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20 years of Safari: A visual history

By D. Griffin Jones • 6:01 am, January 7, 2023

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Safari @ 20: Visual history.

Over the past 20 years, Apple’s Safari web browser grew from a speedy young upstart to a polished professional. Released on this day in 2003 as a free download, Safari has been bundled with every version of the Mac operating system since.

Take a trip down memory lane as we look at how Safari has evolved over the years.

A visual history of Apple’s web browser, Safari

Like any Apple product that survives more than one generation, the look of Safari has morphed over time. Both the browser’s design and its features changed as Cupertino strived to make Safari the best it could be. And, as with so many Apple products, the browser that started out fast but buggy evolved over the next two decades into something beautiful and reliable.

Perhaps surprisingly, our saga doesn’t start with Safari itself …

Internet Explorer: Safari’s predecessor

Internet Explorer 4 on Mac OS X 10.0 Cheetah

No, our story actually begins with Internet Explorer, the browser that first shipped with Mac OS 8.1 in 1997. This was a controversial shift away from Netscape , which had been the default for a few years prior.

Everyone knew the internet was going to be big. Apple would later center the iMac’s marketing on it being a great, easy-to-use computer for the internet . The partnership with Microsoft, which landed Internet Explorer on Macs, kept Apple afloat and helped it ride the internet wave.

But by 2003, Apple had got its feet on the ground. Cupertino no longer needed Bill Gates’ money.

Safari 1: A new kind of browser

Safari 1 on Panther

Steve Jobs unveiled Safari at Macworld San Francisco in 2003. Watch the introduction, and you will see people cheering and applauding Safari for taking only 16 seconds to load a web page.

The biggest selling point was the simple fact that it was an internet browser designed by Apple. Its dead-simple user interface looks shockingly modern to this day. It clearly wasn’t designed for Windows and grafted over; it was designed first and foremost for Mac OS X.

Safari 2 and 3: Made for the wide world of blogging

Safari 2 RSS

Safari 2 added a big feature for the golden age of independent blogging: RSS. Visit your favorite internet blog, click the RSS button in the address bar, and you enter what looks a bit like Reader Mode.

Safari 3 brought tabbed browsing to the Mac, catching up with competitors Firefox and OmniWeb .

Safari 4: Crisis averted

Safari 4 Tabs on Top

The Safari 4 beta controversially moved the tab bar to the top of the browser window . People complained that it was hard to distinguish between clicking and moving around the window versus reordering tabs, and that the lack of a proper title bar broke Mac conventions.

Apple reversed this design and never made any controversial choices regarding the tab bar ever again until the next time it did.

An iOS version for iPhones

Safari on iPhone

The biggest innovation to Safari since its introduction was shrinking it down to run on the original iPhone. This was a heck of a feat.

Before the iPhone arrived in 2007, cellphones technically had web browsers in much the same way an airplane can technically drive on a road. They were tiny, they were slow, and most of them were entirely text-based. Keep in mind an Apple Watch has a bigger screen than a lot of cellphones from the mid-2000s.

With Safari on iPhone, running the full, desktop-capable web on a smartphone was kind of a big deal. The internet was no longer a place in your house you sat down to use. You can watch Jobs show it off here .

A safari to the far-off lands of … the PC?

Safari on Windows

Then, an even crazier thing happened: Safari came to Windows XP and Vista. This short-lived experiment lasted from 2008 to 2012, ending with the release of Safari 6.

Safari joined iTunes as Apple’s second major app (or as they say on the PC, the second major program ) for Windows. But obviously, people didn’t take to it. iTunes lives on to this day, and Microsoft has even announced that Apple is working on brand-new Music and TV apps for the PC platform .

A fresh coat of paint glass

Safari 8 on Yosemite

Safari got its biggest visual shakeup alongside the rest of OS X Yosemite in 2014. The fresh coat of paint brightened the look of the Mac. The new design rolled the title bar and toolbar together to make for a slimmer UI.

Safari was one of many apps for OS X and iOS to introduce Continuity , a handy set of features for seamlessly switching between your Mac and your iPhone. When you approach your Mac with your phone in hand (and Safari open), you’ll see an extra Safari icon in the Dock on your Mac. Click it, and you’ll be taken to the same page you had open. I still use this feature nearly every day.

In the mid-2010s, as people became more concerned about data privacy on the internet, Safari added some privacy-conscious features . Intelligent Tracking Prevention puts strict limits on cookies to keep data miners from following your activity across the web. Automatic Strong Passwords generates unique, complicated passwords for each online account you create in the browser, syncing with all your devices over iCloud Keychain.

Apple introduced Sign In With Apple and Apple Pay on the Web more than three years ago to a mild splash of excitement, but over time they have become essential features for many users.

One interface forward, two steps back

Safari 15

Apple completely redesigned Safari in 2021, delivering a more universal look across the Mac, iPhone and iPad. The minimal, all-in-one navigation bar blended into the website you visited and tucked away all the controls.

Boy, were people angry. People don’t  want the same exact interface on the Mac as they do on the iPhone — they’re completely different devices.

Apple slowly walked back the design, piece by piece, over the months between June and September, but you can still enable the abandoned unified tab bar design in Safari Preferences.

Smarter features for the future of the web

Throughout Safari’s two-decade history, Apple consistently stuck to one simple philosophy while engineering its browser: It’s never allowed to get slower. Every new feature, every change, needs to make Safari faster. Slower is simply unacceptable.

Plus, Safari gets smarter every year. It’s been my browser of choice ever since I’ve had a Mac. So, happy birthday, Safari. Here’s to the next 20.

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FAQ: What’s new in Safari 14

With the arrival this fall of macos 11 big sur, apple users will get an updated safari browser. coming soon: web extension support, touchid for password authentication and a variety of customizations..

macos big sur safari start page

Apple last week unveiled macOS 11, aka “Big Sur,” at its all-virtual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC). Like any other year, the Cupertino, Calif. company also gave coders a preview build of the operating system so they could get cracking.

And the new OS means, as usual, a new Safari browser for the desktop. Thank goodness for consistency, eh?

Unlike rivals, who crank out new browsers every few weeks – for instance, Mozilla refreshes Firefox every four – Apple rolls out a new Safari just once a year. Rather than spread out new features and functionality across a dozen or so updates, Apple packs the bulk of new into a single upgrade.

That deserves attention. We want to oblige.

Here, in Q&A format, is what you need to know now about the upcoming Safari. Computerworld will expand on this throughout the summer as Apple continues to pump out betas.

What’s Apple calling the new browser? Safari 14. Yes, exciting. Jump back, Loretta.

Last year’s Safari – the one packaged with Catalina, macOS 10.15 – was v.13 and unless the sky falls in, 2021’s will debut as v.15.

Apple’s practice of upgrading Safari annually led to that low numeric; rivals like Google’s Chrome and Microsoft’s Edge are at 83, and Firefox is at 77.

How do I get Safari 14? Pay the Man – at least if you want it now.

A mere $99 gets you an Apple Developer’s account – no, you don’t need to really be a developer to register – and thus access to early-release builds, including macOS 11, aka “Big Sur,” which includes Safari 14. Download and install Big Sur, or upgrade an existing macOS to it, and you’re green.

At some point this month, Apple will kick off a public beta program for Big Sur, as it has in the past for previous operating systems. The public beta will be free, but will slightly trail the developer build in stability and reliability throughout the preview process.

To sign up for Apple’s beta program, head here .

When will Apple launch Safari 14? “This fall” is as specific as Apple got when it unveiled macOS 11. September is the most likely month, with October not far behind; of the last seven upgrades, four have been released in September, three in October.

