Hilton For The Stay

Go Hilton Team Member travel program

Booking a go hilton stay.

Eligible Team Members and their authorized family / friends must each log in at the Go Hilton booking site with their own Hilton Honors sign-in and password to manage their own reservations. 

Tips for Finding Go Hilton Rates

Use the flexible dates feature.

  • Search for a 1-night stay and click the 'My dates are flexible' box, which will let you see rate availability day-by-day in a calendar view for each hotel you select.
  • Ex: If you searched for 3 nights, but only 2 of the nights have the discount available, the search would come up empty. If you do a 1-night search and use flexible dates, you could see availability day-by-day and see the discount for 2 of the 3 nights, which you could book separately if needed.

Mix and match rates

  • Ex: Team Member rate might be available for 1 night and not the next, but the Family & Friends rate might be available for the other night.
  • If searching for 2 rooms doesn't work, try searching for only 1 room as there may be only one room available at the discounted rate on that particular night.

Be flexible

  • Try to book as far in advance as possible to take advantage of all potential availability. If you don't find what you're looking for right away, come back often. Go Hilton rate availability is based on forecasted occupancy, which can change frequently.
  • More rooms might become available closer to the desired stay date, especially within 60 days of arrival, since stay dates farther out in the calendar may be more limited and are often booked quickly.
  • Consider searching for popular destinations during various seasons or nights of the week when availability may be more plentiful.
  • Plan trips around when you find availability for the discounted rates.

Checking in & staying with Go Hilton Rates 

  • Team Members must be present at check-in and for the duration of Team Member rate and Family & Friends rate stays booked in their name and Hilton Honors account.
  • Authorized family and friends must be present at check-in and for the duration of Family & Friends rate stays booked in their name and Hilton Honors account.
  • Non-Team Members, family/friends, etc., cannot use Team Member rates.
  • Authorized family/friends can travel without the authorizing Team Member when staying under their own Family & Friends rates, but the family/friends do need to make their own reservations by signing into the Go Hilton booking site with their own Hilton Honors account.

Number of rooms per stay

  • For each hotel stay, eligible Team Members may reserve up to 2 Team Member rate rooms and 2 Family & Friends rate rooms, for a total of up to 4 rooms in their own name and Hilton Honors number.
  • Team Members’ approved family / friends may reserve up to 2 Family & Friends rate rooms per hotel stay (family / friends must make their own bookings with their own Hilton Honors account).
  • "Extra” Team Member and “Extra” Family & Friends rates are combined with and treated like “regular” Team Member and Family & Friends rates for the maximum number of rooms per stay.
  • Program users may not book rooms for themselves at different hotels for the same stay dates regardless of the rate booked.

Number of nights per stay

  • Eligible Team Members can book up to seven consecutive nights at Team Member rates and up to seven consecutive nights at Family & Friends rates.
  • Approved family/friends may book a Family & Friends rate for seven consecutive nights.

Annual allotment of room nights

  • Each eligible Team Member can book and / or use up to 30 room nights per calendar year under Team Member rates and up to 70 room nights per calendar year under Family & Friends rates, for a total of 100 room nights per calendar year.
  • Each room counts as 1 room night.
  • Usage of Family & Friends room nights by approved family / friends counts against the 70 Family & Friends room nights total.
  • "Extra" Team Member rates and "Extra" Family & Friends rates do not count against the annual room night allotments.

Hilton Honors Points, stay credit, & hotel benefits

Go Hilton Team Member and Family & Friends rate stays are eligible to earn Hilton Honors Points on both room rates and incidentals and stay credit toward the next tier status, based on Hilton Honors terms and conditions. Hilton Honors members are eligible for all standard Hilton Honors hotel benefits when staying under Go Hilton rates, including room upgrades at check-in based on tier status and hotel availability.

Hilton Honors Relocation & Recovery (Walk Policy)

Occasionally, a hotel may find itself in an overbooked situation. All Go Hilton Team Member and Family & Friends rate reservations in such situations are to be honored as any other reservation for a Hilton Honors member; Hilton Honors Relocation & Recovery policies apply the same to Team Member and Family & Friends reservations as to any other reservation type for overbooked situations. The guest should be relocated to another local hotel within a reasonable distance with all the usual Hilton Honors walk benefits based on the guest's tier status.   

Code of Conduct

  • Eligible participants traveling under the  Go Hilton travel programs are bound to the Hilton Code of Conduct. Eligible Participants are expected to embody Hilton Values and uphold the exceptional reputation of Hilton during every stay at member properties. Eligible Participants will be held accountable for any undue duress placed on the hosting property. Behavior inconsistent with program rules and our HILTON Values may result in loss of these privileges and disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Family and Friends of Eligible Participants who use the Family & Friends Travel Program are also a reflection of the Eligible Participant. Any inappropriate behavior by Family and Friends may also result in loss of these privileges for the family/friend and the Eligible Participant.
  • Access to Go Hilton discounts may not be sold, auctioned, bartered, brokered, purchased, or otherwise transferred.  Any Go Hilton discounts obtained in this manner will be considered to have been fraudulently obtained and deemed void, resulting in cancellation of the reservations.  This applies to Go Hilton Team Member rates and Family & Friends rates. All such activity is strictly prohibited and will result in loss of Go Hilton privileges for the applicable Team Member and/or Family & Friends and can also result in disciplinary action for the Team Member, up to and including termination. Such fraudulent activity will also lead to closure of the applicable Hilton Honors accounts and forfeiture of any Hilton Honors Points, stay credits, or other related rewards associated with those accounts.
  • The following actions will be taken by the Program for any Hilton Honors members who are fraudulently added to a Team Member's Family & Friends list and/or who fraudulently book or use a Team Member's Family & Friends rate room nights without the Team Member's knowledge and consent:  their Go Hilton / Family & Friends rate reservations will be cancelled by the Program; their Hilton Honors account will be closed; and they will forfeit any Hilton Honors Points, stay credits, or other related rewards associated with that Hilton Honors account. The Program will monitor such fraudulent Hilton Honors members going forward, and such fraudulent activity on any new Hilton Honors account the members open will lead to the same treatment as above on the new accounts.
  • Team Members should inform all family and friends they authorize to use the program of the Go Hilton Code of Conduct and all Program Rules.


Mastering the Art of Team Travel: Essential Tips for Successful Trips

team travel definition

Team traveling is a common occurrence in many organizations, involving individuals from different locations coming together for various purposes such as team retreats, conferences, or client meetings. Team traveling also helps teams to share and implement their company culture. While team travel can be an exciting opportunity for collaboration and growth, it also comes with its own set of challenges. Coordinating travel arrangements, managing expenses, and ensuring a seamless experience for all participants can be a complex and time-consuming task.

Team travel can be costly, not only in terms of financial expenses but also in terms of the time and resources required to organize and execute it successfully. This is where corporate travel management plays a crucial role. Corporate travel management involves the strategic planning, coordination, and oversight of all aspects related to team travel within an organization. It aims to optimize travel arrangements, minimize costs, and ensure a smooth and efficient experience for all stakeholders involved.

The stakeholders in travel management typically include employees, managers, human resources departments, finance departments, and travel management professionals or teams. Each stakeholder plays a crucial role in different aspects of travel management, such as decision-making, policy implementation, budget allocation, and travel logistics.

The Pain Points of Team Travel

1) identify the right person within the company who can take care of the internal logistics.

In larger companies, there are often two types of needs: employee travel and corporate events’ management. Employee travel is often managed by travel managers, and it enables employees to do self-booking without adding the burden to someone else. Corporate event is often managed by an event team for large events, above 50 people, and by executive assistants of the smaller teams. These individuals have the necessary expertise and resources to handle the coordination, bookings, and arrangements required for a successful team retreat. They understand the specific needs and preferences of the company, making the process efficient and streamlined.

However, in smaller companies, when there is no event team, the responsibility of organizing a team retreat may fall onto someone in another team or department. This can be overwhelming, especially since it becomes an additional task for someone who already has their own job responsibilities. This individual may lack the necessary experience and resources, leading to potential challenges in managing the logistics effectively. The company should consider providing additional support or resources to help the designated person handle the task efficiently. ‍

2) Identify the right time for every employee to attend the retreat

One of the major pain points of team travel is finding a suitable time when all employees can attend the retreat. It can be challenging to align everyone's schedules, especially when employees have different workloads, projects, and personal commitments. To address this issue, thorough planning and communication are essential.

The company should initiate a process to gather employees' availability and preferences. This can be done through surveys or meetings to identify potential conflicts and constraints. By involving employees in the decision-making process, the company can ensure that the selected time for the retreat works for the majority and minimizes disruptions to their regular work.

team travel definition

3) Getting Budget Approved

Securing budget approval for team travel can be a hurdle for many companies. It requires presenting a compelling case to justify the expenses involved in the retreat. The number one problem behind this is to firstly estimate what the retreat will cost. Subsequently, the key to overcoming this pain point is to demonstrate the value and benefits that the retreat will bring to the team and the company as a whole.

To get the budget approved, it is crucial to emphasize the potential outcomes of the retreat, such as improved teamwork, increased employee engagement, and enhanced productivity. TeamOut has built tools to help companies on this, making the process easier through the use of the budget estimator , such as flight estimators. Providing a detailed budget breakdown that highlights the necessary expenses and their alignment with the company's strategic objectives can strengthen the case. Additionally, exploring cost-saving measures like group discounts, off-peak travel, or utilizing company resources can help make the budget more feasible and appealing to decision-makers. ‍

4) Providing travel support after and during the trip:

Ensuring travel support during and after the team trip, particularly for flights, is another pain point to consider. Delays, cancellations, or changes in travel arrangements can cause disruptions and stress for employees, impacting their overall experience. To mitigate these challenges, companies can take proactive steps to provide comprehensive travel support and work actively with the customer service of the travel platform they are using. Picking good vendors is also key; Navan is for instance a great platform for self-service booking that provide a great customer experience. 

This can involve having a designated point of contact available to address any travel-related issues or emergencies. It is also essential to communicate the travel arrangements clearly to the team and provide them with all the necessary information, such as flight itineraries, hotel details, and transportation options. You can view here an example of what a good retreat website looks like. In the event of any disruptions, having a contingency plan in place and offering prompt assistance can help minimize inconvenience and ensure a smooth travel experience for the team.

Overall, addressing these pain points of team travel requires proactive planning, effective communication, and resource allocation. By recognizing the challenges and implementing appropriate strategies, companies can optimize the experience and outcomes of team retreats, regardless of their size or budget constraints.

team travel definition

How To Better Manage Corporate Travel

1) external event management company.

Engaging an external travel management company can be a valuable solution to address the pain points of team travel. These specialized companies have expertise in handling travel logistics and can efficiently manage the entire process. By outsourcing this responsibility, companies can save valuable time and resources that would otherwise be spent on coordinating travel arrangements internally.

External travel management companies have established relationships with airlines, hotels, and other travel service providers, allowing them to negotiate better rates and secure favorable deals. They can handle the booking process, manage itineraries, and provide 24/7 support to the traveling team. This frees up internal resources, enabling employees to focus on their core responsibilities while ensuring that the team travel arrangements are handled professionally and efficiently.

2) Organize travel data efficiently

Accurate and organized travel data is crucial for effective team travel management. By implementing robust travel management systems or software, companies can streamline the process of collecting and managing travel data. These tools can centralize all travel-related information, including flight details, accommodation bookings, transportation arrangements, and expense reports.  For simple travel management we recommend companies like Navan who can centralize all employees data, for group travel companies like TeamOut can help centralize data in one place and be the source of truth for all of your employees traveling.

Efficient travel data management allows for better visibility and tracking of expenses, facilitates reporting and analysis, and enables companies to identify areas for cost optimization. It also simplifies the process of retrieving information and reduces the likelihood of errors or missed details. By investing in the right tools and systems, companies can improve efficiency, save time, and enhance overall travel management processes.

3) Create policies and approval workflows

To ensure consistency and compliance in team travel, companies should establish clear policies and approval workflows. These policies should outline guidelines on travel expenses, booking procedures, preferred vendors, and any travel-related requirements or restrictions. Approval workflows should define the process for obtaining authorization for team travel, ensuring that requests are properly reviewed and approved by the appropriate stakeholders. Implementing automated approval workflows can streamline the process, reduce bottlenecks, and enable faster decision-making.

By having well-defined policies and approval workflows in place, companies can establish a standardized approach to team travel, mitigate potential issues, and provide clarity to employees regarding the expectations and procedures for travel arrangements.

4) Increase collaboration among teams

Team travel presents an excellent opportunity to foster collaboration among team members. By organizing team retreats or off-site meetings, companies can create a conducive environment for team building activities , brainstorming, and knowledge sharing. During team travel, companies can plan activities and sessions that encourage interaction and collaboration among team members. This can include team-building exercises, workshops, or even casual networking events. 

The change of scenery and the relaxed atmosphere can inspire creativity and innovation, leading to improved collaboration and a stronger sense of unity within the team. Additionally, companies can consider organizing cross-functional team travel, where employees from different departments or teams come together. This can facilitate knowledge exchange, break down silos, and encourage a more integrated and collaborative work environment.

team travel definition

5) Use tools to track expenses

Managing travel expenses efficiently is crucial to stay within budget and maintain financial control. By leveraging expense tracking tools, companies can simplify the process of recording and monitoring team travel expenses. These tools can automate expense reporting, allowing employees to capture expenses on the go using mobile applications or online platforms. This reduces the administrative burden of manual expense tracking and minimizes the chances of errors or omissions.

Expense tracking tools also provide real-time visibility into travel expenses, enabling companies to monitor spending trends, identify cost-saving opportunities , and ensure compliance with budgetary guidelines. Furthermore, these tools can integrate with accounting or financial systems, streamlining the reimbursement process and reducing the time spent on manual data entry. By using expense tracking tools, companies can enhance financial transparency, improve cost control, and streamline the overall management of team travel expenses.

Successfully managing team travel is a multifaceted task that requires careful planning, effective communication, and strategic decision-making. By addressing the pain points of team travel and implementing the suggested tips and strategies, organizations can enhance the overall travel experience and maximize the benefits of team retreats. Mastering the art of team travel requires a proactive approach, open communication, and a commitment to streamlining processes. By investing in effective travel management practices, companies can create memorable and successful team travel experiences that contribute to their overall growth and success and help to cultivate employee engagement .

team travel definition

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Corporate Business Travel: Everything You Need to Know

team travel definition

Katie Miller is a consumer financial services expert. She worked for almost two decades as an executive, leading multi-billion dollar mortgage, credit card, and savings portfolios with operations worldwide and a unique focus on the consumer. Her mortgage expertise was honed post-2008 crisis as she implemented the significant changes resulting from Dodd-Frank required regulations.

team travel definition

Corporate business travel involves the movement of individuals representing their organizations for work-related reasons. Whether it’s attending client meetings, industry conferences, or sealing business deals, this practice covers a range of activities essential for professional growth.

In the interconnected global business environment, where face-to-face connections matter, corporate business travel plays a central role in sustaining and expanding enterprises across borders. Businesses face challenges in optimizing this crucial element of their operations. Strategic considerations must be taken into account to use this element of business to its greatest potential.

Key Takeaways

  • Corporate business travel can unlock new opportunities for business growth, offering the possibility of reaching new markets, connecting with a wider pool of prospects, or developing brand presence and reputation.
  • Traveling for business has many benefits for individuals as well, providing them the chance to meet fellow employees, grow their career by participating in different opportunities, and network within the industry, not to mention experience new destinations.
  • Business traveler safety and security are top priorities during corporate travel.
  • To ensure that travel goes smoothly and stays within budget, companies should implement corporate travel policies and best practices for employees traveling on behalf of the company.

Importance of Corporate Business Travel

There are many business-related reasons to travel. It can encourage team building, promote learning, offer different perspectives, provide connection to a wider network, open up new markets, and drive sales. And whether or not the trip is for a specific purpose (such as a conference or a retreat), the benefits for employees and companies alike can extend beyond the stated intent of the trip, building confidence, cultural competency, relationships, and company reputation.

Many employees consider the opportunity to travel for work a desirable job perk, as it can offer the chance to venture somewhere that they may not ordinarily go, or to have a trip paid for by their company. And although expenses are associated with travel from a corporate perspective, they may be well worth the return on investment in terms of potential leads or sales—plus, many travel expenses are tax- deductible .

Types of Corporate Business Travel

Corporate travel can take many forms, including the chance for employees and executives to attend events, such as meetings, conferences, industry networking sessions, and fairs. Or a trip may take advantage of educational opportunities such as training sessions, seminars, and workshops. Retreats and guided trips can make for valuable team-building time in new contexts that unlock different perspectives and strengthen working relationships.

Businesses may send their employees to a different location to network, sell, teach, learn from, or generally connect with external contacts or internal employees in regional offices, or to act on behalf of the company in some way.

Additionally, from a client perspective, business travel may occur as a form of due diligence , ensuring that your vendors or suppliers are legitimate, legal, and compliant organizations—for example, traveling for regular audits to confirm that what you think is happening at your supplier organizations is actually happening.

Creating a Corporate Travel Policy

From a company perspective, travel can be a challenge to administer and manage . Costs can easily balloon out of control; travel logistics can be time-intensive to arrange; employees traveling on behalf of the company must be granted a great deal of trust; and like any form of travel, business travel can open up risks to safety, security, and health.

No matter the size of the business or the frequency or complexity of travel, a corporate travel policy can be a helpful tool for any company to set expectations for its employees, communicate guidelines and processes, keep expenses within budget, and streamline booking and logistics.

