A visit to Trinity Site (where the first atomic bomb exploded )

Trinity site open house, locations to visit, trinity test site (ground zero), other locations to visit, a brief history of the trinity site, useful links, now it is your turn.

This is a complete guide to visiting Trinity Site. In today’s guide you’ll learn:

  • How to get there
  • Before you go
  • Every location to visit

In short: if you are planning a visit to Trinity Site, you’ll love this new guide.

tour trinity plan

Trinity was the code name for the first test done on a nuclear weapon. Today, it also refers to the geographical area where the test occurred in the Jornada del Muerto (“Journey of the Dead Man”) desert in New Mexico. If you are interested in visiting the site, first understanding the history behind it will help to enrich your experience.

Please understand that the only time you can see the Trinity test site is on open house days, which occur twice per year. Military leaders oversee the open houses. Stationed nearby the base, they offer an immersive experience into understanding the importance of the Trinity site.

White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) is an active military site. Much of the site is closed to the public because it is within the missile impact zone.

Open houses only occur twice per year, on the first Saturday of April and October . As you can imagine, thousands of people come to the site on these dates to take part in the open house, so you need to plan your trip well in advance. The open house is from 8 am until 2 pm, so it is a full day with a lot of learning experiences built into it.

Suggestion: Get there early If you don’t like fighting a crowd and long lines for everything, get to the Stallion Gate at 7:00 AM or 7:30 AM before the site opens at 8:00 AM.

How to Get There

The Trinity test site is located at the White Sands Missile Range, off of Highway 380 in White Sands, New Mexico. Keep in mind that if you want to visit on an open house day, you will need to plan to go either on the first Saturday of April or the first Saturday of October. Those are the only two days each year the tour is available.

Trinity Site location in New Mexico

White Sands is not a city but rather a census-designated place (CDP), meaning that you will find residents but very few amenities, such as restaurants and hotels. If you need a place to stay overnight, you will probably want to make reservations in Las Cruces, which is about 27 miles west, or another nearby city.

Trinity Site How to get there

To get to the Stallion Gate Entrance from San Antonio, New Mexico, take Exit I-25 on mile marker 139 and travel 12 miles east. To get there from Carrizozo, take exit Highway 54 onto Highway 380 and head west for 53 miles. From the Stallion Gate Entrance, you will go another five miles off the highway. It is easy to follow because the site is marked clearly from Highway 380.

tour trinity plan

Today, the 51,500-acre site that composed the test site is a National Historic Landmark. Included in the landmark are the McDonald ranch house, Ground Zero, and the base camp. If you go on an open house day, you can see Ground Zero for yourself. This area includes the bomb casings known as “Jumbo” and “Fat Man,” historical bunkers, and parts of the crater left by the explosion. The element created as a result of the blast, Trinitite, is also on display.

Before You Go

Please understand that even though the test site is a tourist attraction and National Historic Landmark, it is part of a military base. Vetting takes place before you can enter. Make sure that you have government-issued photo identification (a valid visa if you do not have a US passport). You also need proof of car insurance and car registration. If you have a rental car, make sure that you also bring the agreement from the rental car company.

Be aware that at the site, there will be no food or water; you need to come prepared. There are port-a-potties but no standard bathrooms. However, you may want to bring wet wipes to wash your hands.

If you visit on a day that is not an open house, you may be required to have a military escort to enter the site. The gate usually closes at 3:30 pm, so make sure that you plan to arrive somewhat early in the day. On open house days, the gate is open from 8 am until 2 pm, and you can pass through without an escort.

Before going, make sure that you check with the White Sands Missile Range personnel to ensure that you will be able to get to the site. Once there, you will not be able to leave the road due to unexploded ordnance. You may bring a dog as long as it is on a leash and well-behaved; make sure that you bring a bag to clean up any dog waste.

Is radiation at Trinity dangerous? Some people are concerned about radiation exposure at the site. Radiation at Trinity is ten times higher than the surrounding areas; you can expect that within one hour of being there, half of the radiation that you would typically receive within an entire day will impact you. If you are concerned about radiation exposure, make sure that you wear long sleeves, pants, and a hat (this attire will also protect you from the desert sun and wind).

When you visit Trinity, there are many different locations at the site that are worth your time to visit. Keep in mind that the site is an active military base, not a museum. There is very little to indicate that anything of importance happened there on July 16, 1945. What is there – the McDonald House, Jumbo, Ground Zero, and more – is well worth your time.

Make sure that you wear good walking shoes. Again, this place is not a museum, and you will be doing a fair amount of walking across hot desert sands.

Ground zero is the main attraction and a mandatory visit. As you could expect, it is a massive circle of 2900 feet in diameter. Its boundaries are a 2.4-meters chain-link fence called the outer fence.

Trinity Site Map

In the center of this GZ, there is a depression. This was the explosion crater, and It also has its chain-link fence. There is a barbed-wire fence connecting both the outer fence and inner fence.

tour trinity plan

What can you do at Ground Zero?

Activities to do in Trinity site Ground Zero

  • Visit the ground zero commemorative obelisk
  • Look for Trinitite
  • Take some pictures of the Fat Man Bomb Casing in exposition
  • Stand beside the remains of 100-Foot Tower that hold the bomb
  • Take a look at the Shelter protecting a portion of the original crater
  • Take a photo inside “Jumbo”
  • Navigate the north fence along a series of historical pictures

Let’s get started!

1. Ground Zero Monument

Location: Trinity Site’s inner fence ( Google Maps )

The exact point of the blast occurred at ground zero. A 100-foot steel tower was constructed to release the bomb. The point at the bottom base of the tower is ground zero. Today, a stone obelisk marks the spot. It has a plaque that reads, “Trinity Site, Where the World’s First Nuclear Device Was Exploded on July 16, 1945.” It serves as a permanent reminder of the destructive force unleashed there.

 A lava-rock obelisk lies at ground zero at the Trinity Site

2. Trinitite 

The explosion blasted out a crater almost 1,200 feet across and up to 10 feet. It was so powerful that sand at ground zero was fused into a green glassy substance called “trinitite.”

In 1952, most of the Trinitite was removed and buried, while the crater was filled. Only small pieces of Trinitite remained at the site.

During the Open House, you will find a tent where a White Sands Missile Range installation safety officer talks to visitors about radiation and trinitite. Also, there you will be able to see Trinitite samples in a box and radiation detectors that visitors can use.

