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top 100 places to visit on earth ryan shirley

Spain is one of my all time favorite countries! From cliff jumping in Ibiza to hiking the mountains of Picos de Europa, Spain offers so much variety to experience and explore!  Where is your favorite place to visit in Spain?

What's up guys! My name is Ryan and I spent the last few years exploring the wonderful country of Spain and I want to show you my favourite places so here's my Spain top 20. Spain has to be one of my all-time favorite countries. It's home to some of the world's most stunning landscapes, intriguing history and pure Mediterranean vibes . I've been to Spain three times now, and I just can't get enough of this country. Let's start this video off at possibly my favorite island in the world: Mallorca. When you think of a Mediterranean paradise, this is it! Mallorca is home to crystal clear water, windy roads and some of the world's best cliff jumping spots. When I started solo traveling, this was the first place I went to, so it will forever have a special place in my heart. One of my favorite places in Mallorca is Cala Varqués. Now , to get to Cala Varqués you can walk down this long dirt road and make it down to the beach. Now, you're going to be blown away by the beauty of this place, I mean, it literally has everything: from sandy beaches to prime clip jumping spots. The combination of white limestone, green vegetation and crystal blue water, makes for one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been. Now, when I was there I did one of the biggest cliff jumps of my life, and I gainere d off this massive 60-foot arch, and it was so freaking terrifying, but to this day, it's one of my all-time favourite child memories. Another cool thing I did is me and my brother we found these underwater caves and we swam through them. I mean, I couldn't believe how clear this water was. It's my dream playground and I can't recommend it enough. Now, on the other side of Mallorca, you can visit the famous road to Sa Calobra. Now, coming from the US, I'm used to wide roads and highways, so this blew my mind. Roads in Europe tend to be pretty skinny, but this was by far the most crazy road I've ever drove on. It was full of hairpin turns and loops that wind down the mountain. The surrounding area is absolutely gorgeous, I mean, just had massive +++ that lead down to the sea. I believe a lot of car commercials are filmed here and I totally understand why. I found a really cool lookout point to get a view of the road when I was driving down it. I was just pretty terrified. There were some spots that only had enough room for one car. Now, you can take the road down to the bottom and visit Torrent de Pareis. It's this awesome beach between these two cliffs. I had just a good time chilling . I was just amazed by all those sailboats that were just vibing in the bay there. When I was there, I wish I would have stayed for sunset because I hear it's just incredible on that side of the island. Anyways, I can't recommend Mallorca enough . It's just an amazing place. All right, so after Mallorca we're gonna go ahead to the Atlantic ocean to visit the volcanic Canary Islands. They're located off the coast of north western Africa. Canary Islands are home to some of the world's most unique landscapes. You might as well call them the Hawaiian islands of Europe, because that's what they remind me of. The biggest and most populated island on the archipelago is called Tenerife. Now, it looks like a prime location to film the next Jurassic Park film. I mean, it's just so crazy out there. One of the craziest places in Tenerife is the cliffs of Los Gigantes. They are these massive sheer cliff walls that rise 800 meters out of the ocean. I mean, I felt like I was going to see a flying dinosaur soaring over those cliffs. You can go venture to the windy roads of the Masca gorge, or you can explore the incredible seaside views at Playa Benijo. I seriously just can't get over how beautiful this place is. Now, you can also head over to the nearby island a Fuerteventura. Being the second largest of the Canary Islands, Fuerteventura also offers some jaw-dropping landscapes. The Playa de Cofete is an incredible isolated beach with a backdrop of desolate mountains. One of my favorite places is the Parque Natural de Corralejo. It's home to a pristine area that has sand dunes that go right up to the ocean. I mean, just how freaking cool is that! Fuerteventura is such a unique location. Aside from Tenerife and Fuerteventura, the Canary Islands are also home to islands such as Lanzarote and Gran Canaria. Canaries are a place that I haven't visited yet, but you best believe I'm going there as soon as I can. After, we're gonna head to northern Spain. Now, northern Spain is such a stunning region. It's full of green scenery, huge mountains and incredible coastline. Now, one of the most impressive cities in northern Spain is Bilbao. Bilbao is a beautiful port city filled with stunning