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25 Space Quiz Questions – How Many Answers Do You Know?

Fun quiz questions and answers for kids.

How much do you know about the Sun , Planets , Moons , Asteroids and Comets that fill our solar system ?  What about the Stars and Galaxies that seems to fill the night sky as far as we can see? Challenge yourself by taking the quiz below which is perfect for kids to test their knowledge of Space and Astronomy! Don’t cheat, but the answers are found at the bottom of the page, complete with links to pages where you can learn more about each answer! And don’t forget to have FUN!

Prepared To Be Challenged By These 25 Space Quiz Questions !

Quiz Questions;

  • Launched on October 4 th 1957, what was the name of the first artificial satellite to orbit the Earth ?
  • Aboard his Vostok spacecraft,  who became the first man in space on April 12 th , 1961?
  • What was the name of the first American in Space?
  • The  Apollo 11 , landed on the Moon on July 20th, 1969. What was the name of the first human to walk on the Moon?
  • How many men have walked on  the Moon ?
  • Can you hear the Sun or anyone talking to you when in space?
  • How fast does the  International Space Station (ISS)  orbit the Earth?
  • How much have ‘ space tourist ’ paid to visit the ISS?
  • How many consecutive days did cosmonaut Valeri Polyakov (aboard the Mir Space Station)  spend in space?
  • What is the name of the galaxy that our solar system resides in?
  • With your naked eye, what is the maximum number of stars you can see when looking up into the night sky?
  • The Sun , the star at the centre of our solar system , contains what percentage of the mass in the solar system?
  • What is the largest asteroid in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter?
  • How many Earth's could fit inside of  Jupiter , the solar system’s largest planet?
  • Where would you find Olympus Mons, regarded as the largest mountain in the solar system?
  • Zipping around the Sun in only 88 Earth days, what is the name of the closest planet to our nearest star?
  • One of Jupiter’s 4 large Galilean Moons  and bigger than the  Planet Mercury , what is the name of the solar system's largest moon?
  • How many days does it take for the Earth to complete an orbit of the Sun?
  • How many Earth years does it take for the  Planet Neptune  to complete one orbit of the Sun?
  • Is  Pluto  considered a Planet or Dwarf Planet?
  • Orbited by more  moons than any other planet in the solar system,  how many moons does Jupiter have?
  • How many moons orbit the Planet Mars? What are their names?
  • In 1994, the Hubble telescope photographed ' Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 ' dramatically crash into which planet?
  • We all know the name, but what does the acronym NASA stand for?
  • When a meteoroid enters the earth's atmosphere and leaves a trail across the sky what do we commonly call this?

1. The Soviet satellite Sputnik. 2. The Soviet Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. 3. Alan Shepard . 4. Neil Armstrong . 5. A total of 12 men (two from each of the following missions  Apollo 11 , Apollo 12 , Apollo 14 , Apollo 15 , Apollo 16  and Apollo 17 ). 6. Unfortunately No ; there is no atmosphere for sound waves to travel through. 7. The (ISS) travels at 28,200 kilometres per hour (or 17,500 mph). 8. Between $20-40 million each. 9. An amazing 438 days . See more Space Traveller Records . 10. The Milky Way Galaxy . 11. About 3,000 stars . In total you could see about 5,000 if the Earth below you didn't obscure your view of the entire sky. 12. Approx 99% , hence why its gravity is so dominant!

13. The asteroid Ceres (also referred to as a dwarf planet). 14. About 1300! 15. The Planet Mars. 16. Mercury. 17. Ganymede. 18. It takes exactly 365.25 years (hence we have a leap year every 4 years to account for the extra 1/4 day each year). 19. Nearly 165 Earth years. 20. It's been considered a Dwarf Planet since 2006. 21. As of 2019, we know of 79 moons. 22. Two moons;  Phobos and Deimos . 23. Planet Jupiter. 24. NASA stands for N ational A eronautic and S pace A dministration. 25. A shooting star or meteor .

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Space Quiz: 50 Astronomy Trivia Questions & Answers

Space Quiz

The ultimate Space Quiz

Would you know the difference between a meteorite and a comet? From the history of space travel to modern day discoveries. Think Planets, Satellites and the Solar System for inspiration to ace our free Space quiz. You’ll find 50 questions divided into 4 rounds, so gather round for some astronomical quizzing.

1 – Which phenomenon happens in a repeating cycle known as a saros? REVEAL ANSWER

2 – Which is the hottest planet in the solar system? REVEAL ANSWER

3 – In which year were the spacesuits built that NASA uses – 1974, 1994 or 2004 ? REVEAL ANSWER

4 – The sun is made up of mostly which gas? REVEAL ANSWER

5 – What is NASA an acronym for? REVEAL ANSWER

6 – Which planet is closest to the sun? REVEAL ANSWER

7 – Which planet is farthest from the sun? REVEAL ANSWER

8 – How many planets have rings? REVEAL ANSWER

9 – Which country launched the world’s first successful space flight? REVEAL ANSWER

10 – In which year was the first space flight? REVEAL ANSWER

1 – Which is the smallest planet in our solar system? REVEAL ANSWER

2 – What was the name of the first man to orbit the earth? REVEAL ANSWER

3 – Which planet is the coldest? REVEAL ANSWER

4 – Who invented the Hubble telescope? REVEAL ANSWER

5 – Which rover landed on Mars first? REVEAL ANSWER

6 – Which planet is the smallest? REVEAL ANSWER

7 – Who was the first man on the moon? REVEAL ANSWER

8 – Who was the second man on the moon? REVEAL ANSWER

9 – In which year did the first man land on the moon? REVEAL ANSWER

10 – Which two planets have the most confirmed moons? REVEAL ANSWER

1 – Valentina Tereshkova was the first what? REVEAL ANSWER

2 – What was the first animal to be launched into space? REVEAL ANSWER

3 – What is the name of the first dog to make an orbital spaceflight around the Earth? REVEAL ANSWER

4 – The first mammal to reach space was a rhesus monkey named what? REVEAL ANSWER

5 – Sunsets on Mars appear in what colour? REVEAL ANSWER

6 – The “super earth,” aka 55 Cancri e, is covered in graphite and what precious gem? REVEAL ANSWER