I love tabs. There’s no such thing as too many tabs. What does Safari 14 have for me? Users can preview an open tab by hovering the cursor over that tab, which after a short delay displays a thumbnail image of the page under said tab.

Safari 14 now displays “favicons,” the small icons, often a site logo, which make open tabs more visually recognizable, by default. (Earlier versions required an option be set in Preferences > Tabs > Show website icons in tabs .)

Apple also said that 14 will display more tabs that earlier versions; when numerous tabs are open, a favicon-only look eliminates site-name text but still allows for recognition.

Safari 1

Hover the mouse pointer over a tab for a quick peek at the page. It’s a great way to orient yourself when tabs are thicker than fleas on a stray cat.

I’m tired of passwords. How about some help? Safari 14 on macOS will let users authenticate to a website using Apple’s Touch ID technology. (And if Apple ever adds Face ID to Macs, as it’s done Touch ID to the MacBook Pro and MacBook Air, probably that, too.)

Websites have to code for the functionality, which once a user authenticates the usual way – username, password – will ask if he or she wants to opt in to using Touch ID. Sites that require two-factor authentication, banks, say, can be accommodated; a press on the Touch ID key and that’s handled as well.

I’m not paying for a developer account but I’d like to see what Safari has for me now. What are my options? The Safari Technology Preview is what you’re looking for. This is a beta program separate from the macOS beta; it runs constantly, giving site developers a way to test changes throughout a version’s lifecycle.

The latest, Preview 109 , includes “new Safari and WebKit features that will be present in Safari 14.”

The developer preview can be run side-by-side with the stable, release-format Safari in macOS Catalina. No developer account is required to download and use the preview.

Will Safari 14 support Flash? Nope.

This version of Safari will be the first to support Adobe Flash in any way, shape or form. Three years ago, Apple – along with rival browser makers – said it would drop Flash support by the end of 2020. (Adobe pegged that same timetable for halting updates and distribution of Flash Player.)

I heard Safari 14 will translate foreign languages, just like Chrome does. Is that right? Well, not like Chrome.

The browser will translate several languages – English, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, French, German, Russian and Brazilian Portuguese – but that’s a far cry from Google’s tally, which is more than 100. (Google Translate has been integrated into Chrome for a decade.)

If translation is possible, you’ll see an icon near the far right end of the address field. Click on that and available translations will show. Languages for translations to (not from) must be listed in the Preferences > Language & Region > General > Preferred Languages .

Apple currently labels this feature as beta.

Safari 2

Click on the icon near the right end of the address bar – just before the refresh symbol – to translate a page.

Will Safari 14 run Chrome add-ons? How about those for Firefox? Sort of. But not out of the box.

While Safari 14 will support a Web Extensions API, a cross-browser system for developing add-ons, Apple’s implementation is somewhat different from the APIs used by Chrome and Firefox (and others, like Edge, which are Chromium-based clones of Chrome); developers will have to run non-Safari extensions through a special converter to get them ready to place on the Mac App Store.

For its part, Mozilla, maker of Firefox, welcomed Safari jumping on the bandwagon. “We’re excited to see expanded support for this common set of browser extension APIs,” wrote Caitlin Neiman, add-ons community manager, in a June 23 post to the Mozilla Hacks site .

Where will you get add-ons for Safari 14? From the Mac App Store.

Earlier versions of the browser showed available add-ons after choosing Safari > Safari Extensions . That same menu selection now pops up the App Store, taking the user to the add-ons section.

Safari 3

Safari add-ons are now distributed through the Mac App Store.

Will support for the API mean a lot more add-ons for Safari? Theoretically, yes. Potentially, also yes.

Practically? Who knows?

Although Microsoft’s Edge can run Chrome extensions without any modification, that’s due to the two browsers’ identical code base. Firefox, for example, hasn’t greatly benefited from the Web Extensions standard. Whether Safari, with a paltry 4% global desktop browser share – and active on about 40% of all Macs – can attract enough interest to change its add-on count in any meaningful way is unknown. Even if it does, that may not translate into a larger slice of the Mac market. (Five years ago, for instance, Safari was the primary browser for 66% of Mac owners.)

What privacy tools has Apple added to Safari 14? Tops on Computerworld ‘s list: a new privacy report that, well, reports data on trackers and the websites using them that the browser has, well, browsed.

The report can be called by selecting Safari > Privacy Report . A pop-up window shows stats from the past 30 days, broken out by ranked websites – top of the list used more trackers than the one at the bottom – and tracker origin, such as (an ad network) and (self-explanatory). Safari’s report will also keep count of the number of trackers it’s blocked (assuming, of course, that the Preferences > Privacy > Website tracking box marked “Prevent cross-site tracking” has remained checked).

All of this is an adjunct to Safari’s Intelligent Tracking Protection (ITP), which debuted in 2017 and has been upgraded several times since. If ITP is turned off, the privacy report will be worthless.

The same holds for an individual site’s privacy report, accessed by clicking the shield-style icon to the left of the address bar. The ensuing small pop-up simply displays the number of blocked trackers, a list of the trackers used by that website and finally, entry to the full report (by clicking the info icon).

Firefox users will see much here that seems familiar, as Mozilla’s browser has provided a tracking report since October 2019 and version 70, as part of its Enhanced Tracking Protection (ETP) feature.

Safari 4

Safari’s new privacy report summarizes stats and calls out the sites that harbored the most trackers.

What about hacked password notification? Other browsers have that. Safari 14 will too, Apple’s said.

“Added notifying users when one of their saved passwords in iCloud Keychain has shown up in a data breach,” the Cupertino, Calif. company noted in the browser’s release notes .

Details weren’t spelled out, but the feature will almost certainly resemble those found in Firefox and Chrome, both of which check stored passwords against a database of the contents of known breaches, then report back when a match is found, urging the user to change said password.

To use the new warning, users will have to enable iCloud Keychain. Instructions on doing that can be found in this Apple support doc .

Frankly, Safari’s new tab page is boring. Anything to brighten that up? Yes.

Several new customizing options in Safari 14 let users add background images to the new tab page (like Chrome does), toggle on or off elements from iCloud Tabs to a truncated privacy report, and shrink or expand the number of recently-visited sites that populate the page.

Safari’s options are very easy to enable or disable – more so than other browser’s new tab pages – since they’re just checkboxes.

Safari 5

Safari 14’s new tab page can be customized by turning on or off several elements using the checkboxes.

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gregg keizer

Gregg Keizer covers Windows, Office, Apple/enterprise, web browsers, and web apps for Computerworld.

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Tata Safari History | The Evolution of an SUV Icon

Vaibhav Arora

The car which started it all, the car which made India familiar with the silhouette of a modern-day SUV. Today we go back in time and talk about one of the most iconic cars in the Indian Automotive history, the Tata Safari. 

 It was the year 1998 and Tata Motors already had two offerings in the chunky utility car segment, Tata Sierra and Tata Sumo which were considered somewhat of a legend themselves. It was around this time when Tata Motors brought in another contender and the trio went on to coin the popular term, Si-Su-Sa, ‘Si’ being the Sierra, ‘Su’ being the Sumo and new ‘Sa’ being the all-new Safari. 

For many Indians, especially the ones growing up in that era, Tata Safari was the first taste of a true 4WD SUV that we got in the country. In fact, it was the first made-in-India 4WD SUV and has evolved to garner tremendous popularity amongst the auto enthusiasts in the country.

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Tata Safari over the years

First-gen tata safari.

Tata Safari First Gen

Tata Safari made its debut at the 1998 Auto Expo. Its humongous proportions and those manly looks made it an instant hit. The first-gen Safari came with a 2.0 Litre turbocharged diesel engine derived from Peugeot XD88 unit earlier used in the Sierra. It produced 90BHP mated to a five-speed manual. Having a 4WD option, Safari was widely recognised for its off-road capabilities. The massive amount of ground clearance further adding to the that go anywhere factor.

