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Tour Albania e Montenegro

Tour Albania e Montenegro

Tour Albania e Montenegro tra Cultura, Tradizione e Natura

Tour Albania e Montenegro 10 giorni di Gruppo alla scoperta dei due gioielli dei Balcani, ancora tutti da esplorare.

Albania, tra Storia e Cultura

In questo Tour Albania 10 Giorni partiremo da Tirana , moderna capitale albanese. Proseguiremo poi verso Berat , autentico borgo sospeso tra le colline e incastonato tra le rocce. Dopodiché, esploreremo l’entroterra albanese con il bellissimo borgo di Argirocastro e i bellissimi scenari attorno al famoso Occhio Blu . Si proseguirà dunque lungo la costa sud per visitare l’antica Butrinto e la favolosa Ksamil , tra mare e cultura. Quindi, soggiornando a Durazzo e Saranda , ammireremo i magnifici scenari di Porto Palermo e del Parco Nazionale di Llogara , oltre che i luoghi simbolo della storia albanese come Kruja e Scutari .

In Montenegro tra Tradizione e Paesaggi Incantati

In seguito, attraverseremo il confine settentrionale per entrare in Montenegro e spostarci a Podgorica , capitale montenegrina. Da qui ammireremo l’incantevole Lago di Scutari , ma sopratutto, potremo deliziarci dei più bei paesaggi della costa montenegrina a Kotor , antico centro veneziano. Da qui effettueremo infatti un’escursione in barca verso Boka Kotorska, le spettacolari Bocche di Cattaro . Infine, ammireremo scenari mozzafiato al Parco Nazionale Lovcen , dove avremo una visione dall’alto di questa piccola porzione di Balcani.

Un Viaggio Montenegro e Albania 10 giorni di gruppo per chi vuole conoscere la cultura, le tradizioni e i scenografici paesaggi di due paesi che rappresentano l’essenza dei Balcani, a cavallo tra oriente e occidente.

Principali Attrazioni Del Tour Albania e Montenegro

  • Tour Montenegro Albania 10 giorni di Gruppo
  • La moderna Tirana, capitale albanese
  • Berat, Patrimonio dell’Umanità Unesco
  • Argirocastro, la città dei mille passi
  • La magnifica sorgente Occhio Blu
  • Il sito archeologico di Butrinto
  • L’incantevole litorale di Ksamil
  • Porto Palermo e il Castello di Ali Pasha
  • Il Parco Nazionale di Llogara, tra mare e montagna
  • Kruja e Scutari, cuore della cultura albanese
  • Podgorica, capitale del Montenegro
  • Le spettacolari Bocche di Cattaro
  • Panorami mozzafiato al Parco Nazionale di Lovćen

Programma Dettagliato – Tour Albania e Montenegro

1° giorno : italia – volo – tirana.

Il il Tour Albania e Montenegro 10 giorni di Gruppo inizierà con la partenza dall’Italia con volo di linea. Dopo l’arrivo all’aeroporto di Tirana e il disbrigo delle formalità doganali verremo trasferiti in hotel. Qui avverrà la sistemazione in hotel con cena e pernottamento. ( Pasti : -/-/C )

2° Giorno : Tirana – Berat

In seguito alla prima colazione, oggi con il Tour Montenegro e Albania, faremo una visita guidata della capitale Albanese. Ammireremo dunque la centralissima Piazza Skanderbeg e visiteremo l’interessante Museo Bunk’Art 2 , che racconta la storia recente dell’Albania. Inoltre, ci recheremo dinanzi alla Moschea Bey , costruita in epoca ottomana e considerata la più bella di tutto il paese. Dopodiché, il nostro Tirana City Tour proseguirà con la Chiesa Ortodossa di San Procopio e il nuovo Bazaar cittadino chiamato Pazari i Ri . Infine, concluderemo presso l’area monumentale di epoca moderna dove osserveremo la Piramide ideata come Mausoleo dell’ex dittatore Hoxha, e il Memoriale del Post-Blloku che fu direzione del Partito Comunista che per decenni ha governato il paese.

Berat e le sue vie

In seguito procederemo lungo una bellissima strada panoramica costellata da ulivi e raggiungeremo Berat. Questa città proclamata Patrimonio dell’Umanità dall’Unesco, è una delle più antiche del paese e la sua posizione scenografica rende Berat uno dei gioielli più autentici dell’Albania. Visiteremo innanzitutto il Castello di Berat che domina la città e le splendide chiese ortodosse all’interno della fortezza. Inoltre, avremo modo di scoprire la fede ortodossa all’interno del meraviglioso Museo delle Icone e quella islamica con la Moschea di Piombo , dedicata alla liberale fede musulmana di Bektashi. Infine, avremo tempo a disposizione nei caratteristici quartieri di Mangalem e Gorica, prima della sistemazione in hotel e del pernottamento. Al termine della giornata, rientreremo a Berat per la cena libera e il pernottamento in hotel. ( Pasti : C/P/- )

Tirana - Tour Albania e Montenegro

Tra le vie di Berat

Tra le vie di Berat

3° Giorno : Berat – Argirocastro

Oggi, dopo la prima colazione, il Tour Montenegro e Albania 10 giorni di Gruppo ripartirà per Argirocastro, detta anche la “città dei mille passi”. Celebre come la “città di pietra” , è un favoloso esempio di arte e architettura tradizionale. Dunque, scopriremo la Casa di Skenduli , incantevole dimora a torre ottomana che apparteneva all’omonima famiglia albanese. Proseguiremo quindi con la visita del Castello Medievale dalla quale potremo godere un panorama a 360 gradi sulla città. Infine, concluderemo presso il Bazar Ottomano e alle storiche case di legno che ricordano quelle sulle rive del Bosforo. Al termine della giornata, rientreremo in hotel e avremo la cena libera. Mezza pensione che include il pranzo in ristorante. ( Pasti : C/P/- )


Argirocastro - Tour Albania e Montenegro

Casa di Skenduli

Casa di Skenduli, Argirocastro

Castello di Argirocastro

Castello Argirocastro - Tour Montenegro e Albania

4° Giorno : Argirocastro – Occhio Blu – Butrinto – Ksamil – Saranda

Oggi, dopo la prima colazione, il nostro Tour Montenegro e Albania andrà in direzione del famoso Occhio Blu . Questa incredibile sorgente dalle vivaci sfumature verdi e turchesi si trova immersa nelle Foresta di Lekuresi ed è uno dei più straordinari patrimoni naturalistici dell’Albania. Quindi, proseguiremo verso il Parco Archeologico di Butrinto anch’esso protetto dall’Unesco. Potremo osservare i resti dell’antica città di origine greca e bizantina, oltre che bulgara e veneziana. Scopriremo i 2500 anni di storia di questo antichissimo luogo e ammireremo l’ Anfiteatro , le Chiese Bizantine e la straordinaria Porta del Leone . Successivamente, dopo aver consumato il pranzo in ristorante, raggiungeremo Ksamil dove potremo trascorrere momenti di relax tra le acque cristalline del litorale albanese. Infine, arriveremo a Saranda dovere avremo sistemazione in hotel e pernottamento. ( Pasti : C/-/- )

Occhio Blu

Il teatro di Butrinto

Teatro Butrinto

Il battistero di Butrinto

Battistero Butrinto - Tour Albania e Montenegro

5° Giorno : Saranda – Porto Palermo – Parco Nazionale di Llogara – Durazzo

Dopo la prima colazione, il Tour Montenegro e Albania procederà per Porto Palermo. Qui ammireremo la suggestiva fortezza di Ali Pasha , antico castello ottomano costruito per controllare le rotte commerciali. Successivamente, il nostro Tour ci accompagnerà tra magnifici paesaggi di montagna e mare dagli scenari spettacolari del Parco Nazionale di Llogara alla splendida riviera albanese. Infine, giungeremo a Durazzo dove avremo la sistemazione in hotel con pernottamento. ( Pasti : C/P/- )

Porto Palermo

Porto Palermo - Tour Albania e Montenegro

Lungo il Parco di Llogara

Parco di Llogara

Scenari al Parco di Llogara

Scenari al Parco di Llogara - Tour Albania 10 Giorni

6° Giorno : Durazzo – Kruja – Scutari – Podgorica

Kruja, la città di skanderbeg.

In seguito alla prima colazione, il viaggio in Montenegro e Albania 10 Giorni di gruppo si dirigerà verso Kruja. Questa piccola cittadina di origine medievale fu l’antica capitale albanese e il simbolo della resistenza anti-ottomana. Infatti, la città diede i natali alla famiglia Skanderbeg e al suo eroe nazionale. Apprezzeremo dunque il Castello degli Skanderbeg e al suo interno l’omonimo museo che narra le eroiche gesta del suo componente famigliare più famoso. Dopodiché, scopriremo la Casa-Museo di Kruja che fornisce un’ottima base per conoscere le antichissime origini del popolo albanese. Concluderemo il giro della città con il Bazar costituito da caratteristiche botteghe in legno, e il tempo libero per le vie acciottolate del suo centro storico.

Da Scutari a Podgorica

Dopo il pranzo in ristorante locale, con l’Albania Tour 10 Giorni, riprenderemo il nostro percorso fino a Scutari. Situata in posizione scenografica alla confluenza dei fiumi Drin, Buna e Kir, è considerata il centro della cultura albanese. Qui, visiteremo il Castello di Rozafa , costruito su una collina da cui ammireremo uno spettacolare panorama sulla città. Dopo una breve passeggiata per il centro storico di Scutari, varcheremo il confine con il Montenegro e arriveremo a Podgorica. Infine, avremo la sistemazione e il pernottamento in hotel. ( Pasti : C/P/- )

Il castello di Kruja

Castello di Kruja - Tour Albania e Montenegro

Castello di Rozafa

Castello di Rozafa - Scutari

Scenari lungo il tragitto

Scenari lungo il tragitto - Tour Albania e Montenegro

7° Giorno : Podgorica – Lago di Scutari – Budva

Dopo aver consumato la prima colazione, con il Tour Montenegro e Albania di Gruppo visiteremo la capitale di questo piccolo e giovanissimo paese. Apprezzeremo infatti Piazza dell’Indipendenza e l’antico Ponte Romano , punto d’incontro tra i fiumi Moraca e Ribnica. Dopodiché, riprenderemo il nostro viaggio in direzione del famoso Lago di Scutari e ammireremo il più grande lago dei Balcani dalla sponda montenegrina. Raggiungeremo infatti la cittadina di Virpazar dove consumeremo il pranzo tradizionale sulle rive del lago. Successivamente effettueremo una piacevole escursione in barca dove avremo modo di ammirare la fauna locale e rinfrescarci nelle acque del Parco Nazionale. Dopo pranzo, proseguiremo lungo la costa adriatica fino a raggiungere Budva. Durante il tragitto, effettueremo una sosta panoramica presso la Penisola di Sveti Stefan per ammirare gli incantevoli paesaggi di questa zona. Qui avremo sistemazione in hotel a Budva e pernottamento. ( Pasti : C/P/- )

Veduta di Podgorica

Veduta Podgorica - Tour Albania e Montenegro

Lago di Scutari

Lago di Scutari

8° Giorno : Budva – Kotor – Bocche di Cattaro – Budva

Le testimonianze veneziane di kotor.

Oggi, dopo la prima colazione in hotel, il nostro Tour del Monetengro e dell’Albania si dedicherà alle visite naturalistiche e culturali più famose ed emozionanti della costa montenegrina. Infatti, raggiungeremo la splendida città di Kotor. Questo magnifico borgo murato di origine bizantina e veneziana è indubbiamente una delle testimonianze storiche più importanti del paese. Esploreremo il suo centro storico ricco di testimonianze storiche e culturali, e raggiungeremo Piazza delle Armi e i suoi magnifici palazzi come Palazzo Beskuca , Palazzo Pima e Palazzo Bizanti , oltre alla Cattedrale di San Trifone , e le Chiese di San Nicola e della Beata Osanna . Inoltre, visiteremo il Museo Marittimo che traccia una linea storica delle tradizioni marinaresche di questa zona e usciremo dal centro storico dalla Porta Nord.

Le Bocche di Cattaro

Dopo il pranzo libero, avremo un breve trasferimento in barca nei pressi della bellissima Baia di Kotor . Durante la traversata avremo modo di ammirare Boka Kotorska, le spettacolari Bocche di Cattaro . Queste sorprendenti insenature ricordano dei fiordi e sono formati da ampi valloni che digradano verso il mare. Dopodiché, raggiungeremo il piccolo villaggio di Perast con i suoi palazzi e chiese tradizionali costruiti nel XVI secolo. Avremo modo di respirare ancora l’atmosfera di un tempo e ammirare magnifici paesaggi sulla baia. Infine, al termine della giornata, rientreremo a Budva per il pernottamento in hotel. ( Pasti : C/-/- )

La baia di Cattaro

La baia di Cattaro - Tour Albania e Montenegro

Cattaro al tramonto

Cattaro al tramonto - Tour Albania e Montenegro

9° Giorno : Budva – Parco Nazionale Lovcen – Njeguski – Tirana

In seguito alla prima colazione, il nostro Tour Albania Montenegro 10 giorni proseguirà fino al Parco Nazionale Lovcen . Questo spettacolare parco si trova tra le montagne del Montenegro e immerso in scenari incredibili e meravigliosi. Qui raggiungeremo la Tomba di Njegus (esterno), metropolita dell’Ottocento di fede ortodossa considerato il padre del Montenegro. Da questo luogo potremo ammirare viste mozzafiato sul Lago di Scutari e le Alpi Albanesi sullo sfondo. Dopodiché, percorrendo incantevoli strade di montagna, arriveremo a Njeguski . Questa città diede i natali all’eroe nazionale montenegrino, ma è famoso anche per la sua architettura popolare e i suoi prodotti gastronomici locali. Qui avremo infatti il pranzo in un ristorante tradizionale. Al termine, rientreremo quindi a Tirana e faremo una sosta a Scutari per un po’ di tempo libero lungo la Peronalja, il cuore pulsante della città. Infine, avremo sistemazione e pernottamento in hotel a Tirana. ( Pasti : C/P/- )

Panorami al Parco di Lovćen

Panorami al Parco di Lovćen - Tour Albania e Montenegro

Il Mausoleo di Njegus

Il Mausoleo di Njegus

Gastronomia locale a Njeguski

Gastronomia Njeguski - Tour Albania e Montenegro

10° Giorno : Tirana – volo – Italia

Dopo la prima colazione, il Tour Montenegro e Albania di Gruppo giungerà al termine con il trasferimento all’aeroporto di Tirana in tempo utile per l’imbarco sul volo di ritorno. ( Pasti : C/-/- )

Partenze – Tour Albania e Montenegro

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  • Riduzione terzo letto, -65€ per camera.
  • Accompagnatore Arché Travel dall’Italia con un minimo di 20 partecipanti .
  • Volo di linea AirAlbania / ITA Airways in classe economica in partenza dai principali aeroporti in classe economica, tasse aeroportuali escluse, se selezionato nella richiesta di preventivo.
  • 23kg franchigia bagaglio da stiva.
  • Trasferimenti aeroporto/hotel/aeroporto.
  • Trasferimenti con mini-van / bus con aria condizionata a seconda del numero di partecipanti.
  • Guida locale parlante italiano durante il tour in Albania.
  • Guide locali parlanti italiano con accompagnatore albanese a Podgorica / Kotor / Perast.
  • Sistemazione negli hotel indicati, per la/le camera/e selezionata/e nella richiesta.
  • Pasti dettagliati nel programma.
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  • Tasse aeroportuali e di sicurezza, 80€ (da riconfermare in fase di prenotazione).
  • Tasse di soggiorno, ove richiesto.
  • Pasti non indicati.
  • Bevande, mance e quant’altro non espressamente indicato.
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  • Assicurazione di viaggio, obbligatoria (per maggiori informazioni consultare la sezione Assicurazione ).
  • Nessuna quota di iscrizione.
  • Per Viaggiare sicuri e preparati consultare la pagina Viaggiare Sicuri Albania .
  • Per maggiori informazioni sull’Albania fare riferimento al sito Viaggiare Sicuri .
  • Per maggiori informazioni su Montenegro fare riferimento al sito Viaggiare Sicuri .
  • Per ulteriori informazioni sui nostri viaggi, consultate la sezione FAQ – Domande Frequenti .

Sistemazioni Alberghiere – Tour Albania e Montenegro

Recensioni dei nostri viaggiatori in albania.

Tour Albania Classica

Viaggi d'Autore lungo le Rotte degli Antichi

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Richiesta preventivo su misura per: Tour Albania e Montenegro (ALARCH1101)

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tour albania e montenegro

The Best of the Balkans: Ultimate Itinerary for 10 days in Montenegro & Albania

Published by joanne on october 4, 2023 october 4, 2023.

Having explored many of the tried-and-true countries in Europe ( Spain , France   and Italy I’m talking to you!), we decided to break into new territory for our first post-covid European vacation: Montenegro and Albania were calling! We were celebrating our 25 th wedding anniversary so instead of a ten day vacation, we took a little over two weeks and added Corfu, Greece as well. While we definitely could have stayed longer, our 10 days in Montenegro and Albania were perfect!

Montenegro and Albania are just now making it on mainstream tourist itineraries. In 5 years, I bet they’ll be as popular as their northern neighbour Croatia. Now is the time to get hopping and visit these unexplored beauties before they’re overcome with hoards of tourists.

Having only 10 days in Montenegro and Albania we just barely scratched the surface of everything these incredible countries have to offer.  It was definitely fast paced as we wanted to fit in as much as we could but our 10 days in the Balkans were unforgettable. I’m so proud of the kids for keeping in such great spirits as we hopped from destination to destination. They enjoyed the fast pace as much as we did.

Why visit Montenegro and Albania?

Unless you’re visiting Kotor on a cruise ship day, Montenegro and Albania are quiet and peaceful locations with very few tourists.

Cheap Prices

Travelling as a family of five, we often have sticker shock when the price of hotels, guides and food get added up. This is absolutely not the case for our 10 days in Montenegro and Albania.

We slept in six different places during our 10 days in the Balkans and most of them were half or even quarter the price of accommodation in other European destinations. It isn’t easy travelling as a family of five, especially when the two boys are over 6ft tall. Accommodations that can sleep five are few and far between. In fact, in Montenegro and Albania, the accommodations were so reasonably priced that having two rooms was easy; we were able to get rooms for less than 100 euros each!

We booked several guides during our 10 days in Montenegro and Albania and they were honestly some of the best private guides we’ve ever had. Being able to pay 200 euros for a one day private tour of the Bay of Kotor and 50 euros for 4 hour long walking tours of Berat or Gjirokaster in Albania was incredible.

