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1000 Hail Marys Rosary from Journey Deeper - Wonderful Devotion for May!

Discussion in ' Marian Apparitions ' started by Xavier , May 4, 2021 .


Xavier "In the end, My Immaculate Heart will Triumph."

This is a wonderful devotion for May from Catholic YouTuber Journey Deeper. If 1 Hail Mary is so powerful, imagine how powerful 1000 Hail Marys must be. It must be like a complete rout of Satan and his devils forcing them back to hell. St. Padre Pio is reported to have prayed 150 to 200 decades during the day! This counts as 100 decades. It includes all 20 mysteries. It takes roughly 5 1/2 hours.  
A similar video, but slightly longer. I must say, Journey Deeper has great Prayer Videos. This one is near to 6 Hours. It's a great devotion to pray on a First Saturday, or any Saturday. Or really, any day, if you have enough time. We consider 10 or 20 decades good, how about 100?!  
Here's an even cooler video - 2000 Hail Marys! It was done first for May 31st, Queenship of Our Lady. It can be used for First Saturday, or any Saturday, really. It takes about 12 hours. Great to play it am to pm if possible. Same person Journey Deeper. Great Video. Hope people like it.  

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1000 Hail Mary Rosary for May, Mary’s Month.

This is a wonderful devotion for May from Catholic YouTuber Journey Deeper.

If 1 Hail Mary is so powerful, imagine how powerful 1000 Hail Marys must be.

It must be like a complete rout of Satan and his devils forcing them back to hell.

St. Padre Pio is reported to have prayed 150 to 200 decades during the day!

This counts as 100 decades. It includes all 20 mysteries. It takes roughly 5 1/2 hours.

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I wish just a 1000 people would say 1000 Hail Marys every day for 1000 days! That would be 1 Billion Hail Marys! It would have a huge impact on our desired goal of ending abortion! I challenge everyone to just try it and see. Jesus and Mary desire us to form a chain of light with other Christians. A Chain of Prayer. No one should break the chain. All of us are important. All of us are much beloved to God! All of us should pray the 1000 Hail Marys Rosary daily for a 1000 days. It will surely help ending abortion!

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Lay Cistercians

The Hail Mary Prayer Explained

A Catholic rosary where the "Hail Mary" is an important prayer.

Published May 30, 2021

Among the many gifts to mankind given to us by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, Mary given to us as a spiritual mother is one of them. As he was dying on the cross Jesus looked at his disciple John and told him, regarding Mother Mary, “Behold, your mother.” He looked at Mary and said to her of John (representing all Christians ) “Behold your son”.  A Christian mother is one who prays for her children and our Blessed Mother Mary does that for us if we ask for it. Anyone can easily approach their mother and ask for her prayer and intercession or help with some issue they are dealing with. God is the Source of all Goodness. Like going to a well to draw water, we are expected to get water (Goodness) from the source. Some people have knowledge of The Source that we do not have or they have a better way to obtain this water (Goodness, Grace etc). Mary is one of those people. At the Wedding of Cana, she asked Jesus to perform his first miracle – something he was not intending to do but did because she asked him to do it. When we ask Mary to pray for us we are asking our spiritual mother, given to us by Jesus, to help us in whatever issue we are dealing with, to bring God’s grace to us. The Hail Mary prayer is one of the ways that Catholic’s ask for Mary’s help. It is one of the most widely used prayers in the Catholic world. It is one of the prayers that we recite when praying the rosary.

So what does the Hail Mary prayer really mean? To fully appreciate its meaning, we need to first look at its origins.

History of the Hail Mary Prayer

There is no clear record of when the Hail Mary Prayer was first recited. But it was believed that it started from certain versicles and responsories that are part of the Hours of the Virgin . This liturgical devotional to the Blessed Mother was very popular with monastic orders in the 11th century.

The earliest record of the prayer, however, can be found in two Anglo-Saxon manuscripts dating back to about 1030. The manuscripts contained verses where the words “ Ave Maria ” and  “ benedicta tu in mulieribus et Benedictus fructus ventris tui ” constantly appeared.

Later on, these two verses were connected and were called the “Salutation of the Blessed Virgin”. This would, later on, form the first part of the Hail Mary prayer. A few years later, the second half was added. The full prayer was published in Latin and was simply titled “Ave Maria”.

The prayer was only officially finalized in 1566 when the Catechism of the Council of Trent (Roman Catechism) was published. Two years later, it was included in the Roman Breviary of 1568. From then on, it became widely used in the Roman Catholic Church.

The Hail Mary Prayer Meaning

The Hail Mary prayer is divided into two parts: adoration and supplication.

The first part is an expression of our love and adulation for Mother Mary. While the second part is a plea for her to intercede on our behalf.

Here’s a line-by-line explanation of the meaning behind the famous Marian prayer.

“Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you.”

The first line of the prayer came directly from the Bible. This is how the Angel Gabriel greeted Mary of Nazareth during the Annunciation where he announced that she will conceive by the power of the Holy Spirit.

When the angel proclaimed “Hail Mary, full of grace”, it implies that she is a sinless woman worthy of praise. Pope Francis puts it best in his message during the Feast of the Immaculate Conception in 2017. He explained that the Blessed Virgin is full of grace because she is filled with the presence of God. Because of this, there is no room within her for sin.

