Global Castaway

Long Doha Layover? Go for the Doha City Tour

Posted on Last updated: February 7, 2023

Categories Middle East , Qatar , Travel Tips

Long Doha Layover? Go for the Doha City Tour

If you often travel east, there is no doubt, you’ve used Qatar’s airport for your connecting flight. And it’s not uncommon that while chasing perfect dates or low prices, to be forced to have a boring long Doha layover.

To be honest, I enjoy the big international airports. Seeing so many different people from different cultures has always been fascinating for me, but even though Hamad Airport is one of the best airports in the world, spending more than 4 hours there feels like a massive waste of time. After all, my vacation days are limited, and I want to spend them hiking volcanos or exploring new cultures , not sitting on my ass, waiting for a flight, right?

Thankfully the Qatar Airways people have thought of that and offer you the opportunity to go around Doha, learn more about it, and still catch your plane on time. Even though Qatar’s reputation is very controversial, the chance to explore such a unique and interesting culture is not to be missed.

Discover Qatar – Doha City Tour

doha layover - doha city tour mosque

There are several tour offers, but the most popular one (and also the cheapest ) is the Doha City Tour. On my last long Doha layover, I decided to check it out and see if it’s worth it.

So, what is the Doha City Tour like?

After signing up and getting out of the airport (that may take an hour), you board an AC bus and get a bottle of water. There is also a guide provided so don’t be afraid you’d miss anything worthwhile.

doha layover - downtown

While you don’t have a Colosseum or Eifel Tower to marvel at, you’d start paying attention to the city as a whole. And boy oh boy Doha really is a bizarre place with a distinctive identity.

The first thing that made me quite the impression were the lamps. The whole lamposts are covered with large Arabic words, according to my guide – quotes from the Coran. Lamposts are very important for the city’s identity, and the Doha ones do a good job reminding you that you are now in a strictly Muslim country.

In 15 minutes we reached the first stop of the Doha City Tour:

The Doha Harbor

doha layover - doha city tour - harbor view

The harbor is right next to the Museum of Islamic Art, but since you have only 5 to 10 minutes per stop, you won’t be able to check it out. The highlight of the harbor is not the boats or the pearl statue on the entrance, but the magnificent panoramic view of the city.

And while 5 minutes may seem too little time to enjoy, I found it to be just enough to take some photos and enjoy the sight before getting too hot ( TIL: The whole country of Qatar is built in the desert ).

doha city tour - museum of islamic art

For our next stop, we went into downtown Doha, so I had the chance to observe more of the daily life of Qatar’s capital. The first thing that struck me as a weird one was the lack of color. Most of the buildings were painted in desert yellowish while 90% of the cars were either black or white.

As per my guide, the reason for that is the desert sand. Using those colors is just a way to make things look cleaner. How come a white car covered in desert dust looks cleaner than a red car covered in desert dust is beyond me, but I guess people who lived their whole life in the sands knows better than me.

   See Also:   Top 10 Curious Facts About Qatar

Katara Cultural Village

doha layover - katara

Stop number 2 of my Doha layover trip was the Katara Cultural Village . With the idea to position the State of Qatar as a cultural beacon a lighthouse of art, radiating in the Middle East through theatre, literature, music, visual art, conventions, and exhibitions, it did sound like an exciting place to see.

Sadly we didn’t have the time to check any art exhibition but the walk around the oddly fascinating art and mosques were enough to convince me this is a place I should come back to.

doha city tour - katara

Making our way to the third stop, we kept seeing more and more of the city, and I realized that the only people I see outside were immigrants working on construction sites.

It was Thursday morning, and in any other major city the streets would’ve been buzzing with people going to work, but Doha was empty. I guess Qataris didn’t bother going early to work. Such a different world.

   See Also:   How to Spend 10 Days in Morocco

doha city tour - the pearl

The third stop of the Doha City Tour was an artificial island called The Pearl . You probably didn’t know ( I certainly didn’t), but before the oil boom, Qatar was one of the significant pearl traders of Asia.

To honor their heritage, the Qatari people (or more like the Qatari sheik) decided to build an artificial island that resembles the shape of a string of pearls, right on top of a former pearl diving site (who need pearls when you have oil, right?).

Spanning nearly four million square meters, it is also the first land in Qatar to be available for freehold ownership by foreign nationals.

doha layover - the pearl

Besides the security, there were no people around. Not even a single one. You see, I come from a small country, I’m used to not having tons of people around me, but still, having absolutely no one, was a strange feeling that made me watch behind my back more than once, expecting to see some zombies. The dozens of luxury boats and skyscrapers made a good photo background though.

On our way to the last stop, we passed through some diplomatic neighborhoods and were asked not to take pictures. The guide explained all diplomats and Qatari people value their privacy, so they build big walls around their houses. Man, they’re gonna have a tough time during the Fifa World Cup in 2022.

Souq Waqif Market

The last stop of my Doha layover trip was Souq Waqif market. We were given a whole 30 minutes to explore it and buy some stuff (not that any of us got any Qatari money). The market was quite pleasant, and there were some real people there!

It was built in the traditional Arabic way and sold all kinds of stuff from souvenirs and clothing to animals and spices. Unlike the other Arabic bazaars, there weren’t annoying hawkers trying to hijack you into their shop, which made walking around Souq Waqif relaxing and enjoyable.

After a delightful 30-40 minutes (a Chinese guy got lost, so we had to wait for him) we were back on the bus and on our way back to the airport.

doha city tour - market

   See Also:   5 days in Dubai

Doha City Tour Information

discover qatar bus

The Discover Qatar Tours desk is located across the teddy bear, just before the food court . You can also book a tour online . Important – you need to have 8 hours or more of transfer time to book the tour.

The tour starting times are: 07:00 AM – > to get this one your onward flight must be at 3:00 PM or later 08:00 AM – > to get this one your onward flight must be at 4:00 PM or later 11:00 AM – > to get this one your onward flight must be at 7:00 PM or later 1:00 PM – > to get this one your onward flight must be at 9:00 PM or later 3:00 PM – > to get this one your onward flight must be at 11:00 PM or later 6:00 PM – > to get this one your onward flight must be at 02:00 AM or later 7:00 PM – > to get this one your onward flight must be at 03:00 AM or later 9:30 PM – > to get this one your onward flight must be at 05:30 AM or later

The price is 99 QAR / 27 USD and could be paid only by card (cash is not accepted).

long doha layover - souq waqif

While lacking any real attractions and having only 5-10 minutes per stop, I’m happy I took the Doha City Tour. Having this extra journey within my journey, showed me such a different culture that awoke my curiosity about Qatar and its people big time. One thing is for sure though – this long Doha layover was the most interesting one I’ve had by a longshot!

That’s all from me, I hope your long Doha layover will be as fun as mine and you’ll enjoy the Doha city tour . ———————————— If you haven’t planned your trip there yet, find out how I plan my trips! ———————————— I have 5 bucket list ideas for Qatar. See my impossible bucket list of 1700+ adventures!

What did you do on your long Doha layover?

qatar airways long layover tour

Babak Nikoui

Tuesday 31st of January 2023

Hi, I'll be arriving at Hamad Airport around 6 pm and my next flight will be at 1:45 am can I still take a city tour and make it to my flight?

Thursday 28th of April 2022

Hi - have a 7 hour layover in Aug 2022 - so will go on the tour .. .. can you book in advance - or just go to the desk on arrival .. thanks

Sunday 1st of May 2022

Hello, Used to be only on the desk. Tthe tour was stopped for a long time due to Covid and I'm not sure if it's even an option right now (or will be in August) or what the new conditions.

Siti Norlida Ghazali

Sunday 20th of March 2022

I am going to Doha on 3 Apr from Sabiha arriving 230pm I plan to have city tours and dhow boat cruise Is there enough time for camel tide? My next flight to Kuala Lumpur is on 4 April 2.00am early morning Please advise as soon as possible

Sunday 27th of March 2022

You better check this with some tour providers. Some of them may offer an afternoon tour with a return trip to the airport.

Wednesday 13th of November 2019

I have experienced the city tour a few years ago and need help figuring out where one of my photos were taken. Is there someone who can help me with the name? I could not find it in the city tour pictures but know I was there around the Souq Waqif Market

Thursday 5th of September 2019

I like the way you have detailed this article. I was in Doha last month but i did not manage to go for the bus tour due to flight timings. Next time am transiting in Doha, i will make sure i take a flight with a long layover.

Friday 6th of September 2019

Thank you Richard,

Doha's airport is the only one I'd deliberately plan a long layover too. They have some desert tours I want to try next time.

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What To Do At Doha Airport: Tips For A Long Layover In Qatar

Photo of author

Jayne Gorman

February 27, 2020

I once spent just over 12 hours in transit at Doha Airport on the way to the Maldives and it wasn’t nearly as painful as I expected! There are quite a few things to do at Doha Airport that make a stopover here enjoyable.

While not the cheapest airport to spend a long layover (the showers in particular are more pricey than average and there are not nearly as many free things to do as there are at Singapore’s Changi Airport ) it can be a fun place to transit if you head to the pool or nab yourself a place on a Doha city tour.

Plus, if you fly with Qatar Airways you may be able to turn your stopover into a short holiday with one of their amazing Qatar Stopover deals.

So, for anyone about to transit through Doha or book a short stopover in Qatar, here’s my lowdown on the best things to do at Doha Airport during a long layover.

Disclosure: This post is not sponsored but contains some affiliate links. Read the disclosure policy for details. All prices and info correct when updated in February 2023.

Best things to do at Doha Airport

Tips For Transiting At Hamad International Airport In Qatar

Connect to the free Wi-Fi

After working there for 7 hours straight I can confirm that the Wi-Fi at Hamad International Airport is free, fast and unlimited. Simply connect to ‘HIAQatar Complimentary WiFi’. I was asked to pop in my Qatar e-ticket number to log on – you’ll find this on the boarding pass if you don’t have your booking handy. There are also iMac computers near the gates if you didn’t bring your laptop.

Take a shower

If you don’t have access to a lounge with free showers, you can pay to use the Doha Airport shower facilities at the Vitality Wellbeing & Fitness Centre or the Be Relax Spa.

Use of the shower room at the Vitality Wellbeing & Fitness Centre costs 90 QAR (approx. £20 GBP or $25 USD), which is fairly expensive for airport showers, but they are sparkling new facilities with lockers, towels, Rituals Spa toiletries and use of hair dryers included. You have max 40 mins to use the facilities and they hold your boarding pass at the front desk until you leave.

For a cheaper option, you can shower at either of the Be Relax Spas (found on Concourse A and Concourse D/E) where a 10 minute shower costs 70 QAR or the price is 95 QAR for 25 mins. That price includes towel, shower gel and shampoo, plus an extra vanity or shaving kit if you go for the longer option.

You can also book a number of express beauty treatments and massages – find the full price list here .

(Note: They accept credit cards throughout the airport so there’s no need to take out local currency if you’re just in transit.)

Swimming pool at Hamad International Airport Qatar

Swim at The Vitality Pool

If you’ve got enough time you can shake off those airplane aches with a few laps in the swimming pool at Doha Airport. The Vitality Pool was temptingly empty on my visit, but sadly I hadn’t come prepared with a swimming costume.

Use of the 25-metre indoor swimming pool costs 175 QAR (approximately £38 GBP or $73 AUD) but that price includes use of all Vitality Wellbeing and Fitness Centre facilities, so you can also have a dip in the hot tub, use the gym and freshen up in the showers I mentioned earlier.

Sleep at The Oryx Airport Hotel

Depending on how long you’ve got to kill it might be worthwhile checking into The Oryx Airport Hotel , which has chic airside rooms and grants guests free access to the gym, pool and jacuzzi at the Vitality Wellness Centre.

As the hotel is airside you do not need to go through passport control but must have a valid onward ticket from Doha Airport to check in as this hotel is for transit passengers only.

Remember, you won’t have access to your checked luggage, so pack a change of clothes in your hand luggage if you plan to stay over.

You can book a room for day use (9am to 5pm) or by hourly packages starting from 8 hours.

Tips For Transiting At Hamad International Airport In Qatar

Head to a designated family or quiet area

There are a number of interesting sculptures dotted around the airport, some of which children can climb on and one of which (I’m talking about you teddy) everyone seemed keen to get a selfie with. 

There are also quiet lounges for those looking to get some shut eye, and family lounges for those travelling with kids . I found a quiet spot in the eating area near Burger King that had a power socket under the table so spent a lot of time here.

Drink decent coffee

The coffee at Soho Coffee gets my rarely handed out seal of approval.

Food-wise you can get a number of sandwiches, snacks, curry and burgers in the food court. Soprafino by celebrity chef Massimo Capra does delicious pizza at a decent price. Find all dining options at Hamad International Airport here .

Shop for gold

My only criticism of Doha’s Hamad Airport is that the shopping doesn’t really appeal to me. There’s lots of designer labels but little in the way of affordable fashion. (Where’s a Zara when you need one?). Aside from your usual duty free items the only thing you can buy in abundance here is gold!

Tips For Transiting At Hamad International Airport In Qatar

Join a Doha City Tour from 99 QAR

If you have a transit time of more than 6 hours you can book a Discover Qatar City Tour from 99 QAR. The guided tour is designed to be an introduction to Doha and includes stops at city highlights such as The Pearl-Qatar, Katara Cultural Village, Souq Waqif and the Museum of Islamic Art.

( Note : The free Doha city tours for transit passengers have been replaced with this option.)

Tours are bookable in advance online up to 48 hours prior to arrival. You can also book a tour upon arrival by heading to the Discover Qatar Transit Tour Desk. Full terms, details and booking forms can be found here .

Nationals from a total of 80 countries can now take advantage of visa free entry into Qatar so there’s no need to worry about applying for a tourist or transit visa if you are from one of these countries.

Want to explore independently? Find some tips for a Doha, Qatar stopover by Calculated Traveller.

Book a Doha Stopover

If you’re flying with Qatar Airways and have a minimum transit time of 12 hours you might want to take advantage of one of their Qatar Stopover deals. Through their website you can book a 4 or 5 star hotel from just 14 USD per night.

You’ll also receive a free transit visa (if necessary) and can add on a number of different tours and activities.

Qatar Airways make it really tempting to turn your Doha stopover into a luxury holiday. Find information and book your flight and hotel here .

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qatar airways long layover tour

I’m Jayne, a travel blogger, content creator and mum to a 4-year-old son. I’ve been blogging since 2010, travelled to 65 countries and share travel guides and tips to help you plan stylish, stress-free trips.

What To Do In Australia: 6 Incredible Holiday Itineraries

Best at home workout: yoga with adriene, 10 thoughts on “what to do at doha airport: tips for a long layover in qatar”.

Great advice Jayne. We transited through Doha a few times and were lucky enough to score the free hotel on our last trip. It was fantastic, 5 star, enormous rooms and came with a $50 food voucher we happily used on a 4 am breakfast in bed. I seriously think it’s worth going for the 18-hour layover for this option. My only extra tip is if you are doing the hotel transit/free city thing avoid a Friday as everything is closed until 2 pm so that really cuts into your sightseeing opportunities.

I’m wishing I had a longer layover now! I’m always looking for ways to break up the flight to Europe and even better if the hotel and meals are included 😀 Great tips re the timings on Friday, I hadn’t thought of that!

Paula, may I know how you were able to secure the free hotel at the ai[ot for yoru layover? I have a 20 hr layover and need to plan what will work best for me. Thanks

Hi did you figure out how to do it? I am also interesting in booking it. Thanks

Hi, as mentioned in the article you can either call Qatar Airlines directly or visit the transit desk at the airport upon arrival. You can also book a longer Doha stay from 29 USD. The link is also in the article. Hope this helps.

Just wondering if the showers are per person? I’m traveling with my 2 children, wondering if we could all go in together? Thanks in advance

I’m not 100% sure as I haven’t done it with my son yet but I have a feeling you pay per adult and the children can come in with you.

Hi have just checked with them and unfortunately, city tours are no longer free. They are charged at 20 USD per person.

Thanks for the update!

Hello, is Qatar still giving the transit visa on arrival? Or there are covid restrictions. Called the airlines but no response please let me know what is the best.

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Discover Qatar Logo

The Destination Management Company of Qatar Airways

1 USD = 3.64 QAR

Pearl Marina

Transit Exclusive - Discover Doha

Tour Timings: 08:00 | 12:00 | 14:00 | 15:00 | 16:00 | 18:00 | 19:00 | 20:00 | 21:30 Frequency: Daily | Duration: 3 hours Required Transit Time: 6 hours Meeting Time: 2 hours before the  scheduled tour Meeting Point:  Discover Qatar desk at Hamad International Airport

If you are traveling within 2 days and the calendar does not show availability on this website, please visit the Discover Qatar desk at Hamad International Airport to book your Tour.

