Nuzlocke Challenge

safari zone rules nuzlocke

The Nuzlocke Challenge is a set of rules intended to create a higher level of difficulty while playing the Pokémon games . A playthrough using these rules is often called a " Nuzlocke ".

Nuzlockes are a popular way to play the games among core fans . Many challengers feel that the rules encourage the use of Pokémon the player would not normally choose and promote closer bonds with the player's team. The rules are not an in-game function, but rather, self-imposed on the player's part, and thus subject to variation.

The challenge originates from the comic series of the same name, which features a Nuzleaf resembling Lost character John Locke as a recurring gag character.

  • 2.1 Basic rules
  • 2.2 Near-universally-used rules
  • 2.3.1 Increased difficulty
  • 2.3.2 Decreased difficulty
  • 6 References
  • 7 External links

The basic rules were invented by Nick Franco in March 2010. Franco posted comics detailing his playthrough of Pokémon Ruby to 4chan's /v/ board, where they gained attention and inspired others to try the challenge. [1] The following month, Franco launched a website for his comics and a forum for fans' challenge chronicles. [2] Over time, the concept spread to various websites and formats such as written stories, animations and livestreams.

Franco uses "Nuzlocke" as a screen name, while his comic is titled "Pokémon: Hard-Mode". However, the word Nuzlocke eventually came to be associated with the ruleset itself.

Basic rules

The Nuzlocke Challenge has only two rules that must be followed:

  • If the first encounter in an area is a Double Battle or Horde Encounter , the player may choose which of the encountered Pokémon to catch, but only one of them.
  • Dying : Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead and must be released . Revival methods such as Revive , Revival Blessing , etc. are forbidden. If you run out of living Pokémon, you've failed the challenge and must restart the game.

Near-universally-used rules

  • Mandatory Nicknames: The player must nickname all of their Pokémon, for the sake of forming stronger emotional bonds.
  • As of White: Hard-Mode Episode 3 , it is implied that the player can accept Pokémon that are received freely from NPCs.
  • No Resets: The player may not voluntarily soft-reset to undo progress. Being able to do so would render all other rules pointless.
  • No Cheating: Cheating devices (such as GameShark ) may not be used unless they make the game harder (such as cheating to disable Exp. Share in games that don't allow such an option)
  • Full Wipe: A black out/white out is considered to be "game over" even if there are live Pokémon left in the Pokémon Storage System .
  • Trade Evolution Clause: There is no firm consensus on trading a trade Evolution Pokémon away and back to your file to evolve it.
  • Boxing: The player may put Pokémon that have fainted in the Pokémon Storage System permanently rather than releasing them.

Optional rules

Though the above rules tend to stay consistent with all players, many optional variations have been created to adjust difficulty based on personal preference. Many other rules exist besides those listed here. Regardless of the optional rules used, the run is considered a Nuzlocke Challenge so long as the two basic rules are in place.

Increased difficulty

  • Set Mode Clause: The battle style must be changed to "set" in the options menu, meaning the player does not get the opportunity to switch out their Pokémon after an opponent's Pokémon faints. In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet , where there is no set mode, the player must manually decide not to switch each time.
  • Level Restrictions: The player may not use Pokémon above a certain level limit based on the next Gym Leader / Elite Four / Champion 's highest-levelled Pokémon (their "ace"). Pokémon that exceed the level limit might be left in storage until they become eligible, or they might have to be released.
  • Random Starter: The first partner Pokémon must be randomly chosen. A common system is if the last digit of the player's Trainer ID number is 1-3, the player must choose the Grass-type first partner Pokémon; if it is 4-6, the Fire-type first partner Pokémon; if it is 7-9, the Water-type first partner Pokémon; if it is 0, free choice. Alternatively, use the Trainer ID modulo 3 for the same purposes. Remainder 0 = Grass, remainder 1 = Fire, remainder 2 = Water.
  • Monotype/Monocolor Challenge: Only Pokémon of a certain Type or color may be used. Rather than the first Pokémon encountered in an area, the player may catch the first one which fits the category or will evolve into fitting the category. If a Pokémon would lose the category upon evolution, it may not evolve.
  • One Per Gym: The player may only catch the first Pokémon after each Gym Leader instead of in each area.
  • Equal Parties: During Gym Leader and rival battles, the player must use the same number of Pokémon as their opponent.
  • Caught Only: The first partner Pokémon must be released or boxed after the first wild Pokémon is caught.
  • Notepad Extreme/First 6 Only: The player may only own six Pokémon throughout the entire run. If all six faint or otherwise become ineligible, then it's an instant "game over".
  • No Items: No items may be used during battles except for held items . Limitation due to perceived power-level of X-items.
  • No Held Items: Held items may not be used.
  • No Heal Items: Potions and status-healing items may not be used.
  • No/Limited Pokémon Centers: Pokémon Centers may not be used, or only used a certain number of times per Center, or a certain number of times between each Gym.
  • No Candy: Any type of candy that helps level up the player's Pokémon (such as Rare Candy or Exp. Candy) may not be used.
  • No Poké Marts: Poké Marts may not be used; the only items available are those found in the overworld or given for free by NPCs.
  • Limited Balls: The number of Poké Balls able to be purchased per Poké Mart is limited to a certain number.
  • No Masterball: Master Balls may not be used.
  • Giftlocke: Poké Balls may not be used. Any Pokémon obtained must be either given to the player by an NPC or hatched from an Egg .
  • No Evolving: The player must use the B-button to cancel any evolutions under their ownership.
  • Challenge Mode: ( Black 2 and White 2 only) The difficulty must be set to Challenge Mode , which increases the levels of opposing Trainers' Pokémon.
  • Ban List: Certain Pokémon such as Legendaries, Pseudo-Legendaries, and/or other powerful Pokémon are not allowed as they mitigate the difficulty of the challenge.
  • No Wild Encounters: Alternatively, the player must flee whenever possible, in order to limit the amount of experience gained.
  • No Child Support: The Day Care may not be used.
  • No Exp Share: The Exp. Share may not be used. (This does not apply to games starting from Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! , where the Exp. Share can't be disabled in-game.)
  • Limited Training: Quality-of-life features such as Pokémon-Amie , the DexNav and Super Training may not be used.
  • Memory Only: Online aids (walkthroughs, NPC team info, etc.) may not be used.
  • Progression Sacrifice: After each Badge the player randomly selects one party member to sacrifice.