He then capped off the greeting with, “the Lord is with you.” This means that, at that moment, God is already with her. She does not become pregnant yet with Jesus until after she has agreed to what the Angel Gabriel has told her of God’s plans. “The Holy Spirit will overshadow you…”

“Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.”

After Mary learned that she was pregnant, she visited her relative, Elizabeth, who was “filled with the Holy Spirit.” ( Luke 1:41 ) It means that Elizabeth already had a prophetic insight from the Holy Spirit. She already knows about Mary’s pregnancy before Mary even said anything.

Upon seeing Mary, the baby inside Elizabeth jumped with joy and she greets Mary saying “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.” ( Luke 1:42 ).

That’s because Mary is pregnant with no ordinary child. She is carrying our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ – the Word that became flesh. Among all the women in the world, God chose her, a simple woman from the small town of Nazareth. This makes her blessed and honored among women. It also means she is endowed with divine favor and protection and so is the child in her womb.

A woman praying the Hail Mary.

“Holy Mary, Mother of God,”

Calling the Blessed Mother as “‘Holy Mary” implies that she is more than just blessed but sanctified. As the mother of God, she has become a vessel of Grace between God and men. She is the Ark of the New Covenant who carries God’s Word in her womb. Catholics do not believe she is divine however, she is human like all other humans but she is the fullness of the good person God created her to be and was given this special task as mother of Jesus – God Incarnate. Her humility and obedience to God’s will make her a model worthy of emulation and reverence. We, likewise are also called to be the “fullness of the good people God has created us to be”. Likewise, we become vessels for God’s Grace when we allow Our Lord to live within our hearts and minds, when we allow Him to direct our thoughts and actions to do the good things that are for us to do. 

“pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.”

This is where we acknowledge that we are sinners and that we ask Mary to pray to God for our behalf, to help us do the good things we are meant to do, to help the people we are meant to help, to be the good people we are created to be – to grow in virtue and get rid of vices. 

As mentioned, the Virgin Mary is in a unique position to intercede for us. Christian scripture and tradition say that the prayers of a good person are very loud and effective. Mother Mary is a good person. She is our spiritual mother. The prayers of a mother for her child are said to be especially loud. If we want to know what is the right thing to do, God will not keep it a secret. We can ask for help through prayer, we can ask for our spiritual mother to pray for us and that prayer will be greatly enhanced both in content and loudness. By asking her to pray for us with the Hail Mary prayer, we are not just asking for her intercession. It also means entrusting ourselves to her prayers now and at the hour of our death. None of us knows when that hour will be but Mother Mary probably knows. It is good to have someone praying for us when that hour comes.

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Lay Cistercians of South Florida , is a community of lay people who seeks to have a deeper connection with God by living a life inspired by the monks and nuns through Lay Monasticism . Learn more about what is a Lay Cistercian  on our website. Anyone who aspires to do the same as us, and is a confirmed Catholic is welcome to join us! We meet every second Saturday of the month at Emmanuel Catholic Church in Delray Beach, Florida.

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Judy Ponio is a professional writer for the Lay Cistercians blog and a devoted Catholic. She works hard to ensure her work uses accurate facts by cross checking reputable sources.

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journey deeper 1000 hail mary

How to Pray the Rosary of the 1000 Hail Marys

We all know how to pray the Hail Mary. It has always been a powerful prayer that has granted many blessings and miracles throughout the world. The Rosary of the 1000 Hail Marys is, as the name implies, the act of praying this simple but powerful prayer 1000 times. The 1000th “Amen” is meant to be a special moment, full of spiritual importance.

Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Of course, praying the Rosary of the 1000 Hail Marys is a long endeavour, best saved for special moments. It takes over 5 hours to say all the prayers. You may also want to consider a powerful prayer to Mother Mary for a miracle .

1000 Hail Marys is a powerful prayer for the people in areas prone to hail, tornadoes and heavy rains. Hail Mary is a form of Prayer requesting God to shower those who are affected by the storms with abundant water.

1000 Hail Marys are said to be a time of preparation for the coming of the Son of God.

This is a time of redemption and Pentacles are used in the same way that they were used during the time of the Savior. Hail Mary is to pray that God would send down rain on the day of his birth and that no harm would come to those that worship him.

There are many different Hail Mary options as there are special celebrations associated with the season. In Mexico for example, they have a carnival type atmosphere where they display authentic Mexican fireworks – much like you would at your local Fourth of July celebration. The streets are decorated with plenty of flower garlands and flags. It is a time to celebrate and it’s a time for feasting and eating. The sound of the holy rosary beads when praying over is a sound from the divine throne which can be heard all across the globe.

When we are gathered around the hearth to recite the Hail Mary prayer we are honoring Jesus Christ and his role as savior. We are also remembering the Virgin Mary and her devotion to the Lord and his teachings. When we praise the Holy Spirit we are acknowledging our obligation to him and his role as mediator between God and man. Through this act of devotion we honor the Holy Trinity.

What are the usual celebration customs related to the 1000 Hail Marys?

There are many different customs. One of them is that most people place a pot of flowers on the hearth or in front of the house. They also use Terra cotta clay pots and bells to throw at the pot in order to attract the holy spirit. Sometimes the bells will eventually ring out but usually they won’t because the neighbourhood or town has an agreement with the priest or pastor to not blow the whistle (this is because the neighbourhood or town could be deemed a nuisance by the priest or pastor if the whistle was blown).