Click here  to view the location of the Discover Qatar desk at Hamad International Airport.

Discover the unique heritage of Downtown Doha as you wander through the vibrant labyrinth of alleyways of Souq Waqif. View modern day Doha’s towering iconic architecture and discover the Corniche, Doha’s iconic waterfront where the azure waters of the Arabian Gulf provide the setting to the city’s impressive skyline.

Our first stop is at Museum of Islamic Art. This iconic building on the Doha Corniche, designed by the famous architect I. M. Pei. You will have an opportunity to see this architectural masterpiece and the panoramic views of Doha’s impressive skyline.

We then proceed to Katara Cultural Village which is the largest and the most multidimensional cultural project in Qatar. Experience the cultures of the world with beautiful theatres, concert halls, exhibition galleries and cutting-edge facilities. You will also visit the Katara Mosque (the ‘Blue Mosque’) and the Golden Masjid (the ‘Gold Mosque’), before taking a stroll through the outdoor air-conditioned pathways to Galeries Lafayette, with some time for luxury brand tax-free shopping.

We end our tour with a stroll through the colourful Souq Waqif where you can experience the living heritage and traditions of the city and enjoy the colourful commerce and culinary offers abundant within its vibrant alleyways. You will see the Falcon Souq and Falcon hospital (one of the largest in the Middle East), Carpet Souq, Gold Souq, Art and Handicraft Souq and so much more in this eclectic hub of trade, tradition and commerce.

Note: To ensure maximum comfort in warmer weather between June to August, the walking tour of Katara will be replaced by a panoramic drive through the Al Mina District and The Pearl and the length of the Souq walking tour will be reduced.

Visa Information:  Please note as this tour requires you to pass through immigration control to enter the state of Qatar, you will require a Visa. Discover Qatar will provide guidance at the airport, but are not responsible for the issuing of the Visa. This tour does not meet the requirement of a Visa on Arrival. Should your entry/visa be declined by the authorities despite meeting all the visa requirements, Discover Qatar will issue a full refund for the tour. For a full list of countries eligible for visa-free entry and Qatar entry visa requirements,  click here .

What to Expect

  • Pick-up and drop-off at Hamad International Airport
  • Brief stops at Dhow Harbour
  • Drive past Museum of Islamic Art
  • Longer stop and walk through the Souq Waqif
  • Drive along the Corniche, Doha’s iconic waterfront
  • Stop at Katara Cultural Village
  • Transportation in an air-conditioned vehicle
  • All guides are licensed and English-speaking
  • Meals and beverages
  • Travel insurance
  • Anything else that is not expressly mentioned above in Inclusions
  • Tour Departure from Hamad International Airport : passengers can select from the scheduled departure. Return to Hamad International Airport : transit tours will be dropped back to Hamad International Airport at the published tour completion time.
  • Minimum Transit Time:  6 hours (between arrival and departure flight schedule).
  • Immigration Clearance:  an entry Visa is required, pre-approved visa or visa on arrival. 102 countries can now take advantage from visa-free entry,  click here  for more information.
  • Vehicle:  Tourist Coach.
  • Passengers who have booked in advance should approach  Discover Qatar Transit Tours desk  (located in Duty Free Plaza South, behind the escalators between concourse A & B) no later than 2 hours prior to scheduled tour departure for service validation.
  • Late arrivals to Discover Qatar Transit Tours desk shall be considered as no-show.
  • For bookings within 2 days, if you are unable to book online, please come and see us at the Discover Qatar Transit desk to book your transit tour, subject to availability.  Click here  to view the location of the Discover Qatar desk.
  • Please take time to read the  Terms and Conditions  that are applicable to all Transit Tours before booking.
  • Duty Free:  Please do not purchase alcoholic beverages before your transit tour. Bringing alcoholic beverages into Qatar is strictly prohibited, and we will not be able to store them for you.

Tips: While visiting public areas and places like museums, souqs and mosques, we advise you to respect the local dress code. Qatar is an Islamic country, and people dress in a very traditional manner. Although there is no dress code as such, for foreigners, it is advised to dress modestly in a way that is respectful of the local culture. We recommend that all visitors cover their knees, midriff and shoulders.

Accessibility: Not recommended for wheelchair bound customers. This tour is suitable for guests with mobility issues, who can climb independently in & out of the coach and walk up to 30 minutes at a time. If you have any specific questions please contact us for more information.

qatar airways long layover tour

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The Amazing Qatar Stopover Program: What It Is & How to Book

If you haven’t heard about the Qatar stopover program yet, I’m about to change your life! I stumbled upon this cool opportunity to break up the journey from Bucharest to Cape Town at virtually no extra cost. It meant we got to extend our layover, explore the city, and sleep in a 5-star hotel for next to nothing.

This post is not sponsored. I didn’t get a free flight or hotel, and I didn’t make any money. I just wanted to share my experience because it was cool and I think you should do it too!

What the heck is the Qatar stopover program?

The Qatar stopover program makes some flights eligible for an extended 1-4 day layover in Doha. This gives you the opportunity to break up a long journey, explore a new city, and add a new pin to the ol’ map.  The best part? You can book a 4 or 5-star hotel room for as little as $14/night per person.

Hotel room Qatar Stopover Program

This was our room at the  Al Najada . We got a complimentary upgrade from “superior” to “deluxe” when we arrived. A deluxe room is usually $157/night.

This seemed too good to be true, as middle eastern destinations like Qatar and Dubai are notoriously expensive. But it’s real! The government has subsidized this cost for travellers on the stopover program as a way to encourage tourism. Accom is usually one of the biggest expenses on any trip, so their plan totally worked… I was hooked instantly! 

Qatar stopover program highlights

  • Staying at a 4 or 5 star hotel for what I'd consider free
  • Breaking up a long-haul flight with an extended stopover
  • The opportunity to visit Qatar on a budget
  • Access to epic activities like swimming with whale sharks or exploring the desert
  • Free 96-hour transit visa on arrival

Examples of Qatar stopover routes & prices

Here are just a few examples of the different Qatar stopover packages you can book. All examples show the total flight & hotel package price for 2 people :

Barcelona to Delhi with 2 nights in a 4-star hotel (Standard Package) One way: $1,200 ($600pp) Return: $1,775

This is just the cheapest one I could find when searching some random routes. You may find something better! It doesn’t seem like they offer the program for short flights that you could just do direct, like Bahrain to Dubai.

Mid range (what we did for our Qatar stopover)

Bucharest to Cape Town with 3 nights in a 5-star hotel (Premium Package) One way: $1570 ($785pp) One way price without the stopover program: $1410 Return: $2,620 Premium hotel price: + $24 more than the Standard package (for 3 nights)

London to Zanzibar business class flights with 4 nights in a 5-star hotel (Luxury Package) One way: $8,475 ($4,237pp) Return: $14,815 Luxury hotel price: + $187 more than the Standard package (for 4 nights)

Obviously this is way more expensive because you’re  really  bougie and want business class seats. But if there’s ever a good reason to splurge on business, this is it because Qatar Airways consistently ranks among the top airlines in the world. There’s also the option to upgrade your hotel to a wellness retreat which is insanely expensive, but if you’re a millionaire, do you.

Qatar Stopover Premium Package Example

Here’s an example of what we did. Bucharest to Cape Town with a 3-day stopover. The upgrade to the premium package was just $24 more  total than the standard. So just over $750 each to fly to Cape Town and stay in a 5-star hotel in Qatar for 3 nights.

In my opinion, it’s not worth booking a 1-night stopover in any situation because you won’t have time to do anything except check in to your hotel. Definitely book at least 2 nights! But the max is 4. It’s also totally worth booking the premium instead of standard because it’s a negligible amount for a way better hotel.

If the route you want doesn’t seem to have a stopover package option, you can also contact Discover Qatar  directly. They still offer super discounted hotels for up to 4 nights, but you’ll just have to book it separately.

National Museum of Qatar

The National Museum of Qatar, which was designed to look like a desert rose.

How to book the Qatar stopover program

This is how I booked our amazing 3-day Qatar stopover, and how you can too:

Visit the Qatar Airways homepage

Go to , and make sure you click the “Qatar Stopover” tab. It’s at the top of the main booking section where you’d input your destination, dates, etc.

Qatar Stopover Program Homepage

Search for your desired route

Put in all your trip details and how many nights you want to stay in Qatar, then hit search like you would for any other flight! The downside is that you don’t get to see the range of prices like you would when searching on Skyscanner or Google Flights, but you can play around with the dates a little bit to find something that works for you. 

Select your Qatar stopover package tier and flight times

You can then select from a standard, premium, or luxury stopover, which determines the type of hotel you can book. There’s absolutely no reason to book the standard, because it’s usually just 20ish bucks more to go premium. And that’s total! Not per night or per person.

There’s also an option to browse different flight times that might suit you better than the ones the site suggests. Look for the “Change Flight” tab in the area where you can choose from the standard/premium/luxury packages. It will show you the list of options. We used this to change our flight from the suggested 2:00am to an 8:30am departure instead… at no extra cost!

Choose your hotel

On the next page, it’ll default to one hotel in the category you chose. But you can browse all your options and change it if you want. I made this handy map  of every available hotel in each category so you can decide where you want to stay. I highly recommend staying in the Souq Waqif area! We stayed at the Al Najada Hotel, which was right outside the metro station and directly across the street from the markets.  Other options included the Pullman, Marriott, Crowne Plaza, Intercontinental, Voco, and Shaza. 

Click here to see my free map of every hotel available on the program!

Consider adding other activities for your qatar stopover.

Qatar is mostly desert and sits kinda right in the middle of the Persian Gulf. Because the country is so geographically small, it’s completely possible to spend a day  swimming with whale sharks  or  riding a camel or dune buggy through the desert . We didn’t add either of these activities to our itinerary because they were quite expensive, but I ever go back I’ll make sure to include them.

Read more: My Complete 3 or 4-Day Itinerary for Qatar

Dhow boats in Doha at sunset

You can also go out on a traditional dhow boat at sunset or at night to see the city skyline.

Our experience with the Qatar stopover program

So we booked a 3-day premium stopover in August 2023. Do I recommend going to Qatar at the hottest time of the year? No, not unless you enjoy being outside in a humid 45 degrees. So that part was a bit of a mistake. But everything else about Qatar was amazing! I’d never really prioritized the Middle East as a destination, but I’m so happy I went. 

We were a little worried about what everything else would cost once we got there, but I promise it’s totally possible to do Qatar on a budget! Our average sit-down meal for 2 in the Souq area cost $15 for the two of us. But it’s also totally possible to go for a Michelin Star fine dining meal and blow a thousand bucks, too. Qatar really has it all.

The National Museum of Qatar (NMoQ) is hands down the best museum I’ve ever been to. Doha is safe. The architecture in the city is incredible. Middle Eastern food is delicious. What more do you need to hear?!

Read more: How I spent less than $60 per day in Qatar.

And, of course, there was our hotel. It still blows my mind we got to stay here for next to nothing. There was a guy in the lobby always ready to serve up a little cup of Arabic coffee with a delicious date. The pool was an incredible place to cool off in the middle of the day. It was less than a minute’s walk to get to the heart of the Souq. Everything was perfect.

Doha Qatar Hotel

This was particularly luxurious after staying at a coliving house in Bucharest for a month. We were like, robes? A pool? Our own bathroom?! This is the life.

Read more:  What Coliving in Bucharest is Like.

Visa requirements & more

  • No visas required for 100 nationalities! You’ll automatically get a 96-hour transit visa on arrival. For people from countries not on that list, you can get a visa online in advance. All things considered, pretty easy!  More details here .
  • The non-married loophole. So I foolishly didn’t think about this before booking, but Chesney and I aren’t married. And sharing a hotel room in Muslim countries is often illegal… like it is in Qatar. So that was a bit hectic. I was worried we were going to have to pay for an additional room, but when I contacted the hotel, they said it was fine because we’re technically on a transit visa. Somehow, that meant we didn’t have to abide by that specific Qatari law. I don’t get it, but I didn’t want to ask any further questions, so we just took it as a win.
  • Bringing alcohol into Qatar. It’s illegal to bring any alcohol into the country, even if you’re on a transit visa. We had some bottles we wanted to bring to Cape Town as gifts, so we found a (completely legal) way around the rule. 
  • Dressing appropriately. It’s hard for me to get my head around a dress code as a feminist. But obviously, when you choose to visit another country, you need to respect their culture. Covering your knees, shoulders, stomach, and cleavage is important in Qatar. It’s not illegal like it is in some other Middle Eastern countries like Saudi Arabia, but it’s not the norm. Make sure you bring some long, loose fitting dresses, light pants, and breathable tops so you can be comfortable. Here’s what I wore in Qatar:

Girl in a yellow dress at sunset

Activities to add to your Qatar stopover

5 thoughts on “the amazing qatar stopover program: what it is & how to book”.

' src=

Fabulous! Great tips. I’m going to try to book a Qatar stopover the next time I’m travelling through that part of the planet.

Pingback: Can You Bring Alcohol into Qatar? Kinda. - Runaway Traveller

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Pingback: Is Qatar Budget Friendly? How I Spent Under $60/Day

Pingback: What It’s Like to Fly Qatar Airways Business Class

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9 Hour Stopover in Qatar: Is It Worth Exploring?

If you need to do a 9 hour layover in Doha, this is your guide to what to do to make the most of your time there. Also, how to leave the airport on a Qatar stopover!

stopover at Doha Airport

Having seen the overstretched Doha Hamad International Airport for 2 hours on the way to Vietnam I knew I didn’t want to spend 9 hours there on the way back. We couldn’t even get anywhere to sit for an hour, never mind lay down.

There must be a way to make the most of our Qatar stop over while we were there, I thought. Turns out, there is!

If you’re wondering what to do in Doha airport for 9 hours, I’d say leave it, ASAP.

9 hour stopover in Qatar

I’d been debating for a few weeks before we left for our two-week trip to Vietnam  whether to fork out for a hotel in Qatar, or stay the night in Qatar’s Hamad Airport.

Other Qatar Airways passengers can get a hotel voucher when they have a stopover as long as ours, but apparently our super cheap flight meant there was no budget for this. I tried to pull some strings at work ( I worked at Flight Centre ), but was firmly told it was up to me to sort my own hotel to stay the night in Qatar.

Check with your airline though, to see if there’s any complimentary transit accommodation before you start doing all this…

I had a look around online and found a relatively cheap hotel near the airport called La Villa , where double rooms were going for around £34. It was right in the centre and close to the seaside Corniche Boulevard. I decided to just go for it and get it sorted on – I was bored of weighing up the pros and cons.

Click, click, yep, done, then I received an email thanking me for my booking.

Please be advised that couples checking in to the same room must present a marriage certificate upon check-in as per Qatari law.

Dammit. There was no getting around that one, me and my boyfriend would need two rooms. Pushing it up to £68 and doubling the price of our Doha stopover.

stopover in Doha

Cancel that then, and I booked two singles knowing that there was a free cancellation option upto 48 hours before check in. Although in moments of boredom I carried on the debate in my head as to whether I’d done the right thing, right up until we were actually there.


few hours in Doha

Can you leave Doha Airport during a layover?

Leaving doha airport in 3 easy mistakes.

I might be a travel blogger, but at that time I was inexperienced in layovers and changing planes. We only had 9 hours in Qatar and we wasted over an hour because we had no idea what we were doing, and just kept going wrong.

Lucky for us our flight did actually get in about 30 minutes early, but if you’re planning on leaving the airport in Qatar, here’s what to do for a quick escape to make the most of your 9 hour layover in Doha.

9 hours in Doha Airport

1. Get off at the first terminal, arrivals

If you’re leaving Doha Airport during a layover, you need to listen!

The announcement on the airport bus told us that if we have yellow tickets we must go to Departures. This may sound obvious to some, even me now, but we followed that instruction and carried on to Departures, rather than Arrivals. And so we couldn’t get out the airport once we’d arrived in the terminal.

We had to sit and wait with the other dumbasses for a bus to take us back to Arrivals.

Time wasted: 40 minutes

stopover in Doha

2. Know if you have a hotel voucher 

If you have a hotel voucher given to you by the airline go to the hotel voucher desk just as you get in the Arrivals doors. If you have booked your own hotel in Doha join the passport and immigration control queue.

Doha for 9 hours

We joined the hotel voucher queue, as there was something vague like ‘hotels’ written across the desk. We waited for ages and then were told to join the passport queue as they were getting ferried directly to their hotels supplied by their airlines.

Time wasted: 20 minutes 

stopover in Doha

3. Have the visa cash ready 

If your passport was issued in one of these 34 countries you can get a visa on arrival for 100 Qatari Rial (about £17).

