• Destinazioni

Cosa vedere a Milano: le 17 migliori attrazioni e cose da fare

Arch Peace Arco Della Pace City Gate Centre Old Town Milan Sunny Day Lombardia Italy

  • Palazzo Reale
  • Museo del Novecento
  • Pinacoteca Ambrosiana
  • Basilica di Sant'Ambrogio
  • Santa Maria delle Grazie e il Cenacolo Vinciano
  • Teatro alla Scala
  • Galleria Vittorio Emanuele
  • Quadrilatero della moda
  • Pinacoteca di Brera
  • Castello Sforzesco
  • Parco Sempione
  • Stadio e Museo San Siro
  • Cimitero Monumentale
  • Biblioteca degli Alberi e Bosco Verticale

mappa principali attrazioni e monumenti di milano

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young traveler woman visiting milan cathedral italy fashion female tourist standing piazza duomo square milan

Evita le fila e scegli il biglietto combinato : il Duomo è l'attrazione più visitata di Milano, e fra le più visitate d'Italia... puoi immaginare le code! Non sprecare tempo in fila, ti consigliamo il biglietto combinato Duomo e terrazze , con orario programmato.

  • Come arrivare Piazza Duomo, centro storico. In metropolitana: linea M1 e M3, fermata Duomo - dista circa 15 minuti a piedi dal Castello Sforzesco - Ottieni indicazioni
  • Orari per i fedeli: lun-dom 07:00 - 19:00; per i visitatori: lun-dom 08:00 - 21:00 (eccetto nel mese di ottobre, dove l'orario è 08:00 - 20:00). Salita in terrazza limitata ai disabili al sabato e alla domenica.
  • Costo biglietto €8,00 solo Duomo ( prenota online con salta la fila ). Terrazze con ascensore €15,00 ( prenota online con salta la fila ); ridotto (bambini 6 - 12) €7,50. Terrazze con salita a piedi €10,00 ( prenota online con salta la fila ); ridotto (bambini 6 - 12) €5,00. Gratis: bambini fino a 6 anni, disabili e militari in divisa.

2 - Palazzo Reale

palazzo reale milano

  • Come arrivare Fermata Duomo, a circa 100 metri dall'edificio del Duomo - Ottieni indicazioni
  • Orari aperto da martedì a domenica dalle 09:30 alle 19:30, chiuso il lunedì
  • Costo biglietto intero €14,00 , Ridotto €12,00. Famiglie 1 o 2 adulti Ridotto (€10,00); bambini da 6 a 14 anni Ridotto speciale (€6,00); fino a 5 anni gratuito

3 - Museo del Novecento

museo del 900 museum milan

  • Come arrivare metro M1/M3 fermata Duomo - Ottieni indicazioni
  • Orari venerdì - mercoledì dalle 09:30 alle 18:30, lunedì chiuso, giovedì dalle 09:30 alle 20:30
  • Costo biglietto intero €10,00 - ridotto €8,00

4 - Pinacoteca Ambrosiana

biblioteca ambrosiana milan

Ottimizza tempi e visita : la pinacoteca è molto grande, rischi di perderti nelle sue 24 sale, e magari di saltare alcuni dei pezzi più pregiati. Ti consigliamo di optare per il tour guidato della Pinacoteca Ambrosiana , in questo modo salti le file all'ingresso e hai la guida per 1,5 ore per massimizzare la tua visita.

  • Come arrivare M1 fermata Cordusio o Duomo, M3 fermata Duomo - Ottieni indicazioni
  • Orari Da martedì a domenica 10:00 - 18:00, chiusa il lunedì
  • Costo biglietto intero €15,00 ( prenota online ingresso + mostra Codice Atlantico ), ridotto under 18 €10,00, under 14 €5,00, under 6 gratis.

5 - Navigli

milan italy june 12 2017 view crowded naviglio grande district milan

Quando andare : consigliamo una passeggiata all'imbrunire , per godervi un tipico aperitivo e soprattutto vedere luci dei locali riflettersi sul corso d'acqua. Se visitate Milano a fine mese, fate un giro diurno fra i banconi del "Mercatone dell'Antiquariato", che si tiene proprio ogni ultima domenica del mese lungo i canali.

6 - Basilica di Sant'Ambrogio

basilica saint ambrose sant ambrogio milan italy

Curiosità e leggende : non dimenticate di ammirare la "colonna del demonio" sulla sinistra del quadriportico; così chiamata per la presenza di due buchi causati dalle corna del demonio, durante uno scontro con Sant'Ambrogio. Pare che avvicinando l'orecchio ai fori si possano sentire i rumori dell'inferno. Gli scettici vi diranno che non sono altro che i segni della rimozione di un grosso cancello... ma a noi piace credere nelle leggende.

  • Come arrivare Metropolitana MM2 fermata S. Ambrogio - Ottieni indicazioni
  • Orari Da Lunedì al Sabato dalle ore 10:00 alle 12:00 e dalle 14:30 alle 18:00; Domenica dalle ore 15:00 alle 17:00
  • Costo biglietto gratis, visita libera

7 - Santa Maria delle Grazie e il Cenacolo Vinciano

leonardo da vinci the last supper high res

Prenota la visita : se avete in programma di visitarlo, è fortemente consigliata la prenotazione almeno 1 mese prima della visita: il Cenacolo è conosciuto in tutto il mondo e se si decide di acquistare il biglietto solo il giorno della visita, si rischia di non poter e rimanere delusi. La migliore opzione è il biglietto con visita guidata del Cenacolo : vista l'importanza dell'opera, una guida è fondamentale e arricchisce tantissimo la visita.

  • Come arrivare Metro 1 Cadorna o Conciliazione oppure linea 2 Cadorna o Sant'Ambrogio; a piedi dista circa 11 minuti dal Castello Sforzesco - Ottieni indicazioni
  • Orari Chiesa: 1 Marzo - 31 Ottobre 10:30-18:00; 1 Novembre - 28 Febbraio 10:30-17:00, martedì Chiuso. Cenacolo: mar-sab 09:00 - 19:00, domenica 09:00 - 13:45 previa prenotazione al numero 02-92800360. Ultimo ingresso alle 18:45. Massimo 25 persone ogni 15 minuti
  • Costo biglietto Chiesa: intero €7,00; ridotto €5,00 (cittadini UE e SEE tra i 18 e i 25 anni); gratuito per visitatori di età inferiore a 18 anni; Cenacolo Vinciano: €15,00; ridotto €2,00 (giovani dai 18 ai 25 anni). Biglietto + visita guidata €50,00

8 - Teatro alla Scala

teatro alla scala milan

Regalati una visita guidata di un'ora : il ticket di ingresso semplice consente l'accesso alla sola Sala del Teatro; con una visita guidata completa puoi accedere anche al palco e al Museo del Teatro. Info e prezzi qui .

  • Come arrivare metro M1 da Cadorna, raggiungibile in 1 minuti a piedi dalla Galleria Vittorio Emanuele - Ottieni indicazioni
  • Orari nel corso di visite guidate ed organizzate (durata 45 minuti), è possibile accedere alla Scala dalle ore 09:00; vi sono, inoltre, gli orari degli spettacoli teatrali, di danza e musicali
  • Costo biglietto sala del teatro €15,00; ridotto (per under 26 ed over 65) €8,00; Visita guidata completa con ingresso senza coda + Museo del Teatro €39,00

9 - Galleria Vittorio Emanuele

interior vittorio emanuele ii gallery square duomo city center milan

Chicca da locals : a pochissimi passi dalla Galleria c'è "Panzerotti Luini", un piccolo locale dove poter assaggiare i panzerotti più buoni di Milano

10 - Quadrilatero della moda

montenapoleone street milan

Eventi e ricorrenze : periodicamente vengono proposti eventi ed esposizioni temporanee per le vie e le boutique del Quadrilatero. Tra le rassegne più famose ricordiamo la "Vendemmia di Via Montenapoleone", una manifestazione che si tiene nelle prime settimane di ottobre e celebra le eccellenze italiane vinicole e quelle della moda proponendo degustazioni all'interno dei negozi pià lussuosi.

11 - Pinacoteca di Brera

milan italy entrance famous brera university arts

Tempo di visita : riservate mezza giornata libera per visitarla, è enorme e se non volete perdere nessuna opera o collezione vi serviranno almeno 4-5 ore. Per ottimizzare tempi e visita consigliamo l'opzione tour del quartiere Brera e esperienza guidata in Pinacoteca . Con una guida potranno essere sufficienti 2 ore.

  • Come arrivare metro linea 2 fermata Lanza, linea 3 fermata Montenapoleone. In tram: 1-4-8-12-14-27. In bus: 61, 97; a piedi dista circa 10 minuti a piedi dal Teatro alla Scala - Ottieni indicazioni
  • Orari mar-dom 09:30 - 18:30
  • Costo biglietto €15,00 intero; €10,00 ridotto. Audioguide €5,00. Tour del quartiere Brera + esperienza guidata in Pinacoteca da €60,00

12 - Castello Sforzesco

aerial view sforzesco castle milan

Soffermatevi all'esterno : proprio all'entrata dell'edificio, praticamente ogni pomeriggio, si tengono veri e propri spettacoli improvvisati di artisti di strada che intrattengono i passanti con balli o canti. Al termine della visita vi consigliamo di soffermarvi per qualche minuto e assistere ad uno di questi spettacoli.

  • Come arrivare Piazza Castello, metro MM1 - fermate Cadorna e Cairoli, MM2 - fermate Cadorna e Lanza, bus 43, 50, 57, 58, 61, 70, 94 e tram 1, 3, 4, 12, 14, 20, 27; lo raggiungete in 15 minuti a piedi da Piazza Duomo - Ottieni indicazioni
  • Orari lun-dom 07:00 - 18:00 in inverno; alle ore 07:00 - 19:00 in estate
  • Costo biglietto €5,00 adulto, €3,00 ridotto. Ingresso senza fila + audioguida €13,50 ; Tour guidato Castello + Pietà Rondanini €49,90

13 - Parco Sempione

arch peace arco della pace city gate centre old town milan sunny day lombardia italy

Attività e intrattenimenti : oltre a poter fare tutti i tipi di attività all'aperto, potreste anche imbattervi in veri e propri spettacoli! Pochi sanno che ogni pomeriggio, più o meno poco prima del tramonto, tantissimi artisti e dilettanti si riuniscono per suonare dell'ottima musica giamaicana o africana.

  • Come arrivare Piazza Sempione, vicino al Castello Sforzesco. Fermata metro più vicine Cadorna e Cairoli. A piedi 1 minuti dal Castello Sforzesco - Ottieni indicazioni
  • Orari tutti i giorni dalle 06:30 alle 21:00
  • Costo biglietto Gratis

14 - Stadio e Museo San Siro

san siro 2014

Assisti ad una partita : ovviamente il modo migliore per godersi la magia della Scala del Calcio è assistendo ad una partita al suo interno. i biglietti partono da €15,00. In alternativa puoi optare per il tour dello Stadio + Museo di San Siro .

  • Come arrivare metro M5 da Garibaldi a San Siro - Ottieni indicazioni
  • Orari orario tour stadio ESTIVO 9:30 - 18:00, INVERNALE 9:30 - 17:00
  • Costo biglietto tour dello stadio €30,00 intero, ridotto (fino a 14 anni e over65) €23,00 - prenota online

15 - Cimitero Monumentale

cimitero monumentale milano

  • Come arrivare metro M2 da Cadorna FN o linea M5 da Garibaldi FS - Ottieni indicazioni
  • Orari mar-dom ore 08:00 - 18:00 (telefonare allo 02-88441274 nei festivi, l'orario potrebbe subire variazioni). Chiuso il lunedì

16 - City Life

2020 01 14 urbanfile milano porta vigentina tre torri citylife cantieri curvo 1

17 - Biblioteca degli Alberi e Bosco Verticale

milano bosco verticale

Altre attrattive da visitare

galleria leonardo da vinci museo scienza e tecnologia milano 1

Cosa fare a Milano

  • Aperitivo alla Terrazza Aperol godetevi un aperitivo relax ammirando l'imponente maestosità del Duomo.
  • Serata in Corso Como se volete vivere la vera movida milanese, non si può non bere un cocktail presso uno dei numerosi e costosissimi locali alla moda di Milano
  • Ammirare il panorama da Palazzo Lombardia se volete ammirare Milano dall'alto, salite fino al 39° piano di questo palazzo per una foto mozzafiato e originale!
  • Visitare Milano durante la Milano Fashion Week la famosa settimana della moda che si tiene due volte l'anno (a febbraio/marzo e a settembre/ottobre). Non perdete in quest'occasione la famosa Via dei Fiori Chiari!
  • Partecipare alla Prima della Scala è uno degli eventi più importanti della città meneghina e ogni 7 dicembre si tiene il debutto della stagione teatrale; se riuscite ad accaparrarvi un biglietto (solitamente carissimo) non dimenticate di rispettare il dress-code!
  • Assistere al Derby di Milano a San Siro detto anche "Derby della Madonnina" che vede contrapporsi i nerazzurri dell'Inter e i rossoneri del Milan.
  • Tour a Casa Milan Siete tifosi del Milan o grandi appassionati di calcio in genere? Allora non perdetevi il tour di Casa Milan, dove potete ammira cimeli storici del club italiano più titolato in Europa. Biglietto online da €15,00 a persona
  • Scattare una foto ai fenicotteri rosa di Villa Invernizzi nel giardino della villa in Via Cappuccini ( Ottieni indicazioni ) vivono una decina di fenicotteri rosa che passeggiano liberamente, si bagnano nel laghetto e mangiano incuranti degli occhi dei passanti.
  • Vedere il primo citofono realizzato in Italia ha la forma di un grande orecchio in bronzo ed è situato a Casa Sola Busca , in via Serbelloni 10 ( Ottieni indicazioni ), simpaticamente chiamata "Cà dell'Oregia".

Organizza il tuo soggiorno a Milano: voli e hotel

italia milano strada architettura 1

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Top 19 travel tips for visiting Milan

From when to drink coffee to when never to visit, you'll be a seasoned expert in no time with these top travel tips

Sure, it’s got a bit of a reputation, but don’t be intimidated by Milan. Anyone who loves great restaurants , Instagram-worthy buildings and at least a bit of shopping will have an absolute blast in Milan, but to save you the stress, there are a few things you should know before you go.

Our Milan experts have rounded up all the best tips and tricks to make you an expert in all things Milan living, from what time to drink coffee and the best negroni you can order to how to make sure you get to see Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper in the flesh. Here are our top travel tips for visiting Milan. 

RECOMMENDED: 🍝 How to eat like a local in Milan 🍕 Where to eat the best pizza in Milan 🚆 How to navigate public transport in Milan 📍 The best things to do in Milan 🏘️ The best Airbnbs in Milan

Liz Humphreys is a writer based in Milan. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines . 

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Travel tips for first-time Milan visitors

No need to leave extra

1.  No need to leave extra

This one might be a shock if you’re visiting Milan from a country with a big tipping culture, but here in Milan, it’s not a thing. Tips aren’t expected, as the city has a pretty good hourly wage (we know, unheard of, right?), so keep your coins for another negroni later on. 

Consider avoiding August

2.  Consider avoiding August

August might seem like a good month to live out your Italian dreams, but if you’re considering it, be warned – Milan gets seriously, swelteringly hot in August. But that’s not the only reason to make a plan for another month, as a fair few shops and restaurants shut down this month while the Milanese go on their holidays. Best not risk it, we say. 

Plan ahead to see Leonardo

3.  Plan ahead to see Leonardo

If getting a glimpse of Leonardo da Vinci’s  The Last Supper  is on your list, but you haven’t made reservations months in advance, all hope is not lost. Even if online reservations show no tickets are available, try calling the ticket hotline, as some are kept aside for phone callers. Another option is to book a guided Milan tour that also includes a visit to the painting, as these are sometimes more likely to have spots left.

Travel by tram

4.  Travel by tram

Though many trams have been modernised, for a unique experience, the  ATMosfera  lets you ride a 1930s tram on a sightseeing trip through the city while enjoying a multicourse dinner with wine. It is a very romantic way to catch a glimpse of Milan’s past inside while peering at the present right outside the windows.

Never order a cappuccino after lunch

5.  Never order a cappuccino after lunch

Italians are convinced that drinking anything with milk after the morning will hamper digestion. So, to blend in, order that cappuccino (or other coffee drinks with milk, see below for more on that) only before 11am, or risk looking like a foreign fool.

We take latte literally

6.  We take latte literally

If you want a coffee with milk, make sure you order a cappuccino (more foam) or caffé latte (less foam), a caffé macchiato (espresso with a little milk), or a latte macchiato (hot milk with a little coffee) instead of just a “latte” – or you’ll only get a glass of milk. If you just want an espresso, order “un caffé” to avoid strange looks.

Enjoy an aperitivo

7.  Enjoy an aperitivo

No visit to Milan is complete without partaking in the pre-dinner (or instead-of-dinner) tradition of  aperitivo. B asically, cocktails are served with all manner of free nibbles, often a buffet with enough food to constitute a meal. Though the Navigli neighbourhood is home to many bars offering  aperitivo , you’ll find it served throughout the city – so go ahead, sample a few different kinds.

Try a Negroni sbagliato

8.  Try a Negroni sbagliato

While a classic Negroni – gin, Campari and sweet vermouth – is always a good idea, when in Milan, don’t miss the chance to sample a Negroni  sbagliato , literally a Negroni “mistake.” It was born at Bar Basso in the ‘70s when a bartender added sparkling wine to a Negroni instead of gin, and you can still try it there (amongst other places).

Head away from the Duomo at night

9.  Head away from the Duomo at night

Though several of the major sights you’ll want to see will be around the Duomo area, for a cooler nightlife experience, venture out to some of the more local haunts in such neighbourhoods as Isola, Porta Venezia or Navigli. You’ll get away from the tourists, save money and likely have more fun.

…and even during the day

10.  …and even during the day

After exploring the Duomo, the Galleria and La Scala, take a bus or tram out to some of the farther reaches of Milan for truly unique museums that never feel as crowded as the centre city attractions. Fondazione Prada, Pirelli HangarBicocca and MUDEC are all housed in interesting buildings and feature permanent and rotating exhibitions worth your time.

Watch out for Salone

11.  Watch out for Salone

Though arriving during the Milan Furniture Fair, called Salone del Mobile – which runs for six days in mid-April – can be super fun as there are loads of parties and events happening, the city becomes super crowded and expensive. Hotels jack up their prices to stratospheric levels and get booked up months in advance. Ditto during Milan Fashion Week. Unless you’re a diehard furniture design fan, it may be a better idea to visit at a time when the city’s a bit more relaxed.

Visit museums for free

12.  Visit museums for free

On the first Sunday of each month, all of Milan’s civic museums – including Museo del Novecento, Sforza Castle museums, Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Casa Museo Boschi di Stefano and MUDEC, among others – offer free admission. Though they tend to be more crowded then, it’s still a good chance to squeeze in some more culture without spending a cent.

Head up high

13.  Head up high

Milan boasts loads of vantage points where you can enjoy prime views of the city skyline. The rooftop of the Duomo, Torre Branca inside Parco Sempione and the terrace on the seventh floor of the Rinascente department store are fabulous places to get an eyeful. Prefer a drink with your vistas? Try the Radio Rooftop Bar or Ceresio 7 Pools & Restaurant.

Wear your snazziest shoes

14.  Wear your snazziest shoes

The Milanese take their footwear very seriously. Women may want to bring a pair or two of high heels to wear out at night – or even during the day if they dare. (You’ll see plenty of locals traipsing effortlessly along the cobblestones wearing stilettos.) Men can often get away with cool sneakers. If you catch the locals checking out your shoes, you’ve probably done well.

Go to La Scala on the cheap

15.  Go to La Scala on the cheap

Even if you’re not an opera-lover, catching a performance at Teatro alla Scala is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The problem is, not only are tickets super-pricey, but they sell out months and months in advance. However, if you visit the box office an hour before a show starts, any leftover or returned tickets are sold at a 25% discount – perhaps not cheap, but definitely worth the splurge.

