Life is Short...take the trip, buy the shoes, eat the chocolate cake

You'll find this is a common theme for me. My mantra, one might say. I work in an ER. I have seen, way too many times, life cut short or changed forever without warning. My Mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer's at the age of 70. Ten years later, she's still here. If by here you mean living in a shell of a body and unable to communicate in any appreciable way. So, here's my advice. Fell free to take it or just laugh. The choice is yours.

Take the trip! People who know me are always laughing at the fact that I am either on vacation or planning the next one. It's true. Guilty! But I don't apologize. Because tomorrow is not guaranteed. As I write this, I am up North visiting family and friends. This is a week long road trip with Thing 1, my 16yo daughter. In the blink of an eye, she went from baby to rising high school Junior who drives. Soon, she'll be off at school somewhere and living her own life. So, I took the trip.

Buy the shoes! In my case, they would be flip flops of course. The point is, within reason, to treat yourself. Even when it's going well, life is rough. Each day we are pulled in a hundred directions: work, family, writing, doctor's appointments, mortgage to pay, etc. As a working Mom, I can attest to this. So, if a pair of new flip flops makes me happy, so be it!

take the trip eat the cake

Eat the chocolate cake! Again, within moderation. I have made a conscious decision to eat healthier...too bad it's about 40 years too late. But I am doing well, losing weight and being generally healthier. My doctor is happy, so who am I to argue? What this means for me is that I literally think about everything I eat, weighing (pardon the pun) each decision

. Last night, after her grueling 2 hour soccer practice (she is playing in a soccer tournament while we are up North), we grabbed a late dinner. I asked her if she could have anything at all for dessert what would it be. Being the Mini Me, she asked for chocolate cake. So, at 10PM, in a hotel room, we split a piece of cake. Was it the healthiest choice? No, of course not. Life would never be that easy. But, no one died. And we made a wonderful memory. Priceless!!

The point to my rambling is that life passes in the blink of an eye. Otherwise, I'd still be in my twenties. So, be kind to yourself. Give yourself a break. Take the trip. Buy the flip flops. Eat the chocolate cake (or whichever dessert you prefer).

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What do you think to the saying, life is short, eat the cake, take the trip buy the shoes …..

LovelyYellowLabrador · 05/04/2022 22:17

What do you think ?

It’s a bit ‘live, love, laugh’

Is this a well known saying? Never heard it! It's pretty annoying if I'm honest, especially in the current climate.

I think you’ll end up fat and in debt. It’s very short term thinking isn’t it, which is not how life works. Maybe I’m missing a point…

Said by frenemies who want you to be fat and poor


Neither of my parents lived to retire so although I find it a bit twee it's very true.

It's Carpe Diem for thick people, as my very blunt (and scathing) friend said when it arrived on the front of a birthday card.

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I veer between thinking like that and then panicking about not saving enough for the future me to live life without utter poverty in pension age though if I eat sufficient cake it will probably be ok.


And I’m another one whose parents didn’t make it to retirement so I also agree with the sentiment that life is for living and saving everything for later isn’t always worthwhile. Sometimes you need to just live in the moment a little because tomorrow isn’t guaranteed.

It's a good way of thinking of life. Unless you eat all the cake all of the time. After covid I think more about living in the moment. Life is after all just a series of moments.

Yeah. I agree with the sentiment. Can't be arsed being sneery about it

Tbh this is pretty much my mantra. Also very into burning the fancy candles rather than saving everything for best. Best may never come, it's not promised. And material things are just that, there to be enjoyed so go for it. Not the same and encouraging debt I don't think but no point in missing out on life's pleasures all the time.

Life is short? Is it fuck, it's the longest thing you'll ever do...

The phrasing is cliché, but I mainly agree with the sentiment. My mum died at 61, but had had cancer on and off since her 40s, she got on and did things she wanted to do as she didn't know how long she had. I now with in palliative care and see far too many people who wait until retirement to do start they've always wanted and then get ill just as they retire, (and too many who get ill and die eat before then). It's not to say be irresponsible and don't plan at all for the future, but don't put off things that are important


Everything in moderation...including the cake

I think that just like everything else ,there needs to be a balance . Extremes never end well, be that indulging in every single pleasure(especially when you can't afford it from various points of view) or being a miserable tight arse(especially when there's no need to).

Thing is, things i want to do cost money. And i have kids,who will never get an inheritance from anyone, so us saving a bit for them is absolutely necessary if they ever want a house deposit. And that wee bit of savings is my travel money. So what do you do? My kids come first. Carpe diem is all very good until reality bites.

Life is short. Some are shorter than others but as you hit 50 and 60 it hits home. Don’t get into debt or spend money you don’t have, but to a certain extent I agree that you should do what makes you happy within your own limits. We travelled a lot in our 20s and 30s (good income, no kids) and I’m glad we did as in my 40s I became disabled and now can’t travel at all.

There's an element of truth in most sayings, and there will be ways of proving why most cliched advice is not always a good idea. Why are you asking? In context, it is just a saying, with a touch of good advice for some.

I don’t think it’s meant to be taken literally, you may not necessarily afford cake, trips or food, it’s just saying life is short so grab any opportunities to do something naughty, adventurous or self indulgent. If it chimes with someone and helps them to so that then great. I find these quotes lose their impact pretty quickly but doesn’t hurt to be reminded to seize the day now and then.

Both - do it all but save for tomorow as well but dont save for tomorow and wholy sacrifice today.

I prefer Eat drink and be merry.

Its tricky though....what if you have to save for tomorrow and cant afford what you want today?

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Life is short. Take the trip. Buy the shoes. Eat the cake.

take the trip eat the cake

Usually I conclude  my “Foreigners of Greystones“ articles with the philosophy of life of the person I am writing about. They round up the interviewee‘s story nicely and so far we had great advice and uplifting mottos in my previous articles . Today however I would like to start off with what, Esther told me, was her attitude to life: “Life is short. Take the trip. Buy the shoes. Eat the cake.“ I think it is the perfect introduction for Esther and how I got to know her during our interview and beyond.