If you don’t have the correct currency make sure to check the people in front of you are paying with card and clearing the desk ok.

I sailed on through, but my boyfriend ended up being directed to the only desk where the card machine was broken.

This meant he had to walk across the airport to the ATM, queue there to get some cash out, then queue to get some special prepaid card, then join the queue of people who’d suffered the same fate. Apparently he couldn’t just go to another desk because they’d already started his entry process.

He also had to pay more as he had to buy the prepaid card.

Time wasted: 25 minutes

Doha for a stopover

Doha Airport to Hotel

We cleared the last security checks easily and went outside to pick up a taxi for our layover in Doha.

The second we stepped outside the heat hit us and both of us immediately fogged up, thanks to our glasses.

Men in white jalabiyas were offering us taxi rides and asking where we wanted to go, but neither of us could see a thing. Little bit nerve-wracking, but through the fog I could see ‘Karwa’ written on the taxis over yonder, and the magazine I’d read on the flight said to use those, so off we went.

9 hours in qatar

We paid 50 Rial (£8.50) for the 5-minute journey to La Villa Hotel.

On the way we saw huge skyscrapers, beautiful mosques and the uniquely designed national museum. I could also see big flash cars, huge new roads and looming bank buildings. There weren’t many people about though, especially compared to Ho Chi Minh City where we’d just come from.

The hotel was fine. Nothing fancy, but we each had a nice big bed and a big TV, which I was too tired to even turn on. By the time we got there it was 11:30pm – we decided to just go to bed and get up early to do a taxi tour instead – by midnight and after a quick look out my window I was asleep.

Me in my room and my boyfriend in his.

Is your budget higher? Here are the best hotels near Doha Airport for you !

Book this special Qatar layover sightseeing trip!

“When travelling through Qatar, there’s no need to wish your time away at the airport. If your transit at Hamad International Airport is 8 hours or more, you can turn your stop into an extended holiday. We make this as simple as possible for you by taking care of all of your transit arrangements and ensuring you are back in good time for your onward flight. You can then make the most of your transit time by taking a break from your travels to discover Qatar, and explore its unique Arabic heritage, before connecting to your final destination.” – Transit Exclusive – Discover Doha / GetYourGuide

AMAZING! This is what we needed!

If you’d rather have a private tour on your Doha layover, read on for more special Qatar layover tours.

Taxi tour of Doha

We booked a taxi at the front desk for 5:30am and told the man we wanted to see The Pearl. I slept lightly, although slightly paranoid about waking up in time seeing as you couldn’t phone each other’s room, my boyfriend’s phone didn’t work, and the Wi-Fi there was next to useless.

9 hours in Qatar

After a quick shower I was in the lobby for 5:25am and the taxi was there right on time.

We soon realised there had been a misunderstanding on ‘The Pearl’. I’d wanted to see the flats and man made island, which was apparently 30 minutes drive away. We only had 30 minutes till we had to be at the airport.

Our taxi driver took us to The Pearl monument via the ATM. Thanks to Doha’s one-way system we got to see The Corniche, and get close to the skyscraper filled skyline. We saw a palace and the football stadium in the distance, getting ready for the World Cup 2022. The sunrise was incredible – one of the brightest and harshest I’ve ever seen.

stopover in doha

Getting out the car was like hitting a wall of heat though, it was sweat inducing to just cross the road, and it was still early. Not sure how all those footie fans coped!

Our friendly taxi driver dropped us at the airport for 6am and we sailed through with our hand luggage – the checked in baggage was all taken care of. One coffee later and we were at our boarding gate, mission ‘9 hours in Qatar’ accomplished.

With the time we had we could only get a quick look at all the great things to do in Doha , the taxi tour ended up being a great idea. Or, you could book one of the special layover tours from and to the airport. They didn’t have them when I travelled through but they seem to be the answer to all the airport anxieties and worries about leaving the airport in Doha.

Doha: Desert and Inland Sea Beach Layover Tour

  • Leave the airport and explore the Qatari desert with an experienced guide.
  • Experience one of only three places in the World where desert meet the ocean.
  • Private Dune bashing drive with a professional 4WD driver.

Doha Layover: 4 Hours Private Tour

  • Explore Doha city With Experience Guide
  • Discover Multipole Site Of Doha in 4 Hours
  • Get Picked Up and explore the city and drop-off back to your destination
  • Spend your quality time during layover to visiting Doha City
  • Visit Main Sights: Souq Waqif, Doha Corniche, Katara Cultural Village, The Pearl

From Doha Airport: Private City Tour for Transit Passengers

  • Drive along the fabulous Doha Corniche and West Bay area.
  • Discover the extraordinary Pearl Island.
  • Visit the Souq Waqif local market.
  • Explore the Katara cultural village.

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The cost of our stopover in Qatar

Qatar airport escape

Stopover time: 22:25 to 7:55

  • Visa: 100 (£17)
  • Hotel: 200 (£34)
  • Taxi to hotel: 50 (£8.50)
  • Morning sightseeing taxi for 30 mins: 100 (£17)

Cost of seeing Qatar each: (£76.50)

If you can spare £76.50 I’d definitely recommend getting out of the airport in Doha. I’d much rather spend my layover in Qatar in Doha, rather than in Doha Airport.

The taxi ride, getting a tiny glimpse at a new country and not feeling crappy at the airport thanks to no sleep made it totally worth it. If we needed any more reassurance we only needed to look at people trying to sleep on the floor to know that we’d done the right thing.

Q&A on a Doha Airport layover

8 hours stopover in Doha

Yes, you can. If I was to do it again it’d probably seem pretty easy, but as this was my first stopover, ever, we wasted a lot of time. Please read the guide above to learn from my mistakes!

What can I do in Doha airport for 9 hours?

First recommendation would be to leave, like we did.

Otherwise there are a few shops, and a lot of people trying to sleep on the floor. That’s your second option.

Here’s a round up of the best things to do in Doha Airport, if you don’t want to leave.

  • Visit the airport lounges: Qatar Airways’ Al Mourjan Business Lounge and Oryx Lounge offer comfortable seating, showers, dining, and Wi-Fi.
  • Explore the airport art: Hamad Airport is known for its impressive art collection, including sculptures, paintings, and installations. Take a self-guided tour to appreciate the artwork throughout the terminal.
  • Eat: The airport offers a variety of dining options, from international fast food to upscale restaurants. Try some Middle Eastern cuisine or enjoy a coffee at one of the cafes.
  • Shopping: Explore the duty-free shops and boutiques for luxury goods, electronics, clothing, and Qatari souvenirs on your Doha layover. The airport is known for its high-end shopping.
  • Qatar Airways tours: Qatar Airways offers city tours for passengers with extended layovers. Explore Doha’s key attractions like the Souq Waqif, Museum of Islamic Art, and the Corniche. See the tours listed above!
  • Relax and refresh: Use the airport’s quiet zones, relaxation rooms, and spa facilities to unwind. You can even take a shower to freshen up.
  • Exercise: Stay active at the airport gym or take a swim in the Oryx Airport Hotel’s pool.
  • Connectivity: Stay connected with free Wi-Fi throughout the airport. You can catch up on work, stream entertainment, or connect with friends and family.
  • Prayer rooms: If you need a place for prayer or meditation, the airport provides well-equipped prayer rooms.
  • Kids’ play area: If you’re traveling with children, let them burn off energy at the airport’s play areas.

stopover in Doha Airport

What can you do in 9 hours in Doha?

The fact that we were there overnight, from around 11pm to 7am, did kinda of limit what we could do in Doha for 9 hours. We managed a shower, a sleep and a quick tour, which was just fine.

If your 9 hours in Doha is more daytime, then see how many of these fun Doha activities you can fit in.

PIN 9 hour layover in Doha for LATER

stopover in qatar

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Hi, I'm Vicky! I wrote this. You can find me on all the social media @VickyFlipFlop. I love a bit of adventure, will try anything once, and have a strong passion for the local food and drink, whatever it may be. I'm here to help inspire you to travel to places a little out of your comfort zone, or at least to explore the usual destinations in a different way. Stay, have a look around, and if you have any questions – let me know below.


Qairways and the website for the airport lets you know that you cannot do a stopover d/t covid 19 precautions. So you are going to be in the airport. You cannot do anything else.

Hi, thanks for the updated advice on this. It’s very hard to keep up with current rules and regulations.

I absolutely enjoyed reading this. I’m an Indian expat, grew up in Qatar and didn’t really see this from a foreigners perspective. Anyways, I’m sure if you decided to visit again, you would love it. Feel free to DM me on Insta @the_halal_lifestyle and I’ll link you up on places to stay, visit and eat at. Oh, and Uber is way more affordable and reliable than the karwa!

Oh fab! Thanks for the hot tip. This post was written a while ago now, so it’s good to have some updated info. Thanks 🙂

I know your post is quite old but I’m having a few problems making a decision for my stopover in Doha.

I have an 11 hour stopover in Doha arriving at 5:30 am. I am just 1 hour short of the stopover deals the airline has to offer. So I emailed the hotel inside the airport where they’ve quote me $365 Australian dollars for 8 hours. This is insane, so I called the airline to see if they could help me find accommodation outside the airport and was told because I missed out by 1 hour I was not entitled to a transit hotel. I asked if I could leave and stay at a hotel outside the airport, they told me I was not allowed to leave.

I’m confused by this as you were able to leave. Being a solo female traveler I am very nervous about leaving and not making it back. I was hoping the airline would provide support.

Any advice?

Hi Courtney, oh that’s strange – and annoying. You’d definitely have time to explore Doha with 11 hours from 5:30am. I’ve just looked up hotels, and yes, the transit one is the only one available and super expensive. All the others seem to be 4 miles away.

I’d be very surprised if you can’t leave the airport, that seems very strange. If I was you I’d talk to the airline staff and see when you arrive. We didn’t even get questionned when we left.

As you say, it’s a few years since I did this but seems very strange not to be able to leave. You’d be able to get a taxi and look around easily in that time, but yes, depends if you want to.

Have you seen this page?

Hope that helps.

Very nice article, I loved reading about your experience 🙂

Oh thanks! Hope it helps with your trip planning :).

In my trip to Namibia I had the chance to stopover in Doha for almost one day and we really enjoyed! It is worth it!

Yeah I totally think it’s worth it for the day. I wouldn’t really want any longer, but fun to be able to check it out for a few hours. Definitely recommend getting a private taxi driver to show you round.

Because i wanted to buy cheaper tickets for my family (cheaper by usd 480 for 2 adults and 2 kids), i bought us the long 9,5 hours layover instead of 2,5 hours layover. We will reach Doha 15 23:30 then connect out flight at 09:00 the next day. The airport hotel rate is super expensive. I would like to have some sleep but the hotels rate are so expensive that wud end up the same if i have bought the more expensive tickets. What wud u recommend me if you were in my situation?

Hello Eppie, how about the Villa Hotel I recommend above? It’s difficult because of the timings of your flight but if you get up super early you’d be able to have a taxi ride round Qatar like I did. That would make the extra money worth it?

Thank you for this post! I am flying Hanoi-New York with an 18-hour layover in Doha, on a similar super-cheap ticket, so probably not eligible for the hotel voucher (which I only just learnt about; yes, I’ve been traveling for an entire year and still make mistakes). This is SO helpful.

Great! Happy to help. I hope you enjoy Doha, 18 hours is definitely a good amount of time to explore :).

I will have a layover in Doha arriving at 23:50 and leaving 07:10, would it make sense to leave the airport by taxi to do my own mini tour through the city?

If it’s overnight I’d get a taxi. I’m not sure how much you’d be able to see during those hours?

18 hour layover, but we arrive at 01:30am so I guess it’s a two night stay to ensure early check in and late check out? Has anyone else had this type of stop and can advise?

Hey Andy, can anyone help him?

Hi Vicky, I will have a layover in Qatar. Will arrive there at 5:30pm and my outbound flight is 9 hours later at 3AM. I ready that Qatar airlines offers a complimentary 3 hour tour. I read the tour starts at 8pm. Do you know anything about this and is it worth doing? Because it is complimentary it is on a first come/first serve basis. Only 22 people can get the tour. I am a family of 4. I am afraid if I miss it, I will be stuck at the airport for 9 hours. Any suggestions?

I’m afraid I don’t know anything about this tour. Is there no way to book onto it? I’d recommend that you try and get on the tour, but if you don’t, you can arrange your own travel. There are many taxis outside that can take you to your destination, or even just for a tour. As you can see that’s what my friend and I did last time. It was all very easy.

That way you’re covered if either event happens.

Let me know what you decide, I’d be interested to know.

I have the same flight on the 12th of November. Did you find out anymore information or do the tour? I’m sure you would be unlucky to miss out on a spot.

Did your plans include flying from Qatar to Denpasar by chance? I have the same flight and wanted to see what you ended up doing at the airport during the 9+ hour layover?? Thanks so much!

Hi, no it was Qatar to Ho Chi Minh City. Everything I did is in the post above 🙂

i’m going this October. we have a 15 hour layover… should be enough time to see the city.

Hope you enjoy it! Sounds like a good amount of time.

Great post Vic, I’m looking at 24 hours in Doha and thinking to myself, surely one of the bloggers has done this before. Hazzah! Vicky has!

Cheers mate, you saved me some work!

Ha, no worries! 24 hours? I’d definitely recommend getting out and exploring – get yourself a private driver, go on, you deserve it.

Hi Vicky, I have 10 hrs layover at Doha in December. I really don’t know what to do lol. Seems so long specially the last time i traveled was about 10 years ago. Any suggestion?

what about a stop over of 24 hours? we’ll 22 hours till 23 next day..

Oh yeah, definitely then! I’d hate to stay in the airport for that long…

so i’m wondering if you think it is worth getting out of the airport for my stopover at Doha, arriving 10:50 pm-departing 8:30 am (about 10 hours)? I am also a single, female traveler. I would like to maybe drive by a couple sites but more importantly don’t want to struggle for a place to sleep that night. Any suggestions you may have is greatly appreciated!

Hello, all the info I have is in the article above really. It was an expensive few hours, but in my eyes worth it to see what Qatar was about, and to have a quick look around.

My fiance & I may have a 7.5 hour layover in Qatar, but it will land 6pm in the evening. Still think it’s worth leaving the airport to see the city at night?

Hmmm, to be honest there’s not much to see. 9 hours was tight, but I guess we did sleep and you wouldn’t have to. The city isn’t lit up particularly, or wasn’t where I was. It was just banks. I’m going to say no. I wouldn’t bother again.

Great. Thanks for the honest feedback!

I had a similar opportunity in Bahrain but ended up just staying in the airport due to not really having a plan to make the most of the layover… Some good advice on leaving airports quickly. I shall bear it in mind next time.

Happy to be of service Adam. It was quite stressful, in a way, but I’m someone who’d rather be stressed than bored, so I was alright!

And you didn’t have any more time than that. I dislike long layovers because it means I don’t have enough time to see everything at the place I’m stopped at.

I had the same debate about Singapore and decided to save cash and stopover in the airport – that was a big mistake – I think I managed a total of about 30 minutes sleep on a hard wooden bench, so I would definitely plump for getting out of the airport in the future!

Yeah it’s a difficult choice when you know it will mount up, but sometimes you’ve just got to splash out and see it as an opportunity to see somewhere new. It’s not like I’d ever go to Qatar on holiday so I just wanted to check it out.

from the pictures alone, i would say yes

Ah thanks, pretty cool hey?!

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qatar airways long layover tour

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Full Time Explorer

Nepal Travel Blog

Doha Layover: Should you try a Qatar Transit Tour?

Middle East Travel / February 19, 2020 by fulltimeexplorer / Leave a Comment

I’ve taken a lot of different flights from Nepal to the United States, and for the cost, Qatar Airways has turned out to be my favorite. The flights are affordable. It’s one of the quickest routes if you live on the East Coast, and the airline is one of the best. Having a layover in Doha is much nicer than some of the other layover cities I’ve stopped in. The airport is clean, spacious, modern, and easy to navigate. This time, I was traveling with my mom to Nepal, and I realized that the airline offers Qatar transit tours! We decided to give one a try since we had an 8 hour layover in Doha.

What is a transit tour?

A transit tour is a short tour of the city that takes off from the airport and arrives back at the airport. There are a variety of tours, but all of them are meant for those with short layovers between 7 and 24 hours. That way, you can leave the airport and enjoy Qatar rather than sitting around waiting for your plane.

How do you book a Qatar transit tour?

Booking the transit tour is extremely easy. Simply go to Qatar’s webpage and look at the transit tours (found under the discover tab). From here you can see an array of tours that range from 3 hours to day trips. Click on any of the tours to see what times they leave, where they go, and how long your layover needs to be in order to get through customs and back to your flight in time.