7 – Space is completely silent – True or False ? REVEAL ANSWER

8 – What are the smallest stars in the known universe? REVEAL ANSWER

9 – The Moon has no atmosphere – True or False ? REVEAL ANSWER

10 – Which is the only planet to spin clockwise? REVEAL ANSWER

1 – How many moons does Venus have? REVEAL ANSWER

2 – Which comet orbit is due to pass Earth again in 2061? REVEAL ANSWER

3 – The helmet is the most expensive part of a NASA space suit – True or False ? REVEAL ANSWER

4 – Neptune’s days are how many hours long – 6, 16 or 26 ? REVEAL ANSWER

5 – It takes 8 minutes & 19 seconds for what to travel from the sun to Earth? REVEAL ANSWER

6 – What is the fastest spinning planet in the solar system? REVEAL ANSWER

7 – Saturn’s rings are made from what? REVEAL ANSWER

8 – Rugby was once played on the moon – True or False ? REVEAL ANSWER

9 – Alpha Centauri is a what? REVEAL ANSWER

10 – Europa is a moon on which planet? REVEAL ANSWER

1 – One day on Venus is almost how many months on Earth – 8, 18 or 88 ? REVEAL ANSWER

2 – Name one of the two sports played on the moon in 1971? REVEAL ANSWER

3 – Which planet has the biggest volcano in the solar system? REVEAL ANSWER

4 – The Moon is shaped like which fruit? REVEAL ANSWER

5 – Which planet was demoted from planet status and reclassified as a dwarf planet? REVEAL ANSWER

6 – Which planet is often called the Red Planet? REVEAL ANSWER

7 – 70% off Earth’s surface is made up of what? REVEAL ANSWER

8 – The milky Way was named after the chocolate – True or False ? REVEAL ANSWER

9 – How many moons does Mercury have? REVEAL ANSWER

10 – Name all 4 planets with rings? REVEAL ANSWER


If you liked this Space & Astronomy quiz, have any quiz requests, spotted a mistake, or would like to let us know how you got on, please let us know in the comments below…

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Claire Roach is a professional quizzer, gamer and developer who turned her passion for knowledge into a hub for FREE quizzes!

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Space Trivia

June 7, 2024.

Artist's concept of NASA's Cassini spacecraft from December, 2002.

Cassini-Huygens was unique in that it was the first mission to do what?

A) Orbit Saturn B) Land a probe in the outer solar system C) Sample an extraterrestrial ocean D) All of the above

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June 1, 2024

JPL Campus

JPL was founded in 1936 on which cultural holiday?

A) Valentine’s Day B) St. Patrick’s Day C) Cinco de Mayo D) Halloween

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May 25, 2024

An artist's rendering of NASA's twin Mars Cube One (MarCO) spacecraft flying over Mars with Earth in the distance.

An artist's rendering of NASA's twin Mars Cube One (MarCO) spacecraft flying over Mars with Earth in the distance.

NASA’s first interplanetary CubeSats – a pair of briefcase-size spacecraft called Mars Cube One, or MarCO, which flew by Mars in 2018 – were named after which two Pixar characters?

A) Sully and Mike B) WALL-E and EVE C) Buzz Lightyear and Woody D) Dory and Nemo

May 1, 2024

Artist's rendering of NASA's Stardust spacecraft. The spacecraft was launched on February 7, 1999, from Cape Canaveral Air Station, Florida, aboard a Delta II rocket.

In 2006, the Stardust spacecraft was the first to do what?

A) Return cometary and interstellar material B) Send an impactor to slam into a comet C) Make the closest flyby ever to a comet D) Peer beneath the surface of a comet

This artist concept shows NASA's twin Voyager spacecraft, celebrating 40 years of continual operation in August and September 2017.

Artist concept of NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft

NASA’s Voyager 1 mission is the first to do all of the following, except:

A) Cross the heliosphere, the boundary where the influences outside our solar system are stronger than those from our Sun B) Venture into interstellar space C) Visit Pluto D) Image active volcanoes on Jupiter’s moon Io

NASA's DSS-53 antenna went online in February 2022 at the Deep Space Network's Madrid facility. The addition is part of the agency's effort to expand the capacity of the network.

The Deep Space Network consists of three antenna facilities around the world. Which of these is NOT a DSN location?

A) Goldstone, United States B) Madrid, Spain C) Cape Town, South Africa D) Canberra, Australia


In addition to 2.6 million names, a poem written by U.S. Poet Laureate Ada Limón, and an etching of the Drake Equation, a commemorative plate mounted on Europa Clipper will also carry what?

A) Recordings of the word "water" in 103 languages B) Artwork of radio frequencies for interstellar communication C) A portrait of Ron Greeley, a founder of planetary science D) All of the above

Large boulders are visible in this enlargement of pictures taken by NASA's Mars Pathfinder lander camera on July 4, 1997. The landing site is in the dry flood channel named Ares Valles.

Which Mars mission played a crucial role in the storyline of the 2015 motion picture "The Martian"?

A) Mars Pathfinder B) Mars Exploration Rovers C) InSight D) Mars Science Laboratory

space travel quiz

This image revealing the north polar region of the Jovian moon Io was taken on October 15 by NASA’s Juno. Three of the mountain peaks visible in the upper part of image, near the day-night dividing line, were observed here for the first time by the spacecraft’s JunoCam.

Which is the most volcanic world in our solar system?

A) Earth B) Venus C) Io D) Europa

February 23

NASA's Mariner 2 was the world's first successful interplanetary spacecraft. Launched August 27, 1962, on an Atlas-Agena rocket, Mariner 2 passed within about 34,000 kilometers (21,000 miles) of Venus.

In 1962, Mariner 2 became the first spacecraft to successfully encounter another planet. What planet was this?

A) Mercury B) Mars C) Venus D) Jupiter

February 16

This sealed titanium sample tube contains Perseverance’s first cored sample of Mars rock

This sealed titanium sample tube contains Perseverance’s first cored sample of Mars rock. The rover’s Sampling and Caching System Camera (known as CacheCam) captured this image.

As of February 16, 2024, how many Mars rock samples has NASA’s Perseverance rover collected?

A) 8 B) 13 C) 18 D) 23

space travel quiz

The Magellan spacecraft is depicted in orbit around Venus in this artist's concept.

On Oct. 12, 1994, Magellan became the first spacecraft to do what?