Trinitite samples in a box at the safety officer's tent.

If you are lucky, perhaps you will find some trinitite on the site ground.

tour trinity plan

But be careful, the green glassy trinitite is still radioactive and must not be picked up. Also, its removal is illegal:

tour trinity plan

3. Fat Man Bomb Casing

Fat Man was the code name for the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. When you visit the Trinity site, you can view the “Fat Man Bomb Casing.” This artifact is a reconstruction of the casing that held the bomb that fell on Nagasaki. During this part of the tour, you will understand how it got its name!

tour trinity plan

4. Remains of 100-Foot Tower

Location: Trinity Site’s inner fence

The steel tower for the test bomb became destroyed during the explosion. However, you can see the base of it at ground zero.

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You will probably be quite surprised at how little there is to tell the story of what happened; however, keep in mind the blast ruined many of the structures.

tour trinity plan

5. Shelter Protecting a Portion of the Original Crater

The 1945 detonation created a huge crater and a new substance – Trinitite – from the radioactive glass that formed. Today, the Trinitite has been cleared out, along with the radioactive sand, and the crater mostly filled in. Remember that this site is a military base and missile range, not a museum.

tour trinity plan

This shed protects an undisturbed portion of the original crater. But, if you would like to take pictures here, you will be disappointed. The shelter’s hatches used to be opened so visitors could see undisturbed Trinitite but sand from windstorms covered it.

6. Remnants of Jumbo

Location: Trinity Site’s parking lot ( Google Maps )

Just in case the test proved to be a failure, they constructed a steel canister nicknamed “Jumbo.” It was created to hold the 13-pound plutonium device to protect against its radioactivity. Jumbo earned its name; it was 10 feet in diameter, 25 feet long, and weighed in at 214 tons! A 64-wheel trailer had to be used to haul it to the test site.

tour trinity plan

Fortunately, someone thought better of using Jumbo. The test was successful! Besides, had the plutonium been inside a steel case, molten radioactive material would have rained down all across the area. Today, you can see the remnants of Jumbo when you visit the Trinity test site.

Ironicaly, Jumbo is the most memorable permanent object at Trinity Site.

tour trinity plan

7. Historical photos display

In the north side of the inner fence, you will find a series of professionals photographs hanging from the fence. These are black and white pictures the site days before the explosion, the day itself, the explosion in slow motion and afterward.

tour trinity plan

Besides Ground Zero, there are other exciting locations to visit.

Trinity Site Other locations you should visit


  • West 800 Instrumentation Shelter
  • The Schmidt/McDonald Ranch

Let’s dive right in.

1. West 800 Instrumentation Shelter

Location: 800 yards from ground zero by WSMR P Route 20 ( Google Maps )

The West 800 shelter was an instrumentation bunker. During the test, it contained equipment for measuring implosion characteristics. Up to the date, it is the only bunker that visitors can see.

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Originally, there were seven bunkers. One control bunker, two manned observation bunkers and four instrumentation bunkers.

tour trinity plan

2. The Schmidt/McDonald Ranch

Location: 2 miles from ground zero ( Google Map )

The McDonald House was where the plutonium core of the bomb was assembled on July 13, 1945, shortly before being tested. A private family previously occupied the house, which dates back to 1913. However, the US government appropriated it for military use in 1942. The family protested against the acquisition but lost. They believed the government would return the land to them after the end of the war, but it remained in military control. Today, there is a family history on the family that lived there as part of the exhibit.

Trinity SIte McDonald Ranch Map

The McDonald House fell into disrepair after decades of neglect. In 1982, it was restored to look the way that it did on the day they constructed the bomb. Today, it is a must-see for anyone who is visiting the Trinity site. It is only open on the first Saturday of April and the first Saturday of October.

tour trinity plan

Touring the Ranch There is a bus that takes visitors from Trinity Site to the ranch house. It departs every half hour from the Trinity Site’s parking lot south end. The bus ride and visit to the McDonald Ranch take approximately 45 minutes round trip.

You can see many of the structures either from the initial explosion or recreations. Some places include the assembly station known as the McDonald House. Another is the base of the 100-foot steel tower, where they dropped the bomb. A stone obelisk marking ground zero is also available for viewing.

The site is only open to the public two days per year, the first Saturday of April and October, from 8 am until 2 pm.

Admission is free. Keep in mind that there is no food or water available, so come prepared.

No. The site is an active missile range and military range, so it is strictly off-limits to the public on days that it is not open.

The only time that you can visit the site is on its open house days, the first Saturday of April and October.

You probably won’t find any accommodation around White Sands (with the possible exception of some Air BnB homes). Plan to stay in a nearby city, such as Alamogordo or even Albuquerque. However, keep in mind these locations are about two to three hours away, depending on traffic.

Trinity site is on the White Sands Missile Range, a highly secure military base. Make sure that you bring photo ID for everyone in your group, or you may not be allowed access. Bring plenty of food and water. You will be walking around a lot, and in the desert heat, you may not realize that you have become dehydrated. Make sure that you bring enough water to sip on throughout your entire visit.

The Manhattan Project

During World War II, some countries from the Allied powers took part in what was known as the Manhattan Project. It was designed to develop nuclear weapons to help the Allies win the war. The Manhattan Project began in 1939. This assignment was so secretive that many of the 130,000 people who worked on it had no idea what they were actually working on.

The work began following a letter that Albert Einstein wrote to President Franklin D Roosevelt in 1939. Einstein was a German-born Jew who was visiting the US in 1933, the year that Adolf Hitler came to power; he chose to stay in the US rather than return to Europe. With the Nazi’s military expansion and the beginning of World War II, he received a tip that Nazi scientists were attempting to use the process of nuclear fission.

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This notion meant they would release enormous amounts of energy, or basically a bomb. His letter to the president warned him of the impending danger should the Nazis succeed in developing such a weapon. Thus, Einstein urged him to beat the Nazis by building one first.

Ironically, because of Einstein’s political activism and German roots, he was denied the security clearance necessary to work on the Manhattan Project. In fact, scientists working on it were not allowed to consult with him in any way because Einstein was a threat to national security. Instead, the scientist who led the team was the nuclear physicist Robert Oppenheimer. He who famously declared at the bomb’s test site, “I have become death, the destroyer of worlds.”

