
How to Enable Safari Web Browser Audio on Your iPhone?

How to Enable Safari Web Browser Audio on Your iPhone? 1

Having trouble with Safari audio on your iPhone? You’re not alone. Many iPhone users face issues with iPhone audio auto-play in Safari, especially when it comes to playing media smoothly. In this guide, we’ll take you through adjusting Safari settings to fix these problems. 

We’ll also cover how to troubleshoot Safari audio by tweaking Safari audio preferences to ensure your browser works the way you need it to. By the end of this article, you’ll have the knowledge to manage and enjoy audio playback on your iPhone without hassle.

Enabling Audio Auto-play in Safari

To enable Safari audio on your iPhone, start by opening the Settings app. 

How to Enable Safari Web Browser Audio on Your iPhone? 3

Scroll down and tap on Safari. 

How to Enable Safari Web Browser Audio on Your iPhone? 5

Here, you’ll find the Safari auto-play settings. Tap on Auto-Play, and select “Allow All Auto-Play” to ensure your audio plays without interruptions. 

This tweak in your iPhone Safari audio settings will refine your browsing. If you’re still facing issues, check the Safari website preferences for any specific site settings that might be blocking audio. This simple step can resolve many iPhone audio troubleshooting problems.

Turning Off Safari Audio

To disable Safari audio, you can close the tab playing the sound or use the iPhone Safari audio controls to pause or mute the audio. For a specific tab, tap the speaker icon to mute Safari tab. 

If you’re looking to silence all sounds, adjust the volume settings or switch your device to silent mode to mute iPhone. If you encounter any issues, Safari audio troubleshooting steps include checking for updates, restarting the browser, or resetting your device settings.

How to Enable Safari Web Browser Audio on Your iPhone? 7

Troubleshooting Audio Issues on Safari

Facing Safari audio problems on your iPhone can be frustrating. If you’re dealing with iPhone Safari sound not working, start by checking your Safari audio settings. 

Check that your device isn’t in silent mode, and volume is up. In Safari preferences, go to Settings > Safari > Clear History and Website Data, which can resolve many iPhone sound issues. 

Also, check for software updates, as updates often fix bugs that cause troubleshooting problems.

Enabling Audio and Video on Safari

To enable Safari audio and video on your iPhone, start by ensuring your device is updated to the latest iOS version. Access the Settings app, move down the list, and choose Safari. Within Safari settings, you’ll find the option for Safari media playback. 

Here, personalize the iPhone Safari video settings according to your preferences. To enable Safari autoplay, go to the Auto-Play section and toggle the switch to allow videos and audio to play automatically. This is where you can fine-tune your Safari autoplay preferences to either play everything automatically or require manual play.

How to Enable Safari Web Browser Audio on Your iPhone? 9

Importance of Safari Audio on iPhone

When browsing the web on your iPhone, having audio functionality in Safari can significantly enhance your overall experience. The Safari audio importance cannot be overstated, as it brings your web browsing to life by enabling you to listen to multimedia content directly from websites.

One of the standout iPhone Safari features is its ability to handle various audio formats seamlessly. This means you can enjoy podcasts, music, and videos without needing extra apps or downloads. This integration is crucial for users who consume a lot of audio content on their devices.

The role of audio in web browsing is pivotal. It allows you to interact with websites that offer audio-based information, like news sites, educational platforms, and entertainment portals. Whether you’re listening to a news report, an online course, or streaming a live event, audio functionality ensures you don’t miss out on any important information.

How to Enable Safari Web Browser Audio on Your iPhone? 11

Moreover, the multimedia experience on your iPhone is significantly elevated with Safari’s audio capabilities. Websites today are rich with multimedia content, and having the ability to hear audio directly from the browser enhances your interaction with such sites.

The Safari audio benefits are numerous. It provides a seamless and integrated way to access audio content, improving convenience and efficiency. Whether you’re multitasking, on the go, or simply prefer listening over reading, Safari’s audio functionality is a game-changer for iPhone users.

Enabling Safari audio on your iPhone is crucial for a seamless browsing experience, especially when you want to enjoy multimedia content without interruptions. Adjusting your iPhone Safari settings ensures that you can automatically play audio on your favorite websites. 

In our Safari auto-play recap, we highlighted the importance of tweaking these settings to fit your iPhone audio preferences. By following the steps discussed, you can effortlessly manage your audio playback and enhance your overall Safari usage.

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Oluwadamilola Osisanya

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iOS 17.4 beta audio failed in Safari

It was fine in 17.3, after upgrade to 17.4 beta the audio in Html just become silence.

