Completing a TRIP security clearance

Author: Trainer L

Updated: a year ago

All International UN Volunteers are required to obtain a security clearance from the United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) before they travel to their duty station. To do this you need to register with UNDSS and request a clearance through the Travel Request Information Processing (TRIP) system.

This is a two stage process

1. Registration with UNDSS - can be done at any time 2. Request security clearance - to be done only when your travel itinerary is finalised

Your temporary UN email address

Access to TRIP is restricted to holders of an official UN email address. To allow you to register before your departure, we have created an email address for you to use. The only function of this email address is to forward emails from TRIP to your UVP-registered email. This allows you to access the TRIP system before departure only. Do not use this email address for any other purpose. Let's see how to find this address in UVP.

Click the profile icon

Your temporary email address....

is here on your profile. You'll need this to register in TRIP.

Now go to UNDSS to register

When ready, you write down your temporary email address or open a new browser window and go to the UNDSS registration page

If you already have a UNDSS TRIP registration

If you already have access to UNDSS TRIP due to an ongoing or prior UN contract, you can apply for the DSS TRIP clearance using your existing account. The registration via the “ ” temporary email should only be used for travels prior to the assignment start date. Once you start your assignment you should register in UNDSS using your official UN email address for all future UN business travel. All volunteers are responsible for keeping their DSS information up to date during their assignments.

If you are a first time user, click Register. 

Complete the undss registration form.

Follow the instructions provided by UNDSS to register. Make sure you use your temporary UN email address to register. It is best to type the email address directly into the UNDSS form instead of copy and paste.

Use your temporary address

Click register.

When you've entered your email address, first name and last name, click Register.

UNDSS registration verification

The verification code that is generated when you click 'Register' will be automatically forwarded to the email address you registered in your UVP profile. Please allow up to 2 hours and check your spam folder if you do not receive this email.

Log in to your email and click the link

Log in to your email account (the one in your UVP profile), click on the “confirmation link” to proceed with your registration This link will take you to the UNDSS registration page again, with a green highlighted note indicating you will receive another email soon.

Invitation to access UN Applications with a Microsoft Account

Go to your personal inbox again to accept the invitation to access UN Applications and enable log in access.

Enter your temporary password

Once you click the invitation, it will take you to unite Microsoft page to enter your email address and password. This password was sent to you from [email protected] with “Security Clearance” subject line when you accepted the offer letter.

Personalise your password

Once you correctly entered the temporary password, the system will ask you to change your password with a more personalized one. Click sign-in once you enter your new password.

IMPORTANT: Don't forget this password!

Please keep this password somewhere safe, as you will not be able to use the “forgot my password” option and you will need it next time you want to log in UNDSS. The loss of password may cause serious delays for your contract generation.

Choose 'yes'

To confirm you want to stay signed in.

Click accept

You need to accept the permission request by United Nations. This will finalize your registration and forward you to the home page of “Office of Information and Communications Technology” (

Now go back to Welcome to UNDSS page 

After seeing this page, you can go back to Welcome to UNDSS page:

Click 'log in with your UN Agency Email'

It will ask you to choose your Microsoft account to login.

Select your account

Enter your new password.

The one you updated during the previous steps.

You are now registered. 

Congratulations! Now you should see the UNDSS page. You can update your profile, upload your BSAFE certificate, check travel advisories, explore the resources and enter your security clearances using the buttons at the bottom.

Important: enter your host entity in your profile

In your profile information in TRIP, please put your host entity under the 'Agency' field. Do not put UNV unless you are serving with UNV.

If you need to log in again

If you are logged out and need to complete your security clearance. Go to the TRIP site. And follow the previous steps in this guide to log in.

Click here to start your security clearance

When you have your travel itinerary confirmed, you can apply for security clearance. Usually this is the last thing you will do before you travel.

Follow the instructions provided by UNDSS

UNDSS has instructions on the TRIP site for completing your clearance. These are available as a PDF only after you log in to TRIP.

Receiving your clearance

Once your TRIP application is complete, you will receive an email confirmation of clearance in your UVP-registered email account. Subject line is: "Your security clearance request is GRANTED" Save this email to your computer. You will need to upload it to UVP. Note that some clearances may take several days to process.

Confirmation email

This is what the confirmation email looks like.

You can also download as PDF

Click the PDF icon in the travel requests screen of TRIP to download to PDF

Upload your security clearance to UVP

Now that you have your security clearance, you need to share it with UNV for confirmation.