Leap of Faith

Esther took a huge leap of faith when herself and her at the time 2-year old daughter followed her husband David from Germany to Ireland at the beginning of last year. David had already been in Ireland for a couple of months after seizing a career opportunity his company offered in October 2019.

When Esther arrived in Ireland at the end of January 2020 it was very hard for her to settle in. Whilst her husband had already established a social network for himself through work, Esther basically started from scratch after leaving friends and family behind in North Rhine-Westphalia ( Viersen ) where she is from. Little did she know that it was going to become even harder with the beginning of lockdown shortly afterwards.

Planning, Planning, Planning – German Virtues at their Best

Esther had been well aware that moving abroad was going to be a big challenge. There was a lot to consider even if you were only planning to stay for 2-3 years like in Esther‘s family‘s case – depending on her husband‘s job situation.

Esther had contacted me through my blog  in December 2019. She asked me a lot of questions. Something, Esther and I both agree, people should do before embarking on the big adventure of emigrating. But no matter how many questions I answered, I knew I wouldn‘t be able to take away her feeling of uneasiness that comes with moving countries. I remember it well from when I made the same decision almost 8 years ago.

It doesn‘t matter how much you plan or prepare in advance, a level of uncertainty always remains when leaving the familiar for the unknown. Learning to embrace a foreign culture. Overcoming the language barrier. Putting yourself out there and integrating yourself into a new community. These are all things easier said than done. However Esther was not oblivious to the fact that this was all ahead of her and their young daughter.

The Basics are not Enough

It was definitely an upside that Esther‘s husband David gave their family a head start by finding a suitable family home before his wife and daughter followed him to Ireland. Their choice had fallen on Greystones due to its family-friendly environment and location by the sea. Something they had always wanted over a life in a big city like Dublin where David‘s office is based.

So far so good. But the basics aren‘t enough. To settle into a new home takes so much more than just finding a nice place to live. Esther didn‘t leave anything to chance and had already made a few contacts with local mammies on social media prior to their arrival. Now it was time to follow up with the ‘field work‘. Esther had it all covered.

Thwarted Plans

I had been delighted to finally meet Esther in person in one of the playgroups. She was that nice, friendly, open-minded woman that I had got to know through our chats prior. But I also saw that she was upset about what she had left behind, namely their newly-built house in Brüggen (Germany), her family and friends in the region she grew up in.

Unlike me, Esther hadn‘t chosen to come to Ireland because she had fallen in love with the island. It was a family decision to support David‘s career move which was a great opportunity for him. However living in a foreign country for a couple of years could have been a life-enhancing experience for Esther and her daughter too – under the right circumstances.

Take the Trip

From Hundred to Zero

“Shortly after we arrived in Greystones, we introduced ourselves to the neighbours with homemade cookies“, Esther tells me. “My daughter and I went to local activities such as gymnastics for kids, musical classes and playgroups. And I met up with the German mammies I had contacted through social media before. These indoor activities were a great opportunity to meet people as the weather in February and March was cold, wet and stormy.“

Esther was well on her way to establish a social network for herself featuring some German mammies and other people she met through them. With spring on the doorstep and more sunny days ahead, this could have been a fantastic and above all sociable time for Esther and her family to explore their new surroundings.

The socialising came to a sudden halt when the pandemic hit full force pretty much straight away after Esther and her daughter had gained foothold. The beginning of what Esther describes “one of the toughest times in her life“.

Isolated, Lonely and Scared

Despite Esther‘s thorough preparations and planning for every eventuality, she found herself in a situation which left her isolated, lonely and scared.  “We had found a preschool place for our daughter from the beginning of March 2020“, Esther tells me. “And we had just finished our 3 days of easing-in period when the big shock came – Ireland goes into full lockdown. We had no idea how long this was going to last and decided to not travel to Germany for now. We didn‘t want to take the risk of catching the virus on our journey and bringing it home to our families. For 12 weeks we pretty much isolated ourselves“, Esther says.

“My husband was working a lot and my daughter and I were basically on our own in a foreign country. We weren‘t allowed any visitors and couldn‘t go back to Germany either. It was particularly hard when my uncle died and my dad suffered a stroke”, Esther remembers, “and we were stuck in Ireland. I tried to keep our daughter entertained and to distract her with going to the beach and doing different things. But it was very challenging. The feeling of not being able to get away, the loneliness, the responsibility for our daughter and not knowing how things are going to pan out in the future. That pushed me to my limits.“

No Reason To Crumble

I guess it takes a good bit for a person like Esther to feel that desperate. Just a quick reminder of her philosophy of life at that stage. “Life is short. Take the trip. Buy the shoes. Eat the cake.“ Despite only knowing Esther for a short while, I thought this reflected her personality very well. In fact she took that trip (to Ireland) and she certainly eats the cake.

Well, don‘t get me wrong. Esther doesn‘t look  like as if she was eating a huge amount of cake, but she definitely bakes the most amazing ones. Besides her occupation as an online editor in Germany‘s leading women’s online magazine GoFeminin , Esther runs her own food blog E.A.T.

“I love baking, cooking and trying out new recipes as well as writing and food photography. My job and blogging is ideal to combine what I am passionate about“, Esther tells me. It also gives her the much needed flexibility and some sort of stability when they moved to Ireland. Even more now during the Corona Crisis when almost everybody is working from home – including her husband David.

A German ‘Frohnatur‘ (= cheerful person)

Another thing Esther is passionate about is carnival which her home region in Germany is famous for. One can almost say that Germany is divided when it comes to carnival. You either love it or you hate it. Both with a passion. The region in East Germany where I come from does have carnival too, but you can escape the jolly season if you prefer. There are places here and there where you can join the party or just ignore it.