I've tried iPhone13 and iPhone XS got the same result.

I am encountering the same thing. No sound from Safari and Chrome

I experienced the same on iPhone 14pro

Yep, I am also experiencing same problem.

Audio played ok in iOS 17.3 but no longer plays in 17.4 beta 1 or beta 2 on iPhone 12 Pro & iPhone SE v2.

It's a problem in Safari, Chrome & Firefox iPhone apps.

Not been able to test on iPad as i don't own one.

I have reported to Apple via Feedback App - but Apple rarely answer or seem to listen to developers reports.

Feedback from Apple would be helpful to us all, as we try to earn money from apps. It would also help improve Apple's relationships with developers.

I do hope this fix this soon, as they have broken the internet!

I'm experiencing the same issue with iOS 17.4 on an iPhone 12 mini, and have had several reports from users of our platform, all from people running the 17.4 beta.

Videos play fine, audio will not play. Tried debugging the browser but the console was empty. Affects all browsers.

To replicate the issue:

1 - Open Safari, and make sure no other tabs are open.

2 - Go to the w3schools lesson on the audio play() function for example ( )

3 - Press 'Play audio'. No audio plays.

To temporarily fix the problem:

4 - On a different tab go on Youtube/Dailymotion/whatever and play a video. Audio plays fine.

5 - Go back to the original tab and press 'Play audio'. The audio now plays.

Same here on iPhone Xs with all major browsers

same. Audio just doesn't start

fixed in beta 2

Audio auto-play issues, IOS, safari

Safari on IOS blocks audio to be played without user interaction. So to tackle that I added a popup with button saying “Join with system audio”, just like zoom, to get the user interaction and after that I call play() on audio element. This works well for the first audio element but the audio elements which are added after that still throw the same autoplay permission error causing audio to not play.

The other solution which comes to my mind is to use AudioContext and have only one audio player and pipe all the incoming audios to the AudioContext and add it to the audio player. That should work but will not it be very heavy for CPU to merge the audios?

The solution you mentioned in the topic below was to use GUM to enable autoplay, but how does that enables autoplay? @BronzedBroth

This issue was briefly discussed here.

Perform the GUM check before your prompt the user with a join button to click. Apple requires permissions to be allowed first before interaction occurs.

If elements are not auto-playing it’s due to some HTML/JS adjustments required.

<video video-id="1234567" autoplay playsinline>Your browser does not support the video tag...</video>

Above would solve the HTML issue if element doesn’t contain autoplay/playsinline attribute. Beyond that for JS you’d resume() the consumed track and add this track to a MediaStream attach it to an element and play() it.

Thanks, I am using audio and video tags separately. The reason for this is that I am allowing max 20 user boxes i.e video streams per page but audio streams can be of users other than these 20 users so I have separated the audio video tags to handle this.

I read somewhere that playsinline solves the video autoplay issue with audio. But as I am using audio tag instead of video so that might not work for me.

Any better way to handle this video audio separation?

Confirm that video tags auto play, if they do then check audio tags for problems.

I see it now, the secret is to perform GUM request beforehand even if user want to join with video, audio both off. Without GUM request autoplay, playsinline nothing works. Is it documented somewhere?

Doesn’t it seem weird to trigger GUM request even if user doesn’t have requested it?


For a two-way video conference, video automatically plays after the user accepts the prompt requesting camera access.


Thanks, nice article, couldn’t find this info elsewhere.

Part of being factual. Good luck. I try not to waste my time, so do listen. Years if not more could have gone into the advice given just follow if we make it easy for you…

@BronzedBroth this only works till we keep one of the video/audio captured from iphone and if both are turned off during the call then the later remote audios will not autoplay, right?

I shared the link, do pay attention please. Every platform/browser has its own limits to auto-play if such is the focus. With Apple you won’t get audio at all if you don’t allow so find happy medium for all or call apple out if you can to make user experience unique. AKA don’t ask android users or desktop users!

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Audio does not play automatically in Safari

Jan 10, 2022 • knowledge, information.

  • Navigate to .
  • Open the  Safari  menu and select  Settings for This Website…

allow all auto play

  • Click away from the settings window to dismiss it.
  • If necessary, refresh the test window to reload the question and allow audio to play automatically.

System Information

ios safari audio not playing

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HTML5 Audio does not load/play in IOS Safari

I was trying implement an audio player app like this one in my website

I was using Google drive to host my audio.