architecture and history. One of the crowning features of the city is the Guggenheim Museum. It's one of the most unique buildings I've ever seen. Now, just an hour's drive from Bilbao you can visit the islet of Gaztelugatxe. Now, the first church was built on the island all the way back in the 10th century. If you visit, you'll have to walk up a narrow path of more than 200 stairs. Now, you may recognize this island from game of thrones as Dragonstone. I mean, just such epic location hope you all can check out. After, we're gonna head over to the nearby mountains of Picos de Europa. Now, located in northern Spain lies these crazy mountains that remind me a lot of the Dolomites . this is just another place that I haven't been yet and I just want to go so freaking bad. One of the most crazy and impressive places is Naranjo de Bulnes, and it's this massive rock tower that shoots straight out of the mountain and is just so freaking epic! I mean, I can't believe it. The highest point in Picos the Europa is Torre de Cerredo, at an elevation of 2650 meters. If you wanna get lost in the mountains for a few days, you'll have to add Picos de Europa to your Spain travel list. After, we're gonna visit the famous city of Barcelona. Now, when you think of Spain, this is what you probably imagined. Barcelona is home to incredible architecture, Mediterranean beaches and an energetic vibe . All around, the most iconic attraction in Barcelona is La Sagrada Familia. It's this Roman Catholic minor basilica that began construction over 138 years ago and it still isn't finished. It's anticipated that construction will be finished in 2026, but who knows. All I know is one of the most unique building in the world and I still can't get my head around that it's been in construction since 1882. After Barcelona, we're going to head over to the nearby mountains of Montserrat. It was just a quick hour train ride or drive from Barcelona, making it a perfect day trip. Now, Monstesrrat is really cool because it has these really unique mountains that give a view of all of Catalonia. Now, when you get there, you can go take a cable car up to the Abbey of Montserrat, which is a mountain monastery that offers some incredible views. Now, there's a ton of hiking trails that lead you to a religious relic around the mountains. Definitely do some hikes. Once you're up there, I mean, it's just such a unique location, and you know me I like my rocks. This place has a bunch of them. After, we're going to visit the city of Zaragoza. Now, located about three hours drive from Barcelona, Zaragoza is the fifth most populated city in Spain with a population of around seven hundred thousand. One of the most impressive features of the city is the cathedral basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar. It's believed that Saint James was preaching the gospel in Spain around 40 A.D, when the mother of God appeared to him on the banks of the river, here, and instructed him to build a church in her honor. Soon after, a little church was built, but this massive church you see today began construction in 1681 and took nearly 300 years to finish. I mean I just can't believe how massive it is. Now, while we're still on the topic of St James, we're going to head to northwestern Spain to visit Santiago de Compostela. Now, what's really cool about the city is it's the location of the shrine of the apostle Saint James. Now, since the 9th century, there has been a catholic pilgrimage route named the Camino de Santiago , or English, the Way of Saint James. During the Middle Ages it was one of the most important Christian pilgrimages to do. The beginning of the pilgrimage begins at one's home and ends at the shrine. The route passes through some stunning towns such as Logroño or Astorga. A lot of people will walk it, or you can also cycle it. I mean, it'd just be such a fun trek to make one day. Now, afterwards we're gonna head over to the capital of Spain, Madrid. Now, located in the center of the country, Madrid is a beautiful modern city. The Plaza Mayor is a great place to visit and experience the heart of Madrid. The royal palace is another incredible spot. It's the official residence of the Spanish royal family and it's the biggest palace in all of Europe. I just can't believe how big it is. After Madrid, we're gonna head over to visit the nearby Alcazar de Segovia. Now, located in central Spain, about an hour's drive from Madrid, I have to say this is one of Spain's most dramatic castles. It has a very distinct shape that resembles the bow of a ship. The castle was built in the 12th century as a fortress, but served as a royal palace, prison and military academy throughout the years. Today it's a museum and one of Spain's most unique castles. After exploring the castle, we're going to visit nearby Toledo. Located about 70 kilometers south of Madrid. Toledo was a stunning ancient city perfectly placed on a hill. It's known as the city of three cultures, due to its influences from Christians, Muslims