Amazing food

The local cuisine in Montenegro and Albania is simply fantastic. From byreks (stuffed phylo pastry) and black risotto to the most amazing seafood, everything was delicious and incredibly inexpensive.

Incredible Beauty

Both Montenegro and Albania are stunning. Whether you’re seeking mountain peaks, coastal seascapes, or classic historical architecture of the old town, Montenegro and Albania have it all.

*Disclaimer: Some links in this article are affiliate links. If you purchase products or services through these links, we may earn a small commission. But don’t worry, this will never cost you any extra. As always, all views and thoughts are our own.

How to get around during your 10 days in Montenegro and Albania

You have several options for getting around. Neither country has strong public transportation or train service so you can either take the bus, rent a car, or hire a driver.  We didn’t want to drive everywhere so while we rented a car for our last few days in Albania, we opted to have a driver for most of our 10 days. Private drivers are inexpensive in both countries and it was really nice to be able to enjoy the incredible views.

If you’re looking for a driver/guide in Montenegro we highly recommend contacting M Tours . Mladen was a great help when we were planning our trip and our driver Milos was a joy to travel with. We learned so much about the past and present of Montenegro from him and he got along incredibly well with the kids. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him to you and your families.

The Weather in Montenegro and Albania

We visited in July and it was astonishingly hot. We had several days of temperatures over 40 degrees Celsius so if you visit in summer, be prepared for hot temperatures. We were fortunate and didn’t have any rain at all.

The normal temperatures in Montenegro are from 25-30°C in summer, 10 – 15°C in autumn and spring, and 5-10 °C in winter. Albania differs slightly with temperatures averaging 10-20 °C in spring and autumn and 18-32 °C in summer. The average temperatures in the mountain areas of Albania do drop significantly lower all year round with winter averaging between -2 and 5 °C.

Precipitation varies dramatically throughout the year with the wettest months being November and December in both Albania and Montenegro.

What to pack for your 10 days in Montenegro and Albania

Not having travelled to Europe is several years, I really wanted to update most of my ‘travel’ clothing. We usually visit Europe in summer and I love to wear dresses and skirts. They’re always appropriate wherever you visit and they’re cool and light. We also needed to update our electronics such as a travel adapter with a USB-C outlet, automated selfie stick (yeh, I know, but otherwise I’m not in any photos!), etc. I plan to do a full post on all my favourite items but as a small taste, here are some of my favourite outfits and must have travel items from this particular trip.

        My favourite outfits for Albania and Montenegro

Summer Casual Flutter Short Sleeve Smocked Tiered Midi Dress

Boho Long Skirt Split Ruffle High Low Maxi Skirt

Short Sleeve Ruched T Shirt Dress Tie Waist Summer Mini Dresses

Su mmer Casual Short Sleeve V-Neck  Dress with Pockets

Long Boho - Bohemian Maxi Summer Skirt

Skechers Women's Bobs B Cute Sneaker

        A Few of Our Must Have Travel Accessories

Portable Charger with Built in Cables

Digital Luggage Weight Scale

Portable Cordless USB Charger for Apple Watch

All in One Worldwide Travel Adapter

Airfly Pro 

Extendable 3 in 1 Aluminum Selfie Stick with Bluetooth Remote and Tripod Stand

If you want to check out more, visit our Amazon store

10 Day Itinerary for Albania and Montenegro

While you won’t be able to see everything during your 10 days in Montenegro and Albania, you will get a wonderful taste of each of these beautiful Balkan countries.

For more detailed information on our 10 day itinerary, check out our posts on 5 days in Montenegro and 5 days in Albania .

   Brief Summary of Montenegro and Albania 10 day itinerary

Days 1-4: Kotor, Montenegro

Day 5: Budva, Montenegro

Day 6: Kruje, Albania

Day 7: Berat, Albania

Day 8: Himare, Albania

Day 9-10: Sarande and Gjirokaster, Albania

Day 1: Your Arrival in Montenegro

There are several options when choosing flights to Montenegro. The country has two international airports: one in Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro, and one in Tivat, a short distance from Kotor. Many also choose to fly to Dubrovnik since it’s less than 100 kilometres from Kotor.  

If starting in Kotor, as we suggest, Tivat will be your best arrival point. If planning to start your visit in the Durmitor National Park area, it will be best to fly into Podgorica.

Spend some time settling in to your apartment or hotel. Drop in to Old Town Kotor in time for dinner and have an early evening.

Day 2: Day trip around the Bay of Kotor

After a nice night sleep and breakfast, it’s time to get out and enjoy a day around the Bay of Kotor with your rental car or with a driver.

The Bay of Kotor is breathtaking Thanks to a short ferry service, it’s easy to travel around the entire bay and we highly recommend that you do. Leave Kotor and head toward Prcanj and explore the villages along the coast as you head toward the car ferry in Lepetani. The ferry is only 20 minutes long and has nice views of the bay.

Once on the other side, head towards Herceg Novi, stopping first at the Savina Monastery on the hill. Afterward, visit the hilly town of Herceg Novi. It's definitely one of the best places to visit in Montenegro. We suggest starting at the top and working your way down the stairs to the Pet Danica Walkway along the coast. Continue to Risan, home of incredible Roman mosaics, and Perast, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and perhaps one of the most popular sights in Montenegro. By visiting late in the afternoon, you can avoid the cruise ship guests that most often visit in the morning. Make sure to take one of the small boats to the island of Our Lady of the Rocks.

After returning to Kotor, head to Old Town and wander until dinner. Enjoy the evening lights of the fortress on the hill as you return to your hotel.

For more information on places to visit around the bay, check out our upcoming post on our daytrip around the Bay of Kotor.

Day 3: The Grand Montenegro Tour

If you’re planning a visit to Montenegro it won’t take long before you read about the Grand Montenegro Tour . Almost every tour company offers it either as a private or group tour. We decided to tweak it a little and remove the boat tour around Skadar Lake but you may decide otherwise.

Birds eye view of the Bay of Kotor from the serpentine roads

The day was amazing as we tackled the serpentine road, enjoyed breakfast in Njegusi, visited the Mausoleum of Petar II Petrovic-Njegos in Loven National Park, explored the former capital of Montenegro, Cetinje, all before lunch! Make sure to stop for magnificent views over Lake Skadar before continuing your day.

Mausoleum of Njegoš

There are so many options for late afternoon. You can choose to do a two hour boat ride around Lake Skadar, which is usually part of the  Grand Montenegro Tour, or, you can wander off the beaten path and visit a winery or Sveti Stefan or even further south to an old pirate haven, Ulcinj.

Rijeka Crnojevića Bridge

Day 4: Boat Ride of the Bay of Kotor and exploring Old Town Kotor

Taking a boat ride around the Bay of Kotor is a very popular daytrip. Depending on your budget, you can book a group tour or private tour that can last anywhere from 2 hours to 8 hours. We found that four hours was the perfect choice as it allowed plenty of time to make a few stops that weren’t available on your earlier daytrip around the bay.

Mamut Island Kotor

Rose, Montenegro

We recommend visiting the ex submarine tunnel, tour around Marmota Island, visit the luxury yachts at Porto Montenegro and go swimming at the Blue Hole. You can even stop for lunch at a small village such as Rose!

Spend your afternoon climbing to the Kotor fortress or shopping for souvenirs in Old Town Kotor.

Day 5: Travel to and Explore the Old Town of Budva

While you could visit Budva as a daytrip from Kotor, we recommend spending a night. There is so much to do that two hours simply isn’t enough and it’s en route to Albania so you won’t be backtracking.

Even though Budva is known for its party atmosphere, that doesn’t seem to enter its charming old town which is smaller than that of Kotor and much easier to explore without getting lost. After a nice lunch (like all of Montenegro, the seafood is amazing!), visit the old town churches, the Citadella and make sure to check out the incredible views from the city walls. Consider heading to one of the nearby beaches even if just to visit Budva’s famous dancing girl or hop on a bus to explore the beautiful Sveti Stefan.

Day 6: From Budva to Kruje Albania

If you haven’t visited Sveti Stefan yet, this is your last chance so don’t miss it! This stunning outcropping of land was once a small village until taken over by a, now closed, hotel for the rich and famous. It’s a beautiful spot for photos and to wander the beach. For an even more impressive view, take a short visit up the hill to St. Sava Church before continuing on your way for your next 5 days in Albania.

The roads from Budva to Kruje are very good and the drive to Kruje is about three hours, depending on the border crossing.

You’ll likely be hungry on arrival so after checking in, grab a quick lunch and explore the souk (market). The Kruje souk is said to be one of the most authentic in Albania. We had a wonderful time chatting with the grand daughter of a woman who makes silver filagree jewellery and Albania rugs.

The road through the souk leads to the Kruje castle grounds where you’ll enjoy the rest of your day. Visit the Skanderbeg museum and the ethnographic museum, then have a wonderful dinner at one of the delicious restaurants on the castle grounds.

Day 7: Kruje souk and Berat

Staying overnight in Kruje means that you can enjoy time exploring the souk area before tourists arrive on daytrips from Tirana.   The trip from Kruje to Berat is only two hours so there is plenty of time before you need to leave in order to arrive in Berat by lunch time.

Depending on whether you get lost looking for your hotel, you should be ready for your prebooked walking tour with the Berat Tourism Office. Spend the next several hours exploring everything this wonderful medieval town has to offer: the picturesque mosques, the incredible castle area and of course, the amazing town itself … it isn’t hard to understand why Berat is known as the town of a thousand windows.

Day 8: Berat to Himare

It’s about time for some stupendous sea views and beach time on the Albanian Riviera. We recommend spending your first night in Himare because it isn’t near as busy as Sarande and surrounding areas.

The route from Berat to Himare is not for the feint of heart. The roads are fairly good but they are twisty and many people don’t actually adhere to the rules of the road. While you could rent a car, we really recommend hiring a driver for at least this part of your trip.

Break up the long drive with a few stops. Consider stopping at the roman city of Apollonia, visiting St. Mary’s Monastery on Zvernec island and/or stopping to enjoy the views on the Llogora Pass.

Zvernec Monastery

Archaeological Museum of Apollonia

On arrival in Himare, check in and either explore the Himare castle on the hill, or, if you’re ready for some downtime, grab a chair on the beach and enjoy listening to the waves. There are a number of beaches in or near the town and some are busier than others. We stayed at a small hotel across the road from Prinos Beach and loved the location. Whichever you choose, wander into Himare town itself for dinner. There are a number of really good options.

Day 9: Sarande

While Himare may be a much nicer area than Sarande, it isn’t near as conveniently located. Consider renting a car for the next day as the driving is fairly easy and we found it hard to find private drivers for a reasonable price here. It also gives you some flexibility over booking group tours.

On your way to Sarande, stop at Porto Palermo. Visit the castle of Ali Pasha and see the World War II submarine tunnels. Drop your luggage at your hotel and head directly to the ancient city of Butrint, another UNESCO World Heritage Site. I’ll be honest, my family crashed on arrival in Sarande so we decided to have a nap and skip Butrint. It’s blasphemy to say that but sometimes, you just have to do what works for your family. I definitely regret not seeing Butrint and the beaches of Ksamil but it’s a great reason to return.

Have a wonderful dinner, try Haxhi , and wander the boardwalk in Sarande.

Day 10: Gjirokaster

After breakfast, you have a few choices. You could visit Butrint if you didn’t yesterday or you could hop in the car and drive less than two hours to the medieval village of Gjirokaster.

If you visit Gjirokaster,  try to pre-book a walking tour with the Gjirokaster tourist office. At the time of our visit it was only 50 euros for several hours and well worth it. Wander the Old Town and bazaar, visit the Castle of Gjirokaster, explore the castle grounds, and enjoy at least one of the historic homes.

Once back in Sarande, return the rental car and enjoy your last night in Albania. Maybe take advantage of the jumping ledge just off the Sarande city beach and go for a quick swim before dinner!

Final thoughts on our 10 days in Montenegro and Albania

If you have more time, check out our more detailed posts in our Montenegro Travel Guide and our Albania Travel Itinerary for other places to visit in each country. Also consider adding on to your 10 days in Montenegro and Albania by taking the morning ferry and visit Corfu as its quite easy to fly in to Montenegro and fly out of Corfu. In fact, Corfu airport is much closer to Sarande than the international airport in Tirana.

Have you visited Albania or Montenegro? What was your favourite place? Let us know in the comments below.

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Hi! I'm Joanne. I'm a Canadian mom of three wonderful kids who love hockey, swimming, cheerleading and, of course, travel.

Montenegro Travel Guide: Everything You Need to Know for your Best Holiday - Sunsets and Roller Coasters · October 20, 2023 at 3:41 pm

[…] out our top things to do in Kotor and our Montenegro and Albania itinerary for ideas of how to spend your time in […]

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Night time lights reflect in the harbour waters of Ulcinj in Montenegro

Montenegro & Northern Albania

Having visited many of the previous Balkan countries like Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia it was time to discover Montenegro. We designed a roadtrip touring the coasts and mountains of Montenegro & Northern Albania. It was the perfect way to slow down and see more of both countries. We learned a lot along with way and have pulled it all together in this post to help you plan an amazing roadtrip including the stunning Bay of Kotor.

Montenegro is part of the Balkans, which lie in the heart of Europe. The Balkans are seven countries that gained independence in the mid 90s after devastating regional conflicts. Today, they offer curious travellers accessible destinations, each with its own rich mix of heritage and culture. 

A view of Bay of Kotor from outside the town shows the mountains leading to the water and the red tiled roofs of Old Town.

Montenegro Albania Roadtrip Itinerary

1 – Fly into Dubrovnik (Croatia) and transfer to Herceg-Novi (Montenegro)

2 – Leisurely drive (Uber) to Bay or Kotor 

3 – Bay of Kotor & Perast

4 – Shkoder, Albania 

5 – Shkoder, Albania

6 – Budva, Old Bar & Ulcinj, Montenegro

7 – Cavtat, Croatia

You can easily switch this itinerary around to suit your interests and available time. 10 days would be perfect to include Tirana and some more inland spots in Montenegro for example.

Where Are Montenegro & Albania?

Montenegro has a stunning coastline with mountains that glide into turquoise waters. It reminded us of Norwegian fjords in parts. UNESCO protects the old city in Kotor which is  nestled in the main bay.   There’s a lot to explore and it’s easy to get around independently.  You can either rent a car or hire a local driver taxi which is what we did. 

As a country, it is about the size of Connecticut (US) or Wales (UK). You can easily combine mountains and beaches in this type of trip by using our Albania Montenegro itinerary.

We had not originally planned to visit Albania, thinking maybe Kosovo might be an easier second spot. However, when looking at the map and our time, Northern Albanian was an easier proposition for 2 nights. Combining a roadtrip to both Montenegro and Northern Albania was definitely a good decision!

How to Get to Montenegro via Dubrovnik

Flights to montenegro.

It’s easy! We flew separately to Dubrovnik, Croatia from Edinburgh with EasyJet and from London, Stanstead with Jet2.  If you are travelling from within Europe there’s loads of travel options. 

From North America there are non stop flights with United to Dubrovnik. Why Dubrovnik?  It’s only a few miles from the airport to the border of Montenegro and there are a lot more flight options.  There are flights into Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro and Tivat, near Bay of Kotor, which are worth checking out to avoid a border crossing.  Trust us, it was pretty simple – more on borders later.

Small town in Montenegro that sits on the water of Bay of Kotor

Transfers to/from Dubrovnik Airport

We love the simplicity of arriving and having a pre-booked taxi waiting to transfer us to our accommodation. was really easy to use to  arrange a private taxi to meet us at the airport.  It was good value at 50 EUR to drive us the 30 or so minutes south over the border to Herceg Novi.  

🎒TPoP   Tip : make sure you get your driver’s phone number (not just the company) to connect directly with them when you arrive.  Much easier if there are any delays!

What to Pack for an Albania and Montenegro road trip?

A carry on is all you need for 7 nights exploring Montenegro and Northern Albania. Check out our blog on packing and our special 10kg suitcase tip list with photos of everything that you can fit into a  properly packed bag.  Smaller bags require less space in taxis etc. and are a lot easier to deal with when you’re on the move!

Montenegro and Albania road trip highlights

We saw quite a bit of what both countries have to offer visitors. These were our Albania Montenegro road trip highlights:

  • The relaxed coastal town of Herceg-Novi
  • UNESCO protected Old City in The Bay of Kotor
  • Perast Village By Boat & Return by Bus
  • Drive through mountains in Crmnica region with incredible valley views
  • Hotel Tradita, Shkoder, what a  dinner experience
  • Shkoder Rozafa castle with its amazing 360 views from the top
  • Ulcinj old city cliffs and views of the Adriatic
  • Old Bar with its winding street cafes and ancient castle
  • Cavat town in Croatia


Often overlooked as a stop off point, as travellers head to more well known spots, Herceg-Novi was a gem of a first stop.  The town is more than 6 centuries old with lots of nooks and crannies to explore. We were surprised to learn the  Clock Tower was built during the time of Turk rule.

Some parts are quite a steep walk so if you like a bit of morning exercise, this is a work-out before breakfast.

View from a hotel room shows a courtyard with sun loungers, and behind the bay waters. In the distance are mountains.

We stayed at the Palmon Bay Hotel and Spa which was spotless, with a modern vibe. Facing the coast was their  beautiful pool/bar area with ample space for guests. After a flight it was perfect to unwind, have a dip in the pool. The pool deck faces blue waters that signal the entrance to Bay of Kotor.  Our hotel was located right off the main Promenade which starts in Iaglo (technically where our hotel was) and wraps around to the town of Meljine.  

It was easy to find a restaurant at night without booking. Most offered locally menus although looked a little touristy. 

🎒TPoP Tip : Ask the hotel staff where they like to eat outside the hotel!  Oh, and the ice-cream here and across the country was delicious, cheap and hard to pass by on an evening stroll!

Old City – Bay of Kotor

UNESCO protected brick buildings in narrow courtyard in Bay of Kotor with palm trees in front as decor. Buildings have shutters to help keep the interiors cool.

We booked a local taxi for 1pm the next day to a transfer from Iaglo to the old city (Stari Grad) of Bay of Kotor. Two nights here was perfect, giving us a central base for exploring.  Also, gave us time for sunbathing before headed away from the coast.  

Our rooms at Boutique Hotel Astoria, located inside the UNESCO city, were excellent.  The taxi dropped us off outside and a hotel employee met us and guided us to the hotel which was literally 5 minutes round the corner!

Do walk the Old Town without a map.  Don’t worry where you’re going. It’s an adventure exploring the surprising maze of ancient streets each with a mix of shops, bars, historical buildings to check out at your leisure.

Want a climbing challenge?

If you like steep climbs, do hike up behind the old town to the castle for sunset views or towards the old monastery.