Based on the letter that Einstein sent to Roosevelt, the United States began stockpiling uranium. It was with the understanding that uranium could potentially fuel a bomb many times more deadly than those previously known.

In 1941, the president created the Office of Scientific Research and Development, the OSRD, to oversee the creation of the bomb. He also formed an Advisory Committee on Uranium, which became the National Defense Research Committee on Uranium. The leaders of these organizations developed the S-1 Committee.

That first meeting of the S-1 Committee occurred on December 18, 1941, just 11 days after the attack on Pearl Harbor. The task could not be more urgent.

tour trinity plan

This team of scientists succeeded in creating a prototype bomb. However, it was from enriched plutonium rather than the uranium that the government had previously stockpiled, at the Los Alamos laboratory in New Mexico in 1945. The remote location of the laboratory enabled the team of scientists to work there in absolute secrecy. Likewise, the obscure, barren desert provided a perfect testing ground for the weapon.

Scientists would only get one chance to test out the bomb, so they had to do it right the first time. When it was carried out on July 16, the team knew that detonating the weapon had the potential to set the atmosphere on fire and obliterate all life on earth. The chain reaction triggered by the enriched plutonium led to the mushroom cloud appearing over the empty desert; it was then that the scientists knew that they had created the deadliest weapon in the history of the world.

When Albert Einstein learned that the bomb he had urged the president to build destroyed the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, his response was, “Woe is me.” Though it helped end the war, hundreds of thousands of civilians died. Moreover, the world entered an era in which all life could end with the push of a button.

Today, the Trinity Test Site is a national historic landmark and is in the National Register of Historic Places.

Trinity Site on the U.S. National Park Service site

Have you ever visited the Trinity Test Site? or, are you planning a visit?

Or maybe you have a question.

Let me know by leaving a quick comment below right now.

Jennifer O'Donnell

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How far was the photo shelter from the blast on July 16, 1945?


I’ve never been there even though I’ve traveled Hwy 380 a few times. I would like to go this October 1, 2022. I travel with a well-behaved medium dog. Do you know if she can take the tour along with me? Is this tour a guided and timed tour, or is it a self-paced, self-guided tour?

Thank you for the very helpful information and advice in the article above!

Hi Scott, Thanks for writing. Pets are allowed as long as they are leashed and their waste is picked up and put into a trash receptacle.  Pets are not allowed on the shuttle that takes visitors to the ranch house. Ground Zero in self-guided tour but theres is a 1/2 hour tour for the McDonald House.

Is a 4 year old child allowed with parent on the site?

Hi Gilbert, yes! All ages are welcome.

You wrote: “When it was carried out on May 7, …” Obviously, the correct date is July 16, 1945.

Hi!. Thank you for pointing out this mistake. We indeed made an error with the date. The correct date for the Trinity nuclear test is July 16, 1945, not May 7. We appreciate your attention to detail and will make the necessary correction immediately. Thanks again!

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Tour Trinity La Défense, Paris Building

Tour Trinity La Défense Paris Building, French Tower Design, Puteaux Commercial Architecture Photos

Tour Trinity La Défense in Paris

10 Apr + 19 Mar 2021

Design: Cro&Co Architecture – Jean-Luc Crochon

Location: 1bis place de la Défense – 92800 Puteaux, Paris, France

Tour Trinity La Défense, Paris building

Photos by Luc Boegly unless noted otherwise

Tour Trinity La Défense

Architecture studio Cro&Co Architecture delivers the Trinity Tower

The 150-meter Tour Trinity enjoys an exceptional location in the business district of La Défense, in Paris, on a site that had to be invented. In order to ensure its successful insertion in this particularly dense built environment, surrounded by architectural icons (CNIT, Tour Areva, Tour Total), Trinity stands above the traffic routes.

Tour Trinity La Défense, Paris public realm

Located in Paris La Défense, Trinity is a 32-story tower, built ex nihilo on a concrete slab poured above a seven-lane roadway, a first in France. A major feat of civil engineering, the slab is planted, providing 3,500 square meters of landscaped public space and linking the previously disconnected neighborhoods of the CNIT (National Center of Industries and Techniques) and Coupole-Regnault: a concrete solution for enhancing the quality of life of its users on an urban scale.

Tour Trinity La Défense, Paris Building

Trinity is La Défense’s first tower to develop an offset core, yielding a “heart of life” with exterior glass-walled elevators running along the façade. Diverging from the traditional office building format, Trinity is a tower conceived to facilitate open interaction with its environment, and promotes a new way of working, through its shared spaces, its 43 planted terraces and balconies, its rooftop and its 4,000 m² devoted to services.

Tour Trinity La Défense, Paris building

In an environment as dense and constrained as that of La Défense district, which houses 16 of France’s 20 tallest buildings but where very little area is still available for new construction, the first challenge was to invent the landholding on which the tower would be built. The solution was a feat of civil engineering: a concrete slab poured over seven traffic lanes, providing an ex nihilo land for the construction of a high-rise building.

Tour Trinity La Défense, Paris building

Then, the project had to be integrated into the existing heterogeneous surroundings, counting a number of architectural icons (the CNIT and the Tour Areva), and smaller buildings such as Notre-Dame de la Pentecôte Church and residential buildings.

Tour Trinity La Défense Paris building

Particular attention was paid to the design of the furniture, created by the architect and manufactured by a French boat-hull builder. Three custom-made, 43-meter-long curved and sculpted aluminum furniture pieces structure the hall, providing sitting areas, reception desks, a bar desk, and more.

Tour Trinity La Défense, Paris building

Imagined as a place of exchange, Trinity breaks with the conventions of the office tower and its standardized and monofunctional spaces by privileging serendipity, flexibility and pooling. It enables users to take full advantage of the tower’s spaces thanks to their reversibility and wide range of uses.

Paris tower building

Inside the tower there are 45,000 m² of flexible work areas, 4,000 m² of services including reception, waiting areas, cafés and bars, and 1,500 m² of terraces and loggias accommodating nearly 4,500 employees.