How much is a transit tour, and what does it include?

Tours range based on the type of tour. A 3 hour tour of the city with transport to and from the airport and an English speaking guide is about $20 USD per person. A half day safari to the desert with transportation and a guide is about $100 USD per person. While you could probably arrange these on your own for cheaper, the benefit here is that everything is arranged for you without a worry in the world. You simply show up, enjoy the tour, and are returned in time for your flight without a stress in the world.

Do I need a transit visa for a Doha layover?

Transit visas are free for 80 different countries. You can view this list for more information. U.S. citizens can receive a free transit visa on arrival. We met at the Discover Qatar tour desk by Gate A3 and the guide from Discover Qatar gave us the customs document printed out with our information. We handed it to the officer and got through in a matter of minutes. If you go through customs on your own, just tell the officer you are going on a transit tour.

What do I do with my luggage?

Our checked bag was set to go directly to Kathmandu, so the only thing we had to worry about was our carry on. I was afraid we’d have to carry it on our backs everywhere. We each had a 15lb (7kg) backpack with us. Luckily, they stored it under the tour bus, so it was safe during the tour. Our driver stayed with the bus the entire time, and we were told that Qatar is ranked as one of the top safest countries in the world. Therefore, we only carried our purses and cameras for the tour.

Review of the 3 hour Doha layover city tour

Since we had about 8 hours for our layover in Doha, we decided to try the 3 hour Qatar transit tour. The tour was only $20 USD each and included transportation around the city with stops in 4 destinations. We were able to visit Dhow Harbour (10 minute stop) to view the fishing vessels and Doha’s skyline. We went at night so the skyline was lovely, but the fishing vessels were hard to see. Next we went to Katara Cultural Village (10 minute stop) which is a large shopping mall. But, there is a beautiful blue mosque with incredible mosaics on the outside as well as the “pigeon poo tower” where they used to collect pigeon poo for fertilizer. Then, we stopped at The Pearl (10 minute stop) which is another shopping area with luxury apartments above it and a marina full of yachts in a bay behind it.

At this point I was feeling a bit rushed as 10 mins is not nearly enough time to even see a location from the outside. Last, we stopped at Souq Waqif (40 min stop) which is a local market. In my eyes, this was by far the best part of the tour. I honestly would have booked a tour that just spent 2 hours at the market. Its beautiful winding alleyways full of men in traditional dress smoking hookah made me feel like I’d stepped into a scene from Aladdin. There were stalls selling souvenirs, snacks, desserts, spices, housewares and more. It was such an interesting experience.

In between all the running around, we saw other sites from the windows of the bus while our guide told us the history and fun facts about Qatar. The entire tour was informative and stress free. We showed up, followed our guide, and got returned to the airport without hassles. As someone who plans my own trips 98% of the time, it was nice not to have to worry about anything. They run this tour 5 times a day, every day, so they have everything down to the minute. The only downfall was feeling rushed at the first three sites. I honestly could have done without the stop at the apartment building/yacht marina. To me it wasn’t that interesting. But the rest of the tour was great and worth booking if you have a 6 hour layover.

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Michelle della giovanna.

Writer at Full Time Explorer

I’m just your average New Yorker who quit her job in the fashion industry to explore the world. Come find out what it’s like to trade in five-inch heels for squat toilets.

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Family Travel in the Middle East

How to Plan Your Doha Stopover: Layovers With Qatar Airways

Are you planning a flight with Qatar Airways but weighing up whether it’s worth doing a Doha stopover? It could all come down to how many hours you have to spare, and the season you are visiting in.

Doha Stopover Guide

What can you do in Doha during a short stopover?

What can you see and do if you have a stopover flying through Doha airport (DOH) – which means more than 5 hours and less than 24 hours – in Doha?

In this post, we will cover several Doha layover and stopover options, including:

  • Staying in the airport – how long can you spend at DOH?
  • Sleeping at or near the airport – which hotels are closest to DOH?
  • Take a guided tour – what are the best Doha transit tours?
  • Self-explore around Doha – airport transit options and biggest city highlights to see.
  • You can learn more about the basics of visiting Qatar for first-time visitors here.

Option 1 Doha Layover: Stay at the Hamad International Airport (DOH)

On the scale of things, Doha’s Hamad International Airport (DOH) isn’t too bad an airport for a long layover. There are plenty of family-friendly touches, eateries and rest areas.

In partnership with Qatar Museums, transiting passengers can enjoy artwork – including various children’s playgrounds, which themselves are artwork!

Hamad International Airport Childrens Playground Art Installation

Let’s take a run through all the facilities you will find at DOH.

Airport lounges in DOH

If you have a longish transit stop but not enough time to leave the airport (under 5 hours), we suggest this is an airport you might want to invest in lounge access (or check if any of your credit cards gives you access). You will find:

  • Al Safwa First Lounge
  • Al Mourjan Business Lounge
  • Al Mourjan Business Lounge – The Garden
  • The Business Class Lounge
  • Platinum Lounge
  • Gold Lounge
  • Silver Lounge
  • Al Maha Services Lounges
  • The Oryx Lounge
  • Unaccompanied Minors Lounge – strictly only children who are being transitted as Unaccompanied Minors

It’s important to note that First Class and Business Class lounges are only available to those who are flying First Class or Business. Similarly, the Platinum, Gold and Silver Lounges are only available to Qatar Airways Club Platinum, Gold and Silver members.

qatar airways long layover tour

Doha Airport is well-equipped for families. You can find family bathrooms, parents rooms for changing and feeding, plenty of play spaces, and activity nodes. Seeking out the giant teddy bear art instalment is always a winner!

Option 2: Sleeping in and near DOH airport

If you’d rather get some shut eye during a long layover in Qatar, there’s a few options:

Sleeping at Hamad International Airport

There are limited sleeping options within DOH, but plenty nearby.

There are two hotels located on the airside. The first is Oryx Doha Airport Transit Hotel. With 100 rooms of varying sizes from one beds to suites, they are suitable for families (quads offer 2 single beds and 1 double). With a minimum 5-hour stay, you’ll find complimentary water, wifi and discounted access to the Vitality Wellness Centre. You can also order room services at the hotel. You’ll find this hotel quite centrally in Concourse B.

Another newer option that has opened is Oryx Garden Hotel , in the North Node (end of Concourse C).

You can also pay by the hour to use one of the sleep ‘n fly Lounges (available in North Node and South Node). These are fairly snug and basic accommodations, offering cabins and sleeping pods. There is a minimum two-hour stay and various options available, such as Bunk Cabin, Family Bunk Cabin, and FlexiSuite Pod.

Guests can also just pay to use the Vitality Wellness Centre . This includes a 25-metre pool, gymnasium and hydrotherapy tub for 175QAR ($48 USD). Massages and treatments at the Spa cost extra. Open 24/7.

Quiet Rooms at Doha International Airport

If you want a quiet place to rest, there are dedicated “Quiet Rooms” on Concourse A, B, and C—but if you’re travelling with kids, these are not really realistic options. Firstly, they separate men and women—and well, kids and quiet? BYO blanket from off the plane during transit, as the aircon can be fierce.

Hotels near Doha Airport

Hamad International Airport sits on its own little peninsula, and strangely, they seem to have built the entrance at the furthest possible point away from the city, so there are no hotels immediately near the airport.

The closest hotels to transit to by taxi about 10 minutes away are:

  • Sharq Villa & Spa – a Ritz Carlton Hotel – a beautiful luxury option
  • Oryx Rotana – good midrange option
  • Fraser Suites Doha – if you need a larger room

Plentiful hotels are available closer to the city; we will cover these in our next Qatar series article.

Option 3: Doha Sightseeing Tour With Qatar Airways

If you are in Doha for more than five hours, leaving the airport is well worth exploring the city’s major attractions.

Note on Qatar Airways Tours: At one point, these used to be free, but this is now a paid service for all passengers.

The Museum of Islamic Art is a must-stop for first time visitors to Doha

Whilst no longer free, the range of tours offered directly by Qatar Airways is expansive and includes options such as:

  • Discover Doha – classic shared sightseeing tour (Tour is 3 hours: suits a 6-hour transit)
  • Shuttle Service – direct transfer to either the National Museum of Qatar, Museum of Islamic Art or Doha Beach Club (for 8-hour+ transits)
  • Private Vehicle & Driver Tours – chose a standard car or luxury car (3 & 5 hour options)

You can see the complete list of options to book directly with Qatar Airways here

Getting your Doha Transit Visa

In late 2016, the QTA (Qatar Tourism Authority) introduced FREE 96-hour transit visas with layovers of 5 hours or more for nationals of over 80 countries.

A multi-entry waiver is now issued at the airport on arrival. The visa waiver categories are found here .

To be eligible, you must have an onward ticket, hold a valid passport for at least 6 months, and share an email address to process the visa. Note there are separate rules for Indian and Pakistani nationals. If you are not one of the 80 nationalities, you can still apply for a Qatar Tourist Visa .

Some reading ideas for your Stopover in Doha

DOHA and QATAR Travel Guide

Option 4: Arrange Your Own Tour or DIY Doha Itinerary

Whether you like to take comfort in having all the arrangements and transport taken care of for you, or you like to plot our your own itinerary and move at your own pace, there are plenty of ways to tour Doha city on your stopover.

Doha Transit Tour

Doha is a great sightseeing city and one of those places where taking a small guided tour or joining a tour bus is an ideal way to get around and see all the highlights. You can try one of these organised tours:

  • Four-hour tour with airport pick up, including dhow cruise
  • Private Doha city tour including MIA, Souq & falcon handling
  • Transit tour taking in the Pearl, Katara Cultural Village & the Souq

Self-tour Doha during a layover

If you prefer to grab a taxi or even a hire car and self-tour (Be prepared for the urgh, unique driving style of the Middle East), these are s ome of the major Qatar attractions you will want to include :

  • Museum of Islamic Art (MIA) – free entry (closed Tuesday)
  • The Pearl – an artificial island of residences and shops intertwined with canals and plazas – the “Arabian Riviera”
  • Souq Waqif – beautifully restored from the original markets that stood for over a century – the traditional city hub of trade and entertainment

Souk Waqif Doha

  • Katara Cultural Village – “ Valley of Cultures ” is home to the city’s cultural events, traditional handicrafts, restaurants and plenty of green areas to run around
  • Traditional dhow cruise – for beautiful skyline views, best in the cooler weather

Al Zubarah Fort

  • Visiting with Kids? Check out our kid-friendly Doha suggestions for plenty of places they can run about between flights, indoors and outdoors

If you have a longer layover that will last into the night, we recommend adding a desert safari to get a taste of Bedouin life and Qatari hospitality – as well as some thrills and spills to keep you going until that next long flight!

You may also squeeze in a visit to the al Zubarah Fort to the north or the Inland Sea to the south (NB, some operators may cater to small private groups, but most run at a designated time over the evening) . Why not try:

  • 5-hour safari, camel ride, sandboard, inland sea . Airport pick up possible.
  • 5-hour sunset safari – camel ride & sandboarding. Airport pick up possible

You can also check out these stopover guides for neighbouring Abu Dhabi and Dubai

More Qatar Visitor Guides

And don’t miss these further Doha guides to help you decide if you are ready to leave the airport!

  • When is the best time to visit Qatar?
  • What should I wear when I visit Qatar?
  • Things to do with Kids in Doha
  • Top attractions and places to visit in Qatar

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Tgings to do during a Doha Layover

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This page contains affiliate links which may earn us a small commission at no additional cost to you. None of the airlines, hotels, or tour companies mentioned have sponsored this post, all opinions are our own. Our full terms of use can be found here. Information last updated in January 2024.

Family Travel Middle East

The Family Travel in the Middle East team of travel writers are all parents based in the Middle East, sharing first hand experiences and reviews from across the region to help you plan your next family adventure.

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Doha City Tour on a Long Layover

If you are flying into the city of Doha in Qatar and have a long layover of 8 hours or more, you can easily see the highlights of the city on a well organized tour offered by Qatar Airways. This post covers how to book this tour, what you will see on it and all the important details you need to know about the tour.

Who is the Tour Operator?

The tour is operated by Discover Qatar. They are the destination management arm of Qatar Airways.

How Long Should Your Layover Be?

In order to participate in the Doha City Tour, you should have a long layover of 8 hours or more. They ask for your flight details when you book the tour to ensure you have 8 hours or more.

How Long is the Tour?

The tour takes about 3-4 hours, not factoring in the time it takes to clear immigration and to get back into the airport.

When is the Tour Available?

They offer the tour several times a day.

Tour Timings: 7:00 | 08:00 | 11:00 | 13:00 (September to May) | 15:00 | 16:00 | 18:00 | 19:00 | 20:00 | 21:30

How to Book the Tour?

You can book the tour on the official Discover Qatar website HERE . One thing to note is that you need to get to the tour desk at the Doha airport 2 hours before the tour starts. So, keep this in mind when you choose a time for the tour.

You maybe able to book the tour on arrival but it is subject to availability.

How Much Does the Tour Cost?

The tour used to be free back in the day but Qatar Airways has started to charge for it now. It is still very reasonable and costs between 99 to 115 Qatari Riyals. It comes to between USD $27-32.

Do you Need a Visa?

Citizens of over 95 countries do not need a prior visa to visit Qatar. Citizens of these countries can get a visa on arrival. Check if you are eligible HERE .

What to Do When You Land?

You have to make your way to the Discover Qatar tour desk. It’s not a big area or desk and therefore maybe a little hard to find. The best way is to go to the giant teddy bear. With the teddy bear to your back, start walking towards the escalators in front of you. The tour desk is on to your right, a little past the escalators.

What is the Tour Like and What Will You See?

You are required to be at the tour desk 2 hours prior to the start of the tour. Once I showed my face, they asked me to come back around 1.5 hours prior to the tour. Once I went back, they escorted us to the immigration line. There was a bit of a line here so we had to wait a bit. Once it was my turn, the immigration officer stamped my passport with a visa and we then waited for a few minutes, before we were escorted into a bus. Even in November the Qatari desert heat hit my face hard as soon as I walked out the door.

The bus was nice and air conditioned and we were offered a bottle of water each before we were on our way. Our guide was truly fabulous and did a wonderful job explaining the history and culture of Qatar as well as what we were seeing on this Doha City Tour.

Harbor and the Museum of Islamic Art

Our first stop was the harbor front, where we got down from the bus and had some time to take lots of pictures. Nearby was the Museum of Islamic Art designed by the architect I.M Pei.

We then drove through the city of Doha and its impressive skyrise buildings. Interestingly there were so many luxury hotels just a few meters away from each other. We then saw a little glimpse of the Pearl, Qatar’s artificial island where the very rich live.

Katara Cultural Village

The Katara Cultural Village is the largest and the most multidimensional cultural project in Qatar. The massive complex consists of theatres, concert halls, exhibition galleries and even an amphitheater.

If we wished to, we had a chance to visit the Blue Mosque or the Katara Mosque inside the Cultural Village. There were long robes and head scarves provided prior to entering the mosque. The mosque itself was very beautiful both inside and out and the nearby pigeon tower was very fascinating!

I love a good souq or market so this was probably my favorite part. Our first stop was the camel market, which was quite fascinating. Then we visited the falcon market and the bird market. Admittedly I didn’t love these two places. It was a little sad to see birds tied or caged.

Falcons are a very expensive household pet in Qatar and a good falcon can sell for lots of money. Our guide said a falcon once sold for USD $250,000!

We then had free time to roam around the souq and explore on our own! We had the opportunity to both explore the narrow alleyways of the market as well as walk in the open areas. It was Thursday night (their Friday night) and the entire market was buzzing even though it was late.

If you want to buy things, it is best to have some riyals but some places also take dollars. Ask before you purchase!

Note – the tour changes slightly depending on the time of the year to adjust to the summer heat and other considerations.

After the Tour

After the tour, they will drop off at departures where you will have to clear immigration and security again.

Did you find this Doha city tour on a long layover post useful? Please let me know by liking/commenting below or sharing this post on social media! Thank you!!

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I transfer through this airport a lot. I didn’t realize the tours were that easy. Thanks!

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You’re welcome! It really was a good and well organized tour!

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To say travel is my passion is truly an understatement! What I love most about travel is that I get to connect with locals and meet with fellow travelers from around the world. In addition, travel also enables all my other interests like history, photography, architecture, art, music and food! Please feel free to share any posts or leave me feedback on how I can improve. Thank you and happy travels!

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The most amazing things to do on a long layover in qatar.

Do you have the option to stop over in Qatar? Here is a guide to the best things to do, whether it be a whirlwind 5-hour stop or a jam-packed 12-hour Qatar itinerary! You will also find essential tips for travelling on a long layover in Qatar, along with the new and updated entrance fees to the museums.