Decreased difficulty

  • Slow Start: The two basic rules are not in effect until the player has gained their first Poké Balls and thus the ability to catch Pokémon. For example, encounters starting from the Poochyena R S OR AS / Zigzagoon E that the player has to save Professor Birch from, up to when the player can catch Pokémon, are not counted. Likewise, in the games where the first rival battle is immediately after obtaining the first partner Pokémon, the "release or permanently box a Pokémon if it faints" rule is often not enforced at that time.
  • A limit may be set on how many times the player can apply the Species/Dupes Clause in an area. If this many duplicate Pokémon are encountered in an area, the Species/Dupes Clause is no longer applied for that area and the player must settle for the next Pokémon they encounter.
  • Second Chance: The player may have a small number of "second chances" or revives of fallen team members. Typically this type of ruling is done after Gym battles, such as getting 1 revive per Gym.
  • Shiny Replacement Clause: A compromise where you can use Shiny Pokémon during a challenge, but another Pokémon must be released in exchange.
  • Checkpoints: Each Gym Badge can act as a checkpoint. If the player gets a game over, they may restart from when they got their last Badge.
  • HM Helper: If the player has no Pokémon that can use a field move that is required to continue the game, they may catch another Pokémon that can learn the required field move. However, this Pokémon cannot be used in battle and must be released as soon as it is no longer needed or if the player catches another Pokémon that can use the same field move.
  • On Safari: The "first encounter only" rule is modified for within the Safari Zone . One catch may be had for each section of the Zone, rather than the more restrictive interpretation that the entire Zone is one area.
  • Rare Candy Clause: Hack in infinite Rare Candies to avoid tedious grinding. It was popularized by the streamer Pokémon Challenges.
  • Master Ball Clause: Hack in infinite Master Balls to avoid wild Pokémon fainting , running away , or using escape moves like Teleport and Roar .
  • Hardcore Nuzlocke: A general name for any Nuzlocke variant which restricts item use and over-levelling, in order to produce a more difficult run and more strategic play.
  • Wonderlocke : In this variant, any Pokémon caught must immediately be traded using Wonder Trade and the received Pokémon is used instead. Typically, this comes with a level restriction where if the received Pokémon is more than a certain number of levels higher than the original Pokémon, it must be traded again until an appropriate-level Pokémon is received.
  • Common additional rules include restricting duplicate types between the two players. If either player is using a Pokémon of a certain type, the other player cannot use any Pokémon of that same type. If both players find the same type of Pokémon for one encounter, neither is able to use it.
  • Egglocke : The player catches Pokémon, 1 per route as normal, but instead of using the Pokémon caught, they hatch a randomly generated egg. Usually this is done via trades or through cheat devices, where the egg Pokémon are chosen by a third party, such as friends or a streaming audience.
  • Wedlocke : Each pair of Pokémon is married/bonded based on the order they're caught in. A Pokémon can only switch out for its bondmate. If a Pokémon dies, its bondmate must be the next one sent in. If one "widow" survives a battle, they might either remarry the next catch, or get perma-boxed.
  • Randomizer: Randomizer mods can be used to add more variety to Nuzlockes. However, this often causes unbalance as encountering a Legendary early can reduce difficulty greatly. Additionally, catch rates may have to be adjusted via the Randomizer in order to allow for Legendary Pokémon to be more easily caught using low-tier Balls.
  • Alphabetlocke: The six Pokémon on your team must be the first six species names in alphabetical order (or reverse alphabetical). For example, if you have a Squirtle, Pidgey, Mankey, Beedrill, Pikachu, Geodude, Clefairy, and Abra, then your active team is: Abra, Beedrill, Clefairy, Geodude, Mankey, Pidgey. Then if Mankey evolves into Primeape, its new name is lower in alphabetical order, so Pikachu takes its spot on the team.
  • Ballocke: Instead of limiting Pokémon by route, this variant limits by type of Ball. Only one Pokémon may be caught in a Poké Ball, one may be caught in a Great Ball, one in a Quick Ball, etc.
  • Repel Encounter Manipulation: Having a Repel active and a Pokémon in the first position at a specific level can be used to filter out unwanted encounters and in some cases guarantee specific encounters.
  • Sacking: For difficult encounters, it is wise to have at least one Pokémon you are willing to sacrifice in order to switch to a better one. Recommended Pokémon to be sacked are: ones with weak base stats, ones whose type is shared by a more powerful teammate, or ones who could have a replacement caught in an upcoming place.
  • Play Around The Crit: Being aware if your Pokémon is in danger of being taken out by a critical hit is key to avoiding unnecessary deaths. Generation I has a critical hit damage multiplier between 1.5× and 1.95× depending on the level, with higher levels doing more damage. From Generations II to V , the damage dealt by a critical hit is 2× as much as a normal hit. From Generation VI onward, critical hits deal 1.5× more damage than normal. Warning : critical hits ignore stat changes, such as increased Defense with Defense Curl.
  • Avoid Unnecessary Encounters: Trainers use better decision-making and have higher levels on average than wild Pokémon within the same route. Avoiding non-required trainer battles increases the chances your Pokémon will survive.
  • Be Aware of Mandatory Battles: Don't trigger mandatory battles, such as rival fights, without first making sure your team is fully healed and properly leveled.
  • Don't Underlevel: There is no reason to have an under-leveled Pokémon for encounters. Even if adhering to Gym Leader level restrictions, make sure to have your team at the level restriction by the time you trigger the battle.
  • Baiting: Trainer -owned Pokémon will choose the move that is most effective against the enemy Pokémon. As such, you can bait certain moves in order to get a free switch. A common example is having a Pokémon weak to Ground-type moves out on the field and then switch to a Pokémon that is immune to Ground moves, such as a Flying-type Pokémon or a Pokémon with Levitate .
  • Generational Awareness: Be aware of changes between generations. For example: Sturdy , in Generations III and IV only, protects against one-hit knockout moves , while in Generation V onward, it protects the Pokémon from being knocked out with one hit when at full HP.
  • PP Stall: Using healing moves or items (if allowed) in order to force a dangerous encounter to waste all their good moves. Typically, this is used for low PP moves that deal large amounts of damage. If successful, this can lead to the enemy using Struggle to knock itself out.
  • So far in the original Nuzlocke comics, one first partner Pokémon of each type has been used: Treecko in Ruby , Charmander in Fire Red , and Oshawott in the ongoing White challenge.
  • The original Nuzlocke run through Ruby was a failure, due to the entire active team dying in the Champion battle.
  • In the Nuzlocke Forums' log of successful runs , the most victorious Pokémon of all time is Gyarados , which survived 240 recorded Champion battles at time of writing.
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External links

