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Congratulations! OneNote Web Clipper is ready to use.

Try Clipping this page into your notes

Not sure what to clip? Here are some ideas to get you started.

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  • Gem for OneNote
  • OneNote Search Bar
  • OneNote Gem - Favorites
  • OneNote Batch
  • Pons for MindManager and OneNote
  • Mind Map for OneNote
  • Pons for Visio and OneNote
  • Row to OneNote
  • Auto OneNote
  • Favorite to OneNote
  • Bridge for EndNote and OneNote
  • Anchor to OneNote
  • Anchor to OneNote for PDF
  • Bring to OneNote
  • Gem Table for OneNote
  • Gem Menu for OneNote UWP
  • CiteBoard for OneNote
  • OneNote Batch Cloud (UWP)
  • Gem Menu for Mac OneNote
  • Bring to Mac OneNote
  • OneNote Batch for Mac
  • Fix One for Mac - Fix OneNote Login, Sync Tools
  • Fix One for Android - Fix OneNote Login, Sync Tools
  • OneNote Reminder
  • OneMind for OneNote
  • Fix One - Fix OneNote Login, Sync Tools
  • One Markdown
  • Clip to OneNote
  • Fix One for Windows - Fix OneNote Login, Sync Tools

Clip to OneNote for Mac Safari

  • Use Mac Safari navigate to " Clip to OneNote " web page.
  • Drag the " Clip to OneNote " button to Mac Safari bookmarks bar.
  • Just simple click the " Clip to OneNote " on Mac Safari bookmarks bar. 
  • Sign in your OneNote with account. ( Another tools - Bring to Mac OneNote don't need sign in )
  • Next click the " OneNote Icon " after " Page clipped to ".

Related Documents

  • How to Remove Myself from a Shared OneNote Notebook of Someone?
  • Microsoft Delete the Account of OneNote Note, Do the Notes He Shared with Me Still Exist?
  • How to Save or Export Page with Rule Lines or Grid Lines in OneNote?
  • How to Create a Link to a Phone Number that can Dial in OneNote?
  • OneNote notebooks saved in OneDrive or SharePoint are limited to 2GB

English website

The Best Web Clippers in 2024

onenote web clipper for safari

What are web clippers?

Web clippers, also known as webpage clippers or web page snipping tools, take content from the web and save a copy of it for future viewing. You can clip just about anything: full-page articles, images, selected text, important emails, and any web page that interests you. (If you've ever used a bookmark app , they're similar.)

For reasons we get into below , web clippers aren't as popular as they used to be. However, they can still be a helpful tool for organizing projects, doing research, or creating swipe files.

Best web clipper extension for:

  • Productivity
  • Note taking
  • Offline use
  • Visual thinking

Workona web clipper logo

Workona - Best web clipper for productivity

Workona's extension lets you save anything with a URL (e.g. web pages, videos, and images) and organize it by project. You can also use Workona to organize open browser tabs — great for ongoing research projects. Out of this list, Workona is the only web clipper designed to play nicely with modern cloud apps. Collaboration and syncing between computers is supported.

Available on Chrome | Firefox | Edge

Evernote web clipper logo

OneNote - Best web clipper for note taking

Only available on Chrome

OneNote’s web clipper is simple but effective. It lets you clip resources and save them directly to your OneNote notebooks. As you’d expect, this extension is fully integrated with Windows and Office 365. OneNote also has many of the standard features found in web clippers, including the ability to save whole pages, specific parts of pages, or just the URL. Collaboration and syncing between devices is included.

Evernote web clipper logo

Evernote - Best web clipper for bookmarks

Evernote’s web clipping extension lets you add tags and annotations when saving content to any notebook, so it’s easy to find again later. Evernote also offers multiple device support and collaboration options.

Trying to compare OneNote vs Evernote? Go with OneNote if you want simplicity and pure note-taking power. Choose Evernote if you want a lot of clipping and saving options (similar to a bookmark manager ). The Evernote web clipper lets you mark up content directly in the clipper (adding text, arrows, etc.), and it gives you plenty of saving options, such as capturing a simplified version of web pages without ads.