When you come from Viersen like Esther, about half an hour West of Düsseldorf, you hardly have a chance to not partake in carnival or Fasching as it is called in German. It‘s everywhere. “It‘s a big celebration that kicks off on 11 th  November and ends on Ash Wednesday“, Esther tells me. “People party, laugh a lot and just enjoy life. In the Niederrhein ( Lower Rhine ) region people are very outgoing, chatty and like to celebrate.“

Esther fits right in

Hence getting accustomed to the Irish mentality wouldn‘t have been too difficult for Esther and her family under normal conditions. “Our start in Ireland was actually quite easy. Our neighbours were very welcoming, friendly and helpful. Often people started talking to us on the beach and we really like the openness of the Irish. Everybody we have met so far has been chatty and interested in our story“, Esther says.

Nevertheless, Esther admits that she didn‘t feel integrated for a long time due to the Corona crisis.

“You have to actively do something to meet people in a new place,“ Esther knows. “It doesn‘t just happen like that without showing initiative. Not being able to meet people, doesn‘t help with feeling isolated and lonely.“

Never give up

Looks like Esther did everything right. And still, emigrating to Ireland couldn‘t have been more difficult for her and her family. However, like Violine and Kris already stated in my previous “Foreigners of Greystones“ articles, never give up!

When I spoke to Esther again a couple of months after our first interview, times don‘t seem as dark anymore despite the still ongoing lockdown. “There was a turning point when our daughter eventually started in a lovely, recently opened kindergarten in September 2020“ Esther says. “The teachers really helped easing her into the new environment. They even learned a few words in German and made lanterns to celebrate the German St. Martin‘s Day in November which we really appreciated.“

Positive Outlook

With spring around the corner just like last year when Esther was about to embrace her Ireland adventure, she can now pick up where she left off. “Through kindergarten I made more contacts who I can at least meet outdoors“, Esther says. “Our neighbours are still looking out for us and the German mammies support me when I have questions. We also met parents from other countries like Sweden, Texas and Thailand who were very welcoming and invited us to their weekly gatherings. I took up a Yoga Class with Minaste Yoga which started out on the beach and is now online every Thursday. I can say that I have established what I would call a positive routine and a good social network for myself.“

Let‘s hope the Corona restrictions will ease soon so that Esther and her family can enjoy their Ireland adventure to the full, how ever long it may last.


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A lovely honest read. Highlighting the challenges of moving to a new country made more difficult by covid 19. Well written Sylvia

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Thank you Rebecca! Yes, I thought it was particularly interesting to hear an emigration story that didn’t go so smoothly and shows people yet another challenge of Covid19.

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Very well written, Sylvia. I do understand what that lovely lady had to go through emotionally, but challenges make us stronger! And she is here now – in this exceptionally beautiful place on Earth. ❤️

Thanks so much for your feedback Kris! It was hard for Esther indeed, but she came out the other end, you are right :-)!

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take the trip eat the cake


a bowl of food sitting on a table next to a glass of beer


a group of people that are standing on a stage


a group of people wearing red hats and sunglasses


a couple of small sailboats floating on top of a body of water


a group of girls in yellow shirts holding up their hands


a group of people running in a park


a collage of photos with a man and a woman


a large swimming pool with many lanes and blue umbrellas


a group of people standing around a table


a collage of a group of people smiling


a group of boats docked at a dock


a group of four women standing next to each other


a group of young men standing next to each other


two women in uniforms posing for a picture


John bartus: life is short – make time for the special moments.

John Bartus

A friend of ours gave Sarah the best dish towel ever. It reads, “Life is Short… take the trip, buy the shoes, eat the cake, sleep with the Guitar Player.” Sound advice.

It’s advice we took recently for a family event that could have simply just passed us by. I have two younger sisters, and the middle sibling — Cecilia — just celebrated her 60th birthday. The easy thing to do would have been a phone call, card and gift. But 60 is a big milestone, worthy of a real celebration. So Sarah and I flew up, and my youngest sister Carol flew down to South Carolina. Our chief co-conspirator was Cecilia’s wife, Sue, who arranged on-site details in Spartanburg and got the birthday girl where she needed to be. Sue, it should be known, can really keep a secret.

The surprise on Cecilia’s face when she walked into the restaurant and saw us sitting there was real. Her joy at having her family there for her special birthday was beautiful and contagious, and set the stage for the entire wonderful weekend. Sarah is no stranger to the birthday surprise — she did the same for one of my birthdays by having my two sisters show up and surprise me in Gatlinburg a few years back, and assembled a surprise gathering of good friends here in the Keys for my 60th. 

The birthday weekend with my sisters inspired this column. Special events and wonderful people hopefully populate certain corners of all our lives. The everyday, however, can often eclipse and get in the way of the truly special things, and it’s so easy to let these special things slip away.

It may not be family in everyone’s lives — it can be really good friends, an old college roommate, or shared events with someone you met on a trip or at an event. While it’s easier to keep up with distant friends and family members these days through social media and modern tech, nothing compares to spending time actually (not virtually) together, in the same space.

Back in the summer of 2020, when the world was slowly emerging from the total lockdown of the COVID pandemic, Sarah and I took a trip to a mountain cabin in Blue Ridge, Georgia. Two other couples joined us — Dusty and Linda (who used to own a music store I worked at in Marathon back in the 1980s), and Regina and Matamba (I worked with Regina at a summer camp back in 1980). We had an absolute blast in the mountains, enjoying the natural wonders around us as well as the good company we were keeping. While we still stay in touch through social media, nothing compares to the experience of sharing good times in the same space.