and jews. The history of Toledo is fascinating and complex. It was taken over by the Moors for several centuries, until it was conquered in the 11th century by the Castilians. Today, the city has a population around 80 000. One of the most impressive is the Alcazar de Toledo. It was once used as a Roman palace, and then it was eventually restored in the 16th century. Another amazing city in Spain is Cordoba. It's home to more world heritage sites than anywhere in the world, with four. One of the coolest features of the city is the mosque-cathedral of Cordoba. It's regarded as the most accomplished monument of Moors architecture. It was finished in 746 A.D, and it was converted to a Christian church in the 16th century. Another one of my favorite cities in Spain is Ronda. It's just a two-hour drive from Cordoba, and it's home to one of the most scenic bridges I've ever seen, called Puente Nuevo. It was built in the 18th century to cross the El Tajo gorge. It stands 120 meters over the canyon floor. I just can't get over the architecture of the arches. What a beautiful spot! Now, from Ronda we're going to make the two hours drive to Granada, ++++ at the base of the Sierra Nevada mountains. Granada is an elegant Spanish city. The crowning feature of Granada is The Alhambra. It's a fortified Moorish palace that was completed in 1354. The interior of this palace is stunning. there's a reflection pool and a pillared courtyard. I mean, I totally understand why it's one of the most renowned Islamic buildings in Europe. After Granada we're going to head over to Seville. Now, as the capital of the Andalusia region in Spain, Seville is a very historic city where flamenco dancing was born. The cathedral of Seville will blow your mind. It's one of the largest churches in the world and it's the world's largest gothic church. Another impressive site in the city includes the Plaza de España. It's a beautiful place that's the perfect combination of Baroque, Renaissance and Moorish architecture. Afterwards, we're going to visit the nearby port city of Cadiz. It’s located on Spain's southern coast, about an hour's drive from Seville. Cadiz is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in Europe, as it was founded by the Phoenicians over 3000 years ago, and I just think it's such a beautiful city, with its white buildings as they're placed perfectly on the narrow strip of land. Now, after Cadiz, we're gonna head over to the energetic city of Valencia. Now, being Spain's third most popular city, Valencia is full of culture and history. It's located on Spain's southeastern coast. One of the most impressive attractions in Valencia is The City of Arts and Sciences. I mean, it's one of the most unique modern architectural structures that I’ve ever seen. Construction began in 1996 and it was inaugurated nine years later. It was estimated that construction costs almost one billion dollars, but anyways, you can go paddle-board on the water, or you can go watch a film in the Imax theatre there. I mean, the surrounding science museum park is also a beautiful place to walk around and enjoy the beauty of Valencia. All right, so for my last location we're going to head over to the wild island of Ibiza. Now, Ibiza is known for crazy nightlife and party city. It also has some of the world's best beaches and cliff jumping. Me and my brother decided to go to Ibiza for Halloween because, why not? Anyways, we spent the first few days exploring the island and, honestly, I was pretty disappointed because I couldn't find any really cool jump spots. But on our last day we had just a few hours before our plane was about to take off and we found this secluded cove. We hiked down and made sure the water was deep enough, and we found this perfect cliff, and I threw some jumps off, and then my brother did a wild double backflip off the cliff. One of my favourite places on Ibiza is this island called Isla de Es Vedrá. It's this rugged uninhabited island that shoots over 400 meters straight out of the ocean. Now, there's a lot of myths and legends about Es Vedrá, and some claim that it's the third most magnetic place in the world. I’m not sure if that's true, I just know that it's one of the most beautiful islands I’ve ever seen. You can rent a boat and go cruise around the island looking for some epic cliff jump spots, or just enjoy the beauty of this limestone island. Next time I'm in Ibiza, I’m going to make sure to go check out Es Vedrá and see if the myths and legends are true. Whether you want to go to Ibiza for cliff jumping or just partying with Kygo , it's one of the most entertaining places to visit. Well that is it for my Spain top 20. Let me know where your favourite place is in Spain in the comments below.  I also started a relaxation channel where I post hour-long films with kai music to bring some peace and nature in your life. I'll be releasing a relaxation film on Spain very soon. You can find me on TikTok and Instagram as shirley.films. It's Ryan, and we will see you later!