Embrace discount fashion

16.  Embrace discount fashion

Yes, many of the clothes, shoes and accessories on sale in Milan are through-the-roof expensive – after all, this is the home of Prada and Versace. But if you just can’t bear to visit this fashion town without a purchase, head over to DMAG outlet. You’ll find three locations showcasing discounted Italian and international luxury brands, so perhaps you can head home with those Miu Miu boots you’ve been eyeing after all.

Shop outside the fashion district

17.  Shop outside the fashion district

You’ll want to window shop and stroll in Milan’s premier fashion area, Quadrilatero della Moda. But for fun and unique purchases, head north of the Duomo to the pretty Brera district. You’ll find appealing boutiques, galleries and design stores where shopping doesn’t feel like it will bankrupt you.

Plan around the sales

18.  Plan around the sales

If you’re a serious fashion fiend, consider timing your Milan visit to coincide with one (or both!) of the two yearly sales ( saldi ) periods. The winter sales generally run from early January through early March, and the summer sales from early July through early September – though check online for the exact dates, which vary slightly each year and are announced about one month before. Sale prices can be up to 70 percent off the original, making it well worth a trip.

Get out of town

19.  Get out of town

If you need an escape from Milan’s urban hustle, there are some fabulous destinations just a train ride away. Bergamo, less than an hour by train, boasts a lovely medieval hilltop old town, while the Italian Lakes – Como, Garda and Maggiore – are also close by (half an hour, an hour-and-a-half and an hour by train, respectively) and offer some of the most romantic settings in all of Italy.

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3 Days in Milan: Itinerary Ideas and Top Sights

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Milan is an exciting, grand and modern Italian city that has a long and colorful past. It’s a city with a rich culture, from the majestic buildings that dominate the landscape to its reputation as one of the world’s fashion capitals. There is plenty to do in this glorious part of the world, so making a 3-day itinerary for Milan isn’t easy but it’s definitely possible.

Let’s discover the best things to do in Milan in 3 days, from exploring Castello Sforzesco to a lovely day trip to Lake Como. We’ve also included logistics, like travel costs and where to stay and eat.

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Top Sights for Your 3 Days in Milan Itinerary

Where to begin? Let’s take a look at the city’s top sights so you can decide what are the highlights of Milan must sees to add to your itinerary. 

Duomo di Milano

This impressive cathedral is the second largest in Italy after St Peter’s Basilica in Rome and has a towering facade of relief sculptures, a vast interior of large marble columns and high ceilings. Aside from the intricate sculptures and stained glass windows that make up this magnificent building, it’s also the seat of the Archbishop of Milan and is an enduring icon of the city.

Piazza Del Duomo and Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II

No trip to Milan is complete without a visit to Piazza del Duomo. It’s easy to see why this iconic cobblestoned square with cafes and historic buildings surrounding it is seen as the heart of the city. And the four-story Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II is a vibrant shopping center with fashion stores galore. It’s the oldest active shopping area in the city and something you can’t miss.

Santa Maria Delle Grazie

Many people know of Leonardo Da Vinci’s Last Supper , but not many know it’s housed in Santa Maria Delle Grazie . This is a beautiful little church and UNESCO World Heritage Site in central Milan. 

Here you’ll also come across a pristine garden and magnificent architecture. So it’s well worth the visit, not just to see the Last Supper .

Castello Sforzesco

For a deep dive into Milan’s past, visit the ancient fortification of Castello Sforzesco . It now houses famous art treasures such as Michelangelo’s unfinished work Rondanini Pietà . When you’re done exploring this famous building, you can stroll through the breathtaking Parco Sempione.

Pinacoteca di Brera

For all things art, head to the Pinacoteca di Brera . This is the main art gallery in Milan and houses iconic works such as The Kiss by Francesco Hayes and The Marriage of The Virgin by Raphael. With a particular focus on painting, there are over 400 artworks for you to admire within these walls.

Bonus: San Siro for AC Milan and Inter Milan Fans

It’s not often you find a football stadium used by two rival teams, but the San Siro is home to both AC Milan and Inter Milan. This is an excellent visit for any football fan, and who knows, you may be able to catch a game while in Milan.

Day 1: Explore Milan’s City Center and Navigli District

You simply have to start your Milan itinerary by exploring Centro Storico, the buzzing heart of the city’s history and culture. From the cobblestoned streets of Piazza Duomo to the majestic Milan Cathedral that towers over the city, there are plenty of exciting activities and sights in store. 

Morning and Afternoon – Explore the Sights of Old Town

To get the perfect Milan itinerary kickstarted, you’ll begin the day at Duomo Square. This is smack dab in the city center and provides easy access to many of the historical buildings in the area. For fantastic views of the Duomo Cathedral and tasty pastries, grab breakfast at Giacomo Caffè .

TOP TIP: Get your tickets for the Duomo and the Archaeological site here .

From there, spend the morning exploring the sites in and around Old Town. You can feed your shopping cravings at Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II and discover exactly why this is one of the world’s fashion capitals. Walk across the square, and you’ll find the Duomo Museum and Palazzo Reale di Milano where you can explore the works of Michelangelo and Max Ernst.

If you’ve still got time before lunch, walk to the Piazza della Scala, five minutes from Duomo Square. At Piazza della Scala, you’ll come across Teatro alla Scala . This 18th-century theater is the epitome of Italian style, with a breathtaking facade and lavish interior. Although most showings are at night, the museum and music library at this theater is fantastic to explore during the day.

DISCOVER: What goes on behind the music at Teatro alla Scala with a guided experience .

After lunch — which we’ll cover in just a bit — take a 15-minute walk to Castello Sforzesco to see what lies within the walls of this ancient fortification. A walk through Parco Sempione is an amazing way to enjoy the afternoon. There’s plenty to see, from the Bridge of The Little Mermaids to the iconic Arco Della Pace.

Lunch and Gelato Stop Suggestions in Centro Storico

  • Langosteria Cafe Milano – Dine in style at this Milan restaurant. It has a moody atmosphere that sets the tone for a fantastic meal. This spot is one of the pricier options in the area, but nothing beats fresh seafood and authentic Italian pasta.
  • Spazio Niko Romito – For a more affordable but equally eclectic experience, visit this airy and inviting restaurant. Light streams in from the wall-to-ceiling windows, and the classic linguini or pan-seared salmon make for a delicious meal you won’t forget.
  • Gelato Stop: Artico Gelateria Tradizionale – Some of the top ice cream makers come from the esteemed school of Gruppo Artico, and this is one of their fantastic gelato spots. Here, you can sample the classic flavors and some new and unusual ones. Artico Gelateria also has a vibey spot to sit and people-watch while you enjoy your frozen cup of deliciousness.

If you’ve got some time at the end of the day, visiting the San Siro Stadium is a great idea. It’s an 8-minute bus ride from Parco Sempione to the stadium, with prices varying between €1 and €2. You may be able to watch AC Milan or Inter Milan play, or you can join a guided tour of San Siro . Either way, it’s a great detour that all football fans will appreciate.

Evening – Dinner or a Food Tour in Navigli

End your one day in Milan with a delightful dinner in Navigli. Enjoy a 30-minute walk through the streets of Milan from Centro Storico to the Navigli District. Alternatively, you can catch a 6-minute taxi ride between €9 and €12 per trip.

The Navigli District is a glorious destination to enjoy the nightlife of Milan. If you like pizza head to SCIUÉ Navigli which is also popular for desserts like pannacotta and tiramisu.

The charming Navigli area surrounds the city’s main canal and is known for its restaurants and bars. It’s the perfect place for an aperitivo tour where you can sample the city’s favorite drinks and snacks. You’ll dive into everything from local cheeses to delicious wine, classy cocktails, and delicious salami. While you indulge in Navigli delights, don’t forget to admire the glorious sunset over the canal. It’s a magical sight, and the trendy bars make it a vibrant space.

Expert Tips for Your First Day in Milan

  • Don’t rush – Take your time and enjoy a few landmarks rather than rushing. The sights in the city center are steeped in history and intrigue, so rather spend some time at each one.
  • Tour or no tour? – You can explore Milan without joining a tour. But if you want to skip the hassle of booking individual entrance tickets and travel costs, consider joining this private guided walking tour .
  • Pre-book tickets to the Milan Cathedral – If you choose to explore the city on your terms, make sure you pre-book a ticket to the Milan Cathedral. This will help save time by skipping the ticket line. Certain tickets even grant access to the cathedral roof, where you can admire the Milan skyline. > Book your ticket here

Day 2: Discover the Brera District and Leonardo Da Vinci Works

As renowned as Milan is for its fashion, the city is also teeming with art. So it makes complete sense to dedicate the second day of your perfect Milan itinerary to exploring the neighborhood of Brera’s abundance of art and culture.

Morning and Afternoon – Explore Brera District’s Art Galleries

Start the morning with a tasty confectionery and a strong shot of espresso at Princi Bakery Brera . Once you’re all fueled up for the day, take a short 7-minute walk to the glorious Pinacoteca di Brera . It’s a museum dedicated to paintings and sculptures created between the 13th and 20th centuries, focusing on Italian artists. There are various rooms for you to explore, all housing masterpieces by the likes of Carravagio, Raphael, and more.  Just keep in mind that there’s a standard entry fee of €15. The ticket comes with an access card that allows you to visit the museum as many times as you like for the next three months.

Once you’ve had lunch, it’s time to visit Milan’s greatest attraction at the church of Santa Maria Delle Grazie . This church houses the Leonardo da Vinci classic, The Last Supper . Although this massive, 180 x 350-inch artwork is the main event at Santa Maria Delle Grazie, it’s not all there is to see.

LEARN: The history on a tour of The Last Supper and more on how to buy tickets .

The Gothic architecture of Santa Maria Delle Grazie is stunning, with beautifully crafted granite decorated in Corinthian leaves. Other outstanding works you can gaze at include The Crowning of Thorns by Tiziano Vecellio and Crucifixion by Gaudenzio Ferrari. If you still have spare time, visit some other galleries in the area, like Miart Gallery and Galleria d’Arte Moderna .

Lunch and Gelato Stop Suggestions

  • Ristorante Nabucco – For a delicious lunch in the heart of Brera, look no further than Nabucco. It’s a pricey option, but you’re guaranteed the best, from divine saffron risotto to innovative and delicious pasta dishes.
  • Il Cestino – Eat at this classy yet affordable restaurant when you’re done gazing at the fine arts galleries. The walls of wine cabinets create a homely environment, and the divine selection of authentic Italian food is the cherry on top.
  • Gelato Stop: Rivareno – This is one of the few Gelato joints that rivals Artico, and it’s easy to see why. With welcoming and modern seating, you can refresh your palette in a stylish part of town.

When you’re not admiring famous paintings on this Italian adventure, consider walking through the Brera Botanical Garden. It’s just behind the Palazzo Brera and provides a great chance to escape the buzz of the city and stroll through nature for a bit.

Evening – Enjoy Fine Dining at Cracco & a Night Tour

There are 16 Michelin Star restaurants in Milan, but that doesn’t mean all of them are super expensive. If you’re seeking a fine dining experience but want to save some bucks, go to the one Michelin Star Ristorante Cracco . With only the finest locally sourced ingredients and a romantic setting in the heart of Centro Storico, you’re guaranteed a memorable dinner. Remember you’ll need to reserve a table in advance, similar to other Michelin Star restaurants.

End the day by joining this night walking tour as street lights create a dazzling display. You’ll be able to snap some gorgeous nighttime photos during the tour and see sites like the Colonne di San Lorenzo and the Basilica di Sant’Ambrogio.

Expert Milan Travel Tips for Day 2

  • Pre-book Santa Maria tickets – Tickets for the Last Supper are in high demand, and are sometimes sold out for up to six months. So be sure to book your ticket well in advance or join this Milan skip-the-line tour .
  • Join a tour at Brera Art Gallery – It’s a fairly big place to explore, so you can easily lose track of time or miss some classic Italian paintings. Prevent this from happening by joining this Pinacoteca guided experience .
  • Wear comfortable shoes – It may be an obvious thing to say, but footwear is key when exploring Milan in 3 days. You’ll do a lot of walking, and Brera has cobblestoned streets, so it’s essential you have comfortable shoes with good grip. 

Day 3: Day Trip to Lake Como

Now you’ve admired the magnificent art and architectural wonders of Milan, why not explore the area around the city and enjoy the breathtaking scenery of Lake Como . You can catch a train and explore on your own or join a guided tour of the lake from central Milan . 

If you choose to take the train, departing from Milan you can choose to arrive in Como town at the lakeside train station Como Lago or travel to Varenna, a picturesque town in the center of the lake. It’s an hour’s travel time through the rolling scenery of northern Italy, and train tickets start at €5.

TOP TIP: You’ll see more on a guided tour of Lake Como than on a self-guided day trip.

Morning and Afternoon – Explore the Towns of Como, Bellagio, & Varenna

Begin the day by exploring the town of Como, with its pastel-colored buildings. The town is on the southwestern fork of this upside-down Y-shaped lake with picturesque pine forests. After exploring Como, jump on a boat and head to Bellagio. This is a 40-minute boat trip along the majestic waters of Lake Como, with the average ferry cost starting at €7. Once in Bellagio, you can wander the narrow cobblestone streets and visit the quaint thrift shops dotted around town. Don’t forget to wander along the lakeside and visit the Basilica of San Giacomo in the town center before grabbing lunch.

After lunch, catch another ferry to Varenna. This is just a 15-minute ride, and tickets start at €3. Spend the afternoon walking through the botanical gardens of Villa Monastero and Villa Cipressi. These are fantastic spots to capture the sunset amongst picture-perfect gardens. You can return back to Milan from either Como Lago or Varenna train stations.

READ: Our guide on How to get from Milan to Lake Como . 

Lunch and Gelato Suggestions in Bellagio

  • Antico Pozzo – For delicious pizza and all things Italian in a quiet and picturesque courtyard, eat at Antico Pozzo.
  • Bilacus Ristorante – For a fine dining experience amongst the narrow streets of Bellagio, visit Bilacus. You’ll find Instagram-worthy plates of delicious local food here.
  • Gelato Stop: Smooth Operators – Look no further than this cute little store along the waterfront for the finest gelato in Bellagio.

READ: Our guide of Things to do on a trip to Lake Como .

Alternate Day Trip

Visiting Verona is an excellent option if you want to experience the countryside east of Milan. There’s plenty of history and food to enjoy here, and you can read about it in this guide on taking a day trip to Verona from Milan .

Evening – Have an Early Dinner in Varenna

Before leaving Lake Como , enjoy an early dinner in Varenna. Just keep in mind that the last train leaves at 21:35 with an hour and 30 minutes travel time and will cost around €8.

DISCOVER: Everything you need to know about Traveling by train in Italy .

For dinner along the beachfront of Varenna with majestic views of Lake Como, wine and dine at La Cambusa . You can sit inside, but the outdoor seating provides unrivaled views of the lake, where the sunset will light the sky in shades of orange and purple. You can dig into everything from filling paninis to heart-warming pizzas. While you’re here, try out some of their Italian craft beverages, like a Nazionele yellow beer or Isaac pale yellow Blanche beer.

Expert Tips for Your 3 Days in Milan

  • Join a tour – Join this Lake Como day tour to save time and money. It will cover everything necessary for day three, so you don’t have to worry about travel costs or purchasing additional tickets.
  • Pack light – This is an enjoyable day trip from Milan, but the last thing you want is to have a heavy bag you need to lug around. Instead, pack light and only bring the essentials, like a good camera and your wallet.
  • Try to explore Milan when you get back – Although this is a full-day trip, this is also your last night in Milan. So, if you’re not too tired, try and explore in and around the area you choose to stay. This will most likely be a late-night adventure, depending on when you get back from Lake Como.

READ: Our full guide to the Best day trips from Milan .

Arriving in Milan

When planning your trip to a tee, include what happens once you get to Milan. The city has three airports, but you’ll most likely fly into Malpensa Airport, from which you can take the Malpensa Express to the Milan Central Station. Ticket prices start from €13.You can then catch a taxi to your accommodation or book a transfer directly from the airport with Welcome Pickups or Sun Transfers .

Where to Stay in Milan for Three Days

Seeing as you’ll be visiting the city for three days, the best place to stay in Milan is the Centro Storico district. This is the city’s beating heart and the ideal area to stay for easy access to the top sites. Book your stay at Room Mate Giulia for a reliable and affordable accommodation option.  Or, if you want something more personalized, the Danza di Luce apartment is a great option. 

TIP: Get 5% off your Plum Guide booking with our code ‘Untold5’.

Recommended Milan Tour Companies

You can easily explore the city’s sites alone when you visit Milan. That said, having a guide show you the hidden parts of the city can be beneficial. It’s an added bonus that the travel plans will also be sorted. 

So here are some fantastic tour companies you should consider using when visiting Milan:

  • WithLocals is another fantastic tour company that offers unforgettable experiences at an affordable price. Take your pick from the set itineraries, or make your own with the help of a local guide. Their food tours are particularly fantastic > browse tours here
  • Liv Tours is a family-run tour company that considers your every need. Although based in Rome, they run tours across the country with groups no larger than six people. You can also get a 5% off your tour with the code ‘UntoldItaly’ > browse tours here
  • Take Walks is an ever-reliable tour company that provides well-designed tours for small groups. They offer 24-hour cancellation, and with a maximum of 20 people per group, you’re guaranteed to have an informative and personal experience > browse tours here  

Ready for Your 3 Days in Milan Trip?

Exploring Milan in 3 days is definitely doable. All the city’s main sites are in and around Centro Storico, so walking is the best way to get around. And besides, who doesn’t want to walk the streets of this stylish city?  So with this handy Milano 3-day itinerary, you can enjoy all the pleasures this lovely city offers and more. Now that you know what to do in Milan for 3 days, have a look at this 3 days in Rome itinerary to plan your next Italian vacation.

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  • Two Days in Milano

The perfect itinerary for a 36-Hour weekend in Milano

travel 365 milano

Day 1 - From Stazione Centrale to Montenapoleone

Explore the city centre, move to darsena and navigli, take the tram to porta nuova, enjoy the milanese nightlife, day 2 - start the day at castello sforzesco, sarpi-chinatown: it's lunch time, end the weekend in hangar bicocca.

  • See & Do
  • Itineraries

So, you have two days to spend in Milano and you are not sure what to visit? This itinerary was thought up to make your visit simply perfect.

Montenapoleone district. Pic by 20regionsin2years-Instagram

You arrive at Stazione Centrale on a Saturday morning. Well, you don’t have to go far to start enjoying Milano. Mercato Centrale is a heaven for foodies. And it’s not only travelers that go there. When you’ve satisfied your either dolce or salato palate, it’s time to start discovering the city. 

Walk down towards Piazza Repubblica , or get a bike sharing rental for the day with the Bikemi app . It’s monumental rationalist architecture that takes you down to Piazza Cavour and the old medieval gate. Walk underneath and you’re in Via Manzoni and the Fashion District . The epicenter of it all is Via Montenapoleone , a glittering street flashing the best fashion stores in the world. 

  • Arriving and getting around Milano: read more
  • Download the subway map

The Duomo, the cathedral of Milan. Pic by mickeyfalzone-Instagram

Teatro alla Scala

At the end of Via Manzoni lies Piazza della Scala with the neoclassical opera theater that stars the world best in classical music and ballet. But Verdi and Puccini can wait, because you can enter Galleria Vittorio Emanuele from the back. After more luxury shopping (Prada has its store here), the gallery opens to the Duomo   in all its gothic majesty, with the glittering gold Madonnina. Right at the corner, there’s Camparino where you can sample one of the best espressos in Milano at the counter in the same café where Depero congregated with the other futurists. Campari spritz maybe later, it’s not even lunch time yet. 

  • 5 things to do in Milan city centre

Navigli. Pic by Joaquín López - YesMilano

Milano means old trams from the early 1920s, but there’s also orange jumbos from the 1970s and the futuristic Sirio line from the 2000s. The start of Via Torino near Duomo is the perfect setting to catch a tram. Flows of pedestrians and popular shops, and three lines that stop there in one of the busiest intersections in the city center. 