In my song, “Captain of His Own Destiny,” I paraphrase a bit of old wisdom in this line: “Seek no more your journey’s end, the destination won’t matter as much as the journey, my friend.” While we all get focused on a goal, destination or end result, the steps and stops we take on our journeys are just as important. And when the destination is reached or the goal is accomplished, the journey to get there is just as significant. Stop and smell the roses. Take the trip. Eat the cake.

And by all means, sleep with the guitar player.

* * * * * * *

While this isn’t the big official thank you (look for that soon in these pages), the recent Presents In Paradise season was our biggest ever. Hundreds of local families — 720 children total — were the beneficiaries of your generous donations and the efforts of the Presents In Paradise board of directors and volunteers. It was a 28% increase over last year, and the elves are currently resting after the busy season. Look for some announcements about some cool new things happening with Presents in the upcoming year, and thanks to everyone for your support!


John Bartus


John Bartus


John Bartus


a small plane floating on top of a body of water


John Bartus


John Bartus


John Bartus


John Bartus


John Bartus


a black and white photo of the word snow on a black and white background

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Life is short. Take the trip. Buy the shoes. Eat the cake.

Life is short. Take the trip. Buy the shoes. Eat the cake.

Inspirational Travel Quotes

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The beautiful thing about life is that we will never reach an age where there is nothing left to learn, see or be...

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take the trip eat the cake

Cissy's Story & How We Got Started

Take The Trip Foundation is a growing nonprofit organization started by an inspiring wife and husband duo, Cissy and Jason Carroll. The nonprofit will send young families impacted by terminal illnesses on one amazing adventure together to create lasting memories for loved ones who need it most. Cissy herself was diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer with brain metastases in 2015. At the time, she was given a 1% chance to live 5 years and has well surpassed that statistic and has been fighting ever since. From that day in 2015 until now, Cissy has lived by the motto “Take the trip, buy the shoes, eat the cake.” She has an undeniable zest for life and jumps at any opportunity to laugh, love, and live in the moment.

The idea for TTTF was sparked by a completely selfless act that recently sent Cissy, Jason, and their 7-year-old son Jack on the most special all-expense paid vacation together. This trip was given to the Carrolls by the most generous human that had not even connected with Cissy in over 20 years. It gave them the chance to escape reality for a while and focus on just being together to love one another and create some unforgettable memories as a family. Cissy and Jason prayed for the opportunity to be able to pay it forward and do the same for another deserving family. The opportunity to start a nonprofit came to them shortly after and they immediately knew this was how they could spread light to others. Take The Trip Foundation was born, and they have been working tirelessly to bring awareness to their cause ever since. 

Unfortunately, Cissy was recently given the news that her health has rapidly declined and there are no more treatments available to her. She has been given 3-6 months left to live and has transitioned into hospice care. Despite this devastating diagnosis, Cissy still has the burning desire to pay it forward and leave a lasting, positive mark on this world. It is her hope that TTTF will bless hundreds of families in similar circumstances to hers for years to come and that her legacy will live on through the love and cherished memories it creates.

Take The Trip Foundation

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Take The Trip Foundation is a registered nonprofit organization under the IRC Section 501(c)(3).

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take the trip eat the cake

Creating everlasting memories for families impacted by terminal illness. All donations help send families on one last memorable vacation together.

Surviving and Thriving

Eat the cake.

take the trip eat the cake

Last week I saw a Facebook meme that said, “Life is short. Take the trip. Buy the shoes. Eat the cake.”

I’ve set up a trip, to the American Society of Journalists and Authors conference in New York in mid-May. And I baked a dessert that my mother used to make for us: Sour Cream Chocolate Cake.

Two out of three ain’t bad.

The cake recipe was already on my mind, because of a batch of homemade yogurt gone awry. The starter was on the very edge of nope-buy-a-new-one. Because I wanted to believe it was okay, I used it. Magical thinking wasn’t enough, however, and the yogurt turned out smelling something like bread and something like beer. It shouldn’t smell like either of those things.

The culprit was wild yeast that had gotten in and crowded out the active yogurt cultures. Predictable, which is why every eight weeks or so I generally buy a new container of Mountain High yogurt and start over.

Not this week, though, which meant I was stuck with a quart of Greek-style yogurt that was too funky to eat. I tried adding extra fruit and extra sweetener but my gag reflex could not be fooled.

Which is why I thought of sour cream chocolate cake, and wondered whether sour yogurt could be used instead. I hate wasting food.

A voice from the past

I found the recipe, which she’d hand-written on one of those steno pad sheets that she kept buying long after the factory closed and her secretary job disappeared. I guess old habits die hard.

On the other side of the sheet, she wrote “Here’s that recipe you wanted” and signed it “Love, Mom.” The sight of her handwriting made me feel sad, yet again, that she never got to see me finally escape my marriage, earn a college degree and find true love in midlife . She would have loved DF, because of the way he treats me and because he also loves the fragrance of Clorox.

Turns out that weird yogurt is a perfectly fine replacement for sour cream. The cake turned out amazingly well: richly flavored but not overly chocolatey (it’s made with cocoa) and with a light yet somehow substantial texture. Mom never frosted this cake, although she did sometimes sift powdered sugar on top.

I didn’t bother decorating it. We just ate, and ate. I brought half of it to my niece’s house for our viewing of “The Walking Dead,” and brought back a lot less than half. (In our defense, three other people – one of them a teen-aged boy – were also chowing down.)

DF and I devoured what was left in an astonishingly short time. Fortunately, he took a picture of it before we started slicing. (See above.) The cake cover belonged to my grandmother. It sat on the counter pretty much 24/7, because when I was a kid people always had cake on hand for dessert and to serve with coffee when people stopped by. This cake cover is, I think, the only thing of my grandmother’s that I own.