  • The original Nuzlocke Comics
  • The Nuzlocke Forums
  • Nuzlocke discussions on Reddit
  • Fanon terminology

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Pokémon Nuzlocke: rules, tips, origin, and more

The Pokémon series has been around for nearly 30 years, so it’s no surprise that its fan base has quite a large age range. While the franchise does have complicated mechanics in place — a vast knowledge of Pokémon states is needed to play competitively and shiny Pokémon hunting has been broken down into a science instead of a surprise — but, as a whole, the series’ story and overall difficultly has always been family-friendly and aimed toward a younger audience. This can leave older, more experienced Pokémon trainers wanting more when they cruise through a new Pokémon title.

What is the Nuzlocke challenge?

Standard nuzlocke rules, nuzlocke tips and tricks.

Pokémon has never had an adjustable difficulty setting, but over the years, players have figured out how to up the challenge by creating their own self-imposed rules. The most popular challenge taken on by gamers of all skill levels is the Nuzlocke challenge, a set of rules popularized by web comics, streamers and content creators in the past decade that adds a bit of spice to the average Pokémon playthrough.

Here’s everything you need to know about the Pokémon Nuzlocke challenge.

The Nuzlocke challenge was created by artist and gamer Nick Franco in March 2010. Posting comics detailing a playthrough of Pokémon Ruby  on 4Chan, Franco explained the self-imposed “hard mode” rules he invented to make the game more difficult. Soon after, he launched his own website to post his comics (you can still view the original Nuzlocke comics there ), and he has since written about other playthroughs using the same ruleset.

The challenge became wildly popular in the Pokémon community on 4Chan as other players started using the same rules for their own playthroughs. The popularity of the Nuzlocke challenge has only grown — there’s a community on Reddit dedicated to the challenge and it’s a common playthrough option for creators playing the game for an audience on YouTube and Twitch.

But why is it called “Nuzlocke?” In the original playthrough. Franco captured a Seedot early on in the run and joked in his comic that the acorn-like Pokémon resembled the character John Locke from the hit TV show Lost . The Seedot eventually evolved into a Nuzleaf, the party member became a sort of gag character throughout the comic, and the Nuzlocke name was born.

The Nuzlocke challenge is very simple at its core. The rules are designed to make the game a bit more challenging for more advanced players, but isn’t a complete pain to implement and track. Here are the two standard rules:

  • The player may only catch the first wild Pokémon encountered in each area, and no others. If the first wild Pokémon encountered faints or flees, there are no second chances.
  • Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead and must be released (or stored in a separate box, or “graveyard,” in the player’s PC). If you run out of living Pokémon, you’ve failed the challenge and must restart the game.

There are also a handful of additional rules that aren’t mentioned in the original Nuzlocke run, but have been applied by players based on the comics and become musts even if they aren’t official. Here are the more casual, but still usually abided by rules:

  • The player must nickname all of their Pokémon, for the sake of forming stronger emotional bonds.
  • Some players will consider gift Pokémon to be separate encounters from wild Pokémon encountered in the same area.
  • The player may not voluntarily reset and reload the game to undo progress. Being able to do so would render all other rules pointless.

There are hundreds of other rules that players have tried and shared over the years, including limiting item usage, limiting evolutions, limiting levels gained, and more. Some players also love the idea of a Nuzlocke but give themselves a tad more leniency with the rules — they might allow one revive per Pokémon or multiple catches within special areas like the Safari Zone. Ultimately, the goal is to have more fun, so look around online for new rules to try.

Popular Nuzlocke variants

On top of adding and subtracting simple rules, some players have warped the standard Nuzlocke into something much more complex. Here’s a list of some popular Nuzlocke variants from Bulbapedia :

  • Wonderlocke : In this variant, any Pokémon caught must immediately be traded using Wonder Trade, with the received Pokémon is used instead.
  • Soul-Link : A two player variant where both players’ Pokémon are “soul-linked” based on their origin. So the first partner Pokémon are linked, the Pokémon from Route 1 are linked, and so on. If a Pokémon dies, its soulmate does too.
  • Egglocke : Player catches Pokémon 1 per route as normal, but instead of using the Pokémon caught, they hatch a randomly generated egg. Usually, this is done via trades or through cheat devices, where the egg Pokémon are chosen by a third party, such as friends or a streaming audience.
  • Randomizer: Randomizer mods can be used to add more variety to Nuzlockes.