Via Torino is a meandering street full of shops targeting young consumers and espresso bars, which veers to the left in Carrobbio reaching one of the hidden wonders of Milano: Colonne di San Lorenzo , Roman columns before a basilica with a square where people like to hang out.

Walk down Corso Porta Ticinese and you’ll reach the mysterious Sant’Eustorgio bell tower , along with the church that holds the remains of the Three Mages.

To the right of neoclassical Porta Ticinese lies the Darsena , the ancient basin where the Navigli canals converge and where you can shop for a sandwich in the covered market or sit at a bistro for a quick lunch on the renovated quay by the water. 

  • Discover 5 things to do in Navigli and Colonne district

Vertical Forest. Pic by hpradam (Instagram)

Now that sugar levels are restored, it’s time for the second leg of the Saturday. Get on tram #10 which has its terminus near the Porta and enjoy great views of Milano from the window: Piazza Aquileia , Via Ariosto , Via Pagano , Arco della Pace , Corso Sempione , and the Monumental Cemetery .

Your destination is what many consider the second center of Milano after Piazza Duomo, i.e. Piazza Gae Aulenti . Get off at Garibaldi train station, and you’ll be dwarfed by skyscrapers. The plaza is magic and you can walk on water amid global brands. From there an urban park, BAM – the Library of Trees , lures you to the Vertical Forest , one of the most admired landmarks of the new Milano for its fusion of architecture and sustainability.

  • Discover 5 things to do in Isola-Porta Nuova

Time for a break, with a yoga session, a good book, or some urban exploration. Isola , the alternative neighborhood at the feet of Vertical Forest , has plenty of craft shops, food joints and community gardens. You can while away the time here waiting for the happy hour .

After that, we advise to dine in another great covered market with delis and gourmet shops: Mercato Comunale Isola , which just opened. From there, jump on the subway at Zara, where the yellow and lilac lines intersect. We suggest you take the yellow northbound for a few stops until you reach Dergano.

Once you’re out of the station, take Via Magellano and get to Piazza Dergano . Nearby, you can down a few beers or cocktails at Mamusca, a bar-cum-bookstore beloved by the locals in this very Milanese yet up-and-coming neighborhood. Hey, it got really late: call a taxi, if you feel tipsy.

  • Explore the nightlife district in Milano

Castello Sforzesco. Pic by j84c (Instagram)

When you wake up late on a Sunday, you need to go a pastry shop and have a great Italian breakfast . An excellent choice is Pasticceria Marchesi 1824 just off Via Meravigli .

From there reach Piazza Cairoli , with the statue of Garibaldi and the imposing Castello Sforzesco , a major sight which contains awesome museums. Then do some walking or jogging at Parco Sempione , the central art nouveau park of Milano.

Chinatown. Pic by Carmen Colombo via Zero

Head towards the Arena, then walk down Viale Montello : when you cross Via Sarpi , you’re in the heart of Chinatown ! This is the right place to enjoy a proper lunch eating Shanghai-style cuisine or some street food from the Italian South. Drink some green tea and walk to Cimitero Monumentale , sparkling in its white marble. 

  • Discover 5 things to do in Sarpi-Chinatown

Anselm Kiefer, The Seven Heavenly Palaces, at HangarBicocca. Courtesy Pirelli HangarBicocca. Photo Agostino Osio

From there enter the driverless M5 subway line to Ponale (direction: Bignami) for a futuristic trip to Hangar Bicocca , a vast space for the contemporary arts in a formerly industrial district that now hosts a large university and residential condos. The exhibits are always spellbinding (and free) and there’s a great bar and cafeteria. Damn, it’s already time to leave and head to the station! It was short but packed with experience and style.

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La Casa degli Omenoni - Foto @walter_7.3

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Biblioteca Braidense - Pic by Tommaso Altamura

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The view from the Duomo, one of the most instagrammable places in Milan- Pic: amaliaemme (Instagram)

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Pink flamingos at Villa Invernizzi. Pic: @andreacherchi _foto (Instagram)

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Milan   Travel Guide

travel 365 milano

Why Go To Milan

If easygoing Italy is what you're looking for, book a vacation in Tuscany or Sicily . Milan, like New York City or London , is go-go-go. Home to Italy's stock exchange and fashion week, plus a hot nightlife, Milan is very much like many other major international cities. Still, there are subtle differences: For one, calcio (soccer) – the city goes crazy for it, especially at San Siro stadium. Milan also contains some awe-inspiring examples of Italian art and architecture – from "The Last Supper" mural to the magnificent Duomo . And it has creative genius, from its inventive furniture makers to its fashion design. So, if you want to shop and party till you drop, enjoy some cultural masterworks and nosh on Italian treats from cappuccino and biscotti to sparkling wines and risottos, Milano is the place for you.

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  • # 6 in Best Cheap European Honeymoon Destinations
  • # 8 in Best Places to Visit in Italy

Best of Milan

Best hotels in milan.

  • # 1 in Park Hyatt Milano
  • # 3 in Four Seasons Hotel Milano
  • # 4 in Mandarin Oriental, Milan

Park Hyatt Milano

Best Things to Do in Milan

  • # 1 in Milan Cathedral (Duomo)
  • # 2 in The Last Supper (Il Cenacolo)
  • # 3 in Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II

travel 365 milano

Popular Tours

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Italy and Switzerland Day Trip: Lake Como, Bellagio & Lugano from Milan

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from $ 125.09

Historic Milan Tour with Skip-the-Line Last Supper Ticket

Historic Milan Tour with Skip-the-Line Last Supper Ticket

(1362 reviews)

from $ 91.08

Lake Como and Bellagio Day Trip from Milan

Lake Como and Bellagio Day Trip from Milan

(2165 reviews)

from $ 110.40

Milan Travel Tips

Best months to visit.

The best times to visit Milan are April to May or September to October. These spring and fall months straddle the city's manic peak tourism season, and they also escape the summer's sweltering temperatures. The months between November and March constitute the offseason and are characterized by high average temps in the 40s and 50s, fog and fewer holiday tourists.

Weather in Milan

Data sourced from the National Climatic Data Center

What You Need to Know

Beware of pushy vendors Groups of aggressive salespeople – congregated around popular landmarks or metro stops – will try and badger you into buying their souvenirs. Say a loud, firm "no," and walk on quickly.

Milan shuts down on Mondays If you're only planning a short trip, don't visit on Monday, when many museums and top attractions are closed.

Skip fashion week Unless fashion is your passion, avoid these weeks in February and September – and opt for a less crowded (and inexpensive) time to visit.

How to Save Money in Milan

Walk when you can Milan is pretty big, but some of its biggest attractions , including the Duomo , Galleria Vittorio Emanuelle II , Ambrosiana Library & Picture Gallery are less than a half-mile from one another. " The Last Supper " is a mile away from the Duomo.

Indulge in aperitivo   Aperitivos are happy hours for Milanese. Order signature Milanese cocktails for less, including negronis or spritz, which is a blend of prosecco, soda water and a fruity aperitif.

Don't stay by the Duomo The Duomo is undoubtedly the city center for both locals and tourists. Accommodations here will always be more expensive, so consider bedding down in other neighborhoods to save some money.

Culture & Customs

Milan is the antithesis of what many imagine an Italian city to be. Despite their notoriously large crowds, Florence and Venice are the kind of destinations teeming with so much beauty, it would be a crime not to slow down and revel in their unmatched scenery. Rome 's good looks afford it the same status, but due to its large size, adds a hearty dose of hustle and bustle into its intoxicating mix. But despite being Italy's cultural capital, and biggest city, Rome is not an industry center the same way that Milan is. Milan acts as the country's finance and fashion capital. Here, business takes center stage in a way that it doesn't in other Italian cities. Thus, you can expect a much faster pace of life here.

Aside from its business savvy, Milan brims with cafes selling espressos, tucked away trattorias serving delectable pastas, gelaterias and plenty of cultural landmarks, such as the beautiful Duomo, "The Last Supper" and the Teatro Alla Scala, considered one of the most beautiful opera houses in the world. The city also has one of the most successful soccer teams in the world, A.C. Milan. Like the rest of Italy, the spoken language is Italian and the currency here is the euro. Check the exchange rate before you go, as it can fluctuate. Italians don't tip, as a service charge is usually added to a restaurant bill. However, if you are at a fine dining restaurant or really enjoyed your meal, 10% is sufficient.

What to Eat

While in Milan, you'll no doubt find plenty of pasta, espresso, gelato and pizza, but you'll also want to sample Milanese cuisine. Similar to other regions in Italy, including the Amalfi Coast and Naples , Milan has its own culinary identity that features specialty dishes native to the region. The most important dish is Milanese risotto or risotto alla Milanese. It's unique primarily for one ingredient: saffron. It is said that the artist, not chef, who created it wanted to make his risotto more appealing to his guests, so he added the saffron to turn it yellow. 

Another must-try dish in Milan, which is often accompanied by saffron risotto, is the ossobuco, a flavorful veal shank. After being fried in onions and butter, the veal shank is left to marinate for hours in a simmering tomato broth accompanied by vegetables and white wine. Another popular veal dish to try is cotoletta. It may look a lot like Wiener schnitzel and that's because it might actually be. The history on whether it was invented by the Milanese or the Austrians isn't completely clear. Regardless, you can dig into this pan-fried, buttery- and bread crumbed-goodness most places in Milan. 

Whether you're an omnivore or carnivore, don't skimp on the bread or cheese here. The Lombardy region, for which Milan calls home, is known for its cheeses, specifically gorgonzola, mascarpone and Grana Padano, similar to Parmigiano-Reggiano. For breads, there is michetta, a star-shaped white bread often referred to by the Italians as the bread of the Milanese. There's also the panettone, a dessert bread made with candied fruits typically consumed during the holidays. And while here, don't forget to order a Negroni cocktail. This famous gin-, Campari- and –vermouth cocktail, garnished with an orange peel, was invented in Milan, particularly at the Bar Basso. 

Getting Around Milan

The best way to get around Milan is by the efficient (and inexpensive) public transportation system called the ATM. This system of subways, buses and trams is extensive and affordable. Metered taxis are another good option, though they can get expensive if you use them as your sole form of transportation. If your hotel is near the Duomo, which is considered the city's center, you might just want to walk, as lots of other attractions and amenities can be found blocks away. Driving in Milan, as in other major European cities, is not recommended because of traffic and parking that is both expensive and limited. 

Two airports serve Milan: The Milan Malpensa Airport (MXP) is a little more than 30 miles northeast, and it welcomes in most international flights; the Milan Linate Airport (LIN) is only about 5 miles from the city center, but it handles fewer flights (some European, but mostly domestic). To get to the city center from Milan Malpensa, you can take the Malpensa Express for 20 euros, or about $ 22 (for a round-trip ticket). From Linate, there isn't a train that goes into the city. Instead, take the No. 73 bus to get into the city. Taxis are another option, but an expensive one. Expect to pay between 40 to 80 euros (about $47.85 to $95.70) from Linate (depending on your destination) and 110 euros (about $121) from Malpensa to get to the city center.

U.S. News Insider Tip: Milan’s trams, some of which are nearly a century old, are a must-see. Catch tram No. 1 in front of Sforza Castle and you’ll ride along one of Milan’s most beautiful streets to see La Scala, the Arco della Pace and more. – Nneya Richards

Entry & Exit Requirements

A passport with at least six months of remaining validity is required for United States citizens traveling outside the mainland by air or sea, as well as for U.S. citizens trying to re-enter the country. U.S. citizens do not need a visa unless they plan on staying longer than 90 days. Visit the U.S. State Department's  website  for the latest information on foreign exit and entry requirements.

Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting " The Last Supper " sits in the Santa Maria delle Grazie church. 

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The Last Supper (Il Cenacolo)

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Official Tourist Information Office of the City of Milan and YesMilano

Official Tourist Information Office of the City of Milan and YesMilano

The perfect place to plan your stay in the city

In Milan , at Via Mercanti 8, opposite the Palazzo della Ragione, is the Official Tourist Information Office of the City of Milan and YesMilano , a space that provides visitors with a guide to discover and experience the city of Milan at its best.

Open Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and on weekends and holidays from 1:30 p.m. to 6 p.m., the Office is the ideal place to quickly gather all the information you need to plan your visit to Milan and your stay in the city.

Also available via its online website, it offers a range of services for every need, from luggage storage to tourist tax , as well as information on scheduled exhibitions and the complete calendar of events not to be missed, from fashion to art, from sport to music. There is no shortage of travel tips for a sustainable visit , recommendations for iconic museums, theatres and monuments and, of course, restaurants where you can enjoy typical Milanese dishes. 

Via dei Mercanti, 8, 20121 Milano MI, Italia

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This City Is Italy’s Capital of Fashion and Finance — What to See, Eat, and Do

Here’s how to plan the perfect trip to Milan.

Elizabeth Heath is a writer and editor living on a hill in Umbria, from where she writes about travel in Italy, the rest of Europe, and farther afield.

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Laura La Monaca/Travel + Leisure

Rome, Florence, Venice: They’re the classic trifecta of an Italian whistle-stop tour, right? Somehow, Milan manages to fall off the itinerary, especially for a lot of first-time visitors to Italy. But if you’ve been keeping this most cosmopolitan European city in the “maybe next time, if we have a few more days” category, it’s time to redraw your travel map.

Italy’s capital of fashion and finance, Milan is rightly associated with wealth and style — its sharply dressed residents may make you want to accessorize just a wee bit more thoughtfully. But there’s nothing superficial about this city, which was once the capital of the Western Roman Empire and has been a touchpoint of some of the most important events in European history. “Milan is an invigorating, bustling metropolis that resembles Berlin, Paris, and New York in its international elements,” says Nicole Bono, luxury travel and events planner with Bono Events International . “It’s very different from other cities in Italy, yet doesn’t compromise on any of its Italian style and authenticity.”

With one foot proudly fixed in an illustrious past that includes ancient ruins, majestic cathedrals, and art-filled museums, Milan is also the best place to experience anything and everything that’s modern in Italy, from innovative art and fashion to exciting new hotel openings and 20 Michelin-starred restaurants. Here are some of our experts’ favorite places and experiences in the city — proof that if you miss Milan, you’re truly missing out.

Top 5 Can’t Miss

  • Walk the roof of the Duomo. The rooftop terraces tour of the Duomo of Milan offers an up-close look at this architectural marvel and a bird’s-eye view of the city below. 
  • Shop (or just gawk) along Via Monte Napoleone. Even if you can’t afford to make a purchase on one of Europe’s priciest streets, it’s fun to window-shop at Gucci, Fendi, Versace, and a host of others. 
  • Eat classic Milanese cuisine. Breaded veal cutlets fried in butter, ossobuco, and risotto with saffron are some Milanese mainstays, and they taste best at a traditional eatery like Trattoria Trippa.
  • Bar-hop along the Navigli. Milan’s much-loved nightlife corridor is popular for a reason. It’s still one of the best areas — in Milan or anywhere — for bar-crawling and people-watching. 
  • Sleep in a stylish new hotel. A crop of new hotels, each sleeker than the next, opened in 2023 or are on tap for 2024, including one of our favorites, Casa Baglioni. 

Related: 29 Most Beautiful Places in Italy 

Courtesy of Portrait Milano

Best Hotels 

Portrait milano.

Gary Portuesi , a T+L A-list travel advisor with Authentic Explorations , says this Lungarno Collection property is “one of the best new hotels we have seen open up in Italy (in 2023).” Effortlessly contemporary and design-forward, the fashion district hotel is located in the historic Piazza del Quadrilatero, and, per Portuesi, is quickly becoming “the place to be.”

Hotel Principe di Savoia

The grandest dame in a city full of them, the Principe di Savoia evokes Belle Epoque glamor. London-based luxury travel writer Nicole Trilivas calls the hotel’s Presidential Suite, with its private indoor pool, “outrageous. It’s like the ancestral penthouse of a duke with a taste for the theatrical, with working fireplaces, swirling frescoes, and mahogany and marble galore. Even the most jaded jet-setter will be impressed.”

Casa Baglioni

Portuesi says this newest Baglioni hotel “captures the highly stylized Milan of the 1960s.” With just 30 rooms and suites, many with views over the inviting Brera district, the hotel retains a homey, albeit very stylish feel. “We also love the spectacular 360 view over the city from its rooftop bar,” says Portuesi. 

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Laura La Monaca/Travel + Leisure

Architecture Tour

The modern Milan skyline towers over other Italian cities, and an architect-led tour is the best way to appreciate its daring and innovative skyscrapers and urban projects. Try Guiding Architects for a private tour, which can be customized to your interests. 

Terraces of the Duomo 

Whether you get there by stairs or elevator (the latter costs a few euros more), walking among the rooftop spires of the largest church in Italy is a singular experience and a humbling lesson in engineering and ingenuity. Book an early time slot to beat the crowds, and don’t miss the Gothic, stained-glass illuminated cathedral interiors. You can buy tickets on the Duomo website . 

Teatro alla Scala 

La Scala is synonymous with performing arts in Milan, and even if you can’t take in a ballet, opera, or orchestral performance here, it’s still a thrill to see the theater interiors on a tour. Bono says a guided tour of the theatre and museum is “a must for music lovers.”

QC Termemilano

Take a spa break in a remarkable setting  — a bubbling thermal pool built amid the ruins of 6th-century brick walls. In the busy urban setting of Porta Romana, the QC day spa is a tranquil haven of water, heat, and steam. In the most Milan of manners, there’s even a sauna built into a vintage old tram car.

Via Monte Napoleone

It’s a shame to visit Milan and not pay your respects at its temples of high fashion, most of which can be worshiped on Via Monte Napoleone. If you don’t scratch your fashion itch on this very expensive stretch of retail real estate, try Corso Buenos Aires, Via Torino, or Via Dante.

“Every time I go to Milan,” says Trilivas, “I visit the flagship Fornasetti atelier, which showcases art and home goods based on the artwork of post-war Milanese artist Piero Fornasetti. It’s a whimsical dream.” A suite at the Mandarin Oriental Milan is dedicated to the artist. 

A pair of handmade Italian leather shoes is the best souvenir you can bring home from Italy, and this is a hill I’ll die on. Find them, along with exquisite accessories, at this gorgeous bottega for women’s items. There are also Velasca menswear locations in the city. 

Best Nightlife 

Sip your negroni sbagliato at this old-school bar where it was invented. Bar Basso may be resting on its historic laurels a bit and service can be indifferent, but it’s still a classic Milan watering hole for a heady cocktail or two. 

Located within the Fondazione Prada cultural complex, this cheerful bar and cafe was designed by director Wes Anderson and evokes his delightful brand of quirkiness. “It’s a must-stop after visiting the museum,” says Portuesi, “and the panini are really good!” Be sure to play a round of pinball on a vintage machine.

The two remaining canals among a former network of important commercial waterways, Naviglio Grande and Naviglio Pavese are today lined with bars and restaurants and offer Milan’s best aperitivo scene. Grande is jumping on both banks and is the more colorful of the two, while Pavese is a quieter scene.

Trattoria Trippa

Bono heads to this Porta Romana stalwart for its warm, vintage vibe and to be welcomed like a local. “The menu is filled with all the classic dishes you can enjoy in this city, such as ossobuco, risotto alla Milanese, cotoletta alla Milanese, and more,” she says. 

It may be set in Milan’s busy Chinatown, one of the largest Chinese communities in Europe, but Ronin is all about Japanese cuisine and subculture, with an izakaya bar, a Japanese grill, and private karaoke rooms. Portuesi and his team are fans of Ronin’s “Italian spin on sushi.”

Osteria Brunello

According to Portuesi, this casual, modern osteria in the buzzy Porta Garibaldi area is a wee bit upscale but worth seeking out for its “excellent wine list and amazing cotoletta Milanese and mondeghili,” a Milanese specialty of meatballs fried in butter. 

Because there are so many trade fairs and conferences in Milan, you may have to plan your trip based on hotel availability, which will be scarce when there’s a big event in town. Portuesi recommends his clients visit in May and October when the weather is pleasant, and that they avoid the Milan Fashion Weeks in February and September, as well as the Salone del Mobile (furniture fair) in April. 