HAS TO BE= (coll., esp. AmE) An emphatic way of saying "is". This expression is often used to talk about preferences (ex: my favourite colour has to be green = it definitely is green).

STUNNING= Fascinating, awesome, super wonderful.

INTRIGUING= Interesting and mysterious.

VIBES= Sensations.

WINDY= /w aɪ ndɪ/ turning again and again.

NOW= This word is used many many times throughout the video, and every single times it is used, it is used as a gap-filler, that is, it means nothing, it is just something we say before starting a new sentence.

DIRT ROAD= A path which is not paved, but is simply covered with sand or soil.

BE BLOWN AWAY= Really really surprised.

GAINER= A dive in which the diver leaves the board facing forward, does a back somersault, and enters the water feet first. Here it is used as a verb.

FREEKING= (coll.) Just an emphasizer to give strength to the next word, in this case "terrifying", so "freeking terrifying" means "really really terrifying".

HAIRPIN TURNS= Very very closed turns, bending sharply (see hairpin to better understand the metaphor).

CHILLING= (coll.) Relaxing and doing nothing.

VIBING= Chilling, relaxing.

I CAN'T DO x ENOUGH= I emphatically do it.

MIGHT AS WELL= Used to say that something should be done or accepted because it cannot be avoided or because there is no good reason not to do it. For example: " You might as well tell them the truth " = you should tell them the truth because they are going to know anyway, or because there is going to be no difference. In this video the sentence means: you can call them the Hawaiian islands of Europe because that's what they are, so you are not going to be wrong and people are not going to react against it.

CROWNING FEATURE= Top feature, most interesting feature.

EPIC= (coll.) Incredible, fantastic, amazing.

DOLOMITES= The beginning of the Alps, in the north of Italy, famous for its incredible scenery (see picture )

VIBE= (coll.) Feeling, sensation.

CABLE CAR= A cabin suspended from and moved by an overhead cable in a mountain area. (see picture )

HIKING TRAILS= Paths for hiking (for walking along in nature).

A BUNCH= (coll.) A lot.

SAINT JAMES= James the Greater. One of Jesus' 12 apostles, and one of his 3 most loved disciples (followers) together with Peter and John.

SANTIAGO= Spanish for "Saint James".

SHRINE= A sacred place where a saint is buried.

BOW= The front section of a ship.

WORLD HERITAGE SITE= A monument or place declared protected by the UNO due to its international relevance.

SCENIC= Creating a wonderful view.

IMAX THEATRE= A kind of cinema projection where the screen is much bigger than usual and quality of image much better.


KYGO= A very famous Norwegian DJ. Ibiza is famous for its discos.

KAI MUSIC= No idea, but if you know what that is, please leave a comment.

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top 100 places to visit on earth ryan shirley

Ryan Shirley

By: Author Naveen Reddy

Posted on Published: January 31, 2024

Ryan Shirley is a popular travel YouTuber.

He has more than 690K subscribers on his eponymous YouTube channel.


Ryan Shirley hails from Provo, Utah, United States.

He has a brother, Matt.

Matt is also a traveller, and he appeared in a few of Ryan’s YouTube videos.

Travelling to El Salvador-

At 18, after graduating from high school, Ryan decided to go on a two-year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

He was assigned to travel to El Salvador.

At that time, Ryan didn’t know anything about the country and so, he researched El Salvador only to find that it had one of the world’s highest murder rates.

Even though this fact scared him, he assumed that he would be safe as he would be serving there as a missionary.

In October 2013, Ryan flew down to San Salvador, the capital of El Salvador for his mission.

This was his first trip outside of the United States.

The silver lining-

While in San Salvador, Ryan spent his first six months in Cuscatancingo.

Those were the most difficult moments of his life as he felt the place to be dangerous and dirty and experienced extreme culture shock.

Ryan was attacked by feral dogs; a guy threatened him to shoot him in the face and some of his friends got murdered by the gangs there.

He also grew depressed and homesick as he was able to talk to his family only once a week through email.

All these experiences forced Ryan to grow outside his comfort zone.

He befriended locals and was fulfilled to observe people there being happy despite living in difficult circumstances.

Travelling to Belize-

After living a year in El Salvador, Ryan got reassigned to travel to Belize.

He spent four months in Benque Viejo Del Carmen town and here, he made some good family friends and became a part of the community.

Then, for the last part of the mission, Ryan got reassigned to Belize City.

In September 2015, as his mission ended, he returned to the United States.

Realizing his Europe dream-

After returning to the United States in 2015, Ryan joined Brigham Young University (BYU) in Provo, Utah to study for a bachelor’s degree in Arts, Entertainment, and Media Management.

In May 2017, he landed an internship as a Content Creator at Geneva Office For Human Rights Education in Geneva, Switzerland.

Thanks to this, Ryan has been able to realize his lifelong dream of living in Europe, specifically Switzerland.

As a part of his internship, he produced animated educational videos to educate children around the world of human rights.

On 16 May 2017, Ryan created their YouTube channel, ‘ Geneva Office For Human Rights Education ,’ and he also managed this channel.

He interned for three months from May 2017 until July 2017.

Exploring Europe & travel videography-

While interning at Geneva Office For Human Rights Education, Ryan loved exploring Geneva city and Lake Geneva.

As living in Geneva was very expensive, he starved himself and survived on cheap food, viz. pasta, chocolate and Coke.

Living in Geneva allowed Ryan to travel to other European countries and during that time, he started getting into travel videography.

While interning, on weekend trips he visited Edinburgh, Scotland, Shipwreck Beach in Greece, etc.

After finishing his internship, Ryan rented a car and drove all around Switzerland and visited places like Grindelwald, etc. and ended his trip in the iconic town of Zermatt.

All these experiences cemented his love for Europe.

Greece, London & Iceland-

After his Switzerland trip, Ryan returned to Utah and took a leave of absence from the university for a two-week trip to Europe in the fall.