Sign back in to UVP to complete the task

Use your UVP email address and password.

Click on the task to begin

Click complete.

This will take you to your assignment details page.

Click the green button

Make sure it's the 'confirm security clearance' task.

Click 'choose'

Locate the security clearance confirmation email you saved from UNDSS on your device

Click 'Upload'

To save the file to UVP.

UVP Explore tab

Candidate pre-assignment

  • 1. Review offer letter
  • 1.1 Notify HE
  • 1.2 Candidate declines: Decide next steps
  • 2. Candidate accepts the offer: Email volunteer
  • 3. Check pre-assignment tab in UVP
  • 4. Monitor pre-departure progress
  • For UNHCR and UNICEF only
  • 5. Push candidate info to EarthMed
  • 6. Complete medical form
  • 6.1. Medical clearance
  • 6.2 Request further information
  • 7. Complete ‘Medical form sent to UN Medical services’ task
  • 8. Enter banking info in UVP
  • 9. Enter banking information into Atlas Finance (IUNV only)
  • 10. Complete mandatory courses
  • 11. Upload course certificates
  • 12. Confirm course task complete
  • 13. Complete beneficiary form
  • 14. Upload beneficiary form
  • 15. Confirm beneficiary task complete

Applicable only for IUNV (step 16 - 36)

  • 37. Create contract task
  • 38. Generate Contract
  • 39. Review contract
  • 40. Arrival documentation
  • 41. Record telecommuting (if relevant)

Responsible person/party - 1. Candidate

Review offer letter -  Review the offer letter saved in the UVP document library. Accept or decline the offer in UVP:  Candidate can accept the offer by clicking on “ Accept ” or decline by clicking “ Withdraw ”

Once the candidate reads and accepts the offer, then pre-departure task is created the "Dashboard".  In case he/she withdraws then it's needed to provide the reason.

Email HE to confirm candidate has declined the offer.

Options are to re-open recruitment, request more candidates to be submitted or go to waitlist. If candidates available in waitlist:

Choose the next preferred candidate from the  “waitlisted candidate list”.

Once HE moved waitlisted candidate to preferred candidate, OA-Recruiter will be able to perform final clearances (if needed) and issue the offer. UNHCR APRS will not be automatica lly notified of decline. Recruiter to trigger new HR clearance and UNHCR field unit to facilitate and respond.

Email instructions to complete tasks in UVP. Separate email for medical clearance instructions.   MS.3 form

MS3 form applies to both National and International Volunteers

In cases where the UN Volunteer declines to take up an assignment after signing the Offer or the Contract, they will be required to refund to UNV any amounts that have already been disbursed (such as Entry Lump Sum, cost of travel to the duty station, etc.). If they do not refund the sums disbursed, they will be excluded from future opportunities to be a UN Volunteer, information on outstanding debts may be disclosed to other UN entities, and appropriate legal steps may be taken to recover outstanding debts

Check the pre-assignment tab in UVP regularly to check for candidates who have recently accepted the offer.

Monitor the candidate’s pre-departure progress using the ‘activity log’ on the specific assignment detail page of UVP.

For UNHCR and UNICEF only : For UNV candidates who have not yet been vaccinated, and who may not have access to a vaccine in their country of residence, the HE will facilitate access to vaccination as soon as possible. How this will be facilitated and the impact it may have on their start date will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Share candidate information with EarthMed in advance of the MS3 form being sent by candidate

Fill in the MS3 form and send to Medical Services in Geneva by email. [email protected] 

UN Medical Service

Enter medical clearance outcome in EarthMed Result is saved result in UVP history log.

If further information is required for medical clearance. Mark status in EarthMed and request information from candidate by email

Complete the task in UVP to confirm medical clearance form sent.

The candidate and OA both receive an automatic email once the candidate is medically cleared. Refer to UNV features updates  (internal circulation) dated 14 Jan 2022 

Complete banking information task in UVP available under dashboard. User is taken to banking entry page. Complete form and submit.

How to enter banking information:

  Interactive version

   web-page version

Create vendor in Atlas Finance and confirm entry using task in UVP. Request additional information or feedback from candidate in UVP if needed. Add vendor ID in banking page of UVP.

For National UN Volunteers GSSU receives the notification when UN Volunteer is hired in ATLAS to create vendor in Atlas HCM. Request to enter information in Atlas Finance are to be triggered by OA in UVP only if needed. This requires that the data already be entered in UVP by the candidate.

All Vendor to be created and approved under UNV10 Business Unit.