Safari’s strong character was one of its kind back in the day and there wasn’t any other car that could stand toe-to-toe with its stature. The road presence of the car was so strong that it made the traffic around it look petite and insignificant. It was the first time that the Indian market got familiar with the concept of climbing into the car as opposed to the conventional way of sitting in the car. All these factors made it very popular amongst the “movers and shakers” around the country. It was a politician’s favourite ride and has been a part of the PM convoy for a long time.

Its capabilities made it very popular amongst the auto enthusiasts of the time. Tata Motors sold a great number of Safari cars during its initial run despite a price tag of Rs.8.25 lakhs which was considered hefty back in the day.

In 2003, Safari was also introduced with a 2.1 Litre straight-4 N/A petrol engine producing 135BHP.

Second-gen Safari Dicor

Tata Safari Dicor

The Safari had a great initial run with its popularity increasing along the way. But now arch-rival had also been breathing down its neck in the shape of the Mahindra Scorpio. So Tata Motors in 2005 gave an update to the existing Safari and the Safari Dicor was launched. It came with updated cosmetic changes on the exterior and refreshed interiors.

Under the hood, it housed 3.0 Litre turbo-diesel Dicor engine derived from the Tata 407 commercial vehicle. It produced 116 BHP and 300NM of torque and was mated to a 5-speed manual. It was priced competitively at Rs.6.40 lakhs to take the fight against the Mahindra Scorpio.

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In 2007, Tata further updated the Dicor with even fresher aesthetics, new headlamp cluster, new front grille and interior updates. The high-end trim even came with a host of features. These included dual airbags, ABS with EBD and rear AC vents. That’s not all, there was a DVD player with LCD screens at the front headrests for entertainment. It came with an all-new 2.2 Litre version of the Dicor tech engine producing 140BHP and 320NM of torque. This version was on sale from 2007 to 2012.

Tata Safari Storme  

Tata Safari Storme

The biggest revamp that the Safari got was showcased at the 11th Auto Expo in 2012 named the Safari Storme. The Safari Storme had sharper looks, sporty front and rear profile and the design language based on Tata’s X2 platform was very appealing to the enthusiasts. With the Storme, the Safari got another engine update, a new 2.2 Litre Varicor engine producing 150BHP and 320NM torque.

2015, witnessed the Storme getting a more powerful 2.2 Litre Varicor 400 engine, producing 156BHP and a massive 400NM of torque. This variant also got new styling cues inspired by the Land Rovers. The Safari Storme came in both 2WD and 4WD options.

The Safari Storme GS800 | Indian Army

Tata Safari Storme GS800

After being a commercial success and critically acclaimed vehicle by Tata Motors for several years. The Safari Storme went on to prove its metal and served the Indian Army. Tata Motors was commissioned by the Indian Army to produce special versions of the Safari Storme as the official vehicle for the Army. Named the GS800, it came with bullet-proofing and offered additional payload capacity, power and torque figures to conquer the rough trials and high-altitude roads for the Army.

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Phasing out of the Safari

With the emergence of various modern-age mid-size SUVs and transition of the market towards the new and revolutionary compact SUVs, the Safari simply began to seem dated against all the potential the Market had now.

After the emergence of BS6 norms, Tata Motors gradually faded out the Moniker somewhere around 2019. Tata Gravitas which was showcased at the 2020 Auto Expo is expected to take Safari’s place in the Indian car market. 

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Vaibhav Arora


Very good car and royalty also

I love this car scince 2000 but got this on 2014 all new tata safari storm really I want to say that after driving this car I think there is no other suv’s that i drive gave me such a great pleasure like safari storm. Love u safari

I love my safari.. But maintenance becomes difficult due to nonavailability of spare parts.alway proud of my grand royal elephant.

Hi Anita, We are happy to know and you and your Tata Safari are having fun with each other. Wish you many more years of such happiness ahead. Happy Motoring. Stay Pinned! 🙂

My safari 3 litre still going strong. The 3 litre is a bit more crude but more reliable than the 2.2. Also the 3 litre has 320nm torque and not 300 as mentioned above. Mine is the VX so came with factory fitted lcd screens, blaupunkt music system, reverse camera, abs and air bags. Got on her offset mag wheels, Military snow camo(black,white and grey) on the side cladding all around which otherwise is black green metallic . The roof is pearl white. Scheduled a road trip to goa on Nov 6 night with her.

i have for sale three never registered brand new50 km year 2000 safaris and three telcoline duel cabs never been on road parked in garage twenty years contact me if interested time worp

My all time fav. SUV

Hi Suraj! Safari is indeed a good call!

Hey Shrey! How you doin?

The old Tata Safari was not just a car but an emotion for me.

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Safari 14 is now available for macOS Catalina and Mojave

Ahead of big sur’s launch later this year.

By Jon Porter , a reporter with five years of experience covering consumer tech releases, EU tech policy, online platforms, and mechanical keyboards.

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macOS Big Sur Safari

Apple has released the latest version of its Safari browser for macOS Catalina and High Sierra, ahead of the release of Big Sur later this year. Safari 14 improves the browser’s tabs, adds a new privacy report feature, and offers new customization options for your start page. You can download it by heading to System Preferences app and clicking “Software Update.” 

One of the key improvements that’s coming with the latest version of Safari is improved tab management . The tabs themselves have been redesigned to be more space-efficient, display website favicons by default, and show a preview of each tab while hovering your mouse over them. There’s a new start page which you can customize with your own backgrounds and links, and a Privacy Report that highlights any cross-site trackers that the browser is blocking. Oh, and this version of the browser also removes support for Adobe Flash.

Tab management, baby

Some new Safari features will require macOS Big Sur to run, and aren’t available if you’re updating Safari on an older version of the operating system, 9to5Mac reports . These include support for 4K HDR video, and the browser’s built-in translation feature.

Yesterday saw the release of a swathe of Apple operating system updates , including iOS 14 for iPhones, iPadOS 14 for iPads, tvOS 14 for the Apple TV, and watchOS 7 for Apple Watches. You’ve still got a little longer to wait to update your Mac, but at least you can grab the new browser now.

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Pick from popular cities, tata safari facelift fresh spy shots show new headlamp design, alloy wheels.

Similar design updates will also be meted out to the Harrier facelift; both due to go on sale by Diwali this year.

Published On May 19, 2023 05:32:00 PM


Tata Safari facelift spied

In the lead-up to the launch of the Safari facelift in October this year , Tata Motors continues testing the updated SUV on our roads. A fresh sighting of a camouflaged test mule gives us the clearest look yet at the design details of the facelifted Safari. The Safari facelift takes design inspiration from the  Harrier EV concept  that was previewed at Auto Expo earlier this year. A majorly overhauled interior along with a new turbo-petrol engine under the hood is also expected to be on the cards.

  • Safari facelift to borrow Harrier EV design cues
  • Prices likely to be announced around October this year
  • New 1.5-litre turbo-petrol engine could come later 

Tata Safari facelift exterior design

Previous sightings of the Safari facelift test mules have already hinted at a completely redesigned front fascia. It will retain a split LED headlamp set-up, but the upper LED DRL will be a full-width light bar stretching across the bonnet. Meanwhile, the main headlamp cluster in the bumper below is now vertically positioned.

safari launch year

The latest spy images reveal a blacked-out treatment around the headlamp housing and there even seems to be an air vent integrated into the cluster. Not only do the new headlamps look a lot sleeker than the bulbous units on the current Safari, but the blacked-out treatment could give a distinctive dual-tone look to the fascia of the SUV. The redesign has resulted in a completely new bumper, and there’s also an all-new grille with slim horizontal slats.

safari launch year

There aren’t major changes in profile, but the new spy shots also give us a first look at the blacked-out, twin five-spoke alloy wheels. While the rear continues to be heavily camouflaged, the Safari will likely get new, slimmer and connected LED tail-lamps, and a slightly tweaked rear bumper. These design updates will also make it to the ICE-powered Harrier facelift that’s also due later this year.