Day Trip To Perast From Old Kotor

Kotor is easy to hang around in but when you’re surrounded by such gorgeous bays, there’s a pull to get onto the water. 

Our boat trip to Perast was easy to organize.  Outside the Old City Wall is a tourist booth.  They phone over your booking and then you walk over the road, through a small city park to the jetty where local tour boats moor.  This is where you board.

The boats are quite small, so you don’t feel overcrowded. We had 6 people total plus the captain which made for a great cruise.

A man made island with a church in the middle of Bay of Kotor, a stop on a roadtrip in Montenegro and Northern Albania.

Boat Ride To Our Lady Of The Rocks

Before disembarking at Perast we stopped off at an island called Our Lady of the Rocks.  There’s ancient folklore about how it came to be in this spot but in reality it is an engineered structure . That said, it’s a cute stop off with beautiful views and there is a church and small museum to check out.

A church steeple and surrounding buildings next to the bay in Perast Montenegro.

Perast is tiny and it’s a world away from the busy Bay of Kotor.  You can walk down the only street parallel to the bay and pick your lunch spot.  The town has an incredible number of places, some now 5* hotels but don’t let that deter you as the whole places has a ‘real life’ vibe.  We chatted with a guy who was selling jewellery his mother had made at home and he was the retail store – under a tree in the park!

Relax On The Tiny Beach in Perast!

After lunch, we stumbled upon what looked like a fun beach hangout – Pirates Beach Bar.

Beach is perhaps a little misleading because its was tiny strip of sand. The deck was a great spot to hangout and have a cocktail. We loved hanging out  in the water where there were tables to pop down your drink while we had a quick swim to cool off. 

There was a charge for sun loungers and it was quite busy when we arrived but everyone was having fun. Travellers gathered from as far away as South Africa to Luxembourg.

A dock where tourists arrive to in the village of Perast.

Where to Eat Dinner in Perast?

Linger and enjoy dinner in Perast. We dined at a waterfront spot restuarant called Konoba Skolji and everything was so fresh.

At dusk we caught a Blue Line bus back to Kotor (about 20 minutes). They run frequently from the Main Street, are safe & inexpensive.

Using public transport when travelling can often be much easier than we might imagine and of course it’s much cheaper! 

Women selecting ice cream from a street shop in Perast

Drive Through Crmnica Region

We had pre-booked a driver through the company called  My Day Trip  to take us from Bay of Kotor to our hotel in Shkoder, Albania.  He met us at our hotel in Kotor and was a great tour guide and ambassador for his country. 

Rather than taking us straight down the ‘tourist route’ ie. coast, he offered a mountain route out of Kotor to Celine to Podgorica with a first stop in Rijeka Crnojevica. It has a famous bridge across the river built in 1853 and today a lot of fishing takes place around here.

Passing through the suburbs of the Montenegro capital Podgorica we didn’t feel we were missing a lot.   As guide books had suggested there are more interesting and attractive sights in Montenegro and Albania. 

Shades of torquoise waters in a tree lined river.

Wow – these views!

We continued on through the region called Crmnica, known for wine production. Then we took a narrow, twisty road,  onto a tiny back road that you’d never know was there.  As we reversed down this road the driver explained there was no place to turn around!

Then, suddenly we had the most incredible views of huge valleys, meandering rivers, mountain ranges, right there in front of us.  Photos don’t do it justice. There is a great photo point at Pavlova Strana which we’d definitely suggest you try and get to.

Our next stop was the Waterfall Niagara. We descended thirty or so steps from the road and walked right up to the swirling waters. It’s a pretty spot to take a break for 30 minutes or so and a few people were picnicking but it was not busy!  

Women standing in front of a waterfall

Is it Easy to Cross the Border from Montenegro to Albania?

Crossing the Border from Montenegro into Northern Albania was straightforward. Soon we were skirting the massive Lake Skader/Shkoder. Interestingly the lake straddles Montenegro and Northern Albania. It is a fantastic place for hiking and exploring nature and you could easily spend a week or two in this part alone.

Two women tourists enjoy a view of tree covered landscape with rivers and mountains in the distance.

We travelled on through rural towns and open fields as well as olive tree regions to reach the town of Shkoder (same as the lake!) and our hotel for the night Hotel Tradita. The location of this hotel was just right for us.  We had thought about somewhere out of town, nearer to the lake, but in reality for a couple of nights it was much better to be in a central location.

We explored the city center with it’s mosques, cafes, restaurants and bars. There is a pedestrian area which families enjoying strolling around come evening.  The vibe was relaxed and safe.

View between mountains in Montenegro and Albana with a river running through heavily forested areas.

Explore Shkoder Rozafa Castle

Before we arrived in Albania we researched hiring bikes to cycle from town to the ancient castle.  But we couldn’t find any to rent when we got there and so we walked.  It was just as well as the climb up the castle isn’t bike friendly and it’s only a couple of kilometers!  Plus we got to see the town as we walked through it. (use Google maps to help guide you along:)

A medieval castle wall with the Albanian Flag flying. In the background a large river flows.

The castle was a great spot to explore.  The oldest wall of the Shkoder Rozafa castle was constructed  in the 1st millennium BCE. Views from the top are awesome, both of the lake and three rivers coming together as they flow to the Adriatic Sea.

On the way back we detoured into an olive wood store meeting the owner who told us about their family business turning this versatile wood into incredible dishes, cheese boards, even jewellery.  We felt the quality was high and the owner was so friendly and proud of his family’s skills. 

Hotel Tradita, Shkoder – What a Party!

Saturday evening at our hotel was a highlight of our trip.  Staff treated guests like close family.  The outdoor courtyard was bustling with locals and a few tourists, the food, music and home made wine and brandy flowed. 

The grilled vegetables – peppers, aubergine (eggplant) melted in the mouth.  The wine was local, organic and some of the best we have ever drunk and that’s after visiting quite a few world renowned wine regions.

Everyone got up and danced together and it was just a happy, fun time.  Of course if you’re looking for a quiet hideaway this wouldn’t be the place to stay as the rooms are off the courtyard.

The hotel is rustic and quite basic but it was a perfect reflection of traditional hospitality and we loved it!

Women eating dinner at a traditional Albanian restaurant

Ulcinj and Old Bar – Montenegro

All good things come to an end!  Our hotel booked a taxi to take us back over the border to Montenegro. This crossing was on a Sunday and it took a good bit longer with more checks.  But we made it to Ulcinj, the most southern coastal town in Montenegro.

Our hotel Hotel Palata Venezia was perched high above the bay with glorious views over the water. The rooms were huge, the pool cute and food excellent.  At night we wandered into the bayfront area  but found it to be very touristy with a lot of nightclubs and imported souvenirs.  Not our most favourite spot although our hotel and the restaurants were enjoyable.

Arch way made of brick frames views to the sea in Ulcinj, Montenegro.

An unexpected experience in Ulcinj was a 4.3 earthquake at 6am. 

A jolt woke us up and that was it. 

 Having lived in seismic areas it wasn’t that scary but  a good breakfast conversation.  

Leaving Ulcinj with the same driver Ivan who’d driven us from Kotor to Albania, he suggested we stop at Old Bar.  What a fabulous small town!  It was easy to stroll around, relax at a street cafe for coffee.  We explored the ancient castle at the top of the street perched in a strategic look out position.  Try and visit here early in the day as was getting busy as we left around 10am.

Old Bar in Montenegro with city fortress gives shade to street cafes.

Final Night in Cavtat, Croatia

We drove on from Bar and back into Croatia. Our last stop was in Budva. In reading guide books, it seemed like this was a ‘not to be missed’ location. We will be honest. It was like walking through a shopping mall in the old town. Too many people and when we tried to go onto the main beach, we were told it was private.  It is a beautiful spot but we would recommend other places to stay in Montenegro.

On our last night, rather than heading into Dubrovnik, we stayed at the Castelleto Guest House in Cavtat.

We had both visited Cavtat before and love it’s laid back atmosphere. The curved harbour is a docking point for super yachts. Our accommodation was a guest house, with a small dipping pool,  and an honor drinks systems. It  was a perfect hideaway to relax at before flying back to the UK. 

Although we were up on the hillside, getting down to the town and harbour is an easy walk. Countless bars and restaurants line the harbour. Take your pick!

That’s It! An Amazing Road trip in Montenegro and Northern Albania!

A funny story! Travel is about seeing new places, fresh experiences and often we meet people that become friends for life!  We had a funny story about some new friends we made on this trip. 

In Perast, Montenegro, at the Pirates Beach, we met an extended family group from South Africa.  The parents had been sailing around the world for 3 years! We had a drink and promised to follow each others journeys.

The next morning we were in a different Montenegro town walking to meet our taxi driver. Incredibly, who do we meet in the street?  Yes, the Sailing Walkers.  We laughed at the random reconnections again saying we would keeping in touch via our blogs.

Two women in Caveat heading out to dinner in the evening.

Finally on our last night in a different town in another country we were walking down the promenade with an ice-cream (last one for the trip!) when we heard loud hellos from a promenade bench.  Yes, it was the SailingWalkers!!

We laughed at the  3rd random meeting in a 3rd city in a week.  We wonder where we will next bump into the SailingWalkers! 

If you’re thinking about going somewhere different in Europe, why not plan a roadtrip to Montenegro and Northern Albania. And, go before the secret’s out!

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Tour of Albania and Montenegro 10 Days / 9 Nights 

  • 10 Days / 9 Nights
  • Max People : 12
  • Wifi Available
  • All year around
  • Min Age: All Ages
  • Meeting Point

Albania and Montenegero are 2 neighbour countries enjoying the same Mediterranean weather and Adriatic Coastline and on the same hand very different in culture, tradition, language and history. In 10 days you will visit the best sites of both countries visiting many old towns, archaeologcial sites, beaches and more. We are particularly concerned to show you the local peculiarities and experiences in every country. There is no better way than local’s way!

Departure & Return Location

Pick up and drop off all travelers at their hotel 

10 Days / 9 Nights 

Live Tour Guide

English, Italian and Greek

Price Includes

  • All transportation in destination location
  • 9 Nights Accommodation
  • 9 x Breakfasts
  • Museum Entrance Fees
  • Group Airport Pick Up and Drop Off

Price Excludes

  • Guide Gratuity
  • Single Room Supplement
  • Everything that is not mentioned at the Inclusion section.

What to Expect

The tour of Albania, and Montenegro is a comprehensive and pleasant tour of the two countries and their culture, history, tradition, cuisine, and language. Our tour goes through the best sites to visit, with extensive explanations which are very satisfactory in such a rich history, culture and tradition area. 

The tour is an easy walk and drive, with many visits to natural and historical sites, making it suitable for everyone. Transportation will be done with an air-conditioned, comfortable vehicle. Accommodation will be in 3 stars hotels or local guesthouses, twin shared rooms, breakfast is included. A single-room supplement is not included in the price. A certified local tour guide will be with you all the time.  The weather most of the time is very nice and pleasant, only during July and August you should bring your hat, sunscreen, and water. 

Day 1 Welcome to Albania

Today you will arrive in Tirana, Albania and our staff will meet you at the airport.

Depending on your arrival time we might do the presentation meeting with your guide and a short walking tour of Tirana. 

Overnight in Tirana

Day 2 Durres and Apollonia, Vlore 

Today we will start visiting the town of Durres, our main port and beach on the Adriatic sea. Durres has significant importance in our history, as one of the oldest Greek and Roman colonies since the VII century BC. Here we will have a chance to visit:

  • The archeological museum;
  • The amphitheater of II century AD, the biggest in Balkan;
  • The town center

The second part of the day will visit the Archeological Park of Apollonia, which started as a Greek colony in the VII century BC, and the Museum of Apollonia.

Later in the afternoon, we will check-in at our hotel and evening at leisure to explore Vlora.

Overnight in Vlora

Day 3 Ionian Coast and Saranda   

Our day will start by driving to the mountains climbing to Llogara pass, 1000 m above sea level. Here you will have a chance to enjoy the panorama and take pictures if we are lucky and the sky is clear our view can reach up to Corfu island. Further down on our way will make a visit to Ali Pasha’s XIX century fortress, a real jewel well preserved until nowadays.

On the way, we will cross through the small beautiful villages of Dhermi, Ilias, Vuno, Himara, Borsh, Qeparo, etc. At one of them, we will have a lunch stop. In the late afternoon, we will arrive in Saranda.

Overnight in Saranda 

Day 4 Butrint and Blue Eye   

Today we will visit the biggest Archeological Park in Albania, Butrinti Park, which started as a Greek colony in the VII century BC, later became a Roman colony, and since 1995 has been a UNESCO World Heritage-listed site. Butrinti is considered to be our best archeological park, testifying to our ancestors and the historical importance of this area. 

We will continue with a short stop at Ksamil Beach, where we will have our lunch. Our day continues with the visit to Blue Eye natural water spring park.

In the afternoon we will arrive in Gjirokastra and you will have time on your own to explore this beautiful old town.

Overnight in Gjirokaster

Day 5 Gjirokaster, Ardenice and Berat 

After a wonderful traditional breakfast, we will explore the old town of Gjirokastra, part of UNESCO World Heritage. We will visit:

  • the XIV century fortress, located on top of a hill overlooking the town;
  • the XIX century-old bazaar of Gjirokastra.
  • the house of Dictator Hoxha

Second part of the day we will drive south and will stop to visit a gorgeous Byzantium monastery of Ardenica, XIII century.

Late afternoon will accommodate in our guesthouse in Berat.

Overnight in Berat

Day 6 Kruje and Shkoder                               

Early morning visit Berat, known for its unique architecture and part of the UNESCO World Heritage list. Here we will visit:

  • Visit the IV century BC fortress of Berat.
  • Visit the old XVIII century Christian Orthodox Cathedral of Berat.
  • Visit the Onufri Byzantine Icon’s Gallery.

After having enjoyed the wonderful fortress of Berat we will drive about 1 hour and 30 minutes to the historical town of Kruja, home of our national hero Scanderbeg. After a traditional lunch we will visit:

  • The XIV century fortress;
  • The Scanderbeg and Ethnographic museums;
  • The old bazaar of Kruja, well known for the handmade wool carpets

Later we will head north and drive about 1 hour to arrive in Shkodra in late afternoon.

Evening at leisure on your own to explore the town of Shkodra.

Overnight in Shkodra

Day 7 Podgorice and Cetinje                          

Early morning after a delicious breakfast we will visit the IV century BC fortress of Shkodra with an amazing view of the town, lake Shkodra, Buna & Drini River.

Leaving Albania we will drive north, around Shkodra lake to reach the capital of Montenegro, Podgorica in about 1 hour. We will visit the old neighborhood and city center. After a traditional lunch, we will cross the mountains to rich Cetinje the old capital of Montenegro, which is a UNESCO World Heritage-listed town.

In the afternoon we will drive to Kotor, a beautiful little town, well-known for its old town inside the fortress and its bay.

Overnight in Kotor

Day 8 Kotor and Perast

After breakfast we will explore the town of Kotor, a UNESCO World heritage town. We will explore the history of this town located in the beautiful bay of Kotor and will wander through the narrow streets. This town was bombarded during the independence war with Serbia and it is reconstructed as it was after the war.

Next will visit the old town of Perast and the well known landmark of Montenegro, the Lady of the Rock church, located in the small island in the middle of the bay of Kotor. We will spend the evening at leisure in Kotor. Overnight in Kotor

Day 9 Budva - Kruje

We will start the day by a short drive to the beautiful town of Budva, located within the Venetian fortress by the sea. This fortress has a long history starting 2,500 years ago with an Illyrian population. Budva was known as an important port during medieval times and trade with Italy.

On your way we will make a short stop to Sveti Stefan, a small beautiful rocky peninsula with the Monastery of Saint Stefan in it.

Early afternoon we will drive to Tirana. Overnight in Tirana

Day 10 End of your journey

Our staff will send you at Tirana International Airport, wishing you a safe flight back home.

Tirana City Center

Related Tours

Albanian Wines

Wine Tasting and Tirana Walking Tour

Flamingos in Narta Lagoon

Birdwatching in Narta Lagoon from Vlora

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Montenegro & Albania – 7 days

Montenegro – Albania 6 nights / 7 days tour

Dates available do not match your flights? Book aditional nights on check-out or choose private tour by sending us an inquiry.

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tour albania e montenegro


tour albania e montenegro

6 Meals included

tour albania e montenegro

4*/5* hotels

tour albania e montenegro

Small group

tour albania e montenegro


What to Expect

Albania, the hidden gem of the Balkans and one of the youngest travel destinations, will leave you speechless with its ancient archaeological sites, many Ottoman monuments, and must-try delicates. Fall for the extraordinary heritage, dazzling water of the Adriatic sea, freshly caught seafood, and glorious Montenegrin prosciutto. Alongside Montenegro, this tour makes a perfect combination for both history and intact nature admirers.

  • Have a memorable ride to National Park Lovćen over the thrilling Austro-Hungarian 25-serpentine-road
  • Be amazed by the Kotor walls that are surrounding the Old town and Saint Giovanni hill
  • See two appealing sides of Skadar lake – from Virpazar in Montenegro and Shkodër in Albania
  • Try out delicious Albanian traditional dishes - “pula me përshesh” and “çorba e Tomorrit”
  • Visit the famous Skanderbeg Square in Tirana

tour albania e montenegro

Day 1 Arriving to Montenegro

Upon arrival at the airport of your choice, an enjoyable ride with staggering viewpoints waits for you. Accompanied by your guide, you will get the first glimpse at this Mediterranean country during a scenic ride to your hotel. The intervening landscapes of old times’ architecture and contemporary lifestyle will introduce you to the diversity of this small, yet imposing country.

Overnight: Boka Bay.

Standard package : Boka Bay in Hotel Casa del Mare – Blanche 4* / Montebay Perla 4* or similar Premium package : Boka Bay in Hotel Casa del Mare – Mediterraneo 5* / Lazure Marina & Hotel 5* or similar

Day 2 The Bay of Kotor: Perast – Boat Ride to The Our Lady of The Rocks Isle – UNESCO’S City of Kotor – Oysters or Wine Tasting

Breakfast. This day is devoted to the Bay of Kotor with its unique scenery. The first stop is at the town of Perast, a little settlement baroque in style, where a relaxing boat ride to the picturesque island of Our Lady of the Rocks starts. This artificial islet is home to a church known for its mystifying story and valuable artifacts like paintings by local artist, votive silver tablets and a hair-made tapestry. After short boat tour, marvellous Kotor kept in the mediaeval wall-frame is welcoming us. A walking tour though the capital of Europe’s southernmost bay shows multicultural richness through churches of Saint Nicholas and Saint Luka, the Cathedral of Saint Tryphon and all the glory of this UNESCO site. Use your free time to continue wandering around the stone paved town, or enjoy offer of fish restaurant at one of romantic squares.