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The basics of a long layover in Qatar

Passing through immigration.

When you arrive for your layover in Doha City, you will need to make your way out of the airport. Before you decide on a layover, make sure to check your government’s advice if you need a transit visa. Citizens of over 95 countries are eligible for visa-free entry by using the Qatar ETA . The UK is one of them. You can check if you need a visa here .

Withdrawing money

There are a few ATMs and a currency exchange desk in the airport near where you collect your luggage. However, if you’re travelling on a direct ticket, there is no need to collect your luggage to lug it around the streets of Qatar with you.

We withdrew money from the HSBC bank just before going through the nothing to declare area. The exchange rate was reasonable and in line with the XE converter. As a couple, we withdrew 150 Qatari Rials ($41.20), which was enough for a day pass each on the 777 bus, food and drink in the evening, ice cream, a fridge magnet, and a short taxi ride.

Dress code for Qatar

As always, when going to a new country, it’s important to be aware of the local culture and dress code. As we were preparing to leave our home in Vietnam , and as we had never been to the Middle East before, we were left wondering if Katie would need to cover her hair, or if Jake would need to wear long trousers. Turns out neither is necessary! For women, we recommend wearing tops that cover your shoulders and chest (nothing too revealing), and a skirt or 3/4 pants that cover your knees. For men, anything will do. But make sure to wear a top!

Leaving the airport

By taxi or bus.

Individual bus tickets cost between 2.50-7 Qatari Rials ($0.69-1.92), depending on your drop-off point.

Bus number 777 will take you almost everywhere you need to go on this itinerary!

Via pre-organised tour with Qatar Airways

If you still want to pay, you can go to the Qatar Airways desk after you exit the plane to book your place, on the Doha City tour . We recommend this tour for anyone who is in a tight time frame. If you only have 4 to 5 hours to explore Doha, this is the quickest and risk-free way of getting around, and back to the airport in time for your connecting flight.

Places to see in Doha on a layover (6 – 8 hours)

Be mind-boggled at the museum of islamic art.

The first stop you will arrive at on the 777 bus, is the Museum of Islamic Art on your right-hand side. The structure of the museum is a work of art in itself. Unfortunately, we didn’t go inside as our layover was during Ramadan and the museum was closed during the day, and we didn’t have much time left when it re-opened at 8 pm. Unfortunately, since 28th March 2019, the museum stopped allowing free entry to foreign visitors. The entrance cost is now 50 Qatari Rials ($13.73) for adults or 100 Qatari Rials ($27.47) for a museum pass that will allow you entrance for 3 consecutive days to all museums in Qatar.

Stroll along the Corniche

Take a historical journey on a dhow boat.

Hop on a dhow boat to embark on a historical journey along Qatar’s waters. The dhow boats are traditional vessels that were used for everyday life before Qatar discovered the country was rich in oil. A ride on a dhow boat will cost between 30-40 Qatari Rials ($8.24-10.99) per person.

Feel luxurious along the Pearl Boulevard

Step back in time at souq waqif old town.

After a replenishing time at the Pearl, jump back onto the 777 bus where you got off, and head down to Souq Waqif. Sadiq Waqif is the oldest part of town. With its stone cream-washed walls, tiny alleyways, and stalls selling Aladdin carpets, you will feel like you have stepped back in time. Along this road, you will find plentiful opportunities to pick up souvenirs and plentiful places to wrap your taste buds around Middle Eastern cuisine.

Delve into Qatar’s history at the National Museum

Absorb the history of Qatar from its earliest days to the present day. Stroll around the exhibitions and buck up on your knowledge of this tiny, but rich, country. As with the Museum of Islamic Art, the National Museum is no longer free. It will cost you 50 Qatari Rials ($13.73) to enter, or 100 Qatari Rials ($27.47) for a museum pass.

Head back to the airport for your flight

Things to add on an 8 to 12-hour-long layover in doha, the 2022 world cup football stadium.

Qatar is the first Arab state due to host the FIFA World Cup in 2022! If time permits, then don’t miss out on the chance to stop by one of the planned venues for the world-famous football tournament. Each stadium, with an expected capacity of over 40,000, and impressive designs, will not fail to amaze the football frenzies out there.

Take a dunes tour

Travelling in qatar during ramadan.

Eat and Drink – During Ramadan, it’s illegal to eat or drink in public areas, even for foreign visitors! The only exception is pregnant women and children. So, if you do have a long layover in Qatar during Ramadan, you will need to be prepared to go without food and water for a few hours or to fork out for an expensive meal behind closed doors at one of the hotels.

Shops and museums – As for shops and museums, pretty much everything is closed during the afternoon. On our visit, the museums opened in the morning and closed at 2 pm, and re-opened at 8 pm. However, opening and closing times may vary slightly each year according to the times of sunrise and sunset.

Hotel recommendations for a long layover in Qatar

Budget rooms: Green Garden Hotel – As far as prices go in Qatar, this hotel is one of the cheapest places that is a high rating. The hotel offers comfy double beds and large rooms.

We hope this post has helped you plan your long layover in Qatar. If you’re heading for Southeast Asia, check out our backpacking Thailand guide to help you get started with your trip.

Essential resources for a stopover in Qatar

Travel Insurance – No matter where you’re travelling to, it’s a good idea to make sure you’re covered for any accidents or losses. We spent days and weeks searching for insurance, but most insurers would not allow us to take out a policy as we were already abroad. Our personal choice is Safteywing . You can opt for automatic monthly payments, just like a subscription. More importantly, it is available in 180 countries and can be purchased whilst already travelling. There is no cap on the duration of travel.

Tours & Activities – If you want to book tours and activities online, make sure to check out Get Your Guide . Get Your Guide takes the stress out of booking activities abroad. You will also find a range of benefits, such as skip-the-line passes, lunch included in your tours, and so much more.

Travel tips ebook -Before you head off on your adventure, make sure to download our free ebook. It has a whopping 109 budget travel tips to help you make your hard-earned cash go further. Click here to download your FREE ebook.

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Qatar Layover: The best things to do in Doha While on a Transit

Are you going on a flight with transit/stopover in Qatar soon? Check out the Qatar layover deals with Qatar Airways and you can enjoy so many cool things to do in Doha!

When we talk about Qatar, the first two things that come to our mind is oil and money. I know this very well because I’ve worked in one of the biggest oil industries in Iraq where I’ve met a lot of expats who came to the Middle East for the same thing– career and money. I even lived and worked in Kuwait too! 

Transit In Qatar The Best Things To Do For A Long Layover

As I went out of the Airport in Doha, Qatar, everything felt familiar. The Middle East had been my home for quite some time and I feel very much acquainted to the busy atmosphere. The difference is that this time, I’m not here for work or money, I’m here on a 20-hour layover and I’m visiting as a tourist 🙂

Transit In Qatar The Best Things To Do For A Long Layover26

Knowing that there’s a lot of Filipinos working here, I also organized a meet-up with our readers. In fact, Ate Analiz and her daughter were kind enough to pick me up from the airport and drove me to the hotel. Anyway, here’s what you can do on a long layover in Doha! 

Transit In Qatar The Best Things To Do For A Long Layover4


Transit In Qatar The Best Things To Do For A Long Layover7

For this long layover, I was hosted by Alwadi Hotel Doha – MGallery in a very nice suite. I was received very well by their staff and their king-size MyBed™ totally felt like I’m lying down on clouds! This is perfect since I’ve been traveling non-stop for the past few weeks. 

Transit In Qatar The Best Things To Do For A Long Layover15

They also have an ala carte Breakfast for all the guests, separate living area, Free WiFi, Two TVs, Nespresso machine, BOSE docking station, spacious desk (which is perfect since I am still working even on vacation), Minibar, separate shower and bathtub, Premium bath amenities exclusive to the hotel, bathrobes and slippers sized for each guest, Makeup mirror and Salon-quality hairdryer.

Transit In Qatar The Best Things To Do For A Long Layover9

You can also nourish your mind, body, and soul at their M Spa or burn the stress away at their M Fitness Center. Oh, what about lounging in their pool area? 🙂

Transit In Qatar The Best Things To Do For A Long Layover11

Another thing is that it is located in the heart of the city and is conveniently next to Souq Waqif where you can shop and dine. Oh, have I told you that this hotel is licensed to sell alcohol?? This is one of the best things here, so this place is perfect for expats and tourists to just drink the night away! 

Transit In Qatar The Best Things To Do For A Long Layover6

For those whose traveling with the same airline for your onward flight, you might want to check with them if they’d be paying for your accommodation. Other airlines have that! Otherwise, I recommend you book Alwadi Hotel Doha – MGallery .


1) Go on a Desert Safari and Camel Ride – Aside from meeting some of our lovely readers in Doha over drinks and dinner, I also went on a Desert Safari and Camel Ride with Ate Analiz and her daughter all arranged by my favorite experience giving website, Tinggly Experience .

Transit In Qatar The Best Things To Do For A Long Layover1

Our tour started with a hotel pick-up and we traveled all the way to Khawr al Udayd, the famed ‘inland sea’ that is an inlet of the Persian Gulf and was once a notorious settlement of Arabic pirate.

Transit In Qatar The Best Things To Do For A Long Layover4

This is a true Arabian experience as we drove up the sand dunes with a 4×4 and learned about the desert’s history from our knowledgeable tour guide. We then had a magical camel ride (too bad it ain’t a magic carpet haha). Seeing this beautiful place as a tourist is something I’d love to do all over again!

Transit In Qatar The Best Things To Do For A Long Layover27

2) For Filipinos, eat at Jollibee!- For Filipinos based abroad (just like me), I know that the famous Jollibee Chicken Joy and Spaghetti is something you always miss from back home. This is the perfect opportunity to have that sumptuous food we’ve always been craving for! 

Transit In Qatar The Best Things To Do For A Long Layover4

3) Visit the  Katara Cultural Village, The Pearl, Museum of Islamic Art, and the Souq Waqif- Did you know that when you have a 6-hour layover in Doha with Qatar Airways, you can tour the city with them for just more or less 20 USD?? It’s gonna be one heck of a memorable layover as you embark on this historical tour.

Transit In Qatar The Best Things To Do For A Long Layover3

Katara Cultural Village features wonderful walking areas lined up with pretty restaurants and cafes taking you to a wondrous historical, artistic, and luxurious getaway. Watch out for workshops, events, and concerts that you might encounter while you’re here! 


The Pearl is a man-made island and is the most glamorous address in the Middle East. This place boasts luxury in every corner as you see branded stores, yacht-lined marinas, towering residential towers, and upscale hotels. It’s not hard to see why this is also called the Arabian Riviera. 


Another stop is the Museum of Islamic Art where you’ll get to see marvelous art pieces from 3 continents which date as far back as 1,400 years ago. Its famous collection includes metalwork, ceramics, jewelry, woodwork, textiles, and glass.


Finally, the Souq Waqif where you can just wine, dine and watch the world go by. This is the perfect place to shop for souvenirs, spices, fabrics, and perfume! 

Transit In Qatar The Best Things To Do For A Long Layover30

That’s it for this post! I hope you enjoy your long layover as much as I did. To all our wonderful readers in Qatar, thank you for meeting me and thank you for always inspiring me! 🙂 

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Transit in Qatar The Best Things to Do on a Long Layover2

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6 thoughts on “ Qatar Layover: The best things to do in Doha While on a Transit ”

My wife and I will have a 9-hour layover in DOHA on our flight back to Manila, what is the best thing to do while as a transit passenger in DOHA terminal?

I am planning to fly Qatar Airways to visit Chicago (USA) during early June 21 and will try yo get a 11 hour lay over in Doha. Help me plan for the trip within a slim budget for two persons. Do i Have to take out my luggage during this transit ? Thanks

Hi! Do I need a visa if I want to go out of the airport during a layover?

Yes you need a visa.

I have an 8 hr layover in Doha next month and this is what I found out today at the Qatar airways website…

Nationals from more than 80 countries* can now take advantage of visa-free entry into Qatar, thanks to our new visa waiver upon arrival. Citizens of these countries will not need to apply or pay for a visa; instead, a multi-entry waiver will be issued at the airport, upon presentation of a valid passport (valid for a minimum of six months) and a confirmed onward or return ticket.

But if you can see, Philippines passport holders is not on the list because we need a visa. Another option for you – you can apply for e-visa (very quick) if you have valid visa USA, Canada, Schengen, Australia etc

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Written by Kach Umandap

Founder of Two Monkeys Travel Group. Since 2013, Kach has visited all the 7 continents (including Antarctica) and 151 countries using her Philippines Passport. In 2016, she bought a sailboat and went on sailing adventures with her two cats - Captain Ahab & Little Zissou in the Caribbean for 2 years. She now lives in Herceg Novi, Montenegro where she's enjoying her expat life and living on a gorgeous Stonehouse. She writes about her experiences traveling as a Filipina traveler with a PHL Passport. Also tips on backpacking trips, luxury hotel experiences, product reviews, sailing & adventure travel.

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Fabulous Doha: How to Turn Your Next Flight into A Mini Vacation

Experience the best service in the skies when you fly qatar airways to this hidden treasure of a city in the middle east, filled with world-class food, culture, architecture, hotels, and more..

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Doha skyline

The beautiful skyline of Doha

What if air travel was a rewarding adventure itself? When you fly Qatar Airways from any of its 12 gateways in the U.S. en route to more than 150 worldwide destinations, a stopover of at least 12 hours allows you entrée to inspiring experiences in Qatar’s capital city Doha. Whether you’re traveling to the Maldives or beyond, you can enrich your dream vacation with a fascinating 48-hour (or more) cultural immersion in Qatar.

For starters, you’ll feel like you’re on holiday before you even arrive, traveling in style with superior service on the top-rated airline in the world— a distinction awarded by Skytrax seven times running, including in 2022. When you fly Economy or Business Class (select flights even offer business-class suites with ambient lighting, fully lie-flat beds, and doors for extra privacy), expect unparalleled service and amenities onboard.

Touching down at Hamad International Airport , travelers will be wowed by what’s in store as soon as they step foot on the ground. The top-rated hub is filled with luxury shops, multiple fine-dining options, and stunning public art installations. Beyond that, a recent expansion includes a peaceful indoor tropical garden, the Orchard, featuring upwards of 300 trees and more than 25,000 plants sourced from sustainable forests around the world, all bathed in natural light. The spectacular setting makes for a grand welcome, especially when you take advantage of unbeatable Stopover Packages that take care of all of the details for you. Plus, luxury packages for two nights start at a mere $148.

On the ground, you’ll have a few days and nights full of soul-stirring experiences, from history and art to international cuisine and outdoor adventures in nature—or all the above. The world-class city is considered safe and welcoming to tourists, with English commonly spoken.

Day 1: Explore a land where history meets modernity

Museum of Islamic Art

The I.M. Pei-designed Museum of Islamic Art

Doha is a fascinating mix of hyper-modern design paired with art and culture that stretches back centuries. It’s an incredible place to behold—as if you’re simultaneously stepping back in time and peering into the future. Take time to savor this breadth as you zip between old-world markets and sleek contemporary architecture towering overhead. Start your day at the truly impressive Museum of Islamic Art. Designed by I. M. Pei and built on an artificial island near the traditional Dhow Harbor, it boasts the largest collection of its kind in the world. To get the full impact, opt for one of the short, self-guided tours curators have put together to show off the museum’s highlights based on personal preferences.

Souq Waqif

Next up, pay a visit to Souq Waqif for a bite to eat—and a taste of history. Once an ancient Bedouin trading market, the Souq later fell into disrepair and then burned, but was rebuilt in the early 2000s. Today, it’s packed with shops and stalls offering distinctive gifts and souvenirs, from spices to jewelry and textiles. And the market offers a wide range of Arabic cuisines. Eat your way through Qatari, Yemeni, Iranian, Moroccan, and other cuisines. Before you leave, make sure to visit the Falcon Souq within Souq Waqif, where you’ll get a bird’s-eye view of the centuries-old hunting tradition of falconry—listed as a UNESCO intangible cultural heritage of humanity.

At night, stroll along the Doha Corniche, a four-mile promenade overlooking the city’s harbor. Start at Souq Waqif and head west toward the skyscrapers for a tour of past to present. The beautiful walk along the water will also give you a good look at the city’s main sights and architecture.

Day 2: Choose your own desert or marine life adventure

Cruising through the dunes outside of Doha

Cruising through the otherworldly dunes outside of Doha

There’s no shortage of thrilling outdoor activities by land and sea in Qatar, all just a short ride away from the capital city. For something truly novel, take a guided trip to explore the desert dunes and inland sea . After an hour’s drive from Doha, you’ll arrive at the entrance of the desert at Sealine. Experienced drivers will spirit you away on an unforgettable off-road adventure over dramatic sand dunes to the azure waters of Khor Al Adaid, the inland sea. You’ll visit the towering Sheraton Dune and marvel at the Arabian Sea before heading back to the city.