For ATLAS Agencies Vendors need to be created under agency business unit and approved by them.


If the banking details are added by GSSU UNV after the telecommuting action has been added in Job Data, GSSU UNV may not be able to enter the specify net pay elections if the source bank linked to the location is not the default source bank of the pay group.

GSSU UNV will need to request the Regional Payroll Associates in GPS for assistance to ensure that the default source bank of the pay group is selected (exceptions may apply when default pay group source bank cannot pay to UN Volunteer to the volunteer’s beneficiary bank).

Complete courses in eCampus .

  • P revention of Harassment, Sexual Harassment, and Abuse of Authority
  • Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse of the Local Population (PSEA)

1. The mandatory courses are to be completed upon registration and prior to commencement of service.  There is no expiration date on the following mandatory learning completions.

2. Courses to be completed upon registration, and latest within one month of commencement of service

  • E-learning modules on UNV Conditions of Service including Know your obligations and rights
  • Ethics and Integrity
  • Volunteer for Sustainable Development Goals

3. Upon registration, and latest within three months of commencement of service

  • Information Security Awareness
  • Cultural Awareness and Working in Multi-Cultural Environments
  • I know Gender including Volunteerism and Gender
  • UN Human Rights Responsibilities
  • Disability Inclusion: building an inclusive and accessible United Nations
  • Greening the Blue

New Mandatory Course for UN Volunteers in Ukraine - Basic First Aid Course (BFAC)

  • UNV disseminate short booklets and longer document on BFAC to candidates/volunteers in Ukrainian / Russian languages
  • UNOG accepts that volunteers complete studying the short booklet before submitting medical clearance
  • Volunteers should indicate in the medical clearance form (next to the signature filed – “UNBFAC completed on XX/XX/XXXX) that they have studied and understood the content of the booklet.

Upload the certificates via the tasks in UVP dashboard and assignment detail page. 1 certificate per task.

Check that the correct certificate was uploaded and confirm. If not correct, reject task. Returns to candidate to try again.

Download and complete beneficiary form. Sign form.

How to complete and upload a beneficiary form: 

  • Interactive version

W eb-page version

Upload to UVP via task in UVP dashboard and assignment detail.

Check that the beneficiary form was correctly completed, signed and uploaded and confirm. If not correct, reject task. Returns to candidate to try again.

16. Candidate - Visa and/or government clearance -  With assistance from , HE, CC/PA through OA, obtain all required visas, including transit visas, or confirmation that visas are available and will be issued upon arrival.

As per the conditions of service, volunteers are responsible to ensure they have all necessary clearances before travel.

17. Candidate - Complete visa task -  Complete task in UVP to confirm that visa has been obtained or will be obtained on arrival. Upload evidence of visa or confirmation. If visa is not required upload ‘Visa not required confirmation’ form.

18.  OA VM -  Confirm visa task complete -  Check that the visa information uploaded and confirm. If not correct, reject task. Returns to candidate to try again. This triggers the ‘Confirm travel date’ task in UVP. 

19.  Candidate -  Travel date -   Agree with UNV and host entity (incl. UNV Field Unit, where present) on travel date to country of assignment.

20.  Candidate -  Complete travel date task -  Complete travel date task to confirm tentative travel date.  Creates task on OA VM dashboard.

21.  OA VM -  Travel quotation - Review travel date under assignment detail page and airport of departure under candidate profile. Create a new Travel Quote case in Salesforce P2P and submit to UNV Travel. 

  As a temporary workaround travel and entry lump sum should be paid in separate vouchers. The workflow will be improved to allow combined payments.  If assignment starts as telecommuting the payment can be raised as payment request (payroll) when the UN Volunteer travels.

22.  OA VM -  Complete travel date task-   Confirm via travel date task in UVP that quote has been entered in Salesforce

23.  UNV Travel -  Provide quote -  Enter travel quote into salesforce case. Task is created in UVP to request OA to create payment request in UVP.

23.1   OA-VM -  check OneHR clearance (UNHCR Volunteers only) -  OA VM checks the status in the UVP about OneHR clearance.  OA processes payment of the travel ticket lumpsum only after oneHR positive clearance is granted and recorded in the UVP.

24.  OA VM - Pay travel lump sum (voucher)  -   Raise voucher in Atlas Finance for payment the lump sum travel payment. Copy the voucher link. 

25.  OA VM -  Record voucher payment -    Create a payment request in UVP to record the voucher payment for lump sum travel.