In creating a corporate travel policy, companies might consider the following for both domestic and international travel, as applicable:

  • Purpose(s) of travel
  • Which employees are eligible to travel
  • Booking and expense approval processes
  • Risks and liabilities of travel and how to manage them
  • Expectations for employee behavior, including acceptable and secure uses of technology, personal vs. leisure time, communication, and entertainment while traveling
  • Eligible expenses for employees while traveling, including per diem rates if applicable
  • Determine if employees will be reimbursed for their expenses or given a corporate credit card to use
  • Financial tracking, record-keeping, and reimbursement processes
  • Acceptable booking practices and costs, including preferred agents or vendors
  • Travel insurance

Of course, policies must also be communicated and enforced to ensure compliance and fairness. Including a travel policy as part of a corporate handbook or reviewing it in an onboarding or training module can be a good way to ensure that all employees receive and understand the information. Making it easily accessible for future reference on a shared drive or company portal will encourage employees to refer to it often.

Business travel managers estimate, on average, that spending on domestic and international corporate travel is at 77% and 74%, respectively, of where it was before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Setting a Corporate Travel Policy

team travel definition

Corporate Business Travel Best Practices

There are many best practices that both employees and companies can keep in mind around corporate business travel to ensure that it is a successful experience. These encompass everything from administration and financing to employee behavior and well-being.

Booking Corporate Travel

Booking travel can be labor-intensive and time-consuming. To improve the booking process, save on costs, and streamline expense reporting, it can be helpful to designate preferred travel agencies, online platforms, vendors, and lodgings for employees and executives to book with. If the size of the company allows, it can also be helpful to hire an employee or team specifically to oversee and administer corporate travel, or designate this duty as part of an employee’s broader job description.

Managing Travel Expenses and Budgeting

There are many financial considerations when it comes to corporate business travel, and expenses and budgets must be carefully managed to keep costs under control. Many travel expenses are tax-deductible and can be written off, representing potentially significant savings for a company. Setting a budget and clear guidelines for employees about what can be an expense and what cannot is a must, as is creating and enforcing policies and procedures around tracking and reporting expenses.

Many corporate credit cards offer travel rewards and cost-saving opportunities for business travel, as do many other vendors and suppliers in the corporate travel industry. Businesses can take advantage of these to reduce inefficiencies and save on costs.

How to Manage Corporate Travel

team travel definition

Ensuring Traveler Safety and Security

As with any trip, business trips are not without safety and security risks, including the potential for political or civil unrest, crime, illness, injury, accidents, emergencies, natural disasters, cybersecurity breaches, or theft.

To protect their employees against unexpected and undesirable circumstances, at a minimum, businesses will want to have a travel insurance plan in place. It’s also helpful for businesses and employees to undertake some form of travel risk assessment to aid them in navigating potential risks, and outline safety and emergency preparedness guidelines within a corporate travel policy.

Employees should also know how to call if something goes sideways, such as hotel booking issues. A travel agent? A supervisor? If there’s a hurricane, you don’t have a car, and your flight is canceled, can you book another last-minute flight to get around the weather to get home? These details should be planned ahead for.

Maximizing Productivity During Business Trips

The overlap of business and leisure, sometimes referred to as “bleisure,” is one of the main draws of corporate business travel. However, there can also be pitfalls associated with this gray area. It can be difficult to stay productive while working remotely, whether due to the many distractions of a new environment (positive and negative), or because the trip entails an increased workload or time spent away from day-to-day job duties.

Employees looking to manage their time efficiently while away should get clarity on the intended purpose and expected outcome of their trip, and their employer’s and teammates’ expectations for their workload and communication frequency. They can also plan ahead to make the most of their travel time and downtime, and anticipate time zone differences to ensure smooth communication and adjustment to jet lag.

It’s important for employees to maintain work-life balance while traveling on behalf of work. Researching food, entertainment, and fitness options and preparing accordingly can pay off in terms of mental and physical wellness, especially for frequent travelers.

Tips for Business Travel Etiquette

Traveling anywhere, whether domestically or internationally, comes with responsibilities and expectations regarding employee behavior. Perception is one of the most important factors to remember when traveling as a representative of your company. You represent your company out in the public, so you need to ensure you’re displaying any key values that your company represents when interacting with vendors, clients, and peers.

This applies to cultural sensitivity as well. Travelers should do research in advance of their trip to ensure that they can be mindful of local customs and professional etiquette and behave with awareness and respect. Even the basics, such as learning appropriate forms of greeting or how to handle money and payment, and committing a few common words or phrases to memory can go a long way toward demonstrating good intentions and building a new relationship across cultures.

Sustainable and Responsible Business Travel

Recognizing that corporate travel can have a negative impact on the environment, many businesses and individuals are reexamining their travel practices and policies to see where they can make improvements. One example is reducing emissions by booking different means of transportation when possible. In general, seeking out vendors or companies that promote sustainable travel practices and responsible tourism, and that support local communities and ecosystems, can be a good first step to reduce environmental impact.

Technology and Tools for Corporate Business Travel

Software and technology tools can be immensely useful across all aspects of corporate business travel. Travel management and booking platforms; apps for tracking expenses, navigation, or converting currency; and translation and communication tools are all things that employees and businesses alike can take advantage of before, during, and after traveling.

When it comes to technology, it’s important to account for cybersecurity risks and only bring what is necessary to reduce the potential impact of damage, loss, or theft.

Managing Business Travel Expenses

team travel definition

What Is an Example of Corporate Business Travel?

There are many work-related reasons to travel, but many businesses will have their employees travel for conferences, events, sales and networking, seminars, meetings, team building, retreats, and to open up new business growth potential.

How Does Corporate Business Travel Work?

Corporate travel is simply travel for business-related purposes, so the nature of the trip will depend on its length and purpose. Companies whose employees travel frequently on behalf of the business should consider creating a corporate travel policy with information and guidelines for their employees.

Who Handles Corporate Business Travel?

Some businesses employ internal teams or individuals to manage corporate travel and business trips. At other times, employees are responsible for making their own arrangements within guidelines laid out by the company. There are also corporate travel agencies that businesses can leverage to streamline and optimize their bookings and costs.

The Bottom Line

Corporate business travel can be an invaluable path to both business growth and individual career development, building strong relationships and teams. No matter what form it takes, it’s prudent for companies to collect, implement, and communicate best practices for business travel to their employees in a company handbook or corporate travel policy. This should incorporate areas such as expense and booking management, safety and security, productivity, sustainability, technology, and employee behavior and etiquette.

Michela Buttignol / Investopedia

Internal Revenue Service. “ Understanding Business Travel Deductions .”

Global Business Travel Association. “ GBTA Business Travel Industry Outlook Poll .”

Harvard Business Review. “ How to Work and Travel at the Same Time .”


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The Pros and Cons of Youth Travel Teams

A travel team is a youth sports team that plays at an elite level. These teams travel, often long distances and out of state, to games, competitions, and/or tournaments (hence the name). Usually, these teams are part of a private or club sports program, not a recreational league or one affiliated with a school.

There is almost always a try-out or audition process to join the team. And there is no guarantee of playing time (unlike in recreational leagues where all kids will usually get a chance to play regardless of ability). Travel teams are also sometimes called elite teams, select teams, club teams , or tournament teams.

Develop new skills

Enhances family bonding

Improved access to expert coaches

Reduces boredom

Increased risk for injury

Potential for burnout


Young athletes can reach a point where they are bored with rec league play. A travel team may be the best way for them to learn new skills, meet expert coaches, progress in their sport, and have fun in the process. Kids need to be challenged so they can grow. On a competitive travel team, players gain great experience in team play and sportsmanship .

They also need to learn more about taking care of their body to keep it strong and healthy through conditioning, nutrition, and good sleep habits. And, of course, traveling can be a great way for both families and teams to bond through shared experiences, like meals or just swimming in the hotel pool. Kids are exposed to new cities and sometimes get a chance to play tourist.

Joining a travel team is definitely demanding, and not just for your kid. There are significant costs (thousands of dollars per season is common). There is a big time commitment: practices; games; travel; and parent volunteer hours all add up. It’s also likely that kids will need to miss school for team commitments. And with more practice and play time, the risk of injury and burnout goes up, too.

How to Make the Decision

It’s wonderful that your child wants to play at a higher level, but you need to be sure they understand what all you’re signing up for if they make the team.

When children are interested in a particular elite team, it's important to find out in advance what their expectations are. Have a frank family conversation about these sacrifices and whether you are willing to make them.

Be sure to consider these questions. It's really helpful to talk with other parents a few years ahead of you on the path—those who have experience with the same club or league you're looking at. Find out:

  • Do you know the coach or coaches? Can you observe some practices or games before you commit? In many instances, the coaching staff can make or break a child’s experience with a team or sport. Look for positive, fair-minded coaching. Toughness is OK (even necessary for some kids and teams), but hostility isn’t.
  • Does your child have the discipline, maturity, and attention span required to succeed? Even a child with exceptional innate talent still needs to be a good team player.
  • How dedicated is your child? Do they want to try out for the travel team just because friends are doing it, or because it seems like the next step? Or are they truly passionate about the sport?
  • How will they respond if they don't get selected for a team, or if they get selected but then don't see a lot of playing time? Do they understand that they'll have to compete for it?
  • What is the financial commitment? It's not just what you'll spend on equipment and fees, which can be significant, but extras such as travel costs and required apparel purchases (like a team jacket or bag). And remember that there will be fundraising responsibilities, too.
  • What is the time commitment? Lots of practice time is great for your player's development, but it definitely affects what other extracurricular activities they are able to do. And it cuts into homework time as well. Parents also will also have to give their own free time to volunteer.

Travel team play isn't right for every child, but it can be a lot of fun if you make the right match between child, sport, and team. The goal should always be for kids to have fun, be active, and keep learning, no matter what sport or team they choose.

The Sleep Foundation. How much sleep do student athletes need? .

Aspen Institute. 2019 State of play: Trends and developments in youth sports .

Moen F, Hrozanova M, Stiles TC, Stenseng F. Burnout and perceived performance among junior athletes-associations with affective and cognitive components of stress . Sports (Basel) . 2019;7(7). doi:10.3390/sports7070171

Merkel DL. Youth sport: positive and negative impact on young athletes . Open Access J Sports Med . 2013;4:151-60. doi:10.2147/OAJSM.S33556

By Catherine Holecko Catherine Holecko is an experienced freelance writer and editor who specializes in pregnancy, parenting, health and fitness. 

The Hitting Vault

Travel Baseball: The Ultimate Guide for Parents and Players

Travel Baseball: The Ultimate Guide for Parents and Players

Table of Contents

What is travel baseball, what to look for in a travel baseball team, travel baseball vs. little league, travel baseball pros and cons , criticisms and controversy, is travel baseball worth it.

For many families, the transition from Little League to travel baseball comes with stress, anxiety and questions about what to look for in a team and what to expect from the experience — not to mention the question of whether making the switch from a more laid-back rec ball program to a more competitive (and expensive) travel club is the right decision in the first place.

In this post, we’re going to go over everything you need to know about getting started with youth travel baseball. We’ll help you answer the questions above and determine whether travel baseball is a good fit for your son or daughter. 

If you have a softball player in the family, you may also want to check out our article “ What to Look For in a Travel Softball Team ,” which covers some of the same information from a softball perspective and dives deep into my personal experience as an elite-level amateur player and college recruiting prospect.

Table of Contents :

  • How to Choose a Travel Baseball Team
  • Travel Baseball Pros and Cons
  • Is Travel Baseball Worth It?  

First, it’s important to understand what a travel baseball team is and how travel baseball is organized. 

There are tens of thousands of travel baseball teams around the country, and their popularity has exploded over the past two decades. As recently as the 1990s, travel baseball was a niche experience limited mostly to elite players in baseball-rich areas like Texas and California. Today, participation is seen by many as a near necessity for talented players to develop their skills and hone their game against the best competition they can find. 

Whereas Little League is the dominant organization when it comes to recreational youth baseball, there are multiple organizations throughout the country that host hundreds of travel tournaments each year. Some of the biggest and most popular are USSSA (United States Speciality Sports Association), AAU (Amateur Athletic Union), Triple Crown Sports , and Perfect Game . Travel baseball teams often participate in tournaments organized by more than one of those organizations. 

A team can be started by anyone. Many are formed by parents, but many others are formed by high school and former college coaches. Depending on their organizational goals, some programs have just one team that participates in one age bracket (such as 10 and under), while some are run like businesses and have teams that compete in every age group. 

Some huge organizations, such as California Baseball Academy (CBA), even have multiple teams within the same age group, located in multiple cities. CBA has teams not only in California, but also in Nevada, Texas, Utah and the southeast. High-level programs like that are often known for attracting top talent, for training recruits into elite players, and for feeding those players into nearby colleges and universities. 

Travel Baseball Competition Structure

Virtually all travel baseball games are played on weekends in a tournament format. Those tournaments can theoretically be held anywhere, but are frequently held at multi-field facilities in easily-accessible travel hubs. For example, many Florida tournaments are held in Orlando because it’s in the relative center of the state, it has plenty of hotel rooms, and it’s home to many great baseball facilities. The farther you live away from such a hub, the more you should expect to travel. 

Most tournaments begin with pool play, meaning that teams are guaranteed a number of games before heading into single elimination. A team can expect to play anywhere from three to eight games over the course of a two-day or three-day tournament, depending on how they perform.

There is no set number of tournaments a team must participate in. Each team decides which tournaments to enter on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration factors such as age level, skill level, and cost. In general, two tournaments per month can be seen as about average, although higher-level teams may play more frequently. 

Most organizations run regional and national championships, which are invite-only. For example, USSSA hosts “qualifier” tournaments, where the winner of the championship game (and sometimes the runner up) can earn a bid to the USSSA national tournament.

Additionally, beginning at age 14, some teams start participating in “college exposure tournaments,” where college scouts come from across the country to watch and evaluate prospects. These tournaments are typically more expensive than regular tournaments, and are often farther away.

How to Join a Travel Baseball Team

If you’ve decided to join a travel baseball team and aren’t sure where to find one, there are a number of resources available. 

It may go without saying, but word-of-mouth can be a valuable first reference point. If you’re thinking about switching to travel baseball, chances are that you already know someone in your area who has made the jump. If so, don’t be afraid to ask them questions about the team and their experience. It’s a big commitment — both in terms of time and finances — so it’s important to make sure you find the right club for your son or daughter.

In addition to word of mouth, many organizations offer a list of active teams on their website. For example, USSSA has a tool that lets you filter teams by age level, skill level, and location . There are also many state-based forums and Facebook groups where coaches post their team’s tryouts (and positions needed). As an example, here are Facebook groups for travel baseball teams in Florida and Michigan ⁠— you can find similar groups for every state. 

Another good option is FieldLevel.com , which (like the USSSA site) allows you to filter teams by state and level. While not every team is listed on that website, it does include over 4,000 clubs.

Here are eight things to think about when evaluating teams. These factors will make a big difference when it comes to your overall experience, so take the time to think about them, and don’t be afraid to ask questions of parents and coaches.

1. Coaching  

A coaching staff can make or break a team. How coaches manage players, keep the game fun, instill the fundamentals, and focus on development — not only as athletes, but as young men and women — is extremely important. 

Some travel baseball teams have parents or grandparents serving as the head coach. While that can be fine, it’s important to make sure those coaches don’t make keeping their own child on the field a priority. Before committing to a team, spend some time researching it by watching a practice and talking to current and/or former players and parents. 

What’s the coaching style? Do they have high expectations but still encourage and love their players? Or, on the other hand, are they screaming at players when they make a mistake? 

Additionally, are players treated equitably, or do some get preferential treatment based on their relationship to the coach or their financial contribution to the team?

Ideally, your child will be a part of that team and organization for consecutive years, rather than bouncing from team to team. As such, determining whether the coaching staff is a good fit is a crucial first step.

2. Cost  

For many parents, this is the most terrifying aspect of travel baseball.

Just how much of a toll is this going to take on your bank account? The specific answer varies, but the typical range of cost for participating in travel baseball is between $500 and $2,500 per year. 

That said, you can end up spending a lot more than that. Back in 2011, CBS News reported that one Georgia family paid $4,000 per year for their 9-year-old son’s travel team. You can imagine that older players in elite programs that travel all over the country can spend even more over the course of a season.

Typically, the more intensely focused a program is on developing its players for college baseball, the more money the program is going to cost. On the other hand, teams that are playing more for the fun of it — those looking for just a little more structure and competition than offered by Little League — won’t put as much of a dent in your wallet.

There are a number of specific factors that go into how much it costs to be on a team:

  • Where you live . If you live in a baseball hub, like Texas or California, you won’t have to travel as far to get to tournaments. Many teams from rural areas regularly drive across multiple states (or sometimes even fly) to tournaments. As such, where you live will likely be the single biggest variable in your overall travel baseball cost.
  • Whether you have to buy your own equipment . Some teams are sponsored by equipment companies like Easton and Rawlings and have their bats, gloves and cleats provided either for free or at a reduced cost. Obviously, this can be a huge savings. Also, keep in mind that (unfortunately) equipment is often viewed as a status symbol in travel baseball. If your child joins a team where every other player has multiple bats and position-specific gloves, he or she is going to press you for similar gear.
  • Whether you have to rent facilities . Some teams practice exclusively at public fields. Others have little or no access to such facilities and have to rent fields and/or indoor space (especially for winter workouts). This can have a huge impact on the overall cost of participation.
  • Whether or not coaches are paid . Some teams — typically the more competitive ones — pay their coaches small stipends and/or cover their cost of travel. On one hand, this tends to lead to better coaching. On the other hand, families are the ones who will ultimately foot that bill.
  • How competitive the team is . Higher-level tournaments typically have higher fees. Lower-level tournaments, operated on a more sub-regional basis, are usually much less expensive to enter. If cost is a concern, make sure you know what types of tournaments the team usually enters over the course of the season. 