Marine-life fans, this one’s for you: Discover the Whale Sharks of Qatar by private charter. The coastal water of Qatar plays home to one of the planet’s largest Whale Shark aggregations. Embarking from Fuwairit Kite Beach Resort (a short ride from Doha’s hotels), you’ll enjoy a hearty breakfast as you travel approximately two and a half hours by yacht to get to the Whale Sharks. Once there, you’ll see these magnificent creatures that gather to feed close to the surface. You can rest assured that this responsible outing doesn’t disrupt their natural habitat.

Al Thakira’s Mangroves

Al Thakira’s Mangroves

If you prefer a more active outing on the water, try kayaking through the mangrove forests of Qatar . In a country known for its desert landscape, you may be surprised to find the Al Thakira Mangrove Forest, one of Qatar’s oldest and largest forests. A two-hour guided tour that’s suitable for all levels will take you through the ecosystem which attracts migratory birds such as herons and flamingos, and an abundance of fish and crustaceans who call it home year-round.

After a full-day outing, enjoy dinner along the Corniche, or in Qanat Quartier or downtown, where you’ll find fine dining options to suit any palate.

Go beyond: Stay a little longer to enjoy even more of Qatar

The National Museum of Qatar

The National Museum of Qatar

If you have extra time, consider extending your stay by a night or two to take in even more of the diverse cultural offerings that make Doha such a fascinating city. History buffs will want to visit the National Museum of Qatar , designed by architect Jean Nouvel to look like a desert rose crystal. Here, you can learn about the country’s history and recent economic boom.

Art lovers might prefer Katara Cultural Village, the art and culture hub of the city that’s rife with artist spaces, galleries, and an outdoor amphitheater. There are often festivals and concerts in Katara, and an abundance of cafes and restaurants to linger in after a day of cultural exploration.

This destination, filled with cultural riches, historic treasures, and stunning natural landscapes, rewards travelers with enlightening experiences. Whether you spend 48 hours in Doha or choose to extend your visit in the capital city or beyond, there will always be new adventures for you to discover in this rapidly evolving cultural center of the Middle East.

A ship ship passing through the Wachau Valley on the Danube river

Page Traveller

24 Hours in Qatar: How to Maximize a Long Layover in Doha

Museum of Islamic Art Water Foundations and View

Updated May 2024

I have flown in and out of Hamad International Airport in Doha on a Qatar Airways stopover a bazillion times, travelling to and from Hong Kong . However, for this flight I booked a long layover in Doha just so I could spend 24 hours in Qatar and finally see more than just Doha’s airport!

I actually really enjoyed my layover in Qatar, getting out of the airport and into the city, and highly recommend venturing out if you’re in transit in Doha with Qatar Airways. So, here is the story of my 24 hours in Qatar, how I made the most of a long layover in Doha and some Doha travel advice for anyone looking to do Qatar Airways stopover.

Is it Safe to Travel to Qatar?

Doha city tours, do i need a qatar visa to visit doha, qatar airways stopover packages & stpc, doha airport luggage storage, exchanging money, leaving doha airport, what to see in doha in one day, 24 hours in qatar: qatari food, doha travel advice: 5 things to know about qatar, 24 hours in qatar: a long layover in doha.

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How to see Doha Qatar in One Day

This post contains affiliate links, which means this blog receives a small commission on purchases at no extra cost to you. Affiliate income helps keep this blog alive and I never link to a service unless I personally use and recommend it.

In a nutshell yes, but for more information, you can see the UK government’s Foreign Travel Advice for Qatar , The US’s Travel.State.Gov advice for Qatar , or your own country’s equivalent.

Qatar Airways Stopover: Doha’s Airport

The first couple of times I flew in and out of Hamad International Airport  in Doha, it was nothing but a shack with a duty free section and nowhere to exchange money!

Now, the new fancy terminal is like a miniature city in itself. There’s so much to see and do in Doha’s airport alone that you could easily make the most of a long layover in Doha without ever actually venturing out into Qatar itself (and I have done that too).

Aside from the obvious restaurants and shopping, Doha’s airport has art galleries, lounge facilities (all-inclusive food/relaxation areas starting at US$55), an airport transit hotel and a spa with massage packages and even a swimming pool! More information about Doha’s airport can also be found on the Qatar Airways website .

fountain in doha qatar

If you have a slightly shorter (but still long) Qatar stopover than me (for example, 10 hour layovers in Doha are quite common), you can also book transit tours such as the Doha City Tour . There are four tours per day and they’re first come, first served, booked at the airport. The Doha City Tour lasts 2.5 hours and includes the Pearl-Qatar, Katara Cultural Village, Souq Waqif and the Museum of Islamic Art.

Anyway, all that is worth a future Doha airport transit blog post in itself. But for this trip, I really wanted to escape out into the city and see it for myself. I’m so glad I did because I loved my 24 hours in Qatar and I wouldn’t hesitate to do another long layover in Doha next time I fly through.

Doha Corniche skyline view across the bay in Qatar

With five years worth of HK stuff in my suitcase and hand luggage (and smiling sweetly at the check in staff who kindly didn’t charge me for being well over the weight limit), I arrived for a layover in Doha. I was familiar with Doha’s airport already, but a little unsure how to actually leave it.

Rob and I wandered a little trying to find luggage lockers, but ended up at Immigration instead. For our UK passports, our Qatar visas cost £20, but note that this can only be paid with card. You can check the requirements for your passport and itinerary here .

Qatar Airways offer stopover packages and also have a STPC policy (Stopover For the Purpose of Connection) which could entitle you to a free stay. The conditions are that you book a flight with them that has a long stopover in Qatar (8+ hours) when there are no short layover times available.

Rob and I did not qualify as we deliberately chose the longer stopover in Doha, but it’s always worth contacting them to ask .

Museum of Islamic Art in Doha Qatar at sunrise

If you are looking for Doha airport’s luggage lockers, be warned there are none in the Arrivals Hall. There are rumours of luggage lockers inside the terminal itself (I can’t find any solid information about this online), but we couldn’t see how to get to them without sacrificing our trip through Immigration. So, I was carrying 7kg+ of hand luggage all day!

We exchanged money at the airport, though I would advise against the “buy back” deal they have, which promises that you can exchange any leftover money back at the same rate. However, we had no money left by the end of our day, so we didn’t need the deal anyway.

What is the currency in Qatar?

The currency in Qatar is Qatari riyal.

Dhow boats on the water in Doha Qatar

As we left Doha’s airport, we didn’t need to worry about getting ripped off by taxis (been there, done that enough times leaving an airport) because Qatari taxis are monitored by the national transport company.

The distinctive turquoise-coloured taxis are metered (though tipping is always appreciated) and display the “Karwa” banner.

Our taxi driver, to our surprise, was not Qatari-born, but from the Caribbean! He blasted reggae in his car as we made our way into the city. The driver was really friendly, chatting about politics back in his home country and why he’d moved out to Qatar (essentially, because it’s awesome).

The Souq Waqif in Doha Qatar

Our flight got us into Qatar at ridiculous o’clock in the morning, though we didn’t feel particularly tired as we were running on HK time. We watched the sunrise as we took the taxi into the city, then spent most of the morning just walking around town and getting our bearings.

This was a first-time trip to the Middle East for both of us, so we were in awe of everything.

The harbour is beautiful, especially with the view of the skyline on the opposite side of the water, almost rivaling Hong Kong’s epic views . The lines of traditional dhow boats that are tied up along the waterfront are really pretty and the architecture is also quite cool. Here are just a few things that caught our eye:

Architecture in Doha Qatar

We walked around part of the Doha Corniche, which is the waterfront promenade that runs along Doha Bay. Also, there are loads of cafes, tea shops and things to see around the Souq Waqif, so we hung out around there for most of the day.

1. The Souq Waqif

Colourful lanterns at the Souq Waqif in Doha Qatar

One of the best things to do in Qatar is explore the Souq Waqif. The Souq Waqif is an Aladdin’s Cave of treasures and sells all the dream things I would decorate my apartment with. If I had an apartment. Or anywhere to live. Or any money. Or any space in my hand luggage.

Sadly, I had none of these things, but it was wonderful just walking around and window shopping. The souq is a labyrinth, so it’s easy to get lost, but we were more than happy to get lost inside, smelling the spices and getting Christmas present ideas.

The goods on offer are nothing like we’d seen before, even from markets all around Asia. As we were there early in the morning, we drank tea and watched the shop owners setting up and had a nose at what was for sale.

Lanterns at the Souq Waqif in Doha Qatar

Aside from the standard souvenir shops, there are jewellery and home decor items; lanterns and glass ornaments; gorgeous clothes and shoes; Christmas decorations (yes, really); and bags and bags and bags of aromatic spices that I was desperate to buy.

However, it’s really in the evening the souq truly comes alive. The atmosphere is great: there are performances, loads of things to sample or try and of course, a good bit of haggling!

Educate Yourself About Islam at the Souq Waqif

Also, I was intrigued by a stand between a few of the shops displaying leaflets and books about Islam (pictured above). With all the crap going on in the world at the moment and the rise of Islamophobia, I found this really touching and took a few leaflets to better educate myself.

2. Museum of Islamic Art

The Museum of Islamic Art in Doha Qatar at sunset

We had spied the Museum of Islamic Art (MIA) building as soon as we arrived in Doha, though had to wait until it opened later in the day to visit. When you’re considering what to do in Doha, this museum is a must-see, even if just from the outside.

The building itself is an incredible work of art, designed by famous architect I. M. Pei. Pei is also the genius behind the Bank of China building in Hong Kong and the Louvre in Paris. The museum literally looks stunning from every angle, in all weather and all times of the day, so I took an obscene amount of photos of it, as you can probably tell just from reading this blog.

Water fountains at the Museum of Islamic Art in Doha Qatar

Also, the museum is free  and you can leave your bags in the cloakroom, so you don’t have to carry them around. My shoulders greatly appreciated this after more than half a day carrying my overweight hand luggage on my back.

I found the MIA exhibits fascinating. They mostly focus on Islamic art throughout different periods of history. The style of art is intricate and visually stunning. There was also an exhibition about Muhammad Ali on the top floor, which was a surprise to me as I had no idea he was Muslim.

The Museum of Islamic Art Muhammad Ali Exhibit

The grounds of the MIA are beautiful too, with lots of open spaces and pretty fountains. The views out across the bay are grand and the cafe in the main entrance hall was a great place to stop and rest our weary feet. The near-panoramic views of the ocean helped a little bit too.

Qatari food at the Souq Waqif - breads

Oh my god, Middle Eastern food is so delicious! Apologies for the dark and bad-quality images (I was hungry and just wanted to eat, OK?). For lunch, we ate lunch at a cafe/restaurant in the Souq Waqif, but because it’s such a maze around there, I’m not sure I could now tell you where it was.

We had no clue what to expect, so we just ordered random things off the menu that we liked the sound of. This included a flatbread with spices, a flatbread with cheese and meat paste (that looked a lot like pizza) and fried potatoes with cheese and pine nuts. So, super-healthy choices, basically.

Middle Eastern Qatari food and hummus in Doha Qatar

Of course, the rule is that it’s not a trip to the Middle East until someone eats some hummus! For dinner, we wandered back to the Souq Waqif again around sunset as there are so many food options around there and even the more upscale restaurants are still reasonably priced.

I ordered bread with all the dips! It was absolutely delicious.

Girl standing in front of the Doha skyline in Qatar

1. Qatar’s Weather

Qatar is not as warm as we thought it would be. To be fair, our little Qatar stopover was in December, which is also their winter. But, although it was hot in the sun, it was also quite windy.

2. Dress Conservatively

It’s respectful to dress conservatively in Qatar and to cover arms and legs (that goes for everyone, not just women). I brought a scarf with me just in case I needed to cover my head and hair, but it wasn’t necessary. Plus, there are plenty of expats living in Doha who dress exactly how they like.

Dressing Conservatively in Doha Qatar

3. Men and Women

Typically, men do not talk to women they don’t know. It felt a little strange to be ignored, but I know it comes from a place of good intentions and respect. My boyfriend was addressed, greeted and spoken to, but I wasn’t. I didn’t mind, but it’s just something to be aware of.

4. Unmarried Couples Visiting Doha

Unmarried couples visiting Doha can’t stay in the same hotel room. Supposedly, you have to produce a valid marriage certificate upon checking in. Rob and I were looking into getting a place to sleep for a few hours or dump our stuff for a day, but on realising this detail, we decided against testing this out! Also, holding hands and PDAs aren’t appropriate.

Qatari dish of potatoes with cheese and pine nuts

5. Language Barriers

The official languages of Qatar are Arabic and English. We didn’t have any problems with a language barrier, as English is spoken widely and well. I do have a (tiny) smattering of Arabic, but the accent is different, so I didn’t try and use it other than to say thank you (shookran).

I Love Doha sign with camel

In summary, I’m so glad that I decided to finally leave Doha’s airport and spend 24 hours in Qatar by booking a long layover in Doha to get to see the city and the country. I absolutely loved my Qatar stopover and would definitely visit again or book another Qatar Airways layover flight with Doha transit (and just do more stopovers in general)!

Two Traveling Texans has a great post on How to Book a Stopover Flight Online , which is really informative.

Before I booked my flight, I was worried that I wouldn’t have enough time or that the things to do in Qatar would be far from each other and Doha’s airport. But, if you’re also considering a a long layover in Doha with a  Qatar Airways  stopover – get out of the airport and into the city!

I promise you won’t regret it.

Make the Most of a Stopover in Doha Qatar

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36 thoughts on “ 24 Hours in Qatar: How to Maximize a Long Layover in Doha ”

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I’ve read so much lately about Qatar and it sounds like such an interesting place! Really enjoyed reading your blog and the pictures were great!

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Thank you! And yeah it was really interesting. Somewhere that will definitely stick in my mind. Thanks for reading.

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I literally knew nothing about Qatar before reading this, the food looks amazing – especially the hummus. I’m off to South East Asia for several months and I’ve been told there’s no hummus at it upsets me. I’m hoping to be proved wrong.

Haha! I knew nothing before going! The hummus was incredible, as was all the food! Have fun in Southeast Asia! There’s no hummus there (except maybe in expensive international shops) but the food there will more than make up for it!

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Have always transited Dubai..Doha looks a good tourist spot too. good pictures and brief about what to do. Thanks for sharing

Yes! I’ve changed in Dubai too, but never been able to stop over. That will be the next one! Thanks for reading.

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First off, I think it’s so cool that you got to see an airport transform entirely! Also, I learned so much from reading your post. I didn’t know English was one of their official languages. I also didn’t know about the men not talking to women. I feel like that’s a very important aspect to know! Thanks for sharing 🙂

Hi Larissa, thanks for reading! I’m glad you found it interesting. I’ll definitely be trying to do more of these kind of long stops in the future – it was so cool to see a new place, even if just for the day.

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Great pictures and so interesting! I wish I could explore – love the cave of wonders and the food. Someday!

Hey Lauren, thank you so much! You should definitely visit if you get the chance. I know I’ll be heading back again at some point either on a stop over or perhaps even as Qatar as the final destination! Loved this visit.

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Looks like you had a great time. Ive always heard when you’re traveling overseas to plan layovers as long as you can so you can see different areas.

I did, thanks! Yep, I’ve heard the same, but this was the first time I could actually put it into action and now I highly recommend it!

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Enjoyed reading about your adventures. This is an area of the world I hope to visit someday.

Thank you! I’m glad you liked it. I hope you can – Qatar is beautiful.

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This looks so fun! How do you schedule long layovers? I’ve tried before, particularly when I had a layover in Dubai, but never figured it out. I have friends that swear by Qatar Airways.

Hey Jen, I just booked the flight with the longest layover – no special trick really! If you want more than 24 hours, I guess you can contact an airline, or a travel agent, or book separate flights if that’s easier? And yes, Qatar Airways is the best!

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Woohaaa I love reading about how Qatar is and the pictures are definitely helpful :).

Thanks! It helps that Qatar is so photogenic as well! Doha is such a beautiful city.

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I never considered Qatar to be such an interesting and fun place. Maybe I would wanna visit it. Your information is quite helpful though. thanks.

Hey, thanks Pooja. And yes you should! It may not be on many people’s radar, but I’m really glad I went. Keep an eye on the news for now – Qatar is experiencing some problems, especially with travel from neighbouring countries, but hopefully this is just temporary.

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Some good news if you’re flying with Qatar Airways and changing planes in Doha.