I was told by my friends that it worked fine and flawlessly on all browsers and devices except IOS Safari. The codepen does work on Safari on IOS though even if I put the Google drive hosted audio link.

I googled and found out through Stackoverflow that IOS on Safari prevents preloading of audio. And yes I don’t see the audio preloading that I see on all other browsers like chrome. I was wondering how to fix this.

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RobertSwirsky commented Nov 3, 2016 • edited

I just tried this, copying your example exactly, except for putting my own sample audio file, and it doesn't work on iPad an iPhone. No errors, and the server did serve the audio file to the application. Works fine as-is on desktop Safari and Chrome; doesn't play anything on firefox.

I refresh and pressed the screen within 3 seconds. I tried adding a button just to have something to press, and that didn't help.

Did Apple change something recently?

I put it up here so you can see for yourself:

Sorry, something went wrong.


frixo3190 commented Dec 13, 2018

me too, nothing work on iphone, but work on mac, and pc and android


1312543912 commented Nov 21, 2019

me too.........mac safari and ios safari not work


kuboon commented Nov 24, 2021

just resume like this:


alexandrebaux commented Jun 16, 2022

Works like a charm!


alexcraviotto commented Feb 15, 2024

Did you fix that? I'm dealing with this exactly


Alex-Li2018 commented Mar 27, 2024

Kuboon commented mar 27, 2024 • edited.

@alexcraviotto @Alex-Li2018 Did you try my solution?

> Ross Wintle

Creativity, curiosity, and code

Skirting the iOS/Safari audio auto-play policy for UI sound effects

The physical Beat the Street game had loads of funny sound effects when you tapped a box. So I wanted my virtual clone of it – Zap the Map – to have them too.

This article explains a difficulty I had with this because of the Safari browser’s auto-play policies and a workaround, whilst also detailing a slight mystery.

Playing sound in a browser

Theoretically playing a sound in a browser is pretty simple. You create an audio element with the src attribute set to the URL of your sound, and then when you want to play it, you get the element in your JavaScript and you call the play() method:

Note that audio elements are not displayed by default so the <audio> is hidden from view.

The problem with playing a sound using JavaScript is that browsers have auto-play policies that demand that a user interaction happen before you can play the sound. So a button click should work fine:

Note here that actually returns a Promise which is resolved when playback starts.

Playing sounds in Vue.js instance methods

My example that I had problems with was a bit more complex than this. I’m running inside a Vue.js for a start and the click handler was a method on the application instance:

Now, this worked fine in Chrome on my desktop, and in Firefox too. And after later testing it seemed to work fine on Chrome in Android as well.

But in Safari, this sound was not playing.

I’ve produced a fairly minimal test case that reproduces this here:

In constructing this case I found that if Vue.js wasn’t involved everything worked fine everywhere. So there’s something in Vue that causes some kind of interruption to the call stack when you execute the promise that Safari doesn’t understand.

The good news is that I have a hacky fix.

As I explored the developer docs and StackOverflow trying to resolve this issue, I read somewhere, in passing, that once you’ve played the sound once on a user interaction, you can then play it again without further interaction.

So, I came up with the idea of setting the volume to zero and playing the sound in the click handler before the async operation, to “initialise” it, and then, once my async operation is complete, put the volume back up to 1 and play it again.

This worked! Hooray!

A “fun” little mobile Safari bug?

To add to my fun, this application is a walking-around game. So I took it out testing it on my iPhone, and when I did I found that the sound played when it shouldn’t have!

After a bit more digging I found what I can only assume is a proper Mobile Safari bug!

Aside: did you know if you have an iPhone and a Mac you can plug one into the other and use the developer tools in the desktop browser to inspect what is going on on the mobile device? Well if you didn’t, you do now !)

So, this whole sound.volume = 0 thing – this didn’t work in my test case scenario with Vue.js involved. It seemed that sound.volume was read-only. And you can see this in the sample test case when you click the bottom button on mobile Safari.

Console screengrab showing sound.volume assignment not working

Outside of my test case, and in desktop Safari, it’s fine, of course!

Console screengrab showing sound.volume assignment working

Fortunately, once I’d tracked this down, I discovered that sound.muted worked fine. So now, I just set both. I won’t post code for that but you can see it in the sample test case .

Summing up!

