Explore Pench's wild beauty on thrilling safaris with Find My Holidays. Encounter majestic tigers and diverse wildlife in their natural habitat. Unforgettable adventures await!

Pench Tiger Safari Booking Form

Pench safari booking price / charges, pench jungle safari timing, pench safari zones and entry gate, hotels & resorts near pench national park, about pench national park.

Pench National Park, located in India, spans both Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. Famous for its rich biodiversity, it inspired Rudyard Kipling's "The Jungle Book." The park is home to diverse flora and fauna, including tigers, leopards, and a variety of bird species.

Pench National Park is the home to Bengal tigers, leopards, and diverse wildlife, it features lush sal forests, bamboo groves, and grasslands. Safaris offer an immersive experience in this Tiger Reserve.

General information

  • Core: 411.330 Sq Km
  • Buffer 768.302 Sq Km
  • Total: 1179.632 Sq Km

Best Time to visit Pench

  • The best time to visit the Reserve is 1 Oct to 30 June.

Flora & Fauna

  • Pench National Park boasts diverse fauna, featuring Bengal tigers, Indian leopards, Indian wild dogs, sloth bears, and a vibrant bird population, making it a haven for wildlife enthusiasts. Pench National Park's flora includes teak, mahua, and bamboo forests, along with various grasses and shrubs. The park's diverse vegetation supports its rich wildlife ecosystem.

Located in central India, Pench faces diverse weather including extreme tropical weather. Temperatures below zero and frost may occur in January. Monsoon usually arrives in mid-June. Average temperatures fluctuate throughout the year, providing diverse climatic experiences.

Connectivity & Distances

Nearest Airports: Nagpur and Jabalpur

Nearest Railway Stations: Nagpur, Jabalpur, and Chhindwara

Pench Tiger Reserve has 3 entry point in MP (Gate) namely Turia, Karmajhiri, Jamtara and 3 Entry Point in Maharashtra, Sillari, Khursapar, Chorbahuli

Ghurri Barrier Gate

Nagpur (Via Seoni) – 278 kms

Raipur (Via Kawardha) – 213 Kms

Jabalpur (Via Kundam) – 181 Kms

This Website is managed by the Registered Tour & Travel Agency under the name of "Find My Holidays" which organizes Kanha National Park Tour Packages & Jeep Safari Packages. Connect to us for huge discounts in hotels and resorts booking near Gir Lion Reserve.

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WelcomHeritage Jungle Home Resort in Pench

  • Super Deluxe Room
  • Luxury Tent

Jungle Safari - Pench resort

A Step-by-Step Guide: How to Book a Safari at Pench National Park, Madhya Pradesh


Pench National Park in Madhya Pradesh, India, is a wildlife enthusiast’s paradise. Known for its incredible biodiversity and the chance to spot majestic tigers, booking a safari at Pench offers a thrilling opportunity to immerse yourself in the wonders of the natural world. In this guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of booking a safari at Pench National Park, ensuring a seamless and memorable experience.

Plan Your Visit Before booking a safari, it’s essential to plan your visit to Pench National Park. Determine the best time to visit based on weather conditions and wildlife sightings. The park is typically open for safaris from October to June, but it’s advisable to check the official website or contact the park authorities for the most up-to-date information.

Choose the Entry Gate Pench National Park has multiple entry gates, and each gate offers different safari zones and experiences. The popular entry gates are Turia, Karmajhiri, and Jamtara. Research the different gates and their respective zones to understand which one aligns with your interests and wildlife preferences. For example, if you’re keen on spotting tigers, Turia Gate is known for its tiger sightings.

Select Safari Type Pench National Park offers various safari options, including jeep safaris and canter safaris. Jeep safaris provide a more personalized experience, allowing you to explore the park in a smaller group. Canter safaris, on the other hand, accommodate larger groups and are an excellent option for those looking for a budget-friendly option. Choose the safari type that suits your preferences and budget.

Make Reservations To book a safari at Pench National Park, there are multiple avenues available:

a) Online Booking: Visit the official website of Madhya Pradesh Forest Department ( https://forest.mponline.gov.in ) to check availability and make reservations online. Fill in the required details, including the entry gate, safari type, preferred date, and number of visitors. Complete the payment process to secure your booking.

b) Resort Booking: If you plan to stay at a resort or lodge near Pench National Park, Jungle Home  Pench Resort  and Spa offer  accommodations and  safari packages as part of their services. Contact the resort directly and inquire about safari bookings. They will assist you in securing a spot for your desired safari.

c) Authorized Agents: There are authorized travel agents and tour operators who can assist in booking safaris at Pench National Park. Research and choose a reputable agent with experience in organizing wildlife tours. They will guide you through the process, handle reservations, and ensure a smooth safari experience.

Obtain Necessary Permits Once your safari booking is confirmed, ensure you have the necessary permits. These may include entry permits, vehicle permits, and camera permits. Some of these permits may be included in the safari package, while others may need to be obtained separately. Double-check with your booking agent or the park authorities to ensure you have all the required permits before your visit.

Booking a safari at Pench National Park, Madhya Pradesh, is an exhilarating experience for nature and wildlife enthusiasts. By following this step-by-step guide, you can navigate the process seamlessly, ensuring you secure your preferred safari type, entry gate, and date. Remember to plan ahead, choose a reliable booking method, and obtain all necessary permits. With everything in place, get ready to embark on a memorable journey through the enchanting wilderness of Pench National Park, where breathtaking wildlife encounters await at every turn.

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A Step-by-Step Guide: How to Book a Safari at Pench National Park, Madhya Pradesh

Introduction: Pench National Park in Madhya Pradesh, India, is a wildlife enthusiast’s paradise. Known for its incredible biodiversity and the chance to spot majestic tigers, booking a safari at Pench offers a thrilling opportunity to immerse yourself in the wonders of the natural world. In this guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process […]

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TOFT Tiger Jungle Home Pench

Copyrights 2022 | WelcomHeritage Jungle Home Resort and Spa | Turiya Gate, Nagpur Jabalpur Highway Pench National Park, MP 480881

Tadoba Tiger Safari Logo

Pench Tiger Safari

Tiger Icon

50+ Bengal Tigers

Pench tiger reserve is home to more than 50 Bengal tigers

39 Mammal Species

Pench jungle safari offers you a chance to spot any of the 39 mammal species

40+ Indian Leopards

Pench national park is where more than 40 Indian leopards roams the jungle

210 Species of Birds

Pench is a paradise for bird lovers and photo graphers as there are 210 birds in it

Pench Wolf Safari

A part of Pench is dedicated to the Indian wolves that can be explored at night

Affordable Packages

Enjoy an amazing wildlife in Pench with our affordable packages

Services & Experience We Offer

To ensure quality services at every step of your vacation we go above and beyond. Our highly expert professionals are obsessed with the idea of empowering vacationers with the best deals. We have a team of expert professionals having experience of over a decade in travel and tourism.

online safari booking

Safari Booking

Pench Night Safari

Night Safari

pench safari package

Safari Packages

Pench wildlife tour packages.

Here are some Pench wildlife tour packages to make your trip exciting and memorable!

Pench Weekend Tour

1 Nights / 2 Days

Pench Weekend Tour

Enjoy a terrific weekend in Pench with our specifically designed 1 Night 2 Days packages, which are ideal for individuals who do not want to disrupt their hectic weekdays.

Pench Safari Tour

2 Nights / 3 Days

Pench Safari Tour

Have an economical tiger safari with our budget trip package, which guarantees a superb safari experience without compromising safety and cleanliness.

Pench Honeymoon Tour

3 Nights / 4 Days

Pench Honeymoon Tour

Enjoy an exciting honeymoon in Pench, which will provide you with a pleasant environment, romantic weather, a sweet stay, and the thrill of seeing tigers with your partner.

Kanha Pench Safari

5 Nights / 6 Days

Pench & Kanha Tour

Enjoy a terrific weekend in Pench with our specifically designed 1 Night 2 Days packages.

Book Your Pench Safari Now!

Don’t let this chance slip through your fingers, seize the opportunity to witness the unfiltered, untamed beauty of Pench Tiger Reserve and its Royal Bengal Tigers. This is your moment to secure your spot and be part of an incredible adventure that will immerse you in the inspiring and breathtaking world of Pench.

Pench Tiger Reserve

Explore the details below about Pench tiger reserve and the adventure that you will have there

About Pench Tiger Reserve

About Pench

The crystal clear Pench river that flows amid the beautiful meadows inspired the name of this tiger sanctuary. It descends from north to south, dividing the Pench Tiger Reserve into equal halves eastern and western.

Best Time to Visit Pench

Best Time To Visit Pench

Pench can be visited in all the three seasons of winter, summer, and monsoon. All the zones are open in winter and summer season. However, only buffer zones are open during the monsoon.

indian national bird in pench

Bird Watching In Pench

Birds are the amazing creatures of Pench National Park who enhance the beauty of the woods and sky. The birds also contribute a lovely tune that serves as pleasant background music as you explore the Pench Tiger Reserve.

pench zones

Pench Safari Zones

3 core & 6 buffer zones.

The Pench Tiger Reserve has nine safari gates. Three of them constitute core zones, while the other six comprise buffer zones.

Things To Do At Pench Besides Safari

There are various other activities that you do at Pench along with the tiger safari.

Indian roller

Birding in Pench

wildlife in pench

Wildlife In Pench

tiger surrounded by flora

Flora in Pench

nearby national parks to pench

Nearby National Parks

Best time to visit, exploring pench in summer.

Tourists can visit Pench National Park during the summer between March to June. These months are termed as the best for watching tigers. Moreover, the park remains less crowded during these months, and the tigers are seen strolling around the water areas. However, the temperature can rise to 45 degrees Celcius.

Exploring Pench in Monsoon

The monsoon season might not promise you pleasant weather from July to September as it is the wettest time of the year. Even though the roads can be quite muddy, you can still see animals around. Most wild animals are active this season, as you will spot them roaming around the lush greeneries of the vegetation.

Exploring Pench in Winter

The best time to visit Pench National Park is during winter, from November to February. You will experience pleasant weather with temperatures ranging between 10 degrees Celcius to 28 degrees Celcius. This is the ideal time to watch migratory birds from your naked eye. Also, since the vegetation is thinner, it is easier to spot animals.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q. what is pench tiger reserve famous for.

Pench is famous for the Tigress T15, also known as Collarwali, and also for the name “Mataram”. She has given birth to 29 Cubs in seven litters and was one of the most iconic tigresses in Pench. She passed away in January 2023 because of old age.

Q. What are the best zones or gates for Tiger Safari in Pench ?

Turia is the most famous zone in Pench (on the Madhya Pradesh side). However, Khursapar and Sillari zones in the Maharashtra side are also popular for Tiger sightings.

Q. How many safari are required to spot a Tiger in Pench ?

We recommend doing at least six Safaris in Pench. However, if you want to explore the park better, we recommend a 4 to 5 days package at Pench.

Q. What is the best time to vist Pench Tiger Reserve?

The Pench Core Zone can be visited anytime between October and June. During the monsoon from July to September, the core gates are closed, and only the buffer gates are open for tourism.

Q. Is Pench Tiger Reserve open for Safari throughout the year?

Core zones of Pench are open only from October 1 to June 30 every year. But the buffer zone can be explored throughout the year.

Q. What is the best way to reach Pench National Park?

Nagpur is the closest airport and railway station to Pench. You can also visit Pench easily from Jabalpur airport or railway station.

Q. What are the chances of sighting a Tiger in Pench?

Tiger sightings are not guaranteed. We are visiting the forest, where animals are free and can cover more than 15–20 km distance in a night. However, with our expert guides and tiger trackers help, we try our best to track the tigers and their movements during the safari.

Q. What are the type of safari available in Pench ?

Pench Tiger Reserves offer both Open Jeep safaris and Canter safaris, but canter safaris are not available at all the gates.

Q. Is boat safari available in Pench ?

Boat safaris are not available in Pench. A boat ride in Kokha lake is possible if you are visiting Turia zone.