3. Location  

As stated earlier, location is a key factor in deciding which travel team to play for. If you’re fortunate enough to live in California, Florida or Texas, you’re going to have a lot of opportunities to play with and against high-level competition right in your backyard. 

But outside of those states, it’s a little bit tougher, and you have to decide how committed you are to playing at the highest possible level. 

For example, if you live in a medium-sized town outside of a major baseball hub, chances are you have at least a couple of travel ball options. However, the odds are that those options are not the absolute cream of the crop when it comes to coaching and competitiveness. In order to play for the absolute “best” team possible, you might have to commute from your mid-sized town to the nearest major city. 

So you’ll be faced with the following choice: play on a lower level team that’s closer to home, or drive a hundred miles or more for twice-weekly practices? It may sound crazy, but many families do just that. 

Why would they commit so much time and money to their son or daughter’s athletic pursuits? It comes down to goals. Better teams often provide better coaching and more opportunities for exposure to college and professional scouts. 

What’s the team’s mission? Is the focus on fun, player development, college exposure, or a mix of all there? Teams can have many different goals and missions, and there’s no right or wrong approach.

However, it is possible that a team’s mission does not align with your values and goals, and you need to think about this before committing, as a compatibility mismatch can lead to coach-parent and coach-player tension. 

5. Organization

Consider the reputation of the organization you’re evaluating. When you join a team, you and your son or daughter will essentially be endorsing everything the program stands for. If they’re known for dirty play or being disrespectful to the game, you’ll be associated with that. 

And believe it or not, the baseball world is a small and surprisingly tight-knit community. College coaches tend to know which programs produce bad apples — and they avoid them. In fact, many college coaches will completely write off an entire organization that has a reputation for not playing the game the right way or for having disrespectful players.

6. Playing Time

There’s an important balance between getting enough playing time and being challenged. Before committing, ask the coaching staff what kind of playing time your child can expect — including at what position. 

If there are two returning shortstops, he or she most likely won’t be playing there and might have to learn another position. That’s not a bad thing: college coaches want players that are versatile, and many players change positions as they get older and their bodies develop. 

Still, it’s helpful to know what to expect ahead of time. Getting game reps is important from a development perspective, but also just from a fun perspective: no kid wants to consistently travel to a tournament only to sit on the bench for most of the weekend. 

7. Skill Level

Be realistic about your child’s skill level, and pay attention to the level of competition around him or her at tryouts (i.e., the skill levels of the other players). If your kid has the fight and desire to compete for a spot (like they’ll have to do if they make it to college ball), then putting them on a team where they’ll be challenged is the best option. 

But if he or she is there to have fun and make friends, with no burning desire to be constantly improving, then choosing a travel team that’s more low-key will be the better call.

8. What You’re Giving Up

Travel baseball tournaments are on weekends, and players often have to sacrifice certain things that are part of a normal childhood. 

Is your son or daughter willing to miss out on things like birthdays, sleepovers and school dances, because most of their time is spent doing homework, traveling to and from games and practices, practicing on their own (possibly including private lessons), and spending nearly every summer weekend at the ballpark?

And are they willing to sacrifice the material things that matter to kids — things like clothes, video games, new smartphones, etc. — because so much money is being spent on baseball? 

As I wrote in THV’s guide to travel softball , my family made major sacrifices to support my athletic pursuits. 

For some, their love of the game is so great that giving up these things is a no-brainer. For others, they may regret missing out on these social activities. And that’s perfectly fine! Just be honest with each other and talk about the true costs of travel baseball — because it’s not just the sticker price.

There are some important similarities and differences between competitive travel baseball and recreational baseball. Both can teach many valuable life skills, such as work ethic, good sportsmanship, teamwork and bouncing back from failure. But they are very different when it comes to time commitment and competitiveness.

The Little League schedule usually runs from the late spring through early summer, with teams practicing twice per week and playing two games per week. The total number of games per season varies, but it usually ranges from 10 to 20. It’s a local program, which means travel is either limited or non-existent. In general, Little League coaches are parents.

Little League can be a great place for kids as young as 4-years-old to start playing the game. They’ll learn the rules and the absolute basics of hitting, pitching and fielding in a fun an easy-going environment (except for the occasional parent that takes their coaching position overboard). 

Overall, Little League fits the classic stereotype of youth baseball: kids having fun playing the greatest game in the world, without much pressure or focus on player development. 

Back in the day, Little League would feed into middle school and high school programs, which carried the bulk of the weight when it came to getting payers ready for college and the pros. But today, the reality is that it’s almost impossible to get the coaching and skill development you need by participating only Little league or other rec ball programs. 

That’s especially true when it comes to the gap between “Majors” Little League (12-and-under) and high school. Few middle schools still have baseball programs, and those programs that do exist tend not to be very good. Likewise, while Little League offers both a Junior division (12-14) and a Senior division (14-16), those leagues tend to pale in comparison to the coaching and competition offered by travel ball. 

So, if your son or daughter is serious about playing baseball at a high level, it’s especially important to focus on the transition to travel ball at around the age of 11 or 12.

There are positives and negatives when it comes to travel baseball. Here are a few of each.

  • Better competition : Players are more serious about the game and more driven to improve. This higher level of competition will help push your son or daughter to improve their own skills.
  • Better coaching : Travel baseball coaches tend to be better qualified, more knowledgeable, and better-connected. At the highest levels of travel ball, teams often employ former professional coaches.
  • More exposure : Aside from high school baseball, travel ball is the primary means of exposure to college coaches and pro scouts. Plus, travel teams often attend showcase tournaments and camps.
  • More games played : Travel teams play significantly more games per year than rec ball teams.
  • Facilitates travel : Sometimes seen as an ancillary benefit, the travel itself can be a valuable and eye-opening experience for players. Many kids don’t have an opportunity to travel out of their own area or state, and travel baseball can provide that. 
  • Encourages character development : Because travel teams are more serious, there’s a greater emphasis put on things like being on time, demonstrating maximum effort, and having a good attitude.  
  • Cost : Travel baseball is expensive — sometimes absurdly so. Families often spend around $2,500 per year, but the costs can be even higher. 
  • Time commitment : Even a moderately competitive travel team can consume an entire summer’s worth of weekends. 
  • Ultra-competitive : On most travel teams, there’s a balance between player development and winning. What you won’t often find is an “everybody plays” approach. For the most part, the best players will play the most, which makes for a highly-competitive environment. 
  • Tougher workouts : This can be a pro or a con, depending on the player’s perspective and goals. Tougher workouts can lead to better outcomes, but they can also be mentally and physically taxing if the player isn’t fully invested.
  • Lack of diversity : Because travel baseball is expensive, it has often been criticized for a lack of socioeconomic and racial diversity. 

Travel baseball provides many benefits and can be a valuable opportunity for players who are serious about the game and committed to playing at the highest possible level. However, it’s not without its share of criticism and controversy. 

In an essay titled “ Left Out ,” MLB superstar Andrew McCutchen wrote about how kids like him, who grow up in low-income families, are often excluded from travel baseball and thus systematically disadvantaged when it comes to development and exposure: 

“When you’re a kid from a low-income family who has talent, how do you get recognized? Now, you have to pay thousands of dollars for the chance to be noticed in showcase tournaments in big cities. My parents loved me, but they had to work hard to put food on the table, and there wasn’t much left over. They didn’t have the option of skipping a shift to take me to a tournament over the weekend. […] That’s the challenge for families today. It’s not about the $100 bat. It’s about the $100-a-night motel room and the $30 gas money and the $300 tournament fee. 

[…] If you’re a poor kid with raw ability, it’s not enough.”

McCutchen was lucky: an AAU coach “discovered” him at the age of 13 and covered his travel ball expenses. But most kids from similar situations aren’t so fortunate. 

Why is this important for you, the parent of a child thinking about joining a travel team? 

On one hand, it’s important to be aware of how the systems we participate in affect our society. But on a much more specific level, you should know that your child will be entering a largely homogenous environment.

On top of that, kids from lower-income families can often feel out of place in travel ball — especially if they don’t come to the ballpark with the latest, top-quality gear like their teammates. This social dynamic can have a powerful impact on your child’s experience. 

Additionally, travel baseball means that both your family and your child will be spending less time within your own community.

There’s been a lot written in recent years about how travel baseball may be contributing to the erosion of communities , because it pulls families out of local baseball programs that once served as important civic institutions.

This is evidenced by the sharply declining participation in Little League. In the organization’s Southeast Region (a hotbed for a travel baseball), the number of Little League players has plunged by nearly 50% since 2007 . 

So we’ve come to the biggest question: Is travel ball worth it?

If you want to improve your skills and have the best chance to play in college or the pros, travel baseball is the way to go. But remember: there is a range of cost and time commitment within travel baseball. Your son or daughter doesn’t necessarily have to opt for the most expensive travel team in order to be sufficiently challenged (and later on, to get noticed by college coaches). 

Your goal in evaluating teams should be to find the right balance of: 

  • Financial commitment 
  • Time commitment
  • Intangible sacrifices (school events, community involvement, etc.) 
  • Baseball goals

After reading this article, you should have a very solid understanding of what Little League and travel baseball have in common, their differences, and what you should be looking for in a club. 

Remember, this is your child’s choice to. Help them see the pros and cons of each option. And although we stated it earlier, we cannot stress this enough: you cannot dictate your son or daughter’s commitment to the game of baseball. It’s up to them. So, support them in whatever capacity they want to participate. If you do, they’ll never regret or forget the amazing experiences, friends, and lessons learned playing this great game.

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  • Press Releases & Blogs

Teamwork – The Essential Ingredients

  • January 26, 2022
  • Ainsley Harris

What is YOUR definition of a team and teamwork? Everyone has their own vision of what makes up a team. Is it a dynamic duo, like Batman and Robin? Is it a championship team like the Boston Celtics? Does it require more than one person… or was Tiger Woods and his caddy the best team ever?  Regardless of who makes up the team, they all have one thing in common… they work their tails off and trust the process.

Officially, a team is “a group of people who compete in a sport, game etc. against one another; a group of people who work together; A team can be known as a pod, a crew, a gang, a unit.” The one constant is working together towards a common goal.

Great teamwork and a solid team unit can keep the train rolling. Conversely, the lack of teamwork could stop you dead in your tracks. What are the special qualities for the magic recipe of a great team?

team travel definition

Along with a great recipe for teamwork, you must also have a focused and driven team-oriented leader. Having a great leader is crucial to your team’s results. Remember that amazing boss or mentor in your life? We’ve all had them. Now think about what special ingredients they used, and work to instill those in your team too.

team travel definition

Personally, I have been very fortunate to have been a part of so many amazing teams, both as a leader and a teammate. Whether it was my club volleyball team growing up, the college team I played on at the University of Kentucky, coaching at Kentucky and LSU or working with our amazing team at TTS, I’ve learned and achieved so much. The one constant has always been amazing people who work hard and trust the process.

At the end of the day, look at teams that win. They sign the next big deal, win the tournament championship or simply win the day. Everyone on the team must believe with your whole heart in what you are fighting for and who you are fighting with.

Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much!

The Travel Glossary - find the best Terms, Definitions and Acronyms

Travel terms, glossary, definitions and acronyms of the travel industry from A – Z. Click on a letter to see the terms and descriptions in our glossary.

A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L     M     N     O     P     Q     R     S     T     U     V     W     X     Y     Z

Add-collect, adjoining room.

Average Daily Rate. A hotel industry term used to calculate average hotel room rate. Equal to room revenue divided by rooms sold.

advance purchase

The advance time before travel that a fare requires a ticket to be issued, normally 3,7,14 or 21 days.

Agent Error. An incorrect entry made by a consultant during the reservation process.

AEA (see “Association of European Airlines”)

A US based travel agency that has entered into an agreement with BCD Travel to use the BCD Travel trademarks and provide travel services to customers in the affiliate’s territory.

Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC)

An independent corporation jointly owned by most of the major United States airlines; ARC collects payments for tickets sold by travel agencies and distributes the monies to the airlines; ARC also governs appointment of travel agencies to sell domestic air transportation.

airport code

The three-letter code used by airlines and the air travel industry to identify airports around the world, e.g. LHR=London Heathrow, JFK=New York John F. Kennedy. http://www.world-airport-codes.com/

airport security check

Airport security checks are procedures and measures for screening passengers and baggage to ensure security against terrorist threats and other dangers.  Find out how to get through quickly

airport tax

Tax levied by certain airports throughout the world. In many cases this can be built into the total ticket price, although some airlines will not co-operate, thus making payable locally by the passenger.

On outbound journey’s, airside includes all those areas of the airport terminal after you have passed through passport control. On inbound journey’s, airside includes all those areas of the terminal before you pass through passport control.

A short-hop aircraft for up to 20 passengers, usually flying unscheduled services with a 200 / 500-mile range.


A hotel program which usually includes all meals, snacks, beverages and activities.

A joint partnership between specified carriers which may include, but not limited to, interlining, code-sharing, joint frequent flyer program participation, and even equity participation of stock ownership.

The National Railroad Passenger Corporation, a government-subsidized corporation that operates all passenger train service in the United States.

Automatic Number Identification. A contact center term for a telephone network feature that passes that number of the phone the caller is using to the contact center, real-time.

American Plan. A hotel rate that includes breakfast and dinner, sometimes lunch.

Asia Pacific. A geographical term used interchangeably with ASPAC and often used in reference to the entire Asian market.

Advance Purchase Excursion Fare

applicable fare

The fare to be applied.

Accounts Receivable. Money which is owed by a customer to a company for products or services provided on credit.

ARC (see “Airlines Reporting Corporation”)

An eight-digit identification number issued by ARC to travel agencies who have met accreditation standards.

Arrival Unknown. An ARNK is added to a reservation when there is a break in the itinerary and continuity is not recognized; it does count as a segment when ticketing.


A continuous journey circumnavigating the globe in one general west-to-east or east-to-west direction in which both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans are crossed not more than once each.

ARR (see “Average room rate”)

Asia South Pacific. A geographic term used interchangeably with APAC.

Automated Ticket & Boarding Pass. IATA standard transportation ticket and combined boarding pass which features a magnetic strip containing passenger and journey details.

Average Ticket Price. The average price of all tickets purchased; domestic and international are sometimes calculated separately.


The total number of seats allowed to be sold at a particular rate.

average room rate (ARR)

Ratio of hotel’s sales revenue to the number of occupied rooms.

back-to-back ticketing

An against-the-rules practice whereby a traveler books a return ticket nested inside another return ticket to avoid minimum stay requirements for the purpose of saving money. For example, the traveler uses the first ticket to fly from origin to destination on Monday in week 1, then he uses the second ticket to fly from destination to origin on Friday in week 1 and back to destination on Monday in week 2, and then he uses the first ticket again to fly back to origin on Friday in week 2. The normal Saturday night stay requirement is then avoided. While this will sometimes save money, most airlines do not allow this practice and doing so might result in penalties.


Having to return to your original airport of entry in a country to make the return trip home. A time-consuming and costly procedure to overcome by arranging an op-jaw itinerary, which allows you to fly out to one point and return from another.

Carry-on-baggage and checked baggage have many restrictions. Most notable are the number and size of the baggage. Many airlines allow only 1 carry-on bag, plus one personal item (purse, back-pack, computer bag). For checked baggage restrictions and fees, refer to the carrier’s website for details.

banker’s buying rate (BBR)

Exchange rate used to convert from one currency to another; called the ‘buying rate’ because it is the rate used when banks purchase currency from an individual

banker’s selling rate (BSR)

Exchange rate used to convert from one currency to another; called the ‘buying rate’ because it is the rate used when banks sell currency to an individual

Best Available Rate. A hotel industry pricing method for yielding room rates (floating) based on demand while ensuring the best rate is presented for sale to agents, consumers.

A fare without tax.

Measurement of hotel occupency.

blackout dates

Certain dates or periods when travel on specific fares is not permitted (usually holidays).

blocked space

Multiple reservations, often subject to deposit forfeiture, which wholesalers or travel agents make with a supplier in anticipation of resale.

boarding pass

A permit to board a ship, plane, or other form of transportation. In the case of air travel, the card indicates boarding gate and aircraft seat number.

booking code

A letter code used to make an airline reservation at a particular fare level in a computerized reservation system. (CRS/GDS)

Bank Settlement Plan. Outside the USA, a system by which the travel agent community pays carriers for tickets it issues.

Business Travel Account. If a company has a corporate credit card program where certain purchases such as air, rail, and associated transaction fees are centrally billed to one “master” credit card number, this is referred to as the Business Travel Account (BTA). This account allows for the purchase of certain air travel expenses for corporate employees without the need to issue individual credit cards to each traveler for the designated expenses. Because the account has no physical card, it’s often called a “ghost card.”

BTC (see “Business Travel Center”)

Business Travel News. A travel industry publication that delivers news and research to the corporate travel population.

bucket shop

An unlicensed, unbonded travel agency used by some airlines to dispose of excess capacity seats that are available on certain flights.

buffer zone

For taxation purposes, an extension of the US border 225 miles north into Canada and 225 miles south into Mexico border; all cities within this area are assessed the 7.5% US domestic tax when tickets are purchased and sold in the US.

A net fare contract for certain number of seats. Similar to blocked space except that the tour operator, wholesaler, or travel agent usually contracts for airline seats at a low, non-commissioned price without the option of releasing space back to the airline.

A partition (usually a wall) on an airplane separating compartments.

Travel slang for the removal of a passenger from a flight through overbooking; usually applied to those holding concessionary tickets.

bundled pricing

A pricing proposal, always a transaction fee, where elements other than air (e.g. car hire, hotel, rail) are included in the fee with the air transaction.

business class

Level of airline service between First class and Economy class. On European routes business class has now replaced first class as premier service level. Most airlines have their own brand names. (e.g. British Airways – Club World and Club Europe: Air France – Le Club etc.)