Despite its northern location, Milan's summers can be sweltering, especially in July and August, when the city is also very crowded. If you can abide by cold, often rainy, foggy weather, the months of December to March (apart from Christmas and Fashion Week) will see the thinnest crowds and lowest hotel prices.

Related: The Best and Worst Times to Visit Italy

Bono’s clients often begin or end their trips to Italy at Milan Malpensa Airport, the largest international hub in northern Italy. Flights from within Europe or the U.K. may also use Linate Airport, which is closer to the city center, or Orio al Serio International Airport near Bergamo. 

From Malpensa, the Malpensa Express train connects to points in the city center and costs €13. Taxis from Malpensa to the center will cost about €110 for up to four people. 

Milano Centrale is the city’s largest railway station, with trains heading to and from the rest of Italy, as well as France and Switzerland. 

querbeet/Getty Images

From Milano Centrale station, you can access the comprehensive public transportation network of trams, buses, and subway lines that serve the city. Milan is flat and well-suited to walking or biking, but it’s big, and distances from one point of interest to another can be several miles. Taxis within the center, for example from Milano Centrale to the Duomo, run about €8-€10. As in other Italian cities, taxis in Milan cannot be hailed on the street. Instead, they wait at taxi stands, or ranks, which are generally located near tourist areas. 

We strongly recommend against driving a rental car in Milan’s congested center, where you’ll be either sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic, looking for scarce parking spaces, or dodging pedestrians, bicyclists, and rumbling trams. If you pick up a car in Milan for a longer tour in Italy, plan to head out of the city in the morning, when everyone else is headed in. 

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Milan Travel Guide

SD › Italy › Milan Travel Guide Updated: April 27, 2022 By Santorini Dave

Duomo di Milano in Milan, Italy

Milan’s Piazza del Duomo, with the Duomo di Milano in the center, flanked by the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II shopping center to the left and the Royal Palace to the right.

Milan combines the old world charm of a traditional Italian town with the new-fashioned buzz of a modern industrial city. Compact and easily walkable, Milan is home to great works of art, award-winning cuisine, high-class fashion boutiques, a world-famous opera house, and two prominent football clubs. Da Vinci’s masterpiece Last Supper painting and Italy’s tallest skyscraper can both be found here. Well worth a visit in its own right, Milan also makes a great jumping-off point for trips to northern Italy’s beautiful Lake District. The Milan Travel Guide Skip to our Milan FAQ Milan Basics Where to Stay in Milan When to Visit Milan Getting Around Milan Milan Hotels Best Hotels in Milan Best Hotels in Milan for Families Milan Hotel Map Milan Activities Best Things to Do in Milan Best Restaurants in Milan Best Bars in Milan Best Desserts & Pasticcerias in Milan Best Shopping in Milan Best Museums in Milan Visiting Da Vinci’s Last Supper Milan Trip Planning Milan Airport Transportation Milano Centrale Train Station Guide Rome to Milan by Train Venice to Milan by Train Train Tickets in Italy Greece & Italy Itineraries Latest Articles & My Travel Newsletter Travel Guides & Newsletter Frequently Asked Questions about Milan Where is Milan? Milan is Italy’s northernmost large city and the capital of the Lombardy region. It is located approximately 280 km west of Venice, 300 km northwest of Florence, and 570 km northwest of Rome, sitting closer to Switzerland (80 km away) than to the nearest major Italian city. The picturesque Lake District of Italy is about 50 km away, making day trips easy. With over 3 million living in its metropolitan area, Milan is Italy’s second-most populous city after Rome. Milan’s overall land area is a whopping 181 sq km, but central Milan is compact and easily navigable ; most major sights and attractions sit within a few walkable kilometers of the Piazza del Duomo. What is Milan famous for? Milan is perhaps best known for being a major European fashion capital. Most major Italian fashion houses (including Armani, Versace, Dolce & Gabbana, Prada, and Bottega Veneta) are headquartered in Milan, which hosts four annual world-class fashion weeks; some of the most exclusive luxury brands in the world can be found in Milan’s Quadrilatero della Moda shopping district (AKA the Quad). Milan is also famous for being home to Leonardo Da Vinci’s Last Supper painting, the Gothic-spired Duomo di Milano cathedral, and the magnificent Teatro della Scala opera house. Milan’s two prominent football clubs, A.C. Milan and Inter Milan, both play in San Siro Stadium, one of the biggest in Europe. La Scala opera house is one of the world’s most famous. What cities have direct flights to Milan? Milan’s Malpensa Airport (MXP) is the second largest in Italy, serving direct flights from 180 cities in 75 countries, including New York (JFK), New Jersey (EWR), Miami (MIA), in the United States. Within Europe, there are regular non-stop flights to Milan from most major cities, and Malpensa also serves direct flights from Singapore, Bangkok, New Delhi, Beijing, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Seoul. There are no direct flights to Milan’s Malpensa Airport from Australia or the western United States. Malpensa Airport in Milan serves non-stop flights from most major European cities. When are the best months to visit Milan? Although the peak of tourist season in Milan is in the summer months, the best times to visit are in late spring and early fall, when the weather is warm but not hot and the tourist crowds are a bit thinner – especially with kids , who can be especially sensitive to high heat and chaotic crowds. Shopping in Milan is great all year, but the best bargains can be found during Italy’s twice-annual sales season ( soldi ), which occur during winter and late summer. Milan’s famous fashion weeks regularly take place in January and June (Men’s), and February and September (Women’s); these are great times to visit for fashionistas, but less so for those seeking to avoid large crowds and high prices. The best months for museum visits are June and December, when the best and most impressive exhibits are installed. Avoid visiting in August, when many Milanese take vacation and local businesses will be closed. How long should I spend in Milan? Two to three full days is an ideal length of time to spend in Milan. This gives adequate time to see the highlights , like the Duomo, the Last Supper , and the Galleria, as well as some leeway for sightseeing that is more particular to your interests, like visiting a great museum , strolling through the beautiful Cimitero Monumentale, or checking out San Siro football stadium . However long you stay, taking a guided tour is an excellent way to maximize your time. It’s easy to see many of Milan’s best attractions within a few days. The Duomo and the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II shopping center (seen here) are located on the same piazza. What is the best area to stay in Milan? The best area to stay for first-time visitors is around the Piazza del Duomo, the beating heart of Milan. This area features some of Milan’s best hotels , and is chock-full of historical treasures, incredible museums , great restaurants, and luxury shopping. Brera is another wonderful sightseeing neighborhood, boasting the world-class Brera Gallery and historic Sforza Castle. Visitors looking for nightlife should consider the canals of the hip Navigli district, and those hoping to stay in a centrally-located neighborhood with a local vibe would do well to check out posh San Babila.

Map of Milan, showing and describing the best areas for tourists.

What are the best day trips from Milan Milan sits only 50 km from the beautiful northern Italian Lake District, making it ideal for day trips. There are five beautiful Alpine lakes within the region: Maggiore, Lugano, Como, Iseo and Garda – each has its own character, but all feature charming towns and breathtaking views. Traveling to the Lake Region from Milan takes about an hour by car. It’s easy to get there on your own, but there are also plenty of guided tours for those who would prefer to leave the driving to someone else. Charming Bellagio village on Lake Como is only 90 minutes from Milan by car. What currency is used in Milan? Italy is part of the European Union, so the currency used in Milan is the euro (€). ATMs in Milan are plentiful and easy to find. Most restaurants, museums, and attractions in Milan accept credit cards, although it’s always a good idea to have some cash on hand for small purchases and short taxi trips. Most of Milan’s best restaurants , like Filippo La Mantia, accept credit cards. Is Milan Safe? Some parts of Milan used to be somewhat risky in terms of pickpockets and property theft, but the city has come a long way over the last several years the and city center is now very safe, with good lighting at night, many pedestrian-only areas, and plenty of people out and about. Still, it’s a always a good idea to be a little extra vigilant at Milano Centrale train station ; it’s been cleaned up quite a bit over the last decade, but it’s still a hotbed for pick-pocketers and scam artists looking to offer you “help” while buying train tickets, and unregulated “taxi drivers” who will fleece you on your ride to the hotel. Milan’s Navigli district. Most areas of Milan are well-lit at night, with plenty of people around.

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January 6, 2023 By Lyndsay

3 Days in Milan: A Complete Travel Guide for First-Time Visitors

  • 1.1 Day 1 in Milan
  • 1.2 Day 2 in Milan
  • 1.3 Day 3 in Milan
  • 2 How to Get to Milan
  • 3 How to Get Around Milan
  • 4 What to Pack for a Trip to Milan
  • 5 Tips for Visiting Milan, Italy
  • 6.1 What is the best time to visit Milan?
  • 6.2 Are 3 days enough for Milan?
  • 6.3 What should I not miss in Milan?
  • 6.4 Is Milan cheaper than Rome?
  • 7 Where to Go After Milan
  • 8 How to Spend 3 Days in Milan: Wrap-Up

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Want to know the best way to spend three days in Milan, Italy? This guide is for you!

Milan, Italy, is a city that begs to be explored. Full of incredible food, stunning city views, and high-end fashion houses; Milan has so much to offer its visitors.

However, with so much to see and do, it can be tough to know where to visit, especially if you are only there for a short amount of time.

This is one of those great Italian cities perfect for a quick getaway all year round.

Thankfully, to help plan out this Italian itinerary, I asked Lowri from Many Other Roads for her ideas, too!

From sightseeing and cultural attractions to shopping and food, you’ll find plenty of activities to fill your 3 days in Milan.

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The Ultimate 3 Days in Milan Itinerary

A long weekend is the perfect amount of time for visitors wanting to see the very best of Milan.

To help you make the most of your trip to the fashion capital of the world, this 3 days in Milan Itinerary makes sure you see the very best places around the city.

Day 1 in Milan

Head up to the top of il duomo di milano.

travel 365 milano

Few places in the world can rival the sheer beauty of Piazza del Duomo in Milan.

This stunning square is home to some of the most iconic architecture in Italy, including the magnificent cathedral.

Start your 3 days in Milan by visiting one of Italy’s most iconic religious sites, the awe-inspiring Duomo di Milano.

The Gothic cathedral is considered one of the largest churches in Italy.

Marvel at its intricate detailing, spires, and stained-glass windows before strolling around Piazza del Duomo and soaking up the vibrant city atmosphere.

Fun Fact : It took almost 600 years to complete the church! Construction began in 1386 and only finished in 1965. Also, the beautiful cathedral has more than 3,400 statues all around its outside.

This is one of the most popular places to explore when visiting Milan. Planning a morning tour is a good idea to avoid crowds, especially in the summer.

As this is a religious building, ensure you wear appropriate clothing (your shoulders and knees are covered), or they will not let you in, even if you’ve booked in advance.

If you’re interested in learning more about the church’s storied history, you can also visit the nearby Museum of the Duomo.

It houses an impressive collection of artifacts and artwork related to the cathedral’s history.

Even if you’re not a history buff, it’s impossible not to be impressed by the sheer scale and beauty of this building.

Do some luxury window shopping at the Galleria

This is an image of the entrance to the gallery in Milan, Italy

After exploring Il Duomo, you must head to the Galleria next door.

Designed by Giuseppe Mengoni, the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II was built between 1865 and 1877 to celebrate the Unification of Italy.

When it opened, its 48-meter-high glass dome was the largest shopping arcade in Europe.

Today, the glass and iron structure symbolizes Italy’s modern architecture.

The Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II has become such an integral part of local life that it’s been nicknamed “il salotto” (the salon).

It is easy to see why – with its exquisite design, luxurious shops, and inviting cafés, it is truly an experience like no other.

Insider Tip : In the center of the Galleria are four mosaic emblems on the floor, representing Milan, Florence, Rome, and Turin. For good luck, you’ll need to spin with heels together over a very particular spot on the symbol of Turin–you’ll know when you see it. Although you’ll see people trying various ways to complete this, the correct way, as it was explained to me by a native Milanese, is you need to complete one full rotation without pushing yourself with the other leg.

Stop for lunch at Panzerotti Luini

travel 365 milano

Once you’ve finished exploring these famous landmarks in the middle of Milan, grab a quick lunch at Panzerotti Luini before jumping on the metro.

This bakery is famous for its sweet and savory panzerotti turnovers.

Opened in 1888, the shop is still family-run, and the secrets to its panzerotti are closely guarded.

Choose from the classic fried panzerotti, baked or sweet, all with a variety of fillings, or choose from their selection of other delicious baked goods.

Once you’ve enjoyed this Milanese meal, head to a museum of choice!

Take your pick of Milano museums

travel 365 milano

What better way to spend an afternoon than visiting some of Milan’s iconic galleries and museums?

From the Pinacoteca di Brera, home to an impressive collection of Italian art, to the Museo del Novecento, which houses works from the 20th century, you can find centuries’ worth of art and artifacts here from around the world.

Depending on your interests, these are some of the top museums in the city you should consider adding to your itinerary:

  • Pinacoteca di Brera
  • Museo del Novecento
  • Leonardo3 Museum
  • Galleria d’Arte Moderna
  • Fondazione Prada / Prada Museum
  • Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano

Stop for a coffee break at the Starbucks Reserve Roastery

travel 365 milano

I know what you’re thinking–did Lyndsay actually just suggest I visit a Starbucks in Italy?!

Yes. Hear me out!

I’ve now visited the Starbucks Reserve Roastery in New York City and Milan, and it’s a very cool experience–especially if you love all things coffee.

This is different from your typical American Starbucks.

The Starbucks Reserve Roastery in Milan is the first of its kind in Italy, and it’s a unique way for Starbucks to bring its coffee to a country with a strong coffee culture.

Opened in 2018 in the city’s former post office and stock exchange, the Roastery is a multi-sensory experience that celebrates coffee with artisanal craftsmanship, immersive experiences, and exclusive small-batch Reserve coffees.

You can taste different brewing methods, watch baristas handcraft drinks, and even purchase exclusive merchandise.

It won’t in any way replace the country’s incredible coffee culture; instead, it feels more like the Roastery is an albeit trendy homage to Italian coffee.

Visit the Navigli canals

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To end the first of your 3 days in Milan, visit the Navigli.

You will find only a few landlocked major European historic cities, like Milan. In the late 12th century, the town started digging its own river.

These man-made canals reached Lake Maggiore, which connected with the backbone of Europe’s commerce at the time, the Rhine River.

This network of waterways introduced Milan to the rest of Europe and allowed it to thrive as a major city.

However, the canals were filled in and paved over to accommodate the city’s growth over the years. All that’s left of this massive network are the Navigli.

Today, it’s a popular spot for locals and tourists, especially at night.

As you stroll along the canal, you’ll find plenty of cafes and restaurants where you can enjoy a leisurely meal or glass of wine.

Day 2 in Milan

See leonardo da vinci’s the last supper painting.

travel 365 milano

To start your second day off, visit the Church of Santa Maria delle Grazie to witness The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci, one of the most iconic paintings in history and one of the best things to do in Milan.

This 15th-century mural depicts Jesus among his twelve disciples, depicting the Biblical scene from Matthew 26:17-30.

Make sure to book tickets in advance as it is a popular tourist attraction and can be sold out months in advance. Plan on spending at least an hour here, seeing one of the famous Renaissance painter’s most well-known works.

Walk through La Vigna di Leonardo

Palazzo Atellani

Just around the corner from the Last Supper, you can find Leonardo da Vinci’s vineyard, La Vigna di Leonardo, at Casa degli Atellani.

While he was painting the famous Milanese artwork, the Duke of Milan gave him the vineyard as a gift.

Observe Basilica di Sant’Ambrogio

San Ambrosio 00

If you can’t get tickets to see The Last Supper , you can visit the Basilica di Sant’Ambrogio instead.

As one of the city’s oldest churches and founded by Milan’s patron saint, it was initially known as the Basilica Martryum. It was built at a location where numerous martyrs were buried.

When you visit today, you’ll see a stunning Romanesque-style church from the 12th century, admire the pulpit with a late Romanesque carving, and the 4th-century sarcophagus below.

Explore Milan’s history at Castello Sforzesco

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Initially built in 1368 and then rebuilt in 1450, Castello Sforzesco was home to the ruling family of Milan. The Visconti family was in power and residence from 1277 to 1447, while the Sforza family took over later, from 1450 to 1535.

As you enter, you’ll pass under the 70-meter Torre de Filarete, a reproduction from the early 20th century of the original gate tower.

Today, the castle-fortress houses the Musei del Castello Sforzesco, a series of museums that feature sculptures like Michelangelo’s last masterpiece, the Pietà Rondanini, artworks by masters like Bellini, Tintoretto, and Lotto, prehistoric and Egyptian antiquities, musical history, and medieval armor.

You can purchase entry to the castle with an audio guide and explore the grounds at your own pace. Or, if you don’t have time for a full tour, you can still see inside the castle’s courtyard for free.

This courtyard is a passage between Piazza Cairoli and Parco Sempione, Milan’s largest park.

Take a break from the city in Parco Sempione

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Behind Castello Sforzesco is Parco Sempione. Designed in the English style in 1888, walk or bike around the park’s 95 acres to escape the city for a moment of nature.

The park is full of winding pathways perfect for walking, jogging, or simply taking in the scenery.

Parco Sempione’s entrance, on the opposite side of the park from the castle, stands the Arco della Pace (Peace Arch), devised by architect Gio Ponte in 1933.

This impressive structure towers high above the park. It provides spectacular views of Milan and even the Alps on a clear day.

Observe tombs and sculptures at Cimitero Monumentale

travel 365 milano

If you explore the rest of The Purposely Lost, you will rarely find me encouraging you to visit a cemetery. However, the Cimitero Monumentale is genuinely incredible.

This peaceful resting place is also an open-air museum with extravagantly decorated tombs and mausoleums that date back to the 19th century.

Many of the tomb sculptures were designed by famous artists; you can easily spend hours here observing the art.

Walk around the modern BAM – Biblioteca degli Alberi Milano

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The Bosco Verticale, located in the new Porta Nuova District of Milan, is a sight to behold.

This pair of residential towers are adorned with over 900 trees, making it one of the most iconic sights in the city.

The Biblioteca degli Alberi, or “Library of Trees” public park at the foot of the Bosco Verticale, features over 135,000 plants.

Explore this new development area on foot, popping into the shops you see and stopping to admire the fountain display.

Catch a performance at Teatro alla Scala

travel 365 milano

No 3-day visit to Milan is complete without visiting Italy’s most famous opera house – Teatro alla Scala.

If you happen to be visiting during one of the theatre’s world-renowned productions, you’ll be in for a truly once-in-a-lifetime experience.

From Rossini to Verdi, this 18th-century theatre premiered operas from some of the most famous composers of the time.

Today, it offers a range of performances, from operas and ballets to concerts, as it has for centuries.

You can find their performance schedule and purchase tickets on their website.

However, a visit to Teatro alla Scala is a must, even if you’re not an opera fan. The theatre’s incredible architecture and rich history are sure to impress.

You can book a tour of the theatre to see inside the impressive landmark any time.

Day 3 in Milan

Take a guided walking tour in the morning.

travel 365 milano

As a tour guide, I always recommend you take a walking tour of any new city to learn more about its history and get a local’s perspective.

This free guided walking tour of Milan will introduce you to the city’s most historical landmarks, from Piazza del Duomo, Piazza degli Affari, Basilica of San Nazaro in Brolo, and Piazza Mercanti.

Remember, since this is a free walking tour, you must tip your tour guide for a well-done job!

Window shop in the Quadrilatero d’Oro

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Shopping in Milan is an experience like none other. As the fashion capital of Europe, it’s no surprise that the city offers a wide variety of stores and boutiques to explore.

If you want to indulge in some serious shopping, head to the Quadrilatero della Moda.

This high-end shopping and fashion district boasts some of the most famous Italian and international designers, with their luxe shops lining the four main streets–Via Montenapoleone, Corso Venezia, Via Manzoni, and Via della Spiga.

Here, you’ll find all the top Italian designer brands like Gucci, Valentino, Dolce & Gabbana, Versace, and many more.