Pocket web clipper logo

Pocket - Best web clipper for reading

Available on Chrome, Firefox, Edge & more

If you’re an avid reader, rather than note-taker, Pocket is for you. A web clipper that specializes as a “read it later” app, Pocket lets you save articles, and gives you the ability to easily discover related content by scrolling through a personalized feed.

For more details on Pocket, see our in-depth review →

Notion web clipper logo

Notion - Best web clipper for offline use

Available on Chrome & Firefox

Notion’s web clipper will save any page on the web to your Notion workspace. Just like the other extensions we covered, Notion lets you save pages with one click, and offers tagging, sharing, and commenting functionality. However, Notion also offers full offline functionality, which makes it a good fit for anyone who frequently finds themselves offline.

Raindrop web clipper logo

Raindrop - Best web clipper for visual thinkers

Available on Chrome, Firefox, Safari & more

Raindrop is a web clipper that focuses on visually bookmarking your work so it’s easier to find (and nicer to look at). Raindrop lets you organize your bookmarks in several different layouts, including headlines, cards, and boards. also features a tagging system to help you stay organized.

Do you actually need a web clipper?

Many web clipper features, such as copy & paste and screenshots, are now available natively in the browser or your computer's OS. So do you need a web clipper at all?

Probably not — unless the web clipper can help you pick up where you left off. Retracing your steps and getting back into “project mode” takes a lot of mental energy, and that’s where most of us need help. The typical web clipper functionality of clipping and saving content only gets you so far.

That’s why we recommend Workona . It's designed to help you stay in the groove:

  • Organize everything in one place - Organize your clipped resources by project. Plus, add tasks, notes, uploaded files, and relevant browser tabs.

Workona interface showing web clipper assets, both open and saved

  • Pick up where you left off - Workona autosaves while you work, so you don’t have to worry about lost tabs or files. This also makes it easy to jump back into your project.
  • Stay in the flow - Handy keyboard shortcuts let you clip web pages and even switch into another project right from your current page.

Tomorrow's VA

Get more done in less time

Need to save a Web Page? Try This – The OneNote Web Clipper

As a VA you get asked to do many things. One of those may be to research online perhaps a topic, find a venue or just about anything your client needs. Enter OneNote Web Clipper. It is simply the most time saving stress relieving online tool . Before I started to use it, if I found a website that had information that I wanted to come back to, I would have had to copy and paste the content to a document or notebook or bookmarked the site. The bookmark list then becomes unwieldy and difficult to navigate. Know the feeling?

Enter OneNote Web Clipper

You have no doubt seen my posts about OneNote over the last few weeks. I have notebooks for dedicated reasons. One for my online course creation, where I keep lists of the process, what I am working on. Useful tips, code that I may need, automation emails that welcome you to the course and follow up with you afterwards to help you get the most out of the lessons. I have a notebook for blogs too.

My blogging notebook

I use my blogging notebook to keep ideas for blogs, to sometimes actually write them and to clip web pages with useful information that I can refer back to later. It is a godsend! No more bookmark lists a mile long. Just a nice notebook with sections and pages that contains the ideas and websites I have visited for my blog posts.

What is the OneNote Web Clipper?

The OneNote Web Clipper is a browser extension. That means that it sits in your browser toolbar and is ready and waiting every time you need it , on any page!

This is what it looks like

onenote web clipper for safari

Here it is sitting in my Chrome Browser on the right-hand side. Ready for me to click and use.

There are versions of the OneNote Web Clipper for each of the main browsers, Chrome, Edge, IE, Firefox, Opera. Sadly, there is no Web Clipper for Safari but you can simply use one of the other browsers if you are on a Mac.

How do I get the OneNote Web Clipper?

Type OneNote Web Clipper into your browser of choice and then follow the prompts to install. Based on the browser you are using, the instructions may be a little different. Once it is installed you may need to enable it.

How do I use the Web Clipper?

Find a web page that you wish to keep and click on the Web Clipper icon in your browser. If this is the first time you are using it, you will be asked to sign in and choose whether to use it with your work or Office 365 account or your personal Microsoft Account.

Now you can choose what you wish to clip.

The choices are:

Full Page – this copies the whole page, including all images exactly as they appear on the page. It also adds a bookmark link to the top of the page so that you can get back to the web page quickly

Region – drag out a region and the web clipper will clip just the part you selected. Use this to highlight just a part of a web page.