For the end of this day, you are welcome to choose an optional excursion:

Optional 1: A visit to the family-owned and operated shellfish farm. Here you will learn about oyster production and sample some fresh catches amid the charming atmosphere of Boka Bay. Optional 2: Try one of the most famous wines from Boka Bay, enjoy a wine tasting with a stunning view over Herceg Novi.

Standard package : Hotel Casa del Mare – Blanche 4* / Montebay Perla 4* or similar Premium package : Hotel Casa del Mare – Mediterraneo 5* / Lazure Marina & Hotel 5* or similar

Day 3 NP Lovćen Mountain: Gastronomy, History & Culture

After breakfast, we are going up to the Lovćen massif area. Right there, high above and behind those hills, Montenegrin history begins and ends in the very same place. Just getting there is a unique adventure: the stunning view of the Boka Bay will leave you in awe, while driving up the old, Austro-Hungarian 25-serpentine-road. First stop for the day is Njeguši, the village known as the birth place of the royal dynasty Petrović and a ‘guardian’ of the authentic architecture and cuisine in the region. Njeguški sir and pršut (cheese and prosciutto of Njeguši), a real treat for true foodies, are both genuine contributions to Montenegrin cuisine, produced only in this area, following the traditional recipe for smoking and curing meat.

Tasting the most famous specialties of the region makes us ready for one more breath-taking peak. The National Park Lovćen encompasses the central and the highest part of the Lovćen massif, covering an area of 6.400 hectares. On top of one of the mountain’s two imposing peaks, lies a magnificent mausoleum – the tomb of Montenegro’s greatest person in history: Petar II Petrović Njegoš. It takes 461 steps to climb to reach but it is a steep journey well worth the effort. At the very top, you will be rewarded with a spectacular viewpoint from the world’s highest mausoleum. Finally, the trip continues to the Old Royal Town of Cetinje, in which you will grasp more about the Petrović Njegoš dynasty and the history of our country.

Use free evening and try out some of the finest Montenegrin wines, made from the authentic red grape variety Vranac, as well as some organic honey, figs, and a homemade spirit called rakija. It is highly recommended to enjoy these delicacies at the konoba – a small, traditional restaurants owned by local families, a true essence of Montenegrin’s warm hospitality and friendship.

Overnight: Budva

Standard package : Hotel Moskva 4* / Bracera 4* or similar Premium package : Hotel Avala 5* / Budva 4* or similar

Day 4 Virpazar - NP Skadar Lake with Boat Ride – Shkodër (Albania) – Berat

Breakfast. For this day, we have prepared an experience to remember during which you will have the opportunity to enjoy the picturesque nature of Skadar Lake National Park.

The fishing village of Virpazar is a departure point for a boat ride on Skadar Lake. As you glide through the mirroring water, the numerous lake’s attractions reveal the extraordinary birds, the water lilies in full bloom, and wild, secluded beaches. Skadar Lake has an area ranging from 370 to 530 square kilometers, depending on the water level, and it is the biggest lake in the Balkans. Afterward, we say goodbye to Montenegro until the next time and head across the border to get to know Skadar Lake from Albanian side.

The Albanian spirit is best felt by visiting the charming town of Shkodër, one of the oldest towns in Europe, unique for its narrow streets, stone walls and ancient houses. Surrounded by pristine nature, a national park and Lake Skadar, the largest lake in Southern Europe, Shkodër has played an important geopolitical role throughout Albanian history. At the entrance of the town stands the Venetian Rozafa Castle, one of the biggest and most famous castles in Albania. It rises imposingly on a rocky hill, surrounded by the Buna and Drin rivers, and offers amazing views of Shkodër, Lake Skadar and its water-intersected surroundings. A major attraction in the town center is the well-preserved and popular pedestrianized Kole Idromeno street, which leads to the other sights of the town, including the Ebu Bekr Mosque, the Orthodox Cathedral of the Nativity, and the monument of Mother Teresa. The journey continues to our last stop of the day, even more charming town of Berat.

Overnight: Berat

Standard package : Hotel Portik 4* / Onufri 4* or similar Premium package : Hotel Colombo 5* / Residenca Desaret 4* / Tradita E Beratit or similar

Day 5 Berat morning tour – Elbasan afternoon tour – Tirana

After breakfast, we start with our morning tour of Berat. The city combines both eastern and western cultures, traditions and image. Berat is the pride of Albanian architecture under UNESCO protection, combining both eastern and western cultures, traditions, and images, making it more of an open-air museum than a city. This treasury of the history of Albania, with its arched Gorica Bridge, Byzantine Church of Saint Michael, and Ottoman monuments such as the Red Mosque, presents traces of the diverse cultures and traditions that once passed through this monumental “town of a thousand windows” in central Albania. Not only a heritage destination but a gourmet one too, Berat is known for its traditional dishes, and this is where you could taste local delicacies, such as “pula me përshesh” and “çorba e Tomorrit”, made in traditional restaurants and based on centuries-old recipes.

On our way to Tirana, we will make a stop in Elbasan, the third largest city in Albania, located on the Shkumbin River. While the city was the main centre of Albanian nationalism during Ottoman rule, Elbasan is best known for its castle district. Here you can still admire the old city walls built by the Ottoman sultan Mehmet II on the ruins of the Roman and Byzantine fortifications, which gave the city the name of EliBashan (“I put the hand”). Inside the fortress, while walking the cobblestone streets past old houses and excellent restaurants, you will see the Royal Mosque that dates back to the 15th century, the Orthodox Church of Saint Mary and the Sahati Clock Tower. Drive to Tirana, the capital city of Albania as well as its largest city.

Overnight: Tirana

Standard package : Hotel Senator 4* / Golden City & My Spa 4* / Prestige 4* or similar Premium package : Hotel Rogner 5* / Maritim Hotel Plaza Tirana 5* / Mak Albania 5* or similar

Day 7 Tirana City Tour: Free Afternoon or Optional Experiences

Breakfast. The never-sleeping city of Tirana is the capital city of Albania, as well as its largest city. Situated on the banks of the Lana river, Tirana has outstanding architecture, wide boulevards, parks, shops, and cafés. The heart of Tirana is Skanderbeg Square, home of the ministerial buildings, as well as the National Opera, the National Bank and the National Library. The square is dominated by a statue of Lord Skanderbeg, an Albanian hero and symbol of freedom and independence. The Italian influence is carved into the architecture of the Mussolini period, mixing with the city’s most important landmarks, including the Et’hem Bey Mosque, the National Museum of History, the Clock Tower, and the Presidential Palace. Famous for its vibrant colors, many murals and works of art painted on the buildings by various artists, it is easy to understand why Tirana is known as ‘the city of colorful buildings’.

Use your free afternoon to explore Tirana on your own, or book one of the optional experiences:

Optional 1: Visit Kruja with Sightseeing. If you want to see more of Albania, head north of Tirana and visit Kruja. It is one of the most famous towns in Albania, as it was the home of Albania’s national hero Skanderbeg. A visit to Kruja starts with a walking tour through the Kruja Castle and admiring the stunning panoramic views. Inside, you can visit Skanderbeg or Ethnographic Museum. Afterwards explore Old Bazaar Market on the slope of the hill. The market is a great place to shop for souvenirs and enjoying a coffee on the terrace.

Optional 2: Visit Durres with Sightseeing. If you want to see more of Albania, head west of Tirana and visit Durres. The coastal city of Durrësi, located a convenient 34 km from Tirana, is home to Albania’s largest port—and is one of the country’s most ancient cities. “The eternal city” over the Adriatic has a 3,000-year history, its founding dating back to 627 B.C.E. when the Corinthians and settlers from the ancient Greek city of Corcyra, situated in the island of Corfu, invaded the Illyrian territory of the Taulantii people. Because of its long history, the city is naturally brimming with ancient archaeological sites and findings, including the famous amphitheater of the Roman Emperor Hadrian, whose 15,000-seats capacity make it the second biggest amphitheater in the Balkans.

Overnight: Tirana.

Day 7 Departure day

Breakfast and hotel check-out. As most of our clients decide to extend their trip within their own organisation, transfer to the airport at the end of the tour is not included in the overall price. Any guests who would like Balkan&more to organise a departure transfer on their behalf are welcome to contact us. End of services.

If you would like to book pre or post tour accomodation, you can do that during  check out process

Download itinerary.

tour albania e montenegro

Countries visited

Montenegro – Albania


Standard package:

  • 1 BB in Budva or Tivat in Hotel Pine 4* / Hotel Moskva 4* / Hotel Bracera 4* or similar
  • 2 BB in Boka Bay in Hotel Casa del Mare - Blanche 4* / Hotel Montebay Perla 4* or similar
  • 1 BB in Berat in Portik 4* / Hotel Onufri 4* or similar
  • 2 BB in Tirana in Hotel Senator 4* / Hotel Golden City & My Spa 4* / Hotel Prestige 4* or similar

Superior package:

  • 1 BB in Budva or Tivat in Hotel La Roche 5* / Hotel Avala 5* / Hotel Budva 4* or similar
  • 2 BB in Boka Bay in Hotel Casa del Mare - Mediterraneo 5* / Lazure Marina & Hotel 5* or similar
  • 1 BB in Berat in Hotel Colombo 5* / Hotel Residenca Desaret 4* / Hotel Tradita E Beratit or similar
  • 2 BB in Tirana in Hotel Rogner 5* / Maritim Hotel Plaza Tirana 5* / Hotel Mak Albania 5* or similar
  • 6 breakfasts
  • NP Skadar Lake
  • NP Lovćen & Njegoš Mausoleum
  • Our Lady of The Rocks
  • Kotor Old Town
  • Rozafa Castle in Shkodër


  • Airport arrival transfer
  • Transportation throughout the tour according to the itinerary
  • All sightseeing tours and transfers that are included in the itinerary
  • Boat ride at Skadar Lake National Park
  • Traditional food tasting in Njegusi village
  • Boat trip from Perast to the island of Our Lady of the Rocks
  • Tour logistics and organization by licensed incoming agency
  • 1 bottle of water (0.5l) daily for each passenger VAT, accommodation taxes and city taxes
  • VAT, accommodation taxes and city taxes

Optional excursions:

The Bay of Kotor on Day 4: 

Optional 1: A visit to the family-owned and operated shellfish farm. Here you will learn about oyster production and sample some fresh catches amid the charming atmosphere of Boka Bay.

Optional 2: Try one of the most famous wines from Boka Bay, enjoy a wine tasting with a stunning view over Herceg Novi.

In Tirana on Day 6: 

Optional 2: Visit Durres with Sightseeing. If you want to see more of Albania, head west of Tirana and visit Durres. The coastal city of Durrësi, located a convenient 34 km from Tirana, is home to Albania’s largest port—and is one of the country’s most ancient cities. “The eternal city” over the Adriatic has a 3,000-year history, its founding dating back to 627 B.C.E. when the Corinthians and settlers from the ancient Greek city of Corcyra, situated in the island of Corfu, invaded the Illyrian territory of the Taulantii people.Because of its long history, the city is naturally brimming with ancient archaeological sites and findings, including the famous amphitheater of the Roman Emperor Hadrian, whose 15,000-seats capacity make it the second biggest amphitheater in the Balkans.

If you are interested in the tours above, feel free to book them directly with our guide while on tour. 

Tips and porterage services are not included in price

Final choice of the hotels depends on current availability. The tour organiser reserves the right to change the hotel due to availability reasons but guarantees the same category, service quality and similar location of the accommodation unit

Minimum number of passengers needed for guaranteed tour departure: 1

The tour organiser reserves the right to change the itinerary of the tour due to unexpected slow-moving traffic at international borders. These changes will not affect the basic itinerary

It is the responsibility of the passengers to get acquainted with visa requirements of all the countries they are travelling to or will be in transit

General Travel Conditions are issued by Boccato DMC d.o.o.

I'm a solo traveller, is there a single supplement?

If you are travelling alone, not as part of a joint private tour, and want to book an exclusive private tour (guide & vehicle) with accommodation in a single room, please send us a request via the booking form, or send us an email on [email protected].

Are airport transfers included in this tour?

Airport arrival transfer is included in this tour. However, as most of our clients decide to extend their trip within their own organisation, transfer to the airport at the end of the tour is not included in the overall price. If you would like us to organise a departure transfer on their behalf, you are welcome to book the departure transfer during the checkout process, or simply contact us.

Can you assist with pre or post tour accommodation?

Yes, we will easily arrange additional overnights upon your request. If you are looking to book only one additional night before, or after the tour, you are welcome to choose the option during the checkout process. If you are arriving few days before the tour departure or you would like to extend your stay after the tour end, get in touch with our agents, and they will help you with booking your pre or post tour accommodation at the same hotel as the one that is already booked for your stay.

What is cancellation policy?


In case of cancellation by the guest, refund policy will be applied by the terms stated in the list below. The guest is obligated to send official written cancellation notice. Given refund policy will be applied from the time of receiving the notification in writing. The shown refund amount represents a percentage of the total tour price.

For cancellation up to 60 days before departure – 100% refund. For cancellation from 59 days till 46 days before departure – 90% refund. For cancellation from 45 days till 31 days before departure – 80% refund. For cancellation from 30 days till 16 days before departure – 70% refund. For cancellation from 15 days till 8 days before departure – 50% refund. For cancellation from 7 days till the day of departure – 0% refund.

Beside all standard reasons, cancellation policy will also apply if tour participant cancel the tour with a reason that includes medical ground, visa issues, jury service etc.

Related Tours:

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Private: The Heartland of Montenegro – 6 days

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Montenegro Essentials – 5 days


We know the balkans

Balkan&more is a brand of Tour Operator L.L.C. – one of the region’s leading Destination Management Companies, specialized in travel to the Balkans and Southeast Europe. Balkan&more provides extraordinary private and small group experiences, combining the very gems of the region into scheduled or tailor-made tours.

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  • Identification number: 21141593

Tour Operator d.o.o. Koste Glavinića 2, 11000 Beograd

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Balkan Tales

Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania Tour

Balkan tour

Tirana, the capital of Albania, is worth the trip alone. But the Adriatic coast gives this trip to the Balkans a truly special air of escape. Take a boat trip on Skadar lake – the biggest in the Balkans – and explore the ancient sights and modern life of Kotor, Visegrad, Budva and stunning Sarajevo.

This is a tour which includes a lot of what makes this part of the world truly special. Your friendly, fully licensed guide will ensure you see everything and give you insights into the land behind the beauty.

Here’s what you’ll see:

City tour of Tirana, the Albanian capital, Berat fortress and old town, Kruje fortress, Montenegro’s city of Bar and its old town, Skadar lake boat trip, Kotor and its amazing harbour and palaces, seeing the sights around Kotor bay and outlying villages, lively Budva, Mostar and its famous bridge, Visegrad and Sarajevo with its incredible history.

What your tour includes

  • Your friendly professional guide – choose a driver-guide or local guide. They’ll be there to offer their knowledge as well as to help you interact with local people.
  • Simple customization – let us personalize your tour to meet your needs. We can add stops, rest days, exploration time, your preferred pick-ups and drop-offs. A
  • No hidden costs – fuel, parking fees and other costs are included in your free, no-obligation quote.


Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania Tour Itinerary

Tirana day tour

→ City tour of the Albanian capital and free time Visit the “Skanderberg square” (The main square in Tirana) with the Skanderberg Statue; Тhe “Ethem bey” mosque (the Only historical mosque in Tirana) Тhe “Enver Hoxha” pyramid, the Peace bell Тhe Building of the historical museum of Tirana, a Preserved bunker (in one of the bunkers there is a museum about the victims of the Albanian Communist regime) Maria Theresa boulevard, Тhe University of Tirana, Тhe Old government square; The Clock tower (19th Century)

Overnight in Tirana

Learn and explore the Berat Castle in Albania

→ Transfer to Montenegro Visit the old town of Bar

Overnight in Bar

Trip to Skadar lakes in Montenegro

→ Boat trip of the lake

→ Transfer to Kotor

→ City tour of the old town Visit the Kotor old city, Kotor harbour, city walls, St Tryphon cathedral, St Nicola church, Piaza of the arms, Church of St Luke, Gurdich gate, Clock tower, Grubonja palace, Karampana well, Drago palace, Pima palace, Beskuca’s Palace, Grgurina Palace, Bizanti Palace, Prince’s Palace, Sea gate, Old Kotor prison building

→ Transfer to Budva Free time in Budva

Overnight in Budva

Visit the breathtaking site of Kotor Bay

→ Transfer to Cetinje City tour of Cretinje old center

→ Transfer back to Budva

History walk and exploring culture in Trebinje

→ Transfer to Mostar Visit Blagaj on the way

→ City tour of Mostar Visit the Strati Most/ The most bridge (A rebuilt 16th-century Ottoman bridge in the city of Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina that crosses the river Neretva and connects the two parts of the city. The Old Bridge stood for 427 years, until it was destroyed on 9 November 1993 by Croat military forces during the Croat–Bosniak War.); The Old turkish bazar “Kujundziluk”, The Old turkish quarter, “Koskin – Mehmed pasha’s” mosque, (Small mosque dating to the 17th century)

Overnight in Mostar

Sarajevo tour and historical sites to explore

→ City tour of Sarajevo Visit the Bascarsija (The historical Turkish market); Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque (Ottoman mosque from 16th century); The Latin Bridge/ The Assassination Bridge (Ottoman-era stone bridge near the site of Archduke Franz Ferdinand’s 1914 assassination); The Sebilj Monument (Famous 18th century wooden fountain); Тhe “Sacred Heart” Cathedral (Gothic cathedral from the 19th century); The Sarajevo city hall.

The Abandoned Bobsleigh Track (Built in 1984 for the Winter Olympic games in Former Yugoslavia The country opened its doors to the international community to celebrate sport, after the breakup of Yugoslavia, during the long Sarajevo siege the bobsleigh track been used as a base for the artillery); The Tunnel of Hope (Military-history museum at the site of a storied Bosnian War–era underground tunnel); During your free time in Sarajevo you can enter the Museum of Sarajevo 1878–1918 (Compact museum dedicated to historical events in Sarajevo during the Austro-Hungarian period.); The War Childhood Museum (Prominent museum featuring exhibits & videos on the children who lived through the Bosnian War.); The Museum of Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide.

Overnight in Sarajevo

tour albania e montenegro

→ Transfer back to Sarajevo

End of the tour

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Where next?