Try this cake yourself

Having mentioned this dessert, I feel the need to share the recipe:

Sour Cream Chocolate Cake

Cream together:

¾ cup butter

2 cups sugar

2 eggs (I used three)

1 cup sour cream (I used weird yogurt)

2 tsp. vanilla

In separate bowl, mix:

2½ cups flour

½ cup cocoa

¼ tsp. salt

In another bowl or measuring cup, stir together:

1 cup warm water

2 tsp. baking soda

Alternately add one-third of the dry ingredients and soda/water mixture to the creamed ingredients, beating until smooth.

Pour into a greased and floured tube pan (I used an angel food cake pan because that’s what we have) and bake at 375 degrees for 40 to 45 minutes.

Generally I prefer sweets that are faster to make, such as Lightning Cake . DF bakes this one with his older granddaughter; the two of them dribble food coloring atop the batter in the pan, stirring it with toothpicks to make a kind of unicorn marble cake. Lightning Cake is another one that’s so good it doesn’t need frosting.

But this time I didn’t mind taking extra time, and dirtying extra dishes. Using the recipe was a way of communicating with my mom. She might have looked askance at the yogurt, but then again she also looked askance at sour cream. Mom never ate the stuff, buying it only for baking. For years she chose the brand that came in a drinking glass . (Anyone else remember those?)

Mom, thanks for the recipe. And forgive me for second-guessing you on the eggs, but it made the cake more moist than I recall its being. It was a real hit. Good thing I’ve got two more batches of yucky yogurt in the freezer.

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take the trip eat the cake

The 24 Best Restaurants At Walt Disney World To Make Your Trip Even More Magical

P lan the most magical vacation of eats, from character breakfast to air-conditioned lounges to the spots serving Southern food and doing it right.

Planning meals at Walt Disney World Resort is a beast of logistics. There are more than 400 dining locations across the parks, resorts, and shopping center. And snagging the best Disney World restaurant reservation is more like a Black Friday frenzy than fun vacation planning as booking windows open 60 days out and at 6 a.m. daily. That’s a lot of pressure when time is money at Disney and there are so many choices.

Fear not. We’ve created the ultimate Disney World restaurant guide with the best restaurants at each Disney park plus Disney Springs and Disney World resort hotels. These highly-rated, fan-favorite spots are solid no matter what time of day you visit. And there are picks for every budget, from the best Disney World restaurants for a splurge-worthy celebration to quick service that will fuel the family on the go. We’ve also prioritized the best mobile order at Disney World for most of our quick service picks because that’s the real Disney magic.

Magic Kingdom

Best mobile order: casey's corner.

On the corner of Main Street, U.S.A., most people cruise right past Casey’s on the way to Cinderella Castle thinking it’s just hot dogs. But there’s something else on the menu that’s more in-the-know among theme park regulars. Corn dog nuggets. That’s right. Corn. Dog. Nuggets. And here’s the semi-secret menu trick: You can buy hot pretzel cheese sauce to dip them in. For plant-based offerings at Disney World, you can’t go wrong with a “sausage” dog in a potato bun. And right now, there’s a frozen non-alcoholic mint julep lemonade that’s giving us all the Tiana’s Bayou Adventure vibes. 

Best Reservation: Liberty Tree Tavern

You know that full-as-a-tick bliss that happens at the end of a big Thanksgiving dinner? Imagine that feeling but you don’t have to cook a thing. And it’s available every day. Heaven is a place on Earth and it’s Liberty Tree Tavern in Liberty Square. The family-style feast includes turkey, pot roast, mashed potatoes, mac ‘n’ cheese, stuffing (It’s colonial theming so we’ll forgive Mickey for not having cornbread dressing.), and more. But the real reason fans love LTT is the Oooey Gooey Toffee Cake. And because it’s “all-you-care-to-enjoy,” it’s bottomless, never-ending Ooey Gooey Toffee Cake. Now, reservations are hard to come by because everyone wants that cake. Here’s a pro tip: If you can’t get a reservation for LTT, try The Diamond Horseshoe over in Frontierland. They now serve the exact same items. It’s just called a Saloon Feast. And, yes, you can also get the cake there, too. 

Best Lounge: Jungle Navigation Co. LTD Skipper Canteen

Technically, we’re making a square with a circle here. Because, historically, Magic Kingdom is a dry park and that goes back to Walt Disney’s original wishes for Disneyland and Disney World. However, Disney Parks have evolved and you can find spirits in bars, kiosks, carts, and more at Disney World’s other parks. But at Magic Kingdom, alcohol is only available inside sit-down restaurants. So, if you’re in need of ice-cold beer to cut through that Central Florida heat, plan ahead or take your chances with walk-ups at Jungle Navigation Co. LTD Skipper Canteen in Adventureland. The highly themed space inspired by the Jungle Cruise attraction features housemade sangrias, the Kungaloosh Spiced Excursion Ale made exclusively for Disney World, and a great margarita. 

Worth It Splurge: Cinderella's Royal Table

Location. Location. Location. Cinderella’s Royal Table is probably the most hyped Disney World restaurant and it’s worth the praise. The exclusive spot located inside Cinderella Castle has the most unique views of Magic Kingdom. And, yes, you get to meet a bunch of royals and there’s a little autographed postcard from Cinderella. However, the real premium is the exclusive access inside a landmark that most only ever see from the outside. And the theming is incredible. What’s more surprising: For a kid-first experience, the food is good . The prix fixe includes an app, entree, and dessert with choices ranging from filet mignon to a catch of the day with gouda grits. But whatever you do, don’t sleep on The Clock Strikes Twelve tart. It comes with the most beautiful chocolate clock face. There are so many little details to Cinderella’s Royal Table and while there are several spots around the resort with fine dining over $75 (or $100 if you add one of the various champagne flights), this is an experience that feels worth the cost.