Article – Similar to full page – this clips the whole page but just the article without the surrounding areas

Bookmark – Adds a bookmark to the web page – allowing you to get back to the page quickly

Once you have chosen what you want to clip, the web clipper goes to work and clips your web page or the part you asked for.

Where does the clipping go?

When you select what you want to clip, the web clipper asks you to sign in and then select which notebook and section to save your clipping to – in the image below you can see I have selected my Blogging Notebook and New Section 1. Each clip is placed on its own page and titled with the name of the page.

onenote web clipper for safari

Where can I see the clipping?

When you clip, the web clipper will offer you the opportunity to see the clipping you just took. If you click View in OneNote – you will be taken to OneNote online.

onenote web clipper for safari

OneNote Web

onenote web clipper for safari

To see the clipping in your preferred version of OneNote simply open up the notebook and voila!

OneNote Windows 10

onenote web clipper for safari

OneNote 2016

onenote web clipper for safari

OneNote on Mac

onenote web clipper for safari

What do you think about the OneNote Web Clipper?

I find it a huge time saver. I can visit pages, look up information and save them for later. I can then refer back at a time that suits me. Cuts down the time I spend hunting for things.

Let me know how useful you find this tip in the comments below.

onenote web clipper for safari

P.S Remember – I have a range of online courses on Microsoft Office topics. You can find them here . I have a long list of courses to create and will be adding new content very soon. So save your seat in the Hub at the current price. You never pay again.

I find Shelley’s training easy to follow and the very best thing is that you can do it all at your own pace and revisit modules if it doesn’t quite sink in the first time round! I have learned so much from her training and continue to do so! She is responsive to my questions and I learn something new with each module. I find Iam hardly ever having to Google or YouTube information now, so it really is saving me time in my work day. Time that can be better used by learning more about the business I operate in! Thanks Shelley! Tracey Whitehouse – Executive Assistant
I have been following Shelley on Linkedin for several years, and always loved her hints and tips. In May of this year, I had the opportunity to recommend Shelley as one of our workshop speakers at the annual HMC Heads’ PA Conference in Sheffield. On receiving the brief Shelley quickly produced content for two IT Microsoft Skills Workshops covering nuggets from Outlook, Word and Excel. Shelley then delivered (virtually) these two fantastic workshops to over 60 PAs at our conference. From initial enquiry to delivery Shelley is the consummate professional and it was my pleasure to have had the opportunity to engage with her. I would have no hesitation in recommending Shelley to any individual or group. Michaela Fletcher – Heads PA
Shelley is THE guru on all things Microsoft. I love Outlook, use it every day, and think I have a pretty good understanding of it. But every time I attend one of her sessions I learn a lot more. Her knowledge is remarkable. And she delivers her knowledge in a really clear, engaging way. Thanks Shelley Kathy Soulsby
I have just spent less than an hour at one of Shelley’s presentations and my mind is truly blown! I thought I was fairly proficient in Outlook, but I had no idea it could do so much more! So many time saving tips and shortcuts to help me – I can’t wait to get stuck in and implement them all! Thank you Shelley – I would highly recommend! Hayley Rose – Executive Assistant -Dalcour Maclaren
Shelley joined us for the annual HMC Heads’ PAs conference in May 2023, where she delivered two hands-on practical IT skills workshops for over 60 PAs in attendance. Both sessions were warmly received by all participants, and from a personal perspective it was an absolute pleasure for me to work with Shelley both offline in the extensive prep phase ahead of the sessions, and online during the day itself – sharp in subject knowledge, flexible in content delivery and everything executed with a really affable manner and “can-do” approach throughout. I would recommend her services wholeheartedly. Gareth Johnson – Leader GRE Education Heads PA Conference
The session was well structured and the explanation was very clear. It was amazing how Shelley managed to squeeze so much info in just one hour and a half! Colin’s support and contributions were also very valuable, and so were “Virtual Veronica”‘s. Thank you for a most interesting and useful training session at the Miss Jones Virtual Summit! Laura Carizzo- Royal Norwegian Embassy in Argentina
I haven’t used PowerPoint in 20 years, this has really boosted my confidence. Lyn Parker
Course is packed with so much valuable information in a easy-to-understand and follow language, even for a complete beginner. I can respect the fact that sometimes it’s very hard for an expert to break the information down to basics. but Shelley has done it brilliantly. I was sure that I knew quite a bit but Shelley has proven me wrong even at the very beginning of the basics of PowerPoint. Lessons are short and precise which allowed me to easily transfer the new skill into practice without being overwhelmed and to carry on adding on more with each lesson. I had so many ‘Aha!’ moments and for most of them I couldn’t believe I used to pay graphic designer to do it for me, now, thanks to Shelley, I am looking forward to creating, designing, converting my presentations all by myself! Iva Freeman – Vertex Human Capital
Shelley was very thorough and knew a lot of tip’s for using Teams, thank you 🙂 James O’Connor – Cavannah Homes
Very informative, constantly getting everyone in the meeting involved, loved every bit of it! Dylan Teal Hopkins – Cavannah Homes
Fantastic and informative training and great to see all of the exciting functions with Microsoft Teams. Laura Rigby – The Apprenticeship College
Shelley was really clear in her teaching and went at a pace that was helpful to us. We covered all we needed to know to get us started, as a small team, using MS Teams. She was also very helpful in the run up to the session, with check in calls and ensuring our platform was set up correctly. I would highly recommend Shelley to anyone wanting to learn to navigate their way around MS Teams. Leigh Dowling – Innuous
Microsoft Teams One to One Training Session Shelley was approachable, easy to work with, and agile with answering questions to apply the session to my specific needs Melissa Marshall – Present Your Science
A course on Outlook had been on the top of my list when Shelley asked VA’s what they wanted to learn. It was a real case of ‘so that’s how you do it’ or ‘I never knew that’. I have to say that I learnt so many great tips it has definitely improved the way I work in Outlook and my inbox is looking colourful and organised and I can’t wait to share this knowledge with my clients. Jacqueline Leake – JLeake VA Services – Outlook
A great course with lots of examples and step by step instructions. I can now confidently create infographics and as a bonus, I learnt a lot of new PowerPoint functionality that will enhance all my PowerPoint work and save me so much time. Jessica Bailey – Integral Resource
I really like Shelley’s courses. She has a clear and easy to follow teaching style. In ‘How to Create Fillable Forms’ I’ve learned about the functions of the Developer ribbon which will mean I’ll be able to create a bespoke Returns Form for a client who has an online shop Freya Henderson – Virtual Office Orkney