Other events that take place during the tercentura parades. People will generally gather in the streets of the neighborhood or town to celebrate and pray. The most popular moment on this day is usually a celebration of the 1000th amen of the Hail Mary. People will wear colorful clothing, food like jalapeno peppers and others will even get creative and decorate their homes and cars with flowers and fruits and vegetables. This is because the residents want to show their appreciation for the Holy Spirit who sent Jesus to earth to preach the gospel and tell people about the true God.

1 thought on “How to Pray the Rosary of the 1000 Hail Marys”

Greetings in Jesus name I wish more information on this devotion,history sorounding the devotion and preparations for the prayers🙏

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journey deeper 1000 hail mary

Mother Mary

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.

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Hail Mary Prayer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Its Origin and Significance

Hail Mary Prayer

The Hail Mary prayer is a central devotional practice in the Roman Catholic tradition, venerating the Virgin Mary as the Mother of God. This prayer holds significant theological importance, as it combines scriptural passages from the Gospel of Luke with a plea for Mary’s intercession on behalf of sinners. Both simple and profound, the Hail Mary continues to inspire devotion and reflection among Christians throughout the world.

Originating in the early centuries of Christianity, the Hail Mary has evolved over time, with different cultural contexts inspiring variations in the prayer’s text and performance. Today, the most commonly recited version goes,

“Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”

The widespread use of this prayer has led to its incorporation into various art forms, including music, literature, and visual arts, which further attest to its lasting impact on the human spirit.

Hail Mary Prayer

Key Takeaways

  • The Hail Mary prayer is a fundamental devotional practice in Roman Catholicism, venerating the Virgin Mary as the Mother of God.
  • This prayer combines scripture and a plea for intercession, leading to variations across cultures and time periods.
  • The Hail Mary has an enduring cultural impact, appearing in various art forms and inspiring countless generations of Christians.

In this article:

Origins of the Hail Mary Prayer

The Hail Mary Prayer is deeply rooted in the Christian tradition and is often recited by the faithful, especially within the Catholic Church. Stemming from two passages in the Gospel of Luke, it presents a combination of the Annunciation and the Visitation. Primarily, the prayer celebrates the angel Gabriel’s greeting to the Virgin Mary (Luke 1:28) when he announces the conception of Jesus.

At the Annunciation, the angel Gabriel greets Mary with the words, “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you!” (Luke 1:28). This portion of the Hail Mary Prayer acknowledges Mary’s role in the incarnation of Jesus and her unique status among women. As we recite these words, we are reminded of the divine origin of Jesus and the grace that Mary received from God.

The Hail Mary Prayer also includes a passage from the Visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth (Luke 1:41–42), when Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, proclaims, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!” These words emphasize the miracle of Jesus’ birth and Mary’s willingness to accept God’s plan. As we incorporate this verse into the prayer, we give thanks for the miraculous gift of Jesus and the significance of His life for humanity.

Over time, the development of the Hail Mary Prayer has evolved, initially focusing on the gospel passages and later incorporating a petition for Mary’s intercession. This transformation is evident in the addition of the words, “Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.” This concluding petition asks for Mary’s guidance and protection throughout our lives, until the point of death.

In summary, the Hail Mary Prayer, which has its foundations in the Bible, spans a range of pivotal events––from the Annunciation to the Visitation––that are central to the lives of Jesus and Mary. As members of the Catholic Church, we can find solace and inspiration in the Hail Mary and reflect on its richness every time we say the prayer.

Theological Significance of the Hail Mary Prayer

The Hail Mary prayer holds a profound theological significance in the Catholic faith. As one of the most important Catholic prayers, it reflects the deep connection between the faithful and the Mother of God, the Virgin Mary. It comprises three parts, addressing Mary as full of grace, as the blessed Mother, and as the mediator for sinners .

At the very core of the prayer, we acknowledge Mary’s unique role in the history of salvation. By recognizing her as the one who is “full of grace,” we profess our belief in the Immaculate Conception , where Mary was conceived without original sin. This divine favor enabled her to bear the Christ child, Jesus, thus becoming the new Eve and the mother of all who live in grace.

When we address Mary as “the Lord is with thee,” we affirm her close relationship with God. Mary’s privileged status as the Mother of God solidifies her role as an essential figure in the Christian faith. The prayer also highlights Jesus as the “fruit of thy womb,” emphasizing the Incarnation, where God took on human flesh for the salvation of humanity.

The Hail Mary prayer plays an essential role in the devotional practice of the Rosary, wherein the faithful meditate upon the mysteries of Christ’s life. Through the recitation of the prayer, we grow closer to Jesus and Mary by contemplating their roles in salvation history. The central themes of grace, the Incarnation, and redemption are intimately connected through the theological underpinnings of the Hail Mary.

By invoking Mary as the “Mother of Mercy,” we seek her compassionate intercession on behalf of sinners. As the mother of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, Mary’s role as mediatrix is grounded in her maternal relationship with Jesus and her unique cooperation with the Holy Spirit. Thus, calling upon Mary as “Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners” recognizes her powerful intercession and her willingness to assist us in our spiritual journey.