26.  OA TL -  Approval -  Review payment request in UVP. Click link in request to go to Atlas Finance. Approve voucher in Atlas Finance and complete task in UVP.

27.  OA -  Notify payment approved -  Notify candidate through email that the payment has been approved.

28.  System -  Trigger case creation in Salesforce P2P -   Create Salesforce record of the voucher approval.

29 .  System -  Confirm voucher approved -  Atlas triggers approval of case in salesforce and marks the case status as ‘pay cycle’.

30.  System -  Notify payment requester -  Notify by email that voucher has been approved.

31.  Candidate -  Security Clearance -  Enroll with UNDSS TRIP, request security clearance for travel to duty station using the instructions provided by UVP after acceptance of the offer. Upload in UVP via task.

Guide: how to complete and upload a security clearance:

  • Static Html version

 . If travel itinerary changes, TRIP clearance to be updated. In such cases, document should be uploaded to document library until additional functionality developed.

Candidates who are already living in the duty station should upload proof of TRIP registration. Candidates who are telecommuting should upload the telecommuting confirmation form .

Please follow the ( Guide ) for the temporary arrangement for security clearance until UNDSS's new system allows UNV candidates to do the  security clearance  

(The security clearance  task happens after the rest of the tasks are complete and the entry allowance payment is triggered)

32.  OA -  Check security clearance -  Check that candidate has uploaded the security clearance correctly. If not correct, reject task. Returns to candidate to try again.

33.  Candidate -  Purchase travel ticket and upload itinerary - Volunteer confirms arrival date with host entity and field unit (where available) or OA before purchasing their own ticket.  If travel not needed or telecommuting, upload the telecommuting confirmation form.   ( upload travel ticket task happens after the rest of the tasks are complete and the entry allowance payment is triggered)

34.  OA -  Check travel ticket -   Check that candidate has uploaded the travel ticket correctly. If not correct, reject task. Returns to candidate to try again.

35. UVP -  Confirm all pre-departure tasks completed including banking details -   Email candidate and OA.

36. UVP -  Trigger entry lump sum payment request -  Trigger entry lump sum payment request.  Entry lump sum is paid to all Candidates regardless of travel status

36.1. OM-VM -  check OneHR clearance (UNHCR Volunteers only) -  OA VM checks the status in the UVP about OneHR clearance.  OA processes payment of the entry lumpsum only after oneHR positive clearance is granted and recorded in the UVP.

36.2 OA VM -  Prepare entry lump sum voucher -   Review the payment request task in UVP. Raise voucher in Atlas Finance for payment of entry allowance together with the lump sum travel payment. Copy the voucher link. OA-VM/Payroll Associate has the responsibility to ensure all clearance is obtained prior to releasing/payment of pre-departure entitlements. 

36.3. OA VM -  Process entry lump sum -   Return to the UVP task in step 6 and submit the UVP payment request.  To complete this task, information is needed from the voucher raised in Atlas Finance

36.4. OA -  Notify payment approved -   Notify candidate through email that the payment has been approved.

36.5. System -  Trigger case creation in Salesforce P2P -   Create Salesforce record of the voucher approval.

36.6. System -  Confirm voucher approved -   Atlas triggers approval of case in salesforce and marks the case status as ‘pay cycle’.

36.7. System -  Notify payment requester -  Notify by email that the voucher has been approved.

Add ‘Generate contract task’ to OA VM dashboard.

Perform generate contract task. Enter start date, end date.

Review contract saved in document library and confirm acceptance (or not) in UVP. UVP saves date stamped contract in UVP document library.

In cases where the UN Volunteer declines to take up assignment after signing the Offer or the Contract, they will be required to refund to UNV any amounts that have already been disbursed (such as Entry Lump Sum, cost of travel to the duty station, etc.). If they do not refund the sums disbursed, they will be excluded from future opportunities to be a UN Volunteer, information on outstanding debts may be disclosed to other UN entities, and appropriate legal steps may be taken to recover outstanding debts

Send security information, country information, logistical information and other arrival related information to the UN Volunteer.

Using UVP task, record the telecommuting status of UN Volunteer (if relevant). Upload proof provided by host entity.

Diagram showing pre-departure process IUNV


Enter your UVP User ID above to start / resume / save your progress on the onboarding portal.

