Who needs a visa? Open accordion

Citizens of EU and EFTA (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland) member states do not require a visa to enter Switzerland.

If you come from another country, whether or not you need a visa depends on your nationality. The website of the State Secretariat for Migration provides you with an overview of ID and visa provisions according to nationality .

Switzerland belongs to the Schengen Area*. If you have a visa issued by a Schengen member state, you generally do not require an additional tourist visa to enter Switzerland or any other Schengen country. Your stay must not exceed 90 days in any 180-day period. You can use this calculator to check whether or not your stay exceeds the short-term limit.

If you have one of the following Swiss residence permits, you do not require a visa to enter Switzerland or another Schengen country for a maximum of 90 days in any 180-day period. This applies regardless of your nationality:

B permit (residence permit)

C permit (settlement permit)

L permit (short-term residence permit)

Ci permit (resident permit with gainful employment)

Legitimation card issued by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs

*The 27 Schengen member states are: Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland.

How can I obtain a visa? Open accordion

Complete a form.

There two types of visa application form .

Schengen visa for up to 90 days (Type C): This type of visa is for a stay of up to 90 days, for example for tourist purposes, to study or to participate in a cultural or sporting event. It is valid for travel throughout the Schengen Area.

If you wish to work in Switzerland, you must additionally apply for a work permit .

Long-stay visa for more than 90 days (Type D): If you wish to stay for longer than 90 days, you must apply for a Type D visa.

Submitting a visa application

You must submit a visa application to a Swiss consulate or embassy , preferably at least two months but no longer than six months before you travel.

In certain cases, you can submit your application via the online visa system .

To travel abroad from Switzerland, you must submit your visa application to the consulate or embassy of the appropriate country in Switzerland.

Additional documents

Depending on your country of origin, the Swiss consulate or embassy where you submit your visa application may request additional documents, even if you are only applying for a tourist visa. The documents may include:

Letter of invitation: The letter must be in German, French or Italian and confirm that your Swiss host (private individual or company) is expecting you. It must contain information on the length of and reason for your stay, your personal data (first name(s), surname, date of birth, nationality) and the personal data of your host. The letter must be dated and signed by your host. Further information on the letter of invitation is available in the SEM factsheet .

Declaration of sponsorship: If the Swiss consulate or embassy doubts you have sufficient financial means for your stay in Switzerland, you may have to submit a declaration of sponsorship before you are granted a visa. In this declaration, your host must confirm that they will pay for uncovered costs up to a maximum of CHF 30,000. Your host must sign the declaration and deposit it with the communal authority of his or her place of residence or with the cantonal migration authority. Further information on the declaration of sponsorship is available on the SEM website .

Travel health insurance For a short-term visa (maximum of 90 days) you must prove that you have travel health insurance that covers costs of up to EUR 30,000. The insurance policy must be with an insurance company that is recognised by the consulate or embassy processing your visa application

How much does a visa cost? Open accordion

A visa for an adult costs EUR 90.

A visa for a child (6 to 12 years) costs EUR 45.

Visas for children under 6 are free of charge.

In certain cases, the cost of a visa may be lowered or lifted completely. The cost of a long-stay visa for more than 90 days (Type D) may be increased by 50%.

What to do if you lose your travel document Open accordion

If you lose your travel document, you must report the loss immediately to the nearest police station (web page in German, French and Italian) where you are staying. You can speed up the procedure by providing a copy of your travel document.

A leaflet  describes what to do if you lose your travel document in Switzerland and how to replace your visa.

Further information Open accordion

State Secretariat for Migration SEM: Overview of ID and visa provisions according to nationality .

Information on tourist visas:  Foreign representations in Switzerland .

Tourist visa for Switzerland:  List of Swiss representations abroad (in French and German)

State Secretariat for Migration:  Frequently asked questions about entering Switzerland

Short-term stay calculator from the State Secretariat for Migration

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State Secretariat for Migration SEM

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Forms to download and fill out online:

Schengen visa application form

For short-term stays in the Schengen area of *up to three months* in a six months period for tourist purposes, visits, etc.

  • Arabic – French (PDF, 4 MB, 09.08.2020)
  • Chinese – French (PDF, 1 MB, 09.08.2020)
  • English – German (PDF, 906 kB, 26.07.2020)
  • Portuguese – French (PDF, 940 kB, 26.07.2020)
  • Russian – German (PDF, 979 kB, 26.07.2020)
  • Spanish – French (PDF, 1005 kB, 26.07.2020)
  • Turkish – German (PDF, 2 MB, 09.08.2020)
  • Italian – German (PDF, 919 kB, 26.07.2020)

National (type D) visa application form

For long-term stays (more than three months) in Switzerland subject to authorization (e.g. gainful employment, familiy reunification).

  • German – Italian (PDF, 335 kB, 14.09.2018)
  • English – German (PDF, 334 kB, 14.09.2018)
  • French – English (PDF, 354 kB, 14.09.2018)
  • Arabic – French (PDF, 1 MB, 14.09.2018)
  • Chinese (simplified) – French (PDF, 639 kB, 14.09.2018)
  • Chinese (traditional) – French (PDF, 480 kB, 14.09.2018)
  • Russian – German (PDF, 388 kB, 14.09.2018)
  • Spanish – French (PDF, 336 kB, 14.09.2018)
  • Portuguese – French (PDF, 334 kB, 14.09.2018)
  • Turkish – German (PDF, 365 kB, 14.09.2018)
  • Serbian – German (PDF, 330 kB, 14.09.2018)
  • Albanian – German (PDF, 234 kB, 14.09.2018)
  • Arabic – English (PDF, 368 kB, 05.03.2021)
  • Indonesian – German (PDF, 238 kB, 14.09.2018)

Additional visa application forms in local languages are available on the websites of Swiss representations abroad.

(Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA)

Last modification 24.07.2020

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switzerland visit visa from usa

Do I need a visa to visit Switzerland?

Kerry Walker

Apr 24, 2023 • 3 min read

switzerland visit visa from usa

Outdoor enthusiasts will love Switzerland – once they've procured the necessary documents to enter © AscentXmedia / Getty Images

Culture-crammed cities and sky-high drives, terraced vines and turreted medieval castles, glacier-frosted mountains and one ravishing Alpine view after the next – Switzerland packs a whole lot into a little land .

Enjoying everything Switzerland has to offer is the easy part, but figuring out the country’s entry requirements can, in some circumstances, be less straightforward. To make things clearer, here’s our guide to entering Switzerland, giving the lowdown on the different visa types available and the rules you’ll need to navigate for trouble-free travels.

Do I need a visa if I'm an EU citizen?

Though Switzerland is not in the European Union (EU), it is part of the Schengen area , which means that nationals from the 26 countries that fall within this border-free region, including Austria, France, Spain, Italy and Germany, do not require a visa to enter Switzerland. There is no time limit on how long visitors from Schengen countries may stay in Switzerland.

Alongside Schengen countries, visas are currently not required if you hold a passport from Ireland, the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia or New Zealand, whether visiting as a tourist or on business. Citizens of other EU countries outside the Schengen area, along with Norwegians and Icelanders, may also enter Switzerland without a visa. A maximum 90-day stay in a 180-day period applies.

A woman sitting on a bridge in Zurich with the Limmat river behind her takes a selfie while poking her tongue out

What about visitors from outside the EU?