The Nuzlocke challenge may sound simple, but it’s not forgiving. A mistake here or there can make your playthrough a lot more difficult (say you lose your best Pokémon and have to get back on the training grind) or end the run altogether. Here are a few basic tips that will help you survive your Nuzlocke run.

Heal, heal, and heal again

In a normal Pokémon playthrough where you can revive all you want, you don’t really have to worry about health. If you lose the fight, come back later with a full-health team and try again. Not in a Nuzlocke. If your Pokémon are at anything but full health, they are in danger. Hit Pokémon Centers often (even if it takes a lot of backtracking) and always have healing items on hand.

While the Pokémon death rules might be at the forefront of your mind when starting a Nuzlocke challenge, it doesn’t really hit you until a random Weedle knocks out your ace starter Pokémon in a random encounter.

Repels are actually useful

Repels keep most wild Pokémon from interrupting your travel through tall grass. You won’t run into any Pokémon that are at a lower level than the Pokémon at the top of your party. This is useful for making sure the Pokémon you encounter are at higher levels (which means less training time). You can also fudge the system here a little bit and aim to capture certain Pokémon in a given route — look up the route on a site like Bulbpedia to get a list of available Pokémon and their level caps, then aim high to filter unwanted Pokémon out.

Sacrifice might be necessary

It will hurt, but there’s going to be a battle in your Nuzlocke run that’s winnable, but only if you let one of your Pokémon die. Maybe you need to buy time to heal your best Pokémon and need to send out a weaker party member to take a big hit. This is commonly referred to as sacking. Some players will keep five strong Pokémon on their team and one weaker Pokémon whose sole purpose is to be cannon fodder. It’s brutal, but could save your playthrough.

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Pokémon Sapphire Nuzlocke Guide

This guide contains useful information for a Sapphire Nuzlocke . Lists of all of the available Pokémon, the number of encounters, and detailed overviews of all Boss battles .

Sapphire Logo

Sapphire Encounters

A fun aspect of Nuzlocke runs is the variety of encounters forcing you to try out new Pokémon you've never used before. That is why it's important to know which Pokémon will be available during a run. We've compiled a list of every encounter for Pokémon Sapphire so you can quickly see who you might want on your team!

Pokémon Sapphire has 67 different encounter locations with 116 different Pokémon available as wild encounters. Hover over a Pokémon to see where to encounter it!

2 Dragon Pokémon encounters

  • Bagon - Meteor Falls
  • Rayquaza - Sky Pillar

3 Fighting Pokémon encounters

  • Machop - Route 112, Jagged Pass and Fiery Path
  • Makuhita - Rustboro City
  • Medicham - Victory Road

3 Ghost Pokémon encounters

  • Sableye - Granite Cave and Victory Road
  • Shuppet - Route 121, Mt. Pyre and Route 123
  • Duskull - Mt. Pyre

3 Ice Pokémon encounters

  • Snorunt - Shoal Cave
  • Spheal - Shoal Cave
  • Regice - Route 105

5 Dark Pokémon encounters

  • Houndour - Altering Cave
  • Poochyena - Route 101, Route 103 and Route 102
  • Carvanha - Route 118
  • Sharpedo - Route 103, Route 118, Route 122, Route 125, Route 127, Route 129, Route 130, Route 131, Pacifidlog Town, Route 132, Route 133 and Route 134

6 Fire Pokémon encounters

  • Cyndaquil - Littleroot Town
  • Slugma - Fiery Path
  • Torchic - Starter
  • Numel - Route 112, Jagged Pass and Fiery Path
  • Torkoal - Fiery Path

7 Ground Pokémon encounters

  • Sandshrew - Route 113 and Mirage Tower
  • Geodude - Granite Cave and Route 114
  • Nincada - Route 116
  • Trapinch - Mirage Tower
  • Barboach - Route 114, Meteor Falls and Victory Road
  • Whiscash - Meteor Falls and Victory Road

7 Steel Pokémon encounters

  • Magnemite - New Mauville
  • Magneton - New Mauville
  • Skarmory - Route 113
  • Aron - Granite Cave
  • Lairon - Victory Road
  • Beldum - Mossdeep City
  • Registeel - Route 120

8 Grass Pokémon encounters

  • Oddish - Route 110, Route 117, Route 121, Safari Zone and Route 123
  • Gloom - Route 121, Safari Zone and Route 123
  • Chikorita - Littleroot Town
  • Treecko - Starter
  • Lotad - Route 102 and Route 114
  • Lombre - Route 114
  • Shroomish - Petalburg Woods
  • Roselia - Route 117

9 Rock Pokémon encounters

  • Shuckle - Altering Cave
  • Corsola - Route 128, Pacifidlog Town and Ever Grande City
  • Nosepass - Granite Cave
  • Lunatone - Meteor Falls
  • Relicanth - Route 124 and Route 126
  • Regirock - Route 111

9 Bug Pokémon encounters

  • Pineco - Altering Cave
  • Wurmple - Route 101, Route 102, Route 104 and Petalburg Woods
  • Silcoon - Petalburg Woods
  • Cascoon - Petalburg Woods
  • Surskit - Route 102, Route 117 and Route 114
  • Volbeat - Route 117
  • Illumise - Route 117

11 Electric Pokémon encounters

  • Pikachu - Safari Zone
  • Voltorb - New Mauville
  • Electrode - New Mauville
  • Chinchou - Route 124 and Route 126
  • Mareep - Altering Cave
  • Electrike - Route 110 and Route 118
  • Manectric - Route 118
  • Plusle - Route 110 and Fortree City
  • Minun - Route 110