onenote web clipper for safari

Getting Started with the OneNote Web Clipper

Whenever you do online research with OneNote, you can use the OneNote Web Clipper to easily capture, edit, annotate, and share information. It’s free to use and it works with most modern Web browsers.

Install the OneNote Web Clipper

To set up the OneNote Web Clipper, do the following:

Visit .

Click the Get OneNote Web Clipper button.

Follow the on-screen instructions that are displayed for the particular Web browser that you’re using.

If prompted, acknowledge any security messages to give OneNote Web Clipper permission to work with your browser.

To configure the OneNote Web Clipper, do the following:

In your browser, open any website, and then click the OneNote Web Clipper icon.

Note:  The location of the OneNote Web Clipper depends on the browser you are using. For example, in Internet Explorer, it will appear on the Favorites bar.

In the purple popup window that appears, do one of the following:

Click Sign in with a Microsoft account if you want to use the OneNote Web Clipper with a personal account like,, or For best results, use the same account that you’re already using with OneNote.

Click Sign in with a work or school account if you want to use the OneNote Web Clipper with an account given to you by your work organization or school.

If prompted, confirm the requested application permissions for the OneNote Web Clipper. You can later change these application permissions at any time in your Account Settings .

Use the OneNote Web Clipper

The OneNote Web Clipper automatically detects the type of website content you want to capture — an article, a recipe, or a product page.

The OneNote Web Clipper window

Open the page that contains what you want to clip to OneNote, and then click the OneNote Web Clipper icon.

In the small OneNote Web Clipper window, do any of the following (where available):

Click Full Page or Region if you want to capture the current Web page (or a selected region of it) to your notebook as a screenshot image. These options preserve the content you’re clipping in exactly the way it appears.