Tata Safari facelift interior and features

Although the interior of the Safari facelift has not been spied yet, we expect a major overhaul there too. Tata has already introduced the new 10.25-inch touchscreen on the  Harrier  and Safari with the  Red Dark Edition , but we expect a few more changes to the dashboard design. Perhaps the new two-spoke steering wheel that was recently seen on the  Nexon facelift test mule  could also make it to the Safari facelift.

Tata Safari facelift spied: could be petrol or EV

The Safari facelift will continue with the 2.0-litre turbo-diesel engine that produces 170hp and 350Nm of torque, and comes mated to either a 6-speed manual or an automatic gearbox. Tata's  new 1.5-litre four-cylinder turbo-petrol engine  which is currently under development could join the line-up at a later stage. 

Tata Safari facelift production, launch plan

As we recently reported, Tata Motors will start production of the Safari facelift at its Pimpri plant in September 2023, and a market launch could be expected by October 2023, just before Diwali. Upon launch, it will continue to rival with the likes of the  7-seat Mahindra XUV700 , and the  Hyundai Alcazar . 

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₹ 18,85,781 * on road price (New Delhi)

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Apple to unveil AI-enabled Safari browser alongside new operating systems

Marko Zivkovic's Avatar

Safari getting new AI tools in iOS 18

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Last updated 1 month ago

The software — expected to debut as Safari 18 later in 2024 — is currently undergoing evaluation alongside internal builds of Apple's next-generation operating system updates, namely iOS 18 and macOS 15 , according to people familiar with the matter. Should all of the new features make it to the release candidate stage, users will be treated to a new user interface (UI) for customizing popular page controls, a "Web eraser" feature, and AI-driven content summarization tools.

Intelligent Search - AI-enhanced browsing and text summarization

Engineers evaluating the latest builds of Safari 18 can find a toggle for the new page controls menu within the browser's address bar. The menu consolidates — and provides quick access to — old and new page control tools, among them being the browser's new "Intelligent Search" feature.

A screenshot of Arc Search on iPhone with a summary of an article from AppleInsider

This feature is not automatically enabled in test builds of Safari 18 and instead requires manual activation from the page controls menu. Once enabled, it's believed the tool leverages Apple's on-device AI technology — specifically the Ajax language-learning model — to identify topics and key phrases within a webpage for which to base the summarization.

In selecting key phrases, Apple's LLM software identifies sentences that provide explanations or describe the structure of objects, depending on the text in question. Words repeated within a text and key sentences are recognized as text topics.

These early indications suggest Apple is striving to deliver text summarization alongside Safari 18 later this year, though the exact implementation of this feature remains fuzzy.

Apple's text summarization features could be a response to rival generative AI tools, such as OpenAI's ChatGPT. But Apple's on-device models and technologies like Private Relay could make the experience much more secure for users. Intelligent Search is also likely to be the same AI browser assistant that one X user hinted at a couple of weeks back.

Web Eraser for better content-blocking

Also accessible from the new page controls menu is a feature Apple is testing called "Web Eraser." As its name would imply, it's designed to allow users to remove, or erase, specific portions of web pages, according to people familiar with the feature.

The feature is expected to build upon existing privacy features within Safari and will allow users to erase unwanted content from any webpage of their choosing. Users will have the option to erase banner ads, images, text or even entire page sections, all with relative ease.

A screenshot of 1Blocker's element blocking feature that removes selected parts of a webpage

The erasure is said to be persistent, rather than limited to a browsing session. This means that Safari will remember the changes even after the original tab or window has been closed.

When visiting a web page with previously erased content, Safari will inform the user that the page has been modified to reflect their desired changes. The browser will also give the user the option to revert changes and restore the webpage to its initial, unaltered state.

As for where Apple got the inspiration for Web Eraser, the company could have Sherlocked the feature from the third-party app 1Blocker. The application features a similar way of erasing ads, where users would tap ads to make them disappear.

Updated UI will move key tools into one easy location

The new page controls menu referenced throughout this article will attempt to offer Safari 18 users quick and easy access to several options previously located across different menus and the Share Sheet. Running on pre-release versions of macOS 15, for instance, the menu also pulls in the "Aa" menu common on existing iPadOS versions of the browser. These include zoom options, webpage settings for privacy controls, content blocking options, extension shortcuts, and access to the new AI and erasure tools.

A mockup image of desktop Safari with an iPad-like menu that includes AI and erase features.

These various options existed previously on macOS, but were found by navigating through the Safari settings menu. Having all of these controls in one central location in the Address Bar will make these options more discoverable for end users. Other options like on-page text search and reader mode are also in this menu.

This all suggests Apple intends to unite the iPadOS and macOS Safari UI paradigms when it unveils its new OS releases during its Worldwide Developers Conference in June.

AI-enhanced Visual Lookup feature could be available in 2025

Simultaneously, Apple is also working on a much more powerful visual search feature scheduled for integration sometime in 2025 that will allow users to obtain information on consumer products when browsing through images. People familiar with the tool say it's similar to the Visual Lookup feature, through which Siri can identify plants, pets and landmarks from photos.

An image of a black cat with big yellow eyes in Apple Photos with text below classifying it as a 'bombay'

Visual Search could be implemented as a system-wide feature. So, instead of surfacing search results in the Photos app, the user may be able to use Visual Search directly in Safari by selecting an image.

Given development of this tool is in the earlier stages, it remains unclear how Apple will ultimately go about implementing it. It also remains to be seen whether or not the feature will make it through internal testing.

The iPhone maker has expressed significant interest in artificial intelligence and more recently published research related to on-device language learning models. This goes hand in hand with widespread rumors about several other AI-powered software features, many of which are expected to make their debut later this year with iOS 18.

Another big year for Safari

From its inception, Safari was always meant to rival existing web browsers.

A Flickr login screen with password auto fill shown as a pop-up

Safari was originally added to macOS as a means of replacing Microsoft's Internet Explorer for Mac, which was the default browser. Over the years, the app made its way to the iPhone , and has since received various upgrades over the years.

More recent versions of Safari provide users with personalized web suggestions, and allow for greater privacy protection with features such as iCloud Private Relay.

This latest set of enhancements only serves to better position Safari against the competition, in an ever-increasing landscape of generative AI tools and third-party ad-blockers.

While Apple tests many such features during different development stages, it is important to remember that not all of them make it to release. Apple has been known to delay features or cancel them entirely, so there's always a chance we may not see these new Safari features after all.

Along with Safari 18 and its associated improvements, we should also see a revamped Calculator with Math Notes make its way to iPadOS 18. Freeform Scenes and Adaptive Voice Shortcuts are new OS features, which are also expected to debut later this year.

Apple is expected to introduce various AI-related enhancements as part of iOS 18 and macOS 15, both of which should be announced at the company's annual WWDC on June 10.


"As for where Apple got the inspiration for Web Eraser, the company could have Sherlocked the feature from the third-party app 1Blocker. The application features a similar way of erasing ads, where users would tap ads to make them disappear." They may also have been inspired by Simplified Page....

As long as I can turn it off/hide it they can knock themselves out. 

Will the web eraser feature remove pop up videos, such as the ones that appear on this site?

I use the 'Reader' function in Safari quite a bit, but sometimes it doesn't work very well. Seems like something that AI could help make better. 