A) Intentionally crash into a planet B) Orbit Venus 200 times C) Map Venus' infrared emissions D) Capture images of volcanoes on another planet

space travel quiz

A computer screen in the mission support area shows Taters the cat in a still from the first high-definition streaming video to be sent via laser from deep space, as well as the incoming data stream delivering the frames from the video. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech Full Image Details

NASA’s Deep Space Optical Communications experiment recently beamed an ultra-high definition streaming video on Dec. 11 from a record-setting 19 million miles away. The star of the video was:

A) A jar of lucky JPL peanuts B) A chihuahua named Mr. Dee Sock C) A dancing JPL deer D) A cat named Taters

December 29

This image from NASA's Cassini spacecraft, one of those acquired in the survey conducted by the Cassini imaging science team of the geyser basin at the south pole of Enceladus, was taken as Cassini was looking across the moon's south pole.

Which molecule, considered a key ingredient for life, was recently discovered at Saturn’s moon Enceladus?

A) Hydrogen cyanide B) Potassium cyanide C) Nitric acid D) Cyanic acid

December 22

space travel quiz

EMIT, a NASA mission launched to the International Space Station in 2022, mapped hematite, goethite, and kaolinite in North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. The three minerals are among 10 key substances the mission studied that are thought to influence climate change.

NASA’s EMIT mission, flying aboard the International Space Station, recently produced the first global maps in arid regions of what?

A) Pollen concentrations B) Underground water supplies C) Surface minerals D) Camel populations

NASA's Psyche spacecraft is shown in a clean room on Dec. 8, 2022, at Astrotech Space Operations Facility near the agency's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

NASA’s Deep Space Optical Communications experiment recently beamed data via laser from far beyond the Moon for the first time. About how far did the data travel?

A) 2 million miles B) 5 million miles C) 8 million miles D) 10 million miles

ESA's Euclid spacecraft, shown in this artist's impression, is scheduled to launch in 2020 with participation from NASA.

The Euclid spacecraft, shown in this artist's impression, is scheduled is scheduled to begin regular science operations in early 2024.

What is the primary mission of Euclid, the new spaceborne observatory, led by ESA (European Space Agency) with NASA contributions?

A) Find new exoplanets B) Investigate dark matter C) Investigate dark energy D) Both B and C

November 17

This enhanced image of the Jovian moon Ganymede was obtained by the JunoCam imager aboard NASA's Juno spacecraft during the mission's June 7, 2021, flyby of the icy moon on Juno's 34th pass close to Jupiter.

What did NASA’s Juno mission recently observe on the surface of Jupiter’s moon Ganymede?

A) Fresh craters B) Mineral salts and organic compounds C) Flowing water D) Erupting geysers

November 10

Swathed in its thick blanket of atmosphere, frigid Titan approaches the brilliant limb of Saturn, as shown in this image captured by NASA's Cassini spacecraft.

Besides Earth, which is the only world in our solar system known to have liquid lakes and seas on the surface?

A) Titan B) Callisto C) Enceladus D) Europa

NASA’s Europa Clipper, depicted in this illustration, will carry a broad suite of instruments into orbit around Jupiter and conduct multiple close flybys of Europa to gather information on its atmosphere, surface, and interior.

NASA’s Europa Clipper, depicted in this illustration, will carry a broad suite of instruments into orbit around Jupiter and conduct multiple close flybys of Europa to gather information on its atmosphere, surface, and interior.

The Europa Clipper spacecraft is set to launch in October 2024. Approximately how far is Europa from Earth?

A) 111 million miles B) 222 million miles C) 333 million miles D) 444 million miles

space travel quiz

MOXIE (Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment) was launched aboard NASA's Perseverance rover to test a technology for extracting oxygen from the Red Planet's carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere. Audio of MOXIE's air compressor at work on Mars was captured by the microphone on Perseverance's SuperCam instrument on May 27, 2021, the 96th day of the rover's mission.

This past August, the MOXIE instrument on NASA’s Mars Curiosity Rover completed its mission. It was the first instrument ever to do what on Mars?

A) Collect rock samples C) Generate oxygen B) Search for life D) Cook a hot dog

NASA’s Psyche spacecraft will take a spiral path to the asteroid Psyche, as depicted in this graphic

NASA’s Psyche spacecraft will take a spiral path to the asteroid Psyche, as depicted in this graphic, which is labeled with key milestones of the prime mission. The test periods for NASA’s Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC) technology demonstration are indicated with red dots.

Which planet’s gravity will assist NASA’s Psyche mission in its trajectory toward a rendezvous with an asteroid?

A) Venus B) Mars C) Jupiter D) Saturn

NASA’s Lunar Trailblazer sits in a clean room at Lockheed Martin Space in Littleton, Colorado, shortly after being integrated with its second and final science instrument, the Lunar Thermal Mapper.

NASA’s Lunar Trailblazer sits in a clean room at Lockheed Martin Space in Littleton, Colorado, shortly after being integrated with its second and final science instrument, the Lunar Thermal Mapper. Green tape on the spacecraft will be removed before launch.

NASA’s Lunar Trailblazer will work to help researchers understand the nature of what on the Moon's surface?

A) Water B) Gravity C) Air D) Sunlight

September 29

Ingenuity closeup for carousel b.jpg

NASA’s Mars Ingenuity helicopter is preparing for its 61st powered flight on the Red Planet. Since reaching Mars, how much time has Ingenuity spent in flight? A) 15 minutes B) 48 minutes C) One hour and 48 minutes D) Three hours and 26 minutes

September 15

space travel quiz

A development rover that is part of NASA's CADRE ( Cooperative Autonomous Distributed Robotic Exploration ) technology demonstration drives over a rock during its first autonomous drive around the Mars Yard at the agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California in June 2023.

NASA wants to send a trio of these miniature rovers to explore off-world. Where are they going?

A) Mars Moon, Phobos

B) Earth's Moon

C) Near-Earth Asteroid

D) Saturn's Moon, Titan

September 7

NASA's Perseverance Mars rover captured this image of Bettys Rock using one of the rover navigation cameras on June 20, 2022, the 474th Martian day, or sol, of the mission.

NASA's Perseverance Mars rover captured this image of "Bettys Rock" on June 20, 2022. The rock is named after Bettys Rock in what national park?

A) Joshua Tree

B) Shenandoah

C) Badlands

D) Grand Teton

NASA's Curiosity Mars rover captured these sun rays shining through clouds at sunset on Feb. 2, 2023. It was the first time that sun rays, also known as crepuscular rays, have been viewed so clearly on Mars.