  • Update your profile
  • Accept your offer
  • Complete medical, online courses, and banking update
  • Contact host entity, and UNV for allowance and travel
  • Get security clearance and accept your contract
  • Your Benefits, Allowances, and Support Systems as a UN Volunteer
  • Learn about the UN and UNV
  • Guidance on preventing and reporting misconduct
  • Your first day on assignment
  • Your first week(s)
  • Your first month
  • Your first six months
  • Document Library

National UN Volunteer Community Organizer Afzal Hossain Sakil with UNDP in Bangladesh assesses the needs of poor communities in Chittagong.

Remember to get security clearance before you travel

Accept your contract in uvp.

Before you start your assignment, ensure that you:

Carry a valid national ID/passport, bank/credit cards and cash, copy of the offer letter, and other relevant documents.

Have backups of your documents in a USB or virtual drive.

Have arrival logistics information, including approved taxi services, hotels, and maps.

This step marks the completion of your recruitment process. 

Congratulations! you are now all cleared to start your assignment as a UN Volunteer.

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  • Look of the Day

Jennifer Garner Wore the Most Unexpected Travel Look I’m Trying ASAP

No sweatpants in sight!

undss trip approval

The Image Direct

I’ll be on the plane very soon, like very soon, and I have yet to finalize my travel look . I’m not stressed, though, because I’ve flown thousands of miles this year already (not to mention all the times I’ve boarded a 737 in the past!). However, this time feels different—and more exciting—for the big reason that I’m traveling to Italy for my wedding. So, you can probably understand that I don’t want to look overly casual for said flight. I want people to know I’m a bride (Delta, can we make an upgrade happen?), and because of that, I won’t wear sweats. I’m obviously not wearing white, either, but I want something in between, and lucky for me, with hours to spare, Jennifer Garner served up the most uncommon travel look I’ll be copying this time around. 

Garner is obviously a travel pro. She’s a celeb, a mom, and an icon, and as such, she’s flown her fair share of miles to get from movie set or event or gala back home to Los Angeles. With that, I trust her travel uniform to a T—and while she’s certainly worn baggy pants and comfy sweats, Garner was just spotted at the airport in a—wait for it— denim midi dress . Yes, really. 

Personalized canvas bag in one hand (so relatable!), and sweater slung over the other, Garner looked ultra stylish post flight. Her dark-wash midi dress appeared to have a bit of stretch , probably why she opted to wear it for her flight, plus a billowy silhouette that ensures it's roomy and breathable when you’re sitting in tight seats. The sweater offers some much-needed warmth, while her sneakers-and-high-socks combo are the epitome of comfort. Genius, Garner!

Spanx Denim Seamed Shift Dress

Petal & pup callum sleeveless denim maxi dress.

While I used to think it was totally unacceptable to wear jeans on a flight, I’ve learned it depends on the stretch and, thus, comfort. You do you! What works for your travels might not work for others, but Garner’s denim midi is 100 percent worth a try, especially if you deplane and have to go somewhere the second you arrive (like me!). 

As mentioned, a denim midi dress is airy and breathable , and if you opt for a stretchy fabric, you don’t have to worry about feeling constricted, either. Adding in a sweater is an essential for a flight, and sneakers are a trusty travel shoe—nothing can replace them. TL;DR? Garner’s unconventional but super stylish travel look is exactly what I’ll be wearing in a few hours—still TBD on that bride tiara. 

Below, shop stretchy, stylish denim midi dresses to wear for travel and beyond. I’ll be wearing this Spanx pick , but the options are truly endless. 

Get the Look: 

Good American Denim Tube Midi Dress Shop now: $199;

Reformation Amory Denim Midi Dress Shop now: $218;

Wash Lab Denim Denim Midi Shirt Dress Shop now: $168;

Gap Organic Cotton Denim Maxi Dress Shop now: $98;

Avec Les Filles Topstitch Sleeveless Denim Midi Dress Shop now: $118;

Shop More InStyle-Approved Picks

undss trip approval

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Breaking: Pipeline approved. Here’s what Summit Carbon Solutions must do.

Land owners in 29 counties could be forced to allow access through eminent domain.

The North Dakota Supreme Court has ruled Summit Carbon Solutions can continue to go onto...

DES MOINES, Iowa (Gray TV Iowa State Capitol Bureau) - The Iowa Utilities Board on Tuesday morning announced that it has granted Summit Carbon Solutions, the Ames-based company, the authority to build a 688-mile hazardous liquid pipeline through 29 counties. The announcement includes the power for the company to use eminent domain, which means that it could force land owners to provide access for the pipeline to tunnel underneath their property.

