and commodification of local culture. This can lead to the loss of authenticity in tourist destinations and the erosion of traditional ways of life.
  • Loss of authenticity in tourist destinations : Some places can become too commercialized and lose their authenticity, being transformed into tourist traps, this can lead to a loss of charm and interest for the tourists, and local residents might feel like they are living in a theme park.
  • Dependence on tourism industry : A destination can become too dependent on tourism, and if the tourism industry were to decline, it could have a severe economic impact on the community.
  • Widening income gap : Tourism can also lead to a widening income gap, as the benefits of tourism may not be distributed equally among all members of a community. This can lead to an increase in poverty, and social inequality.
  • Inflation : Tourism can also lead to inflation, as the demand for goods and services increases, prices may rise, making it more difficult for residents to afford necessities.

Conclusion of Pros and Cons of Tourism

Tourism can bring many benefits to a destination, including economic growth, cultural exchange, and increased community involvement. However, it can also have negative impacts, such as environmental degradation, disruption of local communities, and exploitation of local resources and culture.

To minimize the negative impacts of tourism and to promote sustainable development, it is important to plan and manage tourism marketing activities in a responsible and sustainable way. This includes measures such as setting limits on the number of tourists, protecting natural habitats and wildlife, and involving local communities in tourism planning.

Overall, tourism can be a valuable tool for economic and social development, but it’s important to consider its potential negative consequences and to strive for sustainable tourism practices. This way, tourists, locals, and the environment can all benefit from tourism activities.

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advantages and disadvantages of tourism on environment

Positive and negative impact of adventure tourism

Positive and negative impact of adventure tourism

Tourism is one of the main drivers of the world economy and it also happens to be a major industry. When it comes to the question of traveling to a certain location, it depends more on the country in question than anything else. If a war had broken out in a particular zone or if there happened to be sudden health scare then visitors would naturally want to avoid that zone. But apart from certain challenging circumstances which can impair it, tourism often helps to boost the local economy, help create job opportunities that can even result in positive PR for the country. But tourism including adventure tourism, like nearly everything else, comes with its own positive and negative effects, read on to know more.

Positive impact of adventure tourism:

Local economy: Adventure tourism along with general tourism often jumps start the local economy. It often leads to the creation of more jobs, helps create specialized services to cater to this sector, and even result in other industries being created on account of tourist interest, e.g. mountaineering classes for beginners in French Alps. It should be pointed out that more tourists are opting for the adventure package rather than the regular package, which has naturally resulted in more bookings.

Environmentally friendly: As a result of the interest shown in adventure sports and given the consumer awareness of environmental issues, more companies have started focusing on creating environmentally friendly tourist packages, with a focus on renewable energies. As a result, more companies have started to focus more on training and helping the locals to sustain their natural environment better. From helping them combat water shortages to educating tourists not to litter, these tourist companies are doing all they can to help preserve the pristine region.

Entrepreneurship: Adventure sports are a nascent industry compared to regular tourism; nevertheless it is already having a positive impact on the economy. Since it is a niche, it requires specialized services and as a result, several entrepreneurs have started to cash in on the interest being shown in adventure tourism, and this, in turn, has helped to create several jobs.

Negative impact of adventure tourism:

Unforeseen events: unforeseen events can take place anywhere, more so on the mountains than anywhere else. But the point is that if a destination is solely dependent on tourism as its main source of revenue, even a single unfortunate event can send the whole city reeling. That’s why it is important for cities and towns to have multiple sources of revenue rather than depend solely on tourism.

Environmental impact: Over tourism to a select destination can lead to environmental degradation; as hundreds of thousands of tourists head off to a single destination to take part in adventure sports, they are bound to litter along the way. Even if you calculate the base rate as 1kg of litter per day per person, the resulting total of ten thousand tourists will send you screaming to the hills. That’s what most governments face, and this is exactly why it was decided to cap the number of tourists visiting any particular zone and to charge them a small fine for littering the area as well.

Cultural education: Most travelers who opt for adventure sports do so to try their hand at adventure sports. But when you are traveling overseas, it is important to ensure that you have a rough idea of all the local customs and traditions so that you do not step on anyone’s shoes. It Is vital that you take effective measures to avoid insulting others faith or mocking the same when you are visiting their country otherwise you’ll find out that you are in for a real adventure.

These are some of the positive and negative effects of adventure tourism;  always remember to book your trip well in advance to avoid any last-minute rush and more importantly, you get t0 head to the destination and let the hair down in more ways than one. Here’s a free tip, when traveling overseas, you may want to try Airbnb first as that should help cut down the overall cost of board and lodging. Tourism is an essential part of our economy and adventure tourism is fast becoming the trendy vacation you had always wanted.

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