Bengal Tiger

Indian leopards, bird species.

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  • Tigers & Other Wildlife
  • Tigers & Culture
  • Luxury Safaris
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  • Tiger Safari in India – A Traveler’s Guide 2024
  • Bandhavgarh National Park – A Traveler’s Guide 2024
  • Jim Corbett National Park – A Traveler’s Guide 2024
  • Kanha National Park – A Traveler’s Guide 2024
  • Kaziranga National Park – A Traveler’s Guide 2024
  • Ranthambore National Park – A Traveler’s Guide 2024
  • Sariska National Park – A Traveler’s Guide 2024
  • Pench National Park – A Traveler’s Guide 2024
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Tiger Safari in Pench

04 Nights/05 Days

TripAdvisor Traver choice 2024

About Tiger Safari in Pench Tour

Pench National Park is where the Jungle Book comes to life. In the district of Seoni [erstwhile Seonee, where Mowgli was born], not more than 2.5 hours away from Nagpur City, lies this very important reserve.

Forming corridors for movement of tigers between Kanha National Park, Nagzira as well as Bor Wildlife Sanctuary – Pench is now slowly regaining its position as one of the top tiger reserves for a tiger safari in India.

This Tiger Reserve is spread across 2000 sq km in the states of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, although the areas close to and in Madhya Pradesh are the most. Pench has one of the highest densities of Spotted Deer in India, and animals such as the Indian Leopard and the Dhol or Indian Wild Dog exist while carefully avoiding conflict with the 80-odd tigers in the wild here. Here, evidence of large villages which have been relocated to bring back the grasslands is apparent with sprawling grasslands now as far as the eye can see, amongst the gently rolling hills which are gorgeous just after the monsoons. So explore this beautiful park on our tiger safari tour in Pench.

Trip Highlights

  • Three best tiger reserves in India
  • Maximum tiger sightings
  • Best tour to photograph tigers
  • Private game drives in all parks
  • Experienced naturalists on safari
  • Trained guides and drivers
  • Guided nature trails on request
  • Al fresco dining experiences
  • 24x7 support on call from us

Outline Itinerary

Day 01 : Arrival in New Delhi

  • Day 02 : New Delhi – Nagpur – Pench (Flight + 100 kms/02 hrs drive)
  • Day 03 : In Pench National Park
  • Day 04 : In Pench National Park
  • Day 05 : Pench – Nagpur – New Delhi (100 kms/02 hrs drive + Flight)

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Detailed Itinerary

Upon arrival at the New Delhi Airport, you will be met by our representative. He will ensure a smooth transfer to the Hotel and further, help you check-in at the Hotel. All the travel related documents will be handed over and explained to you. Overnight stay at the Hotel.

Day 02 : New Delhi – Nagpur – Pench (Flight + 100 kms/2 hrs drive from the airport)

Take a domestic flight from New Delhi Airport to Nagpur Airport. On arrival, you will be met by our representative who will drive you to Pench. The total distance is approximately 100 km which will take you about 02 hours on the road.

On arrival, check into the hotel. Post lunch, take your first tiger safari in Pench National Park. Gently undulating hills, open meadows and thick copses of Teak forest with the Pench River running through it, this is one of the prettiest national parks in Central India. Pench is full of a wide variety of animals and birds and evenings are a great time to see the rush of animal activity as they get ready to settle down for the night.

Day 03 - 04 : In Pench National Park

Utilize both the days to enjoy the morning and evening tiger safaris at Pench National Park. Pench is one of the most beautiful parks in Central India and evokes a tremendous feeling of tranquility. It forms a tiger corridor with Kanha and has a healthy population of felines. It’s also home to quite a few leopards and has an enormous diversity of birdlife. The park is split into two distinct zones – east and west – by the River Pench, which flows through the park. Overnight and meals at the resort.

Day 05 : Pench – Nagpur – New Delhi (100 kms/2 hrs drive to the airport + flight)

Take your last game drive to the park on this morning. Come back to the resort for a quick lunch, post which you will be heading back to Nagpur to board a flight to New Delhi.

On arrival at Delhi, you will be met by one of our representatives who will assist you with check in for your onward flight.

Tour Inclusions

  • Accommodation in New Delhi on bed and breakfast basis.
  • Accommodation in Pench on room, all meals and safari basis
  • 06 exclusive safaris in Pench.
  • Your entrance fee, guide charges in Pench.
  • Assistance at airport and hotels.
  • All land transfers in air-conditioned Toyota Innova / Crysta.
  • All currently applicable taxes.

Tour Exclusions

  • International airfare and domestic.
  • Expenses of personal nature like Tips, smokes, liquor, laundry and telephone calls.
  • Still / video camera fee in the monuments and national parks.
  • Travel insurance.
  • Anything not mentioned in the inclusions.

Get a free quote!

Feel free to get in touch so we can help you decide better. Our wildlife tour experts will guide you on everything. You can also request a custom tour package.

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Tiger safari in pench & tadoba, 08 nights/09 days.

Sloth Bear in Satpura

Satpura, Kanha & Pench Tiger Safari

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Tiger Safari Tours

  • Kanha Bandhavgarh Pench Tour
  • Kanha, Bandhavgarh And Corbett Tour
  • Big Cats of India Tour
  • Tigers, Lions, and Leopards Tour
  • Tiger Safari in Ranthambore
  • Tiger, Taj and Leopard Safari Tour
  • Indian Wildlife and Rajasthan Tour
  • Tiger, Taj and Temple Tour
  • Just Tigers and Taj Mahal Tour

Tiger Safari Destinations

  • Bandhavgarh National Park
  • Corbett National Park
  • Kanha National Park
  • Ranthambore National Park
  • Dudhwa National Park
  • Panna National Park
  • Pench National Park
  • Satpura National Park
  • Tadoba National Park
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  • MeruVann Luxury Lodge in Kanha


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Pench – Dec’24

  • Information
  • Package Cost
  • Getting Ready

₹ 26,000 per person

Pench jungle safari booking, 13th to 15th dec'24.

Jungle Trail offers you 2 nights and 3 days Pench Safari Packages. Our itinerary is carefully designed keeping in mind the needs of a great wildlife experience. Our highly-experienced team of drivers and naturalists who know the forest like the back of their hand; make sure that our guests have an unforgettable experience in the deciduous heaven of Pench.

All the trails are created and designed with minute details of the theme and with the goal of rich travel experience.  Tie-ups with good comfortable properties never leave room for any worry with respect to your accommodations. We know there are many choices available but we’re confident that none will offer the combination of wildlife expertise, good lodging , exclusive activities  and overall value for money and we take your trust in deciding to travel with us.

safari packages in pench


No of seat left, trip duration, tour leader, not included, from our gallery.

safari packages in pench

Day 1: 13th December 2024 : Arrive at Nagpur

Day 2: 14th december 2024 : adventure begins, day 3: 15th december 2024 : return, things to carry: face mask and pocket hand sanitizers are must during the safaris..

  • Carry your id proof given at the time of booking the safaris (compulsory).
  • Comfortable loose clothing, preferably cotton and full sleeves for summers
  • Warm Clothes, Gloves for Chilly early morning safaris.
  • Muted color clothes, which blend with the surroundings, no loud colors.
  • Sunscreen to protect yourself from sunburn and tan.
  • Mosquito repellant / Odomos to protect from insect bites.
  • Reusable bottle of water, since we discourage the use of plastic/ disposable bottles.
  • Light quick bites like peppermints, nutribars etc. for long safaris. Nothing liquid or semi-liquid to be carried.
  • Comfortable footwear, preferably sports shoes.
  • Personal medication, if any.
  • Portable easy to carry torch.
  • Binoculars are helpful for distant sightings and birding.
  • If you are carrying a camera, please carry spare memory card and battery.
  • A Bandanna or a Scarf is helpful to protect yourself from sun.
  • Good comfortable hat / cap as you will be wearing it for a long time
  • Pocket diary and pen to make notes of the sightings and behavior.

Package Cost :

Starts rs. 26,000 per person.


  • Stay on Single / Twin sharing basis as required.
  • Transfer from Nagpur
  • All Meals starting from Lunch on Day One to Breakfast on Last Day.
  • 3 Jungle Safaris with an expert forest guide.
  • Services of Expert Drivers and Guides
  • All Applicable Taxes


  • Any other services or meals which are not mentioned in the above "Includes" section.
  • Expense of personal nature such as mineral water, laundry, telephones, beverages
  • Any tips to the Hotel Staff, Safari Driver or Guide at your will.
  • Camera Charges if any. (Depends upon the Sizes of the Lens)
  • Travel cost up to Nagpur from your Residence.

Payment Policy:

  • 60% of the trip cost at the time of Booking.
  • Balance 40% of the trip cost one month before the Trip date.

Cancellation Policy:

  •  All cancellation before 30 days of the event date – 25% of the Total Trip Cost to be deducted.
  • All cancellation between 15 to 30 days of the event date –  70% of the Total Trip Cost to be deducted.
  • All Cancellation during last 15 days – No Refund.

Thrilling Travel

The Ultimate Guide to Pench National Park Safari booking: How to Book, What to See, & Where to Stay

It just took a few minutes of the Pench Safari to realize why Rudyard Kipling was so inspired by this national park in Madhya Pradesh . As my safari jeep zoomed along, the emerald forest brought to life some of my favorite scenes from Jungle Book. Mowgli having fun with Baloo in one of the forest openings, Sher Khan lurking behind the deep green cover, Bagheera keeping an eye from the straggler trees along the way and even the pack of wolves running along with Mowgli. I was lucky enough to have spotted all these characters (almost all) in flesh with my safari in Pench National Park. It’s your turn now to embark on this real-life setting of the Jungle Book.

Book a safari in Pench Tiger Reserve to experience Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book in real life

In this blog post, besides sharing my own experience, I will be giving you loads of tips to help you with your Pench National Park Safari booking . I have you covered on all the major fronts – from the various types of safaris to the different Pench gates, timings, Pench Safari cost, where to stay and even what animals you can expect to see . In addition to that I have included step-by-step instructions on how to do a Pench Safari online booking for the MP Zone . In short, just bookmark this mega travel guide on Pench Jungle Safari booking.

Planning to head to Pench?

In case you are looking for some quick links to tours, places to stay and travel accessories for your Pench safari, you can consider using these online options.

  • Booking.com  has several good Pench resorts and hotels listed on their site. You could use  this link  to browse and book the same.
  • Viator.com  offers several tours in India. They even have a wildlife safari package to Pench from Nagpur . They even have wildlife tours combining different parks like Kanha and Pench . You can use the link to book one for yourself.
  • GetYourGuide  has various local tours and car bookings available that you can use for Pench. It has a skip-the-line tickets booking for Pench Safari .
  • For any of your travel needs or general shopping, consider using  Amazon  through  this link.
  • 1 About Pench Tiger Reserve and its history
  • 2 Pench National Park Map and Zones
  • 3 Which is the best gate for Pench National Park in MP?
  • 4 Types of Pench safaris in Madhya Pradesh
  • 5 Pench Safari Timings
  • 6 What is the Pench National Park Safari booking price?
  • 7.1 Documents required for the Pench safari booking
  • 7.2 Step-by-step process for Pench online booking on the official website
  • 8 How many safaris should you book in Pench?
  • 9 Which is better – morning safari or afternoon safari?
  • 10 What is the best time to visit Pench National Park?
  • 11.1 Tigers – aka Sher Khan
  • 11.2 Leopards – cousins of Bagheera
  • 11.3 Jackals  
  • 11.4 Dholes in Pench National Park
  • 11.6 Chitals
  • 11.7 Monkeys – Langurs and Macaques
  • 11.8 Other mammals to look out for
  • 11.9 Birds to spot during the Pench national park jeep safari
  • 12 What are the common trees or vegetation that you can see in Pench?
  • 13 Where to stay in Pench National Park in Madhya Pradesh?
  • 14 How to reach Pench national park in MP?
  • 15 Additional tips for Pench National Park safari
  • 16.1 How many days in Pench National Park?
  • 16.2 Can I hire my own guide instead of the one that is allotted when I book safari in Pench?
  • 16.3 Are mobile phones allowed in Pench National Park?
  • 16.4 What not to wear on a jungle safari?