He bottomed out his bank account for buying new camera gear and for his travel expenses.

Ryan and his brother travelled to Athens, Ibiza, Meteora, London and finally ended their trip in Iceland.

Later, Ryan resumed college the following winter.

Joining Beautiful Destinations-

Thanks to his two-week Europe trip, he shot beautiful footage.

And with this footage and the earlier footage of Switzerland, Ryan created a YouTube video titled ‘My Year 2017 – Ryan Shirley’.

A few months later, this video helped him to secure an internship at Beautiful Destinations.

From June 2018 to August 2018, Ryan interned as a Video Editor in New York City.

No to New York, yes to Dolomites-

While interning at Beautiful Destinations, Ryan used to live in a one-bedroom ghetto in Queens, New York for $1,200 a month.

Every day he used to travel an hour to reach Manhattan for work.

As Ryan wasn’t a city person and hated paying $1,200 for a room and long commute to work, he didn’t like living in New York.

Fortunately, after finishing his internship, he won the DJI’s Now It’s Epic Contest and won $3,000.

Ryan decided to use this money to travel and so, bought a one-way ticket to Italy to visit Dolomites.

After spending a couple of weeks travelling around Dolomites, he along with one of his friends travelled to Greece and visited Santorini and Zakynthos.

And then they travelled to Northern Norway to see northern lights (aurora borealis).

The footage of this trip took Ryan’s videography career to the next level.

Moving to Hawaii, meeting Heather-

After returning from the Europe trip, Ryan decided to enrol back in the university.

But at the final moment, he changed his plan and dropped the classes and moved to Oahu, Hawaii with a plan to join classes in December.

Living in Hawaii was a lot cheaper compared to living in New York.

Here, Ryan met his future wife, Heather and he decided to not attend university, instead he signed up for online classes.

After living for nine months in Hawaii, he returned to Utah and graduated from college.

Ryan married Heather in 2020.

From September 2018 to April 2020, he worked as a Creative Director for Trift in Laguna Beach, California.

Here, his job involved creating video content.

A full-time & successful YouTuber-

On 6 June 2009, Ryan started his eponymous YouTube channel .

On 15 October 2009, he published the first video on his YouTube channel, ‘ Best MAGIC trick EVER!!! ’.

Ryan started occasionally publishing magic and travel videos onto his channel and only from 2017, he started seriously working on his channel.

From April 2020, he has been working as a full-time travel YouTuber and is self-employed.

As of January 2024, Ryan has 692K subscribers on his YouTube channel and 144K followers on Instagram.

He earns from a variety of sources like advertisements on his YouTube videos, YouTube memberships, affiliate marketing and sponsorships.

Ryan also sells footage, LUT and travel guides and also earns through Firework app.

Thanks to all these monetization methods, he has been able to make great profits from all these trips.

Ryan uses a Sony α7S III camera and GoPro MAX 360 degree action camera and a DJI Mavic 3 drone.

Other YouTube channels-

Apart from his main YouTube channel, Ryan has three other YouTube channels namely, Scenic Relaxation , Ryan Shirley Español and ShirleyFilms .

He recommends watching the YouTube channels of Graham Stephan and Andrei Jikh to learn passive income and finance.

In 2019, one of Ryan’s videos won first place in the Travel Film for SkyPixel worldwide Aerial Film contest.

He loves cliff jumping and his favourite places to cliff jump are Mallorca, Cala Varques, Belize, Idaho, Hawaii, Lavertezzo, Ibiza, Zakynthos and Lake Tahoe.

So, how are you inspired by the success story of Ryan Shirley?

Share with me in the comment section below.

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top 100 places to visit on earth ryan shirley

Hello folks, I'm Naveen Reddy. I love writing the inspiring success stories of people so as to inspire you. Enjoy the well-researched, thorough articles! Every article takes many days of effort; so, why not pay it forward by sharing them and spreading positivity.

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top 100 places to visit on earth ryan shirley

Ryan Shirley’s Top 10 Places to Visit in Spain

Ryan Shirley’s Top 10 Places to Visit in Spain is a captivating video that highlights the author’s favorite destinations in the country. With a focus on outdoor activities and historical significance, the video takes viewers on a virtual journey through Spain’s diverse landscapes. From cliff jumping in Mallorca to exploring the volcanic Canary Islands, each location offers its own unique beauty and charm. Ryan Shirley, the author, also encourages viewers to share their own favorite places in Spain, fostering a sense of community among travelers. For those interested, the video mentions the possibility of supporting the author’s channel on Patreon.