NASA's Curiosity Mars rover captured these "sun rays", also known as crepuscular rays, shining through clouds at sunset. "Crepuscular" is taken from the Latin word for:

A) Twilight

This image acquired on December 29, 2022 by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter shows Hellespontus Montes, a rugged mountain range located on the western rim of one of the largest impact basins in the Solar System: Hellas Basin.

Hellespontus Montes is a mountain range on Mars that has formed a unique local landscape. Scientists believe it is due to:

B) Glaciers

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NASA's Psyche spacecraft is shown in a clean room on June 26, 2023, at the Astrotech Space Operations facility near the agency's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Engineers and technicians at Cape Canaveral are preparing NASA’s Psyche spacecraft for liftoff, which is slated for Oct. 5. Psyche will visit:

A.) A metal-rich asteroid

B.) A long-period comet

C.) The moons of Mars

D.) The moons of Jupiter

NASA's Perseverance Mars rover captured this doughnut-shaped rock in Jezero Crater from about 328 feet (100 meters) away using its Remote Microscopic Imager (RMI), on June 22, 2023.

On June 22, NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover captured an image of a rock in Jezero Crater shaped like which of the following food items?

B. A doughnut

C. An artichoke

D. A banana

NASA's Cassini spacecraft captured dramatic plumes, both large and small, spray water ice out from many locations along the famed 'tiger stripes' near the south pole of Saturn's moon Enceladus.

NASA's Cassini spacecraft captured dramatic plumes, both large and small, spray water ice out from many locations along the famed 'tiger stripes' near the south pole of Saturn's moon Enceladus.

Which essential element, necessary for life, was recently discovered on Saturn's moon, Enceladus?

C. Titanium

D. Phosphorus

June 9, 2023

A jet of particles pierces a star as it collapses into a black hole in this artist’s concept of a typical gamma-ray burst. The star, in the lower left corner, is swirled with light blue and gray features on its surface. The jet points toward the upper rig

A jet of particles pierces a star as it collapses into a black hole during a typical gamma-ray burst, as depicted in this artist’s concept. The jet created by gamma-ray burst 221009A had some unique features.

This week, observations by NASA’s NuSTAR X-ray telescope gave astronomers new clues about the brightest and most energetic gamma-ray burst ever detected. Gamma ray bursts occur when:

A. A pair of black holes collide

B. The core of a massive star collapses

C. A planet falls into a massive star

D. A planet is vaporized by a super-laser from the Death Star

May 26, 2023

NASA’s Juno mission captured this infrared view of Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io on July 5, 2022

NASA’s Juno mission captured this infrared view of Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io on July 5, 2022, when the spacecraft was about 50,000 miles (80,000 kilometers) away. This infrared image was derived from data collected by the Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper (JIRAM) instrument aboard Juno. In this image, the brighter the color the higher the temperature recorded by JIRAM. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/ASI/INAF/JIRAM Full Image Details

What is the most volcanically active body in the solar system?

A. Earth B. Venus C. Jupiter's moon Io D. Saturn's moon Enceladus

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Space Travel Quiz 1

Posted in science and nature quizzes

1. What Record, released in 1969, became a No.1 in 1975, concerned the space flight of Major Tom?

2. What was the name of the first US manned space programme Was it, Discovery, Challenger, Apollo or Mercury

3. Who wrote the 1865 novel ?from the earth to the moon??

4. What space ?first? took place on 17 July 1975?

5. What was the name of the first dog in space?

6. What was special about the 1985 spaceflight by Jake Garn?

7. What was the name of the US communications satellite that in 1962, inspired the Tornado?s No.1 hit record?

8. What was the appropriately named company for which Britain?s 1st cosmonaut, Helen Sharmen worked?

9. What approximately is the furthest distance from earth that astronauts have yet travelled: 250K, 500K or 1M Miles?

10. In the film 2001 A Space Odyssey, what is the name of the talking computer?  

1. David Bowie?s Space Oddity

3. Jules Verne

4. A US Apollo capsule docked with a Soviet Soyuz capsule

6. First Politician in Space

9. 250,000 miles by Apollo 13


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15 things kids should know about space travel

P rofessional and amateur astronomers alike love to share facts about our amazing universe: "The brightest star is…," "A black hole is…," and lots more. These facts are so incredible that we sometimes overlook our own little corner of the cosmos and how humans have ventured into it. Space exploration, however, goes hand in hand with astronomy. So, I've come up with a list of 15 simple facts about spaceflight that you can share with your children - or with your non-astronomer friends.

1. Russia was first

Yep, Russia (then the main country of the Soviet Union) beat the U.S. in spaceflight pretty much every step of the way until NASA landed people on the Moon. The first artificial satellite - Sputnik, launched Oct. 4, 1957 - was Russian. So was the first human in space, Yuri Gagarin, who also became the first person to orbit Earth. That happened April 12, 1961. The first woman in space was also Russian. Valentina Tereshkova orbited Earth 48 times starting June 16, 1963. She's also the only woman who ever flew a mission to space alone.

2. Space begins above our atmosphere

Believe it or not, there is a legal definition for where space begins. That's because the movements of spacecraft are regulated by different treaties than those of aircraft. Most countries use the Kármán line , which is named for Hungarian-American physicist Theodore von Kármán, the first person to calculate an altitude where space begins. The Kármán line lies 62 miles (100 kilometers) above sea level.

3. Rockets were invented long ago

The Chinese invented rockets perhaps as early as the 10th century. Some historians date their first recorded use to 1232. Early Chinese rockets used gunpowder as fuel, so they were a lot like fireworks. Soldiers attached an arrow to each rocket and launched them at their enemies during battles. By the 15th century, militaries around the world had adopted rocket technology.

4. Robert Goddard was a pioneer rocket man

Goddard was an American inventor who built the first liquid-fueled rocket. Historians credit the launch of his first rocket, on March 16, 1926, with starting the modern age of rocketry. Over the next decade, he and his team launched several dozen rockets, which traveled as fast as 550 mph (885 km/h) and as high as 1.6 miles (2.6 km).

5. Sputnik changed everything

If the question is "When did the Space Age start?" , the answer is "When Sputnik was launched." In the 1950s, the Soviet Union was in a race with the U.S. to be the first country to send a satellite into space. Scientists and engineers on both sides spent years trying to reach this goal. Then, on Oct. 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1, which became Earth's first artificial satellite (i.e., one launched by humans). Sputnik had four radio antennas and measured 23 inches (58 centimeters) across. It orbited Earth once every 96 minutes and 12 seconds. The radio transmitter Sputnik carried only sent back beeps. It worked for three weeks until the batteries ran out. And although the message was simple, it seemed to tell every radio operator on Earth who listened to it, "The Soviet Union is in space."