Paris building by Cro&Co Architecture - Jean-Luc Crochon

Address: 1bis place de la Défense – 92800 Puteaux Program: Offices, retail, urban connections Client: SCI Trinity Défense (Unibail Rodamco Westfield) Delegated contractor : Espace Expansion

Architects: Cro&Co Architecture – Jean-Luc Crochon Project leaders: Francesca Benente, Federica Bestonso, Daniel Durassier, David Lefrant, Benjamin Liatoud Design: Catering area: Saguez & Partners ; Common areas, lobby and lobby furniture: Cro&Co Architecture Landscape architects: Bureau Bas Smets, Phytoconseil Project management: Artelia BI

Tour Trinity La Défense, Paris building design

Structural Engineers: Setec tpi ; M&E Engineer: Barbanel ; Quantity surveying: AE75 ; Acoustics: Tisseyre & Associés ; Lighting: Les ateliers de l’éclairage ; Sustainability: ALTO Ingénierie ; Façades: Arcora ; Elevators: ARUP ; Restaurant concept development: Restauration Conseil ; External Works: Progexial ; Security and alarm systems: CSD & Associés ; Building control office: Socotec ; H&S coordinator: Bureau Veritas ; Surveyor: Cabinet P. Fauchère et M. Le Floch ; Signage: Gérard Plénacoste ; Artist: Carlos Cruz-Diez, «Physichromie Trinity» Paris, 2017 (6 meter high artwork, specially made for the lobby of the Trinity tower)

Tour Trinity La Défense Paris roof terrace

Surface: 49,400 m² Delivery: November 2020 General contractor: Bateg (Vinci Construction France)

Photo credits: © Luc Boegly © Laurent Zylberman

The architectural agency Cro&Co Architecture is structured around Jean-Luc Crochon, the founding architect, and a passionate and creative team composed of twenty talents. Cro&Co has been developing ambitious projects of various types for 20 years, carried out for renowned Owners.

Based on the values of openness and exchange, Cro&Co approaches each new challenge by listening, combining multidisciplinary work with study of uses and research of detail. To reach further horizons, Cro&Co Architecture has developed CroMe Studio dedicated to projects in new territories, co-founded and led by Nayla Mecattaf : previously associate at Renzo Piano Building Workshop.

Still based on the values of openness and exchange, CroMe shares ideas and skills with different cultures.

Tour Trinity La Défense, Paris building

Tour Trinity La Défense, Paris Building images / information received 090421 & 180321

Location: 49 Rue Pierre Charron, Paris , France, western Europe

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Trinity Tower - Paris La Défense

the impossible and make it real

Launch the Trinity experience

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and exchange

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to the rhythm of the light

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by the view

tour trinity plan

A hyper-connected neighborhood, ever more accessible

At the heart of a major public transportation hub, La Défense is connected to central Paris and Ile-de-France’s principal business poles, all accessible in less than 10 minutes.

– Transportation hub : RER A, T2, Métro 1, Transilien, bus… The tower is served by an exceptional and modernized multi-transport station. – Extension of the Eole RER E : In 2022, the extension of the Eole RER E will give direct access to Trinity via the CNIT. – Grand Paris Express ring road : in 2025, the site will be connected to the Grand Paris Express which will provide direct liaisons with the airports and major centers of Greater Paris. – Construction of a TGV station : eventually, La Défense will be directly connected to the Normandy Region and Europe’s biggest capitals.

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Reception lobby

Firmly anchored in the city, Trinity’s lobby is a place for encounters and exchange. It’s the living foundation that activates the tower’s dynamism.

Flooded with natural light, the lobby encourages multiple uses: a quick work session at the Plug & Work station, an informal meeting at the Press & Drink, a moment of relaxation in the lounge space.

tour trinity plan

It’s a unique place to receive and exchange.

The living heart and the duplexes

Because the office of tomorrow will first and foremost be diverse and collaborative, the heart of the Trinity tower is conceived as a forum in which to exchange, thus encouraging the circulation of people and ideas.

A living heart that creates a new workspace

Modules of 4 stories allow companies to organize themselves around smaller units on a more human scale. Veritable cocoons favorable to new ways of working and creativity: suspended meeting rooms, terraces and loggias. Strategically located near the elevators, these creative hives are easily identified and become natural meeting points in which to exchange ideas.

Duplexes to open up the office

At the summit of the tower, six floors are fused into three duplexes. An innovative configuration created to encourage interaction and knowledge sharing.

tour trinity plan

Trinity proposes innovative spaces, conceived to ensure the comfort of employees and strengthen agility.

As one climbs the stories of the tower, Trinity reveals its effervescence and dynamism. Its flow is open to the outside world and asserts the strong relationship between the tower and the city.

Panoramic elevators

For the first time in France, the elevators of an office tower have been installed on the façade.They facilitate communication between floors, offering exceptional views of the urban landscape.

Technological prowess

Freed from the constraints of traditional techniques, the connections between the different floors of Trinity are optimized and the average waiting time for elevators is improved.

tour trinity plan

With its unique elevators and its easier liaisons, Trinity allows one to rise up every day.

Upper Floors

Modulable and flexible, the floors can be easily reconfigured according to company needs, in harmony with new ways of working.

Floors flooded with natural light

Benefiting from triple exposure and bioclimatic facades, the office floors are conceived to maximize the comfort of users. For added comfort, every other window opens, giving occupants access to fresh air throughout the floor.

Optimized circulation

For the first time in an office tower, the circulation zones have also been conceived as places of life. Perfectly integrated into the workspaces, they improve flow and encourage communication.

tour trinity plan

Each day, Trinity invites its users to live to the rhythm of the light.

Taking a break and disconnecting is essential to effectiveness, so Trinity invites its occupants to get out into the fresh air and enjoy the view.

Because nature stimulates gray matter, every floor is extended with outside spaces. Terraces and loggias allow employees to go outside for a quick break or even organize an open-air meeting.

tour trinity plan

Its green spaces are easily adaptable according to the wishes of future occupants to work differently and stimulate productivity.

The Business Center

Trinity has lots of surprises: throughout the building, exceptional reception spaces enrich the daily experience of residents.

A rooftop Business Center

On the 25th floor, exceptional reception spaces have been designed to unite company employees and partners. The completely glassed-in panoramic terrace and the Business Center are as welcoming as they are unexpected.

A skylobby opening onto the city

On the 15th floor, the glassed-in skylobby and its double-height ceiling opens onto a vast landscaped terrace. This space gives companies the opportunity to receive or assemble while taking advantage of an astonishing view of the city.

Offices at the summit

On the top floor, the offices have 3.5-meter ceilings and overlook the entire city.

tour trinity plan

All through the day, the inhabitants of Trinity appropriate these spaces where one cannot but be dazzled by the view.