Business Travel Center (BTC)

Standard full service and online service in a local call center, undedicated, team environment.

Business Travel Management

Business travel management is the process of planning, organizing, and overseeing business travel for an organization. This includes booking travel arrangements, managing expenses, and developing policies and procedures for business travel.

cancellation policy

The advance time a hotel requires a booking to be canceled by to avoid being billed for the room

carrier (CXR)

Another term for airline.

Credit Card. A system of payment whereby the issuer of the card grants a line of credit to the cardholder, to be used to make payment to a merchant or to withdraw cash.

Collision Damage Waiver. An industry term for optional insurance provided by car rental companies that eliminates all responsibility of the driver in an accident.

centralized billing

System under which a travel supplier, credit card company, agency or other supplier consolidates all costs/charges incurred by different employees or departments into one total invoice.

change of equipment

Also known as “change of gauge”. A single flight number used to represent flights on two different aircraft; usually on international destinations.

Notification to an airline or hotel that a traveler has arrived to take a flight or stay at a hotel; some airlines provide curbside check-in while others only allow check-in at the ticket counter.

Advice to a hotel that a guest is leaving the property and usually includes payment for the stay.

A traveler who has had his/her second birthday, but not yet his/her twelfth birthday (this definition may vary by carrier).

Churning refers to any repeated booking or canceling of the same itinerary in the same class or different classes of service in one or more PNRs or GDS.

circle pacific

Travel from IATA Area 1 (North and/or South America) to IATA Area 3 (Asia, Australia, South Pacific) by way of the North Pacific Ocean in one direction, via the South Pacific Ocean in the opposite direction, and at least one flight within IATA Area 3 that crosses the Equator.

circle trip (CT)

A journey from origin to destination with a return to origin in a continuous, circuitous route using two or more fare components

The orgin (from) and arrival (to) points of a trip, usually by air or train.

city terminal

Airline office, usually city center, where passengers may check-in, receive seating details and board special bus/ taxi/ helicopter/ rail/ shuttle services to the airport.

class of service

The interior of an aircraft is divided into sections, each with a different level of service and amenities; common classes of service are first, business, and economy.

Cruise Lines International Association. An association dedicated to the promotion and growth of the cruise industry.

Section of a hotel offering higher security and special facilities either for a premium payment or as an incentive/ privilege for frequent users.

club ticket

Fully flexible, redeemable business class ticket valid one year from date of issue. Phrase used primarily in the U.K.

Another term for bus.

Close of Business. A term meaning the end of the business day.

A marketing agreement between two airlines (very common amongst airlines that have an alliance) where a seat is purchased on one airline (the selling carrier), but the flight is actually operated by a different airline (the operating carrier).


Two or more fares shown separately in a fare calculation.

Computerized Reservation System

System used to book and process travel reservations, also known as a Global Distribution System (GDS).

A hotel employee who attends to guests’ needs for special information, theater and restaurant reservations, and any other special requests.

connecting flight

A flight which the passenger must change aircraft.

A stop in a given city for less than 4 hours (domestic US); less than 12 hours (domestic US as part of an international journey); less than 24 hours (international); continuing on the next applicable flight to an onward destination; designated by X/ in a linear fare construction line.

conjunction ticket

Two or more tickets concurrently issued to a passenger and which together constitute a single contract of carriage.

connecting rooms

Two rooms that are side-by-side that have a common connecting interior door.

consolidation fare

A group inclusive tour fare available to travel agents and other operators to construct packages to destinations which are inclusive of accomodation. Consolidation fares, although group fares, are for sale to individual passengers.


A person or company which forms groups to travel on charter or at group fares on scheduled flights to increase sales, earn override commissions or reduce the chance of tour cancellations.

A group of independent companies that join together to gain greater profits.

construction point

A city through which fares have been combined for the purpose of pricing an itinerary; a destination city or a turnaround point; a fare break shown on the ticket.

A contact center term for an individual who is calling or visiting your company by phone or through the website, and who is requesting an interaction with an agent.

contact center

An umbrella term that generally refers to reservations centers, help desks, information lines or customer service centers, regardless of how they are organized or what types of transactions they handle.

continental breakfast

A light breakfast of such things as coffee, pastry and sometimes juice.

contract fare / contract discount

A discounted fare agreed upon by the client and a carrier; contract fares require a client give the carrier a certain percentage of its business in all markets.

corporate fare

A discounted airfare for business travelers.

corporate rate

A special rate negotiated between a supplier (hotel or car for example) and a company.

corporate hotel rate

Learn how to get corporate hotel rates .

Corporate Travel Department (CTD)

A CTD (Corporate Travel Department) establishes a direct purchasing relationship between the company and its travel suppliers. The accrediting body, ARC (Airline Reporting Corporation) authorizes the company to function as its own “travel agency” and control it’s financial settlement.


A group of cities/airports considered to be the same point; example: JFK/LGA/EWR.

country of commencement (COC)

The country in which a journey begins; the base fare is converted from NUCs into the currency of the Country of Commencement by using the IATA ROE.

country of payment (COP)

The country in which a ticket is being purchased; the base fare is converted from the currency of the Country of Commencement into the currency of the country of payment using the Bank Rate if the countries are not the same.

Cost Per Mile. A calculation of the average price paid per mile.

Cost Per Transaction. A calculation of the total cost a company incurs for generating a customer transaction.

Customer Relationship Management. A term used for a database that is used to house and maintain customer information.

CRS (see “Computerized Reservation System”)

Corporate Social Responsibility . A concept whereby companies consider the impact to society and the environment of their actions.

Central Security Record. A hotel industry term for the name of the Viewership Management Table used to maintain a list of offices authorized to access a client’s negotiated hotel rates.

Central Standard Time. A time zone in the US, also known as Central Time or CT.

Corporate Travel Department. A company’s in-house travel agency that purchases air transportation and related travel services on behalf of its own employees.

Computer Telephony Integration. A contact center term for the software, hardware, and programming necessary to integrate computers and telephones so they can work together seamlessly and intelligently.

A checkpoint at which imported goods are verified for legality and value.

Data Release Authorization (DRA)

Under a DRA, Client instructs, as of the date specified, BCD Travel to receive, process, and/or transfer certain personal travel data from Client’s travelers, including, but not limited to, transactional ticket-level, segment-level, and traveler-level information, which may include, without limitation, traveler name and address, origination and destination, corporate and/or personal credit card number, passport number, drivers license, travel preferences, and other special needs or any other sensitive data as may be provided by or behalf of the travelers (“Travel Data”).

Decision Source (DS)

A BCD Travel product that allows our customers to interact with their reservation data.

delegate rate

An inclusive rate for meetings on a daily basis. Twenty-four hour delegate rate also includes accommodation. Phrase primarily used in the U.K.

denied boarding compensation (DBC)

Commonly called “bumping,” – When more passengers arrive to take a flight than can actually fit on the plane; although legal, the carrier is only responsible for providing compensation to a traveler if he/she has a confirmed reservation and is checked in and has arrived at the departure gate within a pre-determined time period; compensation may be in cash or in a voucher for future travel; passengers who voluntarily relinquish their seats are compensated with a cash payment or voucher towards a future trip and are then accommodated on the next available flight; if an airline delivers a bumped passenger to his/her destination within an hour of the originally-scheduled time, no compensation is required.


Originally applied to American air travel: in 1978, federal law phased out the civil Aeronautics Board and stopped government intervention or regulation of airline routes and fares.


The final stopping place as shown on the ticket; the furthest point on a fare component used to price an itinerary.

Destination Management Company

Company, possibly an incoming tour operator, who organizes local ground services at destination.


The difference between the fares for two different classes of service between two cities; this fare construction principle is only used internationally.

direct fare

The fare for one-way or half round-trip travel visa the shortest route operated between two cities.

direct flight

A flight from origin to destination that makes one or more intermediate stops, but passengers do not change planes.

directional fare

Fare valid only in a specified direction of travel.

discount fare

Transportation fare lower than the full published tariff for an airline’s route. A discount fare usually entails certain stipulations regarding purchase or travel (space availbility).

DMC (see “Destination Management Company”)

Domestic travel.

Travel wholly within any one country; typically used to designate intra-US travel.

A hotel room with two double beds and/or accommodating 2-4 people.

double booking

The practice of making reservations for two or more flights, cars or hotels as a type of backup; considered to be unethical.

double occupancy

The way in which almost all cruise fares and tour packages are quoted, that is, based on two people traveling together. Most hotel rooms are quoted based on two adults to a room, as well.

double open jaw (DOJ)

Travel in which the outbound departure point and arrival and the inbound point of departure and arrival are not the same.

To move a passenger to a lower class of service or accommodation.

drop-off charge

A fee charged for dropping a rental car at a different location from where it was picked up.

Being exempt from any import tax.

economy class

The rear area of the aircraft in which passengers having paid one of the lower fare types are seated.

electronic miscellaneous document – Associated (EMD-A)

Document that allows for the fulfillment of all flight related services and fees (such as bags, seats, meals, etc.). An EMD or EMD-A is linked to a specific eticket coupon in the airline’s database.

electronic miscellaneous document – Standalone (EMD-S)

Non-flight related services (such as lounge access or change fee collection) a stand alone EMD, a EMD-S is issued. To issue an EMD-S a manually created service segment must be in the PNR. Specific services that can be charged on an EMD-S is dependent on the airline’s own requirements.

electronic ticket (eticket)

An airline transportation ticket that is entirely in a GDS; no physical ticket is required for travel.

EMD (see “electronic miscellaneous document”)


Permission from the plating carrier, the ticketed carrier or the carrier losing air space for the traveler to use the flight coupon(s) for travel on another airline at no additional cost; usually only required for international tickets.

end-on-end combination

A special type of combination in which two round trip fares are combined to produce a complete itinerary.

In this example, the passenger buys a round trip ticket from AAA to BBB (Rule 1), and a separate round trip fare from BBB to CCC (Rule 2). The net effect is to travel from AAA to CCC, but breaking the fare at BBB, which may in some cases be less expensive than the round trip (through) fare from AAA to CCC.

equivalent fare paid

An amount converted into the currency of the country of payment when the published fare is in a currency other than that of the country of payment.

ERA (see “European Regions Airline Association”)

Eastern Standard Time. A time zone in the US, also known as Eastern Time or ET.

Electronic System for Travel Authorization. ESTA is a free, automated system that determines the eligibility of visitors to travel to the U.S. under the Visa Waiver Program. The ESTA application collects the same information collected on Form I-94W. ESTA applications may be submitted at anytime prior to travel, though it is recommended travelers apply when they begin preparing travel plans.

Estimated Time of Arrival. A measure of when an object is expected to arrive at a certain place.

Estimated Time of Departure or Delivery. The expected start time of a particular journey or the expected delivery of a good or service.

e-ticket (see “electronic ticket”)

Electronic Ticket Record.

European Regions Airline Association

Association which aims to identify, protect and promote the interests of regional air transport in Europe. Over 170 memebers including airlines, aircraft manufacturers and airports. www.eraa.org

excess baggage

Baggage in excess of the allowable number, size or weight.

The process of reissuing a ticket due to a change of flight, fare basis, dates or routing.

excursion fare

Round-trip fare with restrictions, such as minimun and maximum stays and the need to purchase well in advance.

executive card

Types of privilege cards available to frequent users of airlines, hotel chains, car rental companies, etc. Most carry benefits and have their own brand names, e.g. British Airways Executive Blue, Executive Silver, Executive Gold and Premier.

executive room

Higher grade than standard room and usually slightly larger, the executive room often has additional facilities for the business traveler such as trouser press, desk etc. and may be located on a separate Executive Club Floor.

Expatriot (or expat)

An expatriate (in abbreviated form, expat) is a person temporarily or permanently residing in a country and culture other than that of the person’s upbringing or legal residence.

explant/ outplant/ offsite

Branch office dedicated to serving a single client that is not located on the client’s premises, but rather operates as a separate part of a BTC.

familiarization tour

A complimentary or reduced-rate travel program for travel agents, airline or rail employees, which is designed to acquaint participants with specific destinations. Often known as “Fam-Trips”.

family plan

A hotel rate that allows children to stay free with adults in the same room.

A combination of letters and numbers used to identify a fare type which may also indicate the rules of the fare

fare component

A fare between two points.

fare ladder

A vertically-written fare construction that includes fare components, surcharges and additional amounts collected.

  • fee – bundled air transaction fee An air transaction fee that includes the costs associated with servicing air, hotel and car transactions. Therefore, hotel and car only bookings (not to exceed XX% of air bookings) are not charged a transaction fee.
  • fee – management fee Fee assessed in addition to direct costs. Covers primarily overhead and profit. Can be assessed as % of sales, per transaction or fixed amount.
  • fee – management fee structure (formerly cost plus offering) Client fee arrangement whereby direct expenses are passed through to the client in addition to management fee. Management fee could be % of sales, fixed fee, or per transaction.
  • fee – online booking tool fee (PNR fee) Charged per unique reserved PNR. Additional fees may be assessed for transactions booked on a website accessed via the online booking tool.
  • fee – online transaction fee (e-fulfillment fee) Charged per online transaction – that excludes any ‘flow through costs’ charged by the online booking tool provider.
  • fee – transaction fee structure Client fee arrangement whereby client is billed per transaction for all major program costs including direct expenses and contribution to overhead and profit, usually at POS.
  • fee – unbundled (menu) transaction fee Separately charged per each type of transaction, e.g. hotel, car, rail and air. AM and MIS costs might also be charged separately.

final destination

The last point on an itinerary/fare component.

first class

The cabin on an aircraft where there are fewer seats, more elaborate service and amenities.

FIT (see “Fully Independent Traveler”)

Flag carrier.

The airline that internationally represents a given country; sometimes financed or owned by the government.

flight coupon

A section of an airline ticket; one flight coupon is required to take each flight.

flight/time specific

A fare rule that requires a to fly on a specific flight or at a specific time of day.

FOI (see “Form of Indemnity”)

Form of Payment. The method of payment for a transaction.

form of indemnity

A form that needs to be completed by the passenger in order to claim refund in respect of an air ticket that has been misplaced or stolen.

frequent flyer number

Find out what a frequent flyer number is and how to get one

frequent flyer program

An airline loyalty program that provides awards to travelers who use an airline or its partners.

frequent guest program

A hotel loyalty program that provides awards to guests who use a hotel chain.

frequent renter program

A car rental loyalty program that provides services (such as fast pickup) to those who use a car rental vendor.

front office (FO)

An industry term used for products associated with customer-facing activities. The GDS is a front office system.

fuel surcharge

A surcharge assessed for fuel use applicable for travel between specified points and/or for departure from a specified city.

Hotel rate with accommodation, breakfast, lunch and dinner included.

full economy

This is a fully flexible, fully refundable ticket which is valid for one year from date of issue in economy class.

full exchange

Change an already ticketed reservation, with no flown flight segments.

full to full exchange

Change to a ticketed reservation when no segments are flown and the change is to any segment other than the outbound flights. Or when a segment has been flown and there is a change to a remaining flight segment. In either of these instances, the FULL value of the original ticket must be exchanged for the ‘combined’ FULL value of the new ticket.

fully independent traveler

A traveler / tourist not part of a tour group.

One of the world’s CRSs (GDSs).

Area in an airport where passengers for a flight gather before boarding their flight or deplane on arrival.

gateway city

The last domestic city from which a passenger departs prior to arriving at an international destination; the first point of arrival in a given country (e.g., on the journey SFO-CHI-FRA-MUC, CHI and FRA are gateway cities).

GDS (see “ Global Distribution System “)

Gds operations (gdso).

An industry term for computer reservation systems that book and sell tickets for multiple airlines.

GEBTA (see “Guild of European Business Travel Agents)

In the credit card industry a system used by corporations whereby travel related charges made through designated travel agencies are centrally billed but no plastic card actually exists. Often referred to as “Lodge card” in Europe.

global distribution system

An industry term for computer reservation systems that book and sell tickets for multiple airlines.  Learn more

global indicator

Two-letter code used to identify the direction of travel applicable to a given fare.

governing carrier

The airline whose fares and rules are used on a given itinerary.

Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

Solar based time in Greenwich, England, from which time in all other time zones in the world is based.

ground time

The time not flying.

A booking solution that allows the booking and managing of all ground transportation services, such as limousines, executive sedans, taxis, vans and parking services.

A fare that offers discounts to groups of varying minimum sizes in selected markets, with various conditions, and usually require round trip travel within a specified time limit.

guaranteed hotel reservations

This means that the hotel will hold the room all night. However if the room is not required, failure to cancel will result in a charge. Where reservations are made on an ad hoc basis, rather than through a regular account arrangement, a credit card number will be required to effect this guaranteed reservation.

Hotel rate for accommodation, breakfast and one other meal.

half round trip fare

Half of a fare designated for use on round-trip journeys.

Fee or tax some countries or cities levy on arriving or departing travelers.

Half of the globe; the North and South hemispheres are divided by the Equator; the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans divide the East and West hemispheres.

higher intermediate point (HIP)

A pair of cities within a one-way or half round-trip fare component that has a direct fare higher than the direct fare between the origin and destination of the fare component; this fare construction principle is only used internationally.

hotel sourcing

Hotel sourcing or procurement is the process of identifying, negotiating and contracting with hotels to secure accommodations for a specific group, event or organization.

An airport at which an airline centers many of its schedules, particularly connecting flights to smaller destinations.

(see “International Air Transport Association”)*

IATA Number (see “ARC Number”)

Iata rate of exchange (roe).

Rates of exchange designated by IATA to convert local currency to NUCs and to convert NUCs into the currency of commencement of travel.