Overall, the theological significance of the Hail Mary prayer is deeply rooted in the Catholic faith, reflecting reverence towards the Virgin Mary and her critical role in salvation history. By reciting the prayer, we honor Mary as the Mother of God, full of grace, and the mediator for sinners, drawing us closer to understanding God’s love and mercy for humanity.

Variations of the Hail Mary Prayer

Throughout history, the Hail Mary prayer has been adapted and translated into various languages, allowing for an appreciation by worshipers worldwide. One of the earliest versions of the Hail Mary was found in Latin. The Latin translation, known as the Ave Maria, has the following structure:

Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.

In addition to the Latin version, the Hail Mary is also available in Spanish:

Dios te salve, María, llena eres de gracia, el Señor es contigo. Bendita tú eres entre todas las mujeres, y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre, Jesús. Santa María, Madre de Dios, ruega por nosotros pecadores, ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. Amén.

Across different languages and cultures, the central focus of the Hail Mary prayer remains the same. Nonetheless, variations exist in the phrasing and word usage, allowing for greater inclusivity and understanding.

In Eastern Orthodox Christian tradition, there is a similar prayer dedicated to Mary known as the Hail, O Virgin Theotokos, which translates to “Mother of God”. The Theotokos prayer is said as follows:

Hail, O Virgin Theotokos, Mary full of grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, for you have borne the Savior of our souls.

Despite the variations in language and phrasing, the Hail Mary prayer remains a powerful and significant prayer in the Christian faith. With its diverse translations and adaptations, it continues to be a valuable source of comfort, strength, and connection for worshipers around the world.

Performing the Hail Mary Prayer

The Hail Mary Prayer is a significant part of Catholic devotion and is often prayed as part of the Rosary. To begin the prayer, we focus on connecting with the Virgin Mary, who intercedes on our behalf through her relationship with her Son, Jesus Christ.

Begin the Hail Mary by saying, “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.” This line is taken from the Angel Gabriel’s greeting to Mary in Luke 1:28, highlighting her favor with God and her unique role in salvation history.

Following this, we say, “Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.” This part of the prayer asks for Mary’s intercession, both in our current struggles and at the time of our death.

When praying the Rosary, the Hail Mary is typically recited ten times for each mystery, creating a set of ten Hail Mary prayers called a “decade.” Before each decade, we say the Apostles’ Creed once and the Our Father once, asking for God’s guidance and forgiveness, and acknowledging His presence in our lives.

At the end of each decade, we pray the Glory Be to praise and worship the Holy Trinity, reinforcing our connection to the divine and affirming our belief in the power and presence of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

As we pray the Hail Mary, always remember that it is not merely a recitation but a sincere and heartfelt request for the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In seeking her support and guidance, we draw closer to Jesus Christ and deepen our relationship with both of them.

Use in Daily Worship

As a cornerstone of the Catholic faith, the Hail Mary prayer holds a special place in our daily worship. This powerful and beloved prayer is utilized by the Catholic Church in a multitude of ways, fostering a deep connection with the Virgin Mary and drawing us closer to her Son, Jesus Christ.

As part of the Rosary, we recite the Hail Mary prayer numerous times, meditating on the life of Christ and contemplating the virtues of the Virgin Mary. The prayer helps us to continue to cultivate our relationship with God and grow in our spiritual journey. Additionally, the Hail Mary is often assigned as penance during the sacrament of reconciliation, allowing us to seek forgiveness and strengthen our faith source .

In our daily routine, we can incorporate the Hail Mary prayer as a way to express our love, adoration, and devotion to the Mother of God. The act of repeating this beautiful prayer reaffirms our faith and reinforces our commitment to leading a Christ-centered life. Moreover, we can offer the Hail Mary in times of need and distress, asking for the guidance and intercession of the Virgin Mary.

To better understand the richness of this prayer, it is critical to recognize its roots in Scripture. The Hail Mary consists of two parts. The first part draws upon the angel Gabriel’s salutation to Mary during the Annunciation, as detailed in Luke 1:28 source . The second part is where we implore Mary’s intercession, beseeching her to pray for us and bring us closer to Christ source .

In conclusion, the use of the Hail Mary prayer in daily worship is a significant aspect of our faith, allowing us to experience a deeper connection with theVirgin Mary and our Lord, Jesus Christ. Through incorporating this prayer into our daily spiritual practices, we can draw on the power of intercession and the transformative nature of faith to enrich our relationship with God.

The Hail Mary Prayer in Art and Culture

Throughout history, the Hail Mary prayer has played a significant role in the world of art and culture. As we explore this topic, we’ll discover how the prayer has influenced humanity’s journey and touched the lives of many, including those who face distress and call upon their faith for help.

The Hail Mary has often served as a source of inspiration for artists across various mediums. Painters, for example, have depicted the moment of the Annunciation – when the Angel Gabriel visited Mary to announce her divine calling – with great reverence. We can see notable examples of this in paintings like Fra Angelico’s “The Annunciation” and Sandro Botticelli’s “The Cestello Annunciation.”

In the realm of music, composers have taken the words of the Hail Mary prayer and set them to melodies that evoke a deep sense of spirituality. One such example is the “Ave Maria,” a composition by Franz Schubert, which has become a beloved piece performed at both religious and secular events. This masterpiece has touched the hearts of many, often providing solace in times of distress.