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • North Macedonia

tour albania e montenegro


  • Accommodation

7 Day Cross-Border Hiking: Montenegro to Albania

tour albania e montenegro

2024 departure dates: any Sunday, June-October – £100pp off for w/c 25th August!

hiking the Via Dinarica

Some of the most spectacular, untouched landscapes in Europe are to be found on this cross-border hiking holiday exploring the southernmost part of the Via Dinarica! Designed for experienced hikers, our program combines two grandiose mountain chains – Komovi and Prokletije – and two amazing countries – Montenegro and Albania – to form one unforgettable adventure hiking the Peaks of the Balkans! You will encounter settlements almost untouched by the modern world, local lifestyles, the traditional cuisines of Montenegro and Albania and as many stories about their shared Illyrian history as you could ask for!

Some background: the Dinaric Alps are one of Europe’s best-kept secrets when it comes to mountain ranges. They have huge appeal for the intrepid explorer! Our itinerary covers sections of the famous ‘Via Dinarica’ trail, starting at Komovi, the third highest mountain massif in Montenegro, and moving to the cross-border ‘Peaks of the Balkans’ national parks of Prokletije, Theth and Valbona.

Book to Give Back – every booking sparks a donation to our chosen local environmental and community causes!

All transport, accommodation and meals are included, as well as a 24/7 qualified guide who will collect you from your location and bring you back to Podgorica at the end of your trip. The group size is a minimum of three, a maximum of eight. Please also note that part of the program is created for hiking from spot to spot so it’s very important to pack your rucksacks in an optimal way – no suitcases! We will not carry all luggage by ourselves – support vehicles and, on occasion, horses are used for the most remote areas.

tour albania e montenegro

Semir  has over twenty years of experience guiding guests around the Balkans. He is a qualified mountain guide and is probably the most knowledgeable Tour Leader in the whole region! He speaks superb English, as well as native Montenegrin and Albanian.

Want to see more? Watch our video of the Theth-Valbona hike!

Day 1 – Arrival  After landing in Montenegro, we’ll travel directly to Kolašin for a group dinner and to prepare for the trip ahead. Overnight at a local guesthouse in Kolašin.

Day 2 – Vasojevički Kom Vasojevički Kom is one of the most spectacular peaks in the whole of Montenegro. Even though the trail is quite steep, up to 2,461m above sea level, there are no technically demanding parts and the ascent normally takes about 3 hours. However, you’ll be too delighted with the views to even think about these details! From the summit, you’ll see more than half of Montenegro and its stunning mountains and valleys, as well as a part of Kosovo and Albania’s beautiful landscapes. After the hike, we will drive to directly to the Prokletije, where we will be based for the next three nights. Overnight at Eko Katun Rosi, a terrific location experienced in catering for hikers and nature lovers. Hike details:   11km, 760m ascent . Grade: moderate/challenging .

tour albania e montenegro

Day 4 – Free Day Time for resting and enjoying the beautiful nature of Grebaja Valley. We’ll also visit some local cultural sights – the tower (museum) of the Redzepagić family from the 15th century and the last mosque that the Ottomans built in the Balkans (1912). Recharge your batteries and save some energy for the next two days in the Prokletije Mountains! Overnight at Eko Katun Rosi.

Day 5 – Crossing the Border – Ropojana to Theth We’ll start the day with a one-hour transfer from Plav to Ropojana Valley, where we’ll meet our Albanian guide. Be ready for a very special day – this tour is definitely one of the top walking tours in the whole of the Balkans! We’ll be surrounded by the astonishing peaks of the Prokletije Mountains, passing through beautiful valleys and forests. The first section is more or less flat or ascending, but when we hit Qafa e Pejes, the highest point of this trail, we’ll descend for the rest of our walk, staring at the beautiful valley of Theth and surrounding peaks. At the entrance of the valley, we’ll stop at a local café to have some fresh drinks and to decide whether to continue to our lodgings by foot or 4×4! Overnight at Polia Guesthouse, Theth (or similar). Hiking details: 17-23km (depending on the last section!), ascent 500m. Grade: moderate.

Day 6 – Theth to Valbona This is a justly famous hike, with the scenery-o-meter ramped up to “staggering”. Even though the two places are really close – divided only by one ridge of the Prokletije – travelling by car takes about 8 hours (!), literally the same time that it takes to walk between the two Albanian National Parks. With trusty horses carrying our bags, the trail goes steeply up from Theth to the pass, giving us stunning views of the valley and surrounding high rocky walls. From this point we’ll have about 2.5 hours of descent, enjoying the pure natural beauty. Coming down to Valbona Valley, you’ll see that despite the differences in landscape, there’s always one constant – the traditional, natural hospitality of the Albanian people. Overnight at Kol Gjoni Hotel, Valbona (or similar). Hiking details: 17-20km depending on the group, ascent 1000m. Grade: moderate/challenging.

Day 7 – Komani Lake to Shkoder The active part of the tour is completed but it’s not the end of our adventure! Our journey will start with a 1.5-hour long journey from Valbona to Firza by bus. There we’ll take a 2-hour ferry trip on Komani Lake. You’ll really enjoy travelling through the beautiful canyons before the second half of our bus ride to Shkoder, which lends its name to the huge lake on whose shores it sits. Shkoder is always inspiring. Its long and turbulent history is visible on every step in this simple, but very beautiful city. After a walk through the city centre and delicious seafood in the best fish restaurant in Northern Albania, we’ll finish our day in the traditional luxury of the Tradita Hotel, a gorgeous house dating back to the 16th century, and which is a “must-do” for all visitors passing through!  

Day 8 – Return to Podgorica

Prices include all accommodation, transfers, meals and guided excursions.  Transfers to/from Podgorica Airport are included, other locations would be at extra charge.

Book by 1st March 2024 for a £50pp discount!

Maximum Group size of 8. Minimum Group size of 3.

Please note, accommodation is clean, characterful and basic – in such remote areas, do not expect luxury! If for any reason the first choice accommodation is not available, we will let you know about the alternatives well in advance of your holiday.


tour albania e montenegro


tour albania e montenegro


tour albania e montenegro


tour albania e montenegro

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"The explanations are very clears. I recommend it." DNH, traveled in January 2023

Reviews of Small Group tours to Albania And Montenegro

Totally worth it! I enjoyed everything
An amazing tour with a great organisation that really goes the extra mile for its travellers. The stunning locations are paired with some incredible food, guides are excellent, and the tour is very well supported. Highly recommend!
The Peaks of the Balkans Hike exceeded all my expectations. Tough but enjoyable.

Contact our Albania and Montenegro travel experts


Expert in Albania and Montenegro at TourRadar

Joseph is one of our seasoned Albania and Montenegro Travel Experts. Reach out to us to get all your questions about Albania and Montenegro tours answered!

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  • Tour Albania – Montenegro – Bosnia

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About this tour

Tour Albania – Montenegro – Bosnia!

The tour of Balkans 8 days is the best way to immerse yourself in the unique landscapes, history and culture of the Balkans in southeast Europe. It remains a remarkable travel destination for active travelers hungry for adventure and new experiences.

With its charming multicultural towns, impressive monasteries, citadels perched on hillsides, gorgeous mountains, forests and lakes, hearty food and traditional folk music, you’ll feel like you’ve been transported to a different world. With hundreds of kilometers of coastline on both the Adriatic and Black Seas, beach lovers will feel right at home here as well.

If you want Join our Group Tours  we can Offer you a Great Deal!

Hit the green WhatsApp button,

Or contact us Cell: +355692234999

  • Avast Twist Tower in Sarajevo, Bosnia
  • The bridge of Mostar
  • Castle of Skanderbej, in Krujë, Albania
  • Find out why Sarajevo is known as “Little Jerusalem”
  • The Montenegrin Blue line beaches
  • Tirana, the vibrant, modern capital
  • See iconic St Stefan Island
  • Boka (the mouth) of Kotor Bay, stunning views
  • Dine like a Local, in family small restaurants


  • Accommodation in twin/double room with breakfast
  • English Speaking guide
  • Transport with very comfortable vehicle
  • Pickup and drop off at your hotel/apartment in Tirana
  • All expenses for guide and car; fuel, parking, pay tolls
  • All the taxes
  • Entry fees in mentioned Optional sites
  • Food and drinks
  • Personal expenses
  • Tips/gratitude for the guide/driver

Day 1 Tirana - Lezhe- Shkoder. Overnight in Shkoder

*In the morning we drive to Lezha, a town in north west Albania. Lezha is a fascinating town inhabited by different civilizations throughout history. The town’s name is believed to be derived from the Illyrian word “Lissus,” which means “place with water”. We will visit the Skanderbeg Memorial, dedicated to Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbeg, a national hero who fought against the Ottoman invasion in the 15th century. You can also explore the castle’s ruins (Optional) and climb to the top for breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. After this opportunity we suggest lunch at Agro-tourism "Mrizi Zanave" between Shkodra and Lezha. We will taste some delicacies of this region such us pickles, local cheeses, bio-olive oil, several kinds of bread etc. in their rustic form; the main specialty of the restaurant is young goats’ meat done in a very traditional way.  

*Then we drive to Shkodra the most important city of north Albania, set in a beautiful plateau in front of the largest lake in the Balkans named after the town itself, and with the Albanian Alps as a backdrop. We will take a walking tour in “Gjuhadol” a newly renovated pedestrian area of Italian and Austrian architectural influences, testimony to this city’s historic links with both these countries. We will visit Rozafa castle where we will not only experience the supremacy the Illyrians would have felt over their enemies standing in such an imposing Castle, but will also admire breathtaking views 360 degrees. OPTIONAL we can visit the Venice Art Mask Factory, one of the most important mask factories in the world, where they continue making them in the old technique Papier Maché. 

Check in the hotel in Shkoder.

Day 2 Shkoder- Budva - Kotor, Montenegro. Overnight in Kotor

After breakfast, we drive to Budva. Stop in front of St Stefan Island. St Stefan dates back from the 15th century as a Fisherman’s family which was fortified for better control to the sea. For the first time, it has transformed to a hotelier complex during the Yugoslavian Communist time, at the reign of Tito. 

The city of Budva is one of the most important touristic cities of Montenegro with a fascinating history, dating 2600 years ago. The tour of Budva continues in the Old Part of town with some quick visits at the Roman Ruins and the Budva Fortress by the coast offering spectacular views. The tiny streets of Budva are very charming. It is worth spending some time wandering around and visiting some of the local shops. Free time for lunch. After our visits, we drive to Kotor. Situated in an unusual gulf, named after the town it has been a very important historical, strategical and trading center. Founded around the 6th century BC, Kotor resembles an Open Book of history where you can spot different tracks and records from different periods of history. We will walk around the small squares, surrounded by typical quarters and visit some of the Highlights for their architecture, historical values and style. 

Check in the hotel in Kotor.

Day 3 Kotor – Trebinje – Mostar Bosnia Hercegovina. Overnight in Mostar

*In the morning we drive to Trebinje, a peaceful and charming old town in the heart of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s wine country. The old town is quiet and quaint with greyed stone walls draped in vines and cafes with colorful patio furniture spread out across the small alleyways. 

As soon as we arrive to Mostar, we start our walking tour which will cover most important sites and locations in Mostar.

We focus at Mostar’s Old Bridge, Old Bazaar and Old Town, but offer stories of Mostar’s uniqueness, in regard to historical and cultural diversity. Story of Mostar will be about the Bridge, it’s rise and fall, and how it had risen again. You will learn about Siege of Mostar, about why it is called Mostar, about “Mostarians”. We recreate Mostar for you and with you. In Mostar, if preferred, we give our guests free time to explore on their own as we simply do not like to “hold a candle all the way”.

Sunsets are amazing time in Mostar, so we’ll have drink at place overlooking the bridge panorama and discuss more about everything we did today. When Mostar is done, it is time to go back to Sarajevo, and it will take us around two hours ride before we are “home”.

The reason why, during this day tour, we prefer to arrive to Mostar around 3 or 4 pm and then explore Mostar, is because in the afternoon most of the day tours and big groups passing through Mostar are already gone, so we get to have Mostar for ourselves for maximized experience.

Day 4 Mostar - Sarajevo. Overnight in Sarajevo

In the morning we drive to Sarajevo, the capital town of Bosnia. 

Sarajevo has many nicknames, acquired through the different periods in the past. The “City of History” could be legitimately one of them. 

The Sarajevo Siege began with a drive down the main road that became known as Sniper Alley. During the 4 years Serbia held Sarajevo, the city was cut off from the outside world. Snipers and artillery surrounded the city from the hills making any open space dangerous. This road was the worst. Showing yourself here exposed you to pot shots from the hills. Literally, for 4 years you risked your life walking the street. In the end over 1,000 people were injured on this stretch of road. 

Ottoman oriental, Islamic, eastern scent is being mixed with “Austro-Hungarian”, western, occidental influence, and all of that in the end was spiced with diverse Yugoslav, communist, brutalist stamp. 

 Standing not more than 150 m as the crow flies from the Bey’s Mosque, a Jewish quarter narrates the story of the most affirmative Sarajevan segment of mutual acceptance and cohabitation. Understand how the Jews came to Bosnia and Sarajevo in 1565, what were their reasons and how they were accepted both by the government and locals.

Ferhadija as the main pedestrian street, therefore, is one of the most crowded places in the Sarajevo downtown. During the high tourist season, many languages could be heard, as many tourists from all over the world could be seen there.

Check in the hotel in Sarajevo.

Day 5 Sarajevo - Durmitor - Zhabljak - Niksic - Podgorica Montenegro

After breakfast at the hotel depart for Durmitor, the only one of Montenegro’s national parks to be accorded the designation of a UNESCO World Heritage site. With 23 mountain peaks that are over 7,500 feet tall, and bounded by the Tara and the Piva rivers, Durmitor National Park is nestled in the picturesque Dinara Alps. The Tara River Canyon is part of the park, and there are more than a dozen glacial lakes in the park. The park is also home to diverse flora and fauna. The area has historical importance as well. A major World War II battle took place near Žabljak, and there are archaeological digs in the region. Durmitor was designated a National Park in 1952. 

After Durmitor we drive to Zhabljak.  It is the highest town in the Balkans, located at 1,450 meters above sea level. OPTIONAL Lunch with traditional Montenegrin food. 

Continue to Nikšić, the second biggest city in Montenegro, and make another stop for pictures at the artificial Salty Lake. In the surroundings of Nikšić there are three artificial lakes. One of them is Slano Lake (Slano jezero), which was created in 1950 in order to serve the needs of Perućica hydro-power plant. Lake Slano has an area of 9 km² and is located in the western part of the field of Niksic, surrounded by medium-sized and high mountains. The coastline is rugged, with a lot of islands and peninsulas, and the waters of the lake are incredibly clean and clear. You will be charmed by the wild beauty of the lake and unspoiled nature, which surrounds it with the abundance of plant and animal species.  Afterward, we hit the road towards Podgorica.

Check in the hotel in Podgorica. 

Day 6 Podgorica – Kruje – Tirana

Podgorica’s old town, known as Stara Varoš, is a charming district full of small streets, old buildings, and plenty of cafes and restaurants. You can start your tour at the Clock Tower, a symbol of the city, and wander around the narrow alleys, admiring the mixture of Ottoman and Venetian styles. 

Podgorica has several museums that showcase the history, art, and culture of the city and the country. The City Museum (Optional), located in the old town, has a collection of artifacts and exhibits that showcase the city’s history from prehistoric times to modern-day. The Natural History Museum (Optional), also located in the old town, has a collection of fossils, minerals, and animals that are native to the region. The National Museum of Montenegro (Optional), located in the center of the city, has a rich collection of art and historical objects that showcase the culture and heritage of Montenegro and the Balkans.

After the visit we drive to Kruja, Albania. Kruja is the center of Albanian resistance against the Ottomans under our National Hero Scanderbeg. He kept the Ottoman armies from crossing into Western Europe for 25 years, thus earning the title “Athleta Christi” awarded by the pope of the time. We will visit the Skanderbeg Museum one of the best in the country where we get to know more about the history of Albania and our hero Scanderbeg. Finally, we make our way through Kruja’s famous Bazaar full of traditional artic rafts.

Check in the hotel in Tirana.

Day 7 Day trip to Berat (UNESCO)

After breakfast at the hotel depart for Berat a UNESCO World Heritage Site. We drive through Dumrea region also known as the Tuscany of Albania. Dumrea is famous for the beautiful landscape and more than 80 lakes. We stop for a coffee break in Belsh, a nice town by the lake. After Belsh we continue to Berat. Being more than 2400-year-old Berat it is one of the most attractive towns in Albania. Established in the 5th century B.C by an Illyrian tribe of central Albania with a protective castle, it was known as the fortified city of Antipatrea.  Hike up to Berat Castle, which offers panoramic views of the city and surrounding landscapes. This castle is the city of Berat's pride and joy. 

It is famous for its white-washed houses with their many windows which seem to have been built on top of each other, that give it the nickname the town “one thousand and one windows”. It retains a unique style of architecture. We will visit the Castle, St Mary’s Church turned Onufri Museum (optional), which houses an amazingly diverse collection of Icons and two other churches not open to the public.  Lunch can be in a traditional house within the castle run by a local couple. Afterwards we drive back to Tirana for overnight.

Day 8 Day trip Bovilla lake and Dajti mountain cable car

In the morning we drive off roading towards the Bovilla canyons, one of the most beautiful panoramic roads around Tirana. When we reach the lake Bovilla, we have a nice stop for a photo opportunity with nice background over the lake and the mountains of rural Tirana. On the safari off road ride, we have some other small stops for photos until we reach the nice caffe restaurant Bovilla that the local family has recently constructed overlooking the lake on top of the mountain. Then we take a small hike, around 20 minutes to the top of Gamti mountain where at the view-point we have breathtaking views that can’t be expressed with words, it can only be experienced.

Dajti Mountain Cable Car Ride

In the afternoon we drive back to the feet of Dajti Mountain, meet the Cable Car. Take the cable car ride 15 minutes up the National Park Dajti Mountain and have a nice relaxing walk in the park. There we have the possibility to play mini golf, have a coffee at the infinity bar overlooking Tirana and the whole valley down to the Adriatic Sea, play at the Dajti Adventure Park etc. Afterwards we drive back to Tirana for overnight.

End of our service.

Frequently asked questions

Is this tour recommended for family with children.

Yes, this tour is also good for families with children

Can you explain the Activity level - Relaxed marked above?

The difficulty level of the activities of this tour is Moderate: Can be done by all people of all ages able to walk about 1 – 3 kilometers per day!

What is cancellation policy?

This tour can be Cancelled 

- up to 30 days before departure – FREE of Charge

- up to 10 days before departure – 50% Charge

- up to 3 days before departure – 100% Charge

Do you require a visa for this holiday?

Please consult the Visa Procedures Official site of the Republic of Albania

How do I pay?

Payment options we have:

  • Cash upon arrival
  • By cards (Debit, Credit)
  • Bank transfer

How long is the tour?

This tour is 2 (two) full days, NOT including airport transfers!

If you wish to organize also the airport transfers with us, please feel free to contact!