Click Article , Recipe , or Product if you want to save the current Web page to your notebook as editable text and images. When you select any of these options, you can use the buttons at the top of the preview window to highlight selected text, change between a serif and sans-serif font style, and increase or decrease the default text size.

Click the Location drop-down menu, and then select the notebook section where the clipped Web page should be saved. The list includes all notebooks that you have stored on your OneDrive account, including any shared notebooks. You can click to expand any notebook in the list to see its available sections.

Click Add a note if you want to give the captured information more context for later. This step is optional, but the additional note can be useful as a note or reminder to yourself (for example, “Follow up with Samantha about these product specs!"), or as a way to provide information to others who are reading it in a shared notebook (for example, "Hey everyone, check out this article I found!").

Click Clip to send the captured information to OneNote.

Ideas for using the OneNote Web Clipper

Not sure what to clip? Here are some ideas to get you started!

Travel — Clip all your travel research and trip planning from the Web, and add everything directly to OneNote.

Recipes — Gathering recipes for an upcoming party? Clip the best images and ingredient lists from your favorite recipe sites.

News — Capture import content from your favorite news sites to reference them later or to share them with friends.

Inspiration — Collect inspiring images and ideas from around the Web, and keep them in OneNote for easy lookup.

Research — Import relevant articles from the Web and save them to your research notebook for later reading.

Shopping — Make sure you always get the best deal when shopping online by clipping price lists and product pages.


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OneNote Web Clipper


Item logo image for OneNote Web Clipper

OneNote Web Clipper

68K ratings

Save anything on the web to OneNote. Clip it to OneNote, organise and edit it, then access it from any device.

You're busy. OneNote Web Clipper lets you quickly clip all or part of a web page into OneNote and save it for later. Clip images, PDFs, videos or a visual bookmark of a page. Best of all, you can access them from any computer, tablet or phone – even when you're offline. CLIPPING, YOUR WAY – NO CLUTTER! Articles, recipes or products can be clipped without all of the adverts, navigation buttons and noise. – Highlight text, adjust the fonts or add a note before you clip. – Clip the whole page or several selections on the page. It's up to you. WHAT TO CLIP – All or part of a web page – PDF files – online or on your computer – Any image on a web page – Videos from YouTube or Vimeo – Create a visual bookmark of the page GREAT FOR – Travel – Business – Shopping – Recipes – Research – News – Inspiration TAKE IT WITH YOU – Anything that you clip into OneNote will be available on all of your devices, even if you're offline. – Use OneNote's powerful search to find your information on any device. – Share your information with others.

4.8 out of 5 68K ratings Google doesn't verify reviews. Learn more about results and reviews.

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Justin Gaskell 17 Jul 2024

Fantastic Tool!

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Dan Bihn 15 Jul 2024

Couldn't do my research without it!

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Microsoft to release free version of OneNote for Mac later this month - report


Predatory policy. MS uses its deep pockets to kill competitors.


Thats great for all the people who don't use OneNote. I mean seriously, who actually uses this???


macxpress wrote: » Thats great for all the people who don't use OneNote. I mean seriously, who actually uses this???


This is an excellent post. Well thought out. This is what I could see happening. I will be really glad if these rumors hold true. Like I said, it is my most used Office app at work. I use it on the iPad. I created a Fluid app to the web app. I even stated earlier this week, on a thread about the Office 2014 for Mac being released that my decision to buy Office was based on this app finally coming to Mac and being a part of it. I have, for all intents and purposes, moved to iWork prior to Office 2011 coming out, but bought it when I could get it for $9.95 through work. 


This is the best news I've heard this second.


Sucks compared to what? Pages is pretty good for basic needs, but it is not Word. Excell kicks Numbers butt. I prefer Apple's Mail over Outlook, but Outlook does have more features and is probably prefered by many. Keynote is better than PowerPoint, but Power Point is pretty capable. 