If you are arriving from a non-EU country, you'll need your passport or EU identity card – and visa if required (see below) – to clear customs. All non-EU travelers must carry a passport valid for at least three months beyond the planned departure date from Switzerland and issued within the last ten years – this now includes the UK.

Travelers from a country outside the EU that isn’t on the visa waiver list will have to apply for a short-stay Schengen Visa to enter Switzerland. This visa allows for unlimited travel throughout the 26 countries in the Schengen zone for a 90-day period. If you are planning to visit other countries alongside Switzerland on the same trip, apply for your visa at the consulate of the country where you will spend the most time.

In Switzerland, carry your passport at all times. Swiss citizens are required to always carry ID, so you will also need to be able to identify yourself at any time.

An aerial view of historic Zurich city centre on a sunny day with the famous Fraumunster Church and river Limmat in the foreground.

How do I get a visa for Switzerland?

If you require a visa, apply at your nearest Swiss consulate in your country of origin. Documents needed include two recent passport-size photographs and valid travel document (passport) with an expiry date at least three months longer than that of the visa requested.

You may also be asked to show a return ticket, as well as proof that you have full medical insurance for the duration of your stay and the financial means to support yourself during your visit to the country. You’ll also need proof of civil status, details of your accommodation, and documents proving that your visit is for tourism purposes.

Schengen visas cost €80 for adults and €40 for children (aged 6-12; there is no charge for children under 6). Visas can only be extended in exceptional circumstances.

For a list of Swiss embassies abroad and embassies in Switzerland, see the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFD). Embassies are in Bern , but Zürich and Geneva have several consulates.

In regards to working holidays, EU citizens, Norwegians and Icelanders are permitted to work in Switzerland for up to 90 days a year without a permit. Other foreigners and EU citizens on longer assignments will need a permit. For details, visit the State Secretariat for Migration online.

Does Switzerland have any COVID-19 entry restrictions?

No, travelers are not currently required to present any proof of COVID-19 vaccination upon arrival in Switzerland. No proof of recovery or recent testing is required either. Masks are not mandatory but are advised in crowded indoor spaces and on public transport.

This article was first published Aug 18, 2021 and updated Apr 24, 2023.

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Switzerland Solved

Tourist And Visitor Visa In Switzerland

Tourist And Visitor Visa In Switzerland

Switzerland, a land of breathtaking beauty and cultural diversity , beckons tourists from around the globe. Planning on Switzerland? Worry not! We’ve got you covered!

If you’re planning to explore this alpine wonderland, understanding the intricacies of the Swiss tourist visa is your passport to an unforgettable adventure. In this guide, we’ll unravel the details, simplify the application process, and set you on the path to experiencing Switzerland like never before.

Let’s dive in!

What is a Tourist/Visitor Visa to Switzerland?

Tourist And Visitor Visa In Switzerland 1

A Tourist/Visitor Visa to Switzerland is a type of visa that allows individuals from countries outside the European Union (EU) and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) to enter Switzerland for tourism, family visits, or business purposes. 

It permits the visa holders to stay in Switzerland for a specified period, usually up to 90 days within a 180-day period. 

This visa is designed to facilitate short-term visits to explore the country, spend time with family and friends, or engage in limited business activities.

The primary purpose of this visa is for tourism, visiting family, or participating in short-term business activities, such as attending meetings, conferences, or trade exhibitions.

Switzerland is part of the Schengen Area, which means that a Tourist/Visitor Visa to Switzerland also allows travel to other Schengen countries within the same visa period , subject to the visa holder’s eligibility.

Do I Need To Apply For A Schengen Visa to Visit Switzerland?

Tourist And Visitor Visa In Switzerland 2

Switzerland is part of the Schengen Area, which is a group of European countries that have abolished border controls between each other for the free and unrestricted movement of people. 

If you are a citizen of a country that is not part of the European Union (EU) or the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), you will typically need a Schengen Visa to enter Switzerland for short-term visits.

Some nationalities are exempt from the Schengen Visa requirement for short visits to Switzerland and other Schengen countries. 

These exemptions are based on visa-waiver agreements and diplomatic relations. Citizens of certain countries can enter Switzerland and stay for up to 90 days within a 180 -day period without a Schengen Visa.

You should check with the Swiss embassy or consulate in your home country to determine if you are exempt.

How To Obtain A Swiss Tourist/Visitor Visa?

Obtaining a Swiss Tourist/Visitor Visa involves a specific application process, and the requirements may vary depending on your nationality and the purpose of your visit. 

Here is a general outline of the steps you would typically follow:

  • Determine Your Eligibility : Check if you are required to obtain a Schengen Visa to enter Switzerland based on your nationality and the purpose of your visit.
  • Plan Your Trip : Determine your travel dates and itinerary, including the places you plan to visit and your intended duration of stay in Switzerland.
  • Gather Required Documents : Contact the Swiss embassy or consulate in your home country or the official Swiss government website to obtain a list of required documents for your visa application.
  • Complete the Visa Application Form : Fill out the Schengen Visa application form accurately and completely.
  • Schedule an Appointment : Contact the Swiss embassy or consulate to schedule an appointment for submitting your visa application. 
  • Attend the Visa Interview : If required, attend a visa interview at the Swiss embassy or consulate.
  • Pay the Visa Fee : Pay the visa application fee as required. The fee amount and payment methods can vary by embassy or consulate.
  • Receive the Visa: If your visa application is approved, your passport will be stamped with the Schengen Visa, allowing you to enter Switzerland and other Schengen countries within the visa’s validity period

Swiss Tourist/Visitor Visa Application Requirements

Tourist And Visitor Visa In Switzerland 3

Here are the required documents you need to apply for a visitor/tourist visa to Switzerland:

  • Swiss Visa Application Form: Fully completed with the correct information, printed and signed at the end.
  • Two Recent Photos: Taken within the last three months, in compliance with the Schengen visa photo criteria.
  • Valid Passport: No older than ten years and with a minimum validity of three months beyond your planned stay in Schengen. It must have at least two blank pages in order to be able to affix the visa sticker.
  • Round Trip Reservation Or Itinerary : A document that includes dates and flight numbers specifying entry and exit from the Schengen area. Find out how to get a flight reservation for a tourist visa application.
  • Travel Health Insurance . Evidence that you have purchased health insurance that covers medical emergencies with a minimum of €30,000 , for your whole period of stay in Switzerland.
  • Proof Of Accommodation: Evidence that shows where you will be staying throughout your time in Schengen. This could be: Hotel/hostel booking, rent agreement.
  • Letter Of Tour Organizer: If you will be travelling with a tour agency.
  • Proof of financial means. Evidence that shows you have enough money to support yourself throughout your stay in Schengen. This could be a bank account statement.
  • Sponsorship Letter: When another person will be financially sponsoring your trip to the Schengen Zone. It is also often called an Affidavit of Support.
  • Proof Of Civil Status: This could be a marriage certificate, birth certificate of children, death certificate of spouse, etc.
  • Evidence Of Employment Status: If employed, your employment contract, leave permission from the employer and income tax return.
  • If self-employed , a copy of your business license, company’s bank statement of the latest 6 months, income tax return.
  • For Minors , either birth certificate/proof of adoption/custody decree if parents are divorced / death certificate of the parent.

Where To Apply For A Swiss Tourist/Visitor Visa?

Depending on your place of residence, you can submit your visa application either:

  • directly at a Swiss representation abroad.
  • by filling out the visa application online .
  • at an external visa service provider.
  • at the representation of another Schengen State.