Exploring the world-renowned Quadrilatero d’Oro is a must for anyone visiting Milan.

Remember, casual browsing inside the shops is not welcome when visiting this designer shopping street–unless you’re also dressed to impress and prepared to drop a pretty penny.

Otherwise, you can admire the eye-catching window displays as dramatic as the fashions themselves.

Fun Fact : Every autumn, Milan designers showcase their latest collections at Milano Moda Donna–Milan Women’s Fashion Week–just like NYC’s Fashion Week, one of its best fall festivals.

​​Visit the Santuario di San Bernardino alle Ossa

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Yes, it’s time to head to another church!

Tucked away on a quiet street directly next to the much larger Basilica di Santo Stefano Maggiore, inside Chiesa di San Bernardino alle Ossa, you’ll find one of the eeriest sites in Milan–the Ossuary Chapel.

The inside is decorated with thousands of human skulls and bones dating from as far back as the 12th century.

Although a hospital and cemetery were initially built next to the Basilica, they were soon overflowing, and an ossuary was established to continue collecting the remains of the deceased.

Human bones are artfully arranged to cover the walls entirely.

Skulls are placed to form crosses with other bones providing additional details and decorations, all leading up to the “Triumph of Souls and Flying Angels” fresco by Sebastiano Ricci from 1695 that decorates the ceiling.

It’s a genuinely chilling example of art and history.

End your last night in Milan with dinner at Diana Garden – Bar & Restaurant

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For your last dinner in Milan, head over to visit Diana Garden – Bar & Restaurant.

This hidden gem in the middle of Milan is the ultimate spot to relax over a cocktail in the city.

This secret garden bar boasts an impressive selection of Italian cuisine and cocktails and is the perfect spot for your last evening in this historic city.

Be sure to take some time afterward to wander through the lush gardens before heading back to your hotel for the night.

How to Get to Milan

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Milan has two international airports, Milan Linate Airport and Milan Malpensa Airport.

Linate is easy to access from the city center by taking the newly opened M4 metro line directly to the airport, or you can take a taxi.

Malpensa is Milan’s largest airport and is further out of the city center; you’ll need to take a train to the airport or book a private transfer.

You can find direct trains to and from Malpensa to the Milano Centrale train station. 

If you’re flying with a budget airline, you’ll probably be using Bergamo’s Orio al Serio International Airport. 

Your best bet is to take one of two bus options to Milan.

The Autostradale Terravision Bus or the Orio Shuttle will make the one-hour drive directly from Bergamo airport to the center of Milan. 

Otherwise, you can take the train. You’ll first need to take a public bus or taxi from the airport to the Bergamo train station and then the train from Bergamo to Milano Centrale.

If you’re traveling to Milan from somewhere in Italy, you can take the train.

Trenitalia/Trenord and Italo trains both service the major Milan central train stations.

Milano Centrale is a huge train station, most famous for its stunning architecture, or you can use Milano Porta Garibaldi.

How to Get Around Milan

travel 365 milano

Getting around the bustling city of Milan is easy and convenient, even without a car , thanks to its extensive public transportation network.

The city is entirely walkable, and the public transit system makes it easy to get around.

The Milan Metropolitana covers the city’s most important points, with five lines (M1, M2, M3, M4, M5) that can take you to many of the major destinations in the city center and to the suburbs outside the city.

However, the trams and buses will give you access to many more neighborhoods in Milan’s city center than can be reached by metro. 

To use the metro system, you can purchase tickets at ticket machines in the metro stations or use the ATM Milano app. 

My favorite app to navigate Milan’s entire public transport network is called Citymapper. 

What to Pack for a Trip to Milan

Knowing what to pack for your stay is essential when planning a three-day trip to Milan.

The city can be pretty cold during the winter months from December to February– you might even encounter snow .

A warm jacket, comfortable boots, and a nice coat for evenings out will ensure that you stay warm and cozy throughout your stay.

If you plan on spending time outdoors during these months, also bring a hat and gloves for extra protection against the cold.

The weather is much more pleasant during the spring, summer, and fall.

A light jacket or sweater will keep you comfortable during the day, while a pair of sandals or flats are perfect for exploring the city.

No matter what time of year you visit Milan, make sure to bring an umbrella in case of rain.

Tips for Visiting Milan, Italy

travel 365 milano

Check to see if a restaurant closes after lunch – In Italy, many restaurants (and even some tiny stores) close in the afternoon due to riposo, Italy’s siesta .

Restaurants often shut around 2:30 or 3 p.m. and reopen for dinner at 7 p.m.

This also means that there are no early meals in Milan.

Although a few eateries are open for business in this window, you’ll have to wander for a bit to find them. They’re usually only available to cater to tourists.

However, since Milan is the most cosmopolitan of the country’s cities, you’ll find more restaurant options between lunch and dinner in the afternoon.

To be on the safe side, check the hours of any restaurants you definitely want to eat at, and even make a reservation if you can.

Purchase a Milan sightseeing pass to save money – Especially if you love visiting museums and landmarks while you’re on a trip, I recommend you purchase the Milan Pass .

This pass includes discounts to dozens of the city’s biggest museums, restaurants, and other attractions around the city and free entrance into several landmarks I’ll mention in this Milan itinerary.

You can read more about the Milan Pass here .

Keep these apps on your phone to help you get around – Citymapper is my go-to software for learning how to navigate a new city’s transit system.

The free app will show you the stations and lines and when, where, and how to go from one location to another.

It also works in several of my other favorite places worldwide, including New York City , Venice , and Rome .

Google Maps is also essential to have on your phone.

When you’re connected to wifi, you can download your map of Milan offline to keep it with you even when you don’t have service, and it’s great for saving recommendations–like everything in this guide!

3 Days in Milan: FAQs

What is the best time to visit milan.

travel 365 milano

The best times to visit Milan are in the shoulder seasons of summer–spring, and autumn.

These months offer mild temperatures and fewer crowds, making them ideal times to explore the city without having to battle through hordes of tourists.

You’ll also find that prices are more reasonable during these periods, giving you more bang for your buck when it comes to accommodation and attractions.

Another great time to visit Milan is in the winter. The days are short, and you’ll need to be bundled up due to the chilly temperatures.

However, if you’re looking for the best travel deals on hotels and airfare to Milan and can handle the cold, this is the best time to visit Milan for you. 

Although it’s a beautiful time to be in the city, the summer months of July and August are the busiest time for tourism in Milan, with long lines for attractions and high prices for accommodation.

This can be a real hassle if you’re not prepared for it, so it’s best to avoid these months if possible.

Are 3 days enough for Milan?

travel 365 milano

Absolutely! Milan is a city that can easily be explored in three days. This is a perfect amount of time to explore the city as you don’t have to rush to see all the attractions.

You’ll still have plenty of time to enjoy the sights and sounds of this vibrant city.

If you want to explore beyond the city limits, 3 days allows enough time for a day trip.

Popular destinations from Milan include the picturesque Lake Como, the stunning Dolomite Mountains, and Verona, the city of Romeo and Juliet.

If you’d rather stay in Milan, 3 days is also enough to make the most of its food and bar scenes.

Spend your time exploring different neighborhoods, tasting delicious Italian dishes in trattorias and gelato shops, and having aperitivo in the evening.

Once you’ve had enough of walking around the city, take a boat cruise on the Navigli canals to see Milan from another perspective.

But no matter how long you decide to visit Milan , you are guaranteed the best city break in Italy!

What should I not miss in Milan?

travel 365 milano

Like many Cities across Italy and Europe, there is plenty of city highlights you can’t miss on your trip.

To make your 3-day visit to Milan unforgettable, here are the top activities you should consider doing:

👉 Visit the Duomo di Milano – this impressive cathedral is the symbol of Milan and one of the largest churches in the world! Climb the top for a stunning view of the city, or take a tour inside to discover its incredible art and architecture.

👉 Wander through Piazza del Duomo – this stunning square sits in the historic center of Milan. It features several impressive attractions, including the Duomo Cathedral, the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II shopping gallery, and fascinating statues. It’s also a great place to people-watch!

👉 Take a tour of Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper – this world-famous painting can be seen with a guided tour. Make sure to buy your tickets in advance!

👉 Shop ’till you drop at the Quadrilatero d’Oro – Known as Milan’s Golden Triangle, this area is home to some of the most luxurious shops in the world. Whether you’re looking for designer goods or just window shopping, this is a great place to explore!

👉 Enjoy an opera at Teatro alla Scala – Milan’s iconic La Scala opera house hosts both traditional and contemporary performances throughout the year.

Even if you don’t have tickets for a show, you can visit the museum, take a guided tour of the building, and Piazza della Scala.

👉 Spend an afternoon in Parco Sempione – Milan’s beautiful park near the Sforzesco Castle offers a peaceful reprieve from the city.

Is Milan cheaper than Rome?

This is an image of the cathedral in Milan, Italy, on a rainy day.

Generally speaking, Rome is a more expensive destination than Milan, mainly due to its high popularity among tourists – flight and hotel prices tend to be higher here than elsewhere.

Throughout the year, European budget airlines like Ryanair offer incredibly low fares to Milan compared to Rome, which often makes it a more budget-friendly option to book.

Visiting Milan is a great alternative for those looking for something more budget-friendly!

While it may not offer the same number of attractions as Rome, Milan still has plenty to see and do – from art galleries and cultural sights to shopping and delicious Italian cuisine.

Plus, you’ll be able to find more affordable accommodation options here than in Rome.

All in all, Milan can provide a cheaper getaway and a fantastic alternative to Rome.

Where to Go After Milan

After you finish your Milan 3-day itinerary, you can explore many other incredible Italian destinations!

This is an image of the Rialto Bridge from a vaporetto on the Grand Canal in Venice, Italy.

After you finish visiting Milan, consider taking a trip to Venice .

This romantic city is known for its canals, gondolas, and stunning architecture.

Take a boat tour along the Grand Canal and admire the beautiful palaces that line its banks.

Visit St. Mark’s Square, explore the Doge’s Palace, or ride a gondola through the canals.

I have a complete guide on taking a day trip from Milan to Venice , as well as several other articles all about exploring the best things to do in Venice , if you want to learn more!

travel 365 milano

Of all of Italy’s beautiful lakes, Lake Como is just a short train ride away from Milan.

This stunning lake is surrounded by breathtaking mountains and lush greenery, making it the perfect place to relax and take in the beauty of nature.

The lake is dotted with picturesque villages where you can explore local culture, sample delicious Italian cuisine, and enjoy some of the best views in Italy–and Switzerland!

This is an image of the creator of The Purposely Lost with her back to the camera. She's looking out over the river in Verona Italy at the historic hill.

Verona is another must-visit destination after Milan.

Once you pass Lake Garda on the train coming from Milan, you’ll find yourself in the romantic city.

It’s home to stunning landmarks like Arena di Verona and Juliet’s Balcony from Shakespeare’s  Romeo & Juliet . 

Cinque Terre

travel 365 milano

Cinque Terre is a stunning stretch of coastline on the northern Italian Riviera that’s home to five colorful villages.

This area is known for its breathtaking views and hiking between the towns.

Spend time wandering the charming streets, taking a boat ride along the coast, and sampling some delicious seafood.

travel 365 milano

Turin offers a unique blend of culture and history.

This city is home to the Mole Antonelliana, an iconic structure that houses the National Cinema Museum and one of the largest collections of Ancient Egyptian artifacts outside Egypt.

Turin also has many art galleries, churches, and other museums to explore. 

How to Spend 3 Days in Milan: Wrap-Up

Milan is a modern, metropolitan Italian gem that offers its visitors so much value for money.

No matter what time of year you visit or what type of trip you want, Milan has something for everyone!

With this guide, you’ll have no problem filling your three days in Milan with exploration and adventure.

From the Duomo to Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper, there’s much to see and do in this incredible city.

A Quick Guide to the Drinking Laws in Italy

  • Your Complete Guide to Wheelchair-Accessible Italy
  • 25+ Spectacular Summer Destinations in Italy
  • 24+ Extraordinary Non-Touristy Places to Visit in Italy
  • Day Trip to Venice from Florence: What to See with Limited Time

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Milan Travel Guide

Last Updated: August 23, 2023

The gorgeous and sprawling city skyline of Milan, Italy on a sunny day with mountains in the background

Milan is recognized worldwide as one of the four design and fashion capitals of the world. It’s also a business hub, as the location of Italy’s stock exchange and third wealthiest EU city (after Paris and Madrid ).

As the second-largest city in Italy (and home to the second-largest airport in the country), it’s a popular destination for travelers as it’s easy to get to.

But Milan has a lot for travelers to see and do beyond fashion. The city used to be the capital of the Western Roman Empire and was an influential city during the Italian Renaissance. There’s the beautiful Milan Cathedral and Sforzesco Castle, a 15th-century castle that houses Michelangelo’s last sculpture. Then there’s Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper , located inside Santa Maria delle Grazie church. In short, Milan has no shortage of history and culture to bask in.

While it’s no Rome or Florence , Milan is still worth a few nights (maybe longer if you’re looking to enjoy the glitzy, fashionista side of the city).

This travel guide Milan travel guide to help you plan your trip, save money, and make the most out of your time in this fashion-forward metropolis.

Table of Contents

  • Things to See and Do
  • Typical Costs
  • Suggested Budget
  • Money-Saving Tips
  • Where to Stay
  • How to Get Around
  • How to Stay Safe
  • Best Places to Book Your Trip
  • Related Blogs on Milan

Top 5 Things to See and Do in Milan

Panoramic view of Milan's cathedral and plaza in front with people standing around taking photos.

1. Visit the Duomo

With over 3,500 statues, 135 spires, and five bronze doors, Milan’s cathedral is the largest church in Italy and the third-largest in the world. It’s not surprising that it took over 500 years to complete, with construction starting in 1386 and finishing in 1965. Be sure to admire the view from the top; it’s one of the best in the city. Access to the cathedral and museum is 7 EUR while adding access to the archaeological site and rooftop costs 15 EUR if you take the stairs and 20 EUR via elevator. Skip the line tickets with access to the terrace at 33 EUR.

2. Relax in Parco Sempione

Parco Sempione is Milan’s most famous city park, a vast oasis of green space spanning over 38 hectares (95 acres). Designed in the 19th century emulating English romantic gardens, the park is home to the Sforzesco Castle, an aquarium, an amphitheater, Triennale di Milano (a design and art museum), Branca Tower, and a handful of bars and cafes. This is a tranquil place to wander for hours or to sit and have a picnic in the grass. The entire park also has free Wi-Fi if you need to get connected.

3. Explore Sforzesco Castle

Built in the 15th century, this castle was one of the largest citadels in Europe during the 16th-17th centuries. It houses 12 museums and a vast archive of artifacts. Two noteworthy museums include the Museum of Ancient Art, with its armory and tapestry collection, and the Museum Pietà Rondanini, which includes Michelangelo’s last completed sculpture (Rondanini Pietà, completed in 1564). The castle entrance is free, but admission to all of the museums costs 5 EUR. A three-day museum pass for all the museums is 12 EUR.

4. Admire the Last Supper

This 15th-century Leonardo da Vinci masterpiece resides in the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, which is often just referred to as The Last Supper Museum. The Last Supper , completed around 1498, is remarkably well preserved and historians still haven’t solved all its mysteries. You must book a reserved 15-minute time slot, with tickets going on sale 2-3 months in advance. As one of the most famous paintings in the world, tickets sell out almost as soon as they go on sale, so this is definitely one to plan ahead for. Tickets cost 15 EUR while guided tours with Get Your Guide cost 56 EUR

5. Watch some football

If you’re a football (soccer) fan, book yourself tickets to a match at San Siro stadium. Milan is home to two of the world’s best football teams: AC Milan and Inter Milan. Games are super lively and a great way to connect with locals. With a capacity of 80,000 spectators, this is the largest stadium in Italy and where the 2026 Winter Olympics opening ceremony will take place. Tickets start at 20-30 EUR. When matches aren’t taking place, you can take a guided tour of the stadium and visit the museum for 30 EUR.

Other Things to See and Do in Milan

1. take a walking tour.

One of the best ways to get to know Milan is to walk around it with a local. You’ll get your bearings, a history lesson, and see the main highlights as you explore. For free walking tours, check out Citywalkers. Their tours cover the main sights and are perfect for budget travelers. Just be sure to tip your guide at the end.

If you’re looking for more in-depth tour of the Last Supper and Duomo, check out Take Walks . They run the best paid tours in the city.

2. See Leonardo’s Horse

Located in the Piazella Dello Sporto, Leonardo’s Horse is one of the world’s largest bronze equine statues. Created by Nina Akamu in the 1990s, the design is based entirely on Leonardo da Vinci’s sketches from when he was commissioned by the Duke of Milan Ludovico il Moro in 1482. da Vinci was meant to create the world’s largest bronze horse statue dedicated to the Duke’s father, Francesco, but it was never completed. The horse stands over 24-feet tall and weighs 15 tons.

3. Roam the flea markets

While Milan is renowned for its high-end fashion and designer labels, it is also home to its fair share of flea markets. Fiera di Senigallia, the city’s most popular and retro flea market, sells disco gear and comic books, among many other treasures while Papiniano (near Fiera di Senigallia) is known for shoes and houseware. If you time your visit for the end of the month, Antiquariato sul Naviglio is a good place to go antique hunting (it happens on the last Sunday of the month).

4. Visit Pinacoteca di Brera

Opened in 1809 by Napoleon Bonaparte, Pinacoteca di Brera is one of the main art galleries in Milan. It contains works from Raphael, Mantegna, Rembrandt, and other masters from the 13th-20th centuries. Its most famous artwork is Mantegna’s Lamentation of Christ (painted 1305), a dramatic painting that shows Jesus lying in rigor mortis on a mortuary slab. Admission is 15 EUR, which gives you unlimited access to the museum for three months.

5. Wander Idroscalo Park

Idroscalo Park is centered on Idroscalo Lake, a man-made lake that was originally created in the 1920s as a seaplane airport. Today, the lake and surrounding park offer a green escape from Milan’s concrete jungle. There are plenty of places for kayaking, rowing, sailing, cycling, hiking, and having a picnic. During the summer, there are evening performances in the park featuring everything from modern dance to live orchestras. Pack a lunch, bring a book, and lounge away the afternoon.

6. Walk along Corso Magenta

In the northwestern part of Milan, this street is home to elegant cafes, shops, and Baroque palaces. It’s a beautiful street to wander and gives you an awesome sense of “being in Italy.” The Santa Maria delle Grazie church and convent, which houses The Last Supper , are here.

7. Tour the canals

Surprised to hear that there are canals in Milan? Well, there are — two to be exact. Based in the Navigli district, these canals offer a unique perspective of the city and are best enjoyed during the summer months when you can take a lazy boat trip (or even a Venetian gondola). Be sure to check out Boffalora sopra Ticino village or the stately villas of the Robecco sul Naviglio area. The Navigli district is a quiet neighborhood and makes for a restful break from the hustle and bustle of the city.

8. Wander the Giardini della Guastalla

Known as the Gardens of the Guastalla, these are some of the oldest gardens in Milan. The gardens date back to the 16th century and have been open to the public since the early 1900s. Amongst the tall stemmed plants and blooming flowers, you’ll find a fish bath filled with carp and redfish, marble statues, and an area to play bocce. Giardini della Guastalla is located near the Duomo. Admission is free.

9. Go shopping at Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II

If you are looking to do some serious shopping or even just window shop, head to the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. Named after the first king of Italy, it was built in the 19th century and is the oldest shopping center in the city. The gallery connects the Duomo and the Teatro Alla Scala and has a four-story arcade and iron-and-glass roof that took 12 years to construct. It’s home to fashion giants such as Prada and Gucci, as well as some of the oldest cafes and restaurants in Milan. Buy yourself a 12 EUR coffee and watch as the Milanese high society passes through.

10. See a performance at Teatro alla Scala

Opened in the late 18th century, this is one of the most influential opera and ballet theaters in the entire world. Many famous operas have debuted here, including Puccini’s Madama Butterfly. Tickets to a performance range from 10-260 EUR (though be forewarned that you can’t see much from the cheapest seats). You can also take a one-hour guided tour of the gorgeous historic building for 25 EUR while a visit to the museum is 9 EUR.