About Pench Tiger Reserve and its history

Named after the Pench River that flows through its 758 sq km of land , this forest was once the hunting grounds of the royalty and the rules of the Gond tribes. It became a protected area in 1965 to safeguard the habitat of the endangered tiger species and promote conservation efforts. In 1975, it was declared a national park and then as the Pench Tiger Reserve in 1992.

Pench river that flows through this national park in MP

While it is widely known as one of the key national parks in MP (Madhya Pradesh) , around 40% of the Pench National Park also extends into the s t ate of Maharashtra . The forest is primarily a deciduous forest with an abundant population of teak and sal. The Pench Forest is home to over 250 species of birds and a variety of animals – besides the Royal Bengal Tiger for which is it famous.

Whether you visit the Pench National Park Maharashtra or in MP, you are bound to have an exhilarating experience spotting these exotic creatures in their natural habitat. However, in this guide, I will be largely focusing on the tiger reserve in MP.

Pench National Park Map and Zones

Before I start sharing my tips about the Pench National Park Safari booking, a quick section to understand the various zones inside the forest. This MP Pench National Park Map that I found during my stay with Pugdundee Safaris is just perfect to understand the expanse of this forest. You will need this information to understand your preference when you book a jungle safari in Pench.

Pench tiger reserve map

Primarily like all national parks, Pench Forest has two major zones – the core and buffer . The difference between these two zones is that no human habitation or activity is allowed in the Core zones, unlike the buffer zone where you will find villages.  On the Madhya Pradesh national park side, the Pench core zone is further divided into three zones –

  • Turia Zone – The most popular for jeep safaris in Pench. There is a higher frequency of tiger sightings in this zone.
  • Karmajhiri Zone: This zone is less busy than Turia Zone, but it is still home to a variety of wildlife. The zone is known for its bamboo forests, which are a favorite habitat of tigers.
  • Jamtara Zone: This zone is located in the eastern part of the park

The Buffer zone of the Pench National Park in MP too, has three zones.

  • Wolf Sanctuary – as the name suggests, there is a lot of wolf sightings here. It is also, called Khawasa Buffer Zone
  • Teliya Zone – has a lot of grasslands and scrub vegetation. I did get one of my tiger sightings here.
  • Rukhad – this has a hilly terrain and borders the Karmajhari zone.

On the Maharashtra side of Pench national park, you have two major core zones – Sillari and Khursapar . As I mentioned, if you are opting for a Pench National Park online booking, this information is likely to come in handy.

Which is the best gate for Pench National Park in MP?

When doing your Pench National Park safari booking, you can choose which gate you would prefer  book your permit from

Each of the three core zones has its own gate from where the Pench jungle safari begins. Of these, the Turia Gate is the most popular . When you start doing your Pench jungle safari booking, you will see that the number of permits on this gate is higher than the other gates. The reason is that this is where the maximum number of safari jeeps are allowed in. If you opt for a canter safari, then you will again have to start from Touria Gate Pench.

Karmajhari and Jamtara Gates , on the other hand, are comparatively quieter. There are a lesser number of jeeps allowed from here. No canters are available from here.

I used the Karmajhiri gate for both my safaris in Pench. However, I did cover all the possible zones from here. As per my Pugdundee naturalist – Deepa, “ The sighting opportunities from all the gates is almost the same. There is no particular advantage of one gate over the other. You are eventually going to cover all the major zones. It finally comes down to your luck”.

Types of Pench safaris in Madhya Pradesh

I recommend that you book jeep safaris in Pench as agains the canter safaris

There are three types of safaris that you can book in Pench Madhya Pradesh

  • Pench National Park Jeep Safaris – these are according to me, the best option. The jeeps are easier to maneuver and allow you to get a good look at any possible animals that you might spot. One jeep can seat around 6 people – besides a guide and a driver. You can opt to either book a seat in one of the jeeps or book the entire vehicle.
  • Night Safaris – This is available only in the buffer zone of Rukhad and Wolf Sanctuary. You get an experience of how the jungle feels at night.
  • Canter Safaris – This is available only at the Turia Gate Pench. There is a limit of two canters at the gate. The canters being slightly longer have a certain limitation of routes. My advice to you is that opt for these only if there are no more Jeep permits available when doing your Pench tiger reserve booking.

The Maharashtra side of Pench does not offer night safari. Instead, you can opt for the daytime Elephant safari that takes you where even the jeeps can wander.

Pench Safari Timings

The Jeep and Canter safaris in Pench can be booked in two slots –

  • Morning Safari – this is a 5 hours safari between 6 am to 11 am during summer. During winter, the safari starts a little later at 7:30 am and ends by 10:30 am.
  • Afternoon Safari – from 2:30 pm to 6 pm

Night safari is available at 6 pm and generally lasts for around 3 hours.

What is the Pench National Park Safari booking price?

The Pench jungle safari prices

The Pench national park ticket prices displayed outside the Karmajhari gate in 2023 are as in the picture. Note that there are three components to the safari booking – the permit cost, the vehicle cost and the guide cost. All these need to be paid for the safari – though you might only need to pay the permit fee online. The rest has to be paid at the entry gate.

To give you an idea, a single-seat booking will cost you INR 1600 while a complete jeep safari in Pench will cost you INR 7500.

How to book Pench Safari?

Chitals or Spotted deer that you can spot when you are out on a Pench jungle safari

The most convenient way to do a Pench safari booking is using the official MP f orest department website. You can book safari in Pench 120 days in advance. There is a limited number of permits per day and per gate. It is highly recommended that you book as early as possible to get the zones and gates of your choice. Naturalists recommend at least 45 days prior to getting your choice.

 The other option is to book one of the Pench jungle safari packages through the resort that you are opting to stay with. These packages include not just the Pench national park permit but the transport to the gates. In the case of Pugdundee Safaris (with whom I had stayed), for a nominal cost, you even get a trained naturalist to accompany you. The benefit of these packages is more if you are booking closer to the safari date and the online permits are exhausted. The resort packages can help you with the Tatkal bookings.

Documents required for the Pench safari booking

You will need a Government Photo ID card for booking a Pench national park permit. For Indians, this could be Aadhar, PAN Card, Voters ID, Driving license or Passport copy. Foreigners have to use their Passports for ID purposes. Kids can use their student ID.

The details of these ID cards have to be entered when doing the Pench Safari booking online. Please ensure that you carry the same ID card when you visit Pench. This will be checked at the gates and can get rejected if they are not the same.

Step-by-step process for Pench online booking on the official website

The online process of booking safari in Pench is actually much simpler today as compared to a few years back. Here is the stepwise process –

  • On the bottom left of the website,  click the button that says “want to log in?” . Register yourself and your bank account with your mobile number first.
  • Next, click on the Book Permit section
  • Choose whether you want to book a single seat in a Jeep or a full Jeep
  • Next, pick the date that you wish to book the permit. This will take you to a screen that displays the available permits per gate and safari slots (morning or afternoon).
  • Select your slot and move to the next screen
  • Here you have to enter the details of the traveler. Remember to fill in the exact ID details and the correct spelling here. Also, ensure you carry the same id on the day of your visit to avoid any rejection due to a mismatch of details.
  • Submit and pay for your permit. This price is only the permit price. You will have to pay for the vehicle and guide at the Pench national park gates.
  • Download your permit and ensure you have it handy when you visit Pench National Park.

Every safari in Pench has an exclusive permit. Hence, you will need to go through this entire booking process for every safari that you book at Pench National Park.

The safari trail road inside Pench National Park in MP

It is possible that you see a waitlist instead of a confirmed permit. Avoid the waitlist as it is unlikely to get confirmed. Instead, if you are not flexible with the dates, you can opt for Tatkal bookings. Do note that this option is available only a day or two prior to the safari dates.

If you do not want to take that chance, you can always reserve a permit through your resort. Sure, there might be higher charges but you are likely to get a confirmed booking along with a few other perks like transport to the gates.

P.S: You can use the same online booking process and the website for the other MP National parks like Kanha and Bandhavgarh.

How many safaris should you book in Pench?

At least 2 – 3 safaris are what I would recommend. Take a mix of morning and afternoon safaris to increase your chances of seeing the wildlife. One safari is honestly too much of a chance.

Which is better – morning safari or afternoon safari?

I would personally recommend the morning slot when you book safari in Pench

Statistics say that there is an equal chance of spotting the big cats on either one of the slots. Even experts like our naturalist Deepa endorse the same.

However, my personal experience with Kanha , Kabini , Tadoba and even Pench has made me feel that morning slots are always more rewarding than the afternoon safaris.

What is the best time to visit Pench National Park?

Leopards sightings are the other highlight of Pench national park safaris

Pench National Park is closed during monsoons – that is from July 1 st to October 15th. It is open for the rest of the year, except on two or three public holidays. The best time for tiger sightings is generally from February to May or even early June.

February to March has heat which is a little bearable – making it easy to sit through the entire safari. However, April to June has scorching temperatures. Having said that, this is when the thirst brings out the cats to the waterholes and thus, making the sightings easier.

The winter months too, are not too bad. You are likely to still see the striped beasts and the spotted cats but there are plenty more interesting creatures that are likely to make an appearance.

What kind of wildlife or Pench national park animals can you expect to see on your safari?

Peacock perched against the beautiful backdrop of Pench jungle in MP

You will find almost every character in the epic Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling. Over my two morning safaris, I met almost all the Pench national park animals except Baloo (the sloth bear who is known to be elusive ).  

My Pench jungle safari even included some rare birds and insects. Let me share some quirky facts about these Pench animals and birds that you will enjoy reading. I am sure that this will increase the curiosity quotient and the wanderlust for Pench National Park.

Tigers – aka Sher Khan

These striped tigers are the reason why this place is called Pench Tiger Reserve. There are over 50 tigers in Pench . The most famous tigress here was called Collarwali – so named as she was the first to be fitted with a radio collar. I was hoping to get to Pench earlier in 2020 to catch sight of her. Unfortunately, she died in 2022.

Collarwali's daughter who made an appearance on my first Pench jungle Safari

However, I did get a sight of her daughter and it was such a timely sighting. Following the calls of the chitals and the langurs, we arrived just in time to stand behind the already waiting jeeps. Within minutes, she popped out and walked around a bit before turning into the thickets.

A tiger cub at the Pench National Park

During the second safari, I was rewarded with the sight of 2 cubs (out of the four) and their mom, far in the grassland, near a waterhole. This one was a game of patience. The guides knew that the tigress with her cubs had crossed over into the hill. Staring into the greens, with the warm sun on me, I was almost nodding off when I saw something jump. And then a quick sighting.

Minutes passed and we were finally rewarded with the sight of a male cub walking towards the waterhole. He disappeared for a few moments, only to walk on a small cliff into a shelter of rocks. Patience persisted and finally we not only saw him but his sister walk past towards the hidden mom. Though far, it was truly a rewarding sight!

Leopards – cousins of Bagheera

The leopard cub that I saw on my first Pench morning safari

If it isn’t the tigers, you are likely to bump into the spotted cats – the leopards. However, unlike the tigers, they are likely to emerge from not just the thickets but can be on the tree tops or rock caverns. Technically they are not cousins of Bagheera (the black panther). They are in fact, the same species. It is just that the genetic mutations cause the black spots to cover the whole body, giving it the color black.

There are no black panthers currently in Pench National Park. The famous ones in India are Blacky who is currently roaming around Tadoba and Saya who is in Kabini.

A leopard cub in Pench National Park - one of the many sightings that I got on my visit

This time in Pench Tiger Reserve, I got lovely sightings of a leopard cub. In fact, I managed to see him on both jungle safaris – lazing on the rocky terrain of Pyorthadi , yawning and preening and playing with his sister (who I could not spot from the jeep). The 2 nd day in fact, was the best when he posed and looked right into my camera.