Best Mobile Order: Regal Eagle Smokehouse

The American Pavilion at World Showcase doesn’t have the biggest razzle dazzle attractions or rides, but they do have a tour of BBQ at Regal Eagle Smokehouse: Craft Drafts & Barbecue. All the great signature styles are there, from Memphis to Kansas City to North Carolina to Texas. (But we would love to petition for some Alabama sauce.) Fixin’s include baked beans “with burnt ends,” creamy coleslaw, and more. This writer does not agree with the direction they went in for the mac ‘n’ cheese. If you call a mac ‘n’ cheese baked, it should be a casserole with a thick cheesy crust. Not a basket of creamy noodles with a sprinkle of bread crumbs. However, the banana pudding is the epitome of Southern summer. And the near 50-50 pudding to wafer ratio is perfection. If you’ve got a hungry group, order one of everything, grab a picnic table outside and have a mini ‘cue crawl. 

Best Reservation: Rose & Crown Dining Room

There are several top contenders for best EPCOT reservation, from Italy’s Neapolitan pizza to the cheese soup at Canada’s Le Cellier. But for authentic food, great value and best views, Rose & Crown is worth every penny–or pence. Most think Rose & Crown is just the pub up front. And the pub is great. But the room and terrace behind the pub is a full sit-down restaurant offering authentic British dishes, from bangers and mash to traditional sticky toffee pudding with hot-buttered rum sauce. And the mushy peas. Y’all, the mushy peas. These are exactly how they’re served in a pub or chippy. If you go for an early supper, you can dine on the terrace overlooking World Showcase Lagoon. And if you book a late dinner, you’ll be able to watch the nightly fireworks from your table. (You’re also allowed to come out on the terrace to watch if you’re dining inside.) Money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy mushy peas with a fireworks show.

Best Lounge: La Cava del Tequila

There’s a reason so many guests start in Mexico on their trip around the World Showcase. And it’s likely the margaritas at Choza de Margarita. But inside the Mexico Pavilion, you’ll find La Cava del Tequila and it’s a Disney must-do. When you need a break from the humidity, squeeze into this little oasis for a cold Mexican lager and chips and queso. The real claim to fame here is the library of 200-plus tequilas. You can try specialty cocktails or a tequila flight. And the Corn Old Fashioned is the Tenn-Mex mash-up you never knew you needed with Roaming Man rye, Nixta corn liqueur and mole bitters. 

Worth It Splurge: Space 220 Restaurant

Space 220 opened in 2021 and reservations have been nearly impossible to snag ever since. The highly immersive dining experience in the Mission: SPACE pavilion features a special “space elevator” that travels 220 miles above EPCOT to the Centauri Space Station. You get this really cool bird’s eye–spaceship eye?–view of Florida and the Gulf of Mexico as you zip up. And, yes, you are moving. It’s a pretty intense effect. Once aboard the space station, you’ll pop into the restaurant with gigantic curved windows that look out into space with several surprises no matter where you’re seated. Typically with Disney dining, when there’s a premium for theming or characters, the food doesn’t wow. But it does here with pan-Asian flair among American classics and presentations that are as delicious as they are creative. You’ve never seen a hummingbird cake like this. Two words: Pineapple caviar. Lunch features a two-course prix fixe and dinner is a three-course prix fixe. And if you can’t find a reservation, it’s always worth checking in with the host right at 11:30 a.m. when the space station opens to see if there’s walk-up availability. Or try snagging a reservation for the Space 220 Lounge which offers a limited menu of bites and is located inside the restaurant. 

Disney's Hollywood Studios

Best mobile order: woody's lunch box.

Need fuel fast? Woody’s Lunch Box in Toy Story Land is a crowd-pleaser for kids and adults alike. It’s comfort food at its best with a breakfast bowl that’s basically just tater tots covered in smoked brisket country gravy or the lunch and dinner “Totchos,” which is essentially chili Frito pie on top of a basket of tater tots that are then drowned in queso. But the main mission here is homemade pop-tarts. The signature Raspberry Lunch Box Tart, which is only available for lunch and dinner, is stuffed with raspberry marmalade and covered in strawberry fondant. And the pastry alone is so buttery. You’ll never reach for the boxed stuff again.  

Best Reservation: Oga's Cantina

Yes, this is just a bar with snacks. But it’s not just a bar. And you should make time and grab a coveted reservation even if you’re not a Star Wars fan. Oga’s Cantina is one of the most immersive environments at Disney World. Located in Star Wars : Galaxy’s Edge, this space saloon is designed to mimic a cinematic feeling right from the whooshing sound of the space door. Inside, it’s bustling with loud cantina jams, freaky alien decor and tables and booth vignettes that are so detail-oriented you’ll forget you’re in Central Florida. For nibbles, the Happabore Sampler features space pork cracklings and if you order the Blue Bantha milk, it comes with a Bantha horn butter cookie that this writer wishes she could bring to the holiday cookie swap. For 21+ guests, the Fuzzy Tauntaun is a peachy cocktail topped with tingling foam that slightly numbs (on purpose) your mouth for a second. 

Best Lounge: BaseLine Tap House

The Hollywood Brown Derby Lounge gets a lot of buzz as it offers most of the same fine dining as the restaurant. But for more casual drinks, BaseLine Tap House is the spot to cheers. There’s wine on tap. Cocktails on tap. And the list of craft brews is vast. Plus, the zero-proof strawberry hibiscus soda is delightful. For bites, there’s a charcuterie board, a giant Bavarian pretzel, and house-made sweet-and-spicy almonds. There are several spots around Hollywood Studios that bottleneck crowds and BaseLine is a great reprieve to recharge and regroup. 

Worth It Splurge: The Hollywood Brown Derby

There are other Disney World restaurants with the same price tag and caliber of service. But those don’t have spoon bread. The Hollywood Brown Derby is a Hollywood Studios rite of passage with the famous Cobb salad and root beer-brined pork. But no matter what you order, always opt for the extra $8 spoon bread with lavender honey butter. It’s sweet enough to be dessert. Though, you should definitely save room for the grapefruit cake with cream cheese icing.