Good points, but I don't necessarily see it as Microsoft trying to get people back to Windows. People who left Windows to go to the Mac are most likely lost to Microsoft, but perhaps Microsoft can win a few folks back. Instead, I think Microsoft wants to tie people into its services (e.g. Onedrive , Bing), and perhaps makes some money off of software. It is also possible (if rumors are to be believed), Microsoft will offer a free version of Windows 8 with Bing integrated into the OS. As a Mac user, I am interested in that because I need to run a few Office programs via Parallels. A free version of a Windows upgrade will keep people using Windows. 


This is great news for me - I do Windows software development, and I use OneNote as my personal notebook at the office. I think it's one of the few Microsoft releases that actually works and works well (as opposed to the slow bloatware that is Office and Visual Studio).  I'm not so impressed with the iPhone version (it's not bad for emergency reading, but not completely compatible with the Windows version and not very snappy to use ), and I use the web interface when at home on my Mac. So I hope a native Mac OS X version will be fully-compatible and better to use than the current web version.  


That's Google's modus operandi except that Microsoft used to be far better at it, Google just produces a string of failures.

macky the macky

theothergeoff wrote: » Curious as to the timing. It really does appear that MS is targetting to 'Get back the Mac' for one reason or another:

At second thought (may be this will cross their mind too...) they can do better, and PAY customers (I am not interested)

Compared to Office Windows of course. The Mac version is still inferior to Windows Office. And although Microsoft touts that Office for the Mac is uniquely Mac, it is not. For example you cannot hover over an Office window and use the scroll-wheel on you mouse to scroll through the document without having to click on the window first, Microsoft's developers must've gone out of their way to implement this very PC behavior. Also, you cannot email an Office document while its open, you have to close it first and lose your undos, not very Mac like. Not to mention, that no matter how many times you update Mac:Office, a Word document still does not display as it does on its Windows counterpart, I sometimes find myself launching Parallels just to view a Word or Excel document built using generic fonts such as TNR and Arial.

To me it seems obvious that Microsoft intentionally keeps Mac:Office inferior and foreign from its Windows counterpart to discourage users from switching. And Mac:Outlook is utterly useless if you're in an Exchange environment.

I do agree with you that Pages and Numbers are in many ways inferior to Word and Excel, since they focus more on eye candy than functionality. Which is why this is a very frustrating topic for those who depend on Mac:Office.


Good points, but I don't necessarily see it as Microsoft trying to get people back to Windows. People who left Windows to go to the Mac are most likely lost to Microsoft, but perhaps Microsoft can win a few folks back. Instead, I think Microsoft wants to tie people into its services (e.g. Onedrive, Bing), and perhaps makes some money off of software. 

you agree with my second point.   The Software world is leaving charging for OSes, and moving to selling compelling solutions to people's problems.

until those people die.  

What does free Windows do?  Sell other people's hardware?    Keep people updating their windows versions of Office?  Again, not a growth market,  especially if their children, who haven't developed a requirement for VBA macros embedded in their recipe card word documents to generate grocery lists, go out and buy ipads.


Good post in general, but as to the above, I've never found Office (or IE or any MS program) to be GREAT on anything.... ...WordPerfect was always far better than Word, for example and Presentations more flexible than PP - and neither holds a candle to Keynote. Meanwhile, as another commenter noted, Pages is too cute and too isolated from the world with its proprietary format and "export to/create a mass of dupe files" metaphor, and Numbers too limited (and also the file thing).

As for OneNote, I really don't see them displacing the uptake that Evernote's getting among personal and small biz users, tho' I suppose they can impose it on the Enterprise.

Suck it up, dude. I'm down with Evernote myself, however, while not news to most here, it seems to bear repeating now and again that if not for MS's backing Apple in their dark days - even tho', yes, they did it transparently to avoid a possible anti-monopoly action by the government - there also likely wouldn't be any Apple.  I also think you're fighting the last war, as both MS and Apple are presently far more concerned with the machinations of the GOOGplex than each other. And Softie has made a tidy profit on Office for Mac.  Which, due to the need to share docs with many non Macheads in my world, leaves me stuck in Word. (And while not opposed in the least to open source projects - I use several, including returning to Firefox after just never falling for Safari or Chrome - Open Office is a clumsy kludge) PS: I was in a beta test group for Office 11 - and the MS team seemed anything but hostile and actively sought out and reacted to our feedback for months leading up to the release (as imperfect as it is).   