The Hail Mary has also played an essential role in the lives of countless individuals who consider it a significant part of their daily practice. For some, reciting the prayer serves as a moment of reflection and a way to connect with their spiritual journey. For others, it’s a call to action, prompting them to reach out and help others in need.

In literature, the Hail Mary has been written about and analyzed by numerous authors, scholars, and poets throughout history. This prayer has served as a unifying thread, connecting people of different backgrounds and beliefs. Many writers have used the themes of the Hail Mary – such as devotion, humility, and compassion – to reflect on humanity and our collective experiences.

The powerful words of the Hail Mary have created a lasting impact on friends and communities of all faiths. Through various forms of creative expression, the prayer has crossed generations and brought people together, providing a sense of stability and strength.

In conclusion, the Hail Mary prayer’s influence in art and culture demonstrates the power of a simple yet meaningful set of words to inspire a wide range of creative works and touch the lives of countless individuals. The prayer serves as a testament to the strength of human spirit and the beauty that emerges when we connect with our spiritual selves and one another.

Interpretations of the Hail Mary Prayer

The Hail Mary prayer is a powerful and important part of Catholic tradition. We find its origins in two passages from the Gospel of Luke, during the events of the Annunciation and the Visitation . At its core, the Hail Mary prayer is a reflection on the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary and a request for her intercession with her Son, our Savior Jesus Christ.

We begin the prayer by addressing Mary with the words of the Angel Gabriel, “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.” This opening recognizes her humility and willingness to cooperate with God’s divine will . Mary is hailed as the exemplar of purity and holiness, revered as the Immaculate Mary .

In the next part of the prayer, we say, “Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.” This line highlights the unique relationship between Mary and Jesus, as she is the Holy Mother of the Son of God . Additionally, the presence of the Holy Spirit in the prayer serves to remind us of the sanctity and mystery surrounding the birth of Jesus.

As we come to the middle of the prayer, we acknowledge Mary’s role as the holy Queen, “Holy Mary, Mother of God.” This title acknowledges our belief that Mary is not just the mother of Jesus as a man, but also his divine nature as the Eternal Father and creator of Heaven and Earth.

The next line of the prayer addresses Mary as the loving and clement advocate, “pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.” We ask Mary, the sweet Virgin Mary, to intercede on behalf of humanity and plead for divine mercy and forgiveness. In doing so, we express our hope and trust in her as our advocate with her Son, who was Crucified for our sake and will come again to judge the living and the dead.

Finally, the traditional closing of the Hail Mary prayer, the Hail Holy Queen , emphasizes the key attributes we associate with Mary – her mercy, her sweetness, and her loving gaze upon humanity. As we say these words, we ask that she keep watch over us and guide us on the path to sainthood, purity of heart, and ultimately, to eternal life as part of the heavenly family.

Throughout the Hail Mary prayer, we are constantly reminded of the virtues and roles of the Blessed Virgin Mary: her humility and purity, her loving intercession on behalf of sinners, and her unique relationship with Jesus as both human mother and Holy Queen. By repeating the words of this prayer, we open ourselves up to the divine will, seeking guidance and protection as we strive to serve the Heavenly Father and honor the saints who have gone before us.

The Hail Mary prayer holds great significance in the Roman Catholic Church and has deep historical roots. Originating from two passages in the Gospel of Luke, it is truly a central prayer for Catholics. It has evolved over time and is considered an essential part of the Rosary, as recited in the Blessed Virgin Rosary .

We can appreciate the beauty and simplicity of the prayer’s words and meaning as it pays homage to the Virgin Mary, combining both praise and supplication. It acknowledges the unique role of Mary in the story of salvation, as the mother of Jesus, and seeks her intercession for sinners. The Hail Mary prayer begins with “Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee,” and continues to affirm Mary’s blessed state and the hope she brings to humankind.

As part of regular Catholic practice and ritual, the Hail Mary is not only reserved for personal moments of prayer but is also used in various liturgical and sacramental contexts. For instance, it can be assigned during the sacrament of reconciliation as a form of penance. Its widespread use signifies the prayer’s enduring and central role in Catholic life.

In our understanding and appreciation of the Hail Mary, we can find comfort, solace, and hope. It serves as a reminder to follow the example of Mary’s faith and trust in God and reinforces the importance of seeking her intercession as we navigate our spiritual journeys.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the origin of the hail mary prayer.

The Hail Mary prayer stems from two passages in the Gospel of Luke. The first one, found in Luke 1:28, says, “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you!” This was mentioned by the angel Gabriel when she greeted Mary; this event is also known as the Annunciation. The prayer evolved over time and became a central part of the Catholic faith. source

How does the Hail Mary relate to the Rosary?

The Rosary is a form of prayer that uses beads as a means to help the faithful keep count of the prayers being said. The Hail Mary is one of the central prayers in the Rosary, being recited during each decade (set of 10 beads) while meditating on a mystery of the life of Jesus and Mary. So, the Hail Mary plays a significant role in the prayer of the Rosary. source

What is the significance of the Hail Mary prayer in Latin?