Jackal in Pench National Park, MP

Found these guys in the early hours of our Pench jungle safari. It was a family with their pups, frolicking around the grassland and not afraid to walk past the jeeps. The interesting tidbit about them is that they are one set of creatures who are known to be monogamous by nature.

Dholes in Pench National Park

Dhole - one of the endangered species in India

Anyone doing a Pench jungle safari booking usually fixates on the big cats. So when a very wolf or dog-looking creature passes the jeep, they rarely stop. This is where I would say, do not underestimate the Dholes.

Always in a pack, they are known to enclose and attack their prey. They can even bring down a leopard. The Indian wild dogs or dholes are endangered species that definitely merit some attention.

Close up of a Gaur in Pench - one of the largest mammals in the world.

The Indian bison or Gaurs are supposedly one of the largest mammals in the world . Staring at one of their massive faces, I felt myself shuddering a little. Just then Deepa quoted – “ Their horns can be really huge and if they get angry, they can actually overturn our jeep.” Gulp!

Chitals in Pench Tiger Reserve

You might get excited when you see the first one or two herds of these spotted deers or chitals. However, after a point, they will begin to feel like pigeons in the city. They are practically everywhere.

During your Pench safaris, heed to their call and gaze. It is their distress call that will help you track the presence of a predator – likely a tiger or a leopard.

Monkeys – Langurs and Macaques

Gray langur in Pench jungle, MP

Found in groups, the Gray Langurs are like the sentries who along with the Chitals give out distress calls that are used by the Pench guides to track the predatory cats. Spend a moment or two observing the wise ones. It is interesting to see how protective they are of the mischievous young ones. They tend to climb up high on branches when they hear the distress calls – very evidently to look out for the predators so that they can further communicate to the rest of the group.

The other group of monkeys commonly found in Pench is the Rhesus Macaques . They are not as active guards as the langurs and are just found frolicking around the woods.

Other mammals to look out for

Besides the above, I caught the sight of a few sambar deer and wild boars. I believe there are a few sloth bears lurking around but as Baloo claims in Jungle book, they love their naps and probably were doing so as we made our rounds in the safari.

Birds to spot during the Pench national park jeep safari

If you are an avid bird lover, then you should only opt for a jeep safari as against the canter safari. Since you can control the pace of the drive, you can actually stop and track some real winged beauties during your Pench Safari.

Indian roller - one of the biirds to spot in Pench national park

Harish, the resort manager at Pugdundee’s Tree Lodge told me – “ Look out for the Indian rollers . Whenever I have spotted one, I have always spotted a big cat.”   And so I did. At the start of both the safaris in Pench, I spotted a few rollers and I can say that the myth might just actually be true. While it is a state bird for Karnataka, I always missed spotting it – be it in Sakleshpur or birdwatching in Kabini. Finally, Pench was the place for me to see it.

The dance of the peacock in Pench

Peacocks are practically everywhere and if you are as lucky as I was, you will see one performing a dance for its mate, right next to you. The Pench terrain is just a perfect backdrop for these birds. You might find them perched on a rocky with the green landscape behind them – the scene almost as if it were a muse for an artist.

Serpentine eagle in Pench forest

Besides these, look out for the swooping Grey hornbills with their tell-tale casque over the yellow beak. I even spotted the Serpentine eagle and the Changeable hawk eagle . Among the owls species (and there are many) – I managed to catch a pair of Mottle wood owl nuzzling each other. And that definitely made me go all “Awww….”

A pair of mottle wood owls in Pench

Indian Pittas (the bird with 9 colors), starlings, paradise flycatchers – there is plenty happening in the forest that one safari is not going to capture. I will be sharing a complete post on birding in Pench soon but for now, you get the idea. 

What are the common trees or vegetation that you can see in Pench?

The stragglers that have spread like a banyan tree in Pench national park

The deciduous forest is filled with teak and sal trees. However, you will see a lot of them covered by parasitic straggler trees . Some of the parasitic growth goes across the trails in the form of artistic canopies.

Ghost tree - with its white bark and no leaves

There are a lot of Ghost trees – easily recognizable by their white color. Originally called Kulu trees , these change color in every season. When they shed their leaves and bark, they turn white and actually shine in the moonlight. In some seasons, the bark turns pink.

Tendu, rock figs, palash, mahua are some common species that you are going to come across. When in season, you will also see the burst of color with the Flame of the forest .

Where to stay in Pench National Park in Madhya Pradesh?

The Pench Tree house was a fantasy come to life

There are several accommodation options available for visitors to Pench National Park in Madhya Pradesh. These accommodations range from luxury resorts to budget-friendly lodges . It is better to pick an option near your preferred Pench National Park gate .

If you are looking at safaris from Touria Gate, then you can consider Pench Jungle Camp , Tathastu Pench , Tuli Tiger Corridor or the Vannraj resort . I stayed at the Pench tree lodge – a resort that I highly recommend. This was closer to the Karmajhiri gate . Check out my complete experience of this through this link . You can use the same one to book a stay.

I highly recommend booking your Pench stay in advance, especially during peak seasons, to ensure availability. Also, each of these resorts has limited capacity – like the Pench tree lodge by Pugdundee only has 12 options- 6 tree hours and 6 cottages.

How to reach Pench national park in MP?

The nearest airport to Pench National Park is Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar International Airport in Nagpur, Maharashtra. The distance from Pench to Nagpur is 88 kilometer s. From the airport, you can hire a taxi or use pre-arranged transportation services to reach Pench National Park.

If you are planning to get to Pench National Park by train, then you can opt for Seoni Railway Station which is just 30 kilometers away . However, it has limited connectivity. Nagpur Junction might be a better option as it is well-connected to various cities in India.

Nagpur to Pench National Park is a very comfortable road journey that takes around 3 hours.

Additional tips for Pench National Park safari

I have covered most of the key tips for Pench national park safari booking as well as what to expect during the safari till now. Here are a few dos and don’t that I would like to share for your safari experience –

  • Dress modestly in subtle colors. Do not wear bright colors.
  • Cover your skin with long sleeves as it does get quite hot as the day progresses
  • Use a scarf or a hat to cover your hair.
  • The safaris are a raw experience where you will find a lot of dust blowing over you. There is no avoiding the same. It is better to cover your nose and mouth if you are allergic to it.
  • Do not talk loudly or make strange sounds.
  • Listen to the guide at all times. Do not step out of the vehicle unless specifically instructed to.
  • Carry a pair of binoculars. Telephoto lens are highly recommended for photographers. A 100 -400 mm lens is just perfect to get some amazing wildlife shots.
  • Wildlife spotting is a game of chance. No one can guarantee what you will see. It is purely your luck on that day.

Common FAQs about Pench Jungle Safari bookings

How many days in pench national park.

With at least 2 to 3 safaris and the other things to do in Pench, you should plan for at least 3 days here.

Can I hire my own guide instead of the one that is allotted when I book safari in Pench?

The guide allocated by the forest department is mandatory. You cannot do a safari in Pench without one. You can however, include an additional naturalist of your choice in the safari. A lot of resorts like Pugdungee safaris provide trained naturalists at a minimal cost.

Are mobile phones allowed in Pench National Park?

Yes, you are allowed to carry mobile phones into the park but only for photography . It has to be put into silent mode.

What not to wear on a jungle safari?

Do not wear bright colors. Keep your outfits muted to natural greens, browns or blacks. Protect yourself with a hat or scarf.

Before you go, pin this

I hope you have found this guide to Pench jungle safari and the booking process informative. Do share the same around and pin one of these to your boards for easy reference.

Pench national park booking guide

Popularly referred to as a Restless Ball of Energy. My Mom refuses to entertain my complaints about my equally restless daughter & assures my husband that I was born with a travel bug.

I am a Post-Graduate in Marketing by qualification and a travel blogger by passion. Besides travel, I enjoy photography and if you don’t find me at my desk, I would be out playing badminton or swimming or just running. I believe in planning for every long weekend through the year. And when I cannot travel physically, I travel virtually through this travel blog. My travel stories have also, got published on various websites and magazines including BBC Travel, Lonely Planet India and Jetwings. I have recently published my first book – When Places Come Alive – a collection of stories that are based on legends, landscapes, art and culture of a place which is available in both ebook and paperback format.

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2 thoughts on “The Ultimate Guide to Pench National Park Safari booking: How to Book, What to See, & Where to Stay”

Love zoos and safari parks. We have a few near us and go every year, different events happening throughout the year, come Summer or Winter. Love the drive through and the walk around animal encounters. Not forgetting the beautiful animals, my favourite being elephants and meerkats. Thank you for sharing.

I am not a big fan of zoos…more of wildlife sanctuary person. Nonetheless, am glad you are exploring those too. Thanks for stopping by

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Reserve India Tours

Pench National Park

Pench National Park Information & Tour Packages

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safari packages in pench

Pench National Park is undoubtedly one of the most reputable National Parks in India, located in the Seoni & Chhindwara districts of Madhya Pradesh. Several decades ago, in mid-20th century, parts of forest lands cam under the administration of the Royals in Madhya Pradesh. Then, in the year 1965, the Government of India declared it as a sanctuary.

There are two distinct segments of the Park namely the Priyadarshini National Park and the Mowgli Pench Sanctuary. The River Pend flows through the Park, almost bisecting its area. There are 10 villages in and around the Park. The hamlet Fulzari is located inside the Park, and remaining nine villages are on its peripheral area. 

In 1975, the Indian Government finally gave the forests the status of a National Park. Pench is home to a large number of Bengal Tigers, making it one of the most sough-after tourist destinations in India. In the year 1992, the Park came under the consideration of Project Tiger plan, and declared a Tiger Reserve. The world-famous author Rudyard Kipling had based his classic ‘The Jungle Book’ on Pench. 

Useful Information

  • Total area – 758 sq km 
  • Core area – 292.85 sq km 
  • Elevation range – 425 to 620 meters 
  • Latitude –  21037’N to 21050’30” E
  • Longitude – 79007’45” E to 79022’30”
  • Nearest river – Pench River  
  • Nearby hills – Satpura Hills 
  • Avg. annual rainfall – More than 1300 mm 

Flora of Pench National Park

Exploring the beauty of Pench is a lifetime experience, where you would come across abundant flora species. The lush greenery and dense forests of the Park are bound to impress you with their biodiversity. The presence of several Mahua trees in the Park makes it mystic and uniquely appealing, which you witness availing Pench holiday packages. 

The subtle loveliness of Palash trees in Pench is attractive, too. You would fall completely in love with the sheer captivating vegetation of the forests. There are also numerous teak trees in the Park, adding more value to its numerous flora species. You would also come across many Neem trees in the Pench forests. Spotting an animal or even a bush colorful with wild flowers is very satisfying for any wildlife enthusiast. 

The trees already mentioned are not the only species found in Pench. There are several varieties of fruit trees found across the forest. It is not very uncommon to see a guava and orange trees in specific zones of the Park in your Pench tour packages. 

If you have read about Sal trees only in novels and never seen them, then you would have a wonderful opportunity to see those trees in Pench. The National Park is abundant with Sal tress of various sizes. There are also numerous varieties of shrubs and herbs spread across different parts of the Park.

Fauna of Pench National Park

The diversity in faunal species in Pench National Park would surely put a broad smile on your face, as it would enrich your experience of touring the Park in your vacations. No doubt the Royal Bengal Tiger is the major attraction, but there are many other animal species, too. For example, spotting a leopard in the Park is one of the most exciting experiences in one of your Pench wildlife packages. There are also smaller versions of wild cats, such as Jungle Cats, which could be spotted among thickets.

Pench is also a residence for major deer species such as Chital, Sambar and Chinkara. As a wildlife enthusiast, you would also be extremely delighted to spot Barking deer in Pench forests in your Pench adventure packages. 

The Gaur or the Indian Bison is one of the most prominent animals found here. You could also spot Nilgai and wild pigs. There are other varieties of carnivore animals that are found in Pench, such as wild dogs, wolves, foxes, hyenas, jackals, etc, you could spot during Pench safari tours.