The video covers the top 10 places to visit in Spain, including Mallorca, the Canary Islands, Ronda, Andalusia, Alicante, Valencia, and Ibiza. The author’s personal experiences and recommendations make this video a valuable resource for anyone planning a trip to Spain. Whether you’re seeking breathtaking landscapes, cultural immersion, or thrilling adventures, Ryan Shirley’s Top 10 Places to Visit in Spain is sure to inspire and guide your travel plans. Find Ryan Shirley on Instagram and TikTok @shirley.films for more travel content.

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Hello there! Are you ready for an exciting journey through Spain? In this article, we will explore some of the most incredible places to visit in this beautiful country. From the breathtaking beaches of Mallorca to the stunning landscapes of the Alps, Spain has something for everyone. So, grab your passport and let’s embark on an unforgettable adventure!

1. Mallorca

Let’s start our Spanish adventure in the stunning island of Mallorca. Known for its beautiful beaches and crystal-clear waters, Mallorca is a true paradise for beach lovers. Take a stroll along the shore, sink your toes in the golden sand, and let the sun kiss your skin. You can also try your hand at cliff jumping, a thrilling activity that will get your adrenaline pumping. Jump off the cliffs into the refreshing waters below and feel the rush of excitement.

But Mallorca offers more than just beaches and adrenaline. Make sure to visit the famous Serra de Tramuntana, a mountain range that stretches across the island. Explore its picturesque villages, hike along scenic trails, and marvel at the dramatic landscapes. And of course, don’t forget to indulge in the local cuisine. From mouthwatering seafood to traditional Spanish tapas, Mallorca will satisfy your taste buds like no other.

2. Barcelona

Next up, we have the vibrant city of Barcelona. Known for its stunning architecture and rich culture, Barcelona is a must-visit destination in Spain. Discover the magnificent buildings designed by the legendary architect Antoni Gaudí. From the iconic Sagrada Familia to the whimsical Park Güell, Gaudí’s creations will leave you in awe.

Take a leisurely stroll down Las Ramblas, the lively street that buzzes with energy day and night. Explore the narrow streets of the Gothic Quarter, where history and charm come together in perfect harmony. And while you’re in Barcelona, make sure to visit Park Güell, a magical garden filled with colorful mosaics and unique sculptures. Lose yourself in its beauty and soak in the creative spirit of the city.

3. The Alps

Now, let’s head to the breathtaking landscapes of the Alps. Marvel at the snow-capped peaks, crystal-clear lakes, and lush meadows that define this majestic mountain range. Engage in various outdoor activities like hiking and skiing, and embrace the thrill of being surrounded by nature’s wonders.

But it’s not just the natural beauty that makes the Alps special. Visit the picturesque Alpine villages scattered throughout the region and experience the unique charm they offer. Immerse yourself in the local culture, discover traditional crafts, and indulge in delicious mountain cuisine. The Alps will leave you with unforgettable memories and a deep appreciation for the wonders of nature.

4. Switzerland

Our next stop takes us to the enchanting country of Switzerland. Prepare to be mesmerized by the beauty of Swiss cities like Zurich and Geneva. Explore their elegant streets, admire the architecture, and immerse yourself in the rich history and culture.

But Switzerland is perhaps best known for its stunning Swiss Alps. Lose yourself in the grandeur of the mountains, surrounded by snow-covered peaks and emerald-green valleys. Take in the crisp mountain air as you hike along scenic trails, or hit the slopes for an exhilarating skiing adventure. And of course, don’t forget to indulge in Swiss chocolate and cheese, two iconic treats that Switzerland is famous for.

Next, we venture into the ancient land of Greece. Begin your exploration in Athens, where ancient ruins stand as a testament to the rich history of this remarkable civilization. Visit the famous Acropolis and transport yourself back in time as you walk in the footsteps of ancient Greeks.

But Greece is not just about history. Hop on a ferry and make your way to the beautiful Greek islands like Santorini and Mykonos. Lose yourself in the picturesque landscapes, with whitewashed houses perched on cliffs overlooking the turquoise waters. Relax on pristine beaches, enjoy the vibrant nightlife, and embrace the laid-back lifestyle that Greece is famous for.

6. Scotland

Now it’s time to discover the enchanting landscapes of Scotland. Prepare to be transported to a world of ancient castles, mist-shrouded hills, and breathtaking scenery. Explore historic castles like Edinburgh Castle and feel like royalty as you walk through their grand halls.

Venture into the wild beauty of the Scottish Highlands, where rugged mountains and sparkling lochs create a dramatic landscape. Hike along scenic trails, spot elusive wildlife, and immerse yourself in the serenity of nature. And of course, don’t forget to indulge in traditional Scottish cuisine. From hearty haggis to delicious shortbread, Scotland will delight your taste buds and warm your soul.