6. Alan Shepard was first for the U.S.

Shepard was a naval pilot and one of seven people chosen for Project Mercury, NASA's first space program. On May 5, 1961, he became the first American and the second person in space. In 1971, he became the fifth astronaut - and, at age 47, the oldest - to walk on the Moon.

7. The "Moon race" began with a speech

On Sept. 12, 1962, President John F. Kennedy gave a speech to a crowd of about 40,000 at Rice University Stadium in Houston, Texas. Among other things, Kennedy said, "We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard." However, The line that most historians think started the race to land a person on the Moon didn't come from this speech. Instead, it came from an address to Congress May 25, 1961, in which Kennedy said, "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth." And although Kennedy didn't live to see it, in July 1969, the U.S. did exactly that.

8. Neil Armstrong was first on the Moon

This naval pilot entered the astronaut program in 1962. He first flew into space in 1966 aboard Gemini 8. That mission featured the first docking of two spacecraft in orbit. Later, he was named commander of the historic Apollo 11 mission, the first human Moon landing.

9. Spacewalks aren't really walks

Many astronauts have completed an extravehicular activity (EVA) in space. Astronauts often refer to this as a spacewalk. But usually, that term means going outside a vessel in orbit, attached by a cord.

In 1965, the Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov became the first human to walk in space. The journey, during his Voskhod 2 mission, lasted 12 minutes. The first U.S. spacewalk took place later in 1965, when astronaut Ed White walked in space for 23 minutes during the Gemini 4 mission.

10. That's a long time in space

Russian cosmonaut Valeri Polyakov spent 437 days and 18 hours on a single trip to space, the longest ever by any human. He launched to the Mir space station Jan. 8, 1994, and returned to Earth March 22, 1995. The longest spaceflight by a woman is 328 days. NASA astronaut Christina Koch launched to the International Space Station March 14, 2019. She returned to Earth Feb. 6, 2020.

11. This crew went the fastest

On May 26, 1969, the crew of NASA's Apollo 10 mission (Thomas Stafford, John Young, and Eugene Cernan) reached a speed of 24,791 mph (39,897 km/h), or about 32 times faster than the speed of sound on Earth at sea level.

12. Spaceflight is dangerous

As of this writing, 30 humans have been killed in the pursuit of outer space. Six were Soviet or Russian cosmonauts, one was Israeli, and the rest were U.S. astronauts. Of these, 11 were killed during training or test flights and 19 were killed in actual flight. The latter group includes two seven-person crews aboard the space shuttles Challenger and Columbia , which were destroyed during atmospheric flight. The three-man crew of Soyuz 11 are the only people to have died in space.

13. Spacesuits are important

Space is a harsh environment. It's extremely cold and there's no atmosphere. Plus, human beings are pretty fragile creatures. So, exploring space means using special suits that allow astronauts to breathe and stay at the right temperature.

In 1961, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin wore the first spacesuit; since then, they have come a long way. In the U.S., the Project Mercury spacesuits were just a bit different from the jumpsuits worn by fighter pilots. Each had a bubble-shaped helmet and its own air supply. The Gemini suits were more advanced and there were several types. One was for wearing inside the spacecraft, while others were for spacewalks.

NASA's spacesuits took a big leap forward with the Apollo missions. These suits were larger and made so astronauts could walk around on the Moon for hours. The suits were fireproof and had a liquid cooling system inside. The outer layer protected astronauts from possible strikes from micrometeoroids, tiny particles of rock that zip through space at high speeds.

Space shuttle astronauts wore partially pressurized suits adapted from the Air Force. And shuttle astronauts on spacewalks used the advanced extravehicular mobility unit, which gave them a lot more protection.

Future spacesuits will be even better. New models are already being used by SpaceX astronauts and will be used by the men and women who journey back to the Moon.

14. Astronauts use the bathroom in space

Bathrooms became very important for Alan Shepard, NASA's first astronaut. There was no toilet because the flight would last only 15 minutes. Nobody thought that he might have to wait in his capsule for about four hours before the launch. When he asked to go, the command crew first said no, but finally said OK - but he couldn't leave the capsule. Luckily, the air flowing through his suit dried everything out before the launch. After that, NASA designed equipment to deal with pee. 

The first one was connected to a plastic tube, a valve, a clamp, and a collection bag. It wasn't great because it sometimes leaked. In 1962, John Glenn used one on his five-hour flight.

Because the Gemini flights were a lot longer than earlier ones, NASA finally had to deal with poop in space. The first equipment was pretty simple: a bag that the astronauts taped to their butts. NASA's first space station, Skylab, needed a toilet because astronauts would be living in space for months. Unfortunately, it was just a hole in the wall with a fan for suction and a bag.

With women as part of the space shuttle crews, NASA needed to rethink their toilet design. It was called the Waste Collection System. The opening was much smaller than a regular toilet hole, so an astronaut's aim had to be good! Today, astronauts on the International Space Station use a much larger toilet and a vacuum sucks waste away. The waste then goes into a container that its jettisoned and burns up in Earth's atmosphere. Using the bathroom in space is still a pain, but it's a lot better than it was.

15. The future looks bright

The U.S., Russia, China, India, and other nations are all active with big plans for their space programs. And rather than governments being the only players in space, private companies are now joining the effort. SpaceX, Blue Origin, Virgin Galactic, and more are getting involved in space travel.

The U.S. and China both have plans to return humans to the Moon. Japan and South Korea are planning their first robotic lunar-landing missions, too. Several countries, space organizations, and companies would also like to send humans to Mars. This would be an extremely expensive, time-consuming, and dangerous endeavor.

Many nations are also actively exploring our solar system via robotic craft, including the United Arab Emirates, which recently sent a probe to Mars for the first time. There are missions from the U.S., Europe, and Japan - both planned and underway - to visit asteroids and comets, and other missions will explore the outer planets and their moons.

Editor’s note: This article was first published in 2022 and has been updated.

The post 15 things kids should know about space travel appeared first on Astronomy Magazine .

15 things kids should know about space travel


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27 Travel Products That Won't Make Much Of A Dent In Your Carry-On Space

Coming from an *expert* in packing a 50-pound carry-on.