11. Learn something new at Leonardo da Vinci National Museum of Science and Technology

This interactive museum is the largest science museum in Italy and you could easily spend hours here. It’s located in an old convent and has everything from exhibits on Da Vinci’s inventions to space exploration, transportation innovations, and more. It’s especially fun for anyone traveling with kids. Admission is 10 EUR.

12. See contemporary art at Pirelli HangarBicocca

This industrial plant on the outskirts of Milan has been turned into an impressive contemporary art space. Covering over 15,000 square meters (161,458 sq ft), there are a couple of permanent exhibitions, but most are temporary exhibitions by upcoming and leading contemporary artists. There’s also a cool bistro on site, serving dishes made with seasonal produce and fantastic cocktails. Admission to the art space is free, though booking a time slot online in advance is recommended.

For more information on other cities in Italy, check out these guides:

  • Cinque Terre Travel Guide
  • Florence Travel Guide
  • Naples Travel Guide
  • Pisa Travel Guide
  • Rome Travel Guide
  • Sorrento Travel Guide
  • Venice Travel Guide

Milan Travel Costs

The Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II inside shopping mall with a 4-story with a glass roof in central Milan.

Hostel prices – Hostels in Milan are not cheap. A bed in a dorm ranges from from 28-50 EUR per night, regardless of number of beds. Private rooms start at 80-100 EUR. Prices don’t fluctuate much with the seasons. Free Wi-Fi is standard and some hostels include breakfast.

Budget hotel prices – There aren’t many two-star budget hotels in Milan. For a three-star budget hotel, prices range from 70-95 EUR per night. Expect basic amenities like TV, Wi-Fi, AC, and a coffee/tea maker. Some also include free breakfast.

On Airbnb, you can find private rooms ranging from 30-50 EUR per night if you book early (double that price if you don’t). Entire homes (usually studio apartments) start around 75-100 EUR per night.

Average cost of food – Italian cuisine is beloved around the world, though every region in Italy has its own distinct flavor. Tomatoes, pasta, olives, and olive oil form the backbone of most meals, with meat and fish and various cheeses rounding out the menu. In Milan, risotto alla Milanese , veal cutlets, meat ravioli, and cassoeula (a meat and cabbage stew) are all popular dishes.

Main dishes at a typical restaurant serving traditional Italian cuisine start at 15-18 EUR, while pizza at in the same type of restaurant costs 9-12 EUR. Dinner costs anywhere from 35-40 EUR for a three-course meal with drinks. If you want to splash out, expect to pay around 75 EUR for dinner and drinks.

Quick eats like street pizza, paninis, and light snacks cost 3-8 EUR. Luini (close to the Duomo and the Galleria) is great for panzerotti (small calzones). Fast food (think McDonald’s) costs 9 EUR for a combo meal.

Chinese takeout is 6-10 EUR for a dish while main dishes at an Indian restaurant are 10-15 EUR.

Beer is around 5 EUR while a latte or cappuccino is under 2 EUR. Bottled water is around 1 EUR.

If you plan on cooking your own food, a week’s worth of groceries costs around 40-60 EUR. This gets you basic staples like pasta, rice, seasonal produce, and some meat.

Backpacking Milan Suggested Budgets

On a backpacking budget of 65 EUR per day, you can stay in a hostel dorm, cook all of your meals, limit your drinking, take public transportation to get around, and do mostly free activities like enjoying the parks and visiting the castle. If you plan on drinking, add 5-10 EUR to your daily budget.

On a mid-range budget of 145 EUR per day, you can stay in a private Airbnb or private hostel room, eat out for most meals, enjoy a few drinks, take the occasional taxi to get around, and do more paid activities like visiting museums and taking a paid walking tour.

On a “luxury” budget of 255 EUR or more per day, you can stay in a hotel, eat out for all your meals, drink as much as you want, rent a car or take more taxis, and do whatever tours and activities you want. This is just the ground floor for luxury though. The sky is the limit!

You can use the chart below to get an idea of how much you need per day. Keep in mind these are daily averages – some days you’ll spend more, some days you’ll spend less (you might spend less every day, who knows!). We just want to give you a general idea of how to budget your money. Prices are in EUR.

Milan Travel Guide: Money-Saving Tips

This is one of the most expensive cities in Italy so it’s not the easiest place to save money. However, its not impossible either. Here are some ways to save money in Milan so you don’t break the bank:

  • Don’t eat in Station Square – The restaurants around here are tourist traps and are vastly overpriced. Head a few blocks outside of this area for authentic and less expensive food.
  • Avoid the taxis – Taxis are expensive here (the base fare is 6 EUR and then it’s 1.35 EUR for each additional kilometer). Stick to public transportation if you’re on a budget.
  • Take the Radiobus – Radiobus is an on-request (via app or the atm.it website) minibus network that runs from 10pm-2am to provide safe and reliable night transportation. Tickets are 3 EUR or less, making this an affordable way to get around at night instead of taxis.
  • Do some cheap shopping – If you don’t want to miss out on the fashion experience, head to the Brera District for some less expensive but trendy boutique stores.
  • Get a city pass – If you are going to do lots of sightseeing, the Milan City Pass can give you discounts/free entry to the top museums, tours, and attractions. A one-day pass costs 12.50 EUR, a two-day pass costs 17.50 EUR, and a three-day pass is 19.50 EUR.
  • Skip the bread – Some restaurants charge you extra for the bread or breadsticks on the table but won’t tell you about it until the bill comes. If you’re on a tight budget, decline the bread.
  • Take a free walking tour – A free walking tour is the best way to get familiar with a new city while learning lots of interesting history in the process. Citywalkers is a great, budget-friendly option. Just remember to tip your guide at the end!
  • Stay with a local – Make a local friend and get a free place to stay by using Couchsurfing ! This is the best way to save money and connect with a local who can share their insider tips. Just remember to send your requests early.
  • Bring a water bottle – The tap water here is safe to drink so bring a reusable water bottle to save money and reduce your plastic use. LifeStraw is my go-to brand as their bottles have built-in filters to ensure your water is always clean and safe.

Where to Stay in Milan

Milan has lots of great hostels. My recommended places to stay in Milan are:

  • Ostello Bello Grande
  • Madama Hostel and Bistrot
  • Babila Hostel

How to Get Around Milan

Colorful buildings along a canal at sunset in the Naviglio Grande district in Milan, Italy.

Public transportation – Milan’s public transportation is run by the Azienda Trasporti Milanesi (ATM) and uses the same ticketing system across all modes of transportation (bus, tram, subway). The network works on a fare zone system, with zones 1-3 covering virtually all the places that travelers will want to go. A 90-minute ticket for zones 1-3 costs 2 EUR, on which you can use any method of transportation.

For zones 1-3, the 24-hour pass is 7 EUR while a 72-hour pass is 12 EUR. You can also purchase a 10-ride pass for 18 EUR. There’s also a week-long pass for 17 EUR.

Radiobus tickets (a night bus service) cost around 3 EUR and runs from Milan to neighboring towns.

You can use the ATM app to purchase tickets or buy them at the metro station.

Milan’s subway system is the fastest and easiest way to get around town. There are four lines, and they cover most of the main attractions.

If you’re going to or from the airport, the Malpensa Express train is a great way to zip in and out of town to catch your flight. A one-way ticket costs 13 EUR.

Taxi – Taxis are expensive, with a base fare of 6 EUR. Skip the taxis here as they add up fast!

Ridesharing – Uber is available here, but it isn’t cheap. Stick to the bus and subway if you can.

Bike rental – Milan is the most bike-friendly city in Italy, home to over 220 kilometers (137 miles) of bike lanes. You can find bike rentals starting at 15 EUR per day.

When to Go to Milan

The summer months (June to August) are sunny and hot, with daily averages hovering around 29°C (84°F). This is the most popular time to visit, so the city is lively but it’s also busy so be sure to book your accommodation in advance.

The shoulder seasons are the best time to visit Milan, from April-May and then September-October. You’ll avoid peak tourism season and the weather is still warm. The average temperature in May is 22°C (71°F) while in October it’s 18°C (62°F).

Temperatures cool off considerably from November to March, with lots of fog. It’s much quieter in Milan during these months. Expect daily highs around 7°C (44°F).

If your biggest reason for visiting Milan is for its shopping and fashion, Fashion Week takes place twice a year (autumn/winter and spring/summer) and is a big deal. I have never been, as it’s not really my thing, but the celebrations are legendary. You need to book accommodations far in advance as the city fills up during this time and everything becomes a lot more expensive.

How to Stay Safe in Milan

Milan is a very safe place to backpack and travel as violent crime is rare. Pickpocketing is the most common crime you’ll face, so you should be vigilant around Central Station and the area around the Piazza Duca D’Aosta.

Avoid Parco Sempione at night, especially if you’re alone. The same goes for the Arc of Peace.

Always keep your valuables secure and out of sight just to be safe (especially on public transportation).

Scams here are rare, but if you’re worried about getting ripped off you can read about common travel scams to avoid here.

Solo female travelers should generally feel safe here, however, the standard precautions apply (never leave your drink unattended at the bar, never walk home alone intoxicated, etc.).

If you experience an emergency, dial 113 for assistance.

Always trust your gut instinct. Make copies of your personal documents, including your passport and ID. Forward your itinerary along to loved ones so they’ll know where you are.

The most important piece of advice I can offer is to purchase good travel insurance. Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. You can use the widget below to find the policy right for you:

Milan Travel Guide: The Best Booking Resources

These are my favorite companies to use when I travel. They consistently have the best deals, offer world-class customer service and great value, and overall, are better than their competitors. They are the companies I use the most and are always the starting point in my search for travel deals.

  • Skyscanner – Skyscanner is my favorite flight search engine. They search small websites and budget airlines that larger search sites tend to miss. They are hands down the number one place to start.
  • Hostelworld – This is the best hostel accommodation site out there with the largest inventory, best search interface, and widest availability.
  • Booking.com – The best all around booking site that constantly provides the cheapest and lowest rates. They have the widest selection of budget accommodation. In all my tests, they’ve always had the cheapest rates out of all the booking websites.
  • HostelPass – This new card gives you up to 20% off hostels throughout Europe. It’s a great way to save money. They’re constantly adding new hostels too. I’ve always wanted something like this and glad it finallt exists.
  • Get Your Guide – Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace for tours and excursions. They have tons of tour options available in cities all around the world, including everything from cooking classes, walking tours, street art lessons, and more!
  • The Man in Seat 61 – This website is the ultimate guide to train travel anywhere in the world. They have the most comprehensive information on routes, times, prices, and train conditions. If you are planning a long train journey or some epic train trip, consult this site.
  • Rome2Rio – This website allows you to see how to get from point A to point B the best and cheapest way possible. It will give you all the bus, train, plane, or boat routes that can get you there as well as how much they cost.
  • FlixBus – Flixbus has routes between 20 European countries with prices starting as low 5 EUR! Their buses include WiFi, electrical outlets, a free checked bag.
  • SafetyWing – Safety Wing offers convenient and affordable plans tailored to digital nomads and long-term travelers. They have cheap monthly plans, great customer service, and an easy-to-use claims process that makes it perfect for those on the road.
  • LifeStraw – My go-to company for reusable water bottles with built-in filters so you can ensure your drinking water is always clean and safe.
  • Unbound Merino – They make lightweight, durable, easy-to-clean travel clothing.
  • Top Travel Credit Cards – Points are the best way to cut down travel expenses. Here’s my favorite point earning credit cards so you can get free travel!
  • Walks of Italy – This walking tour company provides inside access to attractions and places you can’t get elsewhere. Their guides rock and they have some of the best and most insightful tours in all of Italy.
  • BlaBlaCar – BlaBlaCar is a ridesharing website that lets you share rides with vetted local drivers by pitching in for gas. You simply request a seat, they approve, and off you go! It’s a cheaper and more interesting way to travel than by bus or train!

Milan Travel Guide: Related Articles

Want more info? Check out all the articles I’ve written on backpacking/traveling Italy and continue planning your trip:

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The 6 Best Hotels in Florence

Where to Stay in Florence: The Best Neighborhoods For Your Visit

Where to Stay in Florence: The Best Neighborhoods For Your Visit

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Where to Stay in Milan: The Best Neighborhoods for Your Visit

The 6 Best Hotels in Milan

The 6 Best Hotels in Milan

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The Best Walking Tours in Florence

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The 8 Best Hotels in Rome

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Home » Europe » Italy » Milan

Milan Travel Guide – Budgets, Tips, Itineraries + More (2024)

Look no further my friends: we have put together the best  Milan travel guide  for your budget needs! Join us as we explore this magnificent city and, in the process, save a Euro or two.

Milan is the current darling of Italy. It has surpassed its rival Rome in both economic and tourism numbers and is about to become the most desirable destination in the country. With clean streets, breathtaking monuments, and some of the best shopping in all of Europe, who could complain?

Milan ain’t getting any cheaper though. Lodging prices are surging, dining out is (and always has been) a luxury, and the shopping is likewise some of the most expensive in Europe.

If you thought you could travel to Milan on the cheap without any planning, boy, you are going to be in for a treat.

But that’s why you have us, your good ol’ Broke Backpacker pals. We’ve written this Milan travel guide to help you see the best of Milan while saving a buck.

duomo milan travel guide

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In this guide, we’ll talk about day trips from Milan , culture , food , landmarks , and budget hacks ; everything and then some.

We’ll also provide itineraries for Milan to help you plan where to go, when. So pack your bags and get ready to visit one of the finest cities in Italy!

How Much does Travel to Milan Cost?

Backpacker accommodation in milan, top things to do in milan travel guide, 3-day itinerary in milan, milan travel guide tips.

Milan has been one of the fastest-growing economies in Italy for several years now and has become one of the most important financial centers in Europe.

Milan’s culture is definitely more decadent than the rest of the country too and people are enjoying the extra wealth. The cost to travel to Milan has been steadily rising over the years though, and it is no longer a cheap place to visit.

So while Milan can be quite expensive , We are here to help you save money and to visit Milan on a budget. Milan can be cheap but you must listen to us, young grasshoppers.

A comfortable daily budget for Milan will be around $60-$70 . This includes groceries, a dorm bed, public transport, and some extra spending money.

As is the case when visiting Italy, lodging will be your greatest expense. Hostels will be the best deals and we’re going to cover some really good ones later in this Milan travel guide. The best hostels in Milan  – the really fun ones – will end up costing around $25/night.

Also, like the rest of Italy, dining out is expensive in Milan, but groceries are not. You can buy fresh produce for as low a 1 euro/kilo at some shops; plus, pasta is always cheap.

Buying tickets for Milan’s attractions can add up quickly if you don’t work the system. There are lots of free museums in Milan and even more free public spaces. If you don’t want to bother with schedules or the crowds, then consider investing in a Milan City Pass.

Below is a breakdown of a daily budget in Milan including the average costs of each expense.

central milan travel guide

Guide to Milan Travel Costs

Hostel Dormitory:  $20-$35

Basic room for two:  $130

AirBnB/temp apartment:  $90

Average cost of public transport:  $1.50-$4.50

City-Airport transfer:  $2-$10

Sandwich:  $6-$8

Beer at a bar:  $4-6

Coffee:  $1-$2

Bottle of wine from the market:  $6-$10

Dinner for two:  $30-$60

Milan Budget Travel Tips

jesus statue milan travel guide

It’s easy to spend without thinking, and even easier to go broke in Milan. Backpacking Milan on the cheap is possible so long as you have the proper habits and proper guidance.

For your benefit, we’ve created a list of tips for visiting Milan on a budget. Follow these words of advice and you’ll find that your dollar goes much further.

  • Always pre-fade before going out – Buying full-priced drinks at the bar is a great way to waste your money. Instead, buy booze or wine at the store and drink with your friends at the hostel/their house/the park/anywhere besides the actual bar.
  • Buy local food and drinks – On the subject of drinks, the local stuff is always cheaper and a great way to immerse in the culture. Imported beers, wine, and liquor, as well as food, will always be more expensive.
  • Cook for yourself  – Buy your own groceries and cook at your accommodation to save a ton of money. Save your eating out expenses for special Italian food.
  • Plan ahead for food – Pack snacks and eat a big meal before heading out to the tourist sites so you don’t end up at an overpriced tourist trap, starving.
  • Buy a special pass – If you’re planning to see a lot of the city and go inside Milan’s must-see sites and museums, then you may want to invest a City Pass . This card will allow free entry into many of Milan’s attractions and will even give you special rates for public transport.
  • Grab an aperitivo – Italians like to grab a pre-dinner snack/drink called an aperitivo . Oftentimes, you’ll find a buffet+drink offer for 10 euro, which is a pretty damn good deal in Milan.
  • Check for other deals – A lot of restaurants offer special discounts to those who book a table through certain apps like TripAdvisor. Shop around a little and try to work the system.
  • Use a water bottle – Save money by investing in a good water bottle and then drink from the tap. Milan’s water is delicious and totally fine to drink.
  • Walk everywhere – Milan is not a big city and walking is a great way to take it all in. Seasoned walkers could probably walk to the best places in Milan on their own two feet.

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Being the world-class destination that it is, Milan has all sorts of accommodations that will appeal to every type of traveler. Those visiting Milan can stay in a funky hostel, classy hotel, charming Airbnb, or even an urban campground! You name it; Milan’s got it.

Italy has a pretty big guesthouse culture and Italians love host to people. For this reason, Airbnbs in Milan are numerous and usually of very high quality. Few experiences can top having your own beautiful apartment in a city like Milan and staying at one is sure to be an awesome time.

skyline of milan travel guide

Hotels are obviously available in Milan but I don’t recommend them. Most are bland and uninspiring, not to mention overpriced. Unless you really have a good reference or you are willing to spend the cash for something more luxurious, I’d stick to other forms of lodging.

There are a couple of urban campgrounds in Milan for those who want to save cash and stay outdoors. Most are located outside of town so you’ll either need your own transport or a bus pass. Don’t forget to bring own tent either!

At the end of the day, the cheapest and most convenient lodging for backpackers and solo travellers will be hostels . Milan has some of the coolest backpacker lodges in all of Italy and staying at one of these is a great way to meet and hang out with fellow travelers.

The Best Places to Stay in Milan

Are you wondering  which is the best part of Milan to stay in?  Well, let me give you a few suggestions.

Centro Storico, Milan

Centro Storico

Located in the very heart of Milan is Centro Storico, the best place to stay in Milan for fist-timers. Here you will find Milan’s most famous historical and cultural attractions, including the Duomo di Milano, La Scala Opera House, and the city’s main piazza.

Citta Studi, Milan

Citta Studi

Citta Studi is Milan’s student quarter and one of the most affordable neighbourhoods in the city. This is hands down the best place to stay in Milan for those on a budget.

Navigli Milan travel guide

Navigli is one of the oldest and best place to stay in Milan to party. It dates all the way back to 1179 and used to be home to a network of canals used to transport goods throughout the city.

Brera, Milan

Located north of Centro Storico, Brera is one of Milan’s coolest and most luxurious districts. What was once the city’s artsy and bohemian district, Brera today attracts Milan’s most famous and fashionable residents.

Fiera San Siro, Milan

Northwest of the city centre is Fiera/San Siro. These two neighbouring districts are the ideal place to stay if you’re travelling with a family or want to feel like you’re staying in the suburbs. This is our recommendation for where to stay in Milan for families.

travel 365 milano

With a Milan City Pass , you can experience the best of Milan at the CHEAPEST prices. Discounts, attractions, tickets, and even public transport are all standards in any good city pass – be sure invest now and save them $$$ when you arrive!

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1. Catch the sunset at the Duomo

Walk along the upper terraces of the Duomo and watch the play of light on the ethereal statues. The views of the city from the Duomo are pretty breathtaking too.

top things to do in Milan: Milan Duomo

2. Then grab a drink at a terrace bar

There are lots of terrace bars all over Milan and several notable ones right next to the Duomo. Head to Terrazza Aperol , Bar Duomo or any of the rooftop restaurants on top of the Rinascente Milano.