Pench is also home to animals like civets, such as its small Indian version. Palm civets live in these forests, too. There are also small animals such as porcupines. Witnessing a sloth bear in Pench sightseeing packages frolicking beside a bush could also be a wonderful experience, if you are lucky enough. 

Climate of Pench National Park

The Pench National Park is located in the Highlands of Central India – hence, the nature of its climate is pretty dynamic. It has predictably three distinct seasons namely summer, monsoon and winter.

Summers in Pench are very uncomfortable. Although many tourists visit the Park during the summer season, it is not recommended to explore the forests during summers, as the weather is very hot. The dryness in air would make it very difficult to explore the different regions of the Park, making it quite difficult to seep through the beauty of these jungles. The mercury could even rise to the level of 50 degree Celsius. Late nights are not so uncomfortable. The temperatures generally fluctuate around 25 degree Celsius mark. 

Pench National Park receives ample rainfall during the monsoons. The average annual rainfall that the Park receives is about 1300 mm. It is not uncommon for few parts of the forests to get inundated with water. Months of July and August receive the maximum rainfall. Resultantly, the forests in Pench become greener. 

The onset of winter season at Pench is from end-weeks of November. Winter lasts in the Park till the month of February. The climate during this period is very pleasant. There is a cool breeze smoothly flowing through the Park all the time. The breeze becomes chilling at nights. The temperature in some parts of the Park, especially in areas where the forests are denser, could drop to 6 degree Celsius. 

Best Time to Visit Pench National Park

Determining the best time to visit the Pench National Park becomes easier when you have the full details about the prevailing climactic conditions inside the Park, throughout the year. 

For example, during monsoons, especially in July and August, the Park is closed for tourists. Hence, planning your tour during this period would be a bad idea. Several regions in the core zone of Pench become unsuitable for safaris. Those areas become inaccessible. 

Summers are usually very hot. As an enthusiast traveler, you would practically find it very difficult to comfortably dig through different regions of the Pench. Although it is an undeniable fact that tiger sighting is more common in dry, summer months.

The best time to visit Pench availing affordable Pench family packages is of course the winter season that spans from November to late-February. The cool, comfortable weather inside the Park makes it very convenient for any tourist to easily explore its beauty. Don’t forget to carry warm garments when you plan to tour Pench during the winter season. 

How to Reach Pench National Park?

Reaching Pench Tiger Reserve in Madhya Pradesh is not a difficult task when you have a clear plan to execute the tour itinerary. You can do booking of train tickets, reserve plane tickets or choose roadways to reach your destination in Pench. 

By rail : You can book train tickets to Jabalpur Railway Station or even to Chhindwara station, from cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, etc. After you reach the target station, you can easily hire a private car to Pench. You can also consider Nagpur to reach Pench. Arrive at Nagpur by boarding a train from Mumbai or Delhi. After reaching Nagpur, it is quite convenient to reach Pench by renting a private vehicle from the station. It would take less than 3 hours. 

By road : Reaching the Pench Tiger Reserve by road is also a top option, if you are planning to tour the Park in your vacation. You can hire a private car either from Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh or Nagpur in Maharashtra to reach Pench. If you are fond of long road trips, then you can consider driving your own car (or even renting a car) from Bhopal, while planning an exciting Pench National Park itinerary. Towns like Khawasa and Seoni have bus terminuses. After reaching these towns, you can consider buying bus tickets and comfortably reaching Pench. You might ask for ‘pick-and-drop’ services of the hotel you have booked, especially from these towns. 

By Air : There is no doubt that traveling by air to Pench is the most comfortable option that is available. You can fly to Jabalpur Airport from Delhi or Mumbai, and then hire a car from the Airport to Pench National Park. You can also fly to Nagpur and then rent a car. 

Connectivity & Distances

  • Railway station: Nagpur Railway Station 
  • Bus Stand: Khawasa Bus Terminus 
  • Airport: Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar International Airport, Nagpur 
  • Nearest city/town: Khawasa 

Places to Visit Near Pench National Park 

Never miss the intriguing tourist spots around the Pench National Park when you are planning an extensive weekend getaway tour, for more enriching experiences. 

  • Khekranala – It is one of the most scenic spots near Pench that you would love as a nature lover on a weekend trip. You would get lots of opportunities to get involved in a wide range of water sports at this spot. 
  • Kanha National Park – Why would you miss visiting another National Park when you are so close to it? It is merely a 4-hour drive from Pench to Kanha, another terrific National Park marked by a renowned Tiger Reserve. 
  • Panchmarhi – It is an exquisitely beautiful hill station located in Maharashtra not far away from Pench, where you can seek a restful refuge in impeccable serenity. 
  • Ramtek – Ramtek is an excellent pilgrimage destination from Pench that you should never miss while in your weekend getaway tour package. The architectural splendor of the temple would impress you very much.

What Our Client Says

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safari packages in pench

When you book your safari packages at Ranthambore from Reserve India Tours, you ensure total enjoyment and a memorable trip.

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Thank God that there is Reserve India Tours for tourists like us, who desperately search for easy booking solutions, like I did for my trip at Kanha.

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If you are searching for a truly majestic accommodation at reasonable rates, I would highly recommend Reserve India Tours – their booking services are superb!

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Last month I visited Ranthambore National Park and experienced a comfortable and memorable trip – full courtesy goes to Reserve India Tours.

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I was searching for a hotel booking package while planning my trip to Kanha. Reserve India Tours efficiently supported my plan.

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Reserve India Tours made it possible to smoothly book my tickets at a lovely resort in Gir Forests at amazingly affordable rates.

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We are very impressed by the hotel bookings through Reserve India Tours website. We are sticking to its services even for our next safari trip, at Bandhavgarh.

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Mamta sharma, vivek sinha.

Want to stay royally while exploring the charming beauty of Gir Forests? I always recommend Reserve India Tours to book your resort room.

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We had a memorable trip to Bandhavgarh with our friends. Thank you Reserve India Tours for high-quality accommodation bookings!

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Post-COVID I planned a trip to Ranthambore with my family. Booked an excellent resort close to the Park, through Reserve India Tours.

Rohit Aggarwal

Reserve India Tours provides a range of safari package provisions at Kanha through its booking platform. I recommend it highly.

I booked my solo trip hotel booking tickets to Gir Forests through Reserve India Tours. The service was superb.

We visited Corbett Tiger reserve along with my friends and sister in the month of October 2020. It was a long awaited trip as we always wanted to wander in the jungles of Corbett Tiger Reserve to feel the nature and see the wildlife in the oldest national park of India. thanks Reserve India Tour

I did a ranthambore safari in 10 January 2020 , we went on a jeep shared 6 seat , after a moment of search we find a tiger thanks to Reserve India Tour , we saw the tiger waking up it was really amazing !

safari packages in pench

Good service in "Kanha Wildlife sanctuary" Tour package

Thanks for the memorable trip to Gir National Park, me n my family got a rare chance to see asiatic lion. Congratulations to you n your team.

Shubhannkar Dey

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Pugdundee Safaris

Tiger Safari Kanha

Kanha tiger safari.

Kanha, Pench & Satpura Wildlife Tour

Kipling Trails

9 nights /10 days, program overview & route map.

Kanha National Park's undulating landscape is dotted with dense groves of vegetation, hillocks, and open meadows. Of all these habitats, Kanha’s meadows are its lifeline, as they sustain large numbers of Chital, Sambar, Barasingha, and Gaur, which in turn support populations of predators and co-predators like Tigers, Leopards, Wild Dogs, Jungle Cats, and Foxes. Kanha National Park is rated amongst the best for tiger safari in India.

The park is primarily a moist Sal and moist mixed deciduous forest where Bamboo, Tendu, Sal, Jamun, Arjun, Lendia, and Sindoor trees or Vermillion trees flourish. Home to over 1,000 species of flowering plants and about 300 species of birds, Kanha’s flourishing habitat and natural beauty make it one of the prime wildlife destinations for tiger tours in India.

Pench is an idyllic land for bird watching, boasting over 210 species of birds, including migratory birds. Apart from a high chance of tiger sighting, the tour also gives the opportunity to view other mammals like Swamp Deer, Indian Gaur, Wild Dogs, Sloth Bear & an array of other mammals & birds, making this one of the best Tiger tours in India.

Satpura National Park offers surreal views of wilderness and tranquility. Satpura’s charming landscape with its rich tapestry of flora and fauna is home to the Spotted Deer, Indian Bison (Gaur), Tigers, Wild boar, Wild dog (Dholes), Blackbuck, Porcupine, Sambhar, Four Horned antelopes (Chowsingha), Crocodile, Malabar squirrels, Langurs, and the famous Albino Gaurs. Sloth bear and Leopard sightings are the special attractions of Satpura.

Kanha, Pench & Satpura Wildlife Program

Kipling Trails Itinerary Day by Day

Day 01: kanha national park.

Arrive Kanha National for lunch. Evening nature walk followed by early dinner.

Day 02: Kanha National Park

Morning & evening jeep safari in Kanha Tiger Reserve.

Day 03: Kanha National Park

DAYS 01 - 03 Kanha Tiger Reserve


TOP ANIMALS IN PARK Tiger, Sloth Bear, Swamp Deer & Gaur

Wildlife in Kanha National Park

Day 04: Kanha - Pench National Park

After breakfast drive to Pench Tiger Reserve (4 Hours). Lunch on arrival at Pench Tree Lodge.

Day 05: Pench National Park

Morning & evening jeep safari in Pench Tiger Reserve.

Day 06: Pench National Park

DAY 04 - 06 Pench National Park


TOP ANIMALS IN PARK Tiger, Leopard, Jackal & Wild Dog

Wildlife tour in Pench National Park

Day 07: Pench - Satpura National Park

Early breakfast followed by transfer to Satpura National Park (6-7 Hrs). Lunch on arrival at Denwa Backwater Escape . Evening at leisure

Day 08: Satpura National Park

Morning & evening jeep safari in Satpura Tiger Reserve.

Day 09: Satpura National Park

Morning walking safari in Satpura Tiger Reserve. Late evening jeep safari in the buffer zone to spot nocturnal wildlife.

Day 10: Satpura National Park

Post breakfast transfer for further connections.

DAY 07 - 10 Satpura National Park

ACCOMMODATION Denwa Backwater Escape

TOP ANIMALS IN PARK Leopard, Sloth Bear & Crocodile

Wildlife in Satpura National Park

  • Twin sharing accommodation in lodges as specified in program.
  • All meals starting from lunch on arrival till breakfast on departure & tea/coffee service.
  • 4 shared safaris each in Kanha and Pench national parks including entry fee, jeep and guide charges.
  • 2 shared safaris, 1 boat safari, 1 late evening buffer safari & 1 walking safari in Satpura national park including entry fee, jeep / boat charges and guide charges.
  • Road transfers between the lodges (Bandhavgarh-Kanha) by air-conditioned Toyota Innova or similar
  • All applicable taxes.
  • New-year night supplement (31st Dec) USD 50 per person.
  • For foreign nationals, please email on [email protected] or call on +91-9540537711
  • For Indian nationals, please email on [email protected] or call on +91-8800637711
  • Camera fee - as on date, still & video cameras are free in Kanha, Pench & Satpura.
  • Any airfare or rail tickets.
  • Transfers from the airport / station to the lodge & back
  • Any kind of personal expenses or optional tours, extra meals & beverages ordered.
  • Insurance, laundry & phone calls.
  • Bottled water (we provide filtered water), soft drinks & alcoholic beverages.
  • Tips & gratuities.
  • Anything that is not included in the above inclusion list.

*This is an indicative program & can be tailor-made as per your requirement.

Frequently asked questions.

This safari covers the parks which inspired Rudyard Kipling – The Jungle Book. The setting of the Jungle Book is from Pench & Kanha National Parks. Kanha Tiger Safari is rated among the best in the country for Tigers.

In addition to the big cats, this tour offers the possibility of witnessing a plethora of wildlife including the famous Barasingha of Kanha, Birds of Pench, Malabar Giant Squirrels & Sloth Bears of Satpura.