When To Apply For A Tourist/Visitor Visa To Switzerland?

It is advised that you apply as early as possible. Up until recently, you could submit an application 3 months prior to your travel date. 

However, according to the new Schengen visa rules, you can now submit an application 6 months before you’re set to travel.

Visa Fees For A Tourist/Visitor Visa

  • Adults must pay €80 for a tourist or visitor visa to Switzerland. 
  • Children between the ages of 6 and 12 must pay €40 . 
  • Citizens of nations with which the EU has visa facilitation accords must pay €35 .

The cost of a Schengen visa is not refundable if your application is denied, and it is liable to alter at any time.

How Long Does It Take To Process A Swiss Short Stay Visa For Tourism?

A short-stay visa for Switzerland may require up to 15 days for processing. Still, this time frame may be increased by up to 30 days depending on your particular circumstances. 

In rare circumstances, it can take up to 60 days because the Swiss embassies might need to speak with other Schengen consulates.

You should submit your application as soon as you can, but no later than three months before your trip, to prevent any delays in the issuing of your Swiss short-stay visa.

How Long Can You Stay In Switzerland With A Schengen Visa?

You cannot enter Switzerland or any other country (other than for transit) if you are a citizen of a nation that has not yet ratified a visa-free travel pact with the Schengen nations.

In contrast, if you are a citizen of a nation that does not require a visa, you may enter and stay in Switzerland and the other Schengen nations for up to 90 days in a period of six months.

Make sure you are aware of the Schengen Visa 90/180 Rule . Breaking this rule could cost you, so don’t do it even for a day.

If you want to stay in Switzerland for a period that’s longer than 90 days, you have to apply for a residence permit. 

However, before the residence permit, depending on your nationality, you need to apply for a Switzerland long-stay visa. T

he Switzerland long-stay visa is also known as a national or D-visa .

Can A Swiss Schengen Visa Be Converted Into A Residence Permit?

Only non-EU/EFTA immigrants who have lived in Switzerland for 10 continuous years can apply for a Permit C and become permanent residents.

For EU/EFTA nationals and US and Canadian citizens, the time you have to live in Switzerland before you apply for the C Permit is five years .

The Swiss C Permit allows you to change jobs as many times as you want, work for any employer, and live where you want in Switzerland.

As your Swiss journey comes to an end, you’re not just leaving Switzerland; you’re taking a piece of its timeless charm with you.

Armed with the knowledge of the Swiss tourist visa, you’ve explored the picturesque landscapes, savored the culinary delights, and embraced the warmth of Swiss hospitality.

Remember, this is just a ‘see you later,’ as Switzerland will forever hold a place in your heart.

Begin Exploring!

But wait! There’s lot more that you might be interested in following:

  • Types Of Visas In Switzerland
  • Tax Refund In Switzerland
  • Temporary Residence In Switzerland

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Home / News / Switzerland Travel Requirements for US Citizens

Switzerland Travel Requirements for US Citizens

8  Minutes

Switzerland is a small but picturesque country located in the heart of Europe, known for its breathtaking natural scenery, Alpine peaks, and charming cities. It is a popular travel destination for tourists from all around the world, who come to experience the country’s unique culture, delicious cuisine, and numerous outdoor activities. Let’s check out Switzerland travel requirements.

Switzerland has a well-developed tourism infrastructure and offers a wide range of accommodation options, from luxury hotels to budget-friendly hostels. Some of the country’s most popular tourist attractions include the Matterhorn, Lake Geneva, and the Jungfrau region.

If you are a US citizen planning to travel to Switzerland, it is important to be aware of the travel requirements for your trip. This includes obtaining a valid passport, determining whether you need a visa, and staying up-to-date on any travel restrictions or health regulations due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Being prepared and informed can help ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip to Switzerland. Let’s check out some of the most important Switzerland entry requirements for U.S. citizens.

Passport and Visa Requirements

Do people wonder about what are the Switzerland travel visa requirements? When traveling to Switzerland as a US citizen, it is important to have a valid passport. Your passport must be valid for at least six months beyond your intended stay in the country. It is also recommended to have at least two blank pages in your passport for entry and exit stamps. This is a Switzerland entry form. Switzerland travel requirements 2023 may include changes in visa, COVID-19, and health and safety requirements.

US citizens do not need a visa to enter Switzerland for stays of up to 90 days for tourism or business purposes. However, if you plan to stay for longer than 90 days, you will need to apply for a visa.

Switzerland is part of the Schengen Area, which is a group of European countries that have eliminated border controls between each other. US citizens can travel to other Schengen countries for up to 90 days without a visa.

In 2025, the European Union was set to implement the European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS). This system will require US citizens (and citizens of other visa-waiver countries) to apply for electronic travel authorization before their trip to Switzerland. The ETIAS application will be completed online and will cost a small fee.

Additionally, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, there may be travel restrictions and health requirements in place for US citizens traveling to Switzerland. It is important to check the latest updates and requirements from the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health and the US Department of State before planning your trip. This may include proof of vaccination or negative COVID-19 test results, quarantine requirements, and travel restrictions. Switzerland visa requirements for US citizens may vary depending on the purpose and length of their stay.

Health and Safety Requirements

What are Switzerland travel health requirements? When traveling to Switzerland, it is important to be aware of the health and safety requirements that are in place to ensure a safe and healthy trip. These requirements may change depending on the current COVID-19 situation, so it is important to stay up-to-date on the latest regulations and guidelines. Switzerland travel requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic may include testing and quarantine measures for international travelers.

As of April 2023, Switzerland does not require any specific vaccinations for entry. However, it is always recommended to be up to date on routine vaccinations such as measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP), polio, and influenza.

It is also recommended to purchase travel health insurance before your trip to Switzerland. This can provide coverage for medical expenses, emergency evacuation, and other unforeseen circumstances that may arise during your trip.

These Switzerland Covid travel requirements are still in place. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, there may be testing and quarantine requirements in place for travelers entering Switzerland. As of April 2023, all travelers, including US citizens, must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test result taken within 72 hours before their arrival in Switzerland. There may also be quarantine requirements depending on your vaccination status and the risk level of your country of departure. So there are a lot of Switzerland international travel requirements that travelers must know about.

Additional Measures

So what are some additional measures in terms of Switzerland travel requirements? In Switzerland, there are also health and safety measures in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19. These measures may include wearing a mask in indoor public spaces, practicing physical distancing, and following specific rules and regulations for restaurants, bars, and other public venues. Switzerland travel restrictions may be imposed on certain countries or regions based on their COVID-19 situation.

Another important restriction that people traveling to Switzerland must take into consideration is ETIAS. The European Travel Information and Authorization System or ETIAS Switzerland will replace the current visa-free travel system for the Schengen area plus additional countries. It will be available starting in 2025.

Overall, it is important to stay informed about the latest health and safety requirements when traveling to Switzerland. By taking the necessary precautions and following the guidelines, you can help ensure a safe and enjoyable trip. Switzerland travel insurance requirements are also something every tourist must consider beforehand.

Transportation Requirements

When traveling to Switzerland, it is important to be aware of the transportation requirements and options available to you. Now let’s see Switzerland travel requirements Covid.

US citizens traveling to Switzerland must have a valid passport and may be subject to COVID-19 testing requirements or other health restrictions upon arrival. It is important to check with your airline and the Swiss government for the latest information on any travel restrictions or requirements that may be in place. What are Switzerland travel vaccine requirements?