Disney's Animal Kingdom

Best mobile order: satu'li canteen.

This writer was skeptical when ​​Pandora–The World of Avatar was added to Animal Kingdom. But lunch at Satu'li Canteen changed her mind. The alien planet mess hall features some of the best portion-to-price ratios in the park and is one of the best Disney World restaurants for healthy options and hitting your protein goals. Because there’s only so much sugar and popcorn the human body can withstand. What makes Satu'li Canteen such a gem is the customizable options. There are various salad bowls you can build with choices of protein, grains, veggies, and sauce. And because it’s other-worldly, you’ll get funky toppings like popping boba balls, too. And the kid’s menu has one of the best bites at Disney World: cheeseburger bao buns. The steamed bites are stuffed with ground beef, pickles, and everything you’d expect on a classic hamburger. And, yes, you’re allowed to order off the kids' menu. 

Best Reservation: Tusker House Restaurant

Character dining at Disney World is a whole world of its own. But in reality, what you pay for is access to many characters within a short amount of time with no waiting in line. But breakfast at Tusker House is 10/10. This writer would pay for that buffet even if Mickey and friends weren’t hanging around. Although, their little safari outfits are so stinking cute. Here, you’ll find Nala and Simba waffles, mealie pap, which is like a cheesy cornbread-grits hybrid, and POG mimosas. POG juice is actually bottomless all day. Yes, infinite POG. Lunch and dinner have naan and breads with various dips and curries as well as Red Red, which is a side dish made from black-eyed peas and plantains. There are also honey plantains, but for the real sweets, you have to try the blueberry and banana pudding. 

Best Lounge: Nomad Lounge

Nomad Lounge is often mentioned as a silver lining alternative if you can’t get a reservation at Tiffins because it’s right next door and serves the beloved Tiffins bread service as well as similar fare for small bites. But Nomad Lounge is no second fiddle. It’s a clutch oasis for escaping the heat in Animal Kingdom, which always seems 10 degrees hotter than any other park. This is porch sitting at its best as the lounge overlooks Discovery River and a wall of lush greenery that creates a serene vibe within the chaos and crowds. And the small bites are tasty, from pineapple-glazed pork belly to Impossible sliders that will impress any meat-loving grill pro. Try one of the many specialty cocktails or mocktails as Nomad Lounge has a large list of fun, creative zero-proof sips such as the Happy Macaque with guava and coffee syrup. For beer, don’t miss the Kungaloosh Spiced Excursion Ale on draft. It's exclusive to Disney World and is brewed with sorghum. 

Worth It Splurge: Tiffins Restaurant 

Now, to Tiffins. Fine dining in a theme park does exist and you’ll find an exceptional meal at Tiffins Restaurant. Inspired by travels to Asia and Africa and research Disney Imagineers compiled while creating Animal Kingdom, the menu at Tiffins is like a traveler’s notebook, from Szechuan noodles to Oaxacan pork. And the shrimp and grits with South African mealie pap will have you rethinking everything you know about this classic dish. There’s even a salad with lettuce straight from The Land’s garden at EPCOT. But you cannot eat at Tiffins without starting with the signature bread service which includes guava sauce and a ginger-pear chutney. Some things at Disney are overhyped. These dips and condiments are worthy.

Disney Springs

Best quick service: the polite pig .

If you can’t make it out to The Ravenous Pig, one of our favorite restaurants in Orlando and a BBQ spot that’s been namedropped by Michelin, the James Beard Foundation and more, you can visit the Petrakis family’s sister restaurant at Disney Springs. The Polite Pig is a more casual outpost but there’s a bevy of signature smokes, from the Polite Pork Shoulder to black drum fish. Of course, there’s pulled pork sandwich, fried chicken, brisket, and everything else you’d expect from someone who’s done their BBQ homework. Save room for the sides though because the crispy Brussels sprouts have a whiskey caramel. And the Sweet Potato Spice Cake with orange cream cheese frosting is like Southern Thanksgiving in one bite. 

Best Reservation: Chef Art Smith's Homecomin' 

It’s not often you find a James Beard Award-winning chef attached to a theme park restaurant. But don’t underestimate Disney Springs. The outdoor shopping center has added several notable chefs including Chef Art Smith's Homecomin' in The Landing. The Floridian has cooked for everyone from dignitaries to Oprah and opened several Southern dining concepts along the way. But Homecomin’ is all about Florida agriculture and that coastal flare on Southern classics. Brunch, lunch or dinner: It’s all good. And we love a menu that looks like a doily. The fan favorite is the fried chicken, but the chicken salad is a solid sandwich for #TeamSavory. It’s celery-forward and drenched in Duke’s mayo. The cheddar drop biscuits are rich. And whatever you do: Save room for dessert. There’s hummingbird cake, a 100-year-old-family-recipe chocolate pecan pie and a moonshine-soaked butter cake that is righteous. This writer doesn’t like lane cakes and rum cakes etc. but that Shine Cake is the best dessert of anything, anywhere at Disney World. 

Best Lounge: Coca-Cola Store Rooftop Beverage Bar

There are several great bars at Disney Springs, but we’re telling you to go to a big Coca-Cola gift shop. Why? Because there’s a bar on the roof with Coke. Float. Flights. This Town Center spot has unique views of Disney Springs and it’s a great place to watch the Aerophile balloon take flight. And while the beverage bar no longer serves alcohol, it is definitely the mocktail king of Disney World. If you love sampling soft drinks around the world at EPCOT’s Club Cool, you’ll want to try the Around The World Tray which features 16 different sodas and juice drinks. There’s also a Float Tray with eight U.S. sodas and ice cream. And if you can’t decide, order both! The Combo Tray offers a discount if you buy both flights. This is a great to-do for couples as the portions are much larger than Club Cool and perfect for sharing. 