ICAO (see “International Civil Aviation Organization”)

Interline e-ticket. An interline agreement between airlines that allow e-ticketing on each other’s flights. Interline agreement between airlines permitting travel service cooperation in areas such as: baggage transfer services, guaranteed connection times.

IGK (see “International Gatekeeper”)


Area at which a traveler’s documentation (e.g., Passport and Visa) are verified to ensure the traveler may enter the country.

implant (on-site)

Dedication operational team, based within an office of the client.


Phase of launching a new relationship, including e.g. opening a new location, training staff, installing technical equipment, and informing clients, travelers and travel arrangers.

inbound travelers

Travelers coming into a specified location are considered inbound. Travelers departing from the location are considered outbound.

A traveler who has not yet reached his/her second birthday.

Term used in the U.S. to describe an implant.

international departure taxes

Taxes levied on all travelers departing a country on an international journey that are, typically collected at the airport at the time of departure.

Between two airlines; TUS-HP-DEN-UA-LON is an interline journey.

interline baggage agreement

An agreement between two air carriers that a carrier will transfer baggage to the other carrier.

interline connection

When a passenger changes airlines as well as aircraft during a journey (same as off-line connection).

interline ticketing agreement

An agreement between two air carriers that permits air travel of one carrier to be on a ticket issued and/or ‘plated’ on another carrier.

intermediate point

A ticketed point of an international journey at which there is no fare break; an intermediate point may be a stopover or connection.

intermediate stop

An enroute stop at a city between the origin and destination (see also Direct Flight).

International Air Transport Association

The world trade association of international air carriers; appoints travel agencies to sell tickets; determines rules and regulations for international carriers. www.iata.org

International Civil Aviation Organization

Specialed agency of the United Nations with responsibility for civil aviation action in standardization, technical co-operation and the formulation of international aviation law. www.iaco.int

A chronological plan showing a traveler’s booked arrangement.

A special through fare (usually only internationally) that permits travel on two or more different airlines.

The origin to final destination of a fare construction.

BCD Travel provides support for KDS. KDS provides an online booking platform for the confirmation of air, car, hotel and rail itineraries.

On outbound journeys, landside includes all those areas of the terminal before you arrive at passport control. On inbound journeys, landside includes all those areas of the terminal after you’re through passport control.

last date of purchase

The date by which a ticket must be issued – fares are not guaranteed until tickets are issued.

last room availability (LRA)

A hotel industry term for ensuring a negotiated rate is always available when standard inventory is available or when the room type negotiated is available.

LDW (see “Loss Damage Waiver”)

One flight; one part of an entire journey.

Lowest Fare Routing. The least expensive airfare available to a destination.

local currency fare (LCF)

See Country Of Payment (COP).

locator reference

Unique identifying booking number used within a computer reservations system as part of a booking file.

In the credit card industry a system used by corporations whereby travel related charges made through designated travel agencies are centrally billed but no plastic card actually exists. Often referred to as “Ghost Card” in the U.S.

Loss Damage Waiver

Additional insurance pertaining to car rentals, covering theft and vandalism in addition to accident damage.

low cost carrier (LCC)

An airline that offers generally low fares in exchange for eliminating many traditional passenger services.

lowest combination principle

Construction of a fare using a particular combination of sector fares to provide the lowest fare when there is no published fare between two points.

Marine Travel

Specialized travel services, available 24/7, provides travel arrangements (including helicopters and charter aircraft) for marine personnel.

Market Number (MK)

A code all online booking tools (OBTs) add at the time each reservation is made, as a way to track PNRs for online adoption and fulfillment purposes. It should never be removed once added to the PNR.

Married Segments

Two or more connecting flight segments joined, or “married,” meaning that these segments are inseparable and the subsequent rebooking or cancellation of any one flight segment must, at the same time, be applied to the connecting flight segment.

maximum permitted mileage (MPM)

The number of miles that may be flown on a published direct fare between origin and destination; this fare construction principle is only used internationally.

maximum stay

The maximum amount of time a traveler may stay at a destination before return is required.

MCO (see “Miscellaneous Change Order”)

Meetings, Incentives and Corporate Events. An industry term for a department within a company that offers meeting planning services to customers. BCD Travel’s department is called BCD M&E

midoffice (MO)

An industry term for the management information (MIS) portion of a travel agency’s system.

mileage fare

A fare based on the total miles flown from the origin to destination; this fare construction principle is only used internationally.

mileage surcharge

A percentage of fare increase applied to a fare because the routing exceeds the maximum permitted mileage; the percentage is in 5% increments to a maximum of 25%; this fare construction principle is only used internationally.

minimum connection time

The amount of time required to change planes; varies by airport and often varies by carrier.

minimum stay

The minimum time a travel traveler must stay at a destination (or be gone ‘away from home’ internationally) before return travel can commence.

miscellaneous charge order (MCO)

An accountable document issued by a travel agency or airline as proof of payment for a specific fee (such as pet service fee) or as residual amount of an exchange (higher priced ticket exchanged for a lower priced ticket) to be used on a future purchase.

Mountain Standard Time. A time zone in the US, also known as Mountain Time or MT.

National Business Travel Association

U.S. business travel association which is a member of IBTA. www.nbta.org

NBTA (see “National Business Travel Association”)

New distribution capability. Read more

negotiated fare/rate

This is a term used by travel agents to descibe reduced airfares that have been negotiated by their air fare specialists on behalf of clients.

neutral units of construction (NUC)

An imaginary currency established by IATA that allows fares of different currencies to be added together; this fare construction principle is only used internationally.

Non Last Room Availability. A hotel industry term for restricting availability of a negotiated rate when occupancy levels are high. Negotiated room rate is not guaranteed to be available.

Net Operating Income. A financial term for the amount by which operating revenue exceeds operating expenses in a specific accounting period.


This expression often appears in the endorsements box of an airline ticket and it means that the flight coupon on which the worlds appear may be used only on the services of the airline indicated.


A ticket issued on a fare that does not allow for a refund; most non-refundable tickets can be changed for a fee and any difference in fare.

normal fares

The full fare established for first, business, economy or an intermediate class and any other fares published designated as normal fares.

normal open jaw (NOJ)

Travel from a country and return to the same country with a surface sector at either the origin or turnaround point (single open jaw – SOJ) or at both the origin and the turnaround point (double open jaw – DOJ).

An airline passenger or hotel guest who fails to use and/or cancel a reservation.

National Transportation Safety Board. An independent US government agency that investigates accidents including aviation, highway, marine, pipelines and railroads.

OBT and OBLT (see Online Booking Tool”)

Off-airport location.

Usually a car rental office serving an airport but physically located off the airport site (and often picking up renters at the airport in buses or taxis). When the office is located on-site, the term used is on airport location.

A destination that a carrier does not serve; see also Interline.

off-line connections

When a traveler changes airlines as well as aircraft during a journey (may also be referred to as interline connection). Changes of aircraft with the same airline are known as on-line connections.

offline transaction (traditional transaction)

A transaction that initated by an agent following a call/email request by a client.

Time of year or day of the week when travel is less common.

off-line point

Airline term to describe points (areas or cities) they do not serve.


This occurs when an airline has over-booked: that is, it has sold more seats on a particular flight than the aircraft has to offer. The passengers to be off-loaded are usually those who have paid the lowest fares. Off-loaded passengers will normally qualify for denied boarding compensation. Passengers may also be off-loaded at the captain’s discretion if they are unfit to travel due to drink, drugs, illness or for bad behavior.

BCD Travel is a re-seller of onesto. On-esto provides an online booking platform for the confirmation of air, car, hotel and rail itineraries.

Online Booking Tool

A web-based platform allowing travelers to make self-service reservations (e.g. Cliqbook, GetThere).

operating carrier

In a codeshare, the airline providing the plane, crew and ground handling services.

online or online point

On the same carrier; TUS-UA-DEN-UA-LON is an online journey.

online adoption

An account’s use of their predetermined online booking tool.

online high touch transaction

A transaction that originates via an online booking tool, but then requires more than one agent intervention (one touch).

online low touch transaction

A transacion that originates via an online booking tool, and then requires agent intervention or manual review/processing that is initated by the customer.

online transaction fee

(E-fulfillment fee) A fulfillment fee canged per online trasaction – that excludes any ‘flow through costs’ charged by the online booking tool provider.

A BCD Travel office located at/on/in a client’s location.

Term used to describe the principle of showing a client the complete cash-flow cycle, including commissions and overrides.

open date sector

Part of a journey for which no firm reservation has been made (usually owing to changeable plans on the part of the traveler) but for which the fare has been paid.

open jaw ticket

Where passengers fly out to one destination and return from another. Open jaw arrangements save backtracking and make a trip more cost effective.

Much-used term for unrestricted air services between several countries.

open ticket

A ticket valid for transportation between two points but has no specific flight reservation.

originating carrier

The first airline of a passenger’s journey and/or portion of a trip.

Other Service Information. A GDS entry that provides information to a carrier that does not require action for traveler action such as contract discount code, record locators of additional family members traveling together (TCP), age information for children/infants, etc.

Travel from the point of origin to the farthest destination.

outplant (off-site)

Dedication operational team, based within a BTC office.


Also known as bumping. Airlines and hotels can predict, with some accuracy, how many travelers/guests will show up for previously made reservations; when more people show up than what is expected, travelers/guests are re-accommodated; see also Denied Boarding Compensation.

Abbreviations for ‘passport and visa’ used in the U.K. Some affliates have a specialist team which advises on and acquires passports/visa on behalf of their clients.

Pacific Asia Travel Association

Association which aims to promote travel to Asia Pacific. www.pata.org

PAR (see “Passenger Account Record”)

Passenger account record.

In Galileo, the profile showing passenger information.

passenger facility charges

An airport-designated surcharge to raise funds for airport expansion, renovation, operating costs, etc.

passenger name record

Record held within a CRS/GDS which gives the personal details associated with a particular booking.

An official document issued by a government to its citizens that establishes an individual’s identity and nationality and enables travel abroad.

PATA (see “Pacific Asia Travel Association”)

Abbreviation for passengers.

Payment Card Industry. Security standards set to help protect account data information.

Time of year or day of the week when travel is most common.

A fee charged by a carrier or vendor for changing and/or canceling a reservation or ticket.

Per diem is a daily allowance given to an employee to cover business travel expenses such as lodging, meals and incidentals while traveling for the company. Learn more about per diem .

Penalty excursion fare. Public excursion fare are within minimum stay requirements, but which has no advanced purchase requirements.

PIR (see “Property Irregularity Report”)

Plate / plated.

See Validating Carrier.

PMS (see “Property Management System”)

Pnr (see “passenger name record”).

Purchase Order. A commercial document issued by a buyer to a seller that indicates the quantities and agreed upon prices for products / services.

point-to-point fares

De-regulation has led to a growing number of these on routes throughout the world. They are low fares in first, business, or economy class between two points by direct flights. Stopovers are usually, but not always, prohibited.

Point of Service or Point of Sale. The time and place in which a transaction is made.

prepaid ticket advice (PTA)

A form used when a person is buying a ticket that will be issued at the airport of the same or a different city. Example: A ticket purchased in Chicago to be picked up by the traveler in and for a departure from Buenos Aires.

pre-trip auditing

A product offered by travel management companies that allows for the review of travel itineries before departure to identify savings or prevent unnecessary expenditure.

pricing unit (PU)

A journey, or part of a journey which can be priced and ticketed as a separate entity; a round-trip, circle trip, one-way, normal open jaw or special open jaw; this fare construction principle is only used internationally.

pricing unit concept (PUC)

An alternative method of fare construction for multiple-stopover journeys that uses pricing units; this fare construction principle is only used internationally.

primary carrier

Airline flying the governing sector (prime segment).

prime segment

The first “true” international journey; often called the “over-the-water” segment; see also Gateway.

A computerized file containing company and traveler information.

promotional fare

A fare designed to attract passengers who would not otherwise travel.

proof of citizenship

Documentation that establishes nationality.

property irregularity report

Form submitted by passengers to ground handling agents at airports in the event of loss or damaged baggage.

property management system

Computer-based system for controlling hotel inventory, check-in and -out and billing.

Pacific Standard Time. A time zone in the US, also known as Pacific Time or PT.

PTA (see “Pre-paid Ticket Advice”)

Public fares (air).

Fares that anyone can obtain and is available in a regular fare display.

Quality of Service Index. An index developed by the Civil Aeronautics Board to provide a comparative rating of service offered by individual airlines.

A computer’s electronic filing system. Also a contact center term for the holding point for a number of calls or interactions that are waiting to be answered by an agent. The calls or interactions are usually assigned to available agents in a first-arrived, first-answered basis, but may also be assigned based on a company’s routing strategies.

queue group

A contact center term for a group of virtual queues. Also referred to as a DN Group or Group of Queues.

The official posted rate for each hotel room.

rate desk (see “International Rate Desk”)

Rate of exchange (roe) (see “iata rate of exchange”), rearden commerce.

BCD Travel is a referrer for Rearden. Rearden provides an online booking platform for the confirmation of air, car, hotel and rail itineraries.

reason codes (RC)

An industry term for codes used to document and report on traveler decisions and behavior.


Particularly on international flights, passengers are required to indicate their intention of using the next leg of their itinerary by contacting the appropriate carrier before departure; internationally, reconfirmation is requested 72 hours prior to departure.

record locator

A computerized number that identifies a Passenger Name Record – PNR or other reservation; when speaking to travelers, usually called a confirmation number.

red-eye flight

Usually an overnight flight that arrives early in the morning – great when you don’t want to lose precious sightseeing time at your destination.

If necessary for a passenger to change journey en route, the ticket must be reissued. The value of the original ticket will be offset against the new fare and any extra or refund, calculated. Settlement can be direct with airline or with referral to the issuing agent.

BCD Travel is a re-seller for ResX. ResX provides an online booking platform for the confirmation of air, car, hotel and rail itineraries.

return journey

A journey for which the fare is assessed as a single pricing unit using half round-trip fares.


If the passenger’s travel date or flight needs to be changed, without affecting the route, there is not always a need to reissue the ticket. The relevant flight coupon is simply revalidated by means of a revalidation sticker.

Revenue Per Available Room. A hotel industry measure that calculates room revenue divided by rooms available (occupancy times average room rate will closely approximate RevPAR.)

Rate Loading Instructions. A hotel industry term for the instructions provided to hotel properties for loading client-specific or TMC-specific rate codes as displayed in the GDS.

room with facilities

Describes a hotel room which has a bathroom en-suite. In some smaller two-star or three-star hotels facilities may refer to toilet and washbasin only.

round-the-world (RTW) (see “Around-the-World”)

A trip that begins and ends in the same city with no un-flown portions; internationally, with the same dollar amount on both portions .

route deal / route incentive

An agreement between a corporate customer and an airline. The agreement allows for an incentive payment to be made to the cient by the airline as a reward for loyalty.

The carrier and/or cities and/or class of service and/or aircraft type via which transportation is provided between two points.

routing fare

A fare based on a specified routing.

run-of-the-house (ROH)

A flat rate for which a hotel offers any of its available rooms.

Schengen Visa

A special visa that permits holders to travel to any of the 25 Schengen member countries on a single visa (rather than obtaining a visa for each country. It is only issued to citizens of countries who are required to obtain a visa before entering Europe for leisure, tourism or business travel. Schengen Visa holders are not permitted to live permanently or work in Europe. The following countries are currently active Schengen Visa members: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland.

A specific time of year for a fare; High Season is the most popular time of year to travel to a specific destination and fares are more expensive at that time; Low Season is the least popular time of year to travel to a specific destination and fares are less expensive at that time; Fares affected by seasonality are usually indicated as such by fare basis coding and/or seasonality details listed in the fare’s rules.

The distance between aircraft seats, measured in inches and commonly used to show a passenger’s legroom.

security surcharge

Surcharge assessed by a carrier to cover costs of airport and in-flight security.

secondary carrier

Airline(s) flying the sectors preceding and/or succeeding the prime segment.

A journey from one point to another.

A flight; see Leg.

self-service reservations

Situation where the traveler makes his/her own reservations. A reservation generated by the customer using an online booking tool.

selling carrier

In a codeshare, the airline offering the flight for sale, under their vendor code

service fee

A fee charged by a travel agency to a company/individual for travel services.

Service Level Agreement

An agreement stating measurable performance commitments made to our customers.

Regular or schedulable bus/van transportation such as from an airport to a downtown location; regular air service on heavily-traveled routes (e.g., BOS-LGA).

A journey from and/or to an enroute point of a fare component.

Accommodations designed for one person.

SLA (see “Service Level Agreement”)

Designated take-off and landing times allocated to airlines at certain airports.

soft opening

Period when new hotel is open for business although not entirely finished – some services of facilities may not yet operate.

Standard Operating Procedure. A set of instructions that define the official standard for a specific process or situation.

Scope of Services. A document that defines the number, type, and intensity or complixity of services to be provided.

space available

Confirmation of a reservation subject to availability at the last moment.

special needs

Atypical traveler needs such as a special meal or wheelchair service.

split ticket(ing)

Issuance of two or more tickets usually for the purpose of obtaining a lower fare; usually applied to international itineraries to take advantage of fare and/or currency conversion differences.

Spouse fare

This type of are applies to selected destinations on a round-trip only basis and offers a discount of 50% to the spouse of a full first class or business class passenger. Economy passengers also qualify where there is no business fare.

SSR (see “Self Service Reservation”)

Special Service Request. A GDS request for a carrier to provide additional action for a traveler such as special meal, ticket number transmission, wheelchair, etc.

standard room

The normal hotel room type, generally with television, and en-suite bathroom.

A passenger on waitlist or one prepared to travel if space becomes available at the last moment.

Interruption of travel for more than domestic US – 4 hours; domestic US as part of an international journey – 12 hours; international – 24 hours .

stopover charge

An additional fee assessed for making a stopover.