11 Poison Pokémon encounters

  • Zubat - Granite Cave, Altering Cave, Shoal Cave and Seafloor Cavern
  • Golbat - Meteor Falls, Shoal Cave, Seafloor Cavern and Victory Road
  • Tentacool - Route 103, Dewford Town, Route 106, Route 107, Route 109, Slateport City, Route 110, Route 115, Route 118, Route 121, Route 122, Route 123, Lilycove City, Route 125, Route 127, Route 128, Seafloor Cavern, Sootopolis City, Route 108, Abandoned Ship, Route 129, Route 130, Route 131, Pacifidlog Town, Route 132, Route 133, Route 134 and Ever Grande City
  • Tentacruel - Abandoned Ship
  • Grimer - Fiery Path
  • Koffing - Fiery Path
  • Gulpin - Route 110
  • Seviper - Route 114

11 Psychic Pokémon encounters

  • Abra - Granite Cave
  • Natu - Safari Zone
  • Wynaut - Lavaridge Town and Mirage Island
  • Wobbuffet - Safari Zone
  • Girafarig - Safari Zone
  • Ralts - Route 102
  • Spoink - Jagged Pass
  • Chimecho - Mt. Pyre

12 Flying Pokémon encounters

  • Doduo - Safari Zone
  • Gyarados - Sootopolis City
  • Taillow - Route 104, Petalburg Woods, Route 116 and Route 115
  • Swellow - Route 115
  • Wingull - Route 103, Route 104, Route 106, Route 107, Route 109, Slateport City, Route 110, Route 115, Route 118, Route 121, Route 122, Route 123, Lilycove City, Route 125, Route 127, Route 128, Route 108, Route 129, Route 130, Route 131, Pacifidlog Town, Route 132, Route 133, Route 134 and Ever Grande City
  • Pelipper - Route 103, Route 104, Route 106, Route 107, Route 109, Slateport City, Route 110, Route 115, Route 118, Route 121, Route 122, Route 123, Lilycove City, Route 125, Route 127, Route 128, Route 108, Route 129, Route 130, Route 131, Pacifidlog Town, Route 132, Route 133, Route 134 and Ever Grande City
  • Swablu - Route 114 and Route 115

20 Normal Pokémon encounters

  • Jigglypuff - Route 115
  • Ditto - Desert Underpass
  • Aipom - Altering Cave
  • Teddiursa - Altering Cave
  • Stantler - Altering Cave
  • Smeargle - Artisan Cave
  • Zigzagoon - Route 101, Route 103, Route 102, Route 104, Petalburg Woods, Route 116, Route 110, Route 117, Route 118, Route 121 and Route 123
  • Linoone - Route 118, Route 121 and Route 123
  • Slakoth - Petalburg Woods
  • Whismur - Route 116, Rusturf Tunnel and Desert Underpass
  • Loudred - Desert Underpass
  • Skitty - Route 116 and Fortree City
  • Spinda - Route 113
  • Castform - Route 119
  • Kecleon - Route 118, Route 121 and Route 123

31 Water Pokémon encounters

  • Psyduck - Safari Zone
  • Horsea - Route 132, Route 133 and Route 134
  • Goldeen - Route 102, Petalburg City, Route 117, Route 114, Meteor Falls, Route 118, Safari Zone and Victory Road
  • Seaking - Safari Zone
  • Staryu - Lilycove City
  • Magikarp - Route 103, Route 102, Petalburg City, Route 104, Dewford Town, Route 106, Route 107, Route 109, Slateport City, Route 110, Route 117, Route 114, Meteor Falls, Route 115, Route 118, Route 121, Safari Zone, Route 122, Route 123, Lilycove City, Route 125, Route 127, Route 128, Seafloor Cavern, Sootopolis City, Route 108, Abandoned Ship, Route 129, Route 130, Route 131, Pacifidlog Town, Route 132, Route 133, Route 134, Ever Grande City and Victory Road
  • Totodile - Littleroot Town
  • Marill - Route 102, Petalburg City, Route 117 and Route 114
  • Mudkip - Starter
  • Wailmer - Route 103, Dewford Town, Route 106, Route 107, Route 109, Slateport City, Route 110, Route 115, Route 121, Route 122, Route 123, Lilycove City, Route 125, Route 127, Route 128, Seafloor Cavern, Route 108, Route 129, Route 130, Route 131, Pacifidlog Town, Route 132, Route 133, Route 134 and Ever Grande City
  • Wailord - Route 129
  • Corphish - Route 102, Petalburg City and Route 117
  • Clamperl - Route 124 and Route 126
  • Luvdisc - Route 128 and Ever Grande City
  • Kyogre - Cave of Origin

2 Dragon Pokémon DRAGON

3 fighting pokémon fighting, 3 ghost pokémon ghost, 3 ice pokémon ice, 5 dark pokémon dark, 6 fire pokémon fire, 7 ground pokémon ground, 7 steel pokémon steel, 8 grass pokémon grass, 9 rock pokémon rock, 9 bug pokémon bug, 11 electric pokémon electric, 11 poison pokémon poison, 11 psychic pokémon psychic, 12 flying pokémon flying, 20 normal pokémon normal, 31 water pokémon water, sapphire boss battles.

In order to complete a Sapphire Nuzlocke and become the Champion, you will need to win 25 Boss battles throughout the Hoenn region - ranging from bickering Rival & Evil team fights, to Gym Leaders & ultimately the Elite Four.

These can be a challenge, especially when your dear nicknamed nuzlocke mons are at risk. So below we've listed detailed overviews of all these fights! Giving you all the information you'll need to face everything from Rival's Mudkip to Drake's Salamence .

8 Gym Leader fights

5 Elite Four fights

6 Rival fights

6 Evil Team fights

Select your starter type

Like all Pokémon games, you will have to select a starter. The type will update some of the boss teams to match. For example, if your starter was a grass type Rival might have a fire type to take advantage!

Gym Leader fights

- rustboro gym.

has a team of 0, made up of a level undefined undefined. The level cap for this fight is level null.