You can get the new Transit Visa free of cost when you add a stopover of between five and 96 hours in Doha. Use the multi-city booking option to include the stop in Doha when booking your flight on or contact your nearest Qatar Airways office. You must apply for your pre-approved transit visa at least seven days (excluding public holidays) prior to your departure. The visa is valid for 30 days from the date of issuance.

Thanks for passing on this info! I was travelling with my boyfriend, so we didn’t want to stay over night and have to pay for separate rooms, hence why we didn’t apply in advance, but I’ll be sure to include this info in a future post I’m writing about layovers in Qatar. Thanks!

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Thanks @Amy for sharing your Doha dairies….its really cool and gives goosebumps also… Well Food, Places@ Ossom ….men can’t talk strange women@ really uncool… Well my layover time is 21 hrs on 24th this month…planning to do whole night out…

Thanks again…

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Great post with so many helpful tips and great ideas for what to do there!

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That’s great, thanks for sharing. Qatar Airways has great flight offers and I often had a layover there. Good to know!

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I’m laying over in Doha in April on my trip to the Philippines! Glad to found this post. I’ll take your advices on board.

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Always wanted to go to Doha and a layover is the best way to make use of the time and at least see some of it! Thanks for sharing, very informative with the visa/applying for a free transit visa in advance! Definately a great tip!

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I used to live in Doha so it’s really nice to see how someone would spend 24 hrs in the city. Reading your post I remembered a lot of life over there eg: how cold December and January actually is despite being in the desert. I’ve been meaning to write more about my time there and your post has inspired me!

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Great note about checking on needing a visa – that seems to be the one thing that always slips my mind!

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Never knew there was so much to do in Qatar! Kicking myself after reading for not stepping outside the airport on my recent layover – there’s always next time though 😉

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Long layovers can be so fun. I had a long layover once in Dubai and I definitely made sure to get out and see what the city had to offer. I think it’s sometimes helpful when you don’t have much time – kind of forces you to make the most of your time. I would love to visit Qatar – I love traveling in the Middle East but I’ve never made it Qatar. Seeing this post and photos about food and souqs and all that definitely made me want to go, though! Out of curiosity, since you opted out of staying in a hotel did you end up just sleeping at the airport? Anyway, thanks for this guide – will file away for future reference 🙂

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The blog is really great, thanks for sharing.

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My wife and I have been here twice and never needed to have the marriage certificate. And we don’t have the same last name.

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Doha seems to be a beautiful place to visit.. will surely be visiting Doha when having a day-long halt for Qatar. The airport of Doha is marvelous

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Transferring to your connecting flight is easy and simple at Hamad International Airport. Upon exiting your aircraft please go directly to our Transfer halls located at concourses A, B, C and D.

Hamad International Airport (HIA) is an Integrated facility. At HIA passengers are able to Arrive, Transfer and Depart in the same terminal building.

Just follow the signs, ask at an information desk or use our airport map to find your way.

All Al Maha customers , special assistance travellers and unaccompanied minors are met at the aircraft or aerobridge on arrival.

Boarding passes, airport exits and queries

Please visit one of our transfer desks if you need any assistance with your onward flight, including boarding passes, re-scheduling flights and general queries ( map ).

If you have an extended stopover and would like to exit the airport to visit Qatar before boarding your onward flight, our transfer desks can assist you. To avoid any disappointment or delays please confirm visas & immigration requirements before you commence your journey. Please note that it is not required for you to acquire a transit Visa if you are not leaving the airport.

Security check

Your hand-baggage will be security screened for prohibited items before you can enter the passenger terminal. Please visit our Security & Customs page for more information. Dedicated lanes are available for First Class and Business Class passengers.

Priority processing

All Al Maha customers , special assistance travellers and unaccompanied minors receive priority processing during transfers at Hamad International Airport. They are also met at the aircraft or aerobridge on arrival.

Things to avoid

  • Please ensure your baggage does not contain any prohibited items. These items will be confiscated and you won’t be able to retrieve them at any time. Please visit our Security & Customs page for more information.
  • Do not follow the signs to ‘Arrivals’. If you wish to exit the airport please approach the transfer desks for assistance ( map ).
  • Do not be late for your onward flight. Your boarding gate will close 20 minutes before the flight departure time.

Solving problems

Our transfer desks are there to help you ( map ). If you’ve missed your connection our transfer desks will assist you with re-booking a later flight. They can also help with re-printing your boarding pass, upgrading your travel class and re-scheduling flights.

Things to do while Transferring

Relax and refresh.

The Airport Hotel offers four-star hospitality for stays as short as five hours. You can also unwind with a massage and facial, dive in for a refreshing swim, or hit the gym for a quick workout at the wellness centre.

Find out more

Experience A Glimpse of Qatar

Discover Qatar, the Destination Management Company of Qatar Airways, offers exclusive transit tours for customers to experience a glimpse of Qatar, available at the  Discover Qatar kiosk at Hamad International Airport.

All customers who have a transit time of 6 hours or more can now enjoy one of the exclusive transit tours:

  • Discover Doha - a three-hour coach city tour that takes you around Doha, allowing you to explore the Corniche, the Museum of Islamic Art, Dhow Harbor, Katara Cultural Village, and Souq Waqif.
  • Discover the Desert and Inland Sea - a four-hour private tour that offers you the change to visit one of the only three places in the world where the Arabian desert meets the azure sea at Khor al Adaid.
  • Shuttle Bus Service - Discover the Qatar National Museum, Museum of Islamic Art or Doha Beach Club with the hassle-free pickup and drop-off shuttle service from Hamad International Airport to three iconic destinations.

Discover Doha by Air - A 45-minute flight over Doha's most iconic sites, impressive skyline and FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ stadiums. Explore breath-taking landscapes and iconic landmarks from the unparalleled comfort and convenience of a light aircraft.

Discover Doha your Way – With your private vehicle and chauffeur, you can choose where you would like to spend your time during transit in Doha.  Plan your journey or choose from a selection of recommended places of interest and leave it in the hands of your experienced chauffeur.

Passengers with transit times of 4 hours can Discover the Art of the Airport while enjoying an airport-based tour that introduces to Hamad International Airport’s impressive art installations.

Discover Qatar will take care of all transit arrangements, ensuring you are back in time for your following flight. For more information and booking, please visit or Discover Qatar Transit Desk located in the Duty Free Plaza.

Smoking rooms, prayer rooms and phone/laptop charging stations are located across the passenger terminal.

Get Connected

Complimentary wireless internet is available throughout the passenger terminal. You can also get online at internet kiosks and desks that offer Mac computers for browsing.

Eat and drink

Choose from more than 30 restaurants and cafes. Explore a wide variety of global cuisine.

Relax in a Lounge

You may be entitled to complimentary lounge access depending on your ticket or privilege club membership, or you can pay for lounge access. You can also relax in one of our quiet rooms that offer recliners and soft lighting.

Indulge in a Cultural Experience

Experience an innovative and immersive visual experience. Art is an integral part of HIA, having been designed to house permanent and temporary exhibitions.

Keep the Children Entertained

There are five activity nodes within the passenger terminal designed for children of all ages. They create a distinctive and friendly feel by offering play areas, televisions, internet points, retail stores and food and beverage options, all catered for the enjoyment and relaxation of families. Additionally, there are parents’ rooms that allow you to attend to your infant in privacy and comfort and family toilets to make it easier to look after your child’s needs.

Enjoy Duty-Free Shopping

Qatar Duty-Free, our award-winning shopping emporium, has more than 70 retail outlets and 30 cafes and restaurants spread over 40,000 square metres of combined retail, food and beverage facilities. It offers unprecedented selection of designer labels, electronics, gourmet foods and much more. Express stores are also available if you are in a hurry.

Middle East GCC

  • Iran English ایران فارسی
  • Iraq English العراق العربيّة
  • Jordan English الأردن العربيّة
  • Kuwait English الكويت العربيّة
  • Lebanon English لبنان العربيّة Liban Français
  • Oman English عُمان العربيّة
  • Qatar English قطر العربيّة
  • Saudi Arabia English المملكة العربِيّة السعودية العربِيّة
  • United Arab Emirates English الإمارات العربِيّة المتحدة العربِيّة
  • Bahrain English البحرين العربية

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Make the most of your stopover in Doha

Make the most of your layover in the unsurpassed city of Doha and experience two destinations in one journey from the USA.

Turning your transit into a mini-vacation is made easy with Qatar Airways’ affordable stopover.

During your stopover from the USA you can refresh and rejuvenate in luxurious five- or four-star accommodation.  You can also experience some of Qatar’s incredible sights, unique cultural experiences and exquisite dining.

Flying from the USA, you will have at least an evening and a morning to explore Qatar during your stopover. To help with your vacation planning, we’ve curated 4 flexible itineraries that will suit any kind of traveler.

Option 1: Discover the sights and sounds of Doha city center

MIA arch, Doha.

Evening: Dinner in Doha city Freshen up at your hotel and get ready for a night amongst the skyscrapers of Doha. Make your way to the largest Nobu restaurant in the world and indulge in a delectable Japanese feast with a view of the city. Take the short walk to W Hotel’s Wahm Lounge afterwards to enjoy a refreshment, relax by the pool and admire the view over the Arabian Gulf.

Morning: The Pearl Start your day with a stroll on The Pearl to explore Qatar’s only man-made island. Known as the Arabian Riviera, this Mediterranean-style marina is lined with yachts, boutique hotels, luxurious shopping precincts and incredible al fresco dining spots. Indulge in brunch at Yasmine Palace for an extraordinary feast of traditional Arabic delicacies and a divine view of the marina.

If you have more time , we recommend visiting the Corniche, Doha's iconic waterfront which reflects the city's impressive skyline.

Option 2: Explore the adventurous side of Qatar's capital city

qatar airways long layover tour

Evening: Doha Corniche After checking-in to your hotel, freshen up after your flight and prepare for an adventurous evening on the Arabian Gulf. Take a car to the Doha Corniche for a glimpse of Doha’s history as a pearl and fishing town. From here you can set sail on a sunset dhow boat cruise, where you can admire the city’s signature landmarks, Doha’s picturesque skyline, and indulge in a barbeque buffet onboard.

Morning: Katara Cultural Village  Re-fuel after your evening on the water and make your way to Katara Cultural Village for a traditional Canaan breakfast at Ard Canaan Restaurant. Spend the morning on the public beach where you can take part in a multitude of water sports activities such as boating, waterskiing and even jet-levitating.

If you have more time , take a half day desert safari where you can experience dune bashing, camel riding and/ or a traditional Arabic Barbeque.

Option 3: Immerse yourself in Qatar's unique culture and heritage

Image of two men dressed in the Qatari national dress strolling on horseback at Souq Waqif, Doha.

Evening: Souq Waqif Take a car from the hotel to Souq Waqif to immerse yourself in Qatari tradition. Grab a bite to eat at Parisa for a taste of authentic local cuisine. After dinner, take a stroll through the souq’s alleyways to discover a dazzling array of Middle Eastern merchandise, beautiful jewelry, incredible silks and souvenirs.

Morning: National Museum of Qatar Enjoy breakfast at your hotel, with the option of a buffet or full American breakfast. Once fueled, take a car to the National Museum of Qatar. Also known as the ‘Desert Rose’, this impressive museum is filled with immersive experiences and gorgeous artefacts showcasing Qatar’s rich culture, history and traditions.

If you have more time , we recommend exploring one of Doha's most notable mosques; The State Grand Mosque, Katara Mosque or Education City Mosque.

Option 4: Relax, rejuvenate and experience authentic Qatari hospitality

Image of Hamad international Airport Hotel Spa Service

Evening: Spa treatment Make the most of your five-star accommodation and spend the evening enjoying the incredible facilities. Head to the hotel’s Quan Spa to enjoy a few hours of relaxation and therapy. Post-massage, proceed to the poolside lounge for a refreshment before dining at one of the onsite restaurants. Choose from European, Chinese, steakhouse, Greek or Middle Eastern cuisine.

Morning: Brunch After a relaxing evening, make your way to the St. Regis Doha for one of Doha’s most famous brunch experiences, available on Fridays only. Or, experience authentic Qatari hospitality and enjoy the last few hours of Arabian sun at one of Doha’s renowned beach clubs such as the Ritz-Carlton, InterContinental or JW Marriot Marquis.

If you have more time , we recommend relaxing on the beach at one of the waterfront hotels.

Make your way back to your hotel to relax before your flight and collect your luggage. Enjoy free transfers to your airport terminal.

Guided tours of Doha

If you'd prefer to take a guided tour of the city, spend a morning or an evening exploring the most prominent highlights and must-see attractions without having to think about navigating your way there. 

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main non stop direct layover flights Direct, Non-stop, and Layover Flights: Pros, Cons, and Which to Choose

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Direct, Non-stop, and Layover Flights: Pros, Cons, and Which to Choose

Choosing between nonstop and layover flights depends on your priorities—whether you’re focused on saving time, cutting costs, or enjoying a layover adventure. Understanding the pros and cons of each can help you make the best decision for your next journey. Let AranGrant guide you in finding the perfect flight with our expert tips and exclusive…

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Many passengers prefer direct flights, often out of concern for avoiding potential complications and the unknowns of other flight types. However, there’s another group of travelers who actively choose flights with a layover, even though they seem more complex. Why would someone opt for a more complicated journey? What exactly is the difference between direct, non-stop, and connecting flights? And when is it best to choose a non-stop flight? AranGrant will help clarify these questions.

In this article:

Flying can put our bodies under stress, so it’s important to approach travel carefully, considering your physical and psychological well-being. Understanding direct, non-stop, and layover flight differences can significantly impact your travel experience. Here’s a breakdown with specific examples:

Non-Stop Flight

non-stop flights

If you book a non-stop flight with British Airways, you would board the plane at JFK in New York and land directly at Heathrow Airport in London without any intermediate stops. A non-stop flight takes you directly from your departure city to your destination without any stops. This is usually the fastest option and is preferred by travelers looking to reach their destination as quickly as possible.

Pros of Nonstop Flights

  • Time Efficiency : Nonstop flights are the fastest way to reach your destination since there are no layovers or stops. This is especially important for travelers on tight schedules or those who want to minimize travel time.
  • Convenience : Nonstop flights offer a more straightforward and hassle-free travel experience without the need to change planes or wait at an intermediary airport. This reduces the risk of missed connections and lost luggage.
  • Less Stress : For travelers who find flying stressful, nonstop flights eliminate the added anxiety of layovers, changing gates, or navigating through multiple airports.
  • Reduced Fatigue : Fewer takeoffs and landings mean less overall travel fatigue. This can be particularly beneficial on long-haul flights, where layovers can add significant time and discomfort to the journey.
  • Safety of Luggage : With no plane changes, there’s a lower chance of your luggage being misplaced or delayed during the transfer process.

Cons of Non-stop Flights

  • Higher Cost : Nonstop flights are often more expensive than flights with layovers. Airlines typically charge a premium for the convenience of a direct route.
  • Limited Availability : Affordable nonstop flights can be harder to find, as airlines typically charge a premium for the convenience of a direct route.
  • Fewer Flexibility : If a nonstop flight is canceled or delayed, fewer alternative flights may be available on the same day, leading to longer delays in reaching your destination.
  • Potential for Longer Flights : In some cases, the direct route might take longer due to air traffic or the need to avoid certain airspaces, while a flight with a layover could take a more efficient path.

Direct Flight

direct flights

A direct flight is a bit more complex. It sounds similar to a non-stop flight, but there’s a key difference: a direct flight can include stops. However, despite these stops, passengers do not change planes.

For example, a direct flight from New York (JFK) to Los Angeles (LAX) might stop in Chicago (ORD), but you stay on the same plane, and your flight number remains the same throughout the journey. The plane may stop to refuel or pick up additional passengers, but you don’t have to disembark unless the stop is for customs or immigration purposes.

Pros of Direct Flights

  • Convenience with Fewer Hassles : Direct flights, while they may have stops, allow you to stay on the same plane without changing flights, reducing the hassle of transferring between gates or terminals.
  • Consistency of Experience : Since you remain on the same aircraft, you can expect a consistent in-flight experience, including the same seating, amenities, and crew.
  • Potential for Lower Costs : Direct flights can sometimes be cheaper than non-stop flights, offering a middle ground between the higher cost of a non-stop flight and the often lower cost of a flight with layovers.
  • Increased Destination Options : Direct flights may reach destinations that non-stop flights do not, providing more options for travelers without requiring a plane change.
  • Opportunity to Stretch : A stop during a direct flight can give passengers a brief break to stretch their legs, use the restroom, or grab a snack, making longer flights slightly more bearable.