Mary Ruehl

BuzzFeed Contributor

Haley Zovickian

HuffPost Staff

1. A set of travel compression cubes  so you can pack as many pairs of underwear as your heart desires. Who says you can't have three 'fit options for every day?

a reviewer photo of seven different shirts

Promising review: "Must-have traveling accessory. Best way to pack a suitcase! I’ll never go back to stuffing everything in on its own. These compartments held way more than I imagined and kept me organized. I will definitely add more to my collection. Makes a great gift for frequent travelers too!" — Lisa

Get them from Amazon for $18.95+ (available in 11 styles and in packs of two, three, or six).

2. An adorable toiletry pouch that you can carry in your bag so that your most-used products are protected and easy to access. It's also easy to clean in case your foundation decides to get messy.

Transparent makeup bag containing brushes and a blender sponge

Get it from Target for $5 .

3. A shoe bag  because, like underwear, you can never pack too many. Keep them compacted, together, and mess-free with this adorable case.

reviewer image of the shoe bag in pink, filled with shoes

Promising review:  "You can totally fit three pairs of shoes in this! (Size 6.5 female shoe, fit heels, wedges, and sandals.) I bought two and will absolutely be buying more for my husband. 10/10 would recommend! I travel frequently, and I always overpack; this helped cut down space and stress immensely! " — Taylor

Get it from Amazon for $22.99  (available in nine colors and patterns). 

4. A 50-count set of  laundry soap sheets  that is *way* smaller than a jug of Gain and won't get you looked at suspiciously by the TSA agent.

reviewer photo of the orange pack of laundry soap sheets on top of a blanket

These work best with hand-washing!

Promising review:  "This came SO in handy during my vacation to Europe! I was making lots of different stops to places with different types of weather. With these laundry soap sheets I was able to wash my clothes in the sink — letting me pack just the right amount of clothes for all the different places I went." — Katie Fujarski

Get a pack of 50 from Amazon for  $12.95 .

5. A sturdy, lightweight  eight-compartment pill organizer  so you can bring a little bit of everything without all the bottles — Pepto Bismol, Ibuprofen, Dramamine...just grab a bit of it all.

reviewer image of the pill organizer in green, full of different pills

Promising review: "My husband and I travel a lot and take a number of prescription drugs. It was always a hassle accessing our medication when needed, so I purchased this organizer to make things easier. I used a label maker and labeled each little compartment and it has performed wonderfully. I highly recommend this organizer to anyone who travels and needs medications throughout the day." — Jacqueline

Get a three-pack from Amazon for $9.97  (available in two colors).

6. A jewelry organizer  that'll take up way less space than a jewelry box while in your suitcase and won't leave them a tangled mess when you take them out. 

Reviewer photo of the jewelry case with various pieces inside

Promising review:  "Best jewelry travel pouch ever. Plenty of room for all my travel jewelry needs. Half the size of previous pouches I have tried and holds more than any of them. " — T Rex Mom

Get it from Amazon for $19.99 (available in two sizes and 12 colors).

7. A  hands-free (rotating!) phone mount  so you don't get a sore neck from looking down to watch a movie. It's designed for use on any airplane and can be mounted to the tray table. And you've been wasting room in your bag to carry a laptop. Psh.

A phone mounted to the back of an airplane tray table

Promising review : "I bought this nifty gadget about six months ago for a multi-leg, ultra long haul trip and it more than held up the entire duration . I was able to finagle it to fit the tray tables on different planes and like others, I find the height just nice when clamped onto a stowed tray table . It also works on my roller carry-on handle during layovers. However, I find myself using it a lot outside of travel too! Work-wise, I've clamped it onto my office desk shelving to hold my phone at eye level beside my computer . At home, I simply clamped it to a deck of cards and it turns into a versatile stand that I can place on any flat surface. Heck, I've been using it to hold my phone comfortably at eye level while watching videos in bed. It's extremely well-built and I find myself fidgeting with it all the time. Thus far it still feels solid and I don't anticipate breaking it any time soon. Even if it does break, I'll be happy to buy another one or two of it!" — Earendil

Perilogics  is a small biz that specializes in tech-oriented travel products and backpacks. 

Get it from Amazon for $12.97  (available in four colors and packs of two). 

8. A pair of Beats noise-canceling earbuds that take up way less carry-on space (but looks just as good) as the on-ear headphones. Reviewers love how long these babies hold a charge (and when you do need to power up, just pop them in the included case to do so).

Model wearing Beats Fit Pro earbuds with hair tied back in a ponytail

Promising review: "They fit very comfortably and I love the features! I love the clear design; brings back the Gameboy in clear. Also, the way this bass feels is eargasmic!" — Adrian

Get it from Walmart for $169.95 (available in three colors).

9. Silicone travel bottles  — in the war against excess things you need to pack, full-sized bottles should be the first to go. Also, have you ever attempted to get product out of a rigid travel bottle? Impossible.

reviewer holding the silicone bottles

*Plus,* decanting your creams and liquids into these babies will free up space in your carry-on and spare you weight. 

PS: It also comes with pre-printed labels and a handy, clear zipper pouch!

Promising review:  "Just took a trip to the Dominican Republic and used carry-on luggage only throughout the entire trip, never once was questioned about the size. The bag they are in seems thin but it worked great to put bottles back in as well as some smaller items fit in the bag too, like lip gloss, mascara, and such. The holes are big enough to get your product in to the bottles without any complications.  My fiancé and myself had plenty of shampoo, conditioner, sunblock and lotion for seven days.  Highly recommend these bottles, they are perfect for carry-ons!!" — Stephanie Miller

Get a set of four bottles from Amazon for  $14.99+  (available in a variety of sizes and colors).

10. A packing checklist  that'll help you bring what you need and *only* what you need. Packing a week's worth of outfits and accessories in my carry-on? Try me.

packing checklist that says pack this

Promising review: "We travel frequently and have two children. As any parent knows, packing for yourself and your children can be overwhelming (especially for a trip longer than a few days ). I have found this list to be a lifesaver and I also give it as a gift for other traveling families. It is easy to plan, organize, and list out items that are easily forgotten. You can also list the quantity of each item needed. It has a variety of clothing options and space to add more. Overall, wonderful purchase and has likely saved me many forgotten items!" — I-really-bought-this

Get it from Amazon for $7+  (available in two colors and varieties). 