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1983 Mini Mentley

A 1983 Austin Mini has been crowned the winner of the 2024 Hot Wheels Legends Tour UK. This isn’t just your average Austin Mini though. It’s been remodeled to resemble the classic Bentley Speed 8 style of the 1920s and, in the process, earned the nickname ‘Mentley’.

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Over 180 vehicles were entered into the competition and the Mini Mentley came out on top. The judging panel included: Nicola Hume, the host of Red Bull’s Talking Bull podcast; Jordan Clarke, the founder of Slammed UK; and the YouTuber Mat Armstrong.

The judges were looking for exceptional design, authenticity, garage spirit, performance, fun, and a good story behind the project. There were eight semi-finalists including a 1999 BMW E36, 1992 Ford P100, and unique builds with marques such as Lamborghini, Volkswagen and Porsche. The Mentley will be entered into the global semi-final, set to take place November 2nd, followed by the final November 11th.

The Mini's scale is only revealed next to full-sized cars

Hot Wheels’ design manager, Craig Callum, said, “The Hot Wheels Legends Tour celebrates the builders, visionaries and the people in the automotive world who put in the late nights, early mornings and creativity to produce a legend. Once again the UK has provided some fantastic contenders full of the creativity, garage spirit and authenticity that makes Hot Wheels Legends so special.

"With a wild engine transplant squeezed into a unique design twist of two British icons, Dominic Whittle's Mini 'Mentley' perfectly captures the fun we are looking for, and if you look at our past Legends, this is a true contender – it’s the kind of design we would develop in the studio ourselves. It’s got such authenticity, but it’s also completely different, there are so many little touches that give it character. When I think practically about how we make a die-cast Hot Wheels, with four main component parts, the vehicle lends itself for manufacture. It's spot on.”

Trinity Francis

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Schedule a campus visit

Thank you for your interest in visiting Trinity College! To register for a visit, click on an available date on the calendar at the bottom of this page and then select a visit time.  A Campus Visit is 90 minutes and includes a 30-minute information session and a one-hour guided tour of the campus. The tour is conducted primarily outdoors, but does enter specific buildings. The information session is conducted indoors and is led by student ambassadors and an admissions counselor.  On-Campus Interviews Students who are entering college in 2025 also have the option to register for an admissions interview while on campus. An interview is 30 minutes and is conducted by a Senior Admissions Associate or an Admissions Counselor. You may register for an interview as part of your campus visit registration form. *If you have visited our campus before and would like to come for just an on-campus interview, please select a date below and register for a campus visit including an interview. Just let us know when you arrive that you're only staying for the interview! Please select a date on the calendar below to register for a campus visit. If you have any questions about visiting our campus or need assistance with scheduling a visit, please contact us at 860-297-2180 or [email protected] .

Visit Trinity

There are many ways to get to know Trinity! Learn about the student experience in an information session, explore campus with an in-person or virtual tour, and connect with a current Bantam who can share more about life at Trinity.


--> Campus Visits -->

We want you to have the opportunity to experience our beautiful campus to help you decide if Trinity is the right fit for you! Your visit will include a 30-minute information session followed by a one-hour guided walking tour the College!


--> Virtual Information Sessions -->

Our virtual information sessions are led by students who will share their knowledge about Trinity’s campus, the community, and the four-year student experience.


--> Transfer Student Events -->

Interested in transferring to Trinity? We have events that are created just for you! Join us virtually for a transfer student information session or in person for a self-designed campus visit experience.


--> Admissions Interviews -->

We want to get to know you better, and for you to learn more about Trinity.


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Tell us about your academic and personal interests and we’ll match you with a current student who can tell you about opportunities offered at Trinity!

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BMW Championship

Castle Pines Golf Club


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DP World Tour

Tyrrell Hatton isn’t playing this week’s DP World Tour on a lark. He has a grand plan that involves majors and the Ryder Cup


Pedro Salado

SUTTON COLDFIELD, England — There are those around The Belfry this week who feel Tyrrell Hatton is playing in the Betfred British Masters only because of a convenient and cynically manipulated loophole—aka the “appeal option”—in the DP World Tour’s Conflicting Tournament Regulation. Others take a different view, welcoming the strengthening presence of the 32-year-old Englishman, the most prominent player in a generally lackluster field containing only four other members of the top 100 in the Official World Golf Ranking. Then there is the rest; they don’t care one way or the other.

All of which seems to be washing over Hatton. In an 11-minute chat with a gathering of journalists the World No. 36 was at pains to avoid the politics of his presence, preferring to focus on the incentives he has to play well in his first DP World Tour regular season event since the Dubai Desert Classic in January.

As well as this week, Hatton wishes to tee-up back-to-back weeks at the Spanish Open and the Dunhill Links Championship in late September/early October. If he does well in those, his next hope is that he will have a high enough ranking on the DP World Tour ‘Race to Dubai’ to gain entry to the two playoff events in November, the Abu Dhabi HSBC Championship and the DP World Tour Championship. In turn, playing well in those could see Hatton finish in the top-30 on the Race to Dubai and so be exempt into the 2025 Open Championship (he is already in the Masters and should remain in the top-100 long enough next year to play in the PGA Championship). Which would leave the U.S. Open on his “to-do” list.

So, while there is much pressure on Hatton to perform close to his best, there is motivation and incentive, too. “I’m excited by that,” he says. “All it boils down to is playing good golf.”

The three-time European Ryder Cup player also found time to reveal a hitherto unknown aspect of the seemingly endless negotiating process still underway.

“I made the decision to join LIV in the hope things were going to change,” Hatton said. “I know that they potentially discussed awarding [Ryder Cup] points to LIV. It is maybe surprising that they [were], but it’s not surprising that it didn't get passed. I don't know the full details of how far it actually got, but it was a topic that was raised. I guess it was good that it was even thought about. It’s fine. You can tell from my demeanor I haven't got any negativity towards that.”

More From Golf Digest

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That last part will surely come as something of a surprise to those who have witnessed up close the familiar sight of a Hatton “head-off,” his lack of self-control after a less than satisfactory shot either amusing or appalling, depending on your point of view. Still, with none of the above a factor before the tournament even starts, Hatton’s mood was as sunny as the weather in the English Midlands.