  • In some odd cases that seem to involve Vue.js (in my case at least) and asynchronous operations, Safari’s auto-playing media policies seem to prevent playing sounds, when playing them should be OK and when other browsers are fine with playing them.
  • There is a workaround that involves playing the sound in muted form before the async operation happens.
  • There is a weird bug in Mobile Safari, I think, that prevents HTTPMediaElement.volume being updated, that almost certainly no one will ever come across.
  • Playing sounds in web browsers SEEMS easy, but it turns out not to be!

ios safari audio not playing


ios safari audio not playing

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Parent-Controlled Playlists

Oliver janssen.

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New in 1.1.0: Browse playlists by cover art, start directly in the audio player, and enjoy a streamlined settings view. Plus, multiple bug fixes and enhancements! Muky is the perfect app for creating and managing music playlists for your kids using your Apple Music account. Muky ensures a focused, distraction-free audio experience through Guided Access, keeping them entertained and safe. Features: * Kid-Friendly Audio Player: Lightweight, user-friendly audio player specifically designed for kids. Allows playlist selection without distractions or access to other features. * Playlist Cover List in Audio Player: Kids can now easily select their favorite tracks by cover. Albums are summarized, and the first track plays with a single click. * Direct Start in Audio Player: Start the app directly in the audio player for a quick and easy music experience, perfect for kids. * Admin Area: Manage playlists, settings, and controls in a dedicated admin area, separate from the kid's audio player. * Personalized Playlists: Create custom playlists with your choice of songs, albums, or audiobooks. Choose a title, color, and emoji to make each playlist unique and easy for kids to remember. * Apple Music Integration: Use your Apple Music subscription to access and add content. Easy search and drag-and-drop functionality make building playlists a breeze. * Guided Access: Enable Guided Access to restrict app usage and ensure your child stays within the Muky app. Control their interaction and keep them from accessing other apps. * Password Protection: Secure the audio player mode with a password. Exiting the audio player mode requires the password set by the parents, ensuring kids cannot exit the app simply. * User-Friendly Onboarding: Step-by-step onboarding guides you through setting up the app, creating playlists, enabling Guided Access, and setting a password. Start using Muky today to create a fun and secure music experience for your kids!

Version 1.1.0

* Playlist Cover List in Audio Player: Now you can easily browse your playlists by cover art in the audio player. Simply click on a cover to play the first track of an album. It's a fun and visual way to enjoy your music! * Option to Start Directly in the Audio Player: For an even smoother experience, you can now set the app to start directly in the audio player. Just activate this option in the settings. * Optimized Settings View: We've redesigned the settings view to make it more intuitive and user-friendly. * Limit Functionality Without Apple Music Access: Certain features are now limited for users without Apple Music access to ensure optimal performance and user experience. * Multiple Bug Fixes: We've squashed various bugs, including fixing the contact button that wasn't working. * Other Improvements: Enjoy several enhancements that boost overall performance and provide a better user experience.

App Privacy

The developer, Oliver Janssen , indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy .

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The developer does not collect any data from this app.

Privacy practices may vary, for example, based on the features you use or your age. Learn More


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iOS 18 Adds These 5 New Features to CarPlay

Apple did not mention CarPlay during its WWDC keynote this week, but iOS 18 includes a handful of new features for the in-car software.

iOS 18 CarPlay Feature

Below, we recap everything new for CarPlay on iOS 18.

New for CarPlay on iOS 18

1. contact photos in messages app.

iOS 18 adds contact photos next to names in the Messages app, making it easier to identify conversations at a glance.

iOS 18 CarPlay 1

2. Silent Mode Settings

In the Settings app, you can now choose to have Silent mode on your iPhone automatically turn on or off when the device is connected to CarPlay.

iOS 18 CarPlay 5

3. Color Filters

Apple has expanded Color Filters to CarPlay. This accessibility feature can help individuals with color blindness to differentiate colors on the CarPlay interface.

iOS 18 CarPlay 3

4. Voice Control

Voice Control is another new accessibility feature that allows you to control CarPlay entirely with Siri voice commands through a connected iPhone.

iOS 18 CarPlay 7

5. Sound Recognition

Sound Recognition is expanding to CarPlay to provide notifications for driving-related sounds, such as car horns and sirens. This feature can be especially beneficial to drivers or passengers who are deaf or hard of hearing.

CarPlay Sound Recognition

Update — June 14: Sports Score Card via Siri

We found another feature after publishing: if you ask Siri for a sports score, it will now show a card on the CarPlay interface. This works for the NBA and NHL at a minimum.

CarPlay iOS 18 Sports Siri

Next-Generation CarPlay

Apple shared some updated next-generation CarPlay images during WWDC 2024, revealing new Vehicle, Media, and Climate apps on the screen for the first time.