The Hail Mary in Latin, also known as “Ave Maria,” connects Catholics to the language of the early Church and the Latin rite, which was the primary language used in the liturgy of the Catholic Church for many centuries. Reciting the prayer in this ancient language can create a sense of unity with the Church’s rich history and the many faithful who’ve said the Hail Mary in Latin throughout the ages.

What are the main components of the Hail Mary?

The Hail Mary prayer consists of two main parts: the first part, derived from the Gospel of Luke, praises Mary’s unique role in salvation history, while the second part asks her intercession to help us draw closer to her Son, Jesus. The full text of the Hail Mary is: “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.” source

How does the Hail Mary differ from the Our Father?

Both the Hail Mary and the Our Father are important Catholic prayers, but they serve different purposes. The Hail Mary is a prayer to Mary, the Mother of Jesus, asking for her intercession on our behalf. In contrast, the Our Father, also known as the Lord’s Prayer, is a prayer taught directly by Jesus to his disciples (found in the Gospel of Matthew 6:9-13) that praises God, petitions for the coming of his kingdom, and seeks help with our daily needs and challenges.

What role does the Apostles’ Creed play in the Catholic prayer tradition?

The Apostles’ Creed, a statement of faith, is a foundational element in the Catholic prayer tradition. It is believed to date back to the time of the Apostles, which is why it has an esteemed place in the Church’s teachings. The Creed is recited during the Rosary, specifically at the beginning of the five decades, and it is also an integral component of the Church’s liturgy, including during Baptism and at Mass. The Apostles’ Creed serves to express the core beliefs of Catholicism, helping believers to reaffirm and deepen their faith each time they recite it.

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Project Hail Mary Movie: Release Date, Cast & Everything We Know

Hail Mary book cover, Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling has a perilous journey waiting for him when he stars in the upcoming sci-fi film, Project Hail Mary .

Project Hail Mary , based on the novel by Andy Weir, is another sci-fi adventure (similar to The Martian ) that follows an astronaut in deep space.

Ryan Gosling is set to star and produce, Phil Lord and Christopher Miller are directing, and Drew Goddard is writing the screenplay.

With many readers calling the book Weir's best work to date, Project Hail Mary is one of the most highly anticipated films of 2026.

When Will Project Hail Mary Release?

Project Hail Mary Cover

It had been years since an update to the release of Project Hail Mary after Ryan Gosling signed on in March 2020.

Luckily, Deadline reported a promising update on the film's production and release date in April 2024.

Project Hail Mary is set to hit theaters on March 20, 2026 and will be distributed by Amazon MGM Studios. 

In addition, Christopher Miller shared that filming started for Project Hail Mary on June 3 in the United Kingdom. 

Plenty of post-production CGI is expected for the film, making its 22-month stretch from production start to the film's release understandable.

Who's Cast in Project Hail Mary?

Ryan Gosling on Jimmy Kimmel Live

Ryan Gosling headlines the Project Hail Mary cast as Ryland Grace, the film's main character who stumbles into being the man sent to save humanity.

Deadline reported that Oscar nominee Sandra Hüller had joined Gosling in May 2024 and will likely play Eva Stratt, though details about her role remain undisclosed.

In the book Project Hail Mary , Stratt plays a key role in pulling together scientists worldwide in a last-ditch attempt to save Earth. Her strong presence has been met with wide approval from fans who saw Hüller was added to the cast.

In addition, it is now being reported that Milana Vayntrub (an actress who was a long-running spokeswoman for AT&T) has also joined Gosling and Hüller. It is currently unknown who Milana will be playing in the movie.

Plenty of other undisclosed actors have likely joined the cast, filling out the rest of of characters, including many scientists and Ryland's unlikely companion:

  • Olesya Ilyukhina
  • Dimitri Komorov
  • Steve Hatch
  • Martin DuBois
  • Annie Shapiro
  • Robert Redell
  • François Leclerc

What Will Happen in Project Hail Mary?

Ryan Gosling in Spacesuit First Man

Warning - The following contains spoilers for the Project Hail Mary novel.

It's safe to assume that Project Hail Mary 's general plot will mirror that of the novel, similar to the film adaptation of The Martian (which did make a few changes).

While it's best to go in blind to the story of Project Hail Mary , here's an idea of what happens to Ryland Grace (teacher, scientist, and astronaut).

Project Hail Mary follows Ryland, the sole survivor of a critical mission ("Project Hail Mary") to save humanity and Earth. He wakes up on a spacecraft floating through the cosmos with no memory of his identity or mission.

One of the more gripping elements of Project Hail Mary is that it's all from Ryland's perspective, so flash-back scenes are read the first time while he "remembers" them in real-time. 

This back-and-forth storytelling will hopefully be an element of the movie as it shows the audience Ryland's immediate reactions to critical moments of the past, putting the pieces together of why he's there.

Many readers will be excited to see Ryland's unexpected ally visualized for the big screen and to learn whether Project Hail Mary will ultimately be a success or failure.

Project Hail Mary blasts into theaters on March 20, 2026.

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Translation of Documents for Moscow

By bertal November 15, 2012 in K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures

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Recommended posts, bertal   0.

I have another question. I'm getting conflicting information. Moscow consulate posted that Russian issued documents do not need to be translated, however, when I called the service desk, they said that they absolutely must be translated. They also said, that they can only be translated by an accredited agency. However, they do not need to be notarized. My fiancee's son's military ID is 28 pages. He never served, and most of these pages are blank. The service desk said that every page must be translated, even the blank ones.