Read from the full ruling from the Iowa Utilities Board here and see which 29 counties are impacted.

“...all three Board members find the proposed service provided by Summit Carbon is in the public convenience and necessity and vest Summit Carbon with the right of eminent domain,” the ruling from the board stated.

The ruling also included: “After weighing numerous factors for and against Summit Carbon’s petition, the Board found that the service to be provided by Summit Carbon will promote the public convenience and necessity. The Board found Summit Carbon could be vested with the right of eminent domain and, based upon this finding, the Board examined each of the 859 outstanding parcels subject to a request for eminent domain to determine, based upon the record, whether to approve, deny, or modify each request.”

Here is a map provided by Summit Carbon Solutions that shows which counties would be included in the project.

The board set conditions for Summit to fulfill for the right to have the pipeline, which would transport carbon emissions from biofuels plants into a permanent underground storage facility in North Dakota.

According to the ruling, Summit must:

  • “Obtain and maintain at least a $100 million insurance policy.”
  • “Comply with certain construction methods.”
  • “Ensure landowners and tenants are compensated for damages that may result from the construction of Summit Carbon’s hazardous liquid pipeline.”
  • Delay construction until it has “obtained agency-level approval for a route and sequestration site in North Dakota and a route in South Dakota.”
  • Can’t connect to ethanol plants in Minnesota and Nebraska without their prior approval.

Summit Carbon Solutions is owned by Bruce Rastetter, a prominent Iowa business owner and Republican donor.

The company’s CEO Lee Blank said in a statement following the ruling, “This approval represents a significant milestone for Summit Carbon Solutions and the agriculture and energy industries across the Midwest.”

Governor Kim Reynolds appointed the members of the board. She has not taken a public position on the project or expressed opposition for the private company to use eminent domain to force unwilling land owners to grant access to their land.

Iowa Falls farmer Kathy Stockdale was among the group of land owners who pushed the legislature to ban the use of eminent domain for a private project like the carbon sequestration pipeline. Watch her explain her frustrations with the Republican-led legislature’s lack of action here.

About the author: Midwest native Dave Price is Gray Television’s Iowa Political Director for 10 stations that broadcast in the state and has been covering local, state and national politics from Iowa since 2001.

Dave produces and hosts “Inside Iowa Politics,” a weekly, in-depth show focused on interviews with top leaders on politics, issues, challenges and solutions that impact the state.

He has written two books about the Iowa Caucuses (“Caucus Chaos” and “Caucus Chaos Trump”). Email him at [email protected] . Follow him on X (Twitter): @idaveprice Meta/Facebook: DavePriceNews Instagram : idaveprice and LinkedIn: Dave Price .

Dave welcomes your thoughts on what answers to seek from politicians and what issues challenge our communities.

Copyright 2024 KTIV. All rights reserved.

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NBC Select Travel Awards 2024: The best hardshell and softshell suitcases

Away and Bagsmart are just a couple of the brands that made our list of the best suitcases to shop.

At NBC Select, we spend hours researching, testing and reviewing products so that you can be more selective and informed about the things you buy. For our first-ever NBC Select Travel Awards, we spent months thoroughly testing travel gear covering various categories.

We traveled across the globe to Tokyo with hardshell suitcases and packing cubes , commuting to and from our New York City office with weekenders and duffel bags and tried toiletry bags , noise-canceling headphones and more.

After all of our testing, we collected thoughtful feedback for every product. After sifting through all editors’ reviews, we found the products deserving of the Travel Award winner’s stamp of approval.

Below, we rounded up the best hardshell and softshell suitcases, plus information about how we evaluated each product.

SKIP AHEAD How we picked the best hardshell and softshell suitcases | Best hardshell suitcases | Best softshell suitcases

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select We took over 30 duffels, backpacks and weekenders on planes, trains and more for our Travel Awards. These are the best

How we picked the best hardshell and softshell suitcases.

Arguably one of the most important types of bags you’ll take with you on a long-haul trip, a great hardshell and softshell suitcase should be durable, spacious, easy to maneuver and able to hold up well against scratches, scuffs and potential damage (especially if you regularly check in your bags).