Next-generation CarPlay will be highly customizable, allowing automakers to tailor the design of the system to uniquely match their vehicles. Apple revealed a variety of different design options and layouts that will be available to automakers.

Next Generation CarPlay Design WWDC 2024 2

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Top rated comments.

Kylo83 Avatar

Everywhere I'm aware of, it's illegal to drive with your ears plugged by headphones. Seems to be the same thing. Driving is 90% visual, but I'm thinking I would definitely notice if I couldn't hear anything while driving. Horns and sirens alone are enough reason, those two things are there to warn of potential danger.

PBG4 Dude Avatar

TIL deaf people can drive. Huh.

alexandr Avatar

All I want is making a phone call and it not taking over the whole page so my Waze goes and have to click it again. It should be a small banner

Biro Avatar

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Coming in beta this fall *

Writing, focus, and communication.

New Writing Tools and language capabilities help you write, summarize longer text, and prioritize notifications.

Delightful images created just for you.

Create images to express yourself, craft Genmoji for conversations, or revisit favorite moments with your own memory movies.

The start of a new era for Siri.

With richer language understanding and awareness of your personal context, Siri is more capable and helpful than ever.

Use your iPhone from your Mac

With iPhone Mirroring, you can view what’s on your iPhone and control it too, without having to reach for it. 1

Access your iPhone anytime using the iPhone Mirroring app in the Dock. You can fully interact with your iPhone and its apps wirelessly, using your Mac keyboard, trackpad, or mouse. And your iPhone stays locked, so no one else can access it or see what you’re doing.

iPhone notifications on Mac

Catch your iPhone notifications right alongside your Mac ones. Even better, you can take action and launch straight into an app when using iPhone Mirroring.

Seamless drag and drop between devices

Move files, photos, and videos between your iPhone and Mac as easily as you drag and drop between apps on Mac.


Easy window tiling.

Drag windows to the edge of your screen to effortlessly arrange them into side-by-side tiles on your desktop, or place them in corners to keep even more apps in view.

Tiling with keyboard and menu shortcuts

Lay out your workspace on the fly.

Instantly move the app you’re using to a tiled position with dedicated keyboard shortcuts. Holding down the Option key while dragging a window shows you a preview of all your tiling options. And the green button on the top left of each window, along with the menu bar, gives you a quick way to choose from tiling options.

Presenter preview

See exactly what you’re going to share in video calling apps — your whole screen or a single app — before displaying it for everyone.

Background replacements

Express yourself or just hide the laundry behind you with beautiful built-in backgrounds or your own photos, while industry-leading segmentation technology helps you look your best.

Introducing Highlights

Quickly pull up relevant info from a site. 2

Safari will automatically detect relevant information on a page and highlight it as you browse. Highlights display helpful information like directions and quick links to learn more about people, music, movies, and TV shows.

A smarter, redesigned Reader

With a table of contents and high-level summary, get the gist of an article before reading on. 3

More control over web video

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Passwords app

All your credentials in one place.

From passwords to verifications and security alerts, find them all securely stored in the Passwords app.

Backed by secure end-to-end encryption and seamless syncing, the Passwords app safely stores all your credentials. It lets you filter and sort accounts by recently created, credential type, or whether an account is in a shared group, to quickly find accounts you’re looking for.

Securely synced across devices and apps

Works across Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple Vision Pro, and Windows.

Access the Passwords app on Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Apple Vision Pro, and on Windows with the iCloud for Windows app. All the passwords sync securely across your devices, and if you use AutoFill, your passwords will automatically be added to the Passwords app.

New and upcoming games for Mac

Enjoy new and upcoming titles from game developers taking full advantage of Metal 3 and Apple silicon to deliver smooth frame rates and high-quality visuals.

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  • Frostpunk 2
  • Dead Island 2
  • Assassins Creed: Shadows
  • Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
  • Sniper Elite 4
  • RoboCop: Rogue City
  • World of Warcraft: The War Within

View the collection in the Mac App Store

All-new ways to play with text

Type with tone, flair, and feeling.

In addition to bold, italics, underline, and strikethrough, you can instantly add playful, animated effects to any letter, word, or phrase in iMessage. Or let macOS suggest effects to apply as you type. Whether you want to emphasize some major news, bring your emoji to life, or you’re just blown away, text effects give you new ways to visually amplify your texts. Some words and phrases automatically display a suggestion, and you can also add one of the many new effects to any text.

Tapback with any emoji or sticker

Express yourself in more ways than ever.