11. A  travel Gillette razor  so you can plan to (or pretend to plan to) shave on your trip. It will take up a tiny amount of space in a toiletry bag and is *probably* a better plan than packing a razor blade in your carry-on.

compact razor in carrying case

It comes with one handle and five blade refills!

Promising review: "I got this for a vacation and it was great! The little carrying container is awesome, and keeps you from having a weird, loose razor floating around in your suitcase. Plus the heads are the same as a regular-sized razor , so you can keep using it when that one is worn out!" — Tegan H

Get it from Amazon for $9.99  (also available in a pack of two).

12. An ergonomic  Trtl neck pillow  that is much more compact in your bag than traditional neck pillows. It's scientifically proven to prevent stiff necks, so you don't need to ice when you land.

back of model with the red neck pillow attached to their backpack

It also easily attaches to backpacks and luggage handles (see the photo on the right), weighs less than half a pound, and is machine washable!

Promising review: "I can't stop recommending this pillow to all of my friends! It has let me comfortably sleep on flights that take place on the most uncomfortable airplane seats. On long flights, I always need to prop up my hand and I rest my head on it. But this method always ends with my arm falling asleep and I end up waking up every 30 minutes.  Now this pillow provides that exact same support without needing my arms to prop me up! It's small enough to fit in your bag and doesn't take up much space. " — Simona Krifman

Get it from Amazon for  $64.99+  (available in five colors).

13. A compact  portable espresso maker  because having your coffee is too important to leave to chance. Like a teeny tiny coffee maker, it lets you be a coffee snob without the bulk.

hand holding the espresso maker, showing it's about the size of a travel cup

Promising review: "The best thing for traveling ever!! I have to have espresso every morning and most small hotels and gas stations don't have espresso coffee so this is perfect! Easy to use. The cleaning takes 30 seconds; just rinse with water and let it dry." — Joanna Verdeja

Get it from Amazon for $54.90  (and here are some Nespresso pods to go with it).

14. A reusable,  collapsible coffee cup  so you can bring along a cup for your 6 a.m. flight *without* having to store a bulky thermos in your bag afterward.

a reviewer photo of the cup fully extended

It's also microwave-safe! Note that the 12-ounce size does not include a straw, but both the 16-ounce and 24-ounce sizes do.

BuzzFeed Shopping editor  Danielle Healy has this and loves it. She writes: "This is of the first zero-waste swaps I made and I've never looked back. If you buy to-go coffee – whether you're jet-setting or just grabbing a mid-day pick-me-up — this cup is a must-have . So long as you remember to bring it, it's all the convenience of to-go coffee with none of the waste. It's leakproof and, when you're all done, it collapses down teeny tiny and can be tossed back in your bag. Oh! And it comes with a straw, so all you iced coffee lovers can get in on the action, too."

Stojo  is a small biz founded by three New York dads who wanted a better way to get their convenient coffee fix without all the waste. Now they make stylish collapsible essentials in a variety of sizes and colors, including bottles and food storage containers.

Get it from Amazon for $14.95+ (available in four sizes and 24 colors).

15. A Hairbrella  to protect your hair and face from stormy weather. It's satin-lined, so it won't dry out your hair or cause frizz. It's like an umbrella, but better — and it actually fits in your bag.

Reviewer wearing the hairbrella

Promising review: "Works like a charm! So...of course the day I get my hair done, an unexpected torrential downpour occurs and I have NO umbrella. But...I DID have my Hairbrella in my bag! This was the first time I would get to try it out since I purchased it so I was REALLY hoping it would live up to its hype. I loosely pinned my hair up with a few bobby pins, secured that sucka in place and took off! While I looked like I just exited a dunk tank after my valiant sprint to my car, my hair was BONE DRY!!! 🙌🏾 Not a drop of moisture hit my hair. Hairbrella is the TRUTH!!!" — Lina

Hairbrella is a Black-owned small business that specializes in hats that protect hair from all kinds of weather. 

Get it from Amazon for $29+ (available in 10 colors).

16. A plush microfiber  makeup-removing cloth  that gently takes off your makeup and lifts away dirt using only water. Leave the bottles of mascara remover and micellar water at home — this baby is all👏🏻you👏🏻need👏🏻.

the washcloth

Promising review: "This is incredible! I can't believe how well this works! I travel a lot for work and usually take makeup remover wipes because of the liquid restrictions for travel, but they are expensive and heavy. I have been using this cloth all week and LOVE IT! A bit of warm water and everything comes off in a few easy swipes. I am super excited to travel with this. It weighs nothing and rolls up to take very little space. I am ordering another for my mom who also travels. Highly recommend!" — KT

Get it from Amazon for $6.99+ (available in four colors).

17. A lightweight, water-resistant  Neutrogena SPF 50 face and body stick sunscreen  so you don't need to pack five different lotions for all the family members (all in their own travel-sized bottles, ugh).

model applying solid sunscreen to face

BuzzFeed Shopping editor Elizabeth Lilly brought this on an international trip and loved it: "I first bought this for a weeklong Croatian vacation last year when I did carry-on, and as long as you are *thoroughly* reapplying, this stuff stays on pretty well. On a beach club afternoon, I did haphazardly reapply and missed a strip on one arm, but I tend to do that with spray-on or lotion sunscreen, too. Since then, I've packed this for any trip I've been on , including a two-day Disneyland trip where I toted this around in my bag and shared with friends. I sometimes carry it with me in my purse on my everyday adventures because I know it's so easy to apply. Also worth mentioning...I am about the palest lady you've ever seen and swear by daily application of sunscreen. But when on a beach trip, I'm constantly swimming in the water and sweating. So yeah, this stuff works.  And if you're a bit hesitant about jumping on the solid sunscreen bandwagon, you can pack a stick of this, knowing you have enough sun protection to get you through to finding some spray-on or lotion SPF at your destination."

Get it from Amazon for $9.88 .

18. A lightweight  money belt  that keeps you from having to pack a wallet and a belt (hey — every little bit helps you fit everything in your carry-on).

Model putting a $100 bill into the concealed zipper belt

Promising review: "Wore this belt on a recent 10-day trip, with several hundred dollars neatly folded in its full-length zippered pocket. The bills (USD) had to be folded lengthwise, in thirds, and for practical reasons, in stacks of 4–5 (or less). My belt had room for four such stacks, so theoretically $2,000 could be comfortably carried in complete concealment. The nylon buckle was perfectly adequate for its purpose, and nothing about the belt would indicate its hidden purpose. Well worth it." — Tony B.