  • Durability: Overall, we wanted to see that once the bag was fully packed, it was easy to pull and roll around on various surfaces, including carpet, tile and pavement. We also wanted to see if the fully packed suitcases held their shape well with items like clothes and shoes inside. Plus, it was important to ensure that the suitcases held up well against elements such as water or accidental spills.
  • Maneuverability: Similar to durability, we prioritized maneuverability in the hardshell softshell suitcases we tested. We wanted to ensure the handles weren’t flimsy or prone to breaking, especially after pulling and handling the bag for hours. Additionally, we wanted to make sure the suitcases were relatively easy for the average person to lift and carry if they plan on using them as carry-ons.
  • Spaciousness: We wanted to make sure the suitcases we awarded had sufficient room to hold common articles of clothing such as t-shirts, pants, shorts, underwear, and certain types of shoes. Ideally, the bag would hold at least a few days' worth of outfits. We also wanted to make sure they were compatible with packing cubes, which help to keep belongings more organized. 

Best hardshell suitcases 

Best overall hardshell suitcase: away the bigger carry-on.

Away The Bigger Carry-On

Away The Bigger Carry-On

Away’s The Bigger Carry-On is the best overall hardshell suitcase because it delivered when it came to all of our testing criteria. This Away suitcase, as the name implies, is a subtly larger version of the brand’s standard carry-on suitcase. The bag can fit multiple packing cubes and has ample room for clothing, toiletries and shoes. It also comes with a small bag for storing dirty laundry.

Additionally, it comes with a TSA-approved lock, which NBC Select associate reporter Bianca Alvarez found useful during her travel testing.  “I loved using this carry-on and was able to pack roughly around 10 days worth of clothes with the help of packing cubes,” she says. “I also thought that the inside features were convenient.” Aside from space for clothing, it also has straps and buckles, which help flatten and secure the items in the bag, which makes it easier to close. The handle is easy to adjust and the wheels roll smoothly and handle various surfaces well, whether upright or at an angle.

Best lightweight hardshell suitcase: Quince 21” Carry-On

Quince 21” Carry-On

Quince 21” Carry-On

During our testing, we found that the Quince 21” Carry-On balances durability and maneuverability well. While the suitcase keeps belongings safe and secure, it’s also easy to lift and place in an overhead compartment or into the trunk of a car, especially when it is fully packed. NBC Select associate updates editor Zoe Malin tested the bag and loved how well it handled different terrain. “I dragged this bag through the streets of New York, on multiple flights, checked and not checked, and dragged it up flights of stairs and it looks great,” she says. While the bag is prone to some scrapes (the case with many hardshell bags), it comes with a small sponge to help wipe scuffs away.

Best budget hardshell suitcase: Bagsmart Carry-On  

Bagsmart Carry-On

Bagsmart Carry-On

The Bagsmart Carry-On can hold a surprisingly large amount given its size, according to NBC Select managing editor Leah Ginsberg, who tested the bag. “I was really impressed by this carry-on. Its dimensions are smaller than the average carry-on,” she says. “But it held a lot of things and the quality is good for the price.” The suitcase is slightly smaller than the standard carry-on size for most major airlines but that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice space for storing clothing or other travel items. It also has 360-degree wheels, an adjustable handle with four heights, TSA-approved locks on the zippers, multiple compartments for organizing clothes and an expandable zipper on the side.

Best softshell suitcases 

Best overall: thule subterra 2 carry-on spinner.

Thule Subterra 2 Carry-On Spinner

Thule Subterra 2 Carry-On Spinner

Thule’s Subterra 2 suitcase is the perfect softshell carry-on for your travel needs, whether you’re using it for a quick trip or taking it on a long-haul vacation. Former NBC Select editorial operations manager Shari Uyehara says that while testing the bag, it “helped make traveling a lot easier” — she loves its sleek, stylish design, and how well it’s held up after multiple trips. It’s made from a polycarbonate shell and a durable nylon/polyester blend that’s designed to be water-resistant and to withstand the impact of travel wear and tear, according to the brand.

The suitcase also includes an easily-accessible removable panel that compresses your clothes to maximize packing space, which Uyehara says she loves most of all. “I love how spacious it is and that it can easily hold all of my items,” she says. She also says that, compared to other carry-on suitcases she’s tried, this one is lightweight and very easy to wheel around.

Best lightweight: Calpak Luka Soft Sided Carry-On

Calpak Luka Soft Sided Carry-On

Calpak Luka Soft Sided Carry-On

Malin, who’s never used soft-shell luggage before, says that this suitcase is “ideal to use for a short trip”, because of its spacious yet lightweight design. When testing the suitcase for a weekend trip, Malin says she fit three full day outfits, three pairs of pajamas and three workout outfits inside of the suitcase’s main compartment, plus underwear, bras and socks.