Now you can send a Tapback with any emoji or sticker, including Live Stickers made from your own photos and stickers from your favorite sticker packs, and quickly access the ones you and your friends use most.

Schedule a message with Send Later

Whether it’s too late at night or too important to forget, you can now schedule a message to send at a specified time.

Topographic maps and trail networks

Maps now features topographic maps with detailed trail networks and hikes, including all 63 U.S. national parks. 4

Save hikes for offline access

Browse thousands of hikes that you can save to your other devices — along with any notes you want to add. 5

Custom walking and hiking routes

Create your own routes.

Create and save custom walking and hiking routes with just a few clicks. Choose different route options, including “one way,” “out and back,“ or a loop.

Live audio transcription

Record audio sessions within your note and generate live audio transcriptions you can search through or combine with other comments, checklists, or documents. 6

Crunch numbers, evaluate expressions, and assign variables — right from Notes. 7 The app solves expressions inline as soon as you type an equals sign. 8

In addition to basic math, Math Notes can solve all the same functions as the scientific calculator. You can even assign variables, use them in equations, and then adjust them to see how they affect your results. And you can save your Math Notes to revisit anytime.

Collapsible sections

Simplify and hide text with collapsible section headers, making it easy to manage your most text-heavy notes.


Make text stand out with color.

With the new highlight style feature, it’s easier to quickly mark up your notes and make text stand out.

Hands-free Siri Interactions

Say yes with a nod, or no with a shake.

With Siri Interactions on AirPods Pro (2nd generation), you’ll have the ability to simply nod your head yes or gently shake your head no to respond to Siri. So if you’re on the bus to work or at home while the baby is sleeping, you can keep Siri working in the background without having to speak out loud.

Voice Isolation on AirPods Pro

Sound crystal clear on calls, even in windy conditions or areas with loud background noise, through advanced computational audio.

Personalized Spatial Audio for gaming

The same immersive experience that has transformed music and movies puts you right in the middle of the action of your favorite games. 9

Game developers are already using the new API to bring this experience to games with advanced sound design. In addition, voice quality improvements for in-game chat and streaming deliver 16-bit, 48kHz audio and support for dynamic head tracking. And AirPods Pro now deliver our best wireless audio latency ever for mobile gaming, giving you even more of an edge. 10

And so much more.


Updated basic and scientific calculators introduce new tools like history and unit conversions. You can also enter and continue to view complete expressions with parentheses, trigonometry, and multiple operations before hitting equals for the final answer.

Create, view, edit, and complete reminders from the Reminders app right in Calendar.

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The Feels Like temperature appears prominently near the actual temperature when they differ significantly. You can also add your home and work locations from Contacts to your list of locations in the Weather app.

With guest access you can manage how and when people can enter your home. 11 Add robot vacuum cleaners to the Home app, including in scenes, automations, and Siri requests. 12 And easily access and understand your home electricity use with new Electricity Usage and Rates features. 13

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safari not playing audio on web sites.... but ok with iTunes and youtube

Have tried everything in trying sort this out with help from various forums.. but to no avail.. Safari is becoming a waste of time the other day it wouldnt complete a Credit card transaction... i used Chrome and it went through ..! what the **** is going on with a brand like apple .. come on I need help

MacBook Pro with Retina display, macOS Sierra (10.12.1), No sound from Safari..

Posted on Nov 21, 2016 10:53 PM

Eric Root

Posted on Nov 22, 2016 7:04 AM

Try Safari/Preferences/Security and make sure Allow Plug-ins is checked. Then click Plug-in Settings and make sure the plug-ins are enabled. Also check Safari/Preferences/Advanced to see if Stop plug-ins to save power is checked. If so, try unchecking it.

Loading page content

Page content loaded

Nov 22, 2016 7:04 AM in response to bugga-lugs


Nov 22, 2016 1:22 AM in response to bugga-lugs

Please check the Mute settings.

Unmute, if it is set to mute.


Reset SMC. Choose the method for “If the battery is nonremovable”.