Once in Switzerland , there are a variety of transportation options available, including trains, buses, and taxis. Switzerland has an extensive and efficient public transportation system, making it easy to travel within and between cities. You may also consider renting a car, although be aware that Switzerland has strict requirements for drivers, including a valid driver’s license, proof of insurance, and compliance with traffic laws. The Swiss government may update Switzerland travel restrictions in response to changing COVID-19 trends or developments.

If you choose to rent a car, it is important to be aware of the road conditions, which can be challenging in the mountainous areas of Switzerland. Additionally, be sure to have a valid credit card to pay for the rental and any necessary deposits or fees. Switzerland travel entry requirements may include proof of vaccination, negative COVID-19 test results, and other health and safety measures. This is the latest Switzerland travel restrictions update.

Money and Currency Requirements

The official currency of Switzerland is the Swiss Franc (CHF), which is divided into 100 centimes. US dollars may not be accepted in all places, so it is recommended to exchange your currency for Swiss Francs before your trip or withdraw money from an ATM once you arrive.

Switzerland is a modern country with many payment options available, including credit and debit cards. However, it is always a good idea to carry some cash, especially for smaller purchases or in more remote areas.

As mentioned above, there are going to be new travel regulations starting in 2025. ETIAS Authorization Switzerland, short for European Travel Information and Authorization System (or ETIAS), will be an updated visa waiver system going live in 2025. You can check ETIAS requirements on this website. The ETIAS travel authorization system is going to revolutionize how American citizens travel.

ATMs are widely available in Switzerland, even in smaller towns and villages. However, be aware that some ATMs may charge fees for withdrawals, so it is important to check with your bank about any international fees that may apply.

Cultural and Social Requirements

Besides Switzerland travel requirements from US, there are cultural and social requirements as well. Switzerland has four official languages: German, French, Italian, and Romansh. The language spoken in a particular region may depend on the area of the country you are visiting.

Tipping in Switzerland is not mandatory as a service charge is often included in the bill. However, it is customary to round up the bill or leave a small tip as a gesture of appreciation for good service.

Swiss culture tends to be fairly formal, so dressing appropriately for the occasion is important. While casual attire is generally acceptable, it is recommended to dress a bit more formally for business meetings, fine dining, or cultural events. It is also important to dress appropriately for the weather, especially during the colder months.

In summary, US citizens traveling to Switzerland must have a valid passport and be aware of the latest COVID-19 requirements and restrictions. It is important to research and understand the transportation options, currency and payment methods, cultural norms, and health and safety requirements before embarking on your trip. Thoroughly researching these requirements can help ensure a safe and enjoyable travel experience. Hopefully, this article clarifies everything about Switzerland travel requirements.

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Destination, New York

Regulations for entering the USA

Find out in advance about the entry regulations for the USA. Check whether you meet the requirements for visa-free entry. Otherwise you must have a visa. You can find helpful information here.

Conditions for visa-free entry into the USA

  • You are a national of a participating country in the Visa Waiver Program and are not subject to any exceptions.
  • Your passport meets the criteria required by the USA.
  • You hold an ESTA travel authorisation and are not subject to any exceptions.

Member countries of the Visa Waiver Program

The countries listed below are all members of the Visa Waiver Program (ESTA). Nationals from these countries may enter the USA without a visa and stay there for up to 90 days.

All travellers who are covered by the Visa Waiver Program must have a biometric passport (with an e-chip) when they travel.

Exceptions: The following travellers, among others, are not eligible for the Visa Waiver Program:

  • if they have visited Cuba on or after 12 January 2021;
  • if they have visited North Korea, Iran or Syria on or after 1 March 2011; or
  • if they are a dual national of one of these countries.
  • ESTA travel authorisation

For visa-free entry into the USA, it is essential that you present the ESTA electronic travel authorisation. Without this document you will be refused entry. Apply for the travel authorisation online no less than 72 hours before departure. It is valid for a two-year period for multiple entries, providing your passport does not expire during this period. You can update your details and travel destinations on the ESTA website at any time. Changes are subject to a USD 21 charge per entry.

Exceptions: ESTA travel authorisations that have already been issued lose their validity;

  • if you have visited Cuba on or after 12 January 2021;
  • if you have visited North Korea, Iran or Syria on or after 1 March 2011; or
  • if you are a dual national of one of these countries.
  • API data collection

Airlines are obliged to transmit the details of all passengers to the US authorities on the day of departure. This is done using the Advanced Passenger Information System (APIS). The personal data that are collected includes the passengers’ name, passport number, date of birth, etc., and their contact details in the USA. Providing complete and correct information will save you any inconvenience at your destination airport. The easiest thing to do is to transmit your data in advance online . If that is not possible, this will be recorded at the check-in machine or when you check in at the desk.

Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

Anyone entering the USA is obliged to provide their details to the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA). This information is then compared with the watch lists. These details consist of the full name, date of birth and gender (legal basis: 49 U.S.C., section 114 of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 and 49 C.F.R, parts 1540 and 1560). People who do not provide this information may be refused carriage or admission to the gate. Travellers with a redress number must provide it.

The TSA may compare the data you provide with data from penal facilities, news agencies and other authorities (in accordance with the published system of records notices).

You will find full information on the TSA privacy policy, the system of records notices and the data privacy compatibility assessments at ​ www.tsa.gov .

TSA Precheck

The advantages of TSA Pre✓® have now been extended to registered members travelling on SWISS flights.

Zurich Airport // Zürich Flughafen // Zurich aéroport

Important: Flights to the United States

Due to increased security precautions, we recommend travellers to arrive at the airport at least 3 hours before take-off.

The most important links

  • Visa Waiver Program
  • Passport regulations
  • Customs declaration (PDF)
  • Automated Passport Control (APC)
  • US Department of Homeland Security


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Unlocking Switzerland: Checking Your Tourist Visa Eligibility

Last Update: 13-02-2024

Man smiling in sunglasses and a jacket, with snowy mountains in the background.

Aditya Jain

Green valley with mountain backdrop and lake in Switzerland


⚡Quick Summary

Switzerland Tourist Visa for Indians

Table of Contents

Introduction, what is a switzerland tourist visa, do i need to apply for a tourist visa to visit switzerland, where can i apply for a tourist visa switzerland from india, switzerland tourist visa application process, switzerland tourist visa documentation requirements, switzerland tourist visa fees, switzerland tourist visa processing time, travel insurance for switzerland tourist visa for indians, financial requirements for switzerland tourist visa, how long is the switzerland tourist visa valid for.

Applying for a visa is the first step toward your international journey. It can also be the most frustrating part - lengthy paperwork, unclear instructions, and the complexities that come with it all. So, with this blog, we aim to simplify Switzerland tourist visas for Indians.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know about obtaining a Switzerland tourist visa, including eligibility criteria, step-by-step application process, documentation requirements, visa validity, etc.

Have questions? Feel free to call us on +91 73148 52914 or message us on WhatsApp .

Let’s begin!

A Switzerland tourist visa is a Schengen type ‘C’ visa that allows the holder to travel to Switzerland and 28 other European countries for tourism, leisure, sightseeing, short business activities like attending a conference, etc. Switzerland, being part of the Schengen Area, follows the common visa policy along with other Schengen countries.