So may I ask how  Redmond is today? - If Microsoft hadn't ripped off the GUI from Apple they certainly wouldn't have been in a position for Steve to call them into to "support" Apple.  Microsoft doesn't have original ideas, this is why they are in so much trouble with the tablet and mobile markets today. They couldn't copy things fast enough because they underestimated the value proposition from both Google and Apple. If you want to support companies that innovate and change the world, whether it be better or worse you certainly don't support Microsoft. Because if you do support Microsoft you are supporting the stagnation of the 90s and that is not good. Just look at Windows mobile 6 or even todays windows 8. They were\are laughing at you dude, and changing you a bundle for it....


Dying on the vine in consumer facing areas, clinging to the ubiquity of past data stored, habits and lack of mid-range competition (Apple owns the high end and Chrome's eating away at the low, Sony's roughing 'em up in consoles and Apple and Google have a US stranglehold on mobiles) - as you well know. 

BTW, they actually first ripped off key GUI plumbing from the PARC people.  Apple paid 'em, MS didn't - so let's at least get our villains' rap sheets correct.  Though, absolutely, ever since they've ripped off plenty of cues and whole metaphors from Apple. Until Windows 8. Which was an original interface - as much as anything that utilizes common elements of interface design can be these days at least.  It was also 10 pounds of shit in a five pound bag by trying to be everything to everybody - old Win, new Win, Tab Win, Phone Win - even though they don't share key API's.  And which was rolled out in as horrible and poorly-thought-out fashion as possible. Imagine Apple releasing a new OS GUI that didn't support a single one of its bread and butter mainstays.  For over two years and running.  That there's a death wish way to introduce your bet the company future.  And now people are poisoned against "Metro" - even while there's no true way to go back. 

And now they're having to slash prices on their whole traditional consumer biz model - the OS's, the apps, and more.  They've also been chastened enough in the markets (and courts) to become slightly better and more mature corp citizens than in the days I would've shared all of the residual rage on these forums.  And Nadella should actually be expected to play fairer than either Gates or Ballmer from what I know about him. So in a way I'm actually feeling a bit of empathy for 'em in that "Lo how the mighty have fallen" schadenfreude kind of way.  Cos' they're way upstream without a paddle in many of the areas that have supported them all these years. And I don't who they have to laugh at lately....

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Safari OneNote Web Clipper

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I have two apple computers, both have Mac OS Sierra Version 10.12.5 (16F73), both have Safari Version 10.1.1 (12603.2.4), both have Office 365 & OneNote. Both computers  have OneNote Version 15.35.1. On both computers, I can log in to OneNote, both App and in Safari browser. Everything is synced and working OK. On computer #1 the OneNote web clipper in Safari works OK. I am logged-in with a personal MS account. On computer #2 When I try to use web clipper, the sign-in window opens. If I choose Sign-in with Microsoft account, Safari crashes, If I choose work/school account I get the sign-in window, but can’t sign-in as I do not have a work/school account and it does not recognize my email. Also, the web clipper does work in Chrome and Firefox. I tried the answer from Tisky and it did not help.

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Hi Dave, From your description, the sign in issue only occurs to Safari in a specific Mac. Please follow the steps below to see if they are helpful for the issue: History Menu Tab>Clear History and Website Data…>History>clear all history History Menu Tab>Show History>Delete all the history there. Safari Menu Tab>Preferences>Advanced>Show Develop menu in menu bar>return to Develop Menu tab>Empty caches. Restart Safari Thanks, Rena

First time I tried it did not work. Then I started over.

First I uninstalled OneNote Web Clipper. Then:

  • History Menu Tab>Clear History and Website Data…>History>clear all history
  • History Menu Tab>Show History>Delete all the history there.
  • Safari Menu Tab>Preferences>Advanced>Show Develop menu in menu bar>return to Develop Menu tab>Empty caches.
  • Restart Safari
  • Then Reinstall OneNote Web Clipper.

And Now OneNote Web Clipper works as advertised:-)


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Rena Yu MSFT

  • Microsoft Agent |

From your description, the sign in issue only occurs to Safari in a specific Mac. Please follow the steps below to see if they are helpful for the issue:

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