  1. HTML : html5 audio not playing on IOS Safari

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  2. Audio playing incomplete issues in Safari

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  3. Audio playback in Safari stops when devic…

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  4. [IOS] [Safari] Cannot change audio input. It always get default input

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  5. Top 8 Ways to Fix Safari Not Playing Videos on iPhone

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  6. Top 8 Ways to Fix Safari Not Playing Videos on iPhone

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  1. How to fix safari could not install a profile due to an unknown error iOS 17 !! iOS 17 Safari issue

  2. Safari Could not install a profile due to an unknown error in iPhone iPad Problem Fix

  3. Safari_-_[Edit audio]

  4. Решение! Не работает Safari на iPhone iOS 14 / Сафари зависает на вводе данных

  5. Нет звука в Safari

  6. Serena


  1. Audio playback in Safari stops when devic…

    Audio playback in Safari stops when device locked or Safari loses focus in iOS and iPadOS 15. In iOS and iPadOS 15.1, audio playback in Safari stops on certain web sites as soon as the Safari app loses focus (for example, if you switch apps, or return to the Home Screen), or if the device is locked. Sites affected appear to be any site playing ...

  2. ios

    It will play the sound once the element is mounted. (Even on safari iOS) Then it seems you can play it whenever you want again by calling. document.getElementById('beep').play(); But now you may say, but I don't want to play the sound as autoplay. Yes, I outsmarted it to put the "muted" property on that, and then set it to false when playing.

  3. How to enable Safari Web Browser audio ?

    How to enable audio auto-play in iPad Safari I just signed up for Amazon Music. In order to play a selection, Amazon popped up a dialog stating, "Enable Auto-Play - To play music, you must enable auto-play. " I searched iPad's settings and Safari's settings, but auto-play settings was nowhere to be found.

  4. Audio playback in Safari stops when device locked or Safari loses focus

    This issue was not present in iOS 14, and appears to have been introduced in 15. One well-known workaround available in prior versions of iOS/iPadOS to get the device to continue playing the Safari audio was to tap "Play" from Control Center in the top right after the audio stops.

  5. IOS 15 Safari Audio Playing but No Sound

    If the page is reloaded the audio will begin playing for a few seconds then stop again. The only way to reliably to fix the audio playback is to double tap and swipe safari out of view and then reload our application. Things we have checked and tried: Volume is at maximum. Volume is not muted. Tablet is active and never enters sleep when detected.

  6. How to Enable Safari Web Browser Audio on Your iPhone?

    To enable Safari audio on your iPhone, start by opening the Settings app. Scroll down and tap on Safari. Here, you'll find the Safari auto-play settings. Tap on Auto-Play, and select "Allow ...

  7. IOS 16.1 safari html5 audio tag not worki…

    Press and hold either volume button and the side button until the power-off slider appears. Drag the slider, then wait 30 seconds for your device to turn off. If your device is frozen or unresponsive, force restart your device. To turn your device back on, press and hold the side button (on the right side of your iPhone) until you see the Apple ...

  8. iOS 17.4 beta audio failed in Safa…

    3 - Press 'Play audio'. No audio plays. To temporarily fix the problem: 4 - On a different tab go on Youtube/Dailymotion/whatever and play a video. Audio plays fine. 5 - Go back to the original tab and press 'Play audio'. The audio now plays.

  9. Audio auto-play issues, IOS, safari

    Audio problems on IOS Safari/Chrome. 1:N One-way Livestreaming help. Could not display for remote producers. Audio problems on IOS Safari/Chrome. BronzedBroth December 23, 2022, 12:39pm 2. Perform the GUM check before your prompt the user with a join button to click.

  10. Audio does not play automatically in Safari

    To do this: Open the Safari menu and select Settings for This Website…. Change the Auto-Play setting from Never Auto-Play or Stop Media with Sound to Allow All Auto-Play. Click away from the settings window to dismiss it. If necessary, refresh the test window to reload the question and allow audio to play automatically.

  11. HTML5 Audio does not load/play in IOS Safari

    Hello all, I was trying implement an audio player app like this one in my website I was using Google drive to host my audio. I was told by my friends that it worked fine and flawlessly on all browsers and devices except IOS Safari. The codepen does work on Safari on IOS though even if I put the Google drive hosted audio link. I googled and found out through Stackoverflow that IOS on Safari ...

  12. Audio not playing in Safari for macOS/iOS

    I'm using googles text-to-speech api on the backend, and sending to the frontend in the form of an ArrayBuffer. It then gets converted to a url that played with This is working on chrome on mobile, windows, and macOS, but no luck in Safari.. I've seen a few threads similar to this one, and tried a few of the answers with no luck.

  13. Fix iOS AudioContext on Safari not playing any audio. It needs to be

    Fix iOS AudioContext on Safari not playing any audio. It needs to be "warmed up" from a user interaction, then you can play audio with it as normal throughout the rest of the life cycle of the page. - fixIOSAudioContext.js. Fix iOS AudioContext on Safari not playing any audio. It needs to be "warmed up" from a user interaction, then ...