What size is the group?

Our groups usually are 5 – 8 people. 

Maximum group size is 16 people per tour!

Where does the tour pick-up and drop off?

Pick-ups and Drop offs of our tours are at your accommodation!

What weather can you expect?

Albania, North Macedonia and Kosovo have a Mediterranean climate with hot summers, cool springs and autumns and mild winters! 

Rainy seasons are usually expected to be autumns and winters. 

Snow is expected locally in the mountainous areas during December – January!

Tour's Location

Bulk discount adult, tour packages, select activity package.

  • Lunch at Agritourism Mrizi Zanave, Lezhe (20 per person) (€20.00)
  • Entry to Venice Art Mask Factory, Shkoder (10 per person) (€10.00)
  • Boat ticket: Kotor-Lady of the Rock-Perast (25 per person) (€25.00)
  • Reserve seat in Small Group(€1.050.00) 0 1


Tour Albania – Montenegro – Bosnia

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Two days trip to Theth National Park and Shkoder

Day trip to Budva and Kotor from Tirana

Day trip to Budva and Kotor from Tirana

Two days tour to Budva – Kotor from Tirane

Two days tour to Budva – Kotor from Tirane

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Tour Albania from Theth to Butrint 7 days

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Victor Tours

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North Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia & Serbia in 11 days

North Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia & Serbia in 11 days

You’ll be surprised by the number of experiences and beautiful sights packed in this relatively short itinerary. From UNESCO World Heritage sites such as The Old Bridge in Mostar, Kotor and Perast area in Montenegro, Gračanica Monastery in Kosovo, Ohrid Lake in North Macedonia, to the Ottoman heritage of Bosnia and bustling streets of Belgrade with its unique mix of Roman, Serbian, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman influences, this tour is melting pot of different sights, cultures, traditions, and tastes. Pick your dates, and let us create an experience you’ll remember.

ITINERARY  11 days / 10 nights

Arrive at Skopje International Airport.

Our guide will meet you in the arrival hall with your name on the signboard. He will do the following: help you with your money exchange, give you essential information about Skopje, help you with your check-in, explain to you the location of your accommodation and advise you how to reach the main sights, and give you an overview of current happenings in the city.

In case your flight is delayed, there is no reason to worry. We will monitor your flight, and our guide will meet you accordingly. There are no additional charges for flight delays. After a short ride of 20 minutes, you’ll be in the city’s center. Check in at the hotel, and take the rest of the day to get more familiar with Skopje, walk around, or follow your guide’s recommendation for dinner. 

Overnight: S kopje

After breakfast, we’ll head for Kosovo. We’ll spend a full day exploring the natural and cultural beauties of the area.­

Before we reach Pristina, we’ll stop at the marvelous medieval UNESCO-protected Gračanica monastery, completed in 1321 by the Serbian king Milutin. The monastery, which is set on large, grassy grounds, is one of the most attractive in Kosovo. Here, you will hear the story about the history of the monastery and the area, about Orthodox Christianity, and you’ll get a chance to admire the breathtaking interior, with extraordinary frescoes covering the walls up to the top of the highest tower.­

After this serene experience, we will continue to Pristina, only 20 minutes away. We’ll immediately start with the sightseeing. We’ll check the sights such as the National University Library of Kosovo, open-air archeological park, Carshi Mosque, Sultan Mehmet Fatih Mosque, Great Hammam, etc. You’ll have some free time to explore the city on your own or perhaps grab a bite before we proceed to Prizren.­

Set on the slopes of Šar mountain and by the banks of the Bistrica River, Prizren is widely regarded as the most beautiful city in Kosovo. Its rich cultural heritage represents a blend of different cultural influences, including Turkish, Serbian, and Albanian. Here, you will see the Sinan Pasha Mosque, Prizren Fortress, and Prizren Old Town, with various souvenir shops, restaurants, and cafes. ­

After some free time, we’ll head back to Skopje, where we will arrive in the evening.­

Overnight: Skopje

After breakfast, we’ll start with the walking tour. Skopje, a city with 2 thousand years of history, the capital of Northern Macedonia, is the meeting point of many nations and cultures in the heart of the Balkans. It attracts tourists with a fortress, cultural and historical monuments, archaeological sites, and most of all, very warm, hospital, and welcoming citizens. During our tour, we will walk through the narrow Streets of Old Bazaar, the biggest market in the Balkans; we’ll check the 1500 years old fortress Kale, the monastery St. Pantaleon with the fresco” Lamentation of Christ,” the Islamic monuments Sultan Murat’s- Hjunkar Mosque, the Daut Pasha’s bath, and the birthplace of Mother Teresa. After the walking tour, we will continue our trip toward Ohrid Lake.

En route, we will stop at the famous  Matka Canyon  and enjoy a boat ride through the beautiful gorge. After that, you will have some free time for lunch before we proceed to Ohrid.

Arrive at Ohrid in the evening and check in at the hotel. Free time.

Overnight: Ohrid

Nicknamed “The Jerusalem of the Balkans,” Ohrid was once the center of Slavic culture and religion. The natural and cultural heritage of the Ohrid region is on the UNESCO World Heritage list.

We will walk through Ohrid’s cobbled Old Town and up to the hilltop Church of St John at Kaneo to get the most incredible view over the lake, mountains, and Galiĉica National Park. We’ll check sights such as The Church of St. Sophia, the Roman amphitheater, and the Samuel Fortress.

After a short ride of 30 minutes, it’s time to enter one of the perhaps most mysterious and yet-to-be-discovered countries of The Balkans – Albania. The country’s geographical position, political history, and unique language made Albania one of Europe’s least visited countries, which has rapidly changed in the past 10 years.

On our way to Tirana, we’ll make a short stop at Elbasan, the third-largest city in the country, right in the middle of Albania. We’ll check the Castle of Elbasan, the King’s Mosque, St Mary Orthodox Church, and the Clock Tower.

Check-in at the hotel. Enjoy your free afternoon discovering Tirana on your own. Perhaps visit the Bunk’Art 1, a former anti-nuclear bunker now turned into a very interesting historical and art center, or check out the Dajti Cable Car and enjoy the breathtaking city views.

Breakfast and off we go, to explore this vibrant city, famous for its non-stop energy and motion. During our tour, we’ll see the Mosque of Et’hem Bey and the 35 m high Kulla e Sahatit or the Watch Tower.

Moreover, we will visit the famous Mosaic uncovered on the floor of an old Roman lodge. Its center configures the walls of the castle of the Roman emperor Justinian (A.D. 520). The monumental Tomb of Kaplan Pasha and the Ura e Tabakëve (a bridge constructed at the beginning of the 19th century, located on Jeanne d’Arc Boulevard) are a few other interesting places we will visit.

After a short refreshment, it’s time to leave Albania behind us and start revealing another not-so-often-visited Balkan country – Montenegro. On our way, we will drive through the National Park and pass by Southern Europe’s largest lake– Skadar.

Our first stop will be the charming town of Shkoder. Even before we enter the Old Town, we’ll be impressed by the mighty former Venetian fortress – Rozafa, the largest one in Albania. We’ll check Shkoder’s main sights, including Shkodra Cathedral and Ebu Bekr Mosque. After a short refreshment, we’ll hit the road and drive along the beautiful Adriatic coast until we reach Budva – the tourist capital of Montenegro. Check-in at the hotel. Free time. Use this evening to walk by the sea or explore Budva’s Old Town. 

Overnight: Budva

After breakfast, we’ll leave Budva behind us and ride towards the stunning Bay of Kotor, the longest and deepest fjord in Southern Europe. Our first stop will be the charming coastal town of Perast, one of the most beautiful towns on the Adriatic Sea, with only 300 residents. We will walk along the Perast promenade and admire the beautiful baroque palaces of noble families.

Following, we will take a short boat ride to the 15th century “Our Lady of the Rocks” Church perched on an islet in the bay. Once there, we will visit the Roman Catholic Church, which has an interesting interior.

The next stop is Kotor, where we will have a guided walking tour. This old Mediterranean town, surrounded by formidable city walls, was built between the 12th and 14th centuries. Its medieval architecture and other cultural monuments are why UNESCO included the city on the list of “World Natural and Historical Heritage Sites.” We’ll check out the Cathedral of St. Tryphon, Maritime Museum, numerous Palaces, and Old Square and get to feel the atmosphere of this unique medieval town. Here, we will have a lunch break.

Later on, we will proceed to Bosnia and Herzegovina. We’ll end the day in Trebinje, a charming and picturesque little town on the banks of the Trebišnjica River, with a laid-back atmosphere and an interesting mix of Mediterranean, Central European, and Ottoman influences. You can use the evening to stroll around small streets or have a nice dinner.

Overnight: Trebinje

After breakfast, our trip continues to Blagaj (a site on the UNESCO Tentative List), an old town from the first half of the 16th century and a beautiful representation of Ottoman architecture. Blagaj was the crib of Islam of today’s Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the short tour, enjoy the view of the monastery in a fairy-tale environment beneath the cliffs on the shores of the emerald-green river Buna.

Our next stop will be Mostar, a medieval town in northern Herzegovina and one of the Balkan’s top ten sights. With cobblestoned streets, old stone buildings, and its beautiful bridge spanning the picturesque Neretva River, it attracts thousands of visitors.

We will walk through its narrow streets to soak up the atmosphere and learn more about the history of this magnificent place. We will cross the

reconstructed Old Bridge, a staunch symbol of freedom on the Neretva River, and a UNESCO-protected landmark. If we are lucky, we may even witness some brave divers jumping from the bridge, following a tradition that lasts for a couple of centuries in Mostar.

We will proceed to Koski Mehmed Pasha Mosque, the Crooked Bridge, and the Old Town, or Čaršija as locals call it.

You will have some free time in Mostar for lunch on the banks of the Neretva River, with an amazing bridge view.

We’ll end the day in Sarajevo, a beautiful city with a complicated history.

After check-in, enjoy a free afternoon in Sarajevo and visit some of the most famous restaurants in the city, offering the famous “ćevapčići,” a traditional Bosnian dish, a small rolled patty of ground beef meat.

Overnight: Sarajevo

Breakfast. After breakfast, we’ll start exploring the capital of Bosnia & Herzegovina and one of Europe’s most historically rich cities.

We’ll start from the picturesque Turkish Bazaar (Bascarsija), an old trading place with artisan workshops. We’ll check many examples of splendid Ottoman architecture around the city center. The city is truly a “living history museum” where mosques built by the Ottomans sit alongside buildings created by the Austro-Hungarians and the Orthodox Churches. We’ll see the Gazi Husrev-bey Mosque, the most prominent Islamic structure in the country, one of the world’s finest examples of Ottoman architecture. We’ll drive past the now-neglected stadium from the 1984 Winter Olympic Games and the Gavrilo Princip Museum. On our walk, look for the poignant Sarajevo Roses, flower-shaped memorials in the pavement filled with red cement, one of the few reminders left of the war. 

After finishing the Sarajevo tour, we will proceed towards a town called Višegrad,  where we will see the famous Mehmed Paša Sokolović Bridge, a UNESCO site and the most beautiful example of Ottoman architecture in the Balkans. Also, we’ll have a lunch stop in Stone Town, another interesting project made by Emir Kusturica. After a lunch break, we’ll proceed toward Zlatibor.

We will finish our day in Serbia, in the tourist center of Zlatibor mountain. The region of Zlatibor is famous for its healthy air, folk architecture, native culture and traditions, wealthy and diverse ethnic heritage, widely-renowned culinary specialties, healthy food, and balmy climate. After the check-in and dinner, you’ll have free time to enjoy and relax.

Overnight: Zlatibor

After breakfast, it’s time to hit the road toward Western Serbia, known for its wild and untouched nature, tasty cuisine, and friendly and hospitable people. 

Our first stop is the famous Sargan Eight railroad. A unique narrow-gauge railway nowadays serves only for amusement. We will pass and stop at several viewpoints during our ride, from which one can see fabulous views over Mokra Gora. Authentic cars with wooden seats, wood-burning stoves, and characteristic rattling sounds will take us back in time.

The next stop is Wooden City. The famous director Emir Kusturica (two times Palme d’Or in Cannes winner) decided to build it during the shooting of his film “Life is a Miracle.” He chose to convey ruined wooden chalets from the mountain’s slopes, restore them, and form a new settlement. Here, we will have a lunch break.

The next sight on our way is one of the most famous attractions in Serbia, “The House on Drina River”, an isolated house made of logs on a river stone. After a photo stop and refreshments, we will continue our trip to Belgrade.

After check-in, use this afternoon to say farewell to Belgrade, walk around, or go for dinner following your guide’s recommendation.

Overnight: Belgrade

Breakfast. After breakfast, we’ll start with our Belgrade sightseeing tour. Today we will show you almost all the most important sights in the city.

We’ll start at the daunting Belgrade Fortress, dramatically perched above the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers. We’ll check the Victor Monument, Monument of Gratitude to France, Zindan Gate, The Chapel of Saint Petka, Clock Gate, and The Clock Tower.

Once we finish with the fortress, we will start our panoramic ride through New Belgrade – Belgrade’s largest municipality, with impressive modern architecture. Here, we will see some remarkable buildings such as the Ex-Central Committee of the Communist Party, Federal Executive Council, also known as the Palace of Federation, Genex Tower or Western Gate of Belgrade, Sava Center, Belgrade Arena, and many more.

After New Belgrade, we’ll reach Zemun, the northern area of Belgrade, which is characteristic of its Central European appearance, charming quarters, cobblestone streets, and fish restaurants on the Danube River banks. Its curvy cobblestone streets and small houses will give you the impression that Zemun is a melting pot of Mediterranean and Middle European cultures.

After Zemun, we’ll drive through Dedinje, Belgrade’s most luxurious residential area, before we reach the imposing Saint Sava Temple, one of the world’s largest Orthodox churches.

After the sightseeing tour, spend this afternoon on your own. Maybe check out Nikola Tesla’s Museum or the National Museum, or wander around the central streets.

In the evening, visit the Old Bohemian Quarter of Skadarlija, frequently compared to Montmartre in Paris, both in appearance and artistic atmosphere. It’s a perfect opportunity to familiarize yourself with traditional Serbian cuisine and the famous Belgrade nightlife. (Optional = 30€ per person)

Breakfast. Free time until your flight. Transfer to the airport. End of services. Have a safe flight!

If you depart from Belgrade a few days after the tour ends, you can book additional nights with us, at the same hotel,

And of course, we’ll gladly assist you if you want to extend your European adventure and continue to Budapest, Zagreb, Sofia or somewhere else.

Available all year long

GETTING A PRICE The price will depend on many factors; time of the year when you intend to travel, number of guests, hotel category, and many other details. Therefore, we advise that you contact us and give us as many details as possible so we can make the perfect offer for you.

  • 10 nights 4* or 5* accommodation
  • 2 nights in chosen hotel category in Skopje
  • 1 night in chosen hotel category in Ohrid
  • 1 night in chosen hotel category in Tirana
  • 1 night in chosen hotel category in Budva
  • 1 night in chosen hotel category in Trebinje
  • 1 night in chosen hotel category in Sarajevo
  • 1 night in chosen hotel category in Zlatibor
  • 2 nights in chosen hotel category in Belgrade
  • 11 meals: 10 breakfasts and one dinner (Zlatibor)
  • Arrival & departure airport transfers
  • Transfers according to the itinerary in a modern, air-conditioned vehicle
  • Sightseeing per itinerary
  • Services of an English-speaking tour manager from day 2 to day 10
  • All fuel costs, parking fees, and road tolls
  • Entrance fees:  Gračanica Monastery, Matka Canyon boat ride, Rozafa Castle, boat ride to Our Lady of the Rocks, Blagaj Tekke, the Wood Town, Sargan Eight train ride, Saint Sava Temple in Belgrade
  • Tour organization and 24/7 assistance from a licensed incoming tour operator
  • Arrival and departure flights
  • Food & drinks
  • entrance fees other than mentioned
  • Optional expenses
  • Child from 0 to 2 years old – FREE of charge.
  • Child from 2 to 12 years old, sharing the bed – 50% discount on the price of a twin room
  • Child from 2 to 12 years old, extra bed – 30% discount on the price of a twin room.
  • Up to 60 days before the departure date = 100% refund
  • 59 days to 46 days before the departure date = 90% refund
  • 45 days to 31 days before the departure date = 80% refund
  • 30 days to 16 days before the departure date = 70% refund
  • 15 days to 8 days before the departure date = 50% refund
  • 7 days or less before the departure date = 0% refund
  • You  MUST  confirm and obtain any visa requirements prior to the booking. All visa requirements are the sole responsibility of the traveler. A current valid passport is required on the day of travel.
  • Gratuities are not included in the price (not mandatory, but encouraged)
  • The final choice of hotels will depend on the availability at the moment of your booking. We reserve the right to change the hotel due to availability, but we promise the same category, location, and level of quality
  • Please note that VICTOR TOURS doesn’t guarantee the entrance of the church/cathedral due to sudden closure (mass, wedding, etc)
  • Please note that VICTOR TOURS doesn’t guarantee the timing due to weather and traffic
  • Please note that VICTOR TOURS doesn’t guarantee entrance to any sight due to late arrival
  • The minimum number of guests required is one
  • Tour duration = 11 days

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Albania, Montenegro & North Macedonia Tour

tour albania e montenegro

  • Trip Type Balkan Tours
  • Activities No Activities
  • Group Size No size limit - No size limit
  • Reviews 0 Reviews
  • Locations Albania , Macedonia , Montenegro
  • Trip Duration 12 Day(s) 11 Night(s)
  • Trip Includes
  • Trip Excludes

Location: Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo & Macedonia.

Duration: 13 days, 12 nights

This tour combines some of the highlights of the Balkan countries’ Albania, Macedonia, and Montenegro, by trying to show the best each of these countries offers. Albania offers a mixture of cultural elements with 3 UNESCO World Heritage Sites and a rich archaeological legacy. Macedonia offers some of the most excellent religious relics, with Ohrid having as many beautiful churches. Montenegro has made a name for itself based on its wild natural beauty.

Price  for Individuals on requests 

Note : We work with 4* hotels.

Group Tour Price

Minimum 10 pax – please get in touch with us for a fast quote BB, HB, or FB including entrance fees.

If you're interested in booking a trip with us, we would be happy to provide you with a personalized quote based on your specific needs and preferences. Please keep in mind that we work with 4-star hotels to ensure that our customers have a comfortable and enjoyable stay.

For group tours, our prices are based on a minimum of 10 people. If you have a group of 10 or more and would like a quick quote, please don't hesitate to contact us. We offer BB (bed and breakfast), HB (half board), and FB (full board) packages that include entrance fees to various attractions.


Tirana- airport-transfer to tirana.