Did anybody have to deal with something like this? Agencies charge around $50 per page. That's insane.

This doesn't make sense.

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Nathan&Elena   1

I have another question. I'm getting conflicting information. Moscow consulate posted that Russian issued documents do not need to be translated, however, when I called the service desk, they said that they absolutely must be translated. They also said, that they can only be translated by an accredited agency. However, they do not need to be notarized. My fiancee's son's military ID is 28 pages. He never served, and most of these pages are blank. The service desk said that every page must be translated, even the blank ones. Did anybody have to deal with something like this? Agencies charge around $50 per page. That's insane. This doesn't make sense. Thanks. Hello! I believe, you didn't search very well, because I, russian citizen, K-1 holder, found BUNCH of agencies who offer translation of my papers. And it was 200-250 rubles for each paper, not even each page. I strongly recommend you to ask your fiancee for help finding translating agency at her city. And military ID is requested to be translated, that is shown at the site : http://moscow.usembassy.gov/iv-fiancee.html

baron555   934

I have another question. I'm getting conflicting information. Moscow consulate posted that Russian issued documents do not need to be translated, however, when I called the service desk, they said that they absolutely must be translated. They also said, that they can only be translated by an accredited agency. However, they do not need to be notarized. My fiancee's son's military ID is 28 pages. He never served, and most of these pages are blank. The service desk said that every page must be translated, even the blank ones. Did anybody have to deal with something like this? Agencies charge around $50 per page. That's insane. This doesn't make sense. Thanks.

Follow the agency.....Moscow does not require translations if the documents are in Russian.......

What the service desk may have been talking about is that any of those same documents that may be needed for AOS or ROC or Naturalization, once he is here in the US.....then those must be translated.....

....but....they don't need to be translated by any special agency. Anyone, anybody, can translate those documents as long as that person certifies on their own and writes the same on the documents that they are proficient in translation and has translated them in good faith and experience.

Phil (Lockport, near Chicago) and Alla (Lobnya, near Moscow)

As of Dec 7, 2009, now Zero miles apart (literally)!


P A U L   14

if you absolutely want to have them translated, or want another opinion... ask this lady: http://www.russiangirlfriday.com

source: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/80065-russia-specific-faq

journey deeper 1000 hail mary

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> A Journey Without Map

Tuesday, september 6, 2016, a gentleman in moscow by amor towles.

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Superb quality item at a very reasonable price, and a lovely colour. I can highly recommend this beautiful Rosary.

I love this Rosary, the colors are really sharp and deep. The Rosary feels great in my hands, I am very happy with this purchase.

I am still waiting to receive my beads. Taking a long time to get to me. So again I cannot coment.

Peace be with you! We are sorry to hear that you have not received your beautiful chaplet as yet. Upon checking the tracking with DHL, it seem to be on time. Shipping from USA to AUK usually take 14-25 days standard shipping. Please let us know if you do not receive it this coming week. God bless you.

I ordered this rosary for my sister and she absolutely loved it. Felt it was so special as it has the names of her husband and 4 children. 🙏🏻

Just gorgeous!


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  5. 1,000 Hail Mary Rosary

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  6. 1,000 Hail Mary Rosary

    journey deeper 1000 hail mary


  1. 1,000 Hail Mary Rosary

    1,000 Hail Mary Rosary. Pray, pray, pray with this 25-decade rosary inspired for praying the 1,000 hail mary rosary. This rosary begins with one bead or knot for the Apostle's Creed. You then proceed with 50 Hail Marys for the first mystery. The next blue bead or knot begins the glory be to end those 50 Hail Marys and then begins the next 50 ...

  2. 1000 Hail Mary Rosary

    Join in every First Saturday of the month to pray the rosary of 1000 hail marys. In Europe, according to an ancient tradition, when one wanted to ask the Vi...

  3. Journey Deeper

    Daily Rosary, Novenas, Chaplets, and Prayer Rooms 24/7. Pray with me! Thank you for visiting Journey Deeper on YouTube, a nonprofit ministry! My passion is to bring the world deeper in love with ...

  4. Praying the Rosary of the 1000 Hail Marys

    Pray, pray, pray! The Rosary of the 1000 Hail Marys can be prayed with two or more people in a continuous manner or broken up, but always on the same day. O...

  5. Journey Deeper

    Explore our beautifully hand-crafted rosaries and chaplets to journey deeper into prayer. ... 1,000 Hail Mary Rosary. Regular Price from $54.50 Sale Price from $54.50 Regular Price Unit Price ... Deeper Ministry by donating to our nonprofit efforts to lead the world globally daily in praying to Jesus through Mary. Your donation will make a ...

  6. 20 Decade & 1,000 Hail Mary Rosaries

    Pray, pray, pray with these 20 and 25-decade rosaries inspired for praying 1,000 hail mary rosary, 20 decade rosary and 1,000 Thank you Jesus Rosary. ... Thank you for visiting Journey Deeper, a nonprofit ministry! My passion is to bring the world deeper in love with Jesus Christ and His church by journeying deeper into daily prayer.