  14. No website sounds in Safari 15

    I have websites using CreateJS library for sounds and animation. Sounds are preloaded and played on button click. Since updating to Safari 15 no sound can be heard and as soon as I load the website I get the following error: "Unhandled Promise Rejection: EncodingError: Decoding failed". Everything works fine on other browsers.

  15. iOS does not play using Web Audio API or HTML5 #1220

    this even is a little more complex: If you are using an audio element as it is done when html5 is set to true, then audio should play even when the device is muted. If you are using an AudioBuffer, as it is done when html5 is false, then audio is muted when the device is muted. One might speculate about the actual use cases apple had in mind ...

  16. Skirting the iOS/Safari audio auto-play policy for UI sound effects

    There is a workaround that involves playing the sound in muted form before the async operation happens. There is a weird bug in Mobile Safari, I think, that prevents HTTPMediaElement.volume being updated, that almost certainly no one will ever come across. Playing sounds in web browsers SEEMS easy, but it turns out not to be!

  17. Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta) on

    With Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta) on, you can play over 100 console games on your supported devices with your Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscription. Enjoy your favorite titles anytime, anywhere, without downloading or installing anything. Just sign in and start playing.

  18. Resources

    Introduced by Apple, WebKit is the most advanced rendering engine, drawing the web pages in Safari on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. WebKit Open Source Project; WebDriver. Write automated tests to exercise web content in Safari to ensure a good user experience, and run those same tests against other browsers with a WebDriver-compliant driver.

  19. Javascript audio context on Safari / IOS 15

    If it means that audio does not start playing with this warning, you should call source.start(0) after user's gesture. The AudioContext was not allowed to start. It must be resumed (or created) after a user gesture on the page. For Example, call request.send() in some button's onclick function.

  20. ‎Muky on the App Store

    Muky is the perfect app for creating and managing music playlists for your kids using your Apple Music account. Muky ensures a focused, distraction-free audio experience through Guided Access, keeping them entertained and safe. Features: * Kid-Friendly Audio Player: Lightweight, user-friendly audio player specifically designed for kids.

  21. Safari 15.0 doesn't play audio

    Websites on Safari do not have sound effects Hello, I'm using Safari Big Sur 11.4 on Macbook Pro 13-inch 2017. When I open websites like or, the sound effects or audio wont play. I have enabled Allow All Auto-Play on these two websites and restarted my laptop but the sounds are still not playing.

  22. iOS 18 Adds These 5 New Features to CarPlay

    Apple intends to slim down the MacBook Pro, Apple Watch, and iPhone, with the new ultra-thin M4 iPad Pro a sign of the company's new design trajectory, according to Bloomberg's Mark Gurman.

  23. Why does this audio play () fail on iOS 14?

    html5 <audio> not playing on IOS Safari. 1 HTML5 Audio player works on safari/Chrome, but not iPhone. Related questions. 6 HTML5 Audio object doesn't play in Safari. 10 html5 <audio> not playing on IOS Safari. 1 ... Web Audio API not playing on iOS version 13.3. Works on older versions of iOS.

  24. WWDC24 Highlights

    With iOS 18, users will now be able to arrange apps and widgets in any open space on the Home Screen, customize the buttons at the bottom of the Lock Screen, and quickly access more controls in Control Center.With the biggest redesign ever of the Photos app, photo libraries are automatically organized in a new single view in Photos, and helpful new collections keep favorites easily accessible.

  25. Safari audio not going through headphones

    Mute audio in tabs in Safari on Mac - Apple Support. If this does not work, resetting the NVRAM (a small amount of memory that your Mac uses to store and quickly access certain system settings such as sound volume) might help: Reset NVRAM on your Mac - Apple Support. If all else fails, resetting the SMC (power manager) on your Mac may be needed.

  26. macOS Sequoia Preview

    Safari will automatically detect relevant information on a page and highlight it as you browse. ... And AirPods Pro now deliver our best wireless audio latency ever for mobile gaming, giving you even more of an edge. 10. And so much more. ... with Siri and device language set to U.S. English, as part of iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia this ...

  27. safari not playing audio on web sites....…

    Posted on Nov 22, 2016 7:04 AM. Try Safari/Preferences/Security and make sure Allow Plug-ins is checked. Then click Plug-in Settings and make sure the plug-ins are enabled. Also check Safari/Preferences/Advanced to see if Stop plug-ins to save power is checked. If so, try unchecking it.