Arrive at “Mother Teresa” Airport, meet and assist by our representative. Enjoy the welcome dinner in the Local Restaurant in Tirana. And then explore the nightlife of Tirana, walking in the ex-block area known as “the forbidden town” where the villas of the communists’ leaders are still standing next to trendy boutiques, expensive jeweler’s shops, and active local pubs. Overnight in Tirana. Hotel 4*

Tirana -Shkoder-Budva (Montenegro)

After breakfast, we begin with a full day in Albania’s lively capital, Tirana. We visit the National Historical Museum, the early 19th-century Ethem Bey Mosque, and the National Gallery. We continue to the Archaeological Museum, home to a vast collection and opened especially for our group. Continuing with the newly opened Atonic bunker, the Bunk’art2 museum in Tirana opened to the public describing it as a museum throwing light on political persecution during the Albanian communist era. The museum – called Bunk’Art 2 – is also intended as a memorial to the tens of thousands of people who were imprisoned and executed by the communist regime”. Continue to Lezha where visit the Memorial of Skanderbeg – proceed to Shkodra – afternoon visit the “Rozafa” fortress, Continue to Montenegro through Murriqan/Sukobin cross border– proceed to Budva through Petrovac and St.Stefan island – dinner, overnight at hotel in Budva area.

Budva- Kotor- Perast, Budva - Tivat

After breakfast starts the sightseeing and visits the old town Feel the authentic old spirit of the country, enjoy remarkable scenery and outstanding views. Budva, one of the oldest settlements on the Adriatic coast, is also known as "the queen of tourism". Continue to Kotor Visit of Kotor will give you the chance to enjoy a miraculous exploration of The Old Town, its mystic labyrinth of charming squares and narrow streets. Drive to Perast, Perast creates a specific feeling as if you were walking around an open museum due to impressive palaces and churches which testify to the rich history and tradition of this place. Once, a famous port and today, a precious piece of paradise. take - boat ride to Our Lady of the Rocks island, church and museum visit, and free time in Perast. Continue to Budva on the way shortstop in Tivat for sightseeing and continue to Budva for overnight


After breakfast drive” –follow on to Cetinje -visit the Royal Palace of King Nikola II and the Monastery of St. Petar – proceed to Podgorica – Shkodra- The route continues to Durres– Visit the ancient Greco-Roman port city of Dyrrachium. You will visit the Amphitheatre (2nd, century AD) and the old town. Overnight in Durres. Hotel Amfiteatri or similar

Durres-Elbasan-Ohrid (Macedonia)

After breakfast Travel east to Elbasan, stopping en route at the remains of a Turkish fort. Continue into Macedonia and the town of Ohrid, situated on the east shore of Lake Ohrid. This Unesco world heritage site is known as the ‘Macedonian Jerusalem’ due to its large number of churches. The enormous lakes are renowned for the clarity of their water. Stay at the Tino or Aleksandrija Hotel


Morning tour of the town. See St Sophia Cathedral, the oldest cathedral in Macedonia, the Church of St Clement at Plaoshnik, where the first university in Europe was founded, and the Gallery of Icons, which has the largest collection of icons in the world. Continue visit to the Monastery of St Naum. Its position on a rocky overhang provides excellent views across the lake. Cross the border back into Albania and continue to Pogradec Enjoy lunch at a local restaurant in Drilon (a nice spot not far from Ohrid Lake which has been a preferred holiday place for the ex-dictator Hoxha) – decorated with willow trees, and streams flowing down to the lake. Continue to Korca, historically an important trade town. Visit the Museum of Medieval Arts, which displays more than 150 icons. Stay at the Hotel Grand or Bujtina Leon Hotel for 1 night.

Korca- Permet-Gjirokastra

After breakfast, our tour will progress to Permet city. Along the way, you will enjoy the wonderful views of nature. Stop for lunch in a traditional local restaurant in Permet. Continue with ss tour of the small town of Permet. Here also we will visit a nice traditional Permeti Family where the group will enjoy the ALBANIAN Hospitality also will try our National spirit Raki & gliko. We will proceed along the Vjosa River and see the charming canyons of Kelcyra outfall. The way passes through Tepelena city, the native land of Ali Pasha Tepelena, where is found the medieval castle with the same name. In the evening arrive at the stone city of Gjirokastra. Accommodation and Overnight at Hotel Argjiro or Kalemi Gjirokastra.

Gjirokastra- Blue Eye- Saranda

This morning depart to Saranda, the hillside town facing the sea, famous for its magnificent “Butrinti” archaeological site. Visit the “Blue Eye” spring, formed by underground springs, and the unusual church of St. Nicholas at Mesopotamia with its fine carvings of mythological beasts. Stop for the lunch at “Lekursi Castle restaurant (built on the ruins of an old castle). Overnight in Saranda. Hotel Brilant 4* or similar

Sarande-Butrinti- Ksamil- Saranda

After breakfast drive to Butrint, we will visit the well-preserved ruins of the ancient city of Butrint and its museum hosted in the Venetian castle, Butrint: is a National park that includes a very well preserved archaeological area, an uncontaminated vegetation area of Mediterranean, and has also a lake that is connected to the Ionian Sea by a natural channel. The wetlands around the lake are shelters for different animals and aquatic species in danger of extinction. The excavations and studies have proved that during the VII and the VI centuries BC. Butrint was a protourban centre. By the V century, BC Butrint has got the full form of an ancient city. During the VI century, the city was equipped with new buildings such as the theatre, the agora, the small, temple, and the stoa. After the visits to Butrint, we will continue to must beautiful seaside village of Ksamil, free time for optional lunch in Fish restaurant 10 m from the sea. Continue to Saranda. Overnight in Hotel Brilant or similar


After breakfast drive up to Albanian Riviera. En route make a short visit to the bay of Porto Palermo where the castle of Ali Pasha is situated. Continue climbing to 3,000 feet where you can enjoy the best views, as we drive through the fertile slopes and villages. Drive along Himara, Dhermi coastline and stop for a special lunch in a restaurant in Llogara, enjoying the wonderful scenery among the pinewoods. Afternoon arrival in Vlora, an historical and coastal city. Overnight in Vlora. Hotel Partner or Regina City


The morning tour takes you on a sightseeing tour in Vlora. Proceeds to the ancient Greek settlement of Apollonia – (founded in 588 BC). After the visit to Apollonia proceed to Ardenica – where is a medieval monastery surrounded by stonewalls. Here you will admire Marry Church and Saint Triadha Chapel. After the visit to Apollonia continue to Berat – the other one “Museum City”. Overnight in Berat. Hotel Magalemi

Berat–Durres- Kruja

After breakfast full day to explore the Unesco town of Berat known as the ‘town of a thousand windows’, Berat’s Ottoman architecture and ancient history have given it UNESCO World Heritage Status. The town is home to Berat Castle which is perched on a rocky hill, inaccessible from the south. The fortress was so large that it could house a substantial proportion of the town’s inhabitants. The influence of different cultures can be found in Berat’s mosques and Byzantine churches. Today, we will walk from Classical to Medieval times in the attractive town of Berat. We will visit the castle, Onufri Museum. Ethnographic Museum. Continue to Kruja, the capital of Albania during the resistance against the Turks under Scanderbeg, who is our national hero and was a great leader that defeated the Turks in 25 battles. Visit the Scanderbeg Museum, Ethnographic museum the best in Albania, walk through the old Bazar and time for shopping. Overnight at Hotel Panorama Kruja


After breakfast, free time at your resort before the transfer to Tirana Airport.

11 nights’ accommodation in 4* Hotels, with breakfast. All the transfers throughout the tour with a/c vehicle. English, French, German, Italian, Spanish speaking guide/ or Guide/Driver. (Separate driver and guide for over 7 participants) All taxes

Flight Tickets, other meals Gratuities/Tip to Driver/Guide Entrance fees

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AUTHOR OF – ALBANIA: THE BRADT TRAVEL GUIDE"> Gillian Gloyer AUTHOR OF – ALBANIA: THE BRADT TRAVEL GUIDE When I worked with Tours Albania & Balkans, their professional approach, combined with Jimmy Lama's people skills and knowledge of the country, ensured that everyone in the group got the most out of their holiday in Albania.
Edinburgh, United Kingdom"> Peter Yeoman Edinburgh, United Kingdom I worked with Tours Albania in May and October 2016 as the specialist archaeology guide leading a 1 week tour of Albania from Tirana south, with all arrangements on the tour, driver and local guide provided by Tours Albania. Tours… Read More
Owner of Black Mountain Adventure Travel and Adventure Tourism development consultant."> Jack Delf Owner of Black Mountain Adventure Travel and Adventure Tourism development consultant. As a regional tour operator in the Western Balkans, I have known and worked with Jimmy and Tours Albania & Balkans for about 6 years now. Jimmy is very reliable, highly professional and a pleasure to work with. 'Tours Albania… Read More
Owner at Friis & Resor (Friis &Tours)"> Nils-Erik Friis Owner at Friis & Resor (Friis &Tours) I can highly recommend Tours Albania and Balkans and the owner Jimmy Lama. Jimmy is a very professional tour-organizer and listens carefully to his customers. I have had the pleasure to work with him already six years.
Nick Sedgwick Board member at Lichfield Festival Ltd – UK We travelled to Albania in 2012 with Brightwater Travel and TAB were our tour operator in Albania. We had an excellent holiday and the care and expertise of Jimmie Lama and his colleagues. Their business has expanded a lot and… Read More


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Western Balkan Geotourism

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      Tour da Croácia, Montenegro e Albânia | 11 dias

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1º dia | Split

Transfer do aeroporto no horário de chegada do voo a ser confirmado.

13h00 – 16h00  Tempo livre para almoço

16h00 – 18h00  Passeio guiado por guia local em Split

A segunda maior cidade da Croácia, Split (Spalato em italiano) é um ótimo lugar para ver a vida dálmata como ela realmente é vivida. Sempre animada, esta cidade exuberante tem o equilíbrio certo entre tradição e modernidade. Entre no Palácio de Diocleciano (um Patrimônio da Humanidade da Unesco e um dos monumentos romanos mais impressionantes do mundo) e você verá dezenas de bares, restaurantes e lojas que prosperam em meio às antigas muralhas, nas quais a vida acontece em Split há milhares de anos.

18h00  Resto do dia livre. Fim das atividades com o guia

2º dia | Trogir

08h00 – 09h00  Café da manhã no hotel

09h00 – 09h30  Viagem para Trogir

09h30 – 12h30  Passeio por Trogir​  

A encantadora Trogir fica dentro de uma muralha medieval numa pequena ilha ligada por pontes para o continente e para a Ilha de Čiovo, que é muito maior. Nas noites de verão, todos gravitam em torno do largo calçadão à beira-mar, repleto de bares, cafés e iates, deixando as ruas de mármore brilhando misteriosamente sob as luzes da rua à moda antiga. A cidade velha manteve muitos edifícios intactos desde seus tempos de glória entre os séculos XIII e XV. Em 1997, sua abundante coleção de edifícios românicos e renascentistas conquistou o status de Patrimônio Mundial da Humanidade.

12h30 – 14h30  Tempo livre para almoço

14h30 – 15h00  Viagem de volta para Split

15h00  Resto do dia livre para explorar Split

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3º dia | Pelješac

08h00 – 09h00  Café da manhã no hotel e check-out;  

09h00 – 12h00  Viagem de carro até Peljesac

12h00 – 14h00  Visita e degustação de vinhos em vinícola local

A Península de Pelješac é conhecida como região produtora de excelentes vinhos desde a Grécia Antiga, sendo os vinhos mais famosos o Dingač e o Postup (feitos da uva Plavac Mali, endêmica da região). As uvas são cultivadas em condições extremas em morros íngremes, entre a montanha e o mar, fazendo com que recebam a chamada "tripla insolação" - primeiro, diretamente do sol; segundo, dos raios solares refletidos do mar; terceiro, dos raios solares refletidos das rochas brancas da montanha. Por isso, dizem que o Dingač é um vinho do sol e da pedra, com fortes e concentrados aromas de frutas.

14h00 – 16h00  Tempo livre para almoço em Peljesac

16h00 – 17h30  Viagem para Dubrovnik

17h30  Resto do dia livre. Fim das atividades com o guia

4º dia | Dubrovnik

08h00 – 09h00  Café da manhã no hotel

09h30 – 12h30  Passeio guiado por guia local em Dubrovnik

Dubrovnik é uma cidade costeira da Croácia localizada no extremo sul da Dalmácia, na ponta do istmo do mesmo nome. É um dos destinos turísticos mais concorridos do Mar Adriático, um porto marítimo e a cidade mais importante do condado de Dubrovnik-Neretva. Pela sua beleza natural e urbanística, e pelo que representa para a história, Dubrovnik é conhecida como "a pérola do Adriático" e "Atenas eslava", devido aos seus antigos habitantes a distinguirem como única numa região onde imperava a barbárie e por nela terem proliferado grandes figuras das humanidades e das artes.

14h30 – 18h00  Subida de teleférico ao mirante mais lindo de Dubrovnik. Tempo para curtir o visual e tomar um café. Atividades alternativas: visitar a fortaleza de Lovrijenac ou a Ilha de Lokrum.

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5º dia | Budva

08h00 – 09h00  Café da manhã e check out

09h00 – 12h00  Viagem a Budva​

12h00 – 15h00  Tempo livre para almoço, check-in no hotel e breve descanso

15h00 – 18h00  Passeio guiado por guia local em Budva

Budva, é uma cidade montenegrina no Mar Adriático com cerca de 14.000 habitantes. Budva tem 2.500 anos, o que a torna um dos assentamentos mais antigos da costa adriática. Desenvolveu-se em torno de uma pequena península, na qual se situa a cidade velha. É, de longe, o destino mais visitado de Montenegro, atraindo principalmente turistas montenegrinos, russos, sérvios e outros europeus da Europa Oriental. Há até 35 praias na área de Budva, principalmente de rocha e algumas com areia.

18h00  Fim das atividades com o guia

6º dia | Kotor

08h00 – 09h00  Café da manhã

09h00 – 09h30  Viagem para Kotor

09h30 – 12h00  Passeio guiado por guia local em Kotor

Localizada ao longo de uma das baías mais bonitas do mundo está Kotor, uma cidade de comerciantes e marinheiros famosos, com muitas histórias a contar. A Cidade Velha de Kotor é uma urbanização bem conservada típica da Idade Média, construída entre os séculos XII e XIV. A arquitetura medieval e os inúmeros monumentos do patrimônio cultural tornaram Kotor um "Patrimônio Mundial e Histórico Mundial" da UNESCO. Através de toda a cidade, os edifícios são atravessados ​​por ruas estreitas e praças. Numa dessas praças fica a Catedral de São Trifone (Sveti Trifun), um monumento da cultura romana e um dos símbolos mais reconhecíveis da cidade.

12h00 – 16h00  Tempo livre para almoçar e explorar Kotor

16h00 – 17h00  Passeio de barco até a ilha da Nossa Senhora das Pedras

Neste confortável passeio de barco, você desfrutaremos de vistas panorâmicas da Baía de Kotor até a ilha da Nossa Senhora das Pedras, um dos locais mais importantes da baía. Trata-se de uma ilha artificial feita no século XV como um monumento aos marinheiros de Perast. Embaixo dela há 196 náufragos afundados por pessoas de Perast enquanto defendiam Kotor do Império Veneziano e Otomano. Com sua história incrível e vistas espetaculares, temos certeza de que este é um dos pontos que você lembrará por muito tempo. 

17h00 – 17h30  Retorno a Budva

17h30  Fim das atividades com o guia

tour albania e montenegro

7º dia | Kruja

07h00 – 08h00 Café da manhã no hotel

08h00 – 12h00 Viagem para Kruja

12h00 – 14h00 Visita ao Castelo de Kruja, Bazar e Museu Skanderbeg

O Museu Skanderbeg em Kruja homenageia Gjergj Kastrioti Skënderbei (1405-1468), o herói nacional da Albânia. O museu está localizado no castelo de Kruja e no bazar restaurado. A cidadela inclui uma casa restaurada da era otomana que agora é o Museu Etnográfico. O castelo de Kruja, que abriga o museu, é uma cidadela histórica. As tropas otomanas atacaram três vezes, em 1450, 1466 e 1467, mas não assumiram o controle. Foi essa fortaleza que ajudou George Kastrioti Skanderbeg a defender a Albânia da invasão otomana por mais de duas décadas.

14h00 – 15h30 Tempo livre para almoço 15h30 – 16h30 Transfer para Tirana 16h30 Chegada em  Tirana, check-in no hotel e tempo livre

8º dia | Tirana

08h00 – 09h00  Café da manhã no hotel 09h00 – 11h30  Passeio guiado por guia local em Tirana

A Albânia passou a maioria dos últimos 60 anos sob um ditador rigoroso e isolacionista, Enver Hoxha. Após sua morte, o país avançou para um modelo econômico de mercado livre, com resultados mistos. Atualmente, Tirana é onde a antiga e nova Albânia se encontram. As ruas não pavimentadas dão passagem para novos Land Rovers, os jovens com iPhones esbarram com vendedores ambulantes vendendo todo tipo de coisa e as brilhantes torres de vidro dão de cara com projetos de construção abandonados. Os viajantes geralmente acham Tirana uma cidade bonita e charmosa, onde sentimentos cosmopolitas e de pequenas cidades estão entrelaçados com uma vida noturna animada .  

11h30 – 13h30  Visita ao museu Bunk Art 

Esta fantástica transformação - de um enorme bunker da Guerra Fria nos arredores de Tirana a um museu de história e arte contemporânea - é a nova atração mais sensacional da Albânia e facilmente um destaque de Tirana. Com quase 3.000 metros quadrados de espaço subterrâneo espalhados por vários andares, o bunker foi construído para a elite política da Albânia na década de 1970 e permaneceu um segredo durante grande parte de sua existência. Agora hospeda exposições que combinam a história moderna da Albânia com peças de arte contemporânea.

13h30 – 16h30  Subida de teleférico à montanha Dajti e almoço

Dajti é uma montanha a leste da cidade de Tirana, onde também fica o Parque Nacional Dajti, cujo pico mais alto fica a 1.613 metros acima do nível do mar. Vamos pegar o teleférico mais longo dos Balcãs (com 4,7 quilômetros de extensão) até (quase) o topo da Montanha Dajti e desfrutar de vistas fantásticas!

16h30 – 17h00  Retorno ao hotel em Tirana. Resto do dia livre.

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9º dia | Gjirokastra e o Olho Azul

07h00 – 08h00 Café da manhã no hotel e check out.