Worth It Splurge: The BOATHOUSE

If you’ve got a family celebration where you want to linger a while and chat with a great meal, you can’t do better than The BOATHOUSE: Great Food, Waterfront Dining, Dream Boats. Right next door to those iconic amphicars, The Boathouse feels like a neighborhood dockside dinner spot. The large windows and terrace overlook Lake Buena Vista (So you can watch those funky cars cruise by.) but the real sight is the Parker house rolls that have gone viral on social media. The wagyu sliders are also served on the rolls and if you book brunch, the rolls are coated in a warm cinnamon sauce. As the name implies, it’s all about seafood here with shrimp, crab, oysters, and market-fresh fish. Start with the housemade pimento cheese dip served with crispy tortilla chips. You won’t be disappointed. And while the wine, beer and spirits list is lengthy and one of the more robust at Disney World, the zero-proof tart cherry limeade with Key lime juice is divine.

Disney Resorts

Best mobile order: capt. cook's.

Resort quick service tends to run together with the same fries, chicken tenders and refrigerator full of Uncrustables at pretty much all Disney hotels. But Capt. Cook’s at Disney's Polynesian Village Resort feels special with more unique offerings you won’t find anywhere else on property. Breakfast features a banana-stuffed Tonga Toast, which is a Disney rite of passage. It’s a sourdough brick of bread that’s deep-fried and dusted in cinnamon sugar. And lunch features pulled pork nachos with pineapple salsa and Poly Chips which are a house-made mix of potato and wonton chips. You can also order a side of plain Poly Chips now because they’re so popular. 

Best Reservation: Olivia’s Cafe 

If we were to award one restaurant as the best Disney World restaurant of all, it would be Olivia’s Cafe. Located in the main check-in building at Disney's Old Key West Resort, it’s a hidden gem that doesn’t get enough hype. Like Key West, Olivia’s is casual with a mix of beachy decor and some of the most gorgeous vintage china this writer has ever seen. All too often a restaurant at Disney World will have a must-eat dessert or a really good burger that everyone talks about on TikTok. But here, every single item on the menu is a greatest hit, from the hush puppies with Key lime mustard to the banana bread French toast at brunch. And we’re not talking banana bread flavor. It’s thick slices of banana bread that’s been French toast-a-fied. And Olivia’s Breakfast Potatoes are less like hashbrowns and more like a cheesy funeral casserole. Even if you’re not staying at Old Key West or in the Disney Springs or EPCOT resort areas, it is absolutely worth your while to go out of the way for Olivia’s Cafe. 

Best Lounge: Enchanted Rose 

If you haven’t been to Disney's Grand Floridian Resort & Spa in a while, prepare to be wowed. In the last couple of years, The GF got a glow-up with new restaurant concepts, room remodels, and the Enchanted Rose lounge. It’s pure fairytale magic with highly detailed decor in four themed spaces inspired by the live-action Beauty and the Beast Rococo aesthetic. And the drinks are just as luxe. Of the specialty cocktails, head straight for the Lavender Fog or try one of the whimsical martinis. The wine list is lengthy ("After all, Miss, this is France!") and impressive, especially if you love bubbly. And the cheese plate with apricot jam and cranberry bread is the perfect accompaniment.  

Worth It Splurge: Victoria & Albert’s

It’s the splurge of the splurge. If the Grand Floridian is Disney World’s marquee hotel, Victoria & Albert’s is the diamond. Make that AAA five-diamond. And just recently the restaurant, which features a dining room as well as two more exclusive tasting tables, won a Michelin Star. It’s a big deal as this is Disney World’s first and it’s rare for a theme park restaurant to be recognized at this level. The Dining Room at Victoria & Albert’s features two ever-changing tasting menus by Chef de Cuisine Matthew Sowers. (He’s also behind the delicious experience at Remy aboard the Disney Dream and Fantasy cruise ships which this writer is a big, big fan of.) The prix-fixe here is usually 10 courses and starts around $300. That doesn't include wine pairings from their 500-plus list or zero-proof drink pairings at $155 and $115. It’s not for every family visiting, as guests need to be at least 10 years old. But if you’re celebrating an anniversary or planning a Disney wedding or simply want to treat yourself, this is one of the most exclusive dining experiences at Disney World and many fans consider it the ultimate Disney bucket list item.

Related: Disney World's Country Bear Jamboree Just Reopened With A New Nod To Nashville

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    Eat The Cake, Take The Trip - Grand Luxe Destinations. 259 likes · 2 talking about this. Family Vacation Planner, Disney Vacation Specialist, Disney Vacation Club Member, Autism Specialist, Cruising,...

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    In separate bowl, mix: 2½ cups flour. ½ cup cocoa. ¼ tsp. salt. In another bowl or measuring cup, stir together: 1 cup warm water. 2 tsp. baking soda. Alternately add one-third of the dry ingredients and soda/water mixture to the creamed ingredients, beating until smooth.

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    Take the trip. Buy the shoes. Eat the cake. And we will. Gretchen Leigh is a stay-at-home mom who lives in Covington. You can read more of her writing on her website, on Facebook at "Living with Gleigh by Gretchen Leigh," or twitter @livewithgleigh. Her column is available every week at under the ...

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    Take the trip. Buy the shoes. Eat the cake. Features: Size: 7x7 inches; Made from solid knotty pine; Flat edges for optional shelf-sitting; Routed slot in back for hanging; View All Close. Color Palette. We do our best to represent colors accurately, but viewing screens vary from one to another, and from real life.

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    [Verse 2: George Clanton] You don't even have to tell me I remember what you said You might say that you can't feel it anymore But you can always just pretend Crush the pill between your fingers ...

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