Yes, Indians need to apply for a tourist visa to visit Switzerland. Switzerland is a part of the Schengen Area, which consists of 29 European countries that have abolished passport and other types of border control at their mutual borders. Therefore, Indian citizens need to apply for a Schengen visa, that allows them to visit Switzerland along with other Schengen member countries for tourism, leisure, and other related purposes. Also, note that Switzerland doesn’t provide visas on arrivals to Indians

Types of Visas for Switzerland

  • Schengen Visa (Short-Term Stay): This visa option is ideal for those planning a visit to Switzerland for a duration of up to 90 days within a 180-day period. It caters to tourists, individuals visiting relatives or friends, short-term language students, conference participants, as well as those attending cultural or sporting events.
  • National Visa (Long-Term Stay): For travelers aiming to stay in Switzerland beyond 90 days within a 180-day period, the National Visa is the appropriate choice. Approval from the cantonal migration authority at the intended place of residence is necessary. This type of visa is suitable for long-term students, individuals seeking family reunification, and those planning to marry in Switzerland.
  • Airport Transit Visa: Indian citizens are exempted from obtaining an airport transit visa when transiting through Switzerland. You can comfortably pass through Swiss airports and remain within the international transit area without the need for a visa.
  • Labour/Work Permits: Authorization from the competent cantonal authority is mandatory for the entry of foreign workers into Switzerland. The issuance of entry visas, such as the Switzerland business visa , is contingent upon the necessary authorizations being granted.

A Schengen visa allows you entry into 29 Schengen Region countries. It can become confusing for applicants to know which country’s Embassy they should apply for their visa. 

The points below tell you all the times when you should be applying for your Schengen visa at the Swiss Embassy -

  • When Switzerland is your sole travel destination in the Schengen Region

Apply at the Swiss Embassy if you plan to visit only Switzerland in the entire Schengen Region.

  • Switzerland serves as your primary point of entry in the Schengen Area

If you intend to visit multiple Schengen countries with similar lengths of stay, such as touring Switzerland, France, and Lithuania, you should begin your visa application process at the consulate of your initial entry country, which in this scenario is Switzerland. 

  • When the primary purpose of your Schengen tour is a visit to Switzerland

The embassy or consulate where you should apply for your visa depends on the main purpose of your trip. If there's uncertainty, especially when visiting multiple countries, it's advisable to submit your application to the embassy or consulate of your first entry point into the Schengen Region. For instance, if your trip involves attending a conference in Switzerland while exploring other Schengen countries, you should apply for your visa at the Switzerland Consulate.

Apply for Switzerland Visa through Teleport

Teleport collaborates with the embassy to ensure timely and hassle-free visa processing. To initiate your Switzerland visa application, follow these steps:

Step 1: Begin Your Switzerland Tourist Visa Application Initiate your Switzerland tourist visa application on Teleport. The platform is super easy and intuitive to use.

Step 2: Complete Details and Make Payment Provide us with essential details like travel dates, and a digital copy of your passport. Make an upfront payment, selecting either a full or partial payment option.

Step 3: Get Your Documents in Order Teleport will assign a dedicated Relationship Manager to you who will help you organise all the necessary documents for your Switzerland tourist visa application.

Step 4: Have Your Appointment Scheduled Your Relationship Manager will arrange an appointment with the VFS Visa Application Centre on your behalf.

Step 5: Visit VFS Centre and Submit Biometrics Attend your scheduled appointment at the VFS Application Centre. They will collect your biometric information and you will have to submit the documents with them as well.

Apply for Your Switzerland Tourist Visa Through VFS Global

Step 1: Identify Your Visa Type and its Requirements

The first step is to determine the right visa for your trip. Tourists need a short-term, Schengen-type ‘C’ or ‘tourist visa’ to visit Switzerland. Ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria, and know your documentation requirements, the fee, etc. If your documents are not in English, consider translating them before submission.

Step 2: Get Your Visa Application Form Ready

Download and fill out the Visa Application Form. Print it and take it to the Visa Application Centre for submission. You have the flexibility to submit your application in person, via a representative, or through an authorised travel agent.

Step 3: Schedule Your Appointment for Application Submission

Schedule your appointment at the Lithuania Swiss Visa Application Centre. If you’re travelling in a group, you need to book an individual appointment for each member of the group. You’ll receive an email confirming your appointment upon successfully scheduling your appointment.

Step 4: Pay Your Visa Fees

If online payment of service fees isn't feasible, you'll be required to pay the fees at the Visa Application Centre. 

Step 5: Visit the Visa Application Centre

You must personally submit your fully completed visa application form and documents at one of the designated Visa Application Centers across India. Here is the list of VFS Visa Application Centres for Switzerland in India-

The Embassy of Switzerland in New Delhi handles visa applications and does not accept applications by mail.

Choose a Visa Application Centre

Step 6: Check the Status of  Your Switzerland Visa Application

If you submitted your application at a VFS visa application centre, use the VFS online application tracking tool to monitor your application's progress. Simply input the following details:

  • The reference number issued to you.
  • Your date of birth

Step 7: Collect Your Documents and Visa

Once a decision is made on your visa application, collect your documents from the Visa Application Centre.  You can collect the documents in person or avail of their courier services at an additional price. 

Additional Documents in Certain Situations-

Photograph specifications for switzerland tourist visa.

  • Recent Photo: Your visa photo should not be more than 6 months old. You need to put one photo on your application form and attach one more to the last page of your passport. Do not staple or pin the photo. You should face the camera directly with a neutral expression. 
  • Size Guidelines: 
  • Dimensions: 35mm by 40mm 
  • Face should occupy 70 to 80% of the photo
  • Plain white background.
  • Eyewear: There should be no glare on your glasses, and your eyes should be clearly visible. 
  • Headgear: You’re not permitted to wear fancy head coverings like hats or scarves. Only religious headwear is allowed. Make sure your entire face, from chin to forehead, including cheeks and ears, is clearly and fully visible

Photograph Specifications for Switzerland Tourist Visa

Teleport’s Expert Tip

  • Children below 6 years of age are exempt from Switzerland tourist visa fees.
  • The fees are payable in cash/card/online.
  • Effective June 11, 2024, the Schengen visa fee is set to increase. For those above 12 years, the visa fee will be € 90 (which is approximately ₹ 8,200). For children between 6-12 years, the Visa fee will rise to €45 from the current €40
  • Switzerland tourist visa fees for Indians are non-refundable and subject to change based on additional factors such as foreign exchange fluctuations, courier & SMS facilities, video conference service, etc. 

The standard processing time for a Switzerland tourist visa is usually around 15 working days from the date the Swiss Embassy receives your visa application. This period may vary depending on the specific circumstances of your application and the workload of the embassy or consulate. In some cases, an applicant may be called for a physical interview at the Embassy or submit additional documentation in which case, it will take even longer to process the visa application.

We recommend you submit your visa application at least 2 weeks before your travel date and even earlier in case of peak holiday season. Note that a Schengen visa can be applied as early as 6 months from the intended travel date.

Travel insurance is a mandatory visa requirement for all Schengen countries and Switzerland is a part of the Schengen Region. So, take note of the below pointers for Schengen travel medical insurance-

  • The Travel Insurance should be valid for the entire Schengen Area and not just Switzerland.
  • It should cover all emergency expenses like medical assistance, hospitalisation, and repatriation (including in case of death), etc.
  • Minimum coverage should be € 30,000 per person

Teleport recommends that you consider buying your Travel Medical Insurance from reputed brands such as Digit Insurance, HDFC Ergo, Tata AIG, etc.