“It feels good and obviously it being a home event as well is nice,” he said. “I am looking forward to playing in front of a home crowd again. It is really nice to see some faces I’ve not seen for a while and just catching up with certain guys. I always wanted to come back and play the events I could. Obviously, this one fell into a break on the LIV schedule. The tour knows what events I am trying to play. We have been pretty honest with them from the start. Even the week I signed with LIV they knew my position and how I feel about the tour. I’ve always wanted to play when I can.”

And the appeal process? How is that going?

“That side of it is a little bit messy,” he said with smile. “I want to play in DP World Tour events, and I am hoping there is something that can get worked out so that becomes a little bit easier. This is a massive week as well with Ryder Cup points starting. I’m a member of the DP World Tour, I want to play on the team and I need to play really well to get some points on the board.”

That bit of wishful thinking was matched by Hatton’s closing remarks. At least for public consumption, he is optimistic about what may or may not transpire following a resolution of the on-going high-level talks between the PGA Tour, the Saudi Public Investment Fund (the money behind LIV) and the DP World Tour that will determine the future of professional golf at the elite level.

“I didn’t just sign to play LIV events for the next five years,” he said. “I was hoping there would be something that gets worked out where we can all play certain events and come back and play in DP World Tour events. I think we can all probably agree that, if in five years’ time it was still how it is now, obviously golf is losing as a sport. The fans too, as far as what they want to see. Everyone is in the same boat of wanting there to be a coming together. It feels like in the last month or so that it is starting to get a bit closer.”

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The Trinity

floor plan trinity traditional house

Multiple outdoor living spaces make the Trinity feel like your own private retreat. The private patio just off the foyer has windows on three sides, bringing nature and sunlight right into the den and the great room. An additional back covered patio provides the ideal space for entertaining outdoors during the cool fall season. Design the den to fit your lifestyle: use it as an office or crafting space, or opt to have it built as a guest suite with a sitting area. Don’t miss the walk-in pantry off the kitchen!


Santa barbara, texas hill country, modern farmhouse.

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Extended Covered Patio Third Bedroom Guest Suite Fireplace

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After Your Trinity Visit…

Take another turn from trinity county…, take a trip west to the redwood coast….


This tour starts by heading west from Trinity County on Highway 299, a scenic, curving road along the Trinity River used by locals, tourists, RVers and  commercial trucks.  There are many passing lanes, pull-outs and rest areas.  Gas stations can be found along the way about an hour apart in Weaverville, Willow Creek and Arcata on the coast.

Leaving Weaverville towards the west, you will ascend Oregon Mountain (watch for historical markers beside the road, the first is the large monitor to the left which was used for hydraulic gold mining near Weaverville and Junction City), then descend quickly into Junction City and along the winding Trinity River.  At Helena and up Canyon Creek Road, you can  access hiking trails and swimming holes.  There are several campgrounds and RV parks and lodging near the river, some with activities such as, rafting, kayaking, laser tag , swimming pools, or fishing.

Stop by the Strawhouse Café in Big Flat , a 2000 square-foot straw bale structure with a commanding view of the Trinity River.  The Strawhouse Cafe’ is known for its exceptional, all-organic gourmet coffees roasted on the premise. There is a nice selection of simple meals, micro brews, and several local wines.

If you are planning on doing some fishing , you will find a variety of options.  The vast watershed of the Trinity River drains out of the Shasta-Trinity and Six Rivers National Forests. For those who take the time to learn about the nature of the ecosystem it offers a diverse year-round fishery. It is a place where all kinds of fishermen can pursue up to eleven different species of game fish: Kokanee Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Brown and Eastern Brook trout are found in Trinity River.  Many of the private campgrounds   can set you up with a guide and/or information to provide a successful fishing excursion.

Stop for some river rafting , a must adventure while you are in the area.  Whether you are an adrenaline junkie or prefer a quiet float, one of our rafting companies can help you out and give a day of excitement and fun.  There are several small communities along this drive, they may have grocery stores, snacks and restrooms available to the public.  The next “big town” is Willow Creek , which is about an hour away from Weaverville.  This is a full-service community.  Another 45 minutes to an hour brings you to Arcata , the Pacific Ocean, California’s Redwood Coast and Highway 101, which runs North/South along California’s coast.

Head north: …on Highway 101 and you will find a spectacular network of parks protecting nearly half of the world’s coast redwoods, the world’s tallest living things, which grow over 350 feet/107 meters high. But there’s more than giant trees in this lush land. Here, majestic (and big) Roosevelt Elk graze in grassy prairies. Wild beaches are dotted with weathered driftwood, and rivers tumble into the sea. Three state parks work in consort with Redwood National Park to protect the region, and all offer a remarkable number of ways to explore, learn, and discover; Jedediah Smith State Park , where you may find spawning salmon in the last major free-flowing river in California, the Smith River;  Del Norte Coast State Park , where you can stroll by the tide pools at Wilson Beach; and Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park , where you can visit beautiful Fern Canyon and see Roosevelt Elk up close and personal.  You will see the communities of Trinidad and Crescent City before you reach the Oregon border.  Head farther north to Southern Oregon and find even more natural beauty and excitement.

Head south: …on Highway 101 and you will come to the college town of Arcata   and then on to Eureka , a former logging town, followed by the Victorian village of Ferndale , an historic farming community, Shelter Cove , perched on the remote Lost Coast (famous for its Tour of the Unknown Coast bike race) and Fortuna , an all-American town with plenty of old time hospitality.  All have cozy B&Bs and plenty of rural tranquility.   Continue south to a portion of historic Highway 101, The Avenue of the Giants , which runs parallel to the modern Highway 101 and is accessible by most vehicles, it is surrounded by Humboldt Redwoods State Park , which has the largest remaining stand of virgin redwoods in the world.  Going farther south you will find much to do in Mendocino County, Napa County, and Sonoma County before you arrive in San Francisco .

Take a trip south to Hayfork, Mad River & the Pacific Coast…


Highway 3 and Highway 299 merge between Weaverville and Douglas City.  Highway 3 south splits off at the Douglas City Bridge and heads toward Hayfork, home of the Trinity County Fair which occurs in August.  This is a full, old-fashioned style fair with a carnival, food booths, music presentations, livestock show, art, garden and food competitions.  Hayfork also hosts a Century Ride in June, through the beautiful forests of Trinity County.  Restaurants, gas stations, grocery stores, and children’s’ playground are a few of many reasons for a stop in Hayfork. Highway 3 south meets up with Highway 36 which is a narrow winding road (single lane in some places) through very rural and picturesque scenery, best to drive in the daytime.  There will be no services until Mad River, where you can turn off to Ruth Lake on Lower Mad River Road for fishing, camping and water recreation.  Highway 36 is much loved by motorcyclists .   Its narrow, curviness through beautiful scenery between Red Bluff (on Interstate 5) and Fortuna (on Highway 101) make for a pleasant adventure.