Rustboro Gym

- dewford gym, dewford gym, - mauville city gym, mauville city gym, - lavaridge gym, lavaridge gym, - petalburg gym, petalburg gym, - fortree city gym, fortree city gym, - mossdeep city gym, mossdeep city gym, - sootopolis gym, sootopolis gym, elite four fights, - pokémon league, pokémon league, - pokémon league champion, pokémon league champion, rival fights, - route 103, - route 110, - mauville city, mauville city, - weather institute, weather institute, - lilycove city, lilycove city, - victory road, victory road, evil team fights, - mt. chimney, mt. chimney, - team magma hideout, team magma hideout, - seafloor cavern, seafloor cavern.

Now that you're ready to take on the Pokémon Sapphire Nuzlocke Challenge , why not keep track of all your encounters with the Nuzlocke Tracker ? Start Tracking

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What Are the Rules on Short-Term Rentals in St. Petersburg?

Home » Blog » What Are the Rules on Short-Term Rentals in St. Petersburg?

  • May 21, 2024
  • Best Attorney/Law Firm , Best of the Best , Real Estate , St Petersburg

Table of Contents

What Are Short-Term Rentals?

Key rental regulations in saint petersburg, florida, zoning requirements and rental frequency guidelines.

  • Condo hotels
  • Unincorporated areas

Condo Hotels

Unincorporated areas, short-term rental rules by zoning.

  • In Residential Traditional (RT) and Residential Suburban (RS) zones, short-term rentals are not permitted.
  • Conversely, in Downtown Center (DC) and Commercial General (CG) zones, short-term rentals are generally allowed.
  • If your property is located within a historic district or has landmark status, additional requirements may apply.
  • Similarly, properties located within coastal high-hazard areas or flood zones may face restrictions or additional safety requirements.

Property Registration and Code Enforcement

Property registration.

  • Inventory Maintenance : By registering, the city can keep track of all short-term rental properties for regulatory purposes.
  • Oversight and Accountability : Registering involves providing detailed information about the rental property and the owner. This information helps authorities ensure that hosts are following the rules and regulations.

Code Enforcement

  • Ensuring Safety : Code enforcement officers conduct inspections of short-term rental properties to make sure they meet safety requirements such as fire codes.
  • Maintaining Quality : These officers also check if the amenities provided by hosts meet certain quality standards.
  • Fire Safety : Install smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and have clear escape routes.
  • Property Standards : Keep the premises clean, safe, and ready for guests.
  • Regulatory Measures : Follow any additional rules specific to your zoning district or property location in St. Petersburg.

Tax Obligations and Financial Responsibilities

  • Keep good records of all the transactions related to your short-term rental business.
  • Pay your taxes on time so you don’t get hit with any extra fees or interest charges that could eat into your profits.

Why Compliance Matters

How can a st. petersburg real estate attorney help your process.

  • Drafting and reviewing rental agreements for short-term rentals to ensure legal compliance and protection of your rights as a landlord or tenant.
  • Providing guidance on zoning regulations and local ordinances related to short-term rentals in St. Petersburg to prevent potential violations. – Assisting in obtaining necessary permits or licenses required for short-term rental properties to operate legally.
  • Handling any disputes or legal issues that may arise between landlords, tenants, or neighbors in relation to short-term rentals.
  • Offering legal advice on liability concerns and insurance coverage for short-term rental properties to mitigate risks.
  • Representing clients in negotiations or litigation related to short-term rental agreements or property disputes.

Contact a St. Petersburg Real Estate Attorney For a Free Consultation

Award-winning attorneys at battaglia, ross, dicus & mcquaid, p.a., sharing is caring, 3 convenient locations, to better serve you.

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safari zone rules nuzlocke

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St Pete Catalyst

What businesses need to know about St. Pete’s new noise ordinance

Megan Holmes

Once a sleepy town known as “God’s waiting room,” St. Pete is facing growing pains. With concerns ranging from density and affordability, to infrastructure and traffic, one issue has remained top of mind for downtown residents – noise.

After years of negotiation between residents, local businesses and city staff, on May 16 St. Petersburg City Council voted unanimously to amend the City’s noise ordinance to increase the enforceability of the city’s noise ordinance, and stiffen penalties for offending businesses.

Most of the new requirements apply to sidewalk cafes, restaurants and bars both indoor and outdoor, as well as other “privately owned non-residential outdoor places” that have been at the center of the city’s noise complaints. The amendments were supported by the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce, which in recent years fought against proposed amendments that would have changed the standards of the noise ordinance from “plainly audible at distance” to a prescribed decibel level. The amended ordinance, which keeps the “plainly audible at distance” language, took effect Saturday, June 1.

Here’s what St. Pete businesses need to know about the new rules:

Newly established businesses: One major departure from past policy requires newly established businesses to create noise mitigation and monitoring plans. Any business established after June 1, 2019 must create a plan at minimum includes the hours of operation, number and orientation of the outdoor speakers, location of stages (if applicable) and noice mitigation and monitoring methods. In fact, the ordinance is applicable to any outdoor sound system that is “installed, expanded, or modified” after June 1, within 1,000 feet of a hotel or residential use, including mixed use.

Progressive penalty system: The most substantive changes would create stiffer penalties for violators of existing code by establishing a progressive penalty system. An establishment’s first violation would warrant a warning, while second and third violations within the same 12 months would each carry $500 fines. After the third violation, the City could impose a suspension the establishment’s extended hours or sidewalk cafe permits for up to 30 days. However, noise violations could not be used as a grounds for revocation of the permit.

Sidewalk cafes: Any business with a sidewalk cafe must mount their speakers overhead and orient the speaker at a downward 45 degree (or less) angle. Speakers must be included in the approved sidewalk cafe permit plan. The ordinance also establishes that plainly audible noise should not exceed 200 feet during normal business hours (8 a.m.-11 p.m.) and 50 feet during extended business hours (11 p.m.-8 a.m.).