STP (see “Satellite Ticket Printer”)

Any extra literature included with the delivery of travel documents.


A self-contained pricing unit that is combined end-on-end with another self-contained pricing unit on the same ticket; this fare construction principle is only used internationally.

surcharge (Q)

An airline-imposed fee included in fare calculations; see also Excess Mileage Surcharge, Fuel Surcharge, and Security Surcharge.

surface sector

Travel from one point or another not by air (ARNK – which stands for Arrival Not Known).

Travel 24. A BCD Travel department that services customers 24 hours a day when their normal business office is closed.

Ticket Fulfillment Location. An industry term for a virtual ticket printer that is shared by various BCD Travel ARC ticketing locations on the same GDS.

through fare

A fare applicable for transportation via an enroute city(ies) between the origin and destination of the fare that allows for intermediate points of travel.

A contract of carriage for an airline to transport a passenger from one point to another.

ticket on departure

Transportation ticket collected at the point of departure such as an airline ticket counter at an airport.

ticketed point

A city for which a flight coupon has been issued.

time and mileage rate

Car rental rate based on fixed charge for the rental period plus a charge for each kilometer or mile driven during the period of the rental.

TOD (see “Ticket on Departure”)

Tourist card.

A registration form required by certain countries indicating a traveler’s intended stay; used in lieu of a Visa and common in Latin America.


A Ticket issued; defined as all airline and rail tickets (electronic and paper) issued by BCD Travel or reserved by BCD Travel through a third party, regardless of whether the ticket is subsequently used, refunded, or voided in whole or in part. Cancellation of a reservation before a ticket is issued is not considered a transaction. Optional: Hotel and car booking made, regardless of whether or not the traveler uses the hotel or car reservation.

transaction – domestic air

Domestic – travel between two destinations that are within the same country. e.g. Frankfurt to Berlin

transaction – regional air

Regional – Travel within the same continent. e.g. Madrid to London

transaction – international air

International – Travel between two continents. e.g. New York to London

transaction – offline – traditional

A transaction that is initiated by an agent following a call/email request by a client

transaction – online high touch

Transaction – online low touch.

A transaction that originates via an online booking tool and then requires agent intervention or manual review/processing that is initiated by the customer.

transaction – online no touch

“Touchless E-fulfillment transaction” An electronic transaction entirely processed through an online booking tool and BCD central fulfillment service, without any agent intervention and where invoicing is provided via email.

A point at which the passenger changes aircraft; if the change is to/from the same carrier, it is an online transfer; if the change is to/from different carriers, it is an interline transfer.

transit lounge

An area within an airport for the sole purpose of international flight connections; travelers do not clear immigration or customs to enter the transit lounge as it is considered to be an international point.

transit point

Any stop at an intermediate point which does not fall into the definition of a stopover whether or not a change of planes is involved.

Travel Management Company

A travel management company (TMC) is a company that provides corporate travel services to businesses.

A BCD Travel umbrella brand name for our technology suite, which includes a variety of products listed below. read more

  • TripSource:Active Itinerary A single point of access for traveler and travel arrangers for active and historical travel detail, including real time flight status, itinerary details, destination information and invoicing, billing and expense information.
  • TripSource:Flight Alert Keeps travelers informed & productive while on the road by providing flight status information, including delays and real-time gate changes, for BCD Travel bookings.
  • TripSource:Fulfillment Drive touch-less transactions with as little human intervention as possible while driving traveler contact behavior to minimize touches.
  • TripSource:Portal (TSP) A comprehensive global solution to address traveler needs, travel program and corporation objectives. Arming travelers with rich content, productivity tools and critical safeguards for business travel, TripSource:Portal empowers travel programs as a centralized communications vehicle to deliver relevant, timely information and critical alerts to targeted audiences. The Portal expands traveler services while aligning program needs to drive savings, support business objectives and avoid corporate travel program risks.
  • TripSource:Profile Manager (TSPM) Drives optimal data management by integrating profile management and online booking, and promoting secure web-based self-service maintenance of traveler-level detail.
  • TripSource:Quality Measurement (TSQM) Ensures a means to track and manage supplier & transaction quality in addition to resolution of client concerns.
  • TripSource:Rail Search (TSRS) BCD own rail booking tool for Deutsche Bahn only.
  • TripSource:Ticket Tracker BCD manages and recovers committed travel dollars. Based on markets and supplier rules, BCD communicates with travelers to prevent loss of committed funds and when to apply unused funds toward future travel.
  • TripSource:Trip Authorizer In response to growing concern for compliance, this module enables clients to implement pre-trip authorization requirements as well as post-ticketing compliance reporting.

Transportation Security Administration

twin for sole use

A twin-bedded reserved for sole occupency and charged out at a rate that falls between the single and double room price.

Two Factor Authentication

Also known as 2FA. Method of accessing a secure environment where a person proves their identity with two of three methods

User-Defined Interface Data. UDID remarks are standard and contain predefined reporting information such as lost hotel night reason codes, merchant billing codes or additional traveler data fields.

unlimited mileage rate

Car rental rate that covers all costs, other than insurance and petrol, for the duration of the rental, regardless of the distance driven.

Move to a better class of airline service, larger rental car or more luxurious hotel room.

validating carrier

Airline designated as the “owning” ticketed carrier; the carrier on whose “plate” the ticket is issued. The validating carrier is the carrier to which payment is submitted and is usually the first carrier on the itinerary (domestic) or the carrier on the first international flight (international). If a ticket is issued on multiple carriers or is validated on a carrier not on the itinerary, the validating carrier is responsible for payment to the other airlines on the ticket.

The process of stamping an air ticket or other airline document, at the time of issue, with the issue date, name and location of the issuing office and its IATA code number. Tickets not bearing such a stamp re invalid and will not be accepted by airlines.

value-added tax (VAT)

A general tax that applies, in principle, to all commercial activities involving the production and distribution of goods and the provision of services.

VAT reclaim

Value-added tax, or VAT, is included in hotel, dining and car rental bills and more when travelers go to countries that assess the tax. It can be a significant expense: VAT rates can be as high as 25%. The good news is most T&E-related VAT is eligible for reclaim. The bad news: In the past, it’s been hard to collect. But automation has made VAT reclaim for European Union transactions much easier. BCD Travel has partnered with VAT-recovery firm Taxeo to automate the process.

virtual credit card (VCC)

A VCC isn’t a physical card, but it has many of the same features as plastic corporate cards.

virtual payment

A virtual payment is a terminal-based payment method where the payment is delivered through a virtual card (VCC) instead of by check or cash.

An endorsement or stamp placed into a passport by officials of a foreign government giving a traveler permission to visit; not all countries require visas.

VCC (Virtual Call Center)

A network of call centers where the client calls one phone number, regardless of where they are based, that will be routed through to an available agent. For multi-national accounts this service would be multi-lingual as appropriate.

Virtual Multiple Purpose Document. A document issued by a travel agency or airline, working with BSP, as proof of payment for transactions and services, either related to an eticket already issued (example: rebooking fees) or for services other than flights (for items like surface transportation, transfers, and excess luggage charges).

A traffic document which has been spoiled or canceled.

Documents issued to confirm arrangements or used to be exchanged for services.

A list of people seeking a travel service that is sold out; generally, as other travelers cancel, waitlisted individuals are confirmed in the order in which their waitlist request was received – sometimes prioritized by frequent traveler membership.

When a hotel is sold out and there are no rooms available for a person who has a confirmed reservation, the hotel provide alternate accommodations at a different hotel.

an agreement to pay to use an aircraft with a crew , fuel, and insurance

wide-body aircraft

Aircraft with wide passenger cabins and seating configurations that require more than one aisle. Current models include Boeing 747, 777 or Airbus A380, A350

system that checks hand luggage at an airport, without damaging, for example, light-sensitive film material or laptops.

Yield Management

is a variable pricing strategy, based on understanding, anticipating and influencing consumer behavior in order to maximize revenue or profits from a fixed, time-limited resource (such as airline seats or hotel room reservations).

Zulu Time Zone (Z) has no offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Zulu Time Zone is often used in aviation and the military as another name for UTC +0. Zulu time, also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), is the time zone used by the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England. It is the basis for all other time zones in the world.

2FA, or two-factor authentication, is an extra layer of security used to protect online accounts. In addition to a password, users are also required to enter a code that is sent to their mobile device. This makes it more difficult for hackers to gain access to an account, as they would need to have both the password and the code.

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Improving Team Communication in Travel and Tourism

Improving Team Communication in Travel and Tourism

In the fast-paced and dynamic industry of travel and tourism, effective team communication is paramount to success. It is the cornerstone upon which seamless operations, exceptional customer service, and memorable experiences are built. From the coordination of travel itineraries to ensuring the satisfaction of guests, every aspect of this industry hinges on clear and efficient communication among team members.

In this discussion, we will explore the multifaceted strategies and tools that can be employed to enhance team communication, ultimately leading to improved operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Key Takeaways

  • Clear and efficient communication is essential for success in the travel and tourism industry.
  • Implementing digital communication tools, such as virtual meetings and instant messaging, streamline processes and improve real-time collaboration.
  • Tailoring communication strategies for diverse teams, including cultural sensitivity and addressing language variations, promotes effective participation and collaboration.
  • Fostering a collaborative communication culture through open dialogue, active listening, and recognizing individual strengths enhances teamwork and aligns goals.

Understanding the Importance of Effective Communication

Understanding the importance of effective communication is essential for fostering positive relationships, ensuring smooth operations, and delivering exceptional customer experiences in the travel and tourism industry. Improving teamwork is heavily reliant on clear and open communication channels. When team members communicate effectively, they can share ideas, coordinate efforts, and collaborate more efficiently. This not only builds trust among team members but also enhances their ability to work together cohesively.

Furthermore, enhancing customer service is directly linked to effective communication. When staff can communicate clearly with customers, they can understand their needs, provide relevant information, and offer assistance, ultimately leading to improved customer satisfaction.

Additionally, streamlining operations within the travel and tourism industry is heavily dependent on effective communication. Clear communication between different departments and personnel is crucial for ensuring that processes run smoothly and that any issues or changes can be addressed promptly and accurately.

Implementing Digital Communication Tools

Effective communication in the travel and tourism industry can be further enhanced through the strategic implementation of digital communication tools. The use of these tools can streamline processes, improve real-time collaboration, and ensure that all team members are on the same page regardless of their physical location.

  • Virtual Meetings: Digital communication tools enable virtual meetings, allowing team members to connect from different locations. This facilitates real-time updates and ensures that everyone is informed about the latest developments and changes in schedules or itineraries.
  • Remote Collaboration: With the ability to collaborate remotely, teams can work together efficiently without being in the same physical space. This is especially valuable in the travel and tourism industry, where team members are often dispersed across different destinations.
  • Instant Messaging: Digital communication tools offer instant messaging capabilities, which can significantly improve the speed and efficiency of communication among team members. Quick exchanges of information, updates, and queries can be made without the need for lengthy email exchanges or phone calls.

Tailoring Communication Strategies for Diverse Teams

Tailoring communication strategies for diverse teams requires a nuanced approach that acknowledges the unique cultural, linguistic, and interpersonal dynamics within the team. Cultural sensitivity plays a crucial role in effective communication within a diverse team. Understanding and respecting the cultural differences of team members can help in avoiding misunderstandings and misinterpretations that may arise due to varying cultural norms and practices.

Moreover, being mindful of individual team dynamics is equally important. Each team has its own unique blend of personalities, communication styles, and hierarchies. Recognizing and adapting to these dynamics can foster better collaboration and communication among team members.

Effective communication in diverse teams also involves recognizing the impact of language variations. It’s essential to ensure that language barriers are addressed through clear and inclusive communication. This may involve using simple and concise language, providing language support when needed, and promoting active listening to ensure that all team members can effectively participate in discussions.

Ultimately, tailoring communication strategies for diverse teams requires a deep understanding of the cultural nuances and team dynamics, allowing for the development of inclusive and effective communication practices.

Overcoming Language and Cultural Barriers

Navigating the complexities of diverse teams involves adeptly addressing language and cultural barriers to ensure seamless communication and collaboration. Overcoming language and cultural barriers in the travel and tourism industry requires a strategic approach that prioritizes effective communication and mutual understanding.

Key strategies to overcome these barriers include:

  • Language training: Providing language training for team members can significantly enhance their ability to communicate with colleagues and customers from diverse linguistic backgrounds. By equipping team members with the necessary language skills, businesses can ensure that information is accurately conveyed and understood, leading to improved customer service and overall teamwork.
  • Cultural sensitivity: Encouraging cultural sensitivity and awareness within the team is crucial for fostering an inclusive and respectful environment. This involves educating team members about different cultural norms, customs, and communication styles to promote mutual respect and understanding. By promoting cultural sensitivity, businesses can avoid misunderstandings and conflicts that may arise from cultural differences, ultimately strengthening team cohesion and customer relations.

Fostering a Collaborative Communication Culture

Establishing a culture of open and transparent communication is fundamental to fostering collaboration within travel and tourism teams. Building trust among team members is crucial for effective communication and teamwork. In the travel and tourism industry, where teams often consist of diverse individuals, fostering a collaborative communication culture is essential for success.

To build trust within the team, it is important to encourage open dialogue and active listening. Team members should feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and ideas without fear of judgment. This creates an environment where everyone feels valued and respected, leading to stronger bonds and enhanced teamwork.

Enhancing teamwork is another key aspect of fostering a collaborative communication culture. This involves promoting a shared vision, encouraging collective problem-solving, and recognizing the strengths of individual team members. Effective communication plays a vital role in coordinating efforts, aligning goals, and maximizing the potential of the team.

In conclusion, effective communication is crucial in the travel and tourism industry to ensure seamless operations and customer satisfaction.

Implementing digital communication tools, tailoring strategies for diverse teams, and fostering a collaborative communication culture are essential for success.

Overcoming language and cultural barriers is also key in promoting clear and effective communication.

By prioritizing communication, travel and tourism teams can work together more efficiently and provide a better experience for their customers.

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09 Mar Who is on the team? Tourism Teamwork

If tourism is a team activity – who is on the team?  Probably way more people and organizations than you may think ! … and there are even some folks are on that team that don’t realize they are players.

Sure – there are a core group of businesses that are clearly involved in tourism. Hoteliers, tour operators, convention centers and airports all serve travelers and embrace their role in the tourism economy.

team travel definition

There are also companies that serve a mix of locals and visitors that may (or may not) recognize the importance of tourism. These companies include restaurants, attractions, even cab companies. And some of these companies may self-identify as in the tourism industry – but others don’t.

Other companies, important to successful tourism, may see their role through a completely different lens.  For example, museums and parks, frequently important cultural or environmental attractions, often define themselves more by their cultural or conservation roles than by their role in tourism.

In some places, the role of government in tourism is relegated to the destination marketing organization (DMO). There is no question that DMOs are core members of the tourism team. But they certainly aren’t the only players in government important to tourism. Throughout government – from town planners to police, road builders to utility providers – are people and organizations critical to the tourism industry. In fact, the most effective destinations recognize tourism is truly a “whole of government activity”.

Tourism is a team activity, but it is important to remember the team is a funny mix that includes folks that don’t even know they are players. Encouraging sustainability in tourism system requires engaging all the team members – even those beyond the “core”.

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Jonathon Day

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Definition of travel

 (Entry 1 of 2)

intransitive verb

transitive verb

Definition of travel  (Entry 2 of 2)

  • peregrinate
  • peregrination

Examples of travel in a Sentence

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'travel.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

Middle English travailen, travelen to torment, labor, strive, journey, from Anglo-French travailler

14th century, in the meaning defined at intransitive sense 1a

14th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Phrases Containing travel

  • pre - travel
  • see / travel the world
  • travel agency
  • travel agent
  • travel light
  • travel sickness
  • travel trailer

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Dictionary Entries Near travel

Cite this entry.

“Travel.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/travel. Accessed 8 Jun. 2024.

Kids Definition

Kids definition of travel.

Kids Definition of travel  (Entry 2 of 2)

Middle English travailen "torment, labor, strive, journey," from early French travailler "torment, labor," from an unrecorded Latin verb tripaliare "to torture," from Latin tripalium "an instrument of torture," literally "three stakes," derived from tri- "three" and palus "stake, pale" — related to pale entry 3 , travail

More from Merriam-Webster on travel

Nglish: Translation of travel for Spanish Speakers

Britannica English: Translation of travel for Arabic Speakers

Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about travel

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Meaning of travel in English

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travel verb ( MAKE JOURNEY )

  • I like to travel but, then again, I'm very fond of my home .
  • It's often quicker to travel across country and avoid the major roads altogether .
  • Passengers without proper documentation will not be allowed to travel.
  • The elderly travel free on public transport .
  • We like to travel in the autumn when there are fewer tourists .
  • The tragedy is that cultures don't always travel well, and few immigrant groups can sustain their culture over the long term .
  • around Robin Hood's barn idiom
  • baggage drop
  • communication
  • first class
  • peripatetically
  • public transportation
  • super-commuting

You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:

travel verb ( MOVE )

  • The objects travel in elliptical orbits .
  • In 1947, a pilot flying over the Cascades saw nine metallic flying objects traveling at an estimated 1,200 miles per hour .
  • The elevator traveled smoothly upward .
  • White light separates out into its component wavelengths when traveling through a prism .
  • As the material travels through the winding machine , excess liquid is squeezed out by rollers .
  • Lead dust travels easily from hands to mouth and can't be seen .
  • body English
  • recirculate
  • recirculation
  • repair to somewhere

travel verb ( BREAK RULE )

  • full-court press
  • goaltending
  • granny shot
  • quadruple-double

travel noun ( ACTIVITY )

  • They offer a 10 percent discount on rail travel for students .
  • The price includes travel and accommodation but meals are extra .
  • His work provided him with the opportunity for a lot of foreign travel.
  • The popular myth is that air travel is more dangerous than travel by car or bus .
  • Passes are available for one month's unlimited travel within Europe .
  • break-journey
  • circumnavigation

travel noun ( MOVEMENT OF OBJECT )

  • It can be difficult to predict the travel of smoke from smouldering fires .
  • The travel of the bullets and blood spatter showed that he was lying on the ground on his side when he was shot .
  • This seemed to prove that light has a finite speed of travel.
  • Striking the ball when the clubhead is already past the lowest point of its travel gives a slight overspin.
  • The actuator then rotates its output shaft to the extremes of its travel.
  • bring someone on
  • go the distance idiom
  • non-competitor
  • park the bus idiom
  • play big idiom
  • step/move up a gear idiom

travel | Intermediate English

Travel | business english, examples of travel, collocations with travel.