It’s made from Calpak’s puffy, polyester Luka material, which the brand says is designed to withstand travel — the flexible material also makes it easier to close (and overstuff, according to Malin). The carry-on also has 360-degree spinner wheels and two front pockets with a padded laptop compartment, which Malin says is her favorite part of the bag. “The sleeve makes it really easy to take my laptop out, which would be super helpful if I was going through security at the airport,” she says. Malin says she can store extras like her resistance bands and Bala bangles in the larger part of the pocket, and it’s an easy bag to wipe clean.

Why trust NBC Select?

Products underwent an eight-week trial before being selected as our favorite in their respective categories. We utilized our editors as shopping and trying experts. Each editor was given the same criteria during the testing period to ensure each item was held to the same standards and procedures. We looked at spaciousness, durability, comfort, zippers and much more. You can read more about our process here .

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When a product carries the NBC Select badge, you can trust that our team of editors as shopping experts and professionals vetted the item thoroughly. First and foremost, we are journalists, so we will always do our research and reporting.

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The 5 Flight Essentials I Swear by for Seamless Travel Are Up to 70% Off Right Now

Including a luggage set, packing cubes, and more.

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Travel + Leisure / Madison Woiten

As a frequent flier, I’ve slowly but surely mastered the art of seamless travel. Even as a natural-born overpacker, I have learned to prioritize the essentials and organize them accordingly with the help of good luggage and even better packing cubes . 

And while my travel skills evolve with practically every flight, there are a few essentials I swear by for an easy, breezy flight experience — including a good luggage set, a roomy weekender bag, and more. Keep scrolling to browse my top five must-haves from Walmart , which are currently up to 70 percent off.

Best Travel Essentials at Walmart

  • TravelHouse Three-Piece Hardside Luggage Set , $91 (originally $400) 
  • Bagsmart Weekender , $37 (originally $65) 
  • Livhill Eight-Piece Packing Cube Set , $16 (originally $27) 
  • Zalflex Travel Makeup Bag With LED Lighted Mirror , $30 (originally $100) 
  • Zrsun Carry-On Garment Bag , from $43 

TravelHouse Three-Piece Hardside Luggage Set

This luggage set , which has 2,600+ glowing reviews, comes with three suitcases for even less than a single bag should typically cost. The 28-, 24-, and 20-inch spinners each have a TSA-approved lock to keep your belongings safe and a lightweight design that ensures effortless travel. Shoppers raved about the steal of a deal and said the luggage set is durable and built tough. They also praised its easy storage since the suitcases nest inside one another when not in use. 

Bagsmart Weekender

When it comes to selecting a weekender bag, it’s important to consider the space-to-size ratio. You want something that’s roomy and allows you to easily store your essentials without feeling so oversized it barely fits on your shoulder. This Bagsmart style , which includes a functional crossbody strap, is lightweight enough to comfortably carry and has plenty of compartments. According to one customer, the duffel bag can quickly be folded up when not in use and is well made for such a low price. 

Livhill Eight-Piece Packing Cube Set

Packing cubes have revolutionized the way I travel, so if you haven’t converted to the organization system just yet, now’s the time to do it. This eight-piece set includes three classic packing cubes (in different sizes), a bra and underwear bag, a shoe bag, a toiletry bag, a makeup bag, and a cable bag — each of which is made from a waterproof material with heavy-duty zippers and durable stitching. Shoppers said they are a great organization for packing, especially on long trips, and help prevent overpacking.

Zalflex Travel Makeup Bag With LED Lighted Mirror

It’s time to toss out your old, raggedy makeup bag for something more functional. This cosmetics case with an LED lighted mirror makes it so much easier to get ready while traveling — especially if your Airbnb is short on mirrors, or worse, has unflattering lights. The 70 percent-off design features convenient slots for your makeup, brushes, and other toiletries and even has a drip-proof protection layer to avoid leaks.

Zrsun Carry-On Garment Bag

If you’re heading to an important event, say a wedding, or just don’t want an outfit wrinkled from your cramped suitcase, this carry-on garment bag is the ultimate solution. And unlike typical garment bags, it easily folds up into a duffel-style bag so it’s easy to cart along with you. The design is made from a durable water-repellent polyester, which will keep your dress or suit dry no matter the conditions while ensuring your clothes stay wrinkle-free. Reviewers said the garment bag exceeded their expectations and greatly simplified travel. 

Love a great deal? Sign up for our T+L Recommends newsletter and we’ll send you our favorite travel products each week.

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