All 3 parks are unique in their wildlife offerings and one gets to witness the best of wildlife in these 10 days. Kanha Tiger Safari is the most renowned but all parks have a good population of Tigers. Our focus is to deliver a holistic wilderness experience and focus on quality tiger sightings.


Other programs, plan your trip, planning for a safari, why not do it in style.., terms & conditions, booking terms.

  • Above rates are valid until 30th June 2024.
  • Rates may differ during Christmas, New Years and long weekends; please contact reservations team for details.
  • 50% advance payment at the time of booking and balance 30 days before arrival date.
  • No adjustments or refunds in case of not availing any facility from the package.
  • Our lodges require a minimum 24 hours prior notice to organize an airport/station transfer. In case of any urgent requests of such nature, we recommend our guests to contact reservation office by phone.
  • In keeping with our heightened security procedures, we request all guests to carry a photo-identity to present at check-in. Foreign nationals are required to present their Passport and valid visa. Indian nationals can present any one of the following: Passport, Driving License, Voter ID card or PAN card. This should be the same as submitted at the time of safari bookings.
  • Guests who have paid by online credit card will have to also sign a further authorization at the lodge on arrival and present the original card.
  • Our standard check-in time is 1330 hrs and check out time is 1100 hrs local time.
  • Subject to availability of rooms, we can offer you an early check-in and late checkout facility. For us to guarantee you an early check-in or late check out, you will need to reserve the room from the previous night.
  • Kanha & Bandhavgarh national parks remain closed every Wednesday for afternoon safari & for full day on Diwali & Holi.
  • In Tadoba, core gates remain closed on Tuesdays & buffer gates remain closed on Wednesdays in addition to Diwali, Holi and 01st May
  • The forest department may close the parks on short notice due to rain.


  • 1 child below 5 years complimentary, others will be charged 25% of double's cost.
  • Children between 5-12 years 25% of the cost of double package in the same rooms.
  • Above 12 years at 40% the cost of the double package, if minimum 65% extra child supplement has been paid, an automatic upgrade to 2 rooms will be provided, subject to availability.


  • 7 days and less - 100% cancellation.
  • 8 days to 21 days - 60% cancellation.
  • 21 days to 35 days - 30% cancellation.
  • 35 days and above - 20% cancellation.
  • Amendment in dates within 35 days from arrival is treated as a cancellation.
  • Cancellation amount is calculated as per total booking amount and not as per advance deposited.
  • Christmas / New Year and long weekend bookings are non-refundable.

[email protected]

Pune, india, +91-98 2208 3308.

Big Cats India Logo

Pench Budget Tiger Safari 

Tour details.

Lush green landscapes, dense forest, and stunning views of abundant flora and fauna – Welcome to Pench National Park, the paradise for wildlife lovers. The very inspiration behind the world-famous ‘The Jungle Book’ is an all-time favorite memory of our childhood days. Are you excited to spot Sher Khan, Baloo, and Akela characters from the book?

Well, there is a lot to see in Pench Tiger Reserve, the beauty of Pench & its amazing wildlife will steal your heart. Even if you have a limited budget & time. If you wish to explore the Pench wildlife with an economical stay and safaris we also have the Pench Budget Tour for you. With the budget tour , you can enjoy the wildlife excursion with a good quality of spacious, clean, hygienic, and COVID safe stay in resorts of pench.

Pench Budget Tiger Tour Itinerary

Arrival in nagpur, pench transfer & evening safari.

You are requested to reach Nagpur airport/railway station latest by 9:30 AM – Upon your arrival, our driver will pick you up. You will have a pit stop for your breakfast on your way to Pench resort. Upon check-in, without any further delays, we’ll freshen up, have lunch and get ready for our evening safari. Post evening safari, you will be served hot coffee/tea with some quick snacks along with a post-safari discussion on the images made and tips for your upcoming safaris. Meet the group again over dinner, post-dinner some quick talks, and lights off for the day.

Morning & Evening Safari, Overnight stay Pench

An action-packed day starts with a wake-up call early morning on day 2 before departing for the morning safari, Have hot coffee or tea with cookies. Based on our expert driver’s / guide’s update we will be heading for the tiger tracking in those areas of the park. Post morning safari, have your breakfast after reaching the resort, get some rest, and prepare for the evening round of safari post Lunch. After the evening round of safari, we’ll follow the same routine we followed on day 1

Pench Budget Safari Itinerary

Activities on day 3 would be exactly same as day 2, but we would be exploring a different part of the jungle on day 3 for our morning and evening safaris

Morning Safari, Checkout After Breakfast

Wake-up call early morning for our last round of morning safari, post-safari, we will be checking out from the resort after breakfast. Our driver will pick you up from the resort for your airport/railway station. You will be dropped at Nagpur around 3 3:30 PM and requested to book a flight or train after 5:00 PM. The trip ends with the beautiful memories and images captured during the safari. Bye-bye till next time.

Tour Highlights

  • Witness the natural beauty while touring from the banks of the Pench river.
  • Savor the smell of a variety of flora and explore the fauna of the jungle.
  • The birthplace of the world-famous ‘The Jungle Book’ will remind you of your childhood days and compel you to find Sher Khan, Bagheera, Kaa in the wildlife excursion.

Cost & Offer

Group offer.

Book for a group of more than 4 pax and get a discount of INR 1000/- per person

Earlybird Offer

Book between 60 to 120 days in advance and get a discount of INR 500/- per person

Cost Starting From

INR 26,500 /- per person (resident)

USD 449 /- per person (non-resident)

Booking amount: 50% of the tour cost.

Balance can be paid up to 15 days before the arrivals.

Note: Above cost is when you are looking for a group of a minimum of 4 pax.

Enquire Now

Phone with Country Code

Date of Travel

Tour Length (Days) Tour Length (Days) * 1 - 4 Days 5 - 8 Days 9 - 12 Days 12 - 15 Days 15+

Number of People Travlling

Country Country * India United States United Kingdom Australia Belgium Canada Denmark France Germany Italy Ireland Japan Kenya Malaysia Netherlands Oman Portugal Russia Singapore South Africa Spain Srilanka Sweden Switzerland Thailand UAE Other

Other Country

  • Accommodation in a beautiful jungle resort on a twin-sharing basis in an AC Room, Cottage, or Tent based on the program.
  • Lunch, Hi-Tea, Dinner on Day 1
  • Breakfast, Lunch, Hi-Tea, Dinner on Day 2 & 3
  • Breakfast before checkout on Day 4
  • All Safari Permits, Park Entry, Gypsy & Guide Charges,
  • 06 exclusive open jeep safari in Pench.
  • All land transfers in AC vehicle.
  • Personal expenses like Laundry, phone calls, liquor, a la carte food, etc.
  • International or domestic airfares and rail tickets.
  • Camera charges in the parks.
  • Travel Insurance.
  • Tips and Gratuities.
  • Anything that is not mentioned in the inclusion section.

Pench Tiger Safari Travel Plan

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safari packages in pench

Pench National Park

You can learn a lot about wild animals and nature while having fun. So come visit and explore this amazing place!

Birdwatcher's Paradise

Discover a wide range of colorful birds in the skies of Pench National Park through mesmerizing birdwatching adventures.

Jungle Safaris

Start a wild journey through the safari at Pench National Park, where every moment is an adventure waiting to unfold.

his Website is Owned by Jungle Safari India, Visitors Can Book Safari For Gir Jungle Safari, Devalia Safari Park and Kankai Nature Ride.

Safari Booking

A safari ride in Pench National Park will let you get close to various wildlife animals such as tigers, jackals, sloth bears, langurs, deer, and several species of beautiful birds.

Tour Booking

You can book fun tour packages for trips at Pench National Park. You’ll get a chance to explore the area of Pench on safari rides and along with that you’ll stay in comfortable hotels in Pench.

Hotel Booking

Choose from a wide range of accommodation options near Pench National Park. You will stay in beautiful accommodations near Jungle, equipped with all modern amenities for a comfortable stay.

Discover Pench National Park🌿

Pench National Park has lush greenery and a wonderful atmosphere that calms the eyes, and mind and gives peace to visitors. Pench National Park has an impressive mix of wildlife and plant species, and because of this, the park offers an adventurous wildlife experience for travelers. The wild vibes of Pench National Park were the inspiration of Rudyard Kipling to write one of his most famous works – the Jungle Book. The whole book is influenced by the wildlife and wild surroundings of this park. If you’ve read this book, then you can feel the presence of Bagheera and Sher Khan during your safari. You can even feel the brave little boy Mowgli as this park was his home too. Of course, you’ll see the Royal Bengal Tigers here.

Pench National Park is a wild place that is located in Madhya Pradesh, India. It also shares its boundaries with Maharashtra because it is located in the Chhindwara and Seoni districts of Madhya Pradesh. This park covers a huge area of 757.85 sq. km. This area is divided into two parts. The core covers an area of 292.85 sq km and the remaining 465 sq km is the buffer area. Now you might be eager to know about its name, so Pench National Park is named after the river Pench, which flows through the park from north to south and divides the national park into almost equal halves, named as eastern and western halves.

Pench National Park

You will be shocked to know that this park is not just home to wildlife but also humans because there are 10 villages in and around the park, and one village named Filzari is inside the park. The other nine villages are in the outer area of this park. Pench National Park is filled with a wide variety of flora and fauna. You can spot various types of animals such as tigers, leopards, wolves, guars, four-horned antelope, sloth bears, monkeys, deer, etc. Not just animals, this park is also home to various flora species like Mahua, White Kulu, Salai, Saja, Bijiyasal, Dhaora, Amaltas, etc.

The life of this park has appeared in various books, like Robert Armitage Sterndale's 'Seonee Or, Camp Life on the Satpura Range’, Forsyth’s ‘Highlands of Central India', and Dunbar Brander’s ‘Wild Animals of Central India’. This park is also known as the Land of the 'The Jungle Book'. With all these things included, this park is a must-visit destination for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers.

Popular Activities of Pench National Park

You can enjoy various adventurous activities near and around Pench National Park

Cycling Tour to Rukhad

After a thrilling safari in Pench, you can explore the area by going on a cycling tour to Rukhad. This can be very adventurous and exciting. You’ll get a unique chance to explore the Pench National Park on a bicycle instead of a jeep safari.

Visit to Nearby Villages

In their free time, tourists can explore the local villages and weekly haats. They can go there for shopping and these places are near to the park so they can go on foot or on bicycles. The markets take place in villages of Pench such as Vijaypani, Badalpar, Khamba, and Belpath.

Stargazing In Natural Environment

By looking at the beautiful stars in the natural environment, one can calm their soul. You can watch the beautiful stars far from the noise of the city in this area. Pench Jungle Camp offers the opportunity to see them from a telescope.

Boating Inside Jungle

People can enjoy boating inside the jungle in Kamthikhairy Dam, also known as Pench Dam. During your fun ride, you can spot various wild animals and birds in this scenic park as they come here to quench their thirst.

Enquiry Form

Pench national park holiday packages.

Explore our exciting holiday packages for an unforgettable experience in Pench National Park. Choose from a variety of options to make the most of your visit.

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Pench Fun Tour with 01 Jeep Safari

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Pench Holiday Tour with 01 Jeep Safari

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Pench and Tadoba Wildlife Tour with 2 Jeep Safari

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Pench National Park’s Journey

Tigers in Pench Safari

  • In 1965, Pench was a sanctuary with an area of 757.85 sq. km., later in 1983, an area of 292.85 sq. km. was declared a National Park. Then in the year 1992, Govt of India declared the whole area of 757.85 sq. km. including the park and sanctuary as Tiger Reserve and now it is working under Project Tiger.
  • We would like to tell you that the core area of 292.85 sq km which is also known as Pench National Park was renamed Indira Priyadarshani Pench National Park in 2002 and the remaining sanctuary area was named Pench Mowgli Sanctuary. There is also a buffer area of 465 sq km.
  • BBC chose Pench National Park as the best place to film the behavior of the tiger, they just used the spy cameras in the jungle to shoot their movie. The movie is named Tiger: spy in the Jungle and it was released in the year 2008. The narrator of that movie is David Attenborough.
  • We must tell you one more thing, the famous movie “The Jungle Book” which was written by Rudyard Kipling was inspired by the one and only Pench National Park.