3. Tour the impressive Sforzesco Castle

This an absolutely enormous complex that guards some of the largest and most significant Renaissance art in Italy. Walk around the immense grounds and then visit the cavernous museum.

sforzesco castle milan travel guide

4. Experience “modern Italy” at Porta Nuova

In a country where the ancient and medieval sites are usually more idolized than the new, Milan is a shining example of the future. Its Porta Nuova district is home to the tallest and most modern buildings in the country. Visiting this part of Milan is a great way to mix things up.

5. Gawk at the ironwork of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele

Though it’s just a glorified mall, the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele is still really fucking cool. It is hands down one of the best attractions in Milan.

galleria vitore emanule roaming ralph photography milan travel guide

6. Attend an exhibition, fashion or otherwise

Milan is where most of Italy’s economic exhibitions are held. These occur on a near-weekly basis. Fashion shows are obviously very popular in Milan but trade shows and industry fairs are held regularly too.

7. See some of the finest art in the Western world

Milan has a boatload of art from nearly every era of Western Civilization. Most of it is exemplary, but no piece is as significant as Da Vinci’s Last Supper found at the Santa Maria Delle Grazie.

milan art gallery

8. Discover “Hidden Milan”

Most people who travel to Milan just visit the most popular places like the Duomo and Teatro alla Scala, but Milan has some real hidden gems! Dig deeper into this eclectic city and try to unearth as many secrets as possible.

9. Get lost in Navigli

Whether you’re just wandering around by day or trying to find your way drunkenly at night, the canals of the Navigli district are awesome places to explore. Come here to see Italy’s version of Amsterdam and be sure to visit the many bars.

Navigli Milan travel guide

10. Visit Lake Como and/or Bergamo

Milan benefits from an amazing location that is very close to several gorgeous towns. Lake Como and Bergamo are two of the finest villages in Italy and also among the most beautiful places to visit near Milan.

Best Free Things to do in Milan

If you’re looking to save some extra cash, then try doing one of these free things in Milan while visiting!

  • Churches – By Italian Holy Law, no place of worship may charge entry. This means that almost all of Milan’s churches are free to enter! Granted this only applies to the literal place of worship aka the cathedral. Any attached museum or religious site will almost always cost money to visit.
  • Sforzesco Castle Museums, GAM, Museo del Risorgimento
  • Pirelli Hanger, Casa Museo Boschi di Stefano
  • Museo Civico di Storia Naturale
  • Civic Aquarium of Milan – A decent aquarium that is more notable for its Art Nouveau architecture. Has a small passageway featuring 180-degree views of aquatic life. Free every Tuesday after 2 pm and every day a half-hour before closing.
  • Parks – Of course, the parks are free! Milan has some pretty good ones too that make for a lovely afternoon. The best are Montanelli, Sempione, and Lambro. Grab a bottle of wine and picnic basket and just watch the world go by.

moody church milan travel guide

Off the Beaten Path in Milan

Want to explore a bit? Try visiting some of Italy’s hidden gems and remote points of interest around Milan for a chance to see something new.

  • Discover Hidden Milan – Many people only visit the top attractions in Milan like the Duomo or Galleria; few actually dig deeper into the city’s more secret corners. Milan has tons of little treasures and most are hiding in plain sight! Try finding lesser-known but just-as-worthy locations like the Santa Maria presso San Satiro, Palazzo Berri-Meregalli, and Portinari Chapel. You’ll be surprised at how cool they are.
  • Spooky Milan – Are you the morbid type who likes to explore old crypts and tombs? Milan has a couple of really cool cemeteries but the best is definitely Cimitero Monumentale, which is located near Porta Nuova. While you’re at it be sure to visit San Bernardino Alle Ossa aka the Church of Bones.
  • Explore Northern Milan – Northern Milan is the old industrial part of the city that hosts some very gritty landmarks. Here you’ll find remnants from a different time, including bomb shelters, old hangers, and odd concrete cones. Most of these places have been converted (e.g. the Pirelli Hangar) or preserved for historical purposes.
  • Visit Monza and the Villa Reale – Further north in the town of Monza is the Villa Reale, which is one of the most opulent residences in Northern Italy. Though this enormous estate is often closed for renovations, the facade is still glorious and worth seeing. The nearby Parco di Monza is also very bucolic. One of the best places to see near Milan.
  • Visit Lake Como and Bergamo – Como and Bergamo are two excellent day trips from Milan, though maybe not as off the beaten track anymore. Both can be combined into a single day or visited individually. Bergamo is a gorgeous town at the base of the Alps that is often ranked as one of the best places to live in Italy. Lake Como is just out-of-this-world beautiful, the magnitude of which has attracted celebrities from all over the world.

lake como milan travel guide

The following is a sample 3-day itinerary for visiting Milan. Most of Milan’s top destinations are covered in this section. If you’d like to see something more in-depth, then be sure to check out our separate Milan itinerary post .

map of milan itinerary

Day 1: The Top Attractions in Milan

On day 1 of our travel guide for Milan, we’re going to visit the most popular places to visit in the city!

Today, we’ll be hanging around the Centro Storico district and seeing most of Milan’s must see landmarks like the Duomo , Teatro alla Scala , and Basilica di Sant’Ambrogio .

We’ll start our day in the San Vittore neighborhood on the edge of Centro, where there are a number of very famous churches, including the gorgeous Basilica di Sant’Ambrogio and Chiesa Santa Maria delle Grazie .

The latter is most famous for hosting Da Vinci’s Last Supper and tickets to see it are usually limited and very expensive, so plan ahead. Be sure to drop by La Vigna di Leonardo – located across from Santa Maria – to see Da Vinci’s old home.

Moving east, roughly around Via Meravigli, we’re going to pass by the San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore , which has some impressive frescoes.

More importantly, we’re going to arrive at one of my favorite art installations, the Middle Finger of Piazza Affari . This statue is located right in front of the Milan Stock Exchange and is literally flipping it off. Well done statue, well done.

No more than 10 minutes away is the Duomo . The Duomo is hard to miss because a) it’s huge and b) the crowds are also huge.

Upon arriving you’ll be shocked at how ornate it is and soon realize why it’s one of the most well-known buildings in Europe. Enter the Duomo and walk along the elegant terraces for awesome views. The Duomo also hosts a Christmas market and shopping area, which is one of the best things to do in Milan in the winter.

Very close to the Duomo are the rest of central Milan’s best places. The Galleria Vittorio Emanuele is literally next to the cathedral and the Teatro alla Scala is less than 5 minutes away.

Consider dropping by the Casa del Manzoni – this small residence was once the home to one of Italy’s greatest writers and we mentioned him in our Milan reading list.

duomo milan travel guide

Day 2: Porta Nuova and Northern Milan

On day 2 of this Milan travel guide, we’re going to travel through the city’s past, present, and future, and see some of its most dynamic attractions.

Today’s highlights include touring the Sforzesco Castle, visiting the ultra-happening Brera district, and checking out the glittering Porta Nuova. We’re going to be covering a lot of distance today but, thankfully, the metro and trams are all very close to these attractions.

Let’s start off by visiting Sforzesco Castle . From the outside, the castle is already imposing but the inside is even more daunting and labyrinthian. The Sforzesco Castle hosts a series of very impressive museums and galleries, and visiting them (on certain days) are among the best free things to do in Milan.

At the rear of Sforzesco Castle is one of the largest and most beautiful parks in Milan, Parco Sempione . In the summer, this park can get quite busy with pedestrians. At the end of the green space is the picturesque Arco della Pace .

As we leave to the park, we travel to new Milan. Beyond the Arco is Milan’s newest skyscraper, the Generali Tower . There’s not much to do at the tower beside admiring it from the outside, but it’s still a cool part of Milan worth seeing. Grab the metro and head to Porta Nuova when you’re ready.

Porta Nuova is where most of Milan, Italy’s most modern buildings are found. It’s a very elegant and eye-catching part of the city that has become a poster child of sorts for futuristic Italy. Like the Generali Tower, Porta Nuova is best viewed from the outside.

Nearby are the bustling Porta Garibaldi and Corso Como , both of which host some of Milan’s best nightlife. Further south is the Brera neighborhood, which is one of the trendiest areas in the city.

There are lots of chic cafes and bars here; visiting Brera is one of the best things to do in Milan at night .

porta nuova milan travel guide

Day 3: Navigli and Southern Milan

Today we’re going to explore a slightly more relaxed part of Milan where we don’t have to worry about showing off, like in Porta Nuova, Brera, or the Duomo.

The south of Milan is much more laidback than the rest of the city and also hosts some really interesting attractions. On the third day of this Milan travel guide, start the morning with a walk around the much-loved Navigli district that features museums along the way.

Start on the southern edge of the Centro Storico district at the Colonne di San Lorenzo . This central landmark is a popular hangout for all kinds of people both benevolent and malicious. Lots of tourists like to come here for photos but be wary at night – the area quickly becomes a theater for shady characters.

From the Colonne, walk directly south to Porto Tincese , which is where the canals and the Navigli district begin. Navigli is one of the quaintest and hippest neighborhoods in Milan and sometimes resembles the Netherlands more than Italy.

Rustic cafes and eccentric bars are magnets for hipsters and, at night, these establishments are packed full of people, regardless of their social standing.

Navigli has two canals: Grande and Pavese. Naviglio Grande is the main waterway where most of the action happens. Pavese is the more laidback and residential canal. Both are equally gorgeous and contain some crystal-clear Alpine water.

Naviglio Grande hosts a couple of interesting museums committed to the arts and design. The MUDEC is one of the most important contemporary galleries in the city. Nearby is the Armani Silos , which is dedicated to Giorgio Armani and his work.

If you can manage the walk, try to visit the districts east of Navigli. The hyper-modern Fondazione Prada and Universita Bocconi are here. Though you may not be able to enter them, their exteriors are still cool to look at.

navigli milan travel guide

Best Time of Year to Visit Milan

Milan is distinctly cooler than the rest of Italy, due in part to its northern position, and relatively temperate. Summers are warm and reasonably humid while winters are often cold but not too rainy.

Depending on what you want to do in Milan, the city can be visited at any time of year , although some seasons are definitely better than others.

Milan is subject to the usual four seasons. Rainfall is spread evenly throughout the year and temperatures rarely become extreme outside of summer’s peak.

Italian summers can be oppressively hot, even in the more northern cities. For this reason, most Italians go away to the beach or mountains for entire months – usually August – thus leaving the cities abandoned. This means that there will be fewer shops and fewer locals in Italian cities during the summer.

At the same time, summer is usually the most popular time for tourists, which means prices are at their highest and lodges are less available. All things considered, the summer may arguably be the worst time to visit Milan.

Spring and autumn are hands-down the best time to visit Milan. Temperatures are pleasant, the streets are full of students and residents, and tourist hordes remain reasonable.

Autumn can remain warm until October, although November is almost always chilly. Spring is our favorite time to visit Italy because the countryside is lush and the flowers are blooming.

Thankfully, there are lots of things to do in Milan in the winter , aside from listening to Italians grumble about the “cold.” The Alps are right in Milan’s backyard and are rife with winter activities. Christmas time also means lights and winter markets, which can be quite extravagant in Milan.

flowers in milan travel guide

Getting in and out of Milan

Milan is one of the most important transportation hubs in all of Europe . As such, there are countless ways to get in and out of the city. Travelers should have no problem finding a flight, train, bus, car share, etc. when they visit Milan.

Milan is served by two airports: Malpensa and Linate.

Malpensa International Airport  is the main airport and receives the majority of the city’s inbound flights. It is located quite far away from Milan, near Gallarate , so taking a taxi to the city can be really expensive.

There are several trains and buses that will take you from Malpensa to Milan Centrale in around an hour.

train station milan travel guide

Linate Airport is mostly used for domestic and budget flights into Milan. It’s much closer to the city/takes far less time to reach.

Bergamo Airport is sometimes used to travel to Milan because it’s relatively close by and also offers some budget flights. Getting to Bergamo Airport can be a nightmare on public transport though.

The largest train station in Milan is Milano Centrale . Centrale is one of the busiest trains stations in all of Europe as it is one of the main arteries connecting France, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy. It receives a ridiculous 120 million passengers per year and is constantly buzzing with people.

Milano Centrale is an enormous station but is somewhat easy to understand. Be sure to arrive at the station early as you might have to walk a ways, and often through crowds. You may catch yourself gawking at the monolithic Fascist architecture as well.

The main bus station is at Lampugnano . Lampunango is a bit outside of the city but can be reached via the metro (30 mins from the Duomo). Intercity buses pick up passengers right outside the station and are often late to arrive.

bus icon

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How to get around Milan

Milano has a comprehensive public transit system that can get you just about anywhere you want to go. Most of the top points of interest in Milan are connected via public transit, which makes exploring the city a breeze.

There are three crucial types of public transport in Milan: metro , bus , and tram . Trams and buses function in a similar manner, although the former is generally more reliable. The metro is often the best way to travel in Milano as they are quite fast and almost always on time.

All of Milan’s public transport uses the same type of ticket, which can be purchased at a ticket office, tabacaria (tobacco shop), or vending machine.

Tickets cost $1.50 each and are good for one metro ride or 90 minutes of bus/tram travel. You can also purchase single-day or multi-day passes, a good idea if you think you’ll use public transport a lot.

Note that 99% of the time there are no ticket offices or vending machines near the bus or tram stops. You’ll need to buy a stack of tickets ahead of time or visit the nearest tobacco shop.

inside of tram milan travel guide

One of the best things to do in Milan is to ride the historic trams! These are among the most iconic machines in Italy that are much loved by the citizens. Some trams have even been converted into mobile discos and restaurants.

Taxis are ubiquitous in Milan and are overly expensive, as usual. Uber is in Milan but it doesn’t offer much as prices are often even higher than taxis.

There are several bike and scooter sharing services in Milan that can be really fun to use. You can check out a bicycle with BikeMI upon registering with the company. Scooter company eCooltra is also available in Milan. Note that foreigners will need an international driver’s permit to use eCooltra.

Safety in Milan

milan metro staying safe

All-in-all, Milan is a very safe city to visit. Tourists are rarely if ever the recipients of violence and most people visit Milan without drama.

That being said, Milan isn’t perfect and there are still safety concerns in this city. These issues range from irritation due to endless peddlers or pickpocket scams. If you want to leave Milan with all of your belongings (and your sanity), then there are a few precautions can take.

Beggars – They almost always hang in the metros and ask for money while you’re buying a ticket or riding the train. Some offer to “help” you buy a ticket or find your way and then expect payment in return. Just ignore them.

Pickpockets – Thieves in Italy have gotten pretty good at swiping valuables from unsuspecting travelers. These people thrive in crowds and hectic situations. Packed trains and nightclubs are the most common places that people get robbed. Watch your stuff, especially in crowds.

Hawkers – These people are not so much dangerous as they are just really fucking annoying. They’ll pester you and will often invade your private space, aggressively. Just ignore them and don’t engage. Getting mad at one of them is inviting trouble as hawkers usually have friends nearby.

On a special note, be more careful than usual when out at dark. There are tons of things to do at night in Milan and so people are usually carrying cash with them. Robbers tend to be more active during this time and many Italians consider Milan to be even more dangerous than Rome at night, so be vigilant.

Travel Insurance for Milan

Traveling without insurance would be risky so do consider getting good backpacker insurance sorted before you head off on an adventure.

I have been using World Nomads for some time now and made a few claims over the years. They’re easy to use, professional and relatively affordable. They may also let you buy or extend a policy once you’ve started your trip and are already abroad which is super handy.

If there’s one insurance company I trust, it’s World Nomads.

ALWAYS sort out your backpacker insurance before your trip. There’s plenty to choose from in that department, but a good place to start is Safety Wing .

They offer month-to-month payments, no lock-in contracts, and require absolutely no itineraries: that’s the exact kind of insurance long-term travellers and digital nomads need.

travel 365 milano

SafetyWing is cheap, easy, and admin-free: just sign up lickety-split so you can get back to it!

Click the button below to learn more about SafetyWing’s setup or read our insider review for the full tasty scoop.

Milan Accommodation Travel Hacks

Hostels and Airbnb’s will most likely be your main forms of lodging when you travel to Milan and these are, honestly, great options. Hostels can be a helluva lot of fun, especially the ones in this Milan travel guide. Having your own apartment in a foreign city can also epic, especially if you are traveling with other people

Truth is: conventional lodging can be really expensive, especially in Milan. Definitely have fun and stay in a hostel or apartment if you like, but if you need to save money, try one of these options:

Couchsurf! – Couchsurfing is the best way to save on cash when it comes to accommodation since most of the time you’re crashing for free. Staying with a local host is also a great chance to experience a more authentic side of the city and to visit hidden Milan.

Problem is couchsurfing is really popular (duh, it’s free) and demand often outstrips supply. Hosts are picky as well so you’ll need to impress them with an eye-catching message. Definitely, try Couchsurfing but be ready to be rejected.

Tap into your backpacker network – You never know when you have a friend in a foreign city! If you’ve traveled a lot, you may have met someone from Milan or know someone who knows someone.

Reach out to people! Ask to stay with people for a night or two in exchange for cooking dinner or a bottle of wine. If you don’t know anyone in the city, ask your friends if they do – travelers understand the struggle and are usually more helpful than you think.

Camping – Urban camping is a growing trend in many cities. These campsites are comfortable, sociable, safe, and cheap. They are often located on the outskirts of town, which means they are quieter too.

street performers in milan

Eating and Drinking in Milan

This wouldn’t be a proper Milan travel guide without covering the city’s food! Milan is very proud of its Lombardian cuisine and culinary history. Some of the most well-known Italian dishes including risotto , milanese , and polenta  come from this region. Locals love it, fight for it, and will shove it down your throats if given the opportunity. We say: let them!

The food of Milan is fantastic with rich flavors and wholesome ingredients. Dishes are often filling, sometimes deceptively so, and will leave you in a euphoric coma. When eating out, you will probably need a digestif or perhaps a negroni to help settle your stomach.

Milanese cooking is distinct from the more delicate culinary styles of Central and Southern Italy. This is partly due to the increased use of dairy in the local diet, which may or not be a result of German and French influence.

The colder climate also plays a part as nothing beats a hearty meal on a frigid day.

Like most places, the best food in Milan is hidden, either in the outskirts of the city or in the hole-in-the-wall establishments. In these places, the food is often more authentic, better priced, and the product of passion as opposed to profit.

One of my favorite restaurants in Milan is the totally unassuming Fiore , tucked away near the Naviglio Grande. It’s a simple establishment with a pretty stereotypical Italian owner but the food is divine.

Aside from a few exceptions, I really don’t advise eating anywhere in near the Centro Storico. Most restaurants between Centrale and the Duomo will be way too expensive and underwhelming.

If you must eat around a tourist attraction, go to the food stands, which are far and away better and cheaper. A good example is the Napolitano transplant Zia Esterina Sorbillo . This place serves some of the best pizza frita in Northern Italy and for a great price.

Nightlife in Milan

Northern Italians often get shit from Southerners, specifically Romans, for being stuffy and buzzkills, which I don’t really buy into. People here simply party differently than Romans or Sicilians do.

Contrary to the more loose parties that Southern and Central Italians like to have, Northern Italians tend to be more regimented with their parties. You could blame it on the culture of Milan, which is decidedly more reserved and arguably more opulent than the rest of Italy, or you could take it for what it is.

Most of the top things to do in Milan at night include a trip to a nightclub or fancy bar. Ritzy clubs are strewn all over the city, though Corso Como and Brera are the most popular places to visit. There are lots of good clubs near the Duomo as well.

I will warn you now that going to a club in Milan will not be a casual affair – you will have to dress very well and be prepared to spend a lot of cash.

In the “fashion capital of Europe,” people in Milan care a fuckton about how they look, especially at the clubs. To get into a good one, you will need to be dressed to the nines and look like a million bucks.

There are areas in Milan that are more laidback. The Navigli Quarter and the Colonne di San Lorenzo area are both very famous for their nightlife and tend to be a bit more socially relaxed than Milan’s clubbing scene.