Our next destination is the elegant city of Vienna, the cultural and artistic heart of Austria. Immerse yourself in the rich history and grandeur of this city as you explore its magnificent palaces, stunning churches, and world-class museums. Don’t forget to indulge in Vienna’s famous café culture, where you can savor a cup of delicious coffee and indulge in mouthwatering pastries.

Next, make your way to Salzburg, a city known for its scenic beauty and musical heritage. Explore its charming old town, visit Mozart’s birthplace, and immerse yourself in the beauty of the surrounding Alpine landscapes. And while you’re in Austria, make sure to indulge in classical music, a cornerstone of Austrian culture. Attend a concert or opera and let the music transport you to another world.

8. The Canary Islands

Our final destination takes us to the beautiful Canary Islands. Relax on the stunning beaches, where golden sands meet crystal-clear waters. Soak up the sun, take a dip in the refreshing ocean, and let your worries melt away.

Explore the unique volcanic landscapes that define the Canary Islands. Marvel at towering volcanic peaks, visit volcanic parks, and witness the raw power of Mother Nature. Engage in a variety of water sports like surfing and diving, and discover the vibrant marine life that inhabits these waters.

The Canary Islands offer a perfect blend of relaxation and adventure, making it the ideal destination for those seeking a tropical paradise.

And there you have it, a comprehensive guide to some of the top places to visit in Spain. From the stunning beaches of Mallorca to the majestic Alps, from the vibrant city of Barcelona to the enchanting landscapes of Scotland, Spain has something to offer everyone. So, pack your bags, embark on this incredible adventure, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Safe travels!

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    top 100 places to visit on earth ryan shirley

  3. Ryan Shirley

    top 100 places to visit on earth ryan shirley

  4. Top 100 Places To Visit In Europe

    top 100 places to visit on earth ryan shirley

  5. Ryan Shirley

    top 100 places to visit on earth ryan shirley

  6. Weekend Watch Party: Top 100 Places to visit in Italy

    top 100 places to visit on earth ryan shirley


  1. Top 100 Places To Visit On Earth

    I think it's easy to forget how truly incredible our world is. Enjoy this travel guide featuring the top 100 places to visit on Earth. From the wonders of Af...

  2. Ryan Shirley

    Started making magic and science videos, now 8 years later I'm moving towards travel cinematography. Advice: Just keep uploading, be unrealistic, and don't worry what others think. Insta @shirley ...

  3. My Top 10 Shots Of All Time!- Ryan Shirley's Travel Experiences

    Check out Ryan Shirley's top 10 shots of all time! Join him on a visual journey through breathtaking landscapes and thrilling experiences in Greece, Switzerland, Scotland, Austria, and more. Witness stunning sunsets, encounters with wildlife, and the awe-inspiring Northern Lights. Prepare to be mesmerized!

  4. Experience the Beauty of the USA: Ryan Shirley's Top Destinations

    These towering trees are the tallest in the world, reaching heights of up to 379 feet. Walking among these giants is an awe-inspiring experience. One of the best places to see these redwoods is Jedediah Smith Redwood State Park, where you can immerse yourself in the magical atmosphere created by these ancient trees. Oregon Coastline, Oregon

  5. Ryan Shirley's Top 100 Places to Visit in Europe

    Join Ryan Shirley on his ultimate European adventure as he shares his top 100 places to visit in Europe. From the majestic Alps to enchanting medieval cities, get ready to explore Europe's mesmerizing landscapes and stunning destinations. Sit back, relax, and let the wanderlust begin!

  6. Top 10 Places To Visit in 2023 (Year of Travel)

    With almost all countries open for tourism, 2023 is the year of travel. Enjoy this travel guide featuring some of the best places to visit this year. From ex...

  7. Top 100 Places To Visit On Earth

    TikTok video from ryanshirley.official (@ryanshirley.official): "Top 100 Places To Visit On Earth - Ultimate Travel Guide part 7 #tiktoker #foryou #fyp #viral #travel #trending #ryanshirley". original sound - ryanshirley.official.

  8. Top 100 Places To Visit In Italy

    Enjoy this travel guide across Italy's best places. From the jaw dropping Amalfi ... » Travels » Traveling around the world. Top 100 Places To Visit In Italy - Ultimate Travel Guide - Ryan Shirley. FB Twitter Reddit. video description. Rating: 4.0; Vote: 1. Italy is easily one of the most incredible countries on earth! Enjoy this travel guide ...