Flora and Fauna of Pench National Park

You can enjoy a diverse range of flora and fauna in pench national park. this fantastic park is a perfect blend of two kinds of forests - one is a moist tropical deciduous forest, and the other dry deciduous forest..

Pench National Park is covered with mesmerizing climbers and nice-looking shrubs. Nature lovers will find this place amazing because they can find many beautiful shady trees here such as Tendu, Amaltas, Palash, Teak, Bija, Mahua, and many more. Important Ayurveda herbs including curcumin, sarpagandha, ashwagandha, and avatar can be found here. There are many water spots connected here, surrounded by big groups of beautiful bamboo grass.

Pench National Park is also home to different types of plants and because of the ideal flora species, this park is home to a wide range of wild animals such as tigers, leopards, hyenas, wolves, jungle cats, wild boars, Black-naped hares, Bison, Langour Nilgai, Porcupine, Sambar, barking deer, and many more.

You can also find various kinds of birds here. This park is home to about 300 species of birds such as Waterfowl, Pintail, Peafowl, Indian Roller, Munia, Crow Pheasant, Pintail, Blue Kingfisher, Red-Vented Bulbul, Crimson-Breasted Berbet, etc. Not only birds, you can also find 50 types of fish, 45 types of butterflies, 10 kinds of amphibians, 54 moths, 30 reptiles, and lots of different insects.

See these beautiful wild pictures and just imagine yourself in the huge forest of Pench National Park

Pench Bar Headed Goose


Explore the best blog posts and recent news related to Pench National Park.

safari packages in pench

Dolorum optio tempore voluptas dignissimos kridht

Flora & fauna, nisi magni odit consequatur autem nulla dolorem, entertainment, possimus soluta ut id suscipit ea ut in quo quia et soluta.

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Jammu and Kashmir

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North India

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Andaman and Nicobar

Himachal Pradesh

  • Chandrataal
  • Dharamshala
  • Spiti Valley
  • Nubra Valley
  • Pangong Tso

Punjab & Haryana

  • Kurukshetra


  • Jim Corbett Park

Uttar Pradesh

  • Fatehpur Sikri

Andaman & Nicobar Islands

  • Neil Island

Andhra Pradesh

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  • Chitradurga
  • Murudeshwar
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  • Thiruvananthapuram
  • Kanchipuram
  • Kanyakumari
  • Mahabalipuram
  • Pondicherry

Arunachal Pradesh

  • Kaziranga National Park
  • Manas National Park
  • Cherrapunjee
  • Bhubaneshwar

West Bengal

  • Narmada Tent City
  • Rann of Kutch
  • Madhya Pradesh
  • Omkareshwar


  • Chittorgarh
  • Kumbhalgarh
  • Ranthambore

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  • Pilanesberg National Park
  • Port Elizabeth (Gqeberha)
  • Stellenbosch
  • Victoria Falls
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  • Los Angeles
  • Niagara Falls
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Mediterranean Europe

  • Midnight Sun
  • Northern Lights
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United Arab Emirates

  • Ferrari World

Saudi Arabia

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Pench Safari

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Tour Information

  • Policy & Terms

Read this to prepare for your tour in the best way!

  • 02 Nights accommodation in Pench at suggested or similar category hotels
  • Two Jeep Safaris
  • Meals – Breakfast Lunch and Dinner as mentioned in the itinerary
  • 2-3 guests based on Etios/Dzire for transfers and sightseeing
  • GST 5% (Government Tax) on total package price
  • Airfare /Railway Fare
  • Any other meals than those mentioned above
  • Any up gradation in airline class or hotel room category
  • Any items of personal nature like tips to guides, drivers, laundry, telephone charges, shopping, wines & alcoholic beverages, mineral water (unless specified), and food and drink which is not part of set menu,Rates are not valid on weekends and long weekends(Friday/Saturday/Sunday),Package price is not applicable on weekends
  • Any optional tours, excursions, supplement costs, services and activities not mentioned in the itinerary inclusion
  • Any extra cost incurred on behalf of any individual due to illness, accident , hospitalization or any personal emergency
  • Entrance fees and Guide charges of sight seeings mentioned in the itinerary are not included

Your dream holiday is just a call away! Get in touch and plan your trip now.

Cancellation Policy & Payment Terms

We keep it transparent, crystal clear!

  • If the Guest decides to cancel the tour for any reason whatsoever then s/he shall give a written application to the Company within specified time limit along with original receipt issued by the Company. Such cancellation will attract cancellation charges stated hereunder.
  • Cancellation charges will be calculated on gross tour cost and the cancellation charges shall depend on date of departure and date of cancellation
  • Cancellation charges for any type of transport ticket are applicable as per the rules of the concerned authority.
  • Air tickets issued on special fares are NON REFUNDABLE and Guest shall bear cancellation charges.
  • Any refund payable to the Guest will be paid after the Company receives refund from the respective authorities. The Company deducts processing charges from the refund to be paid to the Guest.

Payment Terms

  • Airlines/Room up-gradation and complimentary will not be entertained during the tour unless if specified at the time of booking.
  • There is no refund for any services not utilized during the tour.
  • Security deposit is required either in cash or credit card by hotels which is refundable provided no room incidentals are incurred. This security deposit is not included in this quote and must be paid by the guests/corporate directly to the hotel when checking in.
  • Guests are advised not to keep valuables in the coach/vehicle while sightseeing. The Company shall not be responsible for loss of valuables from the coach / vehicle . If the coach / vehicle is accidentally or otherwise damaged by the Guest, s/he will be required to pay compensation for the same.

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  • Call +91 9212777223

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Safari Timing in Pench National Park

  • Safari Timing

Wildlife Safari Timing in Pench Tiger Reserve

Pench National Park, one of the best places for jungle safari in India knows how to give travellers the best wildlife experiences they have been looking. Gracefully shared between Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, the park has safari scheduled in the morning, and evening which is different for both the states and are decided by the higher authorities of Pench National Park.

While summers and winters have their different time slots, sunset and sunrise also play quite an important role in the safari timing. As per an important rule, the park opens up 30 minutes before sunrise and closes its door 30 minutes prior to sunset. Besides, the management also changes the timings keeping any VIP visit in mind.

Book Now today on +91 8744012054 OR send an email.

Pench safari timings madhya pardesh, pench safari timings maharastra.

1st July – 30th November

1st December 28th/ 29th February

1st March 30th April

1st May 30th june

06:00 Am-08:00 Am

06:30 Am-08:30 Am

05:30 Am-07:30 Am

02:30 Pm-04:30 Pm

02:20 Pm-04:00 Pm

03:00 Pm-05:00 Pm

wildlife packages

Taj Mahal with Tiger Safari

Taj Mahal with Tiger Safari

Duration : 15 Nights 16 Days

Destinations Covered : Delhi - Agra- Bandhavgarh - Kanha - Pench - Tadoba- Delhi

India Wildlife Tiger Safari Holidays

Tiger Special Tour

Duration : 10 Nights 11 Days

Destinations Covered : Delhi - Ranthambore - Bandhavgarh - Kanha - Pench National Park

India Wildlife Tours

Indian Tiger Trails

Destinations Covered : Delhi – Nagpur – Pench – Kanha – Neemrana- Ranthambore – Jaipur - Delhi

Kanha Tiger Reserve

Central India Wildlife Tour

Duration : 06 Nights 07 Days

Destinations Covered : Bandhavgarh National Park - Kanha National Park

safari packages in pench

  • Pench Weekend Tour Packages

Duration : 01 Night - 02 Days

Destinations Covered : Nagpur - Pench National Park

safari packages in pench

  • Pench with Tadoba National Park

Duration : 06 Nights & 07 days

Destinations Covered : Pench - Tadoba - Nagpur

safari packages in pench

Pench with Kipling’s Play Ground

Destinations Covered : Pench - Kanha - Nagpur - Jabalpur

safari packages in pench

  • Pench Weekend Tour

Duration : 02 Nights & 03 days

Destinations Covered : Mumbai - Nagpur - Pench - Nagpur - Mumbai

safari packages in pench

Best of Madhya Pradesh Tour

Duration : 12 Nights & 13 days

Destinations Covered : Delhi - Jabalpur - Bandhavgarh National Park - Kanha National Park - Pench National Park - Nagpur - Delhi

safari packages in pench

Pench with Nagzira wildlife sanctuary

Duration : 04 Nights & 05 days

Destinations Covered : Nagpur - Pench National Park - Nagpur


03 Jul, 2024 lorem ispum -->

Buffer Zones in Pench Tiger Reserve Maharashtra to...

A wildlife safari in Pench Tiger Reserve is an essential activity for everyone wanting to experience...


Into the Wild: Pench Tiger Reserve Maharashtra GPS...

Maharashtra’s Pench Tiger Reserve, along with the Bombay Natural History Society, or BNHS, has GPS...


12 Jun, 2024 lorem ispum -->

Donate a Camera to Pench Tiger Reserve Today and H...

Working tirelessly towards the conservation of its flora and fauna, the Pench Tiger Reserve has now ...

Useful Links

  • About Pench
  • Best Time to Visit
  • How to Reach
  • Safari Zones
  • Nearby Places
  • Pench Tiger Tour
  • Madhya Pradesh Wildlife Tour
  • Pench with Kipling's Play Ground

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  • Pench National Park One Day Tour From Nagpur

Explore the wonders of Pench National Park on a one-day tour from Nagpur. Enjoy game drives, nature walks, bird watching, and more with expert local guides. See tigers, leopards, gaur, wild dogs, and other

safari packages in pench

Duration: One Day Destination: Pench  National Park

Visit Pench National Park and experience its incredible beauty with a one-day tour from Nagpur. Here, you’ll find beautiful landscapes teeming with wildlife that will take your breath away!

Tour Highlights:

  • Departing from Nagpur in the morning, after breakfast.
  • Arriving at Pench National Park in around 3 hours.
  • Having lunch at a roadside restaurant or a resort in Pench.
  • Embarking on a thrilling jeep safari in the afternoon,
  • Return back to Nagpur

Detailed Itinerary

One day trips.

  • Agra To Bharatpur with Fatehpur Sikri Same Day Tour
  • Bharatpur to Chambal Safari Tour

Agra to Mathura One Day Tour

  • Chambal Safari Tour from Agra
  • Nagpur to Umred Karhandla Wildlife Sanctuary One Day Tour
  • Panna National Park from Khajuraho
  • Delhi Sariska Same Day Tour

One Day Tour to Sariska from Jaipur

  • Delhi Agra Same Day Tour

Delhi Jaipur One Day Tour

Jaipur agra one day tour.