Not otherwise regulated sounds regulated by the ordinance: Other businesses and individuals not otherwise regulated by the aforementioned rules are subject to sound distance guidelines based on their zoning district and the time of day. Permitted noise ranges from 500 feet to 50 feet during quiet hours in residential zoning categories, and 500 feet to 200 feet in nonresidential zoning categories. (See chart for details.)

safari zone rules nuzlocke

August 6, 2024at12:56 pm

The SPPD refuses to answer noise complaints. There is an emotionally disturbed man who shouts ethnic slurs for 30 minutes every day in front of Publix on 3st and 3 ave S. He is African American, he dress in KKK robes, he uses a microphone, he blocks the sidewalk, he harnesses the people working and shopping at Publix and the bank. I have been complaining to SPPD every day he shows up for months. They know who he is. read Article III Noise Pollution Section 11-47. SPPD will not respond until there is violence


Cynthia A Mulligan

January 6, 2024at6:37 pm

How can we go about adding airplanes to the ordinance? They are very loud. If they were automobiles, they’d be cited. Can a restriction please be added whereby they are required to go further out and up over the bay before turning over a residential area (i.e., Old Northeast)?


July 2, 2023at7:12 pm

This doesn’t do anything. The bar below me constantly blasts outdoor speakers. Heck they have a BAND playing blasting music everywhere for hours. Who in the city can I contact about this? Non emergency has given them one warning.


February 11, 2023at3:08 pm

I am forced to listen to AC/DC and Skynyrd because the idiot down the street put speakers on his balcony and cranks it every weekend. I am within 500 feet so according to this there is nothing I can do?


December 19, 2021at4:42 pm

The noise ordiance does not apply in the richer neighborhoods.


phyllis Dodge

June 4, 2019at7:09 pm

What is plainly audible.? And according to who? The bar behind me is cranked right now.


Walter Bernuy

June 4, 2019at2:36 pm

The sounds regulated in the preceding section (currently section 11-53) are not subject to the restrictions of this section. So am I wrong in thinking the chart only applies to things not specified in 11-53.

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  • St. Petersburg

Here’s how St. Petersburg’s new residential zoning rules would work

  • Colleen Wright Times staff

ST. PETERSBURG — Dozens of residents showed up to City Hall earlier this month, passionate for and against a city proposal that would allow some inner-city owners of single-family homes to turn them into or build up to four residences.

The city identified 2,895 properties in the city’s core where that could happen. Depending on the size of the lot, those single-family homes could be remodeled into apartments or razed to make way for a duplex, triplex or fourplex, while still maintaining the neighborhood’s design standards.

Increasing the density could be achieved many different ways. For example, a single-family home could get converted into a duplex, while the property owner adds an apartment above the garage, creating three separate residences.

The City Council will hold a vote on the proposed zoning changes on March 23. If approved, they would go into effect immediately.

Those in favor said the change could bring about more affordable rental options, especially for younger and elderly residents, in a city in desperate need for more housing. Those against expressed fear of more parking congestion and the demise of neighborhood character, particularly in nationally and locally recognized historic neighborhoods. They questioned why the city isn’t increasing density in other areas first.

City Development Administrator James Corbett said the changes simply would provide options for property owners, not mandates. And the four-units — which is the max per building, if the lot size even allows that many units — are exactly that: a maximum.

“It’s giving those property owners the option if they want it to develop their property either by modifying it or building something to have additional units,” he said. “But if I live in my home and this zoning changes, and I just want to keep living in my home the way that it is, it doesn’t require me to do anything. It’s an option.”

What is being proposed and why?

St. Petersburg has been on a growth spurt. Housing supply cannot keep up with demand in a built-out city surrounded by water. Conversations began in 2017 about increasing density.

The city added 873 net residences in 2021 and 678 the year before. It projects a need for 1,035 new residences a year with moderate growth, and 1,550 if population growth is robust.

To help with the supply, the city wants to encourage construction of more “middle housing,” which is smaller, multiunit or clustered housing that encourages walking, biking and transit use. Think duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, courtyard apartments, bungalow courts, townhouses and live/work units that are compatible in scale and design with single-family homes.

Any conversion under the new zoning proposal would have to conform to design standards. It could be no taller or wider than a two-story, single-family home: 24 feet maximum height and 40 feet maximum width.

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Would my property be affected?

The city is seeking to change the zoning of certain properties in what it describes as “traditional neighborhoods.” They include those built from the 1920s to the 1950s with homes close together, without driveways, instead making use of alleys and street parking. More suburban-styled neighborhoods, such as Lakewood Estates, don’t have those characteristics, so homes there are not eligible.

This kind of added density isn’t allowed in the designated coastal high-hazard areas susceptible to storm surge. That excludes neighborhoods such as Shore Acres, Snell Isle, Riviera Bay, Bartlett Park, most of Coquina Key and most land along the coastline.

That leaves neighborhoods in the core of the city. Eligible properties have to be within 175 feet of main thoroughfares, such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street, 16th Street, 22nd Street, 49th Street and 22nd Avenue, 30th Avenue and 38th Avenue.

The lots also need to have direct access to a public, passable alley. That would be where parking would go.

“It really was based off of, where does this make sense?” said Corbett.

See if your property qualifies with this interactive map .

What is the City Council voting on?

There are two changes tied into one: A map amendment and a text amendment.

The map amendment is what most speakers at City Hall addressed. It identifies eligible properties.

The text amendment allows for the same kind of changes along First Avenue North and South, as well as Central Avenue. Most of what’s there now is commercial property, but the occasional single-family home would be eligible for conversion into up to four residences.

There’s also three changes that come with that amendment, which were made after the first public hearing March 2. They require one parking space for each residence added, garbage cans for lots with three or more units and the paving of alleys behind each property to the closest street. That cost would fall to the owner, not the city.

Will this spur immediate multifamily redevelopment?

That question was asked at the first public hearing. Liz Abernethy, the city’s planning and development services director, said she’s received two inquiries from developers interested in the changes.