08h00 – 12h00  Viagem para Gjirokastra 12 h00 – 14 h00  Tempo para explorar Gjirokastra e visitar a fortaleza

Definida por seu castelo, ruas de calcário e xisto, imponentes casas com telhas de ardósia e vistas para o vale do Drina, Gjirokastra é uma cidade montanhosa mágica descrita lindamente pelo autor mais famoso da Albânia, Ismail Kadare (n 1936), em Chronicle in Stone. Há assentamentos aqui há 2.500 anos, embora atualmente sejam 600 casas "monumentais" da era otomana na cidade que atraem visitantes. Para os albaneses, a cidade também é sinônimo do ex-ditador Enver Hoxha, que nasceu aqui e garantiu que a cidade permanecesse relativamente bem preservada sob seu governo, embora ele não seja comemorado de nenhuma maneira aqui hoje. ​

14h00 – 16h00 Tempo livre para almoço

16h00 – 16h45 Viagem para o Olho Azul

16h45 – 18h00  Visita ao Olho Azul

Talvez o local mais deslumbrante da Albânia, o Olho Azul (Blue Eye) está localizado a cerca de 30 minutos de carro da cidade costeira de Saranda, na estrada para Gjirokastra. Certamente, o fator surpresa contribui para a beleza de toda a experiência. O Olho Azul é uma fonte d'água e um fenômeno natural que ocorre perto de Muzinë, no condado de Vlorë, na Albânia. Uma atração turística sem igual, a água azul clara do rio borbulha numa impressionante piscina com mais de 50 metros de profundidade. Mergulhadores desceram para cinquenta metros, mas ainda não está claro qual é a profundidade real do buraco cársico.

18h00 – 18h30  Viagem a Saranda

Saranda é a capital não oficial da Riviera Albanesa e, nos meses de verão, parece que metade de Tirana se muda para cá para curtir a praia movimentada e a vida noturna mais movimentada ao longo de seu passeio marítimo cheio de multidões. O que antes era uma vila de pescadores sonolenta agora é uma cidade próspera e, embora Saranda tenha perdido muito de sua singularidade nas últimas duas décadas, ela reteve grande parte de seu carisma.

18h30 Chegada em Saranda, check-in no hotel e tempo livre.

Fim das atividades com o guia.

10º dia | Butrint

07h00 – 08h30 Café da manhã no hotel e check-out

08h30 – 09h00 Viagem para Butrint

09h00 – 11h00 Visita a Butrint

Butrint é considerado um dos sítios arqueológicos mais importantes da Albânia. Devido à sua imensa riqueza cultural e histórica, Butrint foi declarado Patrimônio Mundial da UNESCO em 1992 e também Parque Nacional em 2000. Era uma antiga cidade grega e mais tarde romana. Habitado desde os tempos pré-históricos, Buthrotum era uma cidade da tribo grega dos chaonianos, mais tarde uma colônia romana e um bispado. Ele entrou em declínio na Antiguidade Tardia, antes de ser abandonado durante a Idade Média, após um grande terremoto inundar a maior parte da cidade.

11h00 – 12h00  Tempo livre para explorar a cidade de Ksamil

12h00 – 14h00  Visita e almoço em fazenda de mexilhões

Neste passeio exclusivo, você terá uma experiência única. Primeiramente, embarcamos no tipico barco de madeira, o mesmo usado pelos agricultores. O guia local nos levará através do lago e nos contará inúmeras histórias e lendas da região. Durante o passeio, veremos como os mexilhões são cultivados, aprenderemos mais sobre os detalhes de seu crescimento e, ao final, cozinharemos nossos próprios mexilhões na margem do lago. O mexilhão cru cozido com azeite, limão e salsa servido com um copo de vinho branco da casa é a combinação perfeita!

14h00 – 19h00  Viagem para Tirana

19h00  Chegada em Tirana, check-in no hotel e fim das atividades com o guia

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11º dia | Partida de Tirana

Transfer para o aeroporto em horário a combinar.

Fim dos nossos serviços. :)

A first-time guide to Albania

Joel  Balsam

Jun 30, 2024 • 6 min read

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Here's what every first-time visitor needs to know ahead of a trip to Albania © DaveLongMedia / Getty Images

Albania has never been more popular with travelers than it is now. Joel Balsam, author of the Albania chapter in the new Western Balkans guidebook , shares his expert tips for exploring this singular country.

Is it just me or does it feel like everyone is talking about traveling to Albania ? It’s been like that for a few years, and it’s easy to see why.

TikTok-adored Adriatic beaches with turquoise-painted water line the southwestern coast, the Albanian Alps provide perfect hiking terrain, there’s amazing ancient architecture, and Albania is far cheaper than nearby Croatia, Greece and Italy.

But for every positive pitch about why you should book a trip to Albania right this instant, there are its detractors – some seem to think that Albanian gangs elsewhere in Europe represent the average person in Albania. In short: they don’t, and the locals you’ll encounter in Albania are honest, curious and welcoming.

Here’s what you should know for your first time visiting Albania.

When should I go to Albania?

Europe’s obsession with lazy beach days and cheap flights make Albania’s best accessible beaches, Ksamil and Saranda, good and truly swarming from June through September. If you want a little more peace and quiet, plan a visit in May, though the sea will be chilly. Better yet, go between September and December, which are probably the best months to visit Albania overall as the weather is still lovely and there are fewer visitors.

If visiting in winter, stick to Tirana , the capital city, where you can warm up in its many atmospheric restaurants and bars like Komiteti , which serves many different flavors of rakija  (fruit brandy). Activities in much of the rest of the country shut during winter.

A woman sits on the edge of a hiking trail in the Albanian mountains

How much time should I spend in Albania?

If you only have a weekend, fly to Corfu in Greece and take the ferry over to Saranda to see the Albanian Riviera . Or land in Tirana to enjoy the capital’s terrific food and historic sights.

If you have time for a road trip, you can cover Albania highlights like Tirana, a beach on the coast and one of Berat or Gjirokastra in a week. Allow for more time if you want to hike in the Accursed Mountains or if you plan to take public transport – Albanian buses are notoriously unreliable and slow.

Is it easy to get in and around Albania?

There’s just one international transport hub in Albania at Tirana International Airport. But if you want to visit the southwestern beaches it’s better to fly to Corfu and take the short ferry ride over.

Once inside Albania, getting around is, sadly, very challenging. Communist-era furgon shared minibuses that run between towns belong in a museum and don’t have consistent timetables. They also have a bad habit of breaking down.

Driving is more convenient, though it comes with plenty of warnings. Many complain about Albania’s aggressive drivers and speedy sports cars (likely to be a Volkswagen or Mercedes). Personally, I don’t find driving in Albania to be that bad, especially on the main highways – and you really should stick to the highways as country roads aren’t always well maintained.

Hiring a car is also a headache, with international brands charging a premium and only maintaining offices at Tirana airport. Local car hire companies are cheaper and can be found outside the airport, but you’ll have to pay cash or bank transfer, meaning you won’t be able to use insurance protections from your credit card if it comes with those.

A Roman amphitheater with a handful of tourists admiring the architecture

Top things to do in Albania

Enjoy albania's beautiful coastline.

You may have seen it on Instagram – now’s your chance to swim from Albania’s picture-perfect beaches. Ksamil, the country’s most popular beach, is indeed gorgeous, but more expensive than anywhere in the country and stupidly crowded in summer – there isn’t even room to put down a beach towel. Travel up the coastline to find quieter beaches in and around Himara and Dhërmi and take a boat tour to “secret” beaches inaccessible to cars. 

If you do go to Ksamil, don’t you dare miss Butrint , a jaw-dropping Greek and Roman city.

Bar hop in Tirana's Blloku neighborhood

During Albania’s communist era from 1946–1991, Tirana’s Blloku neighborhood was blocked off to the public as a private residence for party officials. When Albania’s democratic revolution finally toppled the regime, the gates to Blloku swung open and the neighborhood has since become a place to see and be seen. Hip cafes and bars with plant-filled terraces line the streets, and there are plenty of cool clubs as well. My personal favorite is Radio Bar .

Stone castle with a tall clock tower

Visit the "museum towns" of Berat and Gjirokastra

For amazing architecture, travel to Albania’s UNESCO-recognized “museum towns”. In Berat, explore a city-sized castle atop the hill and wind through tiny stone alleyways. Don’t miss the city’s prized windows, which are best viewed from across the Osum River.

In Gjirokastra, the architecture is no less remarkable. Walk up the hill (you’ll be doing a lot of that here), to see ancient homes with heavy stone tile roofs and its impressive castle. Underneath the city, wander through communist-era bunkers – there’s a huge one beside the town hall.

My favorite thing to do in Albania

What truly won me over in Albania is the country’s mountainous north, starting with Shkodra . The artsy student city is easily the most bike-friendly place I’ve seen in Eastern Europe and a great base for exploring nearby peaks.

In three days, you can take a ferry to Valbona , hike a section of the Peaks of the Balkans trail linking Albania with Kosovo and Montenegro and jump into cobalt “blue eye” ponds in Theth . Accommodations in Shkodra can organize the circuit for you.

How much money do I need for Albania?

Few places in Albania accept card payments. You can take out local currency, lek, from ATMs, with a steep transaction fee or exchange cash at money changers. At the time of writing, €1 equals 100 lekë.

  • Hostel room: 1500 lekë
  • Basic room for two: 5000 lekë per night
  • Self-catering apartment (including Airbnb): 5000 lekë per night
  • Ticket for a bus in Tirana: 40 lekë
  • Inter-city bus: prices vary. A trip between Saranda and Tirana is 1600 lekë
  • Coffee: 100 to 200 lekë
  • Sandwich: 600 lekë
  • Dinner for two: 2000 lekë
  • Beer/pint at the bar: 300 lekë

Is Albania safe?

Contrary to what many say, Albania is safe. Pickpocketing barely happens, and crime associated with Albanian organized crime elsewhere in Europe has little to do with the average traveler’s experience.

Is Albania religious?

Most Albanians identify as Muslim, but you’ll rarely see locals display their faith in public with traditional clothing. You will, however, see plenty of mosques as well as a lot of churches. 

Despite Albania appearing quite secular, it’s still respectful to dress conservatively outside of Tirana and the beaches. If entering a popular mosque, there should be extra clothing to cover up during your visit.

Is it worth visiting Kosovo while in Albania?

A visit to Kosovo, Albania’s neighbor to the east, is easy, and border guards will rarely even stop you to check your passport. The two countries are strongly linked, with the vast majority of people in both identifying as ethnic Albanian – their division is a result of border lines drawn by Western European powers.

In Kosovo, you’ll find prettier mountain trails along with historic Prizren, with its many gorgeous places of worship and castles. Also, check out burgeoning Pristina , which looks more like a Western European city by the day.

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    Descrizione. Tour Albania e Montenegro 10 giorni di gruppo con visita dei luoghi più significativi di questi bellissimi paesi. Durata. 10 Giorni - 9 Notti. Modalità. Viaggio di Gruppo con Partenze Esclusive Arché Travel con Accompagnatore dall'Italia per un minimo di 20 partecipanti. Partenze confermate con un minimo di 2 partecipanti.

  4. 10 Day Albania and Montenegro Tours & Trips

    Find the best 10 day tours to Albania and Montenegro with TourRadar. Choose from 15 tours with 28 real tour reviews. Book now and save with! Shop 2,500 operators. 4.5 stars on (6,326 reviews) 24/7 customer support. Deals of the Week Viva España! Up to 50% OFF. Deals end: 15 Jul, 2024.

  5. The Best of the Balkans: Ultimate Itinerary for 10 days in Montenegro

    Brief Summary of Montenegro and Albania 10 day itinerary. Day 1: Your Arrival in Montenegro. Day 2: Day trip around the Bay of Kotor. Day 3: The Grand Montenegro Tour. Day 4: Boat Ride of the Bay of Kotor and exploring Old Town Kotor. Day 5: Travel to and Explore the Old Town of Budva.

  6. 10 Best Albania And Montenegro Summer 2024 Tours

    Find the best tours & trips in Albania and Montenegro in Summer 2024 with TourRadar. Choose from 22 tours with 28 real tour reviews. Book now and save with! Shop 2,500 operators. 4.5 stars on (6,263 reviews) 24/7 customer support. Deals of the Week Captivating Costa Rica Up to 50% OFF.

  7. Montenegro & Northern Albania

    3 - Bay of Kotor & Perast. 4 - Shkoder, Albania. 5 - Shkoder, Albania. 6 - Budva, Old Bar & Ulcinj, Montenegro. 7 - Cavtat, Croatia. You can easily switch this itinerary around to suit your interests and available time. 10 days would be perfect to include Tirana and some more inland spots in Montenegro for example.

  8. Montenegro from Albania: A Day Tour full of discoveries

    Kotor Municipality Water activities. Kotor. Perast. Risan. Prcanj, Montenegro. Špiljari. Dobrota, Montenegro. Discover Montenegro's Adriatic coastline and its historic Bays of Budva and Kotor on a guided tour from Tirana, Albania. Enjoy a full-day journey filled with charming towns and coastal scenery.

  9. Tour of Albania and Montenegro 10 Days / 9 Nights

    The tour of Albania & Montenegro is a pleasant tour of the two countries and their culture, history, tradition, cuisine, and language. +355689009560 [email protected] Login

  10. Montenegro & Albania

    Montenegro & Albania - 7 days. Classic tours. Montenegro & Albania - 7 days. Montenegro - Albania 6 nights / 7 days tour. 0. Price. €1,089. Price. €1,089. Dates available do not match your flights? Book aditional nights on check-out or choose private tour by sending us an inquiry.

  11. Albania to Montenegro Road Trip

    Experience the enchanting scenery and rich history of Albania and Montenegro on this short-but-sweet road trip through the Balkans. Beginning in the Albanian Riviera, your route will take you to the historic cities of Gjirokastra and Berat, the sunny beaches of Ulcinj in Montenegro, and the photogenic shores of the Bay of Kotor. Along the way, you'll make detours at a natural spring, an ...

  12. Tirana Small-Group 7-Day Balkan Region Tour 2024

    See more of the Balkan Peninsula and learn more about the region's varying cultures on this weeklong excursion from Tirana. Join a small group and visit the best of Albania, North Macedonia, Kosovo, and Montenegro. Enjoy a mix of cultural activities as well as visits to natural monuments like rivers, lakes, and canyons to get a well-rounded view of the region.

  13. Montenegro, Albania and Bosnia Tour

    Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania Tour. You'll see some stunning inland sights on this 8-day tour of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania. Tirana, the capital of Albania, is worth the trip alone. But the Adriatic coast gives this trip to the Balkans a truly special air of escape. Take a boat trip on Skadar lake - the ...

  14. 7 Day Cross-Border Hiking: Montenegro to Albania

    Mark O'Sullivan, October 2023. 2024 departure dates: any Sunday, June-October - £100pp off for w/c 25th August! Some of the most spectacular, untouched landscapes in Europe are to be found on this cross-border hiking holiday exploring the southernmost part of the Via Dinarica! Designed for experienced hikers, our program combines two ...

  15. 12 Day Tour of Albania, Montenegro, Croatia & Slovenia with Flights

    12 Day Albania, Montenegro, Croatia & Slovenia Discover the Adriatic gems of Tirana, Dubrovnik, Plitvice Lakes, Bled & more!- $3209* from $2609* with code TZWACM Lead Travel Date: Apr 6 '24 Promo Valid For Departures: Apr - Nov 2024 | Mar - Nov 2025 Package Includes

  16. Albania and Montenegro Small Group Tours

    Great Barrier Reef tours. Blarney tours. Colca Canyon tours. Scotland Discovery. Best 2 Week New Zealand Itineraries (with Reviews) Discover Albania and Montenegro with the best small group tours powered by top tour operators & travel companies. Explore new destinations at your pace accompanied by like-minded travelers.

  17. Tour Albania

    About this tour. Tour Albania - Montenegro - Bosnia! The tour of Balkans 8 days is the best way to immerse yourself in the unique landscapes, history and culture of the Balkans in southeast Europe. It remains a remarkable travel destination for active travelers hungry for adventure and new experiences. With its charming multicultural towns ...

  18. Montenegro

    Albania Food Tour and explore the finest local cuisines Albania has to offer. This gastronomic adventure is especially designed for food lovers by food lovers. ... Tours in Montenegro. Grand Balkan Tour. 11 Days. The Balkans is a land of such great diversity and textures that one gets blown up by the colors, cultures, hospitality, food and ...

  19. Discover Western Balkans

    This tour trough the Western Balkans will show you North Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Serbia in only 11 days. From UNESCO World Heritage sites such as The Old Bridge in Mostar, Kotor and Perast area in Montenegro, Gračanica Monastery in Kosovo, Ohrid Lake in North Macedonia, to the Ottoman heritage of Bosnia and bustling streets of Belgrade with its unique mix of ...

  20. Albania, Montenegro & North Macedonia Tour

    Location: Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo & Macedonia. Duration: 13 days, 12 nights. This tour combines some of the highlights of the Balkan countries' Albania, Macedonia, and Montenegro, by trying to show the best each of these countries offers. Albania offers a mixture of cultural elements with 3 UNESCO World Heritage Sites and a rich ...

  21. Tour Montenegro e Albania: itinerario nei Balcani Occidentali

    Il nostro tour tra Montenegro e Albania è stato un viaggio in auto nei Balcani Occidentali che, partendo da Dubrovnik, ci ha portati prima sulla costa del Montenegro e poi tra le montagne albanesi del nord.Questi paesi balcanici sono perfetti da girare in macchina e per questo noi abbiamo deciso di muoverci proprio in questo modo, arrivando in aereo dall'Italia e poi noleggiando una vettura ...

  22. Tours Albania & Balkans

    Call +355684029914 or E-mail to [email protected]. Popular Tours. We have a unique way of meeting your adventurous expectations! ... Fly and Drive Albania, Montenegro and Kosovo Fly & Drive 1 Country 1 Activity. explore.

  23. Tour da Croácia, Montenegro e Albânia

    07h00 - 08h00 Café da manhã no hotel. 08h00 - 12h00 Viagem para Kruja. 12h00 - 14h00 Visita ao Castelo de Kruja, Bazar e Museu Skanderbeg. . O Museu Skanderbeg em Kruja homenageia Gjergj Kastrioti Skënderbei (1405-1468), o herói nacional da Albânia. O museu está localizado no castelo de Kruja e no bazar restaurado.

  24. A first-time guide to Albania

    Travel up the coastline to find quieter beaches in and around Himara and Dhërmi and take a boat tour to "secret" beaches inaccessible to cars. ... In three days, you can take a ferry to Valbona, hike a section of the Peaks of the Balkans trail linking Albania with Kosovo and Montenegro and jump into cobalt "blue eye" ponds in Theth ...

  25. England vs Switzerland

    England vs Switzerland: all the latest UEFA EURO Quarter-finals match information including stats, form, history, and more.