  • Jaipur Ranthambore Day Trip
  • Jaipur Ajmer Pushkar Tour

Cultural Tours India

  • Ujjain Maheshwar Omkareshwar Mandu Tour
  • Gwalior Orchha Khajuraho Tour from Agra
  • Madhya Pradesh Heritage and Spiritual Tour
  • Jabalpur Kanha Satpura Pachmarhi Sanchi Tour
  • Gwalior Orchha Khajuraho Chitrakoot Varanasi Tour
  • Royal Bhutan Tour
  • India Cultural Heritage and Willife Tour
  • Shillong Cherrapunji Mawlynnong Kaziranga Tour
  • Delhi Ranthambore Udaipur Jodhpur Jaisalmer Mumbai Tour
  • Nainital Jim Corbett tour from Delhi
  • Haridwar Rishikesh Mussoorie Tour from Delhi
  • Jim Corbett Ranikhet Almora Nainital Tour from Delhi
  • Nainital Kausani Jim Corbett Tour
  • Amazing Uttarakhand Tour
  • Complete Kumaon tour
  • North East Wildlife Tour
  • North East Monasteries Tour
  • The Best of Spiti Valley
  • Kathmandu Chitwan Pokhara Tour
  • Tawang Festival Tour
  • Rajasthan Culture & Wildlife Safari Tour
  • South India Tour
  • Karnataka Tour Package
  • Culture & Wildlife of Rajasthan with Varanasi
  • Best of North India
  • Best of Kerala
  • Best of India
  • Ranthambore Tour with Kerala & Goa

Birding Tours

  • Ladakh Birding Tour
  • Sikkim Bird Watching Tour
  • Birds Watching & Tigers Tour with Taj

Wildlife Tours & Safaris

  • Panna Tour Package from Varanasi by Train
  • Delhi Ranthambore Jaipur Corbett Pilibhit Dudhwa Varanasi Tour
  • Delhi Jaipur Ranthambore Rishikesh Raja ji Corbett Agra Tour
  • Delhi Corbett Agra Panna Sanjay Dubri Ranthambore Jaipur Tour
  • Delhi Corbett Agra Panna Sanjay Dubri Varanasi Tour
  • Delhi Corbett Agra Panna Sanjay Dubri Tour
  • Delhi Sanjay Dubri National Park Tour
  • Panna Weekend Tour from Delhi by Train
  • Delhi To Jim Corbett tour Package
  • Pench Umred Karhandla Wildlife Tour
  • Delhi Jaipur Ranthambore Corbett Rajaji Tour
  • Guwahati Kaziranga Jorhat Tezpur Manas tour
  • Central India Wildlife Tour
  • Manas Nameri Kaziranga Tour
  • Snow Leopard Safari
  • Terai Tour of India & Nepal
  • Shuklaphanta National Park Tour
  • Bardia National Park Tour
  • Katarniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary Tour
  • Dudhwa Kishanpur Wildlife Tour
  • Pilibhit Tiger Reserve Safari
  • Uttar Pradesh Wildlife Tour
  • One Night Ranthambore Tour with Drop at Agra
  • Jim Corbett Tour Package
  • Best Tiger Safari Tour of India
  • North & Central India Tiger Tour
  • Wildlife Tour of Central India
  • Wildlife Tour of East India
  • Tiger Safari with Taj
  • Golden Triangle & Wildlife Tour with Nepal
  • Ranthambore Full Day Zone Free Safari
  • Half Day Safari at Ranthambore
  • Ranthambore Safari Package
  • Rajasthan Wildlife Tour with Agra

Wildlife Photography Tours

  • Ranthambore Photography Tour

Golden Triangle Tours

  • Golden Triangle Tour with Mandawa
  • Golden Triangle Tour with Orchha Khajuraho
  • Golden Triangle Tour with Ajmer Pushkar
  • 5 Days Golden Triangle Tour
  • Golden Triangle Tour with Mathura Vrindavan
  • Golden Triangle Tour with Varanasi
  • 6 Days Golden Triangle Tour
  • Golden Triangle with Udaipur

Request A Quote Now

Country * Select Country Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas, The Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burma Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cabo Verde Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Costa Rica Cote d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Curacao Cyprus Czechia Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic East Timor (see Timor-Leste) Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Eswatini Ethiopia Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia, The Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Holy See Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Korea, North Korea, South Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macau Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria North Korea Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Palestinian Territories Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Russia Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Sint Maarten Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Korea South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland (See Eswatini) Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe

Number of Pax *

Hotels * Select Hotel Category Five Star Five Star Heritage Hotel Budget Hotel Motel Guest House Paying Guest Accommodation Others Not Required

Brief Summary / Special Requirements *

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Related Tours

Agra to Mathura One Day Tour

One Day Tour

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  1. Experience Jeep Safari in the Turia Zone at Pench

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  2. Pench National Park Safari Packages

    safari packages in pench

  3. Pench National Park Tour Packages, Pench National Park Tour Booking

    safari packages in pench

  4. Pench Jungle Camp

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  5. Jamtara Jeep Safari, Pench National Park

    safari packages in pench

  6. Turiya Jeep Safari, Pench National Park

    safari packages in pench


  1. #pench #travel #safari #deer

  2. pench National park safari

  3. today morning safari saghting pench teliya zone

  4. Jungle Safari in Pench National Park


  1. Book Your Safari

    Pench Tiger Safari Packages. INR 17,999/-1 Night 2 Days Pench Tiger Safari . 1 Night 2 Days resort stay; 2 Jeep Safari; Meals plan as per package; Expert Driver &Forest Guide; Book with Rs 1000/- advance; View Details. Book Now. INR 17,999/-2 Night 3 Days Pench Tiger Safari . 2 Night 4Days resort stay;

  2. Pench National Park Safari Tour Package

    Pench Tiger Reserve has 3 entry point in MP (Gate) namely Turia, Karmajhiri, Jamtara and 3 Entry Point in Maharashtra, Sillari, Khursapar, Chorbahuli. Experience the thrill of Pench National Park with our Safari Tour Package. Encounter wildlife, explore lush landscapes, and create unforgettable memories. Book your adventure now!

  3. A Step-by-Step Guide: How to Book a Safari at Pench National Park

    Fill in the required details, including the entry gate, safari type, preferred date, and number of visitors. Complete the payment process to secure your booking. b) Resort Booking: If you plan to stay at a resort or lodge near Pench National Park, Jungle Home Pench Resort and Spa offer accommodations and safari packages as part of their ...

  4. Pench National Park Safari Package

    Overview. Explore Pench National Park with a Jungle safari package for the Tiger reserve in Nagpur including resort booking like Gajraj, Binson, Mahua Vann and more. Pench Jungle Safari is an adventure that you must try in Pench National Park. The Park is located in Southern part of Madhya Pradesh and stretches to Maharashtra too.

  5. Pench Safari Packages

    Pench Safari Packages. Pench 1 Night 2 Days Package. Have a fantastic weekend in Pench with our specially crafted 1 Night 2 Days packages made just for those who don't want to hurdle their busy weekdays. View Details. Whatsapp. Pench 2 Night 3 Days Package.

  6. Pench National Park

    Pench Wildlife Safari Packages. Experience the beauty of nature and capture stunning wildlife moments with our curated Pench Wildlife Sanctuary safari packages. We offer 2 Pax or 4 Pax group options, as well as an exclusive private safari experience for photography enthusiasts. Our Ranthambore tour package is perfect for those looking to ...

  7. Home

    The best time to visit Pench National Park is during winter, from November to February. You will experience pleasant weather with temperatures ranging between 10 degrees Celcius to 28 degrees Celcius. This is the ideal time to watch migratory birds from your naked eye. Also, since the vegetation is thinner, it is easier to spot animals.

  8. Pench Jungle Safari Packages

    Post Lunch we go for our First Jungle Safaris. Dinner and Overnight at the Resort. Our Standard Pench tour packages packages are for 2 nights with 3 Jungle Safaris or 3 Nights with 5 Jungle Safaris. For 3 Nights / 4 Days Package with 5 Safaris we shall have one more day and would be similar to Day 2.

  9. Tiger Safari in Pench National Park (4 Nights, 5 Days)

    Day 01 : Arrival in New Delhi. Day 02 : New Delhi - Nagpur - Pench (Flight + 100 kms/02 hrs drive) Day 03 : In Pench National Park. Day 04 : In Pench National Park. Day 05 : Pench - Nagpur - New Delhi (100 kms/02 hrs drive + Flight) Enquire This Tour. Request a Call Back.

  10. Pench Safari Booking

    Pench Safari Packages. One of the most visited places to observe royal Bengal tiger activity is Pench National Park. Though the presence of numerous wild species is the main draw to this location, the majority of visitors explore the national park to observe tiger behavior in its natural setting. For those who enjoy tigers, this location is ideal.

  11. Pench Jungle Safari Booking

    Jungle Trail offers you 2 nights and 3 days Pench Safari Packages. Our itinerary is carefully designed keeping in mind the needs of a great wildlife experience. Our highly-experienced team of drivers and naturalists who know the forest like the back of their hand; make sure that our guests have an unforgettable experience in the deciduous ...

  12. Pench Safari Packages

    Jeep safaris in Pench National Park are in high demand (both exclusive and shared). Worry not as we can ease your job of booking the best package for safari in Pench. Check out the To Luxury Resorts At Pench. Full day safari. A 12-hour ride in and out of the park is a royal way to explore the jungle. You have the privilege to visit any zone you ...

  13. The Ultimate Guide to Pench National Park Safari booking: How to Book

    About Pench Tiger Reserve and its history. Named after the Pench River that flows through its 758 sq km of land, this forest was once the hunting grounds of the royalty and the rules of the Gond tribes.It became a protected area in 1965 to safeguard the habitat of the endangered tiger species and promote conservation efforts.In 1975, it was declared a national park and then as the Pench Tiger ...

  14. Pench National Park

    Pench National Park | Pench Wildlife Sanctuary Madhya ...

  15. Pench National Park Tour Packages, Pench Tiger Reserve Safari Packages

    Check detailed info and choose through our wide range of Pench National Park safari tour packages. Customize your tour, book safari online, guide, permit, hotels & resorts. +91 75573 22322 Pay Now. ... The best time to visit Pench availing affordable Pench family packages is of course the winter season that spans from November to late-February ...

  16. Tiger Safari Packages

    All meals starting from lunch on arrival till breakfast on departure & tea/coffee service. 4 shared safaris each in Kanha and Pench national parks including entry fee, jeep and guide charges. 2 shared safaris, 1 boat safari, 1 late evening buffer safari & 1 walking safari in Satpura national park including entry fee, jeep / boat charges and ...

  17. Pench Budget Safari Package including Resort, All meals & Transfer

    Inclusions. Accommodation in a beautiful jungle resort on a twin-sharing basis in an AC Room, Cottage, or Tent based on the program. Lunch, Hi-Tea, Dinner on Day 1. Breakfast, Lunch, Hi-Tea, Dinner on Day 2 & 3. Breakfast before checkout on Day 4. All Safari Permits, Park Entry, Gypsy & Guide Charges, 06 exclusive open jeep safari in Pench.

  18. Pench National Park

    After a thrilling safari in Pench, you can explore the area by going on a cycling tour to Rukhad. This can be very adventurous and exciting. ... Pench National Park Holiday Packages. Explore our exciting holiday packages for an unforgettable experience in Pench National Park. Choose from a variety of options to make the most of your visit.

  19. Online Safari Booking

    Safari Months Pench Safari Timings; From 1st October to 31st October: 06.30 am - 10.00 am & 02.30 pm - 06.00 pm: From 1st November to 31st January 07.00 am - 10.30 am & 02.00 pm - 05.30 pm: From 1st February to 31st march 06.30 am - 10.00 am & 02.30 pm - 06.00 pm From 1st April to 15th May 06.00 am - 09.30 am & 03.00 pm - 06.30 pm

  20. 3 Days 2 Nights Pench Safari Customized Holidays Tour Package (SHMP16

    Book 3 days 2 nights Pench Safari Customized Holidays Tour package (SHMP16) for a memorable trip together. ... Explore the Pench Safari itinerary 3 days 2 nights to know what it has in store for you! 1800 22 7979 . You can also call on: +91 22 2101 7979, +91 22 2101 6969. Foreign Nationals/NRIs travelling.

  21. Morning & Evening Jungle Safari

    Wildlife Safari Timing in Pench Tiger Reserve

  22. One Night Two Days Pench Tiger Safari

    Experience the magic of the jungle: Pench Tiger Reserve is a beautiful and wild place. As you drive through the park on your safari, you will be surrounded by lush forests, winding rivers, and stunning scenery. You will also have the chance to hear the sounds of the jungle, from the calls of birds to the roars of tigers.

  23. Pench National Park One Day Tour From Nagpur

    7:00 PM - Depart from Pench National Park. After completing your safari, start your journey back to Nagpur. 10:00 PM - Reach Nagpur. Make your way to Nagpur by nightfall, concluding your day-long excursion to Pench National Park. Note: As only jeeps are allowed for safaris so pls check availability. Normally this day visit can be done by ...