Here, people tend to drink beers outside in good weather and shoot the shit. Make no mistake though – both of these areas are still very rowdy.

If you wanted to score some party favors, San Lorenzo is a well-known hangout for dealers.

Books to Read on Milan

Check out this Milan reading list to learn more about the city! Each novel takes place in and around Milan.

  • Numero Zero – The final novel from one of Italy’s most respected modern philosophers. A washed-up journalist joins a new firm in Milan and becomes exposed to all sorts of conspiracies.
  • The Betrothed – One of the most important Italian historical novels, ever. Takes place in 17th-Century Lombardia when the Spanish were in control. Tells the tale of two lovers and their arduous quest to be reunited after being cruelly separated by malicious forces. Written by the Italian hero Alessandro Manzoni.
  • Traitors to All – A hallmark Noir-crime novel written by the master, Giorgio Scerbanenco. Concerns a string of deaths in a canal outside of Milan, and the players involved in the “accidents.”
  • The Botticelli Secret – A model/prostitute gets caught up in a conspiracy involving Botticelli’s triumphant painting, La Primavera . In the process, she and several other characters are flung to every corner of Italy, including Milan. Similar to The Da Vinci Code .

milan masks in gallery

Volunteering in Milan

Long term travel is awesome. Giving back is awesome too. For backpackers looking to travel long-term on a budget in  Milan  whilst making a real impact on local communities, look no further than  World Packers . World Packers is an excellent platform  connecting travelers with meaningful volunteer positions throughout the world.

In exchange for a few hours of work each day, your room and board are covered.

Backpackers can spend long periods of time volunteering in an awesome place without spending any money. Meaningful life and travel experiences are rooted in stepping out of your comfort zone and into the world of a purposeful project.

Worldpackers opens the doors for work opportunities in hostels, homestays, NGOs, and eco-projects around the world. We’ve tried and approved them ourselves – check out our Worldpackers in-depth review here.

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travel 365 milano

Worldpackers: connecting travellers with  meaningful travel experiences.

Make Money Online While Traveling Milan

Traveling in Milan long-term? Keen to make some cash when you are not exploring the city?

Teaching English online is a great way to earn a consistent income—from anywhere in the world with a good internet connection. Depending on your qualifications (or your motivation to obtain qualifications like a TEFL certificate) you can teach English remotely from your laptop, save some cash for your next adventure, and make a positive impact on the world by improving another person’s language skills! It’s a win-win! Check out this detailed article for everything you need to know to start teaching English online .

In addition to giving you the qualifications to teach English online, TEFL courses open up a huge range of opportunities and you can find teaching work all over the world. To find out more about TEFL courses and how you can teach English around the world, read my in-depth report on teaching English abroad .

Broke Backpacker readers get a 50% discount on TEFL courses with MyTEFL (simply enter the code PACK50), to find out more, please read my in-depth report on teaching English abroad.

Whether you are keen to teach English online or looking to take your teaching game a step further by finding a job teaching English in a foreign country, getting your TEFL certificate is absolutely a step in the right direction.

milan museum

Being a Responsible Traveler in Milan

Reduce your plastic footprint:  Perhaps the best thing you can do for our planet is to make sure you do NOT add to the plastic problem all over the world. Don’t buy one-use water bottles, the plastic ends up in landfill or in the ocean. Instead, pack a  tough travel water bottle .

Go and watch A Plastic Ocean on Netflix – it’ll change how you view the plastic problem in the world; you need to understand what we are up against. If you think it doesn’t matter, get off my fucking site.

Don’t pick up single use plastic bags, you’re a backpacker – take your daypack if you need to go to the shop or run errands.

Bear in mind, that many animal products in countries you travel through will not be ethically farmed and won’t be of the highest quality. I’m a carnivore but when I’m on the road, I only eat chicken. Mass-farming of cows etc leads to the rainforest being cut down – which is obviously a huge problem.

Need more guidance? – Check out our post on  how to be a responsible backpacker.

Visiting Milan will bring you ample opportunities to participate in debauchery, and it is very important to have fun, let loose, and get a bit wild at times, but there are some things that will put you in the category of a straight up jackass if you do them.

Being super loud and obnoxious in a tiny hostel at 3 AM is a classic rookie mistake. Show your fellow travelers respect whilst traveling in Milan and anywhere else for that matter!

duomo rooftop view milan travel guide

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travel 365 milano

Thank you for sharing this insightful information! It’s really helpful. Have you been to Turin? It’s such a lovely city, I am also planning to visit it. It looks so amazing.

I love that city! I think for sure that I will write my next backpacking guide on Turin 🙂

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The best way to understand how Milan is laid out is to take a ride on one of the trams. Route 1 runs from the main train station, via Piazza Cairoli to Castello Sforzesco and is probably the best choice. But many other routes also offer good views of the city, so jump on and let it take you on a tour of the city's best sights and attractions.

Il Duomo

Milan has a large selection of restaurants, from authentic family-run lunch places, to strict sushi eateries and top-class establishments where the corporate credit card reigns supreme. As is often the case in Italy, the best dining experience is usually a less extravagant affair in honest trattorias serving local and national specialities. Dinner in Italy usually start between 8 pm and 10 pm. It typically begins with an antipasti course of small bites paired with aperitivo cocktails. Aperitivo can be had as early as 6 pm, if you are not in a hurry — and you shouldn't be.


In Italy, gelato is eaten just as religiously as pasta. It’s not only Italy’s delicious answer to ice cream — it is a way of life. Accompany yours with a strong espresso or cappuccino for the full Milan cafe experience.

Camparino in Galleria

Bars & Nightlife

The Brera and Navigli neighbourhoods have the most bars and offer bustling nightlife. For a more trendy option, try the area around Corso Como. Do it the Milanese way and mingle at a selection of bars between 7 pm and 9 pm, when filling snacks may be served along with your aperitivo.

Martini Bar at Dolce & Gabbana

Milan is the capital of fashion, and there is plenty to choose from when it comes to shopping. Even those less interested in fashion (or who can’t afford the often high prices) will find exploring Via Monte Napoleone, Via della Spiga and the surrounding streets rewarding. This is where all the fashion houses have their impressive flagship stores. Armani’s department store on Via Manzoni 31 is a good example, or Gucci’s store on Via Monte Napoleone (this one covers an entire city block). Dolce & Gabbana’s impressive store on Corso Venezia is housed in the former palace of a Sicilian nobleman.

The Golden Rectangle of Fashion

Tourist Information

Best Time to Visit

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Business Class Flights to Milan

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Find the Best Business Class Flight Deals to Milan

Finding the best business class flight deals to Tampere opens doors to a world of luxury, comfort, and unforgettable experiences. Explore the city's top attractions while enjoying premium services onboard top airlines. Elevate your journey and make memories that last a lifetime in Tampere, Milan.

Top Attractions in Milan

1. Milan Cathedral (Duomo di Milano) - Visit the iconic Milan Cathedral, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture and a symbol of Milan. Climb to the rooftop for panoramic views of the city and admire the intricate details of the cathedral's interior.

2. The Last Supper (Il Cenacolo) - Discover Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece, The Last Supper, housed in the refectory of Santa Maria delle Grazie. Book tickets in advance to admire this renowned fresco depicting the biblical scene.

3. Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II - Shop and dine at Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, one of the world's oldest shopping malls with luxury boutiques, cafes, and restaurants. Marvel at the impressive glass dome and elegant architecture of this historic landmark.

4. Sforza Castle (Castello Sforzesco) - Explore Sforza Castle, a medieval fortress turned museum, showcasing art collections, historical artifacts, and exhibits on Milan's history. Stroll through the castle grounds and gardens for a glimpse into Milan's past.

5. Brera Art Gallery (Pinacoteca di Brera) - Immerse yourself in art at the Brera Art Gallery, featuring works by Italian masters such as Caravaggio, Raphael, and Titian. Admire paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts in this cultural hub.

Top Business Class Flights to Milan

1. Alitalia - Experience luxury travel with Alitalia's business class flights to Milan, offering spacious seating, gourmet dining, and personalized service for a relaxing journey.

2. British Airways - Fly in style with British Airways' business class services to Milan, where you can enjoy comfort, convenience, and exclusive amenities tailored to your travel needs.

3. Lufthansa - Discover the convenience of Lufthansa's business class flights to Milan, combining reliability, comfort, and a range of entertainment options for discerning travelers.

4. Emirates - Indulge in luxury with Emirates' business class flights to Milan, featuring superior comfort, world-class service, and exceptional in-flight entertainment for a memorable trip.

When to Book Business Class Flights to Milan

To secure the best deals on business class flights to Milan, we recommend booking in advance. Aim to book at least 3-6 months before your desired travel dates to avail lower fares and ensure availability, especially during peak travel seasons or special events in Milan.

Consider flexible travel dates and explore options during off-peak periods to find more affordable business class tickets. Take advantage of promotions, discounts, and loyalty programs offered by airlines to maximize savings on your luxury travel experience to Milan.

Why Choose Business Class for Your Flight to Milan?

Comfort: Business class offers spacious seating, extra legroom, and ergonomic design for a comfortable journey to Milan, ensuring you arrive feeling refreshed and relaxed.

Priority Services: Benefit from priority check-in, boarding, and baggage handling, saving you time and enhancing your travel experience from start to finish.

Exclusive Amenities: Enjoy gourmet meals, premium beverages, entertainment options, and luxurious amenities throughout your flight, making your journey to Milan memorable and enjoyable.

Personalized Service: Experience personalized service from dedicated cabin crew, ensuring your needs are met and enhancing your overall travel experience to Milan.

Frequently Asked Questions About Milan

What is the average flight time for business class flights to milan.

The average flight time for business class flights to Milan varies depending on the departure city and any layovers. Typically, it ranges from 1.5 to 3 hours from major European cities.

Are there direct business class flights to Milan?

Yes, several airlines offer direct business class flights to Milan from major international airports. However, availability may vary depending on the route and airline.

What are the best airports to fly business class from to Milan?

Major international airports such as London Heathrow Airport (LHR), Frankfurt Airport (FRA), and Dubai International Airport (DXB) offer business class flights to Milan with various airlines, providing convenient connections and premium services for travelers.

What is the baggage allowance for business class passengers on flights to Milan?

The baggage allowance for business class passengers on flights to Milan varies by airline and ticket type. Generally, business class travelers enjoy a generous baggage allowance, including multiple checked bags and additional carry-on luggage.

How can I find the best deals on business class flights to Milan?

To find the best deals on business class flights to Milan, book in advance, explore flexible travel dates, and take advantage of promotions and discounts offered by BusinessTravel365

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Posted at - May 30, 2023

I was so relieved with the knowledge that this is a legitimate agency! My agent was so delightful and kept me in touch of any changes. Such a wonderful experience. Just watch out for the bogus ones. Again, this is a truly good agency. Got me a great price on SAGA PREMIUM business/1st class!

Posted at - May 23, 2022

I had excellent experience with Warner from Business Travel 365. He's patiently searching and providing me the best choices for my trip which I had to change several times. During the process, he always kept me well informed of the choices and status of my booking with lots of cares to my demand. What's an outstanding service.

Posted at - Oct 18, 2019

Chris with BusinessTravel365 was great to work with! He is very helpful, knowledgeable and accommodating. He wants to find the best itinerary for you at the best price. I would definitely recommend him and already have to friends.

Posted at - Oct 16, 2019

Carl from Business Travels 365 was excellent, giving fast, efficient and timely service, cheaper flights than even the airlines' website, and very helpful! Will definitely use them again! :)

Posted at - Oct 15, 2019

Dealing with Carl was fantastic...very communicative, efficient and of course his price was vastly better than any other agency! I will continue working with BusinesTravel365 and that is highest compliment I can pay!

Posted at - Oct 12, 2019

I highly recommend Business Travel 365. Chris was professional and most helpful booking my international flights. I have and will recommend this company to my friends. Thank you again Chris!

Posted at - Oct 06, 2019

The process was get. I started doing it my self. Prices for business class was crazy. Then using this great service cost was like coach. We did add a stop but they made it like an additional vacation now we have a few days and it perfect. Did most all by email which I like. I would highly recommend

Posted at - Oct 01, 2019

Larry has been great and so helpful. Very happy with my travel plans.

Posted at - Sep 29, 2019

Larry did a great job of giving me options for my international flights. I told him my parameters and he accommodated me. I will definitely reach out to him again.

Posted at - Aug 01, 2019

I had a great experience with Rio. He was fast, honest, effective, hardworking and helped me search the best fares. I appreciate his help and perseverance and hope to use his services again soon!

Posted at - Jul 26, 2019

A great price and a great follow-up. The billing and invoicing part had a few hiccups, but they were ultimately settled. So all good.

Posted at - Jul 21, 2019

Got our business class trip and we save over $1k with Michael's help. Thank you for what you do to save us get a cheaper price

Posted at - Jul 19, 2019

Quick responses, and valuable insights - highly recommend!

Posted at - Jul 05, 2019

At the beginning I was a bit sceptical, but soon I realised that the person called Larry I dealt with was extremely friendly, fast and very knowledgeable. We are four people and are very pleased with how our flight to Dubai got handled. Anytime again, thank you!

Posted at - Jul 04, 2019

Great experience. I was very careful since it is an internet based transaction. Price for my ticket was 60% less than with Lufthansa. After the reservation was done, I paid and a ticket was issued a couple of hours later. Kai is very reliable and trustable and responsive. I will certainly book again with him.

Posted at - Jun 20, 2019

Clyde is super, ask for him.

Very helpful and professional

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Proljeće/ljeto 2024  .


  1. Milano

    travel 365 milano

  2. 30 Authentic & Best Things to Do in Milan in 2024

    travel 365 milano

  3. 2 Days in Milan: The ULTIMATE Milan Itinerary ⋆ We Dream of Travel Blog

    travel 365 milano

  4. Travel Guide to Milan, Italy

    travel 365 milano

  5. How to Visit the Duomo di Milano Rooftop Terrace

    travel 365 milano

  6. Milan Travel Guide

    travel 365 milano



  2. 10 Most Beautiful Places to Visit in Milan Italy 🇮🇹

  3. Milan, Italy


  5. TOP 10 Things to do in MILAN, Italy

  6. 17 Things to Do in MILAN ITALY


  1. Cosa vedere a Milano: le 17 migliori attrazioni e cose da fare

    4 - Pinacoteca Ambrosiana. Una visita alla Pinacoteca Ambrosiana è da fare assolutamente se vi trovate a Milano: dedicherete parte del vostro tempo alla visita ad un museo il cui percorso espositivo raccoglie ad esempio la "Madonna del Padiglione" di Botticelli, la "Canestra di frutta" di Caravaggio, il "Ritratto di musico" di Leonardo da Vinci o l"Adorazione dei Magi" di Tiziano.

  2. 33 Things to do in Milan Italy (2024)

    22.Visit Brera Art Gallery. The prestigious Pinacoteca di Brera is one of Milan's most renowned art galleries, and houses work from some of Italy's greatest artists including Raphael and Caravaggio. The museum was established in the early 19th century and became a State Museum in 1809.

  3. 19 Travel Tips for Your First Visit to Milan

    Advertising. 5. Never order a cappuccino after lunch. Italians are convinced that drinking anything with milk after the morning will hamper digestion. So, to blend in, order that cappuccino (or ...

  4. 3 Days in Milan: Itinerary Ideas and Top Sights

    We've also included logistics, like travel costs and where to stay and eat. Top Sights for Your 3 Days in Milan Itinerary. Day 1: Explore Milan's City Center and Navigli District. Day 2: Discover the Brera District and Leonardo Da Vinci Works. Day 3: Day Trip to Lake Como. Arriving in Milan.

  5. Ultimate Milan Travel Guide-2024 (From a Local)

    The Bernina Express from Milan offers a scenic 4-hour train ride connecting Chur in Switzerland and Tirano in Italy. This journey showcases varied landscapes, from green valleys to high mountain passes. Route: From Chur, Switzerland to Tirano, Italy, passing through varied landscapes.

  6. Two Days in Milano

    Milano means old trams from the early 1920s, but there's also orange jumbos from the 1970s and the futuristic Sirio line from the 2000s. The start of Via Torino near Duomo is the perfect setting to catch a tram. Flows of pedestrians and popular shops, and three lines that stop there in one of the busiest intersections in the city center.

  7. 14 Best Things to Do in Milan, Italy

    Discover the best things to do in Milan, Italy, which include seeing Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper," high-end shopping and day trips to Lake Como.

  8. Official Tourist Information Office of the City of Milan and YesMilano

    In Milan, at Via Mercanti 8, opposite the Palazzo della Ragione, is the Official Tourist Information Office of the City of Milan and YesMilano, a space that provides visitors with a guide to discover and experience the city of Milan at its best. Open Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and on weekends and holidays from 1:30 p.m. to 6 p.m ...

  9. Milan, Italy Travel Guide

    Milan is flat and well-suited to walking or biking, but it's big, and distances from one point of interest to another can be several miles. Taxis within the center, for example from Milano ...

  10. Travel365

    Travel365 is the number 1 resource in Italy for always having travel guides, itineraries and advice on over 2,000 destinations around the world at hand. 🤑 special offers to book flights, hotels, tours and experiences. Furthermore, the new app will also offer you the possibility of saving your favorite destinations so you can browse them even ...

  11. Milan Travel Guide

    The best area to stay for first-time visitors is around the Piazza del Duomo, the beating heart of Milan. This area features some of Milan's best hotels, and is chock-full of historical treasures, incredible museums, great restaurants, and luxury shopping. Brera is another wonderful sightseeing neighborhood, boasting the world-class Brera ...

  12. 3 Days in Milan: A Complete Travel Guide for First-Time Visitors

    This stunning square is home to some of the most iconic architecture in Italy, including the magnificent cathedral. Start your 3 days in Milan by visiting one of Italy's most iconic religious sites, the awe-inspiring Duomo di Milano. The Gothic cathedral is considered one of the largest churches in Italy.

  13. Milan Budget Travel Guide (Updated 2024)

    Top 5 Things to See and Do in Milan. 1. Visit the Duomo. With over 3,500 statues, 135 spires, and five bronze doors, Milan's cathedral is the largest church in Italy and the third-largest in the world. It's not surprising that it took over 500 years to complete, with construction starting in 1386 and finishing in 1965.

  14. Backpacking Milan

    Day 1: The Top Attractions in Milan. On day 1 of our travel guide for Milan, we're going to visit the most popular places to visit in the city! Today, we'll be hanging around the Centro Storico district and seeing most of Milan's must see landmarks like the Duomo, Teatro alla Scala, and Basilica di Sant'Ambrogio.

  15. Milan Itinerary

    Tip #2 - Think About The Season You're Visiting Milan. A bright sunny day in Milan was perfect for roaming around all the city sites. Milan is located in the northern region of Italy, which means that the weather varies a lot more than in the southern portion of the country.

  16. Milan

    DESTINATIONS milano Milan Milan is a major cultural centre in Italy, with world class museums and galleries, the Duomo cathedral and ancient churches, impressive architecture of opulent Italian villas.

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  19. Fly in Luxury: Business Class Flights to Milan

    Milan Cathedral (Duomo di Milano) - Visit the iconic Milan Cathedral, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture and a symbol of Milan. ... I had excellent experience with Warner from Business Travel 365. He's patiently searching and providing me the best choices for my trip which I had to change several times. During the process, he always kept me ...

  20. Padel 365 Milano

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    Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for 365 SRL of MILANO, MILANO. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. 365 SRL. D&B Business Directory HOME ... Travel Arrangement and Reservation Services View more, ...

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    365 travel. EU. Home ; O NAMA 😁 ; KONTAKT ; 0 Wishlist ; 0 Cart ; TOP putovanja 365 dana u godini. www.365travel.eu. info broj & rezervacije: 091/ ... MILANO, TALI. JEZERA + ŠVICARSKA, VERONA I PADOVA. MILANO, TALIJANSKA JEZERA + ŠVICARSKA, VERONA i PADOVA - 3 dana €209.00. Add to cart. FORMULA 1 - VN ITALIJE - MONZA ...