Web ads suck but how else do you think your favorite websites will stay in business? Are you prepared to pay a subscription to every site? I doubt it…

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2023 Tata Safari, Harrier facelift LAUNCH LIVE UPDATES: Price, variants, features, specifications, all other details

India Today News Desk

Tata Motors will launch the Tata Safari 2023 and the Tata Harrier 2023 in India today. The company has made very significant updates to both SUVs. The changes are very much needed as the Tata duo has hardly been able to challenge the Mahindra pair of the XUV700 and the Scorpio (click here to read) . The new Tata Safari and the new Tata Harrier are basically the facelift models of the SUVs with their design language quite similar to what we saw on the Tata Nexon 2023. The features and specifications of the SUVs have already been revealed. The major announcement today would be the price. Stay tuned as we will be bringing all the live updates for you.

2023 Tata Harrier facelift - MD speaks

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"With its unique sportiness, dominant character, digital cockpit and contemporary interiors, the new Harrier is a true masterpiece enriching its classy pedigree," he added.

2023 Tata Safari facelift - MD speaks

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"We have therefore made the new Safari more safe, smart, assertive, plush and technologically advanced. It's time to 'Reclaim Your Life' with the new Safari," he added.

2023 Tata Safari, 2023 Tata Harrier prices

The 2023 Tata Safari facelift has been launched at a starting price of Rs 16.19 lakh (ex-showroom).

The 2023 Tata Harrier facelift price starts at Rs 15.49 lakh (ex-showroom).

2023 Tata Safari, 2023 Tata Harrier 5-star safety

The 2023 Tata Safari and the 2023 Tata Harrier have scored a five-star safety rating in both adult occupant protection and child occupant protection categories at the Global NCAP.

The Safari and Harrier have achieved the highest Global NCAP score for adult and child occupant safety among Indian cars.

2023 Tata Safari, 2023 Tata Harrier engine and transmission

The engine and transmission have been carried forward from before. It is the same Kryotec 2.0-litre diesel engine (170PS of max power and 350Nm of peak torque) with 6-speed MT and 6-speed AT options.

Tata Safari 2023, Tata Harrier 2023 Dark Edition

Apart from all the aforementioned variants, the Safari facelift and the Harrier facelift will get Dark Edition variants as well.

Even the pre-facelift Safari and Harrier have the all-black Dark Edition variants.

Tata Safari 2023, Tata Harrier 2023 exterior design

Tata has made a lot of updates to the exterior design of the Safari and the Harrier. If you look at these SUVs from the front or the rear, there is no resemblance to the pre-facelift versions.

Both SUVs get a new grille. There are newly designed LED headlamps with sequential LED turn indicators. There are new LED taillamps. The alloy wheels have been redesigned as well.

Tata Safari 2023, Tata Harrier 2023 variants

Both Safari 2023 and Harrier 2023 have four variants each.

The Safari is available in Smart, Pure, Adventure and Accomplished variants.

The Harrier gets Smart, Pure, Adventure and Fearless variants.

Tata Safari 2023, Tata Harrier 2023 price

We expect the flagship Tata Safari 2023 to be priced in the range of Rs 17 lakh to Rs 27 lakh (ex-showroom). Rival Mahindra XUV700 is priced between Rs 14.03 lakh and Rs 26.57 lakh (ex-showroom).

The Tata Harrier 2023 might sit in the price range of Rs 16 lakh and Rs 26 lakh (ex-showroom). On the other hand, the Mahindra Scorpio-N comes in the price bracket of Rs 13.26 lakh to Rs 24.53 lakh (ex-showroom).

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2023 Tata Harrier, Safari facelift SUVs launched: Highlights

  • Tata Motors has launched the new-look Harrier and Safari SUVs, both of which has undergone several changes in terms of design, features and technology.

Tata Harrier Safari facelift launch

Tata Motors has launched the new Harrier and Safari facelift SUVs today, October 17, at an event to be held in Chennai. Both SUVs broke cover recently, carrying a new design language and loaded with features, including ADAS technology. Both SUVs have secured five-star rating at the Global NCAP crash tests today. While Tata Motors has updated both 2023 Harrier and Safari facelift SUVs significantly, the carmaker continues to ditch petrol and trust its 2.0-litre diesel engine to power the two SUVs. The bookings for the new Harrier and Safari are already open and deliveries are expected to start from today. Here are all the highlights from the launch of Tata's two flagship models.

Tata Safari facelift SUV: Check full price list

Tata Safari facelift SUV price list

Tata Harrier facelift SUV: Check full price list

Tata Harrier facelift price list

Tata Harrier and Safari facelift SUVs launched: Check prices

Tata has launched the Harrier and Safari SUVs. The carmaker has announced the prices of the two flagship models. The price of the Harrier SUV starts from 15.49 lakh and goes up to ₹ 24.49 lakh (ex-showroom). The price of the Safari starts from ₹ 16.19 lakh and goes up to ₹ 25.49 lakh (ex-showroom). Prices for both are introductory in nature. Bookings for the Tata Harrier and Safari were opened earlier this month. one can book either of the SUVs for a token amount of ₹ 25,000. The deliveries will start shortly.

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Tata Harrier (HT Auto photo)

Tata Harrier and Safari to get updated colour palette

Tata Motors has introduced at least four new colours on the 2023 Harrier and Safari facelift SUVs. The new Tata Harrier facelift will be available in seven different exterior colour options. These are the Sunlit Yellow, Pebble Grey, Seaweed Green, Ash Grey, Oberon Black, Lunar White and Coral Red. The first three among these colours are completely new to the flagship Tata SUV. The top-end trims will come with dual-tone exterior colour options.

The 2023 Tata Safari facelift comes available in seven different exterior colours as well as dual-tone options. The colours available on Safari facelift are Cosmic Gold, Galactic Sapphire, Stardust Ash, Stellar Frost, Oberon Black, Supernova Copper and Lunar Slate. The Accomplished trim gets the most number of shades, while the Dark trim is only available in the Oberom Black shade.

Tata Harrier and Safari score perfect five at Global NCAP crash tests

The 2023 Tata Harrier and Safari facelift SUVs have expectedly sailed through Global NCAP crash tests with highest possible ranking. The Safari and Harrier have achieved the five-star rating for adult and child occupant safety in the latest tests. The two SUVs now come with enhanced safety features which include up to seven airbags, ADAS technology and much more. Check out the details report of Harrier and Safari crash tests . 

Tata Harrier and Safari variant: New look with new names

Tata Motors has changed the nomenclature of the variants of its SUVs. A trend the carmaker started with the facelift versions of the Nexon and Nexon EV continues with the 2023 Harrier and Safari as well. Tata Motors says the new variants are carefully curated to suit individual tastes varying between the adventurous and the family-oriented customers. The names also make it easier for one to understand which variants suits who. For the 2023 Safari, Tata has replaced the old nomenclatures for variant names to Smart, Pure, Adventure and Accomplished. The Harrier SUV will be offered in four variants called Pure, Adventure, Smart and Fearless. Both the SUVs will also be offered with the Dark Edition versions.

Tata Harrier rivals: Hyundai Creta to Jeep Compass

Tata Harrier facelift will have its task cut out when the carmaker launches the SUV in its new avatar. The compact SUV will rival the diesel versions of popular models like Hyundai Creta, Kia Seltos, MG Hector and even the Jeep Compass SUVs. Mahindra currently does not offer any SUV in the compact segment. However, in terms of pricing, the new Harrier could also rival some of the variants of the Scorpio-N and XUV700. In terms of sales, Harrier lags far behind the Korean rivals due to a single-engine option. A new look with more advanced features could see Harrier improve its performance on sales charts in coming days.