Get it from Amazon for $17.99+  (available for pant sizes 20"–50" and in six styles). 

19. A pair of toothbrush covers to protect from germy items in your toiletry bag. The cover uses thymol to deter bacterial growth for an immaculate clean every time and is so much less bulky than that travel tube.

the pack of toothbrush covers

Promising review: "This is great for travel and at home. It's roomy enough for most toothbrushes and smells fresh. Also has a text-based alarm that will alert you when it's time to change it." — Nichole

Get a pack of two from Walmart for  $5.83.

20. A mini bottle of  Tower 28 Daily Rescue Facial Spray  made without alcohol, oil, or fragrance to help minimize irritation and redness. One product that does the work of half your skincare routine *and* is small enough to fit in a cosmetics bag — what's not to love?

Model before and after using spray

Tower 28 is a LA-based woman-owned small business that creates nontoxic, vegan, and cruelty-free beauty products for all skin types. 

Promising review: "I was afraid to use this product because I have sensitive skin but I absolutely love it! It has helped clear up my skin so much, especially my forehead area. I also discovered that this product helped with my sunburn! It alleviated my itchy and burning skin overnight!" — Mia0921

Get it from Sephora for $12 .

21. A  heatless curling rod  so you can leave the bulky hot tools at home *without* giving up the coils you love. It's pretty foolproof, too — simply wrap your hair around the headband before you go to bed, and you'll wake up to big curls.

Reviewer wearing leopard-print heatless curling rod

The set includes a curling rod, two hair scrunchies, a claw hair clip, and two duckbill hair clips to set it in place. You can use this on all hair types, but reviewers say it works best when used with damp hair!

Promising review: "Before purchasing, I’d seen a lot of reviews and tutorials on TikTok showing the results. My hair is thick, coarse, and naturally wavy, so I figured this might be a good alternative to rollers that are time-consuming to put in, difficult to sleep in, and ultimately not worth it. And MAN was I right to be hopefu l. Wrap pieces of damp hair around it before bed, the tighter the wrap, the tighter the curl. Easy to sleep in since there’s nothing on the back of your head, and my curls are BOUNCY the next morning . My only complaint is that it doesn’t help give any top-volume, but nothing some teasing can’t fix. 10/10. I’ll never go back to a curling iron ." — Mariah

Get it from Amazon for $7.99 (available in four colors). 

22. A pack of antibacterial wipes for cleaning up after gas station bathrooms or during long plane rides. Reviewers love that these don't dry out your hands like other products (I'm looking at you, Purell).

the packet of wipes

Promising review: "A must-have in your purse or car with young children. When hand sanitizer is not enough and you need to remove grime as well as disinfect. This product is perfect in travel size!!!!" — Vettie

Get a pack of 20 from Target for $1.99 .

23. Maybelline's Instant Age Rewind Concealer  that can take the place of most of the makeup crowding your toiletry bag.  Reviewers love that just a little bit of this product goes a long way and gives skin a healthy, radiant glow.

former BuzzFeed editor showing the under-eye coverage

Promising review: "I personally like this product. Throughout high school (I recently graduated in June), I never knew how to do makeup. But then I heard this product was the absolute best on TikTok. And trust me, they were not lying. It has really good coverage and hides my 'raccoon eyes.' And the beat part is that a little bit goes a long way. So if you’re starting out or want to try something new I definitely recommend to try this out .<3" — Liela Lee

Get it from Amazon for $8.80+  (available in 23 shades).

24. A packable hat in case of a hair emergency. The mid-weight material can be smashed into a bag, worn in the ocean, and thrown in the washing machine.

A reviewer wearing a packable sun hat

Promising review: "Have had skin cancers on my face, so hats are a must wherever I go outdoors! This hat folds up nicely, takes minimal room, and provides plenty of protection! " — s. Marshall

Get it from Amazon for   $16.99+ (available in eight colors).

25. A tech accessory organizer that will keep all your cords, chargers, converters, and what-have-yous corralled in your bag. It has a ton of pockets for all of your gadgets, so you never have to choose between bringing a charger for your iPad or your headphones.

the organizer in pink

Promising review: "I use this organizer regularly and just purchased this one for my husband. I love that it keeps all my cords and accessories in one place. I am able to store two six foot cords for my iPad and Kindle plus plugs and a 10 ft cord for my iPhone including the plug. I also have room for AirPods and USB to USB-C converters. The pockets are great for small items and I don’t have to worry about losing small items when pulling the cords out. The organizer is sturdy and well made. It fits into my travel backpack without taking up a lot of space. " — Zilla

Get it from Amazon for $7.85+ (available in two sizes and 22 colors).

26. A flying USB port  to juice up all your devices when there's only one outlet available and your AirPods, phone, and tablet are all on the verge of dying before your flight. Well, there's no need to fear because Multitasky is here! This has four USB outlets so all your tech will be powered up for hours.

white usb-port with four slots that looks like a plane

Multitasky is a small business founded by Julia Xu in 2020. They're known for their adorable and functional tech products, including power banks, laptop accessories, and more!

Promising review:  "It does as it says it does, allowing my Dell XPS15 to operate a pair of USB devices from my lightning port! The laptop has two USB ports, one of which is always occupied by my USB mouse dongle and the other by my protected USB drive. If I wanted to plug in my phone to switch data or add another thumb drive to transfer a device, everything might have to be disconnected, but not anymore. It was really worth it." — Liberty

Get it from Multitasky for $25  (available in three colors). 

27. And a set of  pocket scrunchies  because you need to carry your little necessities with you and don't have pockets. The hidden zipper in these will allow you to tuck your lip balm, cash, and keys inside and keep them secured. 

lip balm, pins, and other small items inside a reviewer's blue velvet scrunchie with zipper closure

Promising reviews: " I bought this because of someone on TikTok who had purchased this. Extremely convenient and cute! They’re very soft, and I’ve been using mine to hold cash and lip balm. I wish there were more colors!" — Michaela

"I bought these since I was going on a long vacation by myself. I rolled my money and was able to fit it inside the scrunchie. It’s soft, very stretchy and fits my wrist! I didn’t have any issues with the zipper. I wore it on my wrist all the time and put money/lip balm inside it. It worked great during my vacation. This would be perfect to stash some things inside!" — Jessica Sandoval

Get a pack of three from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in six color combinations).

Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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