Cons of Direct Flights

  • Increased Travel Time : While you don’t change planes, the stop or stops can add significant time to your journey compared to a non-stop flight. This can be less convenient for travelers in a hurry.
  • Possibility of Delays : Stops in a direct flight, such as refueling or boarding additional passengers, can lead to delays that extend the total travel time, especially if something unexpected occurs at the intermediate stop.
  • Limited Stopover Opportunities : Unlike flights with layovers, direct flights don’t offer extended stopovers, which might appeal to those who want to explore another city on the way to their final destination.
  • Potential Inconveniences During Stops : Even though you don’t change planes, you may be required to stay on the aircraft during the stop, which can be uncomfortable, especially on long journeys where you might prefer to get off and walk around.
  • Increased Fatigue : With no opportunity to fully disembark and take a break, longer direct flights can still be tiring, particularly if the shortstop requires you to remain on board.

Flight with a Layover (Connecting Flight)

Layover Flights

A flight with a layover involves at least one change of planes en route to the final destination. For instance, if you fly from New York (JFK) to Sydney (SYD) with a layover, you might first fly from New York to Los Angeles (LAX), change planes, and then continue on a different flight to Sydney.

Depending on the schedule, layovers can vary in length, from a quick hour-long stop to several hours or even an overnight stay. While this option often requires more time, it can sometimes be cheaper or allow exploring another city during the layover.

Pro Travel App: Jet lag can be a major issue on long-haul flights with layovers. Timeshifter is designed to help you adjust to new time zones by creating personalized plans based on your sleep patterns, chronotype, and travel itinerary, helping you minimize the effects of jet lag.

Pros of Flights with a Layover (Connecting Flights)

  • Cost Savings : Connecting flights are often cheaper than non-stop or direct flights. Airlines may offer lower fares for these flights, making them an attractive option for budget-conscious travelers.
  • More Destination Options : Flights with layovers can connect through a wide range of cities, allowing you to reach destinations that might not have non-stop or direct flights available. This provides greater flexibility when planning your travel itinerary.
  • Opportunity to Explore Multiple Cities : Layovers can offer a chance to explore an additional city en route to your final destination. Some travelers plan longer layovers to enjoy a mini-trip within their journey, turning a travel necessity into a travel bonus.
  • Breaks Up Long Flights : For long-haul travel, a layover can provide a much-needed break, allowing you to stretch your legs, get some fresh air, or enjoy a meal in the airport before continuing your journey.
  • Increased Flight Availability : Connecting flights often have more frequent departures and a wider range of schedule options, making it easier to find a flight that fits your timing needs.

Cons of Flights with a Layover (Connecting Flights)

  • Longer Travel Time : Layover flight risks also include increased travel time. Connecting flights, especially long ones, can add several hours or even a full day to your journey.
  • Risk of Missed Connections : If your first flight is delayed, you risk missing your connecting flight, which can lead to significant disruptions in your travel plans. Rebooking and adjusting to a new schedule can be stressful and time-consuming.
  • Potential for Lost Luggage : With multiple flights involved, there’s an increased risk of your luggage being mishandled or lost during the transfer between planes, causing inconvenience and delays at your final destination.
  • More Stress and Complexity : Navigating through unfamiliar airports, changing gates or terminals, and dealing with the logistics of layovers can add stress to your travel experience, particularly if you’re traveling in a foreign country or are on a tight schedule.
  • Limited Comfort : Frequent flying, combined with the added time and potential for delays during layovers, can result in greater overall fatigue and discomfort, particularly on long international journeys where sleep and rest are important.

When to Choose Non-stop Flights

Non-stop flights are often the best choice when time is of the essence . A non-stop flight is ideal if you have a tight schedule or must reach your destination quickly. For instance, business travelers with meetings scheduled shortly after arrival will benefit from the efficiency and speed of a non-stop flight. Similarly, non-stop flights are a good option if you’re traveling with small children , as they reduce the stress and potential complications of layovers.

Non-stop flights are also preferable for those who experience anxiety during travel or find the logistics of connecting flights overwhelming. Without needing to navigate additional airports or worry about missing connections, a non-stop flight provides a more straightforward and less stressful journey.

Booking well in advance helps find affordable nonstop flights, as prices tend to rise as the departure date approaches. Use AranGrant to find affordable business class deals on nonstop routes. Additionally, consider smaller, secondary airports near your destination, as they may offer nonstop flights at a lower cost.

Pro Travel App: TripIt is a travel organization app that consolidates all your travel details in one place. For nonstop flights, it helps you keep track of your flight itinerary, boarding passes, and any reservations for transportation or accommodation, ensuring a stress-free travel experience.

When to Choose Layover Flights

Layover flights can be a better option when budget is a priority . If you’re looking to save money on your trip, flights with layovers are often less expensive than their non-stop counterparts. This can be particularly beneficial for long-haul international travel, where the price difference between nonstop and layover flights can be significant.

Choosing a layover flight also makes sense if you have flexibility in your schedule and don’t mind a longer travel time . Layovers can provide an opportunity to explore a new city or country , turning what could be a long and tedious wait into an enjoyable part of your journey. For example, if you have a layover in a city you’ve never visited, you can use that time to experience some local culture, enjoy a meal, or even do some sightseeing if the layover is long enough.

To make the most of layovers, plan your layover duration carefully—enough time to comfortably make your connection, but also sufficient to explore the layover city if desired. Some airlines and airports offer layover tours or services that can help you see the city’s highlights without straying too far from the airport. Additionally, ensure that your luggage is checked through to your final destination to avoid the hassle of retrieving and rechecking it during your layover.

Pro Travel App: For layover flights, especially those that involve an overnight stay or extended time in another city, PackPoint helps you pack smartly based on your destination’s weather, the length of your trip, and planned activities. It ensures you have everything you need, even for unexpected layover adventures.

Choosing between nonstop and layover flights involves balancing convenience, cost, and personal preferences. Nonstop flights offer unmatched time efficiency, reduced stress, and a more comfortable travel experience. On the other hand, layover flights present a cost-effective alternative, with the added bonus of exploring new destinations along the way. While they do require more time and carry certain risks, such as missed connections and increased travel fatigue, they can turn a routine trip into a mini-adventure, especially for those with flexible schedules.

Ultimately, the decision between nonstop and layover flights should align with your travel priorities—whether that’s saving time, cutting costs, or experiencing something new along the way.

As you plan your next adventure, weigh the pros and cons of each option to make an informed decision. And when you’re ready to book, don’t forget to check out AranGrant’s exclusive deals and offers . Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest travel trends, tips, and promotions. Let AranGrant be your partner in creating seamless, enjoyable travel experiences.

Which is cheaper: nonstop or layover flights?

Generally, layover flights are cheaper than nonstop flights. Airlines often charge a premium for the convenience and speed of nonstop routes. Layover flights, which involve a stop or change of planes, tend to be less expensive because they require more time and effort, and therefore, fewer travelers choose them. However, prices can vary based on factors like demand, route popularity, and booking timing.

How do layovers affect travel time?

Layovers typically extend your total travel time. In addition to the time spent on each leg of the journey, you need to factor in the duration of the layover itself, which can range from a quick hour to several hours or even overnight. The extra time required for layovers includes not just waiting but also the logistics of navigating through airports, clearing security, and possibly changing terminals or even airports.

What are the risks associated with layovers?

Layovers introduce several potential risks to your travel plans. The most significant risk is missing your connecting flight due to delays in your first flight, which can lead to lengthy delays in reaching your final destination. There’s also an increased chance of your luggage being lost or delayed during the transfer process. Navigating unfamiliar airports and dealing with the complexities of multiple flights can add stress, especially if you’re traveling in a foreign country or with tight connection times.

Are nonstop flights more comfortable?

Yes, nonstop flights are generally more comfortable. They eliminate the need for multiple takeoffs and landings, which can be tiring, and remove the stress and hassle of dealing with layovers. You can settle in for the duration of the flight without worrying about disembarking, navigating a new airport, or catching another flight. This can result in a more relaxed and straightforward travel experience, especially for long-haul journeys.

How can I make the most of a layover?

To make the most of a layover, plan ahead by researching the airport and city where you’ll be stopping. Many airports offer amenities like lounges, spas, and even layover tours that let you explore the city during longer stops. Make sure to pack essentials in your carry-on, like chargers, snacks, and entertainment, to keep you comfortable during the wait. If your layover is long enough, consider leaving the airport to explore the local area, but always check visa requirements and ensure you have enough time to return through security and customs before your next flight.

What happens if I miss my connecting flight?

If you miss your connecting flight due to a delay in your first flight, the airline is typically responsible for rebooking you on the next available flight to your destination. This is more straightforward if both flights are booked on the same ticket and operated by the same airline or partner airlines. In some cases, the airline may provide meal vouchers, accommodation, or other compensation, especially if the delay is significant. If you booked your flights separately, you might need to purchase a new ticket for the missed connection, which can be costly. It’s always best to contact the airline as soon as you realize you might miss your connection to explore your options.

Last Updated

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  1. Transit Tours by Discover Qatar

    Book tours from QAR 36. Create unforgettable memories during your transit in Doha with Discover Qatar. Book a tour from only QAR 36 to admire the cosmopolitan city or cutting-edge Hamad International Airport.*. Marvel at iconic monuments during a city tour or embark on a desert adventure. Tour packages include transport to and from the airport.

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    Pick-up and drop-off time and location cannot be changed. Passengers are supposed to book tour that has drop-off 2 hours prior to the onward flight, Discover Qatar or Qatar Airways shall not be responsible for delayed clearance for onward flight. A maximum of 46 passengers can be accommodated on each of the Doha City Tours.

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  4. Transit Tours

    The Destination Management Company of Qatar Airways. 1 USD = 3.64 QAR. Tours . All tours; Land Activities; Water Activities; Air Activities; Transit Tours; Transit Tours. Hotels . ... If you are within 48 hours of arriving in Doha and you cannot see availability to book a tour, please come and see us in the Duty Free area of Hamad International ...

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    Four nights cost $73 in a standard hotel, $99 in a premium hotel, or $325 in a luxury hotel. Qatar Airways' stopover hotel program. In order to take advantage of this, you need to book directly with Qatar Airways. During the booking process, choose "Qatar Stopover" in the flight search panel, and enter your origin and destination.

  6. Long Doha Layover? Try the Doha City Tour (2023)

    The Discover Qatar Tours desk is located across the teddy bear, just before the food court. You can also book a tour online. Important - you need to have 8 hours or more of transfer time to book the tour. The tour starting times are: 07:00 AM - > to get this one your onward flight must be at 3:00 PM or later.

  7. What To Do At Doha Airport: Tips For A Long Layover In Qatar

    The guided tour is designed to be an introduction to Doha and includes stops at city highlights such as The Pearl-Qatar, Katara Cultural Village, Souq Waqif and the Museum of Islamic Art. (Note: The free Doha city tours for transit passengers have been replaced with this option.) Tours are bookable in advance online up to 48 hours prior to arrival.

  8. Transit Exclusive

    Tour Departure from Hamad International Airport: passengers can select from the scheduled departure. Return to Hamad International Airport: transit tours will be dropped back to Hamad International Airport at the published tour completion time.; Minimum Transit Time: 6 hours (between arrival and departure flight schedule). Immigration Clearance: an entry Visa is required, pre-approved visa or ...

  9. The Amazing Qatar Stopover Program: What It Is & How to Book

    The Qatar stopover program makes some flights eligible for an extended 1-4 day layover in Doha. This gives you the opportunity to break up a long journey, explore a new city, and add a new pin to the ol' map. The best part? You can book a 4 or 5-star hotel room for as little as $14/night per person.

  10. 9 Hour Stopover in Qatar: Is It Worth Exploring?

    Qatar Airways tours: Qatar Airways offers city tours for passengers with extended layovers. Explore Doha's key attractions like the Souq Waqif, Museum of Islamic Art, and the Corniche. ... Because i wanted to buy cheaper tickets for my family (cheaper by usd 480 for 2 adults and 2 kids), i bought us the long 9,5 hours layover instead of 2,5 ...

  11. Doha Layover: Should you try a Qatar Transit Tour?

    Review of the 3 hour Doha layover city tour. Since we had about 8 hours for our layover in Doha, we decided to try the 3 hour Qatar transit tour. The tour was only $20 USD each and included transportation around the city with stops in 4 destinations. We were able to visit Dhow Harbour (10 minute stop) to view the fishing vessels and Doha's ...

  12. How to Plan Your Doha Stopover: Layovers With Qatar Airways

    Option 3: Doha Sightseeing Tour With Qatar Airways. If you are in Doha for more than five hours, leaving the airport is well worth exploring the city's major attractions. Note on Qatar Airways Tours: At one point, these used to be free, but this is now a paid service for all passengers. The Museum of Islamic Art is a must-stop for first-time ...

  13. Qatar Stopover

    All it takes is three steps: 1. Search for your preferred flight at On the flight search widget at, enter the "origin" and "destination" of your flights, ensuring Doha is not filled in either fields. 2. Click the "Add a stopover" option on the widget.

  14. A very long layover at Doha, Qatar : r/solotravel

    Qatar airways offers help with stay for layovers longer than 12 hours (according to the person at the desk in Doha airport) so maybe you should look into it just in case. Otherwise there is a place that offers sleeping pods at an hourly rate inside of the terminal (though maybe a bit expensive). There's a metro from the airport that goes to ...

  15. Doha City Tour on a Long Layover

    The tour is operated by Discover Qatar. They are the destination management arm of Qatar Airways. How Long Should Your Layover Be? In order to participate in the Doha City Tour, you should have a long layover of 8 hours or more. They ask for your flight details when you book the tour to ensure you have 8 hours or more. How Long is the Tour?

  16. The Most Amazing Things to do on a Long Layover in Qatar

    Hop on a dhow boat to embark on a historical journey along Qatar's waters. The dhow boats are traditional vessels that were used for everyday life before Qatar discovered the country was rich in oil. A ride on a dhow boat will cost between 30-40 Qatari Rials ($8.24-10.99) per person. Dhow boats are famous in Doha.

  17. Qatar Layover: The best things to do in Doha While on a Transit

    WHAT TO DO IN DOHA, QATAR ON YOUR LONG LAYOVER. 1) Go on a Desert Safari and Camel Ride- Aside from meeting some of our lovely readers in Doha over drinks and dinner, I also went on a Desert Safari and Camel Ride with Ate Analiz and her daughter all arranged by my favorite experience giving website, Tinggly Experience.

  18. What to Do on a Long Layover in Doha, Qatar

    Day 2: Choose your own desert or marine life adventure. Cruising through the otherworldly dunes outside of Doha. There's no shortage of thrilling outdoor activities by land and sea in Qatar, all just a short ride away from the capital city. For something truly novel, take a guided trip to explore the desert dunes and inland sea.

  19. Qatar Stopover

    The Stopover offer is valid for Qatar Airways and code-share confirmed ticket holders with a minimum transit time of 12 hours in Doha. A hotel booking made with Discover Qatar is mandatory for visitor's passports issued from some countries. Not all flight bookings are eligible for stopover packages.

  20. 24 Hours in Qatar: How to Maximize a Long Layover in Doha

    The Doha City Tour lasts 2.5 hours and includes the Pearl-Qatar, Katara Cultural Village, Souq Waqif and the Museum of Islamic Art. ... if you're also considering a a long layover in Doha with a Qatar Airways stopover - get out of the airport and into the city! I promise you won't regret it. Share this: Click to share on Twitter (Opens in ...

  21. Transfers

    1. To concourse E Maximum (E24) 11. 11. 3. 2. Transferring to your connecting flight is easy and simple at Hamad International Airport. Upon exiting your aircraft please go directly to our Transfer halls located at concourses A, B, C and D. Hamad International Airport (HIA) is an Integrated facility. At HIA passengers are able to Arrive ...

  22. How to book a Doha, Qatar stopover hotel • The Flight Expert

    Although Qatar Airways advertises stopover hotels starting at $14 per person per night, you can really only find those rates during the off-season. Like, say, August. For stopovers in Qatar during times of the year when temperatures are more reasonable, expect rates to be in the range of $50 - $90 per person per night for a 4-star hotel, which is still a great deal.

  23. 24 hours in Doha

    Option 2: Explore the adventurous side of Qatar's capital city. Evening: Doha Corniche. After checking-in to your hotel, freshen up after your flight and prepare for an adventurous evening on the Arabian Gulf. Take a car to the Doha Corniche for a glimpse of Doha's history as a pearl and fishing town. From here you can set sail on a sunset ...

  24. Direct, Non-stop, and Layover Flights: Pros, Cons, and Which to Choose

    Cons of Non-stop Flights. Higher Cost: Nonstop flights are often more expensive than flights with layovers.Airlines typically charge a premium for the convenience of a direct route. Limited Availability: Affordable nonstop flights can be harder to find, as airlines typically charge a premium for the convenience of a direct route.; Fewer Flexibility: If a nonstop flight is canceled or delayed ...