Tata Harrier, Safari to offer enhanced safety with ADAS features

Just like comfort and convenience features, Tata Motors has also enhanced the safety aspects of its two flagship SUVs. Both models are expected to score very high at crash tests and emerge as two of the safest SUVs in India. If six airbags are not enough, Tata has added a seventh airbag in both models. The seventh airbag has been placed to protect the knees of the driver. This will be available with the top-spec variants of the Harrier and Safari facelift SUVs. Besides offering seven airbags, Tata will also offer level-2 ADAS technology with the SUVs. The ADAS tech will offer as many as 11 assistive features for driving which include adaptive cruise control and blind spot detection among others. Other safety features include ABS with EBD, ESP, tyre pressure monitoring system, cruise control, driver attention alert, hill descent control, emergency call and breakdown alert and more.

Tata Harrier, Safari launch: Expected prices

The existing version of the Harrier SUV costs between ₹ 15.20 lakh and ₹ 24.27 lakh (ex-showroom). Expect the price of the 2023 Harrier SUV start around ₹ 15.50 lakh (ex-showroom). The price of the top-end version could go up to ₹ 25 lakh (ex-showroom). The existing models of Safari SUV comes at a starting price of ₹ 15.85 lakh (ex-showroom) and goes up to ₹ 25.21 lakh (ex-showroom). Expect the price of this three-row SUV to start around ₹ 16 lakh (ex-showroom).

Tata continues to ditch petrol for Harrier and Safari

Tata Motors will continue to offer both Harrier and Safari SUV with its trusted 2.0-litre Kryotec diesel engine under the hood. The engine is capable of generating 167.6 bhp of maximum power and 350 Nm of peak torque. The engine will come mated to either a 6-speed manual gearbox or a 6-speed automatic transmission unit. While the rivals like Mahindra XUV700, Mahindra Scorpio-N, Hyundai Alcazar and MG Hector Plus are offered with both petrol and diesel engines, Tata has no plans yet to introduce petrol versions of its two flagship SUVs.

Tata Harrier and Safari feature list can make Korean rivals run for money

Tata Harrier and Safari now comes with series of features that can rival the Korean models in India. Some of the biggest highlights include a new four-spoke steering wheel with illuminated logo and mounted controls and paddle shifters depending on variants, physical buttons repalced with touch-based HVAC controls on the dashboard, new 12.30-inch touchscreen infotainment system which support wireless Anrdoid Auto and Apple CarPlay. It also can be connected to apps like Google, Alexa and Tata's own iRA. The new 10.25-inch digital driver display offers several drive-related information and can now also show navigation. Tata is also offering 13 different sound modes with the 10 JBL speaker sound system with Harmon AudioworX.

The SUVs also come with other features like wireless charging, 360-degree camera, panoramic sunroof, ventilated seats, ambient lighting and much more. In Safari, the front and middle row seats will come with ventilated features. The driver seat in both SUVs can be adjusted electronically with memory features. 

Tata Harrier and Safari: Design changes explained

The biggest update Tata Motors has brought in the new Harrier and Safari SUVs is the way they look. Both SUVs now come with a new parametric grille, less chrome, vertical LED headlight units, connected LED DRLs and connected LED taillights. Harrier and Safari also get redesigned alloy wheels. While the ones on Harrier may not seem too different, Safari wears a new-look dual-tone alloy wheels. Both measure between 17 inches and 19 inches, depending on the variants. From the sides, both SUVs remain largely similar to what they were previously.

Step inside, and the slew of changes continue in how the cabin is decked up. Both SUVs now get new upholstery, redesigned dashboard with wood trim finish, plenty of gloss black touches on doors and centre console offer a more premium interior look. In Safari, Tata has added comfort headrests for the second row passengers.

Tata Safari facelift review: Family car with bachelor's spirit

The Tata Safari is the flagship model for the Indian car maker that was first introduced here in 2021. At the time, the focus was as much on drawing inspiration from an inconic name as was on putting a brand new model on a pedestal. Here was a three-row vehicle that promised SUV-like style but claimed MPV-like comfort. Fast forward just two years and the updated Tata Safari has a new wardrobe to show off. Check out our first drive review .

Tata Safari and its rivals

Safari is one of the few SUVs in the market which offer three-row seating option. Tata Motors will continue to offer the Safari in six and seven-seat configurations. The other SUVs in this category are Mahindra XUV700 and Scorpio-N, Hyundai Alcazar and MG Hector Plus. While Scorpio-N offers jump seats at the rear, all other Safari rivals offer bench seats in the third row. All these SUVs are around the same price point ranging between ₹ 15 lakh and ₹ 25 lakh (ex-showroom). Where Safari may lose its advantage is against the two Mahindra SUVs which are also offered in 4X4 versions. Tata does not plan to launch an AWD version of the Safari yet.

Watch: Tata Harrier first drive impressions

Tata Harrier facelift SUV review: Drops muscle, gains style

In its first real update since 2019 debut, the Tata Harrier SUV will now be offered with a sleeker visual profile and a significantly enhanced cabin. Over a lakh units of the Harrier SUV have been sold but Tata Motors is clearly hungry, and hungry for more. Tata hopes the facelift Harrier to make its presence felt against its every-growing list of SUV rivals. Check out our first impressions of the new Harrier SUV .

Tata Harrier 2023 review

Tata Harrier: Compact SUV with some muscle 

In 2019, just before the world was hit by Covid-19 pandemic, Tata Motors launched the Harrier five-seater SUV in India. It was the first SUV from the carmaker to get the OmegaArc platform, which was derived from Tata's British luxury carmaker Jaguar Land Rover's D8 platform. Equipped with the same 2.0-litre diesel engine that powers the Safari SUV, Harrier quickly became one of the popular models in the Indian markets. However, it was not enough for Harrier to take on the more feature-rich Korean rivals, which continue to lead the compact SUV segment till date. With addition of several features, the new Harrier may just have bridged that gap. 

Tata Safari: A legacy continues in new avatar

When it comes to true-blue SUVs manufactured in India, the name of Tata Safari would be right up there. Since its first launch back in 1998, it had gained popularity for its sheer size and go-anywhere capabilities. The first generation Safari came with a 4X4 drive system and was powered by a 2.0-litre four cylinder diesel engine. Over the years, a lot has changed in the Safari, including its looks as well as the platform. Tata used to base the Safari on Telcoline's Tata X2 body-on-frame platform earlier. Later, the carmaker shifted to the same platform used by Jaguar Land Rover for its SUVs.

Tata's SUV lineup sees revamp in design language

Tata Motors has an array of SUVs to offer to Indian customers. Its sub-compact model Nexon leads the SUV race with ICE as well as electric versions. Its smallest SUV Punch also rakes in good sales numbers every month. The sales performance of the other two SUVs, Harrier and Safari, have been somewhat muted in comparison against their rivals. However, Tata Motors has now started to uupdate its design language to make these SUVs more attractive. The new Nexon and Nexon EV were the first two models to come with new design traits, inspired from the Curvv concept model showcased by Tata Motors earlier. The same design philosophy has been carried forward for Harrier and Safari, which now appear much sharper and bolder in appeal.

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  • 2023 Tata Safari launched in India; prices start at Rs 15.65 lakh

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Nikhil Puthran

2023 Tata Safari launched in India; prices start at Rs 15.65 lakh

Tata Motors has introduced the 2023 Safari in India at a starting price of Rs 15.65 lakh (ex-showroom). The vehicle is available in XE, XM , XMS, XT+, XZ, and XZ+ variant options. As a part of the update, the 2023 Tata Safari ’s engine now meets the BS6 Ph2 emission norms and is RDE and E20 compliant. Additionally, the updated model now offers ADAS along with other feature upgrades. The company has also introduced the new Safari Red Dark Edition in the country.  