Take a trip north to Trinity Lake, Trinity Center/Coffee Creek & the Trinity Alps Wilderness…


Highway 3 north and 299 west split at an intersection in the middle of Weaverville.  Follow Highway 3 north along Trinity Lake , which is about 20 minutes from Weaverville.  On Trinity Lake, in the spring, summer and fall,  you will find campgrounds for tents and RVs , lodging , swimming holes, fishing , boat docks and rentals , restaurants , wine tasting , lodging and backpacking trails .  Trinity Center and Coffee Creek are communities at the north of the lake which provide all the amenities a visitor could need.  Many trailheads into the pristine Trinity Alps Wilderness begin near here.  Highway 3 continues as a very winding road over Scott Mountain, which is a great place to cross country ski in the winter, and down into the beautiful Scott Valley and on to Interstate 5 at Yreka , where you can turn north to Oregon or south to travel through California .

Take a trip east, with a stop in Lewiston & on to Redding, Mount Lassen and Mount Shasta…


Leaving Weaverville you will follow part of the Trinity River towards Redding and Interstate 5.  Highway 299 is a wide mountain road with many passing lanes and turnouts.  It is approximately an hour from Weaverville to Redding.  One side trip to enjoy is to Lewiston and Lewiston Lake.  Take one of the Lewiston turn offs (there are two) and follow the signs to Lewiston, where the Lewiston Peddlers’ Faire is held on the first Saturday in June.  This is an open market of antiques, crafts, and food items, with music and food booths.  Historic Lewiston provides comfortable lodging and  sits next to the Trinity River and is a haven for fishing enthusiasts.   Not far away is Lewiston Lake , a quiet setting for fishing, boating and camping .

Get back on Highway 299 heading east and you will find easy mountain driving.  Pass Whiskeytown Lake and on into Redding.  Follow Interstate 5 and make the scenic drive loop that takes in Mount Shasta and Mount Lassen and brings you back to Redding .

Discover Trinity

Local weather, calendar of events, trinity county recreation and visitors guide.

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North State Visitors Guide – Shasta to Trinity

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UpState California Regional Visitors Guide

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Getting Around

Walking tour of historic weaverville.

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Trinity I | Elevation F1

Trusst Builder Group reserves the right to change pricing and included features without notice. Photos and virtual tours may show options that are no longer available, and are subject to change without notice.

visitor on self guided tour around trinity college

Self Guided Trinity Trails

Book your self-guided tour.

The Trinity Trails self-guided tour takes you through 14 points of interest across the campus, interwoven with engaging augmented reality elements and compelling audio from subject matter experts.

The self-guided tour costs €5 and you can take it anytime at your own pace. The tour gives you exclusive access to an extensive audio guide featuring Trinity students and academics.

To access your tour, firstly download the FREE Visit Trinity app, which is available from all app stores and book your ticket to unlock the audio guide content here:

visitor on self guided tour around trinity college

Self Guided Trinity Trails Highlights

tourists on self guided tour of trinity with earphones

Ticket FAQs

Answers to your questions.

Do I have to book tickets online?

The self-guided tour costs €5 and it needs to be purchased online via the Book Now button.

What are your opening hours

You can take your self-guided tour at any time of the day. However, we recommend taking the tour during daylight hours.

Is the self-guided tour wheelchair accessible?

Our guided walking tours follow accessible walkways across Trinity campus. Please be advised that from time to time, there may be an area that is not entirely suitable, in which case there will simply be a slight delay on route.

If you would like further info please email us at: [email protected]

Are there toilet facilities on campus?

Yes, campus has accessible toilets for visitors:

Monday – Friday: The Arts Block (beside the Perch Café)

Saturday – Sunday: The Berkeley Library (inside the front door on the left)

I am a Tour Guide. Can I guide groups through Trinity campus?

Tours of the campus can only be conducted through Visit Trinity’s official tour guides and authorized staff members. For further information email: [email protected]

Does the self-guided tour include access to any buildings?

The self-guided tour is a fully external tour of Trinity campus, with content accessed via the Visit Trinity App.

  • Book of Kells Experience
  • Trinity Trails

Trinity College Campus Accommodation

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  • Free Cancellation Up to 72 hours before arrival
  • City-Centre Location Located in the heart of Dublin City


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    tour trinity plan

  2. Tour Trinity à La Défense : une construction ambitieuse pour 2019

    tour trinity plan

  3. Tour Trinity

    tour trinity plan

  4. Projet de construction de la tour Trinity à Courbevoie (Hauts-de-Seine

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  5. La tour Trinity a maintenant son site internet

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  6. La Défense : comment la tour Trinity veut faire mieux que des bureaux

    tour trinity plan


  1. Alamogordo: Visit the Trinity Site

    LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATORY. Trinity Site is located on White Sands Missile Range and is closed to the public. On the first Saturday in April and the third Saturday in October, the US Army hosts a Trinity Site Open House when the public may visit Trinity Site. See the location of the Trinity Test, site of the first human-caused first nuclear ...

  2. Tour Trinity

    Tour Trinity is an office skyscraper in Puteaux, in La Défense, the business district of the Paris metropolitan area. [1] It was designed by the architectural firm Cro & Co Architecture, [2] directed by the architect Jean-Luc Crochon. [3] The Tower measures 167 m and offers an area of 49,000 m2 on 33 levels. [4]

  3. Trinity Site Open House :: White Sands Missile Range

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  4. A visit to Trinity Site (where the first atomic bomb exploded )

    The Trinity test site is located at the White Sands Missile Range, off of Highway 380 in White Sands, New Mexico. Keep in mind that if you want to visit on an open house day, you will need to plan to go either on the first Saturday of April or the first Saturday of October. Those are the only two days each year the tour is available.

  5. Trinity Site

    Trinity Site is located on the White Sands Missle Range and is only open 2 times a year to the general public. There is an obelisk at ground zero along with historical pictures around the fence. Shuttle busses take you to the Mcdonald ranch house where Oppenheimer and other observers watched the test. Read more.