For a Switzerland tourist visa (Schengen visa), as with any Schengen visa application, you'll need to demonstrate that you have sufficient financial means to cover your expenses during your stay in Switzerland. The specific financial requirements can vary slightly depending on the embassy or consulate where you apply, but typically include the following:

  • Minimum Balance

While there is no fixed amount specified as a minimum balance, you should have a substantial amount of money available in your bank account to support your stay in Switzerland. 

  • Proof of Sufficient Funds

You'll need to provide evidence of adequate financial resources to cover your travel costs, including accommodation, transportation, meals, and other expenses. This can be demonstrated through bank statements, salary slips, and past Income-tax return forms.

  • Travel Insurance

While not strictly a financial requirement, having adequate travel insurance covering medical expenses and repatriation is mandatory for obtaining a Schengen visa. Your travel medical insurance should be valid for the entire Schengen territory, not just Switzerland and the minimum coverage should be € 30,000 per person .

Expert tip:

A Switzerland tourist visa (Schengen visa) is generally valid for 90 days within a 180-day timeframe (6 months timeframe). This means that once you enter Switzerland or any other Schengen country, you can stay for up to 90 days within a period of 180 consecutive days. You may be allowed single or multiple entries, depending on the visa you hold.

The visa's validity period usually begins on the date of your intended entry into the Schengen area, as indicated on your visa sticker. It's essential to note that the validity period does not necessarily correspond to the duration of your stay. Instead, it dictates the timeframe within which you can enter and exit the Schengen area.

Additional Resources

Teleport - Apply for Switzerland Visa

VFS Global - Visa Information on all visa types

VFS Global - Swiss Visa

Switzerland Tourist Visa Documentation Checklist

Switzerland Business Visa

Switzerland Visa Appointment

Switzerland Visa For Indians

Switzerland Work Visa

Apply Switzerland Visa Online

With this comprehensive Switzerland tourist visa guide, you should have a clear understanding of the visa eligibility criteria, application process, and essential documents required for your Switzerland adventure. 

Whether you choose to apply through Teleport or VFS Global, ensure you play by the rulebook to strengthen your visa application and increase the chances of approval.

If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact us at Teleport. Call us on +91 73148 52914 or message us on WhatsApp .

Safe travels!

Do I need a tourist visa for Switzerland?

What are the different types of Switzerland Tourist Visas available for Indians?

What documents are essential for a Switzerland Tourist Visa application?

Can I book my flight and accommodation before obtaining the visa?

How much does a Switzerland Tourist Visa cost for Indians?

What is the processing time for a Switzerland Tourist Visa?

Is a visa interview required for a Switzerland Tourist Visa?

Can I use the Use Teleport platform for my Switzerland Tourist Visa application?


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Analysis-Chinese Outbound Travel Recovery Lags Due to Costs, Visa Snags


FILE PHOTO: Passengers look at the tarmac as they wait for their flights at the Beijing Capital International Airport, in Beijing, China April 20, 2024. REUTERS/Tingshu Wang/File Photo

By Sophie Yu, Casey Hall and Lisa Barrington

BEIJING/SHANGHAI (Reuters) - A recovery in Chinese overseas travel from the COVID-19 pandemic is fading as rising costs and difficulties in securing visas cement a preference for local and short-haul destinations.

The delay in a revival to pre-COVID levels by China's outbound travellers, the world's top spenders on international tourism and airlines, is hitting travel-related companies, hotels and retailers globally.

Eighteen months after China dropped strict zero-COVID policies and reopened its borders, the recovery in overseas travel is lagging behind market expectations and the shape of Chinese travel is changing, with a surge in domestic trips.

Pressured by a prolonged property crisis, high unemployment and a gloomy outlook in the world's second-biggest economy, Chinese consumers have become more frugal since the pandemic, prompting discount wars on everything from travel to cars, coffee and clothes.

Chinese people took 87 million trips abroad last year, down 40% from pre-COVID 2019, and industry observers say the pace has slowed since the Lunar New Year in February. China's travellers spent 24% less last year than in 2019, while U.S. travellers' spending was up 14%, according to U.N. Tourism data. The Chinese lag is bad news for countries like France, Australia and the U.S., which were among the top destinations for Chinese travellers before the pandemic.

Liu Simin, vice president of the tourism branch of the China Society for Futures Studies research institute, forecasts China's international travel might not recover to pre-pandemic levels for another five years.

"The recovery is a lot slower than expected," Liu said. "The devaluation of the Chinese yuan combined with inflation in the U.S. and Europe is a double blow."

The Chinese currency has fallen more than 2% against the dollar since the start of the year, raising costs in yuan terms for Chinese travellers abroad.

Consultancy Oliver Wyman last month pushed its estimates for China's international travel recovery to late 2025, half a year later than it forecast last year.

"I would actually argue that consumers are even more cost-conscious than last year, and you'll also see that feed into travel trends," said Imke Wouters, Hong Kong-based partner at Oliver Wyman.

To be sure, overseas travel is rebounding, with Chinese travellers again the world’s top spenders on international tourism last year after falling behind the United States in 2022, according to U.N. Tourism data.

This summer 8% of flights at Chinese airports have been international, up from just 1% in 2022, according to aviation data provider OAG.


That recovery, however, is overshadowed by the surge in domestic trips, which hit a record 295 million during the five-day May Day holiday, up more than 20% from 2019, official data showed.

Domestic airlines seats were up 16% in May from the same month in 2019, while international flights were down 30%, Cirium data shows.

Wouters at Oliver Wyman said 40% of those who travelled abroad in 2023 for the first time since borders reopened had decided not to travel internationally again this year, mainly due to inconvenience and long visa processing times for many European destinations.

Beijing resident Wang Shu, 38, vacationed domestically after cancelling a trip to France because he could not get a visa, despite trying to book a visa appointment months ahead.

"I tried booking the interview in late March, as I planned to attend the French Open tennis in late May, but the earliest date that I could book was June 19," Wang said.

Wang instead vacationed in Changsha, the capital of Hunan province, known for its spicy food.

"The food was great, I watched a concert and spent one-tenth of the money I'd have spent in France," he said.

Australia's top source of tourists before COVID, China is now number four, with arrivals down 53% in March from March 2019, said Margy Osmond, chief executive of Tourism & Transport Forum Australia.

Chinese travellers to France, the most visited country in the world, have reached only 28.5% of 2019 levels, according to airport operator ADP.

Capacity on U.S.-China routes remains down more than 80% from 2019 levels, weighed by intensifying bilateral political tensions. The U.S. National Travel and Tourism Office expects Chinese tourism to the U.S. to recover fully only in 2026.

By contrast, countries with visa-free policies have received strong growth in Chinese visitors.

These include Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, where flight capacity has also increased.

Switzerland, growing in popularity with high-end travellers on Trip.com, boasts a seven-day visa process, said Jane Sun, CEO of Trip.com Group.

Japan has also received a surge in Chinese travellers this year, boosted by a plunge in the yen's value.

"We are not just seeing a market re-growing, we are seeing a market re-shaping," Gary Bowerman, director of tourism intelligence firm Check-In Asia, told an OAG webinar last month.

(Reporting by Sophie Yu in Beijing, Casey Hall in Shanghai and Lisa Barrington in Seoul; Additional reporting by Diana Mandia in Gdansk; Editing by Miyoung Kim and William Mallard)

Copyright 2024 Thomson Reuters .

Photos You Should See - June 2024

The Olympic rings are seen on the Eiffel Tower Friday, June 7, 2024 in Paris. The Paris Olympics organizers mounted the rings on the Eiffel Tower on Friday as the French capital marks 50 days until the start of the Summer Games. The 95-foot-long and 43-foot-high structure of five rings, made entirely of recycled French steel, will be displayed on the south side of the 135-year-old historic landmark in central Paris, overlooking the Seine River. (AP Photo/Aurelien Morissard)

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Tags: Switzerland , France , United States , Thailand , Europe , Japan , Singapore , Australia

America 2024

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Other Visa Categories

U.S. Visa: Reciprocity and Civil Documents by Country


Visit our Newsroom for information about the current status of visa services and visa restrictions.

What is a U.S. Visa?

A citizen of a foreign country who seeks to travel to the United States generally must first obtain a U.S. visa. Visas are placed in the traveler’s passport, a travel document issued by the traveler’s country of citizenship.

Certain international travelers may be eligible to travel to the United States without a visa if they meet the requirements for visa-free travel. The visa section of this website contains information on U.S. visas for foreign citizens seeking to travel to the United States.

(Note: U.S. citizens don’t need a U.S. visa for travel, but when planning travel abroad may need a visa issued by the country they wish to visit. When planning travel abroad, learn about visa requirements by country, on the country information  page of the International Travel Section of this website).

More Information about Visas

Find out what visa type is appropriate for you

The type of visa you must obtain is defined by U.S. immigration law, and relates to the purpose of your travel.

Please visit our Visa Wizard to find out what visa type is appropriate for you.

You can also visit our Frequently Asked Questions   or find out about the  Visa Waiver Program .

Other useful links:  Visa Categories   |   Find a U.S. Embassy or Consulate   |   Glossary

Visa Appointment Wait Time

Check the estimated wait time for a nonimmigrant visa interview appointment at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

Note:  Please check the individual Embassy or Consulate website to determine if your case is eligible for a waiver of the in-person interview.

Applicants scheduling visa appointments in a location different from their place of residence should check post websites for nonresident wait times.

Select a U.S. Embassy or Consulate:

Global visa wait times, travel to the united states, forms & fees, rights & protections for temporary workers, fraud protection, glossary, a-z index, & faqs, electronic system for travel authorization application, rights & protections for foreign-citizen fiancé(e)(s), check the visa bulletin, need help getting started.

Many non-U.S. citizens need a visa to enter the United States to visit, work, and live. Why do you want to travel to the United States? Please try our Visa Wizard.

U.S. Visas News

Jun 18, 2024 Easing the Nonimmigrant Visa Process for U.S. College Graduates

Jun 13, 2024 Emami Litigation - Notice to Class Members

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Swiss visa desk in New York


Switzerland and the United States of America


  • Visa & entry to Switzerland
  • Visa – Entry to and residence in Switzerland
  • Schengen visa for a stay of up to 90 days
  • Where to apply for a Schengen visa?

Schengen visa application for stays up to 90 days

Personal appearance.

If your finger scans have not yet been collected, a personal appearance is mandatory when applying for a Schengen visa. You will need to schedule an appointment at www.swiss-visa.ch .

If your fingerprints were collected within the last 59 months for a Schengen visa, you will be able to apply by mail. Please mail your complete Schengen visa application to our consulate and provide a copy of your Schengen visa sticker issued within the last 59 months in addition to all other required documents, see here .

In case the previously collected fingerprints prove to be of insufficient quality, you will have to appear in person to give your fingerprints.

Personal appearance and fingerprint scan is not necessary for children under the age of 12.

The Swiss representation reserves the right to ask the applicant to appear for a personal interview after reviewing the application.

Appointment system

Residents living within our consular district who are applying for their first Schengen visa or have not given fingerprints in the last 59 months will need to apply in person with an appointment.

The appointment must be booked through  www.swiss-visa.ch . It can be booked either right after submitting the online application or separately from the online application by itself. Making an appointment is free of charge.

The visa desk does not allow walk-ins. Each individual applicant requires an appointment. This also applies to each member of a group application. No appointments can be scheduled by e-mail, at the counter or by phone.

We kindly ask you to schedule only one appointment per person. Please do not schedule several appointments for yourself. This leads to long waiting times for all visa applicants. We will only reschedule an existing appointment for emergency purposes.

If you need to cancel your appointment, please send an email to [email protected] with the Subject: Visa Appointment Cancellation.

The waiting time for an appointment may be up to  5 months , especially during the high season in summer or during the holiday season. Applicants are therefore advised to book their appointments as early as possible.

Please note that only complete applications will be processed. Should the application be incomplete, a new appointment will be needed in order to resubmit the application.

For residents of Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin please check Representation Agreement

Online visa application form

All applicants for a Schengen visa (type C, stays up to 90 days) should submit an online visa application form. Please go to www.swiss-visa.ch to submit your application. At the end of the process you have to print and submit the application.

Should you be unable to complete the online visa application you can also fill out the following application form .

Please note that you will be required to bring your complete application form with supporting documents to the visa desk at the time of your appointment.

Important notice: In order to apply for a visa, your passport must have been issued within the last ten years and must have at least two empty pages. A passport older than ten years that has been extended for a period exceeding ten years from the time of issuance cannot be accepted. Make sure your passport is signed.

Long stay visas (stays more than 90 days, Type D visa application)

There are different types of long stay visas, e.g. family reunification, student, work, international organizations, general residence. Some long stay visas are preapproved by the Swiss authorities and can be collected using a simple process at our consulate. Other long stay visa applications will need to be initiated at the Swiss Consulate in New York. For more information, please see here: visa information

Type D visas should be filed and collected via mail. (No walk-ins, no appointments).

Feel free to contact us via email at  [email protected] with questions in regards to long stay visas. 

International Organizations (UN, WHO, IMO, CERN etc.)

Any internship or employment (less than 90 days as well as more than 90 days) at an international organization in Geneva requires a visa. Please contact us via email for more detailed information on how to obtain the visa ( [email protected] ).

Passports with issued visas will be mailed back. At the time of your application please provide a prepaid, self-addressed return envelope. Please use a secure carrier (Fedex and UPS preferred) with a tracking number. Applicants must indicate their name and address both as sender and recipient.

Important: The Swiss representation does not assume any liability for the loss of documents submitted or returned by mail.

Visa Information  

Consulate General of Switzerland, New York

Start of page Last update 21.05.2024



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  6. Switzerland Tourist Visa || What documents need Switzerland


  1. Visa & entry to Switzerland

    Embassy of Switzerland in the United States of America. Represents Switzerland's interests in the United States of America and provides services to Swiss nationals in the District of Columbia (DC), the States of Delaware (DE), Illinois (IL), Indiana (IN), Iowa (IA), Kansas (KS), Kentucky (KY), Maryland (MD), Missouri (MO), Nebraska (NE), Virginia (VA), West Virginia (WV), as well as in the ...

  2. Top Tips for Americans Visiting Switzerland

    Keep track of your time in the Schengen area: You can travel up to 90 days visa free in Switzerland and the Schengen area. Currently, 26 European countries are members of the Schengen area. Crossing national borders within the Schengen does not count as leaving the Schengen and will not reset the region's 90 day tourist visa.