One way to predict is to look at history.

In 1977, the city changed its zoning to no longer allow accessory residences, such as garage apartments and mother-in-law suites as part of a national trend. Thirty years later, they changed the rules again to allow them in most of the city. Since 2007, 285 have been constructed with 86 of those built last year.

“Reality is that all 3,000 are not going to be, you know, we’re not going to see duplexes pop up on 3,000 parcels when this passes,” Corbett said.

Many of the neighborhoods with homes that could be rezoned already have multifamily buildings. Abernethy said many of those were built 100 years ago, before there were zoning codes.

“This is replicating a development pattern that is part of the fabric of our community,” she said.

St. Petersburg Reporter


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  5. Pokémon FireRed NUZLOCKE! Episode 20: The Safari Zone!

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  6. Pokemon Diamond NUZLOCKE!

    safari zone rules nuzlocke


  1. What are your suggested rules for the Safari Zone? : r/nuzlocke

    The Nuzlocke Challenge is a set of rules intended to create a higher level of difficulty while playing the Pokémon games. ... i usually only catch one pokemon in the safari zone however i get a chance every area. so if i go into the first area and i dont like the pokemon i can kill the area and go to the next but if i havent attempted to ...

  2. Nuzlocke Challenge

    The Nuzlocke Challenge is a set of rules intended to create a higher level of difficulty while playing the Pokémon games. ... On Safari: The "first encounter only" rule is modified for within the Safari Zone. One catch may be had for each section of the Zone, rather than the more restrictive interpretation that the entire Zone is one area.

  3. Safari zone rules? : r/nuzlocke

    The Nuzlocke Challenge is a set of rules intended to create a higher level of difficulty while playing the Pokémon games. Post your personal stories, your comics, your favourite Nuzlocke links and pics, and anything else Nuzlocke-related.

  4. Reddit

    We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us.

  5. How do you handle areas with multiple zones in term of ...

    HGSS Safari Zone: Never done a HGSS run, but given the adjustable areas, here's what I'd go with. Spoiler: HGSS Safari Zone. Hoenn Safari Zone: 1 catch per area. Since it's entirely optional this time around, I don't get any other caveats. Great Marsh: 1 Pokemon. The entire area is more or less the same anyway.

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  7. Nuzlocke Tracker

    Venonat - Route 12, Safari Zone, Route 15, Route 14 and Route 13 Venomoth - Safari Zone Scyther - Celadon City 12 Flying Pokémon encounters Pidgey - Route 1, Route 2, Route 3, Route 24, Route 25, Route 5, Route 6, Route 12, Route 8, Route 7, Route 15, Route 14 and Route 13

  8. The Safari Zone

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    Standard Nuzlocke rules ... leniency with the rules — they might allow one revive per Pokémon or multiple catches within special areas like the Safari Zone. Ultimately, the goal is to have more ...

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    The Nuzlocke 'Main Rules' are not enforced until the player has obtained their first Poke Balls. The player is allowed a limited number of revives for fallen Pokemon. Shiny Pokemon can remain ...

  12. Question about Nuzlocke in relation to Safari Zone

    YOUR rules. gbchaosmaster. ArdynCaelum (Topic Creator) 13 years ago #3. My Game. Most of my rules. However, it is generally accepted that the two unvarying rules are. 1) Fainted Pokemon are treated as dead. and. 2) Only the first Pokemon encountered on a route may be caught, if you miss the chance, you don't catch any on that route.

  13. Nuzlocke Tracker

    Pokémon Sapphire has 67 different encounter locations with 116 different Pokémon available as wild encounters. Hover over a Pokémon to see where to encounter it! Route 103, Route 118, Route 122, Route 125, Route 127, Route 129, Route 130, Route 131, Pacifidlog Town, Route 132, Route 133 and Route 134. Route 110, Route 117, Route 121, Safari ...

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  15. Help me figure out some rules for a SoulSilver Nuzlocke!

    Boards. Nintendo 3DS. Help me figure out some rules for a SoulSilver Nuzlocke! metagross111 8 years ago #1. I bought a copy of Soul Silver that I hope to use later one to make some Bankballs for trading, but in the meantime I definitely wanted to try a true nuzlocke challenge for the second (was first) time. I just did one on my own with some ...

  16. What Are the Rules on Short-Term Rentals in St. Petersburg?

    To offer clarity: In Residential Traditional (RT) and Residential Suburban (RS) zones, short-term rentals are not permitted. Conversely, in Downtown Center (DC) and Commercial General (CG) zones, short-term rentals are generally allowed. These rules are not absolute; exceptions may apply based on specific circumstances.

  17. What businesses need to know about St. Pete's new noise ordinance

    Sidewalk cafes: Any business with a sidewalk cafe must mount their speakers overhead and orient the speaker at a downward 45 degree (or less) angle. Speakers must be included in the approved sidewalk cafe permit plan. The ordinance also establishes that plainly audible noise should not exceed 200 feet during normal business hours (8 a.m.-11 p.m ...

  18. Safari Zone rules : r/nuzlocke

    The Nuzlocke Challenge is a set of rules intended to create a higher level of difficulty while playing the Pokémon games. Post your personal stories, your comics, your favourite Nuzlocke links and pics, and anything else Nuzlocke-related.

  19. Here's how St. Petersburg's new residential zoning rules would work

    St. Petersburg. Here's how St. Petersburg's new residential zoning rules would work. The City Council will vote March 23 on allowing multiple residences where only one home stands now. A two ...

  20. Safari zone? : r/nuzlocke

    The Nuzlocke Challenge is a set of rules intended to create a higher level of difficulty while playing the Pokémon games. Post your personal stories, your comics, your favourite Nuzlocke links and pics, and anything else Nuzlocke-related. ... The Safari Zone has multiple areas with their own encounter tables but, like caves, it counts as a ...

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