  9. Top 20 Places To Visit In Spain (Ryan Shirley)

    Now, located in the center of the country, Madrid is a beautiful modern city. The Plaza Mayor is a great place to visit and experience the heart of Madrid. The royal palace is another incredible spot. It's the official residence of the Spanish royal family and it's the biggest palace in all of Europe.

  10. Top 100 Places To Visit In Europe

    My favorite one is Gavdos Isle, southwest of Crete Island. Its' south cape (Tripiti = pierced) is actually the southernmost point of Europe, so i guess you MUST visit this place if you want to complete your European journey! Nice video anyways! reply. NissaGreat video to show some of the endless list of beautiful places in Europe, great job ...

  11. "Ryan Shirley" Top 100 Cities to Visit in Europe (TV Episode 2020)

    Top 100 Cities to Visit in Europe: With Ryan Shirley. Ryan shares the highlights of his favorite European cities.

  12. The Top 100 Cities to Visit in Europe by Ryan Shirley

    "The Top 100 Cities to Visit in Europe by Ryan Shirley" is a video created by Ryan Shirley, who spent three years exploring Europe and months creating this comprehensive list. The video aims to showcase the beauty and architectural wonders of Europe's cities, highlighting the rich history and cultural significance that make them top ...

  13. Top 10 Places To Visit On Earth Ultimate Travel Guide by Ryan Shirley

    "Top 10 Places To Visit On Earth - Ultimate Travel Guide" by Ryan ShirleyAre you ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime? Whether you're a seasoned tr...

  14. Top 30 Places In The Alps

    Rating: 4.5; Vote: 2. There is no place I love more than the European Alps! Enjoy this travel guide across the most incredible destinations in the Alps. From Switzerland's alpine villages, the Italy's Dolomites, there's no place more magical than the Alps. This is one of my favorite videos I've ever made, and I can't wait to share it with you!

  15. Ryan Shirley

    Ryan Shirley is a popular travel YouTuber. ... 'Best MAGIC trick EVER!!!'. Ryan started occasionally publishing magic and travel videos onto his channel and only from 2017, he started seriously working on his channel. ... In 2019, one of Ryan's videos won first place in the Travel Film for SkyPixel worldwide Aerial Film contest.

  16. "Ryan Shirley" Top 100 Places to Visit in France

    Top 100 Places to Visit in France - Ultimate Travel Guide: With Heather Shirley, Ryan Shirley. Ryan shares his experiences in his favorite French cities.

  17. Explore the Enchanting Landscapes of Ireland with Ryan Shirley

    Join Ryan Shirley as he takes us on a captivating video tour of his favorite places in this magical country. From the iconic Cliffs of Moher to the mysterious Skellig Islands, Ireland is sure to leave you spellbound. In his video, Ryan showcases the top 10 must-visit locations, including Giants Causeway, Slieve League Cliffs, and the Aran Islands.

  18. Top 10 Places In The Mediterranean

    Top 10 Places To Visit In Bavaria - 4K Travel Guide - Ryan Shirley ... One of the best quality videos ever I see! Is it in your plan to make a trip like that to Canada soon? reply. CYV Hi Ryan, your review of Top 10 Places In The Mediterranean is very clear, someday I want to visit it. Thank you for sharing

  19. Ryan Shirley's Unforgettable Experiences Living in Unique Locations

    It also fosters personal growth, resilience, and adaptability. Ryan believes that the transformative power of living in unique locations can provide individuals with a broader outlook on life and a greater appreciation for diversity. Promoting Ryan's Channel and Social Media Handles. Throughout his journeys, Ryan has documented his ...

  20. Top 10 Places To Visit In Hawaii

    Hawaii has to be one of the most beautiful places on earth. From exploring the jagged cliffs of the Napali Coast, to surfing Oahu's North Shore, the ... Mini-Games. x  x. » Travels » Traveling around the world. Top 10 Places To Visit In Hawaii - Ryan Shirley. FB Twitter Reddit. video description. Rating: 4.5; ... ← Top 100 ...

  21. Ryan Shirley's Top 10 Places to Visit in Spain

    Ryan Shirley's Top 10 Places to Visit in Spain is a captivating video that highlights the author's favorite destinations in the country. With a focus on outdoor activities and historical significance, the video takes viewers on a virtual journey through Spain's diverse landscapes.

  22. Top 10 Places To Visit In Italy

    Top 10 Places To Visit In Italy - 4K Travel Guide - Ryan Shirley. Twitter Reddit. video description. Rating: 4.0; Vote: 1. Italy is easily one of the most incredible countries in the world! Enjoy this 4K travel guide across Italy. From the dreamy Amalfi Coast, to the jagged mountains of the Dolomites, Italy truly has it all!