Mechanically, the Safari is powered by a 2.0-litre Kryotec 2.0-litre BS6 Ph2 turbocharged diesel engine which produces 168bhp at 3,750rpm and 350Nm of torque between 1,750-2,500rpm. This engine is available in six-speed automatic and six-speed manual transmission options. The vehicle offers three terrain response modes Normal, Rough, and Wet. 

Depending on the variant, the vehicle now offers features such as 10.24-inch Harman touchscreen infotainment with Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, a seven-inch digital TFT instrument cluster, a wireless charger, a 360-degree surround view system, an electric driver seat with memory function, ventilated front and second-row seats, and a panoramic sunroof with mood lighting. 

In terms of safety, the MY23 Tata Safari offers six airbags, an electronic parking brake with auto hold, and enhanced ESP with 17 functions. Moreover, the vehicle also offers ADAS with 10 features such as autonomous emergency braking, forward collision warning, rear collision warning, rear cross-traffic alert, blind spot detection, traffic sign recognition, door open alert, lane departure warning, lane change alert, and high beam assist.

The ex-showroom variant-wise prices for the MY23 Tata Safari are as follows – 

XE – Rs 15.65 lakh

XM – Rs 17.15 lakh

XMS – Rs 18.46 lakh

XMAS – Rs 19.76 lakh

XT+ – Rs 19.63 lakh 

XTA+ – Rs 19.98 lakh

XZ – Rs 20.48 lakh

XZA – Rs 21.78 lakh

XZ+ – Rs 20.48 lakh

XZ+ 6S – Rs 22.27 lakh

XZ+ Adventure – Rs 22.42 lakh

XZ+ 6S Adventure – Rs 22.52 lakh

XZA+ – Rs 23.47 lakh

XZA+ 6S – Rs 23.57 lakh

XZ+ Adventure – Rs 23.72 lakh

XZ+ 6S Adventure – Rs 23.82 lakh

XZ+ (O) – Rs 24.47 lakh

XZ+ (O) 6S – Rs 24.57 lakh

XZ+ (O) Adventure – Rs 24.72 lakh

XZ+ (O) 6S Adventure – Rs 24.82 lakh

Tata Safari Old Generation [2023-2023] Image

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2023 Tata Harrier, Safari facelift launch Highlights: Price, specs, features

While harrier is available only as a five-seater, safari is available in both six- and seven-seat configurations..

Tata Harrier

Tata Motors will launch facelifted iterations of Harrier and Safari in India today. Latest iterartions of the both mid-sized SUVs have been revealed in their entirety already. Bookings for the new Harrier and Safari are underway at a token amount of Rs 25,000. Propsective buyers can book the same at all Tata dealerships or via the company’s official website.

Prices for the same will be announced in a couple of hours. Stay tuned to Express Drives for all updates related to the new Harrier and Safari facelift. Watch the live launch below.

Maruti Jimny

Tata Harrier and Safari are now the safest cars manufactured in India with 33.05 points out of 34 in adult safety test and 45 points out of 49 in child safety test.

Introductory prices for the 2023 Tata Harrier facelift start at Rs 16.19 lakh (ex-showroom).

Introductory prices for the 2023 Tata Harrier facelift start at Rs 15.49 lakh (ex-showroom).

2023 Tata Harrier and Safari facelift have received a 5-star safety rating in both adult and child safety ratings by the Global NCAP as per the revised norms.

Facelifted Harrier and Safari will be offered exclusively with a 2.0-litre Kryotec diesel engine that develops 168 bhp and 350 Nm of peak torque. This motor will be paired with either a 6-speed manual or a 6-speed torque converter automatic transmission. Contrary to rumours, there will be no petrol engine on offer, at least at the time of its launch.

Prices for the new Tata Safari facelift is expected to start at around Rs 16 lakh and go up to Rs 27 lakh (ex-showroom).

Prices for the new Tata Harrier facelift is expected to start at around Rs 15.50 lakh and go up to Rs 25.00 lakh (ex-showroom)

Tata has retained the safety aspects with multiple airbags as standard, ABS with EBD, traction control, cruise control, ESP, doze-off alert, ISOFIX seat anchors, hill descent control, emergency call and breakdown alert, and ADAS tech.

Inside the cabin, the revamped layout draws inspiration from the Tata Curvv concept with a new steering wheel with an illuminated Tata logo, touch controls replacing all the physical buttons, a new 12.3-inch infotainment system with JBL speakers and a subwoofer, ventilated seats, wireless charging, and much more.

On the other hand, Safari gets a new bronze paint scheme and sports a new busy-looking colour-coordinated front grille with black inserts. The Safari sticks to the split headlight design and like the Harrier, it also gets a connected LED bar underneath the bonnet which merges with the headlights.

The Harrier gets some serious design tweaks as the bonnet looks raised and square, giving it a more imposing road presence. The Harrier facelift makes quite a sweeping statement with a connected LED DRL running across the bonnet. The front fascia including the front grille and the bumper has been reworked.

Both Harrier and Safari facelifts have received comprehensive design updates based on Tata Motors's new design philosophy first seen with the Currv Concept last year.

Tata Harrier facelift is also available in 10 variants including Smart (O), Pure (O), Adventure, Adventure+, Adventure+ Dark, Adventure+A, Fearless, Fearless Dark, Fearless+, and Fearless+ Dark.

The new Tata Safari is available in a total of 10 variants – Smart (O), Pure (O), Adventure, Adventure+, Adventure+ Dark, Accomplished, Accomplished Dark, Accomplished+ Dark, Adventure+ A, and Accomplished+

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Apple Releases Safari Technology Preview 197 With macOS Sequoia Support

Apple today released a new update for Safari Technology Preview , the experimental browser Apple first introduced in March 2016. Apple designed the ‌Safari Technology Preview‌ to test features that may be introduced into future release versions of Safari.

Safari Technology Preview Feature

The current ‌Safari Technology Preview‌ release is compatible with machines macOS Sonoma and the macOS Sequoia beta, the newest version of macOS that Apple is beta testing.

The ‌Safari Technology Preview‌ update is available through the Software Update mechanism in System Preferences or System Settings to anyone who has downloaded the browser . Full release notes for the update are available on the Safari Technology Preview website .

Apple's aim with ‌Safari Technology Preview‌ is to gather feedback from developers and users on its browser development process. ‌Safari Technology Preview‌ can run side-by-side with the existing Safari browser and while designed for developers, it does not require a developer account to download.

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Apple should really try to un-galvanize Safari from the system and update it as a regular app...

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How SpaceShipOne's historic launch 20 years ago paved the way for a new space tourism era

"It should get a party every 10 years. And it certainly should get a big party on the 50th and the 100th anniversary."

a small white space plane comes down for a landing at a runway in the desert

It was a one-of-a-kind moment for a throng of well-wishers, including this reporter, all in nose-up, sky-squinting position at California's Mojave Airport on June 21, 2004.

Let loose from its White Knight mothership, the rocket engine propelling the experimental suborbital SpaceShipOne vehicle roared to life, skillfully controlled by test pilot Mike Melvill. 

That pioneering first spaceflight lasted 24 minutes, gliding back to Mojave and sliding straight and true into the history books.

Now, two decades later, Burt Rutan , chief designer of the craft at the company Scaled Composites, reflects on that epic day in an exclusive interview with

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Following the flight, Rutan saw a sign being held in the crowd. It read: "SpaceShipOne, Government Zero."

"I thought, 'That's cool. Let me see if I could display it with the spaceship,'" Rutan said. "It wasn't ours. I found out later it was put together by libertarians."

Those words speak volumes. They also underscore a truism that spread its wings that memorable day.