  7. 1,000 Hail Mary Rosary

    Customers gave 1,000 Hail Mary Rosary 4.95 out of 5 stars based on 22 reviews. Browse customer photos and videos on Judge.me. Pray, pray, pray with this 25-decade rosary inspired for praying the 1,000 hail mary rosary. This rosary begins with one bead or knot for the Apostle's Creed. You then proceed with 50 Hail Marys for the first mystery. The next blue bead or knot begins the glory be to ...

  8. PDF Rosary of 1000 Hail Marys

    THE HAIL MARY Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen. THE GLORY BE 1. O my Jesus, forgive us of our sins. Save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls into 2.

  9. 1000 Hail Marys Rosary from Journey Deeper

    This is a wonderful devotion for May from Catholic YouTuber Journey Deeper. If 1 Hail Mary is so powerful, imagine how powerful 1000 Hail Marys must be. It must be like a complete rout of Satan and his devils forcing them back to hell. St. Padre Pio is reported to have prayed 150 to 200 decades during the day! This counts as 100 decades.

  10. 1000 Hail Mary Rosary for May, Mary's Month

    This is a wonderful devotion for May from Catholic YouTuber Journey Deeper. If 1 Hail Mary is so powerful, imagine how powerful 1000 Hail Marys must be. It must be like a complete rout of Satan and his devils forcing them back to hell. St. Padre Pio is reported to have prayed 150 to 200 decades during the day!

  11. The Hail Mary Prayer Explained

    The Hail Mary Prayer Explained. Published May 30, 2021. Among the many gifts to mankind given to us by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, Mary given to us as a spiritual mother is one of them. As he was dying on the cross Jesus looked at his disciple John and told him, regarding Mother Mary, "Behold, your mother.".

  12. How to Pray the Rosary of the 1000 Hail Marys

    Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Of course, praying the Rosary of the 1000 Hail Marys is a long endeavour, best saved for special moments. It takes over 5 hours to say all the prayers. You may also want to consider a powerful prayer to Mother Mary for a miracle.

  13. 20 Decade & 1,000 Hail Mary Rosaries

    Pray, pray, pray with these 20 and 25-decade rosaries inspired for praying 1,000 hail mary rosary, 20 decade rosary and 1,000 Thank you Jesus Rosary.

  14. JourneyDeeper

    1,000 Hail Marys Rope Rosary. 1,000 Hail Marys Rope Rosary. Joanna on Mar 18, 2024 ... blessings and protection of Our Blessed Mary during these challenging times of change and upheaval. Thank you, Journey Deeper for this beautiful and stylish reminder. Virgin Mary Cuff Bangle Bracelet ... Journey Deeper began in 2018 as a Musical Rosary that I ...

  15. 2000 Hail Mary 20 Decade Rosary For Peace on Earth

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  16. The Rosary of The 1000 Hail Mary'S

    THE ROSARY OF THE 1000 HAIL MARY'S. Pray one Our Father and 50 Hail Mary's for each Mystery. In between the Mysteries (at the end of each one), pray the following prayers: 1. Glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and forever and ever, Amen. 2.

  17. Hail Mary

    Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. Share This Prayer . Comments. Subscribe. Connect with Notify of {} [+] ...

  18. Hail Mary Prayer

    The Hail Mary prayer is a central devotional practice in the Roman Catholic tradition, venerating the Virgin Mary as the Mother of God. This prayer holds significant theological importance, as it combines scriptural passages from the Gospel of Luke with a plea for Mary's intercession on behalf of sinners. Both simple and profound, the Hail ...

  19. Project Hail Mary Movie: Release Date, Cast & Everything We Know

    Ryan Gosling has a perilous journey waiting for him when he stars in the upcoming sci-fi film, Project Hail Mary.. Project Hail Mary, based on the novel by Andy Weir, is another sci-fi adventure (similar to The Martian) that follows an astronaut in deep space.. Ryan Gosling is set to star and produce, Phil Lord and Christopher Miller are directing, and Drew Goddard is writing the screenplay.

  20. Which airport is closer to the center of Moscow?

    Good afternoon! My husband and I are planning a trip to Moscow. I want to book tickets in advance. We're going to stay in the center of the city, where we'll meet our interpreter. Please, advise us, which airport to choose. Thank you!

  21. Translation of Documents for Moscow

    I have another question. Im getting conflicting information. Moscow consulate posted that Russian issued documents do not need to be translated, however, when I called the service desk, they said that they absolutely must be translated. They also said, that they can only be translated by an accre...

  22. I started my reading journey strong with Project Hail Mary and A

    Need an idea what to read next? Tell us what you've enjoyed in the past, or what you're looking for, and let the community suggest a book (or books) for you to read!

  23. > A Journey Without Map: A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles

    > A Journey Without Map Tuesday, September 6, 2016. A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles, author of the magnificent Rules of Civility, is a true masterpiece. When I started on the book it was a daunting one. At almost five-hundred pages, you can be excused if you missed it in your search for a quick read.

  24. Shop All

    1,000 Hail Mary Rosary. Regular Price from $54.50 Sale Price from $54.50 Regular Price Unit Price / per . Quick shop. Chaplet of Seven Sorrows or the Servite Rosary. Regular Price $29.50 Sale Price $29.50 Regular Price ... Thank you for visiting Journey Deeper, a nonprofit ministry! My passion is to bring the world deeper in love with Jesus ...