These are words often used in combination with travel .

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  • Dictionary +Plus Word Lists
  • travel (MAKE JOURNEY)
  • travel light
  • travel (MOVE)
  • really travel
  • travel (BREAK RULE)
  • travel (ACTIVITY)
  • Business    Verb Noun
  • Collocations
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Travel Glossary – The ULTIMATE List of Travel Terms

Unravel the mysteries of travel terms, acronyms, and all the essential backpacking jargon.

Whether you’re a seasoned globetrotter or a first-time adventurer, The Broke Backpacker travel glossary is your passport to understanding the language of the road.

Will leaning on a colourful rickshaw/ tuk tuk in India with a field of sunflowers behind him and a pile of backpacks on the roof

Travel Glossary

Accommodation: The place where you’ll stay during your trip — your home away from home. This can range from a snazzy hotel suite to a bunk bed in a buzzing hostel.

Adventure Travel: Exploring off-the-beaten-path destinations and experiencing adrenaline-pumping activities. The type of travel for those who prefer hiking boots over flip-flops.

Airline Alliance: A partnership among airlines to provide passengers with extended networks, smoother connections, and often, better perks. Like a friendship bracelet, but for airlines.

Airport Code: The three-letter identity tag for airports around the globe, making booking flights and navigating airports simpler. Think of it as the airport’s nickname.

Airport Terminal: The specific area in an airport where you check-in, pass security, and board or disembark your flight. It’s the traveller’s hub within the travel hub.

Backpacker: A traveller known for carrying their life in a backpack, seeking immersive experiences, and often on a budget. Backpackers are known to be part wizard, part ninja, with their ability to pack light yet still have everything they need.

Broke Backpacker: A backpacker traveling the world on a tight budget, often hitchhiking, Couchsurfing and cooking their own food whilst camping out under starry nights. Broke Backpackers are resilient, kind-hearted and always find a way to hustle and make ends meet.

Begpacker: Someone who funds their journey by begging for money in the countries they visit. Not exactly the hero of our travel tales.

Bikepacking : Backpacking by way of bicycle. Travellers pack their things onto a luggage rack and cycle around — sometimes for weeks, and sometimes indefinitely.

Boarding Pass: Your golden ticket to board a plane. For some, a travel collectible of sorts; for others, a paper quickly forgotten in the seat pocket.

Budget Travel: Stretching every little bit of your hard-earned cash as far as it can take you — and seeing the world without breaking the bank. That is what a Broke Backpacker does, baby!

Business Class: A step up from Economy Class, usually with wider seats and better meals. A taste of the high life, often experienced courtesy of points or special offers.

Busking : The art of funding one’s travels (or saving for them) by performing in a public place in exchange for tips. Usually connected to street musicians.

Carry-On Baggage: The essentials you can take with you on the plane. Packing it is something many consider an art, fitting everything a close second to magic.

Checked Baggage: The luggage you trust the airline to transport in the belly of the plane. Also commonly referred to as a “test of faith” amongst the community.

Codeshare: An agreement between airlines where a flight is operated by one but marketed by another. Say you call your mate to take you on a ride, but he shows up in his neighbour’s car… sort of like that.

Couchsurfing: Staying with a host for free, usually sleeping on their couch or spare bed. A powerful tool in a Broke Backpacker’s arsenal, and a term made popular by the Couchsurfing travel app .

Customs and Immigration : The checkpoint at international borders where officials check your documents and luggage. It’s the final boss battle before entering a new country.

Digital Nomad: An individual who works remotely from different parts of the world, often in cafes, co-working spaces, or beach bars. They’ve mastered the art of making anywhere an office.

Domestic Travel: Travelling within your own country, aka something we should all do more often. Our backyard is right there, and it is probably hiding a shit ton of gold.

Eco Tourism: A type of travel focused on conservation, supporting local communities, and minimizing impact on the environment. Often associated with volunteering projects , but not exclusively.

Economy Class: The most common and budget-friendly travel class. Broke Backpackers rarely know any other, really.

Fare Alert: A notification service that alerts you to the best flight deals. Like having a personal scout for travel bargains.

First Class: The epitome of luxury in the sky, with gourmet meals and lie-flat seats. A rare gem for budget travellers, usually only spotted in daydreams.

man on empty plane flight

Gap Year: A year of travel, often taken by students as a break between high school and college, but increasingly popular with adults seeking a career break or life reset.

Ghost Fares: Listed flight deals that vanish when you try to book them. Like chasing a mirage in the desert of internet deals.

Glitch Fare: An error in listing the price of a flight, often ridiculously low. This is what we live for, amigos!

Guest House: A cozy, home-like accommodation option, often run by locals. It’s where you get the warmth of home, without all the boring chores.

Haggling : A type of bargaining for the lowest possible price that tends to be the default way of shopping in many parts of the world, particularly when goods are not sold for fixed amounts.

High Season: The peak travel period with the highest demand and prices. It’s when everyone else has the same travel idea as you.

Hitchhiking: The art of catching free rides with passing vehicles, usually by sticking your thumb out on the side of the road. It’s a gamble of patience and luck, with stories for a lifetime.

Homestay: Staying with a local family, experiencing their way of life. Be a guest, not a tourist.

Hostel: Budget-friendly accommodations, often with shared rooms and communal spaces. A good hostel is a home, and one where stories and friendships are as plentiful as bunk beds.

Hub Airport : A major airport that serves as a central point for connecting flights. Think London, Dubai, Singapore… the grand central stations of the skies.

Layover: The waiting period between connecting flights. An unscheduled mini-adventure, some would say.

Legroom: The space available for your legs on a flight. Often feels like a luxury in economy class.

Long-Haul Flight: A flight covering a long distance, usually over six hours. On long-haul flights, time truly becomes an illusion, and time zones mere suggestions. Reality is not the same anymore.

Low Season: The travel period outside of peak times, offering fewer crowds and often better deals. It’s the introvert’s prime time to travel.

Low-Cost Carrier: Airlines that offer no-frills flights at lower prices. They’re the unsung heroes for budget travellers. If you’re based in Europe, I’m sure you’re familiar with Ryanair and their crazy deals .

Money Belt : A sleek, secret weapon that expertly hides your cash inside of an inconspicuous-looking belt. Money belts are top-tier backpacker safety tools.

Off Season: Similar to Low Season, a time when travel is less in demand. It’s when destinations breathe a sigh of relief and welcome you with open arms and cheaper prices.

Off-The-Beaten-Path Travel: Exploring places that are not on the typical tourist radar. It’s for those who view the road less travelled as a personal invitation or a challenge.

One-Way Flight: A flight not returning to the origin point. One could say that’s exactly the kind of ticket you should be booking… but that’s just me. 😉

Overbooking: When airlines sell more tickets than there are seats. The airline industry’s version of musical chairs.

Overland Travel: Travelling across land, often through multiple countries, by bus, train, or car. Overland travel is the scenic route to adventure and there’s little that can beat it.

man riding a motorcycle in the karakoram mountains

Package Tour: A pre-arranged travel package including flights, accommodation, and sometimes meals and tours. Travel on easy mode!

Packing List: The checklist of essentials for your trip. You can look at it as the line between “I have everything” and “I forgot my toothbrush.”

Peak Season: The busiest travel season, with the highest demand. When your favourite spots become everyone’s favourite spots.

Responsible Tourism: Travel that minimizes negative impacts on the environment and local communities. The idea is that you ALWAYS leave places better than you found them.

Revenge Travel: The surge in travel after periods of restrictions or lockdowns, like what we experienced after the decade-year of 2020. The world’s comeback tour is on!

Rural Tourism: Exploring the countryside, away from the city hustle, and finding beauty in the serene and the simplest of things.

Shoulder Season: The sweet spot between peak and off-peak seasons, offering a balance of good weather and lower prices. It’s the savvy traveller’s dream season.

Sleep System : Core essentials of any broke backpacker’s tool kit that allow one to sleep anywhere . We’re talking sleeping mat, sleeping bag, and pillow type of setup, but not all systems are built equal!

Solo Travel: The art of travelling alone, discovering the world, and perhaps a bit of yourself along the way. It’s where independence meets adventure.

Souvenir: A memento from your travels, ranging from the classic fridge magnet to the more eclectic and exotic goods. Some more entrepreneurial travellers even manage to turn it into a business .

Sticky Place: A destination that feels so right you have no choice but to stay. You’ve booked a couple of nights, but you’ve been there for at least a couple of weeks.

Stopover: A break in your journey, allowing you to explore a city before continuing on. It’s like a travel bonus level.

Sustainable Travel: Travelling in a way that ensures destinations are preserved for future generations. It’s about treading lightly and caring deeply.

danielle and harvey extending visa in krabi, Thailand

Transit Visa: A visa required for passing through a country to a final destination. It’s the paperwork pit stop of your journey.

Travel Hacks: Tips and tricks to make travel easier, cheaper, or more enjoyable. A cheat code for the travel game.

Urban Exploration: Discovering the hidden gems and secrets of urban environments, often accompanied by some form of outlaw defunct urban space invasion. Epic.

Visa : A travel document that is required to enter certain countries. Visa policies will differ wildly depending on the destination and your nationality.

Visa Waiver: An agreement allowing travellers to visit a country without a visa for a short period. It’s the travel equivalent of a hall pass.

Wild Camping: Setting up camp in unmarked spots in the wilderness. It’s about as close to nature as you can get without becoming a bear.

Work Exchange: Volunteering your time in exchange for food, accommodation, or experience. The barter system meets backpacking.

World Heritage Area/Site: Locations recognized for their cultural, historical, or scientific significance. It’s the world’s way of saying, “This place is awesome.”

Xenophilia: A love for foreign cultures. The heart of every true traveller.

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Travel Team Definition

 Over the years I have seen many people post their displeasure with travel teams. I was curious if our definition of a TT was the same in all areas. I will go first.

 There are 5-7 clubs in our area, ours is the biggest and usually the best. When we play local we knew who was gonna be in the finals. So we usually played up to get competition, and we would often win these tournaments as well. We could drive 200 miles and play some of the best competition in the Country (we went there to get beat). I guess we would travel about 4 times a summer with our World Series being a major vacation destination like Orlando, Myrtle Beach. We had a blast on these trips and sometimes we talk about them and we don't even mention baseball.

 Sure there were a few bumps on the team through the years, but overall I would recommend it to all.

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There are essentially two kinds of travel teams. There are teams where the coaches can recruit their roster. There are teams that are community based. The roster has to come from a defined area. 

At 9u and 10u my son played for a community based travel team in the summer after rec in the spring. It was the Ripken all star team for the town. In addition to the Ripken tournament they competed in local Ripken and LL invitationals. The only purpose was to play into the summer.

At 11u and 12u I put together a team in the USSSA Sunday doubleheader league. The league was considered AA level. All the players on the my team were prospective LL all stars from our LL. We played on Sundays concurrent to the LL season. It was considered all star prep. Both years LL all stars went into August. 

At 13u (kept the team at 14u and 16u with some roster adjustments) I formed a USSSA Majors tournament team. The roster was comprised of some of the top all stars from the LL district. The idea was these were kids who wanted to develop into high school players. The USSSA site was 45 minutes from home. We did one non USSSA tournament as a change of pace. One location was three hours away. The other two were about two hours away. This was the only non school ball my son played.

At sixteen showcase tournament and scout league ball started. I believe everyone understands what this is.

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When the kids were younger we would call their summer team a travel team. We would travel throughout Florida and play the best teams we could, not to win the hardware but to play better teams to get better. Our son played on this team at 10 years old and now he is playing with the same organization at 18. When the kids reach the 16u and beyond we call it showcase ball. The difference is now they are playing in scouted tournaments to hopefully get that opportunity to play at the next level. Our showcase teams are not recruited, instead they are picked from our local area. this past year we made it to the PG 17U playoffs and finished in the top 24 teams and finished overall in the top 49 teams for the year. Not to shabby for local talent amongst the recruited power house teams. Have fun while they are young, it goes by way too fast. Our son leaves for Furman this fall to start his new chapter in his studies and baseball.


I think if you are not playing in a league, but playing in tournaments, you are playing travel baseball.  How far you have to travel to do that really is relative.  If you come from a small rural area without much baseball going on, the travel demands may be extensive.  I am from North Georgia, not far from East Cobb and now Lake Park.  Teams around here can play some of the best competition in the country and not have to ever travel more than an hour or two.  If you are playing LL or Cal Ripken or Legion or some type of league baseball, I would not consider that travel.  If all your team does is play in tournaments, you are playing travel.


It has been my experience that the definition of travel ball varies by age.  I am in GA and we have 6u travel ball teams (no I'm not kidding), and you can't compare the same definition to a 17u travel ball team.

So, from 6u-13u Travel ball seems to mean you don't play out of one park, that is rec ball, but you "travel" 0-90 minutes away to other parks to play in tournaments hosted by triple crown, USSSA or even small tourneys being put on as a fundraiser of sorts at small parks.  You may play in a tourney that has 4 other teams in your age group or there may be 40 teams depending on the size of the tourney.  You typically have a final tourney that is somewhere grand like Ripken, Panama City Beach or Cooperstown for 12u.

At 14u the definition gets murky with the change to the 60/90 field size. There are still the traditional travel ball teams but some 14u kids can be in 9th grade which means they may be playing at the PG events nation wide.  I have seen 17u local rec park teams that only play out of one park, 17u local travel ball teams, and the 17u teams that travel across the country and can be composed of kids from across the country.

So, I think maybe there should be a qualifier when speaking about travel ball such as my son plays "local" travel ball, or my son plays "national" travel ball.

CaCo3Girl, I don't think this is necessarily true.  As I stated in my previous post, this is relative.  As you know, I am from the same area as you.  For teams in our area, all the way thru 18u, there really is no reason to travel nationally.  Some of the biggest tournaments/showcase events on a national basis are held right in our back yard.  Teams travel from all across the country to come to the 15, 16,17 & 18 PG events right here in our back yard.  At the MOST, a team from around here may travel to Ft. Myers for the PG BCS events or to Jupiter for the PG tournament there, but other than that, there is no need to travel nationally to be considered a "travel team". 

there is no need to travel nationally to be considered a "travel team". 

But there are travel teams that travel nationally....the OP asked for a definition of travel team, I don't know if there is just one.

But yes I agree, with Lake Point and ECB at our back door WE shouldn't have to travel far to get decent views and decent competition.  But what about the kid who lives in a non-urban area and the closest "big city" is like 300 miles away?  The OP spoke about having 5-7 clubs in his area...we have that within a 5 mile radius of my house, most people don't.

That's why I said the extent of the travel necessary is relative.  It doesn't make a team from Woodstock, Georgia NOT a travel team because they play local events that are considered national competitions. 

I'm sure there are other areas of the country that are very similar.  Florida, Texas and California are three states that probably have teams that don't need to travel very far to be seen and play exceptional competition.  I'm sure there are others.

I don't think it is a matter of how far you travel, but the fact that you don't play out of one park and or in a league that makes you a travel team.


It seems here in the St Louis area, the term is "select" team.  Either you play on a rec team, which is the same everywhere, sign up in a league, practice a few times, play your 12 games.  Or you try out and are "selected" to play for a team.  Then there are various levels of what kind of select team you are.  And pretty much everyone in your age group knows what level you are.  Select teams usually play in leagues through the week, and play on the same fields the rec teams play.  Then do tournaments on the weekend.

The competition is actually pretty good so there wasnt a whole lot of travelling, unless you travel to the other side of the metro area.  Some teams would go to SouthHaven MS, or Columbia MO, or even Kansas City, but that was about it, unless you went to cooperstown at 12, which I believe only 1 team my sons age did.  My son is 20 now, so this could be changing by now, but I dont think it is.

Once you hit high school summer ball, then the actual travel begins, doing the Perfect Game stuff and the like.  Go to Iowa, Atlanta, Florida, etc.  

Buckeye 2015

I hate the term "select" team.  That's a soccer term...lol.  Select soccer...and travel baseball are essentially the same...at least here in Ohio.  Now we have travel teams who are calling themselves "Columbus Select"...or "Cleveland Select".  It sounds ridiculous in my opinion....lol.  I would say travel baseball is any team that has a tryout...and regularly plays teams from outside their "local" area...meaning more than 25-30 miles...and plays in at least a couple tourneys that involve teams from more than their immediate area. 


I thought the definition of a travel team was, it cost ten times or more than a local rec. or LL team. lol

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What is hybrid work?

Definition: Hybrid work is a flexible work model that supports a blend of in-office, remote, and on-the-go workers. It offers employees the autonomy to choose to work wherever and however they are most productive.

Person at a standing desk participating in a hybrid work virtual meeting.

Are you prepared for hybrid work?

Take the Hybrid Work Readiness Assessment. In 10 minutes, we'll help benchmark your organization’s hybrid work readiness.