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"We were covert for two years of a three-and-a-half-year program. Nobody knew what we were up to," Rutan said. "We not only didn't have government help or government equipment; the government had no idea that we were doing a manned space program," he added.

SpaceShipOne — and the intentions of Rutan and his tiny team of like-minded visionaries — were publicly revealed in April 2003, with the rollout of the vehicle. "It was essentially ready to fly," Rutan said, "and we let the world know that we are actually going to try and send our test pilots to space."

Related: Facts about SpaceShipOne, the 1st private spacecraft

Gulp factor

On that big reveal day, the White Knight carrier plane performed an in-flight aerobatic display, adding to the ambience and sky-high excitement of what was to come, taking a private vehicle where none had gone before.

"In general, our program was very much like the proof-of-concept research airplanes that we had done before," said Rutan. But, admittedly, there was a sizable gulp factor when SpaceShipOne first flew.

Before the maiden spaceflight, Rutan remembered an aerodynamics expert eyeing SpaceShipOne and its novel hinged "feathering" system . That unique feature had the rear half of the wing and its twin tail booms fold upward for atmospheric reentry, a position designed to increase drag, but keep the vehicle stable on descent.

"That expert told me it will spin like a top; it wouldn't be controllable if it's in feather," Rutan said. "You know, I didn't have a good answer for him."

Rutan said he was riding on wispy information. 

"I had no wind tunnel data in the feathered configuration. I had limited computational fluid dynamics data … no analysis of the dynamics. I couldn't tell whether or not he was right."

a man stands atop a white space plane on a runway

Concern resolved

When SpaceShipOne was dropped from the White Knight carrier plane at 40,000 feet (12,000 meters), pilot Mike Melvill didn't say a thing, according to Rutan. 

"That will get your ass puckered up if nothing else will," Rutan said. "And I'm thinking, 'For God's sake, tell us how it flies.' And I'll never forget when he said, 'It flies like a dream.' Right then and there one of the biggest concerns that I had was resolved."

SpaceShipOne sped from transonic to supersonic velocity, running its rocket motor for 15 seconds, and ascending to just above 62 miles (100 kilometers) over Earth. It therefore cleared the Kármán line , a widely recognized definition of the boundary of outer space. 

"I figured if we had bad flying qualities we are accelerating so fast," Rutan said, "you are going to quickly poke right through it."

When the rocket engine shut off, SpaceShipOne slipped into low speed and the feather system was engaged. The vehicle was successfully maneuvered down to tarmac heaven.

Above the fold

"I did recognize that it was historic, to achieve a non-government manned spaceflight," Rutan said. The flight achievement got "above the fold" newspaper attention around the world.

"It was the number two story for all of 2004. If they hadn't pulled Saddam Hussein out of his spider hole that year," Rutan said, "this would have been the number one story!"

Later that year, SpaceShipOne made two back-to-back suborbital flights well above 100 kilometers in altitude, solo piloted first by Melvill and then Brian Binnie, to snag the $10 million Ansari X Prize purse .

For Rutan, the voyage of SpaceShipOne that day was a huge milestone. "It should get a party every 10 years. And it certainly should get a big party on the 50th and the 100th anniversary."

Aspirational inspiration

"I'm guessing only the true space diehards are cognizant that the first SpaceShipOne suborbital spaceflight, piloted by Mike Melvill, occurred 20 years ago this week," said Alan Ladwig, author of  "See You In Orbit? Our Dream Of Spaceflight" (To Orbit Productions, 2019). "It was an important milestone for space tourism ."

As the first time a privately built, privately funded spaceship made it to the final frontier, Melvill's critical test flight did attract media and public attention at the time, as Rutan noted. "The event was heralded as a new era when 'ordinary' people, private citizens, would have the opportunity to fly to experience weightlessness ," Ladwig said.

When the X-Prize was announced in 1996, later to be renamed the Ansari X Prize, Ladwig recalled that it was predicted that a winner would be crowned in three to five years, with commercial tickets available one or two years after that. 

"Like so many space achievements, these predictions proved to be aspirational," Ladwig said. 

Related: Space tourism, 20 years in the making, is finally ready for launch

Industrial-strength space tourism 

Following the successful first spaceflight of SpaceShipOne, Ladwig remembers that Rutan promised that suborbital flights would "inspire and open up a new industry." 

"This prediction has been achieved. Both Virgin Galactic and Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin now conduct passenger service, but the high ticket price is a deterrent for many to achieve their dream of spaceflight," said Ladwig. (Virgin Galactic currently charges $450,000 per seat for a suborbital trip; Blue Origin hasn't disclosed its ticket prices.)

And the connection between Virgin Galactic and SpaceShipOne is quite strong; Virgin has flown seven commercial suborbital flights to date, all with the recently retired VSS Unity space plane. Unity is a SpaceShipTwo vehicle, which, as its name suggests, is an evolved version of the pioneering SpaceShipOne. 

In highlighting the challenge to provide commercial service to and from suborbital space, Ladwig said it's worth remembering that the Ansari X Prize attracted 26 teams from seven countries, "but only two companies have the capability to help you achieve a space experience."

Over the past 50 years, experts have made bold predictions for a thriving space tourism industry, Ladwig relates.

For example, one space tourism sage predicted that. by 2030, some five million passengers could be taking trips to a necklace of hotels in low Earth orbit .

"It will take an extreme acceleration of flights to achieve such numbers," Ladwig suggests. "But Melvill's historic flight did give hope to all those who dream of seeing Earth from an orbital perspective."

—  How SpaceShipOne and the X Prize launched commercial spaceflight

—  Photos: The first space tourists

— SpaceShipOne pilot's M&Ms, other mementos go on museum display

Spark of innovation

"The prizewinning second flight of SpaceShipOne on its X Prize quest in 2004 seemed, at the time, to herald an imminent new era for commercial spaceflight," said Margaret Weitekamp, chair of the Space History department at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C.

"The reality took much longer to develop than its promoters hoped," Weitekamp told "But the Ansari X Prize competition did spark innovations that brought renewed interest to suborbital human spaceflights."

Weitekamp added that the flown SpaceShipOne will return to public display in the National Air and Space Museum's building on the National Mall when the Boeing Milestones of Flight Hall reopens.

For more information on Burt Rutan's remarkable contributions to aerospace, you can go to the informative and comprehensive BRAB (Burt Rutan AutoBio) website , a work-in-progress collection that he started in 2020.

Join our Space Forums to keep talking space on the latest missions, night sky and more! And if you have a news tip, correction or comment, let us know at: [email protected].

Leonard David is an award-winning space journalist who has been reporting on space activities for more than 50 years. Currently writing as's Space Insider Columnist among his other projects, Leonard has authored numerous books on space exploration, Mars missions and more, with his latest being "Moon Rush: The New Space Race" published in 2019 by National Geographic. He also wrote "Mars: Our Future on the Red Planet" released in 2016 by National Geographic. Leonard  has served as a correspondent for SpaceNews, Scientific American and Aerospace America for the AIAA. He has received many awards, including the first Ordway Award for Sustained Excellence in Spaceflight History in 2015 at the AAS Wernher von Braun Memorial Symposium. You can find out Leonard's latest project at his website and on Twitter.

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  24. Apple Releases Safari Technology Preview 197 With macOS ...

    Apple today released the second betas of iOS 18 and iPadOS 18 to developers, and the software adds support for new features that Apple is working on, plus it tweaks some of the interface changes ...

  25. How SpaceShipOne's historic launch 20 years ago paved the way for a new

    Later that year, SpaceShipOne made two back-to-back suborbital flights well above 100 kilometers in altitude, solo piloted first by Melvill and then Brian Binnie, to snag the $10 million Ansari X ...