  3. Visa

    National visa for a stay of more than 90 days. For persons wishing to enter Switzerland for a stay of more than 90 days within a 180-day period. It is subject to the authorisation of the cantonal migration authority competent for the intended place of residence. For example: long-term student, family reunification, marriage in Switzerland, etc.

  4. Switzerland Visa

    To apply for a Switzerland Schengen Visa, you have to follow these steps: Check if you need a visa. Understand the type of visa you need. Determine where to lodge your visa application. Complete and Download the Visa Application Form. Schedule your Swiss visa appointment. Prepare the required documents.

  5. Tourist visa for entering Switzerland

    Visas for foreign nationals. Some foreigners cannot enter Switzerland without a visa. Some citizens of non-European countries who live in Switzerland require a visa to travel abroad. Here you can find out more about whether this applies to you and how you can obtain a visa. Open all.

  6. Switzerland International Travel Information

    Visit the website of the Embassy of Switzerland in Washington, D.C. for the most current visa information.. Traveling Through Europe: If you are planning to visit or travel through European countries, you should be familiar with the requirements of the Schengen Agreement.. Your passport should be valid for at least three months beyond the period of stay if you plan on transiting a Schengen ...

  7. Do I require a visa?

    If you are planning a journey to Switzerland, expecting a visit from abroad or would like to invite vistors from abroad to Switzerland, the following information could be of help to you. Entry to the Schengen Area (PDF, 148 kB, 29.07.2021) Information sheet for entry to the Schengen Area / Visa Procedure. Letter of invitation (PDF, 119 kB, 13. ...

  8. Visas

    Visas. The purpose of your intended travel and other facts will determine what type of visa is required under U.S. immigration law. As a visa applicant, you will need to establish that you meet all requirements to receive the category of visa for which you are applying. See our Directory of Visa Categories on usvisas.state.gov to determine ...

  9. Visa Application Form

    National (type D) visa application form. For long-term stays (more than three months) in Switzerland subject to authorization (e.g. gainful employment, familiy reunification). Additional visa application forms in local languages are available on the websites of Swiss representations abroad. Country information.

  10. Visa requirements for visiting Switzerland

    Alongside Schengen countries, visas are currently not required if you hold a passport from Ireland, the USA, Canada, the UK, Australia or New Zealand, whether visiting as a tourist or on business. Citizens of other EU countries outside the Schengen area, along with Norwegians and Icelanders, may also enter Switzerland without a visa.

  11. Switzerland Tourist Visa Application

    The Switzerland tourist visa, like other types of Schengen visas, is valid for a maximum of 90 days within a six month period. If you receive a multiple-entry Tourist Schengen visa for Switzerland, you can enter and leave the Schengen area as many times as you like within six months, as long as the total amount of days does not exceed 90.

  12. Application for Schengen visa and procedure

    Visa application form. Documentation to submit with a Schengen visa application. Information for hosts in Switzerland. Photograph quality. Processing time of a visa application. Refusal of a visa and appeal. Biometric data acquisition. Family members of CH, EU or EFTA nationals. Complaints procedure.

  13. Switzerland Visa Requirements

    To apply for a Switzerland visa, you should provide the following documents: A completed Switzerland Visa application form. Two passport pictures that comply with the Switzerland visa photo requirements. A valid passport. Along with photocopies of current and previous passports/other travel documents. Medical insurance that covers your entire ...

  14. Where to apply for a Schengen visa?

    Where to apply for a Schengen visa? Only persons who have a legal residence status in the United States can apply for visas at Swiss representations in the United States (e.g. Green Card holders; F1 (I-20), H1B, G1, J1, etc.). Tourists and visitors on B1/B2 visas must apply in their country of residence. My place of residence.

  15. Tourist And Visitor Visa In Switzerland [June 2024 Update]

    A Tourist/Visitor Visa to Switzerland is a type of visa that allows individuals from countries outside the European Union (EU) and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) to enter Switzerland for tourism, family visits, or business purposes.. It permits the visa holders to stay in Switzerland for a specified period, usually up to 90 days within a 180-day period.

  16. Switzerland Travel Requirements

    Switzerland travel requirements 2023 may include changes in visa, COVID-19, and health and safety requirements. US citizens do not need a visa to enter Switzerland for stays of up to 90 days for tourism or business purposes.

  17. Entry regulations for the USA

    ESTA travel authorisation. For visa-free entry into the USA, it is essential that you present the ESTA electronic travel authorisation. Without this document you will be refused entry. Apply for the travel authorisation online no less than 72 hours before departure. It is valid for a two-year period for multiple entries, providing your passport ...

  18. Switzerland Visa

    Switzerland is open for travel and no longer requires proof of vaccination, proof of recovery, or a negative test. Travelers will also not be required to quarantine. Prior to arrival requirements. Valid passport. Valid national passport with at least 6 month remaining validity after the date of departure. Valid visa.

  19. Switzerland Tourist Visa: A Step-by-Step Application Guide

    A Switzerland tourist visa is a Schengen type 'C' visa that allows the holder to travel to Switzerland and 28 other European countries for tourism, leisure, sightseeing, short business activities like attending a conference, etc. Switzerland, being part of the Schengen Area, follows the common visa policy along with other Schengen countries.

  20. Travelling from the U.S. to Europe

    Can U.S. Nationals Travel to Europe Without a Visa? Yes, U.S. citizens holding a valid U.S. passport can visit 29 countries in Europe's Schengen Area for up to 90 days for tourism or business without needing a Schengen visa.. However, for US residents who are not American citizens, the requirements vary based on their nationality.

  21. Travel & Tourism

    The Visa Waiver Program (VWP) allows citizens of participating countries* to travel to the United States without a visa for stays of 90 days or less, when they meet all requirements. Are You Eligible? Travel & Tourism in the U.S. ... United States - Switzerland Strategic Partnership Dialogue; Press Release: U.S. and Liechtenstein Sign an MOU ...

  22. Analysis-Chinese Outbound Travel Recovery Lags Due to Costs, Visa Snags

    To be sure, overseas travel is rebounding, with Chinese travellers again the world's top spenders on international tourism last year after falling behind the United States in 2022, according to ...

  23. U.S. Visas

    The visa section of this website contains information on U.S. visas for foreign citizens seeking to travel to the United States. (Note: U.S. citizens don't need a U.S. visa for travel, but when planning travel abroad may need a visa issued by the country they wish to visit. When planning travel abroad, learn about visa requirements by country ...

  24. Schengen visa for a stay of up to 90 days

    Embassy of Switzerland in the United States of America. Represents Switzerland's interests in the United States of America and provides services to Swiss nationals in the District of Columbia (DC), the States of Delaware (DE), Illinois (IL), Indiana (IN), Iowa (IA), Kansas (KS), Kentucky (KY), Maryland (MD), Missouri (MO), Nebraska (NE), Virginia (VA), West Virginia (WV), as well as in the ...

  25. Swiss visa desk in San Francisco

    Online visa application form. All applicants for a Schengen visa (type C, stays up to 90 days) should complete the visa application form online. Please go to www.swiss-visa.ch. At the end of the process you have to print the application and click send to transmit the date online to the Consulate.

  26. Swiss visa desk in New York

    The relations between Switzerland and the United States of America are extremely rich, diverse and long-standing. ... Long stay visas (stays more than 90 days, Type D visa application) There are different types of long stay visas, e.g. family reunification, student, work, international organizations, general residence. ...