What is a hybrid work model?

Hybrid work is a people-first approach to managing the workforce that drives increased productivity and job satisfaction while addressing the major challenges of remote work, such as isolation and lack of community. A hybrid work model provides employees with greater flexibility and the option to work from home or anywhere they can be productive. With hybrid work, the workplace is no longer inside the four walls of the corporate office—it’s an ecosystem of employees working from home, in coworking spaces, and the office. Team members can migrate between various locations depending on the work they need to get done.

The hybrid work model can take different forms depending on the organization and the type of work being done.

What are the types of hybrid work models?

These are the four most common hybrid work models:

1. Flexible hybrid work model

Employees choose their location and working hours based on their priorities for the day. For example, if they need to spend time focusing on a project, they can choose to work from home or in a coffee shop. If they want a sense of community, need to meet with their team, attend a training session or join a town hall, they can choose to go into the office. Cisco is leveraging this model and offering its employees the option to choose where they work on any given day.

  • Offers freedom and flexibility for individuals to determine where and when they work
  • Builds a trust-based relationship with employees, which increases loyalty and job satisfaction
  • Expands talent pool, leading to more diverse thinking
  • Improves the bottom-line due to cost savings on office space and travel


  • Difficult for employees to find a suitable day or time for in-person teamwork
  • Lack of visibility into how many people are going to the office on any given day and if the building has the capacity to support them

2. Fixed hybrid work model

The organization sets the days and times employees are allowed to work remotely or go into the office. For example, it could be that certain teams go into the office on Mondays and Wednesdays, while others go in on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Or an organization could allow everyone to work from home on pre-determined days each week. American Express is an example of an organization that has adopted a fixed hybrid work model.

  • Increases opportunity for in-person collaboration and team building
  • Gives employees the option to schedule appointments or run quick errands on certain days of the week
  • Provides the ability to easily forecast office capacity
  • Lack of individual choice, which could lead to a loss of productivity if employees aren’t in the optimal setting for the work that needs to be done
  • Inability to reduce office space

3. Office-first hybrid work model

Employees are expected to be on-site but have the flexibility to choose a few days a week to work remotely. Google plans to adopt this type of model where employees work in the office three days a week but have the option to choose two days for working remotely.

  • Allows flexibility and individual choice
  • Helps maintain company culture and community
  • Lack of visibility for employees around who will be in the office and when
  • Inability to accurately forecast how many employees will be in the office on a given day

4. Remote-first hybrid work model

Employees work remotely most of the time with occasional visits to coworking spaces or the office for team building, collaboration, and training. In this model, the company may not have an office space and instead relies on team members in the same area to get together when they see fit. Twitter adopted this remote-first model and will allow all employees to work from home.

  • Increases productivity and job satisfaction for employees who want to work remotely most of the time
  • Provides the ability to reduce costs by reducing or eliminating office space
  • Potential for employees to feel isolated
  • Increased challenges maintaining the company culture and community

What factors are driving hybrid work?

Hybrid work emerged as a viable work arrangement during the COVID-19 pandemic when businesses transitioned to remote work and used virtual collaboration tools to remain productive. While some organizations had hybrid and remote workers before the pandemic, those working arrangements accelerated overnight as most of the workforce went from in-person meetings to kitchen table virtual collaboration.

Now, after realizing the benefits and challenges of remote work, organizations are adopting hybrid work models to extend greater flexibility to employees while maintaining the in-person interactions that are crucial for the company community and culture.

Numerous surveys and research reveal the factors driving hybrid work:

  • Remote work has largely proven successful: A majority of executives have seen notable improvements in individual productivity, and diversity and inclusion, according to McKinsey .
  • Employees are demanding greater flexibility: 57% would consider leaving their company if they had to return to the office full-time, according to Dimensional Research .
  • Businesses see an opportunity to reduce travel and real estate costs: 74% of CEOs from large organizations expect to reduce their office space, according to Fortune .
  • Sustainability is top of mind: Daily global CO2 emissions decreased by 19% during the COVID-19 pandemic, nearly half of which resulted from reduced ground transportation, according to research by Nature . Reduced commutes and business travel from hybrid work coupled with a reduction in office space heating and electricity will help promote a more sustainable future. These changes can assist the 60% of Fortune 500 companies with sustainability targets achieve their goals.

What are the benefits of hybrid work?

A person pets a dog while participating in a hybrid work virtual meeting.

The shift to hybrid work brings considerable benefits to both employees, businesses, and the environment. It promises to deliver increased flexibility, productivity, and job satisfaction for employees. For the business, it improves the bottom line and expands the talent pool. And the reduction in travel and office spaces leads to a more sustainable future.

Recent research conducted by Dimensional Research reveals:

  • 99% of knowledge workers see the benefits of working from home, including increased flexibility, no commute, and having more time to spend with friends and family
  • 95% of knowledge workers want to return to the office for activities such as team building, collaboration, and connection to peers
  • 53% of large organizations plan to reduce their office footprint, which reduces costs

What is a hybrid work schedule?

A hybrid work schedule is based on flexibility. Your hybrid work schedule will depend on the type of hybrid work model your organization chooses to implement. For some organizations, it will be up to the employee to decide when and where they work on any given day. Others will have set schedules to ensure that teams in the same location can meet in the office or a coworking space for collaboration and team building.

While hybrid work gives you the flexibility to choose your schedule, it’s important to communicate your working hours with your team. Team leaders should approach each individual situation with empathy and understanding, and work with their team members to identify a schedule that works for everyone.

A key pillar of hybrid work is the shift from focusing on location and hours worked to the outcomes that are delivered.

How do I build a hybrid work culture?

Organizations may have concerns about maintaining culture and community when they extend greater flexibility to the workforce. Without watercooler chats or opportunities to interact with colleagues outside of your job function, it can be difficult to facilitate the cross-pollination of ideas. And if the company culture and a sense of shared purpose diminish, it can lead to a loss of productivity and higher turnover.

Therefore, building a culture based on inclusivity, empathy, and trust will be one of the most important aspects of hybrid work.

As work has expanded beyond the walls of the office, keeping the culture intact requires a shift in the way we think about shared purpose. Colleagues need to work together and build connections, whether they are in a room together or virtual, and your collaboration solution needs to facilitate interactions that would occur if people were together in-person.

Organizations can have the best of both worlds when they bring the office and virtual worlds together. Employees can choose where they want to work without missing out on the personal connections and team building that are beneficial to company culture.

Are hybrid and remote work good or bad for employee engagement?

They are a good thing! While many expect employee engagement to drop if employees aren’t going into the workplace every day, research shows that hybrid and remote work can improve employee engagement. In a recent survey , 79% of knowledge workers indicated that their engagement level has stayed the same or improved since they began working remotely.

Is it safe to return to the office?

For information on when it is safe to return to the office, visit your local government COVID-19 planning site. If you’re in the U.S., visit the CDC for the latest guidance.

Bringing people back into the office likely means new protocols and policies to keep employees safe. Social distancing, proof of vaccination, mask requirements, and limiting how many people are in the building may be enforced to ensure safety.

97% of the workforce have concerns about returning, including touching shared office devices, knowing when a room was last cleaned, and knowing if a room is over capacity for safe social distancing. While policies and technology can assist in making the environment safer, the concerns of the workforce will need to be addressed. Communicating these changes will be key to making employees feel comfortable.

For more information on how technology can assist in providing a safe return to the office, download the How-to Collaboration Guide for the Hybrid Workplace .

Why should I go into the office?

The office is also a great place to go if you need to remove yourself from a distracting home environment, need to collaborate with your team, or want a sense of community. For many organizations, the office will act as the central hub for rich collaboration experiences, building connections with colleagues, and engaging in education and training.

95% of knowledge workers say they will go into the office for activities such as:

  • Team building
  • Collaboration
  • Connections with peers

With a hybrid work model, the purpose of the office must evolve, as will the capabilities that are offered in each space. With 98% believing their future meetings will contain remote participants, video conferencing technology should be available in most spaces. If you plan to reduce your office footprint, you’ll need hot-desking and office navigation technology to ensure that everyone can stay productive and get started quickly in any space.

Is there a difference between hybrid work and working from home?

Yes, hybrid work and remote work are different. Remote workers work from home all the time and may not have the option to go into the office. While hybrid workers will spend a portion of their time working from home, they also have the flexibility to choose where and when they work. According to research , 49% of remote workers feel isolated, 37% encounter more distractions, and 35% find it hard to connect with their colleagues. Hybrid work provides options for employees to decide which days they want to go into the office. If a person is feeling a sense of isolation, wants to remove themselves from a distracting environment, or connect with colleagues, they have the option to go into the office.

What’s the best collaboration solution for hybrid work?

Choosing the right collaboration solution is one of the most important decisions you’ll need to make as you adopt a hybrid work model. When the pandemic hit, many organizations had to make quick decisions about what technology they were going to adopt to support a remote workforce. But quick decisions are not often the best decisions.

Hybrid work redefines what it means to work and collaborate in a more distributed yet more connected world. This shift challenges us to rethink the experiences employees need to remain productive and easily collaborate wherever they are. T-Mobile is a great example of a company that quickly realized the challenges of hybrid work and invested in a comprehensive hybrid work solution to help bridge the gap between remote and in-office workers.

A hybrid work example: a conference room desk includes four people who are talking to nine other people via a monitor on the wall.

When evaluating the best solution for hybrid work, you’ll want to look at the experience and needs of every employee in the organization. Start by asking key questions, including:

  • Are my employees equipped to work from home?
  • Can my employees expect the same collaboration experience whether they are in the office or at home?
  • Can the solution provide IT with the ability to easily scale, monitor, and manage the experience when employees are working from home or in the office?
  • Do employees feel included in meetings? Are there easy ways for them to engage and be seen and heard?
  • Is the collaboration solution secure?

At Webex, we’re continuously innovating to make working from home and in the office an inclusive, secure, and connected experience for everyone. Learn more about how Webex is solving the challenges of hybrid work .

Continue your hybrid work journey

A person sitting at a desk, engaged in a virtual meeting.

Take the Hybrid Work Readiness Assessment

In 10 minutes or less you can evaluate and benchmark your organization's hybrid work readiness.

One person talking to another as part of a virtual meeting

Understand the 6 strategies for hybrid work success

365 days. 3 global surveys. 3,935 workers. Our quest to understand the changing nature of work and collaboration all boiled down to 6 transformative strategies. Download the report.

A person holding a mobile device, participating in a virtual meeting.

Explore Cisco's Hybrid Work Index

Cisco analyzed millions of records of customer telemetry data – aggregated and anonymized – to uncover insights and trends for the hybrid work era.

A person wearing a headset with a microphone talks to another person via a monitor and webcam.

The Future of Work is Hybrid

Download this collection of trends and insights that emerged from our independent research into the nature of hybrid work.

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Which purchases count as travel with Chase Sapphire Preferred and Chase Sapphire Reserve?

Benét J. Wilson

Editor's Note

Thanks to its plethora of premium travel perks, the Chase Sapphire Reserve® is well-known in the travel credit card space. The Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card is the Sapphire Reserve's mid-tier sibling that features a $95 annual fee — which is also the more affordable card considering the Reserve's annual fee is $550 — and remains a top pick, winning Best Travel Rewards Credit Card for the sixth straight year at the 2023 TPG Awards .

No matter which Sapphire card you have, Chase clearly defines what counts as travel. Both cards generously award for travel booked through Chase Travel℠ and all other travel purchases.

We'll go over the purchases that count (and don't count) toward earning bonus points in this guide.

How many points do the Chase Sapphire Reserve and Preferred cards earn on travel?

The Chase Sapphire Reserve awards 10 points per dollar on hotels and car rentals booked through Chase Travel and 5 points per dollar on flights booked through Chase Travel.

But suppose you're looking to book directly with the airline, hotel or another company or get awarded for other travel purchases like taxi rides and parking fees. In that case, you'll still earn 3 points per dollar on these purchases.

team travel definition

The Sapphire Preferred earns 5 points per dollar on all travel purchases booked through Chase Travel and 2 points per dollar on other travel purchases.

You'll also earn a boosted rate of 10 and 5 points per dollar spent on Lyft rides on the Reserve and Preferred, respectively (through March 2025).

'Travel,' according to Chase

The Chase Travel portal allows you to book various types of travel. For "all other travel purchases," here's how Chase defines it:

Merchants in the travel category include airlines, hotels, motels, timeshares, car rental agencies, cruise lines, travel agencies, discount travel sites, campgrounds and operators of passenger trains, buses, taxis, limousines, ferries, toll bridges and highways, and parking lots and garages.

Compared to bonus categories from other credit cards, Chase's travel category is extremely generous.

While cards such as the American Express® Gold Card and The Platinum Card® from American Express offer bonus points for airfare purchases made directly with the airline (with a spending cap of $500,000 on the Amex Platinum per calendar year, then 1 point per dollar), the Sapphire Preferred and Sapphire Reserve cards let you earn a bonus on virtually every trip-related charge.

team travel definition

The travel category encompasses a wide variety of purchases, from hotels and airfare (which doesn't have to be booked directly with the airline) to cruises, tolls and even parking fees. Uber and Airbnb purchases count as travel as well.

The following purchases do not apply toward the 2 or 3-points-per-dollar bonus categories on these cards, but most of them shouldn't be a huge surprise or disappointment:

Merchants in this category include airlines, hotels, motels, timeshares, car rental agencies, cruise lines, travel agencies, discount travel sites, campgrounds and operators of passenger trains, buses, taxis, limousines, ferries, toll bridges and highways, and parking lots and garages. Some merchants that provide transportation and travel-related services are not included in this category; for example, real estate agents, educational merchants arranging travel, in-flight goods and services, on-board cruise line goods and services, sightseeing activities, excursions, tourist attractions, RV and boat rentals, merchants within hotels and airports, public campgrounds and merchants that rent vehicles for the purpose of hauling. Purchases from gift card merchants or merchants that sell points or miles will not qualify in the travel category.

A few notable travel-related charges that have not been posted as travel for the purposes of bonus points with Chase for TPG staffers in the recent past include an RV rental as well as some vacation rentals via Vrbo and similar services. Whether a vacation home rental automatically codes as travel depends on whether an individual or a conglomerate operates it. In the latter case, that charge may code as "professional services" instead of travel.

If you're ever unsure whether a given purchase counts as travel, it could be worth making a small charge and checking whether it earns any bonus points on your online Chase account.

Additionally, suppose you feel like a travel purchase should have earned bonus points but didn't. In that case, you can always try calling or secure messaging Chase and requesting consideration for that charge to be awarded points as a travel charge. Even if you don't get the outcome you're looking for, you'll at least get some clarity on how certain charges are coded and can plan future spending accordingly.

What does Chase typically count as travel purchases?

  • Campgrounds
  • Car rental agencies (excludes RV and boat rentals)
  • Cruise lines
  • Discount travel sites
  • Parking lots and garages
  • Passenger trains
  • Toll bridges and highways
  • Travel agencies
  • Vacation rentals (including some VRBO rentals operated by an individual )

What does Chase typically not count as travel purchases?

  • Educational merchants arranging travel
  • Gift card merchants
  • Inflight goods and services
  • Merchants that rent vehicles for the purpose of hauling
  • Merchants within hotels and airports
  • Onboard cruise line goods and services
  • Purchasing points or miles
  • Public campgrounds
  • Real estate agents
  • RV and boat rentals
  • Sightseeing activities
  • Tourist attractions
  • Vacation rentals ( some VRBO rentals operated by a conglomerate rather than an individual )

Bottom line

Cardholders of the Chase Sapphire Reserve and Chase Sapphire Preferred have plenty of opportunities to earn 3 or 2 points per dollar spent, respectively, on "other travel purchases." Based on TPG's valuations , that means you could be getting a return of up to 6.15% on these purchases, and you can put your points to use with Chase's airline and hotel partners .

On top of that, these Chase cards have some of the most generous travel and purchase protections on the market, making either card a valuable addition to your wallet.

Apply here: Chase Sapphire Reserve with a 75,000-point sign-up bonus after you spend $4,000 in the first three months of account opening. Apply here: Chase Sapphire Preferred with a 75,000-point sign-up bonus after you spend $4,000 in the first three months of account opening.

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Cowboys announce when team will fly to Oxnard for training camp

Josh sanchez | jun 5, 2024.

Dallas Cowboys head coach Mike McCarthy and quarterback Dak Prescott (4) at training camp.

The Dallas Cowboys are currently holding minicamp at The Star in Frisco, Texas, but the start of training camp in Oxnard, California is just around the corner.

Training camps across the league will begin in mid-to-late-July, but exact dates have yet to be announced.

We do know, however, when the team will head out west.

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NFL Network's Jane Slater reports that the Cowboys will fly to Oxnard on Tuesday, July 23. The tentative plan is to hold the first training camp practice on Thursday, July 25.

Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott (4) signs autographs following the day of training camp.

Dallas opens its preseason just over two weeks later against the Los Angeles Rams at SoFi Stadium on Sunday, August 11.

They will then make the short trip to Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas to take on the Raiders, before returning home to host the Los Angeles Chargers and presumably finish out training camp at The Star.

Of course, everyone will be watching whether the team can agree to a contract extension with star wide receiver CeeDee Lamb, quarterback Dak Prescott, or both. Everyone will have their fingers crossed.


  • Predicting the Dallas Cowboys' final record for the 2024 season
  • Ranking every Cowboys game for the 2024 NFL season
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Josh Sanchez


Managing Editor: Cowboys SI - Contact: [email protected]

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    fee - bundled air transaction fee. An air transaction fee that includes the costs associated with servicing air, hotel and car transactions. Therefore, hotel and car only bookings (not to exceed XX% of air bookings) are not charged a transaction fee. fee - management fee. Fee assessed in addition to direct costs.

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