  6. Visit Trinity College Dublin

    Plan Your Visit FAQs Stay at Trinity College Dublin. Stay overnight on the grounds of Ireland's oldest university during summer months. Choose from some of the most affordable accommodation options in Dublin city centre and enjoy the awe-inspiring experience of waking up on Trinity's 16th century campus. ... The tour around the grounds of ...

  7. PDF Trinity Site

    Trinity Site. July 16, 1945 "The effects could well be called unprecedented, magnificent, beautiful, stupendous and terrifying. No man-made phenomenon of such tremendous power had ever occurred before. The lighting effects beggared description. The whole country was lighted by a searing light with the intensity many times that of the midday ...

  8. Tour Trinity La Défense, Paris Building

    The 150-meter Tour Trinity enjoys an exceptional location in the business district of La Défense, in Paris, on a site that had to be invented. In order to ensure its successful insertion in this particularly dense built environment, surrounded by architectural icons (CNIT, Tour Areva, Tour Total), Trinity stands above the traffic routes. ...

  9. The best way to visit Trinity Site

    To reserve your tickets or for more information, call 575-437-2840 ext. 41132 or visit nmspacemuseum.org. The New Mexico Museum of Space History is a division of the NM Department of Cultural Affairs. For more information, call 575-437-2840 or toll-free 1-877-333-6589 or visit the website at www.nmspacemuseum.org.

  10. Los Alamos: Tour Behind the Fence

    Visitors must be on a guided tour offered by Los Alamos National Laboratory to visit these historic buildings. These tours are only offered three times a year. Reservations are required. The tours take visitors to three historic buildings including Pond Cabin, a building that Nobel Laureate Emilio Segrè and his team used. ... Trinity Site On ...

  11. Trinity Tower

    The living heart and the duplexes. Because the office of tomorrow will first and foremost be diverse and collaborative, the heart of the Trinity tower is conceived as a forum in which to exchange, thus encouraging the circulation of people and ideas. A living heart that creates a new workspace. Modules of 4 stories allow companies to organize ...

  12. Plan Your Visit

    Trinity students and staff are welcome to visit the Book of Kells & Old Library free of charge and they can bring up to 2 guests. Select the ticket you want on the tickets panel and type your Trinity student or staff number into the promo code box. You can then choose the time slot available. These complimentary tickets are limited so if a time ...

  13. 2 Hour Itinerary

    This will span just over two hours in total. To start, join an expert Trinity Trails guide for a tour of Trinity's 47-acre campus, to discover the history, and treasures of Ireland's oldest university. Afterwards, head to the Old Library where your awe-inspiring Book of Kells Experience begins. Book a combined ticket here.

  14. Campus Visits

    Trinity's campus is known for its stimulating, resourceful, and collaborative environment—in the classroom, on campus, and around the world. Visiting Trinity, whether virtually or in-person, is the best way to get to know our community. On-Campus Experiences Near-You or Virtual Plan Your Visit

  15. Tiny Bentley Speed 8-Styled Mini Wins Hot Wheels Legends Tour UK

    A 1983 Austin Mini has been crowned the winner of the 2024 Hot Wheels Legends Tour UK. This isn't just your average Austin Mini though. It's been remodeled to resemble the classic Bentley ...

  16. Information for Campus Visitors

    For further assistance, please call the Trinity University Police Department at 210-999-7070. Accessibility Information - Campus Map. Check out the accessibility section on Trinity's campus map for information about accessible parking and entrances. Use the way finding feature to see accessible paths across campus.

  17. 1 Hour Itinerary

    If you have the time, grab a coffee and a freshly baked scone from Perch Café, and relax on a bench in the sunshine and watch the world go by. Plan your 1 hour visit to Trinity College Dublin. Choose from a guided Trinity Trails walking tour or visit historical locations around campus. Book your tickets online today.

  18. Trinity College

    Just let us know when you arrive that you're only staying for the interview! Please select a date on the calendar below to register for a campus visit. If you have any questions about visiting our campus or need assistance with scheduling a visit, please contact us at 860-297-2180 or [email protected] . Next. August 2024. Su. Mo. Tu.

  19. Visit Trinity

    Learn about the student experience in an information session, explore campus with an in-person or virtual tour, and connect with a current Bantam who can share more about life at Trinity. Campus Visits We want you to have the opportunity to experience our beautiful campus to help you decide if Trinity is the right fit for you! Your visit will ...

  20. Tyrrell Hatton isn't playing this week's DP World Tour on a lark. He

    Tyrrell Hatton isn't playing this week's DP World Tour on a lark. He has a grand plan that involves majors and the Ryder Cup. By John Huggan. August 28, 2024 Save for later.

  21. Trinity Plan

    The Trinity. Virtual Tour. Floor Plan. Previous Next. Overview. $557,000. Price. 2,243-2,352. Square ft. 2. Bedrooms. 2.5. Bathrooms. 2. Garage. 1. Stories. Indoor-outdoor living at its finest. Multiple outdoor living spaces make the Trinity feel like your own private retreat. The private patio just off the foyer has windows on three sides ...

  22. Trinity Trails

    Take a guided tour through the grounds of Trinity College Dublin and discover the hidden gems that make Ireland's oldest university such a special place. Make the most out of your day in Dublin with a Book of Kells Experience & Trinity Trails bundle. This combined ticket includes a guided campus tour followed by access to the Book of Kells ...

  23. After Your Trinity Visit…

    This tour starts by heading west from Trinity County on Highway 299, a scenic, curving road along the Trinity River used by locals, tourists, RVers and commercial trucks. There are many passing lanes, pull-outs and rest areas. Gas stations can be found along the way about an hour apart in Weaverville, Willow Creek and Arcata on the coast.

  24. Trinity

    2-3Baths. 2728 - 3138Sq Ft. 2Car Garage. Trinity I PDF. Trinity II PDF. Schedule A Showing. Build Your Dream Home. Our Team is Here to Help. Call 910-371-0304.

  25. Self Guided Tour

    The Trinity Trails self-guided tour takes you through 14 points of interest across the campus, interwoven with engaging augmented reality elements and compelling audio from subject matter experts. The self-guided tour costs €5 and you can take it anytime at your own pace. The tour gives